K U i pi'inn"'" "f'afl8au"ti-i"K"'v '" -'i.. - try- "OTFlOIIBIBTAiSrAlSnD I)EM0CRAT3TO0HSmiRjG:, COXUMBIA PA. : . , ' ' ly -'t -. nim ,,,. . ,,i j. ,,,.. , .'...i . , ,T.,.:t ,.f,, .... - (OonctuJcd front laljiagi.) .iJlilWom'nnwenJ .that ho mljdit linvo,M " lilm ilnt ami swum on liiiuK-lf, r.ll tliArnbtv rrully fnr Ills fr.enilVwftrl, in hen new .-'-.KUarJIiitU-lWector, nml hero Utlifl, h son mill eomolnlloti to tlia old man. Unit j (ny "oni MigcMlAl 'Mich a course to i him ho would have been for knocking liim ilown ai u sort of "mueiiliirly Christian" VJS'rilnnoFilin. tcxK 'itiriFiy wvant a dog that bo should do this thing 7" No, it wus inevitable. KtlicV oivnnnriN, "who that w-i worth itnylhiny would IhlnV of himself!" would have boon a confirmation of his pur pose had any been needed. None wa, however J and yet and yct-Ohl Clod, it was very hard I "MydarlliiRl Jly d.ullna !" ho kept say ing to lilrin If, as lie sat with his face hid den in the fulded arms gu.the table, "Mv beautiful, lair innocent d.irl'msl O'i I Heaven", how I have loved you I and I l" llevo you knew It. TliHt look in your pir. Dr. Schenck'a Standard ItcmodlON. th? standard romodlas for all diseases ot tUs hi OCT arc Sihenck's rulmonlo tsyrap, Dohonck's sea Weed iCncK fl .MtHurAKO 1 Ills, duo il wuru An AiscniMyman's Story. III. IIUI.KI-IIHI UI1U. 1 .V t.W ,,.,.,- hear the trick frank SplnoU's wonderful before tnelutta are dwtrojsd, o spoe.ly cuie is er bhirt collar nerved him thlniij; tho wnrr in tbeso throo ini1lclnr lr. .1. It. Ncaraclc, ot Inquired one of tV New Yolk Ambljr. onSrJiiSSJ ,UC lt men to a fellow member from up country, .iSJJIS: yesterday niorninc Tho parly addriSJCd rHtlon.iurwhcntiiopniezraormiitterlsripoiinHtfiit , ,, , , , , ..' , , , ., cough wlllllirow It on, the patient tins rest and the s.ilil ho liacl never hoard the trick, so tlio lunits bcRin to heal. t.il.nr ivn,,i tllltn.. 1 1 , ,.l. 1 1 ii, ., 'I o cnauio l h rulinonlo Syrup to do thU, schenck'a other went on, Killing ttmowliilo the ayes Miuidrnko Pius and wchcncfo tc wood Tonio must ami nne were lip'np railed- ho freely ucd to elfins tho stomach nod liver, mm linen w crc ne.ng caneu . whi-nrk's Mundrnka pun act on tlw liver, rei ortui ''Well, you sec, at the beginning of the all nbitrueilons relax tho gall bladiter,the bile Mart war Frank, who was full of arlt. determined M-ii.'inck-i, s,n went Ti.nin u n irontlo Mlmiilanl anilHlUTlll VO HIP HIKtlll Ul IVillCII lb lltUUlVU initnn wild ihu food niul Drt!ent aourinir. It ns-ilsts who wanted to bo i.flleera cmlUX iln o as fur the dlgi-stlon by tonlujr up the ttmnach to a healthy wuo naiueu m uo i.iiicera cUKi tin so, a Hir con41ln SJ mat tlio food aod the I'uluionlc syrup hl'H, ho pronoseil to fight it out aniline the win in ike Rood bloods tun tho lunn h-nl, and th . , , ,, . , ,11. ratl'nt win surely get well It caro U taken to pre- privatM. Acccinlingly, lie applied to a rc- vent freih cold. fruiting ollicrr who tnM him If ho could pass the rrqiiiitto medical examination he would ho delighted to have him in his com pmy, Frank romcinus of his magnificent ah wiin wimi to rnnmit lir. Hchenek. either rer- soutlly or by letter, can do so at Ills prlDClpul onice, conii-r o M.xth and Arch BtrceH.rulhidi'iphU, every jioin ly. Hchenek a medicines are fold by all drusrulsts tbronifliont the country. jmimi k April, physique, laughed confidently and lost no time in Retting into the doctor's presence, tweet laco 1 believe you iliil ; anil i' I and telling him what he wanted. The doc i, vnf must you think mo! My Ood, sh II tnr gave one look nt his wonderful shirt Ljievcrjca you again, nnu tell you how it collar mm tlicn said in decided tones: wns neverl'r And then the thought of what "I'm truly sorry, Mr, Spinnla, but I real Garsficld, had slW of Una father s frail ten- ly cannot give you a certificate," tire on life recurred to him, and was ills- "Can't give mo a certificate 1" exclaimed mt:.n.1 mill, n slight Hhlver. It seemed tho amazed frank, "whv in ndiec.ttrn nnd ' 3 ' - ... . J - lw ul..Mn.l l..irbu w.nl. ml hnrl,. nT.rl L., incan tU calculate on the chances of. i poor adjectivenntinn can t you? I'm sound as a Btroni;lyeoiieentraied,iniit will cnvctuill) eradicate old man a death ; nnd yet it and another dollar. I ii strip and let von givo mo a idea, still more angrily renul-ed, that the critical examination.1 VEGETINE PUUIblHS THE I1L00D. nctioviiti M and 1 11 vlgorulCN (lie Iln .lleillrlmil lrotrrllp lire Allrriitlt , Tonle, nil rut ami Illiiri'tli. VKOHTINK Is lmi'lo otcluslvely from tho Juices of turn to uim nnu perhaps ucrven nim tuoiigii move your coai. 11 all unconseiuiidy to the wretched llttlo prac- you can't get a cci t!cRdeUilfofi5ckinB. VtttlluB his bill, end of it." ntiif inakinga poor attenlp't at swallowing " from the sistciu eveiy taint of m rotuKi K-roIulous Humor, Tl'MDUX.L'ANOKH, Cancerous Humor, Kry. sipei.is, Salt ltheum, sjphlllllo Dlsenses, cmiker, truth might even come out by some. "It's no use of talking," said the doctor, from impure. Wo M. m.matii'A, iuii immatory nnd Uhenfflim and he be cleared, would re- "and you needn't trouble yourself to rc JSSSScT" i.,r I.. t.i, ami n..rhiw nprvpil him tholleh I ninve vnur rnnt. I L-nnw whiil I'm nhmtt I me uiooa. St,lllbM,U ,1UU UlUb O IUU 1'USIUICS. l lllll'ltn. 4!Ulim3. IVILl-'l, OV.II bead and Kisijwohu, VKCLn.Ni; Im ucu-r UIU'iI to eriect n pcrmauent cuic. ... I I........ ... lln. II. nl L'tnv.u Uni.t.. llw THrtn. i noor aiteni i: at swanowiui; i v' ,u.'."v.;''?" 'v "i"'.'-. Y..:. sumo breakfast before starting 111 the morn- ! ? 1 ? " roanrked frank, now thor- tcraal ulceratlou, and uterlnu illseuses and urncnU " . . 1 ., , . ulu. , , , in, , Debility. VEdirrlNi: acts directly upja the causos ifi).'.' I It U often the-merciful liability to ougliiy amused, "who won't you givo mo n of taeetf complaints. It invigorates and strengtiwns realuo tho immcabltncM of our lo-s in tlio certllicate ( X,vRiMianBiiatiua. cures wcer-ulon uad rrouliteji tliMHihiirJ ilfnn flverwliclminc cncl ivlilcn J litre mi oli"ctiou to tollini? vnu" said ooweis. l in liocinr. "11 rnu pn ixtril I'm nrn vnn 1 r.ili wmi'd altvfivs fountt fircinost in the fight, tern, no medicine baa irHcn such pencct sat sicilon Itelmr r-remnst In fie olif ,vp-,rlii tliat aa tuo VEUBriNE. It purines lio Wood, cleanses lilm I ninr.lA.Ail .l.i.i Anil... ..a.. 1.1 .. ...,!.. I nv.f t hn nrV'nilS twrfllrt. i.i... ii...ii.hu. inn.. . iiiiiu, .U.l wjiiiu VU11U1I- X...i.l,tri7ni?-tvrii,.. 1 113 11 IU4I H llin luili.rut. hu . i.uii i uui v pouiec)irie3 wnon. ihclrqvm faint enables us to bear it even as wo do. Cyril tliangcrovas as brave a soldier as any in tho armv list. His friends were indrcd fond of boasting of a medal won by when, as a mere bov with only ten men be- ually give ns to grave embarrassments nn.l lnlucou many phyficians and npo ' . . ... I. . .. ...I nm1.n.1ltn I .l-UCPI-llVI n 11 rt tlP tin i- misiiiidcistaiiding, for the enemy would be nt. "Jiliidiiiim, ho'ttacked and carried by n sault n stockado defended by nearly five nr? to tile ymifor a flwj of trim," times as many well-armed native in. the f rank'd reply ij not reported, but he Ahys'iiiian war: hut the courage needful forthwith abandoned his intentions of en. for thisr wa ns-a drop of, cater liesido the listing in the rank ..... iH, !l,.t ninnlatln Illlglliyli;rlll iwun'nu ii mm 1...11 In fact. VEQET1SB Is tno best remedy yet discov ered lor Uiu nbovo dlcves, and Is Lbi only rel'.ublo IlLOUD l'l'llii iKKyetpiacea Duioro.imjpueuc. for pntsiiic thu hntd where hc lodged, and tho window behind which he rould fancy her sleepinjf. without delaying for tho ton perilous consolation of a last farewell, a last look-in to those sweet, brown eye, in whose liquid depths he had almn-t fancied, for one mad moment on the previous even- in!?, that he could rfad an answer to the lovo shining in and irradiating his own. Had he only turned his fixed, despalrlii; gazo from tho building where (.he lodged to .solitary remain Iiguro seated on ono or frm mni(s the benches overlooking the -en: hail he on KejiBS Stack Clean. IBB BSSX HVIDSJDJCE. The tolLiwlnir letter from Revi E. 8. BesL lastor Of .h. K. t-UuiKii. iniicK. Mass., m vs rriwi wnu interest by many vnyslcluns. Also, than: suiTer my from the same Ulseuo ils afll'cted t -o bon ol the i:er. u. . iieu .u ivnuu uuu uvuu, uii luhiimo- nv, as there Is no rtoubl atwut the curative powers ot VliUKllM.: mcx, .na-vi.. jfin. l, 1TI4 Mi. II H. "tstexs: fiesr Sir e have i-ood rea .-n ....,llr.. mnr Vl-VlWri VP n lubrll.ln.. rif I tin tied tip should receive it thorough brushing trrliatest valur. we feel iiFsired that it has btcu dally. Stock that are accustomed to have lunivgn nt mru ; tor thu last two years hn lum sur. their heads tied get very dirty about the neck and shoulders unless they receive a Si'CTXKiSaSJ larcful "grooming." (Jlcanlines is very bopnot ever miiyiuir, two or the number declaims v ii.viu. twi ...iiiti; Liiitii, It ntigh to be the duty oflhe stockman to see that all cattle that are kept constantly under cover, not I thnt .-vim nmDiititlon could notiivo him. ns he had onlv because ilisense is therplitr nmmiU not vliror eaoutli to endure tho nperutliiu. Just uuiy ufLause uisease is tnercoy preventeU llien 0 commenced clilnjr lilm veoctink. and from making its inroads, but also because from that time to the preseut ho has own contluu. ' . -"! ousiv improving. Ho lias lately resumed his stud stocfc thrive iictter, and reach maturity a lea, t brown a-iiy his crutches and cane, and walks . .. . .iiir.nt i lipniillv and Mroni?. v " " , " ; ' great ii'-m cjuicscr, wnen careluily tended, Thouzb there Is still some Olwharge from the w-eeping, and clazeil with sleeplessness, were ti..n .,.i.01. ,i ... . p.,nln i., : opeulni; wbcro the Umb wiwianord, wehave the ful- t ,i,riu. ,.. it. inrlilil I , , , , "" " lest wnudencc tnai la a uiiia umono wmoe per vuu un.li ii.ii.nif, .M..... , nammeis or loose boxes, do not. nerhans iiecuycurcu .i, . . . ...t.;..i. .1. l l .! I . . ' il lit, Iiiia tAk tUUlOUUg Waves, to WHICH sub null tumu I'll i. he la too well to bo taklup medicine. E. H. HK1T, Kespectlally jo-irs, .MIW. I. f. V. BEST. il: k.n .hwl Din. .vc, knlllui.ri'linil rerlUirc SO much attrntinn nil t lins.n lulinuo I timc Imf. lutz-lv nm-H hut little. OA h.1 ilirlarfM th.it. to escape from her own tnouguts ; nnu ne hea,i, ar tie(1 1() tll0 8laI, M th can wlth only guessed at the uiuer gnei ami mora iWJoni lick thinurlvM. Imtlhw .,ni bitter disappointment of that young heart, bo neucM on tiiat acc0UIll. an('i lhe ci,rcful in iU first betrayal, at tho agony ot girlish stnck farKer ,vi d we to oe that hi ALL DISEASE3 OP TUB BLOOD. nhame tor the love anil worship so ireei) 8toc.kmaii gives them proper nttention. It 11 VEOETINE v-lll relievo naln. cleanse, ourlry wasted on a man who was already raarnea frenuentlv hannens. howevsr. that catlln do &t health "attei Wi Zy i a man so utterly unwortliy as to have b,.enm vcrv dirtv' ,,. ,,, iln,ihMuJ rtmeaiM.TOffertng dared to insult her by an affection which from ncccct or a lmtural nredisuosition to ttta meaictno ryrformlnK bucIi t;rcat cure 7 n get dirty, it is unnecessary to consider. In truly bocalicdtoeiBEAT blood rtiHlFlKR. Tba , , : .i jrrcat source or uim.u.si; originates in uui uioou ; ana sucu enses, a coon reraeuy is to ami v to no medicine that does not act directly upon it to pu i. !!.,. l ... ii .j-- i ., i riryand renovate, has any tot, claim upoDpublK u ...iw.vi. I'ui.g u iiiiAiuiu ui inn uii nuu I mteniiun flour ofsulphur, in the proportions of four ounces of sulphur to u quart of oil. Thl mixture .should ha vigorously rubbed into the body, aud about'threo days after this I tlca 01 5ur VKOBTINRaail aia convinced It U a viajn aiici tola I ) hl ..... If. . .. . has been done, the affected parts must CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE . i ' . . - ,l i , . . s , I ., . MiiB'tii! mvvw mmn S kT! II Tl TlTITITIVrri Utim&ms&&foS&Ji p k i in 1 1 ill i. -vm&mim&-mmt! at Ta 111. I 'MM K'4. KAIL FIOAD TIMETAEiLeJ piIILADKLl'HA AKI) lU-lADliVfjpr AUHANOKJI1JNT Of Tit A INS. July is, laic. TntlNS LRArltnt'1'P.HT A I0II0KB ,MH i Tci New Yul., I'lillndclrlila, lieuuii . , Tnmnqun, cc, 11,1111 n. m Tor Uataw lmi, II, mi u. in. niul T,3f. p. in. l'or Vllll.iinport,c,c,Jl a. in. aiids.ir,,, BL00MSBU8G STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH .NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. , T. L. GHISWOLD, A. M,, M. D Principal. THIS SCHOOL, asat present conMltutcd, o "trs the ten- best faclltllcs fur I'rnfesslonal ami Classical learning. i,,ifi Knni- of nure.sott. llulldlmrssnacious, liiilllnir and commodious i lorni'lctclj heated by steam, well u-nlllatcU, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful s'ippi or purc.son, sl.rl"'-.)?l1'."- mJ,M..,inA,i mMmf nrt niivn in tiinir irnrk. lilselnllno. linn but Vltiil. utilfiii m and thorough. Expenses tnoderaie. Kitty cents a week deduction to all expecting to leach, btiuleuls admitted nt uny time, liooms reseneU lieu (fesiiea. Courses of study prescribed by the stnto : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic 1 1. Commercial. III. Course in Mu-ic. IV. Course in Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. The Klementary Bclentlllc and Classical Courses are pftoFUssioXAI.. nnd Rtudjnts itradaitlni? therein, recelto stajp Iiliilan is, eonf corresponding Uegrees ; Master of tho Elements! Master or the sciences; Jiuiterot tuo uiassics. uruuiMius m imuiuvi miujointn. Threcrrrof"sud'forescrlWd atorenulresa U10 Snd tbSr talents, m students, "lb all such opportunities for well paid labor alter leaMi-.-chool. ('Of.. .1. (1. I-ltlXi:, Micretlirj TKllNSI'Oll UUrFKT IPAVf. AS tOIIOng, CMTKIl.) U-nvo New Vork, e,4i n, in, Leave Philadelphia, 0,16 n, in. leatolleadlinf, It, a n. m., I'ultsvlllc, and Tnmnrpin, 1,10 li. hi. Leatu cat.niissn, c,w a,tsn. m, and 4,my i Leave IMIllaiiiSinJi 1.1)8 ii.ln.1Cluiii.nl I-asnriKfeis i ii fri'in New trkuiid 1 plila go tliruiif i ithont change ot eais. .1, i:. Mm t iicncrul Sli.n ocun, address the rrincipai. nix. wn.i.i.t.ii i-i,vi:i.i Caialoue.ndi Sept. 8, -:a.-iy I'resldent llouril oT Trustees' had almost won from her a betrnyal of her own secret lie had never gone; but her back was turned to hiin : aud he alnns! Crushed against lier wfiilo his eyes were gfv zing in tho opposite direction without eith cr ot them ever thinking how near, foV one moment, they had como on that first bitter morning of their sundered lives. Ten min utes later aud ho was in the train ri route for London. Ten weeks later, and he had got liis pro' Columbian Building. KvcouiMicnd It Ilcnrtily. south Boston. Feb. 1, 1870. Mr .Stevens Hear Sir 1 have taken several tot cs ot sour VKOUTINCnnd aia convinced It U a valuable remedy for DvsDCnsta. Kldnev Oomnialnt. and general dubtllty of the system. mlvsinv.1 Mn wilt. i . AnlSmm?.n1. 11 a surrennif from 0 , -Q ...... ru.j, rtuw i uiu nooo compiainvs. warm water. Tho oil aud sulphur may be applied onco more in tho same maimer as Yours respectfully. MltS. MO.NUOB PARK Kit, 930 Athens street. . ,n . . ..i. i. ? i j , motion, aim was u iu before, tho mixture being made a little new regiment; aim so it camo w pass lU!'M stronger should there be no observable im i-.iueL iauuiuB uunu provement from the first cashing. This tue Jllliwvue uiuriuug liUiri pauij .i.ci and moro heavy-ertd than she had been wont to look before that fatal visit to lirigh Preparedliy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. mixture applied twico generally suffices to effect a complete cure of London I.ke Stock Journal. rally suffices to tt .: : 1.1 1 n .1 effect a complete cure of the ailment 1 S "X ,u uxS5Aau3. Tnrefor Chicken Cholera, A correspondent of the Jiural Herald ton camo to the following advertisement: ''On the Glh instant, at Aden, on board II. II. troop-ship Abercromoie (Jyril in rent Granerer. Cantain in U. M. tli Hi fles, of typhus fever caught in attendance on some rt nis men, Only one oflhe thousand and one tinfin jshed, romances blown .into life like tho salt an effectual euro for that disease, ' sea' spray on tho su West, Pier, broken like upon the Brighton WHKHK TO ADVKKTISE. A.T. Stewart savs the best advertlRtn? mediums he has ever found '-are the old established organs cf tha two political parties, nt tho several county seats throughout tha t'nlou." "Ihete," he says "reach eiery lauuiv ui iuj icaiii a(.-cuum in incir several cotmtles, and are more carefully rtou than any other class of Jonrnals." It Mr. Htewnrt'8,juagmcntlsot sends that paper a remedy for chicken cho- value, there Is no difficulty la deciding which paper , ,. , J 1 . , , , , ,. I it is for the Interest of businessmen to ailvera-e In iura niucii is eeriainiy simple, anu salt! to TnconmsiA ukkockat, upon wmcnuiis pnerts ,n.ir,Finl nn, r- n,.f T. panlaUy founded, was estabtUdiea n ism ,and the it '- i columuun now enjoys a wiaer circuiauun and nny piauuing oi tue pears to be a preventive, and as an ounce of ,5r,7,f X!r,llVX,T?..S:A tbo waves in bubbles prevention is better than a Dound nf enre 1 Joining counties, and by most ot them 13 t i.tr..i.. r it. 1 . . . .. . . . i wwgiiu iudiiu, uur. 11. u iua uujj ueaun i jmy uuu ui mo j; H nt lean worthy oi a tria . It a- ia fn - eiDonentof nparlyilTe ihousanrt vea week. and ad. read trora Democratic voters myriad ''might-have-lieens" which swell 8cM as much cornmeal as is remiir. ,iJ.,SSS?.!: .aai'i' f 6,1 10 fClltULe n.Umbfr 0f f0,vl9' Wlth boilIK fherh&eclrs& WUriU n iliaiuiv 1 Wlllj ii bul i.u.m auaLii and aitmc love foiled ; a man's lifo freely " given and nobly spent ; and a woman who would have counted it tear upon his grave! as -name to drop ber of subscribers, facts like these si selves, rio shrewd business nnui will neu Bert his advertisements In the Columbian Corn Culture. 1), F. .lohnsou, of Campaign, Illinois ufnishesfiftJpagci to'tlio published "fraus' actions of tho State Hoard of Agriculture," "on the Varieties, culture and most profitable uses of Indian com. The bet variety in nny region is stated to be that which' fifty years of cultivation have shown to be tho best for that locality, always giving the preference, it any, for procuring seed, to a more southern latitude. The cultivation recommended Is in accordance with the practice of the best farmers ; the enrichin, instead of looking to yard manure or urti fiiiul fertilizer, is to be the turning under of green crops clour, timothy or blue grass sod. To fortify tlii position, Mr. .1. gives two or three experiments of his own and theirs. He planted five or tlx acres on old prairie, after manuring heavily tho pre vious autumn and w!nter,with cow, pig and horse manure; planted nearly four feet each way, cultivated as usual, and in September good Judges ostimated the coming crop equal to eighty-five or ninety bushels per acre, tho ears being large and numerous. seven or eight feet above ground, on talks averaging eleven or twelve feet hisrh water. Make it tolerably greasy with lard lareet In the county, the advertising ratis of tho . f , Je. i i, I woLUMiiiAN am no nigner uian moee oi einerpapers w. ...i..v ..j.ii, iuiu, csui gicm, uu I wnu uaicijr uiui iiiiu nun-raj uui. uuoiouriii me uum salt is necei-sary. Black pepper, ground, a level teaspoouful to a pint of meal. Feed this twice a week, in tho morning, warm, auu ciiiciens will not need auy watchiug. lueywill have neither cholera or gaps. Chickens, or turki-j s either, should not be fed ton niton ; twice a day in summer, if I they arc running out, and three times in winter is often enough. Most people feed llieir fowls too much. .My experince has been that all fowls that die with cholera aro'excesslvely fat. Sliooting Out Fire. I he Allentown Chronicle savs ; "On Saturday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. Hen ry Schannt, nearly 80 years of age, residing near tbo poor-bouse, took place. As is cus toniaryat country funeral, a great deal of baklug and cooking was done for tho enter tainment of the relatives and friends. Just before the funeral was about to leave the liouso on tho way to the Jordan Luthe rcn Church, one of tho chimueys was discovered to be on lire, the flames leaping up tenor twelve feet. As the houso has a shingle root there was danger of the fire soon be coming a serious matter, and ofconrso there was commotion and a running hither and thither with buckets of water. The tiro could not be got at very easily, and some thing had to bo done soon to avert serious l!ut ""''i"611""1- ''mt about that time a phil JfL Hi after liuskin;, the scales corrected the est! male, and cut it down to less than fifty bushels per.acic. Another field, which lias been underdrained, nnd heavily manured in previous years, was planted nearly iu the same way the year before, which was ac companied by a severe drouth, and it brought less than forty bushels per acre. Iu the third experiment the field was lightly manured, and planted, not iu equal , rows, , nut In drills four feet apart. The stalks iivere nine inches in the rows.- When a few inches high, each stalk had a small baud , ful ahes-over a ton lor the whole field. - It was cultivated repeatedly through the season. A storm In September prostrated a third or so of tlio slocks. Tho growth was l i i, r..i i.ii. .i " uuuiit v irci, mgu, tue ears numeroui ami heavy. After husking, weighing the curs. nud estimating.80 pouuds to tbo she.hd buahtl, the field was found to have yielded over 81 btihcUper acre. Mr. J. ascribes this heavy product to the application of the jlJ1!0 .'I'M way have been correct iu part; tiUtjvu Jiavo found invariably, when the measured, experiment lias been made, that ii-5 per cent, more is obtained from well managed drills than what arc tennucd bills at equal distance cacli way. Very friquent cultivating will often add tenor fifteen bushels to the acre. Country Gaitlcifiun. "piui-.ii gentleman present asKcu lor a loaded gun, which upon boing hand to him, lie discharged up tho chimney, instantly ex- llnguisiiing tbo tire, tbo concussion of the air produced by thu sht bavin done the worlc. A great many present could not tin- der.tauU the rationale of tho thing and re garded the gentleman with a sort of vene ration. a Here is nothing new under tho sun. A correspondent or the Detroit J'ree JVem writes that in the Uurentiaii Library, Iu 1-lorence, he saw "a map of the world, uran n in i no, snowing nearly tuo course ofthiXlle, li division into streams, nnd its connection with tho two great lakes, s'jlvlug tho question long ago which Spoke, and Iiurtou, and Livingstone have been working at so diligently in the present age." There it a newsboy in San I-'rancisco. James Handley by name, who Is rapidly ac quiring a fortune by tho sale of papers. He is but fourteen years old, yet owns two hou. ses aud several building lots on Tclegrauh Hill. He recently built a third house there for fl, 80(1 and sold It to bis brother for ii, agali professlu where he stands high iu his class. Ayer's Hair Viaor For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ia at onco agreeable, Iicalthy, and ef fectual for pre serving the hair. Faded or ' gray hair it soon restored to ill original color. with the (lots and fitshnat of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, anil baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can rcstoro the hair whero tho follicles aro destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But Mich aa remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional ueo will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Freo from thoso deleterious substances which make t-omo preparations dan porous, nnd injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but.not harm It. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing tlso can bo found so desir. able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doei not coil white cambrio, nnd yet lasts long on tho liuir, giving it a rich, glossy lustre nnd a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Vractluil mid Aiialjrtlcul CUMulste, LOWELL. MASH. Oct. ii, i37-ijr BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. . A. 11 K II II 1 . 12 Ti i?1.1C"EKUM'Y "onouncea to thq public JLV that lie has nxipenei ' SNYDKH'iS TANNKRY, orksoftue Kspy anaUirH Street Ikjlfiar (old stand) lllooawburif, )'&., at tho Ifir lAiM, whero nil dobcrlptlons ... Wthcr ltll 1.A rnii.l. tk. .. abstaiitlal and workraanuve manner, ana sold at pries in cans iOO. The brother, aUa a newsboy, sold it piiX5rrtSff ignlnfor $3,100. Jimmy aspires to a pro- 'Ut Mi,'u kWv0' ti I n p profession, aud attends tha Lincoln school, steterydescrlpuoiinthacountry. f runago Is respectfully soUdted. vwviu.viuk,uvv,1i iat coniitr)-, TtiepullUpat COURT HOUSE ALLEY, WHOLESALE D"R UG EMPOR1 UM . Corner Main and Jlarkct Street BLOOMSBURG, P a. The undersigned having been engaged .11 the busine8 for the pant eight years would call the attention of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Their stock consists of Paints, Oils. Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 33 jR, O "W IE Urt 3 S BLOCK. Where may be found :i large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact, everything kept in a -well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the cehbiale OIL OF GLADNESS. CALI. AND EXAMINE OUIt STOCK. MOYBR BROS. May1, H.-tf. 0, Jan. 11 O, 1IVNC0CK, iieneml i icKet Agent, 11, TOItTllKHN CU.MI'A.NV. (JKXTllAIj IIAIIA, GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cores Diseases op the Skin-, Beautifies the Complexion-, Prevents A.M) Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Hkai 3 Sokes and Abrasions or the Cuncxr. and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injarics of the SUin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and ind, such as tan and hx Mes. It renders the cuTtCLE MARVELOUSL CLEAR, SMOOTH and TLIANT, and bcinu a wholesome beautU'Ier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantac.es or Sul rilUR IIaths arc insured BY Tiir. use of Glenn's Hulnhur Soap, wliicb in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and l re vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and PREVENTS DISEASES communicated sy contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayncss of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and SI. 20. N. B. The 50 cent ttdcM are triple the iuc of ihoie at 35 cents. " HUili'S HAIR AM) WHISKER DYE' Illach or Ilifjira, 30 Cent. C. 5. CB1TTHTQS. Prtp'r, 7 Si1li .,v., JLY. Oct. 23, '14. -ly, On and utter Nuvunt'cr iolh, H73, trains iuii hU.NHUUV aatulIOMHi AUNTllWAIiD. l:rle.Mullfj.ni. iu.,HiilU'lSl!u!ra i ' L'nn.iiHtalgitii 8. lioehi (U. .. , Magara ltetiovo ncconiRioflatltiill.ien.iu.niiiit i it li.es p. m. i:inilrallalli.iaa.iii.,nrrlvo Unilra lo.a... ! lluffalo fixprsM 7.13 n. in. arrlie Ilullalo b.t . . SOL'TIIMAHU. Ilullalo Kxrrcss ixu n. in. arrlto Ilnrrlsbur ' i.'j " Iloltlmorc 5.i KlmlraMall 11. ion. in., rilc Haul 'ur " Vu,!ilnBton '.,i.o " llaltlmui e o.u " Watlilnston s.so Man Uburtr accommodation 8.40 p. a. arrlie llntrjl uurg io.iu p. m. ni rive Ualtlmoi o t.v, a, 1 1 " WaililiiRton 0.13 i Ei le Mall 12.es a. in. arrlvo llanl&burg S 03 a. rn. " lialtlinoro s.40 " Waslilngtou 10.JS " All Ojlly except Sunday. Ii. M. 110YI), Jr., Ucncrnl I'nssenjjer Ajn A. J. CASS ATT, Gcner.,1 M ,.n DKI.AWAJ'.K, LACKAWANNA aMj IILOOMSIIUKO DIVISION. iiine-Tauio :o. su, TaKcs crrect at 4::o A. ill MONllAV, NOVl:.MIIl:il 22 1S7J. NOItTH. 1 bTATIONi?. I Kill HI. p.m. p.iii. s no :i rs s ii' as ; 3 7 40 B 42 7 4 3 37 7 .1.1 a ."I 7 Si .1 27 7 '.2 3 S3 7 ! 1 U 7 ir, 3 17 7 15 .1 II a.m. u 4"!.. a 43'.. a !.. a.m. p i,i, , MA l lS 2 U V 44 2 2.1 t" i i b i 7 I, 7 "3 Ii ! C M a ir, r, jo 0 'a c O'J 0 ('! a is r, :! a is 5 40 3 34 b 29 R 2.1 20 a '3 4 US 4 60 1 A D.tn. a 12 Ul I 1 ! ti "3 1 s u J 1(1 2 '6 1 M I D.I 1 4S 1 43 1 4 I 1 2.1 1 I'l 1 13 1 in p.m. id i 10 iu 10 11 1 10 l si 10 21 ' 27 10 27 . Ill 32 10 10 i'i C C CI' 7 P. T .. :.i 3 MUSS i, and savo one-tutrd the cost of "I ITTA TT"1 A I 11 A fATfll painting, anil set a paint that mucn nanusoincr ana win Vjix Jiil Lj r A Hi I. last twice ai ions us auy otni'i paint, u prepared ready tor use In white ir any color desired. Ik on many thousunda ot the nnest bulIiUntm i uiovuimirj. munj w wiiioi Lave ueei painicu hixjears, ana now looi, ui wuiiuh wneuui&L pttiuiiu. his CHEMICAL J'AINT hai token First Premiums ot twenty ot the Htate Fnirhor the Union, humploe.ird ,U.nl ll.0 liMra.. X, 1 1 I 11, litfllV 1,1 .I'alnp .IwM ' 'Intro! n ,i ,1 lllln. Bloomsbubo, Pa. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO.'S 'eVanTiS! CHEMICAL PAINT ESfM 1 ready for uioln white or anv color desired. Is on many thousands ot tl of which hare been painted six years and now look as wellaa w and Bare one-third the cost of Li mucn nanosomcr Saint. Is prepared e country, inonv o I'liKMicAt, I'aimt naa taaen Flrbt P lors sent free. Address N. V. K.N A H., it WaMr street, Cleveland, Ohio. Wben special imiteriitl is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books ami Pamphlets, lltuul-Billd iiil Dodgers, Large and Small Postern, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business CWds, Bussiue3-4, Pic, Nie, "Wedding :md Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &c, Will all bo supplied and excnU'd iu superior style, at cheap rates and short notice.. ihe best worltriien are employ et and the best material will always be furnished; Then Buy MILLER BROS.' colora bent fiee. V. EM AM EL PAINT CO, 118,1'rlnco sill et, K. V. May 12, '7a- ly. lalnllDe. and tret a nalnt that ii lonff as any uiuer tho nnest Buildings when first naluUd. at twenty of thfc l-tato l'aln of the Union. Sample card AINT CO., 17a Piinco ktreet, N. V., or M1LLKU Slay 12,,'70-ly. TUE G III! AT "lVl-DII; DEPOT. Tin: latest ktyi.i:k I.N "weddhntg nsrviTL.'rioisrs. prices lower than any Iloue In tho Country. ORDERS nY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM. H. HOSKINS, STATIONER AMD ENGRAVER, 913 Arch Street, Philadelphia. HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors; i:aRt Street, tioulli Hlite of & II. Rnllroad Itloonifiliiii, Pa. nnrnx-ifullr call the attention of tho public lo the lollowlng Btaleraenla: They ihiW i IlltAsM OANTIMIW. 'Ihey make iheC.UOialea oilulnal nnd MONTKOSI px.O-WS.alSoallKlnUiof Ilepalis, such us Mow J HEATING ANI3 COOK STOVES are prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, such as Orates, Klre IU Ick-, 4c, u n!n Imiii-uird Coiil-uliitf 4ruu tur lliv IViu. i'eini Sluf, tho ia TiievniealBopreparedtofurnlshbAW ANnuilIS'l' 3III.L, J1AC11I.NE1IV bit pay especial attention to the Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapeis, &c GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT FIM0S. and maae They inanufactuie all kinds ot l IMPROVED hoaru'i l"olum, Uiuuiuua Avholenle aud retail. They most econoinlaal (irate In u.e. bllAtULSO, Pl'LLUYH, AC. They The proprietors helm; practical mechanics, havlnfhad uncferlcnceof over rlilrty j ears, the puhllcca rely upon naTlnf all work entrusted to mem uono iu tuo nest .Manutr and at rair prices. jan. , ii PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! The undersigned will tell at prhate sale A VALUAHLE I'AUM, kltuated In Flshlngcrftk tonshlp.ColumMa ceunty hounded by lands ot Jchn Iluntz. sainuel Khone, Jo wenh Coleman's heirs, Chui les Ath, Uanle I Karus aud William iiuinie, containing auum 150 AO RES, of which about JlS acres are cleared, on which is erected A GOOD FRAME HOlfSE, KHAME 1IAHS, and all necessary ! outbulldlnirs. ThnrH U aIma A GOOD ORCHARD, on tbn preanlsea. Terms will be made known by calllnp ontheun. dersltrned, or by addieKatnr him ut Billl water, I'a. rb)-sm MATHIAB KLINE, I not easily earned In these times but It can ba mads, In tnres months by any one OI civurr boa, lu u i y. t.t wiuiu. o is wiIIiBir to work steadily at tn einpiumini (h.t wm ffiimrMb. ifii ner wtrk In Tour own town Vou Dotd not be wy from noma oiornltat. lou can eh e 1 our hokl Urna to tno work,; or only your spare moments. It oosu netting- to uy in liasl- Bess. Terns and taoulll lrr. Aiirv onon. eb, M I Ijr, A libenil share of public patron ugo'i8 respectfully Bolicited. Bloombbobq, March 28, 1877. 8 endtw. too. V. KOWSLL CO.. Nsw Turk, tor ramwaet el lev paces, cocuuiar lis is oi iw MWtpapexa, ad wrtlai X. ntalnln show lag casjt nt mum- 1M.I.WII kAPER BAGS you SALB AT TILE COLUMBIAN OFFKIK, Tlio Alhheciit k Co. Piasou aro firnt-clasa in uvery resDtict, boiiiR con biderod tho leading Philadelphia inuko by musicians and competent iudijca. Hirough their oxtensivo f.icifitirs, MtspitH. ALnnrxiiT & Co. arc enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpawicd anywhere, and ctill hell them at prices within tho reach of nil. No Piano is permitted to leave their factory unless mitibfac tory to tho most minute particular, henco their guarantee of fivo years ia a thins "f value. All late im provement of importance are found in these inBtnimcnttj. MEffcia. Auireciit k Co. havo re ceived the most Hattering Testimo nialu from L. M. CJottscilvlk, Franz Aut.Gustavi: SArrim, J.F. Himmels iiacii, William Wolsikffek and many other eminent artiutH, becides being able to refer to thousands of private, purchasers, schools, semi naries, tocieticii and teachers, PiuuoH conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shiimeiUafelvtoaiiviKirt of the world. ttif-Fer further particulars its to references, prices and tcrmi, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Streot, Philadelphia. lyu, ly MOHRI3 MICHEL TtJA'Eii a.'j rti:iMt;t::ti. DLUUMSBL'UO, I'A. ....scranlon. . . Ilellevtip .. T.nlorillle.. i , 1 1 . .i.aiK.iw..iii.iH 9 21! I'ltMi,!! ..... 9 '.") West I'll I Ni. 'U. 1 1.',! W lomuiL. a Hi Mull'.,... . 9 Hi, IU-U1-". C H OS Kingston..... 9 b KlllKSIi'll .... s fj ..l-niiiouin.inr.c 8 mm.... l'luiiimin .. M Avomi ii,' . 1 4h 'utitlcoke . s ji .llunlwk's i tele. 10 t.1 ,i j s o'i ..MiiLksniimy 11 a i 3 1!)'.. .Illrk's lorr .. I 11 la 8 !4....l;caih UuYcn.. 1111 4. b w lleiwlel; ... '13 4 -i s ill liilartrek it 1.1 4 ji 7 is ...Willow ;iir.. 11 II 4 7 M I.lme lllil'T Ill' i 7 40 Ii1iy n m 4 r. it 7 1 I ...I)lo.ilii-burj,- 1117 5 ! , 7 Hi Hllpcn 13 ' t, S W 1 BO L'alawlssa lulili;e. n 07 su t 7 sal ..uhirk'H Nniti u...i i'i in olio n 11 liamllie In '.'5 b.i sj 7 114 Cllllllis V. H'l ,2 f. 47 I, "n raniiTon ill en I, i. fill ii isi.Mji.iiuniixrunii.ii'i 11 cm til a.m. p.m. p.m i.r W. 1 HAlAlKAl). w Kuperlntcmlent'a uiilcc, hcranton, Die. lo, i ... it u SIS I b b " a c c M C. SLOAN k BRO., m J &sMJKr,?iWKS3ii!r.3 Mi.ooMSsiimo. r.4. ManiKaelun rnof Carriages, Bujoios, ihaoters, Sleighs, ri. l I'Utiji w ai,u..-, sc. rirst.class woik utwajsou hand. l:i:i'.IllIN(l .VKATI.Y DW. I'i tee reduced to suit tho time, .lull. S, l.!7-tr The Columbian Law Doekd. A cunipleto record f r tho us- of nttorne-s. vrnlnnHy nrranireil for tho docketing of allc-.'f"' eonlalnlui' oio pajes, with douulo Index. I'hli I' tho most complete liool: for lawyer , that r-"' llshed. PRICE, .'SG-SO- Publisheil by Brockvay & Elwell IMitors and Proprietors of tlio Collmbian, BLOOMSBURa, JPJV. I)ccl-tt Important to Lawyura, Justices of tho l'eace, constablis, Uxecutora.Ad. inlnlstrators, uuardiau. Ton asnip ofllcers, and busl nchi men tenerally. Wo lmu on hand u larve assorlineilt of legal blanks lor the usu ul Alloriiejb, .lusllcei anil Con. stable's lilanks of all kinds, Nolo and ltecolpt Sooks fyr AdiiiliiUu.itnli, &o. ntit'i: list. AITOKNKY'S 1ILANKB. iwclpo for I'.ummona. " VI. rn. " " ltulo to tako Denoblttona. " " " "choofeu Aihllralois. cents aplgce, cr $1.73 iwr hundred. IVtlllon for Appointment of ntiardlati. .-- . (;iinii'iii ltuleto t.iku DL'ooaltlons. Narr hi liifht. w till t'outesslou, " " Abituuriili. Mechanics Ll.-u. 4 ceiM each or f3. w per humlred. reutun lor ai or neni l M.ne b cents eacu. .1 IMICMTI III. MtM. Hubnoinis. Suiuinoru. Warrants. Kxecuttt ai&. SO fo tit cents each. Leases 6 ce 01s each itlue needs. , iu " " ivrchuient needs is ' " AeiYiunts a . Orphan's Court soles SOfoiiSl 60 Constahlo-s hnles. acci its each aioriirapi anuponu , is t i " All kinds of Nolea 1 " ' liocelpts. Notes, Hchoul orders, 1'oor orilei , store Orders, neailv bound, constantly cn hand, Drraade td order on short nouco, Wuaio prepare Ju doneater lobworm hanaui other onlco in this county. JlltoC'KWAV JC KLWKI J. Editors and 1'roprli lUirs oftlieCoLr mum, liiooimD an, fa FIltST fUSS l'lANOS ASH OIKWSS TOR SALI!. SECOND HASH J'lASOS TAUR.N IN EXCI1AN01!. OIUIKlt 11V Jl C.IL I'ltOMlTLV UXUCUTED. Decl, 'le.iy PATEISfTSSS X X.V. JL A. ' J- rM, b and com pounds. Labels icRlbleied: Infiln 'i-tnt'i.t-, lelsaaes uuUluterfeienecs will ivcire ii'juipt nileiillun, r NT T 7'Vf lit; fhouldsend us a mod.l liN V I'jlS 1 U ItOorbketeiiortluli luven tlon, and wan III utvo ouioplnloii astoiti patenta bility free of charge, Vees uioderutu, mid no tiurcu uulll puteut l bfcnrt'il. We will upon iMiiUuireut foe, i roeeiilo cak03 that haie b.s n iirjL'' I'Kli iiy t'm Talent onice. Woluvsellciitslu etery hl.uo lu Ilia I'nloa, nt.il Invite liuiulry throuirU your i'uniire-,biiian as to our btautUii? Uforo thu I'atoiil Olhco, Bond lor circui'.r mi- niiiii-r iniorinaiion, ierm3 nnd leferences, Lstnullthed In iSi.o. "MPTICE. From this date Ihe llloouuibari; (las Com) luy will Eut In eervlco pipes at tlrst cost and turnlsl I ul stt letg s ut four dollars each. Tbe company unvo on hanil a lot of ess t ArnJlled or palnuni: roots, and posts or other tunt replaced uuuer kiuuuu. I'i Ico la cents per gallon or U.U) per ban eh Oo. 14.1a. , O. V. 1 ULLBir B LANK MOHTOAOFft forwle c tap at th uuii urn Solicitors of U. S. aid Foreip 711 Gr. Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. 0. reu. B, '7l,-8ru AdvzfitiswgAgents am xtw. p, F.nT M ':" I, l'i ruf I -4 pinti t r (oM "1 ' I' . 1 l. I- ' 1 hvhy .ft)th4trtlirf tvA c- il. t- 1 L n rhl m ' .-ii,i n J t iftLU In t ! . 1 ' ft lianiiy . 0 nt.- i.', Lo.t l jaie'i, J ttnL,r,1, U14, UT1CK ItlMrl lllltt AS fit 14, 4wuitiinuii i nuu a 1 ,new Aura 1 Jan. a, tejT-.ui j S GREAT I1ED0CT10N lii THE PllICK OF I'AISTH, OILS, BllL'SUEi), JAVASDnvun&s run-Y, mm MitcilylTIlC WIlITi: .UADU cents nerpouml guaranteed equal to any In the market. MOSTOUK wiiitj! LnAlTnt 10 ccnu per pounl. eiualtoany for durability, MOSTOUK SIJVTI: l'AINTH 8, nnd lo cent) pfr pound, according to color. MOSTOl'lt MnTALLIollilOWN 8 cents rer pound. The bent Kire-l'root Iron I'd lit In the JIarlet. MOSTOVrt MOTAU.IOlTiioWNdry and 8 c;uts ptr jiound. Ac;ordlngtouanllt)v Ilest Quality of Paint Ilrushenat low prices. PURS LINSEED OIL" which we buy In largu quanllties, direct from tlio Manufacturer, and oiler ut the lowut Market price. BEST .TApXn DRYER. Acknowledged hr all our leadlnir Painters to bo . hubt In Iho Market. All our (roods are niiarui.iii.il as represented anu our palnta to bo gi-ouud In pure llnaetd Ul, or tlio money refunded on demand. Kend for s.imp!e card and price Hit Hlth tostlmon. lals. HENItV S. UHAY, f'le Manufacturer. . Rupekt, Pa. Maya. 'M.-ly, ' TljlS4pPEFS KEPT Oil FILE 1 AT THE 0FFICC OF. 733 Smou St, PHILADELPHIA, Who ur. our uuilu.rUu.l kginu, nud nlll "iu Aui'i.1 .t'lMctils at our W)HV1" fc'AUlI JUT1M. IIF to. Jewyel 1 3 No pat W -til year win Utile per; i-iia FA lie coun JC Tne Jo' comple'.' 'maml, ' Colur prusl'i Asoc I'roMi ouri t iii; ,'lieri i imn JoiepH Conn AuJl' ooro Jury UU. coun 11100' Win. icolt.