The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 13, 1877, Image 3

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toon sDOiiBi Arnit, u is?;
Rail Tlmi Tnlilc.
. Ml A.M.
7.M A. M
1.M I'. M,
c en i. m.
'.19 P. M
ll.t.T A. 'I
Accommodation iram,,
Mali Train
ftxpress Train
north, nouth
Accommodation Train o.Jt A. M. T.M P. M.
itcntar Kxprcss 4,'it p. St. A. 51,
Tlirouifli earn on r.xpre train cither to New Voik
or I'Mlvlelplila. rcninmortatlon train runs between
0 lUwuia anil Wllllamsporl.
A. .1. Diilriek K-ij of Vllllnmiorl, wa in
1 1 .vm on Monilje ,
TuocoM fir Iruul ll-liln?. None of emrcraik
fi-licriiKii have liignn lintiic a yet.
The mad me di Inj up iiidl
of In mi me iilri aily iiu-iv.
Uobln and blue binle luvu eliaiipenrcet
p'uUibly tu I'McureoVeiieiiK
Svuie of the ino"L' iiitlni.allc of our anil
teur Karilciiei have eeiiiiiucliecil ucllvc opir.1
V iterdiy, A, 'HI I2.h, w.istlio aniitver iry
of iIm .ill ,C on Kurt fci inilcr, i.i ltjlSl, and tin
vtrtiti b. iniiiiit? uf the Civil War.
Pnnlon' l)i.e-t, Mini' Jimie'c, and
lap-,' l'oniH cm be piiiilKiHil ulljluiii'
S.o.-oal p.Hjii'lur' s pi ices.
I) in-
Tlie i'robUtry of N iilliiiiiiliiil.iiul will hold
lit one hundred aii.l lliirly third i-tauil uieeliii
next Tuettduy, in llii town.
Tranipe are not iiiititerou oflale In theleck
up. wlue.i we eiiinot nce'ntiiil fin a it is f.r too
clillly for oill-iif-iloor Hliiinbtfiiu. Cm it lie
can it be thul llie raee li.n beiuue extniet ?
Knge'it Cornet D.iiid will give a concerl in
I!in.khoru on 1'ii.l.iy and ti.itiiid.ry eiiu ng,
Apri 20ih umt 21t. The Itlojiu.burg tj i.u
telle Club will uoi-t.
LewNlown follow the example pet her l
Loek ILiveii and hxes S2o,000 thereby. A I'm
on Tuinday destroyed Willis St Setmck' boiler
rhops, two dwellings and twelve htablei.
Justices of llio peace, and constables can find
at the Columbian i Dice, l'ee bill-, summnos,
wanaiilH, txicutious and all blanks ntci'iai)
for their uc.
The members of Hescue Mook and Ladder
Company No. 1, intend giving a IS.ill at their
H.tll in Ktirin m'a buildi' g, on April 20tli.
The proeteils aie lo be devoKil to the purehasi
of caps and
The Hoard of I'uribnt, la't we(k, reporteil
alvernely In the cue of Samuel Hogul ol
Holirsburg, now serving a term in llie peniteu
li iry for the killing of bis father in law, V. A.
lio North, Smith, Cat or Wert, and on will
fin I cou-ilis and colds at this nasop of the cir
A lemedy which never fails to give p:itif.ic
tiim is Dr. Hull' Cough Pyrup 1'iice, 2o
Stephen C. Collins lias opened a bather shop
under Hiown's Hotel, and nlT. rs his service t
the publij in the line o(Shaving, Hair Cut.
linir, Shampooing Ao. His room is anil
clean and his customers will receive courteous
At a m cting of the im ii'i-'rs oftln ISiptist
Ch trch, hist Wednesday evening, a Ilidi (
O imraitlee was aprKiinteil consisting of IC. JI.
Little, Hichard Iilwards and C. II. llrockway.
Bnbscriptions iu money or clothing may be
male to any of the committee.
Now that the charitable mantle of the "now
lias been removed, ludi litaps in various parts
of the town stand forth in awful and iiudisuis
ed ugliness. Kor personal ai d public comfort
and convenience they should be hurried out of
We are indebted to Kvan It. Ileishline, of
Van Camp, for a remarkab'y fine lot ofapplir
Tlieyaro well preservid, liriu and free from
blemishes anil are of unusually iarge site. I'art
sro l'alla Watera and part of a kind unknown
lo us.
The Pitlslon Gazelle states that John M. Bar
ton, formerly ot Blonmsburg, and now the pop
ular clerk of the Montour House in Danville
will roon re-open the Kagle Hotel in l'iltston
Mr. Barton was for long time connected with
the Kagle and had hosts of friends.
John J. Ante ii l-astold his newspaper the
Watsontown Hecard to D. L. Sollenbtrger of
Pittslon. We have not seen the Hrcord of late,
but remember it as a bright anil spicy paper,
We hope Mr. Auten does not Intend to forsake
the editorial profession.
Let ns be clean, in order that we may be
.healthy, 'lo be thoroughly so, and to counter'
act eruptive tendencies and render the skin
white and smooth, let us use Glenn's .Sulphur
Soap. No eruption can withstand it, D
Crittenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown,
60 cts.
April 13 4w,
An Allegheny farmer recently purchased n
little knowledge of the law, fur which he paid
at an extravagant rate. He loaned a married
A onian fifty dollars, taking her promissory note
fur the amount. Wliui the note fell due, the
maker refused to lift it. The holder brjiight
(suit, and h amid, to his cli.iKlin, that the docu
ment w snot north the paper upon which it
u written, na the woman's husband's signature
was not appendtd to it,
The Allentown HulltUn mjt: "On llie other
aide of the Lehigh Mountain, iu llie vicinity of
Centre Valliy, t e mow is at diHeruit places
from Iwo lo three feet diep, making the roads
alinoii impa-sable."
The same Is Hue of other high grounds In
various direction", and accounts for the exceed
Ingly cold air wliilll prevails and which even
the ardent rays of the sun cannot overcome.
r-ixt- thousand copies have already been sold
of Will L. Thompson's famous sung, 'tjatieriay
ShtlUfrom tht Sea Shoic." It is thought that
lhijtna cith the Tide," this auihor's last com
position, will evin eclipse "Gathering SlielW in
popularity, Any music dealer will mail either
of these beautiful pieced to your address on re
ceipt of price, 40 ci nt.
Pnbli-hed by W. L. Thompson & Co., East
Liverpool, Ohio.
The Sunhury Daily rays that Thomas Swctik
ft., un old storekeeper and grain dealer, iu
Millon, lias appointed assignees, and in cousc
rpience, the country surrounding Millon, on
both sldia of the river, is in an txcitid slate.
Mr. fiwenk was regarded by latnier as per.
f;ctly sound, and iiwuy of tin in not only loaned
liUu money under this bilief, but af'ir selling
their gra'u to him allowed the pay for it to re.
muin in Ida hands. His liabilities are various
ly estimated, some, pultli-g It as lilgn ns$100,
000, It Is ruiiiondlhat several of Id f.irrrs
M.d dwelling In Millon cannot ho seiietl for
his ludibliduesi, ho having dtldtd them to hi
wife about ten yean ago.
Eld, L It, Ilyatt, of Pttmoiilli. Lut. Co. Pa..
will rcacti for tucClirl'tlan Church at Bloom,
burg, In (he WeMi BnptU Clmpel, on Hock
fit,, inflt of Iron, on Friday mil flulurJnjr even
Iiir ue.l, lf0, Sunday at 10 30 a. ra. and In
llie evening.
Oeorrjo I,. I Painter, editor of the Muncy
Inmintiry, lia been re appointed iKHtmaMer of town. He lian (iiiblWied hi piper oonlin.
timnly fur r.early forty yearn nnd 1 ono of tin
oldest ulltore In the rdale.
The I'ilhbiirg Votl ay, Judge Trjnkey of
ie ennnjfo tll-trict, who Maud liigh among
the common pleat fudge of the rdale, lia ren
end n ileci-Ion that the provhlon of the new
piny law do not apply to run a where nlav of
xicntlon univil by rnnlrnct, nor to claim
labor Ilo my the act I nearly a literal
copy of llio liy law nl 1312, and the n ntlui
tionilltv inav ilicrcfOrelie conlilered a ad-
udleiled by llieiipreme CJiirttnthe c.lo of
Oil idwlck v . M inre.
AH pcron nr lieieby ni.llficd tlmt they are
ipitrid to leniovi' all ah heap alii! rubbish
f any Ibid nboiii ihi-ir pri nil-e In tli" filed
or alley of the Tumi, a non at the weillier
rmtt. If till I irjt complied with It wll
d iun by the Street Co nmilloncr at thci
Preside nt of t lie Town Council.
March 23 3w.
Iftri'V more civil service reform fom the
tin r lnlf nl the I'lHlnfliee I), p'l'linint. Only
lewiliU" ago h iiiiuel, M. Ilnrtoii .or lu.inv
iiirn thiefelerk ot llie Wilkes Hire post1
Hiiv. w,n appiititetl potniHter iu plieeof
n IVmee ulim-e linn had expired. Tlilt
v,14 a gitiuitie obeiv.tnc of euvil erviee rule
and wathe rij.iieing thertat, hut It.irlou
.h hardly long inoiigli In flliee to get ued
tu lilt new iliguilv when Di 'gbiM Smith wan
ripMiintd over his head and llirton U out in
the odd.
The 'ttcltmttn bad the plea-ure of a call on
V dne-d iv li,in Hev. M, L. Smyser, late of
I'lillipshuig ami formerly of Belli ft into, who
is on his wiy lo Bloiuiibiirg to ascuine charge
f his Ma'tn's Hulk in that pbaaiit town.
Mr. Siuy-er is one of the mot miccepful tiiinis-
is iu the ennferenco and is a gentltman who
has the faculty, In every place he goes, of i
lehlng to himself friends, as U were,with hooks
it steel. He will no doubt be ""armly welcomed
i ItltKimsburg and we are sute that they cannot
iltobepliasid with him. The goo I wMiea
of his many warm friends here and in Philips-
b'lrg follow him to Ms new field of labor.
Icllronle I!u(cAmm.
La't Paturday night, at about half pat eight
'clock, fl lines were seen issuing from the roof
of Michael Dougherty's hotel at It u pert, and
o rapid w is the progress of fire that but
few ailicle.s were saved from the building,
hicb was totally destroyed. The surrounding
bnihlirgs which were of v. ood, were saved by great
exertions on the part of llie neighbors and the
fire confined to llie house in which it originated.
Thu loss will probably reach $3,500 to ? 1,000.
The insurance amounts to $2000. Mr. Dough
erty bad recently built an addition to llie bouse
mil bad nl-o maile thorough repairs. The fire.
is tboiiehl to have been uiu.H"d by a defect in
lie of llie chimney Hues
An ixihatge wi-ily says: Putin writing all
ulr.iet, and take receipts fur all money paid,
.evevi r small the amount may be. How many
ini-iirde islanding ari-e fiom llie loose manner
in w hie h business matters are talked up, and
then, w! en eaih party put. his own construction
on the conversilinn, the matter i dismissed by
aeh with "all right." Frequently it turn out
all wrong, and In crime .1 question for lawyer
mil courts. More ihan half of (he expensive
mil nselrs litigation of the country could be
-aved if the people were in the habit of putling
llteir agreement in writing. Each word I in
ils own peculiar meaning. May be the change
of its position in a sentence convey an entirely
lifTerent idea from that intended. When once
ridiiced to writing ideas are fixed and imla-s-lic.
We have no doubt tint Mr. Pnstmitr Beck-
lev is fnllv in accord with the Administration
nd desires to scu the new Civil Service reforms
irrieil out to the letter. One of the cardinal
points in these reforms i that eight years ot
continuous office-holding is the maximum to be
a'lowed, and a Mr. Bickley ha had charge of
the mail for a longer period than that, he will
liudle feel justified in fighting fur a further re
tention in office. Pity, too, just a he ha so
pleasantly fitted up the poslofiicel
Perhaps, however, Mr. Becklev may construe
the ei lit-year limit to date from Mr. Hayes' in
auguration, a id, as likely a not, J P. M. Gen
eral Te tier may think so too. Possession i
nine points of the law and Kepnblicaus are al
eviys rigid in their observance of the law, when
it suits them.
The Gazette d llulUtin is in favor of Hon.
Edward MePherson for Chief Clerk of the
Houe of Heprcsentalives, and enthusiastically
remarks, "What a grand stroke of iiolicy it
would be on the part of Southern Congressmen
to turn in and assist in electing this eminent
parliamentarian Chief Clerk of the House."
Grand? Wc should think o perfectly ln
wildertng. He's just the kind of na "eminent
puilianienlarian"llie Democrats would bo likely
to fancy, and epecially if they could peruse
some of his speeches made in the last campaign
And yet we that those benigliteil ''Southern
Congressmen'1 will fail lo see Mr. Mcpherson's
peculiar cUiin for the position. They will grope
around blindly auioug the "eminent pnrliamen.
tarians" of their own party and probably find
some one with about a mueli ability ami :
much stronger regard for facta than Hon, Ed
ward McPherson.
most distressing accident occurred near
Upper Lime Badge, on Sunday lut, by which
two mo-t eslimable persons lost their lives.
Mr, .loneph P. Conner and his wife were re
turning liome from church when, as is supposed,
Iheir horse look fright and, running away,
plunged down the. bank of the road Into the
canal, overturning the buggy and liuprisoue l
both beneath It and under the water. Singu
larly enough although many people were pass
ing along the road there was no witness of
the disaster, and It was first made known by a
gentleman whose attention wa attracted to the
overturned buggy. Both Mr. Conner and his
wife were dead when taken from the water, but
the horse was alive. This would Hem loin
licsle that they were injured in some manner,
nrobablv stunned, and rendered incapable of
active eiT rlato escape.
Mr, Conner wasa prominent man lutliACoun
ty at. it wa widely known, tie owncu ami
niaimge-d a largetannery In Centre township and
bore the oel oi repuuuiuu. lie ueiu nieoiuce tu
Vice President of the State Agricultural Socic
Iv and waCha1rmanofllie Executive Conimlllee
ol (ne Columbia County Agricultural Aocla
lion, lie wa a member of the various Masoniv
orders In llie county and aleo a member tfthe
I. O. of O. F.
Mr. Conner was In the prime of life, healthy
and vigorous, and doubtless lookisl forward to
many tears of usefulness In the coumipnlly,
Hi death will be mourned by a host of friend.
who are both grleveel and shoiked by the fright
lul circumstance connected with it. Society
has lost a gcod citizen and Ihey are not so nu
inerou that the passing away of even ono can
be sutlered without regret.
The funeral took place on Tuesday morning
and win very largely attended. At least one
thousand people were present and there were
more than three hundred conveyance extend,
ing a mile and a half. Two sermon were
preached and the final ceremonle were oon
ducted accortUnc to Alawuiic Jons.
Charles Shepherd 13 rear old, on BiturJtr
the 7th Inst,, got on Uit Ruasel 6 o'clock ac
commodation train on the P. AH K. B. near
the water tank to ride Into Danville and, at
tempting to get ofTat the Spruce atreet crossing
while the train was In motion, his foot caught
and he was dragged about fifty feet when his
head swung on llie track and tho wheel passed
over It and crushed it, causing Instant
death. Montour American.
Mr. Cleorgo IC. Elwell has been comielled
by the pres'tire of his business engagement! to
resign the position of organist of St Paul'
Church. This action on the part of Mr. El
well was contrary to the wishes of the congre
gation and Vestry, but was deemed Imperative
by htm, as Ids business would frequently re
quire hi absence from the aervlceaand from
practice with the choir.
On the 6th Inst, pursuant to adjournment,
Court convemil at nine o'elock. The argu
ment for a new trial iu thecaso of Hester, Till
ly and Mcllugh was oh-ned by Mr. Pride for
the pri-nners. His principal points were that
evidence ptoduccit nt llie trial lo show iheex
i letu p of the "Mollle Magulre"
should not have been adini.ted, ill.l tint Mr.
Hughes Iu hi speeih over-stepped the limits of
the evldcrcc on the trial. Mr. Hughe re
plied and wis followed by Mr. II tokalew. Mr.
Wolverton cloml for llie prisoner, Jmlee
Elwell re'erved ids decision until the May
term of court.
The tay 1 iw pesed by tin; legislature has
given the sl.eiilfi considerable trouble, inter
fering with sihs by th eu olliei ds. The shcrill"
ol' L iisrue county postponed the sale of pro
perties :e weik in order lo liable him togitti
proper Idea of the bearing nl llie act, Judge
lt'trditig revirled to the -uhjut iu court, say
iug that lie had given the law some study, und
that the sheritl and many lawyers, a well as
the partits being interested iu the stleudvcr
lised fur Saturday, the matter needed judicial
notice. Thu net was almost tho same a the act
of 1812, and being ,e remedial statute, must tin
ier the rule be luiislrned lo advance the reme
ly. Under llie provisions of the act the slier-
iiriiad mi right to sell any man's properly,
real or personal, until he had complied with
llie act. The injunction iition the sheriff was
mandatory and must be obeyed strictly. He
had no doubl that the debtor might waive its
provisions, and in any such case the sale might
go on, but as to all of the others the safer plan
was to postpone the sale and ceimply with the
Cut this oit. ltcfuse nil $5 notes of the
following banks :
First National Bank, Northampton, Mass.
Merchant National Bank, New Bedford,
Hampden National Bank, Westfield, Massa
First National Bank, Chicago, 111.
Traders' National Bank, Chicago, III.
Merchants' National Bank, Chicago, III.
First National Bunk, Aurora, 111.
First Notional Bank, Canton, 111.
First National Bank, PnUon. 111.
First National llan'i, Peru, III.
First National Bank, "no such bank fin-
leti'i, 111.
Nearly tho entire amount of llie genuine five
lollar notes of these banks c been with
ilrawn from circulation.
An exchange lemarks that the advertiser
who snjs he doesn't sen tho use of a standing
adverti-euieiit snaps his fingers unci says he
wouldn't give that for one prefers to speak to
the pioplo through the newspaper once in n
while in n newfclikc way, just to keep them in
mind of him this man don't consider. He
contradicts Ids own opinion tho scry first time
he goes from home. In n strange town the
newspaper is his directory. If he want to buy
n catpet, or n cookstove, or a book, or n dress,
or get u suit of clothes, or have his watch fixed,
or hi hair cut, or buy a pair of boots, or a box
of cigars he looks lor ntt ndverti-emcnt.
Finding ono thnt looks fair mid business-like,
ho doesn't nk questions, but goes and buys.
This man hns iriends who like what he has got
und next limit they go to that place they aru
likely to seek out that merchant. In this way
many n one lias become famous in hi line of
business. A single sale of this sort has been
the means of mnking many a man's fortune.
Good sound food for the mind is jilst as e-
sential to it mo'ral heal.h and vigor as healthy
food for the stomach and pure air for the lunp;
are to the health and vigor of the body. In
view of this fact it is tho duty of every parent
to he careful what ki"d of mind-food hi or tier
children are feeding upon, for impression
made in youth are latlii(;. and can never be
entirely illaced. As llie twin is bent so the
tree stands. I f tin- mind is allowed to feed up
on the vile "yellow back" novels and sensa
tional publication which are havine; such a
wide-spread circulation among our youth to
day, just so surely will the mind of the man
follow the bent of the impreion acipnreil
therefrom. There 1 plenty of good healthy
reading to be had. Wo have on our table
now a young lolka publication caiieu me
"Young Folks' Monthly" published by Milton
George, Chicago, 111., which, while it is highly
interesting .end instructive, and U rend alike
by old and young, )etiufa high moral tone
aliiaya avoiding the ensatiuiial a. id low. Send
ten cetitJ for one month' trial and see for your
selves. The term are only Sl.W per year. 5
copies for $4.00. Addrei the Young Folks'
Monthly, Chicago, 111.
The following named pupils were neither
tardy nor absent during the month closing
March !9lli 1S77.
1 loom aVo. 1. Mediu I.ayrock,I.ula Pevtter,Klleji
Beaghan, Ilettie Humphrey, Mary Hender
shot!, Grace Ilarman, Maltie Keter, Inus Pen
rose, Mattle Hendendiotl, Charle Jone, Her
vey Vanderslice', Clark Hagenbuch, W. 1).
Room Xh 2 Jennie Harman, Berths ia
genbucb. Flora Jones, Laura Nu., Nora Kan
flail, Laura Vict, Charles Fornwald, Harry
Freas, Harry Uow, Henry ShatTcr, Harry
f'ooni ti'o. 3 Lena Beaghan, Ida Bernhard,
KlUa 1twis, Sadie Leacexk, Helen Leacock,
Callio McBride, Anna Ifeewr, George Beaghsn,
Boyd Krans, Theodore Garrison, Win. Idoyd
Garrison, Tho.nas IS. Graul, George Ilsnsert,
John Hughes, Bruce Junes, Phillip B. Miller,
Harry Purse), John Tracy.
Jloom A'o. 4. Delia Brink, Theressa
Beaghan, Agnes Garrison, Annie 1-ockard, Lulu
Jones, Milton Wanlch, George Williams, I'd
die Itelswlck, Jamea H.rulhers, Joseph Miller,
Samuel Freas, Charles Brit-k, James Beaghan,
Geo. K. Wilbve, Principal.
The Gcrnian Government has otTcnvl Min
istcr Wnshburne tlio de'eoration of one of the
high orders nl Gcrnian Knighthood, in recog
nition of his HfiviccH to buffering Gcrmnnsdu
ring tho l'ranco-I'ruskian War, Mr, Wash
burne lias informed tho German Ambassadoi
at Paris, through whom the offer was made,
that under the Uonaitutiou of tho Unite!
Stale ho cannot ncjept tho decoration, Lut
the Ambassador retains it for hiui, in case he
tliould retire fiom office. Tho decoration con
lains costly diamond and other pruciou
stone, and is Kiid to have cost $50,000,
Well, well, here's Sam. Cury, of Ohio, who
was the Greenback candidate for Vice Pre.
dent in the recent campaign, In trouble. HI
partner' in the purchase of.a mine in Colorado
accused him of swindling them out of $id,00i,
and what is more, they proved It Id court. In
Halloa, reduced to first riaclplei.
- - ... ,. - " - - ' - - ! I - I -
"Pcnml SicHUcts, dab."
An applicant for the San Autonlo.Fost
Office U llwolauly certain that Hayos will
giro It to him. As there are about twenty
In hot pursuit of the office, no hail the curi
osity to know what made lilm no positive.
"Are you tho widow of a deceased army
officer, with a family to support ?" wc ask
Ife replied that he never tried to bo any
body' widow.
"Did you Btump for Hayes, or were you
on the Iteturnlng Hoard, or did you save the
Union In the same regiment with Hayes, or
did you go to singing school with Wheeler,
or ho it Is It, anyhow, that you know Hayes
will appoint you?''
"Well, you aee, Pre made perioral aacrl
ncea lor Hayea."
"It'a confidential, remember."
"Certainly ; honor bright."
"Well, I've lost five pal'onsof whisky and
$00 worth of cigars, belting on Titden. I
have sent on tho receipted bills with my ap
plication." Can a wife ateul her husband' property f
This question recently arose before the En
gllib Court for the consideration of Crown
case reserved, where only criminal c.foa
are heard. The prisoner who hied been a po
lice constable, wa convicted of receiving
stolen money and goods, which he knew
had been stolen from the prosecutor, an Inn
keeper nt Btlrslem. The theft was nlljged
to hno been commilted by tho Innkeeper's
wife. She had undoubtedly left her bus
band's. I.ou-e, secretly, and wtthnut his con
sent, carrying away with her about $700 id
hi money, his gold watch and oilier artl
cles, rthlcli she transferred to the prisoner,
lint his counsel contended that t'scre could
he no felonious receiver of stolen giods,
without there first being a thief, and that
the conviction wa wrong because a married
woman could not inlaw steal the goods of
her husband. The Court so held and quash
cd the conviction, saying that although the
goods were, taken by the wife they were not
stolen ; that husband and wife were one, and
"it would hi a violation of the law of Eng
land to hold that a wife could steal her hus
band's goods."
Senator Newineyer, of Allegheny, la in fa
vor of reducing the number of members of
the Legislature to one hundred Representa
tives and thirty-three Senators as under the
Constitution of 18S8. This, he thinks "would
tend to fix responsibility more particularly
upon individual members." Anything that
will do this is certainly desirable, but Sena
tor Newmeyer's proposition will not accom
plish It. The Legislature was little better it
any before the number of members was in
creased, and it then ofierod less difficulty to
lobbyist. The trouble is not with the num
her of members, but with the character of
the person chosen to represent the people.
Senator Newineyer lives in a city which is
loudly demanding the resignation ofit rep
resentatives, and yet it is probably ton much
tu hope that there will oe much of an in
provement in the next delegation from
Pittsburg. The trouble i witli the people,
who do not always see that tho right men
are nominated, and then they find thm--elves
in the ugly position of being com
pelled to vote for one of two unfit person or
li-franchising themselves. Our Legisla
tures, which have to deal most exclusively
witli business problem, are wholly made up
of politicians. That is the root of all the
difficulty. Timet.
Tlie Malone Gazette states (and says thn
statement will not be disputed) that "no
man was nioro surprised that Louisiana's
vote was counted lor Hayes than Win. A.
Wheeler." This implies that the decision
of the F.icctoral Commission did great vio
lence! to his sense of right and justice, and
yet, the serenity witli which he accepted
his share in the fruits of the iniquity shows
that the shock of the surprise was not suf
ficient to seriously aflect his nervous sys
tem. Alexander II. Stephensof Georgia recent
ly sent his compliments to Dick Thompson,
Secretary of the Navy, asking him if he re
membered the present of a gold-headed black
walnut cane which he mado Mr. Stephen
some thirty odd years ago. Mr. Thompson
said he had not forgotten it, adding : "Both
of us have changed a good deal since then,
and I suppose Aleck, as he is now, could sit
down in the shadow of that cane and keep
cool tho hottest day in summer."
John J. Patterson, of Juniata County,
now of South Carolina misrepresenting that
State in the United States Senate, i disgust
ed with affairs in general and thinks that all
the carpet-baggers ought to resign. Oh I if
they only would, what countless blessings
would be showed on Patterson's head for the
i j-lonro Hell has been appointed Assistant
Secretary of th Interior. Wheu it is known
that he was Chief Clerk under that pure and
patriotic statesman, Zacbariab Chandler, is
it necessary to Mate that his appointment is
another step in reform ?
"Give a portion to seven, and alo to eight
for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon
the earth." EocJicutt, 12 chap, 2 vcrtc,
Tho "commission" didn't give auy to se ven,
but all to eight, for thoy were better ac
quainted with "Hoyle" than with tine Bi
ble. The huge iron Bteamer Ameriquo, which
for more than three month has been strand
ed on the beach at Seabright, N. J,, was
hauled off, after weeks of labor, by tho
Wrecking Company nud towed to New
Have you tried Kirby's WildChcrry Coui,h
Balsam? A very palateable compound lor
the various affections oithe throat and lungs
it has been used with success, In seven cases
of asthma giving Instant relief and Iu many
cases effecting a peruatnent cure. Price 60
cents per bottle nnd positively warranted to
give ontiro satisfaction e r money refunded.
Kirby's Magic Relief for the instant cure
of severe and acute pains.
Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas
ant, safe and effectual,
Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders are tho
best powders for stock, manufactured. Try
them and be convinced,
Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore
lips anil chapped bands.
Dill's Billious and Liver Pills are recom
mended by the first Physicians,
The above preparations are for sale by all
Druggists and dealers in medicine.
Mover 1Iiiotiu:rh,
July 21,'7C.-ly Wholesale Agents.
(lid Established Coal Yard.
O. W. Nkai, & Bko Wholesale & Itetail
Dealers In all sizes of the best qualities ol
Ited and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
naiketrates. Have constantly on hand large
itocks of
Blacksmith's Anthracite,
aud Limeburncr's Coal,
Especial attention given to (ho prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
ind Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of the town at
short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKelvy 's
itore, or at our office, will receive prompt at
tention. Office and Yards at William Neal
t Sons' Furnace, East Bloomsburg. Your
;iatronix e rapecuullr solid teel.
Busiucss Notices
If you forget tho price of ribbons call at
Lutr, eV Sloan a and get posted.
Gents' Fancy Shoes at E. XI. ICnorr's.
Hats, flats,' Htttd,'
for Men's. Bovs' and Youth' wear In nl'
grades and styles nt 1), lyjwetiberg'a.
I'.tso balls nnd bats cheat) nt Clark's Rook
'Down to Hard 1'iltl" Boots nnil Klinr... t
Etrly Cahbnzn Iilnnt. well hardened for
sale at Dillon's Green 'Ions", 1.1 cents per
I'-z-n or $1 per 100, by until 10 cents extra.
ui'scripiivc catalogue nl Hunts Iree to all
np.ilteitiH. Address J, L. Dillon, Blooms-
burg, Pa.
Window Shades and Wall l'aner In preat
vnrlety and cheap nt Clark's Book Store.
Gents' BuffCotmrcss nt E. M. ICnorr's fur
If you want a good Suit of Clothes.
If )nu want n cheap Soil,
If j mi want u Nobby Suit,
If you mint a Spring Hut,
If you want them till ynd can lind tit
what will suit you In Price, Quality, Qiinti
tity ntid Style ut 1). I.uwcnbcig's.
In' Black Silk. Ilhick Alpacas and Ilhck
Cashmere Lulz it Sb un takes thu palm for
goou quality ami tow price.
Tin placn to get your groceries, queens
ware in el lisli is at Krennier's iu Shlve's
block, lie hasie fun-assort tiieitt and will
exchange lor e'oimlry produce. Bring In
jour sinoked meat and get sumo nice
M re Fringe. II it
Triiiiunnir and otlu r
a Ltilz ,V .Sloan's.
Tillutiiitig lilts neck
just received n l.irgi lot of spring styles of
Shoes at E. JI. Knurr's.
Shades cheap at Clark's Book
FOU SALE Oil KENT. A bouse nnd
lot situated-on Malt street, Blootnsburg.
Apply at I). Lowenberg's Store.
Kubber Coats,
Itubber Pants,
Kubber Cap,
Cheap and New at Lowenberg's.
quiroof John W,
A new Truck Wagon. V In
Ulbbs, Iron street, Blooms-
Sl.!!5 Foxed Gaiter. at .McKinney's.
Iland-mado Shoe nt McKinney's.
Wall Paper cheap at Clark's Book Store.
For a full line of Mourning Good go to
Lutz & Sloan's,
Mr. Milton Charle, Exchange
just roeciw'd a lol of delicious .Milwaukee
and Uinciuuutti Beer tu which "he n-ls the
atlet tion of lover ot a good niticle. The
best of ulo and beer always on hand.
Justices' Oocket
cheap ut Clark's Book
Lasting Gaiter, $1.00 at McICinney.
Harman ci Hubert are celling Plow 'and
plow repairs at panic prices. Don't (ail to
gne them a call. Maaeh 30-4 w
Twenty piece of silk cnt on the biafor
triininiiigs at l.wl. & Sloun'i.
Ladies' fine Shin
at McKinney's.
all widths and alzes
brick house and hd on Centre street
for sale. Inquire of I, S. Kuhn.
An election for officers of G'ataviissa
Bridge Company will be held at tho house!
ot .1. B. Ki-tlcr on May "ill, 1ST" from one
to six o'clock p. in.
Gi:o. S. GiLnrriT,
April 0, '77-ltn Secretary.
I'r. Sliiloh's S sTi'iti Vilalizer.
Wc arp aiithori.ed tu ctiarnnleo this rem
edy for the cure nl Dyspepsia, Inactive Liv
er, rjuur stnniaeit, uonstiiiatiou, Loss ol Ap
petite, Coining up of mod, Yellow Skin,
and General Languor and Debility. You
must acknowledge that this would lie ruin,
nus utile wn had positive evidence that it
will cure. on wlio are stillerinc from
these complaints these word are nd,lreed
and will you coiitiuim to suffer when von
can bp cured on such term? It is fur you
to determine. Sample bottle 10 cent; reg
ular sun 75 cent. Sold by C. A. Klcim aud
N. J. Hendershctt.
fiO.OOO die annually bv neglectinc a
Cough, Cold or Crimp, often leading to
Consumption and llie grave. Why will you
neglect so important a matter, when ynu
can get at our store hhiloh Comsuiiiplion
Cure, w ith the assurance of a speedy recov
ery. For soreness ucro the Chest or Lungs
or Laiiii! liacK or bnle, fcliilolr Porous
Plaster gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A.
Kleim and N. J. Hendershott.
Hackmelnck, a popular and fragrant per
fume. Sold by O. A. Kleim and N. J. Hen
dershott, .March SO, '77-eow
The World's Choice.
A Centennial Dcehion,
Competent judge representing the civilized
people ol the wor.d appointed for the know
eiL'e of particular art or sciences, convened at
l'tuladelplua lor six months to decide unon th
comparative merits of the various iuventiors of
mankind, awnielid to lliemanulacturers of Ben
son's Capcine Porous Plaster, after a careful test
and comparison of this rciuaikablniemedy with
ordinary porous nnd other kind of plaster, the
Highest ana only lueuai, above all foreign and
American competitor, on the ground if It
grsOt sin eriority over oilier pla-lers, and lis
wonderful pain relieving strengthening and cu
rative properties. Kcmemlier that Ihl detision
was made by fuur practical and -killed physi
cians. Ii nu mber that no nostrum wa allowed to be
exhiliilesl allhe Centennial. Kcmemlier when
you are suffering f'om any ache or min that Ben
son's Capiino Plaster is the be-t lerueelytur
icvisen lor an external elillicultles.
I'llAKilAthCTICAI. CllSJtlSTtl, N. Y.
May 19, '76 ly.
A great Impro. erneiit ou ordinary jniro h p'astein.
Strengthening Plaster Known.
Rheun ntlsin, NeuruUla,
Lame and Meak Puck,
Sciatic, Lumbago,
s-ptunl and Kidney Complaints,
nil achea and pains e.f a local nature,
Sotd ever where. Price ts cents.
Mayl J0'-ly HKtM'ltV A JOHNSON,
Pharmaceutical chemists, N.Y.
Verbatim Reporting.
TKHMKi Actual traveling-, boarding-, anil other
rtis'iiacB; nil- uunura it session, icr easing ejie repol l;
au i un eeuis a fullo, l hundrid words. ) for wnilus'
out Into long-hand.
hero the uuitter reported In one day eqiulji or
exceeds tut) folloa, thotlve-dollarfeewllfbuiemltt--cd,
and llie transcribing ung-hand chaivvd at
tlfteeu cents a folio; but, all such cases, If (ewer
inuii uiiy iuuus are purcuaseo, uiu utu dollars Villi
uv l Ulinjcu.
Address. H. N. Walker. A.M.. Ooml.Blenoj.
rapuer, llloouiitburg, Columbia county, IVuuajlla
nlo. Itebldence, Iron street, between Third and
Olilce. With K. K.eirets. i:sn..rr,liimlloti.llM.
tng; enlrunee,opsiHlie the east gate to the court-
uuuho aiu, urfei uour, urn uoorio rurni,
iinlce-hour, from.twelve to ono o clock,
leb is, l.m-iy
S.IOKI', SiMtt mill C'mil elm,, from defective
dr.uu, pretemeil. No mote weary with rirt-a
(or cooking eir heutliig, Ki nd ktaup lur circular to
IlKNIlV COLroitD,"tbaioiuM, I'hUudeliitda,
BLANK NOTblt.wllhorwiUiouteitnipUoj
for ut at tba oeiauuii otnoec
asTATi, orirsMi ttoos, ticctvOTtn.
Letters of Adratnlstrntion on the eatnttet Mam
nttrrrs. latu. rf lilooiiuibaiv.cniiiini.u in., necssseii
tiaio iieen granted ry th Heglster of mm county to
Horry Vt' r-loan ot stmie: place, cniuinMn county,
Ailm'r., to whom all peevui indcMnel am request
ed lo make iiyin"iit, anil thosii rntrtnir claims or
ucmruiu nvalnst tli" ni l est, cm win nraj e ihitu
known to tlio said Administrator w.ttiout i.elay.
llAltltV V. KIOS,
. Administrator.
March 80, 16T-w
TN pursuance of an order of Dplmiri 0. C-iT.
JL Mn, i:q . fiirr'g'ile ei the Oountv of New York,
gltento all persurs having claims
ngiilnsx Chart It
jir, nueei c tmwi-sn. n-nnsj .
tatuu. out "auni i:sets with n the c tvand county
ct Newlorlr, deceased, to present tho same with
vouchers thereof to lite suni rlber. at his office, No.
M Wall stieet, in the 1'lty cf New Yorir, on or bifure
the elchteeulli nay of June next.
Dated, .New York', the seventh day of December,
J j Kstetr oy ii.mki, ilKsN'vnr.H. nrc'D
Letter 'I estnin, Mary on Mm estate of liatilel Hen
luairer, late or Heaver Uiwnship, e.olumhla comity,
ilece ised, h ie been granted tiy tie! IteKl-ter ot naicl
county to. mini lleniittigi-ruul ill ienu Miss, ot Hea
ler Uneiishlp, l"o unilil t coiiniy, Kieculnr, lo whnrn
all person l-ilct.U'U are reiiuestoil tum ikepiliiu nt,
nnd then." having ilalnis or dein iiidsuKiiliisi ti.e said
eslnte will laiku Hit in known u the said JtxecutorB
i.lthuul delay.
. till) CON .M's,
Jtarehu-cw' llxecntors.
lathomattToftlio account ot John Mc.tnil1.Kx-
ccuturof llnnnVi lutrl, tie .ease 1.
The und-nhrnei! audit. ,r appointed by the I'onrt
fo iltitriimte tlie lntar,culu tliehatid of the Hicii
turirir miltl (Li-iM-ed In and anion? Ilia persons
eiillll 'd to the name, will utu ml lntiicdullcof hi
.iPlilillltlilc'Ut ut til" olllcie ot .M. K. .loci Sou ; son. In
llei w tck, on .'atiirdai , Apill 1. 177, ut lei o clock a.
in. when and where all isrsons are lierehv nuttheo
to mike known t ii r claim liet.ire tli Auditor or ho
detuned iriun coming In cu snM tund.
, f. I'.
lloreU 3.1,-iw. Auditor.
U'ttersnr Admtnlsti'nll.iti.on the estate of Andrew
fllnir'cs. late ut 1 dn twp e'ulamblii ,1'ounty, dee'd
havu been (rrantc d by tlw Kesrlat' r or said county to
the un lenUnetladinl1 le r.itorsof t'olnmbta Co.,a.,
to whom all person Indebted to said Ilstuteatore-fiue-tcd
to make payment, and those havlnj; clatms
a ilnst the said est itu w ill make them knon n to the
Raid administrator wlthuut delay.
n. K.ZMtlt, tiloc msbnrir.
' W. T. 3I1D.MAN. Main ip,
March W'-Cw. Aamlulitrators.
2j estitb ok OEOaar: arrLEr, pycrasED.
Utters Teslam iitiiry on the estate t f neoreo Ap
pleinau, Into of cmingu township, Columbia county,
deceased, hive been ,atite by the Iteclster of Bald
coumy to eieorgu w Appleman, of Melllversillle,
Columbia county. Pa.. Executor, to whom all per
sons Indebted aru requested to make paj inent, and
thosa hsMnrr demand aginst the said esuitewlll
make Uicm known to the sakl Kucutor wltl-out de
March 18-Cw' Kxecutor.
estate of iniiAs ear, prceaseo.
1 lie undersigned auditor appointed to distribute
fund In the hand ot tho Administrator among
parties entitled thereto mil meet all persons inter
estcJ, for the put pose of Ids appointment, at 10
o'clock a. hi. on Wecliiesdaj, Apill 11. 1S7C, H tho Of
flceot funk fi Wall, r. In liloomsburg, when and
where nil persons hat Ing claims agatubt the said es
tate are requested to present the same before tho
Auditor, or ne debuned from comtnz in for a kharc
ot said fund.
, .s'nviN r. rvKK,
March c cw Auditor.
Tt.e iinderslgneil Auditor to make dlslrllratlon of
tho funds In the hand! or John A. Ftmston,
Administrator of the estate of Wilson Allen, nccc ax
ed, to and ainonv'tlio pirtles cnlllled thereto, will
aiteudlo llieiiuitc'huf liliappolnlinent at Ids office
liiineimnut liluoiusljjrg, I'eiin'u., on Thtti'sdv
the 84 dav of May. l". when and where all per-
sun n.uing eiiiins againtt. the said estate are re
eiucsttd to prew tit llie Minn before theAudltor or t
ilebaired Irum coinlni; In lut u hh.iru of sulci fiirid.
April n, 1577-tw Auditor.
KSHTB Of SlBAll hA'lLt, UM.'K., I Al K OF MllSMIV
The Und, rslirneil Auditor nn eieAntlon tn
account or lUlllun Walts und lliailes NueIo, Ad-liiliitstratorsufiilicjM-estate
will attend Pi the du
ne. or nis apoointineiii, at tl.e olilce ot rreee i:
l.eerlyln Ulis.insbMrir. ai .ltullav. Arrii s. is77
at lOnVliick a iu,vheu and where all person
having el i me iignlnst toe sat.l est-ite, aio reunited
to piesenl tho Mime beiore the Auditor, oi bede
bailed from coming in fur a share of t,ald fund.
A prll 0, 'T7.-1W.
Notice ts hurehy glen that the follow in? accounts
hive been tiled In tho oni. ot tho rrothonotary or
Columbia county ant will he presented to tho Court
on the stu day ot May ne.t, at which time they w III
03 coutlrined nl. hi and finally confirmed after four
days ' nless i xceptton ai e filed w itliln that time.
l'lrst and liinl aocount of Jjhu V. Liana, Asilja-
eoof N.ilhan W. Mtecker.
The llrst,accr.untof William Lainou, Tru-itee of the
estite of Jacob Muyer.dyc'd.
Tho account of It. W. Lyon, Trustee to sell tho
real eitatu of Joscfh Houghtor.,Utecr l'lno town
April n. l?77-tc
l'ropoaU wilt he nrelved for the erection of the
ColuinLIa Caunty I'liaon located nt. Uooms.b.irg, I'a.
l'roposili must he neconipanled by an nppioved
bond of twenty thousand dollars for tho faithful
performance of me sani'5 and tho Comtnlnloaera
reserve the il?ht to rejoct any or all bide. The
Drawings Planl nnd Speincatlona will bo nt tlw
ConimHilonero' oalco on the 12th day ot Aprll ar.d
tho Architect w ill bo there at that time to give any
explanation that may bo required.
JUJi will bo received until tho 19th day of A pill at
12 in,
MM V. SfcIIF.N'ltv,) Commission'
JOHN HKItNLll, J. cf
.HHLI'll K. SAND-t, J Columbia co.
Alteil i Wm. KldCKIiAlM, Clelt.
commissioner's ofllce, April a, n77-2w
l'l'K.U, NtlTJCi:.
Appoolswlll l held on the assessment cf iw. t-
tweera the houraofa a. rn-and p. m., cf rachdey
ad follow t
AmiL 2rcr rranlilin ani.citawlwi at the
housa cf J. Ii. K Lstler in CotawUov
iU'RIL S-l-ror KoarliiL-creel: and Looust nt tun
unuioi wemngion veajer In shbtonn.
Ai'ieii. 25 ror cenynham nnd cettralla at tlie
hviiii or win. iviaer in e-f ntralla.
Armi.!il-Furlk!aer and -Main at the hou. of J
L. Inncenb wr In llalmllln.
Al'ltll. v -r Mimtuftt the house ef Aaron Hess.
AI'RIL SN-Fcrrtrlarcreel; and Herwlck at Hoit'i
iioiei, ii.rerick'.
AWUL'So ror ilaUsoa. rite ana Greenwood at
eue house of Humphrey l-arkcr In SlimiUe.
.n. i -ror JackMii, BUffarloaf and lier.ton ni tho
nouse or Hiram Ilea in Benton.
MAi 2 ror Iwilngcreelc i.ttho rtectton liousa
la r'ljhlnjereet.
W.W 3-1'or Orange at the housn of Samuel llair-
cubueltln oraiisiMUe.
3l. I -ror Centre at tho elvilon liouso in
l or Hemlock, llontour anJ Mt. IltukanL on thn
Jtli day oi Hay, ana hrott and iiioom on tlio lOOi ef
nay at our ontco In Woousburg.
1 ne as hjr aro iveiulrod to Live each taisb'ea
uollee ot LU or her lalualljn S dai before thn dnr
cf apped.
v',,,'f,v.Mc,,,"'N1,Y' ) CvmrnlisioucH
JUHN lll.K.Mil.', V of
JoI:lHL.p.DS, f Coiun,bla co.
Attest !Vk. Kwtiru'jj. clerk.
ComniUelonciV cltlco, Jlarch 50, iw-3t
,Vf1.'lv,0.l,t'J,?.Ct.'.ti'.!o,,'l-' 'olIomugimMrtant
!::r.'".l.V"e eir llie. 11 imilhlti
t... "i..v,lr"' -lva' I aiii-o(ri Aeei-hsl.
' Wi.V. ',t," hM,,.S,): ' W-olOlS LNKLUhNCL.
'I bis lLblllUtloll Will 0il'U
MONDAY, AI'RIL 10th, 1877,
under the cure of
of uyomlnp county. The rune Ipal Is a graduate of
-.j., .v., tm KI i,myu ijHijiugicui en.lua.
rj , ,ew ork. City, and la uu eperiei etd teuelier.
I'lir.rAllATlO.V rOK L'ULLKliK
Ol' TK.U'UKIis.
Term mil continue e leyen we-ek, closing June 85,
Trmox niOM if3.50 to iS.OO.
Hoard ciiii be hn.l from 1.I)0 Iu 83.IKI.
Iioant and rKiu,fa.ioio 1.60.
orai'iret Ills liourd la rarely excelled.
deVirabi,1v"mi!lu,f,ubt''iri1 "'!'v can obtain
Mat-en run dally to and from tlloomsburir.
W. II. t-MUKlt, I. ' , ,
March H "' J' WALLE"' Jr'' keCreUlrl,'s'
Seinl sc to II. r. HOWELL CO., New York. Lir
I'amphletof 110 pur-ea. eoLtih; Lg ZulruM
newaiaini, andeatuiiaXea ahoi Uii-ccSt of adteSis.
""' lec. , tt-ain
V Jit 8 A LB
Dauchy & Co'h. Advt'e.
nnffiir 800 tm, nl7 ' cwai r-
mrr -wav. qnirea to stan canTawj lor
Mark Twain's New Scrap Book,
i4.wyst-'Ncw '""O A N V ASSERS
tt contains nenrtr Aiuitlm r,t im.
incs and scenes In the lire l Kxlilbltlon, and Isths
.,n. uui i. ii m in .1 cuniricw nisinry puMusneu. u
treats of tie jm,nd Ijittldlngs.wonileifnl exhibits, eu
rusltles, ivcnts.ct'. Ve y cheap and uds nt
sliht lui aifent s ild s cor sin oni" ily. Hendrr.,'
our ex r.t lenos lo ononis nud a lull description e,f
I in irnrC Artt-..aa ..,n. .. t,.. ........ , ...f
delpnU, l'a.
CA MTfnV L'nrellahlo and worthless books
. T . . on the r.xliinitlon ari- belngcir.
cnlaleil. lionntldecelied. Wolhat the books ou
huy cmitstna ins pjg a and nearly too cnsraelUKS.
aprll 13 '7f tw a
Is what Induces so many people In search of
sii.i:.mii riit.ui.vtj i..ixi
to go to Michigan, and select from U o
o' thojand grant of the tlrand Itapl Is aud Indiana
Mriing soils, auro erons, plenty of timber, no
drouths, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. Pure water
running stre.i in, ready inirkcis, clvliuatun ami
M 'ools. Pnllroad runs thruuirh centre of grant.
ItIjo from fa to f v per acre, (-end fi.r our lliusira
te.lpiniphl, t, lull of facts In Oirmau ninl Lnclun
bay In wnalpjis'rjousa this notice. Address
W. 0.HUGII AHT. Lnnd Oomm'r.,
Title Perfe ' .March J, IStr-Sm d
in l'Miiw yAViimn: caiiiis a'l stti-a with
n inn-to cts. I'uslpald J. U. Husted. Naau. liens.
Co.,N. V. March 30 ,t;-iw d
rl.i Vor win agree lodlitrlb'itsorao ot our clr
V enlir. wo will aond you a CIlltoMO IN OILT
I'll MK, arid a It page, ei cilutnn lllustnited paper
I'llfBfuea months Inclose lo cents to pay roetaire.
Air r.t wBiited. Kit . KALI. Co., Uostou, Mass.
March BO, 'IT-lw d
t it i r i, i w v.
.".'."" rrrnr;f,3c ror df)i"fit. aint mi dis.u,cs or uk
nitl.NL LlN(,S' CllU,T anU JL'COUS .MEM
Pllt up only iu Hue boxen.
C! N. CIIITTENTON- T sixth Avenue, New fork.
March o, ",l-4w u
50nn A Month. AOENTS WANTED on our
04oU TiiituutiltK.VT tt hooks. The btory of
a full account of this lire it Mystery, wrlit-n by his
if U'!X: ',' at' I'oWnson Crusoe In thrllim? Interest.
1 ho Illustrated Haso-Iiook to all Hai.inio.vs, a Com
pletfl Account of all denominations and sects. Fioo
lustration. Also the ladles' medical rtulde, by Dr.
I'.incoasr, iu lllustrnllons. 1 hese books sell at blrrlit,
Maleand teraalu Ac-entsenhi mn , i...... r.,.
llculars Ire-e Copies b( idalitieacli. John i:. i-nt.
ter i Co., I'htla.
March 'tl-iw d
fSyxv! wsiiit ."ion i-ioi'i; i!i i.;-c'i.'isM
seivmj- .u;j iiine .izvnl. aiiel r,o)
ten ol' riicrt;)- ami tihlllly to
li'iu ii llie liiiNliit'SNeirscllliirTNi'v-
' nmtiiiiii-s. .ilillH'lis;illoii
iidi iiii. inn vsii'tliiirtitcorilliitrto
alilllty. rliurai ie r and iialillcn
tlonsol (he Aiitiil, l ot' iiili tlr i-I
llll S. lllllll N
Wilson Sewiue Machine Co.. Ohinnp-o.
Sit x ! ItroadH aj , New York, nr ew Orlean, La.
March so. '77 4y,l
NOTICE. W bre lt
lArftwn arid Ut oUlnj
Stationery l'nckto tn
VorlX It coQUln 3
J eirj Ump4t utmnit pwkaffe, wlih clufrui t gold plaMwl
button, un-! UdlM (HIiC.nb) Unrj Hot, pin tvl
rnmcll, penholder. eoldt3pn(ftnd a locs rA)uM
rtlclM In on. ThalXOTDCOllLINATrOV r.nhTl
l .odl.l'mhol.ler n.l FimSSS.iE," rSJ-toSj
"roaaway, New Yorli
T. D. Ksllogg's Advts.
rw itEvisrn I'mnnv. nrllcii-, 3,000 en
is'ravlnirs and H s l.-ndld maps. The 11 est MH)K
of universal knowledore In tho language .Now In
k,,?ui",?j vm' P
!l IS. ii. OA vis & CO., Plilla.
Aprss ly. '
llnreln hi., MJW VIHIK.
Aug. II, n.sw k
Tlio President
ii i mit iS i i no hu'n,,"sr. 1 would not be
J. H. HOOVfilt, ITe.s. I'lUzecs'
N'aUonal IlanU',
Awuand, I'a.
I nave dUpensed naa r.pect.,rai,t nmontr tar
patient, and tr has proved more inwaeioiw than
uiy otl.rrinedlclue of iih 0hS" mai l ni K
using in my medical erui-r. i,,i , i .-..' '
case, in very i.b.ilnale pulmonary dl-rastslderlvtst
Die-srentit be-milt irom tho KAiwtoranr. n ave
ol reiiutatlou ot I
Snn .i !tiL12l ' J5? '.'! V01 to I re-dla-d IU
.......... ....u.avuu ii,cf,u, oui ,'ven uoni tnanti.v I
most e-xxteitlons. nil, ?
??5 'iV, HV.'1 blmse" t5' hs" a C "J. "nd lia't
r; , """" x" 'ni wtw
-- ';':-..'- iriiiv jiiuin.
i. uu. .-vui.tiu; M. 1)., einvu minr, ra,
u dpCClr"nii1S.'.,J,!,fet.J-''.lis'11 Kl'lDoI
, ? , . 't- tiA LN, Trenton. N. J
1 bj all dealer, at w ecu, iv.,'l,tn7. ' ' '
Jin. 1 J. TTm " CE' ,vr
fi-reti ' v 'nVvi" l"'?'..'";?1- for
I'iitliielphra. ii "' fiviu'v
O.Bl'. .-VN'D TANKS. for trew-
aYvm7?': ,',"r" IV,' r?,SfKW.,?CranJ'.rlvut
June is-w.
------ - v. uuitniiAltl K itl
lliiltonwood St., beluw UrouiL
IJ l.'IUIl.K HOODS of every elefcrlntir
LI Ileltlntr. rarkln?. Ilow. iin.n. n.,
June V-Kvv. ' .-lunonaa iiuooer co.
Babcock Sc Wyeth's Ada
Utab-nlhlrirmlij, and lWUvely c ur.' Itheuina.
wm. uv, .-veuraifia auu i.umbaL-0. .old hv
VWr'JS aJ",M!,',aU '""reuis everjvvhere. send
-a . J.,uut,. W6aw on. i,.v.
VIslTINtl L'Allliti,
LETTKlt UKAtirr,
roSTHHS, 40.. 40..
Neotl) - aply uriuUJ nt Uie (Joltjm-
bian Office.
MarciiS'i, '.i-iv.
irOLwrnmrnmsm Cheap
havo removed to Evan' Blodk,
Main Street.
Extra heavy Tin Wire, also
of uvory description niuniifactiired
Galvanized Iron Cornice
designed and manufactured by
Kollius & Holmes.
thebest and most economical in
the market.
Kollino & Holmes.
Oven Range, the LION and EM
PRESS Portable Ranges have
no equal.
Rollins & Holmes.
Public and private buildings
heated by Pteam. A varietv of
Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings,
constantly on hand.
Rollins & Holme.
promptly done
Rollins Holint.
Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
tnvltea attention to tla huge and elpent te:k
ami FasMonalile ClolMiit
at hlo storo on.
whore he haa Jiwt received from New York ana KM.
adelphla a full assortment of
Including the mohl fashionable, durable ana
ne lnw ol.sO reHeitlslied hbi (ilreadylnrgei-toclt eif
ritlUKKl) ,
Mill UTS,
lit has cotPtanuy on hand a Unre aid well eeiecw
ed assortment ot
Cloths and Vestings,
bhoUpret WmiAB 10 ' ia
,,vumii(,oii very anon, notice, aM in the beet
raauner. All bis clothlnif la made to wmr.nn mi
of tt U cf home tnancf actum.
Clothing, Watchss,
Jawelxy, tic