The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 13, 1877, Image 2

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jj gutoSiIbJii.
'kloomsbitrq; pa.' -
Friday, April li) IK W.
The superisioii of clectnii ly the I-V1
cml authorities, which is one nl the Illegal
Innovations on tlio rights of eilir-'iis intro
duced by lli.o Republican party, Is nut only
nn unwarranted s"Uhiptinii of authority,
but lathe causoof enormous expenditures of
The Attorney (, few days siuce,
directed the Pistri-t Atloiuey to tiso all
ixHtiblf economy in the expenditures tieecs
mryin holding Uurt nn.t instructed them
til sec that i;raud juries found but few in
iltclinriiK Hli rrWon for tltesc instructions
was that Coiigrvw h.i 1 reltiel in l,l'ri'l'r'Jle
nn ihereal amount to meet c.penra al
though ritpu-jted n lodo by Father Tnft,hl
pivdeccraur. Tho impropriations made for
tlio year ending June 80, IS7" was 3,
tn all SS.&AOOV. Prior to 1871, the an
nal amount expended was $1,000,000.
Sor what has bjcomo of this enormous
immof 8(n0O,00l) f If the book of the
Attorney General could bo opened to the
public, it would bo found that tlio greater
portion of this gigantic amount was expend
r-d on thu thousands ot United fctate M.usu-
! ihrnnshout tho country, ami mure
especially in tho South,, hose principal tlnty
was to attend to running elections.
To them and tn other expend incurred lor a
similar purpose- have these million been tit
voted and now with an upproprialioii of
!i,500,0i0 $1,600,000 greater than the
nun necessary before 1S71 the Department
find itself running short of cah. It i
downright rtibbery,eaU it by what name you
may .rubbery of ono half the people to keep
the party of tho other half in power.
When d.iv the come that the books of the
Attorney General's etfice and the Treasury
Mil. KEY.
In tho odd y constructed Cabinet ol Mr.
Hnye, most of the members who compose
it re pro rent some party, or hare obtained
their positions fnrome well-understood rea
mm. Mr. Dcvens IsMippns-d to rcpresi nt the
Liberals, Mr. M-iiiir the Civil Service It
lormers, sml Mr. Mi ('ran the Moderate H
publieflis Mr Th .mpvii nivis his ilcm
lion t. l.i Inn -urvie. in draw inn up plat ilia: 1 1 :i ) nil! mid m ant iinlhiiiir j
Slierniiiu and 1', irs wire rewarded tor
TolJlTnJMK'lI.iycs'linW the White IIo'iup.
Tb se spp.ilu intiius e.tu bi u.ciniuteil tor,
hut uhnt dot-" Mt. Rev represent 7 lie I ft
liyblidf-miiiiHtiiv Democrat but really
m lioir in the Jl n.'ul e.i'i tanks llialiius
tnnt where lb uhtie.i-i "llice .'ekers are to
he hud tin'V t"i ir 'iil' rrcd to Deumeral ,
and llie tU". J- m n e f are conllned to 'v
Southern S'u , -tMto Morton's man 'fi
ner ulti'tt'l't. 'V,e north of Mh'.h .mil
Dixon's liie Wm Mr K y male J l' t-
nia'trr flene".' 1 b1 mine lie win u Uonieder
ate t iller or e.i'vi 'ic um n Democrat ?
,Vnd ie either ecn? hat particular pur
pose wi he mi n Ciihiuet olliccr ? If he
true to the ".. it i prcMtined ho holds
coiiccrn iic hi-i brethren in tho Houtli, hit
position mu'i nl 'tcco-sity be. far front com
fortable If a ''thin' t appointment win
not Rivni him to sh-jtv th' t pirty llne were
not tn be d aw n -Iriotiv as regard 4 appo'iit
inent (o olli. . 'ur what purprno was it giv
en? .Mr. Khj'. pofitlon is ridiculoua: be
rcprciciiU U'ltoiiii: or nobody. lie h .ihoru
of half hi power utterly and fettered at to
the othrr half. It Inofei ns if he had beeii
chosen to keep fjouthem Democrats from
rumbling oyertauch nt the Fraudulent
President, pronIins much and performing
nothltis. Mr. Key might aj well rcaign
Inslance' without number have prorwl
leyoiu) a peradvrntiire that when a preacher
abandons bin profcKiIon and adopts politic
ho makes the worst kind of a politician,
The utnie ieult would neein to foil w when
the reveri tid geiitb'iium ntmlu'- idlt
In o their rll(rlnu un'iiin.' if il .tr.
jildg hy the rvreiit ih nitr- n N. w
igl,tii.l c iilcrttice til the Mt H.irlt-i 1., .t-.. .
nl Chinch, in Mavaclunett". Itev. Dt Mm
Illicit introduced nuerltsof ri-o'iitlomt which
were ''received w Itb (-rent applaii'e.'' The
f illowl'ig are tlie lust two of tin rn.!u
tlniH :
'Mi'iirf, That we ntc ubirnn d f fil!eil
Willi itmituhrutioini fur the In i - i .i
cniiteinpl.tti! the pr.lcliei.l Ml." i me the
gr".-ii p.luical parilm ..f r. :i ! ''wo
polilit'Mli nt Hint j 1 1 v .vim i 'i i ' noil
nmv hold vtrv iiilliu.t'o rrh i - i the
P't-Hhlcut ; thin aer lifin prii"" 'ili!
I'-ir.) ini'i riiiii'Miniii - i, r i i .ik i iiii
porary UCC( s.
Ites'ihul, I'liat we prnlel mo-1 i-anif'tlv
iiaint the action of the u, u-'ra-tion
in making term with il. tin"' "ftiin
ktl klux and Instigator of the ma..
acre, .M. U. Ilntler, anil still i,"jre c ,r . 'Stly
do wc protest against the nllii ' .1 re vition
by the administration of th"' ?n h 1 1 my ol
tho republic, who I ,k.i i nrht t have
been nunc lor trcr.-n. v.oti Il.'.r o
South Unrollnn, and thouotv ... th'e.iis and
intimiuatliiii iimlcr fir ver rool I the
bile Houe. a, well n on railroad
loruis and in other liuhlic tl-ne i!i s tlio
government and bul'.cn tin l'ush'i in into
compliance with liis tr.iitoi .n- ami wicknl
The gentlemen who "rcta i .;il tl 'i great
applause" theo cheerful luile s,eji iiiient.s
were not btoot -thirsty and n vcnr-f'. l cre.t-
turca whoo trado is war and whn-c ardent
ileairo Is for ore, but teachers nt tn- (impel
of paaco :jnd gooii will 'o r,i . i. rii -.-c fol-
no one, nurt ii.a uicuai):ccy vary strongly
s ivors of fraud.
and let fynsr ran the whole Department, I lower of tha "meek ami lo ly" S,mnr en
his nnmlm-.t Ct-n'rul of p utal affairs ucccivca tlorso a lie as to ono prominent S.itithern
man nal approve of tlw murder of another.
TnUy they are of tho Church militant.
Ifc. llaye-s is a Methodist, aud is iikelv to
read with some Interest thfjto remarkable
resolution, but, it U not probtble, with vert
much pleasure. Did IV. M illaliru net bis
applaudcra think to stvepvo Mr. llajw from
the courso they conceive biaa to have mark
od cut, by such weighty itnundations, for
midable an coming from I.U o-religiouists 7
If so, it U n devica miiro worthy of sorrou
than ol rijoicing, but prove conclusively
Precisely irt noon last Tuesday tho United
."tates tnops tnarcheu out of the Court
Houo at Columbia, and &uth Carolina
onci; more became, a free Stile. Contrary to
the reports that have been in circulation for
scviral days past, no resistance was olTireJ
by Cliamb tlala. Tho following corrcupou-
dence explains itclf i
Ptatf. or Sooth Cahouna, Exdoctive d0,v "ttle tbeso men uileUn 1 politics.
ClIAMBEIt, L'Ot.UMBlA, April 10, 1877
W. . Ittitrlnfr ljrrir,l tliat. i ftit nmv nmnn.A I
1., ..I I 1 .!.... - J K."l"-
are npeneti mar toe j-eopie nmv iri, i to turn over to -no tho executive, ctmrnocr
public man who would tbundiin a pdicy ut
the clamor of a few lxit'headed and iliogluil
preachers would render hini'ilf coutempti-blc.
If this or any other religious conference
wish tn retain the respect ot the community
it would bo as well if they were to attend to
the business for which they assembled and
leave foreign subj-ctd to those better fitted
to handle them. Dr. Malalieu's resolutions
wero not adopted, tho ''great applauo" with
which they were received to thv contrary
At half past ten o'clock onTburs lay morn
ing of last week, nt the corner of Front atree'
and Burling slip. New York, u terrible ex
plosion occurred in tbe office of Jnim Jew
el! &Soos. white lead and I i weed oil deal
ers. On entering tho room the police found
G. W. Jewctt, tho bead of the firm,. lying
dead, and Orville D. Jewell and Joseph A.
Dean, two of the partners, badly wounded
Orvillu Jewell BUbseouently died in the
Chambers Street Hospital.
Neir tho dead man wero found a large
Colt's revolver, a small Sharp's revolver and
a dagger. Tho explosion was caused by a
hand grenade which bad been thrown upon
tbe floor.
At tho coroner's inquest on the body of
Orville Jcwett, five pistol balls were found
in bis body. Tho death of the elder Jewett
was caused by fragments of the grenade
which bad I rightfully torn and lacerated his
The affair is wrapped in mystery and but
one person, Mr. Dean tho wounded partner,
can solve it, as be is th only srvivoro(
the three persons present. Enougk however
i9 known to justify nn opinion. Orville
Jewett was a man of violent temper and was
n.vpn tn nnrvrwornakl.. Kurota nf wn,l. 1T!U
Mr. Thompson, the new Secretary of me ease uie purcnaser uau pan. e.guiy aouars, .lon with tho firm hnd Wnmn .
Navy seems to be in earnest in his eflbits to whet', failing in meeting an installment, the ,,iwant aD1, arraafgm(Dti hni er.
clean out tno ruivy wepariimm. no uasms- '" .. fecteJ t0 buy h a Dtcrest in the firm. The
missed a number of lloboon a employees, agent, mo vicumueu purcnaser orougui muv was hVfl - . . mnrn
.it I .. I. 1 1 (.1 I r - - -
stopped wort on tlio iron ciaus ami sct ins tie- i lnlt of tue ..nlosion. It is orobah!H Hat he
, . . . .1 I ..!?. I TllrlrrA CI H,Drl ulalu (lli-itnrl tl.A .in, I . . '
termtneu to get at me ootioiu oi tiling gen- -isv -" provoked a quarrel, drew bis pistol and then
ii srr ! 1 . . 1 inn ntrti t m ti I Ka nlnint I n nnl nt I "
eraliy. lie lias just ui-covereu tnai tne "' ""hj 6" throw the grenade on the floor. The We
amount of money in the Treasury appropria- for the lull amount with interest. Iba revolver was certainly his as tho belt and
tea lor tlio pay ot tun navy h insufficient tor """r) f " uo,Bi holster wero found on bis person Who
the payment of olDcers for the months of ImUnt," was Judge Gilbert's reply. fireJ tho hots which cause(1 k,g dei(th ,g
April, May and June. Robesonhas of course " treating tucse st.arp dealers to a lit- kno(vn. Mr Dea i88erioUsly wountfcd and
taken this appropriation and put it where it tie of their own medicine. 'Hot au instant" u ncrv()U8l y elciU.j but wiH boon recover.
when it is to be hoped he will expluin the
PackarJ PagnatloM.
Packard, the last of tho carpet baggern,
grows insolent as his end diatrs near, lie
has recently addressed nn "pen letter tn the
President, writt"ti In tlio tnn-t Impertinent
vein, but cont ning, nevcrtbetess, wine very
disagreeable truths f!ir Mr llayos to conid.
tr. Packard d.wn't thil'k nitidi of . tb.j,
now comtniion, mid the ein he i nf nn
mind wiih m lsi of the pen U I tlio mntr ;
willi ineffable Impudence, and wli.i ! vulgn
lyknnvn as "cheek," ho den. that t'm
cpo of the Coiiilni ill's iti'iuiiios in euVi."
ed an 1 uxteiidod s i th it "right cut be utcei
tained." This is tru'y lovely Packard knows
well that n rigid Invcstivatinn wnu'd show ho wa difeiited by Mime 7.000 majority,
but would sli iw, al-o, that Hayes had a thou
Mind votes less tbaii lie. and "thero's the nib."
If lie is to bo (wuitcd ..ut ho thinks Il.'iyi?
-hnul.l be in tin! a mie l.nit oid wlnt i- nuii-n,
ho wi'hes tlio country tn understand h w
Hayes wascnunted m Th!-. i tuiii'ei in' f r
lliye. cour, l,n i' hi permit-, th" tnup
tn teiuaiu all I uphold PieJuid, be luu-t make
up his mind to do vilh"iit nn iirmy atUr June
1st, as uin.-t certainly tlio De.uincratie House
will refu-o to pass the army bill without a
provio that troop shall not bo wed for the
purpose of keeving IVaudulnut poernorsin
power. On one of the horns of this dilemma
it looks as if Hayes mu-t ho impaled and it
was to avoid Midi a i'.itu that thu coinuiuioii
Packard's logic is good and tho facts sue as
ho Ma'cs. If ho cannot nil ho would like tn
ruin, andihaving a thousand more votes than
Hayos, stuidily objects to go down alone. His
letter is too long to print entire, but wo
give the concluding words to sho.v in what
temper ho write, and with what an undaunt
ed front the last carpet bagger dies :
I pflrnestlv nrco that tho invp.tii?ntinn bv
tlw C'lmuiis'lon bo not confined to the ipio.-
tvt). now rskli lH can be su-tained aim
Packard st.itV' d to tleatii Cor lack of m ney to
uppch t hi" Uovertiuieiit r II tho iiupury
bo thus restricted airravo wrong will lie diie
to thoo by whixn I v as called to the Execu
tive Chair, and whose vote ca-t nlVn nt the
ieril of their live have elcvattnl your Excel
lency to the ProsHency of the Ameiictn peo
ple. In their uauw; ami twi their IWmlt' I ak
that the iu-truc'.ioiM iriven to theComuii.ssiou
mav bo fo amended ami enlarge! that the
rijjht cau be a-certained and that llie (Inv
eminent thus found to c republican in forui
and to have ben choen by u majority of the
ople, acciMiug to the legal Method"
sanctioned by theCotutitution, may be recog
nized and su'taincd.
The Gove'rnment Printing OlUce his Is
sued a iippJemcnUo the HecorJ, containing,
in 104 pages, tho opinions of each member
of the commission delivered In tho secret
esliiiis of that body. The opinions are
written nut by ihcIi member from notes of
h .r um Mutes at the time, and Senator
llu tl.l ir. IWTs his mv calling .ittcnttnn i
I'm ''I 'I. ., j ill) , , ,.,, N..,
' ii- . , r i a i. in giapmr i.. hi (ires
in' fie iiniii.'-iiis given by the mi niben
nl TiWcs''jtjr7r-VuretSl
nl y liei.fguiiiHUs: ir
u ,. I.
side by counsel, or'enibrnccd In tho pceobes
made by-commissioners in either-Home,- Of
Hie ilecMnn In the Florida case. Justice
will be such another howl nf wrath and in'
ilignatlou as this country has never known.
A nd that day will come sooner or later. To
quote Judge Hlack,befotc the Electnral Tri
bunal: "Justice travels with a leaden heil
but strikes with an iron hand. God's null
grinds slow but dreadfully fire. Wait till
the tloodgati is lifted and a lull bead of wa
ter comes rushing on. Wait and you will
see fine grinding then."
Mr. Hayes is aiding Mr. Schurz in his ef
forts'to carry out- reforms inthe service, and
Sir. Schura must hi highly dilighted wnh
some of tho recent appointments made by
Mr. Hayes. McLin Ins been sent to "ew
Jlexico as a Jud?e, and McLin's reform qual
ifications are that hi served as chief of tho
Florida Returning Board and stole the votes
of that State for Hayes. New Mexico will
doubtless bo proud of him and Florida will
cheerfully part with him.
Another good appointment is that of
Humphreys to" be Collector of Peusacola.
This accomplUhed gentleman assisted in
stealing the voto of Florida. Ho was a Mas
sachusetts man and served in the rebel army;
after tho war he was a Democrat and then a
Itepublican. He held five offices under tho
State government and was accused of stealing
in two of then). He lied to Grant and was
kicked out of office. Mr. Hayes was inform
ed of tho fellow's character and that noble,
champion of reform, with unswerving fidelity
with the records and papers belonging to
the executive efiice, now in jour ptisstssior,
I lies to Inform you that I will peiid a proper
olliccr to receive tlie sumo ut any Hour you
mav indicate as most convenient to your-
II I am, most respectlully.your obedient
To .Hon. D. U. Chamberlain.
Statk or Poura Cauolisa, Executive
diAMnmt. Columbia. S. C Anril 10.
b'ir : Keplying to your note of tin date, I
have to s iv that mv private n'cretary will
meet such officer as you may designate, at
l in to-morrow, at tue executive chamber.
tor the purposu indicated in your note.
it. ii. i;uAiinriii.Ai:r,
To Hon. Wade Hampton.
At the time indicated tbe transfer was
made aud Gov. Hampton took quiet posses
sion of the State House.
Chamberlain has written a bloody shirt
letter of inordinate length addressed to
the people of South Carolina, detailing his
woes and gtisvauccs, but it is uot worth
A Righteous Decision.
The agent of a sewing machine company
had sold a machine, to a person in Brooklyn
on what is known as a "lease." The pay
ments under such a sale are to be made by
installments, but tho machine is only "leas
ed" to the purchaser, tho payments are des
ignated "rent," and when default is made,
if even on the last installment, tbe agent
to his announced principles, immediately steps in, reclaims the machine and retains
made Humphreys Collector of Petisacola. all the money that has beeu paid upon it.
That is the kind of reform a Fraudulent Pre
sident may be expected to carry out.
I This one-sided bargain is a cheat on its face,
and besides, a largo addition is generally
made to tho honest price of the machine
when thus sold on time. In the Brooklyn
would do somebody some good but not those
for whom it was intended. This fort of thing
was quite usual with Robcwin-he did not teem
to understand what the word "appropriation"
in tho legal sense means. Of courso it was all
right to allow his officers to go without pay
for three month, and put a few more bolts
in an iron clad. It seems to s that such
outrageous disregard of law ought to be pun
ished. Perhaps Robeson didn't steal this
tie of their own medicine, "Not au instant''
is their reply when a purchaser asks for
time. The Brooklyn decision will probably
encourage a number of persons who have
lost both tbelr money and machines by such
sharp practice to attempt to recover cither
tho ono or the other. Ar, Y. HeraUU
whole a flair as he certainly can do.
Nn conclusions have been reached by the
five gentlemen who bavo gouo tn New Or
leans, aud nobody expects them to decide
anything. Their instructions aj drawn up
by Mr. Evarts were of tho most hazy and
nebulous description, but the real object of
We do not cicct to excite any very great
surprise by stating that a Philadelphia twliti
inoncv. but tho officers of the navy, who will c!lln bas turned out to be corrupt, and women- their visit, as at present pretty generally a
. - . , 1 . 11.. 1 1.. .1 ! I . I . . ,
have to go without pay lor three months, do u"u Hle ,ttKi principally ueeauMj ujuuge in cepuu, is to so paicu up maucrs a- to secure
not probably tee much difference. Perl coulc na' salu BJ' "''neoeir, me wuy iwo iicpuoiican uimeu fctates benatora aud
ixmironcr, in ucuance ot taw Dccame interest- auow .Mctnms to liavo tbu Me. A verv
Now that New Hamnshire has voted down ed in a bridge contract and, availing himsell neat little arrangement which is much easier
an amendment tothe Constitution intended to of tho opportunities afforded by his official of conception tbau of execution. S.) grave
remove tho difqualiricaiion of Catholics from position, joined with others to keep the sum a question should not bo settled by political
holding office, thelnouiry is naturally suggcs- ot?0s31 ,rom the man to whom it ngbtlully juggling, and tho peopio of Louisiana are
ted, whether a republican government exists belonged and put it id his own pocket. Tbe uot likely to make any bhinder of tho kind.
in that State, aecoiding to tho tpiritof the uu" suoJ Hancock and proved inoourt allthe lhe fact is, tho Commission is a humbug
Constitution of the United States. This nro- ,act4 nl the case. Judge rinietter in a long lit ought never to bavo been formed tit is
Fcriotiou of members of a certain church from opinion declared Hauoock's conduct unlawful uot authorized by law : it represents nobody
the rights of citizenship is not only a flagrant a"Jft breach ot duty in a public officer. Han-1 except, perhaps, Mr. Hayes, and it possesses
violation of tha fundamental idea office in- eock has control of the city s moneys and, m power to do anything. The Commision
Btitutions, but it is in open defiance of the very naturally, the people aro somewhat ex- hu.lneK, to use a vulgarism.'.'is plavcd nut,"
Fourteenth Amendment, which declares. "Nn cited about the matter. Tho Tinut calls on and it is to bo hoped this is tho last attempt.
Stato fhall make or enforce any law which I Councils impeach him and remove him The peopio have no confidence in them, aint
shall abridge tho privileies or immunities of 1 rrlu mce, and the 7.fjr suggests as much. tbey serve no good purpose uor attain any
i.'bl sa).i
The country msv submit In the rrull. but
I will hfvt r chm' til. regard nur iietinii .s
utij'iil in list It, and as nileiluli d tn sip the
n ."ilatioii nl piihlin moiitlUy.
A-soeUic Jil-lice Cliifold ,ti. :
Neiihirlhe pu! lie no the' uilUcn have
joy i nivr to il.'fi ut ine iioie'ii latimis of
Itrtinl, peijiirt and lorjerv, it tin. nicntires
iiiloplid in this f.ii' .in: hell I,, he im fleet and insufficient.
Throughout tho proercss of Ihn count.
mora interest atliuhed to Justice Bradley's
argument than tn any other. The following
sentences give tho glt of his somewhat
contradictory arguments in regard In Flor
ida :
Itsccins tn me clear, lliTufrire. thai Coir
wss caniiot iii-tiluto a scriitinv into tin- no
p dlitmeiit of electors by the Slate. While
the two Houses are aulhorlreii tn cenvas
the electnral vote, no authority Is iriveii tn
lem tn canvass the cleition nl the elenmrs
tlicmelve.. And here the Inquiry niitiiriliy
arises as tn tins manlier in which flic eleitiirs
ippnnited by a tuale lire tn he accredited. I
think it cannot be itemed that the certificate
il the tinvcrnor is the nroni r nml reirnhir
redeiitial (if the appointment and
nnriictet ot tlio elector. (:, rln in v il is t
h a-1 the nrinii fticie evidence of n vert- liicli
.haraclcr. My ioiielulon is that the valid.
IV nl the liisi c rtificale cannot he coiitro-
vrted by evidence of tho oriiceedirn. hud
In the courts.
In regard to Loulsianc:
Firt. the two House do not constitute it
cativ.i'sing hoard; secondly, the two Houses
r-- ui a luminal or court lor trying thu va
lidity of tho election return. The jurisdic
tion nf the whole matter belongs to the
lai(s. Li t them take caro to i.mtect them-
scitcs fnim the perpetration ol Iratids. They
need no guardian. The evidence prupnstd
cannot he received.
Wendell Phillips recently linden ppcech in
Philadelphia, of-sucli an outrageous and abiv
site to oall forth a general ex
pieifinnof indignation from all parts of the
country. But it seems that there aro some peo
plo who like that sott of thing, for it is stated
that a ntunb-r of "prominent colored citi
zans of New Orleans" bavo requested Phil
lips to hold forth in other places. It would
be interesting to know exactly whit political
or social views are held by those "prominent"
darkle, that they are so auxioui tu hat e re
pcatod a speech filled to overflowing with bit-
tcroesa, fa'sehoods and vitup ration Dr
they imagine for a moment PUilliw and
such as lie. if there be any, can advnti"e the
interests of their race in any way? If so,
they greatly mistake Phillips has no fill
1 were ; the day has gone by, wo tru't for
ever, when any body of men will follow the
teaching of ono whose whole life has been
devoted topublio soilding nn I to nothing else
Phillips w u blot on the civilization nf to-day
and euoli harangues a he indulged m at
iTitlaiklplua aro simply disgraceful to the
igo. If he wero worthy ol notice at all, a
good horse-whip would seem to be the best
answer to his abuse. Such langingo as he
usos might very well provo dangeros to the
pubho pence in the mouth of any one but
Wendell Phillips.
Truly these are times of bargaining and
huckstering. Tho present Administration
rests on so insecuro a foundation that it is
obliged to truckle to the wishes of greedy
politicians, to secure any support. Tbe
Louisiana Commission is a jobbing arrange'
inent and there is a deal of dickering now
going on to endeavor to elect a Speaker of
the House, in accord with the Admiuistra
tion. This is sought to be done by promises
of certain Southern internal improvements,
notably the Texas Pacific It; R., and by tho
promise of offices. It is thought that in this
way sufficient strength can be obtained by the
votes of Southern Democrats to elect either
somo such man as Garfield or a Southern
man who will render a yiu'd pro quo, in the
formation of Committees. We do not be
lieve the effort will be successful, but
should it at length succeed, those tra
ding politicians by whose aid it will bo ac
complished, will do well to look for their
pay. Those who descend to such luetbodn
to gain their ends are rarely prompt in di
charging their debts. i
Sherana'H Orders to Hancock.
The following letter, directing the removal of
troops from the state liou"o at Columbia,
South Carolina, has licuii sent to Major Gen
eral Hancock :
Status, WAsmtNoro.v, April 5, 1 876. To
Gen, AV. S, Ilannck, Commander Military
Division of tho Atlantic, New York City
General: I now kirn the honor to enclose
you certifiod opics of tlio letters of the hon
orable Secretary of War of April .1, and of tho
President ol tho United States, of the samo
date, ordering the withdrawal of the troops
of tlioUnitod States from tho state hnu-e at
Columbia, South Carolina, on Tuesday next
at 12 m. You will pleaso iuuo this order
to bo executed preci.;ly at the time nml in the
nnnner da-cribed in said letters, au I rep irt
the fact promptly to th-ns headqtmrters, I
have tho honor to bo your obedient servant,
W. T. SlinitMAN, General.
In legard tn Oregon
This cae differs from the two eac al
ready heard, in this: Tho canvass is lhe W
act by which the eltc.tinii is decided and de
termm-d. have before us under the
great seal of the State a copy of this state
ment oi me canvas, which hows the result
to have been a clear plurality of over a thou--and
votes in favor nf the three elector,
Odell, Cartwright and Watts. The certifi
eaie tn he given by tho Secretary and Gov
ernor to thee electors was not 'intended as
any part nf tins machinery for ase. rlainiiig
lhe r.'-ult nt tho election. No per-ou hit
ennteuded that t cannot be cnuiradicted.
The expression of Judge Field and
Clifford are significant of the fact that how
ever the decision of the majority may be
envend by legal verbiage, it is nevertheless
a decUi n whose honesty will never be no
Ccptfd by the people.
On Monday last the following coal carriers
mid miners met in New York to adopt a
schtdule for tho present ear: Presidents
Gowen, of the Reading Railroad ; Samuel
.?Ioan, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad : President Dickson, of
Mr. Hayes's Cunsltk
Tho Presldr tit's prlvnto secretary opened
the door leading to tho Inner room, and an
nimiiccd In a loud and distinct voico ;
"A gentleman who says that ho Is a rela
tive of Mrs. Hayes!"
" Ajli I'' mild Mr. Hayes In a voice equally
Mid and llsilin;!, 1 ehow hint In I am al
ways lad to we family coiinecllon. Hi
the wai, ak im luirthm il writ r 'n com
In, li.ii"
..,Tlic. relative of Aim. Hayes npprj.lchcd
the Plrslilinl hil winked Mr lime ap
proached tho relative of Mrs Hayes and
wlnkfd tn return. The shorthand reporter
also winked and took' out his" notebook;
"1 sec ynu don't recognize me," said the
relative of Mrs. Hayes. "My iiamo is IM
Ulicill, and 1 live In O.htn.h. .My wile i-n
miiln nf yettr excellent lad,"
"Put that down," nid Mr. Hue to t -
s' i r'h.ihd wtii.r, 'lhe siinithiinil wrhtr
ivlnkid iind and put il down.
"'.Mt it ir l'.tie iirill. I um dellhtd to
sec Von. T n Irani Me. Hat 's coulns n-
inv own coil-in. Mini .ilr liny. cnnliall.
You E''i that " ' In' ail. I'd, tuning to tin
"I camp Kit," ciiiitimied tho cousin ol
.Mr. Ilaye, "to see about llm Othkosh Post
OlSeo. Some nf tbe people llieni think 1
would iiiako n gum I'o'tnnistcr, and, nf
cour-e, being a cousin"
"Pa dun me, my dear Mr. I'cttengill,"
said .Mr. Ilnvf, sp 'liking slowly innnlir
that lhe reporter mieht catch i-M-ry wnrd.
"t liave no limilit I hut ton would make an
admirable, hillhlul,ai'd i Iiii ieiit Postmnler,
and It would give tue great pleasure In sign
your aipoiulmeiit. Hut, you see, theie I
one iii"Urnioiinlahle nh-taele in lhe way. The
fact of your cousinhip disqualifies ynu h r
any pnitinn in my gilt. Good day, sir. I
am sony"
"Hold mi Mr. President," wliipered the
CMi-Iti ; "this won't do That isthesan.e
loriu of rij-cliim ynu used week before lift,
w hen I came from Maine to apply for the
Colleclnrsliip of Kt-uiiehuiik, Try snme
thing lse -soii.e new s.ircani."
The .-liiirlliiuul man consulted his notes
and corroborated the statement of the
"Well, then," said Mr. Hayes, "cross out
what you have written nml begin. Mj
worthy o.usin, I am gratified to have iu-t
yon. Sirs. Hayes often speaks of her great
affection for your estimable wife, aul of the
delightful harmony which reigns in your
domestic circle."
"That is good," interrupted the cousin,
"and it's new."
"I cannot," continued Mr. Ilaye, after
thinking for n moment, "in view of the cs
teem in which I hold you and your charm
ing family, thrust upon you the cares and
anxieties of a post office. I cannot, I can
not, Mr. Pettengill J Good morning."
1 lie shorthand writer cot up to go. "Man!
told the it alogiie," said Mr. Haves, "and
-i ml it Hi all th" paper-."
"Am I In i: me again, ilr. President V
H kid Mis Hums' cnll-ln.
loii had belter apply next twi k, tain
Mi. Hayes, "for a po-t i ffice soinewlm e in
lhe Middle Slates, or else a lighthouse till
the Pacific coast. And couldn't you muling
to put a little morn chagrin in your lace a
you go out? The iinte-mom i full of new
paper correspondents. Try and look as I
you had been badly snubbed. Perhaps cvei
a slight maniftstation of temper would hel
along civil service reform." Ar Y.San.
Tho Southern Hotel at Ht. Lonls was de
stroyed by firo on Wednesday lat, and it I
feared that more than fifty persons hist their
lives. Tlio fire broke out at about two
o'clock In the iimrnliig, in he slnre rnnm In
the basement. Several nl the gib si of the
honi. leapt d Irom lhe windows iitnl were or hss dangerously wounded. T'-i.
ui'ilii g heing six sloth big , the h rs
weiu too short tn ruicli the ti"p' r storii-.
Tliii Jo.s iin.hulblliius and contents is c.tlin i
nlai llnO-lii-iircil fur about IJjOJfl,
At the time nf writing, the ruins nf the
hotel are too hot to itr.mlt nf search for dead
KrallcsT It tney le that the number suppn-
d to bf lot I iiVcM'-lliibitnl,
The K mis.i City Jiurunl pnblihosa ro
IV'it the notoiio'.H 11 J'ulof family, c'u-"i-tingof
Homier, Irs wi'iv his tin aul hi
d.iiiiMci, weio captnrcil and lynoh dm viit
iliiiit whi'o at'cinptiiur to e-cape IVnai K in--a--ill
r lhe di' OM'" of heir ciiin - Tin-
tateeiciit l hi e' "il a ciiifc-iou o1 one ol
the 1 . iiclii i'.. tin 1 tbu la"' o -a I rlm'
b un k ii iwn to (loveiii ir O b i ti ) m 1 to Sen
ator Ynike, bnitlicr ufoiuol tli3 Iljnljr,'
Nla rriages.
HIUt.TZ-ltlltiVE.-On the S'h Inst, bv "corrC.
It si, Ksq . Iiiiig.ui,nf, Mr lames II. Shultito.VIIs
M.ntlH nn Itlione. hutiiotJieksoii twn,. t'oiii'BOia
cmnty. Pa.
Ticlstsr tlio I'nrmcr 1'a ls for h' Viri
Vict"f is th ilnrciii oi Kset.s f rilinNifi
-rintsrnr Mi 11 ,11 Ir .k, I'm.ik r, i,
kenier-l'rt-lsf rilie Lwy.T ttio'sfurtii m ,,'
-Pmis tor llie Ftnl'-iHlser-I'Virls f h lie i ,,,t Ll
-fi't. mr the linct-r Pints f.r He iinlr ,,. r
rsrt rnrtlie iliiihelmia-Paeisforiv II T.iimIl !,
w.iht to urtVi money. L0
K.(1TS FOI! AOKN'ls,
Th t Ill's Is ti.o mnsl Imroiti l.t m Vntilsi i,
.toil yet p ilitlsl'O'l hit (.' llie lest I i Im , i!
iiioii-v iv r eir.r 1. -ilie tieM niihr s li r
own piip-r endorses It, cvtry iiiienUura sit. '
Tin Hook of the .Ninoteontli Century,
Mulnnnil t'mil" OKi-ntscniiilnjr taoiuy r ii it ,,.,
In iisiu oni'o iiuli;i-i ceo ilarr tree, i m p 1 1 i !
lil.v N. T I WU.iiii str it. i UU, I I , 1,1
Aprlii-. jw-
COURT Pli'H'LAM.v r C)
II tMRV.-I'i O'ntrotvv.i-hlpnn Hi' Jl IrM..
ey lliiinen, a.c I Hi y m- s in lit ti m.l I !..
Itl.OOMSIIWlUi .iAUK'i:'l.
Wlii ni ts-r tjusacl.
A largo mas meeting of citiz-ns of New
Urleans was hem in that citv. IU"t week, at
the Delaware and Hudson Canal Oimpany ; which resolutions were adopted, strongl)
If Councils do any such thing we bha! be I permanent honest result.
greatly surprised. Indiguatiou at the conduct I
"f public ofu-ials is spasmodio in l'biladel- M ui.supi.iKin.iiws oi personam
plua-very. Hancock is not greatly alarmed ...tu cmnci. a Knerai
wo fancy. I Impression that the streets of that city are
I rather more dangerous lor promenailiuj; than
the prairies whereon the gentle t-ioux dUpnrt
dynamite scare. Last Tuesday the olfoats themselves. If this bott ot thing continues
of the Custom Huust were irum-ini? oine country merchants visiting the city fur tho
liberal share, and in proving exceptional ca.k. of win. in the Appraiser's store-.wbeu ranaction of. business will feel impellc! to
citizens of the United States."
Khode Island denies mffnigo to citizens of
foreign birth, and thus carries its bigotry in
one direction, nuito as far as 'cw Hampshire
does in tho other, lloth thco States have
been conspicuous by their cxtrcmo pai tizan
ship in Congress in tupporting tho most vio
lent measures ngatnst tho South, in defending
tho carpclbaggers, of whom they furnished a
.vmnathvforalltbo riehts of tho black man. one m "e uarreis was louml to Lave some
" - - - 7 . ,.,.,,.. , I . n I. , .
If thev wou d bok a tt e to the r ehtsof "" uarrei was
llm white man at home, with whom thev mine eareiuiiy t.peneu wuen a largo Un case was
in dailv contact inall the relations oflire.their Jl'oovered, strongly braced by iron bars and
Muccrity would bo less questioned -
-.V. J'.
load tlteuvelvej with revolvers und employ a
body guard of detectives while they remain,
Gen. Orant, fearing that tbe pleasures of
his Kuropean tour will be interrupted by roy
al ovations, has, In an Indirect way, an
nounced his desire to be permitted to travel
as a private cltUeii. "I'le.vo don't rie ou
my account; I'm not proud," was what the
old v,oman said to the congregation that rose
to pray itiut as she entered tho door of the
church, arrayed In a uew teu-cent calico
i un uuuiii ill ,ikii ur un I .
Had the barrel fallen Into rreM,i A","'''"U,a''""'
'ClOVLruor Chamberlain yields to tho logic the bold of tbe ve-inel while loading, great A telegram Irom low.i Citv retorts an nt-
of events, says tho jvcw iorlt UtrixM. I tlestructlou of property and possibly life tempt to abduct Mrs. George W. Watson, a
luai sa very prcuy way 10 bay it, out no vvoum uava insueti. wealthy young lady of Mas.illou, Ohio, from
really yield to a want of bayonet. a Hock Island railroad train ktween Kock
There has lately hecu a Urge increase in Itland and Iowa Oitv. Under th rieonn
the number of applications for patents re- that she was a lunatic, six men kent her
Thomas Campbell was to have beeu hang
ed at AVilkes-llarro last Tuesday, but a writ
of error Irom the Supremo Court was rccciv
ed iu time to stay tho execution, The rase
will be argued on tbe first Monday of May,
rendered immovable. It was filled with
dynamite and contained fuses, but was uot
arranged fur explosion, There was eunuch
of the destructive compound to blow up a
building It was consigned to somo party
in tbe West and tbe shipper took that novel
way of forwarding it, as by law dynamite
cannot be carried on board nf vessels or ad
milted at port
The Gazittc it JSullelin mentions the "Ho-
publican sweep in Ithode Island." True, tho ceived at the l'atcut OfHoo in Washington, gagged and bold her dwnat each station.
aim me laui is neneveu, ia inuicuio a general Avr a Uesricrato Btrugglc, during which fho
revival of business throughout tho country, jnrainod her nukle. sba escaivil nl Wiltnn
Koss Wluau, tho lUlliniore millionaire I The receipts of tho Patent Office- duriuir It is suniiosed the obict r.f ihn ,
.ueu iu iuai ciiy uu n eunesuay, ngeu eigh- ilarcli were nearly 7S,0W, or 12,000 mow i4ry, as (ho was richly drcsted.
lyiour jcars. I than the receipts during January. I This reads very like a lie.
Don Cameron complained to Attorney-
General Talt about Hayes' perfidy. "Ob,
don't ditrtss yourself about tluit," raid
Father Taft. "That's a habit 1 ha.
have Ids written pledge that he would not
go before tho Ohio convention, for governor
if my name went before it. Yet he broke
his pledge and worked like a street corner
politician to defeat my nomination, and he
never yet had the grace t apologize for his
conduct. Ho is eminent as a pledge breaker,
I know of other pledges hi intends to break.
We know all about him in Ohio, and the
rest of mankiud are likely to form his ac
The Prtu consoles Itself that, while the
Southern policy of the President may dis
tract and possibly overthrow Republicanism,
"there must be an end to the Democratic
party In the South." What a political mil
lennium that would be both parties smash
ed to smithereens by oae administration.
Uut after such a political deluge, what? and
who would care for the orgivs then ?
Receiver Clark, of the Lehigh and Wilkes-
liarre Coal Company j Receiver Lathrop, of
the Central Railroad of New Jersey : Dr.
Linderman, of the Lehigh region, and Mr.
Thomas, of (Schuylkill Valley.
The report of the committee as to the ton
nage agreements was unanimously adopted.
It was decided to advance the price of coal
fifty cents per ton on June 1, as owing to
largo amounts contracted for delivery during
April and May it was deemed Imprudent to
make a general advance at this time. It
was also agreed that no contracts for deliv
eries of coal at fixed prices shall be made
dating after May 31.
fffAt previous meeting the oxscnt of pro
duction was limited to 8,000,000 tons, a con
siderable falling off from last year, and the
percentage of each corporation was fixed,
and now the rates are advanced fifty cents
fir ton. It r. mains then to be aeeu whether terms of this agreement will be adhered
to, and whether each corporation will refrain
from exceeding its percentage of production.
We must confess wo have but little faith in
the binding effect of tho agreement, nor do
we believe tbe coal difficulties are to be set
tled in any such manner. Tho condition of
affairs in April, 1878, will be very much as
it at present exists.
Lately every capital case has been carried
up to tbe Supreme Court, no matter how
trifling the right of the convicted man to
hope for a reversal of the decision by which
he became convict. Bearing upon this mat
ter the Governor, on Saturday last, signed a
bill passed by tbe recent Legislature provid
ing that no writ or certiorari in capital of
fences shall be issued from tho Supreme
Court to remove any case from lower Courts
after twenty davs from sentence, and no sec
ond writ of error or certiorari unless espe
chilly allowtd by the Supreme Court or a
judge thereof shall issue in capital offence,
after the Supreme Court has entered a nol
pros, iu the case or has quashed tho writ.
The glass blowers at Zanesville, Ohio,
threaten to ttnke unless their wages are in-
crea-cd. It is stated that they can make
from $G to f 8 per day and if this bo true they
will not receive any great amount of publio
sympathy in their efforts to obtain mcrcased
wages. In these ha id times, it strikes us as
the height of absurdity for men who can
make per day to ask for more
In Missouri they kick a man up stairs in
this way : First, tbey nominate him for
Attorney-general ol the State, and defeat
him. They then nominate him for Con
gress, and defeat him again, l'inally, to
salve over bis wntinded honor they unani
mously sign a petition for his appointment as
postmaster of the town
The Potlstown yicoiiiima comes up brist
ling with indignation at what it ca Is the
President's surrender of Itepublican trusts,
If it is truo, says that paper, "that Hampton
and Nlcljolls were elccWd, he, the President,
was not, and he should, withdraw from the
place aud permit Tildett to fill the olfice."
Tin law relative to appointments Iu the
Treasury Department provides that tbey
shall be so arranged as to be really dfstribu
ted among tho several States and territories
and District of Columbia according to pop
ulatlou. It Is announced that Secretary
Sherman will rigidV enforce this law, and
that under it there can at present bono ap
pointments from New England, Ne York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland. Delaware,
Virginia, West, Virginia and the District of
denouncing tlio "usurping government,'
upheltl uy "rederal military power in
Louisiana during tho past four years, tie
claring the Nicholls administration tho only
legal and actual government in the State,
and expressing a determination ''never t
submit tu the pretended Packard Govern
ment, nor to pay it a dollar of taxes, never
to acknowledge its authority, but to resist it
at every point and in every way, and to re
quire that every demand which it may make
upon the obedience of the citizens shall be
euforced only by a present physical power
which we are incapable of resisting." The
number present at the meeting is estimated
at from ten to fifteen thousand.
Com, new, " w
Jul". "
iour n-r u.irrei .
Kivci st-cil i
hi.vsee.t t.'-
itlllter '
raliow i
I'otatis-s t.2
ii leu vppies
lnlns I1
sines Minulders 10
Ijinl per pound H
nay iht lu.1 , , i
ninntuj seed 4.K
tJt'OTA'rlONS (till fl.AI..
No, 4 on VVlutf f 3,40 per Tin
S'o.n " " i 3,i ti '
NTn. fl " " i:ki
Wacksmlth s I utun "n vvtuirr .... a 4U "
lutiiiiiliiniis " fj :n
www i , .m , iw nirta
K. l Kt .NKKt.' Ill IM K ( VV I.N'rt P Hill's'
(ilws I n tn til s'o nt'li, lia ir-ivvs Hi" uppillir
and assists iline-tlon : excite th bowvls to u-altlij
action, oMiielllntr nil thereat i.irrurs that c- noui 1
natc tlio hi Mil, corrupt thesicretbns anil otlenil tl.e
hrrath, It ovrltes the liver tn a healthy action anil
strcnuthensth'" nerve, Impjrtla? tint slow to life
thutprnceidsuli e from perfect lie ilth Thousands
la nil walks otUfi, testily to th" virtues nt this ex
cellent medicine In correct Ii R tlio ileiaiiReiaoiit o
tlio illgesllv e ort,'J lis. Git 'ho irrnulne. i-old only
In It hot. les. Ask fur K. V. Kuiikc-l's hitter Inu of
Iron, anU take no other.
t P KI'NKKl.Vi miter wine ot Iron Is a sure cure
r jr tills illsoiS''. tt h.t'1 liet'i. p e-erlls-J il.illv f i
intnyjeas In lhe piactlce if en l.ictiT )l. 1 o s :
wlili ii' sure r.s Swnp'o its nn: Ion of ar
petlt', win I and rl latji f tinl.ilr no-.s la mum
ncail ichc, ill.7liiess, picejile-i-iiess mil l...v (.pliti-.
fit i llie (.enuhie. bi'.u m,y f i. jit .-.
Do nu vu,t wiiiieihl-ia' li Miciul.-tn yo i, or n
food appetite I IU y,.n iv.ini t j icct 1 1 1 oi n -rvoi,!-
ne-tsTjUo jou Wiiiittii itfe, t sleep II, or ho cured
ot dspeMi, kidney or Itvtr dl tease; 'I rj 1 1'.
Kunkel's liitt'r '.Vino of Iron, livery luttiu uu
lee.l to lo its recommend-ill Hi pit unit i.titv enj
Xoith Ninth street,. Philadelphia, IM. net tinjr, inl
ine, .-old by a't druijli's. ask for n t' Kunkel's
mt t tko no other. .Mi I ask Is a trl it of litis v.ilui
bio iiieiKclne, tine boltl i will tonvlncii .tou, del hlx
not ties for i, l for one.
Tapo Woini, Tin, Seat an'J Momich Worms re
moved alive tn from two to four hours. No f.o until
hoad of tspo worm passes nhvoniul la one. Ask
your rirujUt for Kiintctl's Worm Syrup. Sold onl
In Jl bottles. Used for children or grown neisoirs. It
never fall. Or sena for circular to Dr. Kunkel, 210
Norm Ninth Mieet, rhrad. lplili, l'.i. Ailtlco by
mall free. Send three o-nt stamp for return letter.
U7"il Kims, iha II,,,, U'tht wi I nv
1 IVchlenl, (a U; ot tue ..'o-ii t ,,r
lerii.luei nn I .icncral 1 1 1 liiilt. i-. ,
t-r s. vi ,n ,, ti,,. , ,,,.,. .um i..
ile.miuid orphitii- i unit In lue ..t .
irli-t. cunpiiseit of t i- ct.iD'l s ,.
VI. ml nir. and Uie lluus. 1 K Mick'
11 llll III, VSSsK.l.lU) tldtfCS Ol Cblllllillu 10
Issueil liielr pltsepl. lieailiis ilnte tue .j . u, ,,
M.reh, In the year of our l.urtl one tiuusn Vjgut
hiimlrcl in 1 sei'e:,ty-ieteii, nnit to me, Ir itu (oi
nuHlngaOoir ofiyer an 1 'I'cMiin i,u. ,
H urU'i' Sesslmis uf Ilia Poics, Court of lj, mt,ii
fleas nun urpiiiins- notirt, in r.lnonisbuii , In in,.
count of Columbia, on the tlrst Muuiluv, l i. imb
ttlidavof Ma.- ti j r, u cj.itiiii' tyjw ,
N itlce Is ,,01'i'bj- Iven to tho l'or,.,i , i
tlons ot the IViUc,unil the Ooiist.bici , t
co int , ot Uoliiinbld, tlmt tliev ne l.i i. d
their proper pi nun ot in u'eliKk In tl- f ,
s.itl "ta it.i of vUj u 1th m il tt, j , ,.
Ill uis ami otlior ronMinbunjiis. to do uu,s . ,
lilell to tlulr olTl.vt uppoitutll to be d .,
iki-ii' l.i ll .ll'o bo In I by I'ecjjfnl lO'-i- , , , r i
is.ilint Ijj ,nl'i lucm that nro or lie in i
if sil 1 .Munt.t or i;ulii.nbl,i, t) be then u 1 .
Iw prosji-ni them im simii lie Jit I. ,1m, ,r
l.iestcittiibepiiiotu.llnthulriitteail.ini -, ,
miiieir iiJin'i's. IMU' i si i;i'iu:,is'iiir' Ui utt, h...
nt viru, b. tlio ycur ut our i ,i i t,,niil i:l,ht huiutieliinil ev. in rn
unit In 'he one lt'iiidi'iil .o, i i , 0
Die la J ,"li I -licof till I'lUU I st u , , , ,
shell il'BO.IIce. Jou.N. A. uu, i -, i..
!!!ooiiibur., spr il in 'n
J il ll
Kll Iff Klt'S
N'otli'p 1-i iifihv irlwn to nil In 'nff
tor uiiil niln'i- (ii'isom iuti'rfsto I in tue
The EX'Confedcrates anil President Hayes
We bavo no sort of hesitation iu announc
ing uow, in view of what we beliovo to bo
the Southern policy of the President, and in
advance of the assault we expect to bo made
upon him nn account of that policy, that we
have nn idea of being indifferent lookers-on
upon tbe cosnbat between the factions, but
that, if it onnac, we mean to go into it with
all our might on the side of tbe man whose
enemies in his own party would strike him
down for not holding down the oppressed
and persecuted people of tbe South. These
are our sentiments; and we have not a doubt,
if the contemplated emergency arises, we
shall see that tbey are the sentiments ot
ninety-nice hundredths nf tho best and
bravest of the men who wero four years in
the field for the cause of the Confederacy.
Richmond ( Va.) l'h!g.
A. Oakey Hall, ex-Mayor of New York,
who disappeared mysteriously some two weeks
Mnce, has been found in London. Mr. L
.1. Jennings, formerly editor of the New York
7iWs and now correspondent of the World,
writes thi latterpaperthat Mr. Hall is great
ly depressed and seems to have nocaie for the
future, Mr. Jennings thinks his flight tvu
caused by the fear of further exposores of tho
ft amis comniiited by the Tweed iiii?, in
which Mr, Hal was involved. He says fur
ther of Mr. Hall, "I consider him to bo sim
ply an utterly broken wan."
Tho certificates rf the members of the new
House of Representatives, bavo been nearly
all received and show that there will be M7
Democrats and 137 Republicans whoc scats
are free from contc-t, leaving nine cams of
contest. This gives a Democratic majority of I unit osubutiainirs,
Application villi bo nudo lo tin- I'resllent
Ju uo ou tlio lull day of May at. 2 o'clock p. tn., for
a charter to incorporiiio me Miunti or r cnuis nail
Association or aimun cross
April 3, 17 tit At IT. for Applicants.
I'romsals villi be receive I at the ktcir.-rf .T. p
Mcilenry, at Ullllwater, t'olumbU counij, (IM., on
Saturday. May Mb, ls.7 ut it p. in., ror th en .-tton
of a Meeting ilotiso on Die ircutu)s or u.c old -"I lit
ater Chin ih. li in anil bpeiincttloiis in vie known
on iuy ot lettinir.
.TOIlS l'KALl.U,
t'vnl's II. Mcllesnv,
KI.11-..S. M'llKHl,
April 13, '17-aw lluiMln' Comuillt.-e.
"IFe IjVfs" h a l iT V
By vlrtuo of virlls ot l'l. r.i, nicl V'nd.
Kx. Issue t oit ot tu ' '.i irt ot Oiftnn lieaa ot
Columbia uu'inty anl to u.c ill.-i cted, hl bceipord
to puuliesalt) at Hio Cunt Ituso m i;iuoaubiir0-at
ono o'clock p. in. on
MONDAY, MAY 7, 1S77,
Tho umllrtdaJ ono fourth Interest ot lunlctsny.ler
la certain reJl cstatu la Iho Town uf tilooaisbur be
Inf parts of what was formerly known n, the I'orks
Hotel property described as folljivs to-nlt , aim .
lug upon U-ist ami secoud stroi Is bounded by u lluu
commeiirlDU nt the Junction of KdM and secotid
streets, thence along Second street oiichiihdrtil unit
thlrti-elkiit fe.t Ion small tilaiii;lc, Hi im along
said tiUngtc to Chebtnut allev. tliin-ciiloii
nut ulIeyiiluety-tKOfccttoalotof neurgr ileritosr,
thenco along hjtd lot oxo hi nclicil and i-lutti.'.evt-n
feet to kast sheet, thence one bundle. I and sov. lit v
seven feel to tin. place ot beh'lnnlni;, coataliilny J,i,.
snisriuare feet laoru or l.sson ivblcharo titotdrgc
frame stables,
A lot oa tno noith stilt) of Soeondvstr ct, ndjolnlug
the UifhUtreetioad, bounded bv u llnccomuieiiclns
at tbe Junction of th'i Mjlilstreit road and Second
sticet, thence along second street one hundred and
twenty-tour teet to a lot belonging to tho cstato of
vvttlum bnjder, thenco along t.vld lot ninety-one
feet to the Ughtstreet road, thenco along said road
one hundred and nineteen frit to the pi ice of begin
ning, containing s,S tnuan f cet mole or UoS.
ttclicct, taken In i-xi cull. m und tolo sold as th
properly ot Dunkl Mijder.
Tha undivided onc-foiirlh intcitst in tbe follow,
tog tract of land 'Itiutoln Mount I'leasai.t town
ship, Columbia county, Peuusylvaula, bouudei on
thot-ouiU by lands ot muus llcacoik, John 11.. rp,
Andrew Willi r and John Ullthiu, on the v,il-y
land ot vvm. t)cr, on the uenh by land cf heirs of
tiUabeth I'alriaan, on tho by Und ot .V J. Ike
ler, coiiuilnlng ono hundred nml live acres undid
loauce,wheieoR are cncled a uwil.lni; taouw, barn
rhe resf-'i'ilve ileee I -nts .uid lulu,!-, ii.iitii. f, .
loMtnTiul.itliil-ti-.itliiii and jrii ir.llnti nc, until cc
icen Hied l'i uie i, llie.- of ihn i.'egMer ,f t jiiimi a
niiiit .and .till be prescnie I tur eo'niir,n,ii un ml
nllimiuiee In tin- iirnbai.V fouit ti be li--lil in
.Unoiubiii-g, on Mi'iidir. thntlh day ot;;,
at 'Jo clock, p. in. on Mild d.u:
t, First and tlml aecn'intnf nilvcr Watt', Vdmln
1 tr.itor or Ilobt-rt Walls, lite ot Centre town,
fchlp, itecca-e 1.
t. I Irs au I final a-co-intnf Conrad Krnm t, Vd
liitKlMr.iior of Jliinls I'ursil, litu of vtuJIson
to.cfehli', lie. eased.
P. Firs' ami tin il nce-nint of .Toiei)1! n. Conner a d'ii-1 .1. Conner. Ail.nlnMr a is or iiiimrtlt
Foul . 1 lie or Ceiilr-1 1 ,, ,t - i, 1
4.1011111111,11111111 nccniiit or lllljon I) Hi gen.
btl-ll nil I Mils ill I) MMnk Vilnillllslrnlu sit
1'it r Mellkk, Idto oi -cut lo.vusuip, co. ..I.
Aeeoinl of Ci.iles bVlfrin in, 11 e -ut ,r t Mt
cb iel -njil r, lit- of Li Ml 1 1 iwnsh p. do u,
us Hind nv ijiuifiio tvtiorni in, Aiinliils ra i
of C.i irl"S Fei teraun 'Ic'Oi) is -d.
C. Account of litis SlniltJ. (liui.llin o' M
Mi.Ul, au heir ut law ot Uorc.ii Sliuli. il -.
7, I lift and 11 tin I recount rf Andrew.!, tienclcnnd
MehokH lliiiclc. (linlnlstratois of Vili'Mil
lle.igle, Uto nt .,t. Pleasant toitnsi'lp. d eas d.
Accnii .tnf Abram Wiliinan. Hvccutor i f .11 3
ZmeMitoof xilii'Ci'oik loitnslilp Ueccis it,
I'rst and luill il ac -o' or J iha Voder i, vd.
inhdsr.aioror iliei'sinionf ,u i 'ihurnion Lto
of t'o.iyiigii.on ton iisl.l,.. oecc . cd
in. Fin il nee unit nf s, n IMm -r O urJIvi rifprink-
n i .i. i n ii-ii' . i. .i g ml c.i 1 1 j an i n t, a ,lo.i3
I leiiaols, ,..L'easo i.
II. Klr-,1 and llnd avo-ini, ot sten i-n f rn r'.
i! in Han , imI I o .r'i irt minor 1 uf l.i
cob O mi-ii in, lal ! if .VI .tn .own Inp, .1. e.i I.
12. "eennil nu.i of I'eier rn, 'd Inl.m.tir f
VtcMii to, ,,. i:uf, 1 tc .r .,,iu.iiii . ua
cd i.s iiti-tl i. his '.in., ,r, ti-cr -. 1
13. -.colli ml poll. il nrc iiiit.t til n Haini l ir ol IM-r ilciraart, late ot 11.,- r t.wn.
till,,, ile.-e .sed
14. 'I li s. eotid nn 1 account of l'el r Fnr e.
ininMi'.it .ror vv. u I. nt. ili-.ii t o I, us 11 e J y
D'.ir I' Uu, Ail o- ui i',i-r l.i u,-.
co iseJ,
I',, l-'lr-taud flinl necou it, of S. II. Miller, wuarillin
ur.l.icobr ii.inz.l. nil i ,r child ut .I..C )lj ilau
rcl, Jr , I itu ot ulllllil Uivin.11,1, a -.v. i ,1
H. F rst and Un il account of. I. II. lieu r. l.luiliils
ir.iinrof .la. ob lUiUil.Jr., I.Uoof .vtiinin ljin
blilc, ileccisjil.
17. Krst ti 1 fin tl nceointof .tilin S'niinin. "nur
ill in or 11,'iiJ iinbi oil iieorgc .v il'Hl.-r inbi ir'i-ii nt lb urv u iil r, um o 11 -at -rt oin
Mil i. ileceisuJ, us tl lea by UU S. uaur John
Kllngcilii in,
13. First and Uu tl cccointot .loan lltrtzel aa.J
II llerier. Ilscii.u n-snf ,r,iojU Hart, I, br., iato
of oirnin township, decased.
19. First anil !!n it account i,f 1. A. Watson, fluaritl in
ot tieorgu !'., minor child nt vmmd.i
Watson lato ofMalls-iu to.t nsnlp, Uceeai'u I. at
tiled bj Mary A. viiiUon,Aduiluliiiu ilxof 1). V
v atson, di ceased.
25. First and llntl ccountot I). Watson, Vilmi
litratorof .lohn sniihi r, I iio cf viallsinto-
hhlp. .liveaseU. a, nie.l by Ma' v A. iv'atsou, .vu
mint .tr.itrl t of 1). A. VVaisji, Ujc' c- 'd
51. l'Iri-t nnd ttnil account of I) A VV'at-on, Ouar
ill.ui or Vrtx and Id i l'.'g,-, minor ctill
d'cu of Wll lun I'e.g, late of Ma-luo-i taivnslilp,
tl ci-aBil. in Hied bj -ar- A. Wat, in, Ad ululi
tratiixor 1). V. W'nisou, deceased,
2J. Tho aecointot John,, Adinlnlstratorof Ann
A&nton, lato ot I'lno towushlp, UeceaseJ,
Register's (mice. I W. II. JACOUV
r.loomsburg, prlio, 1S77. liegutcr.
1 'l he follow Ing npprulbeinenls of rent
.ei sonal propel ty sc. apailto tildonsof Uecedints ocen ineu iu mo oiuce or inu Kcuisici- oi i i
iimbl.t count), under tho Itulcsof Couil, and vv III lo
in-esentcil tor iili-.ulule conilrni.-illon lo tiio orphans
Curt to lie held In Illonm-biiig.ln and for wild coun
ty, on Mond.i.v, Iho 7lh da of .vine, at 8
oclock p. in., of said day tui,ei,s u.vcepiloiu lo suih
coiilliinallouuiu prcvlounv lllid, ot which all pri
sons lnicrestcd m said estates will take notice:
1, v I Jow of .fotl ih II I) Uson, latu of the borough
oi lli.i-.vlex, ileeeas-it
1. vvtiovoi Andioiv Olugles, lato ot Main town
ship, (Icucasni.
z, W'1-lo.v nf John 6buuian, late of llcavcr town
bht;i, Ucceased.
4. W Mow of John W. Gli ton, late ot MadUor. town
ship, th ecu st-il.
5. Widow of Thomas J. Thornton, late of tho Town
of lilooinsburg.ileciiaseil.
o. widow of uisiu siniltz, lato ot Benton township,
7. Widow ot Itoberl F. ( lark, lata of tho Town of
lllooiusbnrg, deceavtd.
8. Widow of JuhuO. Moitlan, late of Mt. Ilcasjtt
tirtii-blp, .leeead.
l. 'A How ot l),u Id A. Watso i,tat j of Jl i Jlsoa town-
B ll,', tie, eased,
to. vviijw f in. ti itarlu, sr., lato of Itaulugeie'k
l jwnsl.1,), ueceased.
11 vv t ios; ot Join) nusbJlne, lato of IlcntontiwE-
bhlj), ilicoasud.
Iteglsier'sOlllr.'. I
Apr, o !S7ii.r
IM- tor.
10, with the chances rather in favar of an in
crease than a decrease This is a far better
working majority than the large ono inthe
last House. As matters stand at present
thcio would sepui to ho no danger of tho de
feat of a Democratic Speaker,
Ilov. Dr. William A. Muhlenberg, well
known as an earnest and zealous Christian mis
ister, died in New York last Sunday, iu the
eighty-first year of his ago He was the
founder of St. Luke's Hospital andestabliih
el tha first free Protestant 'Episcopal Church
in Now York. His whola life was devoted to
works of benevolence anil charity and his
death is universally regi.-etted. For sixty
years he was a clergyman of tho Episeopal
Tho Supremo Court of tho United States
lias reversed tbu decisiou of the circuit court
for tho Eastern district of Pennsylvania, ia
tho case involving the distribution of money
in tho hands of the Centennial board of fi-
nancc, and ordered that $1,600,000 bo paid to Columbia. The Secretary will insist also
tho treasurer of the United Slates before any that only one member or a family shall be
division is nude to stockholders. employed iu the Treasury Department.
Qovernor Tilden bad narrow cscapo from
injury last Monday. IJ e was riding in his
carriage when tho horses took fright and ran
away. Mr. Tildeu juioKl out and, fortu
uatoly, was Dot hurt.
The Norwich, Oonnei jtlcut, BulUtin knrivvs
of a wealthy gentleman who bad willed his
property to tbe Methodist Ckurch, but
burned tbe document, in disgust whea ho
read tha rrsolutloiu of the Now England
bclzcd, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho
property ot Willi tin Fulnnau.
All that rvrtatn i-ealcslile situate tnCcntrciown
ship, Culuiniila county, Pennsj mla, bounded on
the noitb by Uiidi or Samuel in ..ay, on .the call b
land o! Jeremiah Usgenbuch on the south by land
of B. Alkm in ami Margaret llageubuch, and ou .he
west by land of Jeremiah llagenbucb, contalulug
serenty-Ui ucros more or less, whereon aro erected
ad willing house, burn and out-buliuiugs,
Belzed, taken ft) execuiiou unit to be soUl as tho
property ot Levi A. llldlay,
All that certain pieco or parcel of land feltuate In
the tow nshlp of iladhon, Columbia county, I'ciiu
tj Ivanla, bounded on Uie north by VV lill.iui iiarlllue,
east and toutli by public load and west by land of
John tjiollb, dcctakcd, contulnlLg tvventy-l o ucres
more or less, whereon are ericud a dwelling house
and barn.
AU that certain piece or parcel ot land situate In
tbe township of Madison, Colurabticounty, Pennsyl
vania , bounded on tho south by public road, on Uie
cut by Mrs. Coiner, and on tho north and west by
Mrs William luruer.contolntng one and a half acres
more or less, whereon aro erected a dn tiling house,
barn and a tanner',
Scitud, toVen into execution and to be sold as the
properly of Hugh Mccollum,
nr- CONDITION'S of svLKlMrehosers muit
pav tea per cent, ol tho purchase money, or at least
enough W cover all costs, at striking down ol sale,
othorwlwi property to be riuoid at onoo. J0UN W'
AprUU. twr.u
"Ily vinueof tundiywrlis Usued out of thocourr
orcomninii I'.eas of ('obonbl.i countv nml lo inedi
r.cie.i, will be exposed to public miem iho couil
llouto In 111 ximsbuiv, ui oiu o'cltcl: p. id on
SATUHDAY, Al'KIL 21, 1877,
All the foilovvli s leal estate situate tn orcenwood
tonm-hlii, Columbia county, Ivi.nsjlvuhla, boiinaid
ontUo noith liy lauds ot Isaac Hcwllt, by land of
John Math r ou U'u south, In land ot John l'arlir
on iho west, and land of John Kline ou the east,
coutilnliig or.c-half acre more or less, mi vihhhuru
O'ected a dwelling house, frame; a
blaiksuiltn Hiop. n Irume Unblo und lait.bulldlnts.
Seized, Ukeii Into rxecuitun, and lo bo sold us tho
property ot J. A. llumiuel.
Iho undlvldJd holt of the rollowln; tract tf land
Htnuto m Pluo townsulp, - olumbU couuly, I run
silv.iiila bjuiuI,'Uuuii)iilbt)lasMliwsi Oiilhe
north by laud of John Wiuiuioyer, an I oih, rs, (U
tho east b. tan I of Thomas llei.Ueld arm i.theia, usi
Iha south b aul ot Janes sliulu and oibcrsntd
on the we-1 bvland of Solomon xlrko nnd tilers,
coutalnlug .hreo UundreJ and evenly acioi nioio o
le. s.
Allied, taken Into execulton, mi to be sold as the
propel tyot JohuLoie.
All tint certain lot of ground situate la the Town
of I!spy, Columbia cojmy, Pennsylvania, bounded
und detcr'lbed as follows i un iho noith by an alley,
on tho cast by lot of Lloyd M Pcttlt, on tha bouih
by public road leading to lilwm, und on tho west by
an alley on which uru ericled a frame dmlilug tivuse
and oulbulluiugs.
tieliod, taken tuto execution, and to bo told ai tho
properly of John c, Croviltng.
Tho following tra:t of land situate la Minitn
tonslilp, O Juuiblicauuty, IVnusyliauta, bounded
and described us follows, to-vnti ou llu north by
lands of btepheu lluilor, cutt by land of Alexander
Hannah and sauiuel Creasy, somh by lands cf
(icorgo lirowu and VVIllUm Crea.y.west byPatll
llrown and Aaron W. Iliisa,oonlalutugone Unnlr-
acres more or less vtUeieon am ir. cte.l a "Ian
bouse, a good bank barn and other oul-b' , iiins
Ktlicd, taken Into execution, ami to be sold a ir"
proptrty of Naihsn Nuis,
CON'UITIDSS OK 8ALI!.-Purchars must pa,
tea rr teut, of tho piu-chHse money, or at least
cnutyu to oovi-r all costs, ut striking .lowu ot ula
wuoi lu) proi crt jr lo be KuM at oose
Starch U,iut. SLetk