" ' i i L , 5 :-!' u THE COLUMBIAN, OL0JJU lUBOORAT, Bf All OF THE NOBTU AXUCOLOI HUM 00 . SSJ LI DATKh.) luawt weekly, every Krl lay morning, at BuJUlliilUUJ, OOLIJMIHA COU.Nl?, PA. in.) dollaim pr your, payable In advance, or tnriat tlwyear, Aftortho sxuratlonof thojear id will Do utiirgod, To suuscrlbora out nf tbo ounty tns terms aro 11 per your, -irictlyin advance I j ill' nat put la iUvancoun.10.OJ It payment bo riiiayoJb' odd the year. S i P i? 'f ilH i lntlnua l( except at tho uplloii of the. U'lhllWiiert, until all urrjarages sro paid. but I on if coatiimi rrollts utl"r tlio uxplratlou c( tho nrst year "III not oe given Al pipprssintoitot tho state or to distant post on.rtls must bo paid tor In advance, unlcsin respon sible P T ion lo Columbia county assumes to pay the sunscrlptton due on ip'tonnd. posrAiEls no longer exacted from aubscrlbcrsln lio county. job iPiRiisrTizixra-- Tnn .T..uulr.tf IPpirtmont of Hip Coi.b.mhian Is very complete, ami our .1 li Ptlntlng wlllcompiro fnvora y wilii tint or ties hiji cities. All work doneon man J, neatly and ut moderate prices. jgatfj of dmtising. Of.lnck(tweirelincsor Itscqclveitnt I, ytoir rclltpoono orttio lEtirtlou, H.Mi IMteltso lions, s. w. onalnen... . I.5j i.oo tM tow MMf' J Twoinctei, i.w o'v ..w i i..vj KSurlDcJie,.. ..... t.c . ' 'i ouartcr column m.W It.oo 14.00 liau column ..ie.eti u.oo jo.m jo.oii (JM One column So.os le.co 40.00 o.w !. i Tearly aiji'ertlwmenti p&yaWo iuartrly. Trjil lent adrertlsementi must be paw tor before Insert f; except wbero parties have Recounts. 1 Lrirai aurriisememi iwu auiituni'i uhuwimbw i Insertions, an at that rato for additional instrtloM ; without reference to lensth. , t Eiecntor's, Administrator's and Auditor's aotlM three dollars. , ,, Transientor Local notices, twenty cents , ;i rej'ilaradvertlsetnentahalf rates. ! rards In tho "llutncM directory" column, o4 , dollar per year for each line. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., F11IDA1 , APRIL 13. 1877. THE COLUM11IAN, VOL. XI, NO. 14 C0LUIIIIADKM0C1IAT,V0I,.XLH, M). S J fie Columbia County Official Directory. Prullmt iii Ua -William KUvell. A . ji l.itf .IiiJstca-I. i; Krlckbium, 1". UNbtiman. Mr ii jiii.ir , .ye. -H, Prank Zarr. Curt si 'iioiiap'ier-H. s. Walla r. I r.si -r t itro'ljr .Vlllia nson il, .Incoby. Disvl't Alt irnsv fonn M. Clark, sheriff -Joiin w. iionmun. S .rvis ir-lsne Hewitt. Tr. , slr,.r -III 11. VV. MrdtlVllOldS. cj a utHUiers-iohn il"rner, S. V. Mcllenry, Jm p'.i satm. ( . a iil.-i'nifTs'ClorU-YVIlliam llrlckbaum. A i tit .r.s-.M V. II. Kline, 1. 11. Casey, u, 11. Mown. i .loiicr-cuams u.Miirrii 11USINI&S OAnns. t. .1. a Kurrat, onice, North .Market Mrcf t, lar.s?,'t4-y Bloomsljurif, Pa. E. 15. OltVIS. ATTOItSnY.AT.I.AW. Ol KICE llooin f4n. 1. I'nltin.lilan" PullillriP. Sepl. W.1S55. luiy. oininlutaneru-Jacob II. rrltr, William II, jrXOWti'c IUTTEN'IlENDEIt. ) jnt Supjrhitendent-Wlillam II. Knvder. I iinp.jir DHti-lr.t -DlreotoM (I. 1'. lint, SCO' lu. llruiner, Iiloi n.tl me and Tliomnn l.etc 1 t 11. 1', lint, Si'crelur . . Bloomsburg Official Directory. ATTO n K V. Y-A T-L A W, nt.ooMsnt'ito, pa. imi'i llartman's Iilock, coir.erllnln nrd Market Mieila Oet. S"' THE LUNGS nioo'nsburj llankltucompanv John .v.l'unilon, PreilJ'n , II. It. uro ., t'nshler. , , . Pin vi lonil ilink-ciurleslt. I'ation, resident t. i e t iMi f ' iH'.ilei-. 1 1 1L1 will'. Mil uil 'iavlnsf fund and Loan , 1 ' U u.i -E. 11. Lit le, I'rcstAen , O. W. Sillier, Co fnl (if i. Illo.i.nvi irir nultiltn?andSarlng rundAssoclailon -Wm. I'coe.jek, President,.!. II. Kolilsun, Seereiary. HloonHbur' M'l ual Nulns Kitnd Aiuoehi Ion.!. J. urimer, Prosldcu , C. o. narkluy, Secre'ary. CIIUUCH D1HI5CTOKY, BAl'TIST CII01ICII. Ilev. !. P. Tus In, (supply.) s indiv s Tvlces-I Ma m. and 6t p.m. until, Kltnnl 1n.tr,. I'rajcr Mccllng-llrcry Wednesday evening at c; Sm s'freo. TI10 public aro Invl'ed 10 a'tend. ST. MATTItBW'S 1 ITIIEIUN cnCBCtl. MlnH cr-Itev. .!. N'cCrun. S ill lay S.'rUi'es-lo a. m. and ox p.m. C.nrl l., U.hml 1 it. in. I'ra crMeo lnu-Uvery Wednesday eienlngai (IX heats Tree. No pow'3 rcn- ed. All are welcome. ri:sBTTi:niAHciiriirii, Mlnlrer l!ov. Mu in Ml' "hell. Sunday Ncnleca-I0j iuiu. audcxp.m. prater Moo ln,'-i:iery Wednesday evenlns al ax ilea's free. No rows rented, siranjera welcome. MBTHODiar KriSCOrll. CHDKCIl. Prosldln? r.lder Ilev. S. H.llucklnham. Minn or Uev.J.S. McMuirny. Sunday Sen Ices 1 X and OX ?. m. stnuu' acuooi ; p. in. Q W.MlLI.Kli, Al luil.l.lA.Min Oflleoln Iirowci'a bulldlnif, second floor, room No. I. r.loomiburir, Pa. )ulyl,"3 y l-, I V.NK. I.. E. WAIXEil. FUNK & WALM5H, Altoi noysvit'I.nw, HI.OO.MSllUlt(l, PA. ortlco In CoLCMtiAS UfiMiisa. .Ian. 19, '"-1y r V. & W.J. DUCKALEW, ' . tfn'nmf IH'Cf . f t 111 A I IUlWr.lTAI " liloomsl..irfr, Pa. omceon Main street, first door below Court House siar.c, ,4 y R I', .t J. M. CLAKK, ' ATTOHNtiyS-AT-tAW, nioomsburfr.T'a. April 10,'!4-y Ofllco In Ent s Ilulldln?. A. CKETEI.1V0 SMITH. nEBTEY EWIKO SUITHi CKEVELINO SJIITII & SON, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, llloomsbure, Pa. rn-Allbiiflness entrusted to our care will reelevo prompt attention. J'" J A.c mult) tllaks -Kvcr Mondav evening a' ex ncloe c 11ILLMFYI5H Win? Men's I'm cr .Mce Ing-Every Tuesday If 1 . J.II-Ij.ii 1. 1 i.n reninirn ox o'clock, n-rfinvTV nenenil I'rajcr Mectlnjr-Uvory Thursday evenlnx J O CIOCK. IIF.I'OUMMl riicitcn. corner of Thlul and Iron streets, a i' or Ilev. u. I), uurlei. it ileiieo (J'htril Hotel, f.und.ij Sen lees-lux u. in. and . p.m. sund.iv school 9 n. in. I'rnver Mcetlii'i Saturday, 7 p. m. All "uro Invited 1 here H alwai s room. st. rifi.Meiicr.cii. "I. clor Ilev I.. Zal.ner. suudas Servlees-1 ijj a. la., Tx p. in. sund. v school -'.' u. in. , ,.,.. J.... i i it.., ...onin iii.iv rnfuniinlon. Sirileci lireniraliiiy to t'oiniimiilon on 1'ilday zveulng berorc Ihu t-t suudav In eiu-li inonlii. I'ews rented; but everjliodv nelcou.e. KVASonuc 11. llltllCll. Presiding r.lder Ilev. A. U lleeaur. Suiid.iv servli-e-Vp. in., In tho Iron street Church. pra ei'Mecllng-Kierj saUbalh at a p. in. All are InMtiil. Allaiu uclcoinc. tub ruuiicii ox cimisr. Mivu in "tho Utile llrlck chinch on the lilll," known ns the Welsh uaptlst Chun h-ou Hock blrect llemilnr meeting for worship, cicry Lord's day nf "KtiVrKl uic' public aro cordially InMled to niienu. ATTOIINr.V AT LAW. dn ICE-Adjolr.lng C. I!. W. .1. Jiuekalcw. llloomsburg, Pa. Apr. 14,':s-ly. R. II. UTTl E. KOU'T. K. LITI -p II. A 15. It. LITTLE, J ' ATTOr.NF.YS-AT.I.AW, llloomsburg, Pa. I"llulne9 before the tT, s. Patent ortlee attended m no'.er, in the t'oiuinoian iiuiminjr. ij l 150CUWA y"& I5LWELL, if . ,. . . . A I III li -. 1'. 1 o-A J-J. i , COLiManN liiiuiixii, llloomsburg, ra. Memiw.r nf the t't.lted states Law Association. Collections ninrle In any part of America. CONSUMPTION. 'I'hlsdlslrosing and danserous complaint. and Its pi-emnntlo'v svmploms, n"elerteil comh, iilglil Keais. hoorsei.-ss wauling llesli feier tn'imaijent. Iveiitcii hy Dr. "Swn) no's compound sjrupuf Wild Cherrv," I!l!oNCIHT11-a I'romonltor nf Pulineimty Con mimptlon, l.setiorai letledlivi'otnrrlior IcIlAinatlon of the inueuotis meinbrnno rt Hie nlr passages. linsienei,, pains lu Iheihest IVr all lironclilal affections, son threat, losi.f votco couchs, Dlt.SWAYNirS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A 1-OVFIIE10N KKMFbV. Ilcmmorrlinge or spitting of Mood, mav proceed from Hie lannv, truehla, bronchia or lungs, and arise fri m viir.ouseities, aunduephvslc.ilexertlon, pMlinrn fullness of the vistIs. weak lnrg,oier ttrali'ti f(f the olie. Ri'ppie"'ed cvmuatloD, ob struction ot the trlu'ii er liver, ie. CcniTiciind Syrup cf Wild Chorry lrlL,imir the rnrt 01 dlfensobv tiurlfllPL' IheblOOd. relorlng the er and Kidneys to healthy action, ln- t-l...r..,l,.r. tin. rifll ntlM .If 111. 118 !.l ricioiis piilv, r tin only fver ricr.yeiir o nise lewnere a grauuai iiiiituihu iienou is mvim. Ulilll r Its use Die eouen is lonsrnen. inn niiiii sweats diminished, the pnln tubsldes. the pulsu re turn tn Its atural ftandaid, tliestomnchls Improv ed In Itspower to digest and assimilate tho food and eerv organ has a purer and bttter'iualliyof Mood supplied lo It. out of which new recreallie and plas tic inaierini is inane nil iWAYNI' irrndiiatcdntn.no ottlio best Mcdl. cal Colleges In Hie U, s.. and was engnired In an ac tive practice for tnnny sears, tlni" guaranteeing that hlsprcrnrallons aro prepared upon strictly silentir.c principles. Reliable lwidcnce. 110MI8 TESTIMONY. Ha. SwAVNE-Henr Sir: Ileelltto be due to you n.l u,.rf,.n,... tmmnrilli' to Mie the rol owlnL tesll- mony respecting the w'onderfiil curatlie powers of J our compound ru' 1 1 ..iiuinn. .mu -...... .. rllla and Tar I'llK 1 was mulcted with a ttolent cough, pnlnslnthe side and brtast, iilglil Bweais, role throat, my bowels were costive, nnpetlte nearlv gone, ona mv stoniai-n wiierywcnKiiiuiiiij iuijpi (lan was al a loss lo know what to do forme, nsev .....Mi.tt.,. i ,,w,i inthp Rl,nm nf medlelmi was relect- eil m it ninereliv limes a nini oi oioou i lunumui for months In tldsnwnil conillMon, and gaic up all hopes of ever ricoi ei lug. t this time on recom- mendetuiie use or scur sviu i nun i-nirt. o - ,.u. rueillntelv began to soothe, comfort anil m.ay tne sK.leneoor the eoucn, sirengiiiene'i uim ioru lnsnort.it ins mail" n i'rieii ciin-o. ,-,u'. yyiLLlAM M5Y.SON-, ATI 0 UN E Y-A T-l . A V, Contralia, l'a. l'.blS, '"O-lJ". rintiil and and s-il l!LO()MS!U'I5(! DIHECTOHY. trunnl. nnnEHS. lilnnl;. iin-t eatlv bound In snail iooi.s. ou imiei (of salo at the coi.usiutA'( mace. reu ij, is,, i ii .W'K' I)Ki:iW. i.ii l'.iielu i.-nt nnil Linen i....,n,. foimnnn and for AdlOllllS tfltol'S, P( CU- lura and trustees, for salu cheap ut the Coixmuian Olilee. "AltltlACIE CKI5TI I' K'ATl'.iu.l iirmled I for sale at tho rou'WHAN uiiue. .nuns- (TiriTif thodo-polalid.lusticessnouiil nuppiy im-iie MISCELLANEOUS. TTf II 0 W K L L, 'I . n.r.m i ) li. IN J. I o I . omen In llaitman'a Illoek, second lloor, corner .Main and .Muikct Streets, r.I.OOMSHUIKi, r. .May ic-ly. "JliOWN'S HOTEL, i Monnei. rroiiiie(ui. iss. t .2jl0jl.wiperu.l5-. Octobers, THt I; i - Refi'lng llloouihliiirg, l'a.. I!. Aeeomrnooauons nr.si- llestaurant auacneu. IM ami for nale nt tho ("oi.ciii.ian onice. selves Willi theso neeoMiiry nitlUes, TUriTICES and Lonslabies- ric-nins ipr i-aie 7,IVI...., f-nvr ,i i nflK-IMlTII .! M.therni.fMtiiAN onice. Thev contain the eor- f M. DIlINkLK, OUNand LOOlvJ.Mllil ri'cted fees as eslabllshed by the Ian Act of tuo ig. "lat uro upon tho subject. Every Justice anall on. atablo siiouiu navo one, V ENDUE NOTES .just punted and for sale cheap at the coluucian onice. Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. OrmiA House llulldliig, llloomsburg, ra, Ull 1, to ijr HOOTS AND SllOF.S. Poetical. THE KMIST l'AUTY. ills? Annabel Mccarty Was Ins lte.1 to a pirly, ' Your company from four to ten," tho Imitation said ; And the maiden svis dellhtid To think she was hulled To sit up till Hie hour when the Mg fjlks wont to bed. Tlrtcrnrrlttllo mllgU llan and told the news to lirldjet, Who clapped her hinds, and danced a Jig, to Annabels delight, Aud said, wllh nc. rnt.s heart), "'T will he I he sv, nteH parly It se'ie there ytrselt, mo ilaillntl 1 wish Unas to-night I" The great dlsplav of frilling wm positive!' ktlllti 'I And, oh, tho little booties I and tho lovely sash so wide I And the gloies so very cunning I She was altogether "stimnlne-," And tho whole Mccarty family regarded her with pride. They give minute d'reetlon Wllh copious Interjections Of "Sit up straight 1" and 'Don't do thti, or that I 't'would be absurd I" But, w hat w Ith their caressing, And the ncony if drusslng, 3ltss Annabel McCarty didn't hear a single word. There wa music, there was dancing, And the sight was most entrancing As It fairy-land, and floral band, wen. holding Jubilee i There svas laughing, t hero was poutln j ; There w as blnglng, Uiero was shouting : And old and young together made a carnival of glee. Miss Annabel Mccarty Was tho youngest at tho party. And every one remarked that she svas beauti fully drest: I.Ike a doll sho sat demurely On the sofa, thinking surely It would never do tor her toruuand frolic with Hie rest. The noise kept growing louder ; 'I ho naughty hoj s w ould crowd her : "I think jou'ro very rude Irdeed r tho lllllo lady said; And then, w Ithout a warning, Mer homo Instructions scoinlug, he sireamidt "I svant my bupperl and I want tof,o to bel I" yow big folks, who aro older, Nicd not laugh at her, nor tcold her, l'or doubtless, It tho truth were known, weVe often felt Inclined To lease tee ball, or pariy. As Hid Annabel McCarty, Hut we hadn't halt her courage, uiid we 00111,1111 speak our mind 1 ri"Iiesiilbossini.lomsliinlleomiiiunleatlons,ani w;.;, I'Mml. St. .Y?-,o,m l'or Vibmnrv. aildless luurs to llll sWAYMIa. MIN..U1 IsGHli ' ' ' sU'h Street, I lllliiueipnia. o niinge uu i oiiiov for advice, sold bv ilrueu'lsls and dealers In medi cines generally. blue smoke into tho still, warm nlr, ntnl (lis- wind ntul smisliliie ; tlic long bnppy gnllops OHArTEIl If. ciissinp; tho people nboiit them, than to p'i with her nnil her brother os-er tho-e preenly A second voice nnsivcrcd rmmd nnd round with the slream like gold- Dwelling downs svlilch nll 'in thn merry "Then von never saw nn uwful scamp, I fish In n bowl. township from the nsaiill of the noit'i .nll,,ml tl,!. nfiemnnn. svben I met htm Well, it is dlificult to tell svho i' who, wind ; lunch iiftcmnrds nt tho lintel where 0flfn, walking slth that gentle, lady-llko nnw.idays," CIrn,ni;er said nt Insl In .tuswer (lie (iarsfurdi were slaying; the afternoon looking girl, what she or the parents would to some remsrk of bis friend j "burring promenade in the Aquarium to the strains cf My If they knew of tbo bullet-dancer wife paint (and that's tint so ony toseo at night), one of the most perfect bands to be met In' the background." oneet nf women driss so closely after an- witirnnywhere, and the ( veiling lounge upon u rfe;" wllh world of accent, other that I for one don't see bow you can the nier. enlivened bv morn music which "ni, i vu u mnrrl,l her I L-tinw.nnd n tell Ibem tipart." soutuleil sweeter nnd nioro soul-llrring still inll.. litiln iliino- she wns. too. He's stoniod "Uteept Inn place like thl.s," iibjeeted from tho cjiicomltants ofrlppllnzwavesnnd her acting now, though, nnd keeps her mewed the C-iptalu; "in the park or open, I cr.ttit sturtit niht. Wns It any wonder that thee. p lodgings in Islington; but she's back It you sometime-; but litre " numerous chances of meeting, combined Kt the Surrey every other night, behind tbo "Well, svbal's the difference here? Has with ev. r danpentu Idleness nnd p"er!es p(., nr looking on." "Nice lot, those fellows of the t!i I" said the lirst. "And this one nicer than tbo rest I Head over heels In dbt bofuro hn took up with little Hello at nil. Illess you wo bold doz ens of his acceptances. I woudcr what old the place any particular touchstone liy which summer weallier, should work a spell more to test the society of the f.iir-r sex ?" powerful than that of "mystic paces and of One tnticlHlnno is sullhient. T.ikn thi woven hands" over tho hearlsof two young pier or Instance, decent women don't walk n nple ns young nnd (lor all his soldier life u one on it. nd guy. fKir face, for all her rare beauty, "Nor your Millie. Phryne cither, if she and pride even greater than beau'v) ns frcsli can help it.' a,l milaliied by tho contact nf thn world Onrslnrd would sav if It would come out?" "l'ossililj ; Intt .sou werespMklngof fiml. is Cvnl (iranger and Ethel tiarsford ? "Kick him out of tho home probibly. It nit the g i i'l-rorin ones Uinj w ml. In t Little enough she knew of that world, (,t Ukolv hnwevor: for the fellow's n most. Iream of "h-nving In -null a place at all M'i shelter d from all knowledge lieynml a consummate hypocrite.nnd reads thn Ilible to et ipenn of some sort." vague ami shrinking reprobation ol its evils ,s father jut after slnglug a 'pod obi(; lift I Granted, nmtlimn, as you observed jint Ut me old country noiise in is urwieksmre, ha I hn !' how," said Granger slowly, his keen, quiet where vciir hy yea- slio had led the peaceful T10r0 wft, morP8.iid, but they did not bear busy UU! (it .111 I. Dglisn. maiden anil I an En- i. q-jii .i.en ,i.cv ha,l 6t00d spell-bound by "Not always though look there!" taking ghh pentle-womau. As lur Jvynl, an only lmao !rs, worj, . ony Btjo had drawn her on with plenty ol money, ntolui glance traveling over the throng around bun "Not always though look there!" taking his cigir out nf his muth to direct attention tor who had hand mvav and clenched it with the other to j girl passing I limn, a "tall, lithe-looking en light, and a man ol eight and twenty, agnnit her breast, ns If to keep down some girl, in handsome black silk, and walkiiiL' he might bq .considered rather more remark- ,,: 9trL,ffln2 for utterance, and he af- nith tho quick but irresolute step, shoulder able lu ids degree, being publicly spoken oi tfr n.)n ,asty movement ns if to withdraw. I,.,.,.. ai.d I am n ev able lo nursuo ms dall. lahor. per-oti lloultlug th tni'h of Hi" il's.ve si l' ri win piease 1:1 1 uu or no u m . c " r r.DWAllllII. IIWSON'. l'JlgllidT Of Ceo. Sweelit- I'l.llc-IV, Uldgo IKiad, helow Wallace, l'hl.a. rufOn nnru h.iin i.l.llised. ntul Mr. IllltllSon Sllll remains a'heaity man to lids day September Mth, 1S15. 1MIVSICIAXS IU'COMMEM) IT. Iir. Thomas .1. P.. llhoads. Iloiertown. llerhsCo., Pa., wrlies; Yoiiriompoiiiid s.irnpor i ni tierry I iMeim sen highly ; have l-en selling mid recom mending It to my lallentsfor ninnj jean, nnd It al WKisiiroies cfllrnclotisln obsilnnie coughs, bron chial and iitthliiall,aliilTictl"ns 11 has made some leinarkaijleeuies In this notion, nnd I consldfrll thels'Sl renieilv nun w turn 1 am auiu.iiuicu. Prleo l. sKboltles for?s. If not sold by sour dnigslst, wo will mnviild halt doveu bj expu'ss, irei'nr pnui on rceciii 01 pn1 rather forward and eves down, but head erect and expiessiou both proud and timid, betokening to an unaccustoinednesa to being alone in u crowd, mid n dislike at once shrinking and haughty to the glances cist on her. ''There's a woman walking hy her- sVlf; but 'for a' tb.it an' a' that' there's som: none who Ii.-.d never tlirted witn a, woman, never cared for a woman's beauty ,ticrer striv en to win a woman's heart in all his life, and as openly admitted the imputation. 'I remember my mother, be said onco to a friend. "When I meet a woman like her I will go and kneel at her feet, If you will, resigned nimscii wuu a nau-uespaimiK shrug. Had not those tirst syllables told her tho svorst? Suddenly she started, turned her head, aud looked nt him full and brave- lv. "Pome awav. How is it people live ami .noil- mei lies 1" sho said fiercely. Their thing about her I'd lay my life slie'sa lady and kiss tho dust she walks on. Why not ? CVM met ng.iin, but there svas no answering lliero is nothing so lovely tiuuer heaven as fier(:cnessin his ; nothing but agreathame Miscellaneous. t-s ir i.-vniM! l),.nl,.r in lioots and Shoes Pi. latest nnd best styles, corner Main and Market streets, In the old post onice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, &C. r 1. SAVAGE. Dealer in Clocks, Watches j . and Jewelry, Mala St., JustbelowlheCentral Hotel, I'llOIT.s'iloNAI, CAI1DS. Ct 0. ll.VKKLEY. Attorney-cI-I.aw. Office , lu r.rowei's building, 2nd h'.ory, ltcoms 4 K s. Oct. 10, eon nnd I'hysi- lock and Market lv.ll. W.M. M. 11E11EII, Surg' I clan. Office S. 11. corner II sueets. .1 TIlnUN'I'II.N 4. ,.,,. tnti.a rlttyensof fttooms- hin-L.imi neinltv that he has lust received a full and complcto assortment ot WALL PAPKlt, WINDOW SHADES, KixrcnEB, conns, tassels. and all other goods In his lino of business All the ncwcstnnd most approved patterns of the day are alwaj's to on rouna in 1113 iwuuuwiuiiui, .., n... below .Market. oct. b.i JXt.'HANGE HOTEL, Opposite Hie Court Uoiihc, liLooMSiiuna, pa. The I.auoest and Best In all respects In the county V. D. KOONS. 0t.8,'75-ly Proprietor. tiii: west i'ir.11. A TAP. IN TWO CIIAPTI'.P.S. OHAPTI'.U 1, A hot summer's night at Brighton, it night svhcti there was no wind nnd no stars, a night so intensely black that the restless moiming waste of waters below was hardly to be distinguished from the moveless, silent vault nlinve. savnwdietl now nnd then a hri'llk Peiers are often presented nv ine ufc oi inesu . ., . , . , .. ., . ,. .. n.,v,iin.i niK. as heveaii'voir.tliroui.'h the blood in 1110 inky curiam 01 ine lauer hiiussuu u tho Impuiltles frcin which they nilse. 1'cr Custlie- ,. oranM-colored (ran and the cieai.a il,..r.. u nntiiinir ui 1 m dual as Swal he's Tar urjni,e-iuioriu "'" b""'" and Sarsaparlllu pills. I ing of 11 crescent point showed a fainter or- Llieras lilue Mass or cakniel, wltnoutuuy bad re- nngo glure on tho languid ro suns iroin lasiug. Address letters to nit. sw 'Ni: t SON, Phlladcl- nhlo. No charge for odslce. Sent by moll on r, ctlpt or price. Prtco 25 cents a box ; five botes lor 1. ASK jour urugt'isiioriueni. LIVHBCOMPLAINT That drendi d alscase.from w lilch so many perso n suner. Is friqueutly the cause of IlEltilCIlP, ISIIIIlESTlOS, DlHI'FrSIA, Is speedily re leved, nnd nreoften p( rmam ntlyeured SwayuB's Tar snfl Sarsaparilla Pills. and good form loo " "Thai I Why,-bow the deuce Good heaven! I should rather think s. Il'a ifitj ti-lcr, mini I" nd it wii', lor tli.- rii- "l tone aud shul lcring idungo forward startled the girl. She turned her head aud the next moment was at her brother's side, her hand on his arm, while the look of pleasure nnd leliof in her face abundantly proved the truth of Gran 'ger s surmise, ine younger olhcer drew po lilelv on one side, waiting for an introduc. lion, hut not wishing to appear to claim it, The girl had never noticed him George, I mil so glad," sho said breath V-sly. "1 was beginning to be afraid, for I couldn t see vou anywhere, and there are such lot? of people down there." 'Hut, my deargirl, w hat the deuce brought vou out nil bv yourself? Lots of people ! I should rather think so You've no business even to bo litre bv day without Mrs. Girs Tord or some one else. It isn't respectable, it what In the name of heaven, did vou do it fur ?" Garsford was if illy nngry. To havnjnt been in the act of passing u stricture on n particular distinction between women, and to find that vour own sister, the pearl and pfide of your life, has unconsciously boon serving ns nn e.tamp'e to point the mor.il. is irritating even to a mind usually placid a woman pure of all evil and unspotted from the svorld. The question is, where will you find her ii'iw.vlavs? When he saw Ethel liars ord, he said to him-ell ''She is found," and straightway fell down in his heart nnd worshipped her. And Ethel undastanding by tho untaught instincts of womanhood that there was some thing in tho touch of this man's hand when it brushed hers, something m the look ol his eves when thev gi.ed into hers, dill ; rent . rr. ...I,ln . rrr.1T tr PT fln ie nuatl "MIIVIII. nn ,,.,w.v " ft' " o face altered in a moment, a blush to burn as to bring the tears in her eyes, crim soiling it even to agony Mr. Granger, it is not true any o; ir she said, in atone half indignant, half ajv pealing, a tone which in the still watches o tho nii'lit hebears even now "Ethel," bo stammered eagerly, "don , , r .... I. l..l Ir.rh.n inn larMIIV. 1 WISH VOU iwi osri- hut if vou would only let me try to from anything she had ever before felt or gjjph.j,." seen in any other male acquaintance, lit her "Uxplaiu !" Tho sudden blush wns gone unucent lie.irt slop ituueriiig as a ciyou t m, j a mort!li paleness in Its place, bird before tho master-touch of his unspoken not nny explanation would be fit' love, said in Her soul, "mere is no one iiku vou in tho whole wide world. tin,- Mr. Grander. It vou please, 1 will go rf irely it is . V . r . . And then, before not wrong toadmiro anything o brave nnd . .j her. she bad turned aud left noble when after a lesv days I may never see , , j.i, a decision and dignity which did it again." The while, he was wonder ng, llot admit of delay. Cyril uttered a hasty "l)o?s she like mo even as an acquaintance? wnr(j aj Wcntoll'as swiftly in au eppo'ite and now long in it uo neiore sue w in nuns tiirootlon, as if looking for some one. mo worthy ot caiiiiig uer irieno ; aim now c.iptnin Garsford bad accompanied ins much longer befire 1 may Ull her I love her friellil ,10mei unJ wlw .rolling back along and ask her to bo my wife?" t1. i-i,f's Uoad. when ho was met by Gran- Now, when it cmics to this, that two pco- , , ,1 ,5rat m:c that somc- 1. ... I..,., CJf.., ,.., t,r.lr lends ' pirs imiscs ...s".. .. t nip' was amiss. T I! RVASS. M. D.. sturceon and I'hs'si- ) . clan, (onice and lleildenco ou Third street, corner Jeiicrsou. Tr Ti VMf KT.VY. M. T).. Rurireon and I'hy- J . slclan, north side Main Btreet, below Market. T !. IIOIUSON. Attornes--at-Lav. Office t) . lu Iiartman'sbulldlng.Malnstreet. II im;4R'KTOCK. JMiotographcr, over , (.laik 4 Wolt'sstore, Jlalu stiett. T7IUEAS BUOWN'S INSUHANCE AGEN X CY, Hxchango Hotel, Dloomsburg, Pa. CapltaL ,, 6,6011,000 . fn.iH'ii.ooo , 13 foo.oeo . 10,000, 00 . 5,lCW,ooO 5ne,ooo ,, 1,WI0,(H10 S.O'd .. S.WSI.OOO .. n.uoo.isss .r.tna.lnsco., ot Hartford, Connecticut. Liverpool, Imdon and Globe .... Iioyalof Liverpool Lancanahlre Plre Association, I'hlladelphla Atlas ot Hartford , farmers .Mutual of Danville Danville .Mutual Home, New York Commercial Union Df tho sea, n paler gleam on the svet shingle of tho beach Very still that beach svas just then. Hi shingle, a few hours buck scattered over wit! children, red-cheeked nnd short-skirt shrieking, laughing, beating each other with little wooden spades, or splashing bare-leg lfed in thn surf nnd fivoin svith loOsC-haired nympns in ciassicanv miitering mure win trim nurserv-maids, and wet-legged, blmvsy, Is generally preceded by a moisture, like persplra-1 emi-masculine bathing women was silent . Irol. In., no fhmii.li r.lii ssni-me ui.rn " trusvllng In or about. il.o rectum, particularly at and deserted now ; abandoned to the white 1 SS I eweUaVwin'S oiientnnes bathing machines and gaily plintcd boats 3,M,nrtsV,Sl ed up high and dry, out ol reach ot the males are soreiy an; pregnancy, eMcndlu; Ira<iv ttlinodt Ili'M caes ot long standing, piouounced liicuiable, have ,,,;:,,,, in , ,ii-r. Vers- silent been nermaueuuy cured Dy simpiy up jiinig ....,......... v cl isp, that the touch of a dress makes them thiill and tremble, and the'glanco of au eye ir the breath of n word Hcnds ihem red and white in a moment, the answer to this "How ' ""j i'""-'" , ,. , .... , ... ..,,., to a fault, and Ethel Garsford, very unused JO,,B "u " "u" In nnvlhlnr liL-e harshness from her brother "ul ' """"!- fluslied all over her delicate high-bred face. like a .illv smitten bv the last red rays of the setting Fim. Young Granger felt sorry Itching Plies illctcd, particularly In llmrs of mischievous element with which they had ig lilolho s oglua, proslm: dls- .... ,, , , , " , ond vo iioweis of endurance, been battliug nil day ; and scarcely to be MISCELLANEOUS. March se.'H-y lijs.ar.s.KjO D go to AVID LOWENHEIiG, Meithant Tailor Main St., abovo central iioiei. ,S. KUHN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., . Centre street, Letwveu Second and Thlul. "HEN YOU WANT A 1-lltST-CLASS SHAVKor an thing lu the TON.solllAI. L1M. JAMES ItKHiLl'fi BABBKB SHOP, THE HF.ST IN TOWN, (Under Exchauso Hotel, P.loomsburg, Pa. Oct. 12, 1-ly "!HE UNOEIISIGNEI), representing seveinl of ihu most consenatlvo and reliable Amerl- uo Pirn Insurance Companies, would beg lease to Her ins services io uiu cuuciisim inoiu.... .. leinits , reuucbllng a icasonable shary ot the public patiunage. pnn-rt.t. liloomsburg.July 19, lsio. omcotnlirowcr'slilock. July!Wm.. OATAWISSA. w M. II. ABBOTT, street. Altorney-at-Law, .Main M. L. EYUIILY, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAY, CatawUaa, Pa. Collections promptly mndi and roralttod. onice OnposllU Clltawissa ucposii, iiaut.. ;. - J. 11. KNITTLE. W. II. AllBOTT Iiiiportuut to Farmers, and ever) body in want of LIME. LUMBER. AND COAL. We have erected kilns ot or near tho Taper MlU.on theD.ll.4SV.lt. II. and aro cow prepated toscll Imnntterr reasonable wlces and of good quality. orders by tho ear pronipdy tilled aud shipped to any station ou uio uuu o i u. A fuUlIueotLUMllP.lt, of all kinds, dressed or lathe rough, shins , Utli and blirnmUrlowhlih wolaslto the attention of ctuto- HUTS, orders received and lined for all kind) of Iauut lfy itrlo attention to business svo hope to merit suaiBoipuoiiopairuuauv. aott. Cataulbssi, Pa, St, lsio.. and dim tho parade, so gay svith carriages and horses, and crowded with pedestrians that very afternoon. More sifent still, nnd still more dim nnd dark tho town behind. All Brighton seemed to have gone to sleep and been buried behind its rattli ng bow wiudows and brown paper walls. All uiiseuu .... ... . who are stitTiilng wllh iliisdlsiresMogiomplalnt to lirighton seemed to bo nwako nnil n very on procure swujues ointment at once. I had titea , w . meserlntlon-i almost Iniiumcrublo. without llndlna svest 1 ler. auyperiaaucutnlttf. V silence there! no dnrkneis. de!ertion JosLi'ii s. ciiiui, : . i , Plrin ( f l!'s(Ud i Chi 1st, P.oot ond Sl.oo House, ssi or ucsoiauoii i r rom euu in euu ui mu .-"bs. Nonutwoiuisireei, i i.uaui ipiua. fmll.lnoHiiL' erect on not i ng but a cllttcr of lamps, green, white, and red, nothing but n sen of people crossuig, re-crossing, meet, ing Rod re-meeting ono nuothcr, fitting on the benches talking, laughing, eating ices, flirting, fooling, perhaps (God knows!) Swayne's Ohitmont, HOMC TESTIMONY. I w as sorelv ollllcted with one of the most distres sing of nil olseasis, Pruritus or l'ruilgo, .or nioie eOllilllOU.J MLUHIIOJ lliliiHitlK ii.u h . tim.4 urt niinnst intMiernhiH. increased bv scratch ing, and not inilrcriuehtiy becainu ipille sore. I tin, tent n hoy of swa lie's ointment : Its use gave quick relief, and In a short llmu lnadu a pel feel cure. I can now s.j'p undisturbed, ond I would ndUsoall SKiH DISEASES. Swayne's All-Hsaling Ointment .iun n sneeiuo for teller. Itch. Call rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barter's Itch, 1 iotcl.es, all bcsly, fflessrov?,, Brieving to tbo languid airs of "l.a 'i ravin- cents, or tlx boxes for I.St. Sent by malt to any or .i10 "UIuo Danube," ns performed by address on lecelpt or jalio. Piepaied only by ' ' " ' , ,.,, r, usi-As-.-i i-snv f-jiv r.ihst l'hiiadeinhia. the band of tbo Coldstream or the hushed J, H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GEOCERY contains the latetft f Itck rf TEAS, GEOCEEIES QiKCEswe, Gtaare, Wmm, Canned riuits, Dried Tmits, C0NI''E0TI0NE1UE., A.c. to Le found tn Columbia county. A l oin ilcts AhsoiIiiiciiI aln as s on hand. Call and examine. Jan 1, 1811, mr nil iHciiiiiiiirrinoiiniTnmriTn- " nnd slchlngmurmur oitheBea. 1 eopie ol an l"7TA'o'T'T1'"'''",,l,," ages, sexes, nations, nnd degrees; wealthy (JiV X A.LviVXL, publicans with portly wives and overdressed symptoms and cum:. daughters; Jews in profusion, malo nnd fe- Catarrhls an affection ct the mucus inembrane of mRe fa,j.. distinguishable by too much hcasy headache, obstruction of the unfa! passages, ,10f too much full red Up, too much curly weakeses, waters and Udlamed, hacking or couch-1 . ' . . , , ;,....i. in?, ti, clear tho throat, expectoration of onciisire hair, too much gaudy color and sham jewel- maiitr, sjuch mm iusio an. iiiih.oii:u, ami,,. "c i p. . j , nf thn "hnutr ninnac ill dinner feeling In tho hind. Incessant blow lug of lheno.se, ry, lames oi tne name jnonuc ' (" and oiLer sjmpioins tuo likely tospisar vcrydis. (iress shrouded iu shawls and cloaks, aud irCSSIDg, HI.I4 IIU uiM'UAn IS 1UUII? .Aru.u'uti, ,.u i.u,u - very case, no mailer how obstinate or long stand- eti at al In any way; children in Highland nlalds or sailor costume bcanincring about, phla. Mailed tounv addrcssou the receipt of tho , ,,. ,.,iA ,,'. f,,Pi . Uottcn prion, ono dollar, with lull dlrectlors for u. also a and gelling tinder os ery one a leei , wuiu.ii Tu ihe WurUInK Clus..-SVe aro now prepared to ,i.i, uti riHsi.es wllh constant employment at home, tbo while of Ihellsie.or for Ihelrspare nio !Slnfi iikin,knew. Iii'Iitandiirontable. P,rsous or t inier sex easily earn from to cents to I5.,r;r evening, and a proportional sum Dy ueioungiucu :.,Viri'min ii.e'Lusmess. nova and girls earn nearly as much as ir en. 1 hat au w ho see tuts notice may send their address, and lest tho business we '.'(....., ,,,,nr.ill,.,l MTer! '1 0 Sill ll IIS BTO IlOt Wl'll sau-llcd wo wui wnd one dollar to pay for the trouble of ss riling. Pull particulars, samples worth seieial dollars to eouuneuce work on, and a copy of Home and l lresldc, one of tho largest and best i,...'S..,T.7.i i...i.u.-iiniis. all sent neo Dv maU. Head- er. If s ou want permanent, proniable work, address (loot go hlinson w,., i vt nuuu, .u.v. hepu , 'IC-IIUi. V A. T IN T S . persons desiring totakjout iMtinU, or desiring Information from the Ufcllcd states Pa ent onice should consult V. A. I EHJI ANN, solicitor of Amcrl can nnd Foreign Patents, Washington, . c, E amluatlons free. NO PATENT NO PAY', bcnd.for circular. otTiHiKI!, 8Tot iTud Coal (ins. from defective -r. .ir.ii. .1. No moio woirv wllh llrcs Vklng or heating, seno. siainn w " IV V COLi'OUD. W bansom bU, PWliideliAla. Iff AINWIUGUT&CO., wnoixaAXE uitoctiia, N. K. Corner Second and Arch Streets, Pmunsuuii, Dealers in 1'KArt, BYltUPS, COPFKK, SOUAH, WOLASfcEl- sici, sricn, iieisi soda, tc, c vordera Ul rcotare prompt aUenUoo. for her.'sorry. and yet glad too, that he had keen enough eyes to distinguish tho "good style0 iu her, even among equivocal sur roundings. "I am serv sorrv." she said irently; "but it svas not my fault, George. l)n not bean irrv. dear. It was not, indeed. We s.11 came It was night again and the dark blue sva- ters of the channel were lapping and beat- ng with a lazy murmur against the strong girders uf tho West Pier. There is a bench that runs round the further end of it, roofed with gluss and divided by a thin wooden partition I rom the damp sea breiv.-;. Between this partition and the waves there is a nar row path, and ou (his path, with arms fold- 'What is the mailer?" he cried out hasti ly. "Has myTr.ither had one of his attacks again ?" ""No ; but come to my room and I'll tell you," said Cyril with an equal agitation," "I was looking for you." "Nothing wrong with father or Kthel? Tell it here then." "As you like. It is about her in ono way. She has found out about Zitelle." "Found out! How? Goud heavens I Sho couldn't" "Sho has. I tried to explain and soften it, but she wouldn't listen to me." Nor would GarsPird. Ueforo the story was half through be had shaken o!f his friend, 1 on the bulwarks overhanging the moving I . . 1 f . J I . . ........ ...... I . . .... , ..f, nit here aficr dinner, mv stepmother and svutcr.unu nice, uinieu upwnru ... wm. m,,! darted away towards lite pier ; ana uyrn i... i..u ...i r .i .u. ..!, r,n!o,i it.. iruy orcaiu oi air man may uo sn"ri"r, ,.fL to 1 unell. wa ked nn wit:i n step linns I1VI UlUllll'l 111 111 I, .1 ' Hit I "'IW t.H..VU ...... . - . . - thosmell of tile sea made her feel sick, and ,vere Cyril Granger and Ethel. Seated on uu nnJ ,lcavy t0 ,he hotel where he I nr..i.,s,l ,nn , rt.it n l .f ir nxi 1 ... ...1.1 she u-n..l,l ..n bnel.- nnln. Georire. I u-..,v. v . ..,..-.... u iotls,nE( ;.,; r oitiinr. i il.nt. hot. stofTv M luo VV lo .ueuiseivcs, we..- ,iut te ,lllnutc4 back and How dilicrent "No ; I would have done so, but nhe i toimed inc. I thought nt first it svas alt up , (didn't I tell you how they would look on the affair If they ever found It out?) but something she said showed me that what o you think ? I can't guest how It cam about, but it seems she has taken it into hr 1 that those .lew beasts were talking of yew" "Of me 1" tho words came with an accent f utter surnriso nnd ngitatton, nnd srere oe- companled by n hasty movement, as though tho lieutenant were about to spring to hi feet. Garsford' heavy hand held him in hi place. "Yes , nnd, Uyrll, boy, what I want to asc ou is to let it remain so. It won't hurt you ; for she'll never breatho a word of It to nny .... .. - rt.. . .. 1.. one, and It doosu i matter a ng wuo m many wives you might happen to have. "Let It remain sol" repeated Uyrll. im . . . ... ui. suggestion seemed in some son in siuu mm. Garsford grasped his shoulder tighter. "Yes," ho said, eagerly, almost imploring v : "it will be only a trifle to you, after all ; and, Granger, you know what it will be for me. Ituin, and absolute ruin I I believe It would simply kilt my father ; and as for Ethel, if it weren't for her implicit belie! bless her girl's heart I in my sanctity and perfcation, she would never be willing to coax sufficient supplies from him, at it is, to keep my head afloat, and a roof over that poor child in Islington. If it wcro found out, I should be cut off with a shilling, have to leave the service, and should have all the Jews down ou me in a heap." 'But would not she Ethel, keep your secrets?" asked Cyril, too much agitated for a nice choice of names. Garsford shook hi head. 'Sho would try yes, but it would bejust as fatal to me in tho end. You don't know that sister of mine, Granger. She's one of those ultra-truthful, upright girls, without an atom of knowledge of the world or of men and their temptation,who would think all this sort of thing 'damnation doubly damned.' nnd concealment even svorso. I verily believe es'en her love for me wouldn't stand it ; and then sho would be always go ing on at me to tell my father, aud fretting about it ; and as to continuing to get extra supplies out of him for me, there d be an end of that. She'd break her heart; but she would't do it; and in the end itsvouldall come out, and 1 might as well cut my throat now ns think of it." "And if I ngree?" said Cyril, very low. The fire had died out of him by now ; aud the fair face looked ten years older. "You witl bo the s it ing of ine, nothing less, ami I shall thank you all my life for it. Cyril, you know yourself no man coutd feel mote bitterly remorseful than I do for that page of my life; but I was younger then,and had got into tho bauds of an infernally bad set. On my honor, ever since i got my step I've done mv very utmost to keep straight, and pay off the interest on my debts atany- rate." "I know you have, old fellow," said Cyril gently. "Aud if 1 am only given timo they say the poor old Governor caii'l last more than a couple of years I can clear everything af terwards, aud begin afresh, .itclla will pass muster well enough if sho'ri not blown upon ; and she's been a brick I will say it for her liuce we've been married. Some. times, 'pou my word, I don't know how be lives on so little ; and it would go rath er hard on her if I were smashed now Granger, I've laughed at you sometimes and called vou a 'stick,' and too 'church ;' but, on my soul, when I looked at that poor old man, svho the doctors say might be carried off by nn hour's excitement or svorry, and those two women both looking to me as their owo thing on earth, I envy you, I do indeed. Will you do this for me? I wouldn't ask you if it could hurt you, or if ir. , si., r. .. e.. i ...i.ii.. r ...,. 1....1 I ..... . ... ..... .... i drawing room, with the sun glaring Hint the ' ' " M u" '- y rj any other resource; or c-cn if Ethel bo, v.idov, all day long; and just then she "ro led oil to speak o a friend near ho t1 occl,ry hiniselas he night be could only R nt0 h r own head but caught sight of you standing alone, ono else chance to be behind kee lwo fBCM relieved against a blue, black J" ' ' and told n,e .hat if I wanted to May out I " b'w"r- T, M """" aMrKH.tl.o-o gl ono M, liear, so sweet aud fair and ten- ' ' had' better go , , as sho would be j..-t as llu ' " tier, be had almost drawn it to bis breast and i". ."thing glad of a quiet hir In talk business with ' ..- f "-.ml s irred hi,lucn it tl,0 witl, his own; the other XnLTZlilVwJ) her bro.her. I Wt quite sure if you the sul.ry st. n ess ol he a,r no single star wUite as Oeath, rverted and rigid.with an of- SlT wanted ine.'Mookin- up vislful.y into her C" " " . ''l ulJ "ot e f m7Z?11ZL& , ,, i .. ,,, . , i ....I me iiusiieii ritipie .11 11 iuuiis.iuii navo, nnoimnnt hrnihrSr'j fnen niii.t ..irt sens veved .it mv 't 1 argument, 1.. :...,i... , .1 ... r 1, -..I- 1 '" quiver 01 1110 piaiiKs 10 u muusuim ijfta (, becn t00 conlident.aller an: fcure . , , . feet, the mvrind lights irlimmerius in tho it. ir .l,n ,.nr,l fhr bim aim would never ouid not sco vou. 1 ou hah movcu, aim 1 , ,. , , .j, ....- .i.,.i. i ,,,,t n T I,.,,.,.,, in feo nervous. ' -i"--" uave stopped mm so narsniy; uiuiiu'i -n , 1 l i 4l. ..i-.,t 1.. 1 . .. A , !o don't be ve.-.ed with inc. dear. You shall ",r " , 'uul' ' . ' . ' , " ' " Snddcnlj nn Hour had passed, nut 11 take mo homo now at once if you like. If I like! Nonscne!" said George, paci ing light mound them ; and over all themu- ra,B,jt havo bcca ten minutes.forall he know sic iioateu, now iouu, now low, now risuiK ,:mp hand was la d on lis door han- I'll just tell you, only don't laugh at it. Sho I took mo round the neck just as I svas turn. I ing away aud said ; 'Oh I George, thank I God, it isn't you. You are all tho world to I me. What should I do if you wcro (lit- ferent from what you are!' Grnuger, just I how I felt as I thought If Hhtl ""- " S'l.l'- l,ll, ,,n- .l.-lnr. nv.-'.v but ever sieeet and - , 1 . , e KUCSS fied with her, though not with tho incident. ' ,?.".' ,:,,.","" ,l,e' auu L.arsioru eniercu, nis moo very u . .c i,..., rt isi thrilling, and idealising that life into a I, l.I1JC0,.,.thoughialherle-sso than when kn."".! .. uiBiiinrjiii..sii.i..jii V""'"' noeirv of romancefirbevor.il itself ... 11 r. -i ... ,i She need not say so," saiu uyrll, grave like Mrs. Garsford's consmumato selfishness i'OC'O o romance t.iri.ej ora tseii. he had rushed nsvay. Cyril started up. "I told vou I osved vou mv life If I " ' . , . ,i,t.i "It Is l:o being on tin deck of a steam- tuvvil " b i!d .mleklv ,J 1 la 1 1 c J ' not to put vou In my caro before taking her- .1 ssell, lie said, quicKi). . , , , ,. nporire it is ,,' 1 ,.; , ,. ' r., , . .,,,. er ancliored at night ofl somo southern . rn fiarsforil reoeated vauuelv "It's ia" la lno UeUt "M N ' ueorSei 11 " sclfoff. She'.s'Homorofittobeyourciov.i,- , Well- Garsford repealed santiel , s There 1 don't sav anvtl.inz. I will 1 .11.!.. r,..t' ,.nu .'UH-I .....,......... it.lr.,, r.1.1 .al mtL' .., .I'll. - one tlian but 01 course 1 111:0 10 nine you ; ... , ., .,..: mu , uu ei. less undcrs-tood by Physicians. Mnc-ieini.soi um careiuny protecieu ny srnito cmvmitu ii.f ca.sesof oneuhu&Meocil b ,nd br0,hera ,ttJica of therf,f.W0. . "Sr'"V.?",",lr.5 . Je. in war paint and plumes, and not shroud- though, as it huppns,I wasn't alono. Gran- '-' ' ' tell you." .rer nf ours .' Whv where the deuce is "Dear George 1" .said Ethel soflly. George Cyril sat down again very quietly. jpj" was always dear to licr, Her homo Idol and "Go on(" he said, lifting bis eyes kindly But young. Granger had disappeared. .M'"'" y'M me,X , to W Mend. Moved by tho wistful swectnese of her face luero "a n lur(,u 01 B"e "Uranger, said uio ciuer man, laying in. to determine that his presence at any rate 10 llcr appreciation of Ibis act. hand suddenly on the lieutenant's shoulder, should ncllhcr recall tho past conlrc-lemp, "And it is si miracle that bo wasn't "do you remember that day iu the Adriatic? ' norcorao between tho brother and sister's drowned lumsell, mat l didn't drag bimuu- v. 1111 u quicu niovemcin .u me au.... m 'walk, ho had quietly taken himself oil1, and der," Cyril went on ; '.'for ho could swim as clasp that on his shoulder, a quicker udecd devoted sumo trouble to kcepiug out little nn mysen, nna yet nc never Hesitated, uacu.ni.ui .uiwviucui ... ... i. .uU. of tho svny of the other tvv. for tho remain- but wcut over tuo side alter mo like a to nis iiiemis lace, i-via acicu ui- der of tbo evening. shot." Iy "It svas just like him," said Kthel proudly. "Wo I not, old fellow ! Why,! was speak- tuu account. or moon, in sou niuuiooi ,.ios- .(. iaWel s." eveglnss In evo and urawi on slugeomilalnt. Se icpeat It 1 It Is bei ond all com- '" m ,")cl', ' '", ' . - parlson the Ust remedy forcatirrheierdiseoiereil. Hp; naval ofheors, happily unconscious ol the nauticality vssible through every stitch delphla, with aremlliance, as wedonoi place Itlu I f . ir-nli.m.in Bi,nrn iarmeuts : S'ol he haniisof dealcru, tho same as wo rtnonr other ol .llioir .reauy-mauo snore triuiuw, o. preparations, lu writing for onr "Cataifh I'emedy" un(eer 0ficcrs, bristling in full uniform ; ar pln state sou saw this adscrllscment In the "Co- u"":';' u"'"-ii ""'"'" '" " ' umbUn" llloomsburg, Why Dye ? No mailer hove flrny or llnrsl. llie Hair mav be, It can bu restored to Its original color and JOUIUIUI uppearum-r, i'j ucs.Mii Xiondon Hair Color Restorer. A Itemed- to llcln. state tho Human Hair tn nl Us youthful color, lustre, sottnesa and beauty. mv officers, riiddlv disguised in the severest "mufti," and supremely oblivious of tho am ateur comparisons; alltbeso und a thousand others making up the gay-colored, happy looking-warm congregated abovntlie elastic timbers ofthe West Pier, Rather apart from tho crowd, centered round the band at the furtbirend of tho pier, two young men of the last mentioned type of individual leant against the lulling chut' ting in a low voice Captain Garsford tif tho tb, a' big, dark, good-uatua-d looking Halrllcbtorcr llalr lteklnrnr jjairluswrer I man, svitbout much strength of character Hair ltestertr written in his handsome face, and his friend lair KreT Cyril Granger, a smaller, square-built, fair JiJUKf llairedfair.'faced young fellow in tbo samo London London .ondou Loudon Ixmdoii London tendon London LOnUOU iuiu uuau.j, i.m ..vBivtvi -. . - ... , on ...innosulio UNiilru to Ilfiiiilv regiment, a soiuierau uvcr, uiiuijr pui I noil,. .nt.t, n ,atr nfiilnrntm. KliiA AVMillii f norsnnni Hor.eornuce. should not neglect that I fa i l ! .v.v...b -c- uatural nctoslty. the hair. Iiy mauy it lias beeh a square resolute chin svhlch belled the most should not nci negll'Cieq unill n. u w.-iouJ mu., ymjr uicuuirgi 1 . r . . . . lf ... . , fallen off. The London llalr Color Itestorerrostoria 1 boyish blondness nnd delicacy of his hair UalUrOS lOSaCB. ttlili HUtMu uvtu.uj m H,UIW . 1 ..., B.r inien.ns the hair, cures dandruH and all and Skin Itchy, scaly eruptions ou tho scalp, making It white and cleau7and Insuring a luxuriant growth of hair , .,D ,.u.nri.l vn.ithfal color, l'rlco la cents. Ir1o. elptd depot for tho U, S., mo, North SUlh ttroe.l, t'mitiue.p...ii. ROI.If by all druggists. June Winy There was a pause in the music. and many people who had stood stilt to lis ten to a triumphant "finale" recommenced their slow promenade. Thesp two, however, seemed more hilly Inclined. Thei night was hot, and Mr, Granger had betu riding all the afternoon : it was plessanter toloungo in that quiet corner, iiiling faint -clouds of 'lo met thorn again ou tbo following (Jay, however, in company with Garsfjrd 'pert, a severe lookiug country gentleman, with an expression nf ill-health struggling with ade- irons dislike to admitting it, and his wife; mil George Garsford introduced Him to tho party ns Cyril Granger, au old cuutii 01 minoaUOxfcrd, mid cnool my bet friends, with :i cordiality which at onco put him on friendly terms with the ret. Mis. Garsford asked hint to diuo with thiui, and Ethel gavu hiai her hand, ami asuiilusvouderfully frank nnd sweet svith it, instead of the En glish orthodo bow. Tho tnrco youug pco plo were noon walking in iront on memos' nleasant terms imaginable, it was one 01 those intimacies which spring up in a mo ment, and seem so happy and natural that one can hardly believe they havo perhaps the length ot n summer's day instead of half a life behind them. I wonder, whether you, my reader, are acquainted with Brighton? Suroly yes ; for is there anv 0110 nowadays who is not? aud therefore thore is little need for mo to dwell 011 tho regular occupation and amusements which, in that liveliest of watering places. bring day by day and hour by hour tboso who know one another and tboso who do uot.lnto an oft-recurring propinquity which is pleasant, or the reverse, according to tho amount ol liking svhlch people have for each other. The early morning bathe from which he used to sea her returning, w ith lit r long hair falling Uko a veil of golden light around her shoulders, or blown out behind 'her like one of A. Moore's nymphs, in the leave Tlrigbton to-morrow. "No need for that, old fellow," said Gar. ford, huskily, "You nied only holdl your tongue. I'll bind over Ethel not tol breathe a svord of it (0 any one ; and youl mav be sure she svoubl never allude to it tol you." ti. "I am sure of it; but all the nine, it wll be better for me to go. I don't care abou staying, and and I think III pt up things now, and turn in early lie arose as be spoke. It svas . mill Uul the Captain to go, and the lat - r twlc it. ll "I am so awfully grateful 10 you Cyril,'! "' " v ' bo said, holding out his band You can Dl:''a" not realize what you've sasetl me from. "11 never felt nearer putting a bu. 111 ml head than nn hour ago. Of courso be didn't hint of him?clf. Who would that was worth amthiug? Do you think I could love my brother ai I do if be loauy keener observer llian a brotucr, were not just the noblest, truest .Ah 1 I proverbially the least quick-sighted of hu- am so giau you arc menus, coming uowu man uwup, u uueui ccs:..... o.K..i..- "I am glad I did then ' said ivri' sim iromncr uuret ot cniiumasm 10 u picasiugiy caui,uiuv iur auiueuiuu uuts sj.u uiw iuw..u "Good-nlghl, George, I huppo-w Ir inconsequential little, murmur. Cyril was 110 1 tie uy wmcn 10 nnuue to .uiss uars.oru if crcum,tamTS wcro lo illll)0r. siieni lor aiuomeiii. lie uau ucen sitcui "i v.. u.. I lant to me. vou wouldn't mind the. truth b for some time before. Speech svas not Cieorge paid less heed to it than ever ,ng kll()wu .(m awlU ? always easy to uim now, wnen ,ne oniy now. "Of course not. But vim ueed't be afraid J .... t.: . . ti ...1. 1.. 1.1.. 1 . t . 1 f.111 1 . ... . ia 1 ... 1 ivorus ou ins ups ncio luieo niiiou 1.1 ins "it was limning, reany; 1 11 nave none h It will never get beyond Ethel ; mid so I0111H calmer momenta it would have seemed mad-1 for any ono ; but you always made a deal of u ts ,10t, . hbe iiuc,'t c:lrCi ami ,vjh forJ ncss and presumption to utter ; and she was R luss about it. Did you mean it?" get ibo whole incident iu a w eek," 1 too nappy in me mere exisioce 01 tne pres. "Jican that I owed you my llie, and only "Yes ? Well I aunpuso so Good-nighd ent to care for conversation of any sort, wish that I could repay it you iu any way ! ngain. Garsford. Vou will bid Ihem 'goodJ V- 1.1.... I.. tU.. . ... In. .. .. ,,,, , 11..,, . , I . "I .um, uunuici, so...tiMi..li 111 mu loncsoi uer 1 ry mc.inai s an; cneu uyni, wuu pernups bvu' forme I shnl not se them a.-aln " voice, as 11 ion 10 tuaisoiier cadence, stirred n little extra enthusiasm Irom the lact of the ,s.nd then Garsford took himself oil' finabl mm beyond ms power 01 restraint, He man beside him being "her" brother. "I looked up at her. Her face thrown a little don't think you'll find mo backward, Gars back, was fair as nny unpluckcd rose in the ford. By .love, if you only knew'1 garden of hden. Ho looked down nnd her "Yes,yes,"lbo Captain broke in, "but you little ungloved nand lay white ns sncsv mightn't like not that it would do you any upon tho brown wooden barrier upon which I harm, however vou see, this is how it is : they wero leaning, Involuntarily be clasped I went olf to Ethel, told her I had just seen ids own, hot and trembling as with fever, I you, and that you had told me of what she arounu mo sum, cool lingers, and uttered had overheard, and asked her if she bad re- her liailie. '1. tliel! I nlil It In .v father nr v nun Ssl.n ni Kl, lnnl-n,l .... Il,..l. .!'... ,,rn,.e,W n.n.rv nt An. I -...nre vni. nsl-e,l happiness and CKIlllilto delights to whlclJ svas 1,0 anger in hers, only a sweet,' virginal if you thought .0, and If you had forgotten two !,ours bai bcc looV'nS "J surnrlseandnnulver of n-itatlnn about .h sho svas a lady ! Iliad 110 idea she svasso r'?0. .0ie that they seemed altuosl tender lnivln,. lins. lief,,rn i,n rm.1,1 ,i,i eielinblo but I siinnose It was the, uimleas. w''in very hand wheie were they I wordn voice on tho other side of the thiu autnc.s of the subject. She was quite whltu M,rfe,nt ? 0o,,Ci deacl ' last year' wet paititiou Immediately behind them said ! trembllug, upou my honor -aud then su savcu nis ine, am "ri.e Ldrl is a MUs n.arsf.,,,1. in...,,-" had asked this in return. He svas his frlem ly, with a Ust wring of the hand and volley of thanks, aud left his friend to his packing aud slumbers. 1 doubt whether cither took up much ol tho remalulug hours nf tint summer 1 night. He had said that he considered bis llfj owed. Now ho hud paid it away. All thai hope and love and passion, all the tendeJ sasv the man before." "You explained how it all happened?" I put in Cyiil, as his friend paused. aud be loved him. It never occurred trl (CWi'nticii on 4th pagt.) ,t It..,. ....1