r. THE COLUMBIAN. BLooasncna. mum, apuilo. isjj Kali Rami Time Talilc. LACKAWANNA tlLOOMHUUItfl HAIt, ItOAI) NOKTH. Accommodation Train .43 A.M. Mutt Train rlM A. M Hxprcss Train Ijio P. M. , flMI'.M, OATAWI88A HAIL ItOAD. KOIlTn. BOETrt. T.61 A. M. 4.4 P. I1.M A. M Bonn I. nr P. M. II. 53 A.M. Accommodation Train .M A.M. ii,. ilar Kxprcss 4.(11 I'.SI, Tiironsn rars n" Kxpress train either to Nrw York or piillulelphl.1. Accotninodatlon tram runs between Uatawlssa anil Wlltlainsporl. Hsfe, rellab'c, lisrml-ss tin I cheap, 1 Dr. Hull's C)ii(!li Svrup. Price only 2" cents. A liit nto, " lint is hi laie n n ilay in June?'1 Wliy, iiil'tv hi April, to lie suic, ulik-li 1 raw. Mr, A. K I'.ixtuii Itfl lown ii Vulnenla) iimriilnir, tn enter upon his new military career. IU goes Brut to Oiliuiil) u,0!iio. Simon P. not"n, of lirlarercik tnwnlitp, li-is nlit.iiiic.l a pili-nt fur an improve! (jiile for rallriiiil ami ceiicral pur pines. Tie t .ni r- Itfiiil'li-lt I!. Wiin'it. i"l 1'iltsin i li iv. r i it'll ii.V"! running lMwi--n Ni'ilunke iiikI Wilkeslnrre. iV. I' M who lii neo'ip eil it dme in Gtliu ire'a block on M.iin street lias move I to Holtrsbii't; anil will open I more there. The n-siRiite's pule of the rcil estate of A. Miller in Itjrwlck was ailjourneil until Tuesilny April 17Ji at Willi'inn' Hotel, when ths pro perty yet tiinliptl of will b wild. Dinlcl Kelly, now a .cjourtur at Itlnonis. biri!, ha prod lnl us with a fun1 pi Hire fume iuale Ironi ciit'ir boxes. Ww thank hnu ami give him creilil for iiuli'try. A nealher pro,ihei li.ii j i-t lurneil up wlio days we are to Invo two Hiinv sloims in April, Ileouyhtto bd caught ami can pel led to wear i linen duiter until next Christmas. Horse radUli la natil to U a good remedy for neur1j?!i. Grate tad mix It In Tlofjfif, the same as for labia use and apply to I be tem ple when the face or head In affected or the wrlit when the psln Is In the arm or shoulder. Fell Dead Capl. Gregory, formerly of lMnvllle, tell dead in the streets of Pblladel phli a few davs ape,. He was a well known hriilg.- builder and bail the contract last year for llulitliie the centennial ground with gas. Sitnbury Dem. h L. Tate, proprietor of the Willlamsporl .Sun, on account of failing health, oiler his journal lorsile. If anyhsily wl-lies to buy, the Col. says that he ...list keep the paper "what It nlwayi has been a consistent ami uncompro nii.inij diinocrallc journal." Wento indebleil to George A. Clark for a m ally printed pamphlet, containing the argil mint id Hon. 1 V. I liielie In the case of the Com. vj.lIeler,Tillly and Mullngh, It occupies 1 14 piiees nml Is wild f ir the mu.ler.ite num of 3.) cent pel copy, at Clark' book store. On Monday la-t tho Commissioners of the coontv met to render a fn al decision ai to the plani Mibmitteil for the new jail, and on Tile. i'mv they accepted the plan offered bv Mr, C H. Weizell id Iduville. KNewliere will be f..und the notice of I lit- Intimiti-inncr concerning liidi for the iTCi tioii of the huihlinc;. iiikiii Cuiirt iihii h w n appoiultd for the I 30 h iilliuio, wai adj lurned until ye-tenhiy the o Ii iuii, ntvihg to the inahilitv i'f co imcl from aluo id com- meil in tho homicide c i-d to it- tciiil, and the fac. that the day wai Good I'll d IV. We will report proceedings next week. EPKIUAM. "Tho tun may ahtnc and Easter chimes may ring, To me," said Chloc, "no delliihta they brlnj t Where DclH salts alon? In ratnt aea-green n lie opeului; spring In evi ry tint 1 aeen i Hut lio.v can I tin coming seas m blcsi, t ir Jjln the cnovits that to the Rer Ice preni, itj I'mjer ho kdocs not match my new Bprlug dress !" P A itraiiter somewheie lmi retitrnnl to n BtSD THE NltWS. Wluit nnybo'ly diti, gcla two CoLCSfWAM addreiied to "I'liomai Jon-," ' married, rum away, iteala anything bulldi n and Informs in that "Jocea hai gone. tvot," liome, make a big sale, or whips his man or but doe not Inform ui where Jonea lived be ! hii wife breaks Im leg, or gets tho semes fore he went west. Until the polmaler lets kicked out tifhini by a mule, and you have reasuu to believe that yim know as uiuchnhuut the occurrence as nnyliody else, don't wait for soircothtr person to report It or tni't us to limi It out by lintluct, but come and tell in about It, or semi the fscts on a po-tal card. This is the way news Is supplied, and It takes a goodly supply of that necessary article to make a good homo paper. See If vou cannot Improve this year and let us krow every Item of news that tran-pires In your neighborhood. It Ha Rtoml tlmTcst. If you doubt tho wonderful succe'sof Shiloh's Consumption Cure, glvu it n trial i then if you nro not perfectly s itislicd, return tho bottle nml we will refund the pr ce paid. It bus establish ed the fact that Consumption can bo cured, .vl.iln C.r fiMiittia. naltitnn. hnnranttnea ivlmmi. Cnl. Brnckway. editor of the Uloomll.rir I f. n..l.. nnd nil timif nr throat Irnnlite. Ilinr.. CiiI.U.MntAN, wa In the tiiv Siindav. Ill u7 .uhluij like it for u quicx nnd positivc'cure, plcantnt Denmcntic fe.ilinei wore an eariu-i , ,! i, sM,m I'.iils 1(1 cents. oO cents nudtfl expre" on ol hope, and Ins ny tin- recui I , 1 1 tott Tc If onr lungs nro i-ore, nr chest or us know at which post office Jones got bli pa per, we shall continue to send It and onoof these days when we 6ml out we'll settle tho matter with the postmaster. Lock Haven Is a sufferer hy fire to the tune of $50,000. Three business houses were burn ed and one crushed by the fulling wslli. Two women who lived In one of the buildlngi n ir rowly escaped death. There Was about $13, 000 Insurance on the property. One of the losers by the fire, we are sorry to see, was George Kltert, formerly an employee In the, Co. l.UMDtAN office. His fine Gordon pres and stock were destroyed and unfortunately ho had no Insurance. Luther Rabb, graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and son of our townsman Wil liam Uabb, bus opened an office on Main street In tho room lorinerly occupied by William Kiamer,and offers his services to the public. It Is rumored that, if a suitable lot can be se ured elsewhere, the new county prison will not be erected on the lot on which the present biHding stands. There has been no definite arrangement made ns yet, how ver. F. A. Beajiuh. It i said that Frank A. IJiamifh is in Bcranton, and has been there for some tlmo pat. Rumor lias It to. d ly upon tho tleetathat he ii about to give himself up to the proper authorities. On Tue'day afternoon Charles Hill caught a shad weighing three pounds and a half, tho Gr-t of the seaon, and three mooch, inn n.t, in thu LVIuwarc river opKiile I.aiuberWi, Ex. What Is a "mooch," any way ? If you hive any notion ofg ling to the U'ack Ulills to dig gold and m ike a fortune, read the jiapsrs and if that does not came yon to ch ine j iur mind, provide yourself with a wig and a coffin. If you survive scalping the wig will he useful, but the probabilities are that you will nee 1 the coffin. On Monday at Potlville Neil Dnughertv and John Campbell, fur complicity in the Langdoii murder at Audenreid in 1SG2, were sentenctd to solitary confinement in the peni tentiary for five and nine years respectively. James l.aughlin, James Lehman and Michael Colgan, for participation in the IJoskill mur der at Lncustdale, were cached sentenced to six years' solitary confinement. All per'ons arc hereby notified that they are required to remove all ash heaps and rubbish of any kind about their premises In thi street" or alleys of the Town, as soon as the weather permits. If this is not complied with It wil be done by the Street Commissioner at thell expense.. D. Lowenbero. President of the Town Council. March 23 3w. Another Luierne county official has come to grief. On Saturday two of the County Com misioners made information against II. C. Jones, who was formerly clerk to tlie County Treasurer, charging him with conspiracy to di fraud the county making falsa entriea in the hooks of ihe treasurer and erasing and chang ing other entries, and also with having com milted forg ry. Mr. Jones was arrested and cue ball for his appearance for trial at the next term of the court. The Berwick Indtpendcnt looks for better time from the resumption of work on every htud in that place. The Jackson & Wood'ii Manufacturing Company's car works and tho rolling mill are ailn in full bl nt, an 1 h ive contracts on hand for several hundred cars. K. N. Willard, Ksq , Register In Bankruptcy, held court at the Excbango Hotel on Wednes day, the -Ith Inst., in the cases of Nehemiah Recce and John S. Sterner. Simuel Knorr and iC. O. Barkley, Esqs , were elected assignees of R ece, and Geo. E. hlwell, E'q , was elected it sig ee of John S. Sterner On Tuenlay night t'.ie members of tho Lu theran Church held a meting and appointed a Ktlief Committee, consisting of John Wolf, Chairman.C. Bittenbender, II Kesty, Jacob Bi dleman, Mrs. O. A. Jacoby, Mrs. J. Fetter man, Mrs. Frymlre and Mrs.W. S.Moyer. Any clothing or contributions of any kind may bo lefi at J. Fetterm in's. The borough auditors of Chester Springs, Cambria county, have got themselves into a Deck of trouble, through their failure to com ply with tho law requiring thcra to publish tho annuil statement of tho receipts and expend iture of that district which has Induced some of the taxpayers to enter suit against them, and the chances are that the fine which attach es to neglect ofthis nature will be imposed. That Awful Frame. Carpenters are at work In the yard of the Luierne county prison erecting the gallows upon which it is expected that Thomas Campbell, tho murderer of Bern ar t McNulty. is to be'hanged. Sheriff Kirken- dall and Warden Lilts are receiving letlcre from various parts of the country asking wr missinn to bo present to witness what may be termed a "horrible death." There will be no attention given to applications, as it is said .that the sheriff will not make an exhibition of Hhe death of this unfortunate criminal. 7Vc-rd. Tho new 'lay law, which is creating bo much confusion in the legal aflairs of the state, is al inot a verbatim copy of a law passed in 1842, which remained in operation just one year, having been repealed at the next session. The onlv diff.r nee noticeable is that the law of '4 provided for a jury of twelve men, and the new one requires hut six. Whoever framed the new bill unquestionably had the old one before him, as they are identical in their provisions. with the exception named. There are a number of persons who were candidates for different county officea last fall who have not yet paid for the printing done for lliein before the delegate election. We want them to take notice that these bills mutt be paid at occe, as we can wait no longer. It is a small matter to each of thcra, but amounts to u large mm in the aggregate and we cannot af- .ford to wait a ear for what is always exacted to bo a cash job. We hope this notice wilt he sufficient. (inerr'' election hasn't nhaxed Iiini n bit II. etcitisl nor uuxiely n litllo hytcilinrin wb.n glomus trout strtams thirc wire in his loesli'y. and how plcaed he would be to ii'conipiny n Ihllher on some jollv div in tin" ti l ni". W. have to ray to the gililal t ohiiiel tlml we slnnd r ady to firm our-elf into .t c!" column by divl-ioo, at auv tlim a'i'1 i-h.iri on 'ho-o trniii stream-at a mi mi t t's i.oihe i shall tiniiil his orders. Jjatler, "Com", and we will do yon good,'' but wait until the s in r w itt-r zn nut of the stn.ims aij unreitaiu p.-Mo.l I'oy I.nsT On H.iinid'iy nfttrnoop, Mntrh 31. 1ST", lloiaie Mnim, -un of Air II. ii' Mann.of Shamokiu. left his h. ni-, since whii-b time his parents hive heard lioihlng of him. He wa 12 years of ago I it Odiibir, is stroog and healthy, of light complexion, h'nek lu'r, blue eyes and has a seir on one of his ear-, and a blood-red mark oil one of ids legs lulu v Ihe knee, lie was a bright Intelligent Inv, and intitil read nml write will. When he h fi homo he wore a slouch hit, gr.iy twenl coil, 'iiped calico -hirl, two p'llrs f pil!aloon-,niii;of whlel was sniped, and the otior same colur as his cost, a long piir of billow nhn Ho. kings nml kip boots. His father who Inn beci mix . ni-lv seal chine for him, tr.toe I bin .h fir aJ s-io burv, where lie went in tha cars the il iy Ik w i missed from home. Anybody knowing any thing concerning tne boy fhould im iicdlately addnss David Mann, Shnmnkin, I'.i. Exchanges p ease copy. It is with the most sincere pleasure mingled with grail. ude that we note the improvement mide and to bo made in the post-otlice in tin- town. The partitions and stairway which loi- merly existtd and renilertd the room siuiil uncomfui table have been lemoved : a mw ami convenient arrangement of ln.xes has h made with various windows for delivery ami for postal orders. The waiting loom is amplv large for the accommodation of the public and a door on the alley next the K.uhaugi Ilo tel opens Into the distributing room nml thus obviates the necessity of dragging the null bigs the entire length of the post olliec. Large panes of plate glas are to be placed in tin front windows and double-swinging front doors put in. When the Improvement ate comple te! Bloomsburg can boast of as ta-lv and con venient a post office ns can be found anywheru in this part of tb e state. Mr. Joshua lVlter man, to whom the public me indebted for tli changes in the room, is ililillul to and will un donhtely receive the thanks of the entire com munity. Mr. Beckley is responsible for tin very convenient arrangement of letter bote- than which noth'ng could he more Kitistactorv. We raise our hat in token of ourgnilitin.'.' and likewise bows. nnek Inme. use S-hiloh a Porous Plaster price 2) ii'iits. t?i Id by ( A. KUimnnd N. J Hen . dcr-h it. ' Dr. Shilnh's Pytctn Vitnlizer is ro doubt tho j must siii-eesfiil cure for Dyspipsiu and Livtr i;omnlt.tnt we ln(' oer Known, otherwise we could not guar inte it. In rnsc-'of consumption where gcuend debilitj. loss of ni pedtc nnd cons ipntion ovist, it will r itoro nnd regulate tho system while Mnloh s cure nlhiys the in n,.,... I i . lrtr Sold by (j. A. Kleim nnd tJl'KOI A LAN NO U NfJE.MEN'T, The scene presented tlitrln; tlio Into Inau guration uns iti ntiiiunled line, The stylo of dress worn by loo members of both Hous es consisted nf every coticelvahlo stylo of Fashion atul It was not necessary In look through Hue jJiii tn sec the best fitting suit. I). Lnwctiherg likvlng Just returned frnm New York Is now prepared to supply tho Public with the latest tiu.eltles In Gents' Wear. Ills Q mils nre Firsl.clas, wbllo his garments nro umdo up In City Style nnd can not ha excellnl. Call ntiil see the lntcs tylcs nnd select your Sprltu-Suits nt I) DWB.VIIBIWS I'r."siiU;iliN SyTtcr'iTnllzcr. Wc are nutli iri"il to ?unruntro this rem edy for ti c cure ul Dvspepsbi, Inactlvo Liv er, .Sour Sioinii' h, f insiip.itiiin, Loss of Ap- pitlte, U'linlnu' no 01 coon, ellmv Skill, nnd (ii"icr.il Lvigu t nml L)-b'illty, You must iickiionlcih'o tli it tins would he ruin nils unless ue Iml pi i i th o evidence that it will (lire. loll wl.ii nro sintering irn.n these complaints these, words nre addressed nnd will Mill continue, to stiller when you run bp iltred nn ueh lerui"? It is for vou In ili'tornim" S imiilo ii oil" 10 coiisj re?- nlsr ii'7." eenis, s ,hl by V A. Kleliu nnd N. J. II- nib r-h n. Inn -s. Price "o cts N. .1. Hendcrshi.lt. HuK tKru K, n rich and fragrant perfume Sold b) C. A Kleim nnJ X. J. Ilemlcr-hott. Apiili), '."i-ly j MARKETJlErORTS. nl.OOMSIIIJIWl MARKET. Wheat per bushel I LOG lle I Uorn,new, " 60 ll.lts, ' " .15 Flour per barrel B; rinvi-rseeil 7. I 'I i s... 1.; nutti r VI i!"ir ii flllilM l o t .ii lies i.i jrtr-ii vp;:es , i 't uns , , .' u -"tile. .( "Sho-il tirs n .0-0 ni-r r.n .ml .1 tu) r--i tuu W.i i l.-esWUJ H Tiniol by Sseeil 410 i;t u i a i lii.r f iiu luai.. So. 4 cn Whait f 8,40 per Tni NO. 5 " " t S.iO 11 n. a " " f s.isi Placksmltirstuiiipon Wl-art 13 40 " nuiiminou9 h no Business Notices. fiO Odll die annually bv neglecting ft fiiUch, Puhl or froiip, often leading tn Consumption hi i t In- grave. Why will yon ui'ifleet i i up ir'aor i m titer, wh.ri vou i no get n niirsior.. 8 illoh's Oouisiiuipll'iii I'uif, with i lit- .ssiir.ince if it sip,.,v recov erv. For "or-n.-s in-r the Chest nr Louis Ll'ile Ilsc' i r rinle, Shiloh's Porous i-ii-r gives pin -j.,i r.-lief. 8 i!d by 0 A ICli im ami N. .1. II. n i. r-lmtt, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ATOTICl; TO liUIL. LBS ft COXTKAC 1 Tons. 1 here will t alcttlng fcrthe liillfllng ttntrleU chun hln Main low hslilp ol roimtj-l a. t Hsli-i-r's church tn 'Jumlsy Aptll luih istT, nt two o'dixkp in.: i.lui.imii tobuftriyly ti.ttywlih n basement uncur. NaTIUN MILLKlt. JUU.N KEIl-UH. ADMINISTHATOIt'S NOTICE. E STATU Of MJIUA ritldS, DfCKiStD. Utters of , dmlnlsir.it Ion on the estntoof Maria npfgs, Lite vt IHoomsti.iitf.t-iil'imlil i fo., deceased hate Ut-cu giuiilisl liy the iiCKhts.Tif salil county to llnny vv. r-loari ot fcainn puce, Cotumbta eouiit Ailiu'r., to whom all licnwiis Imlit-lirt uieieiiiesl eit to make pbjment, anil those having claims or 'letuiimls against the halil estate wilt liiako them known to thu aatil Attiutnistratur without delay. HAltitV W. l-t.o.W, Auinlr.l-witor. March 81, 181t-8w JN imrsuiiiee of nn onler of Delano O. Cnl ln, Kw . vurr.'g.itoof the Coiintv of New York, nuileu Is hereti.v gtti ii to all srsotii hating i-!hI in ig.itnst t li.ii 1 .Hi- Kjer. lure nf riiiawlss.i. l-ennsjl v.inl.i, hut tenting nsbi is within tun cltv ntnt count.-i if Newoil:, iieeinsid, to pr-iit Hie sumo wiin voui'liers ihrp nr tu Mm suns, riher. nt his mill e, No us vtnti Mrei t. In Un' i iti i f Jm'iv vt'a, tli or btfure 111" eltite -lilli it.n or . I nun net. Duel, NeivVork, the seteuth day ot December ts;a. FItKUUISII'K C. IIAVl: iKVlUt, Detn crn ixecutor. UTOU'S XOTH i:, netters T.-fct im ntnry on ihe estate or Ii.uit. 1 llen- nltu. r, late or limner t.ovnshlp. i o-'iinM n-tniiity ilei eiist-il. h ne Is-en irr.mteil liv llii lleiri-t-r of Haul count i to .1 ill ii Heiiiiinjrer an I ntilo m n-is-, of i- ter township, Co null. 1 1 cniimy Ku-c'itnr, to wh'in all persons Intel t M are reipie'ton to m k-pnnient. aim inns.' navini 1 ilins. r il.'Ui.iinl. ogaln-i tiiesnlil tsi it'i mil miko th-.-in known t ithnita i:xecut irs ltiiiiuiiici.iy. jnnv iinxNisonit, llllir.ON Nf.-, M.irch a-civ Uxccutora. 1?XE- li tsTtTanrti mi. nsvs nitn pfc'd lliu-kuieiat k. a p. molar and fr.igrn'il per il bv (' A Ivl-ioi mil N. J. Hen M i Mi 33, 77-eov iiiiiio h i lersbott. 'I lis- Win M's I link i'. si ' nli iiuld Dcdtion, New lino of Fancy nnit 1 u-s n-r ladies at 1. Cuffs, Collars, Bows W. llnrtnian s. Ti e fined assortment of trout flies, lines, reds it"., ever ollered to tho fishermen ol cnun'.v (nn he found nt the Hardware Store ol' Schuyler & Sou. The lines are ofev- ery quality from a few cents each toS2..0. Artilici.il bugs ns well as lliesof every known de-criptlnn, reels nf various sizes of brass mil Inn rubber: lenders nnd everything pssenti-il lor n fisherman's outfit. Call and see tin in. P.IUDOENOTICE. An election for officers of Catawissa Itridjro Company will be hold nt tho house o .1. II. Ki-tleron .May ith, lbu Irotu nnu to MX o clock p. tu. Gt:o. S. Uii.nEP.T, April 0, 77-1 ni Secretary. Th? place to get your groceries, queens- wnro niul lish is at Krenmers in felnve block, llo has n fine n-sortinent nnd will Xt-liniie for i-ountrv produce. Bring in your Miioked nitat and get some nice lish. 'D wn In Hard P.m" Boots and Shoes a McKiniiev'i. Ciimpeluit joi'g'i ii r,sii.ting llie civtliztsl people of tin- wm.il iippoiiilid for the k l.ioi I-t-d:e of p-iiiiiul.il- art m -i iiiires, (onvi toil nt Philioh Iphin ho-six nun. ili tn ihciile upon the i-omp.ir.iiivi ini'iii-.ot llo vtirious im eiiliot b of iiisnk i tni. nn . -i io 1 1 to ilo uiiiiiuiiutitri r- ol Ben run's Cipeiin- I'm. n- I'l'i-tir. iif'i i sciroful lesl an. I i omp it i-iin . . tit- i ui iittibl. ii imdi with onliiinlv p rt i.s noil . lln-l kinds l.l phi-li rs, llie i!ght -t in il 't nli. t. nil fin ign noil Amiiieao i'ii: iii. i- i.o lie ciouiiil of it L'l'.af su'tiiirlts ni'i i o In i- pln-li rs, and ils wi.mlt-rtu! in in ul i inn -tr i-eihi nirig anil i il- rative pinp.rites Heuuiulier tliat ibis decision wis m.ule hy lour piiutkal nnd -killed physi- clans. Iletnemher tint no nostrum was allowed tnhe t'xhihittd iu llni (Viiltm'iial. llememlrf-r when you arc sufleriiic f'oiu imv as t heor iitin that Ben son's Cnpiine l'liisir is lin best remedvevir ieviseil lor ail external iliihentties. r. tr-rtty t .totiN'ON, I'll MlMArFCTlCAI. CI11.MISTS. X. Y. May 10, 70 1 v . BEWSOK'S C-l'i f I. I'ii"iil -J l't.sHTr.RS, A yrcattinproiii,i'iit m oi-Uh.ary poro 3 p'asters. hi:i.ii:vi PAIN AT ONCE. I Ml: li.T Strengthening- Plaster Known. ITIIKS rjncKLV ltheiiTntPm. Neurntirti, Lainu ami e.iK i i-iic. Set.itlci, I iiinhiyo, Apli.aljinil Kl.lney t'omplalnts, all aches nml pihis of a local nature. -ol t uverj where. 1'rlco 23 cei,ts. May H iO'-ly SKAIll HV A JOHNSON, ruaiitiaci uiicai itiemists, l.l. Dauoliy & Go's. AdvtV. CO LAMM FAVuIIITE OAltDS all styles with name 19 eta. Pustpolil, J, U. lliisU-tl, Nassau, liens. Co. , K, V. il arch flu i-sw a Ydtf will ni-ree to dlitrlbuts some of our clr 1 cntirs, wu will send you a C'lllltntU IM OILT 1-liAMI'., ami a It page.u column lllustrnled paper 1'llKK r,jr3 months Inclose 10 cents to nay rostage. Ac-lils wsnieil. KI; .UAl.t-iCO., lloston, Mass. llarch 5i), "ti-iw U 'f ti I I' I. I X U vrrrt a cor.n is AtAVAYsnANOEnnrs. WELLS' CAHBOLIC TABLETS, arnreremeilvffirt'tifnlli,ahil all diseases of tin TIIIPiA,, LL'.Stic, CIlEsT nnd .MLCOLn MKM IIIIANU. Put up only In 'iluo boxes. MOM) IIY AM. tmt'UOItTH. o N. cttl r I'KN 1'iJn T sixth Avenue, New York, Xlareti 0, ';; 4w D uurroits notice. In tin u ilt rnft'ie account of .Inhn Mo nill, Ex ecu, ir.i .l.iliu i, II ilr I, doee.vsc I. The tint Mgned nii'llt r nppoliiteit hvtho Court to 1111(1101110 tne iniMi.ee In tlie Immls of the Kxi-eu- toiaot said di-eea-ed t-i anil innon? tlin persons cntttl -it tu ihe same, will attend to I he duties of his nppohriaent at ihe ofiiee t.f M. I;. .lack-sun A: on In lleiwlek.on Niturda.v. Apill i4. is;;, at lOoclock a. in. when ami where nil persons are lierehv nottned to in ike known t n tr el itiu hefnre th" Auditor or he diiDiiric-d Ir-iiu coimiiff la on suld fund. F. P. lllLLMKYftt. March 23.-4W. Auditor. 0Of A Momh. AttRNT WTKll on our 'JilM; iiii(Ki:iitti:vr (i hooks. 'I'm -toryof mnTmMKMTA ' i, gej...j.j, JUJtgaaunjosjM n fill -ii-coiint nf tin- (,n- l "'ystesy. w-rpt nbvhls Katie r, n Ms i.'.,liirion t'ni in tlirlntnir Interest. I h" lllu-trnii1 1 II is n nn ik t nil iiflioio.ss nc.im- I IM-' Aee iniit i r nil iti i mi ln.it 1 ir- an I sects. Rno lilusir ul ins. Ms, i tn.. hniies' ined'cilirulde, by Dr. Pani'iiisl. i I'm t ,' .. - Pnikss-ll ut sleht Mnl'iitnl I-' -in il ,ri-iiisi'ulii monov un tho n, itr-tli-irunlr. ! i,i,hh i. ill .ii h .l.iliu n. Pot-t.-r X Co , Phtln. Mureh il, 11-4 w d I LLTR I' I v k " u- i n kss7 W V'.u( .iOO iitfirc flrt-citiNS M'U'ini; naitiliu itnt. ami 500 ti ul i it-m ii ml :tlilllty to I 'X l.i.-e Iiim s. Cotiipoiiit.illon Kb i".tl. Intl :u I n iM'C'orillii'4 f o nhlllty , 'hiii ;u U'r itml iiulilir:i f ( ii t s 4k I th lciit rur pin tle i Ini s, mlftt 'Si WiUon Sowing Machino Co., Chicago. 63 A ".9 Ui i i cwYotJc, or Noworlons, La. 4 DMIXISTKATOH'.S NOTICK. 2, EHTATK OV ASUBKW OI.s'tiLRS, DEC'D. Letters ot AtlmltiltratiijD.on thu estate of Andrew (Unifies, tutu 1 1 t ilri tpt L'oliimtjlJi 'A'ounty, Uec'd. h.no Ihvii irrantnl h tlm liesjlsU-r or wild ( uunty to tlin uti-UriiK-tlad'nl U rrtiorsof t'olnmuta Co.,ta.. in whom all (wr-utiH ludcutfU lu salil bsuao me re quested tu inuVe p-iyutfiit, and thuso hnln claims a.ttnt.tiie said esutt will nmko them kiionii to tlio Huld administrator without dIay. H. V 2ilf, Iilofmburff. W. T. sillUMAN. Mutn twp , March 23,;t-cw. Admtiiistratois. "I7Xi:ct;'n)ux Noncn. RVATIJ t)V arOWK AVI I.V.M HFCFAEn. U-tter-i 'U'otam nt.iry ou tlin estate ut (eoi't'0 Ap pletniiu, lute of urunno tu nshlp, Columbia county, ducea'd, h i ve been (f. untu by I lie Heytater of ald county to Geotffo w .Appleman, ot Ueiuversville, Culurntila comity, I'a.. Ltcutui to whom allinT-annslndebU-duitt reauested to make tavtuent. and uvmiiimi u;t ui" hih psiie.m raaKw taeui . ;uoMitollu yald Executor wllfcout de- OCnilOC W. ArPLKMAX, Kxpcutor. I NOTICE. TT hftt- tt4 Uririt an.1 bMl mMuji Htatlunr I'twhiiiiilb th WorlJ. It eoTUlns 3 iIimii of tinr- in trtveu e?M.rncU,panhnltlor,iMl(inpnind Am ! 'ulil Jpwoiry. t'oiup,eUatmilpiM"krti, wUhflunnl JPW pUI4 ih bii.toti,iinlladltir fm!,imbl fane Ml, pin tni flroi Tot-pll, 23 rflntn. (J pick timi, with Monoufv DF?'D w ul CO. 1 709 uronawajf) N, V L VE rtlcl-i in una. Thu Ll.nvn rnwitiv itiau v.. a a rencll l-Mihnl.ler fn-l rpn,l r,.sr,rniHs. Enwp ( iitn-r. an I tip llinpinu tsnima. Cutt'nn eff Unnka ana ryet tallona. 1 railn a t.oii. to s a, of rnmmoD panf if, la hoavllr nlcset platrd, and wn Is.t a lirailma. Acanta art cnlnlre innncj anS HTltls tbn lst -llln anlc a ml. J-am 23 it;nta, tlx f-rt G , Extrannllnarr Iniloramaiita lo AEn Fcml f ir aaoiy s ftaif.lotan and eanaa your un. GRIDE H CO., 703 Droadway, N. Y. S51 5Ul?'STiT'nv,:I,Tr'lt',IJloEs,BnilslXn' U 1 r'l;"l'lCOMl!lVriO-i forfUa 47 700 Broadway, Nw YorK MaieaUU, ,i d ?AT, r COLUUPIA. COCttT, Ml TlioCVmnooorrealUiof rcanajltWila, tthji ot said County, greeting i Miej.s, Ijoulta Intermajrted witHA-AriHW. Anirellno luterinarrted with L K. DIUtUtf, AIM Knorr, Kltsha Knorr, Iteelna Knorr, JoMpU fm1, Mary Knorr by her guardian George XiauunaMa heretofore, to-wtt, on the lltbdAyot Dtnimhtt D. n:, la our ooaxty Court ot Common tVu, MM our Judges at Bloonuburg, retovertd udfraw npUiuit It. C. Prciis, almtnlstrntor ol all and lit tho kooIs, chattel, rights and credit wfcUt were ot John Krcws lata ot your county, awiiiMf for a certain debt or aumot tlx hundred and fori Ms dollars and seven cenbt, as also ten dollar rifuren cents srblch to Urn said Louisa W!4lat. tjk were adjudjred tor Ma coetn and chargra vhiebb sustained by occasion ot tho dttlon ot that deM I And v. herons the Mid Jolin rreaa died aetsed at rati cstato tn tho aald county ot Columbia, Uk de scended and camo to the tsild 11. c. rrtaa, vrgtlaa) I Froaa, neiarge II, Pre as, Illram It. Tntt, Joaa a, (Teas, Horace Press, Isaiah n, Fras, Pallta AM Intermarried v. Ith J.W. Kelt, and Kancy tntemaf rled with licnjiraln lllcks, thohtlrsot Uie said Jekai ' Kreas, deceased. And whereas tho aald Louisa Htldlneet-at.has given us to understand that tbo aald )udgtaat re mains wholly unpaid and unsatisfied, aad haakav sought us to provide tor tbem a proper reload And we being willing that what Is lust tn thla bahalt should t-e done, do according to the form ot U An ot Assembly In such Ciso made and provided, esifa rasnd you that you make known to the aald H. a Preas, William h. Freas, Ceorge II. mat, HtraaS Freas, John A. Freas, Horace Freaa, Isaiah B. rnla S.illle Ann Intermarried with J. W Eck, and Raav Intermarrleil with nn)nmln tllcka, that Uuy b k tjre our Judges at llloomtburg at our county CtmH tit common Pleas, there to be held oa the first Mov day ot Fohruary next, to show cause, If anythlac they have to know or say, why tne said )adgnmsn recovered against the said It. C, Freas, admlalstn tor, He, of the satd John Freaa, deceased, shall in be levied and paid out of the sold real estate ot walak Ihe said John Freas died seised aaafornaMi AM have you there tht n this writ. Witness the Honorable W Ulam Ewn. PraMaal lud;e of our said Court, at Rloomafeurg, tht atav teonth day of December . D. 1S7. B. FRAMK ZAItR, PnUy. M. W. M'BS, Deputy, Jtarch t-4w GLAZING AND PAPERINS. kinds ot PAINTING,! F. I50DINE. Iron Street below ond, Bloomsburg, l'a,, la prapand to Oa al GLAZING, T. D. Kc-llogg's Advts. a"V Tne rum iu notick. The public U licrobv fnformnil that they can obtain tho Intel Mve at lowest price in all kimU nt jn inij; C'lotbinir. School SuiS for Uov Prttty Suns Iur (Jliildren, Xobbv uitn Iur 1 niilii-, all ot the Inlet l Its and at the lo.t"t prut.sat 1). I-ouenbcrifs. UDITOU'S NOTlrii. E..TV1KOP II'UIAH mv. HrCPA2D. no undci<fiu'd uudltor annoluted to distribute rundi In the luiuH tt tlio Administrator amoiij; p trtles entitled thtrpio w lit mrct all arsons lnter--te i, tor tho purpose ot his appointment, at iu o'clock a. in. on Wednesday, Arrll 11. WO, at Uje of fleeot runic & Waller, In liloomsburtf, when and where all persons li nlncclatms apaln.st tho said vs. tatoare renuesicd to present thebanie belore the Auditor, or be debarred rrom comtnff lnfora&haru ot said fund. KEVIN U. FUNK. March 'C-Cw Auditor. In the best styles, uuuee. PAPKR BAKU at lowest prlM, and at sfcort E ZELL'S NOYCLOPEDIA, Psrtles hsrlnff suih war to ilo srUI i i cauiug ou me. AU work warranted to ctre aatlafaattaa. sollclU-d Orton EV STOCJC OK CLOTHING. The Easter services at St. Paul's rlmrcli 01. Sun-lay last were of a veiy attractive i-liar.-icter. The eliurcli was lieaiitirully ileeornlci). l-'uli winiluw containeil several fiowirinz i"lnnis, iltl( from the arches of the supports lnuipiii d isk. ets were suspe.ided. On the alter was a cross of ivy anil several beautiful bouquets. The FOU S.VIjIJ. A new Truck Wagon. In- baptismal font was surmounted by a inoiind of qnirool John W. Uibbs, Iron street, lilooms- rnses In the eenter of which atnlul n miss nf till rX. Cililivell's Inst flour proves to lie the besi i r tir.-iiiilit tnliinii.su Air .liu-nhs siivs nnu Ii-- slii,iti l,nnw. There w Khii ir lireail in ihe Hour c.i u iret it nt .1. K. Caldwell's undei Dr. Huwcr s IJentnl lliionis, G-entlcnieu's Dre&a Goods. DAVID LUWEXIIKKO Invites attention to his larfeandelesant stock ROLLINS & HOLMES, have removed to Evans' Block, Main Street. Extra heavy Tin Wire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description niunuiactureil hy FiNOEn Crushed. William Burk, an em ployee on the rolling mill, who hail just com menced work after several weeks of idleness, met with an unfortunate and painful accident cirnation pinks bordered with purple violet- the irift of Mr. L. F.ixton, and from the chancel chandelier hung un anchor of red and while fl iwers. An unusual number of calla lilh were distribii.ed through the chinch. At hull past six o'clock in the morning the service was read as far as the Litany, and at half past ten in the morning service w.i continued, ending with Holy Communion. The R'tior,' Kev. L. Aimer preached on excellent sermon, appropriate for the occasion, to a large c-oi-gie- gation. The singing was carefully prep in il and well executed there being seventeen dif ferent anthems and selections at the two per vices. At seven o'clock in the i veiling a chii- SI 25 Foxed Gaiters at .Mclvintiey's. FOU SALE Oil UEN'T. A house, nnd lot situated on Muir street, Bloomsburg. Apnly a' I). L'nvenbcrg ctore. JUar lu-nv tap and Fashionable Clotiint. at his store on Arvnlrtnn "A'' Muslin Si cents rnsli nml 0 cents in butter nnu egss ut 1. W. tun- m nil's."" by having one of his fingers crushed while cut- jre.s aCrvice Wll, ,ed,and the Iv.-ter olhrings A man and his wife came totown on Monday, not to stay, but on their way to a new place of residince. It is an unpleasant and worrying business this moving and so the couple thought, for to nerve them-elvcs against the sorrows nnd troubles thereof they partook too freely of the cup which cheers and nlso inebrhtcs. The wife was tumbled out of the wagon by her spouse and was run over, not howt ver greatly injuring her. The husband under the com bined influence of whiskey nnd remorse went into spasms and was taken to the Opera House and cared for. At a lata hour ihe couple re sumed their journey. "Judge Field, of ihe United States Supreme dart, decided not long since that legl notices required b law to be printed In certain loc.ui lies, could not be pulliahtd ill a paper having a pitent outside, The law nqulrcU that nnlUe of surveys should be printed in the paper near est the land, and a notice was published in a paper, one side of which was printed in San Fnncisco, nheu the laud was near Sanla Bar bara, which the Judge held did not satisfy the law, He said, a paper was published from the office at which it was first printid for circula tion, no mtter where it was sent aflernard to be distributed." Knhimge. ting iron at one end at the steam shears, on Monday last. The finger was terribly crushed and amputation was necessary. A subscription was taken up among the mill employees and some $13 raised for him, he beinr in reduced circumstances, with a wifa and several small children. Berwick Index. COUNCIL FKOCKEMNOS. Town Council met March ,.'7lh at seven o'clock pursuant to sdjournment. Minutes of meeting of 14th were read and approved. Mr. Elwell of the committee on opening Center street, laid before the Council a copy of a res olution adopted by the Reform Church, and it was ordered that the same be filed and the whole mbied referred to the Town Solicitor, A bill of Iirockway A Elwell for notice in Uo I.UMU1AN was ordered paid. The annual state ment for 1870 prepared by direction of Cotin cil wis duly examined, and it was ordered on motion of Messrs. Jones and Hagenbuch that the approval of the Council of the statement be entered upon the minutes, and that Ihe same be Uid before the auditors fur examination. April 2nd at ten o'clock the members of the new Council were swoin in as follows; u, Lowenberg, President, Willi im Rabb, E. R. Drinker, W. O. Holmes, Geo. E. Elwell, I'eter Junes, (1. W. Correll. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was held at the Council chamber on Monday evening, April 4lh, at seven o'clock.all llie members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, h. It. Drinker was unanimously elected Vice President. The sal ary of t e Secretary waa fixed at $220 for the year, the same as last year. Wesley Wirt was unanimously re-elided Secretary. The compen sslion of Town Treasurer was fixed llie same as last year. F. I', llillniyer, W. B. Koo ,s and John I.avcock were nominated for Treasurer, F. I'. Billinver was elected on second ballot The pay of Street Commissioner was fixed at 32 ',! a dnv. after some discussion, t. Jacob- Newton lloone and Elisha Barton were nomi nated for Street Commissioner. Mr. Jacoby was elected by a mnjority of one. The retain ing fee of Solicitor was fixed at $70, and C. O, Barkley E-q. was re-elected. of the sunday school were prisentid. Although the weather during the day was threaiiiiins with an occasional sprinkle, Easier Sundjy un- a truly joyous festival. Tins laws or ruiiLic sai.ks. As there are a great many public Files of personal property throughout theeouiiliy at this season of the year, we call the alicullun of auctioneers and vendors to a few principles of law which do not seem to he generally mult r Btood by them: Iu a sale by auction there are three pirties, namely; theowner of the pro perty to ue soiu, wie auiiioiuer and a iinrtiuii of the public who attend to bid, which of course includes the highest bidder. The name of thu owner must be made public. Tho articles put up must he tola without reserve, and iniltatlie vendor reserves une open bid he cannot bin 1.1 .. uiimeii ur nave mo auctioneer or any one to bid for him, There aru cases on record where a bid was not reserved, nnd the vendor had a bidder who bought it In, and afterwards, suit was brought against the vendor by llie highest outside bidder for the article, and it wasihei ded that he (the plaintiff) was thu highest bid iler anil entitled to the article, ag linst the yen- dor. So, also, if an article isnriuU i.fl'i,. person, ami u is auersiards a-eertaincd lint the vendar or auctioneer practiced frainl, I, uoiumg nimseir, or had pulllrsj it was held bolh by Ihe Conns of Eiicland nml in r. i i. J.I.II I... .1... I! r. .... ,3 UJ ,v i-upieilie aourt Ol 1 Villi's 1 Mrs. Miltnn Charles, Exchange Block.has jti-t received ri lot ol delicious Milwaukee unit uincinnntti Jk'er to ivtucn sno asss me attention nf lovers or a good aittcle. The best of ale ami beer nlwnv mi hand. 1isting Gaiters, 1.00 ut McIOnneys. 1'ielty Suits fur Little Buys, School butts lor i out lis, Neut Suits for Children. Lite in Style, low in Price at 11. Lnwenberg's. MAIN STItUET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOOMsnUllQ, PA., where ho has Just received from Now Vorlc ana Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Incluiilni; the most fashionable, durable and ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES tlie best and most economical in the market. Eollins tt Holmes. li 1 122 iS COODS, ICONslSTINQ OU- Ilarman & Hursert ure selling Plows and plow repairs at panic prices. Dun t fail to 1 she them a call. Maach 301 iv ll.uid-tnadc Shoes at McKinney's. 1 llOO vards uf New S BOX to I. ml. W. tiring Calicoes to l Hartman1 to-day, 8 cents ftlllK! per y An elegant line of Neck Wear just re ceived at JJ. Lowenbcrg s. Sprint Hats, just received at D. Lowen berg, . Ladies' Hue .Shoes, all widths and sizes at Mclvinticy h. II vou want a full lino of Grey Dress Goods go to I. W. llarlmati s. A brick linuso and lot on Centro street fir sale. Inquire of I, ti. Ivulin. It'.nlv mailo Clothing to suit Everybody, good nml cheap at JJ. l.owenberg s. SACK, FROCiC. GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS. OV ALL holl'M SIZES AND COLOHS, no has also replenished his already largo stock ot STItirCD, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEH&8, nounr.D , AND I'LAIN VKSTS, dIHTB, C'llAViTS SOCKC, COAL, COAL Old Kstalilisiieil Coal Yard. u.-iv. jveaii lino., ivninesuio . iieuui Dealers in all .toes, or tho best dualities ol Ited nnd White Asli Coal, af the very lowest vania, tht thepmchaser could not be bel.l unuketriiles. Have constantly ou hand large . ... .1. . . . . ' I jfi..L-ta nt uumie puicnaser as soon as hedscovirs ihe COLLAHS, lIANDKllltCHinF?, OI.OVES, ISUHrENDEUS, Konnixo ArrEii Youtt IUt There are fery few moments in a nun's exl-tenco when lhe-xpriencjs ikj much hi licrum distress or meets with so litllo charitable commiseration as whin he is in pursuit uf his ownli.it. A vast deal of coolness and a peculiar degree of Judgment are rcuulslte in catching a list. A man must not be precipitate, or he run over it; he must not rush Into tlie opposite extreme, or lie loses It al.ogether. The best way is lo keep t onnll n ntll. llmnl.tiwl nf nilfkllit. tO Le WSfY ft7 -C ".I vw.yvv. , , " - l ind cautious, to watch your opportunity wen. V get gradually before it, then make a rapid dive 1 1, rtltelt by tha crown, and ithklt firmly on jour litad, imlling pleasantly all tho time, as If Jfyoutlioht it as good a joke as anybody fraud practiced upon him, lutut return or ten Uer the articles to the vendor. r.OLi. ok noNon. IIIIUU STBtET OIUUCD SCHOOL The following namtu pupils were neulnr lardy nor absent during llie month clu4 g March aOth 1877. Itoom A'o. 1. William Breece, John Cox, Harry Deily, Charley Keller, Giorge Hingler, D.miel E. Sterling, Trunk Wilmin, Horace Hartrasn, Hannah'Allegar, Kiln Stohner. Itoom Ai. 2. Ilruce Ilirch, IluwarJ Bidle- The salary of man, Kdward Correll, fharlcs Garrison, Wil- - I.. rs t." ll'lll!. I- ,V I. stocks of Duinestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous. and Limeuiirncr'9 Coal. Imperial attention given to the prcn.ir.i nun nl cinil li'.rore leaving nur yards. Grain sud Lumber taken in exchange lor coal, ed assortment ot Coal delivered to any part of the town at hurt notice. Orders lelt at I, W. McKelvy s tore, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William N'eal k Suns' Furnace. East lilooiiisburg. iour patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7 tf 2S1 COAL ANO FANCY ARTICLES. Ilo haa conhtuntly on haod a larje and well scli)c Clotha and Veatinga, liam Gross, George Knorr, Willie Knorr, Bub ble Hower, Oliver Meyer, Hsrry Mover, linn- nibal Nicholas, Edward Ilei-wlik, Willie Null. Frank Sloan, Arthur Kuiilh, Edwaid Tustln. Lillie Birton, Utile D.ivia, Moggie Jaeobv, Irene Phillips, May Sliarpless, llmiio Kiuip, Ella Sterner, Martha Sterner, Until ruailit, Itoom So, 8. Charles B.illott, FruUie High Constable for the year wss fixed at $125 James Thomisand M, C. Woodward werenom lusted fur that othce. M. U, Woodward wss electel bv a majority of lliree. M, U. Woodward, Jackson Hoer, and James Thomas were nominated for Chief of J'oliece, resulting In the tleciLw of M. C. Wooilwanl A luviutt lo occunv Dart of the strett for the ,, of making alterations u his building Holmes, Harry Houck, George II ugh. , Gwi. Third Strei-t wss cranted M. Wynkoop. Uosdarmel, Arthur Smith, Jesse Shoemaker, di-tlers were directed to be drawn In favor of Harry Sterner, Alice Brockway, I.iriie Ilru fias Coninanv fur month of March ! Street gler, Maggie Diehl, Linie Urob-t, Edilli l-iit Commissioner for sundries. A committee con- Edith Moyer, Lluie Moyer, Lettlo Moyer, Have vou tried Kirhv's WihlCherrv Cough Balsam? A very palateahln compound Iur tiit) various uuei tioiis iiflhu throat and lungs il his been iieil wltli ucces, III seven cases -I .isihma giving Insitint reliet and in iiuiiv c-.isi-s ell'i-ciing a nernament cure, l'riee 0 cents per buttle and positively warranted to iriee enure sitistactpin 'r iniuiev reltindeil. Uirbv H Maglo Relief for the lustaul cure of severe and acute pains. Kirhy'sj Tasteless Worm I)zenges, pleas ant, safe and ellcctual. klrbv'a Horse und Cattle Powders are the best powder, for stock, manufactured. Try tin-in ami no convinced, Kirhv's Camphor Ico for sunburns, sore rvillin Jlioyer, Jsiuiu .ui.;ei, uraio siujei, 1," - .. .. i . . I th-III!..- A.I. 11...-. 11 '9 nnu i.uni'1'e.s iiaiuia. .i.llng of Elwell, Uorrell ana .toiinea was sp. Xsaura i ... "" ' '. r -q mUat an j Uvfr raU Rre recou,. nolnmd to see If (he contract for removing dead ler, uora Jtingier, .isggi auriiug. mendeil by tbo first Physicians. from old Lurlsl ground on Third Street has Itoom bo. i, Charlie Ilrobst, Harry .'.il- The. ahoye preparations are for sale by all been properly caplated, and report to the wards, italpn t urman, i-nories iaih, niiiiam .uruggiats ano, ueaiera in meuicine. t i.i. . iiui.j nn.i limn Rnii n nmpa jf u. niaiumii .iiL-kri 111.111P. & inun. ibuuuimri. 1 ,,.. ..... 1, ..,, were apilntod to make arrangement! for rent- f.Uile qrpss, Mattle Harliel, Llllic Sloan, Ada July 31.76.-1y Wholesale Agenta. ingtbeTark. Tho CounUl IUU adjoumw lo 1 I YJ LANK NUTtil,wid. or.iUmui exempuoj tout at the call sl Im Irtiww. wauy, fimayii, JJ lot saia ai u.s uolciu(UI uoiosk; which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothlDg, on very short notice, and In the test iner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WA.1i:ili:S AN I) J KWKLlt . OF EVKIU IHSClllrTIUN. FINE AJiDCHEAr. HIS CASK OF JKWLI.1IV IS NOT SUIU'ASHED IS TlIISl'LACE. CALL AND USAM1NK Ills (1KKEKAL ASSOltT- MKNT 0? Clothing, Watches, Jswolty, &c. DAVID LOWENBEJIQ. l.ii-u. Eollins & IIolmls. Galvanized Trcn Cornice esigned and manufactured by Rollins it Holmes. Ni-w liKvii-Fii rniTtos. lsvtoo articles, s.ooo ea- srriilnc-s. aiul is smendlil niai-s. 'Ihe 11KST I'.OOK of ustieisil t.iiowieilL'e tn ths lamruac. Now In eourseiif puhiuailnn smximkn with map sent iu. x'i eein. Aur..M3 iiaailu. e'JI tt. II. IS.tVIS ,c CO., IMilln. Apr iw ly. EXCELS 1015 PRINTING INK CO., BEST ANJO CJT13AP13ST IMUKTINO INK IX TUP, MAKKET. IInreln M., NIIW VOltlC. Aug. II, To.-lsw l MarchtTt WM. F. BODIK& Arhat The President or A PANIC RANGES, he BA11STOW ELEVATED Ovon Eangc, the LION and EM- RESS Toi-table Ranges have no equal. Rollins & Holmes. Unas' I'vyerlrrnrt Is rio humiitr I voulrt not be will. "in Hint" nulil con lue dollars a hottle. J. II. llOOViilt, Pres. Citizens' National Hank, Ashland, l'a. A JUST VERDICT. Tlmvo d'J-r""' ITnnft' Kxrrrtornnt oraonp my pattfnii, umI It liasrr''V(U mcru e n rochiun tbn unv oilur ti'fd.c.io rfti.s clasn tlnt I bavo beer. uMnjr In my nifdlrnl rarrrr. Ami oven In mvnwn rasp, tn v rv "bstlnntf pulmonary rtlcf-as-f b.I dertvid llie tri cutest W n-Jlt fn rn tb Kxrertomnt. T bave iilwaR licn V' ry lpnpnaiit lo thoiifeor anyte crp iio'tuimsfirr'attriT mrdieincs. but thenLfver- rcpniHilMi df ihe llx mornr.I bas Induced me to plvc It a lair tit.l nnd nrtcnlj have 1 realUeti It U'puied TlrtiifBand iniTlts lutcven mcrp ibnnmy most fcanuuine t .xtcttailon. liorlirir that every one may (cnv'rcpninH'iny bis own lilal. nnd that the Ixrecititait mnj renca Hie tbounnds wbu may lent nn n ty n. 'i rniy ynur. 1. 1 EO, iUNQLE, M. Greiu Urlar, l'a, Important to Lawym. Justlcea ot the Peace, Constables, Executor. AA inlntstratorn, Guardian, Towa&iilp offlevi, Ul rvmt nesa men generatly, V have nn hand a Hive &BaortmeBt of toft blanks lor the umo of Attorneys, Jastloes a&4 table's blanks of All Linda, Note and Receipt feooM for Administrator &c. IMilCK LIST. ATTORN K YIS BLAKKft. Precipe for sumrnoaa. " Fl. Fa. " " Hulc to lake DeposlUona. " " " "choowo Arbitrators. v cents apiece, or 11.73 per nun area. Petition for Annotntment of (iu&rdlAn, uuau'n Itulo to take UcpohIUsds. Narr In Debt, with Confession, " Assuinpslt. Mechanics LUn. 4 ct nts each ur f3.60 per hundred. Petition for sale tit Keal Eutale 8 cents eaetL JUSTICK'd H LANK 8. Subpcenax, Summons, Warrants. -EiecutlcaJLWfii 23 cents each. Leases M I cfnU iMk IHuh Deeds le I'.irchmentDetMls .... Jft " Agreements ft Orphan's Court Sales ..WH te for 91 constable's bales...... ft etate fttt Mortfraee and Bond 1ft vu kiuus 01 ;soies 1 liecelnts. Notes. School Orders. Pqat OnbM. staM Orders, neatly bound, constanuy on ba&a, orautf to order on short notice. We nre prepared to do neater jobwerkthaasa other office In this county. BKOCKWAT A KLWXLL, Editors and Proprietor! tit tht COLCvmLur, Bioomabury, ra Verbatim THE BEST. Reporting. inAMttw ISNMR Ilnat' K-tpcctororit ts tha best couch medicine I ever us il. nil II WfX, Trenton, N.J. i-olil hy ntl dealers at CO cents per t-ottle. Jan. m, TT-Jin TV1NS' I'ATT'.NT HAIU CUIJIPERS I Adopted hy all the queens of fashion. Send for Urculnr. K. IVlStfr. No. itraNonh Fifth street, TKKM3 : Actual travellhr.. boartUnv. expenses; rive dollars a session, fortalrliif Um u. is:u i-ruui luuu, I uunorai WQnHU I lot out Into lone-hand. where the matter reported la one day eg lata qr exceeds nrty folios, the artMSollax fee wub. rrwlff ed, and the transcribing vnr-ha&4 1 1 nasi m tituen cents a toUo; but, tli auok eaaeLtrmaS t couara - rhlUdclrMa.ra. liet-.8, 'I-cm J W than Ilftv foUoa ar. nun-hutml. tli. hm SaS-jb be, charted. Address. b. is. walker, A. X. , -rnirr txmm rapher, Bloomsburg, Columbia coutr, I imalil nla. Residence. Iron rourin, street, betwaaa TOM i CKDAH VsTS AND TANKS. -for brew ers, dyers, thembts, inaniif.u-turers and private dwellings. (.IU). J. llUltKllAHT Co., June 0-sS'.v. lluttonwood bt, below Itroad. I ) UIIRKIt GOODS of every description, 1 llelltn-r. r.irklnir. Hose. Hoots and Shoes. Olotli. Inc. C. Ill 1IA1III LF.VICK, SON i: C(l. TML'hesl- nut St.. ruiiaueipuia, Agi-nis uiionai Kuooer v.0. June 9-iSiv STEAM. Public and private buiklinir- K'ated by steam. A variety of Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings, constantly on hand. Ivollins & Holmes. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly done Sij All vno tul'cr iben or 1S77, pmjlinj in advance ajlir Soumbir 1, 1S7Cui rectirt Ihe pupcr wctllyfrom receipt of remittance lo Janunni lf, bil .wiiiimn ennrqe. COM LINUi I"Ali:i.f-VO.lY.LVlSTII Vl:AIt Tlie CeMtij GEHtleinan. The Country (lentlcman Is published weekly on the foUowlnc terms, v.lu-ii paid birlctly Inadvunc i one copy, one car, f fe.r, ' ; Four eoj tea. $10, and an addi tional ropy fur tne jenr free to the sender ot the Cluh: Teiicur.les tin. and anad.ililunalcopyforthe )ear free to tlie sunder ut the Club. Hie Cuuntri r.inilcman possi-ssca an unequalled forps i.r fin mi.i iu i.ts, i.cular and oicsalonal, rimuiL- llie lit r.mi eit, tr all Hurts ct the country and consianil) li Heels tho pui'tlcl condition nnd prnfrress of tto inMinndn of every section ot the L.11UCU siuies uut. ciiiuii-n vi uuu. The I'omiiii ... n'li i.i.m L'ln h 111 Ils Horticultural PepaiMii.-iit ai-o'iiliiiious luriity of Information and sUkVistioiii-. iipnii ur btipt-uor hi the ns'uieirate to wnai is oiniiiiii-u in im- itiiiniuy iiuiuuers in inoht iarii-jli,esdeoteil lo iloilteulture. 'fho Counirv Oii.lleman has piohahly dono as mueli as all rt tier .lourn.ils ci.iutfneil, to liitinduee and ill aemlnui.i liitprou-d stock ct ecry 1-lud ihi-iau-li tbi ei iii.li : "id eon m.mds to a greater decree than am ott-iiiior.i-v, the confidence and sill imlt of I, reed, is ..lid pun hdM-rs, The ro'ium- i.i-iiiieiiiuii t-oiiialiis iinusuatlv full and trustwoithv Muiket Iteports, and devotes bpe etnl ul 1 1 HI li i tihem and tu the Prospects of tho t'l-op. as lliiuMluir Mirlit upon one of tho most, Im portant ot atl iiuthtious When to Iluy and When to Nil. The fount re i.in'liro.in embraces numerous mi nor depuriiuerts if n pruttlcal character. htich as ihe liutr. ll.e i ouPn Yard, the Aolan. tlie Vine. Mirdanil t0 on. mhI vruklv presents a ci.luniri.or rrtil.TI-tt Uolliiiri iG Holmes, omce. With E. H. on-la. Ess. . r im I ii i liaaia tne; cnuance.oppoelte the east sat to.tfe csmtW omce-bour, from,twelve to use o clock, rcb la, i87-iy E. F. KUNKKL'S BITTBK WIJI OF IROW. This truly valuable tonic haa been ao UwrcsaatCc tested by all classes ot the community It ta deemed Indlspenslble as a tosle medldM, it ocata but Utile, purines the blood aad five tea U Ua stomach, renovates tbo system aad protean BStv Ei erybody should have Iu ror ue eureM sxak stomachs, general debllrfy, tndhjeetlon, slii iaai at) the stomach, aad for all cases rtqtUrlaf a tasks. This vflno Includes tho most sgrveaNe ucie3LojM foltot iron we possowi cltruu ot magcetle oaM combined with the tuoet, encrgettc ct vcyetabla tfi Ics yellow Peruvian bark. Do you want something to atrcBgtaan yoQt Do j ou want a cood appetite T Do you want to it t rid ot nerTuoaoeas t Do you want energy r Ho you want to sloep wcllt Do you want to build up ysur cosaUtutloa; iiu you want to feci well j Do you wan, a brisk and Igoroua teelln t If ynu do, try Kuake l'a Bitter Wine ot Iron. I only ask a trial ot this valuable tonle. Kewarc of counterfeits, as Sunken Bitter Wu i4 Iron is the only sure and esectu&l remedy la Mat know ii world for tho permanent cure of drspetMta and diblllty, and as there nre a number ot i..tyr .offered to the public, 1 would caution the cox inani ty to purchdw none but the genuine article, tnata. factured by E. V. Kunkel, aud having Ida auunp a. tho cork of every bottle. The very fuctj that btbew are attempting to imitate this valuable ttatty proves us worm and speaks volumes InlteUvur. Sold only lo ft bottles, or Hi bottles for IS. Try Rr valuable medicine and be convinced ot ru iMrtla Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. TAI'K WORM ItKUOVED AUVB. Head and all complete, tn two nouns otJsiis head pann-s. Heat, pin and stomach wenna nuDosa by Dr. Kunkel, til yonh MnUj street, Itliadtiphii. worms, advice f reo. Ask jour druirrtst tor s. touu of Kunkel'a Worm Byrup, which will dotcewtam I'rlcejl It never falls to remove all kinds, twj(u children or grown persona. Directions a lUi tt. i wo im me ouuscuho aim imertsunz rires no itt send for circular with naiiu. n. o,.k. Ve-miln-.' It ni.1 une a w.l) edited Hclew ot cur- 1 a- !,ena.'l'r circular with a treatise on aU klr.4 m rent K a nt-. i-i.d us udieitl-lnir puges find'hadi lieii'r. if .11 He- piineipnl aurleniluralundhortlciU tnr - I i kini'.l-liini'iitH i,f tho eiiuiitr. tJ-tl lCI.MI-N i opil-a 1 lin: ildress Ll TllKIt Tl'CKKlt A SON'. I'CBI IsIIEkS, AtUANY, N. Y. JOB I'KINTINQ OF EVERY DESRIPTION KXKUUTKD I'KOMITLY At 'nir Ooii'MitiAN OPFirir EST Hilton cold .mntir) (omUnailnn out Conn-tingtf .!,-. Kunt watili chain, Is. it Ins' liaiidsomi.1 4; ear drops, puir ele. i.iii aiuii. si. ue SIi'l VO -UttullS. Mt Knl r A I siuds, collir Initton, heavy plain wed llni rln.', and gents' 1'ar. itt.in dlsmond pin. 'Iho alove articles bent post puld. for All u. have been retailed for fC. Iiankr'i t itn'k und must l mid solid Jllttou Onld Watches. flO each, for aiieeulstlvn mirrrceu ll.n..' equal In apnesranco lo n 4uo t-enulne gold. "Ills reputation tcrhonetty fatrdenllnir andrtberolllvls tiiieciiialed byny nlveitlser In this cliy." N. V. l ay Viook. Dec. 16, Uio. Ub.ie.THW I'O-TAOK STAMPS TAUUSAS S.AOI1. a . aiuwnlAe, XI JjUJJ M,, new lOtLT. 11 Q1 ns day at home. C l Vienna in-e. March to. .iv Areola wanted. Outhtano ' it UK, t to., Augusta. Maine, BLANK MOHTGAQ1CS forsale clieapat Uie UOLCKSIAV OfflOO. Eabcock Si Wyeth's Ads Is taken Ii t. rn. I!i ami rnsirvelv Cures ltheuma. Usui. i' -.'.-i','., rl Mimhugo, tvsuld by Mn I. -,ite i.r.d l:u. il Iiri i'glsis everj where, send foi au uuir i". IlKLI'llEKSTlNi: t BKNTI.KY, DriitfglUs, WaHilngicu, l), c, Oct C, V-, ly. r t w LOUIS BERN HARD, VlSITlNUrAHIW, LHrn-HnEAiis-, -UlUDS, I'OSTKltS, ta, AC, KMt'r lly I'tiuU-U at UieCoLDU BI AN Orlic. JOTIC'E. rrom thla date the Bloomsburg (las company wtU put in tervlee pUs-a ut llrst cost and f urnUii and set uieti' s at four dulitas each. 1 he company ns u on hand a lot of goa tar suited or palnilug roots, and lsjala or other tmibers placed undt r ground. I'rlis; iu cx'uu per gallon or i.aO iier bam-L OC 1VK. . C. W. M1I.T.KB. a BLooMsBirna, pa. Dealer In aaxzf k. oxhsk wa Silver and Plated War. FINK JFsWELUY, CLOCKS, AO., iiKVAiitisa a sn esoKAVisa l'roiuptlr Esecutc. ocw,i6-ir PAPER BA08 vok nam AT THE COLUMBUN OrtfCsB.