THE COLUMBIA AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA CTTNTY, PA. SB05XWA7& ELWSLL.EdllOM. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, April 0, 18 77. IKKKD. Tlicre has Just been given to the public (Iid extraordinary adventures nf William M. Tweed, the famous "Bom" of the New York ring, from the date of Ms escape from the Sheriff on Decemher 4th, 1876, until his re turn to Ludlow street jail on the 23d of No vember, 1870. Ills life during thts period of nearly n year Is as replete with exciting incidents as can bo found In the pages of ro i tnixncc. tils escape was effected hy tho aid of a gang of burglars, the plot having been 1 rt Id whilst in Jail, Taking advantage of tho momentary absence of IiU keeper, who hid accompanied him to his own hous, he win secreted In a covered waon, which was driven to the North river Here he took (mat and was carried across the river to the Palisade. In the douso woods back nf tho tinmen lie removed to Suton Island, where ho remain rd two weeks. Ho then took p.issage In n a-iull vessel and went tu Florida, where he spent sunn time hunting and fishing in till' swatnps. A coasting vessel took liim to Cu ba and there he was arretted fir traveling without a properly Authenticated purport. I'Inally ho took pas.age on aSpinUli vesel r Vigo, where lis was ajrtin arrested under the mistakvii imprceloii that he whs IHk , tlie ii'itnriniH h'erjtHry hi war. li.' imp iie.iiii his til 'iitiiy was diwMvvri d ail lie wa turned over to tin u S. sic.inu r Franklin and carried to New York. Ilii- tiering had been Intense, and the portly Hons" ivIio weighed nearly 300 pounds, re turned to Nev ior!c weigultg only 100 pounds. On th. Cih of DeennW, 1870, ho wrote to Charles O'O ncr, th senior counsel for :ie jviip, otl;nuz W make restitution, bo far as. lay in his pjwer, and giving up nil Pjj j papers unu ir.iHii'tti'iu hi 1111 piRewwiun touching the operations of himself and ithers during hit reign as the chief ot his lique. The letter was favorably received Rod such stops taken s.. to lel to the belief that before man days Tweed will be Bgain free min. lie Is no lander the amo man who In the plenitude of bis power ruled with almost rojal power the metropolis of thU country Ho is old, pour, and broken down In health and spirit, and It Is not probable that he will ever more hold any position wblcb will attract public notice. His life has been in d an eventful one, and If rightly road may tin good, as a striking example ttiat ill- gotten wealth and ower will prove but snares to euur a total aud disastrous over throw. T1IK NAVY DEPARTMENT. It is a matter ouite generally conceded that the late Secretary Robeson was tho very worst of the Cabinet officers of the very worst President this oountry has ver had. Since .Mr. Thompson, tho new Secretary, has SMITH OAKUMS A. At last the clouds which have for so Ion;; kunc black and threatening over the Palmer to State, havfl broken away and her people ,., ,r, ,., fr t,lruo sco with joy the bright gleams or the sun i , prosperity and peace. The stru rifle Is over, , and the last carpetbag Oiveruor who il fver disgrace the State, has been driven fn u ; office. The following later from the Prrsi , dent to tho Secretary ol War, will explain ; itself: "ExEConvn Mangos, Wa-hlngton, 1- ; O., April 31, 1377. Sir : Prior to my en tering upon the duties of the Presidency there had been stationed, by order of uy predccessor,iii tho Slate House at Cultiinliui, S. 0 a detachment of Uniteil riiates Infnii tr. Finding them In that place I have thought proper to delay a decision of tho question of their removal until I could con sider and determine whether the condition of 'alTair in that State is now such as to oitker rcnilra or jus'ify the continued mili tary occupation of the Stato House. In my opinion there does now not exist in that State such domestic violence as is con templated by the Constltu'ion as the ground upon which the military power of tne Na tions! Governmeut may be invoked for the defence of the State. There are, It is true, grave and serious disputes as to the rights of certain claimants to the Chief Executive office, of that State.but these are to be settled and determined, not by the Kxecutive of the I'nlted-States ,but by such orderly and peace able methods as may be provided by the Constitution nnd laws of the State. I feel assured that no resort to violence is cintemplate.1 in any quarter, but that, on the contrary, tho disputes iu question are to hi settled solely by such peaceable remedies as the Constitution aud laws of the State pro vide. Under these circumstances, aud in this confidence, I now deem it proper to take action In accordance with the principles an nounc'd when I entered upm the duties of the Presidency. You are, therefore, direct ed to sea tho proper orders are Issued for tho removal of said troops from the Stato House to their previous place of engagement. (Signed) R. H. H.yf.i. To Hon. (leorgo V. McCrary, Secretary of War." On the same day the Secretary of War Bent this letter to General Sbermau "WAU DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, I).C. April 3, 1877. To General Wm. T. Slier rnan, Commanding U. S. Army : General I enclose herewith a copy of a comminil cation from tho President of the United States, in which he directs that the dels ment of United States troops now stationed In the State House at Columbia, S. C, be withdrawn, and returned to their previous barracks or camping ground. You are hereby charged with the cxecu tion ef this order, and will cause the with drawal to take place on Tuesday next, the 10th of April, at 12 o'clock, meridian . Very respectfully your obedient servant (Signed) Gc. V. McCrary, Secretary of War. Next Tuesday, therefore, will see South - .Carolina once moro a free State with n Gov ernor fairly elected presiding over his peo' pie. Chamberlain lias announced that he will no longer offer any resistance to Uov, Hampton, but will turn over the books and papers aud retire from the Stale House. Chamberlain's career has been one of un mitigated rascality. He has beeu associate with the most venal and corrupt crew of ad -.venturers and, ii the statements of his com panions are to be believed, has participated in tba robbery of tho State. It is not likely tbat'be will long remain among the peon! whom he has robbed aud outraged. He may receive from the Administration a profitable office in leturu for hh rervices to the party but he will no longer he in a position to offend tho public sense of justice aud de cency, ,b But one State yet remalus to be freed from the thralldom of the carpet-bagger Louis: ana. All eyes are now turned to New Or leans where the last wf the Commissions to sit and report. This Commission is not to examine into the election or canvass the rotes, but is to endeavor to so arrange mat teis as to eecurc a single instead of a dual government or, failing in that, a single leer lature. Tho case of South Carolina differs from that nf Louisiana, In this, that in tli former htato Hayes hud moro votts than Hampton, while in the latter Packard had 1000 more votes than Hayes, though ho had 7t)w less than were received by tho Deino era tic candidate. If, as asserted by the friends of Jlr. Hayes, mere is an earnest desire to have the honesi ly elected Governor hold his office uutram ineiieu, anu this Commission is simply to report the evident facts in the case, there can be but little doubt that Gov. Nicholls will in tbo end be victorious. The peoi are with him the merchants, hankers, cler SUoifjng oat Moraculsm. In viow of the horrible revelations con. lalnod In tho confession of John D. Loe, tho Mormon Ilishot), who was slmt to death n few days alnoa for boing one of tho principals in tho fearful Mountain .Mm low miss.icro, it will ha n limited by nit that tho tunc has ar rived when Moriimnisin, with nil its debase ments nnd crimes, should lm rooteJ out. A'iewod in its liast aspasts and wholly npart fr.Hu tho ilrealul masvicM nf twenty years ago, Mormonism Is repulsive in every feature. It has nothing to command it. Lu-t and crime are its foundations. It is one of those cils which is literally conceived in din anil horn iu iniquity. Kvcry principle of Clnistianity re volts at its horrid doctrines, and therefore; t tnlnratu it any longer will 1m n disgr.ico to the wh.Vo country. I's prcutro 'hoiild n it lie allowed in a civiliza 1 country, aud the sooner it is rooted out .'t;tcrinitnlil. the more it will hs to th J ere lit of our (i ivoni'ii iu'. Wherever it ins I care I its hideous head it hns carried with it crimes and alxjniiiintions at which the heart shudders, an I it is very apparent tint years ail led to in lifetiui', h.ivo not in any se ise served to lender it les n lions to the moral aril Christian scimj of the o iiintry. K.i nuh i'lijvknvvn of Is tun tiiwiri).js.s to run 1 t vo.'C.-iitii Midi ii-ti ) i n t uly a lvis iblc.hilt .ilis ilutuly imperative, flni :itiin sh ml 1 ba prompt an 1 d'ci..ivv Ih '.n k'if justija common 'ed in the cisyof Ljo, and so fir .nh j wise in.'ini) 1 th wisjlily oii'iliu urited, should be prosecuted until every ouu OJiinectcil with that bloo ly tu.issierc is dealt with in like manner. That Urighani Young was at tho Isittom nfthe horrible transaction there remains not thcshadnv oft dvihf Ilia cloir as wis t'nt of J i, "ill Iu mauV to answ.:r f 'lis uriiin in like manner. That the pnif, if diluently Kiught for, could b scoured, is ovileot. There are stiret of witnesses rwnly t testify ivjainst him as soon as they an: assured of the prototionf the Government. Hitherto their lips have been scalod for fear of violence if thej tnodo any disclosuics implicating tho lihiilinanp wretches who instigated tho majsa crc. Let them ho convinced that they havo nothing tu fear from tho men and tho frnUir nity agaiust wliom they testify, and thora wiB be forthcoming facts sutBdeiit not only to convict Brigham Young, but all hinconfodcr atca in crime. Cosgicsa will foil of its duty if during tho extra BOjsion h fails to make tho provision necessary to tricot nil tho wants of the case. Phila. Chronicle. Election of rrctlJent. For tho next four years at least political discussion will ho much occupied with tho im portant question of n reform of tho niodo of electing a President o as to avoid the perils ns well as tho disgraceful wandals that attend ed tho late contest. W hilo the dcfectH in tho present system have been long recognized they weio never revealed In so striking a Sight as in the eoii!et of 187(1 when unscru pulous and dospt ra'to partisans were enabled to employ them in overthrowing the decision nf tho bnllot The electoral colleges havo been perverted from the original design of tho constitution, nnd instead of choosing a l'icideiit themselves have become a superflu ous part nf the p ditical machinery. Haling survived its political purposes and its useful- ue-s thcd.ingcr is that the iii'tittitio'i will un dergo a still further prvcrioti in some fu ture contct, nnd will he used to thwart the popular will through the corruption or weak ness of the electors. Another defect of the system is that a candid it may bo elected who leccivcs n minority of the pupularvnte. In 1S0O Mr. l.iiieiln received a plurilityof the popular votes and a nnjority of the elec tors The eindidite next to him in popular vote was Mr D.uiirlas with only twelve elec tors. Had the election been thrown into the House of Representatives Mr Douglas could not hive liven a cni.liihte a Itotli llrecken- Important to Alienor). Tho following opinion ofH. II, Cummin, Esq , attorney for tho county commissioners of Lyjoming county, will bo found to possess considerable interest to assessors aud tax payers : WlM-tAMsrORT, March 23, 1877, CommiMiWri of Lycoming county i Gr.NTI.KMCN : In reply to your question ! "Is money at interest taxablo for county pur poses m this couuty?" I nnd the law as fol lows : By section 32, net of assembly 20th April, 1844, Pamphlet Laws p. 497, 2 Purilm's Digest p. 1380. and sections 3 and 0, act of assembly 23d April, 1810, Pamphlet Laws p. 487, 2 Purd m'n Digest p 1380, it is provided that all money duo and owing by solvent debtors, to sny person, partnership, firm, company or eorp rat body, whether on mort gage, ju lenient, decree, bond, note, contract, agreement, accounts and settlements in 'ho orphans' cou'ts and courts of common pleas, and.pther accounts, excepting executory con tracts and nstreements where possesion na not been deliveied ii the vmdee, under such -ontracts or agreements' and excepting notes. con'iai'tsor accounts for wo'k or lab 'r done, and bank notes whether payahl on dem in 1 m at any specified timo rat, present or fu ture, or whether tho tunc of payment bo spec ified oi not, and wliPtliT containing an agree- whcthci written Tho Nttv Slay Law. , , ,, , , , . , . ,i u p.iy imuicM o. ii i ruigo aiu lieu nan mure e i'ct"rni voies, uiiti . , , , ... . t i ..... . . ., ... , , ,! nr verbal, nnd aUn all uion-yloatKil or mviis.1' the constituHou provides that tlii-hous'i sha 1 , .. , .. . . . . , . . ,. ., , i .. 1 ed in anv other state, thallbrvalutd and tv iar.u .1 wiiii;: m j -uint lmiiv ijuiii iiiu Newspapers vs. Politics. three canJiilatoi lnglicst m electoral votes. In tho last contest the monstrous prvcrsion of the republican dnctriuo of the rule of tho majority is witnessed in tho inauguration of n candiilatc who received a quarter of a mil lion less votes than his competitor. It will be "aid that this result wis reached throuch the moot gigantic frauds. Hut it is a sufficient answor that such a roult is possible under tho olcctoral syjtem evivi without the com mission of fraud. in the opening paper of the North Ameri can A'oixVw for Mnroh-ApriL, entitled "the ?)ectoral CommLssion and its bearings" Mr. Buckalew points out the-sc as well as other de fects in the system of choosing a l'rosid? nt nnd dcterrninin, contests which time and con flict havo developed. Though tho electoral dispute with all tho qucstious that cluster nround it is the burning luiueoftho present, Mr. Buckalew has been able to keep his tem per uuder sufficient control to discuss tho sub ject as if it concerned another era and a dif ferent planet. After ably reviewing tho par tisan work of the clcctoinl commi-sion and dismissing it with the remark that as the The Huntingdon editors havo n fashion of commission was a temporary cxxsdient it "ipcakiug out in meeting" just what thoy will haidly sarvo as a model fur the future ho thiuk. The Glokc, for instauae, raps tho of- proceeds to present a remody for the existing fiochoUera aud aspirants of its own party over evil. ThU brings us to his plan which is cm- tho knuckles as follows : tho amendment offered by Mr.Maish "Those of us who have to bear the hoavy in the last Congress, to which we called the been iu otlice, his timo has been well occu- expenses of publishing political newspapers pied in turning out of office the employees have just cause to complain. During the of Robeson aud in hunting up the variou illegal transactions of the Now Jersey mariner. The latest little affair which hns engaged his attention is as to what has become of the million of dollars received from the sate of stinct or ingratitude to oouiawuee a war upon tho old Philadelphia Navy Yard. Of this the printers to whom they owe tneir eiectiou. sum S472.41G is not to bo accounted for at Wo ask every honest mail is th right? There attention of tho readers of the Patriot at the timo of its introduction. This amendment pro- camDaien we aro expected to do any amou nt vides for a diroct vote by the peoplo for Pre of work for candidates who Imvo never pat- siaent ana vicorrosiueut; retains olcotoral roniied us. aud thou bo abusod often for not votes as at present while dispensing with doing enough. Often, oven, when wo secure I electors and electoral colleges; and assigns to tho election of men. thev seem throuch in- canuioates electoral votes trom cacli state in all, and the balanco of the sum has been ap plied to other sources than those provided for by law. Robeson had a hearty and cheerful disregard of such minor trifles as laws, and generally put the public money where it would do the most good in bis opinion. His friend Roach, the ship-build er, got a good slice of it, as did also his nu merous friends aud henchmen. Nothing was illegal to Robeson's mind that conduced to parly success and filled tho pockets of po litical adherents. As a Republican succeeds Robeson Iu office it is not likely that the is hardly an officer now in Huntingdon coun ty that is as true to the printer to whom he owes his election as he should be. I There arc at this time no kxs than four .men looking forward to a nomkiation tar sheriff in this couuty, who do not take the Oluba. Their advcitisemeuta and job work go to tho Local Ntm office and ulsewhore. Wo propose, aud hope the Journul will bceorid tho motion, to let'thesc men look for support where their patronage goois." "Well, you Deedu't take on in that way over there. It's just so over here. Party public will know very much of how matters lines or names do notchango tho character of stand, but if a Democrat had taken charge of tho Departmeut,Robesou would undoubt edly have been rendered unhappy in more ways than one. The Navy as it at present exists is a dis grace to the nation. More money has been expended in tinkering about iion clads than would have built a fleet of serviceable ves sels and after all this waste of money the iron clads are worthless. Robeson was not only unfit for bis office by lack of ability, but was an unscrupulous politician who cared nothing for the good of the nation, but only plotted to keep himself and friends in power, lie entered into of fice a poor man and retired, it is said and generally believed, u rich one, and this on a salary of 3,000, m Washington, is one of the tilings that canujt bo done by ordinary methods. If the secrete of the Navy Department could be mads known, Robeson might have anotheT public position which would employ his time for some years to come. individual.". Those tbntnre toostiury to sub scribe and pay for their local party luper, arc foutid everywhere. Such men inherited mcanuess, and they will alow themselves to be buried with iu Why, just tho other day we sent a dun to a man who had received the Republican for .twelvo years without paying us a cent. He appeared with tho notice iu his hand, and coolly informed us that he ha d never subscribed for tho paper, and wan not going to pay it. Wa opened the door and kicked him out of tbo office. He stood the kicks like a man. The world is full of just fuch knaves, aud they are not decreasing, notwithstanding our boasted civilization. Clearfield JlrpubKoan. The Last ef the 'Mo. There is a fatality connected with wrong doings which mortals cannot accouut for, notwithstanding tho "improvemcnts of the age." Iu the fall of lfcW, tho Democrats of Schuylkill county elected two members. named Ibo and Waggouseller, to the Leg islature, and the Democrats of Yonk elected The proportion to the popular vote. A direct popular vote for Preeidena is secured by this plan while politically the power of the smal lerstatcs in preserved, and the objection to the choice of a President by the whole mass of voters is avoided. Mr. Buckalew shows that by a proportional distributing of votes, as iu this amendment, the chances of a disputed diction such as the last would be almost cx- tinguLJicdj that it excludes the temptation to falsity or manipulate returns ; that it would render almost iiuposiblc the election of a minority candidate ; arid that it would secure justice by giving fair representation to the peoplo aud applying the majority rule to the electoral instead of the popular vote. It will discourage frauds in elections by removing the temptation to commit them. With a ra tio of thirty thousand for an electoral vote a fraudulent vote of ten thousand in Philadel phia or New Orleans would mean one-third of an electoral vote instead of meaning the political balauce of power aud the decision of a presidential election. In a great state liket Pennsylvania or New York a fraudulent voto of even thirty or forty thousand would affoct but one out of the whole number cast by the state, instead of transferriug the whole thirty or forty electoral votos from one candidate tu the other. The plan of district voting for electors, as for members of the house of rep resentatives, that has been suggested would1 not extirpate the evil of corrupt elections, for the ba!auce-of-Kwer vote iu each district would be the object of money expenditure: and evil influence. Ten thousaud fraud ulent votes in n state might control half a doz en oi more districts, while they would bo en tirely lost when counted in the aggregate vote of a state and assipnol to candidates in proportion to tho votes received by them. Mr. Buoialew make-i a forcible argument trmd andbc nibject to tarationfor allcounl'l purpn'n whihofver. Hy tcction 1, act of assembly loth March, IR47, Pamphlet Laws p. 39G. 2 Purdou's Hi- uesf p. 1382, it is provided! 1 hat tho law above cited shall not ho so construed as to impose a tax on the running or bonk accounts of merchants or others for goods sold or WJrk done. Hy section 1, act of assembly 14th of April 1863, Pamphlet Laws p. 01.2 Purdou's Di gest p. 1369, it is provided: Tint all mort gages, judgments, recognizances nnd moneys owing upon articles of agrc ment for the sale of real estate shall be exempt from taxa tion, etc. When this last cited act of assembly was before the supreme court iu November, 1875. in the case of Westmoreland county vs. Fries, second Weekly Notes of Cases, p. 204, they held that its provisions were not confined to ptirtfiate money, mortgages, judgments, etc., hut that it exempted from county taxation all mortgages, all judgments, all recognizances and tho moneys due upon such articles of agreement only as aie for sal'j of real estate. It is therefore your duty to cause to be valued and assessed with county taxes, all money due and owing hy solvent debtors to cveiy person, partnership, firm, company or oorporate body, subject to taxatiou in this county, whether suchmney is duo and owing on decree, bond, note, contract, agreement, accounts and settlements in the orphans' court and courts of common pleas, and other accounts, and ail money loaned or invested in any other state, excepting 1. Executory contracts and agreements where possession has not been delivered to tho vendee under such contracts or agree1 incuts. II. Notes, contracts or accounts for work or labor done. III. Bank notes, whether payable on de mand, or at any specified time, past, present or future, or whether the time be ipecifhd or not, and whether containing an aereetnent to pay interest or not, whether written or verbal, IV. Running or book accounts ot mer chants or others for goods sold or work done. V. All mortgages, judgments ami ucogiii- zancea. VI. All moneys owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of real estate. Rcspt-ctfully yours, II. II. CUMMIN We are pleased to see that the Pbilada iVeo, the most dishonest and contemptible of all the Radical organs, has succeeded in alienating most of Hs supporters by its ridi oulous though bloodthirsty editorials relative to South Carolina. The President turns a cold shoulder to its frantic utterances by ordering the withdrawal of troops from Columbia, which is substantially an endorse' ment of Hampton, and the more intelligent aud honest Republicans are disgusted with Forney and his fiendish twaddle. The 1'reis is steadily losing ground all the time and it will be a day to bo marked with a whit stone when the lost number is ksued and Forney finds his proper place in the ranks of pot house politicians. Speed the day, Items. Sncno!. 1. Ito it enacted ly tho Bonata and House of Representatives of the Com,, tnnnwcalth ol Pennsylvania In General Aseuibly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That in all cases where lands,tenementsor hereditament have been or hereafter shal. be levied on by vir tue of any writ of fieri facias or other writ of execution, and an Inquest of stx men, summoned by tho sheriff or coroner of any of tho cities or counties agreeably to tho ex isting laws of this Commonwealth, shall find that the rents, Issues and profits of such properly arc not sufficient, beyond all r.- prises, within the space of seven years, in satisfy the damages nnd costs, or the debt, Interest and cnts in such writ as mentioned, It shall be the duly of lliu sheriff to sum mon lx in", i of Ills bailiwick t go upm the premises and value and nppriil-e the s.ild properly, nnd in nil tnes where the defend ants shall consult to a condemnation, agree ablv to an net entitled: An net relating In executions, passed the sixteenth day of June eighteen hundred and thlrty lx, and in any where an iiiqui-itinii mid I'linlomuathin nf such sis If avilnr-'-iiiil lall not he deemed i.o ill n law, i shall be the duty nf the "lu rill' rennitier of the proper cnunly tu summon n itque-t nf ix good and lauful freeholders nf his bailiwick, who dliill be iiiulei a'h or i.ffiiniaiiiiii, and -hull receive thesinie pay us jurors me entitled to in similar cases, to go upon thejiroinlse nnd value and apprise tne sune, and the sheriff or cnriiiu r shall iniiln return nf uch valua tion or apprais. ment, with the writ ufurestiil M the cnurt. from which thr- same,and which iiiluatinii ur iipprai-euient shall he conclusive as to all writs and executions, when approved by sal' court, In any future execution which may bo levied on tho same propcrlv ; and in case any writ nf venditioni exponas or other writ shall issuo for the sale of such lands, tenements or heredita ments, and the same cannot bo sold at pub lic vendue or nut-cry for two-thirds or more f such valuation or approvement, and then in such case the sheriff or coroner shall not make sale of the premises, but shall make return of the same accordingly to the court from which tho execution issued, and that thereupon all furth r proceedings for the sale ol such lands, tenements or hercdita- menu shall be stayed for one year from and after tho return day of the venditioni ex ponaa or othrr writ for the sale of the prctui ses : l'rovided, that tho slienll or coroner hall not be entitled to poundage unless in those cases sale a ol tho property shall tako place. Sto. 2. That in all cases where lands.ten- ements or hereditaments havo been hereto fore levied upon and condemned or extend ed,nr that hereafter may be extended in vir tuo of any wiit of fieri fscias, and in all cases where lands.tencments or hereditaments have been or hereafter shall be seized or levied on by virtue of any writ of levari facias, it shall bs the duty of the sheriff or coroner, beforo exposing tho said property to sale, pursuant to any writ for that purpose issued,or in pursuance of such writ of levari facias, to summon six good aud lawful men of Ids bailiwick, who, being first sworn or affirmed shall go upon the premises and make a true valuation or appraisement ut such property as directed by the first section of this act, Sec. S. That in all cases where estates for life or for a term of years in any lauds, ten ements or hereditaments have been or shall be seized and levied on by virtue of any writ jt execution, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or coroner, before he shall proceed tu advertise and sell the premises aforesaid, to summon an iuqueBt of six good and lawful men of his bailiwick, who, being first duly sworn or affirmed, shall go upon the premi ses and make a true valuation aud appraise ment of the same, and if such estates for life or for a term of yeais as aforesaid, after being advertised and offered for sale by pub lie vendue or outcry according to law, can not bo sold for two-thirds or more nfthe amount of the valuation aud appraisement to be made as aforesaid, the sheriff or core n;r shall make return accordingly, and thereupon all further proceedings for the sale of said premises shall be stayed for one year from the return day of the said writ of execution: Provided, That the said defendant or defendants shall execute and deliver to the sheriff or coroner, as the case may be, a judgment bond, with one or more sufficient securities, who shall be freeholders, and approved by the court, to bo entered of record, and shall be a lien on all real estate until paid or satisfied, in a penalty of double the amount of said valu ation or appraisement, conditioned for the rxepet the lime at which a ssle may bo ef fected Mccordlng to tho provisions of this net, which oU shall bo paid out of tho pro ceeds of tho sale, as In other cases. Sue. 5 That, beforo any person shall bo entitled to n stay of execution on real cstato levied upon ho shall pay the interest due on tho debt and the Interest due upon the prior Hens thereon, nnd dlschnrgo all ground rent and municipal charges duo on the property, subject to tho Judgment, and shall pay semi annually during the continuance nl the stay of execution nil fbo accruing interest on the Jildgmentj-mnrtgages.llens or charges on said real eslate and tliu ru-enm ground retus : Provided, That the provisions of this net shall not apply to suits fr tho collection of Intere.t semi annually nil mmit-ys due the estates of detedeuts.widnws or itilnnrs.wlilcli suits tire hereby nut'inriz.'d in lie instituted nor lh claims for labor : Provided lurther, That this act shall not remain In I'urce fur a longer period than eighteen months Approved The 231 day of March, A, 1. 1877. J. V. Hahtrakft. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS UDITOR'S NOT1CU. 1M Tna RSTATK OP Wlt'ON i.tltM, Drc'n. Tins ilia lerslifned Auditor to miko distribution tho funds In tuo hint, or Jolm , PunLS.;' Adnlnlsirjtorof tli'esiatmf Wll-on Allen, "wi.!' iinin'tiu pirtloi eir.ltlol Uiir.'to in uttenlto tliilail'-si)riitiaip,tntinent at tils i.m.i In lastiwuof uwiminir, ivnu'a., i n Thiir. ii; llmm div "t May isrr. when mid where i ill n? sons h ivtnT claims ng-.ilnst tho snH tnto rii ti'. quested to present tils s.rne bet iro timuilitrnr li, daoarrj J rrj.n cj.ntn In lor a sli.ire or s.itd Mm, K. E.OIiVIs,' April , 1377-tw Auditor, pROrHONOfARYw'NOTICK. ' " " .Vottce Is hircfoy glten t'nt tho following accounts h ive bson llle 1 In the oivo of the I'rjtliunjtaryi.t C.jlu n'da c unity an I will b j presented to tin ,0 on lliu sth d ly ot M ly nett, at winch tlm they win hi eua' id. si ant flnillycannrintdaticr tjar diys idum xou.ittons a e d:el ullliln tliattluw First an 1 d i it a j i inf, ot . jan tV 1!M is, A isla. eoot Nitiun V. .suckc-r. . Tne llfrt lies iintnf tviiilatn Lamon, Trustee tf lie est no or j Mnyer, nee d Tho accouut otlt. v, Ijon, Trusteo to rl' tLe real estate ot Josei h llotilitoi.. late I too tonn ship April o, is;;-to O CONTRACrORS AND IlUILDIiltS. T t ourcreiicj Ajip liniments. The following are llio app Hutments for I) nville di-trlet, Central P sylvan in U'Hi- lerencu nf the M. IS. Church : N S Hjokiiigliini, Prnsiilinir Kldir, p'l-t-'iffirc. IP'sMiislmrt', Pi. Danville, St. Paul's, W. A. Uwilek- Diuville, Trinity, 11. F. S cdit-ns Riverside, J. f. Wils N"rtiiiiiiil)trlaj.I, (1. Warren Was liuigtoiiville. L n Crime. I ,1a, O V. Mil 'g' 11 icklnirn, f O Cuts. Ill'iiiiiiliurg, M, L. Snjser. fcspy and Light Strict, A. llrittain. Orangev lie, H. S. .Meiidelilmll. Denton, C. J. Hack. Wesley Cliaptl, mil Unity ville, to be sup- ied. Berwick, J. S. MelJarrah. Mifilinvllte, J. Lhivd. ll.-ach Il iven, II. It. Furlnrr. Riimmingd ili-, J. F. Ilr.iwu, II LiV 'bnd. Mulilenliurg, N.'ll Smith. Sliicksliinny. J. Mniireliead. White Haven, A. M Kder. Hickory Run, W. A Carver. Weatherlv, R. II. Colluirn. Stockton and Humboldt, C. W. Marshall. Heaver Meadow, J. P. Uenford, lliizleton, A. M. Creightou. .feiinesvilln and Aml-nreM, M. L. Drum. Ciinyngh un, O. M. Lnrnrd. South Herberton, C. L lieuseoter, J R. Sliipe. Catawissa, F. Qjarhart. Elyshurg, J. CUiss. Shamokiti, P M. Reese, Centralla, J. Horning. Helfeustein, I. N. Mnnrehcad. Mt. Carmel, N. W. Colburn. Ashland, A. M. U.irniti. Treverton, J W. Feiglit. Siiydcrtown, Q. H. Day. Sunhury, S. W. Sears. Sclinsgrove, K. T. Switrtz. What a blessing to tho pnor would be such a wholesome purifier and preventive of contagion as Glen u's Sulphur soap could it be distributed among them. ny dim t some philanthropist net on this hint. Do pur, Unttenton s, An, oixtn Avenue, ew York. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, fit) cts. March. Propoiatt wilt ho received for the erection nf th Columbia Co intr I'llson 1 icoto l nt loom.burr, Pa. frupojils must he lucompanleJ by on np.roy'd' bonl ut twiuiy thiusin.l dollirs fjr tho fidthfjl Pirfj-mi.i'O d tu sun-ail tu Oo.n ntidmri ns.iiT) tlia r''it ti ivJiH nay or all Id Is. The in-i n-ifi, I': "is 1 1 1 -s jtttlii'lm wilt In nt u O i.n nlsdni'ri'oll! in t u titidiyj' tarilna tin rclill.;ct will he tlivro it that. Ilm toirlvoanr etntatutl in tint may bo leipilred. nt 1 1 will b i i-o ' null 1 1 lD'.li d i" of Arm at .iuis-ii n. si vim, I Clinniaco. vi.Hti-Vi t ujiCiHja, ci tit. C'jn is I He's nl ij, ,i-llii, ts;r-i Marriages. KESTKIt-imEECK. At the Lutheran pareonase on tbo S9Ui ultimo by IteT John StcCron, D. 11 , .Mr. Edward M. Kester, ut Chester couuty to Miss Mauglo E. llrecco ot Columbia co. Deaths. HEIWEIt-In Locust township, March win Mar garet, wife of Jacob llerner, oKeds; years, t mouths audi dais. ESLUIt.-Ontheist, Catharine Augusta, daugh, ter ot M. V. and Elizabeth Ester, of scarlet fever.uged 3 years and 16 days. ESLEIt. in rireenwood two., April 3, Frederick Esler. in the 81st year ot his litre Funeral on hun, day at the Deformed Church In llloomsburi; at a o'cloi k p. m. M CO -i f) Ui cts H A ( rt HI 5T Os CD ra in M S i 3 W d CO LJ 3i 0 "4 H i h M CJ a n 31 w o o H A 31 as H 0 ill 9 0 n 9 o H 13 EOISTER'S NOT IC ICS JP, V, .NOtlCC E. F. KU.NKEL S D1TTCR IVISIS OF IKOJ Gives tone to the s'omach, Improves the appetite and assists digestion 1 excites tha bowels to Iwalthy action, expelling all the foul bttrr.ors lhat contatrd nate the bUod, corrupt thofcecrettons nnd one ml tl e breath, It excites tho lUer to a healthy action and strengtbens tbo' nerves, Imparling thH glow to lite that proceeds ulone from perfect health, '1 liousands la aU walks of lite, testify to ilw vlttues of this ex cellent medicine In correcting the derangement o the dlgebllVB organs. Ctt lie genuine, toldonly In tl bottles. Ask fur E. 1', Kuukel's miter WUiu of Iron, and tal:o no other. nVSPKI'sl i. DV,l'i:i'.s,IA. DYSPEPSIA. E. F KUNKEL'H lilttur Wine of Iron ts a suro cure tor this disease. It has been piecrlbed dally for Notlco Is hereby elven to nil letrntop,. erat. tors and other persons Interested in the estates of the respective decedents aud minors, that the tot lonln? administration and guardian accounts hale been nied In the oiUce or tho l(ei?ister of rniumhia county, and win be presented for confirmation ma Hiiuwuuce in me urpnans' touu lo be nehl In Illoomsburg, on Monday, the Jib day of May, mi, alio clock, p. in. on bald day: 1. First and Unit account nt Oliver Watts, Admin-1-li-ator or Itobert Watts, late ot Centre town ship, deceased. 3. Firs' and llnat a-co-mt nf Conrad Kram"r, Ad ministrator of Morris I'ursel, late or Madison to Yashlp, d-vea-sed. 3. Flrst.aml ilnal account of Joseph 1. Conner and Samuel J. Conner, Ad.nlnlitratira or (lilbert II Foivlar 1 im of Ceatro t j iinshtp, deceased. 4. Second and tlnal account of William II. Ilagen-bu-li nnl Wlls-in 11. M'lli k. AilnilnMnito sof 1'efr Melllck, law of Scottlownshlp, (licoi-ed. 5. Account of Cwles I'elt'-rm in, Ewcut irof Mi ch lei -nyder, late of Liiu.t t, iwmh p. deaused, as tiled uy Latauttu Ketterman, Administrator of Charles Fctu-rman deceased. . Account of lilas Kliullz, nuanllia of Francis I. hhuttz, an heir at law ot Dorcas suultz, de ceased. 7. FlrHandnnal account of Andrew J. Iicngtp and Nicholas lleagle, -dmlnlstriitnrs of Michael Ileuglc. lato ol .nt. Pleasant townstdp. dl'cas d, 8. Account ot Abratn Wal tman, Kecutor of Jtsso Zaner, late of Hi larcreik ton nshlp deceased. 9. Frstand paril il account of John Anderson, Ad ministrator oi the- estate of M ! 'Ibornion, lau V. S VUJ Ubt.U( , I 11.1, Ul :,!.. 10. Final account ot S. II Delmer O lardl in of Frank. Iln it. I'norutoa, a grand child aud heir of John ltlcliards, deceased. 11. First and flnil account ot Step'ien nearhart, (iuardlannf Daniel nsarliart mtnorchlld otJa cobOearbart, lut- ot Mala townnblp, deceased. 12. econd account ot Peter F.nt, AdudnUtratnrct Wellington II. Ent, Into ot Hioonisburir, d ceas ed as tiled by his Administrator, Oscar t Ent. 13. Second and partial acciuntct Allen Mann, Ex ecutor or 1'eu.r Ucarhart, lato ot Beaver town ship, dnceased. atrainst the one term doctrine and dories the ,i i . r . , . . .Ill I .1... IV. i V..J. .i i - - - - - is tne employment oi u muau oi federal '"""Ci s 1 rici;ieu i t-1, ,i, ,i. rji,,.-:,,,, ,.,.,, .,f,K ,i,,.. soldiers to maintain racnard In olbce any "'n -..euueur u, w o san e potwiwo. ine hich ,lfi ,,ru,)0H,H: A ixitrular vote for less unconstitutional than the employment eiecuonoi a renaior was )eud- rrCbiJeiJt ilIKl Vice I'o-ident similar to the ot anotner Mpimi to upnoui tjhamberlaln r I ,uo l" -auuury, ioj, -aQ ofth(J May( araeu(imcnU A carefully I I r I r -,1 X. : . ' , 1.1 . . , i I tl.u T 1 m ocr-it u nnnitnntnl f '. .1 .trdi.i W I . . . . ' .Lliu .1 iit-jcn iuiu uio vrauiucv Uft ijuviuoju that they havo no right to meddle with South Carolina affairs, why send a Commis sion to see whether the troops should be withdrawn from New Orlears? The an swer is short aud simple. Hayes had more votes than Chamberlain iu South Carolina, and fewer than Packard in Louisiana. The well known banking house of Dough erty Urns. & Co,, in Hnrrisburg, failed last Tuesday. The liabilities are stated at$lll,- gy, in fact the reputable tax payers, mmiied 1 UW, and the a-sets at from $130,000 to jJlfiO- men and those hnvlnj iuflutnee, and the whole uatiou is weary of the rascaUwho have misruled the State. I.ct carpel-bagiaiu perish from the earth. HAVES. fVCbandler and lllaine, if they did not se cure his defeat at the polls, as we ourselves have no duobt they did, did not secure his triumph, and their Iteturiiiug Hoard ur raugementt,uiilucklly,werenot good enough to bear examination. In fact, 'the Manage ment,' as they say at the theatres, blundered and miscarried up to the day tho Electoral Commission met, and Hayes reached the Presidency not through what the Republican chiefs had done for him, but through the refusal of the Commission to look into it," So soys the Nation of March 15, 1877, and yet, after having cheated the people by the Returning Board, having agalu cheated them by his promises made to them through Matthews and others, after having agalu cheated them in the utterances of the Inau gural, proposes tu consummate the villainy and the disgrace by turning out Mchnlls. and taking to his bosom his co-conrplrator l'ackard ; so that from the l'resldent dowu tu Stokelcy fraud shall be triumphant. aud the people mere beasts ot burden "How long, oh Lord I how lung!" If matters could be arranged In this coun try mi as to suit Wi-udcll l'hilllps, the place that Htu. Wade preferred to leiaa as a ns ideiite would bo a refrigerator In compari son, (iiuuer of tho l'billlps stripe, alter truth, would hardly notice the change Iu climate. 000, of which only ? 10,000 is in cash. Ten er cent of this latter amount has been paid to depositors. A large number of the dc- tno, Ibo, who resideJ atTaniaqua, Schuyl positors aro poor people who cannot well af- kill county, was iouud dead in tho street by ford to lose. The cause of tho failure is said a policeman a few nights since. His death to bo the heavy withdrawal of deposits since la a mystery ; no marks ol violence were the failure of the City Bank some time ago, I visible on the body, aud from tho poaitiou followed by the entering nf a judgment of I of the body and the condition of his cloth S'iOOO sgainst Win. K. Duuirherty, ono of 1 ing ho must have fallen dead iu his the partuers. I tracks. Darin? the war Meunear wasirlven nu iu A rumor has been started that a quo war- t uositiuu in the "burse riuit" at Wash ranto BUit will tie begun In the Supreme lngtou. He purchased worn-out army horx Court of the District of Columbia to test the from five to tweuty dollars, uhluoed Itle ot .Mr. Jtayes to the rrvrideocy. The them tu a farm la York county where thev .NcwUrleaus Jimtt publishes a Hatement, wcre eured for, and in the course of three wuicn, it says, comes irom nign itepubli- mumhs sold them back to the government the Democrats nominated Coh vkihu W, Forney ,thou editor of the renntyii'mia, and Chairman of tho Democratic State Commit tee, while the fragments of tho dykig Whig party, tho Know Nothings and tho embryo Republican party ,all settled ou Simon Cam eron. Tarty lines were very close lu tbo Legislature ; the Democrats having a small majority. Simon "wig-wagged" then as he has ever since. Ho deliberately purchased the votea of the thrco members indicated, and was elected United States Senator, while Lebo, .Mcnnear and Waggonseller wre sent into exile, aud, liko Cain, woro the mark on their foreheads. The last survivor of the drawn statute regulating contests upon eleo- toral returns. A prohibition of third presi dential terms. Fixed term-, nf service for subordinate civil ollieeiy, to Is! removable only for cause, and a repeal of so much of the teuuro of oilicc act as authorize the senate to particiate in removals. An arrangement of congrefhioual terms and sessions iu such man lier that an old cmgres-a shall not sit after tho election of a new one cither to enact laws or to choose, in a coutiiigenjy, by a vote of oneor the other of its hotisw, a l'icsident or 'ie President of the United States, 'a-triot. The brig Roanoke, from Philadelphia for Porto Cabello, has been lost with tbo cap tain, eight of the crew and three passengers. A "deficiency" of about $1000 has been found in the accounts of Robert Peysert, postmaster at Bethlehem, Pa. He is also charged with having tampered with the mails, nnd mismanaged his office generally. Prince Bismarck has resigned the Imperial Chancellorship of Germany. The Emperor declines to receive the resignation and has granted hltn a year's lenve of absence. This is deomed equivalent to his permanent re tiring from public life. Tho Prince's action has caused much excitement. can sources," that the eight Electoral votes of Ixiulaiana "properly belong to Governor Tilden," aud that the testimony will bo fur- uished him in the prosecution uf his uuo wrrranlo suit." Nothing definite is known, and the lawyer in whose hands it is asserted tho papers are denies the statement. Tho Supremo Court of tbe State of New York has decided that J. O. Ayer A; Co., of Ixiwell, havo tho sole right to use the worc's Cherry Pectoral for a medicine, aud has li fer SlbO and $200. Hat, while deahug iu glaudered and other diseased horses, ho be came atlllcted and prematurely died a miser able death soon alter this war. Waanonseller. for many year, was a menial employe of the Nuitli Central Rail road, at Kuubury, aud iu this mauuer seclud ed himself. About two yeans ago ho met his death hy being crushed between two cars, Ihefatoof thoi threo unu is fearful to couUmplato ; their daily atsoclates who privately observed their movements, do not Things In New Vork. The general public are by no means satis fied with the compromise which is about to be concluded with Tweed and his confederates of the old Tammany Ring. The terms of that compromise have already been stated, People are asking is Sl.'iV'.OOO all that re are to gel back from "Boss Tweed from the suit tu make hi in disgorge the W.OOO.OOO stolen from tho city 7 Is iWOO.OOO all that Is to be recovered from Sweeny, ami about an equal amount from "Slippery" Dick Connolly? Much as the municipal exclaequer may be in need M replenishment it cannot afford to make such a bargain with such men. They are either guilty or inno cent. If they are innocent a nolle pros ought to he entered at once in their favor; If they are guilty, the spectacle of having them one and all, snug In the btate Prison, would be, morally and every other way, worth infinitely more than the pally remnant of their plunder which they now propose to disgorge. The compromise is starting 'many ugly questions. For instanc. "If big rogues can compromise, why not tliu little ones t" sued an Injuuctiou against P. V. Rusbton, bwUrte itJ , lml t- ' UQ. ot rsew lorn -ty, lor selling l utiirai 1,,, reu(iHcJ M by ull,.(ejlJ , ,.If .j,, ,, y,,,,, ami,,,, , merry i eclorai or v Kerry j ectorai i" froia tuc uuljr.a,illlc of llu.Jr ,uJu. ,he ,,rlB0U( tUey re- ges.orior any otner use ui uie name to no- w et 4, hri frequently reminded turu soiue of the Btolen money, why debar ceive tbo public. This decision of the high them of UgWative ca.c r. TIJ career tho petty defaulter, or the commou thief, court Includes all dealers who sell any slml- j . . ,. th . , iujrltH 8hould be a from the same i.rlvllege?" "Will not the lar article.- Iirt Jeferton (J.. l)Uader, WarniW to all voune men. and a lesson etfect be toeuoourwre like depredatlonsupoo Tweed 'If and The Statu Governmeut of South Carolina, that which Wade Hampton heads aud which the President now virtually recog nizes, is conducted with tlte assistance uf one clerk. Tbe Legislature cost about ona fifteenth of the usual amount, and out of $120,000 leoeived as taxes the Governor has $80,000 on hand. The 7W4un auys if Uov, Hampton should lose his present situation there aro States up Worth here that would like to employ him. As a freight train was crossing a bridge over Difficult creek, on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, ini Halifax county, Va., last Saturday night, & was charged upon by a mad bull. The ecteioe was thrown Irom tbo track, and, with the tender and skx cars, went through the (resile work, fho fire man and engineer were injured, the latter fatally. After tho, crash the boiler of the engine exploded, and tha cars aud bridge were consumed by fire. The Convention of the Anciit Order of HI beniUn, lately lu amsIoii in -ew iorlc, ap pointed a National Directory of eight members 10 act with the nstonsl omcers in tne manage ment of the nfcr. It Is mated that 162 dele gates, representing 28 States and A UKiujUrsbjp of 472,803 attends! the Convention. The JJir octory met yesterday and Urned 11 address to the people of Um United Butes, dkirlnit lhat be Order had no connection with tbe Molly Magulres, that all nonnectioa with the former organluiloi. in tko counties of Schuyukll, Uir bon, Columbia jskI Northumberland, in Penn sylvania, hid txco severed, and tbatujil clauses wry ...lii. ..11 -i t.i 1. ...i. ... ... l.-I.i... 1 .. r.,t..syi Iwuivii bii buuui.i ii-.m;ii, www iiviet-i iu utj I tuo puuiro I" mmtTI n tv uvt 1 .. . w governed by the golden rule. C'WjiWo! Sweeuy and Connolly can thus ga free, why I Inthelr Cootiluls coofUcliog with lh rules JitpubKnm. I have penltentlarlea at aU V 1 I of the Chinch 1J Wo reativeJ. with unparalleled .success. Hymptoms are loss ot ap- liellte, wind onJ rt.lnjr of food, drj ncss In mouth, beadache, dizziness, slecplessnpss and Ijw hptrltr. Oct tliu uenulne. Not sold li bulk, naly 11 bottles. Do you want something to strengthen you, or a good appetite 1 Do you wont to get rid or nervout ness:i)o ou wanlemrgy, t j sleep Hell, or bo cured fii !.. !,.. and on.l manyjears mine pracuco 01 orniueut pt.)icians l")"" ."""I .-.V.V. - Sec. 4. That in all cases where persoual property shall be taken in execution by virtuo of any writ of fieri facias issued out of any court of common pleas of this Com- momvcalth. or by virtue of any execution lu,,a.l l.v a ftitftlrA nf th npace. it shall tin 01 dKWd'i. Udney or liver disease TryK. F. J , ' ' , , I Kunkel's Hitter '.Mneof Iron, livery bottle uuaran- tin duty OI tuo omcer to wuom ulu suit teeat0doas recommended Depot and, im shall be directed respectively, when It shall 1 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, l'a. Get th3 genu K. ,nn,iPled bv the debtor, to summon three me. oia by a-i uruggisis. ask ror li Y Kunteu, .. , , , r .u- ..i.i and take no other. ll I ask Is a trial of this valui- reputaoie ireeuumcn., v....u u. """-'"- We mcaiC,ie. Ono bottle win convince j ou. aet Ux age, who, me ing nrst amy sworn or amrmeu botUesforn, tt tor one. by tho said officer, shall value and appraise taw: wdiim hkmovkh amve. tha .Pr.nnal nronertV a oresald. WUICU ValU- 'ape norm, i-iu, wav suu i-wjiintu norma re- .nn,..tmpi,f. stoned bv the moved.allve lu from two to four hours. h.iuii si. "t' ' 1 a j appraisers, together with a schedule 1 f tho property taken in execution snail rje m 11 ooiues. 1 . i,a in, o!,l WP!t never falls. Or send tor circular to Dr. Uunkel, HI annexed to the return on said writ, Norm Mntu street, Phlladdphl.i. Pa. Adilce by and 111 case 8am pemuuai piupi., w. uj nart thereof, cannot be sold for two-thirds of the amount of said valuation or appraise ment at a public vendue of the same, ot which notice shall be given to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, his, her or their agent or at torney, agreeably to the directions 01 tlie first sect on of this act, that then the sale of such property shill be stayed for tho term nf twelve months from that date : l'rovid maU tree, send three c-int stamp for returu letter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A UDITOII'H NOTICE, BiTlTE Or S1K1I1 JHOIC, bKC'D., UTC Of HUNEtlS TOWNSUIP. The unU'rslgned Auditor on exceptions to account 01 William Watts and Charles Nairn., Ad mlutstiatorsof above estate Hill attend to tlid du nes of his appointment, at llm oni-s ot Freeza c , , . ., ,.. .i.,...i, ,tt,j..i. I r-ienyin uinomauurg, on isaluritay, April ss, isu. eu, iiiai uio nam uoicuuoi.i, u. "'""" 1 at looeiocic a m , tien and where all pi rsons .(..It TAKiitn nnd del ver to the snerl . cor- -... " ' u" 'a p..ul. v--. .- . uj uieneui me mium oe oie 114 Auanor. or hi nc barred trom coming tu for a share of said fund. ,J.l. FUKr .I.', April c, 'II.-lw. Auditor. oner or constable, as the case may be, a bond, with one or more euflicieat securities, to be entered of record, and shall oe a lien for said period or time in a penalty of doub- A 1'1'KAL NOTJCR. 1 .1 . ..I- ...1.1 .,l.llnn , XjL lb mo am..u..i. u. .. ""- ' - Appennnlll bo ticU on the sssessment ot ment, conditioned lor the laituiui lormcom- tweeu the hours of a. m. andi p. m., of each day ing and delivery of all and every part of the asfollowsi sd personal property, upon the expiration JVS1 of the said stay of execution, to tbe proper AP1UL wFor li0irlU2,reel. unil at th0 sheriff, coroner or constauie, or ills luccessnr house of welllngtoa Voager In stabtown. In otlice. in like cood order and condition as Antlt. K-rof Couyogham and Centralla at the . 1 7.. irnn.,M n-.,i 1 hou of wm. Peltier la Centralla. when the same was so, as aforesaid, offered apUIL M For Ueaver and Main at the house of J. lor sale, or oiuer pciis p.upcn; r.(i.. ... . B ii0gCIiberger in jiaiavuia. value aud lu like good order.lo be ancertain- APltlhjT-ForMimiuat thehousa ol Aaron lies, ,i ! n, mnnner aforesaid, or in default Jlinuuviue. thereof for tho payment ol the amount of tho appraisement or valuation, with Interest and costs, or the amount of the debt. Interest and costs for which the low was made, and, upon tbe ex- APItlLSi-ForlMorcreek and Berwick at Host's uoiei, lk-rwicu. APllIhso For Malison, Tins and Greenwood at tne Douse of Humphrey Parker la MUlvlUe, MAY l-Kor Jackson, tjugarloat and lienlon at the nouseoriuramiiessln nenum. MAYS For Flsblagcreek ttthe election house erntlnn and delivery of such bond, the said I la Flsblngcreek, personal property shall be returned and re- itS" """" 8'lmUe' delivered into me (iumcssiuu ui iuD .m up MAV-For Centre at tha election homo In fendant or defendant' ; Provided, aUo,that centre. ,t,i t .l,la er rintolned iihall ha cob. Vot Hemlock, Montour andMU I'leosanLou tbo , i,im. ..uiiin. . I W May.and 8,-oa and Bloom on the 10th ot Btrueu kj pio.tuv u j"6""" . 1 juyatouroffioela Uloomsburg creditors from having the properly 01 any Tbe aseesaors are required to give each taxable a debtor or debtors exposed to sale at any time 1 cot no of his or Uer valuMjoo 6 days botoni the day i. .I,. ,i,. m. i,inb olppet. anu as onto - kilab W. McllKNKY.l rjommUBlonere tarouer. alter It may nave ouoe uce njfcpwovu i jwii iiftunaii, u i.i i... ...inn ail tiA I JoJIlult.lsao, i tosjua a Biumaiu, uy yj"& .- i whlth i"ay acciuo la consequence tUereol,! Itcirlstcr's nmce. ) Bloomsburg, oprll 6, 16::. W. II. JACOIIY, lieglster. WIDOWS' VPl-RAISKMKNTS. '1 he following aDDrulsemcuts of real and personut propertysei apart lo unions of decedents have been hied lu tho otlice of the Kci'lsler of Col umbia county, under the Itules of Court, and will be rescnieu ior ausouiie uounnuauon tu tno orphans, :oun to be held In hloom--burir.ln anil ror saldcoi.n- ty, on Monda, the 7 th day ot 11 a v, HI, at t o'clock p. in., or sold day un.ess exceptions to bucu continuation are preMously died, of which all per sons Interested lu said estates win tako notice: I. Widow of JoslaU Ii. Dilson, late of tho borough or Berwick, deceased. S. Wtdooi Andrew oinglss, lato of Main towi ship, deceased. 8. widow ot John Shuman, lata of Beaver town ship, deceased. 4. widow of John M. r.lrton, lata of Madison town ship, s. widow ot Thomas J. Thornton, late of tho Town of liloomsbuag, deceased. , Widow of ElUha Shulu, lato ot Benton township, decea-ed. T. Widow ot Itobert 1". Clark, lato ot the Town of llluuiusburv, deceased. 8. Widow ot John c. Mordan, late of Mt, pleasant tjwnsup, deceased. 9. Widow of uaild A.WaUoi.late of Madison towa Ship, dot-cased. Kel-lster'a llftliw. 1 w 11 ilivinT iiiouiiiuurkr, Apr. o ism Itnqr ter. JOSKPU 12. HANDS, attest wu. lisicxiicn, Ckak. CAJninliii1ncrV effle. Uiotk IM, un-K Coliuabla ca SHERIFFS SALE. "By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of theCocrt of common Pleus ot Columbia county and to uiumi rectod, win lw exposed to public talent tho Couit House In Uloouuburg, ut ouo o'clock p. in. on SATUUDAY, AIT.IL 21, 1877, All the followlr.g real ostato sltuato In Qrcenwood township, Columbia county, Pcnuijlvanla, bounded on the north by lauds of Isaac I)c lit, by land of John Mailer on ti'o south, bv land of Johnl'aikcr on tho west, and land of John Kline on the east, containing one-half aero mora or liss, on which are erected a ttory-and-a-half dwelling house, frame s a blacksmith tliop. a iramc stable aud out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as lbs property ot J. A. Hummel. ALSO, The undivided halt of the following tract ct land sttuato In riae township, olmabU county, I'enn si Ivanla bounded nnd described as follows i On the north by laud of John Whltmoyer, and others, on tho cast b land of Thomas Benfleld and others, on thesouthb. land ot James 'hultz aud ethers and on the west hy land ot Solomon idrke ond ethers, containing three hundred and'eventy acres more o le.B. Bclred, taken Into execution, ana to be sold as the property ot John tare. ALSO, All that certain lo'l'ot ground situate tu the Town of Espy, Columbia couniy, Pennsylvania, toundeJ and described as follows i On the north I y an alley, on the east by lot of Lloyd M Pettit, on tho south by public road leading to Bloom, and ou tho west by an alley on which arc erected a frame dweUlnu house and outbuildings. ikized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tha properly ot John c. Cruvellng. ALSO, The following tract ot land sltuito In Mifflin township, C -luinbla county, I'ennsylvuula, bounded and described us fullonv, to-tlt i On tho north by lauds ot Stephen Heller, east by laud of Alexander Hannah and Samuel Creasy, soutli hy lands ot (leorgo Brow u and William Creasy, west by David f Drown and Aaron W. Ileas, containing one hundred 1 acres more or less wuerrmi are erected a plank house, a goou uanx earn ami other out-bm'-f-v-s Belied, taken Into execution, and to ft property of Nathan Num. Un per cent, tf tho purchase moaey, or a ouguKu w wver wi pumd, avcsruuag noway v ouamrue iopwiy u be retold at cawo. JOHN W, UOWfj1 auvwM,un. a.r