1SSSM THE COLUMBIAN. .--aIesl of gkAwtisliiff. U.ODI l U1XOCK1T, UTAH Or Till KOBTH ANDCOLUH tliutd wenu, rorjr KrMar morning, at llLJJ.4UURj' COLUMBIA COUNT? , I'A. two iMUinl f r ytar, payabla In advone,or Uiiu Itch, twuTo lines cr it. tquUu. -it li. Jotw rclltrnwuna or two lAitilloai, UitctlLsVl lAiirlair lUHaar. Alwriuw uifirauuuui lot year rl tin b amriroJ. To subscribers out of th tlum.ts.wo. 4u Jn.iot the term are lr year, -trlctly In advance ll tt At not p iH In mlf nco and i.n i If payment 60 Onolncn..-.Vn -T.X7 .itXO'UoO HOT a c rwulncUM.-,,...r...l.tO,.CH. J.IU., .tu Three inches . T.oi eO ll.w) i In. ,4. . . , .vliir.iKiuniinuea. exectit at the ontlon of thn nuoltlsueTS, until nil urrjaraifes are paid, but long coiun.nJ credits after tbe nxplrattou of the nrst rear ivlll not tk1 iflven 1 ij.iwrssunto.il of thestalo or to distant post oir-va must ho paid for In advance, unless a respnn .11,10 pjrson In Columbia county assumes to pay tbe inscription due on demand. ...... pus rAOK Is no longer exacted from subscrlberstn roiirtncliea 1.00 (on nee Ounrter column lu.oo H.oo 14.00 su.w) M.I Half column ls.on I8.uu to.oo so.oo one column io.ee .wi o.oo eo.oo loe.M Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran sient advertisements must bp paid for before Insert 0 except where parties hate accounts. lA-gnl advertisements two dollars pertnchfortlifei" Insertions, anil at that rato for additional Insertions without reference to length. K . cutor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notlsea three dollars. rrnmlcntor Local notices, twenty cents a line, rcsuliradvcrtlsementshslf rates. i 'arris In the "Uuslness Directory" column, o dollar per car for each lino. he county. CTOB DPHT3STTI3STC3-- Tne f.ibolLB l)i"P irtment of the Uni.tfMBIAN Is Tery complete, and our J b I'rlntliut will compute favora v wllli that of Ihn larire cities. All work done on mini, neatly and at moderate prices, LUJSB .ICJBJI 1AU1JLKAUAU.M 51ft Si I. ELwISf' Etri.ndrrcirl,tori. BLOOM SB TJTUx, PA., FRIDAY, A? JUL 6. 1877. THE COLUMMAN, VOL. XI, NO. 13 COLUHIIIADKMOCJIAT, VOI..XUI, NO. 4 , jj , " . ..... 1 Ttl Ifiillf'il'IfMSf lit it 1 fit ' Columbia County Official Directory. I'rjd.lj'it JmUe William Elwcll. Aaicliite .Iiuljccs-I. K Krlcktwum, V. L. Mhuman. crjiiinuitar , sc. II. frank Zarr. C wrt steno,rmD'ier -H N, Walker, wuler itj.'orlur .Vlllia nson rl. .lacoby. j-u-nt vtt irnoc-toiin Mtciark. slierlir Jrrim w, llorfman. s irfii or Is.ttc Dyivltt. Trnwircr-lr II. v. Mclteynolds. u n nHM'i lera .lohn lleruer, 8. W. McIIcnry, Jcujnli Hands. 0 in nlioiier'Clcrk William Krlckbaum. A Utwrs-M v. li. Kllnu. 1. U.Casey, K.D. Brown, c ironer -Charles (I. Murph . jury Co ninlstloners -Jacob II. Frlti, William II. int. oj.mt Sjperlntonilent-Wt'llam II. Snyder. Illooji I'oir l)lstrlot-l)lrectors-0. I". Knt, Scoit, Am. Kramer, Uloomsburfr and Thomas Keecc, leo t. o. i', Ent, secretar . Bloomsburg Official Directory. IllooTisbursr Ilanklnir Comnanv John . Vunslon, rrrllin . It. II. Urn 2. Cnshler. Klr.s Na lonal Hank Charles 11. Paxton, rrosldent j. f . rrisun, uasnicr. Columbia Counrv Mu'ual Savlnir Fund and Loan AssnU lon-K. II. Lit le, President, C. W. Miller, Kperelnrv. niojiniburif Tlulldlny and Saving Fund Association -w-n. I'eacock, rresuienr,.!. ii. uomson, wecrerary. Bloomsburir Mu u.tl S.ivlnir Fund Assocla Ion J. J. Brower, I'rcslden , C. ti. liarklsy, Sccre'ary, cnuncH "dTrectohy. pattist cucacn. nov. J. 1". Tus' In, (Supply.) H tndav Servler-s 1 ii n. m. and SX p. m. H in.liit' school 0 a. in. I'rajcrMeetlntf-ltvery Wcdncuday evening atX CHICK. Sj.i free. The publlo are lnvPed ton' tend. st. Matthew's txTutnAX cncacn. Minis cr Uev. .1. VcCron. H'ln Hy Scrvlnes-lo a. in. aud 6f p. m. Mitnrintr HphfMil 0 n. m. i'ra cr Meo Ing Every Wednesday evening at t a C10CK. seats free. No pews ren1 ed. All are welcome. PKKSSTTRRIANCHCRClf. Minis cr rtcv. Stuart Ml'Niell. 8unday Services roitf a. hi. and 6if p. m. HtnijAi' Hrtinnl s n. in. rr.t er Mce ag Every Wednesdas evening a' e$ Hea s free. No pews rented, si rangers welcome. hstiiodist sriscorALcntmcH. rrestdlnj Elder-Iiev. N. S. Iiucklnjham. Minis er-itev. J. s. McMurray. Jundac Servlccs-1 n andox f. m. Ulble Class Ever Monday evening a o'clor'k. Vuung Men's I'ra er Men Ing-Every Tuesday fvenlng a' o'clock, ilonernl ITnyorMuetlng-Evcry Thursday evening i O'CIOCK. RRPOKMKO Clir-'KCIl. Corner of Third and Irun streets, f asvor-ltev. o. U. (iurley. Kesileuce C jntrtl Hotel. Hunday Services lOtf a. in. and J p. m. 8undav Hchool 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are Invited There Is always room. ST. TAVL'S Cnl'RCH. tfCtor-Itev L. Zahner. huiulav services 1 x a. m., ly; p. m. Sunday school o a. in. 't.u, nn I,il- In Din tminth. IldlV Hninmunlon. Services preparatory to t'oiiununlon on Friday rveitU; belore the bl Sunday In ejeu momn. h rented ; but ever boil v welcome. evaioblical curitcn. rresldlng Elder-ltev. A. L. Ileeser. ,lr.l .ti,r itnv .T A. Irvllll1. Hiindiiv Servlcc-8 p. in., In the Iron street Church. I'ra er Meeting Every Sabbath at s p. m. AU are Invited. All are welcome. THE CnCRCll Or CHRIST. Meets In "the little llrtck Church on the hill," ;Vcnovn on tlio Wuuitt Baptist Church-ou Hock street 'legular'meetlnB for worslilp, every Lord's day at- scats free j and the public are cordially Invited to attend. BLOOMSBURO DIRECTORY. e-irunnl. mtDKIiS. blank, iiist urintcil anJ nroilv bound In s-nall ljaoks, oa hand and rHu sale at the Columbian onice. Kill I, 1SI5-U JILANK DEEDS, on I'archi.i.-nt nnrl Linen '1 J'apcr, common and for Adralnls ratom, Execu tion iiiii trustees, for Bile cheap at the colcmbian ornoe. rAURlAGK CERTIFICATES just printed and for sale at tne Columbian uince. juihb t ihn doftoel and Justices should supply them tjers of t Bfilves with these necessary articles. TOSTICESanrl Constables' Fee-Hills for sale pf at me COLUMBIAN ouite. ihvj tuuwuii vw.- rected fees as cstaDllsnea Dy mo last aci, oi uxixg Mature upon the subject. Every Justice and Con- itable should have one. V ENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale cheap at the Columbian omce, 'hoots and shoes. EM. KNORR, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, , latest and best styles, corncrMalnandMarket streets, In 111 oia posi omce. CLOCKS. WATCHES, tC. C Hotel". E. SAVM1E, Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Main St., Just below the Central I'UOPKSSIONAL CAIIDS. 0 O. HARKLEY, Attornev-at-Law. Office In Iirower's bulldlnif, Jnd story, Kootns 4 s. (5ct. T-T? WM.M. nEBER.Bureeon am! Physi- U clan. Office B. E. corner Hock and Market t atreeta. T It. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Physl- t , clan, lomce ana itesiae: dence oa Third street. corner JeCTerson. - ti wjw f n B,n .nil Vim. B. McKELVY, M. D.. Burgeon and lliy- . alctan, north s de Mala Btreetrbelovf Market. B. ROBISON, Attorney-at.Law. In llartmon's buUdlsr;, Main street. Office JH. ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, over Clark won 5 store, am suviiu MJSCELLANEOU8. DAVID LOWENBERO. Merchant Tailor Main at above Central Hotel. T C KUHN, Jealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., X Ceatrfl atreet, between secona ana iniru. HriIEK YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS YV SUAVE or anj thine la the TO.NtiOliIAL LI.nb 010 JAMES REILLl'S BAUBEB SHOP, THE BEST IN TOWN, Under Exchange Hotel, Blooinsburc I'a. Oct-W.ia-iy CATAWISSA. w M. IL ABBOTT, Attoraey-at-Law, Main street. w M. L. EYERLY, ATTOIINEV-AT-LAW, Catawlasa, I'a. Collections promptly made and remitted. OHce i, B. KNITTLK. W. H. ABBOTT Important to Farmers. and everybody la want ot 'LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. We have erected VUns at or near tho Paper MUl.on tie I). It. t YV. It. H. and are now prepared to sell line at very reasonable prices anaoigooaquauij. Orders by Uie car prompily Oiled and shipped to uy I r ' A lull line of I.UMBEH.ot aU kinds, dressed or la the rough, Shingles, Lath and bill Timber to which we Invito the attention ot custo mers. 'Orders received and flUed for all kind of Family kClfy itrlc attention to huslnebs we hope to merit a Tmareoi puuuu l"""""""'iiK1TTLK ABBOTT, i . 1816.. Catawlssa, I'a. l A T K IS T S . n......d.driinubiint catentx. or dealrlng feVlnformatlon frua the 'United states I'a ent Omorj ihould consult r,A.iiiHKi " , cm hd Foreign rn. Washington. l. C. Bi cau u" v. ....,,, ,,v senator ..ninaiiona aw. w - - - Circular. 11 I ttfkKI. HuUl KB 1.01 UH MV1H wnwvii V drlit;'. iTrVr?i. NO more worry with flrea f wn.'ia-ijr. nusiNE&s CAuns. JK. J.CRUTTER, I'llVHIClAN CBU1WEON, omce, North Market utreet, Mar.ll.-y Bloomsburg, r. E. ,:- OKV1S, ATTOItNEr.AT.LAW. Iioom No. 1, '-Columbian" BuUdlnjf. orncE Sept. 18,1815, JNORK & lUTTESIlENDEIt. A 1 1 U K Is ri Y-A T-j, A W, BI.OOMSlllIKU, PA. omce. nartmon's Block, corner M sin and Market airci'is uct, , 10 Q W.MILI,EIl, Al-lSJKMISl.AT-IAW onice In Brower's building, second floor, room No. 1. Bloomsburg, I'a, uly1,73 y C. FCNK, L. K WALLER, FUNK A WALLER, Attoi neys-nt'Lnw, BLOOMSBURO, PA. omce In Colciisian Hcilhiko. Jan. If, n-ly Q K. A W. J. RUCKALEW, AnUlWftlAl..AW , Bloomsburg, Pa. (mice on Main street, nrst door below Courtllouse .Mr.,'H-y F. it J. M. CLARK, A n u itrs Aa A E) A 1 -ut w, Bloomsburg, I'a. April lrvtf-y omce In Ent s Building. A. rRETXLIKS SMITH. nCRYXT 1WIKO SUITH. A CREVELINO SMITH & SON, ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. IWAll business entrusted to our care will recteve prompt attention. Julyl.H y JP P. BILLMEYER, AtiUlUlHl Al oi net-AO Joining c. K. A; W. J. Buckalew, Bloomsburg, Pa. Apr. 14,T-ly. H. LITTLE ROl T. B. LITTLE. E. H. & R. R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, I'a. tf Business belore the U.S.PatentOfflce attended to. onice In the Columbian Building. ly s ROCK WAY A ELWELL, A 1 i) 11 IN lj i -A l-L, A w , Colcmbian IIcilhinq, Bloonisburg, I'a. Members of the United States Law Association. Collections made in any part of America. yyiLLIAM BRYSON, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, Centralis, Pa. Fib is, 'T-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. II O V E L L, DENTIST. onice to llartraan'i Block, second door, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURO, I'A. May W-ly, innWN'S HOTEL. Bloomsbure. I'a.. B. Moiiner, iTopneror. iix-omniuuiiviuuD mo class. 11.15 to fl.M per day. Kesiaurant atiacnea. October s, ns-u M. DRINKER, OUN and LOCKSMITH. Bew 'ewlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re. paired. Opkka llocsi nulldlnj, Bloomsburr, i'a. in:b i, to ijr THORNTUjn wnniri nnnminre to the citizens of Blooms- uurif and mTl- and vlclnlt v that he has lust received a full and compieto assortmenv ui WALL l'APEK, WINDOW SHADES, niTCSJS, COKDS, TASSIU, and all other (roods In his line of business. All the newest and most anDroved patterns of the day are always to be found In his establishment, Main street, below Market. oct- B-ls JgXCIIANOE HOTEL, Oppoilte tbe Court House, BLOOIiSBDRO, I'A. The LAROisTAUdliisT In all respects Lnthecoucty W. B. KOONS. Proprietor. oct, 8,15-ly F REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomiburg, ra. Canttal. 1 Btna, ins CO., oiiiartiora, wonnecucav... Lirooi London and Globe Hafot Liverpool JRlnti, Ins Co., ot nartf ord, Connectlcnt O.DUU.WU 20,1011,0110 ISMO.lXM 10,000, 00 9,100,000 600,000 1,000,000 15.000 ljineanshlre . Fire ARSoclatlon, Philadelphia Atlas of Hartford Farmera Mutual o: uanvuie Danville Mutual Home, New Tort... 5,l 0,000 Commercial Union..., 11,000,000 lus.tss.oou March M,7I-T rpHE UNDERSIGNED, repreoentina; several J of the most conservative and reliable Amerl- can Fire Insurance Companies, would berr leave to offer his services to the citizens ot Bloomsburif and vlclnlti , requesting a reasonable share ot the public patronage. Bloomsbursr.July 18, 18ie. omce la mowers uiock. Julyl-m. J. H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY contains tbe largfbt HccV tt TEAS, GHOCEBIES Qaeensware. Glassware, Wo'iflenware, Canned rmlti,j)rld Traits. CONFECTIONERIES, Ac. to be found la Columbia county. A Complete Atsortiuent always on hand. Call and examine. Jan 1.1SU, MM! f H f To the Warklac Claaa.-We are now prepared to ...iui, n riium with constant smDloyment at menlI. Business new, light and profitable, ivraons m KX eaWJ etm rrom w Cfnts to U.lr evenlne.andaproiwrtlonal sum by devoting their whole time to the tusloens. Bojs and jrtrla earn nurlv aa much aa men. That all v. ho tee Oils notice of either sex easily earn n!np. &nd a Dronortlon; nearly may send their aaoresa, ui wrsv juo " make this unparalled olten To such aa ara not well i mubie of wrUlfl. Kull parttcuULm ttmple worth neeral dollara to vomroeiice work od, aud co i copy I iiritnA ana nrruue. uuo ui vuu wtn. rtreht and Lei i!..TT.,fttH thtifntUinii. ii Hrsnt. fro Lr malL Head er, it j oa wmit permanent, proflutue worn, aaarosa AINWRIGUT 4 CO., WOOLEaALB UKOCEItS, ft, k. Comer ttecwd and Area Street1, Pkilapkltbia, Dealers in TRA8. SVltnpg. COFyBH, aUOAR, MOLASSM ici, tnou, S1CAXI aoM, ., rto. ur-ojdafA wtutciaya PfP anaanara. At THE LUNGS CONSUMPTION. TlihdKtrt!i!.infrAnflilAniirerou crtmplnlnt ondlt prcmnnltnry Mmptoms n-'plfctr-fl cnn.'li, (iljr'it Rwet. hoannw wtwlnff fl(,fc1i ffVPt i'Pitnnnt-iit-h iircd hy l)tt "swaj nt'B Coinpouna Sj rup ot iUl nuoNcniTIA-a rrrmoMtor of Pulmfttmry Con sumntloii. Is clinraetcTlzM by Catnrrli or inflnmnt Itm of tlm imicuoii" mmbrnnf1 of th nlr p:ifi(fo, hoorp',nf,B3, pains In Uo chest Tor nil lliuiaulal affections, Bore tlirrat,lusfof otce coukLp, nn.SWAYNR'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEHEION HEMHY. Ilemmorrhnpf! ortsplttlnp of W(wm1. mav prrccert frnm the lnt nr. traclila, l-ronchta or lnn;s. inul nrtsp from arioionii"CR, awndupplMrnloKfrllnn. plethora futliiPhBOf the vrmi l, wmk lurp", oct (trnlnlncpf the tolre, puppreeil evacuation, ob fit ruction of thu spltrn or lher, &e. X3 SWATHE'S CcmpcT:nd"Syrup of Wild Cherry rlkps at the root of dlfenM1 hy purlfilnif lhbloml. restortnit the lhf r and kldnrjH to hcati hy action, lt.- ts nrianelnnspowpr not only ovor every clirnnlc Fe where a craaual alterutnc notion is necien. ider Its (ifo the rouirli is looeued. the nlsiht sweats diminished, thn pnln iihldes. Ihe pule re turn to its at urai stnnnaru, tt ehtoinnchis iiiutu- In ltsnowrr to dlirest and assiml ate the rood nnl prv tircriin tins a nurrr niid lielter nunlltv of hloud upplled to It, out of which new rucreflthcantlplasi- maieriRi is mauu !)H sVAYNKeraluatH!atono of the hestMcdl il Colleges In the 1. atiU "as eiitrncrd in an nc- tire prnctlco for many earn, thu jruarantcelnir that his prettar.it Ions are prepared upon btrlelly sclent 1 tic principles. Reliable Evidence. lldMK TESTIMONY. Tin. PwAVNE liear Sir t I feel tt to I'p due tn you and nifferlntf humanity tn pUo thofdlowlntesll- monv ruBpeciinir iiiB wonut'iiiu curauu inrrt m jourrompounds.irupot wild Cherry nnd Sirapn riUa and Tar rills, I was amicted with a Mount cough, pains In thn Mde and hrcat, nl'ht. swontu, pore throat, my bowels wprctostlu appetite neuih irnne, nnd mv fctomach fo very weok that m vhy Ti tian was at a losa to know what to do for me, aa e eryihlnfr I used In the shape of medicine was rejet- u ; spii niiii'rcni Hint" ti tinv in inuuu i ifiniiincu for months In this awful condition, and trae up all hopes of ever recoverlnir. t ihH lime nil leuim mpnded the usof jour srup and t tils, which 1m medlatelv bejj.w to soothe, eoinfort nnd nllay tlie violence of the eoutrh, strencthened nndhtahd unjes; in snort, it ims uuuten trrecr eui-en. nic, per-on douUlnj; th'' truth of th, aN) e n will please ca 1 on or ad iress me at the f T'tnr i:iw.i:i)ii. n.wsov. Knjflneprof (ieo. Hweenrjv pt.ttcr, UltigQ oad, below ultacc, I'lil.a Ovrrso vears have elancd. and Mr. ltamvin Mill remains n heart man to this clay-K-ptcmb-raoth, 16 u. PHYSICIANS KKCOMMKM) IT. Dr. Thomas J. It. Ithoads. imprtown. lifrV-s co.. Pa., vvilte-: Your compound s.rn of U 1 d i hcrrj eMeern cn liiirhiv : nine oer-n scniinr una r eoin- mendlnjrlttomv tatlcntsfor nwnj jeaib and It I wns nropf ellKactous In obstlnaie cmiirh-. binii- chlal and astnmaM. nl nffectl' ns It has mailc some remnrkaijie.cure? in tins seeiion. nu i ronsiuer n the best leinedv with whih lam nnnialnted Price ti. sin hot lies for$ If not sold by our drup2tct,we will rnrwrrd half do7en b impress freU'ht paid on iccf Ipt of p Ice. tzDo.-'ciibe sjtnptnms tn all communion! I-tis, and address let'er" tn I)lf sWAVMIA: suN'.Bto Noiili slxh Street, Phllndtlphl i. Nuch.u in will W uauU roraaice, soia uy aruccisis nnaueaieis in incut- clnes generally. IV HR COMPLAINT That dreadr d ol;(ace,from which to mam pcrton Buffer, Is frequently the cause of llKADACHK, INDlGKhTION, UI'KIVI V, Is speedily re leed, and arc often permanently cured by Swayne's Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. Fevers are often presented by the me of these Sarsaparllla Pills, a? they carry off. through the blow l the Impurities from width lluy ailse. Tor I'ohtlve nefis there Is nothing bo effectual osiSwajne'H Tar and Harsuparllta Pills. i ney are purely epeiaoie,nnu rci specially fin mu .iver as Ulue Ma&s or Cult uiel. without au. Ladle- suits from taking'. Address letters to nit. SVYNI. & PONM'hlladei. phla. Ho chnrpo fcraUlce. tei(i b) mall on r-ctlpr of price. Price 25 cents a box; me boxes fort I, sk our urugibb iur inem. Itching PJles U ger.eralli preceded by a Moisture, like perspira tion, dlstrfssliitf ltehlnpr. though pin worms wcru cranlli.tr lu or about the rirtum, partlcul.irly ftt nieniwnpii un'jrt'KSiiiir.ur 111 ut i iiicr trt'ii nir i rm. Uanrvflr8lnbuminera9 wellns wlirer. nftrntlnu'3 huua iiM'ii aruuuu iim jun uiu jim i, unu if nui run nneii in ina e un v. uui 11 mine as iret 1 ei 1 wiai it- males are soryjy an lie ted, nuittculnilj In thut-s r.r prt'ffuanej . exieiidins lrioun Migina, provirn; tut tri'Kslnir almost bevoml nuurrs of eriduiancc. Cases or lone btniullnir, pronounced Incuniblf, ix e oven permaneniiy emeu uy simpiy appij ing Swayne's Ointment, HOME TI3TIMONY. 1 was soreh a filleted with one of the most dutres- fclnir of all alseiis-ea. 1'rurltu or Prurigo. r uiuit commonly known as Itching Plies, 'ihe lUhlnHt times was almost lntwleraMe, Increased bysiratcU Iijl', and not unfrequently became tiuli u K-ie. 1 boutrhta box of bwayne s Olntnient; lis us trail' nulck relief, and tn a hbort time made n norft'Clture. I can now sijen undisturbed, and I tuuid adil'-e all who are sutTeilnsr with thHUMre&slnrtJinplulfit lo procure hwajiiert ulntment at once. I had til".. pvescrlptlon3 almost innumerable without finding any permoneui renei JOSKPII W. CIIIMT, Firm of Ituhde) Clirlst, Poot nnd khon H6Uhe,334 mjiiu K'cona hireet, 1 nuauvipma. SKIN DiSEaSES. Swayno's All-Healing Ointment la also a apectflo for tetter, licli. 2a't rluum he.ild head, ervt-lnelas. bnrrnjr'K itch. l)Infrhe. tdl scalv. crustv. cutaneous itudUuiih Puft-cili Nife and harmless, een on the mf t tepdni infaM. I'rlee fu oi'iitB, or tlx boxes forH.xft. heut b mal to any address on receipt or prliv, l'repuretl 0 ly by DR, SWAVNK t foON. S.10 K. Ctli St., Philadelphia CATARRH, SYMITOMS AN1 (TUB. ratarrh Is an affection t f the tnuru memhrnre r f the nofeo, throat, chest, Ac, Hccomponh'd with dull heavy headache, dt met Ion 0' thn naf-a) pnsapis, weakejes, watery and Imlomeii, nrrkliij: or utiifii inc to clear the throat, expectnrsilon f ofTeit-hc maiicr, 8 men unu ihmo hip njipuueu, Mrrtu feeling In tho head, Incessant blowlm? of tl e w-v, and other sjmptoma are likely to uproar virv ills treeslug, and no rtlsenfr Is more crnnnon, and in. tie less understood bv pbVFlilans. Mnf-nnthsif the cases of oiltnsUebreatli are occaslcntU b) tat irrh, Is a certain and permanent cure, and warranted in eiery case, no matter how obstinate or lomcMund Inir. It can be obtained only by adrcst-inc int. SWAVNK t SON. 83 1 North SlTth stiiet Phlladel- phla. Mailed toanv atiarerson the ticelpt tr tie price, one dollar, with full dlrecllors for use alsoa full account of the orl In and natuie uf ihi disi if-.-sIdk' comi lalnt. We repeat It t It Is be end (tl) en. in. fiarlson the beft remed forrtitarrlu Hrdlfrmcie. if member I itian beobtnlfed Hiiv b fliidrc--tiiti OH. HW'A YNK : SON.3S0, Norlh Sixth Htreet. 1'hU rdelnhla. with artiultUnce, as we do cot place 1' In the band of dealers, the eamo as wo donur otiwr preparations. In writing for our Mi 'atari h itemed " iiao aiaie jou nu uutinisviut'iii in uv uinbtun" Hloorasuury, Why Dye ? No mnlter how (.ray or Ilnrkh Ihr ifnirmtr be. It can ba restored tnlts srlclual color andjouthfulappi'arance.bj nseluc London Hair color ncstoi cr. Ixmdon A Itcmei1' to lteln. state the Human Hair la a'l Itajontlitul color, lustre, boftneka and Utauly, Hair Kcslorer llalr Itchioirr Hair livMoier Hair Ueslour llutr Hesierer llalr lUislorer Hair Itestnrcr llalr UcHtoicr llalr liotlurl r ixjnoon lndon lijndon Iandon Ixindon IXJEdOU Ixindon London All 1CI KOI1N It llO tlNllll'O lo llfitlllV of uernonal appearance, fchould not negltct that natural nfsceaslty, Ihu hair. Hv many It has luen fallen Off, Iho ronilon Hair Color llrbtorer restai ea nAturea Iobsus. and luiparwa healihy and natural m.in, thirk-eiia lliu hair, curca dandruff and all Itchy, scaly eruptions on tho scalp, inaklnir it u bUu and clean, and Insurlni; a luxuriant eroulh of hair In Its natural j outbful color. ITleo 75 cenls. Prin cipal depot for the U, tl., U-A .North bUll) tUtet, 80L1) liY ALL DUUGUISTS. juneMlt-ly Poetical. r,i',Tn;u intiii: muiininu. V I.FANHEH S. CCAX. You can't help ilio Imliy, rnrKin nut villi I want joit tnuo Down tin' look In upuii lur, An' rcml nn' pr.iy, nou know, Only Irtt wrel fho wt'fi nklnj In' rrttirrl A pnllln' my wlilk'n 'n' hair, A cllmliln' un tn tlin t iWo Into her little high chair. " h" tlrt n'uht Unit sliejocl; It When Ikt h'tlo clieeUs (ncwicil, lirii ph" hls.cil Bwl-nlftlit tn papa, Aiiil went nw.ivtnhod Soz shn i "II hi'ml.ieiir, papn, l!o ln'lt"r In mcinln' hji' ;' An' snrai'thln' In how she sihl It .lct m.ia.' mo v nut to rry. "Hut thn rrnrnln' hroujht Iho fr ver, Ami her Ittllf li 'hrH wfrr hot, An the prcttv rerl uv lirr lUtlc chcr-ki Orcwlnto a crtmpon spot. Hut shr law tlirre Jett C2 patient V.7. ever a wnra mi couM, Takln'whnt vcrwe giro her ltetter'n a crown woman would. "1 ho rial h aro Ic.i Ihlo long nn slow, An, Mie's iirowlir w-us In each j An' now i-hp's J"st n sllppti,' Clour nway out uv our roach. Kvcrv lilt'hr Hh"n I kl-l her, Trj In' hard not to cry, Miu s In a w ny tint kllH me 'Ho better In niornln' hjo 1' Pho can't get thr. ' the n'sht, parson, So I want jelnenmo nn'pr iy, Anil talk with mother n little ou'U know J"tt what tn say Net that Hie hahy ncoJs 11, r.or that wo tnnke any complaint That nod scrmi to think lie's nmlln 'i'ho srallo uv the little saint." 1 walked nloncr wllh the ccrpoml " To I h" ilnor ot his humt lo home, To which the silent me8i.engiT II foi n mn h id nlvo come ; nrl if he hivi lirrii a title I prince. I ii imM not li ive I n honored inrrn 'lh in I w.-. i.i'h hli he?rlleltw(lermie Tu UU lnv.'i.. c.Ttn?e dnnr. M'.it rn'-. in; iln In,the rotHijn ; Th y mne in nienei' mid rlresil. Arcund the room woere Ihe baby Lies pai.tln upon her berl. "Hues huliy Kiinw papa, d.llltnir?'' And he innei her lift Jo face ' lih answi r ilmr. Rh iwsfIio fcnews him; Hut fciirce a vlblllu traco Of her wonder ul Inf lr.tlle beauty Hetnalii us it was b1 f ro 1 ho mix rn. i-llenf inesrier Hid wnl'ed nt h" tloer. ' "1'iipn khs-liiiby-lN sn-tirctl." 't he inan Imws luw his race, Abil tMi swjl.'n ha-idK mc lifted In h.ihj's Iit enirrace. ' And lulu lur father's Krirleti bearj The mile red flnjrer-iclln,., 1 While h r hukv whlspend tenderness Teurs rrum a ror-k i oukl u rlns, "ll.tby -U -no- shU- papa Hul don't want r,u -tn cry ;" The little hands fall mi Ihn tmerlet "Hi Iciar !n-iuoiiiln' byol' And niff it nrnund baby 1s fslllnir, Settlltijr rlown rlnik nnrt dense ; Dots Hud nerd Ihclrdjilln',' In lieatcn Th.it lie niusr em, lurh i.ee? I praved. wlih tears In mi voice, As the enrpiiral si lemnlj knelt With such i;nerui new r Ufii'n His great wji m heart had felt. Oh ! frl ul us men and women I l'n uu know that u round on, and nigh Alike finm ti ehumhli and haushty r.neth up evermnro tho cry: 'Jly child, inyprecliiiis, my daillngr, Him can I lei jou Ulu J" Oh ! In At j e thu w hlto Hps v hl-ipcr "He-beltei In niorr.ln' bye !" Ouneorr.loniViir. Miscellaneous. r.Mii:i: rm; ska. ny fTfAN roor.tiior. They were scrambling down tho rocks, pay clinttcriiir; procession pretty lvate witli her captain; Dr. Gray supporting his in valid wile. ; Helen, Jcubel, Tom anil their midshipman cousin ; and last of all Ksther Yane iilnne. It Fcemed tn her morbid fancy right that it i.hould bo so. Henceforth she mu-t bo alone always. The little guide trittid on in advance his round, ten year old face wearing the va cant look so strangely common to that part ol'iho Maine coast, with its glorious scenery. There the ocean is considered simply a vast depot of herrings and "porgy oil,1' nnd thu mountains ns untoward obstacles in the wny of n primitive husbandry. "Iila-t 'em, I wi-h they was Hit," natives say, ns their plows encounter the boulders at the base ; and.if they look aloft at nil, it is to calculato the perches of "tin rider land" which might bo made to occupy tlio sumo area, if tho heights were nut of tho way. Our party felt on the eve of great things, Having arrived only the day before, Mt. Newport with Its wonderful reach of sap phire sea, tho binds, tho lakes in their set tings of dark blue hills were still to them the images of things net fecn. This, their fir-t excursion, thev bud dedicated to tho "(irnttn," or "Devil's Own," ns tho coa-t people term it ; a so''t of (iihuinriuo c.ivo unveiled and accessible, at low lidu only, nod a great wonder in its way. The path grew steeper. Carefully they followed its wind ings step hy step; sure-looted Kate accepted tho help slio didn't mud (or that pleasure in being guided nnd wnlchcd. And now the little guiuo piiu-cs, mid willi a freckled fore finger poinU round n projecting rock, All crowd to tlm ot, Ah ! ilitrc it is thu c.ie ol the mei maids! A shriek'nf mingled surprise and tnchnnt- incut huist from ihe party nt tho sight, lie neaih tho low browed arch the rocky 11 ior arose, terrace above terrace, till in its high est recess it nut tha roof above, A Ilnor fur tho ucrcid. to duueo 'upon ; a floor of pink coralline, gleaming here and there through pools of tmtrnld water left hy the retreating tide, And each of these tiny lakelet turned lulmiuiiig with flowers the (loners oi ocean gncn whorls, like chest nut liiimianemoncswith the r dahlia bloom, brown and niy tnossis, nmong whoso tend rils fi-h dartid nnd played nnd snails of vi vid orange color clustcrul ; Wood leaves of brilliant dye swaying and undulating witl tho motion of tho pool mlnuto sparks of life Jibbing every irridtseeuj hue ; earthly garden wat never to gorgeous. Tlio rocky uhtdvis were dimpled with IhiIqws softly, exquisitely curved, o fancy o( the old clakslo days seemed loo autastto or too fair. for the spot. The iniiigiuatipn Immediately kindled into pictures and saw the sea nymphs sporting In tho foam bold tritons winding their shells ; mermaids playing ut hide and seek nixies aud waterspritet peeplui; from the basins--nil dreamland uud wonderland opening, and the common earth put aside uud faraway, Willi crii" r filellirlit tlio party iiiurle tliclr wny (Inwn, Mini snnti.rul lliroilgli tlio cave Them wns mnm fur im nrmy. It wan linril to renlizi? Hint Willi flip icttirninir tlile tlic the 'pare must fill, the gateway clnsc, ami U'.iyr mo rrsilng place for human fool. "nu iaiil the tide was going down, illdn't ymi, little loy?'' Ye ill." Ynu'ro "lire" Yc-nli." TliM's nice," irieil Isaliel. 'Tlirn wr nan sluv m lung ns we like. Oh I ilo sour- linrly crime In re ninl see this.' She was lylntt wlih her facti nlmoit touch- ing tin- niiemnncH. Nolmily rcspniiileil tc her cull each had fniinrl ionic other point of Interest. Trim hiulfi'hoil una cen urchin mid was Fxhiliiiini? it. Kate and tho cap- lain, In it niche ot tin i r own, at safe whis pering distance, were absorbed in each oth er. K-tlier Inul climbed to the topmost ledge and wns aittinit there alone. For the first time in nix weary months, it sensation of pleasure had coin'." to her, and "he was con demns of hut niie longing that they would all );o away nnd lento hrr to realize it. With nnme vague hope he got out her color box and portfolio, and began trmketcli. Sketch- iiil', ho had discovi red, kept people ofT. nnd furnMicil an i xi for silence. And po nn hour or so pa'ced by. Slio heard aa in a dream, tho clatter of tho others, their ques tions to tho little iruide, his abort, jerky re- plic!. The pools weio nil explored j the urchins and anem ones had all been tickled with para-ols, and had been made to shut again ; tho yomur peoplq had begun to sigh fir future worlds to conquer nnd Mrs. Oray to consider It very damp. 'I.ittln bny, isn't there something else near hy which we should like to ee?" "fine" so." "Well, what is it?" Toll us, please. "There's lb 'he.vls,' I cues." "Oh ! how far nil' is that ? A mile did you.ay'' 'll.,"s nt far. I'.ipn, tho boy says there's n place railed the ends.' only a mile awav, m d we want to go and nee it. Can't wc jo? Ymi know the vay,don't you little boy?'' "Ye-flh." "1 think this place is very damp, sighed Mrs. (Irny. 'I "boold really be glad to po some where and foil the unbine nirain. I begin lo have let, the liny 1, crecpim; chills, uv us lie way suppose we lo this other plmv. fith.-r?" "VerywMt. (t -t KsMht, we'r cn;ii;r 1 your things together, "0, Mr. Ony ! Mu-t 1 go? I'm in the middle, of a sketch, you see. Couldn't you leave me here quietly and pick me up as you como back? .slmulrl like it so much.1 neii i non t knew. uiic tnleisgoing out, tho hoy says ; there won't ho any trou idem tnnt kunl Are vtm euro vou won t be chilled or ! rely ?" "Oh ! qnil" sure " "Promis'c me that if you aro you will go to the cnttiiee nt tl'e henrl and warm your self, or it nn iln r' l-l.s in the sun. We'll li'ok lor ymi in nun place or tl.o other. Cioi'd-bv, niv dear.'' "(loo'd-by', sir." "And, lather, you must have somo lunch. You'll be starved before wo come back," crlrrl caieful Ile'en. So she nnd Tom and a basket made their way upwaid, and a deposit of sandwiches ami l'ort wine was lelt In a convenient crov ice within reach, 'flood by, rl. nr I hope the sketch will he lovely." And they are gone up the hill side Mr-. Gray last, leaning upon her hus band's arm. "Poor chihl," she .-aid, 'it makes my heart ache to see her leek so sad. Didn't you no tied bow she was loo -ing to have us go and Icnvo her nlonr ?" "Aud the wort thing for her. She needs rousing, nnd ail this morbid thinking does her . ,i i." Tho voice did away. Ksthcr caught tho words and fiyiLd at I hem a bitter little smile. That was what all of Ihem had said since her tnmbh came. She must be arous ed an, Used and they had crowded busi ness aud pleasure upon her until she some times felt tlio could no longer bear it. This was the liisl time in many months she had felt really fno; freo to be silent, to look sad, to cr) il" she wished. What a luxury it was I Xu aniom mother to watch her, thise cnmpuiative strangers withdrawn, his cool, d.irUinir silence, it was delicioii". There was sum thing in tho very nature of her trial which in.ido it necessary to veil hur grief with re rve. A bhek dress sho might wear r.i.il was a cousin, and soma s-lnw is nllowd fir second cousinhood even and for intimato friendship, such us theirs has been. Hut no one knew tho unnvowed ngiigeinent which hound them since the lurried fan well letter in which his lovo found utterance, and which only reached after he had sai'.id the sailing from which there was to bo u leturn. Xo one knew n they talki d compassionately of her hav ing had .1 drc.idful shock, poor girl, her own eniisjn, you know, ami such n iius young f'-llon Mint Iter heart was wearing widow's weeds, and mourning its dead ns tho great loss of lite. It wouldn't hear talkiu g abuut so tho kept silent, and tried to wear brave lace. Left ulunu, she found with some surprise that she didiilt want to cry. All that morn- ho hud felt that lo creep away some where and Vitep, and weep hir heart out, would l so;:td; but tears are contrary things, flic sat there dulled into u calm, that Ans nine st content. Sho was think ing ot Ihn time l'aul had visited the island and climl'id about thai very cave. On that very t ck wluro six sat he might per haps h avo res'cil. riho liked to think so. It brought hi. m luurer. A little later slie.put her sketch nway and crept down to a biond ltdpe, where through tho arch, tho exquisite sky lino was visi ble. Tlin surf tumbled and clilui ed liko distant hells. She lay ns if fasciua led, her eyis fixtd upon the shilling hori zon, buma wlnru l.ir beyond it was the snot where tho ship which held her all went ilowu. Down where if ller imagination ran riot. Clemiu ihe liquid depth to Inmost sanctuary ul t c i cum, sho saw the golden sands, the .diadmiy green light percolating tliruugu miles nt water tho everlasting ra poju which Kilned there beyond tho reach pf wind, htuimnr hurricane, Shu tried to fix Iho uoiulu'i.! images, nnd to think ot it as it heavcu un hrs tranquil than tho quiet mounds un.h r which ore pillowed beloved heads on eurih. lint it would not stay. l hnughta il tempest aud fury, or chill pip ing winds whipping tho foam from tho waves, ot rt i r and tumult, and of a ueaV' lug nJlucru o I dark waters cams over her, nnd through nil the refrain of Jean In gclow's pathetic strain both mixed nnd blended, "And shall I -ce thee no morn Till tho sea gives up Its dead?'' Orent drops forced themselves beneath the closed eyelids, nnd she sohbedout: '0, l'aul, Paul I how enn I bear it?' Aud then sho thought ns she had thought before, how glad she would he to die 1 lAfe didn't seem desirable nny longer, unci it would be blessed to be with Paul, even nt the bottom of tho dark, deep ocean. And thinking thus the long eyelashes drooped more and more heavily; peace fell upon brow and lips; she was asleep nsleep and dreaming n sweet joyful dream. She awoke with n sensation of intense cold. The spell of slumber was so strong upon her that for a moment she did not realize what had taken place. The cao wns full of water. Her feet nnd the hem of her dress were already wet. The roar of the waves benenth the hardly distinguishable nrchwny told them that the tide had surprised another victim, nnd already the avenue of eseapo was barred. Was this the answer of somo unbroken prayer. Tho thought flashed over her. Had she really prayed for death ? Hero it wns, close at hand, and sho wns conscious of no glad nessonly a distinctive desire for life. It was loo dreadful to be drowned in tho hole and washed away liko a weed. Life wns worth living after nil. Hnd somebody said, or wns she dreaming, Mint a portion of tho caye wns untouched by water ? She could not remember, but now she searched about for some indication. Ah, surely this wns one a cork, a scrap of pa per lodged on tho higher shelf, fragile things which a tide must inevitably have washed away. With that instinct of prop erty which survives shipwreck nnd fire, she collected her drawing materials and other little belongings, anil retreated to this possi ble place of refuge, wrapped her cloak about her, nnd with folded hands satdowntouwait her fate. The cave was full ol pale, green light. It wns beautiful to see, as the advancing flow rose, ledge after ledge, nnd flooded the fairy pools, how each star flower and sea urchin, each crimson -ind golden weed, trembled anil quivered as with delight at its refresh ing tiiueh. Knell anemone threw wide its petals and expnnderl into full blossom to meet tho spray baptism. Xo mortal eye ever looked upon a sight more charming; but its beauty was lost to the shivering and terrified girl. The doorwny had quite disappeared, Sharp spray dashed against her dress. The drops struck her face. She shrank nndclung more tightly to the rock. A prayer rose to her lips; nnd through the tremulous light of the submerged nrchwny a strange shadow began to go nnd come, to move and pause and move again. Wns it fish or weed, or some mysterious presence ? Did It come ac companied by life or death? Meanwhile on Ihe rocks above, n distract ed group wero collected. The party hnd como gayly back from the "Heads." Mr. Gray, ignorant landsman though he was, had grown uneasy, and hurried them away. Ar rived at the "Grotto," the full extent of the calamity was nt once evident. Tho boy hnd mistnken the tide How or ebb aud the only hope was that Esther, discovering her danger it time, had taken refuge nt tho cot tage near by. Thither they flew; but, as wo know, in vain. The sobbing girls hung distractedly over tho clir, listening to the hollow boom with which the waves swung into tho cavern be neath, sickening to think of the awful some thing which might any moment wash out ward on the returning billow. The gentle men went for assistance and brought a cou ple of stout fishermen to the spot. Itut what could anybody do? "If the young woman has sense enough to climb up to the right baud corner aud sat still it wont hurt her none, perhaps,' one of them said. "Not mors than two tides n year gets up there." "Oh! if lMher liadon'y been told that! They could but trust powerlessiy to her steadiness of nerve and common sense. "She's such a wiso thing," Helen sobbed out. So they waited. A rattle of wheels came from the road. They all turned to look nnd some one said, 'Perhaps its a doctor!" Though what earth ly Use a doctor could have been would bo hard to say, rV figuro was rapidly coming up tho path a young mau. Nobody recognized him. till Dr. Gray started forward with tho face of one who sees a ghost. "Paul ! Good God! Is it possible!" "Yes, doctor,' with a haty hnnd shake. "Xo other, I don't wonder vou stare." "Hut in heaven's name how has it como auout i ncre nave you been since wo gave you up for lost 1" "It's a long story. You shall hear it some day. Hut' rapidly forgive my im patiencewhere is my cousin, and what is the matter?" There was a dead silence. At last with a groan, Dr. Gray spoke. "Paul, my poor fellow, how can I tell you! l'.stlier Is below there." "In the grotto?" "In Ihe grotto, Can anything be done?' The young man staggered. The glow faded from his face, leaving him ashy pale. For a moment he stood irresolute, then ho nrous' en unwell, ami ins voice, though husky, was lirm : "It is a frightful place: still there is no absolute danger if she keeps her presence of mind. I staid thero over a tide once my. sell, Just to see It. Is your boat at hand?, to one of the fishermen. "Yes sir." "Fetch it around then, is quickly as poi' siuie. men lo ie, uray : "l shall row thero opposite the entrance and make a dive for It. If I come up inside it Is all right and I'll see that no harm happens to Esther till the water falls and we get out." "But tho risk 1" "There is tho risk of Btrlklng the arch as I rise that Is all. Pin a good swimmer, you know. I think it can be dotie. You can guess," with a sort of a palo smile, "how I have been counting on this meeting; and to leave her alone Is simply Impossible. I shall manage it never fear," Tho boat came. They saw it row out Paul taking the bearing carefully, shifting positions once, and yet again, before satis lied, then looked up with bright, confl dent eyes and a nod, and clasped his hand; over his head. A splash lie was gone, aud the water closed over lutn. Within the cave Hither watched the strange, moving phantom which darkened the entrance. Tho splash reached without startling her, and In another instant a flash ing object whirled down nnd Inward, nnrl rising, tho 'waves revealed a face a white face with wet hair, In the pale, unearthly glow It wore iho nspect of death. It drew nearer; she covered h:r face with her hands. Was thesea giving up Its dead, that here, In this fearful solitude, the vision of her drown ed Paul confronted her or was she going mad ? Another second, and the hands were with drawn. The peril, the excitement of the past hour, tho strangeness and uureality of the spot, combined to kindlo within her nn unnatural exalation of feeling. Had she not craved this 1 If they met ns spirits in this land of spirits, was sho to bo afraid of Paul, or shrink from htm? Xo, a thousand times no. , Tho face was closo upon her. With rapid strokes it drew near a form emerged it was upon the rocks. With a shiek, she held out her arms. Cold hands-clasped hers a voice (did dead men speak.?) cried "Quen ie, Quemlel The old pet name I It was Paul's ghost, but none the less Paul. "I know y are defd," sho said, "but I'm not afraid of you," aud felt unterrified as a strong arm enfolded her. Put tho breast upon which her cheek rested was throbbing with such vivid pulsations that, half roused, sho began to shudder in a terrible blended hope and fear, aud she shrank away from his touch. "Oh, Paul I are we both dead, or only you? Is this the other world ? "Why darling," gently seating her on the rock, "you aro in n dream. Wake up, love ; look nt me, Ksthcr. I am not a dead mau, but your living Paul. Keel my hand it is warm, you see. God has restored us to each other; nnd upw, if his mercy permits, wo will never be parted again." "l'aul 1 Paul!'' cried Esther, convinced at last. They were very happy. Prosy lolks could they have looked In would have seen only two exceedingly wet young people seated high on a rocky ledge, receding wa'ers rip pling about their feet, hut they, all aglow with life and happiness, scarcely knew of tho lapse of time before the shimmering line of light appeared nt the mouth of the cave Willi blessed tears streaming down her cheeks Esther heard his story ; how, picked up the sole survivor of that dreadful wreck by an India-bound trailer, her lover had lain delirious many weeks in a far laud un able to tell his name or story; and in part recovered, started at once for home and land ed in advance of the letters which told of his salety. And so they had met here 'mid cor al anil tangle and alomoiidine,' as she heard the story of his perils Esther clasped the hand she held as if she never again could let it go. That provident littlo Helen bless her heart! "huilded better thau she knew,' in having such a store of damp sandivitches nnd refreshing wine for those drenched ami happy lovers. Aud when at last the reced ing tide opened agaiu the rocky gate aud the ista of the sea tinged with rosy sunset, nnd Csther, nided by strong arms, left her pris on it was with a glow liko the sunset upon her cheeks, and in her eyes such n radiance of happiness Mint it fairly dazzled the for lorn, hedragged group above. Mrs. Gray embraced her Ifondly and fell into a fit of ong deferred hysterics. Tlio boys executed war dauco of congratulation, and Helen and Isabel laughed and cried for jov. And as Esther turned with Paul for a last look at the scene of their deliveranco the ,'chimes and murmur of theseaeemed full of bless ing the blessing of tho dear Lord who had compassion upon her weakness, restoring her to life, and to that life its lost joy. With thankful heart she went her wnv. A Louisiana correspondent of tha Si. Aioirxii writes to that journal as follows : The rescuo of a mule in llienville Parish, La., from a well sixty feet deep, caused ho much surprise and interest here lately that senu an account to you. It is vouched for by some of the best citi zens of this place, who witnessed it, and I assure you it is every word true. Iliis inula fell hind-feet backward into an old dry well sixty feet deep; it is supposed that the edge ot tho well caved iu with him All eflorU to rescue him wero fruitless, as ho was completely wedged in. Finally, tho owner of the mule, supposing that the poor cre.i lire was severely injured by the fall, de cided that it would be more merciful to havj him killed than to allow him to starve to death. Xot knowiug any other wuyofdis- (itching him, he had a cart-load of dirt thrown in upon him. Hut, iustead of allow ng himself to bo buried alive, his muleship quietly shook oil' tho dirt and pressed it down with his feet; thus raisiug himself several inches above his original position Another load was thrown in with the same result; aud then some said that if the mule would continue tramping down tho dirt, it was possible that he might be extricated ; it would be no harm to try, auy way. Act ing on this suggestion, ull the farm hands went to work filliug tho well, carefully pour ing tlio dirt in ou tho sides so as not to hurt the mule. It was slow work filling that deep well, but a heavy interest was awakened by the perseverance with which the poor ani mal tramped down the dirt,and ull worked with willlug hands. Slowly but surely, inch by inch, did he ascend, until the great well was filled within a few feet of the lop ; then as complacently as il uolliing strange had hnppccd, his muleship slopped out safe aud sound ! A celebrated vocalist, whoso demeanor and action were as awkward and ungainly as hli voice was beautiful, said ono day to Shanes ISannlster! 'Do you know what made my voico so melodious?' ,No,' re plied Ilannister. 'Why, then, when I was fifteen 1 swallowed hy accident some train oil.' 'I don't think," rejoined ll.iunistcr, 'it would have dono you nny harm If, at the same time, you had swallowed a dan cing master," Jokkh' Cakk. Somebody praised a kind of cake Jones brought down to his ollica 'He was asked for the recipe for building tne cake, and next day appeared with tho following, which his wife dictated, after dluner; "Seven cups ot molasses, three pinches of flour, two heaping quarts of sal aratus, a pint uf sugar, two pounds of milk, fruit to suit taste j stir well and boll over a slow fire lor three hours, nnd then set aside ill a cohl oven for a week." Somehow. Jones said It didn't sound just right, but mat was tue way Ul cote read. How Anguslus host his (1 1 rl. Some months ago, a youth of this or some other city, says the Chicago Iribune, took a fancy to a fair Indy, nnd began to be polite to her. He met her when lie could at par- tics nnd that sort of thing, and occasionally ho called to see her at home. She liked the young man, and smiled sweetly whenever his name wns mentioned. Uo was Augus tus and sho was Mary June. Augustus wnsu't worth n cent financially, but lie hnd a capital of hope that surpassed the treasury of tho First Xationnl Bank. Mary Jane had a father whose narno was Tones. Ha didn't fancy Augustus, and didn't liko to have him spooning nround M.iry.Tatio, Put ho was a shrewd and sen sible oid duffer, and knew that if he raised his voice in opposition that Mary Jane's liking would he strengthened into red-hot, diamond pin, flat footed lovo. Bo he kept still and pondered, and then hn hit on a plan to smash tho courtship of Augustus into smithereens. At the boarding house where Augustus lived, there lived also two youths of his age and sex, who wero as full of mischief as a caucus is of seekers for office. So papa Jones went to them and unfolded his plans, and o He red them ten dollars each to bring about a succeiful end. Within a week thoy had tho money Htid.this is how they earned it : Augustus wns to call on Mary Jones that evening, so of course ho put on his best clothes for tho occasion, Half an hour be fore ho went to his room todress, his friends went there and took his best coat from the wardrobe. They ripped open the lining fie twen the shoulders and put inside a couple of very thin slices of Limbcrgcr cheese. You know what that is if you have any knowl edge ol German bccrhnlls. Augu-tiis dressed ami started for old Junes' house. He changed his scat two or lime times in thrt -trod car, and when lie rc iihed the door steps 111' turned agaiu, like a i'.jh' about to lie down ; hut 'twas no use. He usually occupied a seat on the sofa at Mary Jane's side ; hut that evening she was inclined indignity, aud occupied an arm chair a couple of yards away. She went twice out of the room to dip her handker chief in Cologuo water nnd tho second time sho drought the bottles nnd ofl'ered some to A Justus. Alter ho had gone home nnd changed his (.lollies, one of tho boys took him to walk. iv!.i!e the other restored his coat to its form er condition. lie exnmincd it very carefully bsfort lie went to beJ, and naturally discov ered nothing wrong exfcept the scent of the roses r maiuing there still. fin' when, three evenings latcr,he again visited Mary Jane, the trick was repeated. Old .l ines had taken pains to hide the Col- ogno jottle nnrl everything else of that character, so that the oflenso uf tho Lim- erger could not bo Cologne, The fair maiden stood it half nn hour, then sho faint ed, and he called her folks. Sho was borne to her room, and Augustus wns sent home. Xext morning hereceived a highly perfumed note (white rose was the odor it exhaled) which told him that for the future they had better be friends only, and tho next time sho met him she hoped it would bo in the open air, nnd she would try nnd keep to the w ind- wnnl. (ML April I'liai'iuterlslies. j.pril, nt its best, is tli-j tenderest of ten der salads. Its type is the first sneer of grass. Tho senses sight, hearing, smell are ns hungry for its delicate and almost spiritual tokens, as the cattle aro for the flist bitoof its fields. How it touches one and makes him both glad and sail I Tho voices of tho arriving birds, tlio migrating fowls, the clouds of pigeons sweeping across the sky or tilling the woods, theelfm horn of the first honey .bre venturing abroad in the mid dlo of tho day, the clear piping of tho little frogs in tho marshns at sundown, the camp firo iu the sugar-bush, the smoke secnnfsr rising over the trees, the tinge of green tlut comes so suddenly on the sunny knolls and slopes, the full translucent streams, tho wax ing and warming sun, how these things and others like them aio noted by the .'eager eye and ear! April is my natal month, and' 1 am born again into new delights and now surprises at each return of it Its namo has an indescribable cliatm to me. lis two syl lables are like the tho enlls of the first birds like that of the Phoebe bird, or of the meadow lark. Its very mows aro fertilizing, and are called tho poor man's manure. Then its odors! I nm filled by iu fresh mid indescribable odors the perfume of thn bursting sod, of the quickened roots and rootlets, of the mold uuder the leaves, of tho fresh furrows. Xo other month has odors like it. Tho west wind tho other day came fraught with n perfume that was to the sens.) of smell what a wild and delicate strain of music is to tho ear. It was almost transcendental. 1 walked across tho hill with my nosj in the uir taking it in. It last ed for two days. I imagined it came from the willows at a distant swamp, whose cat kins were affording the bees their first pol len, or did it come from much farther from beyonJ the horizon, the accumulated breath of innumerable farms ami budding forests? The main characteristic of these April odors is their uncloying frcshr"-x. They are not sweet, they aro often bitter, they nro penetrating and lyrical, I know well tho odors of May uud June, of the wjr.d of meadows and orchards bursting into bloom, but they are not so ineffable and Immaterial anil so stimulating to tho sense as the incense of April, One characteristic April feature, aud ono that delights me very much, Is the perfect meraldofthe spring runs while tho fields are tt brown nnd sere, strips nnd patches of the most vivid velvet green on the slope aim in tuo valleys, limy the eve irraze there mid is filled aud rolreshcd ! I bad for gotten what a marked featuro this was until I recently rodo in an open wagon for threo days through a mountainous, pastoral coun try, remarkable for Its fine spiings, Thoo delicious green patches arc yet luuiyeye. The fountnius flowed with May. Where no sprlugs occurred, there wire hints uud sug gestions of pruif,s about the fields and by tho road side in the m-hened grass some times overflowing a space iu the form of an actual fountain. The vsaler did not quite get tu the surface in such places, but bent its Influence. Juhn llnnnuiht, !n Strilnw far Airi'. Klx-ycar-old ; "Mamma, what aro twins made for?" Precocious older brother quick ly: "So that raunibals may cat iiUllopenM,'