THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA CObNTY, PA. Miscellaneous lion to Keep the Hoys on Iho farm, Tlio April number of Siribner contaim a paper by tbo well-known Agricultural au thor, Colonel Ucorgo It. Wnrlng of New port, on the Interesting ulject of "Farm. VllinRcV .Tho writer m been actively ur ging the- adoption ol improvement in Ame rican farming for many year, anil has had pood opportunities hi atudyltig tho needs of American agriculture. Familiarity with the lllo and work of European farmers, where It is tuual for tlioso who cultivate the xnil to live in villages, suggested tohlm tho Idea that tho condition of our onn agricultural population could be much ameliorated by a similar concentration into communities where the material and moral benefits of bet ter uncial relations could bo secured. Tho paper considers tho way In which land may bo divided so as to necure tho eud In view with tho leat inconvenience to the iren who have to till the fields, and with the loast drawback to the business of the farm er. Two cases aro considered: 1. When it Is a unction of tho ett1emcut of new lands. 2. Whirc farm-homos arc already scattered over the country, each on Us on n farm. In both eves It is attempted to show how details of the plan may be regulated so as to'e tho least annoyance and toss of time to tho men, to compafs tho greatest convenience! and comfort of the women, and to provide the ber tad vantages for tho young er members 'if tho community. These, two Kchetues are illustratcdbysullicleutdlagrams which indicate tho way in which tlio fann ing land and tho village, tr.ict should be di vided. Suggestions ire also given as to the layitig out of the village green, the care of roads, paths, grass-ground, and other open space, o farRS such suggestions are appropriate in thts connection. Tho way in which tho proposed change would aflect the work of tho farmer, his wiio his hired men and his teams, is fully consid ered, nnd It seems to bo demonstrated vvliilo It is admitted that in imtntdinto money-making there may be some slight disad vantage that on the whole and in the long run the general prosperity of our agiicul tnro would be advanced by tho change. Considerable Hpace is given to tho com parative effect of the lifo of tho isolated farm-house nnd of the more sociable life of the village on the character of the farmer and his family, and, therefore, on tlio future farming people ot the country. The follow ing quotations indicate the lino of argu ment: "It may seem a strange doctrine to be ad vanced by a somewhat enthusiastic farmer, bnt it is a doctrine that has been slowly ac cepted after many years' observation a con viction has taken possession of an unwilling mind that the young man who takes his wife to an isolated farm house dooms her andhimself andtheirchildrentoanunwhole- itorne, unsatisfactory and vacant existence an existence marked by the absence of thoe more satisfying and more cultivating inllu- encea which the best development of char- acter and intelligence demand. It is a com- mon experience of farmers' wives to pns week after week without exchanging a word or look with a singlo person outide of their own family circles. ine young couple start bravely, and with a determination to struggle against tho hah it of isolation which marks their ciass ; but this habit has grown from the necessity of thesituation ; and tho necessities of their own situation bring them sooner or later within its bonds. During the first few years they adhere to their resolution and go regu larly to church, to the lecture, and to tho social gatherings of their frends ; but home duties Increase witii time, and tho eagerness for society grows dull with neglect, and those who have started out with the firmest determination tovoid the rock on which their fathers have split, give up the struggle at last and settle down to a humdrum, unin teresting and uninterested performance of daily tasks. "In saying all this and I speak from ex perience, for I have led the dismal lift, my selfit is hardly necessary to disclaim the least want of appreciation ot the sterling qualities which have been developed in the American farm household. "If American agriculture has au unsatis- is surely the need for moro in- te ccnceanil more enternri.ln.r Intent , the part of its working men and women. From one end of tho land to the other, its crying defect recognized by all is that its best blood or, in other words, its best brains aud its best energy is leaving itto seek other fields of labor. Tho influences which lead the best of tho farmers' sons to other occupations is not so much the desire to make more money, or to find a Icbs labo rious occupation, ru it is tho deslro to lead a more satisfactory life, a life where that part of us has been developed bv the better er' education anil better civlllzntlon-fnr w!,I,.l, in this century wo have worl-cd so hard and so well, may find responsive companionship nna encouraging intercourse with others. "The social benefits nnd the facilities for frequent, neighborly, aud informal inter- course a:e obvious. To sav nothintr nf tlm companionships and intimacies aiuoii!? the young people, their tathers and mothers I would be kept lrom growln old and trlum by the constant friction of their kind ami in so far as a moro satisfactory xocial relation wltu one s lellow men eivts cbeerlnhiM. and the richness of a wider human inter. 1,"linf nrnnnrltnn n-nnl.l ,1... ..Til in- , 1 .......... iuuge mo nave a wholesome, mellowing elfect that is not to e found in the remote f.itm-houte.nor even in tbe sort ol neighborhood wo sometimes find in the country, where several farm bouses nro within a quartern! a mile of each other. Tho habit of 'running in for a mo ment' chat with n neighbor is a eood one. nnd it gets but scant development among American farmers.'1 Tho better development of the church, TOId" wifccially of the school Is discussed at some length, and tho paper closis thus. "I should hope, further, as an oulgrowth from tho community of living, for n modest . vlllngo library and reading-room. Indeed, if I could have my own way, I should not confine the attraction and entertainment of tho village to strictly 'moral' appliances. It wouiu prouauiy no wiser to recognize- the fact that young men find an attraction iu amusements which our sterner ancestor ri- garded as dangerous, aud I would not eschew billiards, nor oven, 'by rigorous enactment,'' ...11.1 e . . . . .. inu uiiiurr tu-o in social tobacco, Ketter have a little mrmUu wiekeduesss nearbomc and uuuer tne eyo ot parents than eucouut. er tbo risk that boys, after a ceitaln age, would si ek a pie text for more uncontrolled indulgenceii lu the neighboring towu. "line might go on llirough tlie long range of Incidental arguments such as lighted streets, well-kept side-walks, winter snow plows, nnd good drainage, aud a wholesome pride in a tidy, cozy village, uutll even the mo.-t close-flated of all our i liss would con Jess that the extra cost would bring full val ...... .riMi.iiun Minn no wouiu recognize till! fuel Ihnt 111., ..r.nM. l. --- .... v. ..u u iiumo ino linage wnuwmakepossiblc would bo ..Kri, lumeuiu iH-mg nucceeueu in whole some trade by the brightest aud best of his Mtllll.fl IPMllU (list Willi,! .t. "lint my purposo has been only to BUggcst nschemo which seems to mo cutlrely, even though remotely, practicable, nnd in which I hopo for tho aympathy and help of tho country-bound farmer' wives nnd daughters a scheme which promises what seems the ealet, If not tho only relief for tho dullness and desolation of llvlnsr which makes Amcr lean farming loathesomo to so many who ought to glory In its pursuit, but who now are only bound to It by commanding ncccssl ty." Fourth Monlk Dunce. The curious custom of joking on the first of April, sending the ignorant or tlio un warv on friiitles errands, for tho sake of making them feel foolish and hnvltig n laugh at them, prevails very widely In the world. And whether you call tho victim .1 "Fourth month dunce," an "April fool," an "April fish" (as in France), or an "April gowk" (as in .-cntlnud), tho object, to ue ccivo him and laugh at him, is everywhere the same, Tho custom has been traced back for.ages; all through Europe, as far back as tbo rec. ords go. Tho 'Teas' of Fools" Is mentioned as celebrated by the ancient Homaus. In Asia tho Hindoos have a festival, ending on the .'list of Marcli, called tho "Hull fes'," in which they play the same sort of first of April pranks, tianslatcd into Hin doo, laughing at the victim, and making him a "Hull fool." it goes back even to Penia, where It is supposed to have a be ginning, in very ancient times, In the cele bration of spring, when their New Year be gins. How it came to bo what wo everywhere find it, thu wiso men cannot agree. The many authorities are so divided, that I see no way but for us to accept the custom as we lind it, wherever we may happen to be, and "be careful not to abuse it. Some jokes are peculiar to particular pla ces. In England, whero It is called All Fools' Day, one favorite joko h to sond the greenhorn to a bookseller to buy the "Life and Adventures of Eve's Grandmother," or to a cobbler to buy a few cents' worth of "strap oil," btrap oil being, in tho lan guage of tho shoo-rnaking brotherhood, a pirsonal application of tlio leather. Tho victim usually gets a good whipping with a strap. llicre was an old superstuuuon in r.a gland that prayers to the Virgin at eight o'clock on All Fools' Day would be of won derful efficacy, and it is seriously mentioned by grave writers of old dajs. In Scotland the first of April fun is called "hunting the gowk," and consists most of ten of sending a person to another a loug way on", vvitn 11 which says, "Hunt the gowk another mile." Tho recipient of the note gives him a new missivo to still an other, containing the tame words; and ho the sport cues on, till tho victim remem bers the day of tho month, and siUs down to rest nnd think about it. France, whero the custom is very an- cient, the jokes aro much tho same; but the victim is called an "April fish," be- causo he is easily caught. In one part of France there is a custom of eating a certain kind of peas which grow there, called pois chichet. Tho joko there is to send the peasant to a certain convent to ask for those tcll!l, them th.t the fathcrs aro obijce(i to givo some to every one who comes on that day. The joko is as much on the monks as on the peasants, for thero is often a perfect ruh of applicants all day. A moro disagreeable custom prevails in Lisbon on tho first of April, when the great wbjectis to pour water on passers-by, or fail ing in that, to throw powder 111 their faces. If both can be done, the joker is happy. I need not tell you tho American style of joking : nailing a piece of silver to tho side walk; tying a string to a purse, and jerking it away from greedy fingers ; leaving tempting-looking packages, filled with sand, on door-steps ; frying doughnuts with an inter lining of wool; putting salt in the sugar- bowl, etc. You know too many already. l!ut this custom, with others, common in coarser and rougher times, is fast dying out. Even now it is left nlmost entirely to playful children and the uneducated classes This sentiment, quoted from an English al manac of u hundred years ago, will, I'm "u aPPrVal f "sr0wn,uP9" of luo Hut tu a thing to be disputed, Which Is the greatest fool reputed The one that Innocently went, Or ho that him designedly sent. . Af. M., &t, St'icholcufor tpril. How to Keep a Wlfe'n Love. Many men, I believe vould retain the warm affection and romantic love of the wo man they marry much longer it they would express tho teuderuess they really feel often- Women lovo to hear thin; talked about, Wiey line to near a nusband say ho loves over and over again. They like to have him to tell them iu plain terms that he misses tliem wlien tuey ilro absent. They like com P1'mcnt't tliat CH,no rom tllB heart, however lree tuey may ue lrom vanity. And a little praise of dress, or face, or manner, is a mighty comfort to one who has given herself t0 0,16 ma" ,or 'lme. I( ' sa''l l'ia' women havo moro imagina t'0" thannien.but inmatteisof love I scarce- ly think that la so. .Man will believe in wo man' love with far less visible token of it than is necesary to prove his tenderness to her. She wauts moro speeches nnd longer I than he does. The moment of promise and vow mint bo supplemented by many fond words scattered through her life, else grieV' in doubts creep into her soul. A term of I endearment, a pet name, some little token thal B-e ' to him what no other is, will ma,te 'lcr matrimony a happier estate than the merrier time ol girlhood. And if In public ho shows other women that he Citterns her and values her society, jealousy can ncer poison her life and his also. There is a great deal of talk about women "loving forever," however the man may turn out. It U true in ono cnse: he mav he a rancal to other Jolks nnd not alienate her tenderness, but once convince any hlgh-snlr- ited woman that her husband is fuls; to per tnat no wyes ner no muger, tmsa-'romau tic friendship" tbo worst of all flirtation with another woman, and in place of love comes an emotion too cold to be called hate. and that puts n stronger barrier between I .. , - .. mem man anger can raise, nience is apt to foster the doubts that bring this feeling with it Often, just saying, "You ore bet ter, sweeter, dearer than any ono eljo. would save her. Hut man, uflcr his boy I hood rather shrinks from word love-making, Ho thinks that his wile should lako his a fectlon lor granted, even If he alts in th comer whispering to Miss Flip with hi I back to her all the evening, and lets her I put on her shawl while ho interests him - self lu Miss Flip's boa, - Little words, little deeds, a little thou ght- lulness would ward otr many of those "se I ... .. ! . i i, ,. .. . 1 arnuuus which uugiii so many lives, t rue- y, these come of greater things but little - omissions often lead to them. Hy this nee- lect he spoils her temper, and the spoilt I. 1 . . 1 V ScIiciick'H 8lniidiuil ItomcdlcN. Tlio Ktandirtl rrinoiltrt.t for nil dlvn hm of tho luntm nro Solu-ncli'a riilmoulo Bjtup, Hchcnck'a Pt'H Weed Tun If. and Mclienrk Mniiilrflka inu. mid If Inkon neroru 1110 iuus nro ncsiruj eu, a njxciij euro is vi- to intHO imee rnctucinei ir. J, u. mcu&ck or 'htlidflnhla. owes liH utirlVAlled buccai 1q this treatniont ui puiraoDHri" aliases. i iib i-unnonic ajrriin npciia me moi mti mailer in the luncstnaturo Uifowa it on by an casj cxiK'Cto- co iuIi v, ill l tirow it oil, thu patient litis rot and the iuun ui'Ki'i iu licit i. Tocnaiito tho ruimnnto HvruntodothKohcnck'n Miimlrnku rilli nnd Hchenck'f ioa U'uod Toulo must bo free v ued to clftinso tho atomuch nnd Ivor, schpnck's.Mnnaruk'O rills act on tho lifer, ro i oln(f nil ouairucuun. rci.i mo pan nian(icr,int) uuo siana irrny, mi i me uvur 11 suun ri'iiavoJ. M-henck's Hea Wood Tonic I 11 ffentlo s.tlmlnnt and nlternt've; the nlk.tlt uf which It l couiposcd mixes wmi iuo iooh nnu pri'cuus sounnff. 11 assists tho dlffestlon b totdtu un th! tUnnitch to it hvnlthy jii'hiujh a j null inn 10 in and inn riiimonu ryrun 1)1 make cood tloou ; Ihciitho 111:1' hnj, and thu rall-nt win surely get well It care H taken tupru- euLiresucoiu. Al whuvvnn to consu l Dr. seli'-nck. either rf r- wuu'uiy ur uj isu'.t, cuu u! u hl iim iiniiupai tUHL't', rurner or Mvtb. and Arcli streets,! lilla ll,'M 1, every Jlor1U.1v. wiiencks medicine aro sola by all druggists VEGETI NE strikes at the root of dlsense by purifying tbe blood, renoriuz inu liver anu Moneys 10 ncuiay acuon, Invigorating the nervous system. Vt'KCtluc Is not a vile, nauseous compound, which Mmnty purges tho bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which Is sure to purity the blood aud thereby re store tho health. Is now nrcacrtbed tn cases of ficrofula and other dis eases of tho blood, by many or the best physicians, owing to Us great success la cm lag All diseases ot this nature. Vest" tine Does not decftve Invalids Into fatso hopes bv tuirr. tag ami creuttng a nctltlous appetite, but assists na ture In clearing and purging Iho whole system, leading tha patient gradually to perfect health, as looked unon as an experiment for snmn t Imn tn- some of our best pliysl lans, but those most Inciedu Ions In regard to Its merit ire now Its must ardent mends and supporters. Vepcttiio, Mays a Doston physician, "has no cfpial as a Wood purifier. lteaiin? of 1LS manv w oruVrfu) circs. n.r all other remedies had failed, t vIMted tho laboratory, and convinced myself of Its genuine merit. It Is preparou rrom nirkv roots and acrbs, each or which Is hhrtilv effecUve. and they aru compounded In sutu u maimer tw iu pruuucu (Muiawnuig rcsuiis. ' Y'cgetluo Is acknowledged and recnmmerrled by physicians aJ apothecaries to no the beat purlrkr 1U1 1 cleanser f th9 blOiKt yet dLscorerud. an 1 tho ju.nd-t swak In its praise vnu havo been restore.! to hiuith. ?xioor. WHIT IS NEEDED. llGATOtt. Fob 1. l?t- Str. II. It. Stevens : Bear Mr .buat one year since I (oand myself in feeble condition from cneral dbuitv. vopfttlne wxs strongly rocoaiu.enaed 10 me bvn friend who had been much beaeutod tiy its ue. "I procured tho article, and after using several bottle-i was nwtred ui nuaim ana uiMrouuuuoa us use. i reel cnnnaeut that there Is no uv.-dlclco superior ui tt for rnnse complaints for which It Is especially prepared, and would ctuvrrtulr rrcommVnd It to thosvT who feel thai they need something to restore them to perfect health. Respectfully jours, U. L. PCTTINniLI. Vtrm S. M. I'ottlngiu oa., 10 State St., boston. Cincinnati. Vnv. ar. ifi?i. Mr. II. It. Stevens: Do.irhlr Tho two bottles of VereUne furnlslied me by your agent my wife has used with erejit ben. cut. For a long time she has been troubled with dizzi ness and costlveness: these troublua aro now en tirely removed hy tlio use of vegetino 8h0 WOS also troubled Wltll flv-tnepvll ftnrl venet-nl debility, and has been greatly benefited. iiiua, im.uuiui, wainut st. Feci Myself a View IVIan. NlTlcif. Mass.. June. 1. UM Mr. II. U. Stevens : lc,'ir Mr 'llirough the advice and earnest persua sion of Kuv. K. S. nest, of this piaod, I bavo been taking Vegettno for dj spepstn, ot which I have stir red for 3 ejirs. i uiivu ilmju omy two uoiues ana already reel my lt a now mar. ItespecttuUy, DR. J. W. CAItTKU. Eeport from a Practical Chemist and iipoineoary. llnSTOM. .TtUl. 1. ISTi. Dear Mr This Is to certify Ihat I hnre. snltl nt re tail IMS dou (i53 bottles) of your Vegetino since April in, lsto, and cun truly say that It boh given the beet satisfaction of any remedy for Uie complaints for which tt Is recommended that I oversold, hcarce ly a day passes without some cf my customers testi fying to Its merits on theiusolves or their f rlcndi. I am perfectly cognizant of neve ral coses of scrofulous tumors ucing cureu uy vegcuao mono In this Mclnl- Vtryrt'specUullyy iiy yours, Al IIILSIAN, 4Cj Broadway, Toll. It. Stocns, Ewt. reparedliy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetino is sold by all druggists. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Family Phyaio, and for curing Costivenesa. Jaundice, Indif-estion, Foul Stomacn, llreatb. Headache, Erysipelas, Itheumatisra, Eruptions and bkln Diseases, I3il louune&a, Uropsy, Tumors, Worms, NeuralRia, iia a Dinner l'lll, for X'uilfying tho Hlood, Aro the most ef fective aud cungu nial purgative ever dUrovered. They aro mild, but ef fectual in their operation, movihi; the bowels turely and without pain. Although gentle iu their operation, they are still the most thorough and (carchina cathar tic medicine that can be employed : cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small dows of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. AvKit's Pills have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in tho several assimilative organs of the body, nnd are t-o composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do they euro the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that havo baillcd thu best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the s-mio time, the safest and best physio for children. Hy their aperient action they grijie much leu than the common purgatives, and never give pain when the liowel s aru not Inflamed. Thev reach the vital fountains of the Hood, and strengthen the svstcur by freeing it from the elements of' weakness. Adapted to all anes and conditions in all climate", containing neither calomel nor any cleleti'iious drna, those Illls mav be taken with safety hy anybody. Their Hi'jrar-coatiiig preserves them ever fresh, and makes thorn pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no barm tan ariso from their ti'u in any quantity. rilKKVlltl) 11 v Dr.J.C. AYER dt CO,, Lowell, Mass,, I'rHctlcnl anil Aiittlttlcul ChcitilHtN. SOLD UV ALL WtUUdlSl'S J.YhKYWlli:lli:. Oct. 13, lSJMy COUrlTER,PLATF0RW VACOHSJRACK 06" AGENTS WANTED'S RV1NSAF.E&SCALEC0. PonnAA s At s 72 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA IQ8 BAN K ST.CLEVE.O. March St, iMy, nr. 111 CHEAP JOB PRIME AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab- ijhment is amply supplied mth the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsiiukg, Pa. When special material is required it will he promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Iliintl-liills and Dodgers, Lurge ami Small Postern, Letter nnd Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bus&iness, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, tie, Will all be supplied and exented in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen nro ewpkyetl and tho best materiiul will always bc'furnishc d. A liberal share of public natron ago is respectfully solicited. SIXTH NOKiMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLd7a?m7 M. D Principal. Tilts scitOOUasatprcjent constat W..I.S,. LSS-mrnKhrrt win, a HoimMMl sunnlv of, llUUUinirS SpaClOUS, UIVIUUK lU.I muiuiuuiuu, ,, bprinff wiiicr. n-Jrti,n-o n - lAcauon hi milium, uuu ii ""vvV??. "v."." moderate. Fifty cents a week d-ductlon to all espectlni to toacli, uoursea ot siuay prescriueu uj inu onuu : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Aillnnct Courses I I. Academic. II. Commercial. Ill Tho Klementary Sclcntlflc and Claslcal Courses rorrcspnndlni; Degrees t Master or me hieinenis: mosutui me p-ieueed; .-iiwierui luovmwiw, wnwuaiw T ic eourso ot Mud v mescrtbed bv tlio Slate is UBeral, .if!" . V.. "VA J..V..,.-,. .n rantaiiieniflentTeaeh To this end It solicits young persons c,r good abilities and good purposes, -those who ilclru to luipi ovo thlr time an" their talent", as student". To all such It promises aid In developing Ihclr powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor al ter leuv Ing school. or Catalogue. ad'ireSH uie rrineipni. iidn. vv i:i.vvi:i.i, fcept. s, ';o.-ty I'rrKlilent llnnrd WHOLESALE DB UG EMPORIUM. Corner Main and Market Street BLOOMSBURG, Pa. The undersigned having been engaged n the WHIarfAa 3D 23 W (3- business for the past eight years would call the attention of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Their stools: consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, F atcnt Medicines. Spices, c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT EBO "W B K, ' S BLOCK. Whero may bo found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They aro also Sole Manufacturers of the eeltbrale OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUIt STOCK. MOYER BROS. May 19, IC.-tf. Then Buy MILLER BROS.' ana savu one-lhlrrt tho cost of CHEMICAL PAINT aily for uao in w lilta r any color Ue&ired. Is on many t niucn naDdsomer uint. Is prepurwl ready n Uie country, many of wliich have bseL painted blxjuars, and now lookaa well as when drat painted. iuin KstuumujAii rAirti nua Laxen irst, rremiums at of tolora BeLt tree Addrt-bB M N. Y. E N A M K L PAINT CO llsrrlncestrttt.N. V. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S and save one-third the cost of 1 rT T? X Xf AT 1J A TXT'P painting, and get a paint that Is much liandsuiner and wtll Kjl'X I jIM lviV Jj J 1 1 i 1 last twice as long as any other paint, is prepared ready lor use in v, late or anv color liu country, many or which have been painted t'llKMICAL I'aINT has lajceii First 1' lore Bent rree. Aadress N. y. KN A s., 1. 9 water streot, Cleveland, Ohio. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday Pennsylvania WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not On Short' Notice at the Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa, Oct. 8. 1975 HARMAN & HASSERT, Proprietors; Knst Street, South HlilcoI'L. & II. Italli omJ . ltlooiiihliui'K, l'a. Hesneetfully cjiU the attention ot the public to the following hiavmeuin: They manufacture allMndsot IKON una HHAHS 0AHTIM1M. inejr mal.0 the CelebiaHU oilglnal and HvarI40 VEU jrOKjiXliOST PXQWS, alsoaUHInas of llepalra, men us Hold liuarua I'oiuu, l.auuoUvs bolls, tianiUcB, ic. 'I hey also make HEATING AND and are prepared to furnish, all kinds of repairs, audi as Urates. Tire Urlclt, ic, wholesale and retail. They ..... ih. I '4kl.anliiu f.rnln f,,r Hi., VV'ni. I'iim Mav. the mnfct eeonnmlrnl lirflln In li'.H. They are also prepared to furnish HA VV ANDOltlHT pay i'pWH" BIKUIIHJ W M.U Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapeis, &c. 'rv.n nrnnrif fira bflnt? nractlcal mechanics, havlnirbwl an exrcrlcncc of ovpt ihlrtv Toars. tho nubllccaU rely upon havlug alt work entrubted to ihem done in PUBLIC SALE OF VAI.UA11LE REAL ESTATE! The underblned will fccll at private sale . A VAlUAHLE FAltXI, Bttaatcd In Ktehlogcreelt uww.hlp,Coliirabla county boundt-4 by laada ot John Kanu. tamuil Khone, Jo MpU Coleuian'alitlrii, fhaileaAkb.UaiiltlKainsand William llulme, contalulns about 150 ACRES, of which about lis acres are cleared, on which Is erected A GOOD Fit AM K H0USI3, FRAMK llAHN, and all necessary outbuUdlnpi. There Is also A GOOD OltCHAHD, on thu premises. Terms will be made known by calling on Utu un. denJgned, er by aildretntnif him at bull alcr, l'a. MATHIA8 KLINE. Feb! Dm a, not fctbUY earnfl In thee tlmea but It can be made In three montha by any one ol either uex, in any pan ui iuo country nla wimnir to work tteadlly at tho employment iDttiHumruinu. if imnu,uui l"". Von need not bo away fromhoiae overnlnbu You can irlve jour v hoin time to the work, or only y00r spare momenta. itcobU nothlntfto trytnu bu&t. 1HA1 Terms and fJ Outfit free. Addreaa at ouce, II. UiixxTT B Co., Portland, llalne, FcU 1 It Ijr. TiAFEB BAGS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL "vmvu, ..... .u.... n..riA,..,,1t omMnnt nn.i niii-o tn i iipir wnti.-. nuclnllnft. - ' ,"-!,'"-. . . ,; Klementary. IV, Clawical. Course in Mu!e. IV. Course in Art. are rilDFKSSKiNAL, anil ituuenti (rraauannir mprein. receive niiininiit, cunii-rrinx um and tho Scientific and Classical courses are not Interior to thosp ot our best Colleges. tlm.,a,ln,t,nn.l I, It I J nn. f till, nrlmi, Oil PPtH flf MllS SellOO tfl U'ln t(l HeCIlm It bV 1 llrlltslllniT iTl1 Plll- of Truttecir vmlntlng, and pet a paint tbat last twice at lone as any otUi-r many tbousands of the Uncbt buildings twenty 01 iim muui ruin m iuu uaiun. Haranle card I LI.K K lUtUH. jsiny it, t& 13. uesireu. is on many inousanas 01 me nnesi uuuoiugs slxjears. and now looKas vvtiias uucuiuhi painieu. at. twenty ot the Mato fairs ot the Union. Kamptecard uu., us riincu bireet, v., or .nil, i, i.k iay School Libraries, Depositary of the Bible Society, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. on hand can bo furnished Most Rcasoncible Rates. COOK STOVES MIU, JtAllIIvEi:V bllAl'il.SU, l'UUXVB, ic. they tho lu-bt Man m-r and ut Fair prlcett. Oraugevillo Academy. Unrivalled In comblnltiL' tho folloulni; important particular!!! INs'ntl'L'l'lON OK A Ulull OltllKIt I llKALTII) CIIKAl'Nfcha J COMKOHP J AL'UKhMI. B1UTV ; WIIOLKSOMK 11EUI.IOUS ItsFLUKNCK. Tula Institution will open MUNUAY, Al'IUL lGlb, 1877, under the caro of REV. O. K. OANPIEI.D, of Wyoilng ounty. Th Principal is a craduato of Lafa) etui loket-e, and of I'ulun i nealot; bemlna. ty, .vow York City, and la an exicrlei.c(.d teacher. EXCKLLE.NT OPJ'OKTU.SlTIES AFFOHDKD FOIt J'ltEl'AIUTIO.N FOH COLLKdK. Kl'ECIAL A'WKNTlON GIVEN TO 1'ItEPAltATION OF TKAC1IKR3. Term vnil continue eleven weeks, clobtut; June 89. Tuition fkom $3.60 to $8.00, llonril run be biul from &2.O0 lu 13.00. lioaixt and room, f3.uo to, Oiauirevlllo board Is rarelv excelled. btudenta wlUUni; to board Urinatives can obtain deblrabio rooms. fetagea run dally to and from ntoorasburg, VV, II. HNYIIKIt, ) c.r,.H, D. J. WALLKlt, Jr. Secretaries. T LANK NOTEB.with orwlthout eiemptloi II for naio at tbe (lOLtmBUM omoa. Job I'JtiNTiNo OF EVERY DESRLPTION EXECUTED PROMPTLY - .... ilrm liut klml. uniform and thorouirb. Kxpensea .i ;,h,; ,fmii: V. Course in Physical Culture. .uuuu,... i.". -w. ...... COI,. .1. (I. ritlX.i:, Serrclnry. GLENN'S SUZJPIIUJR SOAJP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, Beautifies the Complfjcion, Prevents and Kkmedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of tub Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tlons, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Blem ishes arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also thote produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and free, les. It renders the cuticle marvelously clear, smooth and pliant, and being a wholesome iieautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. Au. the remedial advantages of Sul phur IIatiis are insured BY the use of Olenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout, It also disinfects clothing and linen and prevents diseases communicated iiy contact with the terson. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Bake; per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20. N IX The y cent calces are triple the tize of those ft! 3 cents. imn AND WHISKER WYE," IlUck or Brown, 50 Cents. C. I. CBHTEITOH, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av S.Y. Oct. M, '7U.-ty, ALBEEGHT & 60. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Tlio ALBRECirr & Co. Piakos aro first-class in every respect, bcinc con sidered tho leading Philadelphia make by musicians and competent nidges. Through their extensivo facilities, MrasKS. Albrfxiit & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that aro not sui-possed anywhere, and still bell them at prices within tlio reach of all. No Piano is permitted to leave their factory unless satisfac tory to the most mtnuto particular, hence their guarantco of five yours is a thing of value. AU Into im provements of importanco are found m thene instruments. Messrs. Albrecht & Co. have re ceived tho most fluttering Testimo nials from L. M. Gottsciiaijc, Franz Abt, G ubtave Batter, J. F. Himmels B.tcir, William Wolbiekfer and ninny other eminent artifcts, besides being able to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Iianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed mid shi pped safely to any part of tho world. tttrFor further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. lyw, isio.-ly. MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL 1'I.iXO HI.lllUR, tu.vcii am) rti:i' imi:n. DLUOMSBUHO, PA. FIRST CH.SH TIANOS AND ORQ.KS F0f( SALE. SECOND 1IAN11 PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCIIANUE. ORDER 11V MAIL PROJtlTLY EXECUTED. Dect, HAT pounds. Labels reglslered: Iiifrliigcim.-ht!, itlssucB and luterti-reiicos villi rici lvo pruiupl alleutlon. tiou, nnj wo wilt utve our oplntun iwtoln paienta- until pa ten l Ih MTiircil, Wo will unon eoritlotrent 1(ei. rrovcuiA fnnti hn' havolMH'u iilvJKi-TLU by the I'att'nt omco. uuu' cuenis in tery&iaiom tua I'nlon.ftnd Invito liKiulry llimut:!, our t'uiiffresamaa to our btaudlnir Uloru thu 1'atent OOlco. head lor lirculir (or further Information, terms and i ca-rcnccb. Jlsubllshcd lu l&tJti. EDSON BROS., Solicitors of U. S. anil Foreign FATEBITS, 711 Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D, 0. Feb. S3, Tl,-sin AdvertisingAgents RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES pHILADEU'HA AND HEADING ItOAD AnilANUEMENT OF PASSENOEIt TliAINS. July 1J, 1876. TiiAtsa tj!ivr. s mt lows OrKiUTrjimtit For New Yolk, ri.llnilelnlilft. Kcnrtliic. I'tlmm. Tnniaqun, A;c 11,311 a, m Tor t'ntnwlma, 11,99 a. m, and 7,5(1 in. For U'lllhiinsjini l,c,M o,9l a. in. ubil t,M p, in. TIUtKarOII llt'IM:T IFAVIt AB 101 1 OWH, , J v , eWFTKD.) Leave New York, v,m a, in. t.eare 1'hllailelplila,li,ieo, In. Leave Heading, 11,3 n. tn., rottdvllle,1l,ir. p. m and Tainaqua, 1,o p. tn. Leave L'ntjwlJMi, 0,50 (l,sr, a. fn. anil 4,(io p. in. Leave vYllUamspyii.tis ni. ancU,i)u p.m i'asii ngcrs i r il from New vtk and I miaiiu plila tfo tlirouif.i Itliout tlianse ot cars. .1. fi. WlltlTTFV CO. HANCOCK. general Jtunager. OeLiral llekit Afcciit. .Ian, 11. iM-tt. T()l!TI!KHN l COSII'ANY. CXTUAL HA I IAN AY On and after November iOlli, 1SI3, trains will leave SUNnUltVasfollovvst NORTHWARD. Erlo .Mall mw a. in., arm e F.lwlra n.r.o n. " Canandalgua... p. m Itoclioater 6.15 " Magara mo ltcr.ovo accoinmodat lcn 11.10a. ni.nrilve VMllloras hum p. m. Elmlrn JlalU.16 a.m., arrive I'.lmlrn 10.50 a. in. lluiralo Express T.15 u. in. nirlvc Uullalo M a. rn HOUTHU'Altl). llurtalo Express 2.MJ a. ni. ni rlvo llnrrlslmrg J .to a. m " lialtliiioros.40 " ElmlraJIall 11.15a. in., arrive llairlvbuig t.tu p. m " vs'aslilngton " " Halt linore U.30 " " VVuslilniiton 8.SD " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. ln.nulvu Harris burglo.Mip. in. arrlv e Baltimore 2.2t, a. m ' Washington 0.13 " Kile Mall a. in. arrive llaribbuig 8 (.5 n. m. " " " Wasntngtoii 10.E5 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. liOYP, Jr., Ueneral Tasrengcr Agcn A. J. CAPSATT, General Jlanago D KLAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND ESIXll.N KAlI.itOAU. 11I.OOMSI1U1K1 DIVISION. Tlme-lablo No. cu, Takes e.Tcct at 4:30 A. .MONDAY, NOV1..MI1EU 22 1STS. NOliTH SOUTH, a.m. p m. p.m p.m. a.m, V 4tl Pci'anton 3 8.3 3 43 0 t3 a ii ac iu a 43 im i i t - -i u 3 tl 431 a as a ut1 a sr. I tl 201 5 15, liell--viie i J 2 31 2 M 2 411 2 52 2 IS 3 I' I 3 17 3 111 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 32 8 87 3 45 4 l"l 4 15 4 21 4 '.3 4 37 4 11 4 40 4 5i 5 2 5 IS C 80 li 85 G 48 f. (t C 5 7 01 7 (C 1 11 7 15 I !5 7 15 7 40 7 4S 7 53 'iiivlorvllle.... ...Lactam r.nna... . l'lictoi .. Una l iittton... VAvoming Maltby lieurii-tt. Kingston Miigston .... ..l'lviiioutn June. ....Vl.vniootli .... Avoiid.ilo Nniitlcoko... IU Ml 10 l.C 10 11 ti' 10 V 20 10 23 1" 27 10 27 10 83 10 35 111 40 1 44 10 52 11 .1 11 17 11 23 11 3 11 80 11 -3 II 43 11 51 K Jl 8 27 3 2:i 13 n n 8 17 3 13 3 111 : 114 3 1 7 2! 0 II II 117 'J h'l 3 6 a mi k to 8 M a 4 7 H 7 15 7 IS 7 1.7 7 03 a r,s o M C 4.', 0 30 C !5 o m 0 112 6 ro a til r, 43 .1 40 a 3i n ti t, 2.1 5 21) a (3 4 r.i 4 M 4 .i n.m. 8 41..IIuiilork'ij icek. 2 42 231 2 25 2 3 2 13 2 10 2 lit 1 63 I S3 1 44 1 43 1 I'l 1 25 1 I'l 1 15 1 li p.m. 8 so . MiItUlilnnv... 8 HI ....Illik'a 1'ciry .. 8 14 ....llearli Haven... s us licrvvk-k .... 8 2 lirlar cn el: 7 M ...vvillovT drove.... 7 m' Lime Ittdge 7 40, t:snv 8 25 H 45 8 rr. 9 es a to n C6 1 2(1 7 IS 7 40 7 45 7 tj s ts 8 25 8 ,0 8 47 US 7 4 ...Illoiinisiiurg ll 57 7 85 Itmurt I2 2 7 8(1 L'atawlsva liihlgu. 12 07 5 14 7 2111.. Clark's MUlCfl... 12 10 5 2U 11 1UIIVI1IO 12 25 5 83 5 47 6 1.2 C 111 7 04 ('hula? y 12 o2 7 ii I.. ..rnmiTon 12 80 (i 45.NortliuiiiberUndJl2 51 a.m. n.m. W. Y. IIAI.SI KAll. Mini Superintendent's onice, !eranlon. Due. 10, 11,73. M. C. SLOAN & BR0 iti.ooi.siiuito, i'A, Manufacturers of Carriages, Btijgics, Fhaotons, Sleighs, i'l.ATl'Olt.M WAOONS.JtC. First-class v ork alwaj h on band. ItEPAIKIXU NEATLY DONE. Trlcci reduced to suit tbo times. .Jan. 5, 1577-tf The Columbian Law Docket, A complete record fcr the use of attorneys. Con veniently arranged for tlio docketing ot nllcaspi, containing 5(0 pages, with double Index. Tills Is tlio most complete book for law era t lint Is pub. Ilshcd. PEICE, $3.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of the Columbian, EriOOJvrsnTjna, 3? -a.. Decl-tt iSSfS E?.I.M.,'!.."ri KP-ffSl '.-., I... 7., mm f.. .'."'i ";".-i fcM tUtiMt '",", J1 vn, 7 L,..,i4 ,.Uil.4 kt "1 I '.H .1 -f V I...I, jr. '"i. " 'J"1 .'"". "4 '.1..M. lo bl. iV.rIt,:v.v. " l"""r - h-- ir.ur. ituit . cu. T. tTOCKaAfr, 17 BOH D STUEH', New Terls. Jan.,lHT-3ni jvvtco. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE ruicu OP PAINTS, OILR, liitcsiiEs,; JAPAN DltVEtl & rnnv. Strtcilyruitn WI1ITK .EADU cents per pound guaranteed equal to any In tho market, MONTOUIl WHITS LK.uTnt lo centa per pound, equal to any for durability, ' ' MONTOUIt SI.ATE PAINTS 8. 3 and 10 cents per pound, according to color, MONTOUIt MCTALLIomtoWN 8 cents perpound. Tbo best l'iru-1'roof iron Paint In the Market. MONTOUIt Mr.TALLIOmiovvNdry S and 3 conta per pound. Accordlngtoquantlty, Heat Quality of Paint Ilruslics nt low prices. PURE LINSEED OTT. wHf,r,,V,Lin.1.a,J?,lu".nt.l.tle?' "om tho . iubiuwi-m jiami . Pst japXn dryer. Acknowledged bjall our, leading Painters to be. All our goods aro guaranteed as' renri sented ann our ialut to tie grouuu in pure linseed oil orih2 monev refunded on demand. "n,icca . or the laSna 'r tam'"0 "rd aUd rrlco m ,Ul tclnn. HENRY 8. ItEAY, Doie iutinulucturcr. llUPJlRT, l'A. May 6. 'Tfl.-ly. TtllSfAPEIISKEPTON FILE 1 AT TUB? i r-r I tr hi mt utr iul uh, X 'l V VL-Sr -JSK Mil fSr llti?1 "tij",l:IUr m. 1-1.,1r. .1 733 Sason St, PHILADELPHIA. - rmuj uv unu i ieui(r unven mm lrom her at Jut and X 'OK SALS AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Bloousbubo, March 23, 177 At the Columbian Officjs f--N..V IVlU(l