The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 30, 1877, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN. 11 1 o o ji s ii u it o, r it in A v, jf Alien no. is;, Rail Koatt TIiiib TiiMo. LV'I'.AWANNA IILOOMHIIUMI llAILItOAl) NOIITTI. . 0.41 A.M. 7.3? A.M , M 1'. M. 0 to 1'. M. Bourn. 7.MA.M, 1.4? I1. M ll.CT A. .M Accommodation Truln, Mall Train . Express Train CATAWISHA ItAlI. UOAD. NORTH. coi'Tn .ccnmnodatlnn Train A. St. T.17 P. M. Uoj itar Exprcei 4.0 P.M. 11.3.1A.M. Tiirowrii earn on Express train either to Sew York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs lietwecn CatawUM anil Wllllamsport. In buslncM it Is ho who als who receive. Klwnril II. Clark is (pending hU Easter va cation at home. The next term of the Normal School will open on Monday, April 21. JihI step Into tho l'ost Oflico and ec If you know where yuti are. Who lamp chimneys are recommended for weak eyes. Tile advertiser pene rally liai the advantage of securing the fini call of p'ircliaer.. When people learned to read, advertisement became indi-peii'lhle to a lively bminess. Our thanks are due Hon. E. J. McIIcnry for a copy o. SninU's II ind liook for 1877. Tliu Iter. A. A. Marple of Scrantou will of' ficiiitjat the Kpicopal church this (Erielay) evening. Tneday It rained and Widne'diy it imovveil, and between llietwollie mud and flush ii somclliln.! Intolerable. Kverjbody will glailly hail the comitigof April. Fort I!i:n't, Oiio room, lt iloor helow I) V. Itolibini' lupior store. For further information apply to II. V. Kahler. J. K. Ilittin Winter & Co. have purclia-ictl n power prow. We are glad to see thN evidmce of their prosperity, and wiili them enecem. William Krtamer has moved his grocery and provision store to S-Mve'a bloik, on Main street, third door below Iron street. The -lmiTfcun, a new illustrated weekly pub lished In iw York at fcCO liroadway, improves with each iue. llev. S. C. llirtics formerly of llloomsburg his firewell eriuoii in Pot'sville on Sunday the IStli m-t. J II. Ixjng mid family expect to start for Iowa in a short time. We understand ihat they intend t J settle thtie pumancntly. The following naiuid gentlemen have hem amiointcil Postmasters for this Countv : E. W. JI. Low, Lime Itidge ; and 0. W. Low, Orange ville. The Kline hotel at llohr.sburg was destroyed by fire on Saturday morning of litt week. W have learned no particulars, There is said to be about S2,00O in-iiraiico on the building. All subscribers about to change their ie.i dfiiccs should notify us at once, so that proper changes may be made in our mailing lists.' It would also be n good time to send us money for arrearages on accounts. A bite from n rattlesnake is sometimes not tnore dangerous than a severe cough or cold. A well-merited reputation has Dr. Hull's Cough iiyrup, and this remedy is sold by nil druggists, Price iio cents. Fifty families have left Lyktns within n month brcau! thero is no work and hard limes. And yet Hayes has been declared President. We hope the BiiH'erers are the men who voted for him and the rotten Republican rule. Rev. C. K. Canficld, a former correspondent of the Record of the Times, and a gmtleman well known in this county, will take charge of the .Academy at Orangevillc, Columbia county. It -will be opened on the 16th day of April next, and we wish him jus, what he deserves sue' cesa. llecord of the Times. Thomas and Albert Harlman have opened a grocery and provision store in tho room lately -occupied by M. M. Russel. Capt. Johnson has .gone out of the business, having sold his stock to the above firm. They are young men o: jjood business habits, and deserve encourage' jnent. AVorkmen are busily engaged in removing tlie bodies of persons buried in the old Frcsby- terian grave yard on Third street. Many ghastly sights are brought to tho surface. Many people have visited the ground, and the children of the neighborhood are interested spectators On Saturday last three men from Mitllin township were taken to tho Wtlkes-Harrc jai on the charge of having broken into and rubbei the railroad station at Hicks' Ferry. The good taken wero not very valuable, and the tickets of course are worthless. Their names are Hen ry Fedder, Alfred Robluhood and William Reck. On Monday last Dr. W. H. Bradley took for rual possession of the llecord of the Times. Tho Doctor has the abi.ity and energy to edit and lo manage n first-class newspaper, and we havo no doubt that he will steadily improve the Timet and show an independence and fairness for which the nverage Republican organs are not conspicuous. Tho Shenandoah Herald does not like tl manner in which wo went for Its pet reporter And so in the absence of a nspcctablo answer, it calls tho Columbian a "dead-and-alive idieet." The Comimiuan has enough life about it to convince the people in this section that they ought not to patronize a paper that mis represents the county ns the 1 la aid has done. During the Hester trial over nine hundred Herald were sold hero dally, Now, since tho people have found out hat a windy sheet it is, there aro less than fifty disposed of daily in Vloomsburg, and that small number is glowing beautifully less. Another Kt:cr or two will close It out. To-day is Good Friday, the day recognized In Cnrl-thm hLtory as the time when our Lord ai crucified. This week, known ns Passion Week, is commemorative of tl e sullerings and trials of Christ, when Ho was mocked and scourged and spit upun, and condemned to death. To-day and to-morrow Ills body lies In the darkness of the tomb, but on Sunday morn liie, Kaster day, comes the joyous announce ment of His glorious resurrection, and an end of his earthly mission. St. Paul's Episcopal Church will be open on Sunday morning at half past six o'clock, when the moinlng servlco will bo read as far as the I iany, ThU time Is peculiarly appropriate, as it was early in thejmorning that Mary Magda lene vLlltd the sepulchre to find that the Lord bud risen from the dead. At half past ten ser vices will be contiuued beginning with the Llta ny and tnding wllh Holy Communion. At imi .' In ll.a bdL. .1 ...til e... - ....... - . ...v vTcMiug eiiceu will uo esrt vice ful 'he members of (,e Sunday School, to -which, eveihody la lurlttd. Mr. John It. Townseml lia tmrcii,ieel (Uo ropcrl of A. It. Paxlon on North Main ulrett. It U nJvcrltcd for rent In nnotlier column. 8rrantonlan, lnleail of dividing Luiorne count)', niccpiitnl in iltvlillnit tlivlr own iilv b.v leaving I'rnviiltiioe out. Mr. Shultz, of loin, Colnmbit county, lint received the e'otitracl for carrying tlio mill from I,initi.toiievillu to Milton slx'llim n week for S1S9 a year, tocommece on the 17th of July. The illttanco H 12 miles. The liorongh and township officers', (except clionl directors,) chosen at the recent election. will enter iixn llielr dnlh on the lirt Monday n A HI. School dlrtctnrs will inter upon their luties on thu first Mondiy In June. Samuel M. Ihrlon has been appointed post. maslir for llkesbirre, to succeed Stewart 'eirce. Mr. Ilirton has been emploned In the Wllkeshirre post oflico for sixteen vear. and is appointment Is In pursuance of the new civil service policy. Washington township, Snyder county, has two grandmothers aged 43 and GO years : two gnat grand mothers nged C.1 and 07 yearsj a grent'great grandmother nged 87 years, and a grandfather aged -11 years, nil re"!ding upon t lie same farm. The ro ids have been In such a condition for several days that the omnibus could not run be tween hero and Rupert. Olrton has been using a spring wagon. This piece of road is alwayB in bid c6ndillon lit this season, and something ought to be done to obviate this. Prof. I. W. Xlles, thegreat musician, will take up lus resilience in bunuury in April, and with his family, aided by the choir of the hurch, Intends giving a concert of vocal and lnti omental music for the benefit of the Re form church, on the 17th day of April. Prof. Niles Is a musician of great prominence, and a rich treat nny he expected. Further notice will be given indue time. Sunbury Ameri can. There was a strong desire to hear the address of Col. C. O. Jack'-on last night, as he is known in this city and regarded as a speaker of far more than average interest. Rev. J. II. MrUarrnh, of Rerwiek, who is at tending conference, is suffeiing severely from tho tfiVcts of having a heavy window comedown on his head some time since. Gazette tfc Jlulle' tin. 11 persons are hereby notified ihat they are rupiired to remove all ash heaps and rubbish of any kind about their premises in tha streets or alleys of the Town, as soon as the weather permits. If this is not complied with it wi be done by the Street Commissioner at their expense. D. Lovi:sm:ii(i. President of the Town Council. March 23 3w. William Webb, an old and respected .ilizcii of Rlo'iinsburg, died at his residence on Mou dav morning last, Mr. Webb was an Kn- gli-hm-in by birth. He emm lo this country many years ago, anil was always known as nc honest and upright min. He leaves a large circle of relatives and acquaintances to muoin Ills loss. The funeral took place at the lCpisco- pal church on Wednesday afternoon last. Moving day is cloe at hand. To morrow and Monday will be busy times for those who luvo to change their placo of residenc. will not be long before the house cleaning feier will attack the good house wives, and then the stoves come down and the carpets come up, and men feel there is no place like houie, except just Ihen, when very urgent business requires their attention elsewhere. Arthur Clearhart, a soldier of the Mexican and of the last war, was buried at Danville on Sunday last with the honors of war in Gear hart's Cemetery. He was almost fifty-two years of age or fifly-ono years, eleven months and fifteen days. With u single exception he was the last survivor of tho Columbia Guards, that went to Mexico. He also served for more than three years in the lato war for the Union Ilia funeral was largely attended. Public Vres3. JJei'kniuntsi as YUTNiisSEis. i lie gover nor has signed an net which provides that in the trial of all indictments, complaint and oil. cr proceedings against persons charged will the commission of crimes or offenses, excc the crime of homicide, in ony court ofcrinii nal jurisdiction, the person bo charged shall at his own request, but not otherwise, be deemed n competent witness, but his or her neglect. omission, or refusal to testify shall not create any presumption against him or her, nor shall any reference be made to, nor shall any com ment be made upon such neglect, omission, or refusal by counsel in the case during the trial of the cause. FIRST NATIONAL HANK, Ui:niv:cK, Pa, March 8 1S7 Kditors Columbian : In your issue of la-i week you say : "Tho First National will close soon, lack of business is the cause," Please say in your next issue, that the bank will not close, and that its business and pros perity is second to none of like capital. Respectfully yours S. C. Jayne, Cashier. We gladly insert the nbove communication, and are pleased to learn that our luforman was in error. So many banks are closing be cause their business is not remunerative, tha we the more readily published the iufortuii lion. An Ashland boy was sent lo Ceutralia to look for work, and not finding employment he returned home, where ho was stripped naked by Ills parents, bis hands tied behind his back while his father wllh an iron poker am! hi mother with a leather strap which had a buckl at the end of it, beat him until the bleed ran down upo n the floor and pieces of the boy's bleeding flesh stuck to the poker and tho strap. Some of the neighbors, in response to the screams of the lad, forced an entrance into the house and compelled the parents to ele'sist from the brutal treatment of their child, A whip ping post, with a hundred lashes on the bare back, would scarcely bo adequate punishment for such fiends in human shape as these. l't,ttmile Standard. ltHMKMIlEIt THE l'OOH. At a meeting of the St. Paul's congregation held after service on Monday evening to take steps toward the relief of the needy, Mr. John A. Eunston wos elected Chairman. The object of the meeting was briefly stated Ly-Geo. K. Elwcll,and the following committee-of relief was chosen, K. R. Drinker, Edwin Townsend, Geo. E. Klwell, Mrs. M. il. Clark, Miss A. D. Webb, Mrs. Wm, Klwell and Miss Annie Ilea dershott. The committee met and appointed E. It, Drinker Chairman and Geo, E. Klwell Secretary and Treasurer. Collections were, tak en up every night this week at services, for the pour. It is not expected that relief cm be given lo every fa nilly that is not supplied with all tho comforts of life. Tho object Is to provide for those who are unable to obtain work, and who are suflering for food ond clothing. The other congregations of the town are invited to cooperate with St. Paul's church relief com- mlllee. Persons knowing of needy families will please report them at Ihe Coluuman of fice, or to any member of the committee. Con tribution! of clothing will be received at Miss A. I). Webb's store, and money contributions may be liandcil to the Treasurer. Those need Ing assistance can apply to any member of the committee. THE COLUMBIAN AND SC. OAliniKL'S'. The new Kplcopal Church at Colo's Creek, i ..... ....... mini on tne "tied what was so long known as the"Old Log Church," Is now finished, except ' painting, and morever, d.Miiiu the fears of some, slid Ihe In pes of olio - is MM for. It is a shining (X.uuplo of what cmrgyaud teal will accomplish, even when the laborers re few and poor. The church was humed on Palm Sunday, April 0 1S70 A vestry was elected on Lister Monday, April tlio 17. The comer stone1 of the nqw building was laid Msy 2.1. Tho first service was held In th'e church Thanks civ- lug Day, November 30 and tho IlUhop of tho Diocese will consecrate tin" church lo Its holy purposes on Tuesday, .May 1 1S7. It was truly a labor of hve, and lhoo who had the enterprise In hand nny falrlr be con gratulated on their splendid success. T o entire cost of the building is stated at about $2000 Of this about $00 was from tow , ndlviduals in Ithmm-burg, mid about 100 from persons at a distance, Rsgular services arc held in the new church, the Parish being under the chargo of the Rev, Mr Harding uf Athens, who has appointments also at Dnshore and Lipnrtc, ItOLt, OK 110X011. The following name 1 pupils were neither tar dy nor absent during the month ending Mar. lo77 at Catawissa sehools. Jfoom Ao. 1. Diniel Ktiimm, Charles Krumm, A. S. Manhardt, Joseph Wright, Freddy Frederick, Clare Huffman, Charles 11. S...ith, Lora Stjcrs, John Waller, William Thomas, Henry Uillingor, Rtittain Lrwine-, James Keeliel, Stanley Kills, Nannie Gilbert, Alice Harman, Annie Arnold, Katie Kesller, Fannie Keller, Gertie Lulu lie, Annie Illle, Lydi.i John, Kiltie Reifsnyder, Lucy Chris uim, Cora Selimick, ltessie Witman, Kill Ree- der, Cladia Uule. T. P.. Mll.i.r.n, teacher. Hoom A'o 3. Annie Mnru, Susio Walter, Lizzie Marks, Suzie Schmick, Kddie llarluijn, Fannie Mostcllar, John Metr, Reuben Orange, Klsnorlh Mensch, Joe Reif-nydtr, Cli is. Mos tcllar. I'mma Ci.AUK, teacher. Roam Ad. 4. Irene Sears, Lillie Walter, Dollie Mosleller, Lillie Wheallv, Uessiu St i- ille-r, Sidie Long, Hattie Metz, Mary llolliug'. he'ad Allie Helwie', Allie Former, Lultic Jacoby, Junle It illy, John Lewis, Albert Y.f ter, Clinton Long, Harry Doeliler, lieorge Frederick, Daniel Mench, Harry Munch, Gus, Hollingslicad, George Mench, Frank Keller, John McCoy, Geoive Dir.itt, Hilly 1 isher, Sta dey Jones, George Harder. Mi-s Katk Mnens ami Lima 11. SNYI)i:u, tiaelieis. Till: NEW .TAIL. For two weeks past the Court House h is been the scene of considerable excitem nt. Th.1 oc casion of this was the fict that the County Com missioners have deti'rmined to proceed at once with Ihe erection of a new prison, and this brought lb 1 arel'iUe Is nt.d i ontrn. ti- in from all rpi ir.ers. Several dill'.rc'it plan wi re sub initio! for the approval of tin1 ( Vininiis.ion'Ts, one hv Mr. X"sbit of I.ei-hug, aii.i'her by Mr Wetzel of Danville, anolln-r hv Mr. Prbc of Wilkis-Ilaire', ami another by a geiuhui m fiom Montro-e'. Kaih of he pre-entid attrie tive fedures, and as the niigii.alor explained the dillerent peiint- of li's plan, each one seemed lo bo Ihe bet. The Cumiiii-sioiier-, however, were unable to acjee, and for the pnrpu-e of as-si-ting thini in their di-i'i-ion a number of me chanics and builders were called together on Friday last to examine the several plans and express their views as to whiih was the hc-t for Ihe purpo-es of Columbia county. The commit tee voted in favor of Mr. Wttrel by a ballot of seven, to one for Mr. Price'. This decision was nit adopted by the board of Commissioner", some of them alleging tli at they knew nothing about such a committee, anil hail no voice in the selection of it, ami therefore would not be governed by its report. Up to this time (Thurs day) no plan has been udopteil, but tho Com missioners will meet next Monday and it is likely that the epicstion will besettled at that tiruo PIIOCEEUINGS Ol' TOWN COUNCIL. An adjourned meeting of the Council was held on the evening of March 1 tth, at the Council room. All present except K. R. Drin ker who was kept away by sickness. Minutes of la-t regular meeting were read and approved. A communication was received from S. C. Siiivo protesting against the removal eif a porch which extends into Iron street. Or dered to be filed. Hills of Geo. A. Clark for stationery, and of Geo. Reiswick for horse bile lo attend road view were allowed. Proposals were received from several persons for remov ing the dead from the Presbyterian burial ground on Third street. Tho contract was awarded to John K. Giilon for the sum of sev enty five dollars, Ihat being the lowest sum proposeel Notices wero ordered to be given to certain parties on Last street to make sidewalks in front of their premises within ten days, Mr. Kltrell from the committee on widening Centre street along the Lutheran burial grounds reorted the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Jones and Mr. Knorr, was adop ted, as follows: Jlrwhrd. That tho Town Council of the Town of Bloomshurg accept the proposition made by tho consistories of tho Lutheran and Reform congregations of Rlooms burg on the 2nd day of May 1S73, with the following specifications to wit, llmt the said consistories consent to throw out sixteen and a half feet from First street to Ridge alley on the side of Centre street for the use of tho public, the Town to be nt the expense of opening Ihe same, removing tho old fence, and rebuilding a new wooden fence as good as the fence on the other three sides of the burial ground, securing the bank by sloping and sodding il, and laying a stone pavement j the said conisorie.s lo keep the walk, fence and bank in repair thereafter. The committee was Instructed to lay the reso lution before the consistories for their consider ation and report the result at the next meeting of Council, on the 27th Inst. March 27ih Council met pursuant to adjourn ment. Cards aro still played nt tho White IIouso thoueli the allmeinents of dravvpoker play ed with all its pristine) ferocity do not fd-ci-nate our pastoral President, who delights rather in the moro innocent excitement of "old maid" and "beggar my neighbor." Tho other evening they were making up a patty, but had only secured three players, when ono of their immbcr called heedlessly and perhaps innocently to Mr. Hayes: "Mr. Hayes, shall wo count you in?" An awkward silence ruccccded, and Mr, Hayes turned as red as fire, but Mr. Schtirz seated himself at tho piano aud played some selec tions from tho "Ilattlo of Prague" and di verted tho attention of tho company till Senator Stanley Matthews und Mr. Charles Eoster hul removed tho unfortunate in dividual and crucified him. AViff Yuri World. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The scene presented during tho lato Inau guration was an niiiuinted one. The stylo of dress worn by tho members of both Hous es consisted of every conceivable, stylo of Fashion aud it was. not necessary to look through blue ylau to Beo the best titling suit. I), Lowenherg having just returned from New York is now prepared to ttipply the Public with the latest novelties in Gents' Wear, His Goods are First-class, vvhilo his garments are made up in City Style aud can uot ba excelled. Cull and sco the latest siyles aud select your Spring Suits at I). LOWENBEIta'S. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, Ur.Shlloli's System Vltnllior. We nrn fltitlinrlztel In punrrintMe thU mm. cdy for tho cilreofDyspepsIn, Inactive! er'.Sotir Stomach. Conciliation. Lo. of An petite, Cuming tip (if rood, Yellow .Skin nnil U moral languor iiml D. liillty. You iiiiit nckniHvMud tint! tills would be mill tm unless we had positive evidence thiit it will cure. You who nrn suffering from these" couiidnlnts llitse wolds lire wldrcssed and will you continue to sufl'er when ytui can be cuieil on such terms? It i for joii to determine. Simple bottle 10 rents; reg ular size 7(5 cents. Sold by O. A. Klelni and N. J. lleiidcrshctt. fiO.Ono die annually by neglecting a Oouuh, Cold or Croup, often lending to Consumption nud the grave. Why will you neglu't so important u matter, when you can get nt our atom Sbiloh's Coiusiiinplioii eure, wiiu me nssuriuice ol a speedy recov ery. I'or soreness ncross tho Chest or Lungs or lino- Rack or hide, Shiloh h Porous Phut-r gives prompt relie f. Sold by C. A. ivleiui nud X. J. lleiidershott. Il.iekmclack, n popular nud fragrant per fume Sold by C. A. Klciin mid N. J. Hen- dershott, Alarcli 30, ( i-eow What a blessing to the poor would ho su-'h a wholesome purifier nr. 1 preventive of contagion ns Glenn's Sulphur soap could It b" ilitrlliuted among them. Why don't Rome philanthropist net on this hint. De pot, Crittcnton's, No, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair nnd Whisker Die. black or brown, CO tts. March. Business Notices NEW GOODS AND GHKAT IlEDUC- TION IN PRICKS, AT LUTZ & SLOAN'S. Read a few of their prices : Rest Cnticoi's, S cents, per yard ; less by thu bolt. Wide Percales, 12J cents a yard. Rleached and unbleached .Muslin, yard wide, 8 cents n yard. Appletein "A" Muslin 8 cents a yard by the bolt. Hill bli'.iched 10 cents by tho bolt. Fruit of the Loom, bleached Muslin, 11 cents a yard by the bolt. Illack Alpacas, '2i cents to il a yard, llliick Gros Uralu Silk, $1.12 to $2 a yard. A full line of black and colored trimming Silk-, cut on the bins. Plaid, plain and fancy Dress Goods, a l.n go (is-oi-iincnt ill rediici'd price's. Ladies' Shawls, large size, 75 cents to $20 cadi. Striped Skirts 75 cents to ?1.00, Stripi'd Skirting 1(1 to 22 cents a yard Iidicn' Hose 8 to 130 cents a pair. Gents' hall Hose .i t) 30 cents a pair. Ladies' Gloves 15 to 80 cents a pair. La die's' Kid Gloves 00 cents to $1.75 a pair. Ladies' Linen Handkerchief 8 to50 cents White Goods a full line very cheap. All linen Table Cloth 35 cents to $1.25 a yard. 1 1. t 1 urUey Kid lahle Cloth, all linen, co lor -u.iir.i. .( i -1 to be fat, 'JO cents a yard, Host quality imported Gros Grain Silk liinbous, No. 4 for 8 cents, No. C for 12 cents .S i 7 I- r lo I'ents, .No, U lor 20 cents, No, 12 for 25 cents a yard. Cotton Plaid Sash Ribbons for children's salu's 12 cenls a yard. A large assortment of Hamburg Kmbroi dcrics I cents to J2.50 a yard. li kinds of Cor-el". 35 e'enls to $1 15. Cork (r"i'K something entirely new and g'l.ii'iitiici d i. give Mitislaelinn, as there are no bones lo break, and lames wearing them s-'cak of them in the highest terms. Try one and be coiivince'el, 1 each. In addition in the above lit they have al mo-t i.e rvthing in the Dry Goods line and will give you llin lowest possible price on liu'iii. . All they ask is for von to bring vnur crsh and they will satisfy you that you get the worth ol vnur mom v. "Down to Hard P Molvinnev's. m" Roots and Shoes a You can buy cheap at Knorr' this week. Caldwell's last Hour prows to bo the best ever brought to town, so .Mr. Jacobs says and ho should know. Thnte wishing bread of the flour can get it at J. F. Caldwell's under Dr. Ilower's Dental Rooms, FOR SALE. A new Truck Wagon. In ipiiroof John W. Gibbs, Ironstreet, Rlooms burg. $1.25 Foxed Gaiters at McKinney's. FOR SALE Oil RENT. A house and lot situated on Main street, Rloomsburg, Apply at V. Lowcnberg's Store. Mar lC-4w Mrs. Milton Charles, Exchango Block.has just received a lot of delicious Milwaukee and Cincinnati! Reer to which s,ho asks tho attention of lovers of a good article. Tho beat of alo and beer always on hand. "Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinneys. Prcttv Suits for Little Roys, bchool Suits for Youths, Neat Suits for Children, Late in Style, low in Price at D. Lowenberg's. Harman & llassert aro selling Plows and plow repairs at panic prices. Don't fail to gtvo them a call. jlaach 30-lw Ifand-mado Shoes, at McKlnney's, An lino of Neck Wear just re ceived at 1). Lowenberg's. linrpains at Knorr's. Selling all stock in his lino at cost this week. Spring Hats, just received at O. Lowen berg's. Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes at McKimiey's. selding'a'Fcost at E. JI. KNOEU'S From March 2Gth to March 31st, Saturday evening. Ilargains for all. A brick house and lot on Centre Btreet for sale. Inquire of I. S. Kuhn. Heady-inado Clothing to suit Everybody, good aud cheap at D, Lowenberg's. COAL. COAL (IM Kstiililislird Coal Yard. C. W. Nkal eS: lino., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in all sizes ot the best qualities o( Keel and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest m:u ket rates. Haveconstautly ou hand largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmith's Anthracite, Ilituminous, and Limeburner's Coal. Especial attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchanuo icr coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town at short notice. Orders felt at I, W, McKelvy's tore', or at our olliie, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William & Sons I urnace, East liloomsburg. i'our patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 tf 25 COAL Havo you tried Klrby'a WildClierry Cough IlaUam f A very palateable compound tor the various affections oltho throat and lungs It has been used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and In many cases effecting a pernament cure. Price 61) cents per bottle aud positively warranted to give cntiro satisfaction c r money refunded. Kirby's Magic Itelief for the Instant cure of severe and acute pains, Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and t-llcctiinl. Kirby's Horse and Cattle rowders are tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and be convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped hands. Gill's Uillious and Liver Pills are recom mended bv the first Phvslcians. The above preparations aro for Bale hy all ll !. 1 .11 1 ,. ' 4Jiugiska auei uvuicra lu uieeucino, MOYEll lIllOTilllRB, July 21,76,-ly Wholesale Agent JOU PHINTINO OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N executed promptly At tub Columbian Office Tlio World's tliolce. A Centennial fiictrion. Competent judges representing the clvlllml people of Iho wor.d sppointiil for the knowl nine of pi in ubir n I ' r sciences, convened nt I'lillaiieipiiui lo; six inohdis to decide upon the- couiparallw niciit of tin various intentions of mankind, awarded to the manufacturers of lien- son's Cspclnc Porous Pla-i. r, nfn r a careful test and conipan-oii o: Uin i. mailable remedy with oroinary p nc n- ai o 'in r kinus ol pla-ters, (lie i . . ... ... . . . highest and only mniil, nbovo all foreign and aiuerican loiiipiinors, on Hie giound of its suir priority over other plasters, and Its wonderful p.iln relievliistrengthenlng and tu ridive pioperlies. Remember that this decision ve is made by four praiiii al and "killed physi cians, Remeuibi r lb il no ni'simm was nl lowest lobe exhibiii'd mil., i.-niumia' Krim-mler when jou are siifh rine- I'oni ah'.' m h eir pain that lien- msCanelne I'lntcr is the htl remedy ever levised for all external diirii ullios. SBMHIIVt.lollNSON, Tu iniiiCTDncAL UiimtsTS, Jf, Y. May 1!), '7(1 ly. DUIfflOWS CAI'I l.N'i: l'OIIOt s PLANTKK9, A greatlinpruvement on ordinary poro a p'astcrs. RF.LIKVIs PAIN AT ONCK. Tin: iiest atrengthcnln!? Plaster Known. CTIIKS (JVICKLY Itheuiratpni, Neurolida, i-uine nun MeaK lineic, Sct.itlort, Lumbago, .phial and Kidney I'omr-latnts, all aclies and pains of a local nature. Sold ci ere. w tieie. I'rlco 23 cents. Slay 19 Td'-ly MUAHUIlY .IOIINSoN, 1'liiruMceutlcal L'liemlsta, N.Y. PUUI 10 NOTICE. Tho public is hereby Informed that thev can obtain tho latest styles at lowest prices in all kinds of Spring Clothing.School Suits for Roys, Pretty Suits for Children, Nobby ftuits lor louths, an ol the latest styles and at the lowest prices at I). Lowcnberg's. U. I'. KUNKKL'3 llITTKlt WINE OF IKON. This truly valuable tonic has been so tlioroucUly tested ley all classes or tlio community that tt Is now deemed Indispensable as a touts medicine. It costs but little, purines tho blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates tlio bj stein and prolongs lire, tier) body should lisle It. Tor tho cure or weak stomachs, general dohllty, Indigestion, diseases ol the btomacti, and for all cases requiring a tontc. This wine Includes the most agreeable andentclent saltot Iron we pusscss-cttr.ilu ot magnetic oxide combined wltn Ihe most energetic ct vegetablo ton ics jellow l'e i in Ian lurk. Do jou want something to strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? Do j ou want to get ltd ol niriousness ? Do you want energy ? Dojou want to sleep well? Hu j ou want to build up our constitution? Dj jou want To feel well? Dojou wan a brisk nud vigorous feeling? lr jou do, trv Kunkel's r.liler Wlno or Iron. I only ask a trial or mis v atualde tonic. Iteware or i I'uiti rti Us, us Kunkel's Hitter Wlno or Iron Is the onij sure and umcdy In the known vvoi Id ror tho permanent cure or etjspepsla and debility, aud as there n re a number or Imitations offered to the public, I would caution the coTmunl tj to urctiaso none but tho genuine article, manu factured b i:. r. Kunkel, a d having his stump on ttiecorkorcverylmuu'. Tin wry r.eet thatolhers are attempting lo Imitate this valuable remedy proves Its wurt'.i.anJ speaks votum.s in lis favor. Sold only In fi b tu.,... -i. botiles ror f.-. Trythts valuable lie dli'lue uinl oe convinced ot Its merits, sold by driigijhis o d dealt r.s t . rywheie, TAPE WOilM liEMUVni) ALIVE. Head and all com; leie, luiwohours. Noreollll head p.isse-s. s-e-d, pin and stomach worms removed bj br. Kimkt I, ijn Norm Ninth streel, Philadelphia, I'a. send fur clicunir w hh a treatise on all kinds ot worms, advice free. Ask jiur elruggl-t lor a Itotile of Kunkel's u oi in sjiup, which lll dotneworm Price 1 It never tads t.i remove all kinds, rrok. children or grow n its. ms. Mi eel luis b 1th It. JyTEW STOl K OF CLOilll.VG. AND Gentlemen's Di-jbh Goods DAVID LOWENI1ERG lnvltesattentlontohlj large andclegantstock Cheap anfl FasliionaWe CMMi at his store on' MAIN STItEET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, I)LOO.M.sUUl;(l, l'A whero ho has J ust received from New York and mil, adelphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludliiff tlio most fashionable, durable and iiauoaumd smE&s GOODS, iCO.N'SIhTI.NO OP IJOX SACK, FllOChT, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS. OP ALL SOUTH SIZES AND t'OLOKS, no has also replenished his already large stock or CLOTHS AND CASSLMEItES, STKIPED, FIGURED , AND PLAIN VESTS, SillltTS, CltAVATS SOCKS, t'OLLAHS, IIANDKEItCIIIEKS, OLOVE3, ISUSPBNDEItS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment of Olotha and Vefitinga, which he Is rrvparcd to maka to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short nottco, and In tho best manner, AU his clothing Is made to wear and most ot It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHHS AND JEWELUY, OF EVEltV DKSCltUTION, FINK AN DC UK A P. HIS CASH OF JEWELUY IS NOT SOltPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &o. DAVID LOWENDERG. 1.TJ-U. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, XJ-OTICK. isotlce Ii hereby given that ipplleallon will bo mdljatihneu ninUug or lliu lieiarn rt Pardons Tor the pinl'.n or Hanum lioir .rr, seiilcnccd at FcU ruary 1 erni, lb7o, for mauslautrliu r. . . A, O. B.MIT1I SON, Mar 4,3r IN imrsuance of tin order of Delano C Cal Mn, Hsij , surrogate ot the County or N'cw York:, iiieo ism nny riven w nil in'rwns Hating claims against rimriolie i:yer, latoof Cnluwlss-a, l-ennsjls. ...... h'V" w ...l iw-isvil-, IIHSIIIir laiili. bid leaving awets within thnelty and county of Newortc, deceased, lo present Ihe samowiih uin-iiem iiit-retu ui iiir suuse'riocr, ai ins omce. No. us Wall street. In lime Hyor New YorX, en or tiiroro tlin eighteenth day of .1 line nett, lsj'ated, New York:, the (seventh dayot December, ritEDRHICK O. IIAYEMKYKtt, I)ecl5-cm rxecutor. 7?.E(JeJTOH'.H NOTICE. J,J kstvtf or niKitii. nrNKiMiER, nnc'D. Letters Testamentary on the (.8'jde ot Daniel Hen ntinre r, hit.- or ik'aver township, ( oiumM.i county, deee ised, luie been erratili'd hy tlio HezMeror said cointy to.ioiui lleiihliigeraud ilhleon Nnss.ot Hea ver township, Co uinhl.i county, Kxrc'itnr, to whom nllnerseitis isnvwo; are riiui'stcil lorn ike pavment, and those iHvUigi'inliiisiirdt mnndsagaliislllie said estate will make them known to tnetald LxecuUirs T.lthtjutelelaj'. .1011V HllNNINOEIl, . UIDEON M'sl, .March e r.w' Uxecutors. uniToirs notice. In tho matter nr the account of John McAnall, Ex ecutor ot Hannah llalrJ, elc'ccased. The undrrvlgticd auditor appointed by tho Court lo distribute tne balance In tlio hands of tho Hxecu loisor said ilect-a-t-il to and among llin persons cntltl d to the same, will aili inl to the dudes or Ids npixdnt jnent at tho e.nieo of M. L .lackson s Son, In Herwtek.on Saturday, April 14. ls"7, at lo o'clock a. in. when and when; all persons aro hereby notliled to make Lnonntnclrelalm before, the Auditor or be debarred from coming In on said rund. ,, , i uiLLsiKYnrt, March 23,-lw. Auditor, AIJ.UIXI.STIt.VTOIt'S NOTICE. EST1TK OK ANDRKW I1INULEJ, DEC'D. IMters ot Admlnlstratlon.on Iho estate of Andrew (llngles, late or .Main twp, Columbia ('ounty, dee'd. have be'en granted by the Register or said county to tlio underslgucd administrators or Columbia Co.,ra., to whom all persons Indebted to said Estate, aro re quested to mako payment, and thoso having claims against the said estato w III make them know n to the said administrator without delay n. t: zAitn, woomsburg. W. T. SIIUMAN, Main iwp , Administrators. March sal-eiw.- t?xi:clitou's notice. Tj istitk or oroMii ArrLiMiv, nEcrtsm. Letters Tcstanifiitory on the estate) or cieorgo Ap nleman. Iab3 or Oramre townshln. Columbia ennntr. deteased, have been giante . by the lteglster ot said county to (ieorge W. Appleman, of VVelllversvllle, Columbia county. I'a.. Kvecutor. to Whnm nil tut. ssons Indebted aic requested to make pa) mcnt, and eiiosu niving uemanos sginsi tne saia estatovvui mako them known to the said Kxecutor w Ithout de-la5'- . ULU1HJK VV. AITLF.MAN, March lD-Ow Executor. I UDITOU'S NOTICE. " KSTITK OP THOMAS VBT, DECKASEP. Tho underslened auditor annolnte.l lo rilstrlhotn runds In tho hands or tlio Administrator among parties entitled thereto will meet all persons Inter esteJ, tor tho purpose or his appointment, at lo o'clock a. m. on Wednesday, April 11, lsio, at the or flceot Knnk Waller, in Illoomsburg, when and wliero all persons having claims against the said es- t lie aro requested to prevent the same lipforn Ihe Aiilllor, or ho debarred rrom coming In for a share of said Hind. N r.VIN U. FPNK, March Ic-Cw Audlwr. rillliS IS TO OIVK NOTICB that on the 13th 1M1 Ur -MAKU1I, A. D., 1S77, a w arrant In Hankruptcy was Issued fiRalnst the es- iiiis: in risriier, eti lIloomuurr, e oiuinuia I'ouiity. reiinsvlvanlo. who his Ih.iii ii'iimii-Hri n V.akrunt on Idsonn nctlllon: that the navment or nny dehu and delivery ol any property ti'liiuplnir lo sii'h Uunkruiit, in hl:u or for h's use, and ihulrans- ler or ony litortriy ny mm are roibldlen bylaw. 1 hat a mecftn : of Ihe creoltirs or said Itankriipt lo prove I heir debts, and one or moi e iissU'n eesor his estate will lie ln'ld at a ourtor liunkiupi ey, tolieiv-Mut the llti'iianra Hotel, Iiluomburg, 1'eun', eioro mivvakiin vv ILLMili. lteu later, ou the 1th day of Aprd ls77 at 11 o'clock u. in. JOHN HALL, U.S. Marshal. March 23, 1S7T.2W District "ourto. emtio United Stales, 1 t(.f .he Mn 11 nkrupt- Western I)lstrjct or I' J cy. In tho matter of Nthfinlahlteecc, Bankrupt. WlSTEKK DlSThlCT 01' l'E.NNSV LV.VMA, M : A Warrant In liaLkmntcy has been Issued hy said Court against the i;siaic ct eheinlah Keeeeotino County of Columbia ond statu or l'ennsjlvsida iu sold L'Mrlct, ndiuoped llsukrupt upetn tstltton or Ids Creditors, and tho pajm'-nt or any debts ond the delivery of 01 y propertv belonging tosaid Hank nipt, to him or to Ids ue. and ih transfer of any nioiieriy ov mm are ruroifnen oy law. a meeuni: et the Creditors ot tald llankrupi lo prove their urois unu eitce.i-e one or meio asM(:iiies oi iiiaf- holrten nt Woomsburi: in bald District, on the 4th day or Anrll. A. I).. Is77. at lo o'clock a m.. at the iuie. vmii oe ueia ai a eoure oi ojuhiu oes-j. iu ue- nAeiianire lioiel, Deioro 1:. vv u.i.siei), oncoi luo Jiek-i&iers in naakrupicy ei l-aia insini e, JOHN HALL, March 23, '"7-2W U. S. Marshal tor tald DUtrlc t. ROLLINS & HOLMES, have removed to Evans Block, Main Street. Extra heavy Tin Wire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description manufactured by Rollins & Holmes Galvanized Iron Cornice designed and manufactured by Rollins & Holmes, ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES thebest and most economical in the market, Rollins & Holmes, RANGES, Tho BAESTOW ELEVATED Oven Ennge, the LION and EM PRESS Portable Ranged have no equal. Rollins tt Holmes. STEAM. Public and private buildings leated by steam. A variety oi' Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings, constantly on hand. Rollins & Holmes. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly dono Rollins tt Holmes. Feb 1, TT-tf "7"ANTE1). MII.LWRKJIIT. AN AC . . 'nVEi KNTKlll'ltlSINIl SUN to act as Afi ut In Columbia county for the Keilik Jlinousus Pu Hii'iKK, to whom uUberul commlsilon vvlhtwraid, Addrcas, ' Il.II.7.IMUEItMi.Nl:CO., Much tj. iin-rsw" Wesua(tal P A Dauohy Be Co'h. Advt'w. ao i.A.niKs rAvmitTK fAimi nil m vies with name 10 els. 1'ostpo.ld, J, II. misted, Kaiusau, Hens. l!0.,N. y. March n'jn-iw d 1 r cuup MttMC, nn will aitree to riistrUmt-v wins) of our fir- irs, we e III send you arfliluvlo IN (HLT end a 10 natre. M oolnmn lllnstrats-l inner i t.r-r. iu! a uiunuis iuuite, iv urniA eo uny iroiuxc. Atf. ids wauled. Iti: . UALL Co., Hoston, Mass. March 80, 'It-ivy d r i: ir h i x u WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANOKHOCS. USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, a suro remedy rorcorons, and all dlei,oi of tho TIIKKAT, LI MIS, UI1K-ST und JlfeOCJ MKH 1I1HNB. Pur up only in 'iluo boxon. Ml. .11 IIV ALL DlttOIIISI'S. o N. cut i I'RvroN ; sixth Avenue, Now York. March 0, IT In 11 Oonn A Month. uiKvis WANTKD nn our Vvni i hi ilir.Kiim:T $2 hooks. iio storyof vv itomtwmitj.., XVrcssroarn a full at't'oiint er this lire it Mvslery, wmt' n hv his I'ntlier, i nts lioWiistin i'ruoc in thrllllnjt Interest, Ihtilllmtrnted IIAVD-Ilooit to all Iiei.mio.vs, a Com plet't Ati'oiiiituf -jdl denominations an 1 M'fts. ooo Illustrations. Also the ladles' medical guide, hy I)r, i'ancoivi, i'i Illustrations. 1 hese iKiokssell ut sieht. Male and remain Aerctits coin money on them. Par ticulars rree Coplisbj luall ts eih. John V.. rot ter 4: Co., I'ldla. March 21, 'JT-lw d TliUORAflVBlUSINESF SST'lVi! tvatil SOO morn Ilrs1-clasi Scwltic; riiifiiitio .Afjenl. anil .100 iie'ii ol' cae'i'B5 ami aldtlf)- t I I'll I'll SIlC llUtillCNl iif'Ni'lIliicr St'.W. ItlK lllllfilllU'N. C'ottipuiiNiilloii lllii'i nl, (ml varylnir stccordlnc; lo ability, character a a el qualllica tleniH of lliu Agent. Tor jiartic.i lars, ndtli cms Wikon Sewing Machine Co., Chicago. 827 k 6!9 IlroRdwa) , Now York, or New Orleans, La. March 30. 77 4vv d TAKE KOTTCE. hftta in Inrgeit fttiel bt Illn HMilnncrr i'ddmp-J In tl M oriel. It oonuica U Alieaii of tier, in ootbI- rp.pnctl,pnhrleljr,(rolJn pon,ael pw f tiubl Jwlry. Coriip,etiRinplprwknc, with eloffun t nald platM lrs btittom. nrl IftJio' f tut de m able lanry Ht,pin n4 flroii.iwit rUi, 2S mnta B pckarc. with mHortl Jaw If 1 8 I iJ-j' I rtenfttr tvtw tm to all Afcnntl. tnwmiitms. THIL01T) C01ID1KATI0V. dlhliri ft ft Irocll.l ealioldertno Pon,Lrai.t.r,rviikrir,l.i'v nrn opnr, l'-.rt;mtrr Iltihber, stwlng Vlnchl'19 ThM Ciillrr. and r.r nir.(.n brum.. Ciltlnoff una E.ri BU1U.IIS. I milnj. IH.iti, It hint, fommon pencil. Is !. II J nlckol rlalja, Mill -Tt 1 l.t IIMItns. iionti lira jolnlnK ninniy and My It U tlifl le-t allliir artm a nut. f ainpla 23 t'nu, six for 0 1 , ratraardluanr InHmBli eo egeni- PfM for putupm hnlfaoijn can.asi your .-. ii,.uco.e.u,, yoo uroauvYay, ri. y, y STATIONEaY rjeitAnrs, and SIX rt If tiaMOVIieoUl IVATIOS lor f U)n ,A UOLLAI1S. QBIDI--&CO.V & 739 Broadway, Now YorK MareUSft, 77 -lw d POUOV-IIOLDERS OP THE ymiDefllallSEcruiiyJlew teyLife And other doiibtrunNsiltANCKCOMPANII-S TAKI3 NOTICK THK NKW KaMiLAXI) MUTUAL (Chartcrci! lfi) ofTers iiectal terms for rt In-uranco Mrtrstou and Wukelln, (t;n. Ag'tn , 4tli atrttt. Maich 2, '.7-4.V a .Ian, did Vie (Wi ft nn in! M'dnl. Hi' mo t, Mmple. and ' I'l-iiv.'. i us huperior aavani pe I ir.lil cute 1, uidierijally ac knuw l.'i.i;. d . Atldress, I', f. AICOIT&SON, .Mfrs. ot Wheels nial Mill Maehln .r, , Mol'NT lloi i.v, N. J. Wo vvlil glv in uiurai turlnj iLtlitt.. .Mar. 2-iv.- d A HOME AND IT A KM OF YOTJB OWN, On tho lino of a(iltK VTltAILItOAIi with good markets both EAST aud WEST. Now is the timo to secure it Mild Clt.rate, Ferlllo Soli, best Country for Stock liaising in the United States. Iionkt, Jinpi, Full Information nlw "Till: Mini:" sent free to all parts ot the world. Address, il, r. li.wis Land Com. V. F. it. II. OMAHA, XKH. March 2, 'II-4W d THE HOPE 01 EE WARD Is what lnducea bo many people In search of SI"I.i:XDIB FA3II.G I.AM to go to Mlcldgan, and select from tbo ONE IVIILLION OF ACRES or the land grant ot tho Grand Itaptis and Indiana It. it. co. Strong IsoIIs, sura crop, plenty ot timber, no drouths, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. Iure water, running streams, ready markets, civilization and schools. Kallroad runs throucrh centre of grant. I'rlco fiom W to tlo per acre. r.end for our Illustra ted pamphlet, full of facts In Herman and English, Say In what paper you saw this notice. Address W. 0. HUGIIAKT, Land Comm'r., 'OltASD ItAPIDS.MICII. Title Perfect. March 2, isi7-3m d T. D. Eellogg'a Advts. A CAPITAL NEW NOVEL, ENTITLED "Out of the Cage," Inst nuhlUbed. A derrlvintf rrsttnir nnwnmfi ii (i. . Owen, vlioso oilur works havo tteriso puc- iTcini unci iiu wiaeiy ican. cjoiudouihI; rilcofi.iy), i J uut'ivMiitii, Ut t . ivAllLLll. L.O l II UIIMH lie, ,f i urn, X. ny. Ffl). P, li71 bw K E ZELiL'S NCYCLOPBDIA, .-sew HKvifEii Enmov. 16.1.000 articles. 3.000 en- gravtnirs, and is splendid mans. HwllKST HOOK oi universal knowledge In ths language. Now lu coursoeif puwicatlon. SPECIMEN wllh map bent flir Cn entity. H1I.'VI UHVI-l'li r CIIAS. II. UAVJ.S fi je., IMllIil. Aprs-ly. KXCELKlOlt PRINTING INK CO., J3EST AND CHEAPEST PRINTING INK IN Till, MARKET. Iliere-ln) I Aur. II, Jn.-iivv k i., m:u- voiik. "What Tho President OP A HANK SAYS, nt la no humtn aid cot mode t, Pres. citlzei Haas' Exrectoront la no linmimr- without Ii II It veould cot llvodolTar nlioinV I would not bo J. II. lioovuit, Pres. citizens' Nutlonal Hank, A JUST VERDICT. I havo dls.pcnsed nana- i:pccioront among my SfSU Jf.V -J?1 ,.'. HrPvt,tl "" '" than any other medte luo (fits elats that I havo twr. uslncln my roedle'aL career. And even in my own ca,e. In very oiteilniiii. imiironary dlwasea. I derived the KrentiM tienelit ircm the hxpevtorant. I havo alwass been vi i) re-piiKnaul tu iho ukoot nnybe ctel noslmnis or pate nt inedlclnew, but thoiintver sal reputailcu of the UH'iiorai,t has Induevd mo lo Klvoltafnlr irli.l. and notemlv havo 1 leallied Its reputed virtues und ineiim, ltd, veil moro thnmy mott tonuulnn oiKtlailonii. IkpinK umt every ono uiuve-onviutehlHiMlf by his own trial, and that kuv f.-iit-Liun,iit ma ieue-u ine. inoufcaneld velio may t be Uneflted by II. 1 ruly yours. I. u:o. iilNOLK, JI. ii., (ireca lirlar, Pa, THE BEST. ' Haas' .' Expectorant Is the l-t coueh medicine I .d. II. It. HAVEN, Trentcn.N.J, hv nil i14l..rH nt fj t. n.n ... ... i.. ' ever us hold by uU dealers at W ctnts mt buttle Jim. 1'J. T7-!tm TVIN8' PATENT IIAIIt CRIMI'KHS I Adopted by all iho nuce ub of fashion. .Vnd for 0r.,ul.a 1- K.,;,.,,1J,bi "rth KUth btreet, Phlladelrhla, i'a. Jiee.s, H-tni J w pEDAR VATS AND TANKS. for lircw- vrii., uji is, ie.ruiu.LA, iiiaiiuiae-iurers and nrivalo dveilllllits. UEO. J. UUItlCIIAlir 4C Co.. June V-4w, liuttonw ood bt., below liroiid. 7rilllLR GOODS of every eWrli.tlon, JAllelllnr, Pacllne, lloo, Uoolsand Khoes. Cloth! lLt', c. lili'llAltHTJSVIl'K, hON CO..I.iChe6l- June -4iv L.iLLw tittueiuai iiuooer vo. 11 l'ACIAS TO C ItARUK llhAh KH- COU'MIII V COUNTY, S3 Tanrommonwoaltiiof ronnsjlvanla, to iho stierllt o( aid Uojtity, crosllnji Wli"i!a, LouUi Intcrinarrlcel wUh A. II. Dlldlne, AtiiTolii.o Intcrm irrlcl vrlili I, K. Wldlno, Aaron Kaorr, Kilehx Knorr, Iteglna Knorr, Joseph Knorr, .Vary Knorr by her guardian deoriri Zimmerman, heretofore, to-wlt, oathe llthdayof September A. D. lure In oar county Court ot Common ricas, betore our .1 iljaa at liloomsburg, recovered Jadgmont asralnr II. c. 1'roas, ndinlnttratorol all and slnira lar ih" gooit, cluttols, rlirht.1 and credits which uero.r I jan 1'reas, lalo of your oounty, deceased, f.rn. i'ialndenturiimot els hundred and forty Mid era and aorcn centK, as also ten dollars and ntt'". nenu wliloli lo tho tald Louisa Dlldlne et, al. wop. a Judjedforhts costa and charges which ho Bust 'I 'i id by occasion of Iho detenllou ot that debt I An 1 wiiereas tho iMId John Freas died kelsed of real eut'i!." in the said county ot Columbia, which de scndo I and cuno to the said II C. Frena, William L., o -orge II. Frois, Hlrara U, Frea?, John A. Frees lloraco Freas, Isaiah 11, Freas, Hatllo Ann lnt" tu irrled with J.W. Eck.and Nancy Intcrmar rltM rrn lionjimln lllcks, the heirs of the said John Fit i, deceased. Ai I Mheroas tho said Louisa havo given into understand that tha said Judgment re mains wholly unpaid and unsatisfied, and has be sought ti3 to provide ror them a proper remedy And we- be ing wllllnsf that vv hat 13 lust in this behalf should i done, do nccordine to tho form ot tho Act ot Assembly In such caso made tnd provided, com mand you that you make known to tho said II. O Freas, llllam U Freas, Ceorgo II. Freas, Hiram D Firns, John A. Freas, lloraco Freas, Isaiah D. Freas, Sallle Ann Intermarried with J. v. Kck, andKancy Inu'rmarrled with Donjamln lllcks, that they be be fore our Judges at liloomsburg nt our county Court of L ommon Fleas, thero to, lie held on tho nnt Mon day of February next, to show cause, If anything thi'V havo to know or say, why the said Jadgmcntlio recovered against tho said 11. C. Freas, administra tor, &.c, ot tho Bald John Freas, deceased, shall not be levl"d and paid out of tho said real estate ot which the Bald John Freas died seised as aforesaid: And have you there thrn this writ, Wltnesstho Honorable Wdllam El well, President Judo of our said Court, nt liloomsburg, tho six teenth day of December A, 1). isto. 11. FltANIC ZAIlIt, ProUi'y. M. W. MJS3, Deputy. March 5-lw GLAZING AND PAPERING. Sr-M. F. nODINK, Iron Street below .eo ond, liloomsburg, Fa., Is prepared to do al s of PAINTING,! GLAZING, anil l'APF.K IUNGNO Inthn bnjt styles, at lowest and at short notloe . l'atf 'a lis vine- s'lh vrnrk tf ,!i will biiva tnnnpv calltm; ou rue. Ml v nrk warranted to clvo satisfaction. Ordprn WM. F. BODINE. Important to Lawyers. .T.I-.II " of the Peace, Constables, Ktecutcrs, Ad ators, e.uanlian, Township omcers, and busl- rain' in .as . i -:uu.uii.v . 've on hand a lanje assortment of local to the imc ot Aitorueys Juitlces and Con lilanus of all 1 tads. Nolo and ltccetpt books rs e pitici: LIST. ATTORNEY'S BLANKS. v, iim.i Ma' lor .v.. Pntip-j for fummon3. i-i. i a. Hide to lake Depositions. " " ChoObO Arbllratone. 1 cents apiece, cr tl.?5 per hundred. Pet: lo'i for Appointment ot Guardian. " Citation llul,' t.i take llenoalt Ions. Narr In Debt, with Confession. Afisumnslt. Mechnnli a I.l.m. 4 ivntH each or $3.50 per hundred. rcuuonior sale of ileal nstalo scents each. JUSTICE'S ULANKS. rrKiibpcenas, Summons, Warrants, Executions, 80 fo Leases llluo Deed3 Parchment De-cds , Agreements orphan's court Sales Constablo's Sales Jtortpagu and llond - 5 cents each lo 15 " 10 for 11 GO 3 cents each ,vn Kioo-ior oies . Itlfe'iDtS. Tvot. h. Kflinnl rerilora lw c,AM orders, ne itlv tiound, couslantl'y on hand, or made to onler ou thort notice. Wealo T.ronari'il in i-nnim. i.hni.ii...... other omce in tlds courTti" '" ' HliOCiaVAY t KLWELL, Editors and Proprietors Of thoC'OLOllBUN, Uioomsburs, Pa BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. O. A. HCRRIKO RESPECTFULLY announces to the public that ho has reopened tho street ins nf hn rtlftila In tl.a substantial and workmanllko manner, and sold at prices to suit tho times. Tho highest price In cash wui at nil times b paid for u ii a: i: s hides of every descrlntton In the rnmitrv. Tl.. nnhitKnoe ronage Is respectfully solicited, Diu.juiauuii,r, uia, 1, e.s Verbatim Reporting. TCHMS: Actual travelltc-, boardlns-. and other lenses: Ave dollars a fission. fririiLk-im-ehp ivrvirt- and ten ttnts a lolio, ( hundred words. ) for wrulnc nrn nn-.1i.nri ' Where tho matter reported In ono day cornels or exceeids nny folloa, iho dvo-dollar ieo will bo remltt- t-Ai, nnu ine iranscnoinc; ajng-hand charred at jiiiiwn linen lejuuu; uui, an bucu co&eb. It lewer than lltty folios are purchased, tho Uvo dollars wilt bo charted. Address:. S. N, Walker, A.M., Courttnofi. lapher, liloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva- lti'sldence. Iron street, between Third and Foun ii. i irtlt'e. Wll b It. E. Orv Is. liiq. , Columblan-bulld-lnir;inlrance,uppostt the east mite to.Uie court hou'. . aid. Hint door, nnt door to right. onice-hoiir, from.tweKo to ono o clock. re.blpf:6.1y aaittiijyi 1 1 aiiia. i.w mm jqm.. PU11LIC SALE or Valunblo Town Property ! 'Ihe undersigned will offer for sale on THURSDAY, APRIL fith, 1877 at two o'clock p. to,., tho let cf snound on Ironstreet In the Town of lUcoinsburf, bounded and described as follow : on Iho north by lot of John Hooper, on the-Hivstby an alley, on tne south by lot of Mary Clav ion, and ou tho west by Iron strcit ; on which ure erecieel TWO FRAME HOUSES, of two stories and ono and a half stories retpco tlvi'ly. Oood water and fruit trees of superloi 4 tho lot. Tei ma easy and made known on day o niAii' i. March 3 13. Babcock & Wyoth's Ado Is lukon Internally, and Po.-ltiveiy t ures Hheuma tlm, i, out, Neuruliila and LumbjL-o. t-bold bv forurcuur'to ltC'U'1 I"ug?11'il t-ryvvhere. tend llELPHL-NfeTINF. prNTLEV. oct.f.TVly.riw1"''"''' BUSlNIiKS CARD'S, vihitinu caium, lktteu i1eau., l-Jl-l, HEADS, I'ObTEliS, tc ac., Ntatly a- ..aply printed at theConn. BUN OfliCK. AJOTICE Sci iti; i TATK, r-vtvS15? SNYDER'S TANNERY, lifv-wV (oldbtand) Uloomsburtr, Pa., at MX i ores of tho EspyandXlcht JAAmmU Vjar. roads, whero nil deacrlntir rom this dato the Uloomtbun: Uos i ompany will put lu icrvico pjiics at post and turrdsh and net meio t ut four duibus oacli. Tte eouiuy uao on bund a kit of pis lar suited iSfrtEJ.'1'? J0"'' IUJJ 5" or tMr '""rs placed Prlco lo cvnts per RaUtvn or JtJiO r barrel. Oo. liTN . I'. W. JULLKIt. US MOUTIACiU!5oralfCLieai.ttli8 ) lOUHtlaV OMlCe. ' "lAVER BAGS X FO PALB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE, loni