The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 30, 1877, Image 1
THE COLUMBIAN, otntitu uhmocrxt, itab or Tift; mobth and eotm 01, BIANOJ-liDtlDAIlJ).) . Issuod woeitiy, of ory fr idny morning, at i ? ;SillJud. UOLlJilUlA COUNT?. I'A. To doliars per yetr, payablo In adianus.or ...... li, ,i i-mr. U sj irllt 09 .mirgod. To subscribers out ol tlio !.. i.nn tirmi aro U nor Jronr. strictly lu aiTunco ii ji lt not n il I In 11 irunco nud 3.ot If payment be duyalbi oud tho year. Mil i u.i i it AH onllnu"'!, except nt tlio option of tho 011)1111 ijm, until Ail arrjaragus nro paid, but long ooatifit'i r l,IUjr tu8 expiration of the tlrst if ,f ill 11 Jm ,, , ,, , S 'ni, ' I' OI SI1U iliaiU SU tJ MllbUIIV PU31 iue, unless a res pun aisumcs to pay t lie mi' js must bet pil l for In advance, unless a respun 13l0 p iMon 111 -Jin noia i-uuuvy posi'AtiKts no longer exacted from subscrlborsln ho county. job ipmTisrTiisrQ-- Tno .1 lbbltg n?p irtinont of tlio Cot.rstntAN Is very eon ilete, nml our ! Ii Pilntlng vrlllcutnpnrc fatorn. v Willi tli it "t tlio 1 irjjti elites. All work done on m inJ, neatly and nt moderate prices. Columbia County Official Directory. ITS dl'nt tu Uo William El well. A 4 n t tc .luiles I. K Ktlckiiiiurn, r. L. Shunian. Vti linn lUf . .v.c, -11. Frank .arr. 0 1 irt r 'ii'jxiMu'H'r -s s. WnlUer. I ,.si r c it or I r .villla'nson il.Jacoby. j I'f Ut n ney lo in M. ClnrU. iln rirr Jolin w IIMTmau. h ,rva or law1 Daivitt. Tf.niDT -lir II. W. Sb'lleynolds. 'in n'liliiurj-jolin llerner, 8. W. Mcllcnry, JjS'iM ..11111. .. .. Cinnl ,i.ii is "lork -William Kilckbaum. A i lir Ji'- M V II. Kiln". I. II. Casey, II. II. llrown. c ii j r lu i'i I. Murpli . Jury lojuiH .UnursIacob II. t'rltz, William II. Uu. i' nt sup.'rlntendent-WPIIam ll.snydcr. Ill un Pair Mitrl-t -nireclors u. 1". Ent.f-co't, vVra. Kramer, Bloomsburg and Thomas lteece, Uo t, u. 1'. Knt, Secretarj . S; IKSf' EiitorsandProprleters. BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDA7 , MAllCH 30. 1877. thk Columbian, VOL. XI, NO. 13 COI.UA1I11A UltllODIlAii (Ula Al.ll, 11", gnU of ilifrtisiuo. OEelccb,(twotteiltc3or itiCiuiTajtttli..,i,tt rilirypeiont crtwo ltMttieru, fLSw; tbttnlajti tlOSJ, 13.01). 1MCI. IX. I'J Ohelncu mo is.oo H.o to titu Twolnches .w (.m it.W Three Inches iuu l.oi oo 1.oo ls.i' Kourlncbes 7.00 ea 11 o IT.oo tif ouarter column..... .le.oo U.oo hco in.v) llalf column 16.on IB.00 10.00 to.oo MO ono column. tv.M to.oo 40.00 Ioo.o Yearly adverlHemcntii payable quarterly. Trn deDt adverttiementi mutt be paid for before innei ti 0 uicept where parties have accounts. - Legal adTertlsements two dollars pertnehforthren lnsertlutis, anil at that rate tor additional Insertion without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notlee s" three dollars. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline, regular advertisements half rates. Cards In the "liuilness Ulrectory" column, ono dollar per year tor each line. Bloomsburg Official Directory. Illoo-nburi Hanking compinv lohn . Fimslon, l'reil Ion , II. II. "ro I, cashier. 1'Ir.i .v.v lonal II ink -diaries it. l'axion, rresldenl J. P. I'iisUii, Cashier. Columbia Counn Mil ual Saving Vund and Loan AssvU lan-II. II. Lit le, President, C. W. .Miller, ' IIIji nsi irg nulldlngnnd Saving Fund Assoclai Ion -Win. i'o if oi'k. ITesld.nt,.l. II. Itnblson, Secreinry. Iiloo-nuiirx Mil 11.11 navuix i-iniu ,m.u.iiv iuuu. J. uro.vcr, Presldcn , C. (1. Hartley, secretary. CIIL'UCII DIUKCTOUY. BAPTIST CIIUIICH. Itev. J. P. Tus'ln, (supply.) s imlav srUceH-t !n in nndC;p. m. until. Prayer .MeoiIng-i:very Wednesday evening at Ryi 2i s'frei!. Tho public niolnM'cd to nltend. ST. MATTIIKrt's 1.U11IE11AS Cllt'llCII. Minis er-llev..I. McCron. s in lay services -toj a. in. and cxp. m. u.o.r, , . O . ,rt I'm crMeo lug Kvery Wednesday evening at ta seats' free. Xopews reined. All aro welcome. rnUSBVTEnlAKCUCRCH. Minis cr-Itov. Htuari Mi"hell. Sunday services nix a. 1.1. anddp. m. iM or Mr... in? iiverv Wednesday evening a' OX Sea' s'freo. No pows rented, si rangers welcome, MKTIIODIST FlMSCorAI. C11CKC1I. Presiding Klder llev. S. S. llucklniham. Minis er-uev. .1. s. McMurr.iy. Sundav Sorvk'es-1 a andilM p. m. Ululo Class-Kver Mon1l.1v evening at c,0c"'cl' Y'imng ilen'n l'ra er jiee ing-i.very iucwj nenornl Prayer Meetlug-Kvcry Thursday evening I o'clock. RIlFOHMKllCllt'KCll. Corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor-llev. o. 1). Hurley. ilesllonco-C'iitril Hotel. Sunday Sen lcos iok n. 111. and 7 p. m. Sundav scnooi 11 a. m. Prater Meetln? saturd.iv, 7 p. rn. All aro lnvltid There Is nlwaj 3 room. fcT. PAn.'acncncit. '.tictnr-llev l Zahner. Kunilav SiTvlecs -1 , a. m., .', p. m. Sunday school -OU. m. , First sun lav In the month, Holy Contnunlon. Sendees preparatory to Coiiiinunlon on trlda) 2eiilngboiornlho t.t Sunday In each month. Pows rented; but ever bod welcome. KVANOr-UCAI. C1IUKCU. Presiding Eliler-l'.ev. A. I- lleeser. Si!ndiiSendcoil!.Vn,'l'ntlie Iron Street CUuich. l'ra er MeCllng-livtry sabbath at i p. in. All aro United. All are welcome. THE CHURCH OK CIlllIST. Meets In "the little Hrlck rhurch on the hill," kiimvn ns the Welsh lupllst l'hur.H-ou itock btreet '"teRUlar meeting for worship, every Lord's day at tCaH irnnd tho public are cordially lmlted to attend. HUSINKfcS CAIU1S. J. C. KUTTKlt, rilTSlCIANtSUItOEON, omce, North Market street, llar.!7,'7l 17 1:. OltVIS, Illoomsburg, Pa. ATTOttXl.V.AT.I.AW, Ormcr. t!nom No. 1, ' Columbian" Building. Sept. lMR-r.. jNonit & hitten'hendeu. A i T U 1. i K Y-A l'-Ji A W, ni.oosisiit'no, pa, omeo. llartman's Hlock. corner JIaIn nnd Market streets Oct. b, '.0 Q W.MILLE1!, Al lUll.i.l'Al-l.AW onloe In Brower's building, second floor, room No, , Uloomsburg, Pa. uly1,73 y M. C. tCNX, L.S. WALLER. FUNK t WALL Ell, Attoi neys-nf Low, IlLOOMSUUnt), PA. omce In Coi uMctAN Iicildino. Jan. 19, '77-ly THE LONGS CONSUMPTION. p 1!. A W.J.nUCKALKW, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Uloomsburg, i'n. oniee on Main Street, first door below Court Uonso Alar.c,'7i y T 1'. fj. JI. CLARK, " ATTOIINEYS-AT.LAW, Offlce In Ents Building. Bloomsburg, I'a. April lo,'74-y . CREVKI INO SSIlin. nERVEV kwiko smith. UllEVELIKG SMITH A SOX, ATTOUNKYS-AT.I.AW, Bloomsburg, Pa. rv-All linslress entrusted to our caro will reelcve pi ompt attention. JulyV73 S' IlILUlEYEIl, ATfOIlNEY AT LAW. ofhce Adjoining C. II. & W. .T. Buckalcw. Bloomsburg, ra. Apr. 14,l'-ly. i Ul A. r. n. little. II. & II. 11. LITTLE, llOC'T. R. LITTLE. E. jiLooMsnuKc; nniEci'onY. SCHOOL OUOEIIS, blanlt, it 1'i'mteil ami neatly bound In s nail looks, on hand and ;ur sale .it the coi.uMuiAMOmcc. Feb IM875-II i-i ivv iil.-.i:T)Si.ii T'.irelii.i.Mit nml Linen I") I'nper. common and for Admlnls ramrs, Exeeu .., 1 , .m, i,ir kaIh eheaoat tho columuian oiilce. rAHKlAOE CHHTII'ICATIS iul printod ll nndforsalo at tlio ("OLUIiiuan uniie. .nun tcrs of the ilospel and .Justices should supply them- Belves Willi llicso iiuLL8aui.rui JUSTICES and Constables' pte-llills lor sale atthoCoixMRiAV onico. They contain the cor rected tees as established by tho last Act of tho Ifg- giattiro upon 1110 bhujc-... stable should havo one. XfENDUE KOTES .jnt prinluil anil for sale V ch cheap at tho Columbian ofilce. BOOTS AND S1IOI1S. ir L-vnifT! IVnlvr in Hoots anil Slices, l;j . l'Jst and best si yles, corner Main nnd Market CLOCKS. WATCHES, 4C. ('1 E. SAVACtE. Dealer in Clocks, Wntelies j , and Jewelry, Main t.t., juct below tho Central Clotei. PHOFESSIONAI. CAHDS. O. UAIlKLEi. Attornev-at.I.nw 111 . in Brower's building, Snd story, 1:001 I)Ct. 15, J5. Office :00ms 4 S. 6. ATTOIlNF.YS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Va. r-Bulness before tho IT. S. Patent Ofllcc attended to. (Mllco In tho Columbian Building. r HOCK WAY .t ELWELL, ly as A T TO 11 X E Y S-A T-L A V, Columbian Bcn.msn, Bloomsburg, Pa. Members of tho United Stales Law Association. Collections made In any part of America. "yyiLLIAM BKYPOX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Centralin, Pa. TldsdlstressingnnddaiiTi'roiis cimrlnlnt and It1 preinnnllnrv snptnm. n "dert'l eou.-ll, night se its. honrei'esQ wiistlng neh P-v. r js-rm'.r.i'nl-lv nred hy rn. "Sivas lie's tonipoiinil -jiupcf Wild Cherri ." BIIONCIIIT!s-n Premonltnr of Putmnaviry Cnn siimpllon. Is eliar.n-leil7eilb Catarrh or 1 tilt tmnl1in of the initcuons membrane of Iho nlr p usages, luifirvni i-s, pains In tln-ehest I'nr nit Bronculal alleetlcns, soro thrint, lopsnf olee coughs, I)ll.SWAYKS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A S0VMIK1UN IIESIHIV. llcmmnrrliage orsplttlng of blood, mav proceed from the Inpnv, trachla broneida or lungs, nnd nrW from mi rlous causes, n undue phvslenl est rtlnn, pbthora tuilnessof tho 11 i"fl, nenk I111 g, over ttrnlnlngof tlio olee. mppios'til evacuation, ob sti ucllnn of the spleen or Hut, A''. DDK.. SWAYMB'S Ccmpci:nd Eyrup of Wild Cherry strikes nl the irt ot ill'enn' by puilfj lug Ihe blood, restoring Ihelhi r nnd kldr.os to heallhj nitlcn, In lgcrutli gibe nrium cistern. llsmnrveriispoer not nnlv oer el ery rlironle dl-o n- where u gradual alii rat lie ncilrn Is needed. I'niifr lis use Dm enugh Ii loosened, tho night surntn illtiilnlslieit. the nnln ubsldes. Ihe nule re turns 10 Its mural standard, tl,oM munch Is Improv. ed In Itspower to digest nnd assimilate tlio PhhI and e.eri orean has a lmrer nnd better quality iw blond snpplli d to It, nut of which new reerealhennd pins, tie materl(.l Is made nil sw YN',' r-rndualed nt one of the best Mod! enl Colleges In Ihe I , s., nnd was eiieniretl m an ne tlie pracilcu for many cars, thus guaranteeing mat his pienaratlons aro prepnrul upon sulcllj sclcntltlc I11I,II11C. lk'liultlo Evidence. HOME TESTIMONY. Int. Swatki; Pear sir: 1 feel It to be duo to you nml HIirfprMK. lillin.llillv to tlle tile fnllnii bur test I- mnnv respecting ine wonuenui ciiruine im.ei!.ui jour'ciaiipound sirupof lid cberi and sarsnpa rllia and Tnr rills. I was anile led with n Molent cough, pains In Ihe side and btenst. night sweats, Bni..thrr.!ir mv linnels wereensilie. nnnelito nearli gone, and my nemocli sosery weak Ibnt my phis- clan was nl a loss 10 Know wnai 10 ie iui- ui. n ; , .in I ,...! in 1 nr. vi 1 fin., ni mfnirinn wiih if ii III : Mill lllIIITtlll-llIIiesil Jinn " I piiwu 1 v. for montliMu tlilsnwtul condition, nnd gaM' up nil hox-atuer lecoiering. inns uiiiexnu r, ipiu. meillutels bigan ti soothe, endort end allay the vlnlenieet Ihe enucli. sin nglhene 1 11 ml niiiieu lim.'s; In Khnrl. It his nindea ii'Tfeel eure-ir . nnd 1 am n ,w iihli to pursue in d.i'l. !a'"ir. n ,er-on dnui.l!ni,'th"tr"iii orni'' w r will please 1 .1 1 oner ail ir.'s, me, ul lh" i.u n rnwAiiii it. 11 wo. Englm 1 r or in n. si" 111 V- P' tt. n. liblgo Load, below Wallaee, Pbb.i. oiersu ears have claiwi d. and Mr. Ilanison still remains n heart v man to this day -September noih, 1673, . rnvsiriAXs ukcimimiixd it. Dr.'Ihomas.1. 11. l.'hoiids. l',oei town. llrrksCo., I'n.. writes : Ynnrcompo-nn s'.rvp nt Mini nrrry I esteem el 1 h'.hl : ha e ne.-n si-uiriu' nndt-eoin-mendlnL- II 10 1, . i eili nt-P r imiii.'i us nnd It nl ns prne itll oelnlls In olsllnate e .llglis, bron fl.l'al mill nstlilil;.ll. nl ntlicll' l,s II bps Inn'!, mine iemarkablecuri 111 this s'Cilun. nnd I consider It the best leinidv wllh wl li h 1 am neipinlr.ted rrlee fl. sk H'jtMes tort'., ir 11 n som nv o,ir drugal.-l.we will fi.nvnd halt du; en 11., Ir.'K'iit pnld on reedpt of p lee. ttf neseribr- s mpnuns In nil communications, and address lci'ri to I)i sANl'A M'N, :. n Neiih 'IxMi street. 1 lillndelphh. No charge will be mud. forudMee. "-oldbj diub'glsts auddeahis In medi cines generally. F;b 18, '70-ly. JIISCELLAXEOUS. HOW E L L, DENTIST Office In llarttonn'8 Block, second floor, corner Main and Market blrcets, ELOOMSBUItO, I'A. May 20-1 y. BROWN'S HOTEL, Stohner, Proprietor, s. J1.23 to 11.60 per day, uctoocr , in-ii Illnoiiifliiire, I'a., Ii, Accommodations flrst- Ilcstaurunt anacneu. M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. ewlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re. paired. Opera House Building, Bloonibburg, ra. octl.isiy Tew DR. W.M. M. REI1ER, Surgeon anil I'hysi clau. oillco s. E. corner nock and Market 81! uets. T II. EVANS, M. I)., Surgeon anil I'liysi J , clan. (Office and lies ldencc on Third street, comer Jcnerson. T 11. McKELVY, JI. IJ., Surgeon ami Phy J , tlclan.noithsldeMaln street, below Market, 11. R011ISON, Attorney-at-Law. Office . lu llartman's building, Main street. T-S .1 TIinitXTIIS would nnnounce totho cltlzensot Blooms burg nnd vicinity that he baa Just received a full and complete assorimeni. 01 WALL 1'APF.n, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, CORDS, TASSELS, and all other goods In his lino of business. All the now est and most approved patterns of the day are always 10 DO lOUnUlUUlS ebiuuilauu.i;m, iuu... "s.t.( oeiow iiarnei. w, jgXCIIANGE HOTEL, UppuNlte tlio Court House, BLOOMSBU1K1, I'A. The Lakoest and Best In allrespccts In the county W. B. KOONS. Oct, s.s-ly Proprietor. F R ROSENSTOCK, I'liotograplicr, Clark & Wolf's Store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. I AVID I.OWENI1ERO, Merchant Tuilor toln St., above Centiol Hotel. S. KUHN, ileak-r ii. Meat, Tallow, etc., 1 Centre street, letween becond and Third. WHEN YOU WANT A r'IRST-CLASS V SUAVHor an) tiling In ttoTONSOltlALLl.Nt. JAMES liEILH'fl DAUUEU SHOP, THE BEST IN TOWN, Under,aringe Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. is, '75-iy CATAWISSA. 7"M. II. A11BOTT, Attoraey-at-Law, .Main street. . L. EYERLY, ATTOUNEY..VT.LAW, Catawlssa, ra. coiieetinns nromDtlv made and remitted. Office anposito cataw U&a Deposit Bank. em-38 J. B. KNITTLE. W. 11. ABBOTT REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AQEN CY, Kxcnango noiei, Dioomsuurt;, i-u. Capital. , ctr,oi),(Xio , eo.m'ii.oio , 13 ffOil.Olio . 10,000, 00 8,1110,0110 .Etna, Ins Co., ot Hartford, Connecticut. . Liverpool, London and Ulobo Koyalof Liverpool Lnncanshlre. r ire Aasn...iuu, . mu..i,. Atlas of Hartford XX''JX Farmers Mutual 01 imirnuu Danville Mutual Home. New York Commercial Union 17,000,00a Poetical. XKOIIO CAMl'-MF.ETISa HYMN. Scverpl times they burst, out In tho songs they had b-nrned nt cnmp-meellngs nwny off In the South lurcr eild ttinostbey tvere.nnd tho words possesed a ptcullarclnrm to tho while people present. Here Is a specimen I Wh don't ymi do as Peter did, A-valklngnn the sea? He throw ed both arms nhova hH head, Crjlng, "Onorl Iird, rcincmK'r mo." Then remenihertherlrh nnd romemborthe poor, And remember Ihebond nnd the free, A nd when 3 011 nre do .o remembering around, Then, good lord, remember me. If I could stind where Moses stood, And view the land'capc o'er, I'd throw these legs as fast as I could And I'd go for Ihe mllk-whito shore. Tlien remember I ho rich nnd remember the poor, And lemember thu bond and the free, And when ou aro done reuicmberlug around, 1 hen, good Lord, remember mo. MISUIIIKF-MAKEKS. o I could there In this world bo found Some little spot 01 happy ground, W here village pleasures might go round Without tho Ullage t titling I How doubly bUt that place would be. Where nil mlgnt dwi U In liberty, IVco from the bitter misery Of go.'slp's endless prattling I I( such a spot weic really known, Dame pence might claim It as her own, And In It she might tlx her throne For ever and for eer ; There, Uko a quoin, might reign and live, bile every one would soon forgive The little slights they might recehe, And bo offended ne er. Tho mischief-makers that remove rnr from our hearts tho warmth of love, And lead us all to disapprove What gles another pleasure I They seem to tak one's part, but when The) 'e heard our case, unkindly then They soon retail them all again, with pol&uuous measure. And they'i e such a cunning way ot telling tales 'I hey say, "Don t menllMi what I say, I pray ; I would not ted another." si 1 night to your neighbors house they go, NuriuiliigiieDtldng they know, And bieak thu pnaco cf high and low lfe, huaband, friend and brother. o ! that tho mischief making creiv Wei e all 1 educed to one or two, And they wore palate t red and blue 1 'I'll it every ono might kuow them ; Then would one lllage biire forget To rage and quartel, fume and fret, And tall Into an angry pet, lib things too much be'ow- them. For It's n sad, degrading part, To make another's oosoui smirt, And plant a da jer In tho heart We ought t ) love and cherish ; 1 hen lei u everm re b foun 1 In epil-tr., s with all aroun t. Whll; friendships, pace, and Joy abound, And angry feelings perMi. KwatmraryiTnTninraTicnsicRafTnT'larjmjw "All very h mi 1, ft (irge," interrupted tl.e Oen.r il "lint what Is Uiug to hecomo of tlio linliie-? Yon c.tii't teetli tliciu 011 green Inclts. I) in't you see that if you withdraw their silver dollar", the ontird rising genera tion A ill h" iinnhlet" innllc tie, roiieijiient ly thero won't Ii any market for beef, corn, or t'tiew ln loh lecn, nml the ilenci" 111 he to py in lr:i .' i'ltele generally. It won't w !',, 0 ,ir(,, "I didn't I Ii i rile 01' that point, Oeticnl." aid the retired fiimncirr, taken a littlo fihaek. "X", fteori!i, yon didn't," continued the Superintendent "You had bettor go to your room and think Ihe whole matter over main; nud when vnu lmvo devinlsomo way of ob viating the dilli u'ty I p kn of, ivliy t en we'll talk about 11 leave of nbsruce to go to Washington," "Now,'' continued the General, as Inmato l'otitwell moved rather ruelully away. "I'll shniv you our oldest cae, the centenarian of the establishment." Wc entered a little room, In tho centre of which, bent over a taMc, sat a por-wn nl extreme ago, attired in a ruty swallow tall coat. He was writing diligently and without cessation. "Lookup, Hannibal," said the Superin tendent, poking; him gently with his cane. "Look ilji and see the gentlemen," When the aged Inmate looked up, wo saw that bo was tied in lii -1 chair to keep him from tumbliii'j; out. lie smiled blandly up on in for a moment from behind his specta e'es, and then begun to write again as indus triously in ever. "What is he doing ?" I asked. "He is writing frauko. Ho has lost all bis teeth and bis hair and his hearing nnd his wit, but he cm still bold a pen, and hf writes franks' from morning till night, stop, ping only for bis gruel. Thu other inmate.' arc celebrating tho Fourth, but hero h old Hiiniilbal nt his customary occu pitiop. He write bis name on every old envelope, ne mer, or scrap of piper that lie can Hid, and puts them all in tb big mail l x in the hull. Of course. like the contributions of the re-t of the in mates, they never go any further than my office. he doesn't know it, and he pla cidly keeps 011 -, ritltijc franks. The only thing that ever exasperates him is tlio sight of a posture tnmp." I -oppose lie will write frank till the Piy of luilgojent. Such,"add- ed the, did ictieally, "is tin- f-rce of habit." "You mint find a ciirinn collection of epilles in vour miil box General I" 'Itilherl u e liave a good reiding room connected with the iiis'itution, and most of the Inmates take great interest in current af- Miscellaneous. THK lir.CAYKIl i'UMTICIANS' KKTKF.IT. Poxnucic, Mass., Jul v 5, 18S2. I wuin lo give ymi an account of my visit to one ot the most admirably organiz-d and best ad ministered charities on the I'.ico of the earth. The D.-ciycd Politicians' Retreat is, as you know, l)Hautifiilly situated 011 Saline river, about six miles from here. Iieing detained ' Come Logan," replied the Superintend ent, "put tip your book nnd go out with the other". It's a holiday. I'll hear you to morrow." "Ho has an ldea,"a!d Ilutler, as the dus ky student moved reluctantly nwny, "that the only cnti'pofhis political failure was his weakness In Lnglish grammar, and that, if he cnn once master syntax, he will get nek into the Senate. I consider it a real kindness to encnunige til in in this belief, llless you I am perfectly safe in doing so.'. ' The inmates are qiilto happy here," the Superintendent went on, as we entered the spacious dormitory. They treat each other affably as n general thing, nnd if n political llscinsion becomes nt all heated, as once in a while happen", that small garden hnso yon der is equal to tho emergency. Of course wo are obliged to keep n careful watch on kleptomaniac inmates like Colfax, Patter son, Belknap and others. They nre apt to appropriate littlo articles belonging to the institution or to each other. Secor Robeson was caught n day or two ago ransacking Hamilton Fish's trunk, and although the ex-Secretary denied any evil sntention, a cake of Spanish scented soap belonging to Fish was found in his pocket. Robeson is now locked up down stairs, and Parson New man, our chaplain exhorts him twice a day, "What do you do with turbulent sub jects?" "Weare troubled with very few. Down there, at the end of that corridor, where you see the grated door, is an iron-barred apart mcnt where the unmanagable and violent aro confined. ,1 don't think you want to vis, it it." As the General spoke, a peal of demoniac laughter rang through the corridor, and a grinning visage appeared at the gate, while the owner Baluted us with a volley of horri oly prolano anil ribalel abuse. Who was that '"' I asked, as wo hastened away. "The only occupants of the apartment for the unmanageable and violent at present said Gen. Butler, "are Bob. Ingcrsoli, form' erly of Peoria, nnd Z.ich Chandler, of Mich igan." "Before I go, General," I said, "I should like to see " "I know whom you mean,"interruptcd the Superintendent, "and I am sorry that our rules will not allow me to oblige you. Mr. Hayes i a private palicnt whoso friends pay his board, nud he lin it ro ru to himself. Nobody visits him but mvself and Carl Scbiirz who is detailed to attend turn. You see his mental capital giv out, and lie had to be put in the hands of a receiver But al though a disappointed and broken-doivn man, his heart continues to bleed for tho The Signor while in Nova Scotia was p- l"3ln 19 1110 ye P"10 10 6 1Mt 1,1 proached by an old orange woman with n " ' morality) that 1 hav ever tried. basket of delicious fruit. Ho bought an 10U lean get lost ami not kno It till an hour orange for sixpence, and cutting it In half afterwards. drew from the center a golden aovcreign, There don't seem tew bo any streets that The performance was repeated with nnothtr run paralcl. Tim all seem to run where tha orange, the old woman looked on with pler.e, nnd every street lias got at least one amazement. Ho was about to tako a third end to il, that brlngsup in r-onicbody'adoor- from her basket, when she snatched it nwny yard. anil vowed lio should havo 110 more sover eigns for a sixpence. Introduced to n very solemn clergyman in Hartford, Connecticut, that gentleman ab ruptly denounced tho Signor for perform ances which were "dangerous to tho welfare To learn Boston one mtit ho born here, or at least serve an apprenticeship hero 40 or f0 years. Boston is principally celebrated (just now) for its grate tcmperanco question. Whiskcc is about as ekarso here, as hair ot mankind," ami much moro of the same on tho head of my cane, sort. Interrupting him, the Signor plucked a pack of playing cards from tho pocket of his ministerial coat, and withdrew a dice box and dice from his clerical hat. Signor Blitz, was troubled no more with orthodox objections from that gentleman. In tho old Sixth streot market, Philadel phia, lio bought a dozen eggs for 14 cents of a stolid dutcliman. "Clear as wasser mit a well bucket, ch 7" remarked the vendor as he handed them over. The Signor broko one and there came peeping througn the aperture first a feather ed head nnd then a whole canary bird, which sang sweetly to the man of eggs. The Signor'a fun-making propensity seems to have been irresistible, and found expres- I haven't dared to ask tho question for fear of being arrested, but i don't suppose as near as t kan judge, that thero is a square drink of corn whiskeo within six miles of the city of Boston for tale or to let. What on earth the people lire on to drink is a mystery to me. Virtuo and morality are tho two 9taple krops of Boston. This afternoon i am go ing to be invited to rldo on tho mill dam, a piece of fast road near the city, which U built in a straight lino to avoid the unworthy appearance of a trotting track. Bunker Hill is not far oph,and i am tent ed to stay over ter morrow and visit It, but! alius made it a rule, the quicker i kan leavo a town, after i havo spoken one of my lek- sion In all manner of startling ways and tun, and got my money tor it, tho moro places. He made a negro cry out from is for my friends to entertain within his trunk on oco occasion, and came wc. near being arrested as an abolitionist. He Plimtith rok is likewise suinwarc in those made his horse talk, and the frigntcned host- adjacent parts. I would like to go and stan ler could not be induced to re-enter the sta- cn it the man who can stan on Plimuth ble. So the Signor was himself compelled to groom thu animal. His favorite re sort seems to havo been in the market places, where ic gavo voice to chickens and pigs and fish and even oysters, to Ihe great confusiou of the market people. But when he had had his laugh the kind hearted pro fessor never failed to make good any loss. rok and not pulfup some is a stony kuss. Such a man probably never had enny four fathers, nor enny soul, nor enny gizzard, nor enny fewter prospects in him. I spent two hours after breakfast in tho common, which is tirt an uncommon piece of veritable land, inhabited with grand olms, and lit up by day with happy chil- UVrRCOMPLMNT Unit diead. d nls-i use fr. m v bleb 10 man) perion s-uffer, h I rt quelitl) II id liKAUicun, !Niue;rT!ON, UvsrirFiA. Is spctdll) ro loud, and aieolten permanent!) cured uy SwaviiG'sTaruifiraprilla Pills. IVvrrs nre rften nreefntfd bv the use e,f I hcs.o Saiupa 1 lll.i PUN, as 1 bey can y oil ,t hi ounh I he blood tl.M itriniirlllK In m Mhrhtlu nilse. l'rr Hostile- ness there is nothing to effectual vsfcnn) lie's Tar in this village oyer yesterday by business, I Ui ili-Jiniirniiou ..,,.., f.l..l..l:.l ...!.:... 1.1, !, 1 he') nre purely e'gciai'ie.ano rix hjii'Lituij uuiuui u,uniiii.iijiiuuiiijuiiuiiu.v is,n's:ssi.ti ns lime .1 aha 01 Luitiuei. iiuouL uiu u.m 11- . . ... r! , i t i i... suits from tlikllnr. wun n irienu, aim was liiimiy n-i-eivcu uj Address letters to Di:. SV.'A YN11 ir f-OM, Phlladel. tlio Superintendent, (Jen. lluller. who went OUKl. i.O ll,ui lie 111 nil. li,, .nil uj .lit. ii,'.. 11 v. ii,. . 4 . , , . . , . of price. Prteo23centsa box; me boxes lor ti. Abk to a gejoei ueai 01 irouuie to snow mo 1110 lu )our Druggist lor them. tcri()r w0rHnr,3 0f tu0 institution. The (-election of this site was fortunate," said ucn. Hutler, as lie leu tho was across a beautiful lawn from his privato house to the largo brick building occupied by tho in mates. "Tho lovely natural scencrv does much to soothe disappointment and allay Is generally preceded ny a moisture. in;o perspira- ... , --. . . , llon.dlbiiiudng itching, as though pin worms wero remorse, and there s always a fresh breeze blowing up Saline river. "Are your wards contented as a general thing ?" "Some of them are positively cheerful," said the Superintendent with enthusiasm. "And you, General '! After your some what active career don't you find it rather tedious at the Retreat, cooped up with a parly of relics?' 'O, am satisfied," said Gen. Butler, smiling grimly.and shaking the largo bunch of kevs that ho carried inouo hand. "When fiirs. Many of them fancy that they are poor African." still infliietili il in shaping "olitieal events. They write innumerable lellirs which no body ever re-ads but myself Nut bm tun I found 1 l.-tter fr lu 111 .in", addressed I thought that Gen. Butler winked just then, but it it is nl'vays hard to speak with pu-ilivetiess in regird to his occillar demon-strntirius. the Pope, u-king f r the V iiii'.m iiillu- We hid reached the door of the asylum. nee to help mm iininir tu tne rre-iileii- 1 e irdinlly thanke i the biiperiulenilent ior tial campaign "I ol l "U wniibl have Ins courtesy to nns-Ml and my friend, and liiijln d at t'.ie pi'i' Ui-ippi'nl w hii'h Sebuy- al-o took occasion to commend the excel ler Cnlfix 1 1 tit." iMiiiinl to Presidi nt Tildi n. lencenf his administration. lie wanted the Post Ollioe at South Bend, "If vou write an account of your visit," nd aid he could produce certificates of he said, as wo shook hands, "send several moral character. Only yesterday I found copies of the Am. The poor fellows will be this bricfletleriu the box. You may value delighted to see their names in print once March ss.ll-y 1178,963,000 rpHE UNDERSIGNED, representing several I nr iimmnsi pnnRervntivft and reliable Ameri can Flro Insurance companies, would beg leave to offer his unices to the citizens of Hloomburg and vlclnltt , requesting a rea&uiiuuie buui w mo ,s.ui.s. P'ltrnaKe' vp .t prnvm. Bloomsburg.July 18, is;s. omce in lirower'a Clock. JuJyswm.. Important to Farmers. and everybody in want of tliIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL Wo have erected kilns at cr near the Taper JllU.on the I). 11, w, it, 11. and aro now prepared to sell Imoatvtry rcasonablo prices and of good quality, Urders by the car promptly Bllod and shipped to any station on the above road. A full line of I.UJI1IER, of all kinds, dressed or in the rough, bhlngles, lath and bill Timber to v hleh we Invite the attention ot custo mers. Orders received and niled for all kinds ot Family Coai. Uy itrle attention to business we hope to merit a ihaio of public patronage. KM1TTLB AUBOTT. I Sl.isit.- Catawlssa, Pa, J, H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY contains the lorgtEt Htckcf TEAS, GBOCEBIES teeiisrae, ferae, Woitaare, Canned rruits, Dried Fruits, CONFF.OTIONEItlES, &c. to bo found In Columbia county. A t'oiiilct Afisorlnient always on hand. Call and examine. Jan 1, 1S-.T. Itching PJles Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspira, linn .llsiii'sslnr- Itehlnir. as thouehnm worms Here crawling In or nbuut the rectum, particularly nt nifhtutipii undrosslntr.or In lied after cetllmr warm. It appears In slimmer us well as win ir, oftentimes SllOnS 11 sell UI Oil II II UIU J TI1 .un l'! ir. unu is uui i .,ii- lined to males onl), but Is nullo ns frequent that lis in.ina urn tnrn v nOllrtnt. nnrl lenlnrlv In lllues nl pi egiiancy, extending litothe iigtua. prolni: dh tressinr? nlmos-t luNohel i e tinners of einluraiice. Cases of longstanding, pronounced Incurable, lnno been penniiueniiy cuieu uy biuipi) allowing Swayne's Ointment, HOME TESTIMONY. 1 w as sorely afillcled with ono of the most distres sing ot nil olseiitcs, PrnrltU" or Pruil-o. or more commonly inonns Itching riles. Ihe itching at times was almost luttli rable. Increand by uraK'h-inL- nnd not unfieouently became quite sore. 1 hnuiriit.A hox of hvrnwie's ointment : Us use iraie S'JfIiiS? StfiWi J" of Xevnda left all his money for tin whoniobulleihig wllh ihlsdl-tresMngeoinplaliit lo 0i,:ect n little more than three vears aero and proeuiu mmdiio's Ointment nt once. 1 bad trlej njeii, " " iii.ui inriujiurs uj,iv"m pictcripiions inmost inuumeriiuiu, nuuvui menus tno trustees inviieu mo to mo post oi eiuty, ,l " josepii w. i liKlbT, I came like a man and a patriot. Commeje Firm of Hokdei i t hrist. l'ooi slid shoo Houte, S3! irouve, sir, is my motto." oriU rcconu sirte I, i iii .iiieii.uia, us an autograph." The General had been fumbling ill his pocket boog and lie Handed mo tlio lollow- ing note, which I havo preserved : Tnr. lIr.TP.nAT. July 3, 1SS0. Diiap. Svi.i'll: Althiiugii writing comes hard, I thought I would send vou a single line. I will fight it out on this line if it takes all summer. I havo mado escapes. but my worst enemy cannot say that I ever let any guilty man mistake. U. S. Guant, Whatl" I exclaimed; "is he here?" Yes,'- said your guide, "We employ him about the stables, and he seems tolerably appy, If you give him a cigar when you pass there, he will be ati'ected to tears, Tut) majority "of tho inmates had assem eepers. Ihe recurrence ot the national anniversary seemed to excito considerauio enthusiasm, I recognized many faces onco familiar, but now almost forgotten, The assortment of decayed politicians included representatives uf every political caste, from tho ex-Senator or tho ex-Governor to the layed-out ward striker. I remarked tbo eculiar satisfaction with which Gen. Butler I! PA TjrKtfs T S . Persons desiring to tab) out patents, or desiring Information from the United states ra ent Office uliould consult I'. A, ItliiiAhN, bollcltor of A men ran and 1'orelgn l'alcnts, Washington, V, C. Kx tmlnniloniifret!. NO PATENT No PAY. Bend for circular, Hi "Ns SalOKi:, .sijt and ( uul lino, from deftetlio ortu, iirei.Me.l, no more worry with Ilroa (or coot lug or beatn send blatmi lor ctreulsr to HENlil uui.ruiu;,-vaRiiiu&l.,l'janiuaJlsu. .... i.. we am now prepared to furnUh all classes wllh constant employment at Lome, the wheloof tho lime, or for the Jr spare mo- evenng and a profortlonal sum by devoting their while i time to uio'buslnesa toys and g irta .earn hs'ori)asmuenu..iu '""iix;e ' '"5" . "' .".S,.;."" ., ,ei, is iS not well WS" u.Ud Me doll" to pay tor the er. U ou want pe'nnanenl, prontaoie worn, auui us Ueorge Htlnson i CO., roruanu, aiuuiu. pepi, o, -io,-iiiu. By this time wo had reached the heavy oaken door at the main hall of the asyluin. Our conductor rapped smartly wilh his knuckles. ' How .many outside?" asked a voice from within. "Three," replied Gen. Ilutler. The door slowly swung open and a tall man with a long red beard stood aside to let us pnso in, liuod morning, .Mr, .perry, said tno Superintendent, pleasantly, "I wish you a happy Fourth of July." "Ono I Two! Three!" said Mr. Ferry in an impressive voice telling us off with his fore fin-cr. "All right, gentlemen, you can walk in. Oh, good morning, General. I wish you a great many." "We keep him hero to open the door,"ex casesofonensivobreoiharotccaslcnedb) catarrh, ,,iaU4 Gen. Butler, "and ho imagines he 'MVU)i.'N Csilsiri U tloiii.'.lj" ba!l the right to count as well as to open. In is a certain and permanent cure, and warranted in .. . . , . . ' , till iiiiici ii:?i'iiia up is fici icillj uuuu.l.ap, and so we humor him a little. It's tho only satisfaction he has in life now." The General led tho way through a I in corridor, and as he stopped to unlock a door an Inmate came up nnd, touching his cup, isktd periuUsioti lo tay a few words iu prr vale. "Well, speak up, George," said Butler, "Who has been sitting on you now?" "If you please, General," said Boutwell, for it was none other than tho great hut un appreciated financier," uobody has been sit ting on me.sir, But I havo solved tho prob lem at last, and I want leave of absence to go to Washington and lay my solution be for Congress. "Solved what problem, George?" asked General, winking at us. "The problem of silver resumption, Gen cral," replied Inmato Boutwell, "It is very siniplo when you see it. Will you permit SKIN DISEASES. Gwavne's All-Hcalinc Ointment Is also a sp. eltlu for tetter, I'eu, rheum scald ueau, ir)Mpeiaii, Lnrisrs ntu, uioums, u oiui... erustv, cutaneous eruptions pelf .11) fcafo and hiirmliss, nen ou the most tcneler Infant. Pilceio wills, cr Hi boxes fcrtl..i. t-i i i b) inaPto any address on receiptor priie. Prepared oily by DIt. SWAYNL & bOX, S3o X. Cth 6t.,Phlladelphla. CATARRH, hVMlTO.MS ANllcntK. Catarrh Is an affection ej the innrus membrane of tho nose, throat, the st, A'e accamranlrii with fluu lu avy hesdocl e. obstruction or il.c nasal passages, u.flL-.ira unlervnnrl birklnrror eouirli. in,. in., tlirniit. i-irierleiriitli li erotrelislo mailer. nnell and insle aio Uiipiilieil, stopped up feeling m iheneaa, ineessnnr tiionni: oi me mn, .ml tli,r mrmtrins nil. llkclx loamenr un etls tres-Irg, niidnodlsensels mero common, nnd horo less undeiMooil bv I'Mrliluns Mne-ti ntbs if the ever) ease, no manor 111W onMinaie or 11 ng Mann ing. It con be obtulned only bv nndresi-lng lilt, sivivNii' fvnith slAlli stieet Phllnilil- nhl.i. Mniled to iinv nildress on tho receipt f f Hie iirlee. ono eleillar, wllh full dlreellni s fur ule also a full ae count rf the orl In and nature of ihlsiUMres- Mtlg COnil'lallll. W h repi ill IT I 11 is hm nun an rum. uricrn I lit, npi r, inrn i il r i u nil n rit r iiisi n. i-i i--i, ememberl It i nn beobiaun d rnlv by nrtdres-lng Hit mv VSK Jt kin, 8o, orlh sixib strei t, rim r,ii,tr.lilri. ullh n remlltsnee. ns wo done t rlaee It In the hniids ot dealer, Iho kanie asne donur other preparations. In writing for our "1 'atari h itereedv" plaro state ou saw lids aduitlicmcut 1.1 tho "Co- umblan" Uloomsburg. Why Dye ? So tinnier how Crny or llni-li the Hair mav tie, It can bore'tori'd to Its 01 Iglnal color ana youi oiui aijueuruuiA-, uj u . -jh London Hair Color Restorer. London London London Uinilon lH, 1011 Iindon lmdon Umdon London A itcmcdy tu licln- Btalo tbo Human Hrdr In a I Its youthful color, lustre, softness and beauty. Hair l.'estorer llulr isostorer Hair Hestorer Hair Piston r llulr llestorer I'lslfKf n,o to explain? Hair iteatorer "1 11 give you Hair Itcatoier 411 IH'l'MIII 1 llO :il-lll O lO Itt'lllll 7"AINWHIGUT 4 CO., WHOLESALE OltOCKltS, N. E. Comer wcend and Arch Streeji, rmuDiunu, Dealers in rKAS, BtnUPS, COFFEE, BOOAIt, MOLASSES nci, sricas, nciss sow, to., o, I TJrders will roceave prompi a uUon. of reronal oppcaranee, should not neglect that natural necessity, tha llulr. uy many 11 11 neglectet fallen off, Hy many It has been : thin, gray or entirely 011 just n minute and a half, George, said the General looking at his natch. 'Vou eeo there aro from a million and .nVirr 'i ha London Hair color iiestorerrostores nuartcr too million and a half teethinir S,rrrc'. Su"s "the'rar ranS iSSrJSH children In tho United States-perhaps two million. .Now every blessed one of em bat lu bv. scaly eruptions ou the alp, making It whito and clean, and Insuring a luxuriant growth of hair in Its natural ) outhf ul color, price li cents. Pi In elpal depot tor tho U. B., !0, 'ortb bUth btrtet. i'Uliauciumu. BOLD BY ALL M.UGGISTS. junoMUly to have a silver dollar to blto on. If you pass a law withdrawing this Immense sum from use in tho process of dentition, silver will lloiv into the national coffers, will find Its way luto the natural chanuels of trade, confidence will be re-c.Ubll.uei and" direct or indirect, that the victims might dren. have sulTertd. His benevolence was compre- Ifihada boy i wanted to elevate in the hensive, and it is said of him that he gave way ho should go the uiost, i wouldn't 1111- awav half of what ho made in charity. In dertake the job myself, but 1 would take oph the Island of St. John, however, an offer to the halter and turn him loose In tho city of give to tho poor the proceeds of one of his lioston. entertainments was refused by the village It bus been seel by one of her historians, pastor. "What !" said the shepherd, "re- "that a man once bom 111 boston Hon t hav ceivealms for the poor from a wizard-a tew be born again." If this is really so it is bewitched hand ? Oh, no I What spiritual a great saving. .... ' I ul! ;.,,. ... u.. : lttA.. grace would now upon me onje'Cts in uis- 1 tur mc ju-iuw ni. ukuihu wiu,u. tress?" A'ew York World. I was offered :i hemlock board ten feet long, I'.astcr in Kngland. Of Easter Monday rites various curious relics still linger. One, called "clipping the church," H performed by children of the charity schools, amid crowds of people and shouts of joy. They place their backs against tho outside of the church, and join hands eight inches wide and an inch in depth, ta ken in one piece from the great Colyseum lor the miserable pittance of $2 50. Itwasdorg sassage cheap, but it was two dollars more money than i had, and more hemlock board than i stood in need of. Brains is the chief article of consumption in Boston. Almost everything else is neg lected, and to this is a sublime idea, the till the circ'.o is cnmnleto nnd the building surrounded, when the ceremony is over, and consequents is that a great deal of natural they go ti. another church. genius is negieiueii, nnu iuu tuy is n, iccim Another custom in Durham, is for men to overstocked with morbid taylors and languid r.o nliiint tho streets nml take ofl" n shoo from niantumakers. more." A. 1'. Su, Anecilotes of Signor Blitz. HOW HE POZZLnD AX AnCnBI9HOP,FRIOH- TENEI) TAOANINI, AVD STOMPED THE MEDICAL STUDENTS. To the boyish tricks of Signor Blitz in his native village his neighbors ascribed the los of their sbeep, mishaps to their cattle, and any unusual occurrence within twenty miles of the town. Indeed, the good priest and burghers of the town once held a solemn council to consider what should bo done with this uncatiny boy. No result seems to have come of their deliberations, "yet," led in the largo courtyard of the asylum, 8iws ti10 thor. "the villagers might be which was a high brick wall patrolled by seen Btamijn(r a long way off gazing at my person, anil alleging that tney saw most mysterious sights of beings pae?ing 111 and out of the chimneys, through tho windows, and of red and blue fires burning round tho houso nt midnight." At Kxeter, England, in the early part of 182t), he was summoned before the arch bishop and church council, prior to a per formance, and called upon to answer various every woman they meet, unlets sho will pay a small fee to prevent it. The next day, as is but fair, the women retort by doing tho same to men. In some parts a still more ridiculous cus tom is found, called "heaving" or "lifting." On Easter Monday the men "lift" women and on Tuesday the women are the lifters. It is done thus : two strong men cross hands in the way we used to call "making a chair" in my school-days, or they carry a chair llneil with white, anil ileenrateel with flowers 1 . . , ., , .. . ., I kettle drum. uuii riuuuus. ju iiiccuug a nuuiau iu iur street, they invite her to take a seat, and, in fact, insist upon it. They then lift her into the air three times, when she must kiss each of her lifters, and give them money besidts, In the time of Edward I. this custom was so general that even the king was "lifted." In Kent, the young people on Easter Mon day "go a pudding-pieing." That is, go to public houses to cat pudding-pie, a dish about the size of a saucer, with raised paste rim, and custard inside. Aud everywhere, and all the time, aro cges, eggs, eggs ; boiled and colored; striped and mottled, and gilded ; ornamented with names, or mottoes, or pictures. Common ones are variously adorned with designs There is one thing that i lov and respect Boston for she lets head sleep in peace in graveyards all about the city. I konsider a man's bones a first mortgage on land, that no process but the summons of Gabriel's horn can remove. Fashion Notes. Bennetts with pointed crowns aro things of the past. Several kinui of tea aro served at a pointed out lllaine. Apart irom all 1110 Merges of irreligion, and as being an "idle thers eat Morton, of Indiana, gloomy and muchievous person." The council wero morose, his chin resting upon tho handle of lut ub.0 t0 flnj yla guilty, but he treated criucu. i siarieu r. uppruacu mm, 11.11 n.s ti,em to n gratuitous performance. He as nowu bf 111 in days. tonished tho assemblage by announcing "You'd better not," said the Sttpcrititen- that a watch, whicli ho exhibited, would be dent, catching my intention and my arm at transported to a cushion in the cathedral tho same instant. pulpit ; and there it was found when a niea "Why not ?" sengcr went to search for it, "Yon'il boiler not. thnfs all." said Gen. Ui" lir"t ,ent ai a ventriloquist was in a li.i.i,., ,i.,lfin,,iK. . n,l iat ilimi Mnrlm. uissecuug room wuiiuer no nun ueen invi ...... v., o ' J .l 1... ...n,lll f.t I Tl, -l looked up from his crutch, and scowled "" " ," " -- across the courtyard at John Sherman, with f1'" e"" ' 7 "n1in?'8'n ? his face which convinced " "" i-iuiu. an expression in me that the Superintendent was right. Tlio Inmates l.nd hoisted a Hug in honor of the day and were making speeches. I re gret that I am Hot able to report their re marks, which wero full of patriotic senti ment. I was particularly impressed with the eloquent words of f-ubddy romerny, who wept as ho pointed to the ll.ig and mo ved the following resolution, which wero s.'Ciin-'ed by Schuyler Colfax and passed unanimously Uemhcl, That the inmates of this Helreat point wilh pride tu 11,1. reei'M 01 their orvl its in tne lust nnu i-'eiijfH ttieir tiuwRvcrin: support in the luiiire 10 tUe Government nl, during a visit to Glasgow, an infant's I this grnntl Li-public. cry came from within the great Italian's fid Jtenortrn, iiini 1111 iniini 111 nor ui-iiiu ,1 ...o, l... ,..;, ,.!.,., I .,, oil l,.,,.,r,U in. i.s mmi.. . . ...1. ........ .,..,. itir.. n ..1 111 m ii i, it...,.-. , Hao Ual. That a committee nl three be uuu 1 "gamut, wuat 1 appointed to lav thpso riwilulinns before this t Gon. Butler, nud to bo asked at tho samo "You know whose child it is." said a fe' lime tiiai mere no luuius in uieeiuu 1111 me ,i ,.! i .,ti,,..i ti,. . . , t t .11 1 "l.Sl ,UI liuill A IIEIKIIUUl iiik HUSH. Alia Decision o tills anniversary of our national . . , . 1 , . ., , . - I iiyi M tiinaiolan rltatioH Inllinlnaal l..,u independence. 1 " - u,.u,. "'It is cruel to mutilate," said the voice, "tho remains of a woman." "ies, came irom another uoely upon another table; "it is nil outrage to thus abuse a woman." Doctor and students made a rush for tho door, nnd it was only when the surgeon had frantically driven home in his carriage, taking Signor Blitz with him, that tho ventriloquist explain d. It is impossible to givo more than a few of tho many anecdotes which Signor Blilz himself has left of his long life and varied experience. Meetiug 1'nganlni, tho violin l'lush gauze is one of tho new bonnet trimmings. For summer wear long whito mittens aro showu. Tan and brown are the favorite combi nations in the new wraps. Gold and steel are combined lu bonnet and coiffure ornaments. All shades ot yellow are freely used in trimming spring bonnets. Grey and tan in pale shades are tho glove colors of tho moment. The ne..- shades of green are sea foam, crystal, cascade, and bronze. Huches of lace and crepe lisso aro iiserJ for face trimmings of bonnets. l ...... ..!.:! ... 1 - c - drawn with a bit of tallow, which keeps dye , -M'J "B w..ei s c. .efilu from taking on those parU. A better kind ttledrtims or luncheon parties. f decoration is to scratch the design with f K've nave n.most su- sharp knife on an egg after it is dyed ; l'""" urwseu klu, mr street wear. landsoape, mottoes, etc., can be made very -""'mans anu acar, mamies are worn ueatly but so aro half-long French saqucs. A common gamo which, perhaps, you '- "co trimming is hccn un know is playeel with Easter eggs. The spring bonnets, but the variety is endless, owner of a hard boiled Easter egg challenges l'arasols will bo used in the demi-sai-any one he meets to striko eggs with him, son larger sunshade umbrellas, in sum- It his egg breaks tho other, it is called "the racr- cock of one," and its owner has the broken Black veils dotted with tilleul, client one as a trophy. When it has brokeu two Mo and tilleul-colored straws aro coming in it is "cock of two," and so on. If an egg vogue. which is cock of one or more is broken, the Mignonette, on account of its tilleul conqueror adds tho number of trophies won shades, crops out in every form of bonnet by the victim to his own scoro. trimming. The custom of making presents of eggs is I'inger pulls and curies are absolutely said to be Persian, and to bear allusioa to necessary in arranging the hair in French the "mundane egg," from which the world twist style. was fabled by certain nations to have been I Tuscan, Mllau, aud Leghorn straws of derived. It is a custom among Jews, Egyp- I deep yellow tints are the favorites for spring tians, aud Hindoos, and was adopted by I bonnets. Christians to symbolize the Resurrection. I Tea, sandwiches, cake, end biscul This feast of eggs, therefore, very proper- tho only refreshments needed for a K In the cheering which followed the read lug of theso resolutions, ono old man near ly as old as the centenarian whom I hpd seen inside swung his cap feebly, and shouted in a tremulous voice: "l'lum duff I Plum duff! If any snipe attempts to haul down that flag shoot him ou tho wing I" (leu, Butler gave 1110 a meaning look, and lapped his forehead without making any re' mark. As wo passd nut of the court yard into tho dormitory building, wo caino across a solitary inmato sitting upon a bench, Ue held n book in his baud, and was repeating over and over these wards ; "A verb must ugreo with its nomnatlve in number and porsou, with its'' When the studious Inmato saw us, he looked up eagerly, aud said: "Will you hoar mo uow U: verbs, General?" back to his violin, aud then turned aroun to see Signor Blitz laughing and to receive his explanation. n Egyptian mummy was presented by the American consul at Cairo to a 1'hiladel phla museum, A crowd was one day about tho case, and was startled by a voice from tho multitudinous linen folds. "Open tho box 1 open the box 1" said the voice. "Who are you f" asked ono visitor, more vcrturesomo than the rest. "I'm a descendant of the I'haraohs," au swerctl tho voice. "What do you want?" "Ask yourself. Your confounded Yankee A verb must agree curiosity has waked me up from the sleep of ages. Open the box I" "What's your name?" "Signor Blitz," answered the voice, and the great ventriloquist mods himself known. ly occurs at Easter - olaafor April, -Olive Thome, 6. A'ict- Josli liilliiiRs on Iiostou, Boston is tho kapital of Mass.; tho salt of drum proper. The Breton and the Beatrice mo the two basques which enjoy the run of popn lar favor this spring. The caprice of the moment with young ladles is wearing long black kid gloves with .1. - 1. 1.1, 1. r. I ' uie rami, aim u.e KrauieatmjrocKtng nossxil ,,. cvel,ing JrW4Mt me live lanuee. wi,ii r.,ti,i. . 1 i., ....1 ..j ,,.,,, , . . I .. ...IV ..iiii.ii luuim llius. IUIIWUS. UUU lho inevitable skoolmarm, tho kamphene ri!,i,,i.rnlliw , nirL,ui ,, t agitator, tho warlike debater, all cum redhot (lecWeil preference shown for bonnets prop. llUlll JJUSltJIi. I 111 I am playkarded to lektur here to night at Musik Hall, but how I shall succeed the Lord only knows, for i, a man of no iearuin', a very poor speller and devoid of impudenco have got to fuce the poets, aud skolars, his toryans aud mges, besides lots of wimmin, who have got moro edukanhen iu one miiiit than N'ebudkennazzer bad after 099 years of toil and sweat. I shall probably make a fizzle of it, but i hav one consolashuti to cheer mo it won't bo my first fizzle. Fust fizzles are what a pbcllow dreads; if he kau manage one of them, and not all leak out, there is hope for him, aud also a slight sprinkling of salvashuu. What I have saw of lioston sutes me. The people are as gentle as lambs, and know a stranger tho mlnit they git their eyes on him. Nobody here is in too much of a hurry to be civil, If yu hav lost yure hotel the first man you meet will waste 2 hours telling yu of the different crooks you must take to reach It, and finally konklude the aafest way , is to drop everything and go with you. Birds and birds' wings havo flown away from the spring millinery openings, The new bonnets aro small, but are made to look large wllh tho trimmings. Small buckles, clasps, bmoches, and rings aro all used for millinery purposes, Tho new black lace mitts are embroid ered insldo as well as outside the hand. Louii XV slippers, with immensly high heels, placed further forward than over, are seen. It is impossible to make a really fash iohable col dure at present without moro or less additional hair, unle ts a lady has a very abundant chevelure. Twe friends, nil Englishman and au Irishman, traveling, had a double bedded room at an inn. Being nwoko hy a .noito lu the night, the Englishman called tu his companion to light a caudle. "Where is It ?" asked I'at. "At your right hand, ou the table." "Are you crazy?" cried Tat, "How cau I see which ii my right hand in the dark J"' '.Sijsi .4, AHciV.U-lJ.