THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NT Y, PA. Tks Itnlui of Cartliage. Mr. W. E. Itabertson writes from lllair beth, Scotland, to the lndon llmtl as fiU lows : Having recently vUlted thlj onco famou city, 1 have thought that It might not be un interesting lo your renders to know son"" thtng of ths present condition of its mini', while at the name tlmo I call attention t wholesale deitructl.m of tlio few but tlful remaining monument) of glory. Landing at the little luwii of (luli'lN, which Is the port of tutus, itnd (listiitit ir .in It about ton mile, I pat up at the h ...'1 there-, kept by an Italian. A wldo but shal low lagoon stretches out toward the intuit rn City on tho left, with which eoiiimunlcRtin'i ii kept up by train., which run at intervals during the day, A milt' or two the na tion, on a wide plateau, lie como upon foundation of it whII, some throe feet .n thickness, Following this for three mllf-, tfo come to some plowed ground com 1 With fragments of broken marble column', with here and there a heap of ruins, fast crumbling to decay, Heated among these we contemplate the history of a city which was once tho rival of Rome, and toward which the eyes of the civilized world wcro turned, llere Hannibal, when a boy nlue years of age, was led to the altar by his father Ham Hear, and there with his hands upon lt,madc to swear eternal hostility to the Roman peo ple an oath which his after life proved had nit been forg .t'.eu by biui. On this hillside in later years the Roman envoys stood, and one of thtiu, addressing the C'arthagculan Senate, said, folding his toga over his arm, "la this fold I carry peace or war, choose you which you will have." "Give us which you will," Is the reply. "Then take war," aye the Human envoy, letting his toga fall loose, and war, fierce and long continued, was odm more waged between these hostile forces. The only remain in any way complete are the reservoirs and the nqrduct. Th fJt' incr are in a good state o . -.lation, niid aro Construct ' a 8Ca' of great magnlfl iney aro calculated to hold a largo supply ot water. These have all been arched over, but some of the arches are begiuniug I to give way. and have tumbled into tho tanks Round the margin of these pools paths extend, paved with small pieces of an electric battery. Ine incision was neat polished marble about an inch square. All ly sewed up to hold the plate in place, and around may bo picked lip tho fragments of the cicatrix covered with collodion or other pottery, broken jars, etc., which, doubtless, tincture of irj-i tittvi. Another copper have been in use for the carrying of watt-r by plate, connecting with the same pole of the the maidens of tho city. A few ancient Coins battery was buried at the base of the skull, were given me here by a Utile boy who had and still a third, of zinc, connected with the picked them up when herding his goats nt by. Some of them appear to be Roman The aqueduct, constructed of enoniic is blocks of stone, and extending away town-'! the direction of Tunis, has in many pluc , given away ; but enough remains nb. . ' ground to enable us to trace it through many miles. The lovely situation of the city, standing on that prominent headland against which thewaves of the Mcditerrenean beat, as in the days when the Roman fleet went down beneath them, wtnt far to captivate those who ultimately became its conquerors. That it.mlgnt not be so accessible to foreign in Tasions, accouuts, in all probability, for the change ot situation in the more modern city of Tunis. It was with regret I found among the ma- terial collected for building purposes at the town of Goletla yards of marble columns, with carved work of the most magnificent description, all of which aro being broken up to erect some humble buildings. The Italians and Spaniards of the Middle ages have adorned their places with marble from Carthage.and the Venetians have their friezes and columns, which were once the admiration of Dido and of Hannibal. Is it too much to hope that an effort might yet ecure for us Bomo relic of a city, the very loundations or which may, before long, be- come lost to our sight ? Thirty-eight Days Without ''nod or Water. How long may a dog subsist without eith er food or water is a question likely to arise after reading the following: On the Sdof January last, a gentleman resident on Elm street lost a valuable dog of the spaniel breed. The animal was seen last by the I owner a children, with whom it went out. I U . Ct , I 1 ... , I u' me uog was missed tne lOSS I 1 1 ii .i ... .... I w auTcmaeu in me uaiiy papers, but notli- I .... i tog; was heard of the missing spaniel until Saturday last. In the forenoon of that day the owner1 children went into an empty house near by to amuse themselves. In the cuunm ui pmy, one oi mem opened me door v. - -.v. n.,cu tut, U,ng uog was found lying in one corner apparently dead On a closer inspection, however, it was found tbat the pooraulmal was still alive, although reduced to little else than skin and bone. Without delay tho children had their favo ritewhich was not alio to crawl even car rlA ,n,n. .it.. .i..i. wm given to it, and before many hours it had bq far ,.mi a , i ii. , I The dla, ,7 ', , i ine disappearance of the dog is now ac- counter! r,. f .i . .,t. , . ,h child t,,.,t i:" " ir; ' IT. 7: th ., i rH' ? "f j ..w v-j ,a,JV HICJ II1U-I, III leaving, nave acclilr ntally Bhut. him in mid gone and lelt him. From that day until last Saturday nobody had been in the empty house, and there the dog had been for l.t.(. .1 t.t ... uiuty-cigut u.ijs muium either iood or water, lo make sure that there was no source from which she animal could huv bad sustenance, the owrcr paid a visit to the house, nnd satisfied himself, niter a careful scrutiny, that there had been no food or water within reach. At the time the don was imprisoned it was very fat, which had, no doubt, much to do with the fact of it, t,nt ii..,i 1 7'.,,,. r-i.i. .u..s. ,,. w.uor. The latest crematiou experiment at Wash- Ington, 1'h., was an ignominious failure. A granger reaming near mere loiind a live and ft..i... ....... .. . i..y ,.wiiu uuB waiiuering on ins premises ulMi.nir mi, itl,n.l ...a . """""""J iuie means ui support; so lie captured the beetle, bottled him up and bu- ried Mm In a i now bank. At the end of live weeks he was released from his urisou. and appeared as full of life nj a tramp is ol impudence. Then the gra.ger took the bug over to Dr. J.eJloyue s furnace aud subject- ed him to a heat of l,m degrees above it- .u .u, liuuni, mm wnen tne oven was v .uuv .mim.ou, UUg smiled sardonic- u vt. tlsnntwl tiU tvlt..a iarVs uUL-uw7, TC ZI"....- ,.L r . - vivwi-nu ilUUif .i tun ujrv 10 ooi uue and v.e ll j laV I ' -.V.r.L.a U .,gu.of life had disappeared, and Jl is apt 10 snake a man's confidence his wife to awake In the early morning and nnu ner sitting on tne edge of tbe bed, go ing through tils pockets. And it Is ant shake n woman's confidence in her husband lo fiad nothing in thote pocket, but a la irtr!Mr'k. a tile. nf Imtnanj , . ' . ! . , --""sv, . variety show ticket, and a perfumed note alpied, "tvex yours Julia." Wllhoot a Sonl. A RRMARKAI1M3 EXPERIMENT. Stuns le Doctcur Bimy d'Alembcrt a no. l"l French surgeon and physician, has long held that life might be prolonged Indefinite ly in some classes of patients ; Mich, for In 'moc, as those whohavo suirered no fatal l.'slons, or who are perishing from nniemla nr the degeneration and tinn production of .minor blood oorpusclos. Until the Oth diiy of last Joveiiib"rho found no one willing to accept as tine his vein! ily visionary theory, hut having secured asulttblo patient f ir experimental purposes in tho person of Jf. Xat'tan Isinrs, u relative, bv the way, of ll.inm Roth-child, h! immediately proceeded to drm mtrntc tho truth of his hi'licrio nusubstaiiilal abortion. Sir. Is was dying of an disorder, and having hoard of l)r. d'Alembort's theory, ho nent for htm on the d.ttc above mentioned, having discharged his family physician, and placed himself wholly under the care of Dr. d'Alembcrt. Upon his arrival Dr. d' Alcmbort found his patient at the point ol deKth, and the mnro strongly to demonstrate the tmabillty of his belief, ha determined to allow Mr. Isaacs to expire before trying his experiments. No stimulants being exhibi ted, Mr. Isaacs quietly breathed his last on tho morning of November 11 at half-past four o'clock. Dr. d'Alembcrt, who slept in tho house, having been informed of this fact by one of the nurses, immediately had the body placed in tho box (constructod with double walls packed with charcoal) and en tirely covered with pounded ice, and then had it removed to his offi'oe, where in the presence of Dpi. Dupuy, Dien, EttWune. and Record (the two latter members r Jl6 Academy of Science), had the "J 'om: ved from the box, wiped the-o"?0'? dry and placed on a ' 4U MP uf which was f,i-...Ai of n plate of glass two inches in thickness. The Paris Heme itulioalc de scribes the results of tho experiment as fol lows : Two assistants then began with dry friction to shampoo the entire surface of the body. This being thoroughly done the doo- tor made an incision reaching to the spine at tho lint vertebra, and buried tliere a smooth copperplate attached' to one wire of opposite polo of ttie battery, was buried in similar manner at the base of tho Bternum, Krerything being in readiness, an almost imperceptible stream of electricity vaa turn ed on, and no gradually increased that it was fully an hour before any twitching of the muscles could bo discovered. At intervals of five minutes the tongue was moistened with an elixir composed of cognac brandy of one hundred and eighty per cent, proof, which had been rectified six tunes through filters of saod, charcoal and felt. Tho tongue and fauces were moistened with lime juice and water to prevent excoriation of them by the strength of the liquor. At the end of an hour, as above slated, a slight tremor of tue muscles became discernible ; and at the end of the Beoond hour very minute globules "f perspiration could be seen with the mag- nlfying glass upon tho glands of the throat, axilla; and groins. At this point artificial respiration was begun aud kept up. Toward the close of the third hour the flesh hail U moist feeling, the entire surface of the body bein covered wilh a "got perspiration, Fronl thU sta8e we deem h be8t 10 Ter batim the dl"y of Dr- d'Alombert : Fourth hour Breathing being establish- artificial respiration was discontinued, The time between the exhalation and inha- lation of the breath, twenty seconds, though growing more natural, Fifth hour Slight pulsii; breathing all right ; on forcing open the eyes, pupils found very much dilated ; eyes not glassy. Fifth hour Left in charge of attendants while physicians were at dinner, no reliable notico of progress taken. Seventh he ur Still improving; pulse regular, though very weak ; eyes open and shut of themselves. Eighth hour Stimulation with brandy discontinued ; strong egg nog of coat's milk being substituted; steady progression. Ninth hntlr A mutlpred tlimrt nl r- nrr-h i . Tnth V.l'n"t, n,1 lS-,iftk Vm.Nn change excep't thattn"the'at half of the twelfth honr, immediately before a slight slumber, the patient called for "wife and Etta" (his child! ThIrte.nth VnurtN,nlh hRi.rsftoi.nrf slumber, from which the patient awoke re freshed, and began a conversation in a weak tone. Perfectly rational. Tho battery wtu kept attached to Mr. Is aacs and the stimulants continued, though at longer Intervals and in larger quantities, ?P V T tb' '"'r g 8tory 14 ,lle fac' tuat though Mr. Isaacs re- '""'l Intellect with the renewal of bis L., , ,, , , , . ., , M et moral faculties were eutirely dormant. When his wife and child were ' 5i'" l'e evinced noeuiotion what- ever, and while he recalled every Incident of his former life aud all of his acquaint ances say that his conversation and Ideas were more brilliant than ever beforeyet it was impossible to call up any association that was aught save indifferent to him, When informed of his mother's death (though he had been tbe most devoted of sons) lie merrly remarked, ''Well, sbo was old enough, heaven knows," Though form erly very devout In bis observance of relig ion, he had become very blasphemous. He " , we truui 11 ikxssioio 10 lie, ""u "veintii to tako a uiosi intenso delight to ... , .,.. ,, . .... .,irau.iu. ins jirrsuu any uujeci even of the must trUinl iImk It. ,n,i frequent attemt.ta t ,. it,. .l-tn, r i.t. watch while bending over to administer stimulunts: &e. Dr. ilevnuilt Kt l'Jerr. i . . . . . . - tbe Highest l'arislaii authority on insanltv a a . ' ' and malteN relating to the psvcholoirv and physiology of the brain, beiugcalled in said that he could account fur his condition only Uv supi.nslnir that while. 1.1 .n. been resumed along with h s new llfr bj soul had tied forever. Me argues lhat L, this a caseonly of Insanity the brafu would not havi increase 1 iu brilliancy, nor would themen.ory have continued so perfect, The bla.uheml.,. a.,,1 oh.eenn.v.n.l .1 I ..-.-v. ..... conversation of Mr. Isvucs having becom. .a iir.rr .It, i w.j I,. .I!,.,.-!!. ti.!- it .l . death had resumed his sway. Immediately on his dissolution the eves sank, the ski Iu 1 shriveled, a hideous stench oervaded the I whole apartment, and the corpse had all the - appearance of being dead for weehs. Thus to ended one of the most remarkable nwrl nients on record. - Dr. d'Alembert savs lhat nm, in iu. I t....i . .... i pennieutoeiiaa made several similar ones on the bodie. of cats and dogs starved to death for lho purpo1)) experimenting. Dr. Schonck'a Standard IlcnicdlcN, The standard rrmodlos tor all diseases ot the lungs are Kchenck's Putinonlo Kyrup, Hchoock's a Ww d Tonic, and tvhonuk's Msndrako 1111s, nnd It ttikrn before mo lungs are destrojed, a speedy cure Is ef forlod. Tj tlicRO Ihro medicines Dr. J II. Pchcncv, A riillsilfivlila, owes his unrlT,tllcd succcs.i I.. tue trcitraeut pnlnmarv d'ciiscs. tuo riumoniu Hyrup ripens i no moiDiu mai wria the Mines i naturo throws it on liy an CKy exfs'Ct- rstlon.for wIilii (lie puirtrra or mutter la rl iixitRiit cation nlll lliro.t It utr, tho p.uli'iit tins ri:it uuU l lie luius bt'ptn to iK'al. '1 j pua.le the Pulmonic Hti-yu to do Hits, "ehnrk'n Mttndritko Pills nnd chrnrks .--pit uiil 'loulo must ba Ireely itfod to cltitn-e the Mo.nuri. tmd liter, ncliencl. s .Mandrake 1'1'ls urt on th liver, re tuux ail olutru.nloii-, rein v tliu u'.'ill PI tilik'r,ttio bile starts freoly, oi-l the liver It soon r'HlMtoi. soli'i.ik'HS(ii Weed Ttini.; Is a centlo stltnulsLt and alteint rii; tliei nlkstl ut whlcli It is ro.nroted inlcs with tne Tuod aud presents souring. It aviMa the dlgeattun by f.nln? no the st'imncli to a huii!iy cuadtuon .) tint tue lo-id mut tlae l"iln,outc ynni will eij I bi.vnl t then tuo lunus heal, and tlic rall-'iit win x irel K'tnulilt csru Is takoi. toro vent rresh iid. A!' wnowwi to cons'ilt Dr S-nen"k. elthor rjer tonsil) or by letter, can tit soathlsprtnelpMomce, corner ot Mtii nud Arch btrcct.-i.rlillili IphU, every ll)tldrt . seti?n.'k's iiifillctnet nro sold by all drug-glits tijnmliotit tbe eo intiy. Manlis iprll. VEGETINE " strikes nt the root ot disease by purltylnj the Mood, resUirlnf Hie liver nnd kldnejs to hcultay action, luvuuratlug tuo nervous bstcm, VcKetliH! Is not a vile, nauseous compound, uhtch simply purges tho bowels, but a safe, pleas tut remedy which Is sure to purify tho blood aud thereby re store IhJ health, Vep; rll no Is now prescribed In cases ot wrofula and othor dis eases oftne tiloo I, by mmy or tho best physicians, owing to Its great success la curing all diseases or this nature Vcgctinn Does not deceive Invalids Into false hopes by pnrg Ing aud creating a Mentions appctlto, but assists na ture In clearing and purlftmg tho whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health, Vcgcllnc Was looked upon as an eperlmep "" some time by rtm nf nnr liMt. nhrRllllin h,.K lUOSe most IllCrcdU- lous In regard to Us me-' ro now Its most ardent mends and sunr-". Tt'pctinc, J.VS a Boston nhystdao, "has no eoual as a blood purifier. Flooring or Its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had taUod, 1 visited the laboratory and convinced mysoU of Ua genuine merit It 13 preparca tram oarKS, roou ana ue rps, cacn or wrucn is hlirhlv errecUve. and tiirv aro cotnrwuiulesl in suca a manual na to pradaca astonishing results, vcReiine Is acknowledged and reotninendcl bv nhnddass and apothecaries to be the beet purifier and cleanser or the taood yet discovered, and thousand speak hi Its praise woo have been restored to health. moor. WHAT IS NEEDED. Boeros, rcb IS, WT1. Ur. n. It. Stevens i Dear HIT s bouc one vcar since I round mvsell tn teeDlecoadlllOQ from ireneral debUltv. Vmretlna wasstruogtv rtKoiniiiund.xl u me bv a friend vrhoj naa tKn muca oeneoiea oy it nsc. i prucurea uie article, and otur using several bottlett was ro-0tore4 to ncalth and discontinued Its use. 1 foci conndont utattaerc is uo medicine superior to ltfor UuiHO oomplidnts ror which It Ide9ieciui)vprptir6d,'and would che-trfiuly reoommend It to those who feci thai they need something to restore them to perfect health. Kespectiulty yours. U. L. PETTINQILL. Firm of B. M. retUnglli (Jo,, to state sL, Bostoa. UiHciHMin. Kov. 91. tsra. r. TL n. Stevens i Dear Sir The two botUes of Veeetinn rnrnbtbd me by jour acent my wife has used wlta crtat ben- ror a rani: umo sno nas oeen tronmed with dim- nesand cuttlveness: these troublea are now en tirely removed hy the Uhe ef vegotino he was &Ih) troucled with dvsnensU and ireneral debility, and has been greatly beneflted. Feci AKysolf a jKTow Man. Nines. Mass.. Jono l. is?i Mr. n. R. Stevens t near bir Tnrougn t no aavieo and earnest peraoft fdon of Itev. IS. M. Hest, of this place, J have bees taking Vcgetlne for dyspepsia, ot which J have suf fered for years. have us. omv two DOttleH and aire ldTfelmv. self a new mui. itespeeunlry, Dr. 3. W. CARTBB. Beport from a Practical Chemist and ttpomecary. IIuhton, Jan. 1, ism. -Thlalsto eertlTv that I have sold at rfl- UU iuh dozen (itou botues) ot yoilr Vegctlnolnce best HousfacUon ot anyremedy fur the complaints tor which It Is recommended thlt I ever sold. uiRb j eviTsaict acurce- lvadavnaiweH without sama'f mvenstomerK tesu- fjtDg to Tu menu on thejnteHes or their friends. un rfcctly cognltant of several cases of acromions iiuk uurt-u uy vugeune aione in wis ncini Very rvupecUuUy yours, Al UILUAN. 4ta Broadwav. To U. R. Stevens, Esq. Preparetl liy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all druggists, Ayer's Sarsaparilla or Scrofula, and all tciofulous diseases, Erysi pelas, Kose, or St. Antho ny's Fire, Eiuptions and Eruptive diseases of the shin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lnngs, Pimples, l'ustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumors, Tetter, Salt Ithemu. Scald Head, Ringworm, tllcera. Sores, Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Horn', Side and Head, Female WoakutpH, Sterility, Ieucorrhtea, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, (leneral Debility, and for Purifying the Elood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives SUllingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock wit), the Iodides of Potassium nnd Iron, and is the moat elEcacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Jts ingredients are 60 skilfully com bined, that the full alterative, effect of each is assured, and while it is eo mild as to be harmless even to cliildreu, It is still to effectual as to purge out from the system Urose impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence vihich promineut physicians all over the coun try repose in it, prove their experience ol its usefulness, CYi-Uticates attesting its virtues have u cumulated, and are constantly being receives!, and as many of these ciics aie publicly known, they furnish ronvineing evidence of the rupcriority of this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its buperi ority to any other medicine known, that we need tlo no inoio than to assure the jutbllo that the Iwst qualities it has ever possessed aro drictly maintained, fitr-raui:!) nv Dr. J. C. AYER dt CO,, Lowell, Mass., i'ri.cflei.f ( .tnutyttcttl fhrmiMtt, SOLU UY ALL UI1UU01ST3 LVLUVWI1L11K. Oct, 19, 18IS-ly OS" AGENTS WANTEDcKs MARVIN SAFESCALECO. v 265 BROADWAY A.Y. 72 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA, 108 BAN K ST.CLEVe.O March 81, 1-ly, PAPER BAfJB iroit BAU AT THE COLUMBIAN OmGE. ' - ' -' "V warn CPU NTER, PLAT FORM,VAQQH &.TR ACK CHEAP AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types anil other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsburo, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, arge and Small Poster?, Letter and Hill Heads, Envelopes with Business! Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills ol" Fare, &c Will all be supplied and cxaited in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. The best workmen aro employed aud tho best material will always be furnished. A libernl share of public patron age ia respectfully solicited. BLOOMsurjao, March 23. 1877. BLCOMSbURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL blXTU NUIiMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GHISWOLD, A. M,, M. D Principrtl. TII11 SCHOOL. a,i at present constituted, o-erstlra ten bestfa.llltlostur 1' "1 Classical Ic-irnliis. IIMlWlucssuaclous. IuMIIiic and ciimuiudlous itoim KUly heut. il to stenm. iviim.u..iateJ, lighted bj gua,uud furnlslicd witti a 8P(xatlo'n til' iltliftil. and ease of acress Tuaciiers moderate. Fifty cciiot a weef iI-jJ icimii toailoxpeelluir to teach, students admitted at any tlmo. Iloouis rescrtvd hucii uesueu. Courbes ot study nrnni ioed by tho stato i r. Ilulrl bcliool, II, Preparatory, III. Klementary. IV, Classical. Atljtinct Courses i I. Academic, II. Commercial. M. Course In Mule. IV. Course In Art. V. Courc In l'lipicil Culture. The Elementary Sclentlnc and ClasMcal Courses are PROFCSMUXAI, and students sraduatlnir therein, i-ecclve Mnto lllphmas conferrliis the follnwdiip; eorrespondinir Degrees Master of the Klements: .Master of tho Sciences! .Master of tho Classics, Graduates In tho other Cojracs receive .Normal Lertiutaiesoi their attalnmentH,, signed b tho otllcersof the Board of Trustees. . . . n The course of stud y orescrlbed by the state Is liberal, and the scientific nnd Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our best Colles;cs. .,,,, ,. The state require sa hlaher order of citizenship. Tho times demand It. It Is one ot the prima objects of this scsj il to help to seciuu tt to fiirnl-lil n? liiiem sent and entclent Teachers for her Schools. Toihtscndit solicits young personsof food abilities and good purposes, tlinso who desire tiilnipiirte llelr tone aud their talents, as udents. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter lea lug school. 1 or iuiuiuKue. allures tne i niicipai. IIO.V. II.I.IA.M UI,Vi:i.I I'realdrnt Ilonrd Hopt. 8, '78,-ly WHOLESALE DRUG EMPORIUM. Corner Main aud Market Street BLOOMSBURG, P A. The undersigned having been engaged m tho business for the past eight years would call the attention of country dealers to their large aud varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Their stock consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT -"B 3rt O "W E ZR. ' S BLOCK. Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. .They are also Sole Manufacturers of the cekbiote OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUU STOCK. nCO-yEE, BROS. May 19, 1.-tf. Then Buy MILLER BROS.' and save one-third tbe cost of Is much handsomer and will CHEMICAL PAINT Ee (em whtle ir any color desired. Is on many thousands or the tin point. Is prepared ready for use lSM55tol .maP3'.?,,wJ"cb llave DSCl Pa'fted six r!3.i . vi rA,NT t"48 taken First JTcmlums at IU V-USJ VUU11 of colors sent tree. I. K rs A 31 K L PAINT CO, 118. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO.'S SSV CHEMICAL PAINT M&tfuSSiBSUilS paint. Is prepared ready for use In white or anr color desired. Is on many thousands or tho Quest butMlnirt .??.V.nAr'tn"ulv.of which have been palnud six years, and now look as well as whennrst nalnted. v-iitsniuAi. rAINT has taken Flrbt P at l0.8?" Address N. V. EN A A I a., 1 s n ater street, Clerelanu, Ohio. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania WINDOW CUETAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not On Short Notice at the Store in Exchange Hotel HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors; Kant SlriM't, houlli Nlilcot'l. & II. Itallrond ltluoiiisbui't;, I'a. PespecUully call tbe attention of the public to the Hon umi HUAt-ts CAhTlM.ri. 'ihci make MnTafriioa t PLOWS. uhoall kinds HEATING AND and arc prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, such lutk&a vuu ,ui.iuvru ivimuimK iiruiu lur lue They are akto prepared ty furnish HAW ANU tiltlSl' , HlAUai U.A.HUU w Repairing of Threshing Thn nronrletorfi belnir nrarttcal mccbanlCB. havtneliad an oireiienc nf nrrr iiiirtv unn th unt.iiri'nL ST. CLOUD HOTEL, Arch Street, between 7th and 8th pmRfiRi-rHife the ('etc rr tie FxkitltKu the H Ck nd has tf f n re-rolntrd end fretcred. parlors re furnUhrd, neu carpi n. te. ' In all llr-arrtlntu.iits Is uii-uri ettid icr rtuiloit! the culinary derailment llrir jlellid I y r. Milrif H e ( tnKLnlal the M, I lud anieifdtnlisii;iilar raits, and rnaeaTored totxteodthe lime rcintcrls lo Itsrairths uhll l.od pilMcuily; in this aitlialarlt stood alone Mr. o.Y. Wullinlinssfsoclsted ith him his too, Gee. K Mullln, tMl Edward L. Due, of I t. Wayne, Ind..'unflr thu nun numo of CI. W. Mullln f!o. '' 'ihanklnir ) li.rpatt islronsiie t nd to Ire tn rnconrsreiiieni as in ine pabi, w aie, retpiciiuny, 3'jH?k!-i?. Viak'kh, licm cicrt. J.T. HKILES, Cashier. 1-io.iaitn. . PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAJtLK REAL ESTATE! The underslgrned will sell at prlrate axis A VALUABLE FA KM, sttaated In Ftshlnrrrerk toirn'htp.COriabta county bounded hj lands of John Haiti. Hamttd'Khsse, Jo wl nh Coh-mann heirs. Chai lea Ash, llaalel U.ns and William Uulme, contalals; aboat 150 ACRES, ot nbteti about Hi acres aro ckarMx, a unkh Is erected A GOOD FRAME nOUSE, HltAMK HAUN, and all its,easary asttoBdlnirs. There Is aba A GOOD ORCHARD, On the iirersises Terms will be made known tr calling on the ua denhrcad, ur by Addreb&u( hhu at ktia Vaur, ra. UATUIAB JOJNE. jrcU-am afl M l Onlsi. f atasaaasarsW BVperlenee.l, etrietnt, and ultra to their work. Ulstlpllne, of Trusters' a paint that as any other finest hutldlntrs years, and now look as wall twenty of the btate Fairs ot tl us wuen urst, painuiu. rcmiums at tw enty ot the btate Fairs ot tho Union. Hample card Address MILI.Bll llltOM, 1M A ater street, Cleveland, Ohio. i.l'rlLce strt tt, N. Y. M ay IV, c-ly. twenty of the stauj Fairs of the Colon. Hample card N T u O.. 1 78 1'rloco street. N. Y.. or M I L L K II May U, '7S-ly. 9 Bible Society, PICTURE FRAMES, REWAP.D CARLS on hand can be furnished Most Reasonable Bates. Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. following statements t They manufacture all kinds ol thu I'tkbiauu uilu'iual ui.d iMPKnvRTi U hepulis. sulu tisloia i,uaiua i oiiiib. Luuubih COOK STOVES as (Irates. Fire Prick, 4c., wholesale and retail. They .1 in. I run nm, e, luu ujohb ecououticill utaiu 111 Use. MILL MAdill.MaiV bllAFil.SU, 1'ULLIiVb, 4.C -lhe) Machines. Reapers, &c, Sts.. PHILADELPHIA. Pa extend the liu-illnmltsct Ihe ft, llcud vtlh the some (jr. AY. MULLIN & CO- C3-. T. T., on the Wonderful Adventures of a Pullman Itev. K, E. Hale's great story tn IBS CHKXBXZAXO' UNION, Itev. II, V. lietcher and Lyman Abbott, Editors. Ilrec her',, Krruiuna, and Abbott's Sunday-fcchool Lessons every wrek. AU Iht ieit Contributor! in the country. f 3.00 per) ear. To clergymen, SJJiO. Tlirr Minnlhs iu trial, 7& cents. AgentH wentetf. HeBU stamp for sample cony. Address IHUtATlO C, KIMJ, uomavr, vi rui riauv, ficw mil, rbs,H w la not estdlj earned In these tlmrs but It can be made In Ibreti montlui by any one of tltlu r aei, la any pari ol tho country vho la wullna to work tleuoliy at the emisoymett IhatwtiiumUih. tea ner week in your own town. t ousted nolle away iromhemu overnight. You ran give our Low time lu the ork, or only your pare moments. Hcobls laitblngiu Irytnu bubl- ntss. Terms ana uuuini iree. auuxcm m uwa, ii. t!LU(TT c ua, roruauo, jtauux, Jfeu. 14 Tl )c fefffl'l , A. yLI'LL'JJijysif'BtV.) .. Mifcfvwur supiily of pure.soit, tlrin but kind, iiil(.inn and Ih jwnjli IIxpensDs (,0I .1. (I. I'lti:i:.i:, Seerrinry. BLOOMSBURG MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GrUNTON, Proprietor, MAIVsrifERr, IlKLOW MAltKHT. Manufacturer of ami L'eakr in all kinds o) MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOKKS We use tho hest AMEIIICAN nnd IT.MIAN Marble, Ho has on hand and furnishes to or.inr MONUMEVrS, T0JII1S, HEAD3TONE3, URN'S, VASES, U. Every Tartety ol .Marblo cutting neatly eteculcd at the lowest market prices. A luni? tiraellealevr.erlenee and nersnnal attention to rmainesM makes the proprietor contident of trUlna satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended W. I . IIUX V'.U. ttSfy. II- Work (Mimed free n rhnrge.-fSa Aus. St, '-l-ty. T. L. (It'STOJf, I'r'opr letor, GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAJP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases op the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents amd Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIeai Sores and Abrasions or Tim Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries or the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES amine; from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a wholesome beautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages ofSitl niUR IIaths are insured by Tint use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per (lake: Per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20. K. E Tb $o test takti r triple the tut of tho& j 5 cent. "HILL'S HAIR AND WHISKER DYE," ntmck or llrown, SO Cents. C S. CMTTEITOS, Prtp'r, ? Sixth At.,S.Y. i r, ss, T.-iy, ALBREGHT & 00. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tho ALHiuxirr & Co. Tiakos aro first-class in every reaped, buing con sidered tho leading riiiladclphin mako by musicians and competent jutlcei. Through thoir extensivo facilitiefl', 'Mewrs. AinitmiT & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments tlmt nro not Biirpussed any wliero, nnd still soli thorn at price within tho rtxtch of all, No I'iano U pcrniitteel to lenvo tiicir factory unlcsa witihfrtc tory to tho most minute particular, lienco their gunrantco of fivo years is a, thing of value. AU lata im provements of importance aro found in these, instrument!). Mkhkus, Ai.nitfXTiiT & Co. havo r cp.lvod the most ilnttcring Testinio niala from L. M, GorreciULK, Franz Arrr.OiwAVK Sattf.h, J. K. IIimmkls bacii, William Volsif.ffeii nnd many othor eminent artists, beside, being able to rcfor to tliousanda of privato purchawrs. schools, eciiii narieo, societies and teachers. Pianos, conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed nnd shipped safely to any part of tho world. SBr lror further particulars as to reforonccs, pricon and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. lylt, lslt.-ly. MORRIS MICHEL, I'RAGTIOAI. PIANO DIAKVR, TUXCIl AIVU KtlVilltClt. 1JL00MSBUUU, I'A. nitST CLaBS WANOfl AND OROaNS KOIt BALK. SEOONU HAND I-IANOS TAKEN Vi KlCIUNUtt. OltDKM IIT MAIL 1-UOtU-TLY KXBCUTHD, i Mi llaal, Tt-lf RAIL FIOAD TIMETABLES IIII.AIM'.l.l'llA AM) IlKADIN'i mA1 AlIIIAXlil All.N 1 Hi I AM-1 f 1 l., 'UtAINd. July 11, i!c. Tin ins t.nArs irrriT s mil on s (ft m t t r t i k I'm- Sow Velk, l'i,llntiel.litn. I.undli u. ihimii, Tamnnnn, e , it.ann, m l t.r n lnji, I l,i; ... in. and !,f p. i . Tor n.M . m. mm i rums pun RvrBRf inv nt isitttv eri'l-Kti.l l.t n e Me- YfJtlt. rf. In. t.ravf lltllnrletptiln. ,ts . m. Itne Iftmdliiir. i l.n it. m., FHttMiiit ,. mill Tiwnaritis, p. in. I.ente i nt..iv Iwtn, r.,0 n,is n, in, SMI i . i Leuit' llllanlsiHji m ii iu m. mill mi. i i, lac-nvcrs i tHtuiii M Stii, i.i.n li,,,,,,, phi i k" turoiif tttiotitclmngeol ors. J, I!. M" T I C. 0. inxonoK. toi.l WET O'llitril Hi Kit tonnt . ii, s''iii.itN l COMPANY. CliNT-IIAI, lIV On umi attei NuikihUi tiiili.lsti.tiulnsttlllliLti I'.MIl'in nsfolloHsi MHITHSS Altl. Kilo Mall s.iii a. in., m i I i l.iimi n... . n ... ., " ( I'll il.liltlHllit h iiUi'lllhlU ii. M"ltUll my ( 1, ll.lli n. hi. 1.1 ine , li.ii ui it U.:,r, p. in, Eluilrn Mull 4. If, n. m., nrrlie niiiilrn lu.mi n. m. Uuitulu llAlir.sii.ldn. in, uiiHu llulliilus.tun. in MH 'I ll Altl). Uunalo i:press uim, " lialllii.uios.4ii " Klmlra .Mall 11.18 a.m., unite iimii-tt.itr I.M1 p. m ttOMIUIIilUll u.tu ' " ItilllllPulUl'.lIU " uhliit t on " llarrhburiiccoininodatton 6.40 p. in. unite Hauls tiurg 1U.&U p. m. nrrlte Haltlmuie s.'.'Ao.m ' Washington C.13 " I'.rle Mallti.M a. in. nrrlte HniilsUunrS'iftii. in. " t.4u " " 'Wutlitngloii lu.rl " All dally except Sunday. I). M. HOVI), Jr., (leneral rassmger Agen A. .1. ("AhSA'l T, Cenernl Manage I) 1 : 1 . A W A 1 1 K, LACKAWANNA WUSrUlIN It.MLHO.M). IlI,OOMSIlUl;('i DIVISION. AND Tlmc-Tablo No. a), effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, .NOVK.MIinit 22 ISTS. KOUTII. STA'l IONS. south. p.m. li.lll. a.m. I o isl 0 4.11 n.m, P ni. p.m 9 Iffl S ' t MS 7 411 I t 7 ii:i 7 2i 7 il 7 IS ; is 7 15 7 i'7 7 "3 0 f.S 5 M r, 45 o so Ii !S 0 19 C H2 6 -5 r, it n s .1 40 r, m ft 2S 5 S3 s m 3 13 4 M 4 UI 1 ,SS p.m. . .seranton ..Helleti.e 'Iiitlurtllle... v BS 0 43 V 53 III Irfl 10 OS 10 11 11 m 1 20 10 23 1 27 10 27 10 32 111 35 III 40 1 41 2 YU 6 C 2 2.5 ti 0 2 31 u 85 2 S3 II )3 2 4G CIO 2 52 6 16 2 58 T 01 3 14 7 (8 3 17 7 11 3 ! 7 15 .1 I a 40 3 42 3 37 3 32 3 27 3 23 S 10 3 17 3 11 3 12 S UO : (Jl 8 1 2 "4 2 42 23i 2 sr. 2 0 2 13 2 10 2 1 M I 13 I 4S 1 43 1 41 I 23 1 10 1 15 1 'I p.m. 0 11 .11 0 2ft! 0 20 ! e is, II II 0 07 0 1)5 !l ft s .'.a s u S M . .I.iiektit..iiiiii I'lltMun ..Wist I Ittstbll... V.i otitiiier Multm Ilenliilt Mug-tun Kingston . .. ..ritiiioi.tli'lunc.. I Itinouth .... Avi.nit.He . . Nuntlcuke .. .Ilunliiks nek. 3 IT 3 2 7 13 t tft S 27 1 40 7 4S T Ml ft 8 25 3 32 S 4S1 K 41 K 801 k id! S 14 s US 8 2 3 37 3 45 10 52 . . Mill I.Hillinv.....ll ft .. .luck's l eny . 11 17 4 I" 4 15 8 43 4 21 S 16 ....licarh Itateu .... llertvltk .. 11 23 11 3 4 ,9 0 cs Hilar u i el: II 4 37 6 CO f,8 ...Hlllot. (iiiive.... 11 0 I.luic HWge '11 43 r 1-10" 11 . . .UICHim htirg Ill r7 4 11 i; 55 54 7 40 7 I 7 sr. 4 40 7 VU 7 (S 7 40 4 Si 0 2 5 IS .,. luij'ei L iv a 7 45 7 (2 S to S 56 7 :,'i! 7 til! tutnuls-j r.ildge. 12 07 ft 14 Cl.ll'k's ' ultdl... 12 111 ft 20 ft 7 II 7 Ml 7 M I II 45 Damme 12 2ft cliutas y 12 al .. ..(ainu'on. .. 12 so .N01lhUlllUlt.llld.'12 ftl n.m. ft 47 S 40 5 51 S 47 0 10 9 16 W. F. I1AI.S1 K II, Mirt. nuperlntcndent s oniee, seranton, Dec, Ill, 1375. SI. C, SUM & BIW, iti.uo.M.sitniu;, i.A, Manufactiiretsof Camagc-jj Bujgio:, Ihictcns, Sleighs, I'LAl 1 UII.M WAGOSP, 4C. Flrst-clats uoik ulnnjson hand, i!i:i'AII(IN(l NUAILY DONE. I'rlces reduced tu suit thu Jan. 5. 1SI7-II The Coluinbian Law Dookut. A complete record Ifr tho use cf attorneys. Con leniently arranged fur tho rtocketlnjor allcaser, eontnliilng ft'O pages, "ltli double Index. This Is the most complete book for lawjcn that is pub, llshod. PBIQE, 53.50. Publisliotl by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of the Columbian, DLOOMSBUnG, 3? A.. Dccl-tf Jerij I'n jihiuaU a DUt. C"1l' HM; trie. ! n t wHh Calti. I Utile ' j.i lror.h,j-l tr tlnf., alF rlrant rfM a UK lift uiloot. -jt as'ravl iud, rollir butl-n, Iniy iiii v.ii-t ring. ld tretiU' V U linn ttlantoMt pl, Thu tbnta artrUl Mnl, p U mM, fur 10 ctmt. I m "11 In I. i.i ir,"' iii-. !,, hfhf nf Ittth iia1vrll. Tr1 g.- i a t, ,et, et rB( , iu ) , Hr,.rt,a Mid rIUbt 111 bu r n irt I'uf. n n Lturill, uduiif. &t, U Ih rcTtOI tTIKH Tikis 11 CalN, X. &TOCKJIAN, t7 EON D BTliEEl', Wtw Tork, Jau. b, isn-ui j V j; oo. GRSATlEDUCTlOM III THE PIIICE OF I'A IN TP, OIL, CHL'SI1E4- JAPAN DUTES ITJTTY Strictly ri'linivnirn .t;.nil cents per pouni guaiunteed equal to any lu tho market, MON'TOUK WlllTi'. I.K.t ii at 1ii cents per pound, C'liiul to any for dm ability. MONTOUH HI ATI! PAINTS s, 0 and 10 cents per pound, aucoriliiis to colur, MONTOI'Il MF.TAl.Mc"imilWN s cents rrr pound. Hie bist'rouf Irt,u paint In the ilarket. MONTOI'Il MF.T.M.UClTiinti-Ndrv 2 ami 3 cents per ouLd. According to quanlliy. Best Quality of 1'uiiii Unifies at Unv prices. PURE LTI?foEBD OIL which tie huv In largo nuantltles, flrect from the Manutacturer, and olTfr at thu iontbt Market price, .TAPa"n D RYE II. Acknott ledircd b all our leaillnir I'atntira to ba hest In the. ttarkel. All our goods aie g iarjnteud as represented aru our rwluw to i ground m pur,, uM.ed m, ortLe raoncv refunded on demand. til's1'1"1 '"r kam'n'a cjr(1 ul"1 rrlco list with tcstlmon IIEN'KV fl. ItKAV, Solo Mntiutiiitiirer. llUPI'.UT, I'A, Mayt. Tl -1y. TIISfrPErISKEPTON FILE AT THF nrrior nr 733 $mMS-,PHILADELPMA lL. .... ' KBiaorlaod UKCS, Hlkl wilt twl.a AdrorllscuMnh. ut uar