The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 23, 1877, Image 3

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n i, o o m s n c it (i. r it I d a t, suncii m. is:;
Kail Hoail Tlmo TaMc.
Accommodation Train,,
lil all Win
Express Train ..
.MS A.M.
7.M A. M
, i.m r.M.
e eo r. m.
J.51 A. M,
4.49 P. M
ll.M A. M
Accommodation Train .!8 A, it. T.ST P. M.
Ileif.ilar Express 4.(0 P.M. It.MA.M.
Tli return cars ou Express train cither to New York
or Hill idelplila. Accommodation tram runs between
Uaiawlssu and Wllllamsport.
The l-iiii'ylv.inl.i Cam!
for Sirins ti ivlgnllon.
will soon open
Persons having liiiir to rent will fiml that
ll piys to advertise then in llie CuLUMMAN.
The n ImlnWttnlor ol" Oiniel Mufti v will sell
real (Ht In l.ilit Siutl on t lie 21lli in-i
See nilvirll-nuuil.
We learn from tlic Dmvllle papers Ilia,
lliere are very tinny vacant hoJ'ca in
place, nnil rent are low.
T!ie anigiue of Alir.ilinn Miller will fill
real elate at U'rwick on llie '.Mill int. Sec
Ji w l 'In' fine In trim Ktnpe vine" If put
ell'iiu II wauti weather sels in they will be ap:
tu lue l In ili'Hlli
II I. I) ill ii1. - li nrm rl c-lilor .!
ie uiXi.IiliM i ii.tuicl a iiiiu,r llie e .tnliil.Hi
fjr Ainliiur U uerol
M, T Lull oftlio I'.rm nf JLnlz & Sloan is in
Nev. York purchasing gfiwt lur tlicS. rliij;
Col. Wiiglit'i little S3 000 bill fur lli-i lm
provmiei.t of the Sii'ipieli.inn.i, iiWo
ilam, w i liil'calci! ililtt I
A new piper Is l.ilkeil of at I'ltMini to lie -
talilislieil out of llie rem ilm of the oltl Comet
office. Ij. II. (funlon formerly of llie Mm
tour American will be connected with it.
Mln Frank Millard, died of consumption lit
tlio resilience of her brother In law Tlios. E.
Otihlls, on Monday tout. 8I10 had been an
Invalid for somo year.", but entertained hopo of
recovery until rjtilla recently. When she bo
came aware of Iter approaching dissolution alio
waa telgni,d. and peacefully pwcil away. She,
was a communicant of llie Episcopal Church,
and llie funeral amices were held at that
church on Wcilnesilsy morning. The remain
were taken to Huntingdon for Interment.
Mls Maria nigg., Utcr of the late ElMis
Megs a lady, well knon and largfly related
In Ihl. cnmniunlly died at the liou.e of Mnthlas
Olrton In Hemlock township on March IS1I1,
Khe luid gone over lo visit lier relatives, and on
the day she had fixed for her return was brought
home' a corpse. Her death was Hidden, and
w.ieanid by a dieae from which site has
sullcud .or somo years. Mln Iligirs was In
the CTili yiar ol her age, and will be mined by
ber large circle of acquaintance. The funer
al look place at St. Paul's Church, Bloo..,burB
on Sunday nflrrnnoii lat, of uhieli church she
j was a ennnisunt member for many year.
Johnson In Qrmimiod TownMi on llie
' .Inn IT" Jnlin.on Williams n ed 88
yarn U month arid 1, inv. -
The deceased moved to this counly. with his
pireuts, in tlio litler part of last century. lie
p.Hsfwcd a wonderful memory and Ins recol-
i'Ctlon of the early history of this county was
a nritter of interest lo those who h.11'1 llie
lire of converging with him. Ho recollected
hen but one house occupied the file of our
now beautiful and flourishing counly tuu,
Hi' li-arni'd llie t'lilnr trade in earlv life atid
nl tint his life long employment. lie
uves a 1 1 1 i.v gr ip of children grind chitdrc
il iireat gi.itid children to mourn Mi lo?.
He was .1 man of truMi, lior.csly and liultnlry.
Ilewastlie son of a liritUh soldier vilio ileser-
led the llritl-li nrii.y n l joined the army of
the American colonies nnil did service In llie
tiitlle iif(Jt-riu:itiiiiin Ac
Hewn a imi.iljil of tliu M- tliodi-t Cliuii h
d Ui fiilh ki hridd tlu'ch.itii of theshudow
if the valley of death h.ll he felled 110 diatll.
Minnie Paiuceii.
Capt. S. Ilea, Is at present In this cnun
ty establishing agencies for the sate of Hull's
I'nrce pump Washing Machine, for which
lie Is general manager. This useful household
Instrument Is the best we have ever seen. It Is
t.nt a patent right Ihat the manager ttldics to
dl'poso of, as he Is not selling territory, but tlio
machine itself. Wo have seen letters anil cer
tificates from prominent cltliens of the county,
which satisfy us that Mr. Ilea la an honest,
straight forward business man. We cliccrlully
endorse tlio following certlllcate.
IlLOOMsnURO, I'a , March 19ih 1877. We
the undersigned, were present to-dty nt tlio
Laundry of the Exchange Hotel In this place,
lo witness a. practical tct of Hall'a l'orce I'ump
Washing Machine, nnd iuut say t' at It sur
passed our most sangutno expectations. It Is
atonce simple and durable and wndied In the
shcrt period of eleven minutes, sixty five pieces
of a very dirty Hotel washtng, Including, toivls,
shells, pillow cases Ac. Tills was done will
out any rubbing or boillrg and willi very Utile
labor. Wo cheerful add our endorsement of
the merits of this Improvement In washing
clothes, to the many It has already received.
ltnad supervisors would do well lo bo
wiucluul of their duty,' One brtheso otucera
1ms recently paid nbout $200 becauso of an
accident resulting from neglect of duty,
This occurred In Delatvnro county.
Wliat n blessing to the poor would be
such n w!uicnmo purifier ami preventive) of
contagion ns Olenn a Sulphur (soap could It
bo di'tribtiteil mining them. Why don't
somo philanthropist net on this hint. De
pot, Crittctiloti's, No, 7 Sixth Avenue, New
The "tVorl tliolte.
A Otnhnnial DccUion.
Competent Judges icprsenllng the clvlllted
people of the appointed fur the know.
edv'C of particular nrtor sciences, convened at
I'hilatlelplila for six months lo diclde iinn tin
comparative merits of the various In tendons of
tiipuklnd, 11 w 11 rili ) to llir-manufacturer of lien
son's Cm pel no Porous l'la.h r, afier a careful list
and coinp.irUnn til this rtniarkableiemuly with
ordinary porous and other kinds of platera, iho
biuhest and only medal, above all forelcn and
American rompctitots, on the ground of lis
Hill's Hair nnd Whisker Dvc. black or P"', "l,"!",ri ver oiher pla-lers, and ll.
hrnwn f.Ort. XlnrMi """"" Pal1 relieving s r iigitu niiig anil cu-
W. IS. Koons,
Mrs. W. I!. Knon,
Frank I). Koon,
A. 10 Miller,
t' M. Vandcrsllcc,
Geo. h: VWell.
J, C. Ilrown,
O. A Poller,
C. II. llroekwiy,
Mordeoai Millard,
Geo. KistwiLk,
Business Notices
Tlio scene presented during tlio Into Inau
guration was -in unlinntcd one. Tlio style
of dress worn by tho members of both Hous
es consisted of every conceivablo style of
1-Athlon nnri It was not necessary to loot
through blue ghs to see the best fitting auit.
D Lnwenherg having just returned from
New York is now prepared to supply llie
Public with tho l-itct no. cities In dents'
Wear. His Goods ari" rirst-clas, whllo his
garmeiils arf tnado up In City Sty In and can
Hi t be exeelli'd, Call and see the latest
s.ylea stud select your Spring Suits at
"When llie swallows homeward lly," linn
is Iho time which coughs and colds begiti In
appear. Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup cures every
Annlication will be made to the Hoard of
Pardons nt its next session for the pardon ol
Banniel liogert, convicted of manslaughter a
year ngo in this county.
At last the Post Office is to be put in a con
ditlm that will accommodate the public to 0
certain extent. This is a much needed reform,
and will bo fully appreciated by all citizens.
It is a good thing for a newspaper to have a
"responsible head." There are sheets printed
that have none, either intellectually or financially.
Last Saturday was "Saint Patricks Day in
the innining." Tlure was no attention paid to
the occasion in tills vicinity, but in the citiei
larire Piracies look place and the "wearing ol
the green" was in order.
License Fee A number of our exchanges
have stated that llie Attorney General had dc
cided that the lee for lle-laurant Iiccn-c-t wn I a bliwful immortality through the Divine He-
ItCTAN. At his late residence in l'ih!ng
Creek TimiKhip C-. I. counly P.i. Eld. A. K
Ktilan on the 1-i in-l.
Mr. It. was born in Sussex county N. J. on
the 7lh of March 1S2I, was iherefore fifty six
years and six days old at the time of his death.
The subject of this notice was urduinctl to the
Gospel Min istry by order of the N.J. Chris
tian Conference Juno 2nd A. D. 1811.
Asa Minister of llie Wotd, he was a zealous
and teacher of practical Christianits-
endeavoring to exemplify in his daily life the
excellency of the Gospel of peace and love
which lie proclaimed to others.
iVs a citizen ho was Just and upright, very
industrious on his farm ; as a neighbor and
fiicnd truly obliging. Asa hu-band and par
ent he was kind and faithful de-iring to be a!
ways at home when not necessarily away 011
business, or attending religious meetings.
Usually Eld. Kutan was a healthy man
but by accident was injured last May while at
work with his team in llie corn field, since
which lime his health failed. At times he suf
fered very much and all that could 'je done by
killful doctors careful and attentive nursing
proved unavailing. He bore his sickness with
reat mtience and Christian resignation, not a
murmur escaping Ins lips, retaining all tne
poers of his mind to the last, when ho fell
a sleep in Christ with a firm faith and hope of
Husinesh Law. The following brief com
pilation of business law Is worth a can fill pres
ervailon, as It contains the essence cfa large
amount ol legal verbiage:
It Is not iu-csar 10 say on a note "fjr val
ue received.'-'
Conlracts made ot Sunday cannot be enforc
ed. A note by a minor is void.
A coult.ici maileuilh a minor is aim void.
A contract made with a lunatic is void.
not .. obi lined by fraud or fioui a ptnoti
a st-ito of lutoxi'-ntioii can mil he eoluctw .
If a ii.itei-li-i or-tiK-n. Mm !.' nut rv-
:i-e the 111 uer ; In- ni'i 1 p'ly 11 11 me 1
te-ratinu fo which it i is given .ml the
mount 1:111 bepr iv.-n.
jiiiciplls an- re'p in-l'il.- for the arts of
fitch iiidividu il in pirluership is rcpou-i-for
the whole amount ol debts of the lirm.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
Il is .1 fraud to conceit fr.iu I.
Tne law compels no one to do impossibili-
IIAHGAIXS I Selling nt greatly reduced
prices to male room for pnng goods ut V.
Si. Kmirr's.
S12.00. In answer to n Idler from a citizen
of this place Mr. Lear say.s that tho fee is $0,
We had a short local in .la't week's
jibont a certain scribbler in which no name wa-
luenlioued. Ilriltain takes up the gauntlet, and
announces that he is the man whose style ol
composition does not include the elements of
propriety and decency, and proves it.
d.'cmcr. Peace to his memory.
I. I. Hakvey.
Luzerne Union please copy.
Last week I attended llie usual Friday after
noon exercbes of the Normal Schesjl, which
consisted of recitations in English and French
music, compositions, contests in elocution, gym
n istics, diawing, geometry and arithmetic.
Nearly all the departments of the school wcie
represented, an improvement I think, on the old
Tun PoonOl.D TiiAMi-. Is the title of a
new and beautiful song and chorus, by Will L.
Thompson. Author of the famous "Gathering I cintoni of having rhetorical exercises merely
Shell from the Sea Shore." Dealers are order- The pupils were appointed judges of the con
ins it by the thousand. The whole country toils and by voteexpressed each Ins or her opln
will be singing "The Poor Old Tramp." ion as to which performance was the better,
I several points being unhealed upon which they
On Friday last there was arother specimen of 1 were to pass judgment.
what March can do. It snowed heavily all day
leaving a sufficiency of "the beautiful" to make
eood sleighing and fur several days we imagln-
ed our elves in mid winter again. On Sunday
morning the thermometer gut down to four de
grees below zeio.
The readers of the Columbian are well
aware that this paper has contained an ac
count of every outrage Ihat has been perpetra
ted in this counly for years past. The charge
of the SAenandixift Herald Is false. If we had'
audi a reporter as that paper employs,wo would
be able to report some things that do occur,
and a great many that do not.
One of the last official acts of Simon Cameron
was to mail us the Keport of the Louisiana In
vestigating Commiltie. This courtesy from a
political opponent, and one who is not our rep
resentative is in marked contrast to the action
of our Congressman, who for two years has
studiously iiiglectcd his constituents in this
A lady who in wtongly named Miss No-
laer. .Yormtotin lUrald. And one who reeds
correction Miss Take. Hhvielieck Qutettr. And
one who no one wants Miss Fortune. While-
hall Times. And who will beat the smarlest
man living. Miss Cul. Dilation. distort Free
Frea. And one editors don't like to sec Mis
And one who hatea men Miss Ann Thro-
All persons are hereby notified that they are
required to remove nil ash heaps and rubbish
of any kind about their premises In tin streets
or alleys of the Town, as toon as the weather
permits. If this is not complied with It will
be done by the Street Commissioner at their
expense.. D. Lowenheho.
President of the Town Council.
March 23 3w.
The First National Hank, of Northumber
land, finding that it cannot do a profitable bus
iness, has deterniinul to wind up its afl'alrs.
The stoikliolders will not lose anything, as the
assets are ample to pay off all the liabilities of
the bank.
The Columbia counly Hank of Illoomsburg is
clohing lis businerf, and will cease lo exist in a
thou time.
Wo ore Informed that the National Bank of
Herwick will also close soon, Lack of business
ltliocaue In both these cases, and nobody
loses anything. ,
Within a ftw days past there baa come to our
knowledge the fart that a number of families In
illoomsburg are suffering for llie want of the
iiicessarles of life. The heads of these families
are steady, hard working-men, but are unable
to provide fund because tiny can gitnowoik
Citizens ought not to allow this, and something
should be done at once, 1.U llie cleig)menof
Iho KVital eliurihi bring the mailer hi lure
tlulr amgrf gallons and have euninilltivs ap-
pointcsl to hunt dihe needy or lo receive a
plications from them, Jf any of thn-e who are
suflirlng will reit at llie CoLUUDUN office
vre will (jladly do all in our luwcr toasls
thctn, Contributions of money or food will be
received Jura until some other place can be pro-
This is for the purpose of developing a capic-
itv for accurate, critical judgment. 1 wai
pleased to note on one occasion, when the pop
ular verdict seemed to be ralher superficial
founded upon the general appearance of the
omplettd exercise upon the board, rather than
lis actual merits, that Dr. Gnswold arose an
dissented from it, pointing out slight short-corn
iiiL-s that the pupils had overlooked.
They will be likely not toform so hasty
judgment another time.
The contest In gymnastics was especially in
teresting, in which fifteen lads and lasses ol
fourteen or thereabouts beat, In the bean l.:i.
exercises, the same number of the most stal
wart young man in the school. When ll
tally was read, thirteen to four, in favor of th
younger class a round of applause burst forth
although, as a rule, applause is prokibited.
The contest In elocution was extremely in
teresting. The comietIlors were appointed
from the junior and senior classes by their class
mates. It was difficult to decide winch w
the better performance each was so good,
feature that I noticed with pleasure was
critics report, hach week a pupil is appoin
ted to note all the grammatical errors,
errors in pronunciation that he or she
serves during the week, and these are read with
the name of the blunder b rid ay afternoon.
In this way pupils are led to be careful and
elegant in their speech.
Dr. l . endeavors to have the lessons taught
put in practice and he himself practices what
he 'caches. I am convinced that few, If any
schools have at their head so able and efficient
man as Dr. O. wins Is highly educated, cu
tured, conscientious and a model of a christian
gentleman. One of the teachers remarked to
me. "it seems to me that all the boys and
glrU under his charge mut make good men
and women." Tho work presented to us last
Frid ly spoke of itficiincV in every department
and I think our citizens would be entertained
nd gralificd should they attend more generally
these weekly exercises and they would thereby
more thoroughly appreciate the advantages af
forded them in having so good a school in their
Pat Hester has lieen tried nnd found gull
t Caldwell's llread has ui-cn t-i -l and
found to bo tho best In tmwi.
FOU SALE Oil KENT. A house and
lot situated on Malr street, Illoomsburg.
Applv lo Funk & Waller.
Mar 10 lev
raltvc proticrlles. Hemcmber that this declsi
waa mndo by four practical and skilled physi
cians, Kenitmber that no nostrum was allowed lobe
exhibited nt Iho Kerne mber when
you are stifi'eriiig from any acheor pain that Hen
soli's Caprine Plaster Is the best remedy cvir
devised lor nil external difficulties.
MI.Ult'HY .!01INON,
rilAnsiiCKiTlcil. Chemists, N. Y.
May 10, '7C ly.
A great Improvement on ordinary poro a p'asters.
Strengthening Flastcr Known.
Ct'llES IJl'lCKt.Y
Ilueu-ratlsm, Keuralgta,
Lame anil Weak nark,
KeLUlca, l.umbigo,
.'Pinal ami Kidney Complaints,
all and pains, of a local nature,
sol I ei crj wliei c. I'l Ico S3 cents.
Muy 111 M'-ly SKAIU'KY. JOHNSON,
pharmaceutical Chemists, N.Y.
Lbe- ,-.-Mli:
cu'i obtain III
is hereby Informed ihat they
le l.i 11 vles at lowest nrlcp
in all kinds of Spring Clou School Suit
for Buys. Pretty Suns lor Children, v-.hhy
Suil for Youths, all of tli latest sty Irs and
nt the loive:.t prif cs ut 1). Lo,enberg
WANTl-.n :-2000 bushels of Corn : the
hUlie-l 111 irkrt pr in paid for s-iitie in fash.
Tuken In lots of 20 bushe-h or more. Call
nn nr ndilr.'ss
II. W. An..
Espy rii.iiion, Pu
Outs' I'nncy Slippers at ..cKiniiejV
in E. M Knnrr's for bargains in Bunts
An agreement without consideration is void.
Signatures made with a lead pencil are good
Spring, just received nt D. Liwen
birg's, Kent Estate lor rent by M. Wynknopon
Third Street, Illooin-iburg. Mar. 2, 3w '
A brick houo and lot ou Centre street
for sale. Inquire of I. S. Kuhu.
Mrs. Milton Charles, Exchange Illock,hns
I,, Int. nf delie'inus" Milwaukee
A receipt for money is not always conclu- 1 alHj (jincinnutti Beer to which she aska the
The acts of one partner bind all the icst.
A happy event look place at 12 111. Wednes
day nt the residence of T. Q. A. fctevens on
Cinderella street. It was the uniting together
n the holy bonds of matrimony of Mr. O-ear
liuckalew of Tucson, Arizona Territory, and
MissAdiia A. Stephens of this cily, by Hev.
L. Illller. Mr. Hucknlew was a former res-
gent of Columbia county, but left for the West
bout fourteen years ago. He resided a great
r part of the time at Tucson, at which place he
s engaged in business nt too present nine, en
ie larly settlement nf the Territory he was 111
the government employ, nnd while making a
rip across the plains was waylaid by the In-
ians, nt which time he barely escape I with
lis life, but not without the loss of his right
He has been a member of the Legislature,
was Clerk of the Supreme Court under Judge
Titus, now deceased, and Clerk of the Couit of
una county. Mr. II. came to tins city a few
months ago partly on business, but chietly to
isit an only sister, his mother and two broth
era having died during his absence. During
lis sojourn here, tlie enchanting arts of Cupid
icing on the alert, caused him to yield to Its
allurement winch resulted as above stated. At-
ter.the wedding ceremony was performed the
balmy couple with a number of friends who
were present partook of an excellent dinner pro
vided for llie occn-ion. They left on the 1:35
train on the Lihigh Valley road for San Fran
Cisco, where mey will iaKe n sieainer lor oan
Diego, from which plate Ihcy will have to
stage it about five hundred miles before reach
ing their new home. Hicord of the Tima.
Auditor (Jpneral's Office,
HAK.M8BURU, Pa., March 8, 1877.
To the County Treasurer:
Dear Sir: In correction of a former opin
ion, the Attorney General has lately mndo
the following communication to this De
partment :
Hon. J. F. Temple,
Auditor General,
Dear Sir In a communication to you in
reference to licenses, I nm apprehensive- that
I have made a mistake in reference to the
minimum rata of licenses for restaurants,
There is an act of 1807, which is not in tho
digest but still in force, which I overlooked
It provides that 'No license to keep nn eat
itig house, beer houe or restaurant, shall bo
granted in any Incorporated city, for less
than fiftv dollars, nor eUcwhero for a loss
sum than twenty dollars.'
Very respectfully,
Your Obd't Serv't
Georqe Lear."
You will please bo guided by the above
opinion In tho collection of licenses of this
J. F. Temple,
Auditor General.
This truly valuable tonic his been so thoroughly
lctil by ..ll classes nt the ccinmunlty Ihat H Is now
ileeme.l InilSpen-lble as u toi.le i.n-tilelue. It eostn
nit little, putllles the bio. il and glies tone to the
stimiirh, rcnovitcs the sjMcm and lite,
lii ei) body should liau It. V'.r tlio cure of weak
stomachs, eeacre I ilet.1 Ity, Indigestion, ill-eases ol
tli' sto-nacb, and for a'l cises rerpilrlng a tonic.
I his ulna Includes the most nirreeablo ai d elUi lent
salt of Iron wo poi-ess citrate ot magnetic oxide
combined with llie most enu-gettu ot vigetuUo ton
icsyellow Peruvian bnrk.
Do jou want s-raethlng to strengthen you?
Ho you wanfagood appetite?
l)o 5 ou want to gel rid uf ner ousncss ?
Do you w ant energy ?
Do J ou w-at.t to sleep well 1
Do you want to b.iiid up our con itltutlcn t
Dj jou want to feel well?
Do you wan a bilsk and vigorous feeling;
It jou do, try Kunkel's Hitler Wine of Iron.
I only ask a 1 rial 1 f Ibis valuable tonic.
Heware ol counterfeits, as Kuokel's lllttrr Wine ot
Iron Is the only sure and effectual remedy In the
kiiowu woild for the permanent cure of dyspepsia
and debility, and as there are a numln-r of Imitations
offered to tho public, I would caution the euTmuiil
ty to purchase none but tho genulno article, manu
factured by E. F. Kunkel, a- d haling his stamp on
tho cork of every bottle. The very fact that others
are attempting to Imitate this valuable remedy
proves Its worth and speaks volumes In Its favor.
sold only In SI hollies, or six bottles for $5. Try this
valuable medicine and be convinced of Its merits,
sold tiy drugguts and dealers ever) where.
Head and all complete, In two hours. .No tee till
head passes, scat, pin and stomach w orms remol ed
by Dr. Kunkel, SJH North Ninth street, Philadelphia,'
I'a. Send for circular with a treatise on all klads of
worms, ndilce free. Ask jour druggl-t for a bottle
of Kunkcl'a Worm Sjrup, which will dotnoworm
1'rlco $1 Itnevir falls tu remove all kinds, frok.
The best place, after all, to buy Boots and children or grow n persons. Dlicctlous situ it.
1 attention nf lovers of a good niticlc.
best ol ale and beer alwnjs 1111 hand.
Itubber Boots at McKinney's.
Prettv Suits for Little Boys,
School Suits lur louths,
NcatSuitsfor Children,
Late in Style, low iu Prico at
D. Lowenberg's.
Ladies' Bubbers at McKinney's.
New Spring Goods this week .t E. M.
n elegant line of Neck Wear just re
ceived at D. Lowenberg's.
Shoes is at E. il. Kuorr's.
Buy your Boots nnd Shoes at McKinney's
for he still "holds ths fort, and sells Good-.
at "hard pan" prices.
Readv made Clothing to suit Everybody,
good and cheap at D. Lowenberg's.
(lid Hstald is hed foal Yard.
C. W. Nr.AL & lino.. Wholesale & Retail
Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of
Red and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
maiket rates. Have constantly ou hand large
stocks ot
Blacksmith's Anthracite,
and Liincburner's Coal.
Esnecial attention civ-en to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
and Lumber taken in exchange fcr coal.
Coal delivered to any part of the town at
short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. McKelvy's
store, or at our office, will receive prompt at
tention. Office and Yards at 'William Neal
& Sons' Furnace, East Illoomsburg. Your
Diitronaire respectfully solicited.
COAL. 17 tf 25 COAL
Gentlemen's Dross Goods.
Invites attention to his large andelegantstock
lly virtus of sundry writs of Vend Kx. and Al
ias Lcvail Facias to tho WierllTof Columbia county
directed, th-ro will Unexposed to public silo at tho
Court llouso In Illoomsburg. at one o'clock on
MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1877,
Tho following real ostate, Htuato In the Town ot
liloom burg, ' olumbla county, penna., bounded and
ilcscrllK-d as follows ! nn thn north by tho I). Us
W. Hall Koad.cast by lot of I'cter lllllineyer.soutli by
Sol entli street, nnd west by Illoomsburg (las Co..
containing three-fourths of an acre, moro or less
whereon ai 0 erected a largo two story brltk foundry
and machlno Bhop, a frame ware house, frame black
smith shop, frame car shop, together wlthciiglno
and boilers, lathes, fans, planers, drill press, belts
pulleys, grlnditone.borlng machines, flasks.patterns,
and all fixtures and belongings thereto tho proper-,
ty of Turnbacu Itcss.
All that house and lot sltuato la tho Town ot
Illoomsburg, Columbia counly, Penna., bounded on
the wet by East street of said town, southwardly
by an alley, northwardly by lot of t harles Savage,
eastwarsly by an allcv 1 whereon are erected a brick
dwelling house, nnd outbuildings the property of
Samuel Turnbnch.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
property of Turnbach a ller-s nnd Samuel 'I urn bach.
following described property, to-wlti ncgln
nlns it a Mono corner of land belonaln to David
Creasy, thence north four and one-half degrees east
ono hundred nnd twenty-eight perches to a stone,
thenco by oilier land belonging to Adam Creasy
north seventy-live and ono-half degrees east eighty
perches to a bton6 fhenre by land of John l'.rown
south fourtcn and Ihree-fiuarter degrees east ono
hundred and nlnety-snvi'ii perches lo a stone, thenco
by land cf John Englo north seienty-lhrce degrees
west ono hundred nnd fort--rite perches to tho
place ot beginning: conlalulnr nlnety-olno acres,
ono hundred awl fort) -sis perches and nllo -unce
Selted, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
- rrtv ot John IL Yolie and Amelia Yohe. his
The following real us - sltuato In
township, Columbia -ounty, 1 -svianla, bounded
on the north by land ot Renjamln Niai.r on the
cjs'. by land ot nenjtmln Ktes and others, uip
smtlibi land of VtUllam Masters, on trewestly
land of WlllPim Civ and others; containing sixty
acres, mro or less, wh-reon are elected a frame
dwelling house, a bum nnd outbuildings.
Scl7p1, tiken Into execution, nn J Wbesold as the
property ot MUUm Falrman.
A rcrt-iln lot or piece of ground situate In the
Town ot Illoomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva
nia bounded nnd described ns follows, to-wit! frent
Ing on l'Uth street of said town, and adjoining lot of
Henry w elf on the east, an alley on the south, Cath-
ailno street on tho west, and said Plfth street on the
north, said lot being about ninety feet on said Filth
street, and two bunded feet, mere or less, in depth,
whereon ore erected a frame two story dwelling
house, fwrnc fable, and outbuildings.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the
roperty of Claik M. Brown.
All that certain lot of land situate In the town ot
Catawlssa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
on the east by Third street, ou the north bylotot
51. A. Ilrown, on the west by an alley, on tho south
by Isaiah John, said lot being In front liny feet and
In depth two hundred and ten reet, whereon Is erect
ed a two story house and outbulldlntrs.
" seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold a3 tho
property of James D. Ilrown.
All those two certain lots ot ground situate In the
vlllagoof Georgetown, Reaver township, Columbia
county, l'ennsj Ivanla, 1111 inhered forty-three (43) and
forty-four (tt) In the plan of lots laid outbyfieorgo
P. Drlcsbach. bounded as follows: on tho north by
Second street, on tho south by an alley, on the cast
by Kim street, on the west by School street : each of
said lots containing fifty (50) feet front on Second
street nnd extending back ono hundred and fifty
(1M) feet to the alley.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
nrooertv of c. V. Itoone.
eu.siui 1 ii.3 lie Bali.. 1 urciiu-se-rs muse pajr
ten per cent, of tho purchase money, or at least
enough to cover all costs, at striking down ot sale
otherwise property to be resold at once.
March 5,1817. Sheriff.
Dauchy & Co'. Advt's.
Min6uta),Seciirily, New Jersey Life
And other doubtfuIlNsunANCK COMPANIES
(Chartered 1S35) offers special terms for reinsurance.
Marston and Wakclln, (len, Ag'ts , 131, H. 4th street,
I'hlla. .March j, '11-iw d
Ii I X li
n sure remedy for COt'dllfl, and nil dlsoavs of tho
Put tip only in .'31uo boxen.
Bill. II 111 AL.1, UKLUUIS1S.
C N. CIlITTENTDS T Sixth Avenue, New York.
JIarch J, 'Jt-iw D
$OMi A Month. AflKNTS WANTED en our
TltltKE tlKEAT si hooks. The story of
a full account of thh re t Jtyptery, wiltUn by his
KfttluT, bnta Itoblnson Crusoo la thrlillnif Inttre-it.
'I he Illustrated (UstMiooK to nil Uf.uuions, nt Com
Mela Account cf oil (Icr.ornlnalloim twl t-ncts. UtQ
.iiiMMiiona. aio tne laiiirs' medical gulne, uy Dr.
'anno 1st. tu Illustrations. Tliesn lwokKRPll nt sicht
Mule nnd Kemalo A cents coin money on tlicm. Par
UcularHfrec Coplcsby mall t'i rarh. Juhn K. Cot
ter & Co., I'hlla. -March w. 'iT-w d
Alcolt's Water Wheel
Aueutlctl the Centennial JiWnC
The most practical, simple, and
enectlve. Its superior udvant re
at partial irutc Is universal)' ac
knowledged.. Address,
Mfrs. of Wheels and -Mill llachln
cry, Jloi-M Holly, N. J.
We will (rive mauuf icturlng rights. Mar.s-iwd
'A note for twejity-four dollars and odd cents, In
n or of Licklcl Cole, surned h.r J. Alo, elated about
April etn, iM has been lost by the owner. Notice is
hereby fclvcn that tho same will not bo pald.ns anew
1. 1. 1. rt , ..1, vv.n
March , lslf-sw
IN pursuance of an order of Delano t . Cal
vin, Ksti , Hurroirato of tho County of New York,
notice Is hereby (riven to all persons liatmir claims
iiinse 1 nanoi ie r.Ter, lain 01 iwawi-na, i-i-iiiif-ji
nla, but leatlnir assets n Ithln tho city and county
New York, deceased, to crosent the siimo with
vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his ofllce, No.
ts Wall Htreet. In tho city of New York, on or before
the eighteenth nay of .luno next.
inucu, r.ew iors, inoscvcniu oayoi ncce-rouer,
Decl5-ra iixecutor.
The undersigned Auditor to mnko distribution of
the balance of the funds In tho hands or tho
Administrator, nmonir 1110 names eniiuea
thereto, will attend lo the duties of ids appointment
atlds ofTle-o In the town of Hloomsbtirtf, Penn'o.,
tint u-ird.iy tho still day of March 170, when and
wlinonll iiersniia liaWnff claims arralnst tho sold
esuto are requested to present tho same before thn
Auouoror ou ucuarreu iruin e-oininir in lor 11 niituu u&
Blltd fdl.d. r. V. lllLLMEYKI!,
I CU. S3, 18I7-4W AUIIllor.
'j rsTATK or niNisi. nENiiiNorit. rrcT.
jitters Testamentary on tho estate of Daniel Hen-
nlne'sr, late ot Heaver township. Columbia county,
ile-i ens. d, heio been frranted by ths ln-irlsler of said
cocnl toJohn llennlnger nud Olcleun Nuss,ot Iiea-
ver e-iwnsuip, e-o umuia couuiy, rixeciuir, iu lvuum
Jersons inueoiea oro requested 10 msKe paj meni,
those haelne claims or demands fiiralnst the said
c-MMe will make them known to the said Executors
llhout delay.
llill HJb.s.l.UJ.ll,
Marrh o-tw Executors.
! n-aiit noo ninrc Ilrs1-:lnss
M-wiiip .Sl:i:tiiiin ,S- nlH. lint r00
011 of ciit-riry ami iiiillli.v l
'11-11 llif. Initlikk iif'wol 1 1 nr ftif.v
''IslClllllI'M. t'OlltiM'llllllilMI
lilli'l ill, .iu vitrs lliir ii. .-. Hi.,- In
nlilllty. ;li-, ae:lci- nml iusilllU:ii
IIiiiisj ol tin. snl( Vor pai tleii
liii'N, iiileii f;si,
Wilpon Sewinir Machine Co.. Ohicaco.
S27J:SS!L'ioadna, New York, or Now OrleunsrLa.
JIarch 2. 'il-lw.d
On tho lino cf aOltE.vr HAILHOU) with good
markets both EAST 4nd WEST.
Now is the time to secure it
Mild Cllrrate, Fertl'o Soil, best Country for Mock
Ittdsln; In the United states.
ltnoks, Maps. Eiill li, formation ah.0 "Till: l'ltl-
.Mji'.ir." sent iree to a 1 parts 01 tne woild.
(i. r. luvis,
Land com. 11. P. ll. 11.
Starch 2, "7-lw d OMAHA, Nttlt.
have removed to Evans' Block,
Main Street.
Is what Induces so many people In search of
sri,i:NDii r.4i?Mi.n i.v.vd
to go to Michigan, and select from Ho
of the land pront of tbo Grand Itarlds and Indiana
It. It. Co.
Strong 'sotte, suro crops, plenty ot timber, no
uru.iuis, KriixbiioppiTS, uruuintu uurts. iuru waicr,
runnliiff sironms, ivaly marKets, civilization ami
schools, ltnllroad runs throupU centre of prant,
Price tiom U to io per acre. Send for our Illustra-
te'l pamphlet, full of facts In (icrman aurt EdrILMi,
pay in wuat papur juu buy iun uouce. Auaresa
W. 0. HUGIIART, Land Oomm'r.,
Title I'erfont, Marclu, l5T7-3m d
BLANK MORTGAGES forsale cheap at tli
coixMBiAN omce.
Cheap and FashionaWe ClothinE,
at his store on
A New I'isii Bait. Tbosa small boys who
re in the habit ol converting their nioulhs in
to bait boxes, when they go fishing will begrat
ifiesl to learn that, through the genius ot a re
cent inventor they may continue to use that
convenient receptacle for a new bait which is
free from the disadvantages peculiar to the an
gle worm. Any boy who has meditated over
the shortcomings of lliai slimy inverteuraie
knows that it snuirms disagreeably, especially
when accMently bitten, that It lias an affinity
for dirt, which is annoying when swallowed
tnat even when on the hook, it ha a way of
dissolving oil' in the most unaccountable and
exasperating manner; and it perversely per
mits ilself to be carried oil' piecemeal by sutk
era and minnows in total disregard of its legi
timate .uriose. There can be no doubt that
the day of the angle worm has pas.ed, and that
agaliM the improved flexible rubber worm of
Mr. II. II. Gregg (patented January 1877,)
he can no longer hope to compHe. Serving as
bait, at the same time as chewing gum, It must
I evident to the least thougli.ful that lbe rub
ber worm I'M an iuconteatible advantage. So
mis the Suulifc jburwaa.
CATAWIsdA, I'a., March 13, 1S7G.
District Gr.tnge No. 6, composed of tho
county of Columbia nnd portions ol Luzerne
and Montour, will meet at Urangeville, U
Iumbi.1 county, on tho second Eiiday of
April, (it being the 13tli,J at ten o clock a,
A full attendance U elesireu. i-.acn
Oraiico in tho district will send three dele
gates with their Master, Past Masters and
wiveB, if Matrons, who aro eligible to vote,
All fourth degree members aro earnestly in
vited to attend tho meeting, ns a profitable
session is anticipated, Those who have been
delegates and who aro now meiincrs who
owe dues, will please bo in attendance and
pay up. The Orange store, if not disposed
of by the Executive Committee, will proba
bly be UUcuhsed. Kally to the urungeriiie
mcetluq I
11. II. UnowK, .Master.
E. M. TnwKsiiuRY, Sec'y.
The Result of u Xeglett of Duly.
The borough auditors of Chester Springs,
Cambria county, have got themselves into a
peck ol double, through their own negli
...I T ..... H -I.
uence. it seems, says tne joiiusiow 11 irw
une, that their failure to comply with the
law requiring them tu publish tlio annual
statement of the receipts and expenditures
of that district ha induced somo of tho
taxpayers to eoter suit against lliem, and
the clnincos are that the fine which attaches
to neglect of this nature will be Imposed. It
is rather rough on the auditors, but they
should understand their duty properly, and
then there will bo no risk of this kind
There are several boroughs and townships
In this county wliero the law Is a nullity as
far as making annual statements public are
concerned, and it behooves thoso Interest
ed to attend to this matter, or they may like
wise suffer a like ordeal. Jeneythore Jler-
Have you tried Kirby's WildCherry Cough
Balsam ? A very palateahle compound lor
(he various affections olthe throat and lungs
it has been used with success, iii seven cases
of asthma giving instant relief and in many
cases ell'ecting a pernament cure. Price 60
cents per bottle and positively warranted to
give entire satisfaction 1 r money refunded.
Kirby's Magic Relief for the instant cure
of pvero and acute pains.
Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas
ant, safe and effectual.
Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders are the
best powders for stock, manufactured. Try
them and lie conviuced.
Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore
I ns ami chnmietl nanus.
Gill's Dillious and Liver Pills are recom
mended by the first Phvsicians.
The above preparations are for sale by all
Uruggists ana dealers 111 medicine.
July 21,'7C.-lv Wholesale Agents.
a.t. Stewart sais tho best nJicrilstot' mediums
he has eier found '-are the old established orirutis of I
ho two political parties, at me several couniy soais
hrnuirhout the t'nlon." "Hiese'.' he says "reaLh
evpi-v famltv of tho least account In their scleral I
counties, and are more carefully read than any other I
class of Journals." It Mr. Mew-art's Judgment Is of
Value, men-la u.l uwm uiljr IU uruiuuix w luuu uaici
It IS ror me lnieresi 01 uusiuessinen wj imieriise iu
The coixusit IiKMOCKiT, uimn which this paper Is
nHrtlnllv founded, was established In 1S30. and tho
Columbia's now enjojs a wider circulation and
greatir 1 io-pi 1 113 mini u eeeruiu. 11 iroe-s wei-K-v
Into two thousand families In Columbia and ad
joining counties, and by most of luein Is read from
In nn-ttu the last line. It La Uieonlv recognised
exponent of nearly llie thousand DeiLucrattc voters
111 lue euillll). huii-i iiseiueuia u luaijt m-
niav. that makes them altractlio lo Its natrons.thus
ciisurlnL' irrealer certainty that they will pernso
tiit-m. u m e lis circulation is uuuuuuie-uiY muc 1 iiui
largest In the county, the adieitlslnic rates ot tho 1
Coi.e'iiBUN are no higher than Luoao of other papers
w lul barely uau inu several not one-iourin ine num
ber 01 suoscriuers. r aeis like euesv sieui. lur iiieiu-bi-i.
es. No shrewd business, man will neirlect to In-
sert his advertisements In the Colcmbuii tf
mis' All tifto lubsmbcitfor 1877, pnying in
I .V - I IOTA.. II
ULooMsnuitn, ta.,
where he has Just received from New York and Phil-
adelphla a full assortment of
Including the most fashionable, durable and
Extra heavy Tin Wire, also
of every description manufactured
Rollin's & Holmes.
Galvanized Iron Cornice
designed and manufactured by
Rollins & Holmes.
J. Weaver & Go's. Adv'ts.
From this date the BloomsbUrir (las Comcany will
put In service pipes at first cost and furnish and set
meie s at lour uuiiura eucii.
Tho comcany uaie on hand a lot of pas tar suited
or painting roofs, and posts or other timbers placed
uuaer gruuiiu.
iTir m cenis per gauon or jz.ou per Darrei,
e;. ve ,
OC. 15,76...
eNA"U'V T and defective drafts cured.fuel
Jl'rl ' I saved, and heat Increased with
flTTTMNF.YS I theSnlral Iraft. send stamp
d J circular to HENltV cuL-
Dec' ' '
lie virtue ot an order ot the Orphans' Court ot Co-
jmlji eoiuity, the underslsncd, administrator ot
'Wiley, will expose to salo on the premises,
clock p. m. on
mlel '
ts. rUnOAY, MARCH 24th, 1S77,
'J ertoln real cstato tltti it In the township ot
t . lunibla county, I'a., being n
.liOliMl ASD IL.OT
li, in. MUaso of Lljhtstrect.lnsald townsh'p.hound-
u h '!; main road, two elleys, and a lot of vamuel
IK tr, with ths appurtenances.
TEKM-. OP HAT, E. Ten per cent of one-fourth of
- 1 aw money lo be mid at the strlkloff t! iwn
ut ths propci ,1, nne-tourth lesr, the wn per cent
;it the ceinSnnaUon alMu.... . t4 . he remi.ln-
tnirthrc-tourthslnono tear th'ai,.- wuiunter
est from confirmation nisi.
Jacob teiiwih-ioek.
March 'J-ts Aduilstslr. or.
WM. 1'. IIODIXE, Iron Street below sec
ond, uloombbur?. I'a.. Is rrepared to do al
kinds of
In th" best styles,
at !owcst"prtces, and at short
PertlesimlDis-uU work tii-y will save money
cainac on me.
All work warranted to ulvn satlafactlon. Orders
Ho has also replenished bis already large Btock of
AND oil CLOTH, thejbest and most economical in
the market.
Rollins it Holmes,
"Out of the Cage,"
Jnst published. A deeply inlerestlnir new noiel. by
11. W. Owen, whose clher worts haie been so suc
cessful and so w idely rend. Cloth bound : rrlce tl on.
old by all 1 o Ktellers, (1. w. CAHIJiTON & CO.,
ruUlahers, New erk llty.
Fi b. ii, is;; sw K
T. D. Kellogg's Advts.
Important to Lawyers.
Justices of the reace. Constables. Executors. Ad-
mlnlstrntors, Huardlan, Township officers, ut)d busi
ness men generally.
We have nn hand ,a lareo assortment of lezal
blanks for tho uso ot Attorneys, Justices and Con
stable's blanks ot all kinds, Note and ltecelpt books
for Admlnlstmtors to.
Trectpe for Summons.
" n. Fa.
" " ltule to take Depositions.
" " " "chooso Aibltrators.
1 cents aplcco, cr H.;j iwr hundred.
Petition for Appointment ot Ouardlan.
" cttntlnii
Utile to tako Depositions.
Narr in Debt, with Confession,
" " Assumpolt.
Mechanics U. n.
4 c -nls each or M.M per hundred,
retltlou for sale of Heal Kstnle 8 cents each.
Subpa-nas, Summons, YV.11 rants, Executions, so fo
6-3 tl'U 1.1 1'Ul U,
I-easos c cents each
1 uh weds 10 "
l'..rchn.ent Deeds 15 "
Acreements s
Orphsirs Court s-ales so for Jt 611
Constable's Hales 8 cents each
Mortc-iire and liond 12
All kinds of Notes 1 '
Hee-i-lpts, Notes, School Orders, Poor Orders, Storo
onlens. noatly bound, constantly on hand, or made
to or ii-r on short notice.
Wi-ato nrenaredto doneater lobworktliannnT
other uUlce In this county.
Editors and J rorrletors
of thOCOLVMniAV,
Dloonisbui'i:. I'a
Versdjirs, ehemlsts, jnMUfacturers and private T ESI'ECTFULLY announces to the public
dweUlnss, 111:0. J. HUllKllAItT Co., J-s. that ho has reopened
.tliniQJW. liitri-nurvlVt ulnw Tim.S 1 m...w..u.htu
T)UI!BF.R GOODS of every ilecriptiiii,
FinUItED .
Oven Eange, the LION and EM
PRESS Tortahle Ranges have
no equal.
Rollins & Holmes.
I ll. ltlnT, I'acklne, lloso. Boots and hhoes, Cloth
fne.ce. Ill HAKD LEVICK, bOS & cel. tsechest-
nut St.. ruuaueipma, Agents ullonaJ itubber Co.
June v-ssw.
(old standi Bloomsburir. I'a . at the
lurKaoiiuo j-spy ana uni neree-e
roads, whero all descriptions of
' leather w 111 bo mado In iho most
substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at
prices to suit the times. Hie highest price Is cash
wuiat ail timosoe pain ior
ot every description in the country. Iho public pat
ruuuKe- is ruspecuuii buulucu
uiMomsuurir, uci. i, is.d-
New ImrisBn Fiutiok 150.01x1 nj-tlcls. en
ETavlnirs. und is solendld mans. The HUST HOOK
course ot publlcallon. SPECIMEN wltE Inap sent
iu, iuwuio, Aiicciio iiA-siuei.
cms. ii.
Apr is ly.
DAVIS & CO., IMliln.
adeance alcr Xomnler 1, lSJOwill teairel
e paper ueei.lijrom receipt oj roniKancefo
unitary t, 1877. without charge. I
coillilNFi) rArtiis-roinv-r-hvjiMji ijah
The Country tlentieman.
Tho Country (lentleman Is published weekly on tho
followlni; terras, n hen paid s rlctly In a June i l me
copy, one j ear, $ J.e i ; Four copies, $10," and an addi
tional copy for tlio jear free to tho Bonder if the
Cluht Ten copies, $M, and an additional copy for tho
eiu iree vu lau se-auer ui eue i-iuu.
Tim cqiidLi-v (lentleman nosaessee sn uaortualled
Corps of eornspondents, retrular and occasional,
amunir the best Fnrmers cf all parts cf the country
and consianiiy nnecis ine prauci conauion unu
.rotrress or ll-u uusuanury ui eicr) seeeiun ui iuu
Intled stsleni and cliUlze-d world.
Th,. countrv nentleman i-lvealn Its Horticultural
Peparlinentacoiiltnuous tarletyof Information and
BUtftfeslloTis, etiuai or superior In the abrogate to
w hails obtalued in the monthly numbers of most
maifaines ueiuveu iu iiuiueuivuiu.
The Country Oenllemaa has probably done as
much as all other Journals combined, to introduce
nml (Viisemlnate Inmroied htock of evorv kind
through, the country ! and commands to a greater
degree than any rolemporsry, the conndouco and
uuport of breeders and purchasers.
Tne I'ountrv (lentleman contains unnsuallv full
and Irustworthv Market Iteports, and devotes sm
clal attention tolheu and to the 1'rosiiects of the
crops, as tliroulnir light upon one of the most Im
portant ot all questions When to Uuy and When to
The Country flentleman embraces numerous ml-
Public and private buildings
llo has constantly on band a tarse and well select- heated 1)V Btcaill. A variety of
ed assortment ot
nnr denarlments of a practical character, such as I
tho Hairy, the Poultry Yard, the Apiary, the Vlne-
ard anil so on, and weekly presents a column or I
luo for the Housewife and Interestlne Fireside
Heading. It contains a well t ailed iteilewoicur
rrlitK enta, and lis advertising pages furnish a di
rectory ot all the principal agrlctulurulaud horticul
tural establishments of the country.
Limititt T 110 K Kit .V SON,
Cloths and Vestings,
which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind
of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best
manner, AU hta clothing ts made to wear and most I
ot It la ot home manufacture.
Clothing, Watches,
Jawelry, Scc.
Steam.Fipo, Valveu and Fittings,
coneUmtly on hand.
Rollins & Holmes,
promptly done
ni:v VOltK.
Anrr. ii,
Verbatim Reporting.
TEI'.MS : Actual travcllhg-. boarding-, and other
ezpcn&e -;llie u.iiui s a session, for inking tLc report;
au 1 ten ce nts a folio, ( hundred words, ) for wrltlns
out tnto long.hand.
oeru ine mailer reported in one any crpiaiB or
exceeds lltty folios. Uio avo-dollar fee will be remitt
ed, and the trunscilblnr. uutr-hand charced at
uaec'UceiiUiAioiru;tui, alt eacn cases" tew
be charged.
Address. s. N
llierelnr HI.
"I8.-4SW k
Tho President
llnfls' Kiroctcrant Ih no humbuc. i wr.niri rni tw
wunoui ji ii ii wuuju cost, nvo aouurs ft uotue.
ant Is no humbu
juld cost nvo dol
It, Pres.CltUen
I have dispensed nass' KiKetcrsnt Binonir my
patients, nud ltbospiovid than
any other nu-dtelLe if Us class that I ham teen
uslnc In my medical tarei r. And eieuln mvon
case. In ry LtiMlnate pulmonary dlri-au s. 1 il. rln-d
the createst lnellt In m the Lire-etorsni. lhneu
always U-enviry repugnant to the use of anyse
crei nettitmsoi raltil u.ictlclnie, but Iheid.lier-
sal repuialK n of lis; lt.lorl.t lira induced mo to
givenaiair mil. srwi ncirnjnaie j reauze-i us
Peb I, T-U
Rollina & Holmes.
Ja frtti, , fat ff
reputed vlitui sand nierlis. I ui ten nine ihunmy
most sanguine isieitsilius. Hiring that every
ono mas ni.vicel.iux if ly his own 1 1 lul, and Hint
the UpecuiAil may ream He Ihcusnnda who
may le une tin d lv ll. In.Iy jours.
I. U.ei. M1NC1LP, M. li., i.reen Hilar, Pa,
ItnriF.' Kxiectoratt Is the t-st eongli medicine 1
hold l y an ursirrs ai iu per i-oillt.
Jan. lv, '17-i'ni
-V y AIN WRHU1T & CO.,
N. E. Corner becend and Arch Streets,
Dealers In
ici, tru-ts, siciai Bom, tc, tc
I vi)rdera will reootre prompt attention.
all sjcli ensts. it fewer
Urnn htty folios aie pun-hasud, tUe t'.Tu will
WnUi-r. A.M.. CourUstflnocT-
nipher, Illoomsburt', Columbia county, Pennsjlva-
."ourtn. r
omco. with E. E. ore is. Esq. , Colnmbtan-bulld.
lng-, entranccopposlte the ea.-t gate to .the court-
uvivs, 3 m u, ui ei iiuur, urei uui.r iu I ikui.
iimce-noor, irom,twclve to one o lock,
i to is, loit-iy
Vtthxnblo Town Proi j '
Iho undersigned wl'l offer for m.
at tn o o'clock p. m., the lot of ground c '
In the Ton of Dloomsburg, bounded nu r A
as follows: On the north by lot of John n . n
the east by an ahey, on the bouta byio' ot aary
Clayton, and on the west by Iron ttrcct , ein w u
are erected
TTO PltAME noins.
ot tno stories and ono and a halt stories respco
GikkI water and fruit trees ot suiierlcr quality on
tho lot.
Terms easy and mndo known on day ot s.ile.
JIarch S-ts.
Bnbcock 8c. Wyeth'n Ads
Is taVin Internally, and Pe-U i ly lures Hhr-uma-
iisn. i wi is. urn':-' t mm Luiuutigij. nuu or
vu.i.11 sale and Ueluii l'lugglsts eierjwhere. bend
foi elrcular tu.
Jlt.t.1 IU Ml.M.SI!I.VIlJiV,
Urut ti, Wmhukiun, v. C.
Oft, s, TVly. s w
roiSTEIiS, C, to.,
fcply iirlnttil at lbe Colum
bian Office.
vUli1. Doa'i Jajgkt iha yaat