ifT 'HIE COLUMBIAN. IlIiOOJlNllUHtl. TltlllAT, MAHCUIU. isn Unll Komi Time Table. L VCKAWANNA IlLOOMSDUIlO HAIL ItOAl) Accommodation Train,. Mall Train Exprosa Train KOHTU. . .5 A.M. T.81 A. M , U.0 1'. M. , .m r. m. eocni. T.S1 A. M. 4.49 1'. l ll.tT A. M Mathlm Kline will sell real estate In Fil ing Creek Township at private alc. Bee advertisement. J. G. Lehly, ion of Cpt Isaac Leldy of Hem lock Watted our offica on Tuesday. He halls from Carthago Mo., and In In excellent health. The Bcranton RqnMUan, In Its Issue of tha Oih lnt. speaks of "Yellow Jack" Donnhueat avhiR hecn tried at UloomsburK. The people here never found it out. CATAW1SSA HAIL ItOAD. NOtlTIt. poutn accommodation Train MS A. M. T.8T r. M, Itctf'tUr Gvpress 4.(0 P. M. 11.83 A. M. Tiirnnen care on Express, train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between U.itawu.a and Wllllamsport. TO t 19TANTSUHSCmtlErt9. Parties living out'idnof this State who have nnt nald their subscription up to Oct. 1st, 1870, will have their papers flopped and the bins sent far collection If not paid by April lit. e can not afford to pay postage on papers for which wc do not receive the price of subscription Subscribers living outside of this comity, hut within the State, will receive n similar notice soon, unles" many of tnem respond. Marr has ju-t received new goods. Sheriffs sales on ihe 17lh and 20th of this month, at the Court House. Fresh "had have made their nppearanco the market. John Smith will sell hi personal property to-morrow, 17th Inst. Rev. IS. H. Crevcr, of Harrisburg will preach In the M. K. Church on Sunday next. J. H. Ilellrr has been appo'iLtid Post Mas. ter at Ilcllcrsvlllc in this county. Tli-.mlnilnistr.itor of Daniel Miiflly wllUell real estate In Light Slltet on the 2lth lust, See advertisement. Tli SliipMiv-butg XactMjt a singuhr In cident occurrI at the resilience of John Yundt, I near that plce, last week. The female mem bers of tlieamily were about to commence the quilting f a cotton bed spread or "comfort," and Mrsfundt, in order to mako the cotton more co ptct, began to pat It, or compress it with h hands, when It suddenly Ignited and f ... ... . .i .i I jrnuiiii explcf a a loud no.se, ana tore ine enure. ,iir(Mlgh Ultt llau t w th(. llt. fl,,14 Bt fabrl'l'ito shreds. Asa matter of course the I'd. L.,wcMlifrir. having just retur-d whi nousiiiiiirt was thrown into tuu greatest , jnpw xorlc Is now prepared to An adjourned Court for argument and mo- Business aotiuo SPEOIAIi ANNOUNCEMENT. The scene presented durlnz the lato itiau (juration was ill animated nno. The style of dress worn by tho members of both Hous es, consisted of every conceivable stylo of .rasiiion riiu it was not necessary to iook coyusion anil consternation. No cause, as yet cjf be assigned fur this singular occurrence. tlons will be held here on Friday, March 30th. ( A Rrornc or Death. " Yellow Jack" Ilia reasons for a new trial In the rases of Iles-eOoiiohue, one of tho comic uned Molly Ma ter, Tully, and McIIugli will then be argued J gulres In jail at Mauch Cliunk, who was to nave been hanged recently between Ihe Hours Mr. Dvvid Lowcnberg has just letnrned from New York ami Philadelphia where he made largo purchase of Spring goods. Yesterday various plans for a new County jail were submitted to tlie commissioners. No particular one has yet been nJopted. Maple sugar is in the market. Wc wtll take n quantity of it at this office on subscription, if any one offers it. The assignee of Abraham Miller will sell real cstato at Iirwick on the U4lh Inst. Sec advertisement. We are pointing vendue bills at the lowest rates, on heavy poster paper. Orders by mail or otherwise will be promptly executed. If voti are suddenlv asked, "who among me? c! ants liavemtdo the largest fortunes in shortest time In legitimate business," will A1 your reply naturally be, "judicious ai'"'" sers?" John Wanamaker, the great rlothle'f Phil adelphia has just opened a general IV " store on the corner of Thirteenth "' Street, where he employs nearly se1 hundred clerks. Oeo. P. Waller, youngest son ReT' D- Waller, was gradusicil at tho Jemon McJi' cal College of Philadelphia, ". ln 11 class of nearly two hundred wisn mm abundant success in his choss' profession. Pat Hester and the Democratic psrtv are equally dissatisfied witli the law. Repubtiam. The Democrats arc not dissatisfied with the law, but are naturally Indignant at Its persistent violation by the opposition. Two men were arrested on Tuesday afternoon for peddling oysters on the streets without a license. After a hearing before justice ltrowr thy were committee! to jail In default of bail. They are from Danville. If advertising has failed with you, try 1' on another lack. A good tiling is worth a fair trial. If one business man finds his account in advertising, why should not another? Two employees of Ihe Delaware, Lackawan na Western Railroad Company were kllleel on Satu relay last, at different points, one near Kingston and the other at Danville. We have not learned full particulars. Their names were Albert Everhart, and Richard Higgins. Charcoal has been discovered to be a sure cure for burns. By laying a small piece of cold charcoal on the burn the pain subsides imme diately. By leaving the charcoal on for an hour the wound is healed, as has b-en demon' strateel on several occasions. Nelson Kitchen will sell a largo lot of per sonal nroperty on hi' premises, one mile from Je-rseytown, on Tuesday the 27th lnt. bfgin- ,!,. nt nlni! o'clock in the morning. -ir Kitchen intends to remove to the west. of ten and two o clock, has had a writ of error taken out In his case fur argument in the Su preme Court, and tills delays the execution thirty days from the 21st of last month. " Yel low Jack" was one of the last tried before the great Bloomsburg hearing, and has come nearer to Ihe gallows than any of his confederates, The rcasou why a writ of error was not obtained sooner was owing to the lack of funds. It ap pears that the money has been secured, however, and the case will be carrieel to the Supreme Court. Ml. I'll ' I Public with tho latest novelties In dents' Wear. UIs doods nro First-class, whllo his garment, are mado up In City Stylo and can not bo excelled. Call and see th latest nyles iwd select your Spring Suits at D I-OWEN1IEHOS. Down again I Ile-nt Calicoes 8 ccnta per yard at Lutz ec Sloan's. Caldwell's Dread is as whlto as snow and as light as a feather, BARGAINS I Selling at greatly reduced prices to mako room for spring goods at E M. Knorr's. FOR SALE OR RENT. A hottso and lot situated on Mnlp street, Bloomsburg. Apply to Funk fi Waller. Mar 10-4w Mary Evans will soil real estate on Iron Street, Illooinsburg, on ApiilSth. Sm adver-tiemeut. Our Post Master is hedging. In erne edito rial he bla thers Hayes and his policy, and in the next sings prciu of praise to Don Cameron. Snow fell all day on Monday, making the roads muddy and the walking bad. This is about the last of the season. At least we hope BO. Base-Bali. Rules for 1877. There are many in this county who will be Interested In this item concerning the changes in the code of rules for next season. The site of the bases is to"bV IncreSfeVlfO' twelve to fifteen inches square. The home plate is to ho brOl4, 'nt0 the diamond, the sides of the plates forming'a portion of the foul lines. The second good ball Iter two strikes is to bo calleel fair, after the manner of tho amateurs. All dead balls which are unfair are to count against the pitcher, and towards helping the batsman to a base on calleel balls. Umpires are to be allowed to enter Ihe field during the progress of n game. Fair fouls will not he allowed. Ifn player strikes at a ball plainly with the Intention of not hitting it, he shall be declared out. Earned runs are not to be reckoned In scoring. If a ball when struck hits a bac runner, the latttr shall bo declared out. Wanted : 2000 bushels of Corn j the highest market price paid for sumo In cash. Taken in lots ol 25 bushels or more. Call on or address H. W. AUL. Espy Station, Pn. Gents' fancy Slippers at cKinney's. Go to E. Si Knorr's for bargains ln Boots and Shoes. I lie Wl Ill's ( holte A Centennial Dccition, Competent jiijM icprtMMidi iho Hvlllr.ed peolle of the wor.el nppolnliel for Ihe knol. eelju of particular artor sciences, convent!! at Philadelphia, for six months In decldejUpoii the esmiparmlve'nierlts eif the various lht enliotiB of mankind, awn'rdeJio Ihemanulacttirersof .Ben nn'a ('iulri Porous Plaster? after a careful test ainl eonipiri-nn of this reiniirlableremeely with S'i uy p ruos ainl ollu-r' kit ds or plasters, tin ' - t , i ,nl r.t.lv mimUI. nhove all foiefcn and American compelilois, on tho ground of its gr.at anteriority over Oilier plasters', and lis wonderful p-iln relieving strengthening and en rnlivo prn-rtle. Ue-ineinber Unit this ilet-lsinn w - made by limr piuclieal mid killed phjsl- KIOS, Id member lliHtlio nostrum was allowed tube ihlbliril at the Centennial, lleiuenilier wheli you are suffeiiiig f'om any ucheor p.iln that Ben son 8 caprine I'lastcr is ine ucm icmcuyever devised lor all external difficulties. SHAllltllY t.TtillNSON, PlIAKllACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, N. T, May 19, '70 ly. BENSON'S OArcfNE l'OKOUS 1'I.ASTEItS, A great Improvement on ordinary poro .a p'asters. RELIEVES PAIN AT ONCE. TI1D IlKST Strengthening' Flastcr Known. CUItES QUICKLY tthcumatlsm, Neuralgia, Lame and eak Hack, Scl.itlcs, Lumbago, spinal anil Kidney Complaints, all aches and pains of a local nature. Sold everywhere. Price !5 cents. May M'-ly KKAIlttltV JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, N.V. SIIJ21UEFS SALE.. . Ily virtue of sundry writs of Vend K and A 1- las Levait facias to tho SherlfTof CotumUa county dlrcCUld, thfro will bo exposed to publio Bale at the Court House ln Uloumsburg. at one o'clock on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1877, The bill entitled "An Act to erect and con Ftitutc the dii-trlct of the poor of the township of Bloom, in the county of Columbia, the poor district of Columbia county" has passed third reading in the Senate. This docs not afie-ct districts acting under tho general poor laws, unless they decide by vote to come in. The act making on appropriation of$100, 000 to state normal schools for the year begin ning the first Monday in June, 1877, has pass ed third reading in the House. The members of the Philologlan Society at the Normal School, will give an entertainment on the evening of March 22nd. The place has not yet been decided upon. Counterfeit ten cent pieces are in circulation. They arc made of lead, and although pretty well executeel, can be easily iletectdl by the ring. They are elated 1S77. Subscribers who expect to change their post office address on the 1st of April, will please notify us in time to order tho change on our mailing lUts, We have been informed that a man in the employ of Grove Bros., in their quarries at Lime Ridgo was accidenlly killed last Satur day. It costs less to print advertisements than to send out salesmen. A good advertisement is seen and read by more people in one day, than most s.ilesmes call on in a year. It is a curious circumstance that "Webster's Dictionary, Unabridged," according to its title on the back of the book, does not contain the word "unabridged." Parents, mothers, nurses, do not fail to give Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup to Iho little ones for all cases of coughs and colds. Only costs 25 cents. A bill has finally passed the House of Rep- resentatives at Harrisburg making an appro Mrs. Sallie Snyder an aged widow, commit ted suicide on Wednesday, February 28, by drow ing herself in a spring, near the residence of Phineas Young, in Orange township, where she had been living. The water in tho spring did not cover her head, and she laid with only her face in the water. It is said that she has tried to freeze herself to death several tiuiew tills winter. She was about 75 or 80 years old, and had been supported by the poor directors for a number of years. A Boy's Lnei Tons off. Jeremiah Hurley, about fifteen years of aire, son of Michael Hur ley, living at Luko Fuller s, was assisting his father to haul wood from the mountain not far from their home, on Tuesday afternoon. They had a three mule team. When coming ebwn the mountain the front mule was unhitched and the boy undertook to ride him, but the animal be-camc unminngable and run away throwing his rider, who became entangled in the harness, and was swiftly draggeel along until a project ing stump caught him, tearing his leg oil at tne knee anil I him from the harness, the leg flying ono way and its owner another. The flighted father hastened to his boy and with commend able presence of mind tightly butkltd his sus penders around the ragged anil bleeding mem bers, thus saving his life till he carrieel him lieirae, when a)t. R. L. Wright was called, who assisted by Dr. D. S. Hollenbich, amputated a few inches of the mangled stump. The opera tion proved to be almost too muclf for the suf ferer, but he aflerev.uds revived and yesterday morning was doing wtll. It is remarkable that otherwise he escaped without a scratch. 67i't mojtm lUrvUl. Berwick, Pa. Marcli 12th 1877. Editors "Columbian." (7eii; The last is sue of the " lllonmtburg Journal contains an editorisl which seems to demand notice on your part. I allude to the charge made against the Normal School. As your senior editor is a Trustee of this insiitution, he ought to be au thority on the subject. If "infidel ecnlmenli' are "(incfun'njr the ini'ncfs ofhuntlrcdtofouryoutfo, many of whom are to become teachers" through the nfluencc and teachings of "tins school, the pun- lie ought to know it. II not true, the statement liould be corrected at once and emphatically. he Normal School has many warm friends in Spring Hats, just received at D. Lowen berg's. Appletou "A" Musliu 0 cents per yard by the bolt at Lutz & Sloan's. Hill, 10 cents. Real Eitale for reut by M. Wynkoop on Third Street, Bloomsburg. Mar. 2, 3w A brick house nud lot on Centre street for sale. Inquire ol 1. S. Kuhn. Mrs. Milton Charles, Exchange Block.has jut received a lot of delicious Milwaukee and Ciucinnatti Beer to which sho asks the attention of lovers of a good article. Ihe be6tof ale and beer always on band. Rubber Boots at McKinuey'a. Prettv Suits for Little Boys, School Suits for Youths, Neat Suits for Children, Lute in Style, low in Price at D. Lowenberg's. I'UBI IC NOTICE. The public is hereby Informed that they can obtain the latest stvlcs at lowest nriccs .hi all kiuds of Spring Clothing, School Suits fur rtnvsri'fiVirculta lor unildren. Anbby Suits for Youths, alf o't hlirUsUtvJcs andj at the lowes-t prices at u. Lflwenuerg s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dauchy & Co'b. Advt'tf. rANCY fAItDHlHstjlrs with nnmeiorls. ist i am. j. u, nusiea, isauau, jiesi.s-o. .i nr. jCflCOSttAI Feb. 10, '11 -s)w el E. F. KUNKEL'8 HITTER. WINE OF IKON. This truly valuable tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community that it Is now deemed Indlspenslblo us a tonic medicine. It costs but little, purities tho blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates tho system and prolongs, life. Kter body should have It. For the cureol weak stomachs, general debility, Indigestion, diseases ot the stomach,, and forall cases requiring a tonic. This wine Includes the most agreeable and eWclent s<of Iron wo possess citrate ot magnetic oxtde combined with the most energetic ot vegetable ton- Ids 5 ellow l'eruilan bark. 'Do you want something to strengthen you? i Do you want a good appetite ? lt , ,i, um.iI In t-lil r.f l.n.i-nn.niuD ' Ho you want energy s Do jou want to sleep well? Do ) ou want to build up eur constitution ? Do ou want to feel well 7 Do ou wan a brisk and vigorous feellne ? If you do, try Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. ) I only ask a trial of this valuablo tonic. isewaro of counterfeits, as Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron ts the only sure and effectual remedy ln the known world for the permanent cure of dyspepsia Ladies' Rubbers at McKinney's. large sttick of Jewelry and the largest I ua debility, and as there are a number of lmltatluns stock of Sloan's, Ribbons iu town is at Lutz et New Spring Goods this week U E. Me Knorr's. An elegant line of Neck Wear just re ceived at 1). Lowenberg's. The best place, after all, to buy Boots and Shoes is at E. M. Knorr's. Buy jour Boots and Shoes at McKlnney' for he hlill "holds th i fort," and sells Good at "hard pan" prices. OHered to the public, I would caution the co-rinun! ty to pm-chabe none but the genuine article, manu factured by E. F. Kunkcl, a ,d having his stamp on the cork of every bottle. The tcry fact that others ire attempting to Imitate this valuablo remedy proves Its woith and speaks volumos in Us favor. Bold only In il bottles, or six bottles tor A Try tuts valuable m-dlcluo and be convinced of Us merits. old by druggists ai.d dealers everywhere. TAln. WOUM P.EMOVED ALIVE. Head and all 'complete, ln two hours. No fee till head by Dr. 1'a. Send for circular with a treatise on all kinds of worms, advice free. Ask j our druggl-t for a bottlo of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, v htch w III do tne worm It never falls to remove all kinds, frok. Tho following real estate, situate In the Town ot hloom burg, otuinhta county, Pi nna., bounded and described as follows t On the north by the U. I. V. Kali Itoid.east by lot of Peter Ulllrnej cr.south by Seventh street, and west by IHnomsburg ass Co.. containing tnre.fourths of an acre, more or less, wheieou are i-reeto I n large two story brlek temndry and machine. khtip, a frame ware house, frame black siiitlli shop, frame car shop, together with engine and bollerr, latncs, fans, planers, drill press, belts pulleys, grlndtone,borlng machines, Ila!iks,patterns, and all Httures and belongings thereto the proper-, ty or lurnoacu Hess. ALSO, All that house and lot situate t the Town ot Illoonvburg, Columbia county, Pcnna., bounded on the west by East street of said town, southwardly by an alley, northwardly by lot of ( horlessavago, eastwardly by an alley ; whereon aro erected a brick dwelling house, and outbuildings tho property of Samuel Turnbach. Seized, taken Into elocution, and to bo sold as the property ot Turnbach Hess and Samuel 1 urnbach. , ALSO, Tho following described property, to-wlt: Begin ning ntn stone corner of land belonging to David Creasy, thence north four an-I one-half degrees east one hundred and twenty-eight perches to a stone, thence by other land belonging to Adam Creasy north seventy-nvo and ono-half degrees east eighty perches to a stone, thenco by land of John llrown south fourteen and three-quarter degrees east one hundred and ninety-seven perches to a stone, ttienco by land of John Engle north seventy-three degrees west ono hundred and fort) -Ave perches to the place ot beginning; containing nlnety-ntne acres, one hundred and forty-sli perches and allowance. SeUed, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property of John It Yohe and Amelia Yohe, his ALSO, Tho following real istit., situate ln township, Columbia county, l'Cfl.1Slanl, hounded ou the north by land of Benjamin WarCr, on the east by land of Benjamin Eves and others', OJhe south by land of WU!lam Masters, on the west W land ot William Cox and others containing sixty acres, moro or less, wheroon are erected a frame dwelling hnu'e, a barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, am to be sold as tho property of William Falrman. ALSO, A Ce'rtafn 'jot or,pleco of ground sltcate ln the Town ot Bloomsbutg, Columbia county, Pcnniylva" nia, bounded and described as follows, to-v.lt: frent tng on Fifth street of said town, and adjoining lot of Henry Wtlf on the east, an alley oh tho south, Cath ailDe street on the west, and said Fifth street on tho north, said lot being about ninety feet on said Fifth street, and two hifnCrcd feet, moro or less, ln depth, whereon fire -erected a.framo.two story dwelling houSt'. frame si able, and butbulldlngs. seized, taken Info execution, and to bo sold as the roperty of Clark Ji. Brown ! " " ' . ALSO 1 All that certain lot, ot land situate tn the town ot (jatawlsta, Columblacounty, Pennsylvania, bounded on the cat by Thjrd'tstreet, on -tiro north' by lot of M. A. llrown, on the west by an alley, on the south VJy Isaiah John, said lot being In front fifty feet and In depth two nuuare a ana ten ieee, wnereon is erect ed a two story house, and outbuildings. i Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the property ot James D. llrown. ALSO, All those two certain lots ot ground Situate in tho village of (leorgetowns Beaver township, Columbia POLIOY-IIOLDEHS OP TUB Cuntinenial, Stcmily, MtayLifs And other doubtful 'NSUItANCE COMPANIES TAKE NOTICE. TIIK NHW ENGLAND MUTUAL (Chartered M5) offers special terms for reinsurance Msrston and Wakclln, Oen. Ague, 13t,s. 4lh street, mils. M.ercu 9, 'IJ-4W d t ii i r i, i x a WITH A COI.D IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, a sure remedy for COt'flHS, and all diseases of the TIlltOAT, LUSUS, C1IEVT and MUCOUS MUM BKANE. Put up only in 31uo boxos. HOLD BY ALL DRUOQ18TS. C N. CRITTENTtlS 7 Sixth Avenue, Now York. March a, '7J-w II OOnn A Month, AOKNTS WANTED on our plUU TIIIIKK (1UEAT J BOOKS. Tho Story Of flHARLEY POSS. a full account ot this eire-tt Mystery, written by his Father, b' ats ttoblnson Crusoe ln thrilling Interest, The Illustrated lUmMioos to all Kblioions, at Oom plete Account of all denominations and si-ct.s. soo Illustrations. Also the ladles' medical culrto. by Dr. rancoast, lu Illustrations. Theso books sell at sight. Male and Female Agents coin money on them. Par ticulars free. Coulee by mall tt each. John K. Pot ter Co., I'hlla. March , 'TI-w d LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. VTOTICE. Anoto for twenty-four dollars and .odd ronfOti favor of l.zeklcl Cole, slgnett byJ. Ale, dated about April Mti, lit has been lost by tho owner. Notice Is hereby eiven th.it tho ssmo will not bo patd.ns a new now has been given la Its stead. amEL coUJ March 9, 1K7-SW Itf pursuaiirp of ii order of Delano C. Cal vin, Esq . Purreigate of the Count of New York, i.uilCelsherehJ given tit all persons having chilin n...i.,v i i,,n, .nr. ptPr. Imni.r 1'stawlsso. I'entisil- vanla, but leaving assets within the city and county of New York, deceased, to present the wmowlm vouchers uiereor to ine Buuscriuer, ue .uw unmr, M Wall street. In tho t lty of Sew York, on or Ufcre the eighteenth dav ot Juno next. Dated, Now Y ork, tho seventh day of December, 18"1' FIlEPr.llllK C. 1IAVEVEYK11, Dcct5-m Executor. TXE' UTORN NOTICE. li E3TATU.0F WILLIAM lOmSOV, DXCIASED. Letters Testamentary on tho estate of WWlim Johostn law of tho 'I'wp.of (iieennood, county or Columbia, deceaseil.havelieen granted by tho Itegls terot said county to Ira JobnBun ofsimo t--p. AU persons having claims agalnn the estate of thedece dent aro requested to present them for settlement and those Indebted totho estate to make payment to tho undersigned executor wlthoutdeiav. IHA JOHNSON, Feb. 9, 1SIT-W. Executor. A VICTOR'S NOTICE. Alcolt's Water Wheel Aicardcd the Centennial ilidal. The most practical, simple, and cflectlve. Its superior advanfgo at partial gate Is universally ac knowledged.. Address, T. a ALCOTT U HON, Mfrs.ot Wheels and Mill Machln ery, Mocnt Hollt, N. J. Wo win give manufacturing rights. Mar. 2-ew d A UT(J1UTTVE BUSINESS. 37') WUIlt Allll IIIOI'U Ilt'Hl-t'ltlSH Scvln(iTlucliin .tgi-nisi. aiiet nint rlcn or eUWYy: ulilllly t leurii llic litiNliHuiefi Ve'IflttfNe-iv Incr mnchliti'N. CoiiiimiihuI lltirrnl, hut varying itcconlliit; to nullity, character nnd qiiulllica IIiiiin ol tliss AkciiI. Tor imitlc . lai'SJ, neteli 1'Nn Wikon Sewirjg Macbino Co., Chicago. 827 & 659 Broadwa) , Now York, or New Orleans, La. March 2. '77-4W el IM TUX XSTilK OF WSI. AB5Cn, BEC'D. Tle undersigned Auditor to make distribution of the haianen of the funds tn tho handi of the. Administrator, nmon-' the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties ot his appointment IIPI1 OIlllu in umuinuui muuiuauuit, on Saturday Ihe Slth day of March 170, when and where all iwrsons having claims against tho said estate are requested to present the samo before the Aunuor or ueucuajTeu eruiu vuiuiuit ui iui .iu. v. said fund. F. 1'. BlLLMEYEll, Feb. 23, 1S77-4W AUOieor. UDITOirS notixeI ln the matter of the tale of the personal property of Samuel Turnback andS. M, Hess, late trading at Turniacli it Hess. The undersigned Auditor to mako distribution ot the proceeds arising from the sale ot the personal property of Turnbach Hess among tho partlcf en titled to receive the same will attend to the do tics of his appointment, at the olllee ot somua Knorr. ln Blewmsburg, on Wednesday. March 81st, IfiUifit 10 o'clock a m.wien nud where all persons having claims against the said estate, aro required to present the Rama before tho Auditor, or bo de barred from coming ln for a share ot said fund. II. C. BITTENBENDEII, Feb S3, 10.-4W. Auditor. A HOME AND FARM OF YOTJR 0"W3ST, On the lino ot atlUBAT KAILROM) with good markets both EAST and WEST. Now is the time to e ecure it Mild CMnate, Fertile Soil, best Country for Stick liaising In the United states. XTOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have this day bought at ' onstable's sale, as the property of 11. N. A mer man, ine loinwing properly Mti uue tuun niu.i-, one parlor stove, ono wagon, one single set harness, one cupboard, two beds and bedding, one clock, onu COW weuey yieru unriii, uue inuio, njw cuuiit. tiu of wh'cli i ave left with the said 11. N. Amerman during ml ploajlKJind I hcrebycautonall persons not to Interfere or meJClcwlUi the same. I. A. AMKlDtArt. Ftshlngcreek, Feb. ntli, 1677. March t-sw T7XEUUTOR'S NOTICE. I i ESTATK OF OeNlEI. 11KNNIN0BU. OKC'O. Letters Testamentary on tho estate ot Daniel Hcn nluger, lato ot Beaver township. Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register ot nald ,-nt:i,tir tn .n!in llnnnlnrrei' nud ellileon NusS. Ot Bea ver tow nslilp. Co umbla county. Executor, to whom all persons Indebted arc requested to make payment, and those ha lug claims t.r demands against the said estate will mako them known to the said Executors without delay. JOllV 1IENNINOER, 11IDEON NbS, March 9-6W" Executors. Bonks. Maps. Full Information nlso-"TIU2 WO Nlllllt" sent free to a I parts of the woild. Address, O. P. DAVIS Land Com. V. V. II. II. March 2, t7-lw d OMAHA, NKB. S'onn TlinoAT. The following preparation (simple and cheap) is highly efficacious when iifed in the early stage: Tour a pint of boiling water upon 'J5 or 30 leaves of common sage: let the infusion sland for half on hour. Add vine ar sufficient to make it moderately acid, and honey according to the taste. Tim com binalion ol the astringent and the emollient principle seldom falls to product the desired eflect. The infusion may be uscel as a garglo several limes a day. It has this advantago over many gargles it is pleasant to the taste and may be swallowed occasionally, not only without danger, hut with advantage. Among the changes iu the tax bill agreed on by Ihe ways and means committee one is to in clude in the assessment, all horses and cattle over two years old, instead of over four years ,hl : to strike out the clause taxing occupants and salaries and cmiluments of office, and in lieu thereof impose a jer capita tax of fifty cents on all males over twenty-one years of age that pay no resl estate tax, and that there be no special lax collected for stale purposes, hut that t'F- . .,! , , (il nrintion of $5,000 to improve tho navigation of """ v . i,.vl, ii,,l. nt ib Knsnuehanna river "easury vo ewe .iir. from the head of the Nanticoke pool to the borough of Tiltston, Luzernejcounty. A certain ptrly who takes care to inform the public in a private way that he gives his ser vices gratuitously, which is a fair compensa tion for them, is passing his leisuro hours in writing for a newspaper. Propriety and de cency are not among t' e elements that enter into his peculiar style of composition. Says IhoScranton J?rpuMictm: 'Those who think we can't appreciate "ruins" in this cily would do well to take a slroll up Lackawanna avenue and see how we delight in treasuring if ,i.e Shenandoah Herald will be kind tho shaky walls and widows of Exchange Ulock, I cll0llgl, 0 send a reporter up here occasionally. and the old Opera House." Those "shnky widows" had heller get mar ried. On Thursday night of last week Wesley Bo dine, Hiram Long, "Business" Beers and "Smo ker" Earns had a hearing before justices Brow er, on the charge of stealing a tub of oysters from E. Jacoby on the 27th ult. Bodine was the principal, he having carried the bivalve- away, while the others assisted in disposing of them. Bodine played the role of Kelly the "Bum" and confessed on the witness stand, Two other persons who were arrested on the same charge were discharged, and the four above named were committed to answer at court rhey are out on hail. n j i t ,.!i r,.j1j, ,1'rlCBfl It never falls to remove all kinds Ready made Cloth ng to suit Evcrybod , u3 Directions Sim it, iod and cheap at 1. Lowenberc a. good and cheap COAL. COAL m.l KutaMlshed Pnal Vird. C. YV. Nr.AL & JSro., Wholesale & Retail Hcatera In nil siiea of the best qualities ol Red and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest maiketrates. Have constantly on hand largo stocks of , Domestic,. Cunola. Blacksmith's Anthracite, llituminnlls. and Limeuurner a uoai. County, Pennsylvania, numbered forty:three () and forti'.fo'ur (Ul ln'tlie plan 6f lots laid 'out by Ocorge passes, beat, pin and stomach worms removed h". Drlesbach, bounded as follows: On the north by r. Kunkel, 2: North Ninth street, Philadelphia, Second btreet, on the south by an alley, on the east by liimMreei, on eue wcEt oj peuooisireet; cacuui said lots containing fifty (10) feet front onHecond street and extending back ono hundred and ntty (130) feet to the alloy. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen' a Dross Goods. rr I Tirnnprlv eif C. W. noone. ten per cent, ot tho purchase money, or at least enough to cover all .costs, at striking down of Bale otherwise property to be resold at once. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, March 2, 1877. Sheriff. i?u..A,.tal nttnntlnti i-ivn tn the Drenara- Berwick and vicinity, and the writer has been tion of coalbcfore leaving our yards. Grain one ofthe warmest of them. Surely the char- and Lumber taken in exenange icr coai. acterofthe institution, of its board of Trustees Coal delivered 1 to f the towngit and of its faculty do not warrant such an infer- """"our office, will receive prompt at- ucli less a specific chanje, such as has tentjon Office and Yards nt William Neal ade by the "Hloanuiburg Journal." Will f. sona' Furnace, East Bloomsburg. Your DAVID LOWENBERO Invites attention to his largeandelegantstock ROLLINS & HOLMES, have removed to Evans' Block, Main Street. ence, nv been made ou give us ihe facts? Yours Respectfully, lNO.uinER. In the absence of the Senior editor we can not answer for the Trustees. We never pay patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. VI I COAL Have you tried Kirby's WildCherry Cough Balsam ? A very palateable compound lor any attention to the stuff that is printed in the I the various affections olthe throat and lungs above named nsper. but we take it that the charge Is untrue from the very fact that it is made by the Journal. it has been used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and in jnany cases effecting n pcrnamcnt cure. Price 60 centa per bottle and positively warranted to give entire satisiaction er money reiuuum, Kirby'a Magic Relief for the instant cure of severe and acute pains. Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and effectual. Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders are tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and be convinced. The Cnnrt again Decides llnmptrm Ihe Legal Governor cf South Carolina. Charleston, S. C, March 13. The educations of the conflicting claims of Hamp ton and Chamberlain to the government came up in the circuit court to-day as in- in the validity of a commitment bp a istice appointed by Gov. Hampton. "R? Judge Reed decided that the authority ol m,,,ip,i i,v ,i,B firat Physicians the trial justice must be respected as that of The above preparations are for sale by all efe facto and i!e jure officer of the Btato. Uruggista anu aeaiers lu.meuioiuo. This decision establishes the legality ot the Hampton government as to the Charleston circuit. The other circuit judges through out the State had already made similar decisions. Cheap and Fashionable ClotMui, at his store on MAIN STItEET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOOMSDUKO, PA., where he has lust received from New York and Phil adclphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, THE HOPE OF REWARD Is what Induces so many people ln search of to go to Michigan, and select from tl e ONE MILLION OF ACRES of the land grunt ot tho Grand Kflptds arfd Indiana It. it. Co. Mronff son:, fiure crops, piemv 01 umucr, nu drouths, BTfisKhoppers,. ur chinch bugs. Vure water, running siren ms ready markets, civilization and schools. Ilallroad runs through centre of prant. Trice irom n to jiu yvr acre. ;emi lor our illustra ted pamphlet, full of fact tn Herman and Knellah. Say ln what paper you sa.v this notice. Address W. 0. HDGIIABT, Land Comm'r., tllt-AND HAIMDS.MICII. Title Perfect. March 2, l8""-3m d ORPHANS' HEAL COURT OP ESTATE S A L E B LANK MORTGAGES for sale cheap at the COLUMBIA''' eJUlUO. By virtue of an order of tno OrphanV Court of Co lumbia county, tho undersigned, administrator ot Daniel Muriley, will expose to sale on the premises, ut two o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1877, nil tint certain real estate Htuata ln tho township of acolt, Oe,lumMi county, l'a., being a OCr..K iJi'O fcOT ln the village of LI?htstn:et ,ln said township.hound cd by the main road, two ulleys, and a lot ot Samuel Ilctz, Mlth the appiirtcuauces. TERMS or SALE. Ten I er cent of one-fourth of he purchase money to bo paid at the striking donn of the property, tho one-fourth less the ten percent at the confirmation absolute of sale, and the remain ing three-fourths ln ono scar thereafter, with Inter est from connrmatlon nisi. JACOB TEUWILMGER, March 9-ta Administrator. J. Weaver & Go's. Adv'ts. NO We will start s ou tn a business you can make t.'.o a week svllliout capital : easy MfYMlTVnnd respectable roreunersex. Ji. A, mXISH & I Young, Ml Bowery, N. Y. Feb. 16 4W. W Extra heavy Tin "Wire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. TOTICE. I'mm till rtfttA ihft IiloomBburc' (laa Comoany will put ln fccrvlce pipes at first cost and furnish and set mcto'B at tour dollars each. The company uae on nana a ia 01 pia w smi?u or DOinUnc roofs, aiid posts or other timbers placed under ground. O0,15 C. W. MILLKIt, 8 Including the mo&t fashionable, durable and nanasoiao volved in the validity of a commitment by a I kwdv- uampoor ice ior uuuumB ... . f. i n IT .- i nm nnn i:uuuru nanus. trial justice appointetl uy uov. nampion v mat and Liver pin, aro recom- GOODS, CONdlSTINO OF Galvanized Iron Cornice designed and manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. UOX SACK July 21,'7C.-lv Mover BitoTnEM, Wholesale Agent. FROOH. OUM ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES TUESDAY'S ELECTION'S. Hon. II. P. Bell, the Democratic ornlnee, WUEltE TO ADVERTISE. i t. Btewort aaya the best advertl6lntr mediums ho has ever tound '-are the old establlilied orirans ot the two political parties, at tho teveral county seats .i ....r.., ih. vninn .'Thpse ' he aavs "reach every tamllr ot the leaat account In their several counties, and are moro carefully read Uian any other class ot Journals." It Mr. Stewart's Judjmcnt Is ot value, there Is no dlfllculty ln deciding hlch paper .. .. ;i:Vh.i.,Q.Et nt hiNlnMtmrn to advertL3 In was elected to Congres, ou Tuoelay, n the fflffla BfffiS Vlnth rvUtrtet. In Oenrpia. In ulace 01 Hen I RS:SS;J nt vnimn r wider circulation and Hill. Ah two Democrat were runnlnR the ,POTlSffiB!JSRK Republican! fondly boped to get their man lK.cHf,i,.!?irJS1?i5S: ii1irMis5SSSBSa In 1 eiooncnt ot nearly rive thousand Democratic voters . . ,. i.t.i.oa in the county. It (rives advertisement a tasty dla- In N'eev Ilamoahire there was a spiritless L. ,iTntmniihmiiitraeuva to lta natrons. thus election. Trescott, the Republican candi- guSBTajSJS date lor Governor, has about 3,600 majority, SllS! publicans elect two Coi.fc.resmcn, and tho ftZVBfc COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, ne haa also replenished bla already large stock or AND OIL CLOTH, thejbest and most economical in the market. Eollins & Holmes, mil FED, ULOrnS AND OASS1MERES, naunuD . .NDI1'1AIN:VE3TB, SillitTS, CRAVATS We havo received copie of the The .lmeri' can, a new illustrated weekly published in New York. It is handsomely printed on tinted pa per, and ia devoted to the Arta, Drama ami lii.ht literature. Wo predict a aucccksful ra it Is iust possible that the authorities ol Columbia county in general and Bloomsburg in particular will get some understanding as Ihe manner in which their respective dutiea ought to be performed. The Herald correspon dent seems to have taken a great interest in our affairs up here, but it would perhaps be well for him to allow a few more yearn to roll over his youthful cranium before he grows so ex Democrats one. The opposition confidently expected to carry all of them. This leaves tho next House Democratic beyond all cavil. reer for it. 1'ublWied every halurday at oou -,ii -ri.t-.t Notwithstanding the alien Broadway, New York, and for sale by news . j hn ,(n (,lia ,,,!, jt t, ait0. dealers generally, l'rice ten cents a number. ,lcr ,ike lhot (1e y,w 0f ,,e ocai gov. ofimpntwlll inovp nn. The truth Is that the Our reporter my that tho Radical procession lTaid collj not eIel withoutsensatlonal wind, of last week consisted of 40 boys, six negroes, ninp cplltlcuicn. and the editor of the Jifpub- 1 trail. He that as il may, the calibro of the ,-rnwil can be ascertained from the fact that in passing the rctdence of tho fenior sditor of th e Comjsihun and in hU absence, three groans and the yon man who has been doing It correspondence during and since the murder trial is peculiarly fitleet to furnish it with the kind of material its existence requires. Klmcide. A terrible affliction befel the faui' ,' .m,n'..,l uml erlven. Brave fellows, ihosel iiv 0f ,, Samuel Wolf, in this place, on Sun .-- , ,X, f aal. The nine gentlemen ought to ue asuaiucu m Uar evening ibm, in me ruu-iuc u. ..n.. s.. this. We are uleased to learn that Alexis R. lax. ton. late Teller of the First National Bank of this place, lias been appointed He-cond Lieuten ant of Co. I. Jf, Wt Infantry, hendquarttrs at, Fort Murcy, New Mexico, and is ordered to Teport at Columbus, O , in SO days. Mr. Tax. ton received a military education nt West Chester, anil is well Cited for his twsition. We tru.l llmt tl.. T..1 .-HI .... f...-r. ...1.1. 1.1.1 . ..... ii, v in una w,u mi jmrricie nun n- Wolf. During the afternoon she had expressed an attention of vWtii'g a lck neighbor, and her famllv. sutwimr this to I e the case, paid no attention to her absence until the evening be gan to wane, when her daughter, on opening the door leading up Hairs, Ulncovereu nernwm. r ii.nrlnir bv the neck to the hand-rail. An alarm was given and 1 r. Thompson and others were soon on hand. The former cut the body dewn. A Jury was summoned by Fq. Murray, ,nJnnt held. Tho verdict, an rendered by the jury, was I "Deceased came to her death V.v ci run oil I. lion bv lianelnit. at her own hands." What the predisosing cause was it would be Mr. Wolf was a laeiy oi u 'person any intoxicating drink on any day on which elections fareliiow or hereafter mar be required to be held, nor on Sunday, nor at any time to a minor or to a person visibly affected by intoxicating drinks. The courts decide this tn 111. tor Iwpntp. f.Mir lmniM tr frnlil twidvtl .iVIriMr nt titolit until lurpltfn r.Vhvl- lliA next A Riot anions Miners Hcranton, Pa., March 13. A great mass- meetiug of working-men was held here to night, and a demand was made for work or (ou5wlnif terms, when nald alrlctly In advano Mine l.rnml A thousand men naraded tho streets 1 copy, one year, tw, Four coj-lua, 111), and an addl ureau. A tnousanu men paruueu mei "ic ,i,;Vi rnnv ror tna ear free to the sonder ot tho Sen hlS auVeriiaeiUBUUI I" VSIC VUl uaniai. i S3rAll new lubicribertor 1877, paying in advance after A'onmler 1, 187Cutt' rrco'ec the paper xeeellyfrom receipt of remittance to January 1st, 1877, without charge. ICS COMBINED rAt'EltS-niinY-tEViNTH V2.MI The Country ueniieman. The Country Oentleraan Is publtihed weeVly on tho I SOCKS, COIXARS, ItANDKERCinEFS, RANGES. Tho BARSTOW ELEVATED Oven Range, the LION and EJiI PRESS Portable Ranges have no equal. Rolling & Holmes. CMfWV 1 and detective drarts cured.fuel OlVlwrxI I ratpiI nnrt hMSt lner.ftedwteh PTTTMNP.VR f tho Spiral L'rart. Send stamp bniUliirilO ) ,or circular to IIE.N1IV COL r)lNl, A Unsom St., thtl'a, To. iiec. w, iu.-ij". A CAPITAL NEW NOYEL, "Out of the Cage," Inst tiubllfJied. A deetJy Interestlnir new novel, by ei. W . oen. whohe other worka hae been bo suc- sstui sold ibll&ll K b. , UII-sw K SHERIFFS SALE. Dy virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot theCouit ot Common neas of Columblacounty and to modi rectcd, will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House la Iiloomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1877, A building located cn a lot or piece ot ground bltu ntc ln the Milage ci npj-.lntho township ot Scott, county ot Columblaand State ot Pennsylvania, boun ded and described as roUowa : Fronting on Main st, ot said village, and adjuinlui; a lot occupied by John C. Crevellng on the west, lot ot Mood at Creveltng ou the east, and an alley on the north, containing In w Idth titty teet and ln derth one hundred and sev en- ty-three tectmoroor less. It Is a two story frame dwelling house, the slduudlng U built In tho sbapo of an L being twenty-three feet front, thirty-two feet on tho v.fit side, thirty-two feet in tho rear, sixteen feet east, nine feet on the south and sixteen feet on the east. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tho property ot Uoj d Mabon I'ettlt. cessful and so widely read. CToth bound j nrlce tt.ee. u 1 I ESold by all booKtellers, (i. V. CAHUiTOM CO., phy, east by i'liuiibiiers, .-sew loiKiiiy, T. D. Kallogg's Advts. CEDAR VATS AND TANKS. for brew ere, dyers, chemists, manufactures nnd pmate dwellings. (1KO. J. IiUItiaiAltT CO., June y-w, IluttonwooJ bt,, below Broad. "OUIinEU GOOD3 of every description, I Vlleltlnir, racking, Hose, noots and Shoes, Cloth InifriC. HIl'HAHl) 1.KMUK, M)N CO..T'Chebt nut HU rhlladelphla, Agents .National liubber Co. Junet-4tw. E N CYCLOPEDIA, GLOVES, iSUSPKIDKRS, AND STEAM. about nine p. m., shouting for work or bread. Clubi Ten copies, !0, and an addtuunal copy for the , ,e , '. , ,, , ., i, year free to uiu sender ot the Club. ..lArA,l el,A llv Imll vvltArA thft rnnneil I ' T .... anu .mw v..j ...., ....v. ... , .Mp country eientieman possesses an UBequaiii was in session. A ccne of great excitement Cor ps crndenta, regular and occiu. on.u. ensued, tho councilmen fearing bodily harm, and constantly reflects the prartlcal condition and ' . . I nmnHLa ihu tiiiLhnnilrv tt nv.rv fun-llnn nf tllB I n ...nn..n.An n. xuiiug wo ,c,ii(j " vm.v. ymnKl niaica iuiu en uucu ituhu. FANCY ARTICLES. Public and private buildings Ho haa constantly on band a largo and welHolccM lll'tltcd 1)V Btcaill. A Variety ot ...... Hnv.a..n l4,-tn 1M liAA artlrti. I fllA an. trmvtnra. and IS snlendld lnaos. The lllisT IttXIIC uf unUereal knowlcdEe In tha lanKuairu. Now ln course of publication. Kl'ixiMKN Willi map bent tor v) cents, auo is w A i isii. 1IAH. II. DAVIS & CO., l'lilla. Apr ua ly. EXCELSIOR PRINTING INK CO., BEST AND CHEAPEST I'lUNTINQ INK IN TIIK 5IARKET, Ilarrla) HI., M1W YOllK. AU(T. It, To.-l.swk ..l.l.A.l nnlinamon IioqIah npgrlvln hia Pfiiintpv nneleniiiii (flvea In lta Horticultural I tuuu, - - DepartmeMa'continuoT death. Senoui trouble is apprtnenuea. BueEeUons, equal or superior In the arereiraie to I rri. . ..l,.l,f !.,.l . oll f,.p fiftpen what la obtained In the monthly numbers ot most 4U0111HTW1 ,,-(,. .omv w . roagaiinea aevotea to Horticulture. special policemeu to aMist In preserving tne peace. This rminlrv (lentlemaa haa nrohablv done much as all other Journals combined, to Introduce and deasemlnate lmDroved Htocic or every Klou through tho country ; and commands to a greater deirree than any coterapomry, the conUdeuce and support of breeders and purchasers. 1 ue ixjunvry i.rukiviuiui vuuuiiiui iiuunuttiiv iuu Clotha and Voatings, which he ts prepeire4 to make to order lnto,any kind ii .1 (IT1.A . It IU 1C"5i I ueifreo man all e;uiemipvmrj, 1110 uiuuucum bus i of clOthlntr. On Very BUOn nouce, auu lu uiu uuoi From tho Troy "Times," March IS, 1871. support Of breeders and purchasers. 04 "ouuu'" uu " Peruvian Svrup la a standard remedy for h mi.twortliv iiorVet HeDoria. and devotes sne- manner. All his clothlne Is made to wear and most blllldlnc UU Ulia renewing: UrOkeil-UOWn or ciaj sueuiiuu wmrui auuw iuu nnspamui uo w. l.'.rr.lu.mi.jU iIaIiII. Crops, aa throw lu llsht upon oae of tho mat lm- nervous constitutions. ! or elyspepsia. Uet) 1- vorft ot all qUtTttous-vueu to Uuy and When to ity, liver complaint, kidney and bladder dis- Bou. eases, or part of the many Irregularities of The Country (lentleman embraces numerous ml- ,, ,. i,n nruiin uf tlin buuiaii frame it is nor departments of a practical character, tuch an the various organs ol lue tiumau irame, ins Ui0l)alr,i lUo i-ouitry Yard, the Apiary, tho Vlne- u sovereign remedy. It Is a toulc without jard and m on, and weekly presents a column or alcohol This medicine is too well known two for Uio llouaewlle uud Interestlnif I'lrealdo alo r''anTimmendationfrom ShSl us. It is only neceasary for us to say to recioryuf all the principal aErtctuluruloudhurtloul- . . . ti ..till i . t ural iiitiitiHLh tntint rl Ihft miinlrv. Stoam Pipo, Valvea nnd Fittings, i constantly on hand. Rollins & Holmes of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WAT0HK8 AND JKWELKY, very retiring dlspo-ltlon and somewhat suhject m mine-La of melancholy. These generally op pressed her most tererely on the annlvetsary of the elcath of her son, v, ho died by his own hand on the 4th of March, about eleven years since. No doult, temporary derangement was the cause of the rash act. Mrs. Wolf was aged about 77 1 years. Jkumllt XuUlligmar. those who have never iiven it a (rial that it will accomplish all that is clulmed for It. rVoiV IS 1110 lime It) tone up ine system uciuid the hot months of summer fuirly set lu. .Sold by all druggiaU. What a blessing to the poor would be such a wholesome purifier and preventive of contagion as (llentfe Sulphur soan could it bo distributed among them. Why don't nlilUnthronist act on this hint. De pot, Critteuton'a, No, 7.Sixtli Avenue, New York, IJlU'a llatr utl Whlaker Dye. black or I brown, 60 eta. aiaxcu. tural establishments ol the country. tf-ariiCIMKN ceH'IKU FHKK. Address LUTHBlt TUCKUH A SON. rCBUSIUKS, AIJJ1NV, ,N. V. JOB I'RINTINQ OF EVERY DESRIPT10N executed promptly At the Ooltjmdian Office PAPER BAGS VQU BALE AT TUB COLUMBIAN OFFtCK. OK EVK1IY DHSCHIITION, VINE AND CIIEAV. III8CARB OF JEWELItY IS NOT SUllPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE 1I1S OENEltAL A8SOKT MENTOP Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c, DAVID LOWENBERG. i.n-tf. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly ilono What J-llt; .1 lUftHllilll OP A DANK SAYS. ALSO, All the following real estate Wtuatc In tho Borough of Central!.!, Columbia county,boundcd on the north by lot of A. 11. Former, fcouth by lot of ratrlcl: Slur- an al.ey and cn tho west by Locust av enue, said lot being 55 feet front, 110 feet In depth whereon la erected a frame btable, baio uvea and other out-butldlnss. Belzed, taken Into esecutlon, and to be sold as the properly of Michael Uannon. ALSO, The following real cstato sltuato In Catawlssa tywnshlp. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and dsorll'Cd as ollows; On the north by a street, on the eatt by an alley, on Uio bouthby rourth tt., and on the west by lot ot Brown being cm lot ot ground on which t erected a dwelling Uouto wtui t'ae appurtonancis. Seized, taken ln execultoL, and to bo bold as the property ot it. A, llrown. :sr conditions 01? SAI.K. Purchasers must pay ten per cent, ot the purchase money, or at least enough to cover all costs, at btrklng down ot bale. otherwtM) property to bo resold at onco. jounw. norrMAN, Sheria'somce, Sherirf. Feb, 83, lsTI. U PUULIC SALE or ViUvinble Town Property ! The undersigned will offer for bale on THURSDAY, APRIL Cth, 1877 at two o'clock p. in., the lot of ground on Iron street lu the Town ot Hloowsburg, bounded and described oh follows : On the north by lot of John Hooper, on the cast by an oliey, ou tho south bylotot Mary Clajton, and on tho west by Iron street ; on which are erected TWO KKAMR HOt'Rr, of two btorles and one and a halt feU,rlci -f"-peo lively. (lood water and fruit trct'a ot Bupertoi quality oa tho lot. Terms easy and made known on day t( bale. JIAIW E ANS March 5-ts. lTilJla, Kxneetorant la no hutnbucr. 1 wnnid r.t t I without It II It would cemt llvo dolTara u lie.ttle. j. n. iiuuYbit, itch. e.iuiem,' alloIlal Hank, Asuiauu, j'a, A JUST VERDICT. I have dlppcrsod HaH' Kxyts toraiit omouif my patients, atid IthftrroeU more elTrHclous thtui any other medic tno i.rtts cla-sa ttiatltiartj Uei. usfnt In my uuUlcal career. And euln my own cast', tn vt rv c ttiuatpulmocoty illowK,! derlTfil tho Rrt'utffct tetietlt frcm the Kirx-cioniM. I liavo ojwujb wen er rcpugnaniin iiipumuoi any crel noHrum or TfUfiii iut uinntu, but theuu T!il!?pPErISKEPTOM FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. iiiiri Feb 1, 7I-tf Xtollins tO Holmes. AdvertismgAgents yt, ) fjtii fay he use ot an a 1 reputed virtues and inerim, but e ven mem ihanms sal reputatleiu of the Kipe'etorant haaluducedwe to I give It a fair trUI. and not only havo rosllred Its rii lhanra I that every I most sancume exrfttatlttns. iinnuic. onu may convince hluibtlf by bis own tilal. and that the ripeetoiant msy reach the- thousands who may bo une-pie-u oy iu 'iruiy )oui.s, I, IXO, M1NQLE, M. p., (liven Hilar, Pa, THE BEST. Hans' Eijsxtcratit hi the bent cough inrdlclce 1 ever used. It. It, 1IAVUN, Tiinton, N.J, hold by all dealers at w cents per botlle, Jan, 111, 'I! -m BUSINESS CARDS, V18ITINO CAltliS, LETT UEAl)i, tllLL I1EADS, rosTEits, io to., Keatly and Cheaply printed tt the Couth. si ah Office. 733 Smoa St., PHILADELPHIA, Who ere our nuthorlrrd ogents, uud vslll rrvrivt. .lur.riiseuiruia tit our I.OWJjsT (!ASH IIATIM. Babcock & Wyoth'a Ads m m U taken luteruolly. uud Vo.ltlcly cures liheuuia tlsni. liout, Niurl,s& i.nd Lumbago, tsold by for circular to. liiu.rin.xTlNK & llENTLCV, Oct. a, T.-ty. . "rUsm3 Wto. b. O BLANK NOTEB,wilh orwitliont eiewptlo tor tiio at the coineiu oiro.; " t