The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 16, 1877, Image 1

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lasuod wooaly, otcry Friday tnornlng, at
Tu miaum pur yoitr, payable lu advance, or
Airni lliiyoAr. Aflcrtho expiratlonof thetear
nil im Uo untried. To subscribers out ol tlio
Si mtr tua tormnru l per tear, -trlctly In nflvauco
-u ii It nut o tM la u iranca nnd 3.o i It paymunt bo
i t iu oud tuo year.
n ii 1 1 it ll vjiiiluutM. except at tlio option of the
hi) suri, until nil .uTdiiraifes ure paid, but lone
j it .i i-vt 'roam alter the expiration ot tlio urst
irii ii -till it it oe iilvun
All utniriittiltol tha State or to distant pot
o r" siiiiistuofi.ililforln nilvunco, unless a rcspi n
rIDIj ojmuii lit Columbia county assumes to pay I ho
sjucrlptlon duo on ilunanil.
Pi) i I' Aim Is no lontfor exacted from subscribers In
lio county.
one inch, (twr lto uies or Its equivalent In Woof
reii type) ont or two lnserttonMl.toi ilntelonn
.uMi 1 1.
.SrACB. 1. . IT'
onelncli ......ttM ft.iri. ton fio.o;4
Two Indies.... f TT! I
'" '1 '
Hire? inrDes
)M.i.1.s.s.t.'0Alj(ir;,:j.w,).g lift
iamni...T.1o.wM.eo' l4.o ro.eo .
J. B,rv CAW t.m f.ev 1.,- i.J
Oiinrief eoltimn;.
Half column. . 1S.0
is mi vn.ivi fin.iiu MM
One column B".(io
ic.oo 40.oo eo.oo
Yearly advertisements pnjnMo quarterly. Tran
sient adt ert Isements must 1 paldfor before inseruo
except wliero parties hate accountK.
.lA'tral aitt ert Isements two dollars perlncli fortbred
Insert ions, and at that rate for additional insertlosa
without reference to length. ,
Kxocutor's, Administrator's and Auditor's uotlti
thrw dollars.
Trtiiislent or tjoral notleesi twenty cent alios,
regular advertiauuients half rut"---
Cards In tho "lJtiilne?i-Dlfcrtol7" column, on
dollar per car tor each line.
. l.nMi
r if 10,1 ti
ii. 1 ir.l
. . i . .in.i tur.1 b 1'ilnttnir will cuiiinnro favora.
, ,i ii tn it .it inn l.iri cities. All work done on
rami) no.ttlv and nt inodorato rrh'es.
till. lV
VOLi XI, NO. 11
OA,. AL.ll, mi.
. - r'TTT- n.wjwiwynnww .rflTnaTrMmnsvffffiff-Bmn" fT n - - 1,1 .hi . - - . :
.. ' ' 1 - -" - i - - II mi mi l ' niiif'aliiiilii
I C"" " T"
mmv - . -. ' - -
111 II! Ill I II II ini III VJI
11 v
Columbia County Official Directory.
l'rjshlintaudja William Elwell.
A h n'l.ito .Iitajcs-Irain Derr, M. a. Hughes.
V jtno.iotar . xc.-u. Kranlt Zarr.
0 1 irt stL'iiJtfrapiier-M. N. .Walker.
i inter c iti.MiMor Williamson it, Jacoby.
0. strl)t Attornoy John M. Clark,
ill TUT - ,
Ai'YA or Isaao Dtiwllt.
Trmirer i)f II. W. .Mclteynolds.
ojnnmnners 10I111 lleruer, a. V. Mcllcnry,
cl 1 nnlloners' Clerk William Krlckbaum.
A 1 llto -M V. It. Kline. I. II. Casey, 1:. 11. Drown.
CiMiiisr-i'h tries (l.Murph .
jury Co.n.nmionorj lacob II. lrlti, William It.
Ut'i int supirlntenrtcnt-Wlniara II. Snyder.
Illjjnl'oir Ulstrl 't -Director! t). P. lint, Seo-t,
K n. lCr.tuior. IllJoniiburK and Thomas Crovcllng,
leo t. O. I'. Knt, fccretnr.
Bloamsburg Official Directory.
1. m Wi imililn?Coinptn John ,Funston,
, 1 in. 1 . .1. (1. ;i-d 7. c.iMiler.
i .it n ink -Charles l(. Paxion, rethtenl
'. f. ru itl'i, ( ashler. ,
1 ,li..iiii fhmi' Mirimt Snrlnc? Kimd and Loan
(mti ton -K. II. le, Prostdcn , C. W. Miller,
i' ii'nti'ir? HiilMlnj and saving I'unrtAssocla'ton
-A n 'VieKS. "ri-siaent..!. 11. Kom-ijri, ecu'ay.
11 iimnurj Mu ual Sirlmr Knn.l woela Ion .1.
f, ilrmver, Proldea , C. O. lurxlcy, secio ory.
iiai'Tist riiourti.
it) .1 i. 1 Hi In, (Miiiply.)
n sMcn-t vit m and h p.m.
. -l 1 1 Sf no'il -0 n. m.
,iyor Mi!ctlur-P.very Wclnoula- evening nt !f
uiHtreo. The public are Invl cd ton tend.
Mlnlf cr-ltev .1. I'ct'ron.
S'ln lay Servlces-iotj a. in. and OKP- m.
nund.iL' Sehonl 9n. In.
i"r.i er Mco log-Lvery Wednesday evening at ej
Seats free. Nopowsren'ed. All are welcome.
Minis er-Itev. stunri Ml'iltcll.
S.inday Servlccs-IOK a. in. and e4 p. m.
MiHi.ini' Mrlinnl 0 n. in.
I'ra cr Mee ln;f-!:very Wednesday evening a' t
seasfroo. No lrews rented, strangers welcome.
MEinoDisr triscorAI. cncRcn.
Prcsldln; Klder Hcv. N. s. nucklnuham.
Minis or Kov. J. s. Mc.Murray.
Sunday Hertlces 1 a nndo p. m.
nihil. nlntar.uni Innil.iv pvenlntr at SVf O'clock.
I'ounc .tlen'a I'm er Meo lng-Every Tuesday F.J nVlnet.
(leneral Prayer .Meeting Every Thursday evening
Corner of Third and Iron streets,
t'ntor Itev. (1. 1). Ourler.
itesldenco Central Hotel.
Sunday Services QX a. in. and T p. ra.
Sundav School ll n. m.
Prayer Jleetlng Saturday, 7 p. m.
All are Invited There Is always room.
sundav Services l"x a. m., )f p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
li pot linn l.i i- In thn mnnlli. llolv PommUnlOn.
Services preparatory tn Communion on Friday
:ventngbclorotho fct Sunday in each moniu.
l'ews rented ; but ever bodv welcome.
rresldlng KUler-ltev. A. L. lteeser. lirtv .1. A. Irvine.
Sunday service 3 p. m., Hi tho Iron Street Church.
l'ru er Meeting Every Sabbath at J p. m.
All aru liitlted. Alluro welcome.
innto in .iiin iittift Urick t!luireh on the hill.'
known as tho Welsh llaptWt Church-ou llocl: street
east ot iron. . , ,,-.,
Regular meeting for worship, every Lord's day at-
Seats free; and tho public aru cordially Invited to
nentlv bound In s-nall books, ou hand and
for sale ut the colujibian omee. Feb 19, isio-tf
DLANK DEEDS, on I'arclit.i.-ntnnJ Linen
1 iMnnr enmmnn nnd for Admlnls rators. Kxecu
tors and trustees, for salo cheap at tho Colcmbian
liL nndforsalo ut the Columbian umce. .muiii
tersot the llospelund Justices should tupply them
selves with these necessary articles.
TUSTICES anil Constables Fee-Hills for sale
.1 attllO COLCttUIAN omce. iney huiuhim iim ra.
vtn,, funo na l.ttllhlKliert tlV thO blSt ACt Of t IlO Leg-
slaturoupon the subject, livery Justice and Con.
stable should have one.
2XDUE NOTES just printed and for sale
cheap at tue Columbian oiiicc,
T7I M. KN'OnU. Dealer in Boots and Shoes.
lit, latest and beststyles.comerMalnandMarkel
fctreets, in tho old posi omce.
i E.SAVAfrE. Dealer in Clocks. Watclie-
l j . and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central
(. DARKLE i", Office
I, In lirower s nuuuing, vnu s-ory, nwiaa s k o.
Oct. 13, 13.
DR. WM. M.
clan, onico
REHER. Surgeon and Physt-
ti. il. comer Itock and Market
T R. EVANS. M. D.. Surgeon and Pliysi
I . clan. (Ofilco and Residence on Third street.
corner Jenerson.
T B. McKELVY. M. D.. Surgeon and Pin-
J . slclan, north side .Main street, below Market.
B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law.
In Ilartman's building, Malnstreet.
I"T R03ENSTOCK. Photographer, over
JUL . Clark & Wolf's store, Main street.
TVVV1D LOWENBEHO, Merchant Tailor
J Main St., nbovo Central Hotel.
T S. KUHN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
X ceutro street, tetweeu second ana i nira.
SHAVKor nuj thing in thoTO.SSOKIALLlNt
go to
Under Kxchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Oct. 13, 'Tsly
M. II. ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main
V y-M. L. EYEItLY,
Catawlssa, Pa.
collections promptly made and remitted, omce
onposlte Cnlanlssa Deposit Bank. (m-3s
Important to Farmers.
and ever) body In want of
We hate erected kilns at or near tho l'ar MlU.on
the I). ll, y, it. it. and are now prepared to sell
..uu ub .vrjr rt-'uauuuuio prices unu ut truou quality.
orders by the car protupily tilled and shipped to
any station on the aboto road.
A full line otl.UM BCIt, of all kinds, dressed
or In the rough, shtng:es, Lath and
bill Timber to which we Invite
the attention of cuito
iners. COAI.
" y strte attention to business we hopo to merit a
BUH.W V. I'UUUU 1'UklUUnifO.
I l 1S76.. Catattlssa, l'a.
P A T K IN '1' S
J'ertfilis (lefclriiitr to talu out rA tenia, or deslrlncr
tXon nation fium lliu Uoltctl Stales l'a m; omce
Tou.d corsu., V. A. , LIIMANN, So.K.tor of Amerl
tlJl I11IU VII (felt UI(UIP 11 tClUlftlVU V M
nlnatlons free. NO PATENT NO 1'AY. Send.for
J ,nuUr,
tbe quetinsoi lasiuon. snd for
hi. iltlltdlL lUILMrrit
Rcti'ulcnco on Kfarkct Btrcct ono door below
V. J. Wallor'ti.
Office Over Klelm'a tlrno Storn. nniro hotirn from
I to 4 n. m. for treatment nf rtlseaitrii nf rha Rfn. Knr
unu luruiii.
All calls night or day promptly attended to.
Omcs, lsorth Market street,
Mar.S7,'J4-y Bloomsburg, Ta.
All U UN 1, 1 -AT-LA W,
OKStCK-ltoom Mo. 1. "-Columbian" Bulldln.
Sept. 18.1ST6.
A i T U li W K 1 A T-Ij A W,
Ilartman's Llock, corner Wain and market
tCl. b,
Q W.MIU.i;g,
All lllt. 111 A i-l,AlV
onieo In Grower's hi!lldlcc.w'crd floor, room tio.
nioomshurc, Pa. Julyl.tS-y
M V. If.NK.
I. r.. wALtrit.
nt'yR-ivfl rv,
Jan. 19, '7I-ly
A 1 1 uji.'i k. i o n. i -ift n
Bloomfitarg, Pn.
omce on Main Street, flret door below court House
iuar.o,i y
P. t J. M. CLARK,
Dloomsburg, Pa,
Offlco In Ent s Building.
April 10.T4-
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Iir-All business entrusted to our care will recleve
prompt attention. Julyl,73 y
nil.UIEYER, .
Office Adjoining C. Ti. W. J. Buckalew.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Apr. 14,"7-Iy.
n. I.ITTL11. R0BT. H. L1TTLK.
U. & R. R. LITTLE,
Bloomsburg, l'a.
rr-puslncss before the U. 8. ratentOfflco attended
to. omce In tho Columbian Building. ty as
A a iuko t 1 b-a i-u a tv,
COLCUBIAN Bciuiiko, Bloomsburg, Pit.
Jtembers of the United Stales Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America.
Octitralia, Pa.
lb is, TO-ly.
II 0 W E I, L,
1J ill IN -L A o I
Offlce In Ilartman's Block, second Door, corner
Main and Market streets, ,
May Si! ly.
ROWN'S HOTEL, Bloomsburg Ta., B.
Stohuer, Proprietor. Accommodations flret-
inss. II .23 to ti.&u per aay. tiesuturuui, uuutuvu.
Octobers, is-ti
etng Machines and Machinery cf all kinds re
paired, opkiia Hocsk BuUdlng, uioomsourg, i-a.
Ull 1, to 13
4. wniilrl nnnnunee Laths cltlzensof Blooms
burg and vicinity that he has Just recelt ed a lull and
compieio assortment, ot
and all other goods tn hts line of business. All the
newest and must approved patterns of tho day are
always to be found in his establishment. Main street,
below Market. oct. 8.!5
Opposite tbe Court House,
The, Laroest and best In all respects In the county
W. B. KOON8.
Oct. e.'io-ly Proprietor.
CY, Exchange note!, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.,. 6,500,000
Liverpool, London and Olobe JO.uou.ono
Hotafof Liverpool ISSoo.O'io
Lancashire 10,000, 00
Fire Association, Philadelphia 3,100,000
American ot Philadelphia........ 1,100 lw
Ulas of Hartford
Wyoming, of Wilkes Barre ... S31,ixw
farmers .nutuai ut tiouvuie i,wv,vw
DanvUle Mutual 7s,oon
llnme. New Vnrlf R.CO.000
Commercial Union 17,000,000
March s,17-y
THE UNDERSIGNED, representing several
oftiit, mnnr. rnnnprvnttvA and reliable Ameri
can rtro insurance Companies, would beg leave to
oner nissi'n ices to tue citizens 01 uioomsuurif nnu
vlclnlf , requesting a reasonable share of the public
patronage. , .
1, . U. tUI, IU.M
Bloomsburg.July 18, 187s.
Office In Brower's Block.
July sl-tca.
contains the largest ttctk of
tefiiisware, Glassware, Witaare,
Canned FrnltSt Dried Trnlts,
to bo found tn Columbia county.
A Complete Assortment
altva) s on hand. Coll and examine.
Jan l.lsll,
; ; $ $ ; p p p p. p
To the Workln t'lii. We are now prepared to
furnish all classea tvitb constant employment at
home, the whcle of tbe time, or for their spare mo
meuts. Business new, light and profitable, ivrsons
of either sex euslly earn from ui unls to is per
evening, and a proportional Bum by devoting their
wnoietiineio tue uuaiur!. uuy UU14
nearlv an much as men. Thitt all who see
mav send their address, and test '.ho business wo
make this unparslled offer; 'Po sut h as are not well
natUtled will Mod one dollar to par lor Uie
trouble of writing. Full li&rtlculors. bamtdea worth
Home and FlretJdo.'one of tbe largest and best
IhuHtraU d lnbllc atlonH. all sent free Lv matL Bead.
er. If ou want permanent, profitable work, adorooa
tieorge tsunauu a uo., rvrttuuu, Mouto.
oepuo, i.-iim.
Send ssc. to a. p. itowsix co.
PumDblctof 114 mini, contain
en, coiiUlnlng lists ofliuu
newepapeja, andewiinlen thowm cat u tdtertut-
This distressing and dangerous complaint, and Its
premonitory symptoms, selected cough, night
Rweata, hoarseness wasting flesh fever permanent
Ir 'ured by Dr. "Swayne's compound ttj rup of Wild
nUOS'0lllTlf-a Premonltnr of Pulmonary Con
sumption. Is characterized by Catarrh or inflamstlon
of tho mucuous memtiranii of tho nlr passages,
hoarseness, polos In theihest For all Bronchial
aHectlons, sore throat, los of totco. coughs,
Componnd Bprnp of Wild Cherry
ISA FoymmaK vp.Mtnv.
ltcinmorrhagotorspltilnp of blood, mav proceed
from the lannr, truehl i l.rnnciila or lufigs. sod
ntlse from various ennse, a limine phi Rlonl exertion,
pl thorn fullness pf tho vessels, wink Iurg,over
ttrsltilbgor the olfe. pi'pprfs'ed evcuatlon, ob
struction of the spleen or lit er, Ac.
C;mpM3ndi Syrup cf Vvild Cherry
MrlKf k rI i Ik rrt or tH'cnr by purlflrpllif Wood,
rrf tf'tlrjr th llrir hnrt Hdi to htiilMiy mtlon, 1 1
lp( rutliitr Hip urnouH fj bXvta.
MP n-ftrvrWU1 "R t nr,t t nlv t vcr ''vrryrlirf'iilc
tlUc n whrrt u uraflual rltf nttlvc rcllon mMfiU
1' 11 tisf Hie rouuU ts lO'iticd thn nlyl.t
ftw.fatp iltmtiitB'ird, thn nnln f utstdep, Iho ruif ro
tiirfiF to lis literal ftiiir'nrrt, ti eMciiiwiils Improv
ed In ttRfowi r todleiHt ami nltntlnie tbcfottn nnd
etcr orirnn luRaTvirfrnnd lttrr niminy or Hood
RurrHd ttltj"t "t which new navAUvoatid rda
)H sU'AVNKirrn'luiih'dnf'onc ntHiP bet Modi
ral OjUcpps tn the t imd n rnirnpfd in nn ue
tivp precilPf1 for irnnv (nrp, tbu (r,mrf.nteeii''ff thnt
pri raruttons are pn-pun d upcu bUIcUv ocleiittllc
Rcliiible Evidence.
1)B. cwatne Tear Mr: I feel It to he due to you
and urrerintr humantfv tn bIth the followlnc testi
mony repecijng the wonderful curntlte powers of
your Compound St rup of w lid Cherry and Sarsnpa
rllia and Tar Pills. .1 was amiotedwlth a violent
cougn, pains mine siue unu ureuii, ihki'i. ,'ain,
pore throat, ray bowels werecostlte, appetite nearlv
pone, and my stomach an tery weak that my physl.
rinn wns nt. n losH in know wliat to do for me. us e t
cryihlng 1 used In tho shape of medicine was reject
ed unit different times n ntnt of bluod 1 remained
for months ini this awful condition, andgavoupall
hones ot ever recovering, t this time you rerom-
menried thn H4o or vottr svrun nnd rills, which tm-
mcdlatelv. began to soothe, comfort and allay the
violencnofthu totieh. Btrenethened and healed in
liinirs : In short. It has made a perfect, cursor, me,
d I am now nblo to pursue mv dally labor. tiy
neron doubtllurthntnilh Df thnillvive stll rn
111 please ca 1 ou or address me. lit the f ael or1
Knglneer of tleo. Sweeney's l'ottei v,
tttdge Load, bulow Wallace, Phlla.
Oter20 enrs hate elapsed, and Mr. Ilamson still
remains a hearty man to this day September Both,
Dr. Thomas .7. 11. lthonds. Botcrtown. Berks Co-:,
Pn.. tvrtti'M: Yourconipound sjrutiot Wl dCherrj'
I esteem terj, highly : hat e been selling andrecora-,
mending it to my patients for many years and It ul
wsts protes eflliaclousln obstinate cough's, bron
ehlnlnnd alfectlfns It has made some
remarkable cures In tills section, and I,
the best remedy with which I am acquainted.
Price 11. Slxbottles for$s. IMiot sold bybur
druggist, we,wtll forward half dozen by express,
fretclit paid on recetpt of pilce:
ti? iiocruos mpioms litaii communications, nni
address let'ers to Lilt. SWAYNE A- SON, 330 North
Mi'h street, Philadelphia. No charge will bo made
for ndt lee. Sold by druggists and dealers In medi
cines generally.
That dreaded disease,! roiu w hleh ho many person
suffer, IS frequently the cause ot
Headache, Induiestiok, Dvsi'ErstA,
la speedily relet cd, and are olten permanently cured
SwayiiB's Tar aufl Sarsaparilla Pills.
reters are often preteuted by the tiso of theso
Sarsaparilla Pills, as they cat ry orf.through tho blood
thn linnurltles rrum ttlilch thov arise. For Costltc-
ness Lucre-Is nothing so effectual as Swajne's Tar
and Sarsaparilla Pills.
They aro purely Vegetable.and act specially on tho
l.iver ai iiiun .unss or uuioinei, wunuut any uau te
suits from taking.
Address letters to DR. SWA YNE SON. Pblladel.
phia. No charge for advice. Sent bv mall on rtcilpt
of price, l'rlco '23 cents a box; nioboxcsior!!, Ask
jour Druggist for tnem.
Itching Piles
Is c-enerallv preceded by a moisture, like nersnlra
tloii, dlstri losing Itching, as though pin worms wero
tratt ling In or about the rectum, particularly at
nlghtw hen tin lresslng.or in bed alter getting w arm.
It appears In summer as well as win ir, oftentimes
snoiis ltheir arounu iuu pnvuie inirin, nnn n nut con
rlned tn males nnlv. but Is nulte as freouent that fe,
mules ore sore y attuned, particularly In times of
nreimnnc.v. extending li'totne vaen tt. Drotin ois
tresslng almost beiond tse potters of endurance,
Catsof long standing, prouuiineed Incurable, have
been permanently ouieu uy bimpiy applying
Swayne's Ointment,
I was sorely afflicted tt Ith one of the most distres
sing ot all olseases, Prurltu- or Prurigo, or moro
commonly known as Itching Piles. Tbe Itching at
times was almost int. lerabie, increased by scratch
ing, and not unfreauently became Quite sore. 1
bought a box of Miayne's Olulmenl; Its use gave
nulck relief, and lu short time made a Derfecl cure.
1 can now bleep undbdurbed, and I would advlt.0 all
who are sufteilng tilth this distressing complaint to
procure stvajne's Ointment at once. . I had. tried
ptcscupttonB almost innumerable, witnout anamg
any permanent reuei.
rum of Ilosdel Christ. Boot and bhoo House, SM
Tiortn ncconn street, i-iiuaueipnia.
Swayno's All-Healini? Ointment
Is also a specific for tetter, Itch, salt rheHtn. scald
head, crtbirelas, barbers Itch, blotches, all scaly
crusty, cutaneous eruptions Perfectly safe am
cents, or stx boxes sent by malt to anyj
address on receipt ot price, prepared qi ly ,byl
liartntcu utpnnn Nip mnsr fenlr Infunf. I'rle Ml
DB. SWAYNfc & SON, 330 N. Cth St.,I'hllade!phla.
Catarrh H an atrectton of tli mucus merobrano or
flii'Anr nhuLt In nff .ronnnlml ullh Hull'
hi'nvvh'eudnche. obstruction of tlif napal naaflceK.
wenlt ft'try nnd liiUamrcl, liacklnor cauizbi
liiiV, to clear the throat, expcctoiatlon ot otTi'tislxa
muuer, twvn uun ituio ure imjimreu, ui'iru uji
truing In the head, Inrefcnt bloUnfr of tLti nohf,
and other symptom 8 nmilKely toapioar trydlB-
Lrt'bsliJtr, flint lio dlseafe is morp cemmon, aiidnoca
lss uurtervtood hy rbj-Flelans. MDe.tenthsrf thq
caw tu oueuti.y ureaiu uiu iM,tubiunfu i i,umnii(
.Swajne'H Cnlarrh Ilcinicly"
Ha certain and pormaneiit cure, and warranted iq
very ea., no matter how nbtUnate or loner Htand
KWAYNi; X R()N,83 North Plxth Mnet. I'hlladel.
phi a, -Mai I t'd to any aauretsonluu reet lt ot the
tirlco(on dollar, with full dlrectiopa for ust. also a
full account of thoorl In and nature of thl3dlfctresT
Mriff couinlatnt. We repeat It : tt Is lxn end all com
riiirlson tho best remedv rorCatanhmerdlsroyereo,
Itemember I It can bo obtained only by nddresMnir
wrison i no i
temember I
jwt. hw a vkk R ho.v, 330, onu hum htreet, rnu-
rdelbhla. with n. remittance, as we do not vlace It In
thn hand of dealers, tlio Kama aitwA do our other
picraratlons. In writing for our "catarrh Keniedj''
i tin on ktnti iiii snw nfUprf KemprT In tlm ,(:iv
uinuan" uioomsDurff.
Why Dye ?
No uimter hotr i Irny or IImrli the
Hair mav lie. It can be restored tn Its original color
ana outuiui appcaruui-i, vy uM.-iug
London Hair Color Restorer.
A Remedy to Rein.
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state the Human Iltlr
In a'l Its youthful
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Hair Restorer
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and beauty.
ill ptTNOMNWllOlINpIrO lO Ilt'lltlt)
of peronal apiieoraneo, should not neglect that
natural nocesaliy. the hair. Us many It nan been
neglected until It has become thin, gray or entirely
fallen off, T he London Hair Color Restorer restores
nuiurei, louses, and Imparts a healthy and natural
color, .thickens the hatr, cures dandruff and all
lu by. faculy eruptions on tho scalp, making it white
and clean, and Insuring a luxuriant growth of hair
In Its natural youthful color. Price 75 cents, run
clpal depot tur.lhe U,B., iu,- North Mxln street,
1 UllOUCipUl.
' My bov Kreo 7
He played w Id you when you was a chlio 7
' Yotl an' ho ' ' 11
Orowed Up together 7 Walt I lemmo see I
Closer lo I kin look In jcr face.
Mas' tleorgo's smile (
lord love you, Marsler I
Dar 'neath dat cypress Is whar Kree lays.
Sunburn an' grown t
MM' flcorgo, I shudden ha' knowed you, son,
'Count o' do beard dat er face, has on.
But for dat ole.tlmp smllo o' yourn.
"An' Kreo 7" you say'
Hadn't you fcert-d. Marster
He 'ceasded de oar dat you went away J
Kree an' you -ri
llowdeole tlme rnmea hck on t mo',
Moonlight fKhln's. an" hyars In de vnow,
Squirrels an Jav birds up rv.rhend
In de oak-trees dot rtn fun f hlned through.
Look nt me, Mnrster I
Hero Is im' lit In' nn Kree, lu's dead 1
'Pe-ir to me strange,
Now when X thinks on 'em, do otn years.
Mas'Gedrire. somtlmes de b'thln' tears
Fills no rnvet ps
'Count o' de miser, now. nn' de change,
JM sun dims, Mnrster,
To sn ole man when hts one boj dies.
Did oil say "Hov7"
Out In de dug-out oni monnsh'ne Dlght
FUhln' wld your babv brother be
Wld'dfl eurln n' vnller Hire lrenV llt
i I
An de dancln' btit I4ue eyes. Dead, now.
, , Kree dlrrt for him,
Tie Lord tak him, Ma'rster ;
De green gross klvers 'em both from sight.
Ifeerd 6' do tale 7
Didn't k ow Kree was de oae dat drowned
8ayln',llas' Charley 7, Well, 'twere he, -.
De,chlle waxed weaker, his face mo' pale,
ArtcV de corpse o' poor Kree were found ;''
Two months later he went, you see.
God bless jou, Marster,
Nine years has rolled over both ondcrground.
Worn out an' gray,,
Here I sits ttaltln1, Mas' (leorge, alone.
All on 'em's gone,
Marster an; Mlstls, an' Charley nn' he.
You an' me only Is let, t!omo day,
When yoti'v'o iione bacli to j er ship on do sea,
n 111 hear him say, '
Jes as he used ter, o-nshln', ter mo;
"Daddy, come over ' An' pnsstn' away
' Dat side de river, again I'll be'
Wld my boy Kree.
"froirt Jirie-a-Brae ;" Scribner for October.
time, who is bf travellers all most ancient.
it hen one day marching on his weary way.
Arriving near a stream, thus loudly cried,
nave pity, pity, on my ancient years.
Alas ) no more am I remembered here
who count every moment as It tiles :
Kind friends, lis i who'earnestly entreat you.
Come one, come all, and hasten to pass Time."
Full many a mold, who, from tho opposing shore.
Beheld the old man's plight with tearful ej es,
Burned In her soul his passage to as.lst
titu ft Iran bark, whose helmsman was truo Love.
ut ono irom out the throng, by far most wise,
Restrained them with these cold but prudent tt ords:
An 1 ottcn, often, has ono come to grief
And ruin dire, by seeking to pass Time,
!lAne gayly pushed his shaUop from the bank.
And soon approached iho spot w here lingered Tim.;.
lie bade the old man hasten on with hi in.
Embarked him, and set Sail with prosperous breeze.
Love gently plied bis well-shaped oars and swift,
And sung, and sang again, with merry shout,,
tou see, you see, my pretty shepherdesses,
My timid maidens, how Love passes Time."
But soon Love drops' the oar In tact, growj weary
(That always was tho special fault or Love.)
The falling oar Is seized by Time, who cries,
ti hat I tired so soon ? Already dost give up 7
Poor child, thy weakness great .by strength how
small 1
Do thou sleep now, and I will sing In turn
ThU old refrain, approted ot steady wisdom ;
Alt! Time has made Love pass has made Loto
A beauteous maid, 'concealed among the groves
Which lined the river's bank, had beard the talk,
And now, unable to restrain her mh th,
Laughed at Time's moral and poor Love's despite.
Cried Time, tn anger, "Who has strength enough
To brave my ancient years and Love combined J"
But Friendship calm, with ttuthtul mien, replied.
1 naugnt nave :earea, nor augnt wui rear, ironi
Harpn't Mmjaiint for itareh.
Mr. Courtney was a rich old bachelor,and
the .uncle of n couple of nephews the ono
a biother's and the other a Bister's son.
These two were his next, of kin, legally en-
tliieu,tin case lie uieu intestate, to inncni,
his property.
Edward Horton, his, deceased sister's son.
wa? decidedly his favorite, and to him tho
old gentleman resolved to givo the bulk of
hU estate.
Charles Courtney, the older nephew, had
inherited a handsomo fortune from bis fath
er, and, moreover, by his uncle's will, was
entitled to succeed to that left to his cousin.
in the event of the latter's dying without
Old Mr, Courtney was one of tho halest
of bachelors, when It was suddenly an
nounced, not only that he was dead, but
that foul play was luspected. A post-mortem
examination demonstrated that ho had
fallen a victim to poison j and It was given
out that the hand that had administered it
was that of his favorite nephew, Tho pub
lie mind was naturally both surprised and
It was not until Edward Horton had been
fully committed for trial for his uncle's
murder that I was retained to work up the
His own statement was, in substance, this:
iV physician had been called In to see Mr,
Courtney on the occasion of Borne apparent
ly trifling illness, requiring some Bimple
remedy.for winch a prescription was written
aud, Landed to the prisoner to havo mails up.
This the latter had carried io a well-known,
competent druggist, who had put it up in hie
presence, The medicine consisted of three
white powders, each folded in a scrap of pa
per.and the'whole inclosed in a single wrap
per. They were to be given at intervals of
an hour, and had remained continuously Id
the prisoner s possession till the first ttas ud.
ministered, which wat done by himself, im1
mediately on his return from the druggist's.
Mr, Courtney grew rapfdly worse and when
at tho expiration of an hour, n second pow
der was administered, the symptoms became
so alarming that a pietsenge'r was dispatched
for the physical!, who, on, his arrival, der
claroil that the patient was buffering from
the effects of poison. An examination of
the remaining powder disclosed (he fact that
tt was pure arpenlc, It was. too late for any
auttdote to be available, and In leas than au
hour death had relltvtd the sufferer, An
nutopsy of the body nnd mi analysis of tho
contents of tho Htouinchj left no tlouht on to
thd cause of death.. Tho jirescnce of arsenic,
In n necessarily fatal quantity, was Indlcntetl
by every known chemical lest. It Was fur
ther ndniltleil by tho prisoner that lie, alone;
had handled tho medicine from tho time It
was compounded by thn tlrugfiist till the com
ing of the pliysiclau,after the second powder
hatl been taken.,
The drug git. who tins kuown to bo aman
of extraordinary caution, and thoroughly
skilled In his, business, was ready, to swear
that by no po-jsibilily could any mistake
have occurred in putting up tlio medicine.
Tomako matters wnrse, It.trauspireil that
thh Btiilcablo relations between tlio tinclo
ami nephew had been somewhat disUtrbrd
nf lute, by retsun of an attachment of the
btler disapproved by tho former, who had
trnnc so far hs to tlireaten to chango his will
unltn his wl-shes wero rpspected.
"SVlio win in company with you from tho
timdynu received the medicine lilt you re
titrnrd to vottr unclo's house?" I asked the
ptisoner,d.perately groping after something'
t) arrord a my of hopo.
"No oiibj" he aiHivcrul, 'hut my Cousin
Cliarles, whom I iliel near tiie Uiugglt's,aiiil
who accompnnitd mo in-'
I drew from lidivnril the fact that piiarle
suv tho tuediclnn uitui,; ttalktbwjthihini
itilittU tvayjj.lliiui jvfl'nt baQkjfir noiuelliing
lwurd, awaiting his return. - then walked
ni-iit urui nearly home, when Charles left
Ijalso reminded Edward that his uncle; be-,
ins: dead, If he also should die chlldlesa.
tiharlea would inherit tho whole estate.
"Ho did it I; he did it I" the young man
cried, in'n.pafaxysm of excitement too ear
nest to he counterfeit. 'He went out to get
tho poison when, ho left mo waiting. He put
it up to resemblo tho druggist's parcel, for
which he substituted It as he went along.
Villiau I know it now I I carried the par
cel in the right pocket of my overcoat, and
it wai oil Ihal side ho.walked 1'
I was seated in tny otlice tin the day pre
ceding that fixed for 'ho trial,, indulging in
anything but sanguine expectations, when a
rap at the door announced a visitor. It was
a detective whom I had employed.
"What is it?" I inquired, after closing
tho door
"I made au arrest, to-day 1" he answered,
'and in the prisoner's possession found this
overcoat,' undoing a package, he. had
"In one of thojiockets I found this;" and
ho handed me a smail parcel, which I open
ed. ' , , ' .," '
Inside wero three papers, folded as drug
'gists put up their prescription?.
"The person with whom I found this coat,"
the detective continued, 'confesses that he
stole it from a biilard saloon, the owner hav
ing laid it asido while playing ; aud tho
date ho fixes corresponds with Sir. Court
'ney's murder. But wliat is more important,
I have ascertained that Charles Courtney it
the owner of the coat I'
"Let us at once proceed to the druggist's!"
rcxclalmed," sprinai'ng fr6ni my chair and
snatching up.niy hat'.
We were soon there.
"Please examlno that parcel," I said, put-
tin? It Into the druggist's hands.
He did so, carefully opering the papers'
and impeding their contents. They con
tained three white powders.
How do they correspond with those you
made up for Mr; Courtney;" I inquired, 'and
for which other seem to have been'sa mys-.
terlotisly snbitittited?'
"They do not cferrespond at all," he an
swered ; 'Ihey are tho same.'
"The samel How do you know that ?"
'liy thcpo figure," ho replied, pointing
to the Inside of one' of tho papers. 'I had
made a calculation that day on the sheet of
paper, part of which I used in putting up
the prescription bought by Mr. Edward Hor
ton. Tho remainder 'I have prcsrved, not
knowing but it might' becomo important.
Here it Is, and you see how this piece and
the figures fit it.'
They did exactly; the chain of evidence
was complete !
I need hardly tell how the trial ended.
Charles Courtney was called by tho prose
cution to prove some unimportant point.
Tho counsel whom I had retained for tho
defeuco' asked him but three questions on
cross-examination :
"Had ho accompanied the prisoner from
the druggi't's?" '
"Had he lost nn overcoat that day?"
"Was that it?" " '
Tho questions wero very simple, but tho
effect on the witness was most remarkable.
Ho trembled and turned pale. Ho knew his
secret was out, and that lying was useless.
He answered all threo questions in the af
firmative, but in n voico scarcely audible.
Ileforo tho next witness was called he supped
from tho court, and was never heard of after
With tho testimony of the detective and
tho druggist, not forgetting that of the thief
who stolo the overcoat, wo made short work
of nhnt had promised to bo 'a beautiful case
of circumstantial evidence.'
A French journal says that a tamous
French surgeon, lately deceaed, who was
brusque and unpolished, found, ou entering
his house ono day, an old priest who had
been bug waiting his return. ''What do
you vant of me?" "I want you to look at
this," meekly replied tho priest, taking off
an old woollen cravat, which revealed up
ou tbe nape of his neck a hideous tumor.
You'll have to die with that," coolly re
marked the surgeon. "I thank you, Doc
tor," simply replied the prieid, replacing
hU cravat, "and am much obliged to you
for warning luc, for I can prepare myself,
as well as my poor parishioners, who love
mo very much. ' The surgeon, who was
never astonished at great thtugi, looked Up
on this priest, who received his death sen
teuce unmoved, with amazement, and said i
"Come to-morrow, at, eight o'clock, to the
Hotel Dleu antt ask for me," Tlio priest
was prnnipt, lhc surgeon procured fb
him a special room, and inn month the
man wen( out cured, wiien leaving lie
took out of a sack thirty francs In small
change. "It Is all I have, to offer you, Doc
tor." ho said "I came here on loot frdm
Ptoueu In order to eavo thU." The doctor
looked at tho money, milled, and drawing a
handful of gold from his pocket, put It in
the bag along with the thirty francs, saying,
"It's for your poor," and the priest went
away. Some years later the surgeon feel
Ing death to lie near, bethought him of tho
nrieat. and wrote to him. Ho canto at once.
and tbe surgeon received at lilt hands the I
last consolation of religion.
AiS'ieaking Telegraph.
Wo haVo hercfoforo given accounts af tho
wonderful succcfs of Professor Bell in
transmitting the vlbra'llons' of thfj 'human
voice: by electrical' meAtii over' ft' telegraph
wife. Ho lias lately made Improvcrfrfent In
hU method of transmission, by wliicV he
dUpetises with thfeuso hfthe battery, and
substitutes tiicinagut'lo-eiectrlc plan of pro-
ducing the current. Tha lloslrtii 7V:icff
describes it recent experiment with the ncW
apparatus, by which conversation and sing-
ing was ftucceWiilly carried on between Hov
ton and Maiden, a UWance of ilx mile'". The
.t..t,), t.. I.. . r..... .,m. .
,.,,,.1 ,i, ,c-c.ii. .unu, consists oi a
powerful compound permanent magtict.'td
the poles of which are attached ordinary tel
egraph Coll of insulated wire. In front of
tho poles, surrounded by these colli of wire,
l placed it diaphragm of Iron. A mouth
piece to converge th'c s'llind uprtii thisdiaph
ragm substantially completes tha arrange
ment. As Is well known, the motion of steel
ir Iron ii front of tho poles nf a mantlet cru
des n current (ifelectrlcity in colls surround
ing the poll of the magnet, and the duration
of thh current of electricity coincides with'
thn duration of the motion of th'estWoV
iron moved iir vilir.llfil rfi" iKe'p'frImity of
.tljp trio joef. When; thehiflffanVofc'e callus
,Jlle dianlir.i.!ni ii vibrato, electrical' iindlilft-
Ii ins aro Induced In the coils envlmuine the
magnet, precisely analagou to tlm undiila-
tibus of the air produced by"that Voice,
Theso coils aro connected with tho line wire
which may be of any length, provided the
.insulation bo good. The undulations which
nfq induced by these c6ils travel through
too line wire, nnu passing tnrougn tuo cons
of an instrument of precisefy similar con-
struction at tlio distant station, are agAin re-
sblvedjnto air undulations by the diaphragm
of this instrument.
Tlio experiments wero as follows : Tele-
phones having been connected with the ipri-
vale telegraphic line of the Boston P.ubbcr
ijhoe Compauy, conversation was at once
commenced. Stationed at the Boston end
oi the wire, 1'rolcssor Hell requested -Mr.
Watson, who was at the Maiden end, to
speak in loud tones, with a view of enabling
tlio entire company at once to distinguish
he sounds.
This was so successful that a smile of niln-
gled pleasuro and surprise played on the
features of those present. That it, however
night not bo supposed that loud speaking was
Essential to inicIIiglhilify.Mr. Bell explained
that Boft tones could be heard across ho
vires even more distinctly than loud utter-
ances, even a whisper being audible. In
. - , - , , I
confirmation of this statement, Mr. Watson
commenced speaking in turn with each
inember of the company; and after the effi-
ciency ol this method had been proved to 1
the satisfaction of all, he took up a news'pa-
per and informed tho assemblage that gold
had closed the previous evening at New
lork at lOOj. As there wero quite a num
ber of business meu nresent'tho efl'ect that
this practical demonstration of the value bf
the telephone produced can hardly be ex-
Otliw passages from the dailv iouruals
wero then given, and by this time the de
sire for conversation having become gener
al,iMr, Wutson. was plied witit questions
iich as: "Is it thawing .or freezing at Mai
den? Who will bo the next President,?'
etc. It, was remarkable that Mr. Watson distinguish between the voices'
nt the Boston end, he. calling at least one
gentleman by name as soon as tho latter
commenced speaking
This went ou for sometime, until, a lady
at the Maiden end tent the companv an in.
vitation to lunch per telephone, and au ap
propriate respone was made by tuo same
medium. At length the Boston compauy.
were requested to remain quiet while a lady
at the other end conveyed to them tho sweet
strains of music. The' assemblage thereup
on listened witn rapt attention wtulo a
young lady commenced singing "Tho hast
Hose of Summer." Hie effect was simply I
charming. The sound of the voice peue-I
trated into the Boston' end of tbe telephone J
with n distinctness equal to that attainable I
in the more distant parts of a large concert I
room, and a unanimous voto. of thanks was
sent by tho handy little instrument which
had procured for the assemblage soiagree-
able an hour. Scientific Amerioani
mm u
Business lu Ancient Pompeii.
Ono of the most interesting discoveries in
recent years at Pompeii was raado in 1876.
when a wooden .chest was brought to light
containing the business receipts of one L.
Creciliiu Jucundus. The chest crumbled to;
dust on exposure to the "air, but the .tablets'
ou which the receipts were wri'.teu have at
leneth nroved to be leplhln In mnnv !rmtMn.i
ces, and the result of a careful study of these,
tablets bv Momnisen and others has beeu to
clear nn several nntnts in l,at ... m,,m,
the ltomans a matter of creat conset.uence
vi - thn nnaiilnn of ii, mt.Ml.m... i .1'
of business. There was not nmorn? thB
Romans the same extensive system of shoos
as with us, supplying every possible article
of necessity or luxury, aud for this reason
there arose innumerable occasions of private I
persons desiring to dispose, of this or that ar
ticle, as for instance, a surplus of agrlcultu-
ral produce, old carts, plows, or even old,
and invalid slaves, as Cato recommends the
landowner to do. Tbe tablets in question
are dated, according to custom, by giving tho
names of tbe coueuls for tho year. The,'
greater part ol the dates (all between A. 1.,
53-62. A few aro as early as 15 and 27.
Mince mere is no more recent date than 02,
it becomes highly probable that the tablets
of Jucundus had been overwhelmed in tho'
earlier eruption of Vesuvius, The majority
of thejtablets are trlptychs', and are written
partly with letters on wax, spread on tha.
tablet, and partly in Ink ou the bare wood.
Among them there is only one which given
the amount of commission which he re-
ceived, and that proves to bo two per cent,,
which is known from other sources to havej
been tho general rate. Usually lie merely
says "minus the comiulslon." The person
to whom this expense fell wat the buyer,
A ber brewer has patented a new boveri
ago called "Jewish beer." Ho brews It hiim
self, you know. -V. ". Qom, Adv. Don't,
Jewish you had some ? Iioiton Qlob6
Shanol This Isrcally too bad. llrorcffr
Pren, But Judear people, the beer Israelite
aud pleasant. 1'roriJence Journal. Scribe,
ceaso this Babylon. You deserve a Canaan
for your hevlto-y, Hoston Ail: Jerusalem!
what awful jewt itetprit, Mos'es bad as if
we had perpetrated them ourselves. AWii-
i9um Herald. V
A Ural rtomante.
X mmnnilr -.. I. . .nWeet nf lnnu!rb.
fore a comralision held at the suit of tho At
torney General nt Victoria and nine claim.
nnts, ono resident Irt this country nnd the
rest in America. Tho caso is one of Intesta.
Cy, nnd the question substantially railed h
U,e legitimacy of the claimants. The amount
0f 'property Involved is estimated nt between
j'snnon n,l ronnnn. It wa reall.ed bv
- -. ---- . . . 7
onn i'atrick Uody. who, it is stated, was born
in the old jail of Newgate in this city on bt.
Patrick's day, 181b, and died In Australia
on Juno Ifi, 1S72. 'the mother ot tliede-
ceased was a servant, who was convicted ol
slcallrg plate which belonged to her master,
Sho was sentenced by the then Itecnrder of
the city to seven years' transportation, mid
while awaiting the arrival of n convict ship
at Cork to take her to New South Wales she
g.tve birth to the dnceased, who, was baptise!
Patrick in the Koman Catholic .Chapel of
St Michan; which has, nn entrance directly
oriposito that leading to Old Newgate in
t,lton street. At the termination of her
,Vntence.his mother got "the run" of thn
country nnd married a freed convict named
flock ev. Whether this second marr L'o
was bigamous.or not does not appear, but
the Ilucklcys prospered. ,The woman died
at an advanced .age, and her memory is lion
ored In. poetry and prose In monumental
marble in the Roman Catholic Cathedral.of
Sydneyt illcr son, having been one of the
earliest squatters in Uipps J,and, amassed a
very large fortune and bore a high character
for benevolence and rectitude. After her
death Bearck was made for a will but none
could be found. Whether any existed or
not thero are no means of ascertaining, as
tho authorities had nil tho records relating
t0 tho arrival of csnvicts and other circum-
stnnes in their penal life destroyed, lest
they should bring disgrace on families that
had grown rich and respectable- Two suits
were instituted in Australia, one jn chancery
and the other in probate. In the latter n
forged wilf was set up by a man named Ma-
hBr. but the Irnud was detected and Maher
8ent to iail to await his trial for the offense.
Inquiries were instituted by Mr. Octayius
O'Brien and tbe result is that tho present set
of claimants have come forward. In order
to establish these rights evidence ihas been
taken bv commission iu the United States.
Canada, Newfoundland, Kilkenny, and now
finally in Dublin, -before the trial,.whlch is
J ' .....
to determine the question at issue, is held in
Australia. A number of old records relating
to Newgate, registrations of marriage
and baptism ; and of the sailing of the con-
vict ship, .were given in evidence, and the
examination of witnesses was closed yester-
day. Iiondon Timet, Feb. 22.
Writing to the "Old Man." The
other day ono of the clerks in a Washington
street store found the porter crammed among
the boxes down irt the cellar, with pen, ink
nnd Pai'?r bcforo'
"Writing a letter, eh V" 'queried the
Yes ; the old man in Bufl'a-
ct t,n.!,i i,a i.nir "..;, n.. lotto.
,r , - ., , i i
inspection, and presently the clerk remark-
"I see vou spell jug 'gug;' that isn't
"Of course," replicd'tho porter, "but you
a I am writing .to (he old man, and ho al-
ways spells that way.- If I put tho other
'a' to it ho 'would think I was putting on
style qver him and fprgettlng that'l was his
sou. lie's good-hearted, aud I don't want
to hurt his feeling."
The letter went off with only ono "g" at
the end of "gug."
No Occupation. A Gpave Mistake,
We' recently read a sad letter from an am
bitious young man. He had been uulor
tunate in some respects, but life lay before
him, and be was'ambitious ; he experienced
however, a double misfortune in this world,
in which there is so mil'ch to do, from not
I knowing how to do anything. "My father,1
I he wrote, "did not think It worth while for
no to learn any trade or business." He
had been thrown on bis resources, and, al-
though now a man in stature and years, he
was a merolnfant in hi capacity to' earn a
living. How awkward 1. What a misfor-
tune I Ye,t puch cases frequently come under
6ur observation'; and they lead us to look
upon the culpability as very great, of any
parent who brings up a son without having
him practically and thoroughly instructed
in some way of earning an honest living.
Every man' should havo som profession or
trade; should know how to do something.
Then; 1)8 steadfastly pursues it or
not' uo Rt "mos an occupation to wuicu,
hvan emergency, be may resort, for the sup
port'of himself and 'others who may be de-
pendent upon him. A practical know-noth
ins'is greatly tote pitied In this practical
world. Aw 1 orb Ledger.
Gravel Drains.
J, Wilkinson, of Byron, 111., gives the fol
lowing method for making gravel drains
I dug in the usual manner, being partly filled
I with course gravel. He lays:
. "For ordinary laterals, or side drains,
rarely find the quantity of water to be con
I ducted requires more than one-fourth of
square loot as a section of the gravel In the
bottom of the drain, or six inches wide and
six in deptti. 1 nave, in my experiments,
found that a gravel drain, formed of pebbles
from tho buo of a kernel of wheat to that
of a partridge's egg, ids inches by six inches,
will convey in a level ditch four feet in
length as much water as will flow through
I section of two inch drain tile four feet
I length, aid plpo also to He ou a level bed.
ThUrulo may servo rs a guide to tbo inex
perienccd, I have, however, used of similar
I gravel in under drains, n cross stction of one
foot ilx inches each way, When shavings
arc convenient, I use them on the gravel.but
unless the soil returned on gravel is a verv
friable alluvial or muck soil, no covering is
required before the earth is returned. In
caso (lie veins break out of tho bank higher
than six inches abovo Jho dltcli bottom, tbe
depth should be increased so that it will
receive tbe lateral water directly lu tho grav-
el instead of tbe boII overlaying it. The
reasons are obvious. Until latterly 1 have
I found more difficulty in maintaining in tact
'he dlscbargo ends of malu gravel under-
I drains, than I havo where stones or tiles are
J ued but I am uow able ,to inal'o them
leouallv al durable as with nlliermmtri.l
- .
Danger, of Marrying an Editor.
Yes, I'm Sirs, Peter Snow, an editor'
wife. I well remember tlio day when Mr.
Snow aiked me to becomo hli wife. I con
(ess I liked Mr. fc-notv, and thinking it would
be a fine thing to bcthowlfo of nn editor. I
said "Yes" as pretty as I knew how, and I
became Mrs. Snow, t havo seen ten yean
of married life, and find my husband to be
nn amiable, godd-nalured man. Henlnaya
spends his eveiilngs at home, nnd la In that
renect a model man : but ho alwavs brintri
pile of exehanges, which Is only limlt4
k., .t. i.,t. r i.i. ...j i,ti. t
"o """"
.lcl, i,0 knee and elbows ot li s uanU
Inns and coat. One night after wo had a
(linker meeting of no hour's length, I broke
tho silliness bv nsklnir
Mr. Snow, did you order that coal I
spoVf to you about?''
What did you say, my dear?" he asks
few minuteV silence.
1 you order that coal I spoke to you
?" ..
leed, my dear, I am sorry, but I for
about it; It shall come to mor-
Mother hour's silence, which is re
by the babyV crying; and, rather
a noise of that eurt, I made no effort
t him.
y dear," says Mr. Snow, after he has
cr'"' a minute or so, "you had better giro
the luby some catnip tea to quiet him ; he
troubles me."
The baby Is still. Another hour passes
ithout a breath of noise. Becoming tired,
I taken lamp and retire for the night,. leaV-
ing 11 r. Snow so engaged with his papers
tuat ,jof.
not oee me leave tho room.
Toward midnight he comes to bed, nnd just
as ho has fallen asleep, the baby takes a
notion tr cry again. I rlo as gnietly as
possible and try to ptill lliirf. Then'another
baby begins to scream at the top of his
lungs, There i no other course but (o
awake Mr. Snow, so I say !
" Mr. Snow ! Mr. Snow P
The third time ho strfrts tip and cries,
"What, Tom ! more copy?"
As though I was Tom, tho little imp run
ning about tho office, I reply tartly r
"No, I don't want any more. I have had
enough of that tolnstmemy lifetime. I
want you to see what Tommy H crying
Mr. Snow makes a desperate attempt to
aronp himself; as roininy stops to take
breath, lie fall to sleep again, leaving mo to
paco tiie room in as much vexation ns I'can '
cotnfortlv contain. 'I ho noxt morning at
coiliioruv cuniiiiii. i no huai, muiuiu
breakfast, whf n I give Mr. Snow an account
of his Inst night's troubles, ho says:
Indeed, my dear, I am very sorry the
children trouble you."
This is always the way. If I complain it
is; "Indeed, I am very sorry."
But should the very same thing occur tho
subsequent night, directly before his eyes,
very likely he would not see or know any
thing about it, unless it happened to inter
rupt his train of (dcas. "Then ho would pro
pose, catnip tea; but beforo Tcau get
to tho infant s stomach, he will be far away
into the realms of thought, leaving me not
a littlo vexed nt his stupidity.
He knows the name of every paper pub
lished in th? United States or in England,
but ho cannot, for the life of him, tell the
,. ,,, Tr , t i
names of his children. He knows precisely
' . V L...1 i.
l lC . -. J.
does not know the ago of his own baby. He
"v how every contributor looks, but I'
I" b,c,ie CaB teU Whe'her my V"
are black or blue,
They say Mr. Suow is getting rich. All
I kn .v is, he gives me money to clothe our
boys, and that, too, without a complaint'of
poverty. I hope the world Is right in its
opinion, and when 1 am satisfied it is, I
shall advise him to resign his editorial hon
ors, and spend a few months in becoming
acquainted with his wife and children. The
little ones will feel flattered in making tha
acquaintance of so literary a man. Ex
Some New Uemtdies.
Yesterday morning a couple of boys, might,
have been seen passing up Main street in a
solid procession. Qnooftbsm was shlvi
erine oD1i abaking. as if the ague meant to
wrench his joints apait, and tho other Wa
t-im bv the baud nnd kindly said
"Keep a stiff back bone, Tom tho cgua
neTer til,."
Tho sick boy wa9 taken ln the nUey where
an the justices of the peace. hold out. laid
down in an old box, straw packed around
i,im) Rnd thcn the nurse made a call at a
frujt Btoro anj 8a;j .
1 "You know Tom don t you ?"
"Iller with the big feet?" queried the
"IIo's tho one. Well, he's got the awful-
est kindjust shaking u p the cobble stones
over in the nlley,"
"It's too bad," said the clerk.
"It's owful on him, and I came over lor
some Californy plumbs. Nothing knocks
I his ager so quick as plumbs. I've seen him
when bo couldn't speak cat three plumbs
and grow better right away.
"That's too soft too soft," replied the
I clerk, . "You ought to be in jail for lyiog.
"Sotno gum drops or a cocoanut plight
I help him," suggested tho lad,
I "flot out, 1 say I Go and feed him
- wlud."
al "Even au apple would do him good," per
listed the boy.
"Aren't you going out," yelled tho cleric,
as he made u rush, aud tbe boy. did go out.
He inado his way to the nlley, wnlked up to
the box, and catching Thomas by tbe hair
ho called out:
"Come, boost o'that?"
a "Hit anything?" whispered Tom.
in I "Not even a rusty lemon. Get up and
less go around tho banks and fin j a hundred
- dollar bill aud leave this town forever."
Steam is a great thing, remarked a French
ruveler iu a railway-carriage to his fii-a-rw.
"So It is," was tho reply ; "I owe my for
tune to it." "Mousleur is manager of the
company?" ''No," "An engineer perhaps?"
"No I have lost a number of relatives by
railroad accident."
English railway corporations ure employ
ing women as clerks at the stations. Their
experience iu managing trains and switch
es probably suggested the experiment.
Tho editor of tho Corpus Qhristian Oa-
1 tttte was kept awake all one night last week
I by the nolso of the growing grass coming
I .i l.i i '
mniuyn lun ciuuuu.