J-'.-.-l'tl'll..! THE" c'6lUMBIAN;AMI3 DEMQ(3SAT,jSL ObtjWxt; t A. .i;n .. 1 1 ' J" ' '", " i"" -far 'l.iJlvl.."tV.nuflgJr Miscellaneous A Special Constable. iiy chahum nnAM Twn women, sisters, kept tlio toll liar at n vllliRe In Yorkslilrn. It stood nprl from the village, unit thej often fell uiicay at nlglit, liflns lono womon. One ilny they received n consluerAulo mm rS money lieijueathed them ly n relation, that set the simple souls all In n flutter. They linil ft frlcivl in tho villog. the Miicfcunlt'i's wife,4 so they went uml told lier their fi'Si. She nilmltteil that theirs i)ii n lonely place, au'l lliat slie would not Ijvo ilcro for one without n man. Iter iliseourte isem them home downright niNcr- nlile. 'I ho lilackimitli's wife told her husband nil n'xvii it when lie cnnio home to dinner. "The fooU I" said he ; "how is anybody to know tln v h ivc lras In the house ?'' "Well," Slid tho wife: "ihey mako nosecri't of it to me; bat you need not go for l tell It to nl! tbo town poor souls." "Vol I," si i'l tbo man, "but they will publtsfi il, never f.'nr; leave women folks nlon. for makiuj; their own trouble with their tolljjiirt." There tho subject dropped, as a man and wife have otbr things to talk about besides their nelnbhirs. Tllo fM women at the toll-bar, what with their own fear and 'their Job's comforter shivered with f-nr and apprehension as nieht came on. II mover, at sunset the carrier pa-scj through the Cute ami their faces brightcne-l lip. They told him their care, nnd begged him to sleep in their houso that ulghti "Why, how can I ?" said he, "I am duo at j but I will leave you my dog." The dog vvai a powerful mastiff. The .women looked at each other appre hensively, "Ho won't- hurt us will lie?" s qhed'one of them faintly. "Not he," snid the Chrrier riuporfulty. Then lie called the dog iiTllic? houso and told them to lock the door i, mid went away whistling. TbeiSTdtncn were co'itcmplatln the dop with thAt tender Interest apprehension is sure to excite. At first he seemed staggered at this olf-haiid proceeding of his master ; It confused him; then he snuffed at the door j then as the wheels retreated, ho began to seo p'ainly that lis was an abandoned dog ; he dflivereda fearful howl.and then flew at the door scratching and yelling furiously, The i ld women lied tho apSrlment and wiraiv)ct s.cen at an empty window, scream ing lo the carrier. "Come, luv.k! Cnme luelr, John ! He is tearinz the house down." "Dmtthe varmint," said John, and came back, On the road ho thought wh it was to be done. The goou-natured fellow took his great heavy coat outof the cart and laid it down on the tlo-er. Tho mastiff instantly laid himself on it. "Now," said John, "let us have no more uonsciwo ; you tako charge of that till I como back, and don't you let nobody steal that there, nor yet t'wives brass. Tliero now," said he kindly, to tho women, "I chiilf be back this wiiy by breakt.tst time, and he won't budge till then." "He won't hurt u, John 1" "Lord no. Bless your heart, bo's as sen sible as any Christian ; only Lord sake, woman, don't you go to take tbo coat from bim,5r ye'll bo wanting a new coat and may bo petticoat and all." Ho retired and the old women kept at n respectable distance from their protector. Ho never molested .them J and, Indeed, when they spoke cajolingly to him, ho often wag ged JtUltail iu a dubious way; but still, as they moved about, lie squinted at them out of his blood shot eye in a way tiiat checked nil desire on their part to try on the carrier's coat. Thus protected they went to bed earlier. than usual; they did not undress,; they were too afraid of everything, especially'their pro tector. Tho night woro on and presently their sharpened sense ,let them knoiy that the dog was getting restless ; he snuffed and then he growled aud thijn he got Up and pat.-. tered am ut, muttering to himself Straight way with furnituro they barricaded the door through which their protector must pass to devour them. By, and by, listening acutely, they heard a scraping arid grating outside tho window of the room where tbo dog was; and he con tinued growling low. This was enough ; they slipped out of tiie back door, and left their money tp save thair lives; they got into tile vi!htgj.J It was pitch dark, nnd ull the Jiouses were black but two ; one was n public house, casting a triangular gleam" across tho road ft long way off, the other was tho blacksmith's house. Here was a piece of fortune for the terrified women. They burst hits, their friend's Iioue. "Oh ! Jane tho thieves have come !" ami thev told lier in a few words what had happened, l.al'' said she ; "how timorous you mor tals are! Ten to one he was ouly growling at sonle" one that patsed by J" "Nr, June, we heard the scraping outside the window. Oh, woman, call your man and let him go with us.'' "My man he is not here." "Where Is he then'.'" "I Mippo-a Ik I, nhcro other working women husbtuds are, at the public house," she said rather bitterly for she had her ex perience. The old women wanted to go to ths home r-l.t... . .1... .!...., f.i, ... iuiu'ui; uuv nit- uiuokiiiiu Nile was a courcgei'tis wooinn, and beside s!.0 Ihuiijsht it was most nicely to lie a mine itlarm. "Nay, nay," tuys h, "lat timo I went I got n nice affront. I'll come with you," she saiiT, "I'lt take the pnki-r ami we've got our tougues to rajsa the town with I suppose." tjo they matched to the toll-bar. -Whon they came near it they saw something that jdapsm-'d this heroine. Thcr n as actually " (i-iuan half in and half out of tho window. This brought the blacksmith's wife to u stand-still, and tbo timid pair implored her to go ba. k t-i tho v illitg.i. "Kuy,-1 ,ai,l ku. "what tur? I fee hut one and hark it is my bellrf that iho dou is hcUUneuf him.' However, she th.mijht it safest to be on the same side wild the lg, lest the man might turn on lier. So she made her way into tho kitchen iollowed hv the other two; ami the re a kIKht met their eyes that chanf d all tb.clr feelilitt", ImIU toward the robber and towarl each otiur. The great inastitTUad oiiine l a man liv tlin thrnnt nn.l iea .,t. linn at him to ilraw him through tho win- ilow, wnli Hercc but LiuflUd suurls. Tho weight ol the man alone prevented It, Tho wii.dow wtulike n picture frame, and lu that frame there j'tand with jnltuii; tongue and starimr eyes, the wliite faennf tliolilnnk. Miillb, their couraccous friend's villainous husband. She uttered an appall! nir scream aud Hew upon the dug ami choked him with two hands. Ilo held and growled and tore till he was all but throttled l.liiinelf. Tl,,. he let ki iukI the man ft-II. Hut whu struck tho ground like u lump of If ad, was in trulh n lump oi ciuy; nm man wu. quite dead and feariullv torn nlmut the throat. So ill, a comedy end in an up ailing ami most pit eous tragedy ; not that the scoundrel hliip slIT de.ervril iinv tiltv hut liU t.,.r buncn wife, lo whom he had not durd to rnnuao tuc villainy lie mrditateiJ. The outlines of tin truest irv wi rein in eral juuruan. liave put the dijointed par tlctilar t iflher us nell as I cc.uhl. it-...-. Iriedhsril In learn the nnm nf il.n ...i hut have (ailed hilhcrlo. Bliould theso Hues meet the eyes of auy nue who can tell inc. I Jnpe lio will anil without deity, Jlurptr'i Agricultural. Why Some Faraiora are l'oor. Tho greatest agent to produco poverty among farmers nr any other class, is debt. Many farmers will get n deed of a small pleco of land, enough to support themselves nnd families, and lay by n small annual In come, l!ut this ia tint sufficient. They run in debt (or mora land, nnd become a slave to debt. They pay Interest on money bor rowed, which will nonu consume tho Utile property they possess. They often pay high er than ten per c; tit. Such proceedings en gender n plrlt ol discontent, nnd they lose filth in farming, and try to sell their farms In order to eft to town nnd enter there busi ness. In niuo cases nut of ten, every far mer who is doing well, but goes to town, fsils outright. Hiving no faith in farming, or breath of understanding, they buy tho poorest tools nnd meanest stock, and drive poor teams before poorer wagons und agri cultural machinery. In tbo fall and wlntpr they feed poorly just enough to get their livest.p!: thr uj'i tho winter into spring. Then it Uk"s nil the summer to put on that llfsh that n. is lost in the winter by poor shelter and bad food. They never put out' fruit or shade trees on their firms. They always sell their beat lambs and cattle to the drovers, and keep the ponrnst nt hnm. They send their children tosohtvd but tittl, n too much b-arniitg is a dangerous thing. They do rnt aki ngrlenl'ur it papers, or be 1!vp in book-farmiiie, They never give their children a cent of spending money, as it makes them extravagant, and they may become spendthrift. In short, they are tho mnHt nils ruble people in the world, an 1 wntil'l not Keepmn'iey it tuey nau it. &iicn fanners nrc oir, and will remain so to tho end of their davj. I'eedio? Stoeli. It is tho practice with many farmers, wlvpi their cattle come to tha barn, to feed thpm on corn-fodder as long as corn fodder last's, then on mr adow hay as long as that lasts, ami then use whatever hay or fodder they may happen to have, and complain that their stock- won't eat and won't grow. No man would like one articlo of food baked benn, for instance eighteen times a week and three times Sunday; neither, would they thrive upon it. and it is reason able to suioso that beast, as well as rnau, likes and needs a change of diet. I, h.tv hadten'yearseiperienie in feeding slok, and Iho imt economic and profi table vay is to jjive the several kinds of fod der every day, siy obe or two good fodder ing of good hay in the morning, then mead ow hay and corn-fodder, and.so on .through the day aud through the season. hast winter, I had lour cows, soma young stock and some sheep, nnd tbo neighbors wanted to know bow I kept tbem looking so well. I will tell 'my farmer friends how I managed with them. In the morning I gave them all a feed of good hny. After milking, I gave tbem run or meadov; hay, and, niter breakfast I gave theui corn-fod-dcr,and watered them while eating. I gavo them rae.wlow hay nnd wheat straw to pick over until noon. Then I gave them good hay, and, just after dinuor, more ineadow hay. At night, gavo them good hay ngaiu, watered tbem again while eating, then gave them run or meadow hay and, in the even ing, a feed of corn-fodd er. I follovied this method uutil the first ot March, then gavo five feeds of good hay until the first of April then gave, them .all but two feeds of good hay. I gavo tho cows two quarts of meal n day for two weeks before dropping their calves. I gave tho youug stock no roots or grain of anv kind, and they all came out lookiug.well and in better order than when tlley camo from pasture, this fall. , Always water your stock whilo eating ; they will drink quicker, and better. Jt ma,ke.s tbem swallow their cud, to eat which tuey are loatlio to dp when they drink, for ho mo cause unknown to me. 1 think it is better to water twice ft day, as they do not drink so much at a time, and a large quan lity chills them. Oar. of Mirror and Far iur. l'Driflcntioii of Hen Houses. Advice like the following which we find in tbo J.iee Stock Journal', is always in or der: As the season advances, poultry keepers poul try raWng cannot be, exiweted, nor is it de served. Liuie is an exceliout purlGer, and, when carbolic acid is added to tho white wash, will effectually keep away vermin from the walls. After every cleaning of the floor it should, be epriuklcd with carbolic acid ; dilution, .twenty of water to one ot acid: This is one ortho best disinfectants and antireptics known, and is not used as much as it deserves; The root should be sprinkled with'lt every week. This white washing should bo done twice at least, bet ter tarre times, a year. The nests' of set ting hens should bn pnriiiklcil with carbolic acid to keep utT vermin ; and th,o cdops hjiOj whero youn hroods are kept for ,a time, should bo p'.ifiiud in this way. If a hen nets lousy, the diluted acid nil! destroy the life, if put under the wings, aud on the head and ueelc. Wood uhes are excellent to bo kept In fowl liolises .for hens to dust thenvelves illi. They are nutch more ef fectual lliuu sum) ; but saud should be kept fir a bath. Without proper attention to these matter, poultry keepers caiinot ex pect tosuieetd. As the season s approaching when hnwki aro mo.i tirsituctlvv f.yowg poultry, a I method ur catching and ki line these mar X auders will be in order, Jt is a well knowu fait that a, bawk will always light "on some conspicuous place tloe ti thu pou'try ynrJ, rom which toffto.jp down on hla vfctims. Taking advantage ofthi, erect a jiole with llalcurlace at the top jut large enutigh to hold a strong stl-el strap. Fasten this trap by a chain to u Maple in the pole and await results. o bait will bs uceUtd, fur the bawk will he iiulto certain to lighton the trap nnd be caught. A gentleman who has tried this method has succeeded in killiug all the hawks in his neighborhood, and now can raise poultry without Ion except by ac cident. IMifornla liorlii'Ulturut, IlM'IIT. lot C'lllCKKN t'lIOLUIU. I llUVO found that tho soot ofwood-Hrc Is a per fect cure for cholera among fowls., iiive It to them in ibo morning brfakfasliugs, by innlilngn ilougti or corn meslj spiito gray Willi the sout, Jvigbt ,nr ten feeds I gen erally enough I'J stop disease. I shut up those actually sick, and give them nothing ele. It also stimulates the fowl into bet ter, r.ealtli, lielnj; a tssl tonic. I spent a small fortune on carbolic acid and other things. A correspondent of the Santa Husa (Cal.) Jiemurut ssjfihc say jn tho, town uf (juMda loupe, Niuta Harbara icounty, beets over (ivo leet lu length, and which measured thirty Inches In circumference two ftet bolow the top. He never saw such LeeU anywhere. should not uej;lect the .purification of tbij fowl housoj Pj n4r , sanitary' ipeasurea oiust lie taken, or health nod siicccsstul tiouk Dr, Sclitmck'N StimiSurd Hjmi!lll!H. The standard remedies for all rtlsf.vsei ot the limn are scbenck's Pulmonic Sjrrup, HchoncK's sea ed TOM", ana Houencs's .Mnncirnko mis. una it inten lelore tae lungs are destrojtst, a speedy cure Is ef fected. To tnese three medicines nr. .J. it. Hcnrncv, or riilltdelDtila. owes Ills unrlrnllnl success li. lua treatment or pulnioniry diseasss. the Illness nature throws It olT hy sn easy oitwctn. l nn ruimonio njrnp ripens me lnoinw roauTin rstlon.ur when the piiirgm or mutter Is ripe i slljriit ,IU Ml fxiuuti iu uiruw hum, mo p.meui nu n ti nuu lue luns begin to heal. Tn en,mle the Pulmnnla Rtrnn ttiiln t.ht.4. vhenck'n Mfinrirnkn Pills nnd hrhcoi-k's soa Wnotl Timid must Iw frtely u;eU la clmnso tho ttonmcn nnd liver. Nchenck's Mandrake Pills net oi the llri r, ro , cTlnjr nil iitiilrucllons. relax the trail tj.idiler.tho bile starts freely, and the liver Is suoa mltveJ. sclienekVi Mea eed Tiuiln Is n grnttn stimulant and alliT.it vts j tlio nlkalt uf whii-ii It I coinposeU mixes with the food and preipntssouriuK. It assMs the dle';stlon hr toning tin the i,tuniach t ) n healthr condition s,i that the lood and tho Pulnio-ilc 8yrup will niake (Toon bloodi tlien ttk1 luncs he,i, and the railt-nt wiu surely yet well U curs Is utcon to pro vent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr Schen'U. cither per honslly or by letter, can U' so nt Ids prln. Ipal office, corner ot Mxth ana Arch street ,philad 'l uts, every 2tondsy. chencks in'dlclnes sre siU ty nil druggists throughout the country. .iiaiou s Apni. V EG ET IN K strikes t tho root of dUeasi iy pnnfyln" tno bt-mf, ru-torlnir the nur end kiluoys to ueOtayactioo, luvlgorailaii ta norvous tU'in. Yt'KCtlmi Is not a -lI'i. nn.oti'u ceriTi.einfl. Mhleli slm.-itv pures the bo.veK hit ,a -are, ple-isuit r. merty wliii h Is s'irs to purify tho i 'o i an : tnuro j re (tore thJlie.Utli. VsK"ti'lv Is now lirescrU'e'l In cs.'S or crfuta ulotlierms- cisesot the Wool, uy miny f the n 'physicians, owln tilts great success la f irl iU dlseasosor ian uaiure. Vcsetlm I) cs not rtPCtvo Invalids In'j pit hopes by 'irg log :m 1 ere itlnf n ncip'o-is nttpetPe. oui .hsSih nu tinetn rloirlnir and pu'lf-inj tn.- ,vf,i,i, sisfeu, leading thii iaitent gradually tnpt't: .il'jIiu Vs'iiiitlno Was looked tinun ps an cvn-Tlment fcr suit," lime bv some of our bnt pliysl lau, out thnv no tnci-'lu-lous In regard to Its merit ire uti-v IP n sc anient fi lends aud sup.xicters gl tlllC, Snvs a (Josiin physlolafl, "has no etpUl r.st. blood purine-. Jlenrtng rf its lnanjr wnn!rrrai cares, alter nU oUur remedies hail fiiut, i tlsitzsl Hioll'iOTMory aud cotiTlnocil -myself of Its Rcn ano Merit. Jtls prennred from Mrks. roota nau licriie, cacn' or which Is ul;;uiy eneotlve,- nud they ura coratioundcit la suca a laanusr as to produco aotonl&hli; rojults." Vc;;eUio Is ncKnoWIeatreil and recommend?", bv nhrslofcua aud apothecaries to oe the best purifier and clonfuvr ui uiv uivvi efc u;-wu,ertni, uml aiuunuiu, nKV. w Us proU) wuo h-ivo Ueoa restcrnl to lteoitli. PROOF. vnvr IS XECDLI), nosTO.v.VebJJ, 1S1U Mr. H.5t. Stevens . . , ' Pear sir tbout one yfAf Slnoe I toiina tavaeU in areehlCDondltlon trooi eenerol Bobllity. Viiettno was hlnnliTltf reiimilloe.hd.trl ro tnn ik trUriAthh hml Uuva mneli beaeutal by Its use., I procured tlie aruciu. anu aiuT usm eeveroi uubud ivs reiurea to licattli and dlsconunued Its use. I feel conndonl Dat, there ts no medicine superior to UfortbucA complaints for which It is CMis.-cloily pre pored, ana wwud cheerfully recommend It ti those who feel that tony need someUilnif to rtttore them to p-aloct healua. Kcsiwctlully ours, V. U PBTTISOILL. Mrm of S. M. PettlngUl Co., 10 state it., Boston. ci.scisHAn, :;ov. ST, 1871, lir. lI.ie.Htevtna: Dear blr Tbo two bottles of Vcgctlno furnished me by jour agent my wile tins nsed with great tyn- Tor along time she has been Ironbled with dlitl nssand coetlven's: these troubles -are uowcfr Urety remoted by the use of Veetins (ho was also troubled wlta dj.ppsta nnd gerrrSl debulty, and has been greatly Nmellted. TUOt). iiilmorb,sw Walnnt.Bt. Feel XKCyscIf a KPdw IUCans ' ."1tick, Mass., June t, Wl. Mr. U. !U Stevens : Dear sir Through tho avlce and earnest persna fJon of itev. K. H. Host, ot this place, 1 nave been taking Vegctlne for dyapepsla, ot which havo suf fered for years. 1 have used only two boulos and aln9dy feel my self n new max. Konpctltully, Do. J. V QARTElt. Eeport from n Praotical Chemist and Apothecary. ' ' -liue-roM, Jan.. 1. 114. Dear s This ts to eertlfn that I have sold at re- tall IMS 2n (IH6J botllesv of your VegetlnoslncB .ijiiii is. i w, niKi iu uui) nay mub i boM saaslactl'in of any rvioedy for Arrll IS. no. andean trals hav thntltnnBCtven the :uonoi any rvmeay Tor me compiainus Is rBCOmniendd Urii T sver MUl. Hcnrec- f or w li a it Is rocomnit nda tb-a I ever sold. ly a day tvissps without stsno t my eutrtorars testl- lyinc tuns meriusonuniserreaoruieu'inenas. i nm psHecUy cognizant ft several ensca of ncrotulous tumotn being cured by vectiae alone In this vlclnl- tot. ery iwipuuuycuraj I,VN, sag Broadway. i o au iu sicvens, jssfi. Prejed Ijy BLS. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vogetina la sold by all druggists. This stanrinnl articlo ia compound ed with tho greatest enrc. Its cfrccts are ns wonilcrfiil nnd as Rfitlsftvctory as cVer. It restores -gray or fnilcxi hair to Its youthful color. It removes' nil eruptions, itching nnd,.il(intlniir. Jt ghfSg tlie. bead a cooling, eoothing eensation of great (comfort, and tiic scalp by Its use ' becornes white nnd clean. 1 By its tonic properties it restores , the capillary-glands to their normal i "vigor, preventing baldness, and mak ing the hair grow thick nnd strong. As a diessiiig, nothing hns been found to elTectual or desirable. A. A. Ilaviu.M.D., State Assaycr icf Jlassncliusetts, says, "The con htltuciits arc pure, and carefully se lected for cscollcnt quality j nnd I consider it the Hest Pukpaiiation Tor its intenrlcd puiposes." Price,' Ond Dollar. Buoklngb.am'3 J3yo FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be? relied qti to change the colo of the lieard from-grnyor nnyothernmlcsiri r able shade, U) brown or black, at dis j cretlon. ti4i:asilyrepplled,belngin jono prepnrnlton, and quickly' and cf fcctually produces, a perrpanent color, whlyh will ncltlicr nib nor wash off. Manufactured by n. P. HALL &. CO.. fc NASHUA, N.H. I CM ij ill Cmcliti, itl Pailirt la XltldtM. 'oct. 13, ISTf-ljr iC0UHTER,PLATT6RrA WACOrcTHACr; lCAGENTS WANTEDcKs' ,un rruvi. nap WlRRVlNSAFEcsSCALECO. 1 265 BROADWAY A. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILAM. I08BANKST.CLV,0. A (-1 VJS-, for Ic t iHnie in tie orW IV ib iitLiy acdnts v. k Eafety I'ldtiu J)iwllO-.M.J, Miria-tw TJ LANK NOTUwlth orwIlWJ u. 1 1$ mj w uum h bm UBU-nua usoc M. C. SLOAN & BRO HLiOOMSIIUKG, IM. Manufacturers of Carriages, Bogies, Phaotons, Sleighs, lI,AT Otl.M WAGON?, tC first-class work alwnj a on hand. ltr.PAIIIl.NU HKATI.Y 110 NK. Trices reduced to suit the times. Jan. 5. ISTI-tf The Colmnbiau Law Docket. A complete record for the use of attorneys. Con. leiiUutly arranged for the docketing of nllcasef, containing MO rages, nltli double Index. This Is the most complete book for lawyers that Is pub. limed. IFJe-ICE, $3.60. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of tho COLUMBIAN, Br.OOMSBTJBa, IA. Decl-tt f tT J4Ub' Jl lroMb.it tar drr;,tl il-tfnt Klif i tea ikr Hon. . -t tplrii Itadt, lut tmiun, hrf fialM wt44iiC ifltf, ! fnt r U 'lMillkMMi4 pla. Tba fcSom art tl Mat, "lt lHt. f,(.l. tVnU r YWy f Utk JHl4 nit rs-tU. i U hmt h i-tKl In tl 4ii( 4 rtlltU la at , a n mi rlaitan w bMrtllv audem. . roaroaa aruura ttacrt aa turn, . feTOC&MAN, STZ BOH 0 8T&JCCT. Utw York. Jon. 0, 1S7T-3U J V Oj. GREAT REMCT10N IN THE piucb;op FAINTS, OILS, BKUMUKV JAPASSKYKR PDTTT, Htxlotry rtjRE WHITE "J5AD It centa per ponn guaranteed equal to any tn tho market. i il ONTO Pit WIIIT LK.U1 at lu oenu per pound," cqaai loony lor aurauuiiy. MONTOnil SLATB PAINTS s, 9 nnd 10 eenta per Jiounu, occofuiog ui ctuor. MONTOTJIt MKTAIX1C BHOWN 8 en taper pound. . Tne Wbl Jnro-lTOOl irvn j-uini. ui uuc j.u.n. MONTOTJIt METALLIC BROWN dry 9 and 8 oeuta per pOUHO. AraOTOing Wljuuuur. Best Quality of Faint Brushes at low prices. PURE LINSEED OIL which we buy tn largo quantities, direct from the 3iamuactUKr, anu uaer ai vuu luwin. ru tukei. price. BEST JAPAN DRYER. Acknowledged bi all our leodlnc Painters to bo net vi wv Aiui Keu Allnnriroodaaro euaranteed as renresentcd anu our patnti to be ground lu pure nnbeed on, ortlie money refunded on demand. Send fur Bomrile card and price list with testimon ials. HEmiY a. ItKAY, Bole Manufacturer. Rupert. Pa. Mays. . GLAZING AND PAPERING. TTTM. F. BODINE, Iron Street below see VV ood, Uloomsburv, l'a., Is prepared to do al kiruis of PAINTING, GLAZING.! and JH PAIT.n HAKGKG tn tbe best fltjles, at lowest '.prices, and at abort aouce. Purtles havlnir such work to da wiu save mono calling on lua. IAU work warranted to Kite satisfaction. Orders solicited WM. F. BODINE. M&rehtTs ALBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. The AuutEorr 4 Co. PiA5oa aro (iret-claso in every reupoct, boing cen Nidcroil tbo loading Philadelphia make by munitions and cororwtciit, iudgea. Througli tlicir ' extensive futilities, Mx&uts. Auoiecut 4, Co., ure enabled to turn outinstruropntti'. that ore not BurDueued anywhere, and still sell thein at pricca withintjie macu oi an. no iiano in permiuea to leave their factory unless aatisiao tory to the' most rninuto particular, hence their guarantee ot five years is a tiling of valuo. All lato im proveineiita of importance are found in thebe instrument). Mkhum. AuuikOiti4 Co."bavo ro ccived the most- flattering- Testimo nials from L. M. Oottdcualx, Franz Abt.Qi'stave Battwi, J. F. Iluiioa jiAcu,; WiujAiii Vouipmi itujdj' many other eminent artists, besides being able to refer to thousands of privet purchasers: school, 'semi-1-naries, societiea and toachers. I"iauoa coiihciontiQiusly selocted per orders by mail; carpJulTy packed and hhliipod safely toany part of Uio world. toy Far further particular!) as to references, priced and terms, address, ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 1 1, nr.-iy. Verbatim llcportiug. , TElLMrii Actual tMYelUitf-, boanllD?-, and other epfubt-u; live Uullaiuiifeeuiioti, fur ullnifUM import; ami U'D c utri a lullo, ( Uubdrwl vftmU, ) lor wnUog gut, iuiu luuifuuitu. Whero the matter reported tn one day equals or -ixce-eds oy folios, thai nvu-uouar imj wiu ne reiniu Ol, ni.'l Mlu u Kum.,..'.u) vufimiu VMUKfu liiteeu cents u folio, but. .all such casM, u rewer on, anil inu ir-msenoinii UIK'tU trills u luiiv, ltui, mil rutu vwn,Mvnvi than titty folios are purthssvd, the live dollars will be charged. Addiebs. K. N. Walker. A.M.. CourMtenOii- ropher, liloomaburif, Coliunbla roimtj, f-en-u-rlvu-ala. llftldence. Iron Mrrei, Ovlv.bn Third and Pourtn. ofilce. Wltb E. K. orris. Esa. .Oolumblan-bulld- tnir; entruncf.oppoblte tbe east irate lo the court- ouke-hour, from,twelve to one o clock, rtb is, isi-iy BIG JOU l'JUNTJNO OF EVERY DESRI?TION 4 EXECUTED PBOMPTLY At sjui Qolvmsujk Ornos BLCOMSBUBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 81XTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg,. Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLdTa. M., M. D Piincipal. SlucffiSlrXlS sprlnir water. ..,i .ni,i..i niivo tnthpirwort niselullne. moderate? nttyTntS a wSic deduction to "all . ixctlW to' wh. VtudlJts adiltted at any time. Iloouis Courses of study prescribed by tno btale i I. Mod 1 School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. A.t!nr, C.mrW. T. Arnleinie. Il.Comtncrc The Rlementary StlentincandClaslcat Courses are. PliOKKSSIuXAI, and ttU'"'' Kf!""""?, eorrespondlnirDesrees! Mssterof Hie Kloments . Master of the bclences; Mastcrof tue Classics. Oroduatcs fcTu'rolTlud'f'o'r' LcrtiSS STOtSS. -Allrnllflo 1 caileoi.no8 . 'fftf .ffl' VSTw wml-Mn. Inldll The titulresa LlBher order it cltliensulp. The. tlinos demand It. it Is ouo ot prliijo objects o I his M o A tu help to ire It by ftwnp.li n iniim tent snd eBlclent Teacnfrs for ber schools. To llils end It sollclis jouna- persons "f good ab '""""'JniJitiM fur H aud IbelrtalentM. as students. To aU such It promises aid In developing Uielr powers, audabuadant opportunities ror en paia laoor aiier icmiiii, .euuui. Culatoeue. address Ihe ITInclpal. . . rm. t. VUVV.'.V.. Secretary. IIO.V. WILLIAM KLWKLL, Prfildent Board or Trustee.- LO'" J" 1 "' '1 Sept. 6, 1ii.-ly WHOLESALE DE UG EMP0R1 Ml . Corner Main and Market Street r BLOOMSBURG, P a. The underaigned haying been engaged m the WHi.ASiM MM' business for the past eight years wonid call the attention of county dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in ox out of the large cities. Their stock consists of Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty. Patent Medicines. Spices, c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT BKOWER'S BLOCK. Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrat e OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. DMIOITIEIR, BROS. May , PIANOS AND ORGANS, O ST .A. 1ST 2D .A. IR. ID ISC Tho Largent AESortuient ! The Best hi quality ! The Lowest in Prices ! The Easiest Terms ! TT O'.TJ VW ILL FIND AT COMER THOMAS' MUSIC STQBE, 14 7. MILL STREET. DANVILLE, PA. Then Buy MILLER BROS!' and save ono-thtnt tha cost of T.T'P'VfTr"1 CHEMICAL PA INT Fit! ae In watte ir any color de&lred. Is on inan thou.a Hwuwi niuuisomer anu win vjj JJluiViLjj l niii x uw u- iont as uuy uuii-r point. Is prepsml ruuly for use In wntW ir any color de&lred. Is on inan thoubands o( tbe hnest buildings In the country, many u which haiu beeL pointed six years, and now look as wallas when Bret minted. This ciikmicAl l'A INT bus taken First Premiums al twenty of the Ktate Kalis of tbe Vnlon. Sample card ol colors sent tree. N. T.KNAMICL 1'AINT UO, 178.1'rlWC street, N. V. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT GO 'S hiui uve iinn-thini tin uist uf nv v m r t n im CHEMICAL PATNT for use In white or aav color dtblred. Is on many thousands of tbe llni Is miiLh hnii,lM,iiir nnd wut I I'l I'j 1 I I V j I paint, is prepared ready lor use lu while or aav color mo eouniri, nianv oi wnicn nae intn paui eu sClllSiliml, iaINT has taken First Premiums oiors sent true. Address N. i. am al K, li Water street, Cleveland, Ohio, TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or XNtatvaav to bvsht owe A HIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, win tmuOjUHi'b; tsscLv maJotafui)ort tha Wck c( ltwj cUtc-r t..l Jt ualnforwwJjuilioonlltwK' tc pli)lLtf, ami by tlinaruapuuit'OtMctivoAUfttsikWnarJ acj at tlW niuo tlin a Ouu.nI uoveoiont, follow hl tnolloo amJiuirporti Uia li fiu iU'.im wlttout Utexfnlag la tin leut wlUi tU frtedom if UiUovcmeLU, Ag 11, le-eni BOOKSELLER titaler in Law Blankn, Sunday Pennsylvania WINDOW CUETA1NS, WALL PAPER, n H r51 'll . A xiooKfl unu Buppuea noi oir iitiuu win uo iurnisneu On Short Notice at the Most Keasoiiahlo Rates, Store iii Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa: 7 .r- s.- iUi-iiTir-HrifiM&jvit-T5.tT-.-:-z.T..i.,ev'.f-,r.ii, i---,.V4r.i,i.trj a . III. Onurse in Music. IV. liurse in Art. therein, 1' A. TTJ PACTUEE A T "PA T"WrP palnUnp, and (ret a paint that iuyis,,;r-if. it li I Tumi imluuntr. and tret a nalnt that I J 1 A 1 n I hut twite as lonit as anv other utbireu. is on many mouhanas oi me unesi ouiiuinss sixyears uuauuw iwicait weuua wutaarei painieu. at twenty of tbo bUto rotraof tlie Union, sample card i-ai.h u u. IIS I-iliico street, N. Y., or MILLK1I May u,7-ly. M, A PLATFORM ROCKED ON CASTORS wilMbeloiK cymovi-mnt if lbs uldsijk', wiihout tbo piJntUitf rwl crs Iq niarothiTluroliunysndtliobais uf rHrmt blnjr, in fact, the only Platform ltockf r mods that has a pcrfvoilj satibfoctorjr mocintnt. Manufactured for the trada by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., uo4 for rals by lbs principal dtalcra throughout tun United butt. TVlf not kept by any sealer in your town, mtui le us foi Pries IM and Caialsu. AND STATIONER, School Xibraries, Depositary of the Bible Society, PICTU.UE PEAMES, EEWAED OAEDS 1 .t.L.i. V !- 1 anu - lurnlsued Mth a bouiiiltu. supply of pure.sot, Ilr-n but kind, uniform and Ihorouzli. U.vpcnse reserved hen Ueslrca. . ,, i. uiiirwin iny-aai wiumi-. IntueotUe Ivcelve state Dlpl-imas, conferring the followli t r courses reeuivo .urmiu . ei ..u..r, BLOOMSBUKG MARBLE WORKS, T. It. UNTON, Proprietor, MAW STREET, BELOW M.UIKET. Manufiuturcr of and Bealtr in all hiwl o) MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOES We use the best AMERICAN and ITAtTAN Marble. no has on tm.ii,! ym turnlshea to onU-r MONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, 4c. Every variety ot Marble cutting neatly executed it I be lowest market prices. A loag practical csperlenco and personal attention to bustnesH makes the proprietor conlhlcnt of glvlnc satisfaction. All inlem by mall promptly attendee to. 1". O. box T. li. Work Mivernl fm of charge."!. Aug. M, n4-ly. T.L.OUNTON,ITOpr1ctor. Important to Lawyers. Justtoes of tlio lvsce, ConstaDls, En cntors. Art mlDlstratoni, Huimllan, Townslilp oIQcers, anil busi ness men generally. We litivo on hand a l.inre assortment of IcrM blanks fo- the use of itoruey-i, JmtlotAnd Con stable's blanks of all kinds Note and Kecvlpt bocks for Administrators Ac. fill ok iiisr, ATTORNEY'S BLANKS. PrMlpe for Summons. ri. rn. Kulo to take Depositions, "cboobo Arbitrators. cents apleco, or JUS per hundreil. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. " " cttatliin Ituk; to take Depositions. Narr In D-bt. -with Confession, ' Assumpsit. Mechanics U n. 4 cents each or S3.ao per nnnrtreii. Petition for sale of ileal Estalo 8 rents each. JUSTICE'S 11L.IMKH. Hnbuninas. Mammons, Warrauts. Execations, so fo 25 cents each. Lesses ..... m 8 cents encb llluw Deeds 10 " " liircbmentDeuds., la " " AtTeements 5 " " OrDtuui's Ouurt SoIoh SO for 11 tfi Oonstable'B Sales H Scenlseacb MortcaKtt and iiond 1! All kinds of Notis . . i sinu Orders, ueatly bound, constanify on band, or iaadc vj oruer on snort, nouoe. We are nrenaredto do neater iob vork tlian an IIKOCKWAY C ELWUl-I, Editors snd rroprletorn Of tbOCOU'WBllN. ittoomstmnr. P GZEN2P8 SULPHUR SQAP. Tjiobodciily Cures Diseases op the Skik, BsAtrrmES t'hk Complexion, Prevknts and Rr.JJEDits Rheumatism anu Gout, tIEALS bOKBS AND ABKASIONt OF TIIE Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Enip. fiont, Sore and Injuries of the Skin, not only BKMOVKS FROM T1E COMPLEXION ALL DlM. 1S1IIS trisinp from local Impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders tlie cuticle UARVELOlKLY CLEAR, SMOOI1I and PLIANT, and being a wholesome bEAUTlFlER is far preferable .to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL. phur Baths are insured liv the vse ok Glenn' Sulphur Soap, which in addi. tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE vlnts Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the PERSON, It tissolves' Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Thyslcians: speak of It In high terras. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Oakes), 60c. and $1.20. M. B. The o cut caLts arc iriiile the tin of thou al 3 ctnu. " WWa HAIU ANU.WIHSKEU lrE," 11 lack o ILrown, SO Ceou. (L S. OUTTESTvS, Prop'r, 7 Shth Av SJ. ts t, , 1.-ly, BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. O. A. II E II RI NO T) E8PECTFULLY annonnoes to the public SNYDEH'ri TANNERY, Did fatondi Hlonmsburp-. I'a . ut (old stand) Woomaburir, Pa., at the KorkboftUe Kspy una Liyht Htrret ruiuuimo asp auu i.iga. turret roods, wiicru all deserlDtloria nr leather will ha made In tlifi innAt substantial and workmanltko manner, and sold at prices vu suit, we urnes. 'i nu ninest price In cash OKEKN HIDES of every description in the country. Ihe public pat ronags Is respectfully solicited Uloomsburv, Oct. 1, iBltt- MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL, PIANO JIIAKEIl, TUXKU AM ItCIMIRCIt, BLUOMSBURO, PA. K1I18T CLaBS PIANOS AND OKQAN3 i'Q)( H.VLE. SECOND HAND P1AM08 -TAKKN IN EXCHANGE. oKDsjt by MAa rnoiu-TLT executed. W?2 RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE8 pUtUDKMUU AND KBADIXQ HOAI) A 11 It ANU EM KNT OF iAESL,Sonn Tit A INS. July 12, 1ST6. trains tsvs urmiiT AS mi I ows (h-smv rt rt 1 1 I'or New York, 1'lillnrtelplilu, llcadliitr, I tiuvll.o I'nmanua, c 11,33 n, in For Catnntssa, ll.tsu.m.nnrt t.RCp, m. Tor Mlllainepoit,c,:s 0,m a. m. anil 4,(s r. tn. rilAINSFOH Rt'l'KHT I.CSVS AS I'Cll.OWF. (Sl'M)AT t CKI'TKII.) Inve New Vork, s,43 a. In. Leave t'lilladelplila, n,is n, tn, I-eaie lieadlnif, u,3 a. in., Pottsvllle, ir.in p. tn nnd Tamaqun, 1,30 p. m. Wave Catuwlssa, o,t(i n,5S a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcaie IVllllamspon 9! u m lj.iom. and M'Op.m rasngers nt d noin New York and Hillade pkla go tbrou j ii ttbout change of cars. J. E. WUOTTKN, ,Ian.tl, lijs-tf. General Superlnundtbt. .VOltTIIKHN l COMPANY. CKNTKAI. HA1I.WAV On and after November notli. JsT3. trains will U aie tUNilUUYaB follows I SOIITIlWAItli. Krle Mall 9.20 a. m., uirlvc i:iuilrn tl.f.on. " Ciinuiidiiltrun. , 8.ip. ia lloeli'.-Kci Mt, " M.igura v 40 11 tirovo accommodal !tn U.leu. n.. nnlie t,li.ii,tur H12.t.op. in. Kliulia .Mall 4.1ti a. inrrlte niinlra 10.20 n. in. duUalo Uxpress 7.11 a. lu. ulrlu llulTnlu S.fn u. in i-OfTIIWAItl). uurfaloK.xpress'Wua. ln.iirrlvu iloirls.1 urg4..'uii.ni 14 IllllltlllOlt'S.lll hlmtra Jlall 11,15 a. tn uiilo llanMjiiit ,mi r. in " WllSlllllgtOU t.i.bn " " H.lltlllHJl u 0.3'J " M lli-lilligtUll 5.E0 " llarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. tn. aithe llnirls burg lo.r.o p. m. arrli e Iialtlmorc v.2f. n. m ' Washington CIS " Kric Mail I2.ta a. in. arrll o llarrlsburg 3 ';5 a. ia. " Ualilmore8.40 " " Washington lo.fa " All dally except Sunday. D. M. IJOYD, Jr., ticneral rassf ngcr Afen A. J. CASSATT, Gcnt-rul Manage PENNSYLVANIA RAIlTrOAD. l'tiilsiicllililii i I. lie )!. It. 1I iMtiii WINTER TIME TAilLE. ON ami after SUNDAY, NOV. 10, 187G the trains on the Philadelphia K Lrle Hall iuhw uiti&Miit nuirun ua louuna; WESTWARD. EIIIE MAIL leaves New York ' I-hlladclphlj.... " " " Haltliuoiu . llairlbburg " " " WIllliimBport... " " " lk llaen ... .... 8.55 p. tn ....u.cs p Ul .. c.lup. ui .. 4.v&u. m , , S.35 U, 111 .. u.4n.iii .. ll.i-o a. m .... i.S p lu 1CC1I0T0 " bit. at Erie , suauu tiiiiEi,H leaves Plilladelphla.. 7.20n. in " " " Haltituoie " " " llnrrlsburc ...10.ron. in " " nrr. at Wllllamsporl. K.a.ip. m ' " " Lotk Huien... s.vsp, m M " lienovo 4 45 p. m " ' " Kane .su p. in " " " iiullalo PAST LINE leal oh New York s.25o. ui " i nmdelphla uuua.in " " " llnllluiole ll.Uu.in " " " llUIUtbUlir. ,.S1IUI.U1 " " arr. at Wiutamtpuit T.3 p. in : o: EASTWAIU). DAY EXPllHbS leives Kane COO a. m " 4 lienovo M li ,io a in ' " " lock Haven. u. on. m ' " " W llllainspoit....li! 40 p. ii) ' " arr.at liunubuie 4,lup m ' " " l'liiiuilUi'iii.i I.iiup. in " " New Yoik lo is p. m " " liultlinuro .. T.3A p. m ' " " WOihlugtou. u.v7 v. ia EHIE MAIL leaves L'rU 11.2(1 a. m " Kenovo ,. s.wp. in " " Loik Haven 0.45 p. in " " Wlllbimispoi't II. is p. m 41 arr. nt Hiuibbuig u.45u.m 41 44 Ilalllinore 7.r u m 44 44 1'iillailelDlil.i I.vm n. in 1 11 jjewYurk luuou.m FAST LINE loaTes Wllllnmfport ll.Ss n. m " arr. ai iiarii-iouif; 4. u a. ul 44 44 44 isultliniue T.4Snni 44 44 44 Ptilluilel) hu I.as a. la " " " ttuwYoik 10.25 a. in Krle Stall West. Niagara Express Wcst.Ixick IUv en .Vccoin. VV est una D.iy lixpress Last nuke close col nectlon at Noitliuiiibei ldi.il ulth L. n. H. it. iiuIlb tor Wllkes-liarreunU M-raiuou. fcrio Jlall wist, M.igaiu txpicss west, I:rlo l press West and Luck Haven ACi-ommudatlun West make tloso conneai.n ut VV lllluiiifcpo! t with N. u. K. VV. trjlua 1101 Hi. rilolIallVVtkt,MJi;ira Express West, and Day Rxprtss East make tioao connection at Lock Haua Ultli U.K. V. It. It trains. Krle Hull Ea&t ami Went connect ot Trio nltb uaiuson 1.. .& Jl. a K. it. nttoiry vmiii u t'.&A. V. It it. at Kniiiorlum with li. n..c 1'. It. it. ond ut DrtttwooduliUA V. U.K. i'lirlor rnrs vvtll run Letween Plilladelphla ond Wliiiaui'.pbii on Meuia Kxpicts Wtst, Lilo Li- Ercss West, Phlluuelphla l.xirehs Last Hoy xpriss East am hunua) xprens East, blcepluc Cars on all nlkht trains. Wil. A. BALDWIN, Dec. U,';r-tf General Supt. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND VVlfcTKllN ItAlLltOAD. BI.OOJ1SBURQ DIVISION. Tlme-lablo Ko. , Takes effect at 4:30 A. II MONDAY, .NOYKA1P.EU SS 1ST5. NORTH, p.m. p.m. a.m. STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. p m. p.m. 9 88 s so 0 s 9 48, a a 0 30 KM S 31 US IU I'l its t 43 10 00 3 4C C IV iu 11 i rs c in 1" 10 111 7 11 P SO 3 l'4 7 10 10 S3 3 17 7 11 I 17 3 lu 7 IS 10 27 3 17 7 I'D 10 ts 3 S 7 tti 10 65 3 7 7 40 10 40 3 32 7 48 1" 41 3 37 7 C3 10 I.S 3 45 SIS II 5 4KI IS 11 17 4 15 8 45 11 !3 4 21 8 IS s or, 3 is u-ib scrnnton .. . liellevue 'riilorvllle..1 ...LackawMina 1'lltMon i .. West l lttston... ... VWoi.inii' Mattbj Hcunut Kingston Kingston ..I'll moutli June. ....1 Ijinc.ulli ,,,, Avonlalo Nantlroko .Ilunloek's reek, -Hilikflilnnv ....Hick's Ftrr... ....Ueucb Hau-n... Perulik 8 hi 3 Oi IK It) I 40 3 41 7 4l 3 37 7 S3 S Si 7 SI S 17 ,7 M 3 IJ 7 is S in 7 15 3 17 7 IS S 17 7 l7 3 li 7 113 li (19 ic u a ui DM 1 I 0 15 IK (8 SO i 48 C Iti 231 0 09 2 US a m j. is i 13 sii i 1(1 5 in s e a 40 1 ,'s ( 34 IU ft ii 1 44 ft S3 1 43 9 to 1 4'l 6 13 1 VO ID 11!) 4 do 1 IS 1 . 1 11 1 n.m, p.m. u 411 8 Si a 31 v as V 10 1) 15 9 11 V Oil V lav 9 C S VI S dS S M S 4S S 41 s to, 8 19 8 14! 8 US s 3! 7 fiS 7 H1 7 40 lirlar LTik....'U M 4 87 IS l;l UK C to r, n ...vniiovr uiove.,.. II 9 I U Lluio ltldire 11 43 4 40 7 211 4 51 7 (8 5 12 T 40 5 I'S 7 4S 5 11 7 2: 5 20 S f 6 34 8 !5 5 47 s 0 5 52 8 47 ........ ,.P.y .'li si 7 4 7 D Illlpirt ,12 2 7 tu t'otavi lai-u Hridge. is 07 7 W Cl.nk'a lten.12 10 UIOiiUSIIUrC..,ll Dl 1 11 Dauvlllo 12 25 I I hulas y 11 0s 7 0 Ciiuieion lis 30 6 45.NoiihumbirUnd.'i2 51 C 10 V 16 ... ,, ..P-m. p.m. s.m. Superinteudent s onico.'scrantou, Inc. iVlsia! WILLlAMSPOliT HAVE OUH NA1IE STAMPED ON TIIE EorrOM AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT Our Goods can be had in every town in the County. J. E. DAYTON, & CO. Willianisport, l'iu Sept. 80, !G-m. yAINWIUUIlTjtt'O., WHOLESALE UKOCEIiS, M. E. corner Becena and Arch Streeja, l'lllUDSLfB, Dealt 1 a in uritupg, COFFEE, HUQAIl. MOi ici.tncti, urtai sow,' WOrdcrs will receive proinprj -51