The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 09, 1877, Image 1
THE COLUMBIAN, nicM iu uiKOOKiT, ttiH or THI MOKta 1NU COLDI ha.-iojuouiutid) liv-ieA 'T9ii orr Friday morelng, at llJ IJlHilulU, O.ILUMBIA COU.Nl'l.l'A. fir j ojllihi ii.-r year, payable In advance, or two Inch, (twelve lines or Its eqnivnJsrit n, Notpc Hums H.oo, li-j tuiyjr. Afteftnu nxpiratljiiut lbs car arAct, on. Inch ,, Tiro Incut! Three Inches Fjur Inches Huaxtor column... alf columa One column , lv. . . . it- ,M0 W.CO (4.011 nx 10.? , .W B.t .W t.OU JJ . S.IV ?.! 0 1t.C0 18.S . T.00 I.M 11 o 17.01 nM .10.00 11.00 14.00 M.t .1B.IIO II.M M.OO SO.00 M t SJ ll ITIU VI luiln " biwjviwh a uuv u mi' oj nt ui tjrJiiiiro 41 per year, Uluilyliiadvauco jilt ujt p U 1 li icinco on J (3.u ;ir payment be iiufjioj ml We year. V i jjr iiijjiitiniia., except at the onllon of the nriltnurs, mail ml nrr.Mrogjj are paid, but Ions liu, i til Tjiui after tuo uxplratlun of the firm vj ir vlil u t lit' Jlven ill uijjr3dt i) it of tlmsuto or tu distant post a it '.-"J mast Ijo pal I for In advance, unless a rcspon fl ilj ii moil In Oolunbla county assumes to pay tliu (tiiicrlptloii duo uu demand, r MPAiiiMsuolongerexactdfroinsubscrlbcrsln ho county. job 3?RT3srxiisra-. Tuo t' Dopirttncntnf ttinCOLi'MBUNlsvery co u ilctn, iiu.l our J b Printing will compare favora v wim thitof l hn largo cities. All work donoon m in li tic.itlv and nt moderate prices. te.oo 40.04 an.og IQM Yoarly advertisements payable quarterly. Traju alent aavertlscmenu must be paid for before Insert except where parties bare accounts. Let al adrrrtlsementa two dollars per Inch for Una Insertions, and at that rate tor additional insertion without reference to length. mentor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notUsa thro dollars. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents allM, regular advertisements halt rates. canu In the "Business Directory" column, ee dollar per year for each line. BLOOMSBURG. PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 9. 1877. THK COLUMBIAN, VOL. XI, NO. COLUMBIA DEM0GH AT, VOL. XL1I, NO, t 10 Columbia County Official Directory. l'ruU'nt In Ije William lilivoll. Aiji'Utc.IiiJjft-lrain nerr, M.D. Hushes. t , u.utar., SC. -11. Frank Zarr. OurtitaiijMiiuT-s. N. Walker. t ru it z itJMrJ.'r-Wlllla'nson il, Jacoby. outrlit Attjrnsy John M. Clark. ia-rlii- M i.-v.i or -lino Datvltt. Tr .iiiror-ur II. W. stcReynolds. j n nmiiiers-jotin Herner, S. W. Mcllenry, 'cj'n'nt'iV'anv'Clork-WIlllam Kilckbaum. A uitJiM-iI. V. ll. Kline. 1. 11. Casey, K.Il. Brown. C ifjcur-llliirloio. Murpti . MryOjn aim jhers -Jacob II. Frlti, William II. omt- Siprlnten1ent-W.llara II. Snyder. HUjiiPjjr l)lrlct-l)lrector9-o. P. Knt, Sco't, Va. ICrinir. niJiniir aLd TUomaa CreTellng, Ino t. 0. 1". Knt, Secretary. BloDmsburg Official Directory. lilooni'iurj ll.nkln?Co:npinv Joun .Funslon, rrmi icn , ii. ii. ro -iu'-i. , Fn .V i 1 jii U II ink -Charles it. Pan on, rrealdent 1. 1". Pilitln, u.iililer. ... ,, r, I'Kiihri nrvini, Mu ual Havlnir I una anil Loan isii-ll lon-i:. II. Lille, Prcslden , C. W. Miller, ' mm' n'o'irif llullillni anil savin? Kunrt asoclaMon Ill ivni'riri Mil ual Sivln'X Film! Asaoola lon-J. cnuncn Dinr.cToiiY. DPTlT CII0KC1I. Iter. .1. P. Tin In, (Supply.) s mliwsjrviciw-l X a ! nnddXP-m. sun l.i school -9 a. in. , Prayer Macllnit-Evcrjr Wcdnc?rtav evening at x sas'froe. Tlio public are Invl ed lo attend. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CllCltCO. Minis er-RCT.J. "ccron. 8 mliy Servlccfi-IO a. in. and XP. m. i'ra er.Mee Ing-Kvery We Jnosday evenln-: at 6 seat free. So pews r"n 'd. All nre welcome. piiE3tiTTitnui cut-Ren. Mlnli cr-llev. Stuart Ml "hell. , S in Uy Services- oj a. i... and c,t p. m. Siin lav s,'1hw1-3 a. in. Pi'a er Meo Im-Uvory Wednesdf evening a 0 seas' tree. No pjwa rented. Sranifers wclcomu. METHODIST KPlSCOPAE CHCBCn. Presiding KMer Her. N. S. nuckln4nam. Ml'iH er-uev. .1. s. Mc.Murray. Sand iv Scrvlccs-1 K and tu . m. Sunda- school- p. in. . ,,!. IlIDlu Class -llrcr .Muml.iv cvenlne a ev o clock'i Men's I'm cr Moo In-f-Kvcrv Tuesda fl'tf o'clock. . , oener il Prayer Mellns-nvcry Thursday evening ; o'clock. nBFORMKh cncacit. Corner of Third and Iron streets. i'aitor-llev. (1. 1). Hurler. iteitlencs-C' lloai. sund ly servlces-ie; a. m. and 7 p. m. 3UI1U.1V HCIl'IOl j a. 111. nusiNEfes oAuns. JQIt. A. L. TURNER, HcsiJcncc on Market Street one door below D. J. Waller's. Ofrice over Klrtm's 1)ru? store. Orflce hours from 1 to 4 p. m. for treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear nun i nroill. All call" night or day promptly attended to.'is-tf TTvIt. J. C. ItUTTER, PIITSlCIANiSDROKON, Oftlce, North Market street, ilar.JVf 7 Bloomsburg, Pa. E. ORV1S, ATTOtlNEY.AT-LAW. OFEicK-Itoom No. 1, ' Columbian" Butldlnc. Sept. 18,1670. THE LUNGS TT'NORK & niTTEN'RENDEK. A T T 0 P. X E Y-A T-L A W, ni.ooMsrutno, pa. omce. Ilartinan's Block, corner Main and Market streets Oct. 8, '76 p W. MILLER, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW Ofllce In Ttrower's building, second floor, room No. I. nioomsburg, Pa.-Julyl,18-y K, V, I CNK L. I. WALLER. FUNK & WALLER, Attok noy s-af Ijiw, BLOOMSnURO, PA. ortlco In colcmbias Bcilhino. Jan. 19, "77-ly Poetical. A ClINULXSKI) NOVEL cmr.i. A winning wile, A sunny smile, A feather i A tiny talk, A plf.nai.t walk Together. cnir. it. A little doubt, A playful pout, Crprl lous, A merry miss, A stolen kl, Delicious I crur. in. You aik mamma, Consult papa,' With pleasure. And both repent This rash event, At leisure. BSCIiB TtEMUS'S REVIVAL HYMN. c. P. & W.J. BUCK A LEW, ATTORNEYS-ATLAW, Bloomsbiirg, ra. ntnee on Main Street, first door below Courtllouse .ar.o,74 y FJ f7& j7M. CLARK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, omce In Knt s Building. Bloomsburg, Pa. April io,'n-y k.1 . CREVEMNO SMITH. BERVET KWIKO SMITH. CREVELINO SMITH A SON, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. ifAll iilnes entrusted to our care will recleve nvompt attention. jui) J I'rayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are lnvlteif Tliero Is always room. ST. TACL'S CHURCH. Sector . sund.iv Servlces-in a. ra., 6'f p. m. Sunday School 0 u. m. First Sun lav in tlio month, Holy communion. Service preparatory to communion on Irrianj evening bolore the st Sunday In each month. Pews rented! but everj bod v welcome. EVANGELICAL CUCRCH. rrcsldlng l.'lder-ltev. A. L. Iieeser. samlasrvoiVp.'in.l'in' the Iron stieet Church. I'm it Meeting-livery Sabbath at t p. m. All are InMted. Allure welcome. TnEcnuiiciiopcnRisT. Meets In "the little Brick rhnrch on the ulll,"- kiiown ns the Wolsli IlaptM cuuru-uu noes "-vi. eaite-?ular02i ecllng for worship, every Lord's day at "."iseand fhe public arc cordially Invited to attend. I1LOOMSI1URG DIHIJCTl' nfimni. mmri!K l.lfinl:. iimt minted onil N ..,.ni iwnnii m Knnll lacks, ou hand and iSrsaleiitthoCOLCMBiAiionicc. feu 1st, IS7J TH.U'K DKKDS. (in l'ardii.i.'iil nnil Linen l-C nnn,.nnn nnrl AllmtnlS miOrU. tirs mid trustees, for salu cheap at tho colcmdias onice. TV I ARItlAiirci:R'ni'ICATi:S i;wtrrinlHl II and for sale at mo i oi.ujibiak uimi.-. ""'" lers of the (lonp 'A and .luitlces should supply them selves with thebo necessary articles. "TUSTICES anil Cointable' Kce-Hills for pale I at the Columbian omce. ihl-j v""'"": re ct" d fees us establMied by the last Act of the Leg. "atiiri upon the subject. Every Justice and Con ctahle Hhould hnvn onr TfENnUE NOTES just printed and for sale V cheap at tho Columbian onice. F. E.1 BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OrncE-AdJolnlng C. R. t W. J. Bnckalew. 1'Joomsburg, Pa. Apr. U.s-ly. r. n. little. soaT. umi. U. & R. R. LITTLE, ATTORN EYS-AT-LA W, Bloomsburg, Pa. nr Business before the U. s. rate nt Oftlce attended to. onice In the columblon Building. ly-ss DROCKWAY & ELWELL, A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian BciLniNO, Bloomsburg, Pa. Members of the United stales Law Association. collections maae in any pari, w Amcii -yiLLUMBRYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CONSUMPTION. Hits distressing and dangerous complaint and Its premonitory svmptoms, nelected couzh, night awe its. hoarseness wasting flesh fever permanent Iv cured by Dr. "Bwaj ne'a compound syrup of Wild Clierri ." BROCHITls-a rrcmonttor of l'ulmonnry Con. sumntlop. Is charaeterl7edliy Catarrh or innamatlon of the mucuous membrane nt tho air passages, hoarseness, pains m the chest For all Bronchial anectlons, soro threat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. S WAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVKKFIQN REMKbV. Itommorrhoge or spilling of blood, mav proceed from the larmx, trachla. bronchia or lungs, and arlMi from various causes, aunduephjslcnlcxertlon, plethora funnel's ot the vessels, weak lurgs, over ttrulnlngof the olce, suppressed evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or liver, ic. t- SWAVNE'S Ccmpe.nd Syrup of Wild Cherry strlkis at the rnct ntdltesfe by purlfjlrglhe blood, rectiirlng the liver and Mdoeys to heallhy action, lu- vtiwAralltiff ll,n npt vnns R Ktpln. lis n nrvelt us pocr not only over every chronic disc fc where a gradual alterative nctlnn Is needed. Under its use the rough Is loosened, the nleht sweats diminisneci, mo pin uDsiues. inn puisu n tiirim rn us ntnrnl standard, tpestomach Is imrrov- ed In Its power to digest and assimilate the food and n.fri nrirnn tins ft nurer and better ntlatltv of blood I supplied to It, out of which new recreative and plas- lie innierini is inline nil- sWATNiterailuated at one of the test Modi- rl rnlti-o-ps tn tho IT. .. end was entrnired In an ac tive practice for many ears, thus guaranteeing that his preparations are prepared upon Mrlctly scientific principles. Reliable, Evidence. HOME TESTIMONY. n Kwivwv . tlpar -tr! 1 feel It to to due to VOll nnd surrertng humnnlty to clve the following lesll monv respecting tho wonderful curntlie pnversof your Compound "irupof wild Cherry and Snrsnpa. rlim and Tur Mils. 1 wesaffll'tel with a vlilent cough, rains In the sld end breast, night siveats, gone, nnd mv ftcraarii so very weak that mi phj sl clan was nt a loss t know what to do tor mc.'ns er. ervihlngl iwdln theshapn'f muliclne was reject ed s tpit oirrerenf. times a pint I blood I rctnnlned rorrecnipsin intsawiui cunoiuon, huu iiu,i; ui,n hopes of ever recovering, tlhls lime .1011 room mendert the use of your svrup and 1 Ills, which lm mrdtsteJ' Isgan to sooihe, comfort and nllayllio violence of the couch. Ftrcnglhencl and healed iitr,i-i lnshort.. it has madea perfect curnof .-nrt. anrinmn.iw atle to pursue mv ilatlv la'ior. l, , ,. . . h, , Mir.nn n All r.T mi. III., TrllTll Or I Ilfl l"l, ! 1. 1' -rt II" ' " will please ca 1 on or address me, at the facto.-. , An" deTalnidls w In s blow far an' blow strong ; EDWAimil. IIAVSON, Tlnglneer of Oeo. sweeney'-J Potterr. Iiptge oad. below allace, riilla. nrfroit pnrs lmve etnnsed. nnd Mr. Itnmson stltl ren.nlns a'hearti man to this day -September soth, ists. PnTSinANS HKCOUMEND IT. Dr. Thomas . I. B. Rhoads. Boertown, Berks Co., Pa., write" : Your compound bj run of wi a cnerry "Reud It," stio sld, nloiid, bunding tlie miiI to her father "I want you to sco if I im ton exlravflgnnt." Ilcr father betrayed no emotion while In end, but said "You nre pretty extravagant, Carrie. I .tippuse you think your father is mado ol money j" nnd ho arojennd went to the wash stand, which wns in a dark cornrr. Once there he glanced toward the bust, mil that glance confirmed bis daughter's ex Iranrd nnrv statement. When he came back to his scat, Carrie saw that tbe eyes were gone. Then, leaning towards her father, she said in a low tone "You sec it is as I said. I havo thought of a plan, however, by which we can both escape. You would bo perfectly helpless in an affray of any kind on account of your Inme.lerr, sy I must try to save us ooth." prauK out utnl rushed to my assistance. 1 uust have been almost insensible, for I had tu bo carried In by tho landlord, I was giv n warm drinks until I fully recovered, and vas able to relate my story. I told them my suspicions nnd my fears, and this gentleman here Carrie paused, and turning to a fine looking man near her, said, "Mr. James, by his ready belief in vrhat I told, and energy and spirit In arousjug the sheriff and his men, has been the main cause in bringing assistance.'' Mr. Spencer grasped tho young man's baud and thanked him, 'Your plan succeeded admirably, Carrie," he said, nnd advancing to tbe wnshstand be took out the money-belt, saying, "My mon ey is all right, as you see." Tlio landlord quivered with rage as he tan how completely he had been defeated, I. Oh 1 whar thill wo go w'en do great day comes, Wld do blowin1 uv do trumplts an' do bangln' uv do drums t How many po' sinners 'II bo cotci.ed out late. An' Uoe'no latch to do goldln' gate t No nso fer ter wait 'twell to-morrer Be sun mus'nt set on yo' sorrer. sin's ei sharp ei a bamboo brier Oh, Lord I fetch do mo'ners np higher t II. crown? Wha's a gwlnn ferter stou' stiff-kneed an' bol", An' answer to dere name at deca'luV,uvdo roilt You botte r come now et you eomln' Old Satan Is loose an' a bummln' lie wheels uv dlstrucshun Is a hummtn' Oh, come along, sinner, ct you comln'. Ill As the men began to search the room, the Then, followed a whispered consultation, landbrd protested his innocence, declaring during which Carrie kept her eyes flxed on that tbey bad no tight to bold him or his he bust i but tho cUtterinc orbs had not men prisoners, or to search his house. comeback. Breaking open tho door nbove which was As she concluded, Carrie went to the win- tho bust, the men rushed in dow, threw it up, and looked out. Beckon- The room was empty, savo a long ladder ing to her father who came, she said, or which reached a shelf above the door. A rather whispered bole abovo tho shelf disclosed tho bust to be "You seo this shed, father 1 Well, thev broken in half, so that a man could easily, will probably como up on it aud get through climb up the ladder, get on tho shell, thrust the window. I do not think they will mako his head into tho bust, which was large the attack before twelve, 86 I will get out ot enough for nn ordinary-sized man's head, this window, jump from tho shed, go to tbe and see alt that was going on, m tho adjoin barn and, take our horse, ard go to S for ing room, help," This certainly looked suspicious, but ab- Flinging a wrap over her slight figure.she noluto proof wais yet wanting. un returning to the mom occupied by Mr. I esteem ver highly : hae been selling nnd r com mending 11 10 my rnuenisiur uimiy jrurs uu 11, wt wna nmvpK enli aeious In obstinate courh". bron- Miiai o,,.i tiiitiimnti. ni niTeetirna It has made some, remarkable cures In this wet Ion, and I consider It the best remedy wllh which I am acquainted. ip,rn .1. Hit nm.i M lur i mil. nuiu ur vuur druggist, wo will forward halt dozen by express, fn.intit naiA on rprr1nt. of mice. I nJlesciibesiraptoms in all communications, and I address letters' to DH.SWAYNE MiN. aso North I Mi'h street, Philadelphia. No charge will bo mado 1 for advice, hold by druggists and dealers inineui- Clues generally. Centralis, Ta. rib 18, TU-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. II 0 W E L L, DENTIST. LiVBB COMPLAINT That dreaded olst as e.trom hlch so many person BUfTer, Is frequently the causo of Headache, Indioestion, DvsrErsu, Is speedily re.leied, and are often permanently cured uy Swayne's Tar ana Sarsapanlla Pills. iToreria nrn often nreintiri hv tho uc of these Parsaporllla PUN, as Ihey carry off.through the blood Wen do nashuns uv do eart Is a stannln' all axnun', Wha'aagnlaourbochooscn fer ter war de glory embraced her father tenderly, and bidding irnnnl I.-' . liini not to.worry over lier,she jumped light' ly out on the shed nnd disappeared, Mr Hlcncer watched her fur a while.lhcn closing the window, took out a watch, saw that it was nine o'clock, and proceeded to work. He first covered up the fire, blew out tin liplit, rolled tip a blanket, with which he made a dummy. This he placed in the bed which his daughter was to occupy. Then be sat down and waited oh ! how anxiously. Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes, went by, nnd no sound camo from the vicinity of the barn. Taking off his boots, ho crept noiselessly to tbe window and peered out, but he could see nothing. Then, creeping to the waslntand, be laid his money belt in the drawer nnd closed it He then threw himself on the bed, and once more waited. After an hour had apparently gone by Mr. Spencer threw off his coat and vest, tumbled up'tbe bed, hobbled to the door.un locked it, and stepped out into the ball Thin was alt in accordance with Carrie's plan. "Landlord I landlord 1" ho shouted. Lie then went back into tho room and noiselessly threw up the wiudow,all the time 'Jle is," asserted the old man.knltting his shaggy brows. "And he'll die, just out or sbeerobstlnacy, if wo don't take measure to prevent It.' Mrs. Gossamer stood with clasped hands, and the color varying from rose to white and back again on her pretty cheeks. "I vo known just such cases," said Dr. Mcpsley. "It's wonderful how electrically tho mind will act on the body." "But Doctor, how can we thwart It! "Can't we stop the clocks t Once past the hour of doom and the danger is reduced twenty per cent." "We could do that," said Mrs. Gossamer, doubtfully, "but he always keeps his chro nometer watch under his pillow. ' "Confusion sclxe his chronometer watch ! ' growled the physician. "Suppose we set the house on fire at a quarter of eight precisely? That little spurt of a blaze will do no barm, dear, except to set Gossamer to trotting about pretty lively t" "Oh, Doctor I I wouldn't dare," faltered Mrs. Gossamer. ''It's a block of houses, you know; there's no telling what might happen !' "Then there's no help for It," said the doctor, nodding his head like a Japanese idol. ''Yon must elope I" 'T, Doctor." "Yes, you, Mrs. Gossamer I" An, Abertom's buzzum Is saf an' It's wide, An' dat'a de place whar dc sluneis oughtcr hldo 1 No se ter be stoppln' an' a lookln', IX Tot. fool wld Satan y nu'U git Look In, Youll hang on de edge an' git shook In, Ef ou keep on a stoppln' an1 u lookin'. IV. De time Is right now an' dls here's de place Let, de solTashnn son thine squar' In yo' face, fight de battles uv de Lord, fight soon taHght late, An you'll oilers One a lateh on de goldln' gate. No use fer ter wait twell to morrer, Be sun mus'n't set on J e' sorrer, Sin's ez sharp ez a bamboo brier Ax de Lord ter ter fetch you up higher. Atlanta Cbnititulion. Miscellaneous. A 11UAYK GIRL. In the winter of 1842, a gentleman and his daughter, a young lady, while traveling tnroiign winauu, arriveu aoout n.gni an ft 8bouting fnr the andlord. un uiu lusuiutieu luvcru. iuc geiiiicuiitu concluded to stop there instead of going on to the villago of S , which was ten BOOTS AND SHOES. Office In Hartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and ilarket Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA, May JU-ly. TROWN'8 HOTEL, Bloom-burp, Yt., li. I l stohner, rropneior. nttuiiimuu.uvua ... cfuss. l.S3 la i fi.oo per day. Restaurant attached. October , Iti-tt Fevers are often preiented hytho u'e ot these iiirt imnnrlilpR from which ihev arise, i or Costive- ness there is nounng so enecmaiasawayue s-iar and Sarsnparllla Pills. They are purely egeiauie.anu net speeiunj on iuu i.iver as i uie .uasa or taiumei. niiuuuLuuj uuuic- suits rrem taking. Address letters to DR. SWAYNR SON. Phi ade - . 'n M.nM-f-.rirlM Unrh. m. nn r.relnt of price. Price hi cents a box; live boxes lor ll. Ask was quite lame, so much so that he was ob- miles distant, and which they had thought to reach. The daughter Carrie expressed her wil lingness, as the tavern presented a comforta ble appearance, and they alighted, when it was plainly to be seeu that the gentleman 171 M KNORR, Dealer in Hoots nnu nnoes i .m, uuiBiiLiip uu.i mm i.uv.,u...... Vi . lntnst and best S'yles. corner Main and Jiarkei streets, in tuo old posi omce, CLOCKS. WATCHES, tC. n. x Vetvlng Machines and Machinery cf all kinds re paired. OfERA HOUSE Building, liioomsourg, in. octt.isiy liged to use a cane. The landlord came out, and calling a boy to take the horse and sleigh to the barn, he ushered Mr. Spencer and his daughter into n pleasant sitting-room, whero a bright fire was burning on the hearth, which proved That worthy came flying up the stairs,and late ai it was, he was still dressrd. "Oh, landlord!" gasped Mr.8pencer, rush ing toward him, "I have been robbed; my, money, is gone 1" "Gonel" echoed the landlord in dismay. "Who could have ttolcn it I" groaned Mr Spencer. "I have five thousand dollars in a belt, and it is gone stolen 1" Thedandlord lit the candle and looked around, chagrin depicted on every fea ture, Spencer, they searched every nook and cor ner. fiuddenly Carrie and Mr. James, who had be-n standing by tho fireplace, gave a loud cry, for on cloan examination they had found putd of blood on the bricks which formed the Hearth. They began to pull upithe bricks, which proved loose, when Carrie, feeling faint.gave way to the sheriff and his men, who soon had them all pulled up, when a carity was disclosed containing the b)dy of a gentleman whom Mr. James and the sheriff remembered to have stopped at S three days before. The evidence was conclusive. The landlord nnd his confederates were well guarded through the night, and tho next day they were lodged in jail, where in due time they were sentenced and suffered the extreme penalty of the law. The Hour of Doom. 01 MR. OOSSAMER'8 HREAM9. "It's an omen," said Mr. Gossamer; "a regular presentiment, and I feel it my duty to accept it as such I" "My love, how can you talk so?" said Mrs. Gossamer, who was a little suowdrop of a woman, some twenty years younger than "George Gordon Gossamer, Esquire," as the direction read on the backs of his letters. "Fiddlesticks I" said Dr. Mopsley, who was the family physician of the house hold of Gossamer. "I tell you I've dreamed it three times I" said Mr. Gossamer, laying his head resign edly back among the pillows of his easy chair. "Three times I And the third time I waked up all in a cold bath of perspira tion I" "Best thing that could happen to you," said Dr. Mnpaley. "In a sanitary point of view, perhaps," It was the evening of the tenth of June; the clocks were jnst striking six a good many of tbem, too, for Mr. Gossamer had rather a mania on the subject of clocks, and kept one in nearly every room in the house. lie listened with a sort of gloomy satis faction to their multitudinous clang and jingl "Tho last time I shall ever hear them strike six I" said he. "That one In the li brary is four seconds behind the rest 1 ahoutd have liked to set it ; but I fear I'm not quite strong enough, "Ah I well-adayl time will soon be a matterof small conse quence to me ! And speaking of time I wpnder where Matilda is? Boston has only one fault to find with Moody, and that Is that "his unculchawed mannahs and bawbawrous vuhbal enuncia tions seem to be rathaw exnggahrated thai modified by contact with ahighahculchaw." And Mf. Moody says "he likes Bostun good enough, but they talk the worst English there he ever heard". Burlington Jlatck' tije. People with false noses should not take Turkish baths. A man in San Francisco who had .subjected himself to tho hes-t of one, found his nose, on coming out, puck- ered, blistered, bulged, and shapeless. India-rubber and gum had entered Into its com position. Being unable to detach the nose, the man was compelled to return to Paris, where it had been manufactured, for a new proboscis. In Reading they arc discussing the ques tion, "Are prettels intoxicating?" The Sun day Jinieie, without being able to say that they will produco inebriation, thinks "they would be open to less objection and attain a higher moral character in the community were they made straight. Since, as tbey are at present constructed, they frequently im part a portion of their crookedness to him who partakes thereof'. Prof. E. B. Taylor said, in a recent lec ture "on the Philosophy of Langnage," at the London Institution' "Should tbe ex traordinary increase of English-speaking people continue at existing ratio, there will in twenty years be 860,000,000 of them, as against 80,000.000 of French or German. The English language bids fair to over whelm all others. A Plais Proposition. Young Mr. Loveberry fell asleep in tho barber's chair last evening. When the razor man finished his work and shook up his customer, be re marked sympathetically and respectfully t "fire!, Mr. Loveberry?" "Tiled, shir, Ur- ed?" replied the yonog gentleman with dignity. "No, shir. Can't you shee I'm drunk, you (hie) you ijlt?" As the car sped up Shawmut avenue his Just at that moment Ann came in with a arm ,.,. to steal arouud her waist and his tray containing tea and toast, and a saucer h,ett,i inclined lovingly, unconscious ofob- of early strawberries. I a.rv,itlnn. Just as the car annroached Saw- "Wheresyour mtstresi, Ann 7" uemana- trcet tHe conductor thrust his head in. ea tne invaua, miner peiuianny. 8lde aud touted "Saw-yer," close to Hay In reply to this, Ann dropped her tray, ad.a hefl(i. Tu(1 latter hastily drawiu and screwed ttiecoraerot ner pint caiic h mal!'f into otm indignantly remarked. apron into her eyes. needatt er howled it thro' the car if I ran t help it, sir, she said in a tone between a bowl and a whine. "I wasn't a listenin' sir ; but I could help a hearin' it! And I wouldn't a believed it of missus, so I wouldn't." "Woman, what do you mean?" demanded Mr. Gossamer, sitting up in his cbair, and staring very hard at her. "It ain't my fault, sir I" "What isn't your fault?' "That that she's gone and run away with the doctor !" "You're a fool I" said Mr. Gossamer, Irately, "I heard It with my own ears," blubbered Ann. "A carriage, to be waiting at the end of the street at half past six precisely. And Dr. Mopsley's'in it ! And my missus, she cried and says, poor dear husband as needs her ! And he says ho wouldn't need her much longer, and " "111 not endurit this!" roared out Mr. Gos earner springing to his feet with a nimble' ness that was astounding' in an invalid, you did; we're engaged!" and the rest of the passengers set their faces toward ths driver and grinned. Boston Commercial Bulletin. A curious plant has been discovered la Nicaragua. It U called the "Phytologic Eleclris." It possesses strong electro mag netic qualities. The hand Is lamed by touching it, and the magnetic influence is felt to a distance of eight feet. The mag netic needle is disturbed, and the nearer the middle of the plant Is approached the stronger becomes the agitation, until finally it assumes a circular movement. The In tensity of the phenomenon varies according to the time of day, and at night is scarcely perceptible. It reaches its highest point about two o'clock in the day. Stormy ivealher increases its activity. No insect or birds are seen on it. ihQc!. I? civil iV. Dealer in Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CO. BARK LE If. Attorneyat-Law. Oflio , in lirower's building, snd story, Rooms its. jct. 15, "75. T"v R. WM. M i clan, omce S. E. streets. REBER, Surgeon and I'hysi- corner hock rll, EVANS, M. I., Surgeon and Fhysi . clan, (onice and Residence on Third street, coriior Jefferson. J I!. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Thy . slclan, north side Main street, below Market. Office 11. ROHISON, Attorney-at-I-aw. In Ilartman'B buUdlng, Main street. I T TIlnRNTlir IS. untiM nnnnnnm to thft CtttzenS Of BlOOmS- burg and vicinity that he has Just received a fuR and compieiu ussuruurut vk WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, COEDS, TASSELS, and all other goods In his line of business. All the newest and most approved patterns of the day are always to be found in his estabUshment, Main street, helow Market. . 8' jrXCHANQE HOTEL, Upposllv tlio Court House, I1LOOM8BURU, PA. The Larqest and Best In aU respects Ln the county W. B. KOONS. Oct. S.IMj Proprietor. Why don't you wake your daughter,slr?" unwillingly admitted Mr. Gossamer. "But "Six o'clock I And I've two good hours yet. h nuestioncd I look at these matters from a psychologic- What sort of a carriage was it then ?' m. gn.n., i,,,rMo tn her herl. I al standpoint ! I am a philosopher! "The doctor's brougham, sir a chok'lat Ttrriimr Pllen . was burning on the hearth, which proved ,. ' ; . , ,, , , . I v ,.ntro ,,nt snld TV nrnnqiB nif ,w !tl, vnlUr .trim. arnnnitrikndr.' n i . . . . i --unrriei lie caneu. uui. iiu ausnvi vuu.v , i . 1 j i , j 1 -j is eeneraliv preceded by a moisture, like pcrsplra- very acceptable to our travelers, who Had J,h.ilnii1.j ,.,Ml.i1i, you'd not get such absurd cob- "Callmea cab, Ann ! And tell John to tlou. distressing iicuing, as tuougn pin worms were t,een in tne sieign since morning. .i , i : i webs nto vnur brain " crawling ln or about the rectum, particularly at , " ... . , , . saw the dummy, and cried weos inio jnur Drain. "Why, man, tho girl isn't there 1" -mere is a point, saia Mr. uossamer, "What!" gasped Mr. Spencer. "Oh, I solemnly, "at'which philosophy terminates ... i, .11 i TV,- .ifci iri im rnTiW me and intuition begins I Mopslev. vo'ur' argu- Supper was shortly announced, and after , . . . . ,on nfr , , ... ,.. menU are vajn. This day week-on the refreshing themselves, air. bpencer and Utr- i om T waj aU her rie returned to the cozy sitting-room, where . ,,,. f-MWe,- bv the landlord. "Yes, yes, here are footprints in the snow nightwhcn undresslng.orln bed aner getting warm. "Your room will us ready by supper time llappearslusummeras well as wlner, oftentimes , ,, , , ., j.niin-j , i.B lBf th room showiiltBeiraroundtheprliateparts,andlsnotcou.sir, saiu tne lanuiora as no leu me room I nne.1 tu males onlv. but Is nulte as frenuent that re- iniiipR nro hun v mmuit-u. iiui v.uuiuii.v m iiuics ui nreirnancv. exLenaim.' iriu lue vauina. uruviuw uia- Iresslng almost besond i-e powers of endurance. Cases or long smnuing, pronuunceu ineurnuie, uuve been perrnanenuy cured by bimpiy applying Swayne's Ointment, HOME TESTIMONY. 1 was sorely amicwd w 1th one of tbe most dlstres- sirnr or all olseases. Pruritus or Prurigo, or more commonly known aa Itching Plies. The itching at times was almost Intolerable, Increased by scratch ing, and not unfrequentiy became quite sore. I bought a box of swajne's ointment ; Its use gave and went into the bar-room. julck relief and ln a short time made a perfect cure. Iran now Rleen undisturbed, and I would who are suffering with this distressing complaint to JH. ROSENSTOCK. Clark Wuim store, .nainsueeu Photograrhcr, ovci i-sheaS BROWN'S INSURANCE AOEN :, Main stieet, I 14 r,v Kxehanire Hotel. Bloomaburg. Pa, MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID LOWENBEUO, Merchant Taiioi Main u., abovo Central Hotel. Capital. Etna. Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... 6,000,000 , Innn on flint, 90.W H.O 0 Royal of Liverpool !! JS5,C!S Ig. (vUIIK, dealer li. Meet, Tallow, etc., , ccute oti eet, t etween Second aud Third. AAniENOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS V SUAVh ur an Ihlng lu tho TO.xboRI AL LIN t JASIES MAUA'i BAKBliB SHOP, THE BEST IS TOWN, Under Eichauge Hotel, Bloombburg, To. Oct. 13, '7 ly Lnneflnshlrn . Fire Association, Philadelphia., mertcnn of Philadelphia .. , tlus of Hartford Wvomlng. of Wilkes Barre farmers Mutual of Danville.... DanvlUe Mutual Home, New York Commercial Union March te,n-y 10.000. oo I J.100,000 1,100 rtort 600,000 S31,nri 1,000,000 78.01 l , O.fWO 17,000,000 procure swaype B Ointment at once. 1 had Irle-u piescrlptlons almost Innumerable, without anding any penniuieui. reiivi. JOEPII W. CHRIST, VX'ta of Rosdcl Chrls Boot and Shoo Rouse, S3t ortu sccona sircei, i niiaaeipuia. SKIN DISEASES. they talked and chatted until half pait eight. rrU... .1,An,H in iha ai,m k l. was on the second story.ln a wing somewhat u lue 8ueo 1 ",e.u l"B . distant from tbe main portion. opencer groaueu h.ouu. Tho room was very long, with a high ceil- . ,0,,b ing. On one side was a. window, on the 'r' ...... , other a door. For an tour ot wore' tlle "eceltful liie" Just above the door was a bust ol KingT,reP"eaw'-cP,encer' , ,. , , n.t, iii "lnell tnere s no useioomng ior urr, bii, in Swayno's All-Healing Ointment is alsoaspocinc Mr tetter. Itch, mt rheum, scald Ineao, ernpeias, oaroera iicu, oiomifts u .ccoj. cruht), cutaneous eruptions Pirfeclly aoe and harmless, even on tne most tenaer iniaui. i rice ui cents, or six boxes fur tus. bent by nial' to any address on receipt of price. Prepared oi ly by 178,95S,io Dn. 8WAYNK SON, Sli N. eth St.PhUadelphla CATAWISSA. M, II, A11I10TT, Allorneyat-Law, Mail. bircei, WM. I.. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa, Collections promptly made and remitted. Ofllce THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO ORDER ONLY. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Gentlemen desiring shirts win p!ee drop us a line nd our Agent w 111 cull and get the measurement. iiic Biiirrui. i. ii. AitHinv. tllll up, 1 in t Adure&s iliL n,-e-iy J, B. KNITTLE. W. II. ABBOTT Important to Farmers. . and everybody In want of LIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL. rniTE IlKnETiSIONED. renresenling wveral I nffhMtnnat. conservative and reliable A merl-I ean Fire Insurance companies, would beg leave to offer his services to tlio citizens of Bloomsburg and vlnlnlt , requesting a reasonable snare oi me puuuc laurunage. , ,., BloomRburg,.Iulv 18, 1S7S. omce In urower's Block. ... Julytl-tm.' J. H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY contains tbe latgeet tttt'k ct TEAS, GEOCERIES QQtEEsware, Gtoaie, Woifleiiware, Canned rruits, Dried rruiti, (CONFECTIONERIES, 4c. to be found In Columbia county. A roiillUrtn AsgnrlUlcut always on hand. Call and examine. Jan l, 1617, The room was very plainly furnished,con' talning two beds, a wash stand and a few chairs. Carrie took in the whole room at a glance and it must be confessed, bad there not been a cheerful tire burning, she would have felt nervous about sleeping there. As it was, the warm glow lit up the room into compar ative cheerfulness. While she and her father sat by the fire, her eyes wandered to the bust above tbe door, when she noticed that tho eye-balls had evidently been knocked out, leaving two empty spaces. "Well, Carrii,"said Mr. Spencer.presently ''I think you bad better shut the door, lam going to count my money." A f. fn U l,n,l - i, . .1 .... i , i. ,;.m. I.l. I. ,m Al, ; ..,o u..o ou, no UII-WUUI.B OliU ...UV Bj Ulliiuilia H..',..VV ",, - - I , , , , , , treBsirg. anu no moeare is mure vuinwuu, uuu none i monrv-uen. Heavy wiiu uuis, anu procecu less understood by 1'byHchins. Mnctenthsof the cases ot offensive breath are occasioned by catarrh 'Srii viii.'m Culurrli llcinrilv" CATARRH, bYMIIOMS AND CURE. catarrh Is an affection cf the mucus membrane of the nose, throat, chest, ic. accompanied wllh dull heavy headacl.c, obHxurllnn of the nasal passages, weakeies, watery and lnflamid, backlngor cough ing, to clear the throat, expectoration ot offensive mailer, bmeu ana lasie are impuireu, Biiiicuup leeungin ineueaa. mressanr plowing or inonose, ed to count tbem, Wliile doing so, Carrie's eye involuntarily Is a certain and permanent cure, and warranted in ,,t,. j ,l. ,v,. , t,. , aafetv." he murmured. every case, no ma'terhow obstinate or long stand. I "-" -v ..tu, w ..uuu. ----- - replied the landlord.' "Oh. but 1 must I" cried Mr. Spencer, as he began to descend the stairway, followed by tbe laudlord, who bad believed every word Mr. Spencer said, They proceeded to tho barn, followed by the landlord's confederates. They found the horse gont-, and her mode of flight was easily explained. "You may as well give her up, sir," said the landlord consolingly. "I suppose I may," groaned Mr. Spencer, and they returned to the bouse. As they left the barn he heard the land lord whisper to one of his confederates: "Tho job's up, Jem j we'd better let the old man alone." Once more entering tho room, Mr. Spen cer threw himself on the bed nnd awaited the return of his brave daughter. "God bless her, nnd bring her back in tenth of June 18, I shall be no longer in tbe land of the living!" "O, Gordon, don't," whimpered little Mrs. Gossamer, retreating behind a lilac-bordered pocket-handkerchief with a very big G embroidered upon it. "I can't help it," Inexorably answered Mr. Gossamer. "Truth Is truth i'-' "And did your dream divulge to you at what precise hour you were to shuffle off this mortal coil? ' jeeringly demanded Dr. Mof ley, who wai mixing some powders at an op posite table. "In my dream," gravely answered Mr, Gossamer, "the clock was visible upon yon d eight late more easily I1 "Oh, Gordon?" sobbed the wife. "Stuff and nonsense!" grunted the doctor, re-corking one of his wide-mouthed bottles with an energy that gave it the sound of a unall piece of artillery. "We shall see,' said Mr. Gossamer, loft- come and help me on with my clothes." "But you're a dyin' sir!" "Not quite yet," said Mr. Gossamer, grinding bis teeth. And he muttered Aon hurried away "To think that Matilda could be false to ma while I am yet in the land of th e livlu With the aid of John, he contrived to be out of doors and in the carriage in less than fifteen minutes. "Now drive for your life," gasped be, as be caught light of the chocolate colored brougham rattling around the corner, "Catch that other carriage I Don't spare the horses I" "All right, sir," said the cabman, with a grin. "We'll give 'em a chase." Daring one of the fairs in Paris, some years ago, llaron James de iMtnscmia, was a' patron. Chancing to pass a stand when some pretty young ladie were installed, he asked ln a bantering tone : "Well, my dear What can I do for you?" "Ah, Baron," said one, "you cau give us your autograph." With pleasure," replied ths gallant old Baron, "if you preface it with an agreeable sentiment." So the young lady, without much ado, wrote on a dainty slip of paper i 'l hereby give to charity ten thousand francs," and the Baron immediately signed his name in full, and smilingly paid th mount to the enterprising Parisian. It Is related that General Nye was trying a case in tne noutnern tier, tne presiding judge being pevish and irritable, as well aa rather dull, Gen. Nye had not only cross examined a witness at great length, hut had frequently put the same questions, which the judge bad frequently ruled against as improper. At last the patience of the judge was exhausted, and he rebuked Gen. Nye, and petulantly asked : "Gen. Nye, what do Up Fifth avenue to the Park; around the I you think I am sitting here for?" ZJy Park to the, Bloomingdaie road, where the I looked up, and with a grave countenance, 1 iv ll ' Its h nds pointed to the hour of ,t'lle of the B'Kan"e elm lay llta tlact I but a twink,e in 7e answered coolly er wa . - P , bars athwart the mellow glow of tbe sunset.; I and composedly: "You have got mo thtr, ight p. m ! So let it bet Unecancatcu . , , ,, , . ', ,. , , " h 1 ., . across by King s Bridge; down the Central I time, your honor I" As poor insane George III, was one day breakfasting at New, the great scarcity of beef which was then prevailing In England became the subject of conversation. "Why do not people plant more beef ?' asked the King. Upon being told that beef could not be raised from seed, he seemed still in- "I believe," muttered the doctor, "the ..Koep a tlrT upper lip, old cent I We'll c,"lm" and took me blU of beefsteak Boulevard ; still the chocolate brougham contrived to l-eep just so much in advance of them. Mr, Gossamer shouted breathless di rections to the cabman ; he jumped up and down in his excitement. "Stop 'em 1" roared he ; "stop 'em !" "Is it your daughter as the cove's runntn' away with?" bawled the cabman hoarsely. Ing. It can be obtained only by addressing 1)11. kU aynk SON. S3 North Slith t-treet. PhUadel. nnia. uea loanv aoaroBonine receiDi or me price, one-dollar, with f ull dlrectlors for use.- also a full account of tliecrl ln and nature of this dlstres- fing compiflini. we repeal ii i ii is net ona nu com- partfcnii lue oesi remeay rort aiarrneveruisroveren. Remember I It can beobtalned only by addressing Hit. hw 1 1NK son, aso. Norm siiiu street, rini- lUCiiHiiu, ni,,, n iuiiimuif, .vo mo wiiu, ,k.v ... the bauds of dealers, the same as we donur other preparations, ln writing for our "Catarrh Remedy" plare atnte ou sow this advertlumei.t In the "Co lumbian" Bloomsburg. and astonishment, in place of the two empty spaces where two glittering' eyes greedily watching every movement- ot her father. The young girl could hardly repress a scream ; but controlllng'herself, she looked towards the nre, while her father1 went on counting a large roll of bills. "I must have been mistaken," thought the fair girl. "What could wake me have such Meanwhile all grew still, and the hours rolled by. The tire iiad been raked up and crackled merrily. Tho oyes were not looking from the bust; they had vidently disappeared for tbe niglt. At last, after whnt seemed an age to the anxious watcher, ho heard a loud knock on the front entrance, and the minutes after man would rattier absolutely die outright than be proved iu tho wrong! Here, Mrs. Gossamer." "Yes, Doctor!" The little pink.flushed face, with two small river-channels ot tears on either side, emerged from behind the eclipse of cambric pocket-handkerchief. "You will be good enough to see that your husband takes these powders at intervals of two hours all day, and" "Powders are of no avail," ominously in terrupted the patient. "But my professional reputation is of some value, I suppose," said the doctor sharply. Why Dye ? a strange fancy, though?" she continued, ward beard the landlord stumbltt to the front glancing again at the bust. I door. Then followed a confused jumble of The eyes were still there two burning curses and struggles, then the rush of many savage eyes, that brightened as Mr, Spencer feet up the long hall and stairway. went on counting. Tho next minute tho donr was thrown "Good heavens I" thought Carrie, "what open and his daughter rushed In, followed shall we do? We are evidently in a den of by the ofllcers, who dragged in the landlord Np mailer Loir dray or llur.h tbe an&wb&a'p original color thlevfi, and will get murdered for my poor and his confederates. London uair color Xeitorer. i - - .,. ..UHj lamerr sue cried, "you are sale, London London London lndon To ibe WorUlna- flnM.-We are now prepared to uS.0oa lrnlsh aU classes with constant employment al JSrtnR furnish au Classes wnn consiajn rmpiuymrut i i inndon home, the wui le or me iwir, or ior i unr .purr uiv-1 London IVUUIUIC. l-ixu .....Hnn pent, in . i wr i mi-Mi, nusiness new. light and pi of either tex easily earn from tk We have erected kUna at or near the Taper Mlll.on R. and are now prepared tn sell imaotierv returnable tirlces and of good Quality, Orders by tho car proinp1 y nuea ana snippeu 10 cvcnintr, ann a pruporiiuii.i .umi uj uriuiiun mm "CstatlonLtlVVve SS St attM g.?noTce A full line ol LUlIUEii, or au , vvrecu or In the rough, shlng'es, Lath and bill Timber to which we Invite A Reinw'y to Rein state tbe Human Ilalr in a'l Its youthful color, lustre, softness and beauty, til iierxonsi lio tuplro to Ilt'iiuty naiurai UV-VVT3P,.,. "o -.... ,.j uwuj um uvth i , -neglected unllllt has become thin, gray or cnUrely if, ft,.. Hair Restorer now to communicate tuelr danger to her safe!" snd throwing her arms around his nnu B' me ine raisins ior tne pudding!" HufKreM "IIoW Ca" 1 tMnk of Pudding?' said ii"? ii""!?? rrle coum DOt ,hl"6, Budden,y brV The sbcrlfr and his' posse of men held the uamer, iiyaiencaiiy ; but her bus- Hair Restorer Idea came to her. landlord and bis confederate in vica-llke band raised his hand serenely. "Father," she said aloud, "let me take a grasp, while Carrie related the adventures of " lovot" 8lW ho' "Let none f card and pencil, I wish to make a memoran- her perilous ride. dally dutle r llre be Ufglected on my ac Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair Restorer dum of some items I wish to purchase In the attention of custo mers. irders received and flUod for all kinds of Fimilt 1 -t . . l.iialn... vahnnjttn mAHtt f StrlCJ auemiuu u u- - - --k- lUHtviuu'iv! -wTnvnr I. t. innrvi-r is. 8Plea worth tl mav send their address, and tost 'he business we trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth naturesipsaea. una uurvmrw ueaiuiy ana eaiunu make , this uaparalled offen a, are not well neglectea iSiflgigwgSr Hr father handed them to her.after stow- satUffed we will send one dollar to pay for tbe trouble, ot writing. Full nartlculara. aamnlea worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of log away his belt. Carrie wrote, tr'embling- HDtne and Fireside, ene of the largest and besl Itchy, scaly erupuonj on the acaip, making it white I ly, In a One band nmutrntpH I'nh leatlons. allaentrrefl bv man. 1'eaa- I ana cieau, mu ,uouhuB ..u.unnu. iiumiiiii uair i ,t..t j . , er. U i ou want permanent, pronuble work, address in its natural joitiilui color. I Trice n cents, iTln- "mer, uu uot oo irigntened ) we are In ueorge nunson s uc, roruana, aie. bcdu a, -n.-iim. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. juaeMlwy color, thicken the hair, cures dandruff and all catch 'em, or we'll know the reason why I Geo-o-ee up, Dobbin I" It was race-night. There was a block of carriages on the Bridge at Macomb's Dam ; the wheel of the cab got neatly locked in that of the chocolate brougham 1 "Villain I" shouted Gossamer,tbrustiug his head into the very face of Dr. Mopsley ,who sat chuckling inside. "I have caught you I" And the big bell struck eight 1 "Hey! Hallo I" cried out the doctor. "So you're not dead I'' "Vojol" bellowed Gossamer, "and I ilnn't mpin tn Hi a until T'va marlA m "0,1 don't mind taking sny amount of Lbe neight of an injured bLubund'a wrath. W here is she ?'' aud he stared around the limited dimensions of the coupe. "Where is who?" "My wife." "At my bouse with Mrs. Mopsley." "Hasn't she been with you?" "No, sho hasn't I Don't be a fool man 1 This drive has been the beat thing going for you I Feel like a different person, eh ? I thought so. Go home ; sleep well ; nnd to morrow you'll bo quite ready to pardon our little strategem." "But my wife?" "You'll find her waiting for yo at home. uy me uuia you get mere r So tho bour of doom nasse.1 Tit m,l r. . - r . . 1 -;i . Anu airs, uossamer uurrying across tbe Gossamer is alive yet. Aud be has fonrlv.n " v .v. ,vv, nnu m, ur, Aiopsiey lor tne elopement that wasn't ""P-'16- any elopement after all. Aa for droamln. L-l I.e. n. ... .. u una icu on tnat practice. and went into tbe garden and planted tbem. The next morning he went out to see If it had sprouted, and found some snails. Think- lug they were oxen he was heard crylngout: "Here they are 1 Here they are, Charlotte horns and nil I ' medicine to ob1g ;'iu, ' said Mr Gossamer, resignedly,. Nothing signifies much to a man ln my condition." Tbe doctor went out rather indignantly, closing the door behind him with unneces sary emphasis. And, five minutes after ward, Ann, tbe domestic, tapped at the door of the sick room. 'If you please, ma'am, would you come count. Go, Matilda. I desire It I" Send tu. tod. P. kOWBLL CO, New York, for famnhlatof 100 cam. oootalninir Uita of lots) newspaters, snd estlaitlei shmrtng oow ot aavortU. laf. ., After I left tho barn I led Tommy to a fence, all unsaddled, rprsng on him, wound my arms tightly round his neck, and whis pered, "Go, Tommy," and away he went like the wind, Up und don u, over tbe froz- "Oh, doctor, I thought you were gone I'1 en road we went. My arms felt like Ice "Not yet," said the doctor laughingly, 1 thought J should certainly freeze, and after 'Tuddtngi, en 7 1 know a capital receipt "Mrs. bplnks," observed a border to bis wuai seeraeu like an ego ot cold, aud pain, lor a puuuing, just step into tbe library a laudladyf "tue. equal adjustment of thi a trap, Oo in tbe opposite corner' of the iroom, where your faco will be in the dark. ' , i , . ,, , , . . . ........... ... ... v -. vw.w, ,.., i - b 1 " . w w . , m i, , iu,, vuufti nnu lauic ac ibi nuat ntvovAfha .iiui. .in i, I , , s . . . . ., . I . , . .. r. .- . ni -'-i'' -5".. i.m i anu misery, we uasued into tuo main street moment anu you suait near it, uossamer u I eaUblUUmeot could be more tafelv aecuml Aa we i ame up iu front of the la looll" Uf there was lea halt lu the d ac. 7oUwUlee two glittering eyas that have! 0fi- watch 4 yoa ouit yuur mmtf," tawa the .te drove up, tatTil intbatea ,,01i,'Ioctor(' UUiHMUkMa.M They were playlni; poker and Pomp held a full hand. His eye glistened with con scious triumph as he put up a ten-cent ante and gazed at his partner ezpefitaTttlv raise dat ten Cents." remark! P.-ia I f,o a quarter more," insinuated Pomn. "I stand you and raise anudder nuartor " eplied Pete. "I continue on the war oath. aud flops down the last thirty cents," an swered Pomp, placing six nickels on the ta. ble. "I kivers decile and cll vrm 11 r mark Pete. -'Full hand I" said Pomp turn ing his cards. "What you got?'1 "A pair, and de game am undecided." What'a dat I Undecided? Dls yer chile takes de pllo." Not by a long chalk. DU case will na be referred to de ltetiirnin' Board, who will examine Into de partlkelara. Dar's plenty more good cards in de pack and why didn't iget 'em. uafs been intimidation and fraud, and meanwhile de Returnln' Board takes possession of de spoils." In the Agricultural Hall of the Centenni. al Exhibition thre are t..o immense hogs stuffed, each bearing a placard telling their age, eve, loliowed by tbe word "taidermUt., A man and his wife were looking at these witu great interest. After reading tbe pla cards, the woman said: "Why, these are taxidemiata. I thought they were hogs.? Her husband looked at the creatures with a puuled expression, and then looked careful ly over the placards, as If to satisfy himaelf lully on the point. Finally he replied i Tbey are hogs. Taxidermist is the name oftheplace tdey wait fro. rtHjyWrf