The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 02, 1877, Image 3

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n i, oostRituu (i. pi! I D AT, iiitncii s. t9;;
Knit Road Time TMc.
aeeommodallon Train,,
.Mall Train
Express Trnln
.0.41 A.M.
T.S9 A. M
, ijso r. m.
6 M P. M.
T.M A.M.
4.49 P. M
H.M A. M
It I rntlicr a slnirulir ruin for n Ln nlln I What ft blcsslnc In tlie noor wnlilil tin
Kchool ttint pnln a young man on Mi limits fat Bucl' n wholesome purifier and preventive of
... ..... . fnntnrlAn na 11 nnn'. U,1,1.. n.,l.l I
be distributed ninong them. Why don't
some plillantliropl't act on this hint. D04
pot, Crlttcntoii's, No, 7 Sixth Avenue, New
Hill's Hair nnd Whisker Dye, Mack or
bruwn,'C0 eta. March.
Business Notices..
Accommodation Trnln UN A. !. t.frt P. M,
Rcrnlar Express 4.10 P.M. 11.33A.M.
Ttifonjh ars on t:pross train cither to New Yolk
or pull idelphto. rcommod-itlon train rum between
0 i iwissu and Wllllamspori.
W.4 Iimi sioritlul u'lier matter to puliliali
J.I le Lit llsciarj44 till wie'e.
Illiiu birlsaul pn untji'i .n'J ! i J nil nit
Wuli Ilj'ctib'icli is nlleriiu Ills store ro m
on ;ln-corner of .Mniii mid lvist idreets, Wl.m
to.npltlid It will be h (treat Improvement.
'Ill lmrrp4 of Mlltm lb-", drowned conic
we ks ugn :it UiIhwixi, wciu innmi ro-iiuy
lnur llie luiilge. The hallux and sleigh wile
llkewl-e rt covered
Siioit at thi limn of year U a nuisance. Can
anyboly liuiijino a ti.iicli nastier diy llun a
SutirJ.iy Lit? Au-wers niiybj cent to lli.a
The wages of k'iii Ii tvu not bern r due -d III
L'tk linven, if thu limes are hard. Auto"
Many funernU In Lock Haven of late?
Good roll b itter i quoted as low as fifteen
Cents pjr pound 111 the e.i-leni cities but it sells
for from twenty live to thirty c.-iili per pouiul
in IllouiiHbiirg. Qiecr thins agricultural
county, two.
Fashion Nuria. Kur cill.irs arc liltlo worn
t ladies this son-oil, ami ihis will Ljive rise to
nun severe, coiiihs and colds. l)r, Hull's
Coiiu Syrup Is ii cirtal l anil sjfo cine in every
ca-e. I'rice -o cents.
Willi the di4.ilile.iruiico of the snow banks
unsightly ush heaps h.ivu cuiuu inlo dis igreia-
tilj ii oinineiice. They lio.ild be reiujve
from til J alley and streets in they olTjuJ the
vyu an 1 impede travel.
I'alatabm: Medicines. Ayer's Cherry
IYctorul is a lioueyed diop of relnf; liis Cu-
th ir.ic l'i'lls glide ovir the palate;
and Ina S.iri-aiurilU U a nectar that imparl
vigor lo life, restores the lieallli and cxpjls ills Vutcr,ml AdvcitUr.
The Danville Iatcllijrnccr speaking of the
i.'contho river, says: "Above (iiliiwi i tie
tWHjii the toll bridge bridge
it h.n broken and is damned up considerably.'
lJywhon?llio lailmid company, the bridge
stockholders or the people ot iss.i?
Holders of poliilis in thu Continental Lift
Insurance Cimuimy will do well to call at tl,i
otFce within two weeks from Tuesd.iy, the Gil
"inni, and seo the General Agent of llic Cilolie
Jli.t ial Life Insurance Compin-, of New Ymk
mI.o will idiow llieni liow they can reiuMiie
without lo.-i.-i.
walking on Sunday with a young lady rcol
dent, while femalo boarders are permitted to
promenade daily with utrangcr.
''Tilden wa-n'teleelpd. wnnt lii ?" nnvn llm
Watchman, and then nut una jot of fmurcn to
how that lie wa ehcldl by a ' popular majori
ty." No ono known belter than the edltoMnf
that Hurt Unit ucli arcuincnt h tionsennlcal.
W o llnll'l pli-rt I'i-pmIiI, nt nnitfnilffv. ttv Iwmn,
lar ninloritlcj. flic Klrctoral C'olleeo dota tlie
bil'luiM. IlelUnnle llrpuliliean.
Not niinli it down't, The Klrctnrnl College
h..d inlghly llille to ray n lo tlio remilt.
WiIIh' Itcluriilrg Hoard in Ixulianaand Brad
ley'," Hoard in Wadiingtnn did the liiHinei.
Silll it U well for the people to know that Mr.
Tllden had twenty three inniirit ill the E'cc-
oral College. iiiid"2'iO,000 popular midorily.
riirowlng out the nrgiR vole Mr. Tildeu had
1,000 000 ni dorilv of while inen vote. Mind Ml. lltintbliean.
lhe fict t'.nttwu or llireo Lifi l,nuraiice
CompauU', Under the nriii'i'Zeuient of innnupe
tent or ilii!iniK'-t udu'er', have failed, ought u it
lo betaken a' no indication that the whole rjKlim
l wrong, and III it all invir mco e i npi iln are
winillen. Ill all that linn lucti aid about thcc
filling t'lmipiric and other-, not a word h.n
been u hi'ptred 'ihout tticdiob Mutual Insur
ance Cornniiy of New York. We are assured
that it stunts on a solid foundation. There are
in my persons in this, county holding polities in
the ('suit nenliil Co.,and for these we have H
word of advice. Dinot piy nuv more preiui-
iiiiis on your policy tn the ltcelvrr, or any one
l-e, as It cinuot miKe initters b;tler. Dinot
employ private counsel to look after yoiirdivl-
deud, as lhe fi-es would be larger than the divi-
lend. Your policy can be transferred lo the
Qlobo Mutual on the most favorable ami lib, nil
terms and it will bi to the interest of all Ccnti-
in nlal policy holders if they will call at the of
fice of Ilrockway it Klwell any lime within two
weeks from next Tuesday, tlio Olh inst,, where
hey will find Mr Stephen Holbrooke, General
Agent of the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
nd ascertain how they can bemn-ured without
loss to them,
Wanteds -2000 bu-hela of Corn ; tlio
highest market pne? paid for name in cash.
Taken In lots ot 25 buibela or more. Cull
on or addr4
II. W. AttL.
Espy Station, Pa.
Gents' fancy Slippers nt McKinncy's.
Appleton "A" Muslin 9 cts. per yard by
thu holt ut Lutz &'s.
Spring Calico coming In nt I. W. Hurt
man's, K'nl Estate fir r.'nt by M. Wynkonp on
Tlilril b'ueit, Itlu nil-burg. Mar. 'J, 3,V
A brick l.on-ii uud lot mi Centre etrcct
for sale. Impure of I, S. Kilhii,
lllll blaclu'd ni'isliii yard wide, 10 cts.
per yurd at Lulz ti Siln.m's.
25 pieces GingliaiiH to 20 centa ut I, W,
Mrs. Milton Charles, Exchange Hlock.has
jul receiied n lot of delicious" Milwuukeu
mill Ulliciutiattl lleer to wlilcli she nuKs tlio
attention of lovers ot n good atlicle. The
best of ule and beer al a) a on liund.
Fresh Kutter SO icnts at I. W.Hurtman's.
Ullbber Boots at McKiliney's.
Jarr bu)s I'otatois mid Chickens.
Look to your Interest uud buy your Dry
Goods nr,d Groceries ior uisli at I. W. Hurt-man's.
llixbvofthe P.yuiouth Index seimsbent n
fuiiidi through the aginey of iceboat", lie
h is taken two Ir p. no v and in the 1 it i n vi a
dumped into lifiieu feet of water. His banyan
cy of spirits in.ibled him to reach 11 e botumi of
t'lebut wlience he crawled lo solid icj and
w 'S Mved lo journalism though he ppoiled a
loud ileal.
The 115th an'tvtrsary of the birth of George
Wudilnglon was not generally observed this
year. Hi was not the kind of man who, if he
were now alive, would be much thought of.
Ilradley, Morion, Wills ii Co., arc lhe chaps for
this century. Their fathers never would have
found out anything about cherry trees from
them at least,
The dwelling hou'o of Hiram McIIenry, nt
Stillwater, was entirely destroyed by fire on
Monday morning last. The tire broke out at
about ten o'clock and was caused by adefective
flue. Mr. McIIenry saved all of his furniture
and effects except a few articles in the cellar.
The house was of frame two stories in height,
and had been not long before placed in thor
ough repair. Loss not known.
Parties living outddi of this State who have
mot paid their subscription up to Oct. Ut, 1870,
will have their papers flopped and the bills rent
for collection if not paid by April 1st. We can
not afford to pay poi-tage on papers for widely
we do not receive the price of subscription
Subscribers living outside of this county, bu
within the State, will receive a similar notice
boon, unlc?s many of them rispond.
Tho Court room was filled to overflowing
during the lait days of the great murder
trill. A woman and a little gill fiinled on
Friday and were taken from the room, The
heat was intense and the presence nf w large a
number of people vitiated the air and gave rise
lo headaches and falntness, A large number
of ladies listened attentively to the argiiininls
; of Messrs. Jtyon and Hughes.
We are Informed that r. W. 11. Bradle ,
formerly of the Columbia County H'puhlican
andsubstcpienlly of the .Vanfour .lmericoijias
pu c aed the Wilkes ltarre Hecnnl of the Timet
( and will conduct it as a joint stock concern.
Dr. Ilradlty is a g od editor, energetic and
eirnest in Ids work and will make lhe Ilecont
a first claisiournal. We wish him abundant
Hie Danville Intelliijencer says that tho evil
nfexc.esi.ive rum drinking In that place is ap-
pilling and ascribes as a leason for ii,''tho want
f circum'peclion in the courts in granting Ii
censes. The law explicitly declares that before
an applicant shall secure a license he must
aliow that he has n domicile of suitable dimen
sions to accommodate travelers itc." The wri
tprlhen intimates that applicants arc not ra.
ipiiied to live up to this provision if the lair,
and licenses are grunted promiscuously. The
Iiitelllgenrer either never knew, or else has for
L'otlu I that courts are bound by the record,
The election of Judges does not relieve the citi
zen from all duty uud responsibility. The law
provides lor the licensing of drinking placesj
and it is the duty of the court to sec that the law
is faithfully carried out, but must
be brought to the notice of the court. All pe
titions mint set foitli that the applicants lias
suitable accommodations, and is a man of gxid
inaral character. Any petition that fails to
set out the facts will not be considered by a
court. The applicant inu-t also give a bond
providing for tho payment of a penally if lie
violates the la w. It is the dutv of the court to
sco that the pjtilion is in legal form. It is thu
duly of citizens to inform the court by legal ev
idence if the facts in the petition are untiue, ami
to leport any one who violates t ie law afier
he h is obtained a license. It is tho special du
ly of con-tibles lo repot t anv viola tlou of the
Honor law. I f citizens and ofiicers fall lo do
their duly it is no fault of the courts. Accor
ding tu lhe ItitcUije icer the judges of the com
uionweallh shouM count the beds in every ho
ik), and interview each applicant as to his mor
al ch iracter, before granting a license , a prop
ortion equally nbnird and inipos-ihle. Tue
law goes further and requires Hi it nil applica
tions for licenses snail be published fjr llireo
weeks before the application is made. This is
intinledto give citizens notice of the pirties
who intend to apply, so t at if the applicants
are not proper persons fir the business, and
have no suitable accommodations, citizens may
be prepared to inform the court to that tllect.
New places are never licensed until they are
proven to be necessary for the travelling pub
lic. If the editor of the Intelligtnter, and oth
er grumblers, would spend their time in get
ting evidence to sa.isfy the courts that certain
places and persons ought not to be licensed, in
stead of attempting to cast a responsibility on
the judge that the law clearly imposes on cm
zens, it would bo much more to their credit.
Several white military companies of South
Carolina, intended to celebrate Washington's
birth day by a parade, but Grant hcariug of
this ordered tho comuiauder of the U. S. for
ces in Columbia to prevent it. Exactly where
Grant gets his authority for such unwarrant
ablo exercise of power is not easy to see. He
has started a suitagainst Don Piatt inWaslc
ington, for publishing certain matters which
infringe upon the law but if Grant himself had
paid any respect to the law tho country
would be in a healthier condition to-day,
What to wear nnd how to wear it, is the
question now engrossing the public iniiid.
Fall information can be obtained by calling
at tlio Clothing Store d' D. Loneiiberg.
Ladles' Uubbcrs at McKlnney's.
Eggs 10 ccnls lit I. W. Hartmati's.
Buy your Boots nnd Shoes ut McKinney's
for he still "holds tin fort," uud sells Goods
at ','hard pan" prices.
New Calicoes, 7, 8, and 9 cents per yard
at Lutz fc Sloan's.
Domestic Paper Fashions ; tho only ono
chaniied four times a year. 1. W. llarinian,
Did Kstalillshei! Coal Yard.
C. W. Ni:ai. & lino.. Wholesale & Hetall
Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of
Ued mid White Asli Coal, at the very lowest
maiket rates. Have constantly on band largo
stocks (if
Blacksmith's Anthracite,
and Limeburner's Coal
Especial attention iriven to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
and Lumber taken in exchange fcr coal.
Coal delivered to tiny part of the town ut
short notice. Orders leit at I. W. MoKelvy's
store, or at our ollice. will receive prompt at
tention. Oliiee and Yards ut William Nenl
tc Sons' Furnace, East Blooinslnirg. Your
nitriiiiuire respectfully solicited.
COAL. 7i-if-'.M COAL
Dr. Brower, of the D inville llcmd commen t-
ling on lomeiecent actions of the Stale Legisla
ture, says; "T'icy defeated a resolution giving
themselves each a copy of Purdnn's Digest, but
E after enjoying tho rare luxury of public appro-
Ival for two dys, they quietly reconsidend it,
passed it and gobbl"d lhe books I What next?"
Why, the truth would very properly come
rxt, Dr. The Legislature dldn t gobble," tlio
3ks beciuso tho resolution was killed in tho
.nate, and the volumes wire not forthcoming.
EWhat next 7
On TiKfday morning hist David B Kobeits
tttmptcd to walk over tho 1). H. & W. Uallroad
vst'lng at Catawisss creek, although advised
' the trackmasler at that point not to do so.
arj way across lie fill into the creek ard
i drowij A severo cut was found on tils
fiead audi probable that in Ids fall he rame
in conlucvu a oeam, siiiiiiiing nuu nun reu-
Idtting hlicapablB ol making ai.y eu riio
f tiave. IllUli lie w as a tuu ui uiu inic iawnuf
lader Hot of Montour township, and was
about twsix years oi gc.
PupU were neither lurdy nor absent for
tlio uundlng J eb. so, lt7 1 r uro asioi
JJoS h Dinlel E. Kriiium, Charles
iKruuIjbrosu Munbardt, Freddie Freder
ick, lbcliner, Clark Hoffman, Peter II,
.Hi . L.- .i.t. c i... dr.. u r i-
Urviw'ei nuiiiii, oini-icf iriii., i. 4
ulvcRco W. ruber, James lll.Iiel, Wui
Thoe Harmaii, Annie Arrold Fanny
Iteeder, Katie Cetchy, Anna
T. B. Miller, teacher.
Joe Iteiknyder, Win, MpNirdi
liinrl.-fl Cu-HVer. lien. Ilnlnli.
A thoughtful correspondent of the New
York .91(11, proposes a subscription to obtain a
fine engraving of the Louisiana Returning
Hoard, to bo presented to Judge Ilradley. If
hung up in the Judgo's parlor ho could gaze
on it when lie felt lonely and "would then
never be without companions of his own
I'ain in the Breast.
Kantz P. O., Snyder co.. Pa.. July 9.
This is to certify that I have been afllirt
eu with pain in tlie breast, accompanied by
a severe cough for nearl five years, which
has brought me so low that at times I was
unable to do anything. After having tried
all the various medicines I saw udveitised,
without tho least benefit, I was induced bv
a frimd from Danville to give Dr. Wistar s
llalsam of Wild Cherry a trial. I tic first
bottle gave mo almost immediate relief, and
I was soon enabled tn do a uood day's unit,
I cheerfully recommend this article tn tlie
public as a safe and efficacious remedy for
diseases ot the mugs. uonrad lvantz.
CO cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all drug
Titc Greatest Improvement or tiik Aqe
Farmers are Invited to call at Huber's Foun
Jc, Danville, Pa , or on the Agent and ex
amino tho improvement in Plows over the old
style of fastening lhe shares with bolls. In lhe
old style tho bolts would become loose, the
shares would work and as lhe t ntiro bearing of
the share, would hi on the mould board, ih
Plow would always be loose, tlio bolts would
rust fast, rendcing It quiteditticult to screw ll
bolts up. In the improvement all this is over
come, having a lug on tlie back part of the
shire which fits into a slot of the mould board
and the land side Is dovetailed into the cutter
part of the share. A lock on the land tide fit
ting into the beam, and two bolts through the
land side is all that is required to make it the
mosi complete arrargeratnt for fastening on tb
share ever yet discovered. The strength of the
siiare is greater because of lis bearing being
more divided, the Plow is stronger ami the
hare cannot work loo'e. harmers who hav
seen it pronounce. It the best arrangement they
have ever known, To bo convinced oftlii
call and judge for yourself.
D. A. Creasy, Bloom. Oeo. llabrr, Nescopeck,
Liylon Itunyon, & Co. Bloom. Henry W. Ha
genbuch, LI ght Street. A. II. Cleaver, Cstawis
Have vim tried ICirbv's H'ildCherrv Cough
rial-am? Avery palateiihlti ciiiiipouiiil for
the various iili'eciions of tin throat and lungs
it bus been u-cd w ith success, in -even cacs
of asthma civing instant reliel uud in many
cases i-Hiding a pi riiami nt cure. Price SO
cents per bottle and positively warranted ti
give entire -atilaelou n money rcititmei
Kirbv's Magic. lvVlief for the instant cure
severe and acute Pains.
Kiibv's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas
ant. safe uud e lectua I.
Kirbv's llop-c nnd Cattle Powders ure the
lii-st powders lor slock, manufactured, try
them and be convinced.
Kirbv's' Camphor Ico for sunburns, soro
litis and miaoued nanus.
mil s litllious ami j.iver mis ure recoin
mended bv the lirst Phvsicmtis.
1 he above preparations are ior sale uy nil
Druggists unit dealer in medicine. iihiithi;rs.
July 21,'7fl.-lv Wholesale Agents.
Tho World's Choice.
.1 Ctntenuial Htcirion,
Competent judges leprtsenling the civilized
people of the wor.d appoinltil lor Hie Knowi
cd je of particular art or science, convenid n
lJ ii adelnliia lor MX inonins to ucciiie upon
coinptralive merits of the various inventions o
mankind, awarded lo tnuinaniiiaciurers oi lien
son s (Jn nemo 1'orous riaster. alter acareiui te
and compan-on ol mis riniarKnbleremcoy wn
ordmarv porous and ol ber kind ol plasters, tn
lngliest and only medal, auovif an loreign anu
American competitors, on uie ground oi in surerioritv over oilier plasters, and It
wont er u min rt levinc sirencineiiinii anu cu
ralive properties. Kemeniber that this decision
was made by four practical and skilled physi
Remember that no nostrum was allowed to
exhibited at the Centennial. Kemeniber when
you are suffering from any ache or pain that Ben
son a Uipclne i'laster is me nesi remedy ever
devlsetl lor all external difficulties.
May 19, '78 ly.
A great Improvement on ordinary pororji plasters.
Strengthening- Plaster Known.
PJieurr&tlsra, Ncurnlcln,
Iaime nnd Weak Hack,
facilities, Lumbago,
fplnol and Kidney I'ouplauits,
all aches and pains ot a local nature.
Sou overjwhere. rrlce ascents.
May 19 W'-ly 8KAUUU Y ft JOHNSON,
pnirmaoeuucal L'beaiUts, N.T.
utile Beringcr, Susie. Walter, L
t Clark, tcachir; I
Whltmlre A F.rvan, Whilmlre's. 8. Huber
& Huni, Manufacturers, Danville, Pa,
Ily vlrluo ot sunilir writs of Vend Et. and Al
ios Levail Facias to the SlicrllTof Columbia county
directed, thero will bo eiposed to public salo at tbo
Court House In nioomsburg. at ono o'clock on
MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1877,
The following real estate, sltuolo In tho Town ot
rioom burg, olumbla coualr, Pcnna., bounded and
described as follows I On tho north by the ll. L. A'
w, Itall Iload.east by lot of reter Ulllmej er.soulh by
Seventh street, and west by nioomsburg Oas Co..
contilnlDg tbroo-fourtbs of an acre, more or less.
whereon are erected a large two story brick foundry
ana maculae- suop, a frame ware house, frame black
smith shop, frame car Bhon, totrcther wltnenirlno
nnd boilers, lathes, fans, planers, drill press, belts
pulleys, grlnditoncoortng machines, disks, patterns,
and all nuures and belongings thcreto-U'o proper-,
ty ot Turobacli fz Hess.
All that house and let situate U the Town of
Moom-burg, Columbia county, Penua., bounded on
thewe-tbyltast street of sail town, southn ardly
by an alley, northwardly' by lot of hnrles Havsgo.
eastwarsly by an alle v j whereon are erected a brick
dwelling house, and outbuildings tho piopcrtyof
Samuel Turnhacli.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sr.1-1 as tho
property of Turnbach & I less and Samuel 1 urnbach.
The following described property, to-wlt i Itegln
ring at a stone corner of land belonftlni to David
Creas, ihencc north four nni one-halt degrees east
one hundred and twenty-eight perch's to a stone,
thence, by other land belonging lo Adsm Creasy
north seventy-nvo nnd one-half degrees cast eighty
perches to a stone, ihenco by land of John flrown
south fourteen and three-quarter degrees cast ono
hundred nnd ninety-seven perches to a stone, thenco
laud of John Englo north seventy-three degrees
west ono hundred nnd fort) -five perches to tho
aco of beginning; containing nlncty-ntne acres.
one hundred and fort v -sic perches and all i -once
Seized, taken Int i execution, and to b-i sold as tho
property of John It, Yoho and AmelU Yohe, his
Tho following roal sstate, situate la
township, Columbia county, Pennsyp anla, bounded
on tho north by land ot Henjamln Warner, on tbo
asr. by land of nenlimin Kvcs and others, out no
south bv land of William Masters, on tbo west by
land of W tlllam Cox and others i containing sixty
acres, more or less, whereon nro erected a frame
dwelling house, a barn and outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution, ana to be sola as tho
rrepcrty ot William Falrman.
A certain lot or piece of ground situate In tho
Town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'ennsylva"
sla, bounded and described as follow s, to-wlt : front
ing on nrth street of said town, and adjoining lot of
Henry Wolf on the enst, an alley on the south, caiu-
ailne street on the west, and said Pltth street on tho
north, said lot being about ninety feet on said Fltth
treet, nnd two hundred feet, more er Icbs, In depth
whereon aro erected a frame two story dwelling
house, frame si able, nnd outbuildings.
Seized, tnken Into execution, and to be sold as luo
roperty ot Clark M. lirown.
All that certain lot ot land situate in the town of
Catawlssu, Columbia county, Pennsjlvanln, bounded
on tho east by Third street, on the north by lot ot
SI. A. lirown, on iho west by an alley, on the south
by Isaiah John, said lot being In front ntty feet and
In depth two hundred and ten feet, whereon Is elect
ed a two story house nnd outbulldinis.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
property ot Juines D. lirown.
All those two certain lots ot ground situate In tho
village of tleorgetown. Heaver township, Columbia
junty, Pcnnsvlvanla, numbered rorty-turee (is) anu
fort.v-tour(H)lnthoplanot lots laid outbyOcoig)
nrlcsbach, bounded as follows : on ine norm uy
Second street, on the south by an alley, on the east
by Kim street, on tho west by School street ; each cf
said lota conlutnlng titty (30) feet front on second
street and extending back one hundred una tiny
(150) feet to t'io alley.
j elzed, taken Into execution, ana to be soiu as tue
properly of C. W. Uoone.
CONUITIONS Ol" KALK. Purchasers mip-t pay
ten per cent, ot the purchise money, or at least
enou'h to cuver all costs, at striking duvnof sale
otliirwl-,0 property to bo resold at once.
March J. 187T. Sheriff.
1.1 1IIR F.SrATK Ur WM. EinEKIt, ur-U 11.
Tbo undersigned Auditor to mako distribution of
thn bnlnme ot the funds In tbo hands ot Uis
Administrator, among tbo parties entitles!
thereto, will attend lo inn mutes or ins appointment
this onico In tho town ot lllooiusburg, PcnuU,
on Saturday the mh day of March ISTS, when and
when; all iiersons having claims against tho saM
estate are requested lo present the name K'Toro Iho
Auditor or be debarred from coming In for a share of
8aldfur.d. r. P. UlLUIKYKIt,
1-10. S3, 1857-4W Auditor.
In tht matkr of thcmU of the pcriumal proptdy tf
V(m Turnbach ana JS, Ji, Jims, late trading
m Turnbach tC llm.
Iho undfrslirncd Ainlltor to mnkn rthtrtbutlon of
tho prweetl'iarlMnKfrom Iho sale ot tUu txTrwnnl
1 1 tic J to recti vu thn ftuine u III nttrnd to tlindti-
tlos of hli appointment, nt tlio omco of samtitl
18.7, in it) oUixk a in. when atul whuro all porsoni
havlnpcli nnn(r.iln"tttieftal'lctiite, nro reiitilmd
topnonttho siimn Uetoro the Auditor, or bodo
Uiirrcd rruin comlnif in fur u bharu or &aM fund.
11. C, Ut rriCNuKN KI(,
Feb 23, 'H.-4n- Auditor,
P A rl 17 M rrQ'
I h I I'J I l 1 1 radtt hi ir- s,do
L k. fS-oitfm uud coin-
H)uniW. Inbtla rojj'Stered: lufilnift'inyuts, icUjvh
and tuturf 'ixuce- will rccolTu irouipt at tendon,
IN V VJiS J MVOorkftcuofthtlrliiven
tlori, nnd wuwlll kIw our opinion o-itoIU pafonta
bllity free of ohiirgy, Vvca inodcrato, and u chaw
u itl II jtnti'iit U MCtirrd
U win ujvjfi conUnpnt fee. rrosocuto cases tha'.
haro been UKIKCI'KO ny t ip ratent onice.
cbauclUnutu every Mnto In tli-i iDlon, aiid
tniltelnriuliy through our ('ongrCiiMnau an w our
Htiiiidttijs' l ion theVftteiit onicc.
otnl tr clrculir for rnrthT Inforuiatlon, terms
and l eu rciJCtB. Kat tblUhed In lSfii.
Solicitors of U. S. ai Foreip
711 G. S.reet, N. W.
Feb. !3, '7t,-3m
Prom 1'ibrnsrr ft), IR7H la Kebmnlflf I SIT.
WM. KltHAMEH, acting Treasurer Mr Thomas
To cih roivlvfd on liloom duplicate UTS..,
M H Greenwood "
" " sugurloaf "
" " Hlvom " ists,.
" " hcotl " '
" " tircenwood " "
" " Siigatloaf " "
" " for xtioats ,
' lor beef and calf
" ' forcloverseed
" " for liny, butter hides
' ' tor plno polo ,.,,..
" " of Centre township,...
" " lianvlllo Poor liltrCt
" " for unseated lauds,...
in ai
m 78
1,(HS t
1R3 0J
110 li
7 01
11,717 (3
137 'I
Ily balance due Treasurer from last settle-
orders redeemed , 3,44 43
coinml-sloii on t-nmu 6141
ani't. In freoauur'a hands. V26S
tl,747 13
Kxamlncd and certltled.
0cn I.
have removed to Evans' Block,
iUnin Street.
Extra heavy Tin Wire, also
of every description manufactured
RoLLiNu & Holmes.
Galvanized Iron Cornice
designed and manufactured by
Rollins it Holmes
rum lo notice.
Tlie public Is hereby Informed that they
can obtain the latest styles at lowest prices
In all kinds of Spring Clothitig.School Suits
for Hoys, Pretty Suits for Children, Nobby
Suits lor Youths, all of the latest st) lea auel
at the loweht prliesat I), Lowciilierg's.
This truly isluabla tonio hs beoa so thoroughly
tested by nil classes cf the coraruuDltr that It Is now
deemed Indtspecslble as a toulo luodlclue. It costs
but little, purines tho blood and gives tone to tlio
stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life.
itveryuouy mould navo lu Feir thu euro of weak
Btomichs, general debility, Indigestion, diseases ot
ins btojpacu, and for ail cases requiring a tonic.
This wiuo Includes the most agreeable- undeniclent
rait of Iron we posseas-oltralo ot magnetic oildo
combined VltU tho most eneigellei ot vegetable ton
les )ellow l'eruvlan bsrk.
I)o you want something to strongtica you?
Ho you want a good nppe tile t
Ho ) ou want to get rid ot norvousncu I
Ho you want energy t
Po you want lo sleep well 7
l)o you want to build up your constitution t
Do j on w ant to feel w e ll J
Po you wan" a brisk and vigorous feeling T
It oudo, try Kuukol's Hitter Wins c Iron.
I only ask a trial of tills valuable tonic.
Hewaro of counterfeits, us UuuktTs Hitter Wine ot
Iron Is th only suro and ttrectual remedy In tha
known world for the permanent euro of dyspepsia
and debility, and as there are a number of Initiations
ottered to tho public, I would caution tha ro-'munl.
ty to purchase none but Uio genulno article, manu
factured by K. f. Kunkel, a d having bla stamp on
the cork ol every boltw. The very fact that others
are attempting to Imllato this valuable remedy
proves Its worth and speaks volumes) lulls favor.
Hold ouly lu tl boillca, or six bottles for H. Try this
valuable lurdlclno aiid be convinced ot lu merits.
Sold by druggist aid dealers everywhere,
Head and all complete, In two hours, fio t till
head passes. Boat, pla and ktomach worms removed
by l)r, Kunkel, North Nlnlh street, rhlladeJphli,
Pa. Send for circular with a treatise on all kinds ot
worms, satire free. Ask your druggl-t for a bottle
of Kunkel's Worm .Syrup, which mil do in, worm
Prloell ItnevtHfidU ty rswiuvs a klnila, troki
dilMna or grown jwnatis. DUmcUdtu iu U.
the best and most economical in
the market.
Rollins & Holmes
Oven Range, the LION and EM
PRESS Portable Ranges have
no equal.
Rollins & Holmes.
Uy virtuoot an order l-sjel out ot tho Court ot
common 1'leasot Columbia county, tlnunderslcned
rVssiguec for Iho beuctlto' the creditors ot Abraham
Miller will expose to Public Salo al the
In tho norough of Lerwick, Columbia county, on tho
24th uay of March, A. D., 1877,
at one o'clock p. m.. CM following described Pieces
or Parcels of laud with tho appurtenances, sltuato
in said norou,'li of Berwick, ra., bounded and do
scribed as follows to wit :
One piece situated on an alley cast of Front street
between Market and Mulbeiry street.', beg-nnlnsf
on corner of alley opposite the. premises ot .Mrs. See
ly, thence along said alley south easterly ntty feet
more or less to lot of It. II. Ilockman thenco by said
Ilockman's lot on line parallel with sail alley thirty
feet rnoro or less to lot ot M rs. Seely, tin nee by same
Iltty feet more or less to nrst described alley.thcnce
by same thirty feet more or lesa to placo ot begin
ning on which Is .erected a frame Lumber Shed.
Alsu ono other piece ot land sltuato In the rierouRh
a'orcsald borlnnlng on the corner ot Tldrd and vino
streets, thenco by vino street ninety-nine feet to
Waip lotfthcnco by Wulp lot ono hundred and forty
feet to lirant street, thence by Orant street ninety.
ntnoteit to Third street, thence by same ono hun
dred and forty feet to placo of beginning, the same
being two vacant lots. Also.nll that pleco of land
sltuato on lirant street aforesaid bounded by land ot
M W. Jackson north-west, on tho so" th by an alley,
-a-st by Third street, ou the north by t,rant street,
containing one acioaoda quarter mote or Icbs,
Also, that pleco or parcel ot land sltuato on Oak
reel, founded on the east by lot of Arthur Oliver.
north by ,an alley, west by lan-l ot M. W. Jackson
and on the south by Oak street, containing one In
Also one other piece ot Und situate on Sd street
In s lid borough boundedand deseiioed asfollows,
to-wlt : beginning nt uio corner of lot numbernlne-
-lhree on beeoud street tbem.(iby Iho same one
mdied and ehrbt -one and-a-half teello Third St.,
heu.-o by tlio same s ) feet b lot number I t'l, tlionco
by th-i sama one-hundred and eighty-one and-a-half
feci lo Second stieet thence by th-i same nine-
I) -nine feet to tho place of beslnnlu;, the samo be
ing lots number "one hundred and one" and "nine-
ly.four," 04 marked and In plan of sail
llorough ou which are erected
Also, one otht r piece or paicelot land situate In
said llurougb, bcgluului: at a corn r, ona number
twenly-ono ou the south sue of Front fctreot, Ihcnto
by Front street fortj-nlne nnd-a half Icet to lot
umber twenty-five, thence by lot number twenty-
uve ono hundred und sixty feet, thence by a line par
allel with Trout street foriy-i Ine and-a-half feet to
lot number twenty-1 lie, ll.cnce by lot number twen-ty-ono
ono hundred and slxlj feet to the place of be-
Inidug, being lot numbet twenty-two(ater lot) us
marked nnd numbeicd In plan of said ton 11,011 which
erected a two-stiry
One other piece orrsrulcf land tnsild borough
on Front slit-el botwe-en .Market and .viulberry street
beginning on Front itrcit ut line of said .Miller
tlie-nco along Fiont Mitel ten leet to lino ot It. M
lockmnti, thence alcng said Ilockman's linn clgbty
feet, thenco to line of sail Miller wn feet, thenes
aloio; line cf sai l lllllcr 1-thtj feet to Front street,
vLso all that lot ot grounl situ its on Front street
bemj cunllxUGtis lu-lots marked uud numbered In
the plan ot tie) said io n numbers "Fifteen and Mr.-
teen" lot No. 15 beginning at tho comer or lot num
ber I'll u on Front street Ihenco along the same for-
iy.ilne and a-halt feet to corner ot lu lot So ic.thenco
olong'.lhe same one hundred and eighty ono and-a-
balt feet to tho corner on Second street, thenco by
tlie aamc forty-nine and-a-half feet to the corner ot
lot No. 5, thenco by tho same one hundred eighty-one
and-a-hairfeello tho placo cf beginning. Lot No,
10 beginning at tho corner ot lot No. 15 aioro3aid on
Front street, thence alonatho sarao forty-nine and
a-halt feet to corner of let number seventeen, llience
by the same one hundred eli,ht-one and-a-half feet
to Second Strut thence along fcecond street forty
nlno acd-a-halt feet to the corner ot lot No. is, afore
said, thence along the samo Ohu hundred ctgbty-ono
and-a-half feet to the j-lai-e of beginning, together
containing slxty-lx perches cf ground on vv hlch ai e
erected a
Brick DwelUng Houso, Brick Storo.Brick
Drug Store, Frame waro House,
Frame St able, and other out-oulldlngs; and alsa all
that pleco or parcel cf laid on Front street afore
said on Bouth-Wcst side of lot of It, M, Ilockman
thence along Front street twenty-two feet to lino
of lot ot A, 11, Wilson's heirs, Uiencobytho samo
sixty feet, thence to lot of U. M. Ilockman ou a line
parallel with Front street twenty-two feet, thence
by the same slxty-hli feet to tho placo of bcgliwli g
ou which It t rected a
and out-bulldlngs (tho last pleco of land bore-In de
scribed U lncuinberid Willi a mortgage In favor of
J". v. ,M. Low in Uio sum ot ono thousand doUars.)
LOWS 1 Tea per cent of tho one-fourth of tho pur-
chaso money to bo paid at Uio striking down of the
property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at
tho ccnnrmatloo of sale, and tho remaining throe
fourths In ono year thereafter with interest from
continuation nisi. Deferred pa) incuts to be secured
by bond and mortgage on tho premises. Tbo last
described pleco to bo sold subject to tho mortgago of
K. W. it. Low and tho Interest due on thu samo.
M, B. JicxeON & How.
Ilerwtck, ra., Feb. 88, IttT-lw
r.NT. )
Tixamlned br us at tho Directors' roauest and
found correct.
Wa, KmcxDeiM,
Jno. It Uaou,
Directors of tho Poor In account with liloom, Kcott,
Oa-enwood and sugurloaf townships,
To unpaid orders outstanding . fi 04
a balance ou llioom duplicate 1S7S..,..,,., ?'S4'1
" " K'utt " " '1121
" (Ireenw'd " " 43? 3S
" " sugarluaf " mi in
" amount ot ltloomdupllcatolfts, l,4tw 3 j
" " K'Olt " " Mint
oreenwood sua
" " MUaroaf " " lt4 40
am't. received ror produce, &c, sold as
iTeasurei 'are port 43104
Ily bnlanco paid Treasurer as lost report
'oulstaudlug orders reueemed
' exon. and coin, on liloom dupllale IS75
s, ott .. ..
, i, eireenwood " 11
" 14 tsugarloat ,
"balance doe on Sugatluul duplicate 1S73
4t balance due on Utooin d-iplleato ism less
cxoneiiillon and commls-lnn
" bjiuucedueou.--cott iMplleato 1S7S less
exoneration uud commission
balahiucu duo on Oreenwood duplicate
Ists loss exoneration and commission....
M balu ce due on l-ugarloaf d.ipticate ISIS
less exoneration anil commission. ....
commission 10 treasurer
"unrt paid uutclde letlet, Including coal
' ain't, paid lor tramps
" um't. i. li.inville As) lum for O. W. Fox
I utu't, paid for oiders of red f
II um't. paid for medical attendance
"Um't paid for uuulclne.
am't. paid Ior 4coniiis. .
" am't. paid tor Uloriiey fees
11 um't. pd. for publishing annual stdlein'C
nni't. paid for auditing "
" am t. paid tor making duplicates
am i.aor
am t. oald for roller and tilow .
uni t, paid ior painting and repa rs.
ai" u paui ior lending anu posis..
' am't. pd. for oats, seed w heat and clover
seed ' am't. paid for manure
' lldas t.'tt 3 mo. salary as steward
' Thos. Jlcbrldo 5 mo. salary osstcwoid
' Directors unit secretary
am't, paid on houso nnd lot C. Long....
4 miscellaneous expenses Including mer
chants' and incchanlca' bills
Examined and certified,
JhO. K, llliOll,
Ain't, paid for -Mrs. Lewis, liloom J! 00
44 44 Jno. Jobnsou 44 Sj-'si
41 44 11. How era 44 SH
4' 44 F. Luuirvr ' S 41
44 4 Z. Mooie 44 ss-i
44 airs. Jones 44 sss
', Mrs. isevvt-l 44 lit
44 H103. nird (Scott) 81 ns
44 .s ample 44 900
44 lira. Lckurd 44 a 0.1
44 ei. Youger, eireenwood 0 00
44 Mrs llogart 44 lots)
44 11. Hen, " 17 15
44 -Mrs. Houch, DanvUIo si 83
44 tramps SI 80
t 'S3 10
Value ot Heal Hstate and Personal Property
oeiouging eu iuo uisiui.i.
Ily faun and buildings valued at (tc.OOOOi)
uousenoiu luiniiuu x.auu
farming utensils coo 00
J lnuos. 9 head cattle, 24 hogs SI0 00
gralu 011 Land. 274 Ci
iiiueies vsnea'aud rve In croundutis lsoo
44 ha, comtodder uad poultry 19500
Ily virtue of sundry writs lssnert out of tho Court
ot Common I'leas of Columbia county and to modi
reeled, will be exposed to public sale at the Court
Houso In nioomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on
A building located on a lot or pleco of ground situ
ate In the village of Kspy, In tho towtsblpotScotf,
county of Columbia aim mate of Pennsylvania, boun
ded and described as follows 1 Fronting on -Main st,
ot said village, and adjoining a loleiccupled bv John
C. Crevellcg on the west, lot cf Stood A rrevellng on
tho cast, end an alley rntho north, containing In
width nttv feet and In depth ono hundred and sevens
ty-thrco feet moro or less. Hlsa two story frame
dwelling house, Iho said bu'ldlng Is built In the shapo
ot an I, being twenty three feet front, tbirly-two feet
on the west side, tblrtj-two feet In tbo rear, sixteen
feet cast, nine feet on tho south and sixteen feet on
the east,
t-clred, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
propel ty of Uoiditason IVtllt,
All the following renl estate situate tn the Bcrough
ot Centralis, l oltiiublu couniy.bounded on the north
by lot ot A, B. Former, south by lot of Patrick Mur
phy, cast by an abcy and en the west by Locust av
enue, sold lot be lug it feet front, 140 leet In depth
whereon Is orected a frame stable, bake oven
and other out-bulldlngs.
Melzed, taken Into execution, and to be sold as the
property ot Sllchael llnnnou.
The following real cstato sltuato tn Catawlssa
township Columbia county, Pcnns) Iranla, bounded
and described as follows! On the north by a street.
on tho east by tin ullcy, on tho south by Fourth St.,
and on the west by lot of Drown being one lot of
ground on which Is erected a dwelling house with
tbo appurtonances.
Helzpd, taken la execution, and to bo Bold as the
property of M. A. Brown.
Vrr CONDITIONS OK SALE.-Purchasers must
pa v ten per cent, of thn purchase money, or at least
enough lo cover all costs, at strklngdown tt sale,
otherw tso property to be resold at once.
John w. norrjiAN.
Sheriff's Offlco, Sheriff.
Feb, tl, 1S77. us
Dauchy & Go's. Advt'ft.
Of- FAMCV CAltliHisnjles with nsmeioeitv.
Ipost pntd. J. D. Dusted, Mxuu, ittns.Co. W.T
Feb. 10, 'U.-ltTd
And other doubtful INSUIIANC'F. COMPANIES
(Chartered 1SJ5) offers special terms for reinsurance.
Miirston and Wakelln, lien. Ac'ts , l.n.H. 4th street,
Plilla. March 9, 'IMw it
T It I F Is I IV G
a snrn remdy for Cora Hi, and nil diseases of th
IN pursuance of an onler of Delano C. Cal
vin, Esq., surrogate of the County of New Y01 k,
notice Is hereby given to all persons havtnrclalms
against Charlotte Ej er, late of Catawlssa, l'enns.
tauiu, uut leuviiiK vviuiin ine cnv ana coimiv
ot New York, deceased, to present tbo samo wltb
vouchers thereof to the subscriber, nt. his nniep. No.
9S Wall Street, In tbo city of New York, on or before
tho eighteenth dav of Juno next.
Dated, New York, tho seventh day of December,
FitKDErticnrc. havemeyeh,
Declu-fim L'xecutor,
letters Testamentary on the estate ot wuuom
Johnson lato ot the Twp. of Oreenwood, county ol
Columbia, deceafied.havebpcnirranted by the Heeds-
terof said county to Ira Johnson of same twp. All
persons bav Ing claims against the estate of the dece
dent aro reouested to nresent them ror settlement
and thoso Indebted tu the tstote tomako pnjment
to the undersigned executor without delay.
Fob. 0, lBTT-dw.' Exoeulor.
l-'iu up only in Bluo boxei.
C - CIUTTRVro4! T Sixth Atenue. Kew Tortc
Ma. a 11, '7J-4W p
OeliA A Month. AOEVTS WANTED onoar
?)UU TllllKKllItKAT J 1100KK. TDo Story Ot
a full necountof this fire it Mystery, writtnbyhU
Kuth4 , mats lloblnson Crusoe In thrilling Interest,
llm Illustrated IUkd-Hook to all hilioions. at Cam-
ecounioc an acnominauona ana sects. ao
-1 Hons. Also the ladles' medical guide, by Dr.
I'n. -nsst. 10 lltustratloris. These books aeU at slrhL
M.ilonul Femals Agents coin money on them. Par.
ttouiiir free Copies by raaUti each. John K. fet
ter ,t Cd , Phlla. March 14, 47l-4w
Alcott's Water Wheel
lirarefeef the Centennial Jirrfoi.
The most practical, simple, and
etlectlve. lis superior advant'g
at rartlal gate Is universally ee
knovvledged.. Address,
'IfW Mfre. of Wheels and Mill Mac bin
-jf-jEJ- cry,.MocsTllou.r,N.J.
Wo will give manufacturing rights. Mar. j-tw d
teJ-Wn Mailt noo more (lr-sI-claM
!etvintr .lluclilnc Agent, nnd UN
11 en of riiei'Ky mid ability t
learn tlie IiiisIiicms or Nclllnu new
Iiik innclilticN. Compcnntloa
lllinrnl, but varying accordlug.t
ability, character nnd iiuullflcta
tlons of tho Arrerit. For partleti
tttr.s, ailelioNs
Wilson Sewing Maohine Co., Chicago.
S27 & s:9 Broadway, New York, or Kew Orleans, L
March i. '7T-J.W d
"tiotk, utuunu potutocrt..,
alauco ou liloom (lurllcnUi lesa exontr-
aittju utiJ toinuilsiloa
UaljJK'tJun&coutiUL'IlCiuo ltSTtj ka ox.
nucrutlou untl ccnuills-'l-jti
u.ii.incu un (iiven.tucKj an mica to iutu lewi
oxonerailm ana eumm lotion
exoucratlun and ctfinailloii
ta miico ttii b'lirur oar aumicito 73
Catharine Uma uroDcrly in ltlejoiiibbur'r
1 lirerujtfti piuporty In bcott
aiuuuiiL m iieaiuicr a iiauos
Tho unlpr!ffn',(l will sell nt private nalc
A valuaiili; FAIIM,
sltnntsM In Klhhlnprrcek townBhlp,Colum1)la county
boundea by lands of .lolm ltnntz. s-aiTUiel Ithona, .To
Kynh Coleman's litlrs, chailcs A-h, Uanlel Karnand
William Ilnline. conts'Mnlni; abuut
150 ACRES,
of which about 115 acres nro cleared, on which Is
FIIAME TIATtN. and nil necessary nutliullillnra.
There Is also
on the premises
lermswni oe ramie Known ry cnuirg onUieun-den-lgaed.or
by uddrcs&lug blm at btlini'ater, Pa.
To orders outstanding
amount in tavor 01 tue uisirict.
I'ltoiiccTTi or the taiim.
SO bushels wliat at II 50
s-u bushels oats at 35
S nu-beis u 73
I4W bushels corn ears nt 23
1-s) bualn-ls iiotatocs ut f ' 00
-.4? hneaves corn 0
15 bundles r)o straw alio
Is tons bay ut $12 00
4 ,S beads cabbuL-o at 5
4VS ins, butter III 23
203 doz. ew'gs at is
ts ins oeer at s
8750 lbs. pork al 7
81 slioats
2 busiiel tliuutliv beed ut2,
5 busli-js onions at so
lOuusUelsciuverseed ut , 60 ,
(29,442 00
r,70 01
12,-02 90
Number of paupers remaining at last report
,-vumoer 01 paupeni uiimiuca uunng)ear
Number of oaunrrs rtl-cliaiiredourlnirvear
Number of paupers dk-d during jeur
rsuiuoer 01 paupers lemaming in r. jiuut-u
f 20,4 12 IK)
120 00
112 70
us ou
231 2V
S31 l
4 00
$2000 UU
Feb. 23, 1S77,
WM., 1 Blrectors
Ilius. CIIEVELINO, ) I'oor.
T. D. Kellogg's Advts.
Gr. T- T.,
Olt T1TI!
Wonderful Adventures of a Pullman,
Itev E. E. Hale's great Story In
Rev. It. W. lieechcr and Lyman Abbott, Editors.
)!ceclier4i Sermons,
and Abbotfs sund.iy-school Lessons every week.
All the bent Contributors in the country.
SU.rjO rer v ear. To olrrermen. o-hren
inomlis ,111 11I11I, 75 ei iiIn. Atrenls vventeil. send
i-uiuip ior Mimpie copy, .suitress iiiihatio c. KINO,
uuiisner, x, I'ars 1'iace, isevv 101K.
Is not essllv earneil in these limes hnr. It
can lie insde in llireo monilishy anyon
ol either sex. In any par' ot the cuuutrr
v .Im Is Bluing tovvrrk steadily at the employment
lliut we lurnl.-h. tswpcr uitklu)our or, 11 town.
ou need not be awnv from borne over night. You
can give vottr bole lime to the vvoik, oronlvvour
spate moments. Itcots nothing 10 try tho busi
ness. Terms and M Outfit free. Address at once,
.. . & -o-i 1 oiuaua, jiuune.
or YCTjrrR own,
on the lino of n ORE T RAILROAP with good
markets both KAsiT and WEST.
Now is the time to Becnre it
Mild CTlaate, Fertile Soil. bst Country for Stack
Raising tn the I'nirwi states.
Iln.)ks. Mnn3. Full lnforinaUoii also Till! PleV
Nlllllt" sent freo to all parts of the world.
Address, o. If. DAVIS,
Laud Com. D. V. It. TL
March !, "7T-JW d OMAHA, NKB.
Is whit Induces so many people In search ot
to go to Mlcliljao, and select from tie
of thn land grant tt tbo Grand Itaplds and Indian
11, ie. cu.
strong soils, irire cnips, plenty of timber, &
riroi-tbs, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. Inire water,
running sirenins, ieady markets, civilization ana
soot'ls. Railroad runs throuch centre of grant.
ITlce fromntusio perucro. Hend for our Illustnv.
te 1 pamphlet, full of tacts In Herman anaEnrum.
suv tn what pius'rjou sa this notice. Address
W. 0. HITQnART, Land Oomm'r.,
Tltlo rerfec'. March J, 1S7T-Jm 4
INSURANJE MEN ! ta,ticb.
rim im
antoal Life Ins. CQ.
The oi,iest mutual in the country. Chartered 1SOA.
lllirlltlL TCItMS GIVCV.
JIAKSTON WAKEMN, llrneral Actals,
133 South Fourth Street, FhUadelphU.
4 Feb. 18 '77 4W. D
Feb. 10 '71 ljr.
The President
Haas' Expectorant Is no humbug. I would not be
wuiioiii 11 11 u wouiu cost rive uouurs a Dome.
1KDAR VATrf AXD TANKS. for l.rew
Vvcrs, dyers, chemULs, manufacturers and jirlvale
eir.ii. j. i.uiiAUAiti iv e.u.,
liultonwoou M., tx-iow iiroao.
June v-tfw.
UnilMU GOODS of every description,
Belting, Packing, nose. Boots and Khoes, Cloth
IC. Ill' HARD LKVICIt. hON C Ce)..724Chfat-
nut Ht., Philadelphia, Agents National Rubber Co.
uno v-isw.
1 hove dlfrpenaed Ilasa' Exnectoiont amontr niv
pallents, and It has proved more efncnclous than
y oiuer meuicino ot us class limn nave tieon
Ing In my medical career. And even In mv own
case, in ve ry oto-tlnate pulmonary diseases, I derived
luegreaiebi oenene irf-m mo ljpecwjrdlir. 1 nave
always be-en very lepugnmtto the usoot any se
cret nofelrums or patent medicines, hut thoiiLlver
sal repuiaiton of the I;xictoranl lias Induced me to
KiiBiiunur iiui.uuu luivoujynave 1 resuzeu its
reputed virtues and merits, kuteven more ihanmy
most sanguine expectation. Hoping that every
one may cemv luco blmst-lf by his ov n trial, and tb it
tue nxnciiorani may reach the thousanihi who
may be bciiented b) lu Truly om.
1. lku. jiipiule, at. 11., tirecn uriar, ra,
Haas4 Expectorant Is Uio best couch uifxlkinn I
ever us d. II. R. HAVEN, Trenton. N.J.
Isold Ij)' all eieaiers at vi cents per Loltle.
Jan. l, n-8m
Public and privato buildings
hi'atcd by Bteaui. A variety of
Btoam Pipe, Valvoa and Fittings,
constantly on hand.
Eolliiia & Ilolmcd.
promptly dona -
Feb 1
Rollins & Holmes.
rosTBiis, a, a,
Neatly ttnel Oheply printed at theCoLUM
bun Office.
Send lie to O. I4. UOWELL CO., New York, for
Funpldetof 14 paces, oonuiolog Uxu of tuoo
MWp4W n4 OHIIsislm showun cmt satortu
Ib(. uca, , 1-tat
New Revissij Kdition-.imIooo article s. 3.1SH1 en-
CTavlners. and IS Hiilemlld mans. The 11 ESI HOOtC
ot universal knowledge In Uuv lAnguago. Now In
course 0! publication. 8I-KC1MTN with leap Bent
ior w cents, aoilv is ivaii iuii,
C'll IS. U. DAVIS & CO., IMillIl.
Apr M-ly.
llarrlar be., MIW YOltli.
Aug. II, 7U.-4SW k
Babcock & Wyeth's Ads
Ii taken Internally, and Positively Cures Itliemoa-
lism, eioui, ivouraigm sou Liunoiigu. ev aom uy
Whotesalo and Retail Dmggbsts everywhere. Bend
ior urciuar to.
iib, DiH-vafuv - iii-.--i-r
IIMd III ,n III.. 1,1.1 I l4k I
OruggUts, v ashlngion, v. c.
IK,, D, IO,-l, IH H
eb I oa day at
jv I Ctenos rn
"Maivh 10. "4-
home. Agcuta wanted. Outfit sua
eo. 'VHUL. a CO.. Augusta, uaine.
1 jr
VhcC 1 Ilolliliiy Din,
hi an-1,1:, diiuaiii.i:, uuiiAr
Make Rest Hosiery at (cast t'-oit.
ISfiieivotn for alactiliuis. Hosiery. Yarcs
rec22-vnic,w Sou,
L-yt A
OF Till!
Company in London
..lunuumxi ,ivui,iTi.i) mttvivriiiMi i.iiirv
Tho entire btoekof the Hilton Oold Jewelry Co., is
Clillhlgnea ui nit isj isiuu niuurv on noon us uossioia
Kveryliody lus beard of MILTON GOLD Jewelry .It
hhTln? been fio'd In this market for the la&tt.n
years, and worn by the beat and rlchcet clasd of our
populatlnu. Mill It tskis an expert Jewelor to ells
c.ver Hilton (lold from Vlrctn Hold. Themi emods
arn HOI IIIIAWt or I'LATKU but MILTON 1101.1) TlU)
rtiuem ing amciess oy uuu, pott-puo, on roots pt ot
ueiNSK.nsx- iiiui I ukiuim,
l)li IlKAL'TllTJl.l'OltALhCAKF 1MN.
CINE HIJlliANT WlUlDINn HIN'n.Tl-ir heArir
iieiiKiuiys-i, -v piu3k-u4)uu vim nnove numeei six
aniiieti. muiu o mot rriaiieu ior la.bii. nv nisei.
niiht-tiald for CD cents, or 4 HumnlH lntu l,,r tl fcii
VV'I.' BlM out uu b ts for 1. tt. tl and U. mi,! for lis
e is'iiu rn, -11 ui ine uvuiovs ana O.Mii l-OI.ll) bll.
uu vvAie.11, riuvi:.
Adilress all orders tt
JOIsIsY et CO.,
Importers ot Watches and Jewelry,
em Uroudwry, New York City,
tvi'leaso bay w here 1 ou saw this adrcrtlse'inont.
nt ts no liumbi
it-tl ofist live tic
J'res. Cltlze:
J. II. HOOVER, 1 'res. citizens'
National Rank,
Asniuno, i-o.
EST Milton ,Ookt
'eweln- Comblnauon'
ut. Consisting of e!-i
ant watch chain. Ik
lies' handsome broocb
'i ear drops, pair els.
ant gold Btone alesva--uttons,
set spiral,
icavy plain wedalxur,
ing, and genu' Fart
u.uia articles snt. nost-
pnl-i, for SO els. hivetieen retalledfor f. HankrM
stock and must ba sold Solid MUton Gold Watches,
sio eiicn. for snecuistive purposes, erooa tuner.'
e-qual In apta'arance lo n ISOO genuine gold. "HI.
repuiaiion ior uonefciy lairuenuuer unu iiueraiief w
uuequaled tyany edvertlserln this city." S. Ti
Dav nook. Dec. 16, lw..
CASH. F. bTOCKMAN, !1 110NI) ST., New York.
LAXK MORTGAGES for Bale cheop at th
J. Weaver & Co's. Advta.
VA We will a'art you In a business you eaa
ts U moke tso a week without capital : eMr
MiTMTTVand respectable for oltner sex. U. A.
JUUli 1 1 Young, Ml Bowery, N. Y.
Feb. It 4w. W
From this date the Bioomrtmrg Oas Company WW
put in berrlce pipes at snt cost and turnlsn and
uicte4 g at four dollars each.
The company nave cn cans a lot ot gas tar iwh
or ualnuiit- roofs, and rosts cr otter trratcrs rxsren
under ground.
mm in itdu per guuvu ur vx.uu pvr utun l.
00. 16,TN.. J. W. MIXIJBl.
Cioitbo made br every afr&nt ever
month in the tUislne-cs o tumlHb, but
tUOhOWUUnffto work can etwiii' earn
a doien dotlan a Oay rlrht In thetr own loctdmcs.
nave uo room 10 eiruajn nerv. imMnea nie&siLiii
and honorubio. Woun, utul bojs and tflrlstloas
ntin-O; 'inn budiuewi toj-h bt'tt?r tban ertjUilD
ir?. noui utu-i cji k.'uh 01 matiiukjuu, j-arucu-lent
Ireo. Write and u. Knrrrjoni aitd m tchanif.
their sona ana cauauurti. and oJiriisVMsln rtvti oa
raj Uiir work atlKiou, tLoull wrlto to us and learn
all about 1 be work at ouch. Now u tbo time, ixmt
df lay. AtiarcM ituc & ucuaxa, uaino:
IviMns desiring to tako out patents, or desiring
Information from tbo United states l'a ent onicu
should consult V. A. 1 UlllANN, fsollcltor ot Amcrl
can and I'cielgn I'alents, Wathlngton, I), c. Ex
smlnattona free. NO l'ATENT NO FAY. Send.for
ui r
1 ard dc retire draft 45 cnred.ti
f i.nrirt. nnd brat tDrrfAAd with
HUT M MT?VVJ r iheHDlrul r.riitt. Sendsun
TTTrTu.TW Ransom fat., I bU'a, l'a.
ivc. vy, to.-iy.
-S.y iW'rart'nnTtrtsfiiTrr'
YI10 are oiir nulborlTed nircnri4, nnd sslTI
rvre-trp Ailre-rtNenirms nt our
Adopted ty all the yuesnsot fashion, lnd let
c blm. 1.. ivilr, ii vieirmL llnlniiii
in 11 icii)Lis,Iu, lit.e, -,e uu j v die
"Ont of the Cago,"
Jrst published. A deeply Interesting new noreffsis ,
o. v. Owen, vhcfre olher works hare been so is.
coif f ul and t-o widely read. Cloth bound : price
M.Id by all boi m-elltre, O. W, CAIlLETOi OOk.
rubllshers. New Y talc t Ily.
Ft b. v, 1S77-SW K ,
Ar.qh Street, between 7th and 8th Sts.( PHILADELPHIA, Pa.
Prm Hm :-Nrct! treiltfsirf ujv nbllillenlheH tic ud I ns tee n re-palctcd acd fiescoea. rarloraM.
fnrwshest, iifwcariHls, Ac. Ibe boufe In til Us fipclMiMI Is lsi;r,furr,iaitr remfcit: tnecultiuVr
derorttci nt Ulrg ririllnl l y ULe. I vilrgll.o l ir.111 nb l U t M, i lei.d ne t end tolls icgular rates.
i-niieuvcred to exited tho urcocc uteris to Ittjutrins asltLrd prtvlcutly; in this laitlcularlt stoS
Mr. O. W. Vollln Ins asscetMMl with blm bu sen, Geo. K ilulUn, and Edward L. Eeas.of Ft. Waima.
Ind., under the ttruiuamocf 11. W.Mullln ten.
enjinvncsiriuiiiiieBbitne rt. cicud with that
Thanking scuturrml I etriLSce l.U lo liirin riter.J tii berltalttli s i t the ft. Clcnit mii, ik.
...kvuiuinwui pi iu 1 i V Hir, nrMVUUUl
V3.n 1-I!lt DAY. -
.juni!. 11. jiAiKift 1100m e.uric
J. T. hKILED, Cilibler.
Feb. Hi lea.
HARMAN & H ASSERT, Proprietors;
tast Mi South olilijor J.. . l.Itumoart,IllooiiiHburK, Pa.
SdiFsflc?1? hVy SoWS' 'lU Uuds tl VahlsU1lSfd
Repairing of ThreShing Machines, Reapers, Ac.
Thproprtete4lielngrirciicJrnechanlca,hav .t v