The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 02, 1877, Image 1
iWni JTii Yf ' i THE COLTJMBIANT i iliW i ii i.l i.w mii uwi ii I ' liffilW I u ' gatij' of Si'it rrrilslitd':1 1 1 lOtOVBTA DBM0CBAT, BTAU OF TUB HUHTU AnucULUH Issued weekly, every Krlday morning, nt two dollars nor year, payable. In aclvnnco.or 02'Mfich, (twelve lines or IU equivalent In Koni roll trpe) ono ortwo Intcrtlons, fl.coi unci-limn l,..rn. After tno exiiirauunui mo year Hons, I, SI.OO. will 1)5 olunfccl. To BUbscrlljCTa out ot Uva srAot. im. su. si. m, ir- One Inch fjjo 4.o) foos to.o iwulnciies B.Jo wo .(0 16.0 Three Inches t... mu 1.0.1 ono Ij.iio is.W Pour Inches T.oo t.m lioj ij.u-j js.tx oiiarter column 1o.oo ls.00 14.00 M.o llair column... ,16.00 I8.00 so.oo to.oo est 0110 column sy.o so.oo 40.00 60.00 Vimrly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran sient advert isomer, ts must be paid for before Inserted except where parties have account. Lepal advertisements two dollars per Inch tor t hreo Insertions, and at that rnto (or additional insertions without refcreneo to length. Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notttes three dollars. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline, regular advertisements half rates. Oards In tho "intilnoss Directory" column, one dollar por j ear for each lino. J li PMrXr dl WDWd'Wpt at tho option ot tho ontinuea crem.s --m - - MiniDmBoritoVtot thoHtata orto.llstaiiti.ost Inir."e must lio paM lor in auvance, unless a resnuii ElMe fpcrson In 6uiutnbla county assumes to pay tho Vsc;JPtlonduoon I ll'AlIlw"5'- - ? ho county. R The .Inbbtctr Department, oi iMwuimmijurj rcomct", and our .1 b Printing will compare tavora Ly wuS tliat of the larito cities. All work dono on K.'5 ..ii nn.l nt. innrierata nrlccs. 0. l.i!ffiJT' EdltersandPrcprletors. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, MA11CII2. 1877. TJIK COLUMBIAN, VOL. XI, KO. 0 COLUMBIA DE.MOCHAT, VOL. SLI, NO. SJ ll I I I il l I I I '1 11 Columbia County Official Directory. l'rasldentJudiro William Elwrll. , ato Judfos-lram Derr. M .0. Hughes. Prothonotnry, 4C.-1). KranK Zarr Oourt stennzrapher s. N. v alker. Register liecorder-Wllllamson II. Jacoby. District Attorney John M. Clark, sheriff . , mirvefor Isaac DowlM. Troasurer-l)r. II. W. .Mcitoynolds. ,.. nimmlsslonors-john ilerner, S. . McIIcnry, ! Joseph Hands. , .,.,k, Commissioners HUI s-iiiiniu iihwiwjui 1. Audltors-M. V. II. Kline, .1. II. Casey, V. 11. Brown. coroner-Charles O.Murphv. Jury Commissioners Jacob II. Fritz, William II. StJtt. . 0.J couniv supeniiicnaeni minium llloom l'oor District Directors o. r. But, Scott, Win, Kramer, liloorasburi? and Thomas ureveung, ( Hooit, O. V. tnt, secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. llloomsburir Banking company-John A. l'unston, ! Prcslden', II. II. droit, Cashier. 1 Kirs- Na'lonal Bank-Charles It. Paxton, President Associi'lon-i:. II. UHIo, rresldeul, O. W. Miller, secretary. Bloomsburg Building nndsavlng Fund Association -Wm. Peacock, President, J, ll. Uoblson, Secretary. Bloomsburg Jiuiual Saving Fund Association J. J. Brower, President, C. O. BarkUy, Secretary. CHURCH DIRECTOIIY. BAPTIST CII0RC1I. nov. J. P.Ttis'ln, (Supply.) Sunday 8ervlces-l"i a. m. and CM p. m. Ui.nifn. Hhnnl Dn.TTI. Prayer Meetlng-Kvery Wednesday evening at 6 Soais'freo. Tho public are Invited to attend. ST. MATTnSW'S LUTHEUATI CHCRCIf. Mlnls cr-ncv. J. McCron. Sunday Services lovf a. m. and op. m. Prav er Mcoilng-Kvcry Wednesday evening at X Beats'frce. Nopcwsrented. All aro welcome. niBSDTTEKiAN enencn. Mlnlstcr-Rev. Stuart MUihell. Sunday Services lo, a. m. and n p. m. Uiinjtnu Unhnnl On m . Prayer Meoilng Kvery Wednesday evening at 0 Scat s free Nopcwsrented. Strangers welcome, MBTnODIST KPISCOPAI. CIItJRCH. Presiding F.ldcr Itev. N. S. Buckingham. Mlnlsier ltev. J. s. McMurray. Sunday Services lux and Otf p- m. lilDlo Class-Every Monday evening nt o'clock. Voung Men's Praier Meoilng-livery Tuesday General Prayer Jlcetlng-Evsry Thursday evening -j U'CIOCK. RKFORMED CUPRCII. Corner ot Third and Iron streets. Pastor liov. 0. D. Ourley. Kcsldenco Central Hotel. Sunday Services 10 n. in. and T p. m. Sunday school 0 n. m. Prayer Meeting snturdaj-, 7 p. m. All are Invited There Is alwaj s room. st. Tivi'a cucRcn. Itcctor Sunday Servlccs-10 a. m., C)f p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. Services preparatory to Communion 011 Friday evening before tho st Sunday in eacn mouxu. Pews rented J but everybody welcome. EVANUBLICAL CIIURCU. Presiding Eldcr-ltev. A. L. Iteeser. i,n r A Irvlnf,. sundav Servlco-4 p. m., In tho Iron Street Church. Prai er Meeting Every sabbath at 2 p. m. All are lnvltod. All are welcome. TnE CUDRC1I OF CHRIST. Meets In "tho little Brick Church on tho hill," known as tho Wolsli Baptist Church-on nock street CaKegular meeting for worship, evry Lord's day of- seats free i and tho public are cordially Invited to attend. BUSINE&S OAimS. JQU. A. L. TURNKK, llcsidcnco on Jlnrkct Street ono door below I). J. Waller's. Omen over TTIMm'H nriicf stnrn. nmco hours from 1 to m.. for treatment of diseases of the Eye, Kar All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.S3'To-tf jyi. J. C. RUTTKR, Office, North Market street, Mar.57,'74 y Bloomsburg, Pa. ORV1S, Opeice lioom No.l, "Columbian" Building. Sept. 1S,1675. JKORK A BITTKNBKNDEU. A T T UUJIil ft T-li A V , BLOOMSBUna, 1A. omco. llartman's Block, corner Main and Market Streets Oct. 8, '75 THE .LUNGS CONSUMPTION. Tills distressing and dangerous complaint, and Its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness wasting tlesh fever permanent Iv cured by Dr. "Swaync's compound Sj nip of Wild Cherry." BltoNCIUTIS-n rremonllor of Pulmonary Con sumption, Is charaeterl7cd by Cat nrrh or Intlamatlnn of llio mucuous membrane ot tho air passages, hoarseness, pains In tho chest. For all Bronchial alTcctlons, soro throat, loss ot voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNK'S Compound Syrap of Wild Cherry 13 A SOVERKIOM HE1IKI1V. Hcmmorrhnge or spitting of blood, may proceed from tho lary nx, trachla, bronchia or lungs, and nrlso from various causes, a undue physlcalexertton, plethora, fullness of tho vessels, wenk lungs, over itralnlngof tho voice, mpprcsied evacuation, ob struction of tho spleen or liver, tc. c. Vf. JIILLER, ATTOI1NF.V-AT-LAW Ofllco In Brower's building, second floor, room No. Bloomsburg, ra. Julyl,7S y N. U. FUNK. U E. WAIXER. FUNK & WALLER, Attoi neys-at'Law, BLooMSBuna, ta. Office In Columbian BoitniNa. Jan. 10, "77-1y C.K' & W.J. HUCKALEW, ATTOItN E VS-AT-LA W, Bloomsburg Ta. Offlco on Main Street, first door below cuurtllouso ilar.B.l y T F. it J. M. CLARK, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, Offlco In F.nt's Building. Bloomsburg, Pa. April 10,H-y A. CRETELtNO SMITH. TIERVBT EWINO SMITH. A CREVELINQ SMITH & SON, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, . Bloomsburg, Pa. ri?-AII buslnpss entrusted to our caro will reclcvo prompt nttcntlon. lulyl,'73 y RILLMEYER, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. OmcE-AdJoInlng C. n. & W. J. Bucknlew. Bloomsburg, ra. Apr. 14,'70-ly. F.1' E.1 BLOOMSBURG DIRECTORY. 7-inMnm. nKHP.ltH iust nrinteil and nrntiv bound In small book's, on hand and lor sale at tho Colombian onice. Teb. 10, 1875-tf LANK DEEDS, on Parchment ami Linen Feb is, '70-ly. E. II. LITTLE. F.OBT. R. LITTLK. II. & R. R. LITTLE, ATTOnNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. xv Business before the V. 8. Patent Ofllco attended to. omco In the Columbian Building. ly 83 TROCKWAY & ELWELL, A T TO BNEY S-A T-L A W, Colombian Bcildino, Bloomsburg, Pa. Members of tho United stales Law Association. Collections maao in any pan oi America. yyiLLIAM BRYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry strikes at the root of dlfcaso by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, In- vigoraung ine nervoui sjBiem. Its marvelous power notonlyover cvcrychronlc dlsoiso where a gradual alterative action ts needed. under Its uso mo cougu is loosenea, 1110 nigni sweats diminished, the pain fubsldcs, iho pulse re turns to Its - atural standard, the stomach Is Improv edln ttsiiower to digest and assimilate the food and evcrv organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to It, out of which new recreative and plas tic material Is made tin sWAYNRirrnduatedntono of tho best Medi cal Cnllrprs In the IT. s.. and was cniraged In an ac tive praci Ice for many cars, thus guaranteeing that his preparations aro prepared upon strictly scientific principles. Reliable Evidence. 1IOME TESTIMONY. Tim. Swayvk lleur Sir: Ifeelltto bo duo to YOU nnii suTTerint? humanity to clvo tho following testi mony respecting the wonderful curative powers of your Compound Syrup of vv lid Cherry and Sarsapa rllla and Tar rills. I was afflicted with a violent cough, pains In tho sldo and breast, night sweats, pure llliutii, Ml J uunrn nuuvuytit. urJiumui gone, and my stomach so very weak that my phjsl clan was at a loss to know what to do for me, as ev erything I used In the shape of medicine was reject ed i spit different times a pint of blood. 1 remained formonihsin uusawiui concilium, nuu guu up an hopes of ever recovering, inns urae jou return Tnpniipd ihn nq nt vniir Rvrtm and rills, which Im mediately began to soothe, comfort and allay tho vlolenco of the cough, btrengthencii and neaieu in luniri! has mndoa iierfect euro of me, anal nin now auie iu nurjuu nij u.mj mwi . u, person doubting the truth of tho above m 1 w 111 please ca 1 on or address me, nt tho factov. EDWAltDll. IIAMSON, Engineer of tieo. sweeney'R Potterv, Hldgo hond, below Wallace, Phlla. over 20 years have claused, and Mr. Ilamson still remains a hearty man to this day-septcmber 80th, 1875. PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND IT. Dr. Thomas .1. 11. Ithoads. P.01 ertowu. Berks Co., Pa., writes : Your compound tjrup ot W I'd Cherry I esteem very highly : havo been telling and recom mending It to my patients for manyjearenndlt al ways proves cnuaciousm uusiuuno i.uuyn-s, uiuu chlal and asthmntlcal Rffertlens. It has made somo remarkable cures 111 this secuon, nnu 1 uonsiucrn. the best remedy with which I am acquainted. Prlco tt. Six bottles for 1-1. It not sold byyour druggist, wo will forward halt dozen by express, ireiirni paid on reel iu 01 imvu. WDescilbesjmptoms Inall communications, and address letters to HU. SWAYNEC SON, 830 North M.x'h street, Philadelphia. No charge will bo made for advice, sold by druggists and dealers In medi cines generally. Ccntralia, Pa. TrT m. nmmnnnnd for Administrators. Execu- f ofs and trustees, tor salo cheap at tho Colombian MISCELLANEOUS. -IXTARRIAGH CERTIFICATES .just printed lL and for salo at the Colombian uiuce. junia Cfrsot the (lospel and Justices should supply them selves with theso necessary articles. TUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale Wt at thO COLUMBIAN UlUUC. wunuu .uv v.- rected fees as established by tho lost Act of the Leg slature upon tho subject. Every Justice and Con stablo should havo ono. Y7"ENDUE NOTES just printed and for'sale cheap at me uolumuiaw uuitc. II O W E L L, DENTIST. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1JI M. KNORR, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, J . latest and best styles, cornerMaln and Market :streets, In tho old post oltlcc. CLOCKS, WATCHES, SC. CE. SAVAOE. Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central Ofllco In llartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBUKO, T&. May so ly. T-i DOWN'S HOTEL. Bloomsburg. Pa., I!. h stohner. Proprietor. Accommodations Ilrst- cTUss. ti.sstotl.tioperday. liestaurani auacnea. October s, '76-tf LIVER COMPLAINT That dreaded dlsease.from which so many person sutler, Is frequently the cause of IIradacub, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, 13 speedily rcllev cd, and are often permanently cured by Swayne's Tar anasarsaparilla Pills. Feers aro often rrevcntctl tiythe use of these Snrsaparllla rills, as they carry orf,throiih tho blooil Hie lliinuriiii.'s iroiu wjiil-ii nicy uriat.-, i ur uuamt-- ness there Is nothing bo elTectualasHwayne'sTar anu sarsapariiia l'ms. luey uir purely i't;euiuiu,uiiu ul-l jh;i;iuij uu uiu Mver as lilue Mass or Calomel, wttnout any bad re sults from taking. Address letters to DR. SWAYNK & SOK, rhlladel thln. No chiirtre for advice. Sent bv mall on receipt ot price, niuo ascents a box; flvo boxes Tor ft. Ask your Druggist for them. hew M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. enlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. OraiA IIot'SK Building, Bloomtburg, ra. Oct 1, 'To ly 17 J'TIi All wou burg and vie PItOFKSSIONAL CARDS. O. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law, Office In Brower'8 uuuaing, nu sujry, nuuius . u. c!. 15, '75, BR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physi cian, omco S. E. corner llock and Market ;ts. T R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Physi I . clan, (Ofllco and Residence on Third street, corner Jefferson. X I!. MnKKLVY. M. D.. Surgeon and Phy- J . slclan, north sldo Main street, below Market. JB. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law. Office . in llartman's building, Main street. TiinitN'rois would announco to tho citizens of Blooms- iurL' and vicinity tuai no nas jusv rcceiveu u iuu uuu compicto assortment ui wall rArcn, window shades, FIITCKES, COKDS, TASSEL8, and all other goods In bis line of business. All the newest and most approved patterns ot the day are alway s to be round In his establishment. Main street, helow Market. oct. 8.15 JXCIIANGE HOTEL, OppoNlto tlc Court House, BLOOMSBURG, PA. The Largest and Best In all respects In the county Oct. 8,15-ly YV. B. KOONS. Proprietor, FT K0,SE,H9?I,.1vt;!n1?,ier, OVCr T?REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN. CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. TAVID LOWENBERG IJ LtlJ i,Ull t,.11JUltu, iiiuuiuu, Main St., abovo Central Hotel. IS. KUIIN, dealer ii. Jlcat, Tallow, etc., . Centro street, between Second and Third. YVr 1 1 EN YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS V BHAVKor anything In tho TONbOJUAL LINE goto JAMES ltEIUY'S M Kit EH SH01', TUG BEST IN TOWN, Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. 13, '7& ly OATAWISSA. Canltal. vrttTin.insCn..nMlartford. Connecticut... IJVerpOOl, LAJUUUU IU1U UIUW, itoyalof Liverpool isouu.uvu Lancanshlre 10,000,' 00 Kiro Association. Philadelphia American of Philadelphia 1,100.000 Alias 01 iiariiom uw,., M'vnmlnir. nt Wilkes Barro 231.000 Farmers Mutual ot DanvUle 1,000,000 Danville Mutual , 76,oon Home, New York .( commercial Union 17,000,000 fl7S,958,000 March 56,17-y milE UNDERSIGNED, renrescntinir several I Aftln. mnfct. rnnhprvntlve and rellablo Ameil- I can Flro Insurance Companies, would beg leave to oner his senlces to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vlclnltv, requesting a reasonable share ot tho public paironmje. mn, Itching Files Is generally preceded by a moisture, Uko pcrsplra- crawling In or about the rectum, particularly at nlghtwhcn undresslng.ov In bed arter gelling worm. It appears In summer as well as winter, oftentimes snows luseil uruunu IUU )livuiu iai 1?, uuu la iiui. wir tineii in ma es oniv. uul i iiuiiu 11s ireuuuuL mm ic mules are sorely anilcted, particularly In times of pregnancy, exienaing icioiuo vagiuu, pruvuiK uis IresstnL' almost bevond vse uowers of enduranco, L'A&esof long standing, pronounced incuraoie, nave nceu permaiienuy cuicu uy suupiy applying Swayne's Ointment, HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorelv anilcted with ono of the most distress sine of nil ulseoses. ItuiHus or Prurigo, or more commonly known as Itching Plies. Tho itching at times was almost Intolerable, Increased by scratch ing, and not unfrequently became quite sore. I boughta box of swayne'd Ointment 1 Its uso gave quick relief, and In a short time made a perfect cure. 1 can now bleen undLsturbed. and I would advlso all who aro suffering with this dlsttesslng complaint to procure rwulie s uinimeuL iu uua. 1 uuu meu pvescrlptlons almost innumerable, vlthout finding uuy icrimuii-ui. rciici. JOSEril W. CHRIST, Firm of llosdel Christ, Boot and bhoe House, 331 -North becona street, ruiiaueipma. SKIN DISEASES. Swayno's All-Healing Ointment Is also a specific for tetter, Itch, salt rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barber's Itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cutaneous eruptions Perfectly bafo ana harmless, even 011 the most tender Infant. I'rlce&o cents, or bit boxes for tfiti. bent by mall to any address on receipt ot price. 1'iepured only by DR. 8 WAYNE fi.SOK, S3') N, 6th St.,PhlI.ldClphla. TtTM, II. ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main f f sireei. TTjTM. L. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. collections nromntly made and remitted. Offlco onposlto cawwlssa Deposit Bank. cia-3s THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO ORDER ONLY. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Gentlemen desiring Shirts will pleaso drop us a line gem w iu can tuiu gei iuo Address Uloorasburg.July IB, 1876. Office In Brower's Block. July Sl-irn." find nur Atrc.nt will cull and get Factory 1'orncr Pcnn and Centro streets. measurement. March 10, Wy o. MOODY. MiiaKE.Va . KNITTLE. W. 11. ABBOTT Important to Farmers. and everybod In want of 13, LUMBER, AND COAL. Iavo erected kilns at or near the Paper Mlll.on it w. it. R. and aro now prepared to sell iVneVtry reasonable prices and ot good quality, Oil W ,b8 car rronlPlly WlifJ'ul'I'PeaW any station vu iuo w,w ,v. kllno of LIMBER, of all kinds, dressed In tho rough, bmngies, uw mu l bill Timber to wuicu wium. the attention 01 cuiu- tinas ot Family kto merit a J, H. MAIZE'S MAM1YIOTH GROCERY contains the largest stock of TEAS, GROCERIES QuEensware, Glassware, Wmtaare, Canned rruits, Dried Trults, ICONFEOTIONERIES, &c. to be found In Columbia county, A Complete Ansorlmont always on bond. Call and examine. Jan 1, 1817. if f f H f f f f f Tn 1 In. Worklim Clnan. We aro now nrenored to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, tne wuoie 01 uiu lime, or tor meir spare mo ments. Buslnebs new, light and prontable. persons of either bex eabUy earn from to cents to (3 per CATARRH, SYM1TOMS ANU CUM R catarrh In an affection of tho mucus membrane of the nose, tliroat, chest, &c, accompanied with dull, heavy headache, obstruction or the nasal passages, weak ey es, watery and Inllamed, hacking or cough ing, to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, smell and tasto aro Impaired, stopped up ri-pHne-in tho bead. Incessant blovtlnir of the nose. aud other symptoms are likely to appear very dis tressing, and no disease Is more common, and nono less understood by 1'h.vt-Iclans. Mne-tenthsot tho cabes of offensive breath are occasioned by catarrh, "MvujiMi'N Catarrh llcmcilj" Is a certain and permanent cure, nnd warranted in every case, no matter how obstinate or long stand ing, it can be obtained only by address-lug lilt. bWAYNE bON, 330 North Sixth Mreet, Phlladel plila. Mailed touny addressonthe iccelpt of the true, Olio uollur, niui IUU uurciioi:a lui uu. mau a nil account of tho orUln and nature ot this distres sing complaint. Wo repeat It t It Is bevond all com parison the tesi rcmeay ior caxarru ever aiscovereu. Remember I It can beobtalned only by addressing lilt. SWA YNK bow, sso, Bonn Mxin Mreet, 1-1111-rdelphla, with a remittance, as we donot place It In thithaftdsof dealem. the same as we doour other preparations. In writing for our "Catarrh. Remedy'-' place state you saw this advertisement In the "Co lumbian" Bloomsburg. evening, and a proportional bum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notlco may send their address, ana test tho business wo male mu unparalled oner: 'J 0 such as aro not well satisfied we will bend one dollar to pay for tha trouble of writing. Full particulars, Bam pies worth several dollars to commence work on, ana a copy ot Why Dye ? Nu mitilf r how (Jrii) or llnrbli the Hair mar be, It can ho restored to Its original color ana youiniui appearance, uy useiug London Hair Color Restorer. A Remedy to Rein stale the Human Hair In all IU youthful color, lustre, softness and beauty. All iici'noiim tvlioiiNitlro Iu Itcauty of personal appearance, should not neglect that natural necessity, tho hair. By many 11 has been London London London London London London lAndon London London Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair RtfbLorur Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair Restorer Hair Restorer neglecu d uiitUU has U come thin, gray or entirely fallenoff, Ihe London Hair Color Itebtorer restores natures looses, una Imparts a healthy and natural color, thickens tho hair, cures dandruff and all Home and Fireside, ono of the largest and bebt I tuy, ttaly t ruptlons on tho bcalp, making It white Illustrated Pnbllcatlons, all sent frpe by mall, llead- and clean, and Insuring a luxuriant growth of hair you want permanent, prontable woik, address I , im natural youthful color, Prlco 14 cents. Georgo stlnson i Co., rorUana, Maine, c,nai rtepot for the U.S., 830. North With Bept,, io.-i im. Philadelphia. Prtn- street, riendsse. ton. P. ROWKLL & CO., New York, for O Pamphlet of HO pages, containing lists of BO00 cwspapcrs, and estlaiatt aho lug post ot advents. Pec a, it-im SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. junoi31-ly THE REAHOMICLDE. Miclincl Qralinm, who was discharged from custody hy tho court, and who was charged with being nil accessory alter the fact in the Ilea murder, was the first wit ness called on the morning of the 19th. Ho deposed ns follows : I rcildo in Jount Carmelj I nm tho Miclincl Graham who was placed in jnii upon the confession of Daniel Kelly J I knew him in 18C7 ; I nftcrwards learned what was his general reputation for truth and veracity ; it is bad ; I would not believe him under oath ; I remember the day Rea was killed ; that day I wn home ; I did not sco Kelly that day to the best of my recollec tion ; I don't remember seeing Kelly that day or night, nnd ho did not leave ft watch with mo at that time ; ho never left a gold watch with mo ntall; I was hauling lum ber that day, and I recollect Tully and McIIugh being to dinner with me, along with others; John Dooly, Barney Connor, James Downing were tho other persons who wcro at dinner ; McIIugh went for his pay and Tully stayed with mo; McIIugh came back about eight o'clock in tho evening ; we remained thero until 10 o'clock in the cv'g; McIIugh was tight when he camo back ; there were eight or nino men present; he called for, drinks nil around ; he laid down and went to sleep; ho was asleep about half an hour; when ho nwoke he ordereil drinks for tho crowd ; but on going to pay for them ho found that his pocket-book was missing ; he swore that no one should leavo tho bar room until tho pocket-book was returned ; my wifo afterwards found it on tho floor, and I called him nut into the kitchen and gave it to him ; McIIugh had been board ing with mo for some four or five months bo foro ; when McIIugh was going away ho , told me that he was gofng to Wilkes-Barre ; I bought his gun when he left, as ho said he did not want to carry it with him; I paid him fifteen dollars for it ; Tully, AIcAigh and Kelly did not leavo my house together ; I did not see Patrick Hester the day Ilea was murdered, or for a week beforo that day. Crsss-examination : I first saw Tully and McIIugh on Octo her 17tb, beforo dinner; they were helping me beforo dinner; they began work at about seven o'clock in tho morning ; I do not re member whether they were at breakfast or not ; cannot tell where they were tho night before; can't remember scoing them on Friday; they wcro at breakfast on Friday morning; on Saturday morning McIIugh helped mo to haul lumber ; Dooly, Con nor and Downing wero also working with me ; I used a two horso team ; tho lumber camo from an old pieco of trestling at ono of tho breakers, which 1 had bought for fit tecu dollars ; tho men worked for their board : do not know why. Tully and M'Hugh wero not at work in tho mines; do not remember any poster that day ; do not remember of any poster wagon being at my tavern that day; do not believo that I had a rattle at my house that night; I shut up my house at nino or ten o'clock that night ; Thomas Bradley, -Mar tin Bailey were among the men that McIIugh treated ; did not know that Tully and McIIugh went to Shamokin after tney left me ; I gavo him fifteen dollars for his gun; my wile owed him five dollars, which was also paid to him ; McIIugh boarded with mo from the day Rea was murdered until tho day ho was paid the twenty dol lars ; when McIIugh left ho told mo that he was going to Wilkes-Barre to work ; Tully did not go away with him as I re member; I never belonged to tho Molly Maguires ; but I belonged to what was call ed tho Hibernian society ; they were not called the Ancient Order of Hibernians; I joined it in the summer of 1807; I left in the spring of 1SG8 ; Griffiin was a member ; do not remember who was the Body Master; saw Hester and McIIugh nttho meetings, but I do not remember ever seeing Kelly and Skiverton at tho meetings; I do not know whether Tully was a member or not; do not know who was tho secretary ; Mc IIugh and Tully boarded with mo about a month or so after Rea's murder ; I cannot tell whether they went away two weeks af ter tho murder or not ; think they were at work on the day before the murder. Never saw or heard of Kelly's having a gold watch ; cannot tell when I first heard of Ilea's murder, but it was iato 011 Satur day night or on Sunday morniug; I was ar rested as an accessory after the crime ; I was released a week ago last Saturday; I was placed in tho jail about two weeks be fore ; when I was brought from tho Potts- illo jail with Hester, Tully, McIIugh and Kelly. uy me ueicnse : 1 was arretted in my bar-room upon a charge of being an acces sory after the fact ; I was arrested by Offi cers Bridge and Buch tier, of tho Coal and Iron Police ; they kept me all night in an office in Shamokin, nnd the next morning took mo to Pottsville; I had a hearing be foro 'Squire Reed and was then placed in jail; by Mr, Linden's talk it was Daniel Kelly's talk that was tho cause of ray being arrested. Tho defense then offered to prove by the witness, Michael Graham, that Kelly was around Locust Gap until about Juno, lSG'J, when he ran away to avoid arrest; that when he left, Graham had been assisting iu trying to cflect his arrest, and Kelly made threats against Graham, The couusel for the prosecution objected to the otter, as whatever feeling Kelly had against tho witness had nothing to do with this trial, The Judgo decidrdto admit evidence as far as showing what threats Kelly made against tho witness. Upon being questioned Mr, Graham sta ted that Kelly had never used any threats to him,, but other persons had told him. Peter Luby recalled: Knew Hester in 18C8 ; saw him tho night before Ilea was killed at Captain McLaughlin's; Hester, Casey and myself went homo together ; we got to my house about one o'clock at night ; Hester stayed with me all night ; he was very well drunk ; he left my house botween five and six iu the morning. The court was adjourned until two o'clock in the af- lernoou, wuue 1110 cros-examinatlon was pending. reter t-uuy recaneu ior cross examination which was not of much importance. John B. Colilian called and sworn ; Re member when Thomas Donohuo was arrested, knew Jack Dalton; ho did not go away when Donoliuo was arrested j Dalton died in 1872 or iu 1873 ; know Daniel 'Kelly j would not, Denevo mm under oath; l was Internal Rev enue abseasor for Schuylkill county ; have also ueeu a member ot the Slate Senate was formerly aergeant-at-arms of theSenatet V .. !--l: r , uivuxuimuAuvu uuiUJLion&uL, t-Tlernn nf Wllkps-Itarrn wnq rrtllnil ! and sworn : Did not know Daniel Kelly butjknew him as Mnnus Cull; people gavo him such a bad chnractcr that I would not believo him under oath ; hnvo heard people, spenk against him. Cross-examination. Mr, James Campbell has said ho would not believo him under any circumstances, unless he(Kellcy) was inter ested ; then ho would probably hollevo him; I keep a liquor store known as tho "People's Hall ;" I nm a member of tho Ancient Or der of Hibernians ; havo been n member of the order about three years. James Mackey sailed and sworn. Reside in IKilkcs-Barre ; know Manus Cull; ho had a very hard name in our place; I would not believo him on.oath. Daniel Shovclnnd called and sworn. His testimony was tho same, only ho never was a member of tho Molly Maguires. Fred, Myers sworn. Havo lived in IPilkes-Barro fifteen years; in I860 I was a member of the police forco of Wllkcs-Barre ; Manus Cull was a notori ously hard character ; I would not bcllovo him 011 oath. Bernard Tool, a member of the Wilkes- Barro police force, testified to Kelly's bad name for truthfulness. William Kirk,," WiIkes.Barre,was called and sworn. He testified that Kelly bought n pair of pants of him and never paid for them, and that Kelly boro a very hard name; Mr. Kirk is also a member of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians ; he was onco a county delegate while ho was a member at Hazlcton; he did not know Patrick Tully or Peter Mc IIugh, but'knew Tully as Patrick Brown ; he did not remember of ever being tho Body Master of a division of tho order. Benjamin Thomas was recalled for further cross-examination. I never boarded with Hester ; never lived in Locust Gap ; never boarded with Owen Hciter ; have stayed at his. house several times ; t never brought my trunk to his house, while I was under an assumed name; I stayed at his bouso five or six weeks ; the trunk did not belong to mo f I do not know where, the trunk is. Question Whoso trunk is it ? Answer I am not bound to inswer that question and I won't answer it. Upon, tho counsel for tho prosecution tel ling him that was enough, Thomas put his hat on his licad and coolly walked out of tho court room, the people looking at him with astonishment. George Donohue, of Mahsnoy Plains, was called and sworn. Ho testified to. seeing Patrick Hester at Mabanoy Plains the day before Rea was killed. Upon his cross-ex-, nmlnatiou it was soon evident that Donohuo was unablo.lo positively fix tho day upon wbicn he saw Hester at tho railroad flats. Thomas Casey called and sworn Ho tes tified to the samo effect as Luby, ho being ono of the party who claim they wero in McLaughlin's saloon with Hester the night before Rea was brutally murdered. The defense then put in ns evidence a map showing tho positions of Locust Gap, Mount Carmel, Ashland and other points referred to by the witnesses upon the part of tho defense. Reuhem Klinger. of Mount Carmel, was called and sworn. Ho testified to seeing Hester in Mount Carmel on the day Mr. Rea was murdered and Mr. Montelius pay ing him nino dollars for taxes. The receipt was produced. Maria. Hester recalled : I learned that father ran away on account of mother telling him she would have him and a woman whom lie used to go with ar rested ; there had also been a distillery rob bed that father was running, and he was afraid that the officers would arrest him ; he had been running an illicit distillery in the woods, and iie was afraid that tho officers wero after him ; when tho distillery was robbed two barrels of molasses and some whisky W.-L9 taken ; tho distillery was out in tho woods : father did'not return homo until Christmas ;'he stayed 'about until ho camo to Bloomsburg to glvonlmsell up. CrOfS-examination The distillery was robbed the first week in November, 1SCS ; tho officers camo and searched the house after father left ; they would not tell what they were looking for ; I did know of a warrant being out for liiirfat tho time. Peter Luby recalled for cross-examina lion ; I did not help beat Ned Hawkins on tho nubile road, but I weut for him ; at a cock fight at Germantown I shot at a man did not beat a cripple at Germantown, but was druuk and the cripple stabbed mo. Helen Hester was recalled. Her evidence was to the same effect as that given previous by her and her sister Maria. Adjourned. On Ihe 20th the first witness called was Helen Hester who was recalled by the defense' nd testified as follows : I did not know of any other affair of which I could give my father any informa tion as ho requested in his letter other than the distillery affair; I did not know that my father was concerned in the robbery and murder of Rea ; my mother told father she would havo hini arrested ; .mother was angry over father's friendship for Mrs, O'Brieu. Tho witness claimed that she had seen the illicit distillery in the woods, but upon her. cross-examination she was unable to give tho slightest idea of what it looked like, or what size it was, or of what it consisted. The rest of her cross-examination was not of sufficient interest to publish. Garner Pepper was recalled : On Nov. 10th, 18G8 I was working for Hester; was engaged iu plastering his house; Hester went away on that day ; I dal not see Daniel Kelly at Hester s houso the day Hes ter left; did not beoi Tully or McIIugh at the house ; Hester went away witli Thomas Rourke ; Rourko came back tluo next morn ing ; upon the morning of the ICtli, Mr, Hester drove Mrs. Hester out of tho houso they had been quarreling about two weeks I heard of Hester s having trouble ubout distillery about that time; H&sler said wlien going away that there was- some trouble and he would stay away a few weeks until it blew over ; I heard that spine of his distil lery property had been taken ; there was report that tho government officers had found the distillery and had taken it away Hester told 1110 the morning beforo he left that ho was going away to seo some friends that there was something in the mountain: aud ho was afraid of getting into trouble over it j never saw auy one carryiug coal iuabug toward tha place whero the still was, In creet-exsmluntion the witness said ho, never saw the UUtillcry nor any of tho whlaluy. WhiloMr. Pepper was testifying in refer ence to tho difficulties between icster and his wife, Mrs. Hester, who has been iu con stant attendance nt court since tho trial opened was ovcrcomo by her emotion and cried bitterly. Several witnesses wero called but their testimony was unimportant. At the afternoon session tho court room was terribly crowded, every seat being filled and all standing room out side of the bar be ing occupied, Among the spectators were a large number of ladies who occupied chairs within the railing of tho bar. Francis McKiernan was called as the first witness. I know Daniel Kelly.'; I livo at Dark Cor ner ; it is about a milo from Centralia ; Kel ly boarded with me tho year before Ilea was killed ; he was boarding with me about a year ; ho came to my house from Luzerne county; ho left in the summer; Rea tore down a houso that had been rented on tho land that ho (Rea) was agent for; ho used to pass my houfe going to the land ho was agent for, two or three times a week and al ways hitched his horso at tho stable about twenty yatds from my houso ; I would not believe hint under oath'; Kelly use to goto Centralia every Saturday night. Cross-examination by the defense. I found out that Kelly .was a bad charac- Q. Did any ono except Mr. Fielders tako notes? A. I think a Chronicle reporter was there. Q. ave you read thoso notes since ? A. Not except in the Herald. Q. You aro tho prosecutor in this case. A. Yes, sir : and nlso have tho honor of be ing a coal and iron policeman, Q, You got Kelly's confession, A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you know the character of Kelly when you began interviewing? A. No, sir; that is I knew that he had a bad character, but not so well as I knew it afterward. Q. Did you get a statement from Kelly tho first tlmo you saw him? A. No, sir; Captain Alderson was with me and the cap tain did all the talking, but beforo I left I told him, Kelly, that I believed him to bo one of tho murderers ot Rea. He sent for mo afterward and gave me his statement, and in all the main facts that statement is what he has testified to. Q. At tho hearing Kelly didn't say that he gave his pistol to Bradley? A. No, sir; nor that ho left Hester's pistol with Graham. Q. He didn't mention Rea's boy? A. I won't be positive. Q. I guess it was an old story to you and you didn't pay much attention to Kelly 1 A. YcSj Sir, I did, becauso I wanted to seo ter, when I hunted him out of t!io house;, whether, under oath, his testimony would Kelly drew a revolver to .shoot tho woman, coincide with his statement. who run him (Kelly) out of the house ; I Mr. Fielders of the Shenandoah Herald used to seo Kelly on the street Sundays when followed Captain Linden, and in answer to I drovo to church j never saw Kelly and Rea Mr. Hughes said that ho would not swear together at .Centralia ; Kelly must havo that Kelly did not swear a tho hearing known Rea, as ho saw him so often ; Rea granted- Hester and Graham that he and pulled down tho house all alone ; it did not the rest of' tho men left Donohtie's saloon take him very long to tear down the small on the morning of the 17th of October, bit of a houso ; ho did it in au hour ; it was 1808, a log house ; Rea tossed down tho house and Mt. Charles L. Patterson of Ashland pro pullpd tho woman out ; Kelly and I stood dticcd and verified a sketch of Ashland. by and did not interfere; I cannot say Michael Graham recalled for cross-exam whether it was ono year or two years before ination. Q. You say that you did not see Rea was killed. Kelly nt your house on tho day 01 evening Benjamin Thomas was called by the of the 17th of October, 1S08? A. No, sir ; prosecution lor further cross examination 1 not nor lor some tune alter. but did not answer to his name. Q- Hid you not tell Mr. Bridge that Kel PeterA. Mahon, of Shamokin, was called 1 was at your house on the day that Rea describo tho roads between that place and was Killed A. .no, sir, 1 um not. Moon Madness. locnst Gap. Benjamin Thomas then appeared and un lerwent a most severe cross-examination from Mr. Hughes, in tho course of which ho enied having said that he did not believo God, Bloomsburg was called and sworn. In 18C8 Donohue, Duffy, Hester and Pri or wcro confined in tho jail iu this'place; I as the jailor and had all tho keys; Dono me, Dufl'y and Prior wero confined in ono cell; Hester was in a cell by himself; appli cation was never made to mo to allow Don obue to see Hester ; when I wentputatmeal time Parr had the keys. Hiscross-examina- on did not bring out any new facts, While Mr..Woodward was being examined Thomas Donohue camo into, the court-room Donohue is a slight built man, of medium height, with full beard. When Woodward left the stand Donohuo is called and sworn: I was confined in the jail in the rear of this court house upon charge of being ono of the murderers of Alexander W. Rea ; Prior, Duffy and Hes ter were also confined thero on the same charge; Hester's cell was opposite to my cell; I knew Lewis S. Parr who wa3 guard ing us; I asked Parr to allow me to go aud see Hester in his cell ; I never asked Parr to allow me to go iu Hester's cell, becauso it was against tho rules Parr never let me vis it. Hester's cell, and he never visited my cell; I never told Hester it was "a bad go to kill Rea ;" Hester never told mo that if ho "had it to do over again I (Hester) would not ave him (Rea) killed," Cross-examiiiatiou. I was brought here from Schuylkill county jail; I am undergo ing sentence for being an accessqry to a cou spiracy to assault.andkill "Bully Bill;" I am E. W. Bridge sworn. Q You arrested Graham did you not? A. I helped to ar rest him. Q. What did Graham say to you with re ference to Kelly, if anything? A. He told me that Kelly was at his house that Satur- M. C. Woodward, the Chief of Polico of day night, at a dance I think ho said, nnd I reported tho conversation to Captain Lin den. Mr. Bridge was not subjected to any cross-examination until the afternoon ses sion of court. Mr. Ryon then desired him to take the stand. He testified as follows : "At the time that I took Graham to Potts ville I had seen no written statement of Kelly's." "That is all," said Mr. Ryon. Tho commonwealth endeavored to intro- Tho popular belief that tho moon's rays will cause madness in any person who sleeps exposed to them has long been felt to bo absurd, and yet It lias appeared to havo Its sotireo in undoubted facts. Some .deleteri ous influence is experienced by thoserlio rashly court slumber in full moonshine, and probably there is no superstition to which the well-to-do pay moro attention. Win dows aro often carefully covered to keep the moonbeams from entering sleeping rooms, A gentleman living in India furnishes "Na ture" with an explanation of this phe nomenon which is at least plausible. Ho says : "It has often been observed that when tho moon is full, or near its full time, there aro rarely any clouds nbout ; nnd if there be clouds beforo tho full moon rises, thoy aro soon dissipated ; and therefore a perfectly clear sky, with a bright full mocn, is fre quently observed. A clear sky admits of rapid radiutlon of heat from tho surface of tho earth, and any person who is exposed to such radiation is euro to bo chilled by rapid loss of heat. Thero is reason to be lloyo that, under the circumstances, paraly sis ot one sldo of the is sometimes like ly to occur when tho sky is perfectly clear. I have often slept in the open air in India on a clear summer night, when there was no moon ; and although the first part of the night may have been hot, yet toward two or three o'clock in tho morning, tho chill has been so great that I have often been awak cued by an ache in my forehead, which I as often have counteracted by wrapping a handkerchief round my head, and drawing the blanket over my face. As tho chill is likely to be greatest on a very clear night, and tho clearest nights are likely to be thoso on which thero is a bright moonshine, it is very possible that neuralgia, paralysis, or other similar injury caused by sleeping in tho open air, has been attributed to tho moon, when the proximate causo may really havo been the chill, and the moon only a re muto cause acting by dissipating tho clouds aud haze (if it do so), nnd leaving a perfect ly clesr sky for tho play of radiation info space." Scientific Mitcellany in the Galaxy for Mnreh. A Story About Eggs. A tr.iveler in Sicily paid his bill at an inn and found out, after ho had gone somo dis-tanc- on the road, that ho had ntyt betn charged for a couple of hard-boiled eggs. He was a very honest man ; but had press ing business. So, instead of going back to pay then and there, he waited till he came round ncain. This was not till ten years af ter. No wonder therefore, when he asked the innkeeper, "Do you know mri?" tho man said: "Not I, indeed 1" "Well," replied the traveler, "teu years ago I ate two hard boiled duce another witness, the watchman at tho p "u"' "uu" f"3 , -,, , - I V .. J J-'f m.t llinn, -inmn In Trnt.vl.ill And I wa3 in a desperate hurry; and hence Sunbury depot, but the defence objected and the Court sustained the objection. Michael Graham was then placed upon the stand to contradict Mr. Bridge. Two or three witnesses testified as to Peter Luby's good character. A motion was made to strike out tho evidence of Mr. Ikcler but tho Court refused to do so. This closed the ev idence and the winesses subpoenaed were all discharged. Un lhursday the morning session was ta it was impossible for mo to como back when I found it out. But things have pros pered with me since then ; and I reckon that if I give you fifty pieces, (twelve shillings) that will fairly represent what the price of the eggs havo gained in my hands." But tho landlord was a fraud : so ho said : "Fif ty pieces, Indeed I I must troublo you for a deal more than that. It's just the want' ken up bvthe arcumentof Mr. Buckalew for of those eggs that has hindered mo from the commonwealth and the afternoon session making my fortune." "How so?" "Why by J. G. Freeze for tho defense. they would have turned to hens, and the Mr. Ryon addressed the jury on Friday hens would have given mo chickens a wnole morning and Mr. Hughes followed in an ar- poultry yard full. Well, with tho poultry gument on the part of the commonwealth, yard I should have bought some sheep, and which occupied all the afternoon and two by now I should be quite a flockmaster. But hours of Saturday morning's session, the traveler could not tako things that way, and thus ended tho most exciting trial this county has ever known. Labeling Livo Tront. Numerous experiments nnd continued ob servations, made under the auspices of some iu for two , years ;! have never seen Parr I of the practical pisciculturists belonging to sinco I left jail; I never said Parrwas a I the association, have developed results full mean son of a b and that he used to of interest and of much practical value. For arm tho irons before he put (bent on'IIes- instance, 111 reply to queries as to the proba- ter. but he put , them on me cold; I said ble age of tho mammoth trout found in the he was a mean man because he put the Rangely lakes, Professor Acassiz emphatic- rons on mo cold; if I told to officer Bridge ally declared that "no mau living knew that Parr warmed Hester's irous I teld a lie, whether theso six and eight pounders wero but ho always put mine on me cold : I havo I ten or twelve hundred years old." To get een a member of the Ancient Order of Hi-1 some light upon this question, Mr. Pago con- ernians for somo time ; 1 joined them after cetved an ingenious device, which he nt was in Bloomsburg on trial ; I was not n I onco proceeded to put in execution. Fla k-gal member until after the trial, as it was tinum wire was obtained, cut into one and not until I got out of jail that they gave me a half' inch lengths, flattened at ono end, tho pass words. and various numbers wero stamped on the T-t. nji, 11-, , tt 1 i- .A I 11 jwiiu jinn wascauin mm. sworn, no wus 1 snnaea irom j 10 1, niso tne number 70, 71, ,to.i n,, nf n, t,,Anm ii.i, fl.v. -.1.1. T..1-. T!-1 I L Tn .1 .1 ... - - V..VU . ...uuuubv, T , T n ' ; , ' , 1 - ' , , , Cap" walking on dry land?" "And who, your .mi iivoie. ... augu.,1. taiuuii. u pusu lurougn Hie Skin JUSl Unuer Hie . l..,1l.l,nlB,l m InmW intn nl.icV-Pns?" T ,0 .lar...,o ll,., !,.,! -.111. il.,,.,.I .!!., I . .1.. , i ., I" unLiwu in;., miwiu nnu ,muuuun- buib un mm nituic.v iwisicu, uuu men standing that they were to be allowed to call the fish was liberated. I11 tho course of tho two witnesses when they arrived in Blooms- two or three years named n large number of burg, luis was quite a-surprise to nearly these trout were thus labeled. Of course. every oue in tho bowe, as it was expected the chances that any of (hem would bo the defense would not close until sometime caught seemed infinitesimally small, yet In the loiiowing morning. 1 lie commonwealth IS73 one of them reported. In Juno of then opened tueir rebuttal with several wit nesses, captured a fine, vicorous trout weicrhlnir 5t Michael bculituorn, a, former witness re- lbs. Upon lukiuK him from tho landintr caueu.-i-i uveu in Mount i;armel 111 1808 but net the platinum taer flashed in tho sun never iiearu 01 mo lindiug ot au illicit liifht. Unou exam nat on. tho mart. till; six months beforo Hester ran away I "J 71." was discovered, thus establishinc heard there was some molasses hid in the tho curious fact that this nartlciilar ful, l,,i woous ; it was oppotite Hester s house in an gained 1 lbs, in two years. old saw mill. . Tho nrosecutlon offered In nrm !, tn. A UOOD AN8Wi:n. "Salt" was the sub- so the innkeeper put him into the court and tho Judge pronounced against him. He appealed ; but thero didn't seem to bo much chance of his being any better off, when a briefless barrister,much-out-at-clbows touch ed him on the shoulder and said ; "Leave it to mo and I'll get you righted." "Why, I've had the best lawyers iu Palermo," re plied the traveler ; "how can you expect to do what they failed in ?" "Try me," said the other, and he was so urgent that the traveler said "Yes I" just to get rid of him. The case was called, and the innkeeper's counsrl had made a grand speech, when there was a noiso outside, and in rushed 3Ir. Briefless, flinging his arms wildly about, and looking like one vjho had seen a ghost. "Help I" cried he "help I iu the name of all tho saints I What shall we do ? All tho fish of Arcnella are inarching to Palermo to cat us up, bones and all." "Why, you madman !" So tho Innkeeper lost even liis fifty pieces, and had to pay costs into the bargain. lioiiibklns' Tribulations. Don't think that Ilnmbkins had a hard lioirt a, that l,a nm.l.l ltn.'a ivlll tnrvl ir nnnon that year, Mr. Thomas Moran, the artist, .ej ' C00(1 to hh..sel ,vblch nulst comB through the suffering of another. It hap pened, In the course of human events, that Bombkins' uncle died. Bombklns' uncle was rich very rich and our Bombkins was made his residuary legatee and execu tor. Thero was a host of business to be set tled up, and a host of miner legacies to be paid, but all tho debts and all the spcts legacies were but as a drop from the full witness that Mr. Schlithoru had searched Jcctof ,tbe Pcecu of a solemn and spare Hester's house for Rea1 iroperty, aim thus prov trono wc.t to escnnn nrrput robbery and killing of Rea. The defense ' ""ucu lu yu"ul uearers tne prescr. 'swatch and other fced cler8)'man uefore a Sunday school, on bucket as compared with the grand estate, ve that nester had an an,llver8ary occasion, the text being, Hombkins went at it. He had never been t on account of the "Ye aro 1,10 BaU of t"lh" Ue cx' a bu8i,le"'4 ma". nor a very busy one, am 1,- rpi, .I.e. plaluedtohls youthful hearers the nreser. 1,10 labor ftetied him exceedingly. Oni strongly objected to tho proposed evidence. vftllve flualitie9 of 8alt' aJ rially its day Judge White met him in nt the post It was then withdrawn, and after some fur- pner t9 keeP ca,ablc3 from laying. where numerous cit zens were wait- ' Tl, I,-il,l ,l,. 1 ru.:,! incr for the distribution nt tlin nOnmnnn' tlier unimnortant tr-stlmnnv tl,n Then ue toW hem how Christians, and es journcd, pcciauy ministers, wero of advantago to the A number of witnesses testified to the w"rm 113 a P"iyitig muuence against tno bad character of Beniamln Tlinnm, !, corruption ot modern society. 'Ihen he . - . 1 I - r it m . 1 l ... 1 . morn lie ot the 21st and n niimT,nr .lnn.ul " quesuuiia. 111 wuai are nun as to the want of reputation of Peter Luby. lstc" U3eful for in ,1,ls world?" a lively lix-touerlll Millard and John G. Alstatt ; K b . ' cr, m keep were sworn but their testimonv was not im. ,vmle9 "om aP6- portant. Captain Linden sworn. I was in 'Squire need s oiiicowlicu Kelly was examined. II. Who examined him ? A. George KBcrcuer, esq., tne district attorney. W. Mate what time it was' that Kcllv said lie and bis nartv started out tn ml. Rea. ing for the distribution ot the afternoon's mail, "Well, Brother Bombkins," said the judge "how do you get on with tho settlement of your uncle's estate?" "It's awful. It keeps me fretted all thx time. When I think of tho llttlo claims I must tettle j and tho accounts l'vo got to verify; and the stories I must listen to from Goon BuslNl'.ss. Brewing Is a good, sol- dissatisfied legatees ; and a' thousand other Id business in the Uuited Klnedom. Tha pestering things in tho way .of adininlstra- Guinness brewery is In Ireland, and two- tIon aml vexation, bless me if I don't Bome- peuce is all a tmall bottle of Guinness por-J t'me, '' thtold man hadn't ditd," ter costs. These brewers aro baroneta too, blr Benjamin Uulnness pays incomo tax on According to a Coloeno uewsnaner. thern nAA n ,, Ik.. 1 . I ...... . y.ou.vuu a .wm iucv un, mo tuns part- is mat city a booth in which is exhibited t nori nA nflliAm fit. Aril,,,- nl..1 ,. 1,1 i, , , .. ..v. w..v v. ........ i mi. k,4ui, nm um in I iipanien inni . f t i,n a,ii,.,,fln i - . . . - I j .-v iiikuiivu 13 am- Recently a strange departuro to ..'-Inl- t.l nne tar l,t l,i1. ..,... I. . .... . . ' ci,aiu r.:i'"r. .W: , . im, "n 10 n".""u.6 her umler tho chin the ell, little one, I tuiipose the woman is your mamma, eh?" "Nn dr," replied the child, "she is my imp." 'llin cantaln (hen fnl.l ,vl,l ,rn i, i..itrti i 7 i i I , reure' mm ,uo uulnnesses agroed to t oned a girl to tako money, testified to at the hearinc as he remembered nr,.ln in i.t. nni.tiu.. .i i. ...... . b. - """"V- it. ttatlnir that Kellv said that !, ,, 1.1. ZZ-."'"?''" . " WJT v 8Uor' ,mv,nS leaslci1 "la cycso . i i?r i . V V . , cu,vw,vuu i-usu loruis snare. Mi. phenomenon, t ilnkinir on his par y left Donohuo s saloon in the morning Cecil Guinness offered to draw a check a have a loko , 2 I,n 1 oi mo iftu oi uciouer, loos, CWexamlned by Mr, Ryon.-Q. Did , he bank, which might not have bee'u Table while, " We yQ milXlt ?A , V r'111?' ,,reVi0US UUce' 10 rake Warded w n Vii Mr' Kaerciw? A. I think not. ftom ,u coffers. 1 .. ,.-,.