, THE. JD.QLU3IBIAN DJILAiOCKAT3L001SBUljti;,. CQX UJfBM COL TSTTY, 1A. Lvnnnucit jrom iije. MrVllvon nliteetcit to lilm as ft wit fiem. Tliaofcjecllon win overruled by the uourt and Mcl'nrlfln (nntlniicu : In Uctober, 187S,f crime to llio conA region for the purpose of Investigating the Ancient Order of Hibernian, anil I joined tbo order In April, 1874 i I made dully reports of my lnrettaT(ou!i to my Miperiors In Dilla (jiAVlien did you becomn acquainted with Put Hester? A On the Oth of April, 1875, nt Ills' owri home at Locmt flap Junction. Q Did you linvo any talk witli him about the order ? A. Not then, but on the morn ing or-lhe llth ol May I had n talk with him j bo told mo that ho had been a member of tlio organization for n great many years, but that lie had not Joined sltice ho got nut of tbo penitentiary, because a great many people jvero agalnt him and that the order amounted to nothing ; that In his timo he ran things to suit hlmaelf, iiud that when he joined again iit'vVould make things jump ; Ufa&ithrt'thiit wlicn he was a member he could have things done just as ho wanted Iherffbut.tlnt at the present time "Stop," jjrked out Jlr Hvon Tlis.witn.fM Mnnpeil. as lie nlwivs Ini-i 4. wberf tllrl 'that the t:iftd In a feJidAbtf" he rmlliiti, d ! Instated thitjriie wtslird to hive a lm llckel he could linve it ilnne when ti t'le;i"I and that hq could g"t men to do wh it lie plcajd. Q. Who wn with yu at this time 1 A. Tom tjanolmo Introilucetl mo to Hotter, but he was not present at tho ciiiiversiti'in. Q Did' you proles to be hotdlni an oflW in the order f A. Yes; I told him that I was secretary o!" the Shcnandosh ilivl.ion. .T. F. Brink sworn ; arreted Mnllugh In FrencUtown, in the lower end of Luzerne outjt? HjJ. Linden, asjistant superintendent of 1'inkerton s detective agency, tftitipcl that he arrested Tully near Wilkes Birre, on the lltlday of November last. I arrested him under the namo of Patrick llrown, telling him I hai;i warr.iut for the arrest of a man named Tully", for the murder of Ilea ; ho said that lio knew nothing about it, and was not in Uo country at the time, and that ho was working In tho No. 1 drift of the New port colliery, Luzerne couuty ; I took him before. 'vfyuiro Heed, who aikcd him if ho wanted a hearing light away; he said ho hail n'o friend or ball handy; and that he would wait until the rest got a hearing ; lie was then committed to jail, Mr. l'yon (J. Did he ever have a hear ing ? i A. Not ulitll he li.ul a habeas corpus beaiiug, or it hearing, ! mean, before 'ftjulre Iiofth i""Wa? it on uN'ovember 8, 1876? A think there was a hearine on that date. Q. Did these (Mcllugli and Tully) men ever ge$ a hearing before they enti red this courtj A.' I don t know, sir. Q. Wart they over given u hearing? A Not trt'my kron ledge. Q Why did you prosecute these prisoners in Schuylkill county ? A..Became the wit ness was In I'otUville and it was cheaper to take The prisoner to tlio witness than the witness to the prisoner. JlrPlsyon examined tho witness at some lenglh,. but failed to get much information; particularly about Kelly's suit of clothes. Jlichael Lawlor sworn ; I was brought herefrom Schuylkill county jail ; I have known; Patrick Tully for eleven years; kusvv.'him at Port Hope, Luzerne county ; I saw mm in Lunerne couuty first on the 17tli of March, 1 809, in a saloon kept by James IlarktnsTI met him again in Nov. 1809, at a meeting of district 2S of tke Miners and Laborera Beticr. AsVti ; he met me mid I called him Patrick Tully.tho name I kuew him by iu .Schuylkill county, ami he told me nol to call him by that name any more ; I asked him why and be said he had cliruig cd bis namo to Patrick Drown ; I asktd hiiniwhat'for, and he told me that bo did something. he say where! A. No, sir. Q- .l?jd you have any talk with him about being an Ancient Order of Hibernian man ? A. Yes, sir; I understood him to be a mem ber at Glen Carbon, Schuylkill county, In 18Cd and 1807. Crossxamined by .Mr, llyon, Q. Did he tell ypuwhere, lie had done something ? A . No, sir. Q. Didnyou -work in WHkesbarre in 1870 "JlWlT'A.. At times, when there was a sipfnslon in Schuylkill county. Q- I'lltjlSJoYor 1871 when you sawjiilly? A. No, sir, it wan just when I toldjyoti. Q. Didn't you meet him at Scranton patchfin April, 18C!? A. No, sir. Qj, you say you understood he was a member. at Cilea Carbon? A. 1 knew it from himself and his company. Mr. Hugbes-Q. When did you join the Older? A, On the 24tli of March, 1872. Q- Did.ycu Jyiow Skivingtou? A. Yes sir, and I 6w liiin'in Luzerne couuty in the I of 18b8; he was stopping at a house kept, by linger LaiTerly, from Schuylkill couuty ; Roger had a brother Aleck ; Laf ferty kept a tavern at Pardon's station(about a mile from Wilkcsbarro) ; Latl'erty u-ed to live at Porestvillo once, but I don't know where elto he lived ; I left Glen Carbon on the 2d of January, 1R03, I think; ho got Into a lawscrape up there in Luerneand was prosecuted, but ho made his escape from the court house and came back to Schuylkill county, where he went by tho name of Ro ger Johnson. Mr, jtyon Q. How do you know that he went by the name of Itoijer Johnson? A. I was told so by bis father aud his mother, and by his sister and some of bis friends. "I ask tbo court to stnko that evidence out that relating to the change of name." It was done and the battle began again. Q. How long have you been in Jail? A. Sis ast.uay. Q, You have been tried, convicted (of be- lug un accessory after the fact to the murder of Sanger and Urcn, committed at Haven Run, on the 1st of September, W), and not sentenced? A, Yes, sir. (J And never expect to be sentenced? A. es, sir, 1 do, Lewis S. Parr, a policeman, testified that he arrested Hester in January, 18Gt, In moo uiimrg, Q. Btatolf ynu overheard a conversation between Ifesfer and Tom Donohue- in the jail here? A. Donohue wanted to see Hes ter, so in the afternoon I put them iu the name cell ; then I locked the door and walk ed away, and went back again on my hands and knees; I listened, and Douohue said, rai, rai, uiai was a poor go, killing Ilea, wasn t tit Hester said, "It was so, and If J nad (o get hi in stmt again I would never do'ltj" (sensulion;) then he Bald. "Hols killed, and It's no ute to cry about it, but uevertbeleM we aro all right, and can at any time get five hundred who will swear we weren't there at the time ;"tbeu I went back again and opened tho entrance gale and went back aud took Donohue out and put nun in lue inner ceil again. . lias that all that you heard? A. Yea, nr. Q, Was this before Donohue was tried? A. Ves, sir; about four or fire day before. Q. Don't you remember telling that what you tiavo tcld to Mr. Ik'clor, tho district at torncy ? A. I can't say I can't recollect, It It so long ago. Q. How long after that did you remain on tho police force! A. Until some time In April. (. hero did you go then 7 A. To Berks county. Cross-examined Which cell did you put iiestrinto7 A. On tho lea aide as you enter tho jail, on tho lower floor j Donohue was on tho right (whero Uester Is now) j DulTy and l'ryur wero witli Donohue : tho door on the lea wculd shut ; It was bard to shut, though j I was hero when Donohue was tried and wasn't a witness. Q. You didn't go on the stand! A. No, sir; nor I wasn't subpoenaed, and I didn't tell the lawyers or the district attorney that I heard such a conversation : I wasn't hero when Duffy was tried ; I knew tlut 7eslcrwas indicted, and I arrested him on suspicion for that murder. (J. Why dldu't you tell what you beard to tho ollieers of the commonwealth? A. I am willing to own up that I didn't know it wnimv ulace UV. When illd vim tell? A I toM my m ii r. I'm I diil.. i want to lw diag-d In to tlir .tlV.nr, u cause I didn't want tlnw people "ii in, i rm-k. Inn iii' dim; Col mid Cuke in Lu tin It lphia sumo leu diy- ago, ho l'ld me thai lle-ler was going to be tried Inr the murder of Rea and I wrote to M C'liirad Shliiilel, uT raaniqua. Q Why di'l you listen at the cell ibmr A Tu find out what was going tin, and I lound out what Must told, no more, no lcs. Q Didn't yon forget to tell this conver s.i inn In 18iJ3? A. I never f.irgot it. L. u. Ikeler sworn. I was .dUtritt nt lorncy of Columbia coUuly in 1SG0 ; Lewi: Parr, the witnes who just lea the stand stopped ma one day on tho pavement mar my olhre, whils Hutcr was in jail and wan' ted to tell ms what he overheard Hester and Donohue say; my recollection in that I took linn in my office and he stated tn me there, as nearly as I can recollect, that he heard Pat. JJe'tet say to Donohuo that he was sorry Rea had been killed and that If he ha I it to do over again ltncer would be done and he said something about getting any number ot witnesses to swear them clpar. Q. Did Parr leavo here before tbo timo for Hester's trial V A. Yes, sir ; I knew that be left. Ctofs-examlned by Colonel Ficeze. I was district attorney when Donohue, Duffy, and Pryor wero tried and when Hester was discharged. Q. Did you tell your colleagues in the case this story? A. I think I told Mr. Barth olomew. Q. When? Was it before the Donohue trial ? A. I think it was, but I caunot say ; I know I was very busy at that time, and I think I noted down what the witness told me. Q. Have you you motes? A. I looked for them but can't find them. Q. Did you call Parr at the Donohuo or Dufly trials ? A. No, sir. .Q. Did you move for the discharge of Hester while knowing this fact? A. I did, sir, with the conscut and at the request of my colleagues ; I think I mentioned th fact but once, and I think we decided that It could only bo used against Heater, On Friday morning Judge Elwellread his opinion in regard to tho alleged incompeten cy of Daniel Kelly, as follows : JI'IXJK ei.wuli.'s OPINION. Commonwealth vs.Hesteret.nl; ITnnii obiectton to the comneteucv of Dauiel Kelly lue court permitted the couinel for defendants to bring in the record of convic tion of theiwitness for robbery in Schu'kl.co. The exemplified copy of the record is from the Court of QuarterSessiousof that county. It shows that Dennis Kellv who is shown to be tho witness, was indicted iu the Court of Uyer ana 'lermlner or Kcbuylkill couuty on the 7th day of September. 1809. for hirfiwav robbery, nod that ho was tried iu the Court ot Ouarter tensions on the same dav. found guilty aud sentenced to pay a fine of one nunureu uouars ana costs and undergo im prisonment for two years in the Schuylkill county prison. The record itself is nroduced and nnnears to be the docket of tho Quarter Sessions. It is testilied by tho clerk that there was an Oyer and Terminer docket kent in that conn- ty, in which were entered homicide trials; also lor burglary and the like. In the case of Dougherty vs. Com. (19 P. Smith 292) which was a writ of error to rmstronir directed to the Over and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, it appeared that no separate docket was kept in Oyer and Ter miner and the Supreme Court held that as the reaord nurnorted to bo the roeonl nf Quarter Sessions it must be so regarded and treated. The Indictment was for murder. It was said ppr Williams J. The Court of Quarter essions:tneretore had no lurisdiction or Bow er to try and punish the defendant; aud if as appears by tbo record bo was tried, con victed and fentenced therein the whole pro ceeding must ba regarded as null and void. If the case bad been in fact tried in the Oyer and Terminer the record might have been corrected by an order of the court nunc pro tunc, as was afterwards permitted in tne casecitedund as was done in Brown va uomraomvenllh, (28 P. V. fi. 122). But until such indictment or change is made the record must be taken as it etands. and cannot be supplemented by parole evidence. No part ot a juugmeut can rest on parole. Zim merman va llrigt-aos (5; H'atts 186). Inas much as the record of a court is to bo taken is imparting absolute ventv it can cot be shown by parolo that it is the record ot a iillerent court from that it purports to be. There are other nuestlons raised bv the evi dence in regard to the paying of the fine iui- furcwUU'J CUUIIIg UiC lUIJUISUU UJCUb lUTkUU time mentioned in the indictment. But as Upon the whnln Hhmvhiir T nm nf thnnnln. ion that the witness is not incompetent, I 6 .p. u ul"ion npon tuoso questions. Atic uu eciinn iri ina comnetenev or Daniel Kelly Is overruled. Exception by W.m. Ei.wni.i., 1". J. .Mr, Tarr who had testified lo bear. ing Hester's confession to Donohue iu tho prUon, was recalled by tho defense and cross-examined at length. He stated that bo bad shot two Mollio Maimlres on one oc casion, was ucciuittcd by a lurv nml ,ti,-, out of Tnma'pjtt by the urdtr. Several uuimpartaul witnesses wrre iheu examiued. The counel for the prosecution then stated that they had a very imporUut wit ness coming from Miamoliti this morning, ne ueing now on tils way. With the privi lege of calling him to tho stand when be ar rived, the Commonwealth would rest their side of the case. With thU agreement the Slate uoed. Jlr. fc. J. Ilolvertoii opened for the de fence; After referring to the reat re iuuiiiiny ium uevoivcs upon the iurv, .ILlll... .1 . , . anu tne great ntcefslty tbeie is of their givlug careful cousideratlou to every part of the evidence in the rake, he stated durlug his speech, which lasted over an hour, that the powerful Inlhitnco had been enlisted sgalnst the prisoners, thus prejudicing the minus ot tne public against them. toe niicrnoon session opened at two o clock, the attendance was very large. Edmund 0. Harris, the witness for th prosecution expected ffom8bamok!n having iiiici, tv & csueu anu sworn : Oonsumptives, Take Notioo ! Kvery moment of delay makes your cure more liopo- iess, ana mucn depends on the Judicious cholco of a remedy. The amount of testimony lnfaorof Dr. ncuonck's ruimonlo Rirun, as a euro for consump' Hon, far exceeds alt that cn be brouulit to support mo prctcutlons of any other medicine, lico Dr. nchenck's almanac, contalnlm: llw ccrtincstcs of many persons of the hielictt respectability, who nnro oeen restored to ncoitu alter bcluir prunouoceil innirauie uy physicians of ackaovtlodircd abuttr. schenck's Pulmonic syrup alone lus cured many, as iiwso euaenccs will show. Ilut Ihn euro Is often promoted by the cmploj meat of two other remedies which nr. sclienck prov hies for t ho purpose, Theso additional remedies aro scheuck's fe.i Weud Tonlo and Mandrake Pills, liy tho timely use of theso clues, ncoordlng to directions, Dr. Hchenck ccrttfles that almost any case of consumption lino bo cured nr. scnoncK is professionally nt his principal onice. corner Sixth and Arch streets. Philadelphia, cierr Monday, whero all letters for advlco mint bond, dressed. VEGETIfiE Purifias tho Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates tha WJiolo SyHtum, Its Medical Propartit'3 aro ill. !!(! o, t onic, Sitlveni anil llliiiHic " lli'liubls Eviik'iicc. Vcai'tlnr Vcffrtliit Vcaeilne Mr. It. It. Stevens. Dar Mr I will mna, fl.(.opr.,it.. mw testimony Iqt'ie Kn'at numinT V m nave sm-H-ir reeeivm in mvomf sMiruvutmid W. me llclnM.v.ge.ine. fur I u.imVii" k I'luiigni'unwisilil In Itipr.ili". f.,M "s Vet'lliH' Tcrfttu rut disease. cUrrh. ant li.,.l ru., t,nd Ir, A " '"P1"' 'ant H V'llllt win islf Teaettu Tcacllnr Trffvtinc ;.v k.i . " uy ruor.',uii'i v g- fiSnc.uJfS m? ' ftnd ' a "A t-J I h,.nk Oodautha Uino that there is'so (rod a inedklnoas Vim-timv. n,.ri i m, ,r,,r ,7 obe of the Lest me-ilclnes f r to'u-i.s iwl weuk, sinking n-elloifs attiw etornJchH,,,, .ulTLso evirybody to take ths VcwuoTfor icmt:9 ttut ever was. Vesetbic Corner Jlagmlae andwaumtvtri'f is, Cataortdfr, Musi. Vesetlur GIVES Health, Strength, and Appetite, MvdAUphffiThAH Vraetlne Vesetlocj Voireltne from tho usoof Vis-eUno fifr dccllntwr aei itn was a source of i;reat nsslo' y to all Iw-r friends, a fc-r bottles of Vereilnn rc slorod her health, mrnp ui nml apptUte, Vt'Metlai' Vrffelbie Veartlnr Vretlne insurance and Heal libtate igent. No. 4t bears' iiulWiln?, Bobtou, Masfl. CANNOT BD EXCELLED. VcKPtlne Vl'Metlue II. K. Stevens! ' Dear Sir This Ls ta nrrtlfv tlmt ii,m Vi'Killnr VeHellur used your "Blood Preparauonlln mv ram uy tor several jesrs, and think uat, for .wiutnwt itftumn nuuiurs or racumat lo atrecuons. It cannot bu ejioelK'il ; and as ? bl 'tKl puriaer or spring nieOlclM 1 1 is the best thing 1 have ewr usod, and I have usedalmo6tevtrvthlnir. ipj,n pitiurmttv Vewellne VeKCtlur Veetlne Irecomaiend It to any uio In need or such a imedlcbio. 1 ours respectfully, lias. A. A. DlNSMOIiK, .Na l Itusseu btreeu REOOBKMIim XT Heartily. SOtTTU 1I08TOM. TV,h f IBM VeHetlue mctloe Teiiellue Mr. fetovcas : lieor sir I have taken several botUcs of ,vour Vegetlne, and am convinced it Is a valuable remedy for dvNrwrvdn. i-iinnU Vf Kellur komplalnt and general debuity of Lhosys- con heartily l-ecoiumpnii it tn nil ,ni. tterliig from tbo above com plaints. Mas. ilCWIOE PAliKEIi, M Athens etrcct. Veaetine Prepare,! liy H. R. Stevens, Bcstoa, Mass. vegetme is sold by all druggists. Ayer's Cathartic -Pills, For all tho purpose of & Family Physic. Btcoxiaonr Sroath, Eryemolaa, Xlheumatitru, and Skin Dijeospa, iJil- tou3noss,Dropy, Tumors, Worms, for ruiUjMg the Blood, Arc the mo6t ef fective and conge nial purgativeevcr discovered. They arc mild, bat ef fectual In their operation, mown the bowels surely and without pain. Although gent la in their operation, they ani still the most thorough and earchln'' eathnr. tic medicine that can be employed: cleans ing tho stomach and bowels, and even tbo blood. In small doses ol ono pill a dav, they stimulate the Ui;estivo organs and promote M'gorous health. Aveu's Pir.i.s have been known for more than a quarter ot' a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct disea.ed action in the several assimilative organs of the body, and arc so composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do tlicv curu tho eery-day complaints 'of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baflled the best of human thill. While they produce power ful effect?, they are, at the same time, tho safest and best physic for children. liy their aperient action they ;ripo much less than the common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. Uiey ri'.ieh the vital fountains of tho blood, and strenmhen tho svstein by freeing it fiom tho elements ot' weakness. Adapted to all ajfs and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any delete! ions ilru, these I'ills mav be taken with .-ai'ety by anvbodv. Their sui.ir-ccutin primes them ever frcdi, and makes them pleasant to take while being purely eyetiible, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity, iv.U'utui lir Dr.J.C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., Oct. 18, UTC-ly I ICOUNTER.PLATFORM WAGOM&TRACK CG" AGENTS WANTEDcKs SEMI) roii PRICC U3T MARVIN SAFE 85SCALECO '265 BROADWAY A. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA lOJf BANK ST.CLEVE.Q, bit reh II, 1-ly, A fiJMf. kr jf it in hi m) Niveil.,.N. j. ' l I tlrrrt- In lie vmlil tCdlu l.K tkhty luketc jii iww BLANK KOTES,with onrltkoot ucoipUo MttkMUtkCOaWKKUIOaW,. M. C. SLOAN & BR0 m.oo.usiunu;, it, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, thaotons, Slolghs FLATttlllM WAUOKfi,c. llrst-class work alw nj s on band. ItKPAlRINtl NKATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the tunes. Jan. 6, lu-tf The Columbian Law Docket, A complete record for the uso of attorneys. Con venlfntly arranged for tho docketing of allcaset, containing sro pages, with double Index. This Is the most complotv book for lawyers thot Is pub. lUhed. PRICE, S3. ISO. I ublished by Brockway & Elwell Ell1 r nnl lYipi leii r rf tln f'oi.t'MlilAN, BLOOMSDTjr.G, Drcl tt f:sT miiubou twtl'V I Pt.ll,ll ril. C-i.fiil.i.if I 1t tar drv raid 111 If til- M-lrtl liitb.n( inija, r) I rfnji, Phi fhW r t- lUn dlKM.i.d pin, Th V)T trt cln at, ..j uHlh'" f k h'rMy cflMkurlmtlMk ftrirl r '-tit at i ti i 1h n. rabU it hi. H. int aid ralkM In bit r-i ., a i itht(ffilTi w Ltarill) i,dfw,-Al. Imiii it. i, tfWtr, ?, it la, ' wint ar mm Titw cin. P.blOCKMAar, C7 BOND BTJifir,Kw Terk, G II E ATKlMCTiON iTHE J'KICB.OP I'AIWrS, OILS, BltUSUKI, JAPAN DHTEIt mid ti r Slrlctlj FOnK wtllTK JCADlt cents per pound guaronuieQ istvuu 10 any ja uuj tnaiKeu "MOKTODK WlUTfi LEAH at lo cents per pound, equui 10 any iur aurauuity. SIONTODR 8LATK PAINT8 8, 9 and 10 cents per MONTOUR METALLIc"bhown 8 Cents per pound. The best Fire-Proof Iron Paint In the Market. MOrmwn MTJTAUJO DHOWN dry S and cents per pound. According to quantity. Best Quality of Paint Brushes at low prices. PURE LINSEED OIL which we buy Id large quantities, direct from the Manufacturer, and offer at the lowest Market price. BEST JAPAN DRYER. Acknowledged bv all oar leading Painters to be best la the Market. All onr goods are guaranteed as represented anu our paints to be grouad La pure linseed oil, or the money refunded on demand. Head for sample card and price Hit with testimon ials. HENRY S. BEAY, Solo Manufacturer. Rupkiit, Pa. May 5. 71.-ly. GLAZING AND PAPERING. WM. F. BODINB, Iron Street below sec ond. BloomsbUTL-. Pa.. Is nn.nar in An nl kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HAKGNG la tho best styles, at lowest'prKes, and at abort notice. Parties havlnc- such work to An win hav mnm. caning on m. All Work Warranted to cMve ftnf InflM'tlnn. Clrftar boU cited WJI. F. UODINE. MarchSTs ALBRECHT& CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. The Albrecht & Co. Piakos. are first-class in every respect, boinc con bidercd tho leading Philadelphia make by musicians and competent iudees. Through their extunsivo facilities. Messks. AuutGciir A Co, are enabled to tum out instruments that aro not surpassed anywhere, and still sell them at prices -within the reach of all. No Piano is, permitted to leave their factory unices satisfac tory to the mobt minute particular, licnco their guarantee of five years is a thing of value. All late im provements of importance aro found in those instruments. Messrs. Auhieciit & Co. have re ceived the most Uattering Testimo nials from L. M. UoTTBCiuuf , Franz Aut, Gustave cUtor, J. P. Himmels UACJi, Wiixiam Wolsiekter and' many other eminent artists, besides being ablo to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely to any part of the world. fFer further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 11, i3i.-iy. Verbatim Reporting. TKHMri 1 AUu<raveUlig-, boardln-. and other rzpebsea; Uve dollars a session, for taklngtho report: nd ten cents a folio, ( hundred words, f for writing out Jnto lout-baud. here the matter reported la one day equals or exceeds nf ty folios, the nve-illar fee will be reunit ed, and tho transcribing jnghand charged at nrtetu cents a folio; but, .all such eases. If toner than nny roUos urn pun based, the Uve dollars will bo cbarL-vd. Address. S. N. Walker, A. H. , Court-etendR-rapher, tiioomnburs", Columbia e..mty, l'ennsjlva 11U. ltesldeuee, Iron strevl, between Third and Kourtiu Omce. lib B. K.Orvls. Esq. , Columblan-bulld-Inir, eutranee.opiioslle tha eu&t irate lo the court bouse vol d, Dnl Door, nrst door to rlfbl. omce-hour, trom.twelv to one oclock. eb is, isis-iy JOll PRINTING OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N executed peom1tly At tbe Oolvmbuh Oifioe BIG . .11 !' 'II V, ' , ; ; - BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH iN'OIUIAL SCHOOL DISTKICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRIQWOLdTa'iT M. D Principal. Tllissciluouasat prosnnt constlfitert, , IuvUIiib uud cuinmodluus i oini nrlni- mitrr l.'UlhllllU MH'CIUU' u.'.iii.in u".iitiiiiu, nun ea" in ,teoas. 1'i.icuors lu.niui.iiv. r my cuius a wim'k a ju ich 111 iu iii i e uoures of midy preci Ibod bj tha stale t 1. Moil I School. II. Preparatory. Ill, Kleiiienlaiy. IV, Classical, Ailjuncl Courses : I Aculeinic It. Oniniuerei il. III. C'nue in .Muic. IV. Crnirsc in Art. V. Conre In Physic il Culture. The Elementary edciitlllc and Classical Courses are I'll iPEMIiiN' M. nml st,i int erilulliiirthereln. lecelve stnte iilol im.i. eonfenlnir t!ie followlrtr enrrespundinir IX'grees ; Miisurof the hleu.ents; uusterof tlio "olences: Maiterof thelUaaslos. Uraluates tlielrntMlninent signed b ihoonieersofino Ho.inlot 'irnsteis. 1 lie eoiiiwj of Muily 01 escribed by Hie Mate Is liberal, nnd tho Kclentltlonnrt Classical courses are not Inferior to I hose of our best Colleees. The State reoulresa bltrh'T order of Cltlzenstlln. Tne tlmeHilmnniKl It. IIU niienr lim nrlitm rih1ctM of IhU Scjti il tu heln tDSecuro H bv f urntshlnff Inl elll- gentan I entclent Teuciiersforher -cluiols. I'o hits ineir uueiiix.au iiiueniH. to all such It promises uuaiOKtie. umir.t) the I'r lie on .. nil. M ll.l.IA.U U1.WKI.I., I-reslilcnt llunnl Sept. 8, n.-ly WTIOLESA LE DH UG EMPORl UM . Corner .Main nntl Mnrkut Street BLOOMSBURG, P a. The undersigned having been engaged in the business for the pat eight ycaw dealers to their largo and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the lnrco cities. Their stock consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent medicines, Spices, 6Lc. RETAIL DEPARTMENT BIRO-WEIR'S BLOC SSL . Where may bo found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrate OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE ODIt STOCK. MOYEB BROS. May 19, ic.-tf. PIANOS AND ORGANS, o r ST -A. 3ST ID .A. IR, ID M ANTJF AC TUBE The Largest Assortment ! The Best in quality I The Lowest in Prices ! The Easiest Terms ! yOU "W ILL FIND jp T COMER THOMAS' MUSIC STOKE, 1 i 7 M I I-i Jj S T 11 EET. DANVILLE, PA. Bee.J Sm Then Buy MILLER BROS.' tSFM CH EMTCAL PA INT K&rioa'Vtllet PAINT C( Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S si?i S"W"5? s( m n?r rn a t. u a rxr'n rsinanciuKi Cct lamttnat h.iT i. SSi , ,.VJ ,-'lu tniKJV.'t.VU "?niV'.'. ' iiaie Dtenpuin eu tucjenrs nml now look-as well as whcnJlrst pain tell, h pilhMll'Al. 1'rtiN r has taken First l icmlums nt twe nt ot the Malo ralm of Hit, Union. .NamWearU olors sent free. Address N. V. K.NAMUl, l'AINT CO., ITS 1'ilncu jtix'el. N. V .or Ml I. L II It O s., la Waler street, Clc eland, Ohio. ' n"' Stay is 76-iy . :' ' - .a miiiiau, muwuiiun oi li e uj est uui n iiitk TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS ox iNTrnuar to nvnmr one. '' A PIANO OR PARLOn ORCAN CHAIR, Mill) aim 1 ju.ln Wo buVv-uuilaUtoppon the bulc of tha titter uhll.-l.'unlii.-f.jrwar,! In llrn orainary jmmIiIjh for pl) In.-, and liy it .Iraiilu arrangement, whieli glvvs It a backward ami at tho tamo tloio alo an aril moemeut, follow b bU motions anil supports him la any petition nlthout lutorftrlnts la tlio leut with (bit freedom i f hlsiuoiemeutfl. Aug II, TC-am BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Dealer in Law Blauka, Sunday Pennsylvania Uiblo Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS Books and supplies not on hand can Lo furnished On Short Mice at the Most lleaxonalle Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. erstfiuvfrbetf.i-'llltlesror I'rnffloniil and classical l t.-ly heated bj btiuui, will tcntliated. lighted by gus, exnerb'tirai, tiHi'lnr, unj nilvo to their worit. Discipline nrm uni Kina, unitorm ana moruugu, ot'ciiuz iu ii'iicu. MUU0UU4 auuimei any itiuo. iiuoias end It solid's oiinr? persons 'f good abilities and good aid inleve oo lua ilielr bowers, and abundant oujortunlths tor well paid labor alter leaUnif ."cnooi. ioi of Trualecs' would call the attention of country ,-t" . . i'"'""" D'-)wa anu iiuw iuok iui Hi'iias w lien nrst imiuted. l'ii t lrs,t l'reuilums nl twenly of I he Mato Fairs ol tho fnlon. Sample eard n i - i,d,f . ? 'v!' V' ,1" N ' rt "ter btreeI. Weuuid, Ohio. CO, l.s.l'itLcebtiut, N. Y. May 12, ';c ly, IJ 1 itui 1 lasl tnkonsloiisiisnnyothtr M. APLATFORM ROCKER OH ? AS TORS, lihlliloni eay siovcmc i,t toJu&rulticrlurnttura nllliuLrt of louajt; Ulnz, In fact. Ill" "lily I'Ulforui llockcr uaja thjt ha a pi rf evil tatt.fuctory uoxuiint, ManufacturvU for the traJo by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N, Y., and for ralo bylhtf prlncliial dealers throachoot tho United Sulci. rvlf i"t Kept by any dealer In your town, cud to ua foi 1'ilco LUt and CaUloi;ue. School Libraries, Depositary of tho leirnlnir. uud turnlsbcd with a boiiiitlful supply of purc.soft, Expenses reservua ueu uebireu. In tuu uther Co jrses receive Normal certificates ol nurinses, -ihose who ueMre to Inipnivo lliclr tune fill.. J. (1. l'I!i:i:.i:, Srrrrtnry. BLOOMSB U KG MARBLE WORKS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAI.V STKEKT, 11BI.OW MAUKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all 1-iniU o) MONUMENTAL MAEBLE WOHKS We use tho best AMtTtlCAN anil IT A T I AN Marble, fie has on hand -nd furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IB. HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, Ac. Every variety ot Marble cutting neatly executed it tho lowest market prices. A lonff practical experience and personal attention to business makes the proprietor confident or nlvlns satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attendea to. 1'. o. box '7. BriJy. U. HVt delivered free oe Aarje.tt5a Aus. II, 'J4-ly. T. L. OUNTON, l'roprletor. Important to Lawyers. Justices of thol'eace, Constables, rteciitorK, Ad ministrators, (luardtan. Township ollieers, and busl nebu men Rencrally. Wo have on hand a l.irso assortment of lefal blanks for tho U".e of Attorney), Justices and Con table's blanks of all kinds, .Noto and Itccelpt books tor Administrators xc. 1-It ICE LIST. ATTOIiN EV'S 1) LANKS. Preclpa for Summons. " n. ltulo to take Depositions. " " "chooso Arblirators. 1 cents apiece, cr 11.10 per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. " " Cliall'in llulototako Depositions. Nurr In Debt, wlm conresslon, " " Assumpsit. .Mechanics IJ.-u. 4 cents each or f3.G0 per hundred. Petition for sale nf ileal Kstalo 8 cents each. JUSTICE" UL NKH. Subpcrnis, Summons, Warrants, Executions, so fo tsceutscach. leases r, cents each liluo Deeds 10 " l'.irclunent Deeds ijv " " Agreemenls a ' orphan's Court sales 20 for Jl 60 Constable's Sales a cents each .Moniraffo and Iiond Vi " All kinds ot Notes l " ' Itccelpts, Notes, school ordern, roor Orders, Wore Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made to order on short notice. Weaio prepaiedto do neater Job work than ans other onioelu this county. WtOCKWAY & EIAVKIX, Editors and rropiietors of the COIXIIBUK, isioomaburir, l'a GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Disteasfs op tub Skiw, IlEUl-TlriES THE COMI'LEXIO.V, PREVENTS ANt Remedies Rheumatism and Gour, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticie anu Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup. Hons, Sores and Injuries of tlie Skin, not only removes prom the Complexion am. Blum. Isiies arising from local impurities of the IjIckxI and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and ITIANT, and being a wholesome EEAUTIF1ER is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUI riiUR Haths are Insured nv thi: use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which In add!. Hon to its purifying effects, remedies aud PRE vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disintects clothino and linen and prevents diseases cummunicated by contact with the terson. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald, riess, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and 50 Gents perGako; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. K. It TU 50 can calt. are iriplo tha U of Uiom al a ccnu. "II1LI8 1UIK AM) -WHISKEU UVE," Illack r Broirn, 00 Ceula. 1 5. CMTTiaiOS, 1'ropT, 7 Sixth ir.,M Oct, , 1ll..y( BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. . A. II C It It I IV fl RIJ?I;I?C'!.,FU,'IA' "iinoiiiieea lo tlie publio that he has reopened SNVDKIfd TANNEHV, (old stand) llloomsburEr, pa., al the lorksofthe Espy andXIeht street roads, w hero all dean lotions of lpatlifr rlll h. m..l. In .ka fubstantlal and workmanllko manner, and sold at ffiVaU.!S.'mi1lfor,1,, Pr,W 1UCa3" , O.HKKN HIDES of every description lu tho country. The putllonat ruoaffO is respocltully solicited, Illoouisburif, Oct. 1, 1876- MORRIS MICHEL, riiAcric.il, piano niAunn, TUXKIt AM) lti:iAIIli:it. lJLOOJISUl'UO, PA, ;tV.v jrftffly - M m I F1HBT CLASS PIANOS AND GROANS FOB SAUL SLCOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN IXCIIANOJt. VUDtU 1X MALI, ItOilPTiY IXaOCTJIO, Cti, 1-ly I RAIli ROAD TIME TABLES plIILADJiU'JU AND 1U2ADINO iIoa!) AIUtANUEMENT OV rASSEKGER TRAINS. July 12, 19711. trains leave nrrEKT as roiiovs (fnmATurn.,, For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsruij Tninaqitn, c 11,33 n, m For Catarrlssn, ll.Su n, m. and 7,00 p, m. For Wlllluinsport,e,33 0,81 a, m. and 4,00 p, ni. THA1N8 TOR ltCrlRT IKATIt AS FOLLOWS, (8CKDAT t CKI'TKD.) Ixiarc Now York, ,4J a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 8,10 a, m. Leave Heading, 11,8 a. m., I'otUytlle, H,l p. to amlTaman.ua, 1,S0 p. m. Lcao Catawlssa, o,!0 o,SS a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave tVllllamspon.B 3 a.m,lS,com. andt,cop,ra Passengers a 1 il from Now York and phila'ii) phla go througa n lUiout chango Of cars. .1. C. WOOTTKX, Jan. 1 1, tuc tf. General Superlntehden. .VTOUTHEUN CENTItAL ItAIUVAY J COMPANY. rtl On and after Norember soth. 1S78. trains w 111 leate sUNHUltY as follows 1 NOHTIIWAIII). Erie Mall 6.!0 a. tu., uirli e Ellnlra 11,50 0, " Canandalgtia .3.9, p. m Kochvstci i.ii ' Niagara., no u itecovo nccommodat fen 11,10a. m. unite Viluiiias it I2.B5 p. m. Klnilra .Maiu.lt, a.m., urrlve Elmlra lo.son.m. Ilullalo Kpr-.ss T.lo n. 111. arrive HufTolo 8.tu a. m Mil'TIIWAIII). Uuffalo Express i.6o a. tn. urrlve Ilorrlsburg l.to .m " llaltlmoro 8.40 " Ulralra Moll ll.ls a.m., nrrlvo llarrlsbuig l.to p.ra " Washington I0.su " " Paltlmoro 0.30 " Washington 8.C0 " ilantsburgHCCommodatloii 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p.m. at rive Ilultlmore S.2A a, m ' Washington CM " Krle .Mall 12.54 a. in. arrive llnrrlsburgs'ioa. rn. " Daltlmorc 8.40 " " Washlngtou 10.SB " All dally except Sunday. D. M. IIOYD, Jr., (Jcneral rassenger Agen A, J. CASSATT, Genernl Mansge PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. i'li il adc 1 fli lu & die I!. It. llivislon. WINTER T1.ME TABLE. ON and nfier SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 187G the trnius on tho I'hiiadolphiii trie Kail Uoad LUUslon n 111 run us lulluHs: WJiSTWAJlD. ERIE MAIL leaves New York- ...... " " " I blladelphla ,., " " " IlHltliuoie. ... " " M Hurrlsburg " " " wiiuumsport " " " Lock Haven , " 41 lienovo " " arr. at Erie .. 8.:s p. ra ..11.55 p. m . 9.iup.m . 4.15 a. in . 8.SS a. m . 9.40 a. m . ll.io a, m . 7.3 p m MioiKA EiritEBS leaves Philadelphia.. T.so m iiuiiunoie ! " " llarrisburg. ...I0'0a.m arr. at w Ullambporu 2.i p. m " " Lock Haven.. 0.23 p.ra " " llenoro 4 41 p. m ' ' " Kune 9.20 p.m " " iiunulo FAST LINE leaves New York .25n. m " " " Phlladelplda lisoa.m " " liiililmoie ll.nsu.m " " llninsburg 320 p.m " arr. nt Wllllamspurt 1.3 j p. m : 0: EASTWARD. DAY EXTOESS leaves Kane s.oo a. m " " ltenovo li.loa m , ' " lklluven 11. oiun " ' " Mlllamsport..,.12 40p. in ' ' an, at llunisburg 4,iup m , " " Philadelphia 7.vup.m " ' " NeWiork 10 15 p. " " llaltlmoro J.35 p. m " " WOihlngtou, 9.UI p. m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 20 a. m " " " lienovo 8.3511. m " " " Uick Haven 0.43 p. m " " Wllliamsport 11.15 p.m ' " arr. at Hirrlsburg 2.45 a. m " " llaltlmoro 7.45a m " " " l'blliideluhla ".win. m " " NewYorlf. ..,..10 05 8. m FAST LINE leaves Wllliamsport....... . 17.35 0. m arr. at llarilribuiir 4. oa.in " " " Ilalllinoio 7.4'iu m " ' ' Philadelphia 7.1:5 a. lu " " " NewYoik lo.soa. ia Erie Mall Wett. Niagara Express West.Loekllsven Accom. est and Daj l.xpu-M Last makoclo.se con nection nt .Noiihumberhiuit with L. K U. It. It. trains for vwikes.J'urieand hcranton. j:rle .Mail West, Niagara Express West, Erie Impress Wot and Loik Haven Accommodation u est make close conntctUn at Vt Mlam&i.oi I VMUi N. C. H. W. trains 1101IU. J'.ttoMallWtsi.Mugcra E.prebs West, and Day 1i.,;rL;?.Ki.st.,m,u,'" --'i1""0 comiectlon nt Lock Haven with 11. E. v. It. It. Iialli.i. Eiio Mull Eust and West connect nt Erie with Ji fsonL.s.i(.M.b Il.lt. atlorrywltho c.&a. . It It. nt Emporium v lih U. N.1.&P, II. It. andat UrlftnocKlwItiiA V. It. It. ' I-. au t ...!'.?.rl,jr Cut W1U llm between Philadelphia and Wllnnmport on Niagara Express West, Erie Ex. pre?s West, Philadelphia ixrress East Hay CY8ronlUlghdramsn.a0y MeeP' WJI. A. BALDWIN, Dec. lVT5-tf OeneralSupt. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND W EbTEHN ItAlUCOAll. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Timo-Tuble No. 89, Takes effect at 4:3 A. M MONDAY", NOVEM1IEH 22 1676. NORTH STATIONS. p.m. p.m. a.m SOUTH. 8 0.1 3 58 8 Oil 3 til 7 US 3 49 7 46 8 41 7 4U 3 ST 7 S3 3 32 7 27 27 7 22 8 23 7 IS 8 19 J 15 3 17 7 15 3 II I Ii7 3 12 7 l3 d 09 I M 1 M td : 1 6 45 2 M 5 80 2 42 6 16 231 0 09 2 2ft 8 02 2 S 15 2 13 5 tl 2 10 5 4S 2 18 Mil 15S 9 48 9 43 Seranton Hellevuo Tajlorvllle..., ...Lackawanna.... Pulsion... ,. West Pitibton... Wjommg, Maltby" Pennctt Kllirklnn a.m. p m. p.m. 9 88 t 20 0 5 9. 49 2 SI (80 9,53 2 SI h ST. 9 SS 9 81 9 25 9 21) 10 (11 2 Jj CIS 10 OS 2 46 8 IP 10 11 2 62 111 9 IS! 1" It 9 11 9 07 9 (1.1 9 '5 8 59 8 50, 8 31 S 4-. 2 68 1 et 1" 20 10 S3 1M U( 3 17 9 M 8 17 7 11 M 3T 10 21 Kingston 7 16 7 25 ni iiiouiu .tuna, ..Pi) mouth .... .. .AVOlKllllU VnliMruiL- 10 s 3 9 S 27 7 SS 10 so I 40 10 40 I'l 44 3 82 8 37 1 4a 6 41 8 81) 8 19 8 14 S US 8 2. 7 68 7 64! 7 40 7 4'! I.Htinloek's leek. 7 6 '10 62 3 45 8 IC .wiiL'kthlnny.,.. ....Hick's Kerry.., ....Eeuth Haven.,, -l'ervvlck .... llrlar creek..... ...Willow drove.... Lime lildge Espy , ..,Illoomi,burg 11 D 11 17 11 23 11 3 4 III Sit 4 13 8 43 4 21 8 ra 4 '.9 9 03 4 37 60 4 41 6 65 4 40 7 20 4 BV T (S II 86 11 1-9 11 4! 11 51 .1 34 5 23 5 28 1 83 1 II 1 43 1 4.1 111 37 7 35 6 2 7 40 12 2 12 07 12 10 SIS 7 45 5 14 7 62 A VII II S 5 20 6 13 , noivai.vis.-.a HndeeJ I mil,. Clark's Mvitch.J I 11 Uanviiio 7 oil chulas y 7 11 Camel on S 43.Northiimbeiland. 1 25 1 12 25 5 S3 8 16 4 55 1 19 4 50 I 15 ia 1 in p.m. p.m. 13 C2 6 4T 8 0 12 88 6 62 S 41 112 61 ft 111 I, 1ft a.iu. p.m. p.m. a.n.. Superintendent'. nHie.; "b.TO ' viwubuu, IV, IV, WILLIAMSPORT HAVE OUH NAME STAMPED ON THE BOTTOM AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED NONE liLNUINE WITHOUT Our Goods can be had in eve town in the County. J. E. DAYTON, & CC i'i AyAiNwiuaiiT&co., WUOLESALK ailOCEItS, N, E. corner tccocu and Arch atreojB, PlllUnxUDIA, Ueair rs in TEA8, SYItCPS, COFFEE, SUQAB, MCI, SFICtaV tvordero v)U re-mi' proupt .1