-it -riiifiif firtTi tfi n rfrf Inii lfiain iittf " THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCK AT, BLOOMSBUitG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Agricultural. Stable Ventilation. 'i'ho object of ventilation to any apart intnl which constitute, the abode of mil iiiilt Is to procure a constant supply of fresh nir to sicot the demand of tho nnlinnl economy, The practice which has long prevailed, na regards ventilation, seems to deny Ih utility, and to doubt the Injury ac roinpanylng Its neglect. So llttlo do niuny people seo tho necessity of ventilation, that Uicy cannot distinguish between the warm nir nnd tlicfoul air of a ttah le, ftisi, come rjrtently, If the admlislon 0 f fresh air Is wan .tedlo expel tho foul, they immediately con clude it mint be cold, and do harm. Now, It is the proper action of ventilation to let nwny all and no more of the warm air of a Htblo than what Is foul, and then, of coure no more than the 'same quantity of fresh air can find Its way Into It. A ready means of letting out the foul air from a stable Is by a number of ventilations W the rldgo of the roof; aud one mean of admitting fresh air below, Is by thenindon when tbey are open: but when they me shut, other means mint be ypplied. As doos and windows nie usually eltUated in fsrm-9tnlites. the fresh nir should not be al low rd locnter ly thtln through the uiglit; so llicy should not be left open, fur fresh air cmilng directly from thodo3rs or windows upon ahorse must strike his body and limbs forcibly, nid do him moro harm than goi I. 'Ih f esb. air should come In on a livel with tho hole's nostrlIs,.and an open ligsib ehis .lead seems the most suitable plac for t il air to find its way out. U'm ttm Rural. Fast Walking Horses. It has been shown in these columns that the production of thoroughbred nnd trot ting horses has been largely In excess of the death rate, that as a necessary sequence the .stool: in the country is increasing from year t year, and that unless a foreign demand be created prices must inevitably decline. Breeders should therefore turn their atten tion.more to the production of fast-walking horses, both for the saddle and general d'r.iught. The business would pay hand somely, for the utility and value of such horses'would soon be properly appreciated, thin creating n steady demand, which would not likely bo diminished, for the next hall fCiiiUry at least. On the farm a ilow-walk-ing Imrm doui not do half the Hurl: tbnc a r.ipiil walker is able to accomplish, In tortus and cities where draught horses are used in the truck, cart, ilr.iy, Aa., it is the same j not half the work is performed by the slow walker, who crawls along at a snail's paco.and, when drawing a load, can not, be galvanized into rapid motion. As a traveler, both under saddle and in harness, the.slow walker is a nuisance. No matter what work he is engaged in, time and mon ey are lost to his owner every day that he lives. JVn Plow. Making Snperphospliate at Home. ureaictne-'OoneS'lulo "Bniall pieces: after this udorieSoik'tbenfiu water, then add fif ty pounds of sulphuric acid to every one hun dred pounds of bones. When tho bones ?re dissolved they are liable to set solid. To prevent this, mix earth with the mass, and the bone fertilizer is ready for use. Hut it is a pretty well known fact nowadays that J it uoes not pay for a farmer to make his own superphosphate. Tho profit on making it is small even when it is made in large quan tities. A farmer would have to pay a lai- ger price tor tho snail amount made than a manufacturer would give who was nurcbas- ing large quantities at wholesale. The differ euce would eat up all the profits. The ad vantage in making it one's self is that the superphosphate would be pure, and there fore worth more than a great deal of what is sold as superphosphate. Indeed the ad- uiKiiiuuu 01 commercial leriiiizers is car ried to a scandalous extent. In Kneland and some of the United Ftates governments aetlon has been taken to protect the farmer itoay fraud in this direction. Oonjumptives, Tako Notice I Every moment of delay makes j-our core more hops lss, and much depends on the Judicious choice of a remedy. Tho atnqnnt of testimony In favor of Dr Nchenck's Pulmonic Syrup, as a cure for consump tion, far exoeeds all that can be brought to support the pretentions of any other medicine. See Dr. Scnenck's almanac, containing the ccrtincatts of many persons of the highest respectability, who hare been restored to health after being pronounced Incurable by pnyslclani of acknowledged ability. Schenck's rulmonlc .Syrup alone has cured many, as these evidences will show. Itut the euro Is often, promoted by tho employment of two other remedies which Dr. Bchenck proi Ides for the purpose. These additional remedies are schenck's Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. My tho timely uso of these cines, according to directions, Dr. schenck certifies that almost any case of consumption may be cured Dr. schenck Is professionally at his principal offlcei comer Slith and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every jionuny, where an letters for advice rumt be ad. dressed. ROLLINS & HOLMES, havj! removed to Evans' Block, Main Street. VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates the Whole System. Ita Medical Properties aro Alterative, Tonic, Solvent, nnd Diuretic. Extra heavy Tin Wire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. Galvanized Iron Cornice designed and manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. VcuMlnr Vrffellncl Reliable Evidence. IMr. I?,!t. Stevens i VrK'ttar1. Dr Sir twill moat cheerfully add mr (Ulrcvdy received la tovor of vow great and for I was Tears nltn thatdrnad. TeoNlnr '"1 dtease, catarrh, and had such bad w.uun; Byriui null lb WOUH1 Seem Oft II I orahl never breathe any more, and Veg rcKttlnr yuno has cured me ; nnd I do feel to thank lood all the tine that Uk re Is so good imMlrtne an Vejetlne. and 1 also think It Vrmulnrionenf Mm best mwilolnes for coughs and ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES J the best and most economical in the market. Eollins & Holmes. VrlMiKwd medicine, Viyctlne, tor I do ru enough can do said in Its praise, ft trwiUod over thirty years with tha RANGES. The "BARSTOW ELEVATED Vtffctliir Iclnes that ever was. JIBS. L. GORE. Corner Maculae and Walnut streets. CAUiOrldje, MuS3. Vrffcllnr wpak.slnkiuu'fi-ellnirsatUiostomach.and I Ovon 'Rrmrrn Mm TJOV nrii WT adilso Hvfrvbody to tako tho Veeetme. tor I VYUU AiUIlgl, U1U JjJA.1 . tllltl JliiU- Viwctluei ' can them it Is one of the uest med-1 PKESS Portable liaii"is have no equal. Rollins ' Ilolmca. STEAM. Public and private buildings hwitcd bv steam. A variety of Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings, constantly on hand. GIVES Health, Strength, and Appetite. My daughter has received ureal benent I irum ine uso ox vetreune. lier aecnninir , her 1th was a source of (rrcat anxiety to all mi-unr ner mends. A tew twttles of Veifttlne ro- stored her nealin, Btreneth and appetite. .i. it. iiLytkt Insurance and Real Estate s Kent, No. 4 Sears' nullum?, Boston, Mass. CA1M1VOT BB EXCELLED. CnARLXSTOWN. March 19, m. II. It. Stevens ! Dear Mr Tbia Is to certify that I have used your "blood Preparation" In my fam U5 forwTcral yenri, aod think that,Xor Hcrofula or canLeroua humors or rheumat ic atTertlon. It cannot be eTcrlled ; and as a bl-otl purtOT or sprHig- medicine It la the tx'st tblny 1 have eer used, and I have used almost eery thinff. I can cheerfully recommend It to any one In need ot Huch a tneuicinM. ours refcpemuliy, MR 4. A. A DINHVOTIE, 'o. 19 Kussell street. Teffetlne Vractlnr TrKeliuc! VcjietiuH VcHel!ttj Veclliu Vfgellnr Vs-grtlne' VrMellne, Veeline VeAoiIii) Rollina & Holmes. VtHllue! &xicoaaBiiszrs it Heartily. bocni llosroN, l'eh. 1, 16T0. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly done Mr. Kfevejisj Veneihie, Dear sir 1 have taken several bottles of .your vejfeliue, and am convinced it la a IvaltlahlA renieilv for i1sitensln. klilnev I VrKrilneicomnlslntsndceneral debility of Uosv!- lem. I I Mti heartllv rerftnimpiid It f A nil Mitf . Ve neiliie.terlni fmm the aboo coraplalnta. Vours Kespectfully. MB". MfMtCjC rAIiKER. Vrnrtlnr K Athens street. PreDared H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all druggists. Ayer's Cherry Pectora;! Feu 1, -.1-11 Eollinn & Holmes, KW STOCK OP CLOTiltNO. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBKRO Invltesnttentlontohls larseondeletrantstoclr Watering Horses AHer FeedlnR. The' National IAre Rtnrk ing directions for' the care of Iiorses, 3aye ; Anotlier commop fault in tie alimentation of horse? &4jie leading tp water just after a fulf feed of grain. The first cfTect of this is to large' distend the stomach, and there- ultrmryrbe as , serious s if the material were masticated grain and ealiva. ilut, should thlp dituger he avoided, matters are no't necessarily left in a hetter state. The sudde.n and excessive influx of water is likely to was li on much of the contents o! I the stomach into the Intestines before the nitrogenous principles have been digested, and fermentation, extrication of gases, over I distensions, colics and inflammations result. Kven this is not all. The application of an excels of cold water on the mucous mem brane of tho stomach and Intestine cause vascular congestion and violent muscular contractions, so that all tend to digestive disorder oi a dangerous nature. Copious draughts of Iced water aro hurtful alike to man, and beast. If it must be taken il should be in small nuantitles only and fre quently. Hut n drink of water of moderate temperature, just alter a feed of grain, is full oi pern to mo honpeu. tuirst bUoum be al layed before the feed is giveu ; and if any is allowed after, It should Le merely a mouth ful, until the lapse of one or tvo hour.1 time has been had for gastric digestion. Af ter b feed of hay there is comparatively lit. tlo danger. From tho excessive ttallvarv addition to the hay, and the comparatively small umouut of its albuminoids, these arc rapidly dissolved out and digested, aud the further addition of water is ol ten rather fa vorable th m n'.herwrse In hast' n ug its projiroha into tho bowels, whero the diges trtm of its starch, sugar.Jat and other re- Hplratory elements may be completed. BntAW voit thi: Fields. If 1 could Lave my entire farm covered with boards lying Hat on tho ground a whole J ear, says a correspondent, I would expect more bene fit than from twenty-five loads of barnyard manure to the acre. Now so far as the straw goes it has a similar efTect. I believe the very best uso of straw, except ns litter for Iho stables or barnyard', is to prcnd It on the fields, put fctraw on my wheat lat season with manifest improvement to the clover, but in that I was disappointed. I noticed small spots where the straw had been in bunches the clover was out, Laving been (mothered apparently, I took up boards Irum a space about twenty feet square niter they had laid two years, aud planted potatoes, I tie surrounding ground being nl- k planted. Where tho boards had laid I nau tnree times as many btitucu as on a Ijke plot adjoining. For Diseases of the Throat ami Luncfl, nuchas CouRhft, Colds, Whooping C o u k h, .Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. The refutation It hjn fit tallied, lu f oiiRCqnPiire o the marvcllnus cm cs it Ilm jrmlucptl dining the last half crntury, If n f ul'iUctil nsiirnnce ,tn the inililii Uint It will contimifto rc.ihzc the linpiiif f t ictilts thMcait ljCtloiicil, Jn nlir.ost ccry KM-tinn ofr.muitiy lhcic nre pcrons, jmblicly known ,u! 10 hare Ucn rotored Irom alarming aud evondospeialeUUeaMM or the limgs, by t iie. u liohnr; ti led it,arkuo ledge it I supcrlui it) and nhri o it 5 virtues Art Inowti, no one hItatoi a to i hat medicine to employ to i vUcvc the dis trees nml sutrciinK peeitlnrto pulmonary affeo Hon. 'm;iiiiv rrrifiiuw. Alnnya Aflonh m Itant )elief, , and, ptrfrtrmv rapid cures ef lite niil'lcrvniH'Ues pflYonclii.il ilioider,aMvt-ll at tin inoie f)rmld:dilc d)&eau'd of the lunjf. A ilfafepunnl ti childi en, amid the dUtress- InilUease whltlil'tet tlicThioat aud Chevt of riul.lli'.Atl, it i Inaluabl; for, by in timely tue, mullitudeA ititi )ernrand teunied to l.eallli. '1 tnt'dWne traiu fnendi at e.-'ryUUl, as lhn-ur It h rontantly prnilnrlnj; aro tfxi re- mailable n be forgotten. No Jamil) ihould be without it, and those who bare imceul it newt r.iuiiiciU rtiy?i -iaiif throughout tbe mtutry pte-iibt.' it, and nWjrymen often tceoinmcnd it irom tlieir i-aonledc of 1U eflcfti. PBEFARFD BT DrJ.C.AYER&C01,LowelllMa5.s.) Vr.Ktlral tul AnftlTtlral Ch.m!tti SOIJI II V AM. IJlIL'liGlSlS l:Vi:ilYWHKUH. Oct. IS, 18T-ly Cheap and MMle ClotMig, at als store on MAIN .STBKET, IN TUB MBW BLOCK, UUIUMSBUKO, PA., whero lie nasjustrecelrco rroia New Vorlt and fnu. wlelplua a full asscrtmeat ot j MEN'S ANB BOYS' CLOTHING. Including the most faahlonaWo, atuablo and ' nanaaome DRESS GOODS. ONSISTINO OP UOX SACK, -FltOCff. HUM AND OIIiOLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SOKTS HIZKH AND COLOKS, Ue b&s also reiilealsned nls alrcadj large stoclt or CLOT1IH AND UAtiitlMKHEI), I'BD, PIOUKBD', ,nd;plain:vesth, "illHTS, CilAVATK' M. C. SLOAN & BRO., ' IILOUAISIIl'Itn, VA, Manufacturers of Carriag03,'Bu3gies, thaotons, Sloighs, l'LAKUHM WAOONS.AC. Flrstxloss wark n!njscn liaml. ltKPAlKI.S'a NKA1LY DSNS. Prices reduced to suit the times. Jan. t, lSIMf HAAS' HAAS' Haas' EXI'KCTOKANT I KIU'BUTOKANTI Stiitctortiatl tor C0C0II9 COLDB, Colds Coiieh Colds and Oomlis. Couths and Colds lmoxciims, ASTlllIt & CONSUMl'TION AIIE Cured, Cured. Cured, t) y uslnj IIAAS' EXl'ECTOHANTI HAAS' EXPECTOltANTI Haas' Expectorant I for all dlseasesof tl.e 1 taroal I.unirs. All dlseasesof tbelhroatandLunts. Tnc oreat. Great Itemedy, the best and turcst remedr Is Haas' Kxpc'tTabtl Haas' Kxpcctomatl Haas' Kxpcctorantl tor Pouchs. Colds, Consumption j Croup, Hoarseness and w hooping Oough, otnlng Kquals Nollllng Equal Nothing Equals HAAS' EXrFXrrORANT I Firrr Cants I'ik Uotti.i. FOll SALE 11Y DltUCCII.STS. Jan. H, 'JT-'Jin BIG Ttunlroft tlrt urn) mm I W KM EST Mlttanl4 Jf flrv Vmbtntlo evt. C(.iUnf M IS. fnt Slh tl, dJV fcfnfih.Jft Mr drni, pi ltft KM Hoai iImv nnd, tttllar Vutt-B, twty f.nia rrdJIm tltiK, nti.1 ftilt' r't lUn dlairxitul pi. Tti ftbot riiiW Mntt (bMI ttUIU tat nil rs4t. I lar h ' sUt f mmru!tt. a i juAtlttt,l, Kit. i LtartUy 87 BOMO fiTKUT, Kw Tort. GREAT EDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, JAPAN DRTEH& POTTY. m StrlcUy PURE WHITE LEAD 11 cents perpounS guaranteed equal to any In the market. MONTOUIt WHITit IiADat le eenta per ponnd, equal to any for durability. MONTOUR SLATE PAINTS 8, and 10 cents per Iound, according to color. MONTOUR METALLIC BROWN t cents per pound. The best Fire-Proof Iron Point In the Marteu MONTOUR METALLIC BROWN dry and 9 cents per pound. According to quantity. Best Quality of Taint Brushes at low'pris- PURE MNSEBD OIL which we Irav in large quantities, direct from the Manufacturer, and otfi r nt the lowest Market price. BEST JAPAN DRYER. Acknowledged br all our leading Pointers to be best In the Market. All our good9 are guaranteed aa represented onu our palnta to be ground in pure linseed on, or the money refunded on demand. send for sample card and price list with testimon ials. HENRY 8. ItEAY, Sole Manufacturer. RuperT Pa. May6. '18 .-ly. A.I3STTI3Sra-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. "fTTM. F. BODINE, Iron Street below seo Y V ond, Bloomsburg, Pa., Is prepared to do al kinds of PAINTING, and PAPER HANG NG In the bert styles, at lowestlprlcei, and at short HUUW, Parties havlnir such work to do will save money calling on me. AU work warranted to give tatlstaction. Orders soucitea &OCKH, COLLAR?,: lUNDIiEHCUIKPH, tiLOVE!', BUSPENDKItP, AND f ' , I iCOuHTER,PlrTF0RM VAGOM&TBK "AGENTS WArlTEDcNs EHD rOI. Pl10C.U3r MARVIN SAFE 858CAIXCO v 265 BROADWAY A. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA. 10 ff BANKST.Cl.0. Tlie (irand DuVe Nicholas tlireateued to cliool a mimler of Russian office rs who rfkel either furtheoiieiilngof the camjialgn ut mat nicy siiould lie sent into urnjier win ter (juarieni. March l,'7-ly. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILL8 Printotl at this Oflice ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE I MOST REASONABLE TERMa FANOy ARTICLES. He has couitoiitiy on hand a Urge and well select. ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which he la prepartdto make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very taort notice, and' In the beet manner. AU his clothing Is made to wear and most I ot It Is of Lome manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JKWKLUY OP KVEHY DESCRIPTION, FIHi! ANI CUJSAV, UIUCABB OP JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IK TU18 PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE UI9 QK.HKBAI, ASSORT- MENTOy Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &o. DAVID LOWENBERO. juiy i.iMt GLAZING,' Morchlis WM. F. BODINE. ALBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tlio Albrecht & Co. Pianos are first-class in every respect, boine con sidered tho leading Philadelphia make by musicians and competent judges. Through their estenBive facilities, Messrs. Aluheciit & Co. uro enabled to turn out instruments that are not surpassed anywhere", and' still sell them nt prices within tho reach of all. No Piano is permitted to loavo tlieir factory unless satisfac tory to tho roost nuuiito particular, hence their guarantee of five years is a thing of value. AU late im provements of importance are found in these instrument. Messrs. Alurecjit & Co. havo re ceived the most flattering Testimo nials from L. M. Goitschauc, Fni2 Art, Gi'stavk Hatter, 1. F. Himmels lucii, William Wouiefpeh nnd many other eminent artists, besides being able to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, bemi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped snl'cly toany parlof the world, lfePFtr further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia, ly , Hii.-ly, BLC'OMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLD. A. M., M. D Principal. Sra'fi! W.thabounUfulsuPriyofpure,,oft, Pi.-?tiAn Sm,fi nnrt r,t arrpw. Tachers Pincrlenced. etllclent. and allte to their work. Discipline tlrm but kind, uniform and thoruug 1. Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all ospoctlntf to teach, students admitted at any time. Rooms reserved 'heu desired. Courses of study prescribed by the state i I. Modl School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. AJl.tn. ruiui . I An.,l.m! tT.fVimmprr!.il. 1 1 1. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Courso In Physical Culture. The Elementary Stlsntltlc and Classical Courses are PROFESSIONAL, and Students irraduattnfr thcrpln. lecelve State Diplomas, conferring the 'following comspndinff Krers j .Master Tthe Heinents : .Master of Uie sciences i Master ot the Classics. Oraauates In the other courses receive urraal certincates oi iuo?iairuire.nKiieruruiJm 1. time Catalogue. nddrcs- the I'rlncipal. ., . ., vuvrrr Hrrrnnrr. JHI.V. WILLIAM LLWIXL, Trcildrnt Board of Trustees- LOL. J. O. lULLZI., Kecrrlnry. sept. 8, Ts.-iy RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES )UII,A1)ELI'I1A AND KKADINO ltOAD AIIRANUKM ENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. July 19, 1619. rtN ls it- scrT is roi i owi (srnriT Kit rm For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, rottstllle Tamaqua, ftc, 11,93 a. m For Catawlssa, ll,s a. m. and T,3t p. m. For WUllamsport, e,ta c,u a. m. and 4,oe p. m. tiiiks row xcrtBT LriT as rouows, (texmr it cxmo.) Leave New Tork, s,3 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,16 a. m. Leave' Heading, ll,s a. m., Pottsvllle, l!,ln p. m and Tamaqua, I.SU p. m. Leavo Cauwlssa, 6,20 o,!& n. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave Wllilamspui I . 2 a.m, I2,oo ni. and 6,00 p. m l'osu' ngers i t d from New Tork and I'hlledo phld go througi lthout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEK, Jan. II, n; if. General Superintendent. N ORTIIEUN COMPANY. CENTRAL KAIUVAY WHOLESALE DR UG EM POR1 UM. Corner Muin and larket Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned having been engaged in the business for the past eight years would call the attention of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Their stock consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, Ac. RETAIL DEPARTMENT BRO"WEE'S BLOCK. Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrate OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUIt STOCK. 0"r BROS. BLOOMSBU JHCi On and after November 20th, 1818, trains will leave SUNUUHY as follows 1 NOttTIlWAItD. Erie 11 all 6.50 a. ru., arrite Elinlra 11.60 a. " Canandalgua,,. .3sp.m llochester 6.16 Niagara 40 " Itenovo accoiumodat len ll.ioa. m. airlio Mlllams II 11.66 p. in. Eliulra Mall 4,16 a. in., urrlve Elmlra 10.20 a. m. lluDalo Express ;,16 n. in. arrive IiufTalo 8.60 a. m SOUTllWAltD. Ilunalo Express s.6o a. m, arrive Ilarrlsburi; 4.60 a. m " Baltlmoro 8.40 " KlmlraMall 11.16 a.m., arrive llarrisburg 1.60 p. m " Washington io.m " " Baltimore o.8o " Washington 8.80 ' llarrisburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg lo.6o p. tn. arrive uuuuuurc a.ro a, u ' Washington e.ls ' Erie Hall li.ss a. in. urrlve llarrisburg s 06 a. to. " Baltimore 6.40 " " Washlnirton 10.16 " All dolly cicept Sunday. V. M. BOYD, Jr., General l'assengcr Agcn A. J. CASSATT, General Manage PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Puilauelplila & Erie It. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, BELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Dialer in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOEKS We use the best AMERICAN and ITAl t AN Marble. Be has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, &c. Every variety ot Marble cuttlnir neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A long pracucal experience anu personal aueuuuu i business mates the nroDrtotor conndent of giving satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended JO. 1. U. DO.1 VJI. $3Tlt. B. Work detineretl ru of chargeTTBl Aug. 11, 14-ly. T. t GUNTON, IToprletor. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Yerbatim Reporting. TKltilH t Actual traveling-, hoarding-, and other expenses; nve duli&ra a scaalon, for taking the report; snd ten eenta a folio, ( hundred words, ) for writing out into long.hand. Where Uie matter rerortnd In r no day eauala or exooods mty follow therfrr-'lo"' JrewUlberem- nneei CuL'-tand charvtsl at n cenbi a lullo: but. all buch cosetl. if fewer than nrty rolloa are purchased, Uie Dve dolura will U charred. .Address. 8. N. Walker. A.M. . CoUrtrttenor- rapher, liloonuburg, Columbia county, ren grlra nla. Healdence, Iron street, between Third and nuna. time WUhRH.nrltM Van . rWilumtilan-hnlLt. Ink"; entrancexppoblUi e eunt gute to .the court houseyud, nrst door, nrut door to right, oaloe-hour, trom.tw&iyn to cue o'clock. Mbli.int-ly May 19, n6.-tf. O 1' ST ST X) A. DR 3D vTXJir.CTTJDLE The Largest Assortment ! Tho Befit in quality ! Tho Lowest in Prices ! The Easiest Terms ! YOU "W ILL FIND J. X G8MER THOMAS1 MUSIC STORE. 14 7 MILL STREET. ' DANVILLE, PA. DCC1-3IU , Then Buy MILLER BROS.' andaave one-third the cost of 1T T lTl TT1 IT T) A TTVTrp palnUng.and getaiialntUiat Is much hanilsouier and will V-M I-ji'l I.VWY 1 J 7i.xX,l X last twice as long aa any other paint. Is prepared ready for use Inwhrteir any color deslredT 18 on many tnouaands of the finest buildings j um couultv, many oi wiueu uavo uzvi. piunuMi bix years, uuu now iuok aa wen aa wuennrsi painira. his CHEMICAL l'AINT has taken First 1'remlums at twenty ot Ue state Fairs ot the Union, tiamcle card of colors sent free. Address MI LI. Kit Bit UN., 10 iVater street, Cleveland, Ohio. N. y. ENAMEL l'AINT CO, 178.1'nnce street, N. y. May IS, fa-ly. jmm (sit bp ash Then Buy N. 7. ENAMEL FAINT CO.'S S.CHEMICAL PAINT ESS ir u&g lu vftiite or any colur uetlred. la uvu many thousi MARBLE WORKS, o N and after SUNDAY, NOV. 20, I87G the trains on the Phtludeluhla & Krle Itml Road Dl Ulon will run as folloft s I WESTWARD. ERIK MAIL leaves New York S.Sep, to " " " I hlladelphls ll.Mp. m uaiiunure . v.iu p. m llurnsburg 4,w a. m " Wllllumsport s.i6 a. m " " Lock llaen 0.40 a. m " " Henovo 11.10 a. ra " arr. at Lrle J.J p m huoaiu Kxrncss leaves Philadelphia.. 7.50 a, m " Italtlmore " " llarrisburg. ...10.ro a. m 4 " arr. at WUllamsport.. 2.i p. m I. u .i ixick Hincn... s.sjp. m ' " " Henovo 4 45 p. m " " " Kane K.sop.m 11 " lluITalo . FAST LINE leaves New Tork 0.23 a. m " " " Philadelphia 11 son. m " " " linltlniore 11.35a.m " " " llarrisburg saop.m " " arr. at VYllllamspurt r.ljp.m EASTWARD. Important to Lawyers. Lay Exrnnss mlnlstrators, riuordlan, Township oOlcerB, and busi ness men gvncnuiy. Wo have on hand a Urge assortment of legal blanks fo' tho uso ot tttorneys, Justices aud Con stable's blanks of all kinds, Note and Receipt books lor AummistTAinrs c. i'uica LIST. leaves Kane c.co a. m " heuoo li.lou ui " l.(xt iluvcn. 11. 0 a. in " MUlanisport....l' 40 p. ui arr. at llairlsbmg 4.1up m rhtludelphlu T.xu p. la " NcwVoik 10 la p. u ' lialtlmoro .. 7.3a p. m " Washington. 9.1.7 p. m ATTOnNBVS BLANKS. Precipe for summons. K1. Fa. ' Itulo to take Depositions. 1 ehoose Arbitrators. a oenta apiece, cr ll.It) per hundred. Petition for Appointment of ouardlan. " Citatlnn Rule to take Depositions. Narr In Debt, with confession, " Assumpsit. Mechanics Ll'n. 4 cents each or J3.60 per hundred. Petition for tale of Ileal Estate 8 cents each. JUSTlCKy ULANKS. Subpcenas, Summons, Warrants, Executions, to to ' cents cacn. Leases ....... c cents each Ulun Deeds - 10 " I'archrnent Deeds 19 " A.mpnU & " nmhnnt IMnrf. KnlKR 90fnrtlM Oonstable'B Hales s eenu each Mortgage and Hond 12 " Anklnifxnf NnSm 1 4t llocelnta. Notes, school Ordera. Poor Orders. Store Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made to oraer on snort nonce. We are prepared to do neater Job work than anj otner omce in mis county. BKOCKWAV KLWELL, Editors and rronrletors Of thSCOLUMBIlH. liloomsburg, ra ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a. m " itenovo 8.35 p. m " I)ck Haven 9.45 p. m " WUllamsport 11.15 p.m " arr. at llarilsburg 2.4.1a. m " " lialtlmoro 7.45 a m " " rulladclDhla 7.wia. m " " New York 10 m u. in FAST LINE leaves WUllamsport . 12.35 a. m " arr. ai uurriauurg 4. u a. la " ' llaltlmore 7.45 u m ' " I'lilUdclphla 7.35 a. in " " New York 10.25 a. m Accom. West and Day Express East make close con nection at Northumberland 1th L. I). K. It. trains fur Wllkes-Ilarre and ticrantoa. Brie Man west, Magara Jixprcss west, Erlo Express West and Lrjck Ilaicn Accommodation West maku closo conncctlin at W lUlamsport w lilt N. c. It. W. trains north. Erie Mall w est. Niaccra Express west, and Dai- Express East muke close connection at Lock Ilaven Hh U.E. V. Ii. It. trains. Erie Mall East and west connect at KriA with trains on L.H. & M. H It.lt. at corrv wiih ti. c. a a. V. It It. al Emporium wit hB.N.i.4; p. 1:. it. and at uruiwuoa wuu a . u. jt. Parlor Cars will run between rhlladelnhta and WUllamsport on Niagara Express West. Erie Ex- pre-d West. Philadelphia Impress East Day Ex-rtssEast and Sunday Express East. Sleeping Cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Dec. l,16-lt General Supt. and save one.thlnl the cost of riTTTJirTn AT 11 A TXTrn natntlng. nnd get a nalnt that Is much handsomer and will yjjSLLjJ.lJ 1 J IXS 1 lost twice as long as any other paint. Is prepared ready for uso In white or any color desired. Is tni many thousands of tne finest buildings luo couiury, many ui .UIUU uuid utu ijuiiiicu sia jwib, uiiu ujn tu .wim nucuui.1 putuivu. 8CI1KMICAL PaINT has taken First Premiums at twenty oi the State Fairs of the Union. Simple card olora sent free. Address N. V. EN A MEL PAINT CO., 178 Pilnce street, N. Y., or MILLER O B., !-, Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. May li,,l ly. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or xiMTEitrsr to dvuht ozm J". A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, wttt ku txljurtablo bdck, maa to support tb bck of tbo fitter Mir.ljnlnsforwarJiutiiaordlairy portion fur pWlr,, and by ttfiuiOocrrinnifnttWhkbKtvcBHabavkwanl apd at tbu um tlof ibwuwttM aomneut.follow LU mot Ion anJ lopportt hlni jn an joiHloa without- luteifcrlDg la thi leu; with tU fretJo i t hU movf meuti. M. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON CA8TOR3. lih tho long y movement .3 uw old sijIb, without tho prnjccthiff rocktr to mar other lumliure andtluhii'ts 1 f roam; being, la fid, the only Pisiform Rocker nut (hathaj aprfecily uutafuctory jagu-iutut, Manufactured for the trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUKKALO, M. Y., and fur ttU by tbo prluclinl (U-ak-r tbruggboat Ibo United btatci. fWlt lift kept by any dealer lu your tows, end to ui fgi Jtlco Llat od Catalfgiif . BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Librariea, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CUETA1NS, WALL PJLPIB, PICTUBB PBAMES, EEWASD 0ABD3 jJ Books and supplies not on Land can be furnished On Short NoHce aH the Most Reasonable Bates, Jforejii Bxoliaiige Hotel Buikling, Bloomsburg, Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKbTBHN ItAlLltOAll. BLOOMSBUKQ DIVISION. Tlme-lable No. 9, Takes effect at 4:90 A. M MONDAY, NOVEMBElt SJ 1675. STATIONS. GLENN'S suzjpjruit soap. Thoroughly Curies Disjasks of the Skin, Beautikiis,ti Complexion, Pkevems and Remedies Rheumatisu and Gout, ilEAIA hORU AND ABRASIONS OP 11IK Cuticle and Countexacts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries cf the Skin, not only XKMOVE3 FROM' THE COMPLEXIUN ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also ibose produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME HEAUTHIER U far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OV SUU H1UR llATHS are insured BV. Uli: VStt OF Olenn's Sulphur Soup, nhich in aJJI lion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre vents RiiEUMATisu and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the PERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards graynew of the hair. Physicians speak of it In high tenns.. Prices-25 and SO Cents per Coke; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c and $1.20. N. U. TI yi cent wlttut triple tlx sIm of lU al S cents. " HILL'S lllltt AND WUISKEII DYE1 Black nr Urnwo, SO Cettia. c. s. cmniaio!, tnft, 7 suti a?., i.y. Ocl w, l.-ly, BLOOMSBUitG TANNERY, u. a. iii:uiu RESI'liCTFULLY announow to the public tliat lie bus reojienod SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Bloomsbure. 1'a.. at the Korltaof tne Espy andLlirut Btreet roadx, Tv-bere all descriptions ot leather will bA madn In tbo tnrtfit substantial and workmanlike manner, and Bold at prices U) suit the times. The highest price In cash. nu. . Bit ilium ira uatu iur OBEKN HIDES of eiery description In the country. The public pat VloomsburK, Oct, 1, 1SI&. MORRIS MIOHEL, I'RACTHMl, PIANO MAKER, TUJVEU AND REPAIRER. ULOOMSBUllU, PA. NOltTH p.m. p.m. a.m 8 00 3 M 8 OI 8 61 1(5 111 J 49 8 41 7 4U til 7 S3 8 81 7 II 8 II 7 SI 8 83 7 18 8 It 7 1S 8 17 7 15 3 17 7 07 8 11 7 (13 3 03 CtS 8 04 6 M 3 1 6 45 14 S 80 1 41 0 15 131 1 13 1 t 1 13 1 10 1 18 1 53 1 S3 1 45 1 43 1 40 1 S3 1 19 1 10 1 "I p.m. C 09 e ui s rs r. m f is 6 40 5 34 6 S3 5 13 5 10 6 13 4 C5 4 CO 4 83 p.m. 43 9 43 9 SS 9 81 9 M 9 UOl 9 15 9 11 9 o; 05 9 S 8 69 8 US', S 61 8 43 8 41 8 811 8 HI 8 11 8 OS 8 1 7 tS 7 54 7 401 7 4. 1 7 85' Scran ton -Uellevuo.., Tajlonllle..,, ...Lackawanna..., rittston .. West rituton... ...... Vt'yommjr....... ...Maltuy lfnneit. Kingston Kingston ..I'lj mouth June. ....Plymouth .... Avondalo .... 'itntlcoke,...., .flunlock's reek, . ..Khtckhhlnny., ....Hick's terry... ....lsearh Haven... Hcrwlck .... ....Iirtar creek ...Willow drove.... Ime Itldge Kspy. ...Uloimsburg ttui'trt 6 U 7 01 7 CO 7 11 7 15 I 15 7 85 7 40 7 4S 7 so catawlssa lirldge, 7 26 ..Clark's- AwlUh.. 7 11 Danville 7 oi citulas y...... 7 il Camnrtm 43 .Northumberland. a.m. W. F. IIAI. SOUTH. a.m. p m. p.m. 9 S3 1 10 6 SS 9 48 1 15 0 80 9 63 S 81 b 85 10 l 1 89 6 48 10 OS 1 4(1 6 tO i 61 1 63 8 04 8 17. 8 111 8 17 8 9 8 17 3 31 S 37 7 63 3 45 8 15 4 OI 8 13 4 15 8 45 4 il 8 fS 4 1-9 9 OS 11 36 4 37 0 50 11 U 4 41 6 55 II 43 4 46 7 li) 11 61 4 61 7 U II 67 5 1 7 411 1! 1 5 18 7 45 It 07 6 14 7 (1 11 10 6 SO 8 to II S3 5 83 8 IS 11 tl 6 41 8 40 11 86 6 61 8 47 11 51 8 10 9 li p.m. p.m. a.m. ,!3 l UAP. 10 11 lu 16 10 10 10 83 1" 17 10 17 10 31 10 85 10 40 I" 44 10 61 11 6 11 17 11 13 11 8 II A II. bunt. Superintendent's onico, scranton, Dec. 10, 1H6. WIST CLASH PIANOS AND OlIOANS FOh SALE. SECOND UAHD PIANOS TAKEN IN EXC1LLKUK, CKDBH SV MAIL rSOMPTLT EEEOCTStl, fceei, W-U WILLIAMSPORT BOOTS. HAVE OUR NAME BTAMrED OS THE BOTTOM AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT Our Goods can be had in every towu in the County. J. E. DAYTON, & CO. "Williarasport, Pa. 6pt. w, 76-em, 1 ' "y AINWIUGUT & CO., WHOUUALE UROCKKS, U.K. Comer Second and Arch streets, PUIUDtUEn, Peskts in liUH, bYKUPS, CvrVhS, BUflAll, i . AiCS, sricts, ioajissoni, to- sOrltrt vny recure proi r