THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Mb 1 8B0CZWA7A ELWZLL.Editon. BLOgMSBURG, PA. Friday; TPob. 3d, 18 70. TIIK CHISIS TASSRI). The dy ftcr tin l'ro!tlnritial election, it 11m universally eonco-.letl that Tildcn nnl Hendricks woro elected. Astounded nt tl;o result, Chandler and Oatucron resolved to rc nort to their faniiliarnme of fraud and vio lence. Troops and money were piomised and supplied. Supple Returning llivurds n'urped tho functions of the people, and assumed to cast out or add to returns nt their pleasure. And then tho startling doctrine was enunciat ed that tho President of tho Senate had the solo power vested in himself to select, open and count lueh return as ho deomed iiilvisn llo. But tho pojple wore n t thus .to bo trifled with. Their muttering', deep, though not loud, reached even the man tit tha Wh'to Houso. Statesmanship and patrio'Nm came to tho roso-ic, and tho attempted fraud win tumbled with iu leaden to tho dust. A tri bunal has boon established to lUtcrinina in n peaceable mid legal manner the gravest que -tion that has ever arisen iu this nation. Avoto was tnken in the Senate on Thnrj- day morning, when 47 voted for tho hill an! 17 against it. Of thn aflinnativn votes 2f. Wire Democrats and 1! I Republicans, mid of tho negatives all wcro Republicans but one, Katon. of Counocticut. Tho bill was imme diately w;nt over to the Houso, whore the de bite was opined and a numlicr of speeches W ro made for and against it. fcThe debate was closed about 5 p. m., Fri day afternoon, when tho Speaker announced that fie vote would now le taken ou the final passage of the bill. Finally tho count was completed and the result announced yeas JO J, nays 8C. 01 those who voted in the af firmative 159 were. Democrats and 32 Repub licans, and in the negativo 18 were Demo crat and OS Republicans. All the Demo. crat9 and two Republicans from Pennsylvania voted for tho bill, and sixteen Republicans againt iL The condition of the vote justifies us in saying that the measure was essentially a Democratic one, and though believing that Tildcn was fairly elected, such was our faith in the justice of his causa that we willingly submitted the matter to an impartial iribu nal , Tho following gentlemen constituto the commission. Senators Geo. F. Kdmunds, K., F.T. Fro linghuybcn, R., O. P. Morton, It., A. G. Tlmrman, D., T. F. Bayard, D. . lepre.icntativeJ. A. GarCeld, R., George F. Hoar, R., II. R. Payne, D., J. G. Abbott, D., E. Hunton, 1). Judges. X. Clifford, D., S. F. Miller, R., S.J. Field, D., AV. Strong, It., .T. Bradley, it. If Morton had any self respect he would mf. have accepted the position, ui he has already prejudged tho case by declaring tbe the measure unconstitutional. Nor should Garfield have liccn chosen, be cause ho has on former occasions justified tho Louisiana frauds. It would also have "been betfer had Judge Davis been selected in place of Bradley, not only because he is inde pendent in politics, but lias much more abili ty as a jurist. Nevertheless, we consider the Commission a fair one, and believe that none of the Judges will permit their names to go down to posterity as accessories to the frauds by which it is sought to make Hayes Presi "dent. Grant, notwithstanding tho outside pressure, promptly signed the bilL Vi'e give his message in another column. Wo shall give our readers full details of the future ac tion of Congress and the Commission on this all-important question. RADICAL FOLLY. The hatred of the Republican party towards our citir.ensof foreign birth is no less notorious than its alleged devotion to the negro. Tbe Press, which is the leadidg Re publican organ in this State says : "To tEeir(the freedmen'8)industry they have added an eager hunger for intelligence, and they have always vottd their opinions when they were not interrupted. They had none of tbe epportunities offered to the ignorant foreigner in the North, who is always pushed to the polls, too frequently without prepara tion or examination," Our "ignorant foreigners in the North," our Irishmen, Germans, Englishmen, Ac., should resent such an insult. They are not only placed below the level of the negro by the Preei, but are insulted as to their intelli gence in voting. How an intelligent for eigner can train with such a party is beyond our comprehension. ANOTHER PKF.CEUEST. Now that tho Electoral commission has become a fixed facts the following precedent is ofvalue as bearing upon the Oregon case. In Price v. llaler, the KupremeJCourt says : "It is a principle of law well settled in this State, that where a majority of the bal lots at an election arc given to a candidate who is not eligible to the office, the Dallow ho cast are not to bo counted for any purpos.e They cannot be counted to elect the ineligi ble candidate, or to defeat the election of an opposing candidate by showing that he did not receive a majority of the votes cast at such election. They are regarded as illegal and as having no eflcctupou tbo election for any purpose. As u consequence, it follows that the candidate who is eligible, having ihe hiirliest number of legal votes. thouEh that number may be less than the number r.r vnlm east for tbe ineligible candldate.and less than a majority of all the votes cast at such election, is entitled to tbe office. Uul'trt- v. A w, 14 IllU. 3." THE REMOVAL OK THE CAPITAL, There is now tbe annual spasmodic effort to revive this question, irue, uarnsuurg Is not a lovablo place. Its peoplo are not noted for hospitality, nor its landlords for reasonable charges. Hut iu Philadelphia members and their families would feel much stranger, and the expenses of living would be much increased. The State lines must remain as they are, and the capital should not be changed. The people do not demand it. Our new Constitution leaves but littl for our legislature to do ; and when they ronie to meet biennially, f they mean, teorl Harrlsburg offers all needed facilities. Blnce the above was written the House by the decisive vote of 124 to .ri7 has indefinite ly postponed the bill. Col. McDonald of whisky ring notcriety has been pardoned by the President and Joyce expects soon to rejoice at a similar instance of executive clemency. There may bo peo ple who.will grumble at the release of thco thieves, and asnert that there is little use pcodiug time and money in convicting them, but such pewons overlook the "moral effect on the community which their imprisonment must produce. Ah! that's it the "moral effect" having Ltcu produced why continue I be impii-onment see I text of the President's Menus. Tho following is the President's message concerning tho electoral bill : To tho Senate of the United States: I follow the example heretofore occasionally presented of communicating in this mode my approval of tho act to provide for and regulato the counting pf the votes for Presi dent and Vice-President, and tho decision of questions arising thereon, because of my appreciation of the Immineut poril to the institutions of the country from which in my judgment tho act affords a wiso and con ettt u tioiiat means of escape. For the first time in the history of our country, under tho constitution asit now is, a dispute exists with regard to the result of the election of the chief magistrate of tho nation. It Is understood that upon tho dis position of disputes touching tho electoral votes cast at tho late election by one or mure of tbe States, depends the question whether one or the other of the candidates for tbe Presidency is tho lawful chief magistrate. The importance of having clearly ascertain ed by a procedure regulated by law, which of the two citizens has been elected and of having the right to this high ollicv recogniz ed and cheerfully agreed in by all the people of the Republic emmet be overestimated, and leads mo to express tit Congress and to tho nation n y great satisfaction at tho adop tion of a incisure that affords an orderly means hi decision of a gravely exciting ques tion, While tho history ot our cotiutry in its earliest periods slums that the President uf tho Senate has counted the votes and de clared their standimr. our whole liistorv shnivs that in no instance of doubt or dispute has ho exercised the power of deciding, and that the two bodies of Congress have dispos ed of all such'doulits anddisputes.nltliotigli iu no iusta'icp hlthnto .lavelncii t' e s tub that their difl-ioii tnulil essentially have affected the U'sult. For the first time, then, the gov ernment of the United States is now brmigfil to meet the question as one vital to tlu re tili, and 'tin under itintlitimis tint the-brsi slculated to pioduee an agreement, or in riurv calm feeling iu theeveml branches ( the government, or aiming the people of tho country In ft caso tthtrc, as now, the result is in doubt, it is the highest duty of the law making power to provide in adverce a con stitutional, orderly and just method of exe cuting the constitution in tho most interest ing and critical of iu provisions. Tl.o doing so, far from being n compro mise of right, is an enforcement of right nrd an execution of powers conferred by the con stitution on Congress. I think that this or derly method has been secured by this bill, wuicu, appealing to. tbe constitution and the law as the guide in ascertaining rights pro vides a means of de.'iding questions of single returns through the direct action of Congress and iu respect to double returns by a tribu nal ot inquiry whose decisions stanu unless both houses of Congress shall consent in de termining otherwise, thus securing a definite disposition of all questions of dispute in whatever aspect they may arise. With or without Ibis law, as all of the States have voted, and as a tic vote is imposslble.itmust be that one of the two candidates has been elected, and It would be deplorable to wit ness an irregular controversy as to which of the two should receive, or which should con tinue to hold the office. Another Whisky Ringster Pardoned. The pardon of General John M'Donald, of "Whisky Ring" notoriety, to which re- fcJence was lately made iu these dispatches, has been signed by the President. The fol lowing telegram was handed to Gen. M'Don ald, at Jefferson City, about three o'clock this afternoon : Wasiiisotos, January 23. Gen. John M'Vonatd, Jefferson City; Llfo, liberty, ictory I Pardon signed and sealed. Thomas C. Fletchiui. The general, at his quarters inthehospi. tl of the penitentiary, manifested no partic ular surpriso on receiving tho news, but took it with that coolness which has char acterized bis demeanor since his incarcera tion. AN'OTIIUrt l'AKDOJf EXPECTED. Colonel Joyce, who is in remarkably good pints, expects his pardon in a few days. Mrs. Joyce is now on a visit to a sister in Topeka, Kansas. She will return to Jeffer son City next Monday. Littlefieid, clerk of the Louisiana Return- ng Board, was examined by the Morrison house committee on Tuesday. He testified that on the 3d of December he altered the original returns from two of the polls iu Vernon Parish, so as to transpose 178 Demo cratic voters over to the Republican candi dates. He further testified that be did this by express direction of Gov. Wells, and that fter making copies of the altered originals, tho latter were burned either by himself or Governor Wells. Ho did not remember which, but at all events with Gov. Wells' knowledge. This is the most important 'evidence of deliberate fraud yet made public. As mat ters now look Gov. Wells stands a most en couraging chance of spending somo of his future life in tho Penitentiary. His crime involves not only the wilfulful altering of official returns and the dlstruction ot orig inal public documents but also perjury and subornation of perjury. Light'seems to be eaking through the dark cloud of cor ption and rascality which has hitherto hidden the truth from the people. Tho examination of Louis Kenner, the bar keeper and one of the Louisiana Ke rning Hoard, before the Congressional Committee, on Saturday -led to some rich developments. Kenner didn't know any thing about altered returns or anything else connected with tbe operations of the Board, but greatly to his surprise be was confronted 1th the original returns of ernon parish where the alterations were plainly visible to the naked eye. Kenner could not see them with a magnifying glass at first, but finally bad to acknowledge his own handwriting. this parish the votes for Tilden had been all transferred to Hayes and tbe majorities just reversed. The further theso investiga tions proceed tbe worse it looks for the Hoard. The Republican organs offer some mighty pretty reading uow-a-days relative to. the Electoral Commission bill. The New York 'I'unu has tbe followiug chirpy little notice f Mr. Coukling which will commend itself to the postmasters and othce holders of the nation ; It willbeobservnl tlmt fii-n-nUtlm nl it, nan who voted in favor of the bill are Democrats. ...1.11.. r n. n .. .. nunc neuriy louMitihs ot tnoso voting against it are Republicans. This State sup plies one-tniru ot the Republicans voting in favor of tbe bill a fact which mav ba ex- ,ll 1 1.. .1 i w. i . naiueu iu uireunuru commerce, LownrU 1UU IvUll&HUg. i Were It not lor papers like The Times such men as Morton, Sherman and lloutwell would not be possibilities. The South Carolina Supreme Court ha dismissed tue yuo warranto proceeding against the Hayes electors of that State ou the ginuud that the proceedings, were illeg ally presented on the part of the State in stead of tho Uuited States. It is claimed that tuts technical Haw disposes ol the elec toral case In South Carolina. If this be true, it is a most lame and impotent conclu sion, utterly unsatisfactory and settling noth ing. Ite;ms Incredible that illegal electors can bo foisted on the country because of Haw iu legal proceedings. The peopl do not wish any such termination of tbe case, but tkey do wish, most earnestly, to know who is entitled to the vote ef the State Hon. II. G. Davis lias been re-elected U S, Seuator from West Virgiuia for the leng term and F, Hereford for the short term. OUR HARRISBURO LETTER. t nARRtSBOKO, January 31, 1877. There has been no lack of exciting topics and lively debates In both the Senate and House during the last ten days. Whllo the Senate has been fighting over a set of reso lutions endorsing tho Congressional compro mise bill, the Houso has been just as earn estly engaged in debating the question of tho removal of the capital to Philadelphia. Tho matter of endorsing tho electoral bill was practically settled In the negative by its ref erence to the Committee on Federal Rela tions. Thtre has been a rumor extant to the effect that two or three of the Republi can members of this committee would unite with the Democrats and report th,o resolu tions to tho Senate with a favorable recom mendation and that then enough Republican Senators wutld vote for them to secuio their passage. At last uccunt.s,J however, they still hung fire in committee and the general opinion i that they will never einerno Irom their present seclusion. Similar resolutions were offered in the Houso and were referred to the Committee on Federal Rel itioi.s of that body without debate. Tho proposed removal of the capital to Philadelphia received its quietus in the House yesterday, a motion to indefinitely postpone the question being adopted by a vote of 124 yeas to 67 nays. During thn protracted debates upon this bill its friends and opponent became verj arm in their arguments and both lliirris- burg and Philadelphia rtcolvid mine com pliments uta very dubious character, liar- risburg was called a little, insignificant, one horse inlfid village, tbsl llvis through the umiii. r upon what it made tr f the legis lature in the winter; and Philadelphia was alluded to a a perfect sink-hole uf corrup tion, full of snares and temptations that ould brjuilo simple legislators from the rural district, and ruin them, should it ever became the capital ot the State. Tho debate wound up with a fight between the Phila delphia and Pittsburg delegations as to which of these two cities had been most suc cessful in sucking the State Treasury teat daring the last two years. The only point established beyond a doubt was that both had sucked hard and drawn copiously from the bags of the Commonwealth. Quito a little breeze, was raised in the House ou Friday last by the introduction of resolution by Mr. Long, of Allegheny, de claring that Hayes and Wheeler had receiv ed a majority of the electoral votes legally ' cast and were therefore elected, and ought to be inaugurated by the constituted author- ties on the 4th of March next. Seeing that the resolutions would be adopted by the House, tho Democrats refused to vote, and left the hall for the purpose of leaving the House without a quorum. The yeas and nays were called and as wits expected there was no quorum voting. The Democrats thought they had accomplished their object, and several of tbe more unsophisticated of them re-entered the hall, whereupon the Speaker ordored the roll to be called and di rected the doorkeepers to allow no member to pass out until it was completed. A quo rum having thus been secured, a vote was gain taken and the resolution was adopted by a large majority. Last evening tho House Committee or Vice and Immorality agreed to report the local option bill with a favorable recommen dation. Nearly every day petitions are pre sented praying for its passage, and when it get fairly before tho House there will be a perfect deluge of thorn from all sections of the State. There has been a quiet but strong pressure brought upon the committee to smother this bill, but they have at last decided to let it loose, and members will now be compelled to face the music. Not withstanding the assertions of the friends of the bill and their seeming confidence, I am decidedly of the opinion that it cannot pass this winter. As yet no bills have been passed by the House, but, what is perhaps still better, it has defeated several. Over a hundred bills, however, have been favorably reported from the various committees and are in such shape that they can be disposed of without asting any time. The session will proba bly bo a short though busy one. A resolu tion has been introduced providing for a fi nal adjournment on tbo 15th day of March next, and it will probably bo adopted. B. Governor Nicholls, of Louisiana, having appointed D. Pierson as District Jtdge of Natchitoches parish, that officer took posses sion of the Court on the 20th of January and suspended all the Republican officials of the parish. Statements uf the case were made to Grant, who, alter doe deliberation, has de cided that the case is a violation of tho statu guo and has ordered General Augur to restore the deposed officials. Grant is not quite ready to lecognizo Packard as Governor of Louisiana, but he is getting as close to it as ho well can by denying tho validity of Gover nor Nicholls' commissions. Frty Philadel phia lawyers couW not follow the legal work ings of tbe IVesident's mind not even if Taft wasn't Attorney General. Grant has grown loquacious of late ; be pours out bis bouI to press correspondents on every occasion and on all topics. His last entitle waa on the subject of the finances and he expressed tbe opinion that specie pay ments can be secured by changing the Re- sum ptlon act so as to make the date for the redemption of U, S. notes in gold tbe 1st of March next. He is preparing a, message to Congress on the subject. The, finances get along very much better when they are let alono and a President who could tolerate lloutwell as Secretary of the Treasury doesn't seem exactly tbo ooo to aid them by med dling. Circuit Judge Carpenter, uf Columbia, S. C, has decided that neither Chamberlain nor Hampioh-vnw legally iustaled as Gover nor of South Carolina, and that Chumber laiu holds.over aud Is legaly entitled to act oa Executive until his successor is duly qualified. Judge Carpenter's (decision was wrltteu in Washington, and promulgated on his return to Columbia. The decision is not deemed of any special importance as a case involving tbe same iiuestlou is now pending before the SupJcme Court of tho State.whose finding will be conclusive. , Hon. Beuj. II. Hill has been 'elected I J. S. Senator from Georgia, after u prolonged struggle with T. M. Noiwjood, (ho present incumbent. The tclCKram unnounciDg tho result was handed to Mr. Hill soon alter the conclusion of his tieoch in favor of the elec toral comni'iMiou bill. Mr. H. It. Hayes, the Republican candid ate for President wishf it to be "distinctly understood" thai lie "did not desire to infill ence the action ol CongnWumm theKlec- torsi Commission. This U indeed kind of him and thoughtful withal, tut as hU very good friends Morton, Bherraan A Co. did try and didn't make out very well, there Is just a suspicion that if R B, W ikeaired so to do it would not have bail much effect ou a body ol men who are laoro Intent on restoring peace and quiet to the country than on to caring his counting Id, Items. 55ch Chandler botloves in ghosts. John B. dough is better of his sick spelt. - i Alexis is hero again scoing his American cousins. Alex. Stephens has been called "an ani mated Winkle." General Lee's grave strewn with flowers. is kept constantly Charles Collins, chief engineer of tho La'tc Shore toad, has committed suicide. Speaker Ferry is n short, thick set, muscu lar man, with more hair on his face than any four senators together. Antonio Blitz, botjer kn iwn as "Siirnir" Blitz, the celebrated Wizard, di-.d in Phila delphia last Sunday, aged 07. Georgo F. Hoar was elected United States Senator from Massjchusetts on Friday to take tho place of Boutwell, rotit ud, Tho change is for tho better. Senator Sherman t built a good deal on tho bean polo order, being tall and stender. Ho wears a grizzled, closely cropped besrd aud moustache, and is a generally obnoxious person. Rev. .Mr. Nye, "I Hm-iUyn, thinks nmnd dances areuvil in tliair ton ioiwies. 'IV) trool they iieqiicutlv luinp nicn to tho yulopt. Many sluep aie dying in San Diego nulli fy, California, for want of feed. One fainiti is said to have hvt 2,000 within two wcuki. George II. Corliss is talked of fir Repub lican candiditc for Governor in Rhode Is land. He ought to know how to run the ma chine, Tho Rhode Island Poultry Show conies off in a couple of weeks. That will keep Rhode Island chickens from scratching in ncigbor ing States for a few days at least. An article in a Chicago paper on the Indi an war has tho following amusing head lines : "Sitting Bull personally interviews Colonel Otis, and agrees to lot him alone for four boxes of crackers." s On the night of January 20, Adam Long houscr, Joseph Williams and George Faubei broke jail in Lebanon by cutting througli the ceiling of their cell. No trace ol them has been discovered. Mr. Pardeo has built a church and present ed it to the Presbyterian congregation at Ha zleton. It cost $40,0000. Mr. Markle, of Philadelphia, presented an organ and bell costing about $3,000. Tho London World states that in the ar chives of the British Colonial Office is a letlor from Benjamin Franklin asking for an appointment as distributor of the very stamps which brought about the independence of the United States. A iieddler called at a houso near Thorn vil'e, Ohio, on Friday evening, and was al lowed to lodge there for the night. During the night he chloroformed the family and left with J900 in money and 3,600 in drafts. He was tracked to a neighboring town but was not captured. Warwick, Cecil Co., Md., Oct. 15. Messrs. S. W. Fowle & Co : About one year ago I was attacked with a violent cough, accompanied with hemorr hage of the lungs, which caused mo much alarm. Alter using one bottle ot ur. wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry I was entirely relieved and have since cxncrienccd no return of tho diseae. I cheerfully recommend this remedy to the public. Geo. M. Beasten. .10 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all drug gists. President Grant, in his hurry to let loose the whisky thieves whom the inconsiderate Drietow succeeded in convicting, bas par doned two Brooklyn rascals who were demo cratic ward politicians and had nothing to recommend them but their irreverent opin ion of the excise. They are ungrateful ras cals If they do not change their politics when they put oil their prison regimen tals. Very obstinate and troublesome are old edCii as a lotion. Depot, Crittcnton's, io. 7,6th Avenue. New 1 ork. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, Wack or brown, oo ccuts. I'erj. Deaths. TITTLE. January 87, 1877, Cora Matilda Tittle, aged e years, 1 month and 14 days. NICHOLLS.-January 89, 1877, Anna Laura Nlcb- olls,ged 1 year, 4 months and 8S days. ERNST.-ln West Hemlock on the 33d ult., Daniel Ernst, aged 70 years, i;mnntli and a days. MARKETJIEPORTS. BLOOMSBTJBO JiAKKET. Wheat per bushel 1 1.S8 Hye " 7S Corn, new, no Oats. 31 r lour per uarrei Cloverseed ... 7.o Flaxseed l.6 Butter - .30 KggS 83 Tallow 10 Iotatoes .90 Dried Apples 6 Hams 1 Hides A Nhoulderti 13 Lard per pound 14 iiayperton ls.uo Beeswax 84 Timothy Heed 4.60 IHirATlUHB ro c mAL, No. 4 on Wharf I 3,40 per Ton i.uu .... .r. ..... .. ... .. NO. 6 " " !,i0 iiiacKBiuitii-amtunou wnarf 13 so uiunminoua 84 so K. V. KLTiKtLH IHTTEIl WINE OF UnS. The great sucotxs and delight of tbe people. In lact, tothliag of tie kind has ever been orferixl to the Amerlcau peoplo which bas so quickly found Its way Into their good luvor and hearty approval as E. F, Kuskel'a Hitter w ino of Iron. It does all It propobes andthutulvos universal satisfaction, It Is guanui- toed to cine wont easts) of dyspepsia or Indigestion, kidney or liver dLase, weakness, nervousness, con- stlpatlou-wktlty ot the stomach, Ac. Get the genu Ine. Only; sold In ft bottles. Depot and omo, 859 North Ninth street, Philadelphia. Ask for KuukePs, and toko no other. Hold by all druggists. mSlUPSIA. DYSPEPillA. DV8PK1HI A. E.F.Kunke.-s Bitter Wlneot Iron Is a sure cure for this disease, it has been prescribed dally for many years la the practice of eminent physicians with unparallekoil success. Symptoms Are loss of ap. petite, wind and rising of food, dryness In mouth headoohes, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold m bulk, only In II bottles. Bold by all druggtf.s. Ask for K. F. UunkePs Bitter Wine of Irou and take no other, it per Dome or su bottles lor ta. All I ask Is a trial ot this valuable medicine. A trial will convince you at once, WORMS. WOltMS. WOHMS, E. F.'KunkePs Wormdyrup never falls to remove oil kinds ol worms. Beat, pin an I stomach worms are readily removed by Ku.i iU Worm syrup, Dr, Kunkel Is the only suocesslui phyaicua la this oun- try that can remove tape worm In from Uwo to lour hours. Ue has no fee until hood and tU ptoses alive and Iu this space of time. Common tease bitches If Use worm can be removed, all other wonts cojq be readily destroyed. Ask your druggist (or a bottle ot - 4 Hunkers Worm Syrup. perbotun. it never talis or send lo the dtttcrforctrciJilhaiNorth Ninth street, piilladHpliU , A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S" TATEMENT OF THE FINANCES or ms Cnlr f Columbia from Jnimnrr IM, INIOIn Jnnimrr 1st, IS71. statement showing taxes assossed tor s;a nai amounts due tor 1st) on tlionrst day ot January lSTI. Assessed. County, bog. Due from roll. BtAte. county. Do?. Districts. Ilea er Kenton Berwick Moom luiarcreek Catuwlssa centralis centra Con; lignum rthlnifcreel Krankllu (ireenwood Hemlock .Tackson I-ocust MnUlson Mnln Mimtn Montour Mt rirosont Orange Mne tlonrtnrcreck scott Sufarlonf r.sjoa ltstiO sh its is ssr-o CJ 8 tiO S I 10 IS 41 9S 97 M 939 01 !6I 4143 S330V4 SO 00 79S.1 1S9S19 93 00 1119 84 73 00 !2 9H 193 44 99 00 1414 M S3 60 76 HO 718 49 83 60 611 111 S3 00 11 93 493 70 S3 00 ISM OS 70 00 S3 OS 733 63 94 00 9 OS 60 M CO 1 IM 19S 41 9 00 914 39 MOO IP 93 719 17 33 60 4674s 86 00 ISIS 163 41 llOO 990 79 93 3 1 80 40 698 91 31 M 634 90 63 U0 B 90 317 SS 9 80 929 03 4 9 60 4 80 114 3 3 8 1 60 1007 93 141 00 11 73 49 1 09 S4 00 S48 4S tOOl 81 CO 816 19 SO 00 68011 63 00 91 80 BIT 43 91 0 K8S7 17 60 8110 81101 9160 1013 1 63 00 10 83 836 43 63 00 49160 6S00 8 94 843 89 94 00 614 83 61 10 1613 41' 40 In SO 8:9 51 6160 IU 918 81 83 60 S78 94 43 60 80 I I 189 T3 8 60 1171 98 69 60 86 45 63 - 88 9 9 8U7 03 64 60 1 9 ) 943 03 40 60 Totdl, S12H39 4 $1599 00 1333 4S S1O704 81 StiO 69 AMOUNTS DUKFGIt YKA1W I'ltKVIOUS TO 18t. County. Hoc ConvnRliam.l J. J. CcucMIn for IST3 i ol is lleulon, Nuniiel Apnleinan, ' 63 SI llenton, I K K I-aulurh, tor 187s 201 1; Cutawissa, Joseph Marts, " Ui on Cuntngliam, Neul Lenlhan, " ,3il 1'lne, .r II. ompllson, " B IS u(rai loaf, K. J. Altx-rtson, " 13 03 56 to 18 CO 14 60 9 0,1 10 60 17 60 tl,"89 70 $97 00 H. W McrtKYN'Ot.tiS. Esq., Treasurer ot sal.l couu. ty In account ultti said county on county rands, lilt. Jan. 1, 17, To am't. outstanding tor 1S75 nni previous jours 10,634 91 Jan. 1 1376. To nm't received from John n iler, ialo 'Irtasuru- Tii iitu't to-int) tax s-sei1 lor 1S70 4JS "7 S'J,o:' 74 I0i so so on 18 OU 6 28 810 uix on retfifir iiiv-uers " ' .era Hower on noto lor uM Drldiro " Jos. I . Keener for stray uow sold " Da Id strausfcor tlrnbi-r from Wanner lentigo . ... . " Mlrlucl drover, Jury fees " David Hall, cuunty Xax for 1874 and lir.rt 4 unseiiti-d tracts assessed to iu. I,t. Ml. Coal unit Iron Co., CeutralU 1 .-.s Ids cfiminl.slon ou a mo " lnLn IKUiibrunt orange Hie brld?o timber ., ..... " c. U. Murptiy. Collector Conj ngham for 174, for sreMn-Ipaniftnt ot taxrson J. lk-asii-y, lllltililm-r & Wlckursnam t rarts, loss commission " Aaron smith, slierirr fees refunded t, W. .McUeuy.urnnfre bridge limber....... C. s. Furnwald Jury K-es " s. v. Mcllecry, plant sold H. U cole's bridge " H. V. Zarr, Jury fees "unseated land got since distribution Bearer - 163 11 100 8649 1 93 00 16 00 910 SSOu 1 99 163 80 1 00 10 88 3 IT 99 100 0 9S6 41 S3 68 91 30 11 unseated land got slsco distribution lHt"s1nc'a1btrlbttUon (Jr. enwood.. " unseated land Peott.. sealed land got since distribution cen- tralla sented land got since distribution Hearer " seated land got since distribution cata- awlasa " seated land got since distribution Klsh- Ingcrick 1 assessing, managing & :. ot dog fund. ... county tax on U. H. laud " seated 7SI9 4 Koad tax on unseated land 8,613 69 ' Roud tax on seated land 114 07 ' School tax on unseated land 8,403 97 ' dchoul tax on seated land. S3 40 roor tax on unsouted land 741 10 ' l'oor ux on seated land 49 ti" " liounty ux oa seated land 90 147,699 00 Clt. By commission and exonerations allowed collectors ...1.,. ...H.,.. 1.7. Districts. Com. Eion. Districts. Com. Exon. Heaver 33 07 1(10 1S69 Madison 61 83 18 91 Berwick 67 33 Uloom 907 43 nrlarcreek 67 90 .Mala 31 91 Mimin 64.11 Montour 4397 Mt. i'ltasant 3-147 Orange 44 09 Itoartngcr'k 83 64 .3 8 93 6 81 loss 14 45 8 10 61 13 83 63 78 41 1143 4 811 1 33 17 73 11 34 309 7 97 Central! 93 16 Centre 64 67 Klsblngct'k 67 99 Franklin 98 74 BCOU for 1374. Hugarloaf ror isle. Berwick 7 3 83 3!16 Greenwood co 71 romiocK si 31 1311 4 37 46 33 10 78 (1,171 93 338 16 . 27,111 46 1.0KSH6 118 87 . S,062 67 ., 13,433 91 1,869 91 Jackson 14 is LOCUSt 69 09 Total commissions. Total exonerations. Ily county orders redeemed " commission 10 iTeosurer " county tax to meet stato quota .... nuie paiu auauua reiierinaa county taxes due from collectors.., balance In hands of Treasurer C4T.699 oo II. W. McIlEYNOLDS, Treaaurer.ln account with dog fund 1S76 Clt. Jan'y. To ami. uncollected last settlement eio 40 To ami. assessed lor lsio l,6s oo am i Kuurum iaie treasurer ivv ti blmon Uelcharcl 60 38,3113 37 By commission and exonerations allowed on paid off upiicui.'!t iur 1BIB, Com. Exun, Com. Exon. Madison 3 83 951 neaver 3 73 7 60 uernick 1 oo 1 60 Mam 8 43 Bloom 3 93 6 60 309 6 60 C 00 9 60 160 610 460 8 00 660 MllUln 3 73 4 60 llrlarcrcek 3 33 Montour 8 6S soo Mt. Pleasant i ss 1 6ii orange a 1 o oo cenirniu 68 Centra 8 77 Hsolngcr'k 4 60 Koaringcreek 9 00 Frank In 9 03 WCOll For 1674. Sugarloaf For 1S76. Berwick 8 60 low ureenwood 4iQ Hemlock 3 13 9 3 4 60 Jackson 2 18 Locust 7 lo 113 8 60 Total commissions. Total exonerations. 163 69 90 00 ily orders paid of 1874, balance S5,0 1313...... " " 1876 1 am't. for assassins, managlnir fund Ac. 896 67 106 00 and to county. 160 00 commission to Treasurer 61 3S S17 69 179 94 ' am't. to bands ot collectors duplicates balance In bands of Treasurer ., a ,at a? i. COMMISSIONED' EXPENSES FOIl 18.6 FOB WHICH OKUEKS WKIIK l.SSCKO O.N TIIK TIIKASUKEK. UlSCEI-UNXOl'S . KxrkNSKS. B. F. Zarr, re-blndlng Judgment docket.... J. M. Chcrnberllii, appeal lteber vs. col. Co 1369 36S 13 00 960 41 79 13 00 a. u. Duuin, ei. oj. un i.uuey tuuaey.. . tl. Murphy, taking Colin to Asylum. A'arner to East- . a. rurnwaia, laiuuu n, n a btale penitcntlor.. F, U lleers A co.utlas Columbia and Mon tour . W. U Jaeobv, Indexing deed books, bal.. 1.8)0 00 c 4S90 9 78 P. and U. of It. , 60 07 Aaron suilU, Col. Co. vs. J, J. coughllu costs B. F. Zarr, costs Col. Co. vs. Thomas llerl- 74 -.ft? et al 3 00 1 35 39 80 Zarr, costs lteber vs. col. co. recording towniniD omcere elect " " sending Presidential Electors names to llorrubure B. F. Zarr.for venires, swearing constables cerurying jurors pay, roaa viewers, roau damages, Conv, costs, Ac, Ac St.633 41 COURTS JCROSS- 1'1Y, CONST1BUCS' KITVKS'S, SC. Grand Jurors during th year, 749 81 Traverse Constables' returns during the ysar Court Crier dm lug the jenr. Court calendar Tipstaves and ttreman during the ) ear N. H. Walker, Monographer ................ C. o. Murphy, serving jury notices c. S. Fornwald, " " J. II. Fritz, Jury commissioner 3.159 81 969 38 133 6 4S43 191 00 400 00 SSSO S 10 30 00 35 68 15 00 wm. ii. i n. " " W. Krvckbaum, Clerk to Jury Comm rs.... ts,113 ss COST IH COMMONWEALTH C1M-S WIIEKS COl'NTY SLCiMK uasui, To lustlceB. constables and witnesses S96 64 jonn m. t-iorx, Msinci, Aiiuruey wiw ' c. n. Murnhv. shertu 'J 76 ', Michael U rover, Hherin ti 75 - Aaruu ouuiu, nuctm uiu uui....... in w 1 u. X. Fornnald, sberia 33 75 ' B. F. Zarr, bill rendered for 80 coses 100 11.074 iio j u 1NU names vnwxas amd koid UiaiiiB. Sundry persons as viewers 1358 44 135 00 Hanlel Karna uamuge nenton., John Earns Bentou. 610 1300 10 00 Ellas Watts tlieenwoodA Jackson.. .. Jackson Jackson Hemlock Locust Jacksoa.. , Hrlarcreek... Brtartreek, llenton Fi&hlngcreck Bent in. Locust Bentou....m. Locust. Benton.. Benton All. Pleasant ftiuan Itoberts Geo. W. Bmltb Hain't Brugler's heirs 1 looo Adam uarks 83 00 John Heath, dee'd. 30 00 aaron iioya 75 00 Aaron Kelchner 40 00 INamuel Yost John Zaner 17 09 10 00 600 35 00 Ilannaiistina Wm. I'fahler U. (I. Kaso 61 I John Lee 76 OO I Peter Mine Hiram Ash Widow VasdenOlee 6 I 16 00 160 00 81,015 41 C0UM183I0NEH8' OrilCE ANU COUKT 110VHK. M, V. B. Kline, County Auditor K B. Brown. ' " .............. 460 460 4 60 Jobu B. Casey, " . wm. ivncKuuuin, siaiiugorcouuuiui mm- missioners ana Treasurer, 85 00 30 85 Mrs. lupoid, cleaning Court House Bloousuurg (las Co.. gas bill during year. 7S91 I w . vt in, puoiic auuiior HOI Jf SSSSSS. 8 33 1 60 book case ltecorder's omee... 9 97 ii material, work, Ac, law libra ry knok cose . 40 6 Peter Joues repair court House roof , , George liazzaru, rope ana ciock repair. M. E. cox, work at and about court House J 300 19 61 u. L. I nomas x gross sieei pens Win ittlter, painting book case law library Wia.Wlrti.1 dox. cushions Jurors' chairs Court House Poust et. uL 98 3-u tons cual and hauUug, Bloousburg Lumber Co., klndimg wood . Thomas uorey, work at Court House tad clock. Mover Bros., bill rendered , Wm. Krlckbaum, cose bridge drartlsg In struments ... ....... J. II. Maize, bill rendered... ,, H. 11. Miller A sou. bill rendered . I. 1). Kate. 1 dox. me snaps. Froth, ornv a 3 91 9 00 110 4 30 1900 391 4 it 8 76 60 U lOisJ James Cadman. stool repair Cou'ra. oltlce 1. Hagenbucb. stove repair Frothy, office, I J L. Iless, coi r i. ilea, uopjiag osaeiui Duoxa..,,, , John G. Frtsize, attorney lo CommTS , 100 1 0 00 3M l 919 00 2M00 boo 00 ntwH WUliun Lawtoa,CmmlaskiiJer,, p. vs. aaviirury, John llemer, Joseph E. Hands, VVm, Kjlckbaum, Clerk. COCKTT IkVU Ttsnderskrtt k Mason, coil rars Archjr, cleaning Jau prlvr .....,.. Freas lirown. Insuranoo l'ettr Jonea, smoke bouso on lot..... . " " repair Jill celts Jones Cox, repair J ill walls H. K. Cox, bedding and repair bill ...... Wm. dinger, coal 79) lbs K. Mf nrtenhall et. al. material and labor garden fence.,. 0. II, Jaeoliy et. nMrork, tc. Jatlvall it. K lot, bill rendered nt Jau I. Itunian H Co., V. tv, Drush M. K. Cox straw for beds 11. tirover, boarding prisoners c. a. Murphy, " " O. A. Jacohy, atone for Jail stable lsalali llagcnbuch, stove trpulr bills Urowi a Loirenberg, clothing J. tt. Hower, repulr Jail lam Jacob), Ilarman & Co , repair Jail nail Wm. it. llcber. medical hill l'oust, coal and hauling, 9 tons Miller et. al. bedding tor Jail J. 11. Maize, bill tendered H. tf. illlicr t hod, bill rendered Chas. H. Fornnald, turnkey fees " " boarding prisoners,,, " " washing, vc Fornwild& Clark t Wolf, clothing..... 174 4 4 9 rmsri'O, stitioneht aks rosTioi. Kverett Potter, blanks Wm. II. NmlUi, advertising lettings, ic.... publishing Co. Statement.. Jas. C. Tlroivn, court noilces, Jur lists, Ac " " publishing diction procla mation Jas. C. I.ronn, publishing county statem't " " publishing uollues, Itttlngs, Ac Urn. II. Ninlth, blanks llrockway A Klwell, Court notices and lists " ' publishing county statement Urockway A Klncll, publishing election proclamation. ..: rtrockvray A Mwcll.publlshlng liotlci-s.leU tinics.AC Un ci. way A Klncll blsnks c M. Vandersllce, cuuit notlco Iterwlck Ind'iMulent, subscription Htlenbender i Co., 7200 tax notices B. I.. Iluitrr, binding nies of "Columbian" (lea. A. Clark, bill ttatlonery onica and court liaUh Honrs paper and envelopes I). A. ueckley, pustugo 9 79 1100 8310 11310 73 Oil 73 00 9143 8 00 100 no ,3 CO 76 00 34 43 66 3 1 60 3 01 6 0 9 33 43 73 -l no 19 43 itc;cx Inquisitions. Megarget eU at. poit morlcia on W, A. ki!u It. -M. Lashell, post mortem on Jno. Oun ""J'iT. . 73 03 3,00 1189 11 71 16 79 13 94 13 13 1 63 Murnhv. lnotiest on 31. Menlhan .. . J. Alberts,!), In luoston W A. Klluo..,. CO. Murpm, Imiuest on Jno. Uiinnlng..,. wm, aiiz ....... " " Jim. Uirltv Jno. llartman, Inquest on thj..sjnjrt... $118 69 and hepaihs. DSNTUN TOWKSlttr. Joseph tlutt, plunk Benton bridge K. J. Dills, west uf Henton 6 63 :i47 13 03 17 76 9 81 4108 187 1 60 .lost'Mi Itutt. renalr west uf Benton 8. M. Hess et. al. ranalr " " Joseph Hull, repair near E. Mendenholl's " " nl.inlr at. Prtlft'B M. L. Mcllenry, repair at Cole's a. uenjamij, near jumoie s LOOK. Wm. (Jigger, repair at double srldge 1 73 1 00 " nuperi uriugo C1TAW18S1 TOWNSUlr. H.J. Reeder, repair McKelvy's mill 1 00 CONTKOUIM TOWNBDlr. John L. Kline, Brush Valley bridge repairs 44 43 FISBlNOCaKEK TOWNSHir. John Dresher, repair Stillwater bridge.... 9 33 a. ai. uucaaiew, repair j mo ireeK uriuge. v W. F. Andrews, renalr Hess bridge 3 76 Isaac Labour, repair Hess bridge 86 76 riUNKLIH TOWNSIlir. Wm, Itohrboch, repair Itclgle bridge . 1 60 jioiiruucu uriugc. i UKERNWOOD T0WK8UI1'. n-.l TI-A.1. V.n. h-l.. 1 Rl uaiui ui.u;, icuu uuu.u John Leggett, lumber lola bridge 70 83 fans bves c nro., duis 101a nnago ou rank Keece. work Io a brldire M 16 43 W. II. IIa man, renalr Tola bridge 1 60 Georire Derr. et. al.. renalr Matters brltieo 4 89 JuMepn ltedllne, repair near ltohrnburg.. .. 3 79 oonn Lcggoit reouuaing .Master s unugo . sou uu Joseph ltedllne. eontract near Eckman's... 494 00 aaauionai x w UKULOCE TOWNSHIP. Wm. digger, repair near Pursell's. ....... 1 00 uanon s. i m jicisos Townsnir. Allnas Colo, repair near llobblns's mtu 1 83 l. a. ucroian, " " " is n win. uannmr.contrail nearchr sllans.. lovoo W. Knousc, repairing wing w lis, " .. 8,31 Ezra aiepnens, repair near aames ueas a... o xi LOCCST TOWNSIlir. George Ycager, repair steain tannery 1 00 ivves m riener, comruui near v r, nsuu. . .. w ueo. si. merer, comraci near ivricKuaum a Thomas Uorey, lor plan,... 3 00 Miri'UM Tow.ssmr. . llendershott, labor mill bridge . . ... MT. TLKASANT. EUls Eves A Bro., plank near Sands's 9 65 il. IIUSUU9,., VOI OIUNUE T0WN9U1P. King Iron Brldjre Co.,eontract OrangevlUe 1 ,775 oo James Everett, bumpers orangeruie b'dge 4 ou Jonn lleldebrant, labor " " & si moyer ai. cemoni ji.a iteuuen iienas. lauor. " " iu ,4 Jonas Mann, stone, " " 10 oo Jesse llruinsteller, bill, " " vol ii. miciicii. nauuui: stone- " uuv Ed, ilcllenrj, labor, " 1 SCQittLOil-' TOWNSHIP, A. Cole, plank, Cole's Creek bridge M, Cole, repair bill " " H. M. Hess, eual.rep " " 7 43 31 73 17 73 it iv. auu, repair t.oios., " ' Jahila 1 86 Joshua Hess's ......... 1 00 n so 3 60 710 (3,019 73 J. B. Hess. " J. W. KUe, " J.O. Iless' u. uess, I'EKITES'TIAKV AMOASrU'SI. Suppoit of Mrs. Milton, Danville tlavld shea. " 160 60 1K3 97 " " Mary Colley, " " Alex.Collev. 11 IBS 63 144 30 186 63 Convicts In E. M. Penitentiary for 1973... 1766 83 ASSESSOR'S I'AV. Annual. Triennial. Annual. Trlen, Beaver ss oo xsis BontOU 16 60 34 60 Berwick 13 ss 94 60 Bloom 36 00 Hrlarcreek 83 13 39 93 Catavvlssa 83 00 l.OCUSt 93 0 35 85 Madison 81 00 83 85 Main 13 OJ 18 00 Mimin 17 83 99 86 Montour 10 73 16 73 Mt. Pleasant 18 85 83 85 Grange isoo 83 83 line mu 24i,0 Itoarlngcr'k 13 85 17 35 Keott 80 00 27 13 Kugorloaf 18 oo 16 60 Central la 83 to 36 00 8S60 :i oj 33 85 t'entre 24 73 Conyngh'm 8S60 ristungcr a 98 ou Franklin 14 83 17 85 Greenwood 81 ou '.810 aid assessors for Hemlock It sal 84 oo fall registry ot vo Jackson 19 73 ls 75 ters.;. . 1(3 S3 $1,163 25 SCAU'S, Sundry jiersous for fox and wild cat scalps 69 15 $6013 Reliction xxmnses. Election officers Spring election " " Geueial " Room rent, " " " Spring " Constable adg. and attending Spring elec tion Constable attending General election Mimtn fpeolal election loom rent for same constable.'Adg. and at tending same Orange Hpoclal election Constable Adg. and attending same Mt. Pleasant house rent old bill 314 61 436 90 148 00 137 60 149 80 6 10 ll'to S (HI 300 e 23 SOU 1 00 17 67 F. L. flutter, election blanks Wm. Mann. 60 heavy enveloues. 360 B. F, Zarr, lo returns 16 21 10 61 . H. Fornwald.eosts bringing the M. con yn?ham election tioard J it. Uroul senatorial It Judge J, K, UrotZjCongreaslonal It. Judge......... 3 CO 13 OO TAXES Xtll'NnxO. ,m't. township taxes refunded . .... " redemption money on hand at lost settlement, refunded, paid out 6,071 9S 93 01 $5,767 96 a LANK BOOKS. Murphy's sons, Docket lTotli. office F. 1. llulttr, leglstry books and blanks... Wm. Mann, mortgage bcok No. 9 Murphy's hons, dockets Prnth. orilce w. Wm. Mann, unseated land book .,.. 11 00 21 SO II (HI 41 10 15 30 18015 Itaitsm-bs uuuas . 1286 25 llECAriTCUlION, Miscellaneous expenses 1,633 43 Cuurts, juror's pay, constables' returns.Ac, 6,118 ss costs In commonwealth eases l,i 74 79 ltoad and brldee viewers and road dainaire 1.015 43 Commissioners' onlce and Court Houso,., 8,893 80 county laii ........ 744 49 Printing, stationery and postage 765 cs Inquisitions IIS 69 Bridges, building and rebuilding... 6,019 79 Penitentiary ana Asylum 706 85 Assessors' pay ..... 1,166 85 Fox and vv lid cat scalps 69 16 Kleeuou expenses 1.979 31 Taxes rrliinded 6,767 96 Blank Ixxiks 926 93 117,803 46 Deduct from amount of orders Issued $3,167 tM, laics relunded, and I4V4 93 pant Danville As lum for lupisirtof Alex. and Mary Colley and $9 61 paid frherin .Murphy to convey bamn to Asylum, all of which la toborefuoded by Benton township, ($16 66 coats already paid n said caae, which U not yet decided w hether Benton tovv nslilp must pay or uot,an 1 1s not Included In the total of the above Items), leaves the real expenses ot the county $11,166 u. euttr osdsks issceo. Benton 90 00 hrlarcreek 67 1 0 Centre 601 Madison 79 85 Ml. pleasant Sol 60 orange 29 oo line 63 oo Koaringcreek 33 is Flthlngcreek 9 23 Greenwood 143 60 Hemlock 41 oo Jackson 186 85 Locust 36 60 bcott 14 oo bugarloai nj co $1,030 00 bTiTxatm or uoa tax. Orders unpaid of 166!........ M .. . mo ..,...,..1 1S15... ,....... " " " 1973.. 6 00 bio 64 11 44 00 $1,01915 Dog tax due IrcAa coll eclora 617 63 ComDilssionkndei oneratlon esttma ted otf ........ .fmM.m M 160 00 S4I69 11194 Add a laount In Hauls ol Treasurer ... Deduct assets from orders unpaid fives the real Indebtedness The Indebtedness ono year ago was $393 63, now lira 19, difference In firor ot said fund of IJIS 43 during tho yoir. Tbe )ear before this the gala In fund was 1117 73. If township auditors will but bu careful and seo that all dogs are killed that are known to kill or worry sheep or their owners made pay tho tbimago, tue dog tund will soon recover so as to meot bills as rre.ented. COUNTY FINANCES. ASSSTS. Taxes In hands of collectors' duplicates. . . 13,433 91 Probable commission and exonerations off 1, aim oo 111,933 91 Add amount In hands of Treasurer l,9o9 94 Kalaneo on Gera lloner note ot 318500 P6 00 Dun from llenton township, support of M, Colley ., .! 1SSM Duo from llenton towntlilp, support of A. colley 14180 him f,-nm ItAnlnn tnttntttln Prvnvrvlncr lo Asjluut .'. S0 118,691 80 lllBIUTIXS. Ain't, taxes due tho several districts COS 70 Hoad damago assessed estimated l.-oooo ltoad and bridge Mows pay duo, close estimate 830 no Costs In Commonwealth cases duo 413 ri Insurance bill unpaid co rt House 943 1 6 11 SSI 79 Real assets January 1st, 1S77 $11,( 09 38 We, tho undtmlgned Commissioners of Columbia counts , do hereby i-ertiry that the foregoing is n cur reel statement of tho accounts of said county for the ytar A. v., ls;o. SILAS W. MCIIL'NIIY, JOHN IlllKMHl, Coin's, J. K. HA.MIS, J Attest! WM. KHICKII UM, tlork. We. t n unri-t-ftlrneil. u,l!t. in if 'nl'imbla CO un it , hav lug lru duly elected to uiij ist una settle Hi aceuunti of the -Ireasuier anil t: mii.l'.-loiii rsof Columbia euuuty, do Hereby tt-rlll Hi t we rail al l!muni,-u of Ik-t ireasurer and i.uiumisaloiiers In H oo usuurg, and cnrefiill oxai-ilno I me accounts and vouchers of the Sriinu fioin Iht- tnsiday of Jaii- aiy A. it., istii in niu nisi 0'iyui oatiuar.v isn,uuu nu th-un t-oir--ei ns novo slitii ,1, nn,l ,m- Hud a bal-ht-ed ie i oluinbl.i count, on iiuuuty fund ut iweivo hundred and hixiy-rilue ami tiliiet,.fjnr un- liuu diedth .lu.Uis (1 icvjl) irom II. vv. ilds, 'lieasutei-ul Sall cuuiilv. Ami wo nnd .1 balance ui oiioliundi-ed and s-v,-i.u. nine nml uliit.iy.ouro,e uiindreutn noiiaia (11,9 91) uogruiiii luine nauiiiui said II W. Mcntonolds 'Ireasurer. Given unaer out uaiius tins nun uay ot jauuary, JoIlM II. t'ASSV, I AUUIlolS. Or. T. T., lilt TIIK Wonderful Adventures of a 1'ullmau. liev, L. K. llaie'a great st o la XBJ3 CHaiSTIAW U-MIOW, llev. II W. Hcecher and Ljmau Abbott, Ealtors. Ileecher'n HernloiiN, and Abbott's Hunday-school Lessons every week. Alt the best Contributors in the country. 83.00 pcrjenr. To u ertmnen. S2..'.n. Thro,, montlia un trial, 75 t-eniH. Agents w..nted. M-nd lamp for sample copy. Address HOIlATlo c. KING, ublhsher, 87 Park Place, Now Yoik. WIIEKB TO ADVEUTISE. A. T. Stewart savs tlin best adiertlclnir metllnma ho bas ever found "are tho old established organs of tho two political parties, at tho several county seats throughout tho union." "'lhese." bo sn "n-neh every family of tho least account In their several counties, nnd are moro carefully read than any other classof journals." It Mr. htewart's Judgmcntlsof value, there Is no diniculty In deciding Men paper It is for tho Interest of business men to advertise In 'iuet;oLcsisiA iishockat, upon wmchthls paper Is ariiauy luuuut-u, w as established in 1S36, undtho olcmbiah now cnlovs a wider ilrciilatlim nnd greater rroftierltj ll-nn II ever did. It goes week, v Into two thousand families In Columbia nmt nri. joining counties, and by must or them Is rend from in nrsiio uieiasi line, it is tbo only recognised exponent of nearly flvo thousand Democratic voters In tho County. It elves advertisement r tnklv ,n play, that them attractive to lUs patrons, thus ensuring great r certainty that they will peruse them. While Us circulation Is undoubtedly much tho largest In tho county, tho ndvertlslne rates of tho coli'ubian are no higher than thoso of other paKrs with barely half nd several not ov-fourth I he num. ber ot subscribers. Facts llko thcs soenk for them. sel es. No shrewd business man will neglect Ut In- sort his advertisements In tho Columbian tf K. F. IUWKLE'8 BITTKIt WINE OF IRON. Has never been known to fall in the cure ot weak. ness, attended with symptoms. Indisposition to ex ertion loss ot memory, difficulty ot breathing, gen- ral weakness, horror of disease, weak, nervous trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold teet, weakness, dimness ot vision, languor, un. lassitude of the muscular systems, enormous appetite, with dyspeptic system, hot hands, llusu. ngot the body, dryness ot tho skin, pallid counte nance and eruptions on tho face, pinlfylng tho blood, pain in tliobackj heaviness ot the ejellds, frequent black spots Hying befoio the eyes with temporary sufluslon and loss of sight j want ot at tention, etc. These symptoms all artso from a weakness and to remedy that uso I!. F. Kunkle's Bitter wine of Iron. It never falls. 1 housands are now enjoying health who have used It. Get the genuine. Sold only In $1 bottles, Tako only E. F, Kunkel's. Ask lor Kunkel's Bitter Wine ot Iron. This truly aluable tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes ot tho community that It 13 now deemed In- dlspenslble as aTonlo medicine. It costsbut llttlo pur ines the blood nnd gives tone to Hie stomach, ren ovates the system and prolongs life. I now only a.ska trial of 'his "aluable tonic. Pi-lee $1 per boitle. E. r. Kunkd, solo Proprietor, No. 839 North Math bt., below Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Win of Iron, and take no other. A photograph of the proprietor on each wrapper, all others are counterfeit. Iiowaro of counterfeits. Do not let your druggist sell jou any but Kunkel's, vvhlchls putupuilyoa aoovo. represented, toucan gctslx bottleslor3 All I ask Is one simple I rial. i a t ti, j(b.Miivi:i) alive. Head and uii lompieie In two hours. So Ice till head passes, beat, Pin ond Stomach Worms re moved by lir, Kunkel, 859 Noith N.AthSt. Advice free. No Fee until head and all passes In one, and auvo ur. hunkei is mo only successful physician In una country for the removal of Worms, and his Worm Syrup Is pleasant nnd safe for children or grown persons, tend for tlrculnr or ask for a bot tle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, Price fl a buttle. Get It or your druggists. It never falls. BUSiKESS CAKiOS, VISITING CAKDS, LETTER HEADS, BILLHEADS, FOSTERS, tc., tc.. Neatly and Cheaply prinUsl at theCoLUH BTAN Office). &5 to S20 J!I. y ot l""ae- KaniPles worth $1 ...v, Minson A Co r ParUond. Maine. lttl.Jl.lli IV-1, HAHMAN & HASSERT Proprietors; taut Mi eH, South Nl.lcof:.. & Ilallrmul incioiiiNburjf, Pa. mi A i . j!" PHW""0 1110 'u"lnc sutementat They manufacture all kinds of MONTRO tSi ri'-sxT-a".'.."!? !"0,l-'rltri'U;a uiimual and IMPROVED bsjiintosyahey au?3' "" kl"aj ul ,!l'p'll"i' Kueu LMU 1 oa,i HEATING AND and are piepnreil to funiUi all kinds ot repairs, such i make the fiiinriite.l CoiiI.,,ik (ir,,; rllr'Mie u 1 Ley are also pi epa.-ed to fiiinsii svv ANlfUIIlsT ji pay especial intention to inn Rapaiiing of Threshing Machines, Reapeis, &o. The proprietors Ix-ini; practical mechanics, havlntrbad n es-crlenco of over thlrtv vears tho nubile can FOH ONE WEEK COMMENCING FBBltUAltY 13.1S7T. MR. S. A. HUDNUT WILL BE AT BLOOMSBURG, PA. IX THE LADIES' I'ARLOU OF THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS TO HE BOLD Pleaso call and examino them as you are SURE OF A GOOD BARGAIN EACH ORGAN FULLY WARRANTED FOR THE I'EIUOD OF FIVE YEARS AT OUR EXPENSE E. M. BRUCE & CO, , (MI I j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CMnlV i and 1efecllve drafts ciired.fuel omwrxi I savrd, and heat Incrnascd Willi fiHIMNRYS f tboHplrtl Lrrt. Hend stamp Ua.UllviIO J tM circular to IIRNHY cot Font), 783 Hansom St., t-hll'o, Pa. Deo. 99 l6.-ly. PUBLIC SALE OF VAI.VAItr.U REAL ESTATE! Tho underslfincd will sell at prlvAto snlo A VaLUAHLH PAUM, Blt'iflieil In FtshtfiffTcek townMilp.Columbta county, boil n df d liv land! uf John Ifanl2. uinucl itiiimp. .in! pern uoicmm a ncirs uimi ies uaniei Kami aud 150 ACRES. of whleli about 113 acres rid cleared, on which 13 erected A OOOD l-'KAMU HOUSE, FIIAMR 11A1I.V. and all necossarr outbutMitin There Is also A GOOD OUCHAIID, on the premtsps Terms win bo mule known by calling on the un dersigned, or by addressing him at still Water, Pa. MAT1IIAS KMNE. ROLLINS & HOLMES, have removed to Evana' Main Street. Block, Extra heavy Tin Wire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description manufactured Rollins & Holmcs. Galvanized Ian Cornice designed aud manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES the best and most economical in the market. Rollins & Holmes. RANGES. The BA11STOW ELEVATED Oven Range, the LION and EM PRESS Portable Ranges have no equal. Rollins & Holmes. STEAM. Public and private building3 heated by steam. A variety of Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings, constantly on hand. Rollins & Holmes. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly done Rollins & Holmes. Feb 1, TT-lf TAI'I PER BAGS K. FOR BALK AT THE COLUJ1HIA OFFICE. COOK STOVES as Orates. Flro Brick, Ac, vvholesalo and retail. They in. i-eini niove, tne most erouomicai urate in use. ILL MACUINCHV SllAFH.N'O.PULlVS, AC They CEN'TUAL HOTEL WITH A NUMI1EK OF fipnnsigl A nosslr. V jfk'l rS-'-ii!Miir)ii,v3."vfTa 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers