tfe"$5SS"i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT; BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. LiMiasnnuii. rniDAT, jax sa is;; Rnll nod Time Table. LACKAWANNA A BLOO.MSM'IM 11A11, IIOAP Accommodation Train,. Hull Train Express Train NORTH. ..(1.41 A.M. '. T.BS A. M .. 1.N) T. M. .. tsr. m. SOCTn. T.SJA.M. 4 J P. M IUI A. M OATAWI93A HAIL ItOAD. KonTM. sotrra Ar-ommortatlon Train e.!8 A. M. MT P. M Itejntar Kxprcs-i i... 4.r P.M. II.MA.M. Tliroiigh oars on Express train either to Now York or Plillilclphla. Accommodation train runs between 0 'tawlssn and Wllllamspnrl. to smvcntnniia. We tiro obliged to make another appeal to oar palrons. We liavc large expenses to meet and ulthourtli wo havi! largo amounts landing on our books it is nlmost impossible to get enough money to pay running expenses, owing to the tardiness of subscribers nnd debt or. in mottinc their obligations. In older to clean our books up wo have appointed collect ors In several townships in tho county, und shall nppoint others as fast ns possible. Wil liam Uryson, Esq , is authorized to rcctive amuuts due on subscription in Ccntrilia am t Asblandj John McAnnll, Esq., in Ilenvickj William App'cman In licntoiij I'. K. Mowror, Esq., in Danville; Samuel Snyder, in Mifflin ; N. P. Moore, in Mndbon and Hemlock j V. T. Shuman, in Mainville. This will mjkc it convenient for those wli do not often get to town, nnd we hope that all will chccrlully and promptly pay when request ed to do so by our'collcctors. tf (Jul. Hi'fly, the vcli r.m editor of lilt; Jersty Shun- Herald, has been apintid tin ri-.i lit i 1. appri-tr for I.tmitiliu- county. J. W Km man, lately of the PiMi-tnn Come in making arrangement tu mart a Sunday pa' per in Vilkcs-H.irrc. The snow is npitleilto be deeper in tht northern portion of the State than lias been known for the past 5 years. Hon. R. P. Allen lias been placed upon the following impnrlsi.t Senate committees: Xew Counties and County seals, Juiliciary neral and Kederal I.elatlon-. Hon. Mn ISnrtliolomevr of Potlsvlllo Is lying very ill, ami bis physician lias but llltlo liopo nflils recovery, William llryson Eq., ofCenlralla lias been ricently mlmiUe-l in praolleo law In the aeveral omits of Noilliiiuibl.iii'l enmity. Dr. V. Itoyer nf I'. ttsvllle has contracted villi It iIIIim & Holmes to heat his residence wilh sleam. The reputation nftlil- firm Is ex tending throughout this -eel ion of the -lute. A large stcigli load of little folks went to Danville on Wcdiiewlay under I c care of Mcmm. W Hart, and Gen, Rlsewlck. They a cold ride and a J Ity time. A number cf prominent citizens went to liar rtdmrg j-eslerdiiv to meet gentlemen from other ll'trielsfo the purpose of devMng some means ol obtaining state asslttance for the Normal School. Over -evenly conversions are reported at the revival meetings of the M. E. Church at Light Street. CoaMlng on the upper end of Miin street, ilinii'is nlghlly er.ovds ofboys, Surgeons wilt Itnve an opportunity IomI some broken limbs before the winter is over. H.-e.-ui-ten in in nnv be limbic to sh al once h"fn!l re-ii t of hi a lverli!ng Is no rcann why h"-hiiiild hastily judge it ni noilT.ct. Il heller to watch and wait than to make a lias judgment. Two warm itavs at the end of last week did u-iilciabie damage In llie sleighing Those ho an- loud of uleigli riding bad belief ini- rove the lime, as it is getting uncertain whelli we shall have m tell more snow. It-illy at the Exchange ll.irbet Shop lias sc ored the services of an as'tinnt nnd can at' nd to all his ciistoniers in the promptest and uio-t PnH-.f-icton manner. Don-t forget the lace, under G. A Clark's II ik .-tore. We I ave received the Illutrted Almanac of j Cincinnati ltWy Star. It jb ail i iilly- rinted and handsomely illustrated Kvery uWribcr In the Star is presented with the Al- naiiac. Ollico U30 Walnut St. Cincinnati, Ohio. The incrustations of ice on the inside of show windows, so annoying to those having them in charge, can be prevented by sponging the glas with 'alcohol. Some physicians now claim that the geniral prevalence of diphtheria is due inagrettd grec to the gas which is thrown oft" from coal stoves in ill veniitated rooms. The Texas Tiilninc say", "The late 'atmos pherical freshness' lias brought on many cac of Coughs and Colds, and Dr. Iiull's Co gl Syrup is in greater demand than ever." Senator Wallace has our thanks for ft copy of his excellent speech in the U, S Senate oi the Presidential question. We g ive a -.yii'ipd of his remarks in a recent issue of the Colcm HIAN. A four horse load of ladies vnt to Rinlon for a sleigh ride on Saturday last. No bus bands were allowed in the party. Of cour-e the ladies enjoyed themselves. Qlite a Fensatiou was created on the street oi Krid ly last by the appearauceol'a tandem team The horses wero W. II Brown's blacks, und Satn'l Prentice was the drivir. Missrs. N. U, Kunk and L. K Waller. In formed a co-partnership in the practice of law Their advertisement appeirs among the bust nea cards, in another column. We arc informed that the insurance on th life of the late Robert K. Clark, has been p.ii in full S3.000, by the agent of tho Aetna Life Insu-ance Co. Judge Henderson, of Ix-banon C) , has pul township supervisors to work by deciding that it is their business to open drifted n ads am put them iu a tit condition for travel. Jacob Conf.iir will selljpersonal property consisting nf horse', cittlr, wagon", grain, etc. In Madison township at the farm of .1. A. Kun Hon, on Thursday, March Slh, at ten o'clock a. la. The TiWs Almanac is on our tabic. It cvnpiled bv A, K. MtKlure and A. Wibon K irri', and is f ill of most iniporlant and iuti niiug statistics. Wo consider il a perfect po litical hand book. A large party of married genllc.en and tlici w vis took a sleigh ride lo Danville lat wee Thursday; taking dinner at the Montour IIou and reaching home beTbre tea. (ieo. Rieiii:l; took them iu his fine four liou-e iiiriiout. Read the ndvirliimi nl of Harmm it- Has. ert These gentlemm nre tiraellcal maohiu ts, and peronally superinlrnd all their work. more reliible and skillful firm cannot be mud in the county. W. R Illerly, K-q , who has been ab'enl In Europe, during Ihu pa-t seven months, return ed to Wlillaiu'port, on Thiirsdsy lat. IIu vl itcd the old world at the solicitation of the heirs of the John estate, for the pnrpo-c of look ing up llielr portion of tho va-t wealth left the relatives In England nnd Wales, but with what f uccess, we aro not Informed Several of the heirs of the John cstato reside in Illoonisburg. Judge Harding of Wilkes Rirre will pre side In court on the evening of Kebrunry Gill to hear the argument on exceptions to the Auditors report nuking distribution of the fund arising from the salo of real cslalo of August Kreund. The Saving Fund In whlih Judgu Klwellisa shareholder, is one of the parlies' lntcritetl. C'KNTnALlA Pa. Jan 22nd 1877. Gentle men Iu your lue of the Coi.I'.muian of 19. h I Holloed an article, copied from the "Ktho" stating that my sons ear hud been cut oil', but amhippylo Inform you that such Is not the case. He is teaching at Excelsior not Centra lia ns slat, d and has no trounle with any one but fiom what 1 lenm Is well liked by both classes.'IInping you will correct the mticle I am yours etc, O- M. Lamed. Under a recent ruling of the Attorney Gen eral, restaurant keepers are only required to nav S12 licen'C fief vear in-tend of SjO, as they heretofore hive heen doing under the new liceme law. Kiflv dollars is he license paid by hotels, The attention of the Attorney General was call ed to the alleged Injii'lice of charging the restaurant- the same and lie examined into the decision as slated. At n sleighing party that recently visited Uloemsbnig fiom Northumberland, Mopping nt thohou-e of C. K. Knapp. c-q.. in the former place, an accident happened to Miss Annie Reiininger, one of the parly. Nie misiooK n door leading down stairs for one leading to a room, and fell down a .light of eight or ten stairs, backwrd. sp-aiuitig her ankle and brul-ing herself otherwise. Afler lying in an n-en-iblc condition for about ten minutes she was restored lo coccloii'iie". She has since ncoveieel Irom llie edict of the fall. Siinbury Gaulle. The Hrpubtiran asserts that the Aetna Life nsurance Company "never '.iada law suit with policy holders." Perhaps not with the whole of idem, but to our knowledge they have ad soils wilh individual claimants under the polities. Men after dealli don't often bring suits, you know. There will be five eclipse in 1877, vii: n to- al eclipse of the moon on February 27, visible the United Slates ; a partial eclipse of the nil on March I I, vi-ible in Western Asia; a arlial eclipse of the sun on Augut 8, viable n Ala'ka, Kani"cbatka, nnd the . ortli Pacific ocean; a total eclipse o. the moon on Augut 23. psrtly vi'ihle i i the Eastern and Southern lali s: nnd a pirtial eclipse of the sun e.n Sept. vi-ible in South America. There is such a small amount of buiness fur he lawvers in Columbia enuntv that thine re- ceiitlv admilted have organized a sham court to get into practice Jit'io. Ir n small town like Shickshinny editors can hardly be expected to know what moot urts are. The I'cho may be sttrpri-ed to hear that f nc: thin s are in exi-teneo in nearly every county in the state where the liar is as large and enterprising as in Columbia county. The members e.f tho standing committee from the district which compose the Rloom mr Distiict. will meet at the oiPce ofth chairman in tooiuhurg on Monday the fillli day of February 1877 at 2 p. in., for the pur- po-e of noinlnaling two persons as candidates fordirtctors of tho Pour for tho Rloom Poor Ui-lrict. W. J. Uuckalcw Chairman. 0. P. Ent Secretary Jan. 23d 1877. IIOLt. OF IIONOlt. Pupils that wero .lellher ab'cnt nor tardy during tho month ending Jan. 11), 1877 Cata wis'.i ore a follows . IhnmKo 1, -Jennie flrnbst, Gertie I.asliell, L'icyChr!nnn,CiVk Hnflinan, Dmlel Kriimtn Amtiroze Manhardt, Krisldy Frederick, Charles Smilh, IjraStver, llenry Gelllnger, John Wat ter James Ri'hcl. T 11. Miller teacher. Jloom .Vo I. Irene Sears, Kaltc Haloy, Hat- lie Haws, I) , llie Mo-teller, l.tlllc Whcatley, Kaile Gwin, Nannie Melt, A llie Helwig, Sinn ley Jones, Dhnrllo Weaver, Albert Yelter, George Frederick, Georgo Yetter, Harry Mench, Frank Keller, Georgo DoVattc, Hilly r ishcr. Mi's Kato Mccrs and Miss Lille Reifsny der teachers. Tho World's Choice. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, ISSOLUT10N OF PARTNERSHIP. UmVAnrj op P.niTiuixiEa Tho snow of tho last two weeks has prevented partridges f-om obtaining their ordinary food and obliged them lo subd't upon laurel leave, which ai poisonous to man nnd render the flesh of the birds unfit lor food. A Cenlenninl Dtrition. Competent Judges leprrsenllng the civilised Pfonle of the wor,il imnolnteU for the knowl edge nf in rl I ci 1 1 ii r art or sciences, ronvenisl nl I'lillauelpiila lor six inonuis lo decide upon me I icmoer, is.s. oy mutual rnnhei.i. uie irasuin rotnnifu lr.. mxr!t nf iIif. vnrliin In vi nilnns of I "tu Inn wtlllw carried on try 3. Dartre! comparative merits oi llie orious invi nitons in t i,rutlier. -eviin winpnvall nw of the firm ant iiisnieinii, awaroeo iu incmaiiuiatiiirers oi lieii' son's Cupclne Porous Plasli r, afler a careful lil and comparison of this rtmsrkableienifdy with ordinary porous and other kinds of plasters, tho hichest and only medal, above all foreign and American competitors, on tho ground of Its grtal surcriotlty over oilier plasters, and lis wonderful pain relieving strengthening and cu rative properties. Remember that this decision was made by four practical and skilled physi cians. Remember that no no'trnm was allowed to be exhibited at the Cenlenninl. Rememticr when you nre suflirlng f-om any ncheor p-iln that lien son's Cnpcliip Plaster Is tho bet remedy ever devised lor all external difficulties. Rl.til)itY.10HN'0N, rnARUicscncit. Chemists, n, Y. May iu, '7u iy. ottco ts hereby trli en that the nartnrr'hln here tnforn r.Tltlrifr lit n-,n II. I, fl-lmfft. .TiAhlia llsrf- ! and unmii-I ltiitirrl, vndir tbo nrm nsrae cl iiiimpRju iisriroi wns nir, ion on i n xsiiioiiie llie iiusmeswei v J. linrtrei nna nnvnlt nritAfif tier nrm and .at) debts duo tbosai.i ilrm i.i'tst txi paid to them .ItHlltA 1IAMKI, 11 . MIL I. iuuizi:!., 11.11. UltlMliH, January 8tli, It'T-lw A PPI.IUATTON FOR CIIARTKR, We are roallr.'tng what tho lute Chief Jus tice1 Clnisij said when tho present military style of reconstruction was first developing. "If," said the eminent man, "the attempt to hold a portion nf our country under milita ry rule is persisted in it will end in the de struction of the Republic." Cincinnati En quirer. G ivcrnnr Tilden, bo It is reported, has ex pressed himself confident of his peaceful In auguration iu March, He is now at his home in New York, quietly watching tho progress of events. BENSON'S CArrtNE 1'onocs plasteu?, A great Implement on ordinary porous p'astcrs. RELIEVES PAIN" AT ONCE. TUB IlKST Strengthening' Plaster Known. Cl'HKS (JUICKLY IihcuTntl'tn, Neuralgia, ilini nnti ttenK iirck. bclatlct, I.tunhngo. spinal and Kidney Complaints, all aches and pains ot a local nature. Poll everywhere. I'rlco 23 cents. May 19 TS'-ly SKAMJItY JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, N.Y. Business Notices. jpon RENT. ilouse on East street lately oscunled by John HoIT. man rornnnjear trum Apill 1st. Immediate pos session gli en. Terms reasonable. Apply to Jnn. 5, TI-Jw 0. 11. BUOCKWAY. New Calicoes, Lutz & Sloan's. Muslins and Ginghams at DlUtllLAUJ AOAIN. A SERIES OP HOLD KOBDEKIRS. On Salutday morning of la-t week several citizen of llloomsburg woke up to liml tl a' thev had been favored w lib callers during llie night, nnd that a number of articles nf ue and value had been taken, Whoever the thieve w re', it is certain that they knew something about the premises they entered At J. II. Mai zes on Fifth street, they cut tho slats uf tho blinds and opened a window, taking everything they could fill I downstairs. JI-. Maize lost a line overcoat, new pair of shoes and over shoes, n new dre-s' belonging to Mrs. Maize, his little girls' coal, and many other things amountim: In upwards of a hundred dollars. They alo Have you got a William Penn Slnve? If so then go lo Harmon & liiuserrs aim uuy thfir new coal saving grates. Jnn.SG.-4w FOUND ! "FOUND I I FOUND 1 1 1 The place to buy an Over Coat at cost is at 1). ..owenuore s. Cndmnii lias some elegant walnut bed room suits, at prices to suit tho times. Lutz t Sloan have just received another lot ol 2j cts., plaids anil oilier tires good Gout's fancy Slippers just received at E. u, Kuorr s. . Hitrhot nrieca tinid for Musk Hat. Mink, Illack Skunk, Otter, lfacoon, &c, at D Lowenberg s. Rubber Boots nt'McKinnoy's. Brackets, hanninr; basket", foot rests, fan cy stands, pajier holders, nml a general as sortment of liirniluro can be found at Cad man'. If von look in tlio window vou will entered ln barn, nut initiKing mat uie nor-es ue j.urc (0 bCC gometliing you want. nf n .1. Waller would answer their purpose better, they went over and got them, leaving - Mason 11 am in. (too. Woods, anil the tr Ml7M'a. Khar es Crook was a -o called y.'" '." 'b""" Nolwithslanding the fact that the Centen nial is over, father Chddsofthc Ledger Ktill grinds out obituary poeiry to the following metre: We had a If trie Sammy once, He was our joy and pride: We loved him, ah 1 perhaps too well, For soon he slept and died. H' little hands were never made To labor in (he sun: llul he lies i-lj-'iiing in his grave, And all his wnrkisdonc, Gone, but not forgotten. upon and siifiered to the amount of filly dol lars, an overrun being among the articles sto len. He says he heard a noise iu his hoii'e, hut supposing It was some of Ins men who boarded wills him, coming home, tie paid no allention o,it. A parly of young folks on their wav lmnic from Danville found an ovcrroit in the road, and in the morning it was identified as Mr. Crook's. This gave a trail, and a pirty started for Danville nfler the ihleves. Mr. Waller's horses wore found below Danville, but notnlng else was recovered, and no cluo found of the guilty partie-. This is tho third theft that has been traced in that direction, and it is probable that an organized band of despera does is in existence. A lot of tramps wore in lown on Friday, and as they had di-appeaied on Saturday morning lliey may have heen the thieves. These burglaries are getting to be a little too friipient to be pleasant, nnd it is about time that some measures of protection are adopleil by our citizens. A holf dozen watchmen employ ed by the town, or by a fund made up by pn- Music Store, 1) uillo. Marr wants potatoes. Dec. l-3ui 'Notice Is hereby irtvon Itut the undersigned will apply Ui Hon. William Klnell, l'reMdcnt Judireof the Court fit common pleas el Columtlacoanty, on faturday thnfsthdayor January, A. ., 18IT, for a "liartor or Incorporation for a society under the namn of " t he Christian Mutual Aid s iety i" the ob ject of which will on " I tin maintenance of a Society for benetlchtl and protecilvo purposes totts mem Uth, from funds collated therein. K. E. nrtvi.i, (' K.tlt'llllK HAV11) PISIIKH, 1). l. KINTKIt, C. S. LUSH, Jan. if, is?! st. A DMINISTRATe)R'S NOTICE. mtitk nr Divirt. MI-FPl.fcV. I'Uranf AdminUtratlouon the I'xUtiot Pnntol Mufllpv. l.itn fif Kcotr, luwnliln. Col mhlfl. countv. Vf . iJeoPrtSH.l, linvti lHn cr nti-J by tbu HcfflMcr of rtici comity tn iwot) Tcriinircr. ui LnuBnitiOiown- ihii, administrator, tu whom all poranrii Indebted, ro !t' Ut inuVo pay:-cut, ami tliotwi liavlnc clrtlms or Uumnnds nffiilnst thf nlA estate will make i incrn known iu uio fjia aauunisiraiur Miiuouiac- MJ. JAUUU TisltW I Ll.Ki hid Dec3t-6w .utinlfiMrator. A: DMIXISTRATOlfS NOTICI.'. S999 Can't bo made by cvrry agent every munth In the business we furnish, but thobo w mini to work can easily earn a doen dollars a day right In their oun localities. nave no room 10 cxpmin nere. imsim-? iueu.-,ui. and honoiable. ttoincn, and bojs and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete out uirrtc. i ne nuhitiess pajs ue-iier man uii-uuhk se. we w near esnensoor staruiiKiou. i-areicu- lars tree. W rite and see. Fat mere and m echiinu- their sons and dau(itncrs,atid nil classes in n-euuc ESTiTBOFWKIt.tSOTOS II KNT. hPC'O. Tetters of admtnlstrathn. dc boats non on the cstato ot Wellington II. Knt, late ot the Town of itioomsuur?. nau ocen prtiiurn uy mo uegihieroi Columbia county, to eilu t. Kunk, ot Uie lo vn of lilootnsburg, to horn nil persons Ineleuod nre ro- qucs'cd to make liniuedtate pas inent nnd those hav ing claims or drinands against llie Enid estate will make iit'-in i.iiii-Yii iu lua uuuursiueu uuuui3irj' tor w lthout delay. N. V. Ft'NK) Jan. 8, 1S.7-SW Administrator, joroTicn. I his Is to glVI ve notice that I have nurehased from 1'aiui nonse me louowiu propcrsy yizi sine cow, s e-nieivi'O". uur nnn l,rilli,i.vnw him paelngnorlc athomv, should write to us and learn strnw In Mable, 1 nlnnowing mill, cutting box, t all'nbuut the w orW nl once. Now Is the time. Dou't I strain cradl.3, rnki a nn I forks, I wood sto e, 1 table. delay, Address 'I rue Co., ukusUs, Maine, epl. s, ,i.-iim. JlEW STOCK OF CLOTHINQ. and' G-entlemen'a Droas Goods. DAVID LOWENBERQ Invites attention to his large andolegantstoclt Clieap anfl Fashionable Clotliina, at his store on MAIN STHKET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, ULOOMSBL'IIU, PA., where he has just recolvcd from New York and Phil ddclphta a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludl nc the most rash.onat.le, durable and Diinaiumci DRESS GOODS, ICONSISTING OY chHlraanrtciiuUuuril. ftDdnw acres of land. All ci which I liao loaned tosalriihiiilel Ilonso tlnrlnjr mv tilta8Urc. All tHM-huiia'art) forbltldi n to lnterfTP with 4! DMIXI.STJi.M'On'S NOTI R-iTATF. OK ItOBKKT CLARK. l.ttiSTT). i'tter.s oi AdmlrilnlstMtloii on the estate of Rob ert F. Clnrk.lnto t f Columbia cotint.v , Uccasect, have Uen prantetl by tho liepister of s.iM county to 1)a- iu tAittfiiutiKi ui iwuuin-iuui x( toiuiuui.i county, tu whom nil rwrHiinn ItirtHhtcd nm n-nursKti-d tn rnnkn pajmtnt, anrt tho? haWnp cl.Ums or Uefnunds agulnst Uie said ottutn w 111 mik theta known lo the sum auimui -Armor miuoui ut'iiiy. 1AVI0 LOWKNItKltfl, Dec 22, 76-Cw Adiiiliilitrutor. Dauchy & Obs. Advt's. 2r I'ANCY flAUlii ts stvlea with ntnii ij ilpost ald. J. 1). llusted, Nassau, liens. Co. fan. iv, ii -is a rVAG'TS WANTED UENTEFi L FOR HISTORY M EXHIBITION and o on y nu- and ct oinletc history published. It treats ct It o..titniii-1'.l.lil ni.e Olis-ravlnirs fit btllldllirs fcresln Iho meat Kiklbitlon und Is tho only im m-nfiri htiiifioit.4. wntirioi-rui uxhiblts. curiosities, urent''. Very cheap and sells at aljht. linn nf-onisoia ss coiuessn onno.-ey, bend for our extra lermsto Acenls and a fall description of tho wrirK. Address l.atlonal Publishing Co., l'blladtl phis, vtu fnrellsble and worthless boolts on UillHlUill the Kshlbltlon are txlnff clreulttod. Ho not bo deceived, fo-i that the book j'OU buy con tains "4 pAf-os and S90 fine cnt-rarlnis. uan. iv, iisw u 'II rVJW Wilaiiarl'Kk-nlalhi AA M World. Il eniloa Q ns mvB tUMUOf pspsr, jo-nT-T. rps.psnlt,r-)nlll-T.r,l"snrsa,SBa ft pl- f-ftl-il-l; Jtwtlrf . CnmpitSt ,tiplprk'--l. Willi fUol gflld Sftl-4 f IM.t b,i:ton, unrt Utfw fhronsbls f-ncT SSI, ptj Sn4 dmpi.PMS-pfttd, OB r-rtt. S pfteknr-, with rt-d.w-elrj. ft I. So,M 15.11 rntentUtr tfi&S Irf-S W fctlsrnt-. BRIOB A OO.tTOOOroadwnyiH.V. TWELVE n cn. Thi LLOIP COHDlNAnOf. Can M nisl rll.renTifllJtr ind rrn.nur.rsnkirii.Envirra l'rrMllr J'ubbr, eewlng Muchln Thr-i n-l tor ftirprntt Bmi,CottlTi(t effllnnkaand Eye, Krlr Bliu. te fifri c( h rnmroun penrll, li rtlci In cn. Thi 1X0TP COHDlNATIOf. Can t n"l t( a renclt.rei.tielJr end Tmt rwer, rnHntfii. -r(rnrr, i hMtliy nickel pUtfd, And irl l Ut allfitlme. Agnnt at rntnlnir mtvttj nl mtUI-i th btnt rolllnir urtio out. Liursi. Eiiris-Minirt in(iDctn)fiiti t ApDi tr Mniiji hiflotfn utidT ctnviui lour wu. liiiiuBtnuu,, zoo uroadwaytN. T ors. Juu !, t?-lw d TniFLINU WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DASQKnOV. van WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, SIX sTATiovr.nT rscseors.snd f IS 1 LOVne-OXDtVATlOM for 1 DOLLARS. BniDFACO 'uvuraaawaii nw l ft suro remedy for COUOHS, and all dlsoasrs of the I1KANK. TllllOAT, LU.NOS, CI1E1T and MUCOUS MBit- Pitt npionly in Sluo boxes SOt.l) 11V ALL DIll'UUISTS. C. N. crttTTKNTO! Sixth Avenue, Xew York. Janli-iw D ACTIVK AOr.NTS wanted lnstantiv to lntroduco Uio Centennial Exposition. DESCIttliED AND ILlAJSTItATED. Kearly soo pages; only 2 ia; rich Illustrations and a treasure as trie best itnd chkapest History 01 tlietircat Exhibition, liudoreed by OIHeUls, Press und Cleruv. Isselllni-lmmonsuly. t)no lady clean d $.150 In four weeks. Act quickie. Now or never. For full particulars, Address 1IUIII1ARU Ultos., l'ubs. Too oansoai se., I nua., i a. judwit u 4: DMIXl.STKATOIl'S XOTICK. EiiTATK OF JACOU BllCQAnS. DVC'D. ettersoiAamtntstratton. on tho estate of Jacob Shui;nr, late of Main twp, Columbia County, dee'd. have been eranted by the licfflster of said county to (ieorffo Ilollnnb.iCh.'of Matn 1 wo.,Columbla Co., Va., to whom all persons Indented to sail teute aic le nnested to mcke paynicut, and these Imping claims t,"ansiiue aam etiiie win maivc mem tuiown tome tald ailmlnlstrator without dlay, count: nor,LKN'ncir, rfC 2i, 'Tfl-C'.v. Admlnhtuitur, UMINISTU TU.S Noricn. ESTATE OF FH4C!S VAflU DFCHAhEP. letters of Administration with the will ! annexed on the e-tato of Francis Manll, late of Main township, Columbia county, r'tinsilvniiti., oreasod. have been prant,d by the ItegUter of fcakt tuuiiiy iu iiicimiu 11. .ien. ci iuui i p., . unum.nt. county, 1'ennMUanla -11 persurm bavins' claims affnln-t the estate of the decedent are re.pie.sted to , pre&entthem ror Hettlemeut, and those Indebted to ttif ectnte to nnke pnymnnt to the undi-rslfjned Administrator lthout dew . KICHAlin n. ati:n, Pec.22, (J-Cw ' Adinlnihtiator. A1 I.ailios' and Children's Slippers at E. M, Kuorr s. Gents' fancy Slippers at iileKiiiney's. l-"nr a tond cheap suit of Clothes go to I), l.owenbcrg s. Seal Pkin Cans at cost at 1). Lowon- herg'.s, Cliickcrinii, Steinwav, Mathushok it Haines I!ro'., l'iauos at Thomas's Music Store, Danville. Dec. 1-Sin UOX. SACK l'ltOCrt, OUSI A Hir. The germantown Tiltgraph says It is a very common practice for race ings to pass resolutions ofmpect for Mjmebody who has ilcpaitisl this life; or meetings of any kind to wind up llieir resolutions with one requesting llieni to be published in certain newspip r-, but t'lls revolution is n lduo, if ever, couples! wilh i proviso to rait-e enough money to pay lor llie sarr.i'. On the contrary, il is ctptclisl that iho p ill slier is to insirt it nnd spread the mimes of these si tors before llie i uhlic irraluilrni-lj- T ii- we restaid us the fjiiiiites-enceof meaiiue, a llie publi-her lelmself niut bear the oipen.e llie ndverlisinj. Ladies' Rtibbors nt McKinncy's. Huy ynur Clotlnnc at D. I-owcnbergV. Hovs' Kin Hoots for Si! 00 at E. Ktiorr's. 31 Now scllinc all their stock of Winter Cloth- in" at cost at D. Lowenhorp's. Sheet Music. Music Hooks, and Musical Instruments pononilly in endless variety at vale su Hcnplion wouiuuea proper siep 10 piiomas'a .Music Store, D.uiville. i;ec. l-m lake. Certain It is that we cannot aiioril to elo - '' . , . ,. ... Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. nothing, while imrpars an.. .nceii...r,es are f !( f( clli,llrcl, busy every ni glit- I.'t there lie a nieetin)- of Latest .tvles, lowest prices at D. citizens and a vigilance coinniiuce appointed lowenberg s, who shall uevi-e some means of protection aeiin't these lawless plunderer. In llie ...can time keep llie gun loaded. It may be that the i-orpse of a burglar would provo an elficient warning. PltllC'EEMNGS Or' THE HT Th AOltlCL'I.Tl' 11AI. S-OC1ETY. Tlio connnilee npiioinled to draft resolutions relative to decea-ed colle-igues reported as fol lows : 'The executive committee of the Fcnnsylrn nia State Agticul.ural Society, ill behalf of the liny vour Hoots and Shoos at McKinnoy's for he still "holds tin fort," and sells Goods at "hard pan" prices. A really line Dre-s Shirt, try the Eclipse Shirl. n perfect fit, elegance and economy omiiliincil; can only be bought at w. i.owen berg's. COAL. COAI. nlel r sta il shcil Coal innl. C. W. Nkai. & lino., Wholesale h Itetoil Dealers in all sizes of tho best qualities of Red and White Ash Coal, nt the very lowest whole society, is ea led upon toexprcw profound market rates. Il.iveconstaiitly on hand large Manufacturers of i-iwing imu-hines, pluiio. or.-aus, pl.i ter", Luiiliiig uiiublues, Ae'., loaf as well savelhiir po-tsge Kluiiips, Wei Islee no contracts for advertising for due I ills whin Un due b.lls havu to bo ncooiup'tiiii'd by miv Biinuntof oa-li, in order lo get tlio aiiiele. Such proo-als ahtayhfall in Mir wane p.ipir bisk.t TIib hoii'e of II. S Hi-ay at It'ipert was in-teie-d an M unlay night by biirglms, si ll ovi-rinnts und oilur suaiing n pan I luh n. The school Iimim' wasalso elitiriit, niil .1 ciisk, bioUs and ollur lliings tiskt is. Nn ebie lo llie thieves, If ibis tort of ihii g leislinms we will hive lo a-k tirint lo tend up a cirgo of mi ! tary. At Ihecloie of the year endipg SfpletnbVr GOtlilfaTO, lime "etc in iheriaiu, at Danville, 181 nun and YXi o nen, or u toiui of 311. Tbeaverage weikly esw of euilipj tienl was S 1.7 1 . The pie-eul siiiounl i f niioiii' mwllliou is for 3'.0 mules, und by trowdiiig 120 females j total, 470. Cn last Silurday inning nv.nil slid loads of p'euMire siikirs fiom Danville visited niooin-b irg, aceoiiipaniid by St. Jiweph's Teiu pla Hindjof which William MeC'loud Is leader ami Abraham Secbler Inslruclor, About lliirly two couples enjoyed lluni'ilves iiilscellsneous Iy, but as many as possible had a dame at Htohner's, (he uiu-lc beii g luiuislicd by mem bers of Si, JosrpliV baud. Following llie usual prece lent about midnight the Columbian was serenaded, We may add I hat the crowd wero orderlyi and were gladly welcomed by their friends residing here. Tin siore of J. II Maize iiarinwly escaped l.-tructiiin by fire last Tiusihiy niijlit. The ti in for clo.ipg hail arrived and thev weio hImi'UIo h-uve, when a cuslimtr came in and u-tttM for -oiiie i -tic!.' llul wr.s 1 1 j t in llie biek i-iore riti.iu. l'i on opt ning llie door, llie room w ii f.iniid full of-oiol;e, and 11 did ni.t lake long to tiiidthiit a b'jie hail bullied lllmuuli lie li-nil fit 111 t -t- loolil above, rl'iiupicd by the S-ntinet i.Hiiv A lypo had uiitliitsl.ui lo war o llie j th pr. -is liy liiirninz piper, nnd came .e.n in ct c.lii g hiyooil his e i tniioin. 1 1 is care. le'-sue- imglit base r.dlier i.piniee lor Mr. Miire, ho! the tile nut been disuiVtred win n il v as. The L-wi-burg Chronicle stales tint Mn. Miu-lit 1, wife of ( Milehel, re-idiogoo Juck's mountain, In Hartley township, wlul-t leliilliiiig homo to her d night r, (living iu iliirilelon) on MoihIhv, Jnnuiry -illi l.Kik a ti it . 1 1 1 . l is i n path, aril imss.d her way home. 1'iiday her hu-biud slarled for Iliirilelon lo look afier her, nod liod out wliv she did not return, w! en he was told that she had Irll for heme on Monday uflernoon, Searel was made at once, and following her tracks leading oil' fiom llie main road, they found tier is short dii-lancc from the house, froz-;ii to death. The) mow nasbeaieu down around where she lay, uid icrHtches wsro fouud on her hand and mm', which aro suppose-d to have been mailt' whilst fighting her way through the crust of the mow. She was about 68 years of age, A special couiii.itm- ci nsi'ling oflhcfollou in; persons: Nlsley of Dauphin j l'ltla of ca-ler; l'o-ier of lliadfctd; Aiktrly of l.u jtrne; Grinmiil of Yoikj Sluibly of l'irryj McIIinryeif Columbia, has been sppointid by thellou-eof ltt priniilauvt" to whom was re ferred eo much of the Annual Menage of the Governor as rtlales lo the operations of llie J-i-h Dep-irtnitnt. I'e-tns who may bj in. leresled In tlio que- , on con cominiinicalu wilh llie mt mix is of -A., rominittec, or they will be sjlrni n opsirluril s". to mill ihe commPiii si' tulm I!f '.n Ho It), lloostcfu .'en- stlrcs co Toe-el ay January 30 at a - lock ,s. m. J, HUiii ai It. We are norrs that we give oar neighbor the J'epullitan, tu much trouble, Wo have gone and done It, by faying that there arc only three normal schools in Iho stale that aro paying ei peu-cs, uml that iho liloom-burg school is not one of ihuil, llie article alluded lo, was clip ped from an exehaiige, and as wet had seen it in a laigo number uf papers uncontradicted we supposed it was true. The lttpMican would Intimate that we have some ill feeling towards our Notrual School, and that Ihe pub lication of the article was Intended to injure Ihe credit of that insllliitiun, which insinuation we liidiguanlly tling l ack. We confess e were Ignorant as lo ihe financial Handing of th sthool. The Information now cornea to us for the first time, that it "paid expenses last year nd had a surplus." This, considering the ob- itiielis eaund by the fire, ami iho haid limes il spod news. Wu lioptj it Is true," stocks of Domestic. Cupola. Hlaeksinith'H Anthracite, I. ttiminmis. and Liim'buriier'x Coal l-Nnorial attention sriveti tn tho nreii.irii tiou nf ciul before leaving our yards. Grain nnd Lumber taken in exchuniro for coal. Coal i uliveirctl to any !art ot tlio town al loin to his .p-i I litis as prism-in oi inissoeiei- snore iiouto. unu-mniniv i. y . .ut-in t j n u IsT'i, had hlhd -Mill errdit m ions noil during his ..ihuliij't ll'iirs no oi eompliiint was beard. Oucn pntri,na!,P rcspectftilly solicited. mere- are iiiniii.tiior.s mm nappy uie niciiiiio.ui fii, I h In, e-iiipt-- tin ui Tin il'i mpo-te uponoir olii lu-ie wa-t sit priiihnily poi foi imst and regret at lliu loss, by death, of lliree of its mem bers one of whom was its hiithet-t officer all roininrnt mid intelligent members of ibis nominee: all called awuv from thepur-uilsof life ince our lasi hum ling II is, thi'relmv, our ulv, unon this oiTa-ioa, to express tbu siuceiu rrow we feel at Ibis unuii il bt"eaveiucnt. 'Mr. (i-orge Ststti. of Coluuilii i co'iuiy, pre- my itnport uit 't,,ret nr at "ur "'lice, will receivo irnmit at ',',, tentlnii. Office and YanU at William Neal L A Sons' Furnace, East Illoomsburg. Your 1 7 t f 2r.i COAL Have vrm trii-d Ivirhy's WildCherry Cougl llitliiim? A very palateablo compound lor cllh'hiiily iliMhargid a in win the prai-e of i lie various all'eetinns ol the throat and lungs AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLOllS, He has also replenished his already large stock or CLOTHS AND CASSIME11ES, STRIPED. FlGUREir, ANDJPLAIh'SVESTS, SiIIRTS, CIUVATSJ SOCKS, COLLARS,- IUNDKKRCIIIEFS, 3GLOVES, BDSPKOTERS, DMLNISTHATOIM NOTICE. I-STATU OK DGNJAMIM rtllMC. IlKCXASrD. Ixllerae-f Admltib-trallon on Iho estate of l'.ti,l Tlrlitlr. Htu or Itenloii two.. I'ol.. Co. (ltceated haie heen grantetl hy Iho Pe-gt-tter of sslil county to Clark Hrliik, ot samo twp.. Coluuihla county, Aum r., to wli'in all ler'ons IntlohtiU uio requefcteu to nuke paMiit-nt, and thoso havlnsr claims or de mands niratiist ihe snld eslair will inakn them known to tLesjlJ Administrator ultlinut elelay. CLAliK llltl.NK. Pee. 15,-Cw. Administrator. IN pursuance ol an order of Dtlano C Cil ln. Kso . Surrotrate of the Countv of New York. iiotlce Is hert-liv srbento nil persons havintrel-itins against charlntte Ilyer, lateof catawlsa, Pcnnsl- vania, one leaving utsewi wiiiuu me eii. mi'i e-uiunv of New York, ileceatcd, lo i-resent the same with enuehera Iheienf to the Sllhscrlher. at Ills onU-e. No. us Wall Mrert. In rhe rity ot New York, cn or tieforo lue eigiueeniii oav 01 aune neM- liaieu, ew lorn, lueseieiuu eia) ui ueee-uioer, 1678. r iti.i' e;. iiai r. r.i i-.u, neel.'i-m Executor. Agftiiis Wanted' for our KewM GREAT CENTENNIAL EXI1IIIITIOX ILLI'HTIIATKI). Demand equal the crowds &t the Exhibition! One mretit suld 40, two Ri) rach In one day. o.er4ii 0 Hie KngrrtTlnffS. costluff $20,000 01, show the b!t pxIilhUs. Wldj-awako Agt'iita aro quitting all the Interior books Tor thU. (let tho rtKiT. sehd lor circular, Tprmf, una sample cneralaca. , P. V. ZIEOLHIl CO.. 51S Arch bL. nilladflDhla, ra, ian 0-4 w a "the hops of reward Is what Induces vo many people In search of to go to M Ichlsan, nnd select from tl e ONE MILLION OF ACRES nf the land smnt of the Grand ltanlls and Indiana Co. M ' stronp soils uro crops, plenty o( Umbrr, no drouths, prahhoppiTS. ur 'hlnch huga. Iurp water, runnliiff strejihi'.. ruady markets, etvlllz.iMon and sciMinis. itnuroiui runs iiiioujih n'uuv or gram. I'rlc ftom l-i to 0 perocro x-nd r-.r our Illustra ted pamiiiih t. full ot facts In ( und Er'Ithh. say in what paper 3 oh s.i.t this notice. Address W. 0. HUGH ART, Land Comm'r., (UtAND ItAriUS, MICH. Title re-rfoct. 1 ec. P. .s.8-3ra d fPlin Prelm-i-ili.mi T rr nnrilrif J Jit. UUllIIlllJlelll o-etll jyejejevevi. A complete record for the use cf attornes. Con veniently arranged for the doe-ketlnuot all case-, containing MO pages, with doutlo Index. This la the most comrlele hook for lawyers that 13 pun, lUI.ed. PEICB, S3.50. I Published by Brockway & Elwell I Editors and Proprietors of tho Coi.umhian BLOOMBBTJRO, FJ. Decl-tt ORPIUiNK' CO CUT SALIC. OF VALUAUI.K REAL ESTATE! i wilh wirjni he came in contact. lie f-ivehix li no anil nit-HiH with i.iirraliiy to lurlher iiiu Ui-o-M of this fociely. .Mr. Alexander fpevrof Alles-heny coniity, w.h clio-en a vice pre.k'.tnt in 1874. A gentle- n in largely enr-agiil in iiniiuf.ielilri'i, nienleH III xpri'Mion of iiiiii-iinlly cornet e lew, popular an Icoiirienna in intercoiirt-e uilli lii-CJili'.ij;iitK, HienliVH untl correct In the iit il'nni ini-e of din lulii-, llio lu of u sreiitlt-iiiaii ol hi liigli eliur ,it-te-i- inre'atlv to lie dep!orftl. Mr. Ileiijiinin O. l'ltcr, i f Daupliln count win fortt Kail" period a member of lieexeenlive coniiuittee. Always prompt and enei((etic ill the divliarse of every t rti-l a-t-li'iied told decided vit eourteoun counsellor, liu win calleil nwav In the luid-t of an active and properoin biidneii career, by umiddui and i-lioeking aeei lent. HUdeatli if moil regrelted by tlioe who knew him bul a tribute of llie liisbot charac ter. Thin executive, eomiullter, tlurefore, Jlctolte, Tliat lid c x prewiion ol regret at our lost bo entered upon the iuli.iitt.-a of the roclity, and tliut copies of It, under the neal nf the i-oii it lim been uril wltb kiiccom, In seven ctucs it' iislhina ui vins; t mi n nt relief aud in many riwi s ctTectiiij- a pernainent cure, l'rico fd cents per bottle und positively warranted to give entire natifacti'in ' r money refunded. Kirby'a Mnpic Relief for tho iutant cure of n-veVo and acutn palm. Klrbv n laiteless Worm Ixzei)(-cs, pleas ant, sale and eilectiial, Kirliy s Hore and Uattle I'nwders nro the liet piiHilers lor stoct, iiianufiicttireel. Try tlii'iu and be convinced, Kirby'a Camphor Ice for aunburni, sore lip-i nnd chapped hands. mil h iitiiimis anjt j.tver I'ui-sare recoil inended by tlio first Physicians. Tint nbove preparations aro for sale by all Druggists and dealers in medicine. JlOVKlt 1!III1T1II:'.S, July 21,7C.-ly Wholealo Agents. FANCY ARTICLES. lie liaa constantly on head a large antf well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clotl. luff, On very tliort notice, and In the test manner. AU his cloihlotr Is made to wear and moit ot It I tit home manufacture. GO'iU WVTUH1.S AND JKWKMtY, ec KVEin EsumnioN. i-ini: anu ciiuai'. ( IHU CASH OF .LWEU.-Y IS KO'P HUltl'ASHEI) IN THlSl'l-ACU. CAIX AND 'XAMINB HIS (iSNKHAt AS.SOI.T- MltNT OK Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. i-AVii) i.uwi:NiiEi.a )icj ..-n-tt. SHERI'S SALE. T. D. Kellogg's Advts. C KDAK VATS AND TAKKP. for brew VJ',r, diers. chenitht, manufaetureraand prtrttle rtClllnp. OKO. .T. ItUliKUAllT Jt ('n.t juuou-iw, jiuuonwoouBi., ueiow uroaa. T) UUBKK GOODS of every tlencriptioti, nciiin?. racKinff, iioe. hoots ana Mioes, i;iom UiiT, C. Ml' 1IAU1) LEVICK, ON CO, 72-1 Che fct- nut m., rminutjpuia, u1-"13 uiiuuui ituuutr u. Enc ZELL'S YOLOPEDIA, New iieviskd Enirios. lsn.000 arllcli-i. 3.000 en- craelnes. and is solendld marts. The llKST HOOK of unlscrsal knowledge In Uio language. Now In course ot publication. st'EciMKN with map tent larzu cents. Aeicarn nAir-iJ. cms. Apr 25 ly, II. UAV1S &. CO., Plilln. EXCELSIOK CO., liy ilrtue or an urder ot iho Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia county, the undetvls-ned, Administrator of Joha no-ton, lato ot Ftshlngcreek township, C'eilum bla county, w ui e .tposo to salo on tho premises on SATURDAY, KKIIRUARY 3, 1877, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, all that I'idcl or bounded andUw-eilljed as follows: On tho north by landsof W. II. Harton, A. M. er and Jonas Po ty, on the east hy the road wb ch divides Columbia and Luzerne counties, and south by land ot Henry j Kendigaud Keulien -tiler, an loathe west by laud of Jacob aplt. contalulnj about f-r.VK.NTY.KIVK ACIMCS with the u-.ili.lnKS an I lmprovemet.ts. TK11MS OK Sl.i:. Ten per cent, of one-fourtb of the purcha-e money lo ho pal-1 at thi strlUay dow n ot the pio-il. tit.' wi-fouilh le.s llie ten --r cent nt the ' "i wle andlhuieinaiiiiiii.' inreo roiiilhstn one tlieiealter, llli IntertM from nPl. iivi:h i. ciiti'i.v, M ITUIAI llll-llt.N Jjn. 1, it is. AiliaiisUiititir". BEST AND CHEAPEST PRINTING INK IN THK MABKET, llitrelit) M NK1V VOItK.'.o.-lswk iron flWf TlilSfAPEISKEPTOM FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. DYJvrlTI5IM 733 Sihsom St., PHILADELPHIA, Who nre our isutliortreil nsjeuts, and 111 rcccls'o AnvrllMcitient. let our c.v-ni uatim. RMOle'Y I ooretl, fu.-l .ni'il, ami ht-jit It.-1 ' - - . . , a--.. irit.T ,i- ii... t,M u...., --eJi.i-imn. t-ltn-oiu M., i 1 li-j, I 1'ec . .o.-iy. in r a 1 Y) i .s I'eiHiiis iUslrtiiar lo Ink out pfttei.iK or d-"tlrlref tufi'i iiiHlt'ii tn in tlui lulled M.eutt, I n ,-m lii.x "VXrilHRHAS, the lion. Kiivkix eltouM ei t clt V. A 111 V.;-'. r..r im.r T T l;jlrtieotiucdrrwrlls Issued ont ot th Court otcommbn Ileaa Of Columbia county and to tntiU reeled, will be exposed to public tale at the Cijuit Houso In liloomsburi, at one o'clock p. m. on MONDAY, FEUHUAttY 6, 1877, , All that certain lot of srround Mtuato tn Blooow- turf, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound-i as follow-! On the north hy an alley, east by'an'a. ley, south by lot of Susan Bnydcr and nest by KM Koai street, being fifty lectlront and onehundre-l and ninety sit feet In depth, riioro or 1cm whereat are erected two 1-Tamo dwelling houses wills Um appurtenances. a, Hclred, taken Into eiccutlon and to be tola a im property of Hannah Stauflcr and Jacob Siauffcr. AIS0, All that certain lot of uround tltuate In the oujli of Ilerwlck, Columbia county, rcnnsjlvonUs, bounded on tho east by land of Sarah Bmlthers. south by public road, west hy John Snyder, ortU by I'aul Klkcndatl, being one hundred and fort, eight feet on canal Mrect and forty feet deep morn or lets, whereon n crcctcaa large urasnc stt Stand, Bleed, stable and out-bulldlags. Selred, taken Into eneCutlon and to be sold as um property of Philip Spooney. ALSO, ' The followlair leal ctat situate IntheTowAet!nmbla county, lennylvanla, bonaa- ed as follows i On the north by an alley, on tuo. castlby lot of William Iiobblns, on the south k Slith street; ond On the west by lot of Wm..Oh ton, aald lot being forty-six feet front ind about on hundred and fifty-eight feet deep, whereon U ryoe-' ed a frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. Belied, taken Into e lecutlon ana to no aoia is ei property of C. W. Bodlne. AISO, Tit.fniinnintrreatestata situate lathe toitttsklp of licaver Columbia county, Pa., bounded and As Bcrlbcdas follows, to-wlt: On tho north by pubuo road, east by road or alley, souiu oy a puouc west by Wroet or alley ,on which art erected a tavern, stand, framo Btisblo and out-bulldlngs, being til (ed front and 1W deep being three lots. Kelrcd, taken Into exocuttonand to be told atJi property of Stephen Woodrtng. i All that certain lot of trround UtuaM In Milrll'nvlUi Columbia couity, Pa., bounded and described as foU lows i on the north by Second street, east by land 11. C. Ileas, south ny Tinra seiree, au west, m - Jllchaol Federolti being sixty-six feet frout ani two bunlred and thirty-two deep,whcreohare creel ed a framo dwelling house, frame shop and trlaWa, with the n prrartcnancoJ. - Seized, taken Into execution, and to be, soM .? property ot A . M. H ughes. ALSO, ' 'ji All that certain tract ot land tltuate in BVtJr townstilp, Columbia county, Pa., bounded as follows, i It.: on the north by land of Widow Hosier, tast br Jonas llredbcnncr, south by P., It, )t.,Oeo W. Pry and Nathan llredbcnner, west by; jhiWJs roSd i contalnlne twenty-two pa acres. morb or lets, whercun ore erected a frame, grist mlll.log outbuildings, together with the appurtenances.-' Pelz -1, taken Into execution, and to be sold a Wu property of John W, Hawk. ALSO, on Ffbruarv icth nt Hie court House at one p.m. thittollolnprorertles,to-lt: . - All Uiat lertnln re-al ci-tate tltuate In Mlttltn tawsv. ship, (.'oluinbl-i eounty, Pa., bounded on the north or land ct I. K. schweprcEhctter.on the eastby'MaW and Pthweppenhelser, an Ihe south Dyianaoia. -schweppenhelser, on the wett by land of Jotepii nearhart, on which are erected a dwelUng ho.uae-, barn and outbuildings, said real estate coasUUnr ot nlnetj-tl.e acres, more or less. t ALSO, nno . ihrr irnrt ornlree of land tltuate In MlfiKa towni-ilp aforetald. lot ndf d cn the notth by land ot Isaac snyder, on theentt by land ot Henry Creasy, onthesoulhbylaiidof Jacob Nungesser, and wort by laud of Lawrente Waters and others," hereofl oni erected a dwelling house, barn and outbuildings: cootilnlng ooe huudre d and tw enty (1.0) acres,mor or less, with tbo arpurtenances. i-ct7cj, taken Into execuuon, ue mm u propci ty ot John Aten. , r ALSO, ah those three trcts or pieces or parcels of Ion sltua'o In Orauge lowusu'lp, Columbia county, Peni s lvanla : Tract Ko. 1 , bounded as foiloivs ! by.lau t ot Allen Miellbammer, U.K. ItemleyPhebe Whlt mlre, and lsiao Whltmlre; containing thirty-seven acres and one hundred and two perche,whereon ar crected a two-story frame dwelling nousc.-Dan...-outbuUdlngs, together with the appurtenances, i AI-SO, Tract ICo. 2, bounded as follows : By lanCs of John Conner, Levi Alkman and Charles Whltmlre; eot lalnlog live acres and nlncty-two percUes, niore r less, with all tho appurtenances. ALSO, Tract No. S, bounded as follows: Ey lands ot Johxe Stlucr, Frederick Heck, Benjamin Allabach, Joseph Whltmlre, and Levi nnd J.K Alkman, Ellinbelh 11 fer, heirs of Isaiah Conner, and John l-ttuen con taining fifteen acres and four perchciujtrlct aca. ure, with the appurtenances. Selied, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tn. property ot John Etlner. ALSO, All that certain lot of Kround tltuate lri the town ot Miniluvllle, Columbia eounty. I'a., oounaeo oa the neTth by second ttrect, east oy 101 oi bus.. alew, tiuth by '1 h'.rd street, and west by hotel lot of A, W. IIct ! on which are erected a irame nouse u. barn und outbuildings. Belied, taken luto execution, ana lo oo sou s us propel ty t Manuel Klkendall. , t i t nr- rnsniTioss OF .HALE. Pursuoeert touat pay ten per cent, of the purchase money, ct atieast enough to cover all costs, at ttrklng'donn ot al, otherwise property to be resold at once. Shcrins omce, SberUr. Jan. U, 16tt, Babcock & Wyeth'a Aim COURT I'HOCLA MOTION. Is tas. n Internally, and Po'ltlvely" Cures Khenma tlni,"e'UiiBl.i and l.umb.t-o. t"S0W br ,oi sule and l,tUU Urugs-itts Ler)V.hrc. Mud ,u-clT-.ilurto. clrlJE!?T,j5Ki.I1ErrtEX i-tuimk, uunibtrtiJii, D.C. 'ltI- 'i..OF PA t S1H, llt.S, r.uiMitcv, J.M AN I .. 1'E t t PCTIY. Six good Bcconel-liand Pianos for sale nt 0 Tlionms'n Music Store, Danville, rangiDi; In price from S12S to u. lice l-yni WIIBItK TO ADVEnllSC A.T. Stewart sa-'s the bust u.HerlMnir mediums bo has ever found '-aru the old ei-tablUlied organs uf tltn itvn nnllllral nnrlleH. nl tint t.ttvri.1 e.,i,itv M-ntH ciy siEiieu uy mo iiresiuene ami tecreiary, oe i inrougnoue uie miiuu. --lueao, - ue itayu --reneu IraiKUiUteJ to the representatives of tlio faiui- lies of Messrs. Scott, Hpeer ami I'elers." The resolution was unanimously adopted. Ayer's Amcricnn Almanac Is now ready fur everv raiallr of tho least account In their teeerul counties, nnd aro more carefully ruad than any other class of lonrnals." It Mr. hiowart's ludsriiit-iiilsol vidiiet. Miei-elsnu diniculty In decldlnc velileli lwinei- it is for the Interest of business men to adverllso lu T lie coi cmria Iikmocbat, upon which this paper Is partially lounucu, was csiaoutneu in isna, una mo CoLiivBiiN now enloys a wider circulation and i ,, i ., i t . i e . I ert SUIT I le-r-is 1 113 ti till n t-ee-r uiu. is Kttt-a wei-it, ilellvery by tho ilrugeisU, anil wu are free to if .0 i Uussiud tainlllita lu I'oluiubLs and ad. iv Hint wr have read lols wt-leonio vl.llor wit i loiuiug counties, auu oy moteoi euem is re-ao. irom ay mat wc naee rcau uus wucomo Muor wiui . -,, tuaiast him. it is ih,,niv -,e,.,.i.,i sati-factlon and nrofit. It contains nn a-iton. exnonent of nearly rive thousand Ueaoe'ratlc solera , ,, . . . f ,,, i .i 1 in me county, legivea auveruse'meuita uetiyui UhlnR aiLount ot Information which I usenil play, tnat makes them attractive to its patrons, thus tn evervbodv anil shows how to treat nearlv all ensuring greater certainty that Ihey will peruse to eviryooei.v.anii snows now 10 ireni neari) an . ft'liileluictrculatloulsuudoubtedlvmuclitlie from licli liconle nuller. tit In 1 lar.est In the county, the adveitislue-rates of the variably recommends the Let-t leiutiliea to he ty tall nd severalnot one-fourth thi uum" eoiuloved. Irreenectlve cf Aver's Famllv Medi. trot BUbscilUre. Facts like the, spewk tor them ' . . - ..i,.. no borewu Dullness man wiu neL'iect to in. i .....i.i. i. .1. . i .i... i... ii i . ....... .j.t:.- -r. Clues, uuti iui iiitfii-p, iiiuvtti iiiv urns mtuiuii I Hit ui-HttivituvuituMiuiugvueviiBiui aelvlco by. which a great majority of ailments can be treated successfully. Tho anecdotes, witticisms anil jokes aro tho test compilation that comes under our notice, and Iho book Is a refrehing contribution tu our enjoyments every year, of. CVair Oisn-i-o-, Jan. Im, u J. Wef.vev &' CJo's. Adv'ts. $20,000 IN GOLD ! AM) 0Tin:it VALIUM... 1'UK.MiniS lllVKN TO rHOSK WHO WORK FOR THE TIMES ! Tho CINCINNATI WEESLY TIMED Published for a i j easn, haii a XnVossnl cliarsetiT and Inllueuee. Willi pntronst every rt.stfl smlTerrltory in lliu l moil, isnil ia ail tiwoes auu iioiuie-s. jvs uvn lep.ertmeiit, JlOWinS FOB. THE PEOPIiE Inthebouili anil far Wt-s-t, will Is- Invaluable) to al looklugouiiorNKw Pi.uKsrir lusinsiicit. Kvery Patron of Tlio limes Is prebenti-d, free of charge, "llh iui Illustrated Vi-ur-llook ot valuable Infotniallou for istl, isleno worth Uie i1te of ihe paper, Kn erprlslug men wanted even whero to solicit siibserlliers, und Heiure our llold and oilier Valuable I'reialum-s. AMiupIo copy of tlio Times, our lllUKtralid I. tat- of Preuiluios io Im irlsen to Agents nnd other elocuments, wilt bo lentfreoou upplicuttuu tu I'ISCIKNATI TISIF.S CO , ct w, Third tt, Cincinnati, O. Dee, IC-IraJWiLo BUSINI-SS CARDS, TJSIl'INU CAltliS, LtsTTEIt HEADS, JHLL HEADS, POSTEllS, tC, 40 I KeaUjr ud Cheaply printed at the Oolvu- I hixn Office, , J WETHERia Piesldti.t Judge) el thectuirl eloji-r and l e-rmlner and lie neral Ji 1 Hcltvciy, Coui t of ijusr- terSttssIonsof the Peace and thotvvrtor Comutou I'lt-sand orplurnt' c'uiirt In the DIs. trtct, composi-el of the countl-H of Columbia and Montour, and tlte Hons. luisi Dinii and -M. 1 Hcuuks, As.soeUto Judget of ColiuuUa cotiniy, have U-iUtttl their pwept, bearing dale tl.e ICtli eUy of IKc , In 'lm ye j of our Lord ouu e hln hundred aul se .1- l. ami lo u- ell eel I for holding a e"ouri ofiyir ami Ti-nnltn r ami ( Quarter fes-dons. of the IVace. Court ot COtiunoti Pleas ami Orphan-.' Court, lu Blootctbur-;. lu tl.e count of Columbia, on tholirst Mond.ii, i-t-l:it.'il 6th day ot I'eui-uiry next to c.intln'ii tw-owieka. Notle-u Is herob) given to thu Coroner, lo the Jus tices cf tlui Peace, an 1 the I'ousl.ibles ol the did count) ot Columbia, llie) U- iheu and there-Ij. their proper person ut In o' In the toreuooiiot said (.th day ot Peliniirj, with llu Ir rooords, luqul sllliies and other remcmbiances, Udo IIiok- tMnst-s nhklito llw'lr oll'A-en apiwrtaln to bo Uotie. J-nd ttiat aro uouudby iccogiiUnncft to proM-cute ag.ilu-t lliu pilsonera that ale or may ! Ill lint till of the sai l county t,f Columbl i, lo Is- theu und Iheiu lo pro-soeuto Uionias Hliallle ju t. Jurors uie re- (luetted to bo punctual In their attentVuice, agreeably to their notices. Iiateilat Illoomsburg the nth day ,s oi au., in me yuar oi our ixiru one eiuiusauu eiue uuiiareu aau seve iiiv.bii.e-ii and In Uie ouo hundred and Ursl s e-ur of the Independence ot the cntts-d Mate-s ot America. bherllPHOalCU, JOUN.W, HOFFMAN, Illoomsburg, J&u. ti to siserlfT, LICEN01iNOTICE." Notlcols hereby clseu that tho followlnir named lieisons kuvo Hied with tho Clerk of ilia Court ot tjuaiter Sessions of the I'eute of Coluinliln eontitv lUelr lKtlllous for llctiito sihlcli will bo pretented lo tuet'ourion eunesuaj, tue tcventu day of Feb- I nary iie-xes Jobu S. Mann, Tavern, , Centre. Michael Donguerir, Monioui-. puuiues ii. siuueuwue-i, eiruuge. i'. si. itiuuioie, llobert Heagle, A. I . meter. can roil I otvlirn Petesilt., M h-I li.pirn, ! amlm Hons tree. Ml PATENT So PAY. -Circular.- ist. . -f.ri. ;. nd foi N OTR i. 14 iiii'ir iw mi listing House, H-rlck. Tavern, FrotQ Ihls itat' Uio litooL-.ttt'iri i.oa sjc.-j iaji will p-ii In n re lee pirn ot com ajid pirwIMi-abd i.t lilt-io a He lour utiisrs etu.. '1 lie compan nseion i,atx lot ot . tor sulu-5 or iviisii intT roofs, and roveoroiber r..: U in il j. d under et'iind l iitv it- t-euus sn.'r grniou ur itjti isrmtrr-t, . IS.1. , I'. W. .Ml ,LU e A (iKNTS, for best cliani-d in llu- orld tp .h vvw.. ... u . v.a t.rt -llttl ttt-rtt- hewsik.N. J. li i tliw J. H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY contains tho largest Hoc I; cf TEAS, GROCERIES QufeMare. Gtaare, Iwlmm, Canned rruitc, Dried Fruits, BCONFKOTIONKRIES, Ac. to be found In Columbia county. A Complete Ansoiiiiieut Illoomsburg. iwoesl, AdvektismsAgents Philip hponey, V. Ik Koons. Wb, (Hirer, sirs, jiuion cnaries, li. F.beilA'rl, ilreen Heiiton. PerwltJc. Uloointburg. Cull and (xamlne. Eating: Houre. " Liquor More, lierwtck. II. F. ZARIt, Clerk (garter Sessions. Jan, 1C, tHT-to PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Priutod ut this Oflico ON SHOHTEST NOTICE AND AT TU15 MOST UEASONAIILE TK11MS. alvvais on hand. Jan 1. li'T. pUOTIIONOTAUY'K NOTICE. .s'oticc Is hereby gtsen that Teter Pwanlr Com tiitlieetof Leonard Adjnis or Locust tovsnsdilu Cui umbt.i count). Pu.. tusnied his committee account In the ofllce of the Prolhonotary ot tald county aud will bo piibenteel to the coutt on theetls day of reorunry siev ttiiu eosiiirioru in sour uayu al ter unless ciiuo bo show n to thu contrurv. ALSO, the oceoui.t ot-ivter Ent, Commltteo M Tlimii.u Krt-Hklt lunalU u nltsl hell. 1 S-'nt Adminl.trator it l't"ir liit. dece'ased, will be pre heated at the samo Hme aud oonllrui-H asme as Usei aooso ubics-ie-teepiiuiis ss-iueei swiniu ;our aa)H. II. F.ZAlUt. an. 1 117, ic. h'y. r I 'I BtrlellvVrnR Will rt! t P.M.1lceni rerpounp Kuaranleed eaual to ony in tn marsee. MOliTOUIt WIUTi I.HAII at lu cents per VH CHuai ,u vl tt MO.NTOUU til ATK PAI.vTs 6. r.el 10 cenU J puuuo, nevtiiuitu, - .- MONTOl'H JIITAI.Ilr70-S l-eUirfrr-6ui The belli FirM -roof Iron paint lu the inrkct. MOTont VirTAI l-lCWKPA'Sdry and cei iter S.OUUU, -st.tvntw ,-"-.-'. Rett Quality of Ta-nt Itrui-lie at low pricti.j . . . , . m. im PURE LINSEED OIIj 1 which we buy tn largu quantlllfji. i-lroct from tk V U ManUtaClUrer, OI1U out r v tito tunc. -i-a-.v, -. price. l . . - t . -.- . st-r T-tissr-nn " Ult.IS'L' .IAI-"M JJIVJCJi. Acknowledged b all our loading polntens to Ve best In the Market. All our roods ini guaranteed as represented ana our p.Unta tu be ground In puis linseed ctl, orta -cud fur suinl U- Old and price IWt wltb. testUnos. I it's .im.iii, r, tits t s. lll'.rtHl il. JVl'.AI, fculo Xiluiuituclurer. MayJ. 16.-ly. llUPEKT,!'. i (Ml F.5.I" .dir.' Jt trMtk.W EM tm iUt , MlUf UtM Ua dl-irtiJ , 1 ko wwIm , MS 1-o.UrkU, n 0 mta, L.-,. Liu HUllti L 4 1 -, it kMiU l kk iWkg m4 rtUsU-i,t i l , . i iUi5 t t-siMVilj u,it,iit. Imn ,ts--t- JT. 6TOCKUAK, SI BOND BTUBEl1, Kw Tork.' 4iU. D, J V JT CO, Ol els uay at Louie. Agents vranted. Outfit n p Atennslree. T-ltUK, W), Ajigueta, Malae. SV, St-l--,