THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COI NTY, PA. Miscellaneous llow She Smasslcil. "Ynu must not mugglo anytUtnp, Kll?. bcth."Isal(l. "not I've set my hontt on It," nald lie. "All women do," eaiil I "but man set nr Tace atralnst It." ' "VeU, well," Mtd lie, "it li my duly to obey you, even if I do not liko tuo duty on Uce." Dut I did not like tlio Impremion of her face, lio bolted altogether too happy to suit me i too happy for n woman blighted In the kope of thawls at half price, and glovei at n quarter of the cost, I did not feel that con fidence In her that I should wish to feel on II occasions In a tvife, at that moment I freely confess. Dut I packed her trunt myself and I saw there wis nothing contraband In It, nml I even snperlnlcndcd her toilette. I was pres nl on that occasion alluded to In tho papers when an English lady, who had just been re leased from the Inquisition of the French custom house officers, suddenly struck twelve; and being taken back again was found to have Concealed an clegant.clock about her crinoline . I did not destro that ny such, mortification should occur in my family, Eliiabeth had nothing about that wm sus picious. '"I' shall jaVe nothin? with mo that I fcroiiglit'here," she said, but poor Tug. Voor Vagi I'll take liim home." Now l'ug was a very small poodle who had died a few weeks before. And I started. "Pug," said I. "You seem to have for gotten that Pug Is dead." "Xo I don't said she. "I have the poor creature stuffed' "Peculiar taste," I said. "It may be said she, "But I loved 1li. And, dear, I'll put a new band on your hat before we start, that is so rusty." I was wearing crape for my uncle who had left me. a legacy, and It was certainly not very fresh. "And your overcoat needs a button or two," said she. Certainly I had a carefnl wife and I kissed her. "I wish I amid let you do what you plecscd," I said. "But I should not love thec, doar, so well, loved I not honor more. I can't defraud my country." And so I left her to pay our bill. When I returned the coat was on the chair, hut tons all perfect. A new band adorned my hat, and stuffed Pug on n chair wanted to be carried. You shall take him, dear," said my wife, lie always lord you." I can't ay 1 rejoiced over my burthen, but I could not be so disobliging ns to say no. Thus wo left Canada. We passed the officers with bright records and went upon our way. How proud I was. How happy ! Dlogg and his wife were with ns a laeo shawl was found on Mrs. Dlogg j Bivlna' two daughters had smuggled silk, I looked about me with an air of conscious rectitude. Let people smile that I bore with me our stuffed Pug our late lamented poodle. Better that than gloves that had neaped duty ; lace that had been smuggled ; velveta that were about half stolen. I never felt that honesty Is the best policy and virtue its own reward before. When we reached home I seated myself in my arm chair, and thus addresseJ .Mr. Smith: "Elizabeth said I, "now you see how good my advice was. Don't you feel happier, better than tuough in some degree you were a malefactor? I know you had the bad ex ample of Mrs. Bloggs and the Misses Bivins too ; but you did not succumb. That was well, Eliiabeth. I approve ef you. You delight me. You are the woman spoken of in the Bible who is a crown and treasure to her husband. I should not say this to you if you had smuggled anything." '-'Ho, dear," said she, "butdid't you strag gle even the least little thing." '-"I," cried I. "Not one?" said she. "Indeed no," said I. "I am not such a hypocrite." "You might have put something under your bat band said she. I laughed. She reached for the hat, took her Bcissors ftom her pocket, and quietly unripped the sewing silk. OH' fell the baud and under It was something white. "Ten yards of lace as I live I" said Eliza beth unrolling it. . sS- What does this mean, I cried. "I want to know myself," said Elizabeth, taking up my coat. "Now in this lining you might hide so much. She began to rip. I startd speechUhsly. Out came lacejdeevcx, lace collars, cravats, barbes and I don't know hat. "And you wouldn't let me mnnggle any "thing," said sic. I aroso from my chair and walked the floor. "This is intolerable!" .aid" I. "To think you should be such a humbug," aald she. Then she took l'ug in her anus. "Poor Pug! have you smuggled some thing too?" said she. I was prepared for anything by this time, and as she plunged her scissors into Pit, heart, I only groaned. "The taxidermist has stuffed Lid glovrs and two sfts of jewelry, and some velvet ribbon," said she. "What a shame, my dear, I did not smuggle anything; luit yon oh, how you have cheated the officer,!" It was no uso raving. I had smuggled, Innocently, It is true, but I was still a smug gler. And since then I havo never tried fo 1 prevent any woman from doing Ideslres in the smuggling line, lint might fell try to keep the moon from rilng, it they are all like my Elizabeth, and I thiuk they are. A. 1. Ledger, ATuxiN'tiWosnEttKUirnjicry ATei an, visiting thi. point, gathered around him I some of our citizens on Monday, and enter I Uined them with some of his experiences In tibe Lone Htnr State. One incident told bv I tun is as ioiiows : You'4 Jiardly, now, believe what I urn ro- fng to tell. IirTpxes r uso raw-hide straps or luongs lor traces, ana In wet weather they m Hinir.u amazingly, wny often in dami turner at Home 1 vc hitched up two horses down Ihj hill from mv house into Bit creek bottom fur a sled load of wood. Inn.Url ll, ...,..l ...! . . ,..- ..umuu Miuujf uuiea urlveti back home and unhitched the horses and the sled would not be In sight," "How did you get the wood benne tl.en ?" asked an inquisitive bystander. "Oh, I just tied the ends of the traces to 1 v geiuer aim mrew eueni over a post, went knocking about my work and waited till tho sun .hone out Sometimes It wunM be more than two hours before that sled load uUckhI would, get home, but you'd ee Ik r crawling up the bill of last, gradually approaching astuaraw.hldetruc! shrunk tin Into tlu lr proper lengim, ei.lexm Is agreat couulry I ucw Agricultural. rtXKIti S "iTCal f. ' A farmer's wife writes to theOcrm.intown Telegraph tho following description of her method of raising and fattening n calf tip on skimmed milk. In a cheese dairy there would bo little if any profit In such a meth od of raising veal calves, but where butter is the only object, or In c.iso it Is desired to raise a puculiarly valuable calf It would be possible: My principal object, Is to show farmers and others that they can rnle, even their veal calves without giving them tho new milk fresh from tho cow. The best food to fatten a calf, without whole milk Is oatmeal, molasses and skim milk- fur the first two weeks, after which n little oat or barley may be Used. A calf can be made to weigh one hunJred and twenty to one hundred and forty pounds at four weeks old, never having any new milk after the cow's milk was good. Tho oatmeal should he scalded ami allowed to foim .1 thick mucilage before being mixed with the skim med milk The molasses may be added directly to tho milk and the whole may be given blood warm. The proper quantity forayoung calf is 11 tnblespoonftil of oat meal, tho same of mnlnsc, divided into three parts, for 0110 day's feed, added to the milk. After tho first week, it may be grad ually increased, and at the commencement of tho third week, n spoonful of oatmeal and molasses m.iy bo added, but this should bo cooked. At present prices, the whole feed will no" cost mora than ono dollar for five weeks, and an early calf of the weight mentioned will bring from, ten to twelvo dollars. I raised ono late in the season, two years ago, by this method, that cost less than one dollar for feed, aside from the niiratnecl milk, and brought nearly ten dol- a-s. Should they have scours give them a tea made by W.iug oirn cobs in water, and add to the milk. Fattening Cattle. The Journal of Chemi'lry, In discussing tho question from a scientific standpoint, says that poor animals consist of about two-thirds water, fat ones only one-half, in tho total weight, and compares poor ani mals to hog meadows. It aid', that when the fattening process begins, water com mences to disappear; and fat nr suet takes its place ; and the iucrensc In bulk during the process is lare'.y ufadinoso matter. It is n curious circumstance that, during the fattening, the prntcid", or nitrogenous compound'', increase only about seven per cent, and the hone material, or inorganic subitatice, one and a half per cent. f he cost to p farmer of fattening an ox is much greater nt the close of the process than nt the commenciment ; that is iucrease In bulk or dry weight at that period is much more cosily. If it costs three cents a pound for bulk for the first month after :i poor ani mal is put in the fattening stall, it will cost five cents the last month. If. t lieu, n farmer consults his money interests, he will not carry the increase in fat beyond a cer tain point, provided ho can turn his partial ly fatted animals to fair advantage. Far mers have, perhap. leirned this fact from experience and observation, and hence com paratively lean beef abounds in our markets. While this is ot advautage to the farmer, it is very disadvantageous to consumers of the beef, for the flesh of a fat animal In every case is much richer in fixed, nourishing material, than that of the 'ean, and it is never good economy to purchase lean beef. It is better to purchase the poorest part of a fat animal than the best of a lean one. The best piece of a fat ox (the loin) con tains from twenty-ono to twenty-eight per cent, more fixed material than the corres ponding pieco in a lean one, and curiously enough the worst piece in the lean animal (the neck) is the richest in nourishing ma terial, The flesh of the neck improves very little in fattening, hence, economy consid ered, it is the best portion t purchase, as its value is in a measure a fixed one. Spring Lambs. There is scarcely any branch'of agricul ture in this vicinity that' pays belter and that is attended with ho little risk and re quires so littie capital as tho raising of lambs. While other meats beef, mutton, pork and poultry have varied much from the high prices that prevailed in war times, have sometimes ruled high, but have gen erally been receding figures to lower rates, attained within the last fourteen years, good lambs nt harvest readily bringing from five to seven dollars per head as to quality. rrom theso facts farmers mny learn that tho class, who consume high-priced menu, is increasing faster than the prnduc'inii oT them, else the price would decline. The true interest of the farmer then would be to have the earliest lamb, like the earliest chickens, command tho best price As re gards the kind of sheep that will produce the best lamb', opinions vary very much us upon other agricultural topics, but perhaps lor symmetry ol lorm and disposition to lay on fat, the Southdown is hardly exceed- Jed, though the Cotswold would be piefcire 1 or its wil-prol,uinj capacities; but the former fur fine, early and well-conditioned lambs is certainly to be preferred. A south or southeastern exposure' is best for a idieep-house, mid should be amply protecteil from west and iiorth-we.t winds, which are always cold in winter, by Mirecns f rornlodder, or by racks nl straw, when not iiielineil by walls or tight weatherboards. Buch pens should always open to the east or wiittbeast, s, thai tho first rays of the morning will shine on the young tenants of tne ovine pen. A small corner division, into which the young lambs ran enter to get a mess of meal nr grain at (heir own trough, will Rieatly facilitate their growth. There is perhaps 110 domestic mil inn! thai requires green food m early ns the sheep ; Itsinslinct for the "first green bhilo" li proverbial, and it .houlj be gr.Ujfi ., iU ,0011 as practicable. A gentleman tf this clly In, a.eow and a Newfoundland dog who were on terms enough, but there had never been e xhibited any speeial friendship between llii'm, Tl e boy that drove the cow to and from, pasture everyday as always accompanied by tie dog, so tnat tho cow no doubt came to con slder the dog as one of the himily. One day when they were passing a butcher-shop a savago bull dog rushed out unixpcctedly, surprised the Newfoundland, und li-forci he could recover himself had him by the throat and was likely to finish him. 'i'ho boy rled In a fright. Not su the cow. She was walk- it leisurely ahead when she heard ih nt tack, and turned around to n tlm cunt Immediately, and without any hesitation or uuuuo now, sne waited up to the dogs, deliberately shoved her horn under the )! I ...I , . . wicku uuu-uog, me enemy or her comrade, and flung the brute over the fence, and then quietly rnt oil her way, Hartford If is calculated that ottnei phut?? incite ueirp will produce thirty per Wore man tnoMfiilauml oely tv SC1IENCUS rtlLMOlO SYtltll', SI! V WKBD TON IC, AND MANIIHAKK NI.t.1. ThesA fleurrnillv pplpliralpil nnd nonular medt fines hato cnecteJ a revolution in tho lieallnir art and proved tlio fallacy of several mnilms wlilch linvn lor miny yenrs obstructed tho pragttus ot inouieai ncienre. I lie ibho auppoaunin lieu. inn. sumption ts Inctirabln" deterred plij sictans from at teinDttnir to Und remedies for Unit disease, and pa tients ainicte.l Willi It reconciled themclves 10 death wliliout inaklntr an effort to escape from a doom which thev supposed to bo un ivohlable. It Is now proved, however, that runs jinptlon ean bo cured, ami that It lias Itnen cured in a very tfretit nuiniKT 01 cnes (some ofiiiem iiiipiirenuy ucsprr ate ones) by Hchewk'a I'ulmoido Hi run alone t and In other eases by tuesinie mi'dMueln ecniiecitun -clinnck's Mea u eed Tnmc and MnmlriVM Mils, one or liotti. itccnrdln'S In tli., rruiitrein"ltLs of tn ease. Dr. schenek himself wh t enJ-mM uninterrupted (rood heal h for moro tluu fort) e.i s, supposed atone time 10 bsat tlio eery KJte ol di ah, Ids ph). McUns bavin- pronounml his enso hopete, and abandoned htm to hlsfnt'i. lie vv-ai cured bv llio nfores-al'l medicine, mid since his rrcicry, ninny thouiiiidsslmlUrly affected have used lir'tlicnck's prppniMiijns vvnu mo MLiilo lemilknuio success. Tall directions accompany each, ir.fikln? It not ab solutely ncoessary to person.illy sts. Dr. f-clienck unless pallets wish their luntft examined, Mid for this purpostnie Is prufiKsloiuliy at tils principal o llee. Corner Mxlh mi l Arch Kts, I'hlUlelp'ili, everr Monday, where nil letters tor ndvloti must bo ad Iresstid. !cliencks medicines are sold by all dru?;lsts. Jauu ry, Itn. What I Know About Vogotine. eoern Hostov, May 0, 1970. II. 11. Stevens. Esq t IH-ar Mr t have had considerable experience with Vep'tlno. l'ordvspepsln. Rvnernl ilebilirv nndlui- rule biood, Vejretlnc Is MipcrLir to any tblnj? which h He e,r used. 1 commenced taking It nlM'it llio mld.llo(f Inst winter, nml alter uslnc a few bottles U entirely cured mo of dispepsl.i, ami my tluod was never lu so pojd condition us nt, the present time. It will afford me pleasure to slve any furilii r ptitllcu lars relative to what 1 know itbotil this tfood Ineill clna to any ono w ho will call oa or nddrcss mo at iny lesidence, S8J Athcn street. Very Ilespectfullv, JlONMlK IMIIKnit. as Athens s' reel. U)N10lsltl, SYMPTOMS.-Want of anpntlte, rlslep nf fond and wind fiom the stomach, acidity of the stomach, heart burn, dryness and vvhhenessof the toruue In llio morning', sense of distention In In- stomach end bowels, sometimes rumbllnj andp.dn; e'ostlvenesa, whlMi ts occasionally Interrupted by t1iirrhai: paio ness ot the urlno. The mouth ts cUumiv, or li is 11 sour or bitter tnsle. either frenuent a i;.tomsarn waierbrash. ralpltitlon'r tho liciitt, besd iche, an. I disorders of Uiu senses, ns secln;; double, ( le 'J beio Is general debility, languor and mer&Ioti to motion ; diijeetlju &t tbu spirits, disturbed slcep.and truuirul di earns. Gained Fifteen Pounds of Flesh. SOUTH flKKWIC'K, Me., Jan 17, 1ST2. II. It. Stevens nsi : Dear sir 1 havo had djspepvla In lt-s wont form firtle- Inst tea yeai, and hive taken hundreds of dollars worth of medicine wltlinutub-uhilnifaiiv ro ller. In September last I couinenccd tnkltii: Vei;c tlne, Mnce w lilcu time, my health has steadily Im proved. My rood digests well, and I havo gained tlf teen pounds ot Hash, Theru are several ethers In tbts place taking U10 Vcgethm, and alt have obtained relief. Yours truly, TIItAlAH K. MOOllK. Overseer of card room, Portsmouth (Jo's. .Mills. AH Diseases of tho Blood. If Vcgetlne will relievo pain, cleanse, purltv and cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health attcr trilngdUTerent physicians many reme dies, suffering for sears, Is It not conclusive proof It you are a aunerer, you can bo cured 7 Why Is this ineuiclno iK'rforming such great cures ? It vv orks In the blood, In tho circulating iluld. It can truly bu called Ihe ilreat Wood I'urlllcr. '1 ho great source of disease originates In the blood; anil no medicine that does not net directly upon 11. to purity and renovate, has any Just claim upon public attintlon. aOOD EVIDENCE. ('IVCISSATI, NOV. 50, 1SW. Mr. 11. lb Stevens : ' ' Hear Mr '1 he two bottles of Vegetlno furnished me by your agent my wlfo lias used with great ben erlt 1'or a long tlmo she has been troubled with dlzzl n,ss and cosilvenes ; theso troubles are now entire ly removed by tho uso ot v.getlno. She was also tumbled with dys,iepsla und general debility; aud has lieen greatly benefitted. Tllos. iilLMUlte,st!x Walnut St. ' Reliable KYlrtrnci;. Mr. II. It. Stevens: Hear Mr I will most cheerfully add my testimony to the great tin bcr jou have alrendy lecelved In fa vor of ) our great mid rood medicine, Vegellne, lor I do not think enougn can be said In lu praise, for I wnstroubled over thirty years with that dreaUrul disease, catarrh, and had such bad couching spells that it would seem as though I could never breathe any more, and Vegetlno has cured mo j and I do feel to thank etod all llio time that there Is so good a medicine ns Vegellne, and I also think It one of tho best medicines for coughs, and weak, sinking feci Ings at tho stomach, and advise everybody tu take Vegetinc, for I eau assure them It Is ono of tho bebt medicines that ever was. Mils. I. eioilE, Corner Magazlno and Walnut streets, Cambridge. Mass. 0 ' . APPRECIATION. UjiiuuBtowN, Mass.. .March 15, 1MJ. II. It. StevenB : This Is to certify that I have used your "Wood Preparation" (Vtgetlne) In my family tor several Sears, awl think, for scrofula or cankerous hu mors or rheumatic unectlons, It cannot be excelled : and as a blood purltler and spring medicine It Is tho best thing I have ever used ; nud I have us, d almost everything. 1 ean cheei tuny recommend It toauy one In nee t c.I such a medicine. Yours respectful))-., MIW. A. A. DINSMOHB. IS ltusscl street. Vegetine is sold by all druggists. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Family Physio, 'lid for curing Costivoncss. Jaunaicc, Indigestion, foul Slomaen, Brealh. tieadache. Erysipelas, Hheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Bd lousncss, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Jiouralgia, as a Dinner Put. or t-uruyiog tne uiood, Am thu most ef. f'i'ctive and emice piirgatiteuitT (lieiiveri'd. They :ns mild, but ei I'cctnal in their operation, inuiint; the howels -Mietv and without pain. .MIhotili "em le in their n,er:ninn. they are Mill ilm ' most thcrniitth ami eaii-hiii'- r.'iilmr. lie msdicitid that can he eiuplovnl : eiean.. iii'4 thu stomach and hnvveN, and even thu hlooil. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate tho dlostiio organs i.iiil pro'iiott" vigorous health. Ayli-.'s 1'ii.i.s have lieen Innwn for more, than .aipi.irtei'ot'a centiirv, m.ii )n e nhtained a world-wide icttt:itiim fiir lliei. virtues, They coma t iiiM'ntul iiitinn in the asriinilativc organs id' ilic Isnly, and are mi eit-npo-i-d that ulitri;e tioin within their ranc can raiilj wiih stand or evailu them. Xi,t nnlv d'n iIm v emu thu uiury-iUy imnpl.iints id' evirv' hody, hut alo for'niilalilo tind ilanceii.iis diseases thai havo hallled the beat of liuinan skill. AVhile thej picniiite piiwi-r-liil elleets, they .ire, at this eniix' lime, the Mt' and best phytic fin- ibililien. J! v their au'ricnt action thev jrri iniiiii le"n than the coiiiinon purttaiiws, ami pevir L'ivc pain when the bow els ai e not iiillaineil. They reach thu vital fountains ol the blood, and strvntttlien thu vtcm hy Iriiin it Hum thu clement!, id' weakness. A i line I to all .pjvs and conditions in all L'iim ui's. ,'iiiiiiiiniii'- 111 ither e.iuiii'.e no:' ann oeien'runis urn in' taki 11 it'en 1 siuai'i'iniri nre-er-e an I in iki 1l1e.11 n i-.t bein'4 p'tfi-'v ve-.-i ia:ne ; these I'llls ma i 11 v urn v. Tl.ur lluin ever lii-n. nut to lake . '.vtn!u m liariii can arm) iniui ilieir ti-e ill mil iniaimtv . I'll! I Hill' i.i Dr.J.C. AYER & CO , Lowrli. Mass., . frietli'il und An ilviluil I'll,,,,!.!,. ll .11.1, Ji,f .lil.SIS I l.l, WIIJ.IIK, (Ht, 1J, ISTS-ly 'As AGENTS WANTED'eXi J'hn" I LIST ARV1NSAFE858CALECO 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA. PA. 108 Bh N l ST.CL EVE, O, March II, "iWjr, PAVKIl IIAGH F 'II EALR COUHTER.PLATF0RM WAGON Ill M. AT Tlir COLUM1IA OFWOB. LOUIS BERNHARD, av m j: . ss : . IlLOUMSIlUlld, VS. th-tder tn ntairvT a. oxxzur. waiodih, Silver and Plated Ware, KINK .TKWHMIY, CI.OOK'ri, AO., iimwiiusa AXD kximavixo l'riitnpll) Uvs'ciilcil, O0t.VTS-tJ- GLAZING AND PAPERING, Ar.M. K. IlODlXi:, Iron Street below sec- ond. Illoomsburg. I'll.. Is I'reoared to do a I kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and rAlT.ll HANGING In the bert styles, at lowest 'prices, and at short UvllUC. Pirtleshivtoir s iea wjrk tt it will save money calling on 1110. .Ml work warranted ogive antlafactlon. Orders solicited WM. F. liODINE. CALIFORNIA T11K C1IICAOO iXOItTlI-WKSTEKN 11A1LWAY Embraces under one management the Great Trunk Hallway Lines of the V llsr end NOltl'II-WHST.and, with lbs numerous branches and connections, terms tho shortest and quhkest mute between Ladcago and nil points In Illinois, W isconsin, NoianuKN MicuidAN, MiNNtsors, low, Nkukahka, California and tho western 'lerrllorlts.. Its Uiiistlm ami t'nlMornlu Line Is the shortest and best route for all rolnts In north. ern Illinois, Iowa, liakutn, Isebraskn. N'j uinloi.-. Colorado, .Nevada, t'tah, Cailfoinla, eiregon, China, 'luiruu uuu ,,u.sliuiio. 111 Clilcnfjit, .11 ail I son & Si. Paul Line Is tho short line for Nui them Wisconsin and Minne sota, nnd for .Madison, t. IMul, JllnneapolIs,Iiuluih, and all points In the great North-west. Ita Winona nml St. t'ctrt- Line Is tho only route for Winona, Hochester, Owatonn.a, """""""i 1 , ,11,, mil, iui poiuus 111 southern and central Minnesota. Its Green llayaiiel niurauctto I.lnc Is O'e only line for Janesvllle, Wntertown, Pond Iiu Ijit ushkosh, Applcbin, Urcen Hay, ICscunaba, Nc gaiinee, .Marquette, Houghton, Hancock mid the Lako Miperlor countrs'. Its Freciiort nnd Subnquo Line IS thG OnlV rOUtO for Elirln. ltockfnrd. Freprnrr nnrt all polr ts Ma Freeport, its Chicago anil Itlilwnukcc Line Is the old Lako Shore Ilotitc, and Is thu c ly one sisstng through Mansion, Lake 1'orest, lll-hlaiid 'ark, Waukeguu, Itaclne, KeiiOAh.a to -Milwaukee. I'ullmiin I'a'ace C :iin are run on all through trains ot this road. This Is the ONLY LINK running these cars be tw een Chicago and SI. l'aul, Chicago and .M llw uukee. or Chicago and lnona. ' At Omaha our sleeDers connect with the overland f leepers on the t'ldi n I'liclilo Itallroad for all points west of the -Missouri river. em the arrival of the trains from the east or south, the trains ot the Chicago & North-Western ltalhvav leav e fhlcago as follow s Foil Council IlLnrrs, umaiia and CALitoiiNiA, Two through tralusdalis-, with Pullman palace drawing room and sleenlug oars through to Council HlutTB 1'or St Paul ami SIinnkai olis, two ihrough trains dairy, with l'ullman palace cars attached to both trains. Fon flHEEN Bay and Lark Sci ekioii, two trains daUy, with l'ullman palace cam attached, and run ning through to Marquette. Fok MiLWACkks, four through trains ri.i'ly, run man cars on night trains, parlor chair cars on das tralm. For SrAKTA and Winona and points In Mlnnosoto, one through train dally, with l'ullman sleetiereto Winona, Fob Iicbcqie, via Freeport, two through trains dally, with Pullman cars on night trains. Fob Doboqck and La I'kosse, via Clinton, two through trains dally, vv 1th Pullman cars on night train to Mcoregor, Iowa. Fob siol'X City and Yanktov, iw-o trains datls'.Pull mau cars to Missouri Valley. I unction. Fob Lake Oeneva, four trains dally. Fob Hookfokd, mtibi.imi, Kenosha, Janesvili.e, and other polnts,you can have from two to ten trains dally. New York office, No 415 Broadway ; Boston ofltce, sbtatoMrccl; Omaha onice, i!S3 Farnhum street; an r ranciwo omce, isi .woillgoinery street: Chlcv. go ticket unices : Ci i.'lark st reet, under -Sherman House; corner Canal Rnd Madison streeLs; Kinzie street depot, corner W. Klnzlo und Canal streets; Wells street depot, corner ells and Klnzlo btreets. For rates or Information nel attainable tromyour home ticket agents, apply to W. II. STKNNETT, XlARVIN HrOUITT, Oen. Puss. Ag't, Chicago. tien. tup't.ctilcogo Feb. j,';o-ly ALBREGHT & GO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. TllO ALIlItECHT & Co. 11.1503 flTO first-clnss in every respect, being con siilercel tho lending l'liilnilelphU mako by iiuisiciniii nml toiiipttent jmlces. Throut-h their extensivo fncihtKH, Mksuh. Ai.niiEciiT & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that uro notbiirpiuiscil any where, and still Belt them nt prices within the reach of nil. No l'inno is pcrmittcel to lenvo their factory unless Bntibfuc tory to tho most minute piuticular, henco their giuiiiintiK) of live yenrs is 11 tiling of value. All Into im provements of importance nro found in these instrument. MiJssits, Auutix'itT fc Co. luwo re ceived tho most llnttering Testimo nials from L. M, GoTwciiALK, Fiianss Airr.OL'srAvi: S.mi:it, J, V, 11im.mki.s iiaoii, William Woijsikfkku nnd many other eminent artists, besides being able to refer to thousands of piivuto purclinsein, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely toany part of tho world. fair Fur further particulars as to references, prices und terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. lyW,,l!.-ly. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed nt this Oflico ON SllOUTf-STNOTJCK AND AT THE HOST UEASONAW.K TKIMiJ. BU81SE8S 0AHD3, VIS1TI.NU CAltlid, UflTKK UKAUa, UILLUKADS, rosTBiiu, e, o- Neatly Dd Cheaply printed at the bian Office. this rii-ita is 0.1 ij R" 0WELL A , AdveriUIn BLOOMSBUKG STATE KOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH j,0 R M A L SCIIOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLdT-ImT M. D Principal. THISSt'llOtlL.nsat present constituted, niters tho verv best firllltles for Professional and Classical learning. Buildings spacious, Inviting and commodious ; 1 ompletely healed by Memn, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful surply of pure.sott, STi"Xtli)tithcalthtiil, nnd ease of access. T.iachers erpcrlc need, efUclent, and nllvo to their work. Discipline. Ilrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. 1'lfts cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time. Hooins reserved w hen desired. Courses (if study prescribed bs the state s b.I, Mod, 1 School. II. Preparatory. III. Kletncntnry. IV, Classical, . , Adjunct Courses ; 1. Academic. ll.Coiniiierclal. III. Course in Miidc. IV. Course in Art. V. Course In I'liysieil Culture. The Elementary ft lentlllc and Classical Courses are PltoFflsstoNAL, nnd studjnts graduating tliTeln. lecclve state Diploma", conferilng the follnwlnr corresponding Degrees ; .Master of the Elements; Muster of the sciences; Malrof thoClassUM. tlraduates In tho oth-r Courses receive .Normal tcrtlilcaicsot ilieir aiiaininenis,. sigiieii u 1 11 xim-t-is ui i.iihiu f'nlnlnfrlie. nildn'S. Hie l'llnctnal. llll. i:i.M'i:i.l President Hoard ul" Trustees Sept, s, "lo.-iy WHOLESALE DE UG EMPORIUM. Comer .lUtiiii and IMarkct Street BLOOMSBURGr, PA. Thu uiuleisij;netl lutving business tor 1 1 ts jmst eight years wonbl t-iill the uttcntion of country elenleis to their large nnd varied stoek. rl hoy defy competition by any house in or out of tho large cities. Theis? stock consists of Paints, Oils, &lass, Putty, F atent Medicines, Spices, c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 23 3S. O W E E. ' S BLOCK. "Wkere may be found a larire stoek of Pnrrrit'ul Tustrimtpntf! Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact, everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturerd of the celebrat e OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND IIXAMINK OTJIl STOCK. IvEOlTtt-JEL May la, 'le.-tf. PIANOS AND ORGANS, s t a. 3sr r -a. n jd mantcipactuee The Largest .Assortment ! The IJest in quality ! The Lowest in Prices ! The Easiest Terms ! YOU W ILL FIND GOMEB THOMAS' MUSIC STORE, 1 -I. 7 M II,, S T 11 E E T . DANVILLE, PA. The 1 Buy MILLER BROS.' rinil save one-tl trl the cost c.f f ; f ( Is much himil- mer unit will I IjIM I fciii'nt. 1siilU tU 1 cal) for lift- In wiil.u .rmiv color 111 1110 coin, in, , qui . 1 r wnicii luiio 1 vh I'liiiiicu Kixcurs, firm now iook us nciias Mtii-nlJii.t tmlnicil IhtsoiiK.MIi'Ai, l-j INT hus 1 ukt-ti l'libl lTcinluins nl tucntuf tin- Mule H'ulrieit U10 l'lilon. Mimplociiiit 1 1 colors sent ti . AUUnsn l!lili!, lim i.'utcr Mn-U, eti-iclunil, OLIc. N. Y. K N A M r. I. TAINT CO, 103 1l1t.11.Uib btieet, M. V. .Mny is, T&-I) . rl'hcn Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT GO 'S anil nave onc-thlnl Hie com ! ( I r IJ f 4 T "1 ) A I XTT lnlinlni,-, nml (rem paint that is inucli liaiulsiiiniT nml wilt ' 1 I MllVlJ ' J i ' I List t1i us lonif iisimv otlur paint. Is iesiusl re.nly Mr usi In v blm or unv esilnr ilcslrcit. Is oiiiii.'tnvlhou-iinildif lliojlucbt tiulltllnirs n llmcouiiiri , uunv or -Mcli i-rn i.iliiif'il btxcnrtt una now lm,l: us wcllui uheittlrbt p.itiiti'il. nlsC lUilli'A', TilNC i.ts ' ile t i'tr t Prciiifunis ct twenty of i n-Mitte Kulrs ot tho I'nlon. sauiiU'Ciinl I'olorssoitrri Mlre N. v. ,: M Mill. MIST l (., ,1 thinibers btrecl, N. V vn i i'i; OS., I u Vit -rstrj-t Coelm I. Uro. .May 1, '70 ly. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or SNTHBsr to svmi? onb. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, w.i en aOJafttililo luc, mudo tj mjuwrt the back cf llio bitter v, a;i!njfjrar.l In tla ordinary iK)('.tIoii for j'UjInj;, and by it i r.i;)K r.rr3cncnt, wLicli hcti It u backward and ot tho saint I raca.ijnwaril nocmcDt, follows hU motioni ondiujtporis Mm I I c!iinilvlcn uithout lutcrfcriog itx tho Iciet with tb freedom f l.U myuracDts. Auif II, TO-Sin BOOKSELLER l)tnler in Law Blanks, Sutnlny Pennsylvania WJNDOW CUETA1NS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not On Sliort Notice at the jro in Exchango Hotel 1 1S6S ftps wii firiT ui muput,. been engaged in the BROS. r T) I AHP imlnttiur, nnd ptn paint that li 1 V 1 1 1 liusltKlcuu. lenufiisiuiv "tlicr ilcslicd. 1h on mitii thoiifiantls of tho IliiCHt ouilittis Od. A PLATFORM ROCKCn Oti CASTORSr withttio long eiwvinoicnii'r.t uf itieohTm)Iv', sUtlioutttio prcjietlu;: rockers to mar other lutnllura anil tlio linpf ff rooms; liclnj, In fuel, tin onlr 1'lslform Kocl.rr MaCo that lias a K'rf vuly fall. factory movement. JUnufacloroJ lir tho IraJo t7 ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for rulo hy tho principal dealer tbrougLoot the United mat, 5y"lf not kpt l"y nuy ileal, r In our town, VcuU tu un lot 111 CO JJt tiuU C'utulouv, ' an:d STATIONER. Schoof Libraries, Depositary of tlie Biblet Society, PIOTl IBS FRAMES, ItEWAED OAEDS, on linn tl can bo furnished Most Reasonable Rates, Build ling, Blcknsburg, Pa.. I'll!.. J. (1. I'lti:i:.i:, Srcrelnry. BLOOMSB U ia- urn MARBLE WOEKS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN' NTIIUHT, lir.l.OW 1IAH1CT.T. Manufacturer of and L'calcr in all kind 0 MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Wo uso the tiest AMPKICAK and IT.M IAN Marble. lie has on hind and furnishes to ordi-r MONUJIENTS, TOMIJ3. 1IKAD3TOKKS, UUXS, VASKS, &c. livery variety ot Marble cutting neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A lonir nr.icilcalevrieilence anil nersonnl attention to huslness makes the proprietor euntldent of plvlnj sattsf.ietlun. All orders hy mall jiromptly uttendea 10. 1 . VI. UU XVI. tSS"X. 11. Work diliiertd free of cinnf.fiia Aug. 2t, '74-ly. T. L. llU.NTON, Proprietor. Important to Lawyers. Justices of thol'ence, ronstublcs, Kpcutors, Art mlnlstrnti'r.-i, (iuarrUao, Tuwiibhlp cillcers, nud bus! lies men t'tfiio rally. Wo liave on lianrt n laro aHsortmcnt of lrpal lilanks for thu UMi of Altoiurvs. Ju-jtlccH and Cun Ktablo'a bl.inks of all Units, Note and Kvirclpt books lor Aumiuiairainri xr. J'HIUR LIST. ATTOHNnvTllLANKS. rrcclix; for Summons. " 1 1. I'M. " " Ituloto takt? I)ppn-.ltlins. ' " " rhoosu Arljlirator. cents apiece, cr $1.75 per hundred. Petition far Appointment of (luardlan. " " Citation Itulo to take HeposltlonH. Narr tn Debt, with Confeislon, " ASUinpi:!t. Meclmnk'H M-'ii. 4 ceiit-s each or f-Vio per hundred. Petition lor Mlnof 1-Malc srentaeaeli. JUrfTIUK'S 11LVNKS. Suhnfcnas, Summons, Wnrrauts Kxccullons.SO fo M cents each. Ixiasps 6 cents each MlUM Deeds 10 IMrchment need i ' " AH'einents ii " " Ornhan's CourL Saka iloforJlS) Uunistable'H salt's fi tenta each Maiiirtisu and Jtond 12 " All kinds of Notes l " ItewlntH. Notes, sclioo! (n-ilers. Poor Oid rs. storo Ordwrs, ne.ulv bound, constantly on hund, or made lu uruiT on MiorL noiiee. Weaie prepiiredtn do t.cater Job work than an j UlUL l UIIICC 1U llilb L'O'JIIIV, IIHOCKWAY t EIAVl'.l U Editors nnd Vroprli tors cf th') Coi inn iav, Uloomsbur, Pa GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Discasks of ntr. SKI, Beavth ies me Comi-lkxiox, Tkuvlnts and Kemedies Rheumatism and Ciour, llEAia Sores and Aiihasions or the Cuticle and Count ekacts Contagion. This Standard External IJcmcdy (or Erup tions, Sores sad Injuries of the Skin, not only KEMOVES FROM f HE COMl'LLXION ALL UlX.M. 1SHES oriaing from local iinpuritics of the iilooel and obstruction of the notes, but also lliobc produced by the bun and wind, such 03 inn and freckles. It renders the curtCLE il&t.VELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and 1LIANT, and icing a wholesome BL'AUTtriER u far prefenble to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages or Sut.. THUR Haths are insured ny Till', use oy Allcnn'a Sulphur Soap, which In addi. lion to its purifying effects, remedies and I RE vents Hheumatism and Gout, It also DisiNrrcTS clothing and linen aind trevents diseases communicated by "CONTACT with the terson. It dissolves Dandrutf, prevents bald ness, and retards grayncss of the hair. l'liysidans speak of it in high terms. Priccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $120. N. U The 50 cent cakei me triple Un she vt those at e; cents. "IIIUS IIAItt AN! UHISKint DVK," II lack or Uruwu, 30 Ctuu. C. L CRITTESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av 3.Y. oa. M, "7.-ly, MORRIS MICHEL, PBiCHCAI, PIA.VO DIAHUR, TUM:il AM) Ili:iAIREIt. liLODMSmiltU, PA. FIRST CLASS TIANOS AND OltaANS FOIt S.M.K. BtCOSl) HAND 1'IANOS TAKKN IN KXCHANail. OltDElt BV MAIL I'KOMITLV KS15CUTKU. Dccl, 0-ly BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G, A. II K It It I IV O Riai'KOTFOLIA' anuouiicea to the public that he has reopvicd nllonH lcatlltr La tnailn In th inn substantial and wurliinanllko manner, and boU u prices to suit tlio tlinin. Tlio Ulfhfbt price In caul' nut., m 1 iiuira jmu ,u. of every description in the country, llo public iuil ronmce u rebpoctlutly Bolldted. (old stand) Uloomsburir, ra., al iho Forks ot tlio Lspy and lJght htrect roads, wiirio ull Ucncrfiitlons RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES Jllil.AnKM'IIA ANDKKAD1NU JlOAI) AUItANGlCMKN'l UI' l'AMSliMiKlt Tit A INS. July 12, 18T0. TllAtNS tEAVK tttrrriiT AS I PI i nnd imimi tx nit for New Yi rk. Phlladcli bin. Iieiidli.e. l eillfilile Tnimiqua, ,t;c., It.RS 11,111 1 or Ciituw stn. ll.Iw ii. m. nnd 11. m. 'or,ri,c,!9(i,B4 a. hi. ui.d j,ic p. m. AiNsroa ncrLKT ifavk as 101 Lour, trvMiAi t CKIIkll.) .cove New York, 8,4J a, tn, .eaiu PhlladelDhln. P.IOn. in. Iave Heading, 11,3 a. 111., Pottsvllle, l!,l(l p. tn ami iiunaqun, I,!iop. 111. 1 ave cnt.iwlssii,r.,2oii,s,'i a.m. nnd 4, nvu Vv llll.uusiwi 1 .11 s n.m.lS.tu m. nnd ,ell. m Le I !'as tigers tdfioiiiNtw mid J'hllMlo ,l.l go throtij 1 tthotit chobge of cols. J. L'. WOliTi'EN, .lan. II, tsto-tr. tlenciul suMiiMebdciit. iVJ OISTMKItN CK.YI'liAI. ItAlLWAY COMPANY. On and after Novcmticr 2ftlh. ists. imhis scm trn BU.NllUltYns fullovvs: .SOItTtlW.Mil). 10 Moll a. 111., RiiiieLlinirn n.;,o a. " Cuiiandalgiiu... 3.35 p. m Hochester &.16 ' NleKiiru tf 4e " novo :cn 11.1011. in. nilvc V,l.::niis it ija n. m. Ulmlra .Mall n. m arrive Klmlra 1P.20 a. m. miuaio L,xpri,88 7.1& u. in, 1111 ivo Iluflnto 8.tu n. m. MIPTIIWAIdl. lluflalo r.xprcss u. lu.uirlvo Iluirtsltiifr J..'o u.m iiainmotvs.eo ilro. Mall, nnlve llnnhLintf p. m " Washinifton !o.:o " " Haltimuic tuu 11 " Mushlll2ti,ll.S0 " llnirl.shurf: uccommodatton 8.40 p. m. nunc llnrils UUI 1U..KI l. III. nirlve Hnltlmoro 2.2.,a.m ' Wnshlnglor. 0.1a " Krlc -Mall t2.t a. m. nrrlve llarrlsburi: 3 3 a. m. " Il.1lllmo1es.40 " " Washington lo.?s " All dally except Sunday. D. II. HOYI), Jr., lienernl rnnseiigc r Agcn A. J. CAfcSATT, ticneral Mimaso ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiiiiulel)lil!i llrie II. K. Hit isioii. AVIXTKU TLMJ; TAHLK. OX nml after SUNDAY,. !NOV. 20, 1S7G thu trains on tho I'JilI.idulphla & l.'ilollall vuu uiiiMuii ui run us lonoM h: 'AUK MAIL le.ncs New Yolk .. 8.25 p. m .11.55 p 111 . IMU . Ill . 4X1 U. Ill . S..if. II. in . 11.4(1 II. Ill . 11.10 II. Ill . 7.3 p in I hllnclclphl..., " " lUllliuoie " lliirilshtir " " Mlll.iins,oit.., " " 1-ocK lliiien .., " " licnoeo " arr. lit trie Mia em Exrncra lcaics I'hlladclplilii.. T.20 n. in " " " liullliiiorc " " " llnnlliiug. n. m " " tirr. nt lwmjins,ort. s.ii. m " " " I.t llmui... 11.25 i. in " " ' Itcnoio 4.41 l. in " " " lCimc 8.2o p. m " " " ilutTalo FAST LINIl lcaics New Ymk R.21 11. in " " " rhllatlcliihla 11 run, in " " " li.'liluii.ic ll.ii.'ntm ' ' " limni-our,'. ..32uti.m " " nrr. nt VlllliUiu,puit 1.3 p. in : o : V.ASTWMU). DAY KXl'llICSS lonica Kitno Ivinuio " l.i ik lluicii. " llll; ul t. . urr. nt llmiltiiui; .... riilliuUliihia.. " Ken tuk ,.. C.tO n. m . .r .luu in II. Oil. in ..12 4(1 p. HI .. 4.1U i III ... 7.20 p. Ill ...10 l.'ill. Ill li.illlnioio 3.1 1 1. Ill 1 " " Wiulilntrton y.oT p. tu EllIC MAIL loaves Uric n.21 . m KCIIOIO h.31 p. in " " Link Iluvtn ti.41 p. in " " lllln msH t ll.ifip. m " arr. ul ll-iirlsbuif " " tt.ilt 1 7.45 a in " ' 1'Ullailclplil.i 7.eii 11.111 " " Ncwioik ..loiSii. m KAST LINIl leal on llllamsport 12.3.1 a. m urr. nui.iiusoiiii; 4,' " " " Ilalllliioio 7.41 u lu ' riill.iiltlMil.i ;.b.i 11. in " " " New 01k H'.;:. n. 111 Krlo JIall W est Nl.isrora llMircss U'pf.t.Itk lln cu Aciom. Wcfct und liiii t:picss l.tiht uukfclote 1011 iicciluu at iNiiitliuiiihcihuiii vi ltli 1.. & 11. it. K. tialnn for w Ilkcs-linrieiinU Knuilon. Krlo Juan icM, m.ii;uiu i:xprrs west, Irlo Hsjirci-s west unit lock llaiin AtceiiiiiiiL'.tUou West inakc tloM- connection at IIII.iium oit Itli N. o. It. V. trains 1101 tti. liilc -Mull Wibt, Mjcrin Kxprcfs Wot, nml my KprcM l.ast make ciusocoiiucillon at Loek llaiin lili U.K. V. II. I! tiulus. Kilo Mall i:nft ictt eoiincct at Kilo with triilns on I.. s. i .M. I!, li. r.t coi ry with o e.&.. V. it 11. i.t Kiiiporliiin with 11. N. . 1' 1". 1:. It. nnil at lirlltwood Willi A V. It, 1:, rnrlcr furu wilt 11111 Litvucn I'hllailcli'hla nnd Wlllianisioit on Niagara Lxiieth Win, I.1I0 1.x prcm Most, l'hllaiii-lijhlu l..i refs fast j 'ny Kriissi:aht fcunuiii- Kipieas rail. MhiiIhl' Cars on all nlht trains. WJl. A. JALUV1X, General supt. i)cc. lT.'Ta tr DKLAWAUK, LACKAWANNA V1.TKKN HAlLUtl.M'. AND I11.00MSI1U1!(1 DIVISION. Tlmc-1 aula No. so, Tnkc3 etrcct at 4:30 A. Jt MONDAY, .'.OVr.JIIlKIt 22 1S75. NOHTH feTATIONS. SMTH. a.m. p in. p.m. p.m. p.m. u.m b hi a is H IM S ft 7 !-1 8 49 I 411 3 42 7 HI S SI 7 .13 S S '2 7 !! 3 117 7 V2 II S3 lit 15 7 16 C 17 4M.. II 43 . II t .. U 31,. y v.v.. V '.'Ol . 9 Hi . u 11 .. U 07'.. 0 I5. SI ft.. (. IV ., h tli1. S ftl I ., ... ."-irantcn .. . Heltfiiu'. ..'. ... Tu.ilonllle... .Ui(I,.iM&ii!.n... .. . l iitnt.n... . Wtfct riiikton.. joimiitr Malt by , ... J.i-iinctt ....Klitou .. .Miii;stou .I'll inoulli .lUliC. ...lbinuutli ... Ainiiil.ilo .... '1 VO ti '.ft 1 u in 11 js j 13 lu Ml i si c 43 c ir C ftft 7 11 7 111 7 11 7 10 I 25 7 :.i 7 40 7 4S 7 13 S I ft 8 25 8 43 S tft II 113 ti to II li 7 2H 7 IS 7 4)1 7 4.1 7 t2 s tn in to lu 11 II ' HI 1' 20 10 23 It,. 27 I 111 27 111 32 2 4ti i ii t f,s 1 1 3 17 3 il 3 17 7 1.1 7 II 7 03 0 1 1 C M II 4ft 0 III 0 c i-j s it & ft r, si r. IS t, 411 ft 31 ft IS ft in ft VI 3 17 SI U .1 III 1.4 3 1 1 '4 t! VI 231 2 2.1 3 10 3.1 3 2' 1U 40 3 32 I 44 3 37 10 It 3 4.1 111 ft 4 l'l ill It 4 1.1 6 43, .IllllCOKC... b 41 B till h III: S 14 ,llllIll(.(l.'K lilt ..Miiu.Hiiiuiy.. .link's liny .lii'iu li llauu. 11 23 II 3 II IS 11 :u 11 43 ,11 ftl II ft7 4 21 4 19 4 1.7 4 41 4 411 4 ftl b 2 u f l".. I'llWKK .. 2 13 s 2, 1'rlar Click.. 210 7 t,n' ...willow tinne. 2 '0 7 n . ...tlmo i:iiii,c. 1 -Vi 7 4i ps I S3 7 4 1. .l',.,. 1 4S 7 Sft HUH II , 12 a 143 7 30 1 llttm tru l.llilm' 1 II? r. tl 14 1 7 2ll . fluk Mllllll... 12 10 0 SO i 'ti 1 xr 1 11 11.111IUIO 112 2.1 4 1.1 1 111 7 (.4; Cln.lai y 1J J ft 3s R 25 ft 47 V 40 4 m 1 15 7h 12 31! r. t-i 4 5 1 'I (, 4ll.NoitlltlliiUll.ilut. 12 tl li l'l S 47 9 15 p.m. p.m. n.ia. p.m. tun, o.iu, r. IIALVI KMi. t ut 1. Mip;rliiti'tic!i'ut's lifllco, tcrantou, lice. Id, ts7.i. W1UJASISPOKT BOOTS. IIAVK Oi l! KAMI: bTASIPEIJ ON TIM! rO'ITOM EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. NONE Cll.NL'INn WITHOUT Our Gootls can be hud in every town in the County. J. E. DAYTON, & CO. Williumsport, li "y AwwJticiU'f &co., WHOLESALE GltOCKIW, B. Corner Beeona and Arch Streejs, I'muniLruiiJ Jieatera in FEa tiUQAIt, MOU' IIODl, 4C., tC. .'CEUocj THIrlPiCHMTMUr