The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 12, 1877, Image 2

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    iff Ittltunfitstt.
Fi-idns', Jan. 1Q, 1870.
The Republican prcsi is busy In announc
ing that Democrat have quietly settled down
tojthe conviction tlint Have Is elected, and
have given up the contest. What renon
can be given for such a supposition we lmve
sot yet heard. Everybody knows that each
day brings about something favorable to the
Domolrat.. The Congrcsjional committee
now making Investigations In the South
concerning the Intimidation of colored vot
er will undoubtedly report that many of
the statements on which the votes of whole
parishes were thrown out by Republican re
turning boards arc utterly false. The terri
ble I'itilcstou tragedy on which theppoi
tlori placed so innch reliance proven to be
the story of a miserable prostitute, wholly
unworthy of belief. In F.orlcU the whole
question Is being overhauled by the Court,
and we have no doubt that It will decide
that the State was carried forTilden. The
South Carolina congressional committee will
report that Hayes curried the State and the
Democrats elected the Governor and a ma
jority of tho Legislature. It is hard In say
jnst what will be done in Louisiana. The
congressional committee is busily engaged
in taking testimony, much of which goes to
show that Tilden curried the State fairly.
They are also unearthing intiumcrablefrauds
that were attempted to cheat him out ol it.
If Florida can be clearly shown to have
gone for Tilden, we think the difficulty !s at
an end, because no honest Republican in ei
ther House of Congress will support an at
tempt to accept fraudulent returns. We be
lieve that theie are honest men enough in
Congress who are willing to be governed by
law and right and who will not be tho tools
ol Grant, Cameron, Chandler, and the horde
of howling office holders nho are insisting
on the inauguration of Hayes at all hazards,
to settle the question, and when it is settled
by them, whichever way it is. the people
will accpt It as the verdict Irom which
there is no appeal, democrats arc not quiet
from conviction of defeat, but because tbey
bare an abiding faith that the law and the
Constitution of the Nation will be respectel
and that the will of the peoplo shall prevail
over fraud and corruption, and in this faith
they rett secure that Tilden will be the next
In one of its paroxysms of rage over the
aucccsso( the Democratic party, tin 'no
says ;
John Sherman, Frederick Krelinghuysen,
Benjamin F. Duller, Jatnci Rimel Lowell,
John I Jones, even Governor Hayes lilui
elf, have beeu appealed to by these sinking
accession sympathizers, and appealed to in
vain. And now Roseoo Conkling, of New
York, Is put forward as their liberator, and
There i scarcely a statesman of either
party who has not beeu honored at some
time or another by the abuse of this man
Forney. He assaulted the character of
Hartranft, abused Cameron nnd Grant when
in a virtuous mood, and then :slaudered
Trumbull, Schnrz, Kenton, Sumner, and
other prominent Republicans. He now at
tacks Conkllng for daring to do what he be
lieves to be right.
And by what right does this man Forney
censure the acts ol others bis superiors in
Intellect nnd honesty ? His patriotism dur
ing the war consisted in getting fat contracts
for himself and friend. Later, he distin
guished himself by taking $5,000 from the
notorious Kvans in consideration of helping
the Utter to rob the State of $-300,OtH).
Again, the Pacific Mail lobby paid him
'f33,000 for his corrupt influence in getting
them a Government subidy.
In the face ofthese facts, it is not for
such men as Forney to impugn the motives
of honorable, men.
We are Indebted to Governor Hartranft
far an advanced copy of his annual message.
His allusion to national ;ithtlr.s Is very brief,
and ia comprehended in the following para
graph: The vear has closed with very little
change In the commercial condition of the
country. During last spring and summer
there were Indications of the revival of con
fidence and a 'slight increase of trade; but
the excitement attending the election, and
the delay in announcing the result, appear
to have checked the movement nnd revived
thn nrfnrt nf InnrllviK- TIia (nf .('
""rary movement, however, has given r se to a
reasonable hope that we have readied the
close of the panic and the beginning of bet
ter times. It will be our duty to contribute
to that end and indirectly aid in restoring
confidence, by a wise economy In appropria
tions, a careful management of finances, and
a conscientious discharge of our official du
ties. It will thus bo seen that the Governor
does uot claim that Hayes is elected, and
administers a wholesome reproof to the Rad
ical leaders who are endeavoring to foM a
President upon the people who was not
The financial couditiou of the Stale is not
flrratlfvinir. The revenues have fallen ntV
' considerably. To meet maturing obligations
ine uovernor rccoimueuus an auiiuiouai
loan at five per cent interest.
The other subjects are ably bandied, but
are too dreary for general use.
Many of our subscribers have urged us to
call public attention to the necessity of the
Legislature making some provision for the
ifllcl of the people in this trying emergen
cy. The sherill'aud constable! are sweepin;
away many a home ait the dictation id' re
Itntless or needy creditors. It Is also true
that the pries realized are uot more than
Pi-half tho. value of the goods sold. It Is
oat the Legislature has heretofore
I to prevent wholesale bankruptcy
futreiss. l!ut the question lias two
.and the rocr plan is for the people
Iillon tlieir Representatives, ami let
Tcarefully consider the question In all
M on J - -' Kuturolng IJuard.
Tile Lectin cf Louisiana.
The events which transpired In Iiuislana
Tuesday aro significant far beyond tho prac
tical Inauguration of tho Tilden State gov
ernment nnd judicial nuthorlty lu that long
plundered and distracted Commonwealth.
Tho peoplo who gave Mr. Nlcliolls ten thou
sand majority at tho polls In November, as
sembled with quiet but fearful earnestness,
to put Into their proper official trusts lhoe
who had been called by an overwhelming
vote to administer their government. Tlioy
had to bravo all the orgaulzed power of the
State authorities, and, as they feared, nil the
organized power of the State authorities,
and, t.s they feared, all the power of tho na
tional government, but they enmo In the
name of the law to restore a tempest-tossed
community to order and peace by the law
and In severe otadienco to Its mandates.
How far they succeeded, and by what means
they achieved thtir success, our full special
and general reports from New Orleans fully
explain. The day closed with tho Nlcholls
administration in IndUputed possession of
the police of tho city, of the court', and
practically the recognized and lawful gov,
ernment of the Stale. True, the carpet-bag
pretender, Packard, is in possession of the
Stato House, surrounded by a few trembling
militiamen who could be swept away by any
demonstration that seriously threatened an
attack upon them, but the friends of tho u
premacy of nn honest ballot resorted to no
violence, and it is evident now that they
make no miscalculation In assuming that a
day or two at the latest must utterly and
forever dissipate the whole carpet-bag dy-
nasty, unless tho bayonets of the Federal
army shall interfere to protect them. Gov
ernor Nlcholls published a proclamation
yesterday that breathes the most patriotic
tone' nnd it may now be accepted as reason
ably certain that there will be no violence
In the dying throes of tho most disgraceful
and despotic political domination that ever
cursed any country. It Is not doubted that
the lawful authority of Governor Nlcholls
will be speedily recognized by n majority ol
the Legislature as returned even by tus ivel
Ingg Retnrn Hoard, If there shall be nocoer
clvo measures adopted by President Grant,
nud it is not now certain that the power of
Federal bsyonets would be sufi'icicnly uoteu
tial to hold the Legislature from disowning
the Packard usurpation. It is known that
ex-Governor Wnrim'.utli is preparing to letu?
a revolution within thelCellogg party against
the palpable Kellogg election frauds, nnd
the recognition of Nlcholls by nil the im
pnrtant departments of authority nnd by a
large majority of thoe who toted against
him, is now assured unless there shall lie
some unexpected folly committed by the Til
den lenders, or some inconceivable revolu
tionary niea-ure adopted by the President.
Such is the histoiy of an eventful day
In Louisiana; but the pointed lesson for the
country is in the ollicial dispatch of Secreta
ry Cameron sent to General Augur, com
mander in New Orleans. The repeated aud
importunate cries for "more troops" from
Packard aud his fellow-pretenders called a
protracted Cabinet consultation yesterday,
and the result of it was that General Augur
was instructed to notify all lawless organi
sations to desist from any disturbance of the
peace, but. added tho WnrMiuiier,'7.e(iV
in mind Hie act iAaf thin order hat no rte,
ence to the reroyiiition of either of the claim-
anUor Uoccrnor oi fi'rA.'i ,tiilnture." This
is notice to Packard that his cause can no
longer bu sustained by the national ad minis
traiiou and that he must bow to the tover-
eigu will of the people of Louisiana. It is
a repetition of the policy that surrendered
Florida to the verdict of her own people, ut
ter exhaustiye ell'urU to fasten another carpet-bag
government upon her by fraud, and
it leaves tLe whole gang of Kellogg plunder
era without any other suppoit than the fee
bio following they cau rally from their own
now hesitating confederates. A month ago
Secretary Cameron seemed to consider it a
matter of amusement to have his bayonets
gleam from the doors of the South Carolina
Capitol, to inaugurate a Governor aud Leg
islature that nobody believed to have been
elected. In that Statu the electoral vote
was practically free from dispute, and the
revolutionary Intervention tif tho adminis
tration was intended as u lessoj to the coun
try that the might of the sword was to settle
the Presidential election; but gradually the
omnipotence ot honest public opinion readi
ed even the urrogaut Cabinet Ministeis, and
Florida, whose electoral vote is in doubt,
was allowed to inaugurate a full Tilden ad
ministration and Legislature, and now Lou
isiana will do the same without the sword
being drawn to hinder the victory of justice.
Mr. Secretary Cameron is evidently a wiser
man to-day than hu was a few weeks ago,
and it is evident that ho has at la-t learned
tho lesson that law and honesty have some
rights which even Cabinet Ministers are
bound to respect. Slowly but surely the
Presidential problem is reaching n just -olu.
tion, and law and peace will triumph in the
vindication of the purity and majesty of free
government. limn.
After an illness which for months past has
been expected almost daily to'icriiiinule his
life, Commodore VanderbiK died In New
York on Thursday, the -Ith inst, ut eleven
o'clock a. in., nt the ae of eighty-two He
was kuown throughout the country as the
" King," as he had about W.ODJ,.
IK)) invested in that kind of properly. Ills
fortune is ctimited from STU.iDO.OOi) to
100,000,000. He began life as a poor boy,
the owner of a small sailboat, and by his in-
.limit table energy he became the proprietor
of steamship lines and whole railroads. He
was not noted tor his piety, was exceedingly
foud of fast horses, and never allowed any
one to pass him on the Hatleiu lane.
Concerning the charities ut the Commo
dore during his life all Is not known, arid
never will be. The last years of many an
old soul he kuew In his younger days have
been softened by niiinillcent pensions, an I
much has been given frtui his purse for pri
vate charities. Wlut he g-ivo he cave out
right and usually unsolicited, llereltiscd
most isitlvely to annex his name to sub
scription papers, nor would ho allow his
wife, who was u member of tli Chuieh.ol
tho Strangers, a free church, to subscribe
any givei amount toward the support of tin
pastor, though she nilgbV and did deport
with a liberal hind In the cuntilbutiou box.
A short time ago the announcement of his
death, at tho Slock Ktchange, cau-t-l the
wildest excitement, but It has been looked
for sj loug that when It came it did not pro
duce as much of a en -.itioii as thosli-grace-ful
Ilninett-May iill'ilr of a l.w days pre
vious. The funeral was held on Sunday nt tho
Church of the Strangers. There were nel
thjtf urd nor lloweis nor pall bearers, the
'decs were brief, aid the body was taken
he Moravian cemetery at New Dorp,
slaud, and placed in thr family vault
.le Of the remains of h lint wife.
Ids propei'y was left i his son
The speech of Senator Wallace, on the
question of counting the electoral vote, de
livered In thsScnato on the 8th Inst., was
rccdgnlztd by both Democrats and Repub
llcans as the ablest explanation of tho Dem
ocratlo theory on the subject yet delivered
In that body. He was warmly congratulated
at the close, and a number of gentlemen
called on him in the evening to compliment
bun upon his effort. Tho following Is tho
full text of n proposition submitted by Mr.
W allaco !
Mr. Wallace, (Dem.) of Pa., submitted thr
following resolution :
Jleiolred. That the sDCctnl committee on
counting the electoral vote bo Instructed to
Inquire nud report to the Senate the follow
ing propositions:
1st. Klcctors of President of tho United
States are a part of tho machinery of the
Federal Government.
2d. Tho power to appoint .hem is ln tho
States, to bo exercised under tho restrictions
and guarantees ot the constitution.
U. Tho noner to ascertain who has been
elected Presldint and Vice President of the
United States by counting Hie electoral vote
is a uuasi iudleial one. and carries with it
the right to inquire and decide what are
1th, This power Is In tho two Houses, act
inir concurrently as Independent bodies.
oth. Kach house may examine both facts
and law to enable It to determine these ques
tion": First, Are the returnsol the Klecioral
Colleiri's beloie them the true returns? Sec
ond, Were the votes therein shown to be
cast given by those appointed by the Stale
to office of elector of President ol the Uuit"d
States? nnd third, as the appointment ot
electors made, and were tho voles cast In
accordant with tho provisions aud guaran
tees of the Federal Constitution?
Gtli. The certificate and seal of the execu
tive authority of the State, made under the
act of Congress, is prima facia proof of the
appointment ol nn elector ny me state.
This mode of nroof may be overthrown by
tho decision ol the highest tribunal of the
proper State, nr ol too untteu suites, or it
may be contradicted by evidence of a plain
mistake or palpable fraud.
7th. When two returns come from n State
the two houses acting concurrently must de
termine which Is thu true return.
8th. No electoral voto can bo counted
without the concurrence of both houses.
Mr. Wallace, in oller'uii! the above, said :
Thcso propositions imbody my views of tlie
law. When we settle what the law of this
subject is wo have a safe path out of our dif
ficulties. Wo will bow' to the law definitely
ascertained. It is our duty to learn this, to
recognize its power, and to obey it. The
first iiroiiosilion is s-1 1 evident. It needs no
nroof. The second will not be disputed, for
all admit tlie 1 ilt .l Constitution to be the
stinremo law The third le-seils that the
power to count tho v ite is not ministerial
hut is quasi-judicial, and curies with it tlie
right to inquire und decidn what aio votes.
The tribunal that counts tho vote must
indue of inductions of the couctittition If
it is objected in joint meeting that votes
were cast for an alien for President or for
one under thirty-live years of age, or for one
non-resident for fourteen yeais, is there
no power to inquire nnd decide the truth ?
Mu-t the voles he counted? How are the
questious to be settled.' lly debate or by ju
dicial inquiry? Or suppose tlie vote cast for
a Senator, or a Federal ju'ge, or unre
lieved rebel is there no power to inquire
as to the facts aud to deeidi? Or, if the
vote was cast on the wrong day, or not by
ballot, must we count the vote? Of, if a
State college (.tes for citlens ol its Slate
for both oliices, can we not inquire? What
is the Oregon inquiry now going o l? What
are all these iumiiries but the hicli'st eer-
ciso of judicial power, the application of
constitutional law to u given state ol Met) V
Siiicly such n power is not merely ministe
rial. If n State constitutes its election tri
bunals so as to deny the clear right of citi
zens of the United States, can wo not in
quire and correct the wrong? If one return
bo sent by a State, and before it reaches the
President of the Senate an irrepressible ami
unconstitutional tribuunl is interposed which
denies rights of citizens of the United
States, ur if plain mistake r palpable fraud,
bu shown, can we not inquire, and judge and
apply the remedy? If this bo mi in counting
the ote, we do not decline, but we cancel
and nullify it. Tne power to count is given
In some tribunal, ami thu means to reach
that end follow by ncces-nry implication.
Ho argued that this power was in the two
houses of Congress and not in tlie President
of tho Senat-1. The two houses have local
lcnowlcdgo which he has not. All the great
towers of go 'eminent are in o;,ngre.s,whilst
he has no vole in the body over which he
presldei. This is a great power, and would
be lod;ed where most likely to bireicisjd
with judgment and uudei rf sp uisiliility.
The two houses are equal. They lix the
time of choosing electors. They are present
when the voto is counted. Tho hing iuge
does not give the power to the President of
IheSenaie. lie is not the presiding ollicer
ofthnjuint meeting. The .-ocn'.c is there
us a Senate. Thu House is theiu a a lloiue
equal in dignity. If a President o temjrrc
can count the vote, whose power don ln ex
ercise? his own or that ot the Senile' If
the former, he is greater than hisrre.itor.
Thu Senate can di-pluco him 1f ha r fuses to
obey lliclr wi 1. If he exercises their power
then the Senate is above its in iqual b nlv,
the llmi-i'. Until are present. I) ith or nei
ther count, Can it be that the -aaie cl me
which clothes the Vice President, an inde
pendent ollicer, with this power, also vlutho
a ilepemlent ono therewith; 1 hp words "all"
nnd "thru" show that the certillcHes mu-t
nil lu opened before, the counting begins
Counting is adjudicating. The I're-idi-ut of
the SenHte. is tlie avenue of l oniuiuuieali in
When his duty is dono the duty of tho two
houses begins. In overs' instance the .-'cu
nt o has originated a resolution asking the
hotisa to agree on a comniitto" to count the
vote They have mi acted in every ca-., hut
tine, lr.e ."enator Irom uiim, .Mr er-
in in. I s.ivs the action of the Inii-inni He
turning 15 li'd is Una! urd binding. It is
uot s i, for it d ios not tirovida lor a tie.ii'iuir
or give a d ly in ci urt It takes away jmli
cial scrutiny, ami deprives men ol their olii
cos without a hearing. It Is anil Aoi'iiean
ind vlola'es tint Federal i'o'itituiion liy de-
mlu; n contest, and refines due piot'i-sin
l.iw. .V stntutH U not ilue process ol ,uv.
Puis s'aiule is in dlrei". eoniliel wiiliihe
fourteenth uuieniiineot. and we have tho
ri jlit to revisis Its iioiiiilieatioiis lo iinniiro
into that I'ict. Ili-turning liosrds are not
ooiuts. Tneii duties are iniui! or, IT, Ihev must Permit :m appeal
or review !v courts of in. There is no
safety in our system without this. The law
creating the L miliaria li-iiiroiug Hoard vio
lates the provision ttiai "no Mate shall make
nr cnlorcs any I in which shall abridge the
immunities and privileges of eillens of the
Ucdttd Stales,'' u nil no Stjto shall deprive
any person ol lite, liberty, r properly with
out due process of law. Fran 1 nnd false-
liooi) can ho Invi'stigH'eil In overv legal tri
bunal. Tho power cits in the Semite, and
it is our duty to Use it.
A lire has been raging In the Short Moun
tain and l.ykens Valley minus for several
days. Various a'reauis of water have been
co (dueled into the sIojim, i' ii tho'lgiil with
goo I c'tf-'Ct.
The w.iti-n from Hear trc-l: no J an old
tunnel h.tve been tinned on tne fire at sev
eral points, mid in the l.ykens valley sloj.o
the water Is pumped in by meamof ieam
engine an I conducted to. points wheru tho
lire Is raging most fiirio:isly, Ssteral men
hate b.'eu drawn from the slope in an ex
l austwl condition, tlia smoke, hating pros
trated them. It U impossible to i-timatc
thod.uuie done, hut It wilt probably reach
otcr S-IOO.OOj. Nearly ono hunWf mule's
roastel ulive. It Is doibtfiu w'.uilier, In
case thn lire be extbiuls'ie.l, work can be
rejii ned before next nDhiiiier. Nearly three
IhiiUMiid men hiu employed in the several
collieries in l.ykens valley, one thoumnd of
whom worked in the burning mines.
Hon Jam (1. Itlaliiii was nominated In
the Republican legislative caucus at Augus
ts, Maine, for thu short term in tho United
States Senate, and also for (he full term of
tlx years, beginning .March I, 1877. Roth
nominations were made by acclamation
amid a great display of enthusiasm.
"When the returns nro opened in Febru
ary," says the Chicago 77im, "tho fraudu
lent voles will bo rejected by the Houso and
tho legal votes by the Senate.
Tho gravity of tho political situation, wo
are glad to see Is making mere partisanship
odious to thoiightlul people of both polltf
cal parties. Let this feeling dominate con
gross, nnd tho (rouble will bo oyer. A", Y.
It was tho Howo Sewing Machine Com
pany that ordered the discharge of nil its
employees whojvoted for Tilden. This at
tho suggestion of A. H. Stockwcll, once
president and principal gambler of Pacific
On tho Presidential problem Mr. William
M. F.vnrts is reported to have eiid : "There
Is no use In making such n fuss about the
case; the remedy Is perfectly clear, and the
courts nro constantly applying it. The
thing to do is to put the Pre:ldent into the
hands of a receiver, wit'u power to run the
concern ana collect tho debts."
If Andy Johnson had been guilty of one
half the offences against tho Constitution
and the laws that have been committed by
Grant, during his administration as Presi
dent If there had been one-tenth of the ev
idence that he had been engaged in conspi
racies ngainst the liberties of the people that
exists against Grant in regord to revolution
ary measures in Louisiana and South Caro
linahis impeachment trial would not hate
ended in a failure to convict.
William i'itt Kell
; lias ordered that the
prosecution ho discontinued in tho caso of
Dive Young, a color-d statesmen of Louisi
ana, who was under indictment for stealing
$21,000. Young happens to bo n State Sen
ator, and his vote will be needed in the Le
gislature, which is to elect a United States
Senator. Resides, ho is a Republican who
doesn't part Ins hair in tho middle.
Tho Worcester t?ii:ii7e thinks that Mr.
Ferry might have made that receipt :i little
safer if it were dated at the "so-called"
chamber of the Vice l'r.-sident, and signed
by Mr. retry as tho ' alleged" President of
the body t liining tola! the Senate of the
States "purporting" to be United.
Chambetlaiu talks about arresting Wade
Hampton for ti'c.i-on. That would bo a jib
ol not only pretty large dimensions, but ono
in which Chamberlain would bo apt to come
out second biist. Chamber ain's friends had
better take the advice of the New York
Herald and put him in an insane asylum, a
place where iio is competent to do the most
good. l'hila. limes.
Hon. LcverettS.iltoust.ill, an eminent cit
izen of Massachusetts, who went to Florida
nt Mr. Hewitt's request, agrees with Gen.
Harlow, ol the President's commission, that
Tilden faitly carried the State, but tlili'ers
with him as to ibe honesty of the Canvas
sers. His opinion is th.t the action of the
boaul was a "plot conceived and carried out
in fraud in accordance with thu telegraphic
order fioni Washington on thu Sth uf Dec
ember, to claim Florida and held it for the
Hnyr-s electors."
In the -ejection of the nomination of Mr.
Ciishing, for Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court, tho wisdom of the Senate is now
manifest. Mr. dishing has given tho seri
ous opinion that a crisis inav arrive when it
may bo incumbent upon Gjniral (rant to
hold over until another election. It would
seem that Grant is precipitating such n cri
sis, and it Mr. Cushlng were Chief Justice,
his revelations show that ho would bo it sup
p )"ter of Grant. The Senatu has much be
fore it requiring equal vigilance, aud the
exhibition of patriotism and firmness in no
mall degree.
The following extract is from a speccfi
mado the other nignt at Peoria by that bla
tant infidel, Hob Ingersoll, a shining light
of the Republican party :
If there is a Democrat here 1 civc him
warning that Samuel J. Tilden can netcr be
inaugurated. I had lather see another war
than see him inaugurated through the means
of that hound in Oiegon. Rutherford It.
Hayes will be inaugurated mi the fifth of
Maich next. I would be in fivor of having
it on tho lib. There cannot bo too iriio l
a day on which to inaugurate a Republican
rrcsuicnt ' ' ' i ho Kepuolieao
party will never turn this Government over
to Democrats. If lUyes doesn't go in, no
body will. Grant will stay.
Aud yet Democrats are nrra'gnc'l fo- ' 'in-
llaming tho passions" of tho people, by the
very journals that cill -uch n.en as Injcr
soll patriotic oratois mi 1 nt.'smen.
For some time past tho New York I apera
have been full of tho oxpicttd marriage of
James Gordon lienne t, roprielor of the
Jleivla, to Miss Caroline May, All tho ar
rangements had been tmuh, m d Miss May's
wedding outfit lal beeu piocured at n cost
of if'iO.iiOO, 'I lie couple weiu to be married
on tlie 1st Inst aud start lor Europe to spend
six months. Only a day or two before he
appointed lime the father of the yiuing h dy
learned that James ti. was not beharmg
hltn-elf properly, nud "iieeiodul in convinc
ing his daujlit'T that mi happiness ecnil.!
result fioni such a union. The engagement
was therel'oru hrokeu nil'. l)u the :ld inst.,
as Dennett was coming itilof the Union
Club rooms. Iio was met by two brothers bl
Miss May s, wi.i, priKOcJed to cowhide him,
Ik'unetl w. s badly cut about the head. The
cause of the iss lilt Is said m bu because
of sloiies fin ulated by among club
ti; t ii.
Of course, such treat uent ojuld not for a
moment bo tulirated by the youiK newspa
per riiico. All his high toned Ilk-lids said
that the nly way to wipe out the insult was
by iifu'irsii to thu code of honor. There
must bj a dii I. It oth May mid Renurtt
ds,ippearid Irom New York and everybody
said they ton) uiruiigid a meeting in Cm ad a
bin on Monday it was unnoted that the light
had oecmrol in Delaware or Maryland,
Dennett whs ai the Continental in Philadel
phia on Monday night.
What tiii: Ri.e'oiins Miotv. A searthof
tho p'cord has elUlKd thu fact that every
prominent Republican in the Soiutc, inclu
ding even' Republican member of the com.
inlttee of seven, bin committed himself posi
tively to the d iclrine that the Presldont ol
the Senate lias no power whatever over the
electoial voto beyond the reception and
opfiilng of tho envelopes, nud iilmoit overy
ono Is on record as declaring that Congress
has tho right to go behind the returns.
P. P. Illlis,
was killed, wil
disaster. They wcl
could not be oxtrj
log and-siaging, aj
holdlns the orM
llAitntsiiuiio, January 9, 1877.
This evening at 7.30 tho Legislature re
assembled after their holiday of nearly a
week. It ttiis expected that tho standing
committees of the Houso would bo announc
ed to-day, but owing to tho Speaker's neces
sarily limited acquaintance with many of
the new members, he concluded to give the
subject still further consideration. Thero
are plenty of wiseacres who profcsjpo know
all about the matter, but as we do not think
it safe to accept their prognosticating, wo
will await theolIiclal announcement. Until
this Is made, all business is lu abeyance, the
two Houses meeting only to adjourn over
until the important matter Is settled.
It is rumored that ono of the first items on
tho programme will bo a resolution on the
Presidential muddle, Intended to strengthen
the hands of Secretary of War Cameron nnd
the Republican Senators and Representa
tives at Washington, The Democrats have
been putting their heads together to fix up
on seme concerted action, should such a roc
ulutlon be introduced, but as yet have de
termined upon nothing. Sj far but little In
terest seems to bo manifested by our Solons
in regard to national nll'airs, but if Madam
Rumor tells tho truth, and tho matter
should be formally introduced in the Legis
lature, tho smouldering fires on both sides
will bo stirred up, nnd Homo fierce explo
sions will undoubtedly follow.
Tho advocates of Local Option are mov
ing vigorously in support of their project and
nro evidently in dead earnest. They held n
meeting in this city to-day, and deterinlrcd
upon a forward movement along the whole
line. Lecturers are to bo sent out over the
Stats to work up the local option interest,
to appoint committees, and circulate peti
tions among tip! people, praying for the re
enactment nf tho local option law. Minis
ters of all denominations were invited to
co-operate in tho movement, by preaching
to their people and urging them to stir
themselves in favor of te.npjr.ince. It was
also decided to hold a convention here in
tho latter part of January, and bring all
possible pressure to bear upon tlie legisla
ture at that time. The bill that they pro
poso is essentially the old local optiou law
repealed in 187").
Quite a little brcezj who created a day or
two ago, by a decision of Attorney General
Lear in regard to the pay ot the Assistant
SergeanU-n -Amc of the old House, who
consideied their presence necessary at tlie
organization ol the new House on tlie 2d
inst. As has been customary, year after
year, the old odicials aud employees rallied
to the last man to give tlie Legislature of
'77 n good start, and also lo pick up a few
crumbs in the shape of ten days extra pay.
The Attorney General, however, cruelly sat
down upon the pretensions of it dozen or
iiiuiu .s3isiam rrergeaui-s iu-jtriiis( uy ueciu
iug that they had no legal claim to the lit
tle "divvy" upon which they had counted.
This bomb-shell exploded among them with
terrific force, and a more dispirited nnd de
moralized looking set of men we have not
been for many a day.
Some of the members who spent the re
cent vacation in Philadelphia looked a little
worn and battered when they blocked back
to llarrisburg yesterday and to-day. It was
evident that tho seductions of the sinful city
on tho Delawaro had proved too much for
them. Tho comely ballet girls of the Casino,
the wines and suppeis, tlie little game ol
draw, anil either attractive etceteras of a leg
islative raid upon Philadelphia had com
pletely shattered tho nerves of n goodly
number. It is unfortunate for tho State that
men of this stamp continue to have them
selves sent to the Legislature. The evil is
not confined to either paity. These iiieu
mainly compriso the element that is respon
sible for unwise legislation, bribery and cor
ruption. Many of Ihcm are well known,
somo are only hinted at in public, and some
there be who enjoy a reputation for honesty
wliu nro Uuowii by those who sharn the t
crets of tho lobby to be open to conviction
when tho bait is sullicienlly gilded. They
are very sly and running in covering up
their tracks. Like the eel, they bite best
when tho night is darkest, but let them be
ever si wary, n ray ol light mil somclnncs
steal in and betray them. F.very year the
standard of tho average legislator has been
decreasing. Let us hope the present body
will be an improvement and that henceforth
the scale will have an upward tendency.
Prof, Summer, of Yulo College, is a Pair
man. flo is not a politician, but a sluing
headed scho'ar, lie has ictuinod lioni New
Oilcans, and his account of what he found
may Im tutstcd us tho truth.
Ho first declines tint eel lifted copies ot'thc
returns fioni the t-cverul parishes throughout
the Slate, now in his possession, show a ma
jority of 7,00i) for Tilden. On the subject
nt outrages and intimidation, lie nays
that Governor Kellogg was able to mention
only one i-ao of vio'once, and that was tho
lynching of a mnti in SepteniW lat, witli
which polities had ii"lfcin lo do. No Re
publican, lie H.iys.prcs'iinesto claim the State
unless the Returning Hoard destroys the votet
of n largo nituiUr of jhtsous who voted and
inserts in their plana tho vol's id a largo
nutnliTtvlio did not vote. The picture of
o.'ifty and business in Louisiana, vtliich ha
draws, is mournful indeed ; and this is duo
only to this continued existence of a usurping
(loteiniueiiti cuslained liy aid from Washing
ton, which Professor Siamuer declares to bu
"baser than it was ono yoar ago, when no
ono could 1! Pound who dared apologiy.o for
It," and tvin'ii Whisder and Hoar and Foster
publiely conleuined it. iiotUin i'ott.
The cent'jnuiul bontd of finance have filed
a bill in equity in tho United States Court
stall ng that the total amount nfsubssrlptlon
received by tho board was $1100,000, and
after tho pajnient of debts n balance of Si!,-
000,000 renwlin. It also spcciliei tho im
propriation tf SI ,100,000 made by cotif-ress,
states there were no profits derived from the
exhibition, rtiiil itsks til 3 court to docldo tho
rignts of stockholders uf the exhibition by
decree as in chancery, the board uttering to
dispose of tho fund on baud In tho mean
time as tho court may direct,
J, Madison Wells tho demon of the Re
turning Hoard has it claim of $1.10,000
against the Government for property appro
priated by the. army, but which ho never
owned. Ho it Sjrvcyor of tho Port of New
Orleans ut it sahryof iifi0t) a year. He
makes nut bills $12 a day, nnd mileage
for his onerous duties as President uf the
Returning Hoard. HI son is Deputy Sur
veyor at it nalary nf $2,r00 a year; another
son is it clerk of tluu court, nnd his son-in-law
Is ta:: collector of Rapides Parish, He
docs not desire any- change In tho political
management of tho country.
... i
The existence, in white und black, of the
sort of thing Indicaxcd below, is w hat makes
Mr. Chandler so imrvous in regard to the
examination of pollsicU telegrams;
W.fcHlNaTOi, D. 0 Nov. 8, 1870.
lion, J, . fitearn f
Conkmnu Spi'.aks. Senator Conkllng
has nt last opened Ids mouth ou tho gacat
question that agitates the country. On Fri
day Iio presented to tho Senato tho petition
of a number of distinguished business men
of New York, nnd lu tho courso of his re
marks he said;
"Obedience to lnw, the observance of tho
constitution, ami tho maintenance of truth
is not a party question or proceeding. It Is
beyond party, and nboto party. Parties
miiy contend, and I believe it wholesome in
n free government that parties) should con
tend over measures, and can-dldates.
Hut when tho contest has been sub
mitted to the ballot-box, tho final arbi
trament of popular contests known In our
system, the only duty, the only lawful pro
ceeding connected with It, which remains, is
to find an honest, true result, to declare It,
bow to It, and stand by it. That is the duty
of the hour, it rests" on the two houses of
congres; it rests on tho nation: it rosts on
every citizen of the republic. That it will
be done, nnd done peacefully, decently and
in order, thoo petitioners do not, I think,
disbelieve. They, in common with all men,
may derive confidence from tho fact that In
terest nud expediency, not less than patriot
ism nud honor, point In one d' ectlon and
tench one lesson. Whoever stands on riaht
and truth will not fall. Whoever attempts
to stand on wrong nnd falsehood will be
Atlorney-Ocneral Cocke, of Florida, is a
curious species of rooster. lie agreed with
other member of the Returning Hoard as to
what returns should bethiown out, nnd af
ter the Hoard had adjourned entered n loud
protest against the notion in which ho had
participated. (iatette (C' ISulktin.
Our cotemporary is not noted for Its accu
racy in statements of facts, as shown by the
nbovo paragraph, Mr. Cocke i nil times
protested against the action of the Returning
Hoard. He was sustained by the Supreme
Court of thrStute, which compelled c Dosrd
to make another count, which elected the
o.itire Democratic Slate ticket. In tlie face
of the mandate of the Court, tlie Hoard,
howeter, threw out Hiker and Clay coun
ties which they had included in their first
count as legal nnd lair in tlie desperate
hope of counting in Hayes. It is too thin,
gentlemen, and such tricks nnd frauds will
not save you.
Hotii LiuusLATUiiia im South Caroli
na HAVI. AllJOUHNKIl btsn Die Tois
movement leaves Gov. Hampton to contend
almost slngle-li iii led against tho carpet
bagger Chamberlain, whom Grant, making
use of tho army over which he lias control,
contrary to law, is trying to maintain in the
governorship to which ho has no right nud
to which he is clinging in direct opposition
ti tho will of tho peoplo State. Sucli
usurpation may bo successful for it time, for
might may prevail over right and seem to
have full say, but lu time the right will
trill i ph. General Wade Hampton has been
elected and inaugurated Governor, and,
sooner or later, he will bo permitted to oc
cupy the position to which he has an undis
puted right with no one to question his au
thority. A clean nud agreeable substitute for sulpbut
ointments and other grea-y ointments used as
remedies for obnoxious skin diseases is Glenn's
Sulpliur Soap, v.hieli cures far more rapidly
and completely and does not soil the linen.
Depot, CrittentouV, No. 7, (ith Ave, N. Y.
Hill's I Inir ec Whisker Dye, black or brown,
SO cents. Jan.
IllltLBt.N-.McllIUK.-In Sit. I'leasant on thu
tloasth lilt., by ltev. 11. J. Waller, Jacob lllrleman
to Miss Jlngsle, daughter or Thomas McUrlde, llsq.
rniii:!.N ' ot.l.OCK. On the nth int., by ltev.
J. S. M-Muruy, Mr. Henry YV. Freeman to ltacliet
Pulloc't, both cf Halem, Iaierne eouuty.
All VMS-THOMAS -On the !sth utt.,bj- the same,
Stephen AUains to KlUabctli Ailams, both ot lluclv
Horn, Hits comity.
ItlSEWlL'li-iJUlCK.-On tho 4Ui Inst.. by tie
same, William Ktsewlck ot UUon, llltnots to Miss
Hlnora (Jutck u llloum-sUuri;.
KOUIIElt-llKss.-on tie- 2sth lost,, at the rosl.
Uoiite ot -Mr. Cjrus Mcllenry, by ltev. II. S, Mendeu
hall, Mr. A. Juilson Kocher to MIs-s-M, Matilda lless
VAllltlNliKtt. In Jonestown, on tlie istli lilt.,
NallutiL'l l''iih:tni,'erni;ti'i yiurs, lo mouths aud V9
"m a It K E T11E POUTS.
HLOOMSUURO MARKET. per bushel $ 135
H " J i
Curn.iicw. ' y)
uals, " :u
Klour per boirel 7.5.1
Cluveiboud 7.'
1 laxseeil i,su
Kirirs -jj
Tallow 11
Total oca , yi)
Dried Apples 6
Mains s
hides tc Shoulders .11
ljird per pound 1 11
lluyiiertun ij.imj
lieeswux 23
niiuimy eeu 4.60
No. 4 nn Wharr $ 3,10 per Tad
No. 5 " " $ 3,t 11 "
No. " " f 51.10 "
tlacksmtth'sI.muDoii IVIiarr 3 41 "
" llltutnlnous ' U wi
1. 1'. Kl'NKLK'.S IHTTl'It WINK tit Hili.V,
lUs netcr beeu known to fall In the cure of -teak.
liens, attended wlthsjmptbins, ludtsposlttcn to ex
eitloutossor immury, dtniculty t.r breathtni;, cen
eiut weakness, horror ot disease, weak, nervous
trembling, dreadtul hurrur ot death, iilirlit bweats,
told teet, weakness, dimness o( tl-lun. languor, un
iversal lassitude uf the mascular systems, enormous
appetite, with tl)sieplle system, hut lunds, Hush.
Inirof the tody, itiiiesHOftho skin, pallid eounte
iiaiaiuiml eruptions oi the race, puilfjlnf: tho
bloud, pain In thu Lack, hiatliifss ot the ejillds,
ncqueiil sput.s iljlng befcm the, eyis with
tcniiwary suffusion nnd loss of dght; want oful
lsnllou, etc. The.s'i sinptiiius idl arise from n
weakness and to iemod.t that use 1. I. Kunklo's
Miter Wlno ut lion. It never fain. 'I n am
now clJuj nig Ir-iiltli wh'j luvo used It. net the
genuine. Sold cintylu 11 bottles. Take onlyH.1',
Ask for Kunkel's Hitter Winn of Iron. '1'hls truly
valuable tonic been so thoroughly tested by all
classes of the couununlty that It Is now deemed In-dl'K.-nlblt
asaTuLlc medicine. Iteustsbutllttte pur
lilos the blood and Miestutiu to tho stomach, rin-
ovates tl") l-ybtem and prolongs lite.
it now only ask u trial uf "hit "alnable toulc.
Price tl er boltlo. IC. 1. Kunki, Solo Proprietor,
No. -CSV North Ninth tl., below Vine, I'lilladclphla,
l'iu Ask for Kunkel's Hitter Win. uf Iron, und tako
no btlit r. A photograph uf tho proprietor ou each
wrapper, all others are c julinrftlt.
Iluwaru uf eu'icitei felts, llo not lot J our druggist
sell ou any but Kunkel's, which Is put up out) as
aljovu represented, toucan get six bottles for Ii
All I ask Here slujplo trial,
Head and all ecmpleto In two hours. No fee till
Load p-isses., Tin and Komich Worms re
moved by Ur, Kunkel, J.VJ Nurlh N.ath St, Advice
free. No IVu until head aud all (asses u ono, and
oltto Hn Kunkul Is tho only successful physician In
llilt country for tho temotal uf Wt-rins, and his
Worm Hrupls pleasant nnd safe for children or
grown sj-dons. Fend for circular or ask for a but.
Iio of Kunkel's Worm Hrup. Price tl a buttle, (let
It of your druggl its. 1 1 iict er falls.
contains tho largest stock of
Qaeensware, Glassware, Wondenware,
Canned Fruits, Dried Traits,
ta lie found In Columbia county,
A Complete Avaorluieut
always en LtuiX Cafand tuaialne,
Jm x, U7T.
JANUARY 25, 1877.
Please call und cxat lino them as you arc
suhe of a mnn bahoaik
E. M. BRUCE & CO-,
Groneral Agents,
130S, C'tcstntit S riilln,
Jan. U-2w
.Notice is ncreuy g'' en mat ue- paniici-uii-tf.furi!
existing lutwocn II. ii.di lines, .loshu 1 Hurl
rel nuit Snmu.-I llarucl, under the llrm n.inw 1 ot
Oilmen ft Hiirlzel was ill'sulted on ihi usiliuflie
eemtier, ls7n, by mutual consent. 1110 tiustii 'fw t f
thes.ill tluu will im carrl-d on hy 1. Ilartzel una
brother, tvno wlilpivnll debts of Hie firm and all
UCU13 uuu uajbaiu lliui urn. uu w ...v....
.HISIIL'A liailt.i.l',
HVMUHt. iiutrzix, IIIUMIM,
January sth, urtl-iw
Notice Is herein" given tint, the uniWsUnuil will
applvtu Hon. William lawell, rrettdent Judge ut
tlie rnurtur ' ommon rieasui v uiuuiuiai-miti...,
SituMsy tin villi iltyot January, A. 11., liil. for a
'1. ......... r.r i.....p..p iilnn f.,i- 11 vfirtl-tV niid,T I IP
name nf "Thu Christian Mutual l'l Soeielvi" tlie ob-
lect nf w lilcti w 111 1 rno Maintenance ui a nuuu-u
far benetlcl it mil protective parpjses tolls mem
here, from fiimls collected therein.
K. i:. OHVIM,
II. SI. KlNTKlt,
O. S. LO.NU,
Jan. t, is, ; at.
Ol' VALL'AW.r.
Ily Mrtuo of an order ot tho orphans' Court or Co
lumbia county, tho uudersLjnes, Administrator ut
John Iloaton, lalo of l'ishlngcreek tow nshlp, Colum
bia county, will e.iiwso to tide on tho premises nn
at ten o'clock In tho forennmi, nil that
ib 1:1:1: or ;itou.H
hounded amtdosrilbeit a follows: on tlie nurtti by
lands of W. II. Harton, A. M. Weaver and Jonas Ho-
ty, on the east hy tho road wb ch dlildea Columbia
undl.uzcrno counties, nnd scuth by land of Henry
J Kendlgnnd licubcn-ltler, and on tho west by land
of Jacob Yupie, containing about
with iho iintirilmni nnd Imnrnvementu.
TKKMS Ol' HALE. Ten per cent, of one-foui Ih of
the purchase money to im pain at tuo sinning iiuwh
ot tho propel ty, tho one-fourth less Iho ten per cent
at the i-ostlrmatlon of bale nnd the remaining three
fourths In one sear thereafter, w 1th Interest fioia
continuation 11M. I.. fllM'IN,
Jfn 12 7T t?u Administrators.
TirilKREAS, the Hon. William Elwhll
W President Judge of IhoCouit of oyer and
Terminer nnd (lencral Ji'l Heiliery, couitur (Jtinr-
ter sessions ut thn l'eaco and tho Cutirt uf Common
1'lua.sand orphans' Cuurt lathe 211111 Judicial Ills
trlct, eoinioscd ut the counties ot Columbia and
Montour, ana 1110 nuns. ,rrii mm -u. n
llcuufcs, Associate Judges nt CohniiLla (o.inty, hate
Issued their precept, lu-ailnc- date the 10th d ly of
lice., In 'ho jearol our Lurd one thuus.11.1l eight
hundred und, and to me dhecleJ for
holding a Court ufojer and Terminer und lienerul
(Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Cuurt uf Common
Pleas and Orphans' Cuuit, In Hluomshurg, lu the
county of Columbia, on the Ilrst Monday, being the
6th day nt rebnury nent, to ejntlnuj two weeks.
Notice Is hereby git en to the ('inner, to Iho Jus
tices of the I'cuce.janil the I'unstal'lis nt tho said
county of Columbia, that the) bo then and tht iuln
Uietr proper 'rson ut lo o'lluck In the founosn of
mild Mb day ot IV-bruary, w llh th'lr lecnrds, imuil
bltliiH nud other rei-ieinbianccd, to do those things
which Ui their oRlci.s apputatn to bo done, nd
those that aro hound by leengnUaino to prosecute
against the pilsoncn that uru ur may be In tho Jail
of tho said county of Olumhla, to bu and theio
topiusecuto them as shall le Ju 1. JuiorKure le
cpiested tobopuuctual lu lliclr attehdar,cc,i'grccr.bly
totht-lriiollees. Haled at hlooir.sUug tlnsvih day
,' uf Jau., In tuo j cur ut our Lout one
L. H. .thiusaial eight hmdi el and seventy-seven
r-) aud lu Iho uuo hundied and nrstjear cf
the Independence ot thu Hotted Mates of America.
Shl llll s Oflice, JOHN. W. I101T.MAN,
Hloonishiirg, Jan. ia-ui hherllT.
Hy virtue uf a writi f Kl. 1'a. l-sued out ut Iho Court
(if Common Pleas uf Columbia county und to ino di
rected, w 111 be ex110.11 d to pulill" talent the Cuurt
llouso In lll'jomshiirg, ut the o'lhck p. 1.1. on
Allthaticrt.ilnlJti.f grujnl sltuite In Hluoms
hurg, Coh.11.lla cuunij, Ivw.sjK.iLl i, buunded
as futluws,! on llw north by" tin allej, east bj an ul
ley.Kiulh ti lot ct.-usnu MiJUu- ih I west bj Hall
HoaJ ktiiet, being titty feetlronl unJ ono huudied
and ninety sit fat In depth, uio'e cr less wheioju
lire trccted two l-'i.ur.o dwelling Houses v lib tho
appurtenances. -
Setfed, taken Into etccutton end to Ik' foU as tho
property of llauuah stauiler and Jacob Maulor,
A 1.50,
Allth-itcerlalalotuf gtoui.d ihuate la tl.o IUi.
ough ot UerwleV, Columbia county, I'tuns) IvanU,
bounded en tho east hy tiuah slithers,
noulhby publlo road, nest by Juhn Mijiler, north
by Paul Uikendall, Is log one hundred itmtiuity.
eight feet on canal stuet and furl) del deep ir.uro
ur less, Iitcoii U crictedtt Uric Fiaino Tavern
titand, Mied, stable aud out-bjlldings.
hrlzod, taUeu Into execution unit 1 1 1 soid as the
prupcrtj of Philip spooney.
The fjlliwlag icnl c-tnt" iltu.t In tho Tuivn tt
HlJomsburg.L'oluinijla county, l'emn)v.i!ili, hound
ul as fjlljvvj! 011 tho noilU ly an aih!, on the
east by lot of William Hubti 111, uu lliu ujulh by
Sixth htieot; and on Iho west by lot of Wm. U. Olr
ton, said lot being touy-sK feet front and iibout one
hundred uud Illty-elght feet deep, w heieon U erect
ed a frame duelling house and out-bulldlngs.
ticked, taken Into exec tlou and to bo sold 03 tho
propeity urc, w. Hodine.
Sir- COSMTIOSH 01" HMi:.-l"tircliiscis must
pay ten per cent, ot tho purchase money, or ul least
enough lo cover all coms, ul itrklug down if sale,
otherwise propeity lo bo resold at once.
Hicrtti'a onice, 1 1 ir.
Jan. It, l7I.
sollco Is hereby given that Peter Kirar.k Com
inttireU leonutd Adams uf Iaicuh tuwn-hlp Col.
uiobla county, l'a., ha-s Hied lit s cvaunittteo HLCOunt
lu (ho ofllcu uf thu I'rcilhonotary uf sui t county uud
will be picsenlcd to tho court uu tlieoih day uf
Kebrumy next uud coiilhined In fuiir Ui)& u.
It r unless cause lie show n lo Iho eontrury.
lo, tho uccuuul uf I'cli r Knt, I'ouimlitio of
Thoiiiiu! brcssler, n lunutlo us lilt U hyo. I. j:m
Aumlidstrutor nf l'a er Knt, del eased, will he pro.
uenled ul the buuio time and cuiitlnned sumo ns U10
ubovo unless exception bu Wed within ;-jur day.
1). J'.Ztltlt.
Jan. 3 1817, ta 1'ioih'y,
At the Oor.ultiHAN Office
ifaai?y 1 j
Hy vhluo of sundry writs ot I'l l'a. and Al. n.
"1, tolho Mioiirfor Columbia county directed, th to
vIUJio exposed to public salo at tlie Couit House la
llloomsburg. on
at ono o'eloclc p m.,
s It certain lo'. ot ground sltuatn In tho Town
of lUlooinsburg, Columbia county, state of Pennsjl
vaiita bounded and dibcrlbed a-sfclloas to-wtt: Oa
tho 1101th by Third street, on tho west by lutuf Cam
oils Church, on tho south by land uf Mm 0.
siilves.011 ttij east by Iron street, on which nro
erected n two-story Itrlck Dwelling House, n Fraran
Kitchen, n llrlck Meat Market House, a Fram? stabio
and wagon shed anil nut-bull Jlns-s.cau tabling about
one-fourth of nu acre wore ur kiss.
Seized, taken In executljri, ant to ho uoltastho
property or Kdtvard luwllngs.
All tint certain lot of grojnd tltuiti In Fishing
crcik township, CohunbU county, Slato of Penusjl
vnnla, bounded and describe. 1 as follows: On the
north hy pub lc road which separate 1 1t from the lot
ot John Wenncron tho cast by u public ro.vl which
scparatcu It Irom tho lot 0! Lewis llclshllne ontlw
south and west hy hind ot (1. W. Ilendcr, containing
onc-haif acre, whereon Is erected a two-story .frame
building used us a dwelling house and store.
t-'etie 1, taken hit) e icc itloa and to bj sold ns tho
property c f Kids 1'. Ilendcr.
CONDITIONS Ol' SVI.U. l'urchiscra must pay
ten per cent, ot tho parch iso mjney, or nt least
enough to cover .ill costs, tit striking down of salo
olherw lse property to bo resol I at once.
Jan. 5, 16j;-ts. MiciliT.
Notice Is hereby ghen to oil legatees, cieill
tuis, and other persons liiteiested In the est.itis if
tlie lespei-tlte decedents anil minors, that tlie fol
lowing adiiilulsirallou and guirdtan uccuuntH hate
been mod lu Hie nillce nf Hie Iteglster uf Columbia
cuiiiity, and will bo presented Tor continuation slid
allowance In tin.- orpliam' couit to he held In
lllooinsburg, 011 Monday, ther.lti day of February
Is77, ut tl u ( lotlc p. m. 011 said day:
1, 'I he Ilrst and llnal accoiu t of Oeorge Scott, Ad
ministrator of c 11. Helfsi yler, late ofcatinlssa
township, ileeeus.d us Mid by his Administrator,
(ieorge C, seott.
2. Tho llrt and final account cf IHnlel Snvdcr,
(hun lao ut in ra snyder, minor child of William
1111 ut r, lau 01 iiioom-uurg, uccja:eu.
3. The tlibt and llnal ncco int tt Jacob ITshcr, Ex
', Exy
uiur ul r.iu j i-uer, laic ui iauill ujwusnip,
le.i: ua.
4, Tho llrst "nd llnal nccount of John W. HV
niiiiisiiaior 01 iianiian cunger, laie c ov
low nslitp, deceased. s,
5. The nciount of Hcnlamln Wa?ner. nuarfiw
niKus llclnlg. minor child cf Jonusllelwig, latJer
laicust tow listil , deceased.
C. Tho tlrst and llnal account of John Herncr, C.uar
(11 in of Forrest V eager, mtn ir child ot John Yea
gt r, Jr , late of laK'Ust township, deceased.
7. Tho tlilr.l nreount of John and lttrain D. Anp'e.
man, Uxeciiiui-s of Peter Appleman, lato of Hum
lock luwnstitp, (leccii-ei. -
. Iho thtid aceount of Holer Hot,
iteceised, l.ue uctliig executor of M.uthew .Me
llow ell, th ceased, as llu-d by liU Admlulstrator. Os
car 1'. Hit.
a, Tho seco'nl aitd llnnl account of Hllas (Jlger,
Aititilntsirator uf Daniel (llger, late uf .Montour
township, decea-cd.
10. 'the llr-t and Until uecuuntot WlPliin Masteller,
Aditilulstiuturd Man llelltr, lalo ot ll.tulion
tiiwiutdti, deeeasol.
11. The IIihIuccouiiI ut Lett A. Hutchison, (
uf ArUiur I. Ilutenlson inlnur ihlld ut Mllllam
Hutchison, late ut .Mount Pleasant township,
1!. Tho llrtt and account ct Wll'lam Lomon.Ad
inlnlsirutor nt Hllas Ukensou, latoot linarcrcek
lownshl.i, deceased.
13. Ths iimt unit llnal ncnunt of V.TIlIsm Watls und
' harlos Nairle, Adiilrdsimtors if turah Nnule,
l.ue uf Franklin township, deceased.
11. Tho sccounl ot J. M. ('. Hunck, Kxrcutor cf John
.Mcllick, l.iteot Seolt tow iiihlp, deceased,
13. 'I he llrstnnd partljluecountof Henjimh! Kvnni,
i:ecuti.rof Coiitcllus KlUndall, late cf jlhllUi
township, deceased.
llloomsburg, Jan. a,
6, 15711.
1 1 'I ho following iippruLsemcnts of real and
rei-suiinl iiopeit set up.tit tu widows of decedentu
have bi'en illed In tlio oitlco uf Hie Iteglster uf Col
umbia county, under tho L'tiles ot Court, and w ill bo
inesented tor absolute conllrniatlon to tho Orphans'
Court 10 lie held lu uud for said coun
ty, on .Moudaj, Hie rah day ut Fib. Ikl7, ut II
u'cloek p. in., uf tald tlay una ss exceptions to si cu ton urn ) letluusty illed, ur which all per
sons inn rested In said estates will tal.o mule.:
1. Widow of limb! KirsuU.-r, latoot CatawUsa
tuwnshlp. deceased.
ii. wid.iwotThoum Hess, lato of Ccntoa towhshin,
Uece.i'od. t '
3. widow of Hiram L'ji.ger,Litoc.f Bugnrlcaf
town-hip, deceustd. -
I. Wtluwuf Leunaid Adams, lato Fooft township,
(hccun-.l. 1 '
5. Wllowof l'eter Knt, lato cf SCutt'towoshln dn.
ecu sed. Jr,- -
tl. IWlmv nt Jacob Shtbtars. late or'tMulii towiiblilp-
7. w iJu cf neurgo Punier lato ot lit l.trereek town
ship, di ceased. ,X
8 Uhli w tt Mi.Jjn.iii nir.k.Iatc c.1 Bonton lowu
btilp (loceasid.
ItlVl.slil'som.-e 1 W II jVciiftv
lUooiusbllu, Jull. fi ls7u ' Ihui. tT
All t'&e Mews,
A livnt-GlnsF. Tndopondont
jMoi'iiing Nowt-ptipur.
t'lilvcrsatly tpiotcd as Hie nhlcst and bestltowsnsrcr
lll.rohis und icailess lldltuta. jjlcuslons or
all current Toj lci, ItUa
In every respect.
i:fi-iMlN Unit or all lliu c Uici
l'lllilKlellllli,! 1111111111,.; imill!!'!
oiuliiiu'tl tvllli one exception.
s.Tl',m,, Including postoge, SIS dollviiij n
YHAIt.orFift) Ceutsamouui. ' jjollaics a
t liANCE roiddi)ljiioi'i'Ksr
ihcio Isn tood opportunity for tmploiinent In
''f.iiV'.lIng,,,, !
tracts uf 7ut. V;hiu a few iclles n Itu plwe
Jan. t 'wi -m"y ,u v' WtOCKWfsX
ir I LjMyicAims, BB
H'S'lTllS. in JH