The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 29, 1876, Image 2
SIS! iHlBIAN AND DEMOCRA' r,BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. JLJJLlii lUL .r! i l& r i COLUMBIAN. LooMSBunn, fhidat, dkc. ot, isj ltnll Itomt Time Table. LACKAWANNA & ULOOMSDUIIO HAIL ROAD NOBTII. .. A.M. T.M A. M , 1.M P.M. MV. M. OOTIt. Ml A. M. 4.4 1. M 11.0T A. M .AccomtrlcHl'ntlon Train,.. Will Train ., BxprcM Train . ( CATAWIS3A KAIL 1IOAD. Nonm. south Accommodation Train this A. M. T,J! r. M. Ve'guUt Knpress' t.U f.M. 11. S5 A. M. 'TtaroncEcars on Express train cither to Now York1 or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and WHHnmsport. -, - TO BUlHCUIIlEItS. ' Wo nro ol)Hgeil to mnlto another appeal to our patrons. Wo linvo lnrgo cxpoiisei to mvt, and nltiiougli we have largo amounts standing on our books It is almost impossible to get enough monor to pay running expenses, o g "to tho tanlfncss of siilscrilCM nml oilier L'ut Ors In meeting their obligations. In ord r to clean our books up wo have appointed collect ors in several townships in tho county, nml hall appoint others ni f:ist ns possible. Wil liam. Brvson, Esq, is authorized to rt i.e amounts due on subscription in Contrulii . id Ashland j John McAmill, Esq., in liertv .ck ; William Appletunn in Uetilou. This will make it convenient for thoso who do not often et to town, and we hope that nil will cheerfully and promptly pay when request ed to do so by our collectors. tr p If " white Christmas makes a lean grave yard," undertakers will do a small business this year. We Irani that an amateur dramatic enter tainmcnt is to be given In a shurt tim:. In next week's b-sue'we ran probibly j;ive same particulars. A shipwrecked sailor waiting ftre a sail i. liko a business man sitting at homo nursing a cough or cold. Get Dr. Bull's cough syrup and be cured. Wc rclnrn thanks for a fine lot of apples, of the Fallow-water variety, presented by Samuel Ilagcnbuch, of Light Street. Tlicso apples are not only of large size but of delicious flavor. Judge Elwell will hold Court in Schuylkill county, beginning Jidiu.iry lid, to try Jacob and J. Albert Huntzingor, indicted for embezzle ment in tho matter of the broken I'ottsville bank. Found., lletween llupcrt and Illoomshurg Bleigh Robe, which the owner can have by calling on E. W. Fulton, Catawisss 11. It Depot, Hupert, proving property and paying for this notice. 2w. Our reader shou. not f.iil to see and hear the "Merry Bishopt to-morrow (Saturday) evening at the Opera House. Their reputation Is established as first rate actors and the new comedy of "Splinters"' is replete with wit and humor. See them by all means. John Struthers, tho young nun who cut the ihro'ai of James Archie n fow days ago, was brought before Esquire Morris on Tuesday ln&t and committed to jail in default of $500 bail. This breaks up the firm of "Business" Beers k Co., of which Strutliera was a member. Important Notice. Having, after repeat ed notices, waited, three years for a settlement of my individual accounts us former editor of die COLiMBtA.v, I desiro now to give final no tice that all, accounts unsettled by January loth 1877 will 4bo pushed "with jut feir, favor, or flection." - C. B. Brock way. Dec. 20 7 0 2w. The Carrier Boy of tho Columbian will call on his customers next Monday, New Year day, and hopes, to bo welcomed nnd remembered. It is not easy-work to deliver papers when tho storm rages, or tho icy winds blow, or when the scorching rays of the sun beat on tho aching head, but the carrier has faithfully performed his duty and merits a reward. Jolin.Seybcrt is at present in jail hcre,ch.uged with stealing,, tuules, .hogs and other property, and also with liilliflg the above mentioned animals. It Is reported that no less than fifteen tails of turns were found under Beyberfs bam. He is also accused j(f selling the flesh of these butchered hor.o and mules Under tli o.ria'moi of venison nnd dried beef. Pleasant for lovers of beef and dear. A terrible accident occurred at Gorrell's Con tinental Colliery near Centralis, on Thursday of last week, by which four miners named John Verner, Daniel Malloy, Thomas Daly and Thomas Monaghan lost their lives. They en - & the mines at seven 'clock on that iorn-, plating with thorn three kes of powder and Jut ten o'clock the followUg niornln?, their rned and disfigured bodies were recovered by ,leir friends. The powder must have exploded from some cause, but 'how or when will never be known. The funerals took place on Sunday and were attended by a large number of sor rowing friends and relatives. A man who gave his name as Marvin Math ews was brought before J. J. Brewer Iwj., on Saturday morning, charged with the robbery of various farmers in the valley. Mathews was one of a gang of three ; they were pursued by the farmers who captured Mathews, and Utt, another one of tho parly, was subsequently ar reeled and lodged in tho jail at Danville. ' The thieves had deposited their plunder in the fence corners along the road, where the farmers found poultry, produce, harness &c, enough to fill a two horse sleigh. Mulhews was sent lo jail in default of $500 ball. We rejoice at Die capture of these fellows and believe their conviction will put a stop to this kind of stealing uuring the winter. Tempests will occur even in teapots, mid thorcforo wo huvo Invariably refrained from noticing tho ebullitions of several small fry journnls published in this county. As some of their readers, however, mny bo ns ignorant as the editors, a few words of explanation ns to our connection with the proposed bill relative to tho olliciul advertising may not be amiss. The application is for a special law. As such, the luw requires notice to bo published in two papers. The Coix-uuian- wus selected us ono of the papers to publish tho notice, and we did so, us wo would any other decent advertise ment. As to tho merits of the proposed meas ure we have no concern, ns we ulreudy enjoy fulr measure of public patronage. The uso of tho name of our paper was not ut our ro quest, nor known to us until tho advertisement was handed in. "Eureka" is the sentiment of conn I lens mif erers who find tlie tulai of relief, and thvi foun tatn of their health and slrmglli, in Aiir" 6ar to an a.t'-'lll"- It is the most potent of all the at laud terailvesto purify 'the ytlem wul cltaiuo the blood, It possesses invigorating qualities., to itisi it minuuies IDs faded vitalities and pur ges iut'lhe corruptions which inliigla with the blood, promoting 'derangement ami decay. Ve re assured by many Intelligent phyicians that this medicine cures beyond all others of its kind nd we can fortify this statement by our own itrltiicf. AM (Mau.) While Flag. Die tu. Naught can compare with Glenn's Sul phur Boap as it remedy for eruptions, pim ples, old sores, olid roughness of tho skin. It Is nlso ft powerful disinfectant of Impreg nated llneri or clothing, and should be freely used In tho sick room. Depot, Crlttcnton's, roth Ave.,N. Y. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dyo, black or brown, 60 cts. Dec. From n well known contractor und bulldrr, Wm. Kucli, 1330 Hutchluson street, Phil adelphia. "Having received great benefit from tho use ofyour valuable remedy, Dr. Wlstar'a Balsam of Wild Chcrry( I feci It my duty lo say something In Its favor. For somo tlmo my two littla boys wero more or less ufillctrd with scvero coughs, which at times wcro so violent tlmt wo were kept up with them all night. Wo tried ninny remedies with no cllect. On hearing of Wistar's Balsam, we gave Itntrlal nnd can truly say It gave relief. It being pleasant to take, the children would call lor it every time they coughed, nnd boforo one week tho cough had entirely left them. Sinco then I have used ft invsclf for coiigln nnd colds, nnd have funnd it as effective with mo as with tho children, nnd can safely recomincd it to the public."' f0 cents at d $1 n bottle. Sold by all ilrupglala. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sMOLfV 1 cured, fuel saved, nnd htat In iTTrVrTTiwri ! ereased hy np.lj fair tlio Spiral (IHTMNEYS I tI",rt- wndsiauinlireliviilir COLRltll), T81 Hansom St., I'ldl'a, I'd. Deo. M td.-ty. ADMIXISTKATOH'S NOTICE. ESTATH OP D INI HI. MUtrLKY. loiters of Administration on tlio estate nt nanW Alaniy, mto nt ecott, wivnlilp. Col mlita counts, pu.iieijtused, luve been gt nted by llio lleghter of said county to Jacob Tet llllfrer, of the Kama luwn. bh ftdiuniistrator, to whom ull persons Indented aroMT(uiihtfto miUo paya-cnty and lUosnliavlnir eli.liii) cr Oein.inin n;aut Dm aU estate wlllniaVe I hem known to Uio laid adliWHrntor without de lay. ., , JACOB TXMVILMI1KI1, DetJl-Cw Aitmtnlstrator. JTOTICE. lialnir purchared nt t'onstabiu'a sale. Dreeraber 3d WC, tho fi llonlni: propei ty ofJueob Ktk'lincr Jr. J liave loaned the same to the said Kclchner nurlnir my , pleasure nni all persons are forbidden 10 Inter ire wim the said property! 1 cow, jthonW, 1M tuns hay, I hand cart,.! Irun kettle, I 'cook hom 11 tables, t cupboard, li chairs, let ot carpet, 1 barcau. t bcd.l barrel cider, t clock", 3 tubs.l meat slnnd and ,, toncual, 1). II. JION raOMBRY. Dec. W, 76-3W. "VTOTICK. this is to (flvo notleo Uiat I titvo purvhased. from Pjnlel Itonse the following property rlr: uns cow, one brecdlBfr-soW shoam. n chicken1!, hay and straw In .stable, t winnowing mill, cutting' box, 1 grain cradle, rakes and forts, J wood stove. 1 table, chairs and cupboard, audHJt acres of land. (Allot which I have loaned to said nanlel nohSo dtirlai rav pleasure. All personsfire forbidden to lnteirerewitb said property. LYDIA HON3E. aiSLATIVE KOT1CE. .MitL-o is huroby trlven that an nnnllcatlon will Im made to the Legislature at Uiclr ensuing session for thepawWKOOf anacteuutled "An Act to authorlio the Judires of t ie court of quarter Bcsslons of the peace,oi tho county of Columbia, to appoint a Janitor fur the court house of said county, und to ilxiho compensation of said Janitor." The object of this arc is to secure the services of somo trustworthy nnd responsible person, to keep in gosil order the court house and sui rounding grounds belonging and attached to tho court houso. UKUIIOKKITUIIBN, Pec S3, ";8.-lw Bloomsburg Opera House Saturday Evening Deo. S0f 1S7G. THE OHIOINil. AMD ONLY MERRY BISHQP& la their new and charming Koclcty Comedy Eitrav--atfanza, enatlod SPLIN TERS. Tba most brilllwit, original and mtrth-proToltlntr en- ARTISTIC TALENT Uneiiualed by any company ever organised. Fur fall particulars see programmes and descilptlve bill. General Admission .... w cents; Gallery as cens. 'Reserved seats ..... Ts'ccnu Seats coin bo bocured la advance at Clark's book Store. Oltl'HANS' COUKT SALE HEAL ESTATE. Dy vlrtuo of an order ot tlio Orphans' Court of Co lumbia County tho undersigned, administrators Jacob ltarler lato of Mifflin township Columbia Co. deceased, wlU expo e to public tale on Uio premises oa Saturday, January 20th,, 1877 at 10 o'clock A. M tho following Ileal Eitale, to wit : No 1. All that certain tra-t or two tracts of land rttuate lnMiniln townshlpcolumbla county aforesaid beginning at a corner In road by land of Jacob Hons, thenoe outh seventy-seven degrees, west thlrty-m rf and nvo tenth perches) thence by land of Christopher Hortcng, north thirteen degiecs west ono hundred. aDd fifty three and one tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of .1. II. Hotter, north, elghty-nvo de, greej west, twenty-two and lire tenth perches to a public road leading from Mimmvllle, to Conyngham,. thence north thirteen degrees west, twelve and two t mth perches, theneo by Und of S. If. Swaak north seventy seven decrees east fifty seven and II vo tenth perches, thence by land ot Kllzabcth, Lutz south, thirteen degrees cast one hundred und seventy-two and one tenth perches to tho place of ticglnnlng, coutalnlsg forty acres and suty-thrco perches Btrlot measure. No. a. Beginning at a stone by laud of Henry Hct ler. thence south twelve degrees cast,thlrty lour and two tenths perches to a storio, ihcuco bo Mountain laud north seventy-eight degrees east tnty-Uiivo and four-tenth perches to a stono, thenee by land of S. H. Swank north twelve degrees west thlrty-four and two-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land of Jacob Hons souti seventy-eight degrees west twenty-three and four-tenths perches to tho place of beginning, containing Ave acres fctrlct mcasuro with tho appurtenances. J. H. HETLKlt, J. H. HAltTEIl, Admlnlstratorf. Dec. 29, it ts. A NNUAL STATEMENT OF MIFFLIN J TOWNSHIl'. Jacob Nusa and Peter Mihael,!iupcrvlsors of Mifflin Township for ls. I) It. To ain't ot duplicate for 1S75 uaiance rrom isis fllll 13 C1L l)y am't of work dono J'JUI DO 111 111 a nt li 03 ID 03 e oo suierlsors' wages ' percentage " exonerations " balance from li" J " auditors' fees ttltS 6S liakuico duo township (9 li John J, llartrel and WlUlam Kckroth, ovorieereof Mifflin township for Wi, Dlt. To aint of du plicate for 1S75 tost 6J ' csh la bauds of MUbael l'otterolf in s i " balance frum Isfi v B Hy ain't paid Mrs. Fox for the support " Mrs. Kox for Itelti-i'i'jL K.-L-prr. " J. Nungewr for Caihailue Lanu " Dr. J.J. llrown " Duplicate and bond " loiierid exptnses of J, I) ts " ilensy t llroivu fonlolhlug i" Lewi I;kroth fur shaving b. Naus lie ui Vil O) 50 73 a no M Wl n ts 5 If) 15 IS 3 iia M li D. II. MontL-omerv. hit- im imi., " eionurutluus " 'rnugn " Michael t'etterolf " John J. llartrel, services as ovcr-wer 1 oo " Win. Hckiuih " van IN J " auditors' iikh 4 UI (SIS W Ualanco duo township tU) 31 We. the undersigned auditors or Mimin township, have UiH dav exa uluo4 tin above .tuuuuts OBillnJ IUVUI Wl IHkb. D. 1I.MUNTMOHKUY. O. II. UAbTKLIJMt ' Auditors. Mlffllnvllle li-c. t, Deew-tw Can't be made by every agent every i.iouU In ititi biulaeas we luruuh. but a doteu dollars a day rUrht tu their own luumii. lUvunofvoia to esplulu here. Uusluci pleasant nil houuiuble. Women, ami beys Mid girls do as wsll as u.i-ii, We tvlil fumliti )ou a rompiebs Out tllfrre. 'Ihu buslueu pays betur thnii Jiny thing We wtilbcir expeuwof starting you. l'urueu lursfrte. Write nad m, Kanuors aud in ecbanlf. their si-ns and daughter, aud all clussra in utnlut pajlngwurk utLouw, should rite to us and learn aU about Uie work at oni-e. Now Is the time, Dou'l delay. Address True & Co., A uuiuta, Malnv. Hopu a, "s.-llm. A (lEN'IH for best chance In the world tu Ik coin money aauress u.p. tfafety TMCketCo, Msr(l-4W Business Notices. Illchcstcnsh tiriees lmld for Musk Hat. Mink, Black Skunk, Otter, llncoon, &c, at u, iiOwcnuerg a. Castor;, l'licliers, &c, suitablo for Holiday presents at M. M. ltusscl's. Gent's fancy Slippers just received at E. M, Knurr's. llubber Hoots at McKlnney'a, For a good cheap suit of Clothes go to D. Lowenbcrg's. Mason ft Hamlin, Oeo. Woods, and tho Cclcbrntcd Slandiird Organs ut TIioiiiiis'h JIiisIo Store, Danville. Dec. 1-,'lm Ladles' and Children's Slippers nt K. M, Knott's. dciils' fanry Slippers nt r.IcKlntiey'H. Holiday tiooiw, Lamps, Chrystnl Wed ding ScL, it lino iiisorlinciit of China mid Glass Wnro nt M. M, ltilsscl's. liny your Clothing nt D. Loweti berg's. Cliickeriiig.Stelnwny.Malhushelr & llninw Bros., I'iiuuis, at Thomas's Muslo Store, DmivIIIc. Dec. l-;ji Tubiilaf Luilcrns at M. M. Kit'scl's. . . t. i -- Overcruits, Overcoats, Overcoats. b'6r Men, for Iio), for Children. Latest styles, Ion est prices nt D. Lowenbcrg's. Ladies' Hutou'tt nt McKlntieyV. Ilnjs' Kip Bonis fur SHOO at E. Knurr's. M. Tobacco nnd Confectionery, wholesale nnd retail nt M. M. Uii'scl's. A really fino Dress Shirt, fry the Eclipe Shirt, a perfect fit, elcganconnd economy combined; can only be bought ntl). Lowen bcrgV Sheet Mnsie, Music. Bonki', and Musical Instruments generally in endless variety nt Thomas's Miuic Store, Dnuviilu. Dec. l-3m Buy yonr Bpotn and Shoes ot.MeKinney's for lie.still "holds thi fort," and sells Goods at "hard pan'' priced. CO AXi. . COAL . Old Established Coal Yard. O. W. Neal & Blto.. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in nil sizes or tho best qualities ol Hcd nnd White Ash Goal, nt Uio vcrv lowest tnarket rates. Hare constantly on hand large 310CKS ot Domestic, Cupola,. k Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bitumiiious, . mid Limeburncr's Coal Especial attention gjyen to tlie prcpara- mni ui vuui i-i.orq icuviug our yams, urain and Ltimbcr' taken in .exchange for coal. Coal delivered to anv Hurt of the town nt shortnoticc. Orders left nt I. W. McKclvy's qiorc, .or at our oince, win rcceivo nromjit at tention, uiiicc anu xanw ai-william JNeal & Sons B'uniace, East HluOmsburg; Your patronage respectiuuy solicited. COAL. 7 tf 25 COAL Worthy of ltcHiouilirautc. Why will you suffer violent pain, or bo made uncomfortable, distressed in mind or liody,wheii you can be iristxitly relieved and quickly cured by Benson s Capcino Porous Plasters. The or dinary Porous Piaster hj an article of merit, cMts action U jqa slow, requiring days and weeks of conlinupiis.wenr to effect a cure. lien Son's Cjijicinc.PprousTlastcr, being n great im provement over them, relieves you instantly and cures you quicker than any known plaster, liniment or compound. Their action, is more-powerful than cltctricily 'aqd.i)iore ce?tip,i They .are purely vegetable contain no mineral or metallic poisons. Their coiupcwition and pioierties "are founded upon true medical skill", and are, in no 'seme a patent medicine, They arc, endorsed by thousands of l'hysicians and Druggists of unlmpeachab e reiuljjtipiafl bcjpjg an urlicUi.of genuine merit 'and worthy of pulilic co-ifiden'ce. Try thctii and be convinced. I'rictf.S-V cents. ' SXABUItY A JOHNSON, . ,1'nAKJUCliOTICiI. CHEMISTS, N. Y. May 19, 7C ly. HeniMin'H C'ainlni- rtiruim I liinlcii.--llcHrvIin the l'fiiplu Nay ! "The best, cliat-'bt, safest, n-d surest, remedy of fered an lstelllgoui eopte'" 'An iirih'le of great merit which will found in every hoitseliold." "TlKly.aienrr that the manufacturers idnlin for them. Whose! name nlonn Is a suuieleiit en- iloiemrnt of thtlr genuine merits. I lie bekt lemedy-kuowu f Jr all-exuinial dimcultles or local disturbances." 'I hey hre Mgorous, mmm Ing almost lDkijuitiy thii'iocfst Osli ilt pain and onSuilnguKpei! iiyclirt'.'L ''IcoDslUerlliem'agrontinlid needed liu proieiuent. over all other porous pla&ters. they g".o prompt relief and cure nutckiy ; thevnre held la hlch eatci'in.'I Theyiarenow nrerarri-il oxer all nth. or. They cure where oilier horom plasters Hinply it-ur.u, t un nuacilUK irj llieill Mill 3 UU H 111 1101. bw'aisappulnted: I'rlcelAconW. May VI tB'-ly SKAHUKY A: JOHNSON, t'harmaotullcal Chemists, N.Y. Hiive vou tried Kirbv's WildClierrv'nuui'li -'nul&UA.? A' Very nalaleable cufmoiutid iur tho 'vjiriyus affeutldiis oltlie'throat und lungs fl. t..l 1 V'.l L..!llS ib inn uccn iiseu wiu success, in seven cases of ustlima giving instant relief mid in many cnies efrectitiL? a nernament' cure. Price (50 cents per'bottlo and' positively' warranted to ,ll .....1 .r....!.v:. . ...... r. i uuiiii.- muiniuuiiuii i r inuuey ri iuiitieu, Kirby's Magie Kelief for the instant cure of severo and acute pains. Kirby'a Tastclcus Worm Iinnenge.i, pleas ant, safe and effectual. Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders aro tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and bo convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, soro lips and chaiiped linnds. GiUVHillious and Liver Pills aro recom mended by tho first Physicians. The above preparations are for sale by all Druggists and dealers inniediciiie, MOYJMl IJltOTHKKS, 21,'7G.-ly Wholesale Agents. Six good second-hand Pianos fur salo nt G. Thomas's Jllisic .Store, Danville, ranging in price from $120 to ?2o0. Deo. l-.'itu If jouwanttobe ktron;, limlthv and vigorous, take U. 1'. KuiikepH llllter lue of Iron. No languige cm Convey an adequate Itoiuf tho linmeJIato und almot miraculous change pro tuoed by taking E. v. Kutikel'a Hitler Wluoet Iron In tho diseased, debili tated and rh.iltred nmoussjttem, Whelher bro ken down by eicuss, wealt by nature, cr Impulred by slekueM, the relaxed and uu.struug o-ganlsallon Is restored ti iH.'rtit health und vigor. Bold only la tl bullies. Hold by all druggists uud deulera. NKIlVOUS DM1II.1TY. NKltVOl'H llKlUUTr, iiebUlly, a depressi d, In liable kUto of mind, a weak, nervous, uxhauslid ledli.g no energy cr ani mation, colIum1 head, weak memory, the conse quoneesH ixcistis, inenlid oimuik. 'f his uervou ilcblllt) tinds a bovi'Hlgn cine In K i'. Kunkel-s Jilt lerWliouf Irou, It tones tho system, dlspeliithe uicntal gloom uud detiwmjeucy, mid rejurenates the rhtlierjttim. o!d iLlylu tl UtlKs, Ctlthogen uluc. Tuko only K. y, Kuukel-s, It his a yellow wrup-perai-oui.dlt. I.U photograph on outside. Cold by jour ilriigl-t. K. K. Kunkel, i ro)rlctor, No. w North Ninth street, I'hliadelplda. l-end for circular, or udvke free. -ry my grPat remedy, (let Hot uur druggist, tx buttles for i. It cannot faU. It Is guaranteed to do as la recommended. WOIUISI WOHMfJI WOltUdl K. . Kunkel's Wenn Hyruu never falls to romovo ullklud-iof worms. Heal, J'ln and Slomach Worms oru readily tuiuoij d by Kuakel's Wurin Hjrup. Dr, Kuukel li Ihu unry suevtwrfu! l'hyblelan In the eoun try lor thj removal of tajw worms. Ho removes thnain 113 hours, with head and idl complelo Ullve, aud no fee until head U uited. Common sens? towliei If lai worm can Ui reinevcd. al ether Woruts tin be readily d-troycd. Ask your drugglal fur'n uotllo of liiiuktlv Wurm Sjrup. J'rleo tl jsir.Votlki H neverills, it ho has it not, bate hhn gt-tlj, orkend to propijttor, li K. Kuukel, 86 IloriiiNliiUi stivel.l'hUadelphli. (Idiloo utotuce free, or by mall.) AlNWltlOllTAiu)., WHOi.KSALE lillOCJiltH, N. K. Corner boeona and Arch streets, I'UILiDSLI-lill, Dealers in riCAd, ByilUlU, OOKFJtli, autlAIt, MOLA8SK8 -11.. .u. Ktci, snciu, sioiss twi, ix., te. tr-Ordcni will reuuve prompt atuiuon. t,T-M 0) .a -a a P-. & s o o f I pq to cm O S9 K o O w a .23 B eg to a B a a o o c 52 P s c b ' o 4 rf pq rt G -w O' W , CO to a ci o to g s M t; cd .9 -, m It o o PI o a c CO &$i"Alt new tttbicribaifer 1877, paging in advance vj'kr XovtviLtr 1, ISHI will receive the jntprr weekly from receipt of remittance tu January irt, 1877, without charge. COMIUNFD l'AratS-t'OUTY-sr.VllNl It YKAIII The Country Gentleman The Country Or.lleman t publlsh'idwee!.lynullie folluwlnif teiii, when paid sirlrtly I tine dopy, one ciir. tLS'i l our i'u Ivh (to, and nn addi tional topy fur ti. jeiir fm'toth" wnderof the flub I Ten copies. Wl, unit an nil II copy for the year Iron tu the sender of the Cub. Tho Country fie nlleinon po-i'V'sr an linefiua'leil Corps of ('rriispondeiits, rccarniul NwaMonal, amontr the lest Vsm.ers if Llrpnttsi.f theeountri and constantly reflects the pnv tle.d lonclltlon nud projrressof tlio lunb.indry or every sicllon of the united Matis and clvlllzca world. Tho Country (leii'leimiiiKlVfR In Its Departmeiitncoutluuous varletytf Information nnd suggestions, equal ur supoilorln tho neuii'vate tu wliutls obtained In the monthly numbers or inoht mnga7lncs devoted to Horticulture. The Country Uentlcmnn has probably done ns much ns all other Journals combined, to Introduce and diwcmlnato Iraproinl Mock of riery kind throuRhtho country: ntnl commands ton greater dcureo than nny rotetnpornry, tho coulldenco nnd Bupportof breeders and rurehascrs. Tho Country (lenllcman contains unusually full nnd trustworthy Jlnrket I!n)orw, and devotes epo etin attenllon ti'liem mill to the rroweCtsvf the crops, ns tlirowlnfr light uminonn of tlio most Im portant of all questions hen to liny and When to bell. Tho Country (lentleman embraces numerous mi nor departments of a priictleal diameter, Mich as tho Dairy, the woultry Yard, tho Apiary, the vine yard and so on, and weekly presents a column or two for the HoiiM'wIfe nnd iMt-rertlni; Klresllo Hcnillliff. It contains u well rdlteit llrtlew of cur rent 1-1 cnte. nnd lis udvertllnv piiri-s fiirnlli a di rectory of all the principal nKi'lctulurulandhoillcul tural estnbllhments ot the country. ta-rfPECIMKN COPIES KltUK. Address LUT1IKK TU(!KKK it SU.V, I'UBI.ISIIEIU, A1.IHNV, N. Y. ST, NICHOLAS. 'TDK KING OF ALL PUBLICATIONS 1SSUK1) FOlt TIIK YOUNG ON KlTHKlt 81 DK OF THE ATLANTlC."-&ulai;i(o England) Obscner. The thin! volume of this Incomparable ilogo2lno Is now completed. With lis eight lumdren rujul ortavo pngts, and Its Mx hundred lllunrollnlis. lis si.kndld wrliilH, ltsfhortrrktorles, poems, skciclus, etc., etc., In Its beautiful binding of red and giilrt, It Is the most tplendld gilt book for bojs and girls cer lssmd ficm tho press, l'rlee ti ; In full jjllt, fi. . ST. NICHOLAS I'Oll 1S77. S resides Ferlnl slorles, Chilslmos moiIcf, lliely sketches, poems and plctuieHforthe holfajs. nnd homo nstuilelilng llluttiutlri b if Crli niaHrnts, with drawings i slamrveartls'S.TIlK CIIIHST.MAS HOLIDAY NUMllKIt OF ST. NICHOLAS, hupeibly Illustrated, contains a veiy Intt ieslln paper, "777i" HOYS OF MY 1IOYJTOOD," 11Y WILLIAM CULLKN 11UYANT: "Th'i Horto'llott'la lively nillele, by CburlcsA. Iiaiuard. splcndlilly Illustrated ; '-Tlio Cluck in the hk,"by Itlchurd A. I'ructor; A ClilxtniuH I'lay fur Homes or hundaj-ichools, " by lir. Kgglestoiij "'Iho lvtei kens' I'lilstmas Tree'," by I.uirill.i I'. Hale; "1'ucti-y luidcarolsof Winter," by Luey Ijireom wllh pictures. Do not fail to buy St. Nicholas for the Holidays. Price 25 cents. During tho ur there will bo Inteief ting papers forbojs, by William cullen liryont, Juhn o. widtlt er, ThomuH Hughes, William lluwltt, Dr. Holland, (leorgo .MacDonald.Sauford 11. Hunt, Kranl: it. stock, ion, und others. Thero will lie stories, Bketches and ponim, of sfe elal Interest to girls, by Harili't I'leeult Hpi Uord, Susan Coulldge, Soruli Winter Krllegg, Kllzabeth Stuart I'helps. Louisa Aloott, Lucretla 1'. Hide, CeMa 'I'haxter, Mary .Magics Dodge and iiiiinv others. .,'iiuscmenf nnd lustruc Ion. with fun and Krone, and V. It and wisdom, will ho mlngli'd ns lii'n lolori", and St. NlcUolns will eontluue lo delight tho uung and glte pleasure to the el j. hubscr'ptlon price, fa a ear. 'Iho tlnce lioiuid volumes nnd u subscription for this jear.onlj BubBCrlbe with the neaieU iicwulealiT or send money In check or r.O.inouey order, orlu leglster cd letter tu SCIlIUNEi: CO., U3 llroadway, N. Y. "A llepusitorij of J'ashlon, Pleasure and In struction.' ' Harper's Basaa?. ULUSTUATED. Notices of the J'reis. For strictly household matters and dross, Harper's Bazar is altogether tho best thing pubbll-heil. Tu tuka It Is n matter ot economy. No lady can ntrord to bo Without It, for the Inhumation It gli es will sine her very much more money than tho subscription Brlce. besides gltlng tho household uu Interesting terary lsltor. Chicago Journal. Harper's liarur Is n.fusdy Illustrated, and con Ulns stories, poems, sketches, und essaiH of it most attru"tlYu character. ' In Itslltrnrv nod ar ticle lentuics, tho liazar Is iiiiqiieslloi.abIy tho ln'st Journal of Its kind In tho country. satm day Eve ning Gazette, Huston. T KRM S : JWueie Fixe to all Sttbttribtrt in the Uniettl States. Harper's Unrar, ono j ear, u oo. II W) Includes prepui meiit of V. H. pottf go by tho publishers. Bitl'serlptlOBS tollarter's Magnrlnr, Weellv. und Ilazarto ono addiess forono jrar. $10 CO; or two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address fur 01.01 car tJ 00; jiostogo fito. Ancxtracopy of (llherlhe Magazine. Weeklvrr Ilazarwlllbusiniplliu giatls loreury rlubof the subscribers nt U 00 each, In ono n inlttaiiee : or six copies for W to, without extra copy 1 postage tree. Hack Numbers can bo supplied ai nny tlmu. Tho volumes of tho ll.iar oommenio with tliu jenr. When no tlmo is mentioned, It will lie undr stood that Hie subscrlln r wishes tu coinmenco with the nuiiitier next alter Hit, iwi Int. nf nuf.nii.r Tho Annual Vidimus of llaiper's, In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, free of ex peiise'. for 17 0 etiih. a cr 1 1 1 1 letu set, comprising Mnu Ndlmncs, sent on receipt of cash, ut the rate 01 to U nor Volume, frt lvht at expinse of purchaser Cloth Cast s lor rut li oluiue. sultablu for blneling, will bo sent by mull pesipcld. on tecclptof 11 lei each. r Indexes to cat li uduiie sent on iccelptof stamp. Newspupers me not tocopy this hdvcrtlsemeut without the uxiiiii h order if liiirpurand llrotlu-ib. Address Ifaltl'fcH u imoniKlis, New York, I SIT. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE OF FOlUiIGN LITEKATUIIK. THIUTY-Tlllltl) YKAlt, Tho Kclucllo reprints Horn all the foreign Quarter lies. Ui Mews, Niigiulnes and Join mils their iholcesl coiittiils, luclutlliig eesajs, sclent lllc papers, blo graphleiil sketclws, remliilsoeiises of travel and ud- I'ktui u, tuh s, stories aud poems. 'I he neld of selec tion Is oiy largo, und It Is Ledered tint tho hcleeilo iiresentsu greater varMly and higher standard of llti ratuiu thuii any perhHlleal can hoiw to do that dc ndsi xcliisUely uisiu home talent. A kuonhilgo of tho eunent llle'r'ure of other eountiluhililiiUhiensablo to all " ho would kieppacu wim tim prouiessot the human luludj and tho lcs.llooni-rb Hie best, and, inileed, 1 1 111 oulv, opportu nity lor obtaiulng this kuuwledgo within u reosona blu coiup uvi and ut iriiiuueratii price. Among ihu i Iters represcntest In recent numbers of Iho llecllo met The ItU Hon. W. li (Hailstone, James Authony Houde, Watlhow Arnold, Oliarles Kliigsley, itubeit liuchanan,ueorge He Donald, John Itiisklu. Alfred 'IVunjson, Thnmus Hughes, William V."cKt oilp'.iant,Thouias llaidy. William Jlorrts. Mlsi 'lbarkera), Mrs. Mexuuder, Profs. Huxley und T- ndall, liu-lwrd I'luetur, A. It., I'rof. oivon, Dr. W, It. Oarpuutt-r, Max. iluller, J, Noriuiui Lockjer, ller boi t spunccr, and others equally eminent, llesldes thu regular ai tides In tliu buuy of Iha magazine, thoro retuururuinalcdporhil epartTueiilsi l.lur' uryNolleH , Foreign Uteraly uotts, bcleuce und Alt, lid Varlet orf. H Ith to the clui seter of the selections, the aim of the udt-ciio li lo bo Instrucllvo without being dui .anoeiitorluliilng without being trivial. WhUo tucli nuuilier contains somellilug to Int. 't every uudn-rm s It ci( nur. iicuiuriy totbut gnat bulyof li.ti-u ten riaetus win) Mule iiront as well as uouseiimt i , solid und neslUeM Ihl, 1SS tUUrnd rilMiJInr........ beT of the uiagailuo conuilns u ifue bieel V.ugravliig mauueri' " p"lr"ll-!lui;uu-n " tho mosturllstllS "7NI"21e coplc s, 45 eenls t one cony ono year for't'nuud.r118' 'hUl The Kcleello and any tl magazine to one addrc&s, i'ostago free to all subscribers. Address; H it. I'KLTON, i-ubllshcr, 9 llond HL, New York, L) LANK MJTfcH,wiih orwiUiout tzeuiiitioi X tor ude at the Goi.vxau.a omce. L EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. A DMINIHTUATOU'S NOT1 . Al tMrllrff hbHmtri.alh 1 . a.IS!?1 "''inilninijiMlloiioft the ostalo ot lloli f It F. t'lsrk.lnle bf Coliimbla eouatv, deceased, havo Iwn cranltd hy ih Ttegtster of said county to F). 1. .. "i luuuuisnurg. e;oiumoi.i county, to whom all persons indebted am requested lo make! LJK.n!L1"?!-lll,os htirlns claims or demands Bgalast UioomIJ rauto win make them known to tho hiu Kuuuuibiuiur iTiiiioill nriay, t.M ... . DAVID LOWUNIlRntl, Deo M, S-w Administrator, A DMINIHTHATOIt'S N0TICI5. J.Y.. KsrATsopjAconsiiiiiAns, pso'n. Utters 01 Administration, 011 tho estnto 6f Jarol) Shugars, lato ot Main twp, Columbia County, deo'd, havo been granted by tho lleglster of said ce'unty to tieorgo llollcnbach.-otlaln Twp.,Columbla Co., ('a,, to whom nil nersons Imlentnl tn unlit ... m! queRted to makd payment, nud thoso having claims niidnsl tho said estate will mako them know n to the said administrator without delay. Deo SI, 7-0w. Administrator. A DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICB. itsmsor fiiancis vauu.. htcsASKn. letters ot . Administration with Mm mil nnilQXPd On IllO ltjitn nf rmtifls tnnl lain of .Main township, Columbia o.iunty, I'rnnsylrnnl.i, docoased, hare lwen granted by tho lleglster of said countj to Itlclmrd II. .Men. of Main Twp., Columbia count), I'entisjUiinla Ail peTsonS having claims iigniuBi lue nsuuo ui ino uiieuoni uro inquostco to im-iibiiieiu inr ticiiie'ini'iie, nun uioac inacoica to hi OAlatO III luJko liavinulit t. tlio mull rslvnpd Administrator M II hout delay. lliniAlt!) 11. ATCN, Dec 12, '70 on Adtulnistratur. T A1LHOAD KLHCTION. "Sullo'Uhenbygtvi'iito tlu sMcfclioid'Ki of tliu Hiinloek's Cruek & tlunep Hallroad Co., tnt 11 11 elec tion will be held nt tho hxclumre llnfl In lllooitis limp, colnnibii couiily, 111, on Moada. , thosihd.iy of .fanuar) , . D. lSif, at la o'clock in . for fid pur iuseof elecilun rrissldent and tweho Directors of said Company for tho ensuing rear. Ily 01 der Of tho President, W I. IIIIIMILL, Attest! C. A.'Iinwiins, Sec'y. Jiuncy, l'a.,;Dec u, His. sw jySjOLUTION OF COlUKTiNHItSIlIP. Sollee Is hereby clven that tho tnrlnersliln bn. twee n tl. J. ' nmpbell and I. It. nchweppenhclser, of Malnillle. under Iho firm namuof Um .phcll Co ,' was dissolved on '.ho lltn tUyot December, D lsis, by mutual consent. All etebts duo tho partner ship lire to bo p ild to U .1. Campbell, nud t lose due from thosnmo diActunrcdbvliIni, nt.Maiuvlll,wIiero lue bii-ln m vs-itl be continued by tlu said U. J, 1 .mi;U''l!.p f. J. CVMIMIll .. 1. K. SCIiWUI'l'r.Nlllll.sKll. DecSJ lw' N. OTICii Allners ns knowing tlumsclvca Inilebled In tho undersign d on book iiei uunt, note or Judgment lire lureby notWcil to selllo the ramo w lthout del iy and tin-reby sale costs. K. MKNDUNHALI. ploomsburg, Dec. 12, lsjc. AD.M IN'ISTitATOIt'S NOTIOU. KNTA1E OF IIENJAM1N UltlNK. USCKASKI). Leltersof Administration on tho estate of llcnj llrlnk, lato of ilenlon twp.. Col., Co., deceased laic been granted by the lleglster of snld county to Clark llrlnk, of same twp., Columbia county, Adm'r., to whom nil prrnns Indebli'd are rcqursled to make pa incut, nnd thoso haMng claims or de mands ngnlnst Iho suld estnlu will mnkn them known to the said Administrator without delay. CLAHi; I1IIINK, llee.!3Mlw.- Administrator. IN piirsiiniice of nil unhr (if Delano C. Cal Mil, Ksq , Surrogate nt tho C lunty ot New York, ludlcn U heivbv glien to nil persons having claims against Chat lotto L'ycr, latonf Catunlssa, I'ennsyl iiinla. but leaving nswts within the cltv and county of New York, tleeeowd, to present the same with voueliers thereor t tlio subscriber, nt Ida ofllcc, No. M Wall street. In iho 1 Ity cf Now York, en or tKforo tho eighteenth ilav of June next. Dated, New York, thoseicnlli day of December, 187S. KltlUiEHK'K C. HAVKMKYnil, Dccl5-6m Jixecutor. A1 UDITOH'S NOTICK. KSTATBOK WILLIAM H.lllUr.l!, I.ITF. OF MADI SON TOWN'Slllr. 1IRCKASK1I. The underslgiid Auditor to mike distribution of tho fund In the hands of tho Administrator ot the es tato of William liarber, deceased, will attend to the duties of hlsnpiiolntnient. uthU onicoln Illooms hurg, on Saturday, Jan, isth, 1S77, at 10 o'clock tt. m, when and where all persons having claims agalnstthe said estnto, aro required to pieseiit the sumo before the Auditor, or bo debarred from coin ing in for a share ot said fund. F. P. IHLLMllYKIl, i.Dec.l5-lw Auditor. ADMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. I.STATK OF I1AVII) Jl. WATSON, IILC'U. L'jttrrs of Administration on tho estate of D.uld A. Watson late of .Madison township, Columbia coun ty, hne been granted byUie lieglsiertif sihl Coun ty to Mary. A. Watson, ot Madl.-on townsldp Culiim blaeounty. All persons haling elulins uuiiliist Un said estate nro requested to prcH'M. them for settle ment, and thoio Indebted to make ruwueut without delay. M UiY A. WAIKON, Decs, 'tww Administratrix. A U-MINIHTHATOlt'S NOTICE. Jr IS'TATK OFI1ANIEL KASIINKU, IlKCKASItll. Litters of Admlnlstriitloii on tho estate ot Daniel Kosliner, lateot Cntawl'sa twp.. Col., id., deceased lmvn been granted by tho lleglster or said countv to I'eter H, Kashner, ot sumo twii., Columbia county. Adin'r., to whom all persons fndi bted ure reinie-t-i d to make payment, nnd those having claims or demands against tho said estate will niaku them known to tho said Administrator w lthout delay. l'tH'Ml M. KSllNi:it, Admluluriitor. Dec. 1, 1S7S-0W Loin Immenso Discoveries by STANLEY and others aril Juit added to tlio only complete Life and Labors of Livingstonn. 'I his Veteran Kipl'rer ranks among the most he roic Ilgiuesof tho century, nnd thlsbojfc Isonoof tho must altiactiie. fiisciiintlng. ile-IJy Illustrated auil Instructive volumes evt r Issued, l'.i lug I ho only entire nnd millionth; life, tin.' millions hp-eager for It. nnd.w IiIimiw ake Agents urn wanted iiul'-klv . For rroofmid terms address lll'llUAlilJ llUOi., Pubs., 73.1 ttinsum street, 1'ldladelpiii.i. D. el-cw "17x1:1 Ul'Olt'S NOTICE, ESTAIkOFSAllAlI 1 III'AI'I, Die 1 Al l'.I. letters Testnmenlary on tho estate of Sarah IthoutN. lain of the 'iwie.Mii ur in'n.t ir.unt.-.t Columbl.i, ileciaseil.havel'eeiifr.ilitid by the llegls tor 01 said co to Franklin IllioaiHoisuiie tp. VM1 persons hiiilng rlalmsugalnst the estate of the dece dent aro requested to present them fur uttlement and those; Indebted lathe estate to mako paunent to tho imderslgiied admluMr.itui' w lthout delay. ,. MIANKI.IN HIIOAD'S, Nov. 17, lS7n.-e;w. llxccutir. The Oolumliiim Luw Doclbt, A complete record for tho use of attorneys. Con leniently arranged for tlio docketing of all case?, containing 600 pages, villi double index, -lids Is the most complete book for law) era that ts pub. llslnd. P.'RICS, $S.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell F.ilitors anil I'mpriulors of ihe Columhian, BLOOMSBURG, Decl-tf " An act tn erect Into and eunsillutt tlio Dhtrlcl of tho 1'oeirif tlii'Townsliliiof llloom, in Ihu comity of Culumbla, Ihe four Hlstrli t ol Culumbiii Cnuntv. ., I-1 hereby gli en iliut at the next sesHoh of tho legislature of reiinsjlyunla uppllcutlos will bo made fur Iho passage of an utt under tlio til ovu title. lllO OUriHISeoI Whkll Is 111 elect, nlulerefil, Iioor house fur tho countv of Columbia, and consoli date Into It all existing dlstrlits. W. C. AI.DEI1SON. Dec!5jw THE SUN. IWU1V VOItK. The dirfertnt editions ot T ho Hun durlne tho nnxt year will bo lhes.imias during tim )enr thathos j'i .t pasted '1 ho dally edition will on week tluyn bo usui ei ui tour puges, una on sunuais u shee t of right pages, or U broad columns j while tho weekly edition will lie n sheet of eight pages of .he satno di mensions and ihaiactir that are ulready familiar to our reader. me sun win continue to lie tho strenuous advocate of reform und retreurhment, aud ot the substitution of slaU'Smuimhln, wisdom and Integrity for hollow pretence. Imbecility and fraud In Uio administration of publlo niiulrs. It will contend for thu got eminent ot thepeoplo by the people and for tho tx ople, as opposed lo government by fiauds In tho halluUbox and In the counting of votes, cnfoieed by military Molenec. It will i-ndrator to bupply llsieudcrs-u body now not far frum a inllllonur souls with Um must careful, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events, und will employ tor this purpose u numerous and i nrulullv seii cled staiT of reiioiurs undconesponilenls. Its reports from Washington, rspectallv, will be full, nictiriito und fearless ; nnd It will doubtless cuutlnuo to deserio nnd enjov Ihe ha tred of those who tin Ivn by pluiidiilng tho Tit-usury or by usurping wluuthu law does not glvothom, while It will endeuvor to mult Ihu eonlldenco of Iho public by defending the lights of theiwoplo ngalust Ihutueroacliinentsof unjuslllled isjuer. The prlco if thu dully sun will bu r.." cts. a month, or sill.oo a ) ear, post paid, or with the Buuday cdl tloni7.70a)ear. Tho Sumluv edition alone, tight pages, ttl.gOa year, post paid. Tho Weekly sun, eight pages of 5a broad columns, win bet furnished during 1S17 at tho rate of Ml a year post puld. Tho boncflt of this lnrgo reduction from tho pre vlous ruto for I ho Weekl can bo enioj ed by Indli Id. mil subscribers without the necessity of milking up clubs. At tho same time, if uuyof our friends chooso to aid In t'XtcuJIiig our clrculatlon.we shall bo grates, ful to thcin, und every such person who svnds us ten or moro subscribers from ono pluco will bo entitled to ono copy of thu paper for himself without charge. A t ono e uouaruiear, postage paid, thu expenses of n.r t r und pi luting aro barely paid ; und, considering Iheslzoof the sheet and tho quality of lt contents, Jy Hun the theupesl newspaper putdtshtd In the nuiiu, puu uu uusbuisuuuu 01 i uu very oesu Address, THE BUN, Now York City, K. Y, Decl5-w I'Ht'l'iI Ilolltlay OKI. HI.lll'1,1:, I) 1; it A 111, I.', OlUiAl BRANSON KNITTEES 3I Make Hest Hosiery at least Cost, Halesroum for Machines, Hosiery, Yarns, UT N. EtailTH ST.. 1'HILADKLl'iIIA DecM-m o, w & co. BLANK MOKTOAU13 for sale clicaii at the C0LU1U11K Office, Dnubhy & Go's. Advt'a. rt i 1'ANtlY A(!W It styles wlllf nnmn in cts illpost paid, J, U. li ustcd, Nassau, Iteus. Co, N.Y HedJi.VO-lwd T f.l (tl, subscribers for 1977. itterrbody Is (llllllllll1 ectlln.l PIITTIMI'M AUtllllleiAM 'MoNTllT.Y.a richly IllmlrAtcd, ably eiilted Fnmlty MngaMnonl only S3 a )car. Specimens ss cents. (Ircat terms to clubs. JOHN K, I'OTTKIt & CO., 1'ubs., l'hlla. l)ecsa,'7A-lw f OFFICIAL (IISfORV OF, TilE ttl Xenteni EXHIBITION It selli faster than nny other book. Ono agent sold ot copies in bno d.v.. This ts the only authentic, and eomplcto history published. Send for our extra terms to agents. NATIONAL l'L'ULISIIINO CO., l'hlla. Dcc22-4wd HEADACHE. Dlt. 0. W. IIKNSON'8 Celery ami C'liu .tionilln SIIIh aronreparodoxnresslvtnriirft stir ttonrinHm. vo,. lous lleadBcho, Iiispcptlo Headache, Neuralgia, TJc,rT.0''.n"SJ. MieeiifcSsnesa, and win euro nnyeaso. uuiiri lyiiu. iiusiugu iree. xoia uy nil iiruggists and country stores, onioo met Noitli KuLtir sticot. wi.uiuie. .ihl neiercucoi u.o, i.KMi; c, uasnicr How ord Hank, Baltimore, Md. DeC22-4w D SPOONS AND FOaKS. ttnj- IMioct nf Mamifiicltirornt wlitilesalo jlrieoi. Mado of steel nlnt,-M with whltn nlb.itA will w-ni-lll.oHher and last ton vcurs. nte.itnnni ts.' ilt.ihlpsnn.nti iuki.i ai.m. forks els t bv mall on receipt of prlco. uino, uviii .um iippeii panerns. aaaipioana terms to grangers or pal reus, fo cu, ELiiurill) I'LATi; CO., Northford, Conn, DceS3-iw 50000 AGF-NTS W A N T K D I'OH J'lIB SI'llllV Of OESARLcOT ROSS M'rltten by his rmh or. A complete account of lids most miRt.'riaiis abduction und ovoltltig' sonrcli. Wllh ino slmllo letters and IlliHtratlftns. outsells oil other hooks. Ono agent took ta orders lit one day. Terms liberal. Mso ngents wanted on nur .tlnuulii. cent Ffltniiy iiiiiio. Willi invaiuauio illustrated aids i del superb bindings. .Tons' K. roiTEit & Co. rubllshers, l'hlla. Dec. ."J-lwd C'fr a JIOSTItto Active Men Kolllng our ldter Q;UI i Copjltig .(look. No press or water used. samrilLoonv worth PURR, Send stamp for elr- euUr. H.Vcr,LSI01l M'Fll. CO , S9 Sladlson and 1st Dearborn street, Chicago. Dec s-tw d CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24 Illuminator! Views of Ceutcnnlal And Stalo buildings, as printed o i tho grounds during tho Kxhlijlilou; sizo of each, O'ifx 4Hj j pries tu els. prepaid; ers rnt lo nny part ot tho llnlt-sl states or Canada postpaid, ltotllilts U'lllTU.i'rlntersand Kngra- vers, 4.v ivniiiui si., 1 1111.1 , 1 ti uec. s-4w tl T H ! f I, I ,V (J WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DAN0EI10U3. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, asureiemislrforcontlliw.and all diseases nf the TlllttMT, X.UNUS, C11IS3T UIIU MUCOUS JIK.M IHiANi:. Put up only iu ,'31uo boxes. St)'. II HY AI.I. DIH.tltllSTS. C N. CIHTTI1NTON 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Dec.?, '70-4W 1) THU Contenniul Exposition. DKSCKI11KD AND ILLUSTK.VTKD. Tho only Complete, lllchly Illustrated, low price I'.'K"'. u.iij ti.ov. iieaes ui ine enure history, grand buildings, woiiderfulexhlblLs, eurlos Ples, great days, etc. Tho best chnneo of ino years 10 eom money last ns eierjboiiy wants this work. 1,11011 agents appointed nrst four weeks c,ioo wanted, l or full pari Iculai s address quickly, IlUllllAlll) D1IO.S., 1'ubs, 73:1 Sansomst., Phlla., I'a. nnitirin I 110 llot dceelted by prennturo buoks uaiibiuu 1 nssumtng to bo "ollleial" etc. Dee.6-lw THE HOPE OF REWARD Is w hat induces bo many people In search of .SlI.i:.II FAKMING I.ANO to go to M Ichlgan, ami select from tl o ONE MILLION OP ACRES of tho land grant of the Grand llaplds and Indiana it. K. Co. strung soils, suro crops, plenty of timber, no drouths, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. 1'uro water, running siie.ims, ready mirkets, civilization and se'iools. Hallroad runs through centro of grant. I'rleo fioinM to $10 per acre. Send for our Illustra te) I pimphlcl. full ot facts In airman and liugllsh. Say In what paper )ou saw this notice. Address W. 0. HUGIIAKT, Land Comm'r.. OltAND HAl'IDS, MICH. Title I'erfcc. Dee s, ls7S-3m d T. D. Kellogg's Advts. II 31 I T X T II),V GOLD WATCHES, CHAINS & JEWELRY. This metal has all the brilliancy and durability of gill, Wab heoSi5.ii'i. A S5 each, chains from $-'. to$w. each. We will tend them bv express to bu paid for on delivery. Send 11 stamp for our -id circular. Ad'liess Collins lletul Watch factory. s liruadnay. New York. 1'ost Olilco llox UM. E)l)ee. vii. 4 w k Jul) riKDAlt VATS AND TA.N'KS.-for l.icw Vycrii, d) ers, chemists, manufacturers and prltate dwellings. 01:0. J. ni'ltKlIAUT ,t Co., June u-taw. iiuiionwoou St., below Uroad. BUHItEK GOODS of evcrv tlescriplimi, .lieltlng, Packing, Hose, Hoots aiid Shoes, Cloth ... .W. IIP 1IA11D LI'.VICIC, SON JC CO.. 721 IChObt nut St., l'ldladelphla, Agents National Itubber Co. JuneD-isw. E: ZB-LL'S , NCYCLOP E"D I A; New Kevised Edition. articles, s.000 011. grnvings, and is splendid maps. Tho IltejT lioon of knowledge In ilia language Now In eoursoof publication. MT.CIMKN with map sent iwi u tcms. Aursi is IVAN I KD, CMAS. II. O.VVIS & CO., IMllla. Apr2S-ly. ' ISXCELSIOK BEST AND OHEAP1CST IMUNTINC INK IN TIIK JIAHKKT, llun luy St., NKV YOltK. Aug. 11, lo.-isw k Babcock & Wyeth's Ads Is taken Internally, and Positively Cuies liheuma tlsm. tiout, Neuralgia and I.unibagu. ti-sold by Wholesale and Itetull Druggists 01 eri where. Send fur elrculur to. , HlXl'lIENSTINi: IIF.NTL1SY, Druggists, Wushlugloii, D. C, Oct, a, '711,-ly. 11 & w a day at homo. Agents wanted. Outntand terms flee. 'I'HHE. A: CO.. AUL-ustu. &fatnn. arch lu, "(t-ty. Verbatim Reporting. TKlt.MH j Actual Iruitdlhg., boarding-, and oilier eziicnscs; nu uuuars u session, luriuKingtiie teiiort; nud tim eenls a folio, ( hundred words, ) for writing out Into lung-hand. Where tho matter reported In ono day equals or exceeds fifty folios, tho live-dollar fee will bo remitt ed, and the tianserlblng wug-hand charged ut llflccn cunts 11 folio; but, . all such cases, if fewer uiuii iiuj luiiua uie jmiciiuscu, euu uie uouars win bo chargtsl, AlhfilMS. H. N. Walker. A.M.. Clinrl.slnoi.. taphcr, lllooinsburg, Columbia county, I'cunsyliu nla. Itesldonco.-' Iron street, between Third and rourtn. Ollli 0. With E. E. OrvU, Esq. , Coluinblan-bulld. ing; entranco.opposlto tho east gate to tho court- Ofilee-huur, from twelve to one o'clock, leb 18, l7(l-ly OTICK. From this date the llloomsburi. Onn rvimnnnv u 111 put In service pipes at nrst cost and f urulsii and set uii-lu a ui tuur uouaro eaeu. The company navu on hand a lot of gas tar suited or painting roofs, aud posts or other timbers placed underground. r i-niw ii) ceuia per gallon or n.00 per barrel. 00. 116-,"j o. W, MILLKIt, be this vxrtn is on nut with ROVELL & pHESMAN . Advertising AgenU, THIRn 4 CHESTNUT 8T8., ST. LOUIS, "VTEW STCX C OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlomen'rNpxottO &0&s,4 DAVID LOWKNUEUO Ihvitesattohlloiitohls lardiandclcgantstock Cheap and Miple Clotliini, MAIN BTItEET, IN Till NEW 11LOCK, BLOOMBUUnO TA., whero ho has Just rccclrttl from New York nnd rhlt ndclphlaatitllassor nentof MliN'S and boys clothing, Including tUo most f.uIilonaUo, durable and 1.C0N3ISTIN0 OH 1JOX,' SA0K-, MUM t A.ND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS. OP ALLSOltTS SIZES AND COI.OH3, lie has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CAl.hl.MKllLS, STltiriil), FKIUItED', ANDJPI.AI;'KSTH, "UI11TS, CHAVATSJ SOCRij, COLL A US, llANDKEKCHIEFS, rSOLOVEH, SDSl'KNDKItS, AND FAN O YiSAItTlOLiKS. Ho haa constantly on hand a lnrgo and well select ed assortment ot ' Cloths and Voatings, widen ho Is prepared to make to Older Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and in tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear and most of It is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WAT01IUS AND JKWBLKY, OK EVEHY DKSCHIl'TION, PINE AND C11EA V. C I HIS CASE OF JEWELltY IS NOT bUltl'ASSED 1H THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE III3 OENEIIAL ASSORT MENT OK Clothing, Watches, Towelry, &c. DAVID LOWENUEUO. July 1,'73-tf. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE I'HICE OK I'AINTS, OILS, HlifSIlUS, JAI'AN DUYHI! A" runv. Btrlctly l'UHI! WHITE LEAD 11 cents perpounJ, guaranteed equal tei any In tho market, MONTOUK WIIITi? LE.uTat lo cents per' pound, equal to any for durability. MONTOUK SLATE PAINTS a, 9 and 10 cents per ( pound, according to color. JIONTOL'It METALLICiTiToWN .8 eenls per pound. Thu best Klro-l'roof Iron I'alnt In the Market, MONTOUIt JIErAI.LIOlTittlW'Ndry 2 and 3 cents per pound. According to quam Ity, Ilest Quality of I'alnt llriislicsat low prices. PURE LINS33F.D OIL which we buy In largo quanlltles, direct from tho Manufacturer, nud olTn ut tho lowest, .Maiket price. JAPAN DRYJ3U. Acknowledged bv nil our leading Painters to bo tho best In tho Market. All our goods are guarantied us represented nnd our paints to bu ground In puro Unseed oil, or thu lnoiiov refunded mi doinuiid. send for samplo card uud price list with testimon ials. IIKNKY 8. 1U5AY, Kolo Mumil'actiiier. llUPEllT, l'A. May S. -Tfl.-ly. J. Weaver & Go's, Adv'ta. PITTSBURG, PA. Tho most completo lastltutlon In tho VnltcdStatos for tlio thorough practical educallou ut young aud inlddleagod men. tlVStudi-iita reeelM il nt nny tlnie.a J Address, for circulars containing lull particulars, Hut n, , J. C. SMITH, A. SI., Principal. Bopt. 8, "76.-IU1. W CU $20,000 m GOLD ! AND 0TIIUH VAIiUAHLK'PHKMIUMS IIIVEN TO THOSE WHO WORK FOR TELE TIMES I Tho CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES Published for H3 jears, hns a National character and lnllueni'o, with patrons 1 uvery stalo undTerrttory In the Colon, and of ull shades und politics, lis new department, HOMES roil Tlin rEOl'IiB , In Iho South and far West, will bo invaluable tunl looking out for Nkw Placxsop IIssiokncb. Kiery Patron ot The Times la present! d, freo of charge, wllh an Illustrated Year-liook of vahiallu Information forHIf.aloao worth the pi lea .01 the paper. 1 1 lin'erprlslng men wanled everyhcreitoso)l,:lt subscribers, und secure our t'old aid otter itluablo Premiums, Asmnplo copy of tti i liiulis, our lllustralid List of Premiums lo bo 1lven1 to 11 ,1 vi.ti.1 uuuuuicuib, i,iu uo seuifroi CINCINNATI TIMES CO i w, inirabi., fine oca t Dec. '7-lin J W ii L'o 1 TVINS" PATENT IIA1K CHlMl'KltS. I Adopted by ull tho queens of fashion. Mend for uuumr. i-,. tvijso. no. xvod Aortn Fiitn street. Philadelphia, Pa. Dee, 8, '70-Hiu J W Co JOI1 1'ltlNTINQ j OP EVERY DESRIPT10NA JiXIiOUTID WtOMlTLY Ax tii OceuiiUH Important to Lawyt .Tulle rf thnl'nnen. nonfltnhlCS. KxeCS mtnlstriitors, lluardlan, Township omcers, 1 ness men generally, V havo on hnnd a Ifltgo assortment blanks for tho Ufo of Attorney" ttublo s blanks of ail mnas, now anu iieeet for Administrators Ac. ..... "fl Ai,, ATTOHNEY'H 11LANK8. 'reelpofor Biitnmons. Utile to tAko Depositions. 1 u rhnnsn Arbitrators. I cents apiece, or I1.7& per hundred. l'etltlon for Appointment ot Guardian. " " Clintlon Ilulf to tako Depositions. Narr In Debt, with confession, " ' Assumpsit. Mechanics Lien. . , 4 cents each or KM per hundred. l'etltlon for saie or ueai i.siulo o euiitn v..... JUSllUSn IILrtHIVO. Submenu, bummons, Warrants, Eiccntloi ssccniscacn. liases Hlue Deeds l'crchmciit Deeds..... Agreements Orphan's Court sales Constable's Soles Mortrnco and Hcnd GCCh 10 " 10 " 6 " so for fen 19 " All kfiids Of Notts...... Il sinus ot time o... "., ltecelots. Notes, school orders, Poor Orders l Ordeis, unatly bound, couetnutlyon nana, ct to oi uer on Miori nonce. Wnaie' ureoaredto doncatcr lobworktn( other idfflce In this coanty, .,.,, ill tUD IS HA1 (Vl-U.l... Editors nnd ' roprleti cf till) COLItllt llloomthur "Viiquctlionabhi the Het Suttaintd Ml Ml. l-.-.l.'.. II,. lt',., Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. JVntlfCN tit: the rr N Tho Mnenrlne hns nltslned In Its ono quarto lur nnd moroff cxlsteneotu that point w'u luai lw said of it, In Hie word3 0f Dr. Johnsi t Is v'idu lo blame and useless to pnIJ." The Ut; t Its long-ago attained reputation has Increas'i the M'rs haio pissetl, and Its future S'en blight If not brighter thin at. tinv time slnec Ridden huoof pixisnerlty settled uruuud Its latti Best j ears. Brooklyn Eagle. Harper's Montldy Is marked by the same cht tcrlstlcs whteli u vo It circulation Irctn tlu with the belter elassof readeis. It snmblticsr Ing mutter v Ith Illustrations In a way to miike i and vivid tho facts presented. Pictures mere', signed to i ntc i His ej e of tho Ignorant nro nci. scried. Chicago Join mil. TE11MS: Postage Freo to All Subucrlbersln tho United SI Harper's Magazine, ono car, U oo. W oo includes prepayment ot V. S. p03tago bj luibllshers. . . subset Iptlons to Harper's Mngailne, weekly liazur, 10 one nnurusa 101 unu Jisvr, n , ui, in Harper's Periodicals, lo ono address for oneyilj Ani'traconv of 'either tho Mnsrailne. Weekl liarar will bo sumilWd cnitls for every Club of 1 subscribers ut M to each, lo one remittance i w coplt s lor lan ou,v7itnouicxiracopy: postage ir Hack Nuinbes can bosupplled at any time. The Volumes t the Magazine commence with Numbers for June mid December of each car. I icrlptlotis may rommeneo wiui nnv numecr. w luitltno issp'Clflcd, It will bo untlerstood Hi.' subscrllier wishes to beglo with llrst number o c-nentioluuio, nnd buck numbers will bo sesi eordliigly. A complelo Hot of Harper's Magazine, now e prlRlng 63 Volumes, In neat cloth binding, wt st cipress, freight nt expense of purchaser Simper vol me. Slnglo numbers bv mall, post :i o i. (loth cases for binding, ts cents, by i postpaid.' A Completo Anal) Heal Index to tho first Volumes of Harpers Magnzlno hus Just been Hsbed, rendering available for rctcrenco tin nnd varied wealth of Integration Which constlt this periodical a perfect illustrated literary cjcl dla. svo, cloth U IK) ; Half Calf, $3 'a. Sent po' prepaid. Newspapers aro not to cpy this advertise wliuoui the express order ot Harper llrothen AddroJS llAltl'Ell & IIIIOTHEHS, New Yq 3CRIBMS MONTHLY. An Unrivaled Illuctrated Magasint The prospectus for the now voltimo gives Iho I of moio than lift v tinners (inosllv HlustruteC wrltersof the highest merit. Under the head ol "KOUEIGN TltAVEL," wo havo "A Winter on tho Nile," by Oen. McClt "sauntcilngs about Constantinople," by Chn Dudley Waineri "out of My Window at Mosci by Eugeno schujler ; "An American in Turkish etc. '1 Urea serial stories aro announced : "iNlOHOLAS MINTUltN," Hy Du. Holland, (ho Editor, whoso storv of "Sevenoakes" eavo tho highest MuclUti tu the tenders of the Monthly. , Another serial. "His Inheritance." bv Mhn Tr on. "I" begin on tho completion ot "That Iji.' Low. le's," by Mrs. HodgBo.i llurnett Mrs. Hume stoiy, begun In August, has niathosanddraini power which have been a Hurprlso to the public. 'lliero lslubo aserlesof tu iglual and extulslt lllustratid papers of "Popular Helenco," by i. Hcrilck, oacli paper complete In Itself. Thero aro to be from vat lous paas, papers on "HOME LIKE AND TltAVEL." . i.n ..oniM tel itn t-tri.Gl Inns nt, In tnwn nn1 mtin llic, illlagu luiproi imeiits, etc., by well-known tt, claims. . Mr. Itarnard's nrllclos on various industries Ureal llilteilti will liuludo "'ihe llrltlsh Work, , ro...... I innwi "tl K U.tftfui nf Sihnnl'ppnnnt iilln'm.Fi 1 a wock lor ino i nnu,- eic. A richly Illustrated series will bo given on "An. lean Spurts by I'lood nud Field," by lurlous wrlb! uud eucli on u d liTerent theme. The subject ot "HOUSEHOLD AND DOME DKCOItATlON" wlllhavoa prominent dacc, ivhllst tho latest p mictions of Auierlean fiumortsts will appear fr month to mouth. 'Iho Hit et suoiter Slorles, graphical and other sketches etc., Is u long one. The editorial department will continue to cmp: thu ublest pens at home uud ubruud. There will' a series of letters on lllerary mailers, Irom Loud bilr. Welford. FIFTEEN JIONT1IS FOK S4. Scrlbner for December, now ready, and wld contain.! tho opening chapters of "Nicholas M turn," m.HI bo read with tngereunosity nnainteri rcriiaps liu llltnu ii'uuuuiv iiuuiuei ui liiib iuugdA lias nit been issued. Tho llrto numbers ot scilb for August, soptember and October, containing ' opening chapters ut "'Hint Lasso' Lowilo's," I imrivpi loovervnew subserlber twho lenuests anuwhoso subscrlpll'm begins wllh the present t i,.nn i r . with llm November number. Subscription price, ft a year-S5 cents a numbt Special terms on bound volumes Subse'llbo ulth t" nearest bookseller, or send u cheek or P. O. inon order to S0RIBNER & CO., 'U3 Ilroaelway N Y. flAIL . ROAD TIME TABLF P UlLADKIil'lIA AND ItEADIV: "(,ai AIJHANGEMENT OF I'ABSENGEI TItAINS. July l?, 1870. TIUIS'S I.HAVE HITK1IT AS 10I.IOWS (fPNDAV tlftrj i or isuw ont, rntiauciphla, Heading, Pottsilt Tnmaquu, tic, 11,33 a. m For Catawlssa, ll,5!i u. m. andf.SS p. in. For Will lainsiort, 0,28 0,31 a. m. and 4,co p. m. TKAINStOII ItUrKUT I.EAVS AS 1-0LLOV B, (SUNDAY SI CEITEU.) U'avo New York, 8,43 a. m. Iavo Philadelphia, l,ls a. nr. Loave Heading, 11,3 m. in., i'ottsville, lv,l p. m and Tamaqua, l,so p. in. Leave Catawlssa, c,so 0,2s a. in. and 4,00 p. in. Leave Wllilamspoi t , a.111,1 a,oo in. and r,oo p. m Passenseis a ml from New York nnd Phllado plda go tnruusM u lthout change of cus. J. E. WOOTTEN, Jan.ll, U70-tf. Concral Superintendent. NoirniicitN COMPANY. CENTKAL ItAIIAVAY On and after November 20th, 1673, trains w 111 leave SU.N'llUHYasfollowBi NOltTIIWAHD. Erlo Mall a. m arrivo Elmlra u.eo a. " Cnuandalgua,., O.ssp. m ltochoster 6.1s " Niagara 9 41) Itenovo nccommodat Ion u. m. arrive Wllllnnv Hli.KSp. m. .' Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlTn"Vr,-Mrii l",t;iin,m. llutTalo Express T.15 a. in. anlvo UutTalu .t0 10. , , MHJTIIWAHD. 1 Huffalo Eipress 8.M) a. m. arrive Harrlsburg IM M KlmlraMal. 11.15a. m arrivo SbTrl " Washington 13.60 'j. " Haltlmore 0.80 ' " Washington "I bgSpTm0,laUOn 8-40"-ul'a"'v I'rrl, arrive Baltlmoro g.S5 a, if Erie Jlntno.. . . " W'f-Ston 0.13 V Erie Mall u.m a, m. arrive Harrlsburg 8 os a. m. " lialtlmore 8.40 III dsuy oicept sunday.Wa6lJlnston l"-tB " 1 D. M. 1)0 YD, J r., (Jeneral rassengcr Age j n, o. uAssATT, tieneral Manag( BUS1MESS OAItDS, VISITINO CAltlis, urrmt heads, DILL HEADS, I POSTElts. A-n in atlyana Cheaply printed at thoCoLtj: bian Office. Public so-e hand a rs . s ,1 rtl'.W JiVlltcu at hub SJ"F-V 4 I k s. . - ' ft ktsrv J I 1 4fBSPffiffiffiSa m i ' S if , f"'r!it,"''j'f'