THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COL NT Y, PA j f 1 Humorous. A ldy writes about the "watery, sober moon," when rcallr lho moon was full, It was A little boy In New Jersey who said, "Yes, soda water's good it's like you foot's asleep." The Ge6rgta negroci havo degenerated since the war. Ono U them died, the other day, from a kick in tho forehead by a mule. The rabbit is timid, but no cook can make it quail. I Graphic. Almost a Rood thing; only a haro breadth escape. In an Iowa Court a man testified that nice yaller doc, without any tail , brought u in a rcipeciuble umlly, was worth $10." A iiortria newspaper nliuues to "a new dog home, construct cd for ono of our citl xens." "Don't you think you have a prejudice gainftjhe prisoner?" asktd a lawyer of witness. "Very likely," was tho reply, have caught him stealing two or three times." J A hotel Is advertised as "kept by tho wid w of Mr. Drown, who died last summer 011 i new And improved plan,' ( Pretty girls aro llko confectionery in more ways than one, lhcy nre sweet, they arc expensive, and they are conducive to heart burn. A man at Kransville, Inil., who attemp ted suicide by shooting last Sunday, and did not succeed, was fined the next day fo booting inside the city limits, Benedict assures us and we have no rea son to doubt his word that sinco his mar riage, whenever he misses the last train he is sure to catch it. All hairpins look alike to men, but let a wllagooflou a visit and come home and And a hairpin near the gate, and iho can' Wait a minute to grow red in the face. Information wanted as to tho whereabouts of any article which did not receive the highest AWArd at the Centennial. Needn't be particular about inclosing stamp. i Men, says Adam Smith, aro naturally un sentimental, A man will scoop tho bottom out of an egg without thinking tint the mother of that egs H perhaps a hundred miles away cut in the rain. A lady much given to tattle, said the nev er told anything except to two sorts of peo pie thoso who asked her, and thoso who didn't. Tho late Prof. Snell, of Amhentt College, kept a weather record for moro than thirty years, taking observations three times a day. The only benefit gained was in knowing when to set out cabbage plants. Tho Knoxville Whig figures it up that rum costs the United States $200,000,000 anaually, and the clergy $2,000,000. Why not abolish the clergy? We must econo mize. 'It sometimes happens that a man ran sacks, the whole bouse for a pin, and, una ble to find one, drops into a chair in dis gust, and is immediately and unexpectedly rewarded for his search. Excellent but rather tough -looking beef Isjpoir sold very cheap in the Buffalo mar kcts, and every body keeps wondering what the canal companies do with their horses during the winter. A curious typographical error appeared In a morning paper recently. In giving an Account of an inquest, it was stated "the de etMed boro an accidental character, and the jury returned a verdict of excellent death." Ap exchange says : "A fat man can sit on the thumb nail of the statue of the Goddess of Liberty to be erected in New York har bor by the Frenchmen. But no pure minded Goddess of Liberty wants a'fat man tilting en her thumb nail. A French marquis has succeeded In rais ing a three pound potato on his farm, and the-Paris journals aro making twico the fuss ever it that wa made in this country when Horace Greeley put a peck of turnips on the market. The TAunton Gazette makes this record : It was a good and prayerful old lady of this city who said she had stopped praying for her;' husband because "I have prayed for that man so long without effect that I think the Lord has jost as poor opinion of that man as I have." "What's the difference," asked a Centen. nial visitor, pointing to Memorial Hall, "what's the difference between that build ingr and a vein in a young lady's arm?" 'Why, one's an art gallery and the other's A gal artery." They carted him off in an ambulance. They attempted to tako one of Ilarnum's new giraffes across Ithode Island last week, just as it was on tho Massachusetts line it reached ovor and ate up about half of a hay stack in a farm yard in Connecticut and when the farmer came out with a club and attacked the Connecticut end, tho Massachu setts end got mad and kicked a man in Boston, and nearly killed him. It created a good deal of excitement at the time in Rhode Island, and most of the people stepped out of the State till it was over. One night, we were Bitting out-of-doors in the moonlight, unusually silent, almost sad. Suddenly atrne one a poetic looking man with a gentle, lovely face said in a low tone : "Did you ever think of the beautiful lesson the stars teach us ?" We gave a vague Appreciative murmur, but some soulless clod said,,; "No, what Is it?" "How to wink," he answered, in a sad, sweet voice. Bald one fellow to another: "If I was as flat-footed as you, I would not bo afraid on the sidewalk. "Yes," was the response j "some people are flat on one end, and some on another." And then the first chap looked thoughtful, and went on down street. A frontiersman was requested by the sher iff to come to the jail to identify an inmate who was charged with a serious offence. "I'll go and look at him, but I am not go log to be familiar with him until ho apolo gizes for shooting my brother-iti law last fall," was the native reply of the guileless child of tho flower-bespangled prairies. A beggar accompanied by his dog, standi ' at a Paris street corner, lie displays a pla card; "ITare pity on the blind." He is caught attentively regarding a coin dropped Into tali cup. "Ah I you can see then." "Yes." "Why then the placard f" "Itjs not for myself I beg. It is my dog who it blind. Agricultural. Selecting Dairy Cows. A good constitution is important. This may bo judged of by the luslro of tho hair and the brilliancy of the horns and eyes Constitution deponds mostly upon th heart and lungs, thoslzo of which maybe determined by tho depth and breadth of the thorax. They should have a good dovclop mcnt, enough to sccuro health nnd vigor. but the lungs, in particular, should not b excessively large,. When very large, they burn up, by Increased resolution, tho fat forming material, By tho extraordinary energy they create, they Induce usual oxer clso and motion, which make a rapid waste ol tissue and n rapid assimilation to rei! it, and thus divert nutriment from produ clng milk. If too small, tho nntmal may he an excellent milker vhlie she lives, but will be feeble nnd shortlived. The capacity of the lungs correspond: with the size of tho apertures, through which they are filled. Larjre, open nostrils hull cato largo limes nnd vico versa, In the same way, tho Indications of tho mouth cor respond with the size of the stomach. Tho chine is regarded as it it Index fn milk 'ng capacity. When It is double, it denotes breadth of vertebrae, which corresponds to tho broad open structure, which Is favora ble to n largo flow. It is an accompaniment of broad hips nnd those in turn donote a large cavity which li osscntinl to good milkers. Tho milk mirror, or escutcheon of Gue non, is ono ot tho leading indications ol milking capacity. It consists of tho pecu liar appearance ol the hair on the udder, liokwg at the hind part ol tho cow, moro or loss of the hair which covers the udder and adjacent parts, will be seen to turn upward and on ward. This ro versed hair forms the so called escutcheon. If the spaco occupied by tho upturned hair, espe cially tho lower part of it, is very large and broad, so that it extends outward on to tho thighs, it is regarded as indicating a largo Mow of milk. If tho upper part of it is broad nnd smooth, it is regarded as favorable to a prolonged flow. If tho rovcrscd part of it is narrow and irregular on its upper part it is unfavorablo to a long flow. Tho man' ner in which the inverted hair connects with tho hair adjacent, is supposed to have significance. A gradual blending, rather than abrupt connection is preferred. The connection of the escutcheon (or scutcheon) with the flow of milk, is accoun ted for by Magne, who says that tho hair turns in the direction in which tho arteries ramify, and that the reversed hair on the udder and adjacent parts indicates tho tcr initiation of tho arteries which supply tho udder with blood. When these arteries arc large, they are not confined to tho udder, but extend down through it, and upward and outward, ramifying on tho akin beyond tho udder, giving the hair tho peculiar ap pearance which distinguishes it from the rest of tho surface. If tho arteries supply ing tho udder with blood are very small they aro not likely to extend much beyond the udder, and hence form n small escutch eon. Hence a small escutcheon indicates a feeble supply of blood to the udder, and consequently but little material to make milk out of, and hence a small flow of milk. L. B. Arnolds's American Dairyincr. Experience with Alfalfa. A correspondent of Oolman't Rural World gives his experience with alfalfa as follows : I have just finished cutting and gttting in my first crop of alfalfa, and am very much pleased with the result. Sown one year ago the roots now penetrate the ground to the depth of three feet. During the first season's growth, the smart-weeds grew six feet high and had to be cut and removed, the ground having been very weedy, nnd tho season very wet. Now, however, the alfal'a has fully smothered tho weeds and taken pos sesion of tho ground, nothing being seen at the time of cutting but tho mass of pur ple blossoms and green leaves. Not being Me to learn when to cut it, from any of the numerous article publNhed in agricul tural papers about this grass, I followed the ml o fur other grawes nnd cut whi'o in full bloom ; and it has madn a fine nnd very fragrant hay. It is greedily devoured by 11 kinds of stock, nnd no injury has result ed from early and pretty full feeds of it. The stems appear tough, wiry nnd woody, and havo not a pith like red clover; but I find noue of them left by cither my mules, nines or cows. It certainly cures more rea dily than red clover, and is less liablo to heat. By reason of an accident to my mowing machine, and tho rainy weather, it is some ten days since I bciran cutting the alfalfa, and already tho second crop is well started here the cutting was begun, and tho hands fear it will be ready to cut again by the time they finish cutting somo late timo thy. I had been unable to get any information as to which cutting ofalfalfi should be thrashed for seed until I met an old Ger man who raised it in Germany, where they run it through a cutting box and mix it with bran, etc., to fatten hogs upon. He Bays I must leave a portion of tho first growth to stand and produce seed that it ill grow and bloom and ripcu seed for a mouth or two after it should bo cut for hay. before tho ieed lobes will be filled and rino for cutting. Handy Helps. There aro some things which a farmer wants but ouco a year, and there aro others hloh ho always should have ready. No tool comes oltencr into play than a ham mer for example, Kvery new or old wood en tool thouid bo oiled. Have u barrel or keg or can of crude petroled m always ready in your shop. Keep everything well anoint ed. The crude oil goes right into the pores nnd makes any wood durable at cedar Keep it constantly on hand, Again, pave, oyery pitco of rope, and leather strap. They will he useful for repairing. The next time you go to n hardwaro store, get fifty ceuts' or n dollar's worth of copper wire nnd copper straps. Copper wire Is n grc deal better than iron wire, becnuso it is much more flexible, liko cord, and copper straps are capital for repairing any fracture in woodwork, it may bo so easily wrapped around, or nailed on with small nulls of different sizes, that will clinch readily when you mo them. You will remember that in driving these or any other nails into hard wood, they will go moro easily by first touching tho points with n little greiwe, but do not let tho greaso get on the face of tho hammer. Ooal ashes have a wonderful effect upon pear trees, especially those growing in light soil, The ashes of last winter were used around the trees in liberal quantities, and those treated havo outgrown anything in the orchard, Homo that were even sickly, and apparently ready to give up their hold on life, have been restored to perfect health by thone remedies. fSrhrnrk's Mnmlrnke l'lllo. Will be found to possess thoia qualities necessary w uiu iuuu erauicatiua otwi uiuous auacKS,nronipi to start the secretions nt tho llver.and glvo n healthy tno to the entire system. Indeed, It Is no ordinary unvuiery in ineuicai scienco to nave invcnieu j remedy for these stubborn complaints, which devel op all tho results produced by a heretofore too treo us oi ciuomet, a mineral justly oreaaeo ny man kind, nnd arknowledeed ti be destructive In iho ex. tremo to Iho human system. 1 hat tho properties ot certain vegetables eomprlso nil the virtues of calo mel witnoutus injurious lenuencios n now nn ad mitted fact, rendered lnrilmnitnhln liv scientific rn. seat-chess nnd llion who uw Iho Jilumirnko Pills will be fully siillsllcil that tho best medicines inu thoso provided by nature in tho common herbs and roots Ot 1UO UC!d4. These Pills open tho bowels and correct all bilious derangements without salivation or any of Ihe Inju rious t-rtects of calomel or ol her txibotis. 'i hs sect e- tiou in one is promoted by uwao puis us will bo seen by tho altered eo or of Iho stools, nnd ill-nmicnrlnir of tho sallow complexion aud cleansing of tho wilful;. Ample directions for uso accompany each box of pills. Prepared only by ,1. It. Schenck & their principal omoe, corner sixth slid Arch streets, Phil. uu i una, aim nir sine ny an artiCiHts una aoaiers. Pilco 13 cents per box, Dec. PUBLIC REPORT OF A POLICEMAN. 1 have not enjojed good lienllli for several jenrs,)et liuve not nllotTe.1 It to Inlcrferu with my knows the Inconvenience ir being oblged lo labor when tin- body, frnm debility, ulmct leiuses to per form Its dally tusk. I never nns a btllcurln dosing nltli medicines s but liavinir heard 1 no VcirotltiM .tuur. iwery uciu irtur to I ut innunni? riass tpuken of so highly, ivns determined to try it, unci Mull never renal thu detennlnntlin. An aloulc (which every on) needs at suoio time) It surpasses I fUHUf I VtlT llUrini UI. It UlYlglHUlCS IMC IVIIOItJ Mem: It Is a L'rent cleanser nnd ouiltlcrof mo blood. 'Ili-'futtru many of my itoiiuuluiunces ttlu. li ivt! t 'ken It. and all unite In nndsu if Us siUlsMc- iury i urn. hsneilkibr nmone the ami class cf rconle. Itlm pans to thoin the one thtng m .st nccd.ui m old ago inputs iti rdim, nivect repose, in.'.eu.Y Mrencmen Inr llio mtnd 1L4 well ii4 tin l..ulv. uip,i t.nlv. wuo lias tieu suffering through life from scrofula mid tins oleoma umm .rum its vnurts, limn? tried hum remedies with no favorable reanl' v,is Induced 0 friends to try tho Veirclltie. Alter taking are.v oottlsi, RlKMiliUltii'd sneli gr at relltf that flio ex nresse.1 a fur her stffi.t. that slu intent. he able to iuok up jn uio mini who nan seat nor sucu a oies. nig lours respcctriiuy, u. ". it. iiuin.t., rouco uuicer, station t, Uoston, .Mass , .Muy , tall. heartfelt" prayer. 6t. PiVL. All?. 22. lftflt. If. It. Stovcns. Ksn.t T,.l.lf. 1 .Hnihl.l ha ir.ntlH. In 1 1 ...In , failed to acknowledge what tho Vegctlno has done tor rap. i wus mincKoa aojut eleven months since with UroncliltK which settled Into (Joniumpllon. I had nleht swcaU und rover clilIU: was tUatrramii for breath, and frequently Fplt Mood; was all emaciated, Tcry weak, and so low that my friends buuuKiib ill) uusu iiupijiunf. I was advised to maku a trial of tho Veifetlne That ho may ble.-u tho uia of your mcdlclim to nui,u. ,UIU,I lllu U.IUCIIIU Ut llUi 11113 till L'tl U1U uiucis, u3 iiu iiiui in iiiv, uuu iimb ins uiunu pruco miiv ubicim juu. 13 iuu uuarueib prujur ui your aa 1U1I1UK, ItUUl'JIU BUITUUU T. 8. sllno Is hut ono nmontr tho manv cure vnnr llli.NJA.MI.N I'UrriMIIU. UKUU1UV UlU ClIVVKU IU 11113 11, 1, MAKE IT PUBLIC FOctii llna-roN. TVn 0. IfiTl 11. 11. OK;,t;ua,i-V, Dear Mr I have heard fromverr tnanv fiourooa nf tho creat success of Vcgctlno In coses of scrofula, Ithcumatlsm. Kidney Complaint, Catarrh, and other sav tnif that 1 know Vepretlne to bo tho most rcllabk) uiseasua ui humruu I aiuru. i mnKa nn iirKitaiinn in reineuy ror uiuann anu uenerai uebinty. aiy who nas ooen trouuiod wun uatarrn for many cars, and at times verv uodlv. sho has niorniiL.hii' rled every sunnosed remedy that wn rnnid hear i,r unu wiiai uu mis sno nas lor several years oecn :iuuu.utjr kiowiu i.urse, iuiu mo uiscnargo irom ho head was cxcesslt o nnd very off enblve. She was In UUs condition when she com meneiil tn tako Vegctlno ; I could see that sho was Improving on tho second bottle. Sho continued taking tno Veg ctlno until sho hail used from ttverto to mtecn bot tles. I nin now happy in informing you and the fiuuiiu vii juu i:iiuu3u wj 1I1UKU lb puuut') inat SUO IS entirely eurod. and Vecetlna aceomDlhhed tho cum after nothing elso would, lleoco 1 feel Justified lu savlngthat Vcgetlnels tho most reliable remedy, and would advise all suffering humanity to try it. for I believe It to be a good, honest, vegetable mod Iclne, and I shall not hesftato to recommend It. I am, fie., respectfully. L. C. CAuDKLL. Store 151 Broadway. Veectlne acts directly unon tho causes nf thnsm comtililnts. It Invigorates and sti-engthens tho nolo system, acts unon tho secretive orirans. nJla r lntlammatlon. cleanses anil cures iilcpriitinn. nitroi constipation, and rcgulatea the bowels. Has Entirely Cured Me. IIoston, October, 1870. Sir. Stevens.! Dear Sir My daughter, after having a sevcro at tack of whooping cough, was left la a fceblo state of health, llelng advised by a friend sho tried tho Vego lne. and after using a few bottles was luuy restored to health. I have been a great sufferer from Itheumatlsm. I have taken several bottles of tho Vetretlno for this complaint, nnd am happy to soy it hits entirely curtd me. I havo recommended tho Vegctlno to others, with tho somo good results. It li n great cleanser anu punner ot the blood ; It H pleasant to tako ; und I can cheerfully recommend It. j Ajuun .nuitau, g&4 Atnens street. Nov. n.-lm Sola fcf all Drniists ana Dealers Everywhere. Ayer's Sair Yiaor For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onco agreeable, healthy, and ef fectual for pre serving tho hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color. ivith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its uso. Noth ing can restore tho hair where tho follicles nre destroyed, or tho elands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can bo saved for usctulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it win Keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair horn turning gray or tailing oil, and consequently prevent baldness. Freo trom tnoso deleterious substances which mako somo preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so destr able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustro and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., Practical mid Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. Oct. 13, 18Itl-ly iCOUNTER,PLATF0RM WAGON WRACK MM aXu AGENTS WANTED'S Ettn ron PRICE UST MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY N.Y. 72 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA. lOff BANK ST.CLEVF.O. PAPEtt 1UQ9 V31t 8AI.K AT TUB COLUMBIA OFJNCB . LOUIS BERNHARD, - UUiuMBUimo, PA. Dealer In ELOIN iSi Ol'HBn. WATCHED Silver and Plated Waro, FINE JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AO., JlKPAIllLXa A XI) LWmiA VJXO 1'roiiilitly U.vct'iilctt. GLAZING AND PAPERING. 7"M. F. HODINE, Iron Street below sec- i w onu. liioniiiRiiurcr. ia.. is nrnitfirnii in nn ni KU1U1 Ui I'AJNTINO, GLAZING, and PAPER HAKOIhO In the best stylos, at lowest prices, aud at short uuuee. Parties havutr inoh irk ti li rill save mone) calling on me. All work warranted totrlvo satisfaction. Orders soUcltod WM. F. HODINE. WarchS'J CALIFORNIA TUB CHICAGO A KOItTH-WISTEItN RAILWAY RmbrftCcs under ono mannirpmnnt tho nwntfrMtii- Hallway I.tnes of tho VEST mid NOM'lI-WKST.and, with Its numerous branches and connection. fnrm the shortest nnd quickest route between Chlcaco and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, NouTnEiiN Miciiijan, .Minnesota, Iowa, Nkbhasia, California turn uiu nvoKiu lamuilCBi lis Omalin ana Caill'nriiiii Mno Is the shortest and best route for all nolnlH In north. em Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska, Wjomlnp;, Colorado, Jcvada, Utah, California, Oregon, China, Chicago, MuiliNon & St. Paul Lino Is the short lino for Northern Wisconsin nmi Minnn. ouih, uuu lur .nauivui, ru ram, .Minneaioils,uiuutn, and all points In tho great Noi th-west. Its Winona and St. Peter Lino Is tho only routo for Winona, Itochcstcr, Owntonno, JIankatw. St. l'cter. New tlltn. nnd all nointa in touthern and central Minnesota. Its Green Bay nnd Marquette Line Is the only lino for Jancsvllle, Wntcrtown, Fond I)u Lar Ushkosh, Apnlcton, tlreen liny, ltecanaua. No. eaunee, Marquette, llouithton, Hancock and the Lake superior country. Its Frccport and Dubuque Line Is the only route for Eleln. Itockford. rrppnnrr. nnd all polr ta via Kreeporu its Chicago and Milwaukee Line tho old Lake Shore Itoute, ODdls the oi ly ono sslne through Kvanston, tako Foien, Highland ia, iTuiuii-feuu, neuutjuii i'j .UUWUUKCC. I'ullinnn Paaco Car arc run on all through trains of tills road. This Is tho ONLY LINK runnlnir theo cars be tween Chicago nnd St. l'nul.Chlcogo and Jlllwaukie. Ch Cairo and Winona. At Omulia our slecners' connect with thn oiprinns sleepers on tho Union Pacific 2(ulli oud for all points west of tho Missouri river. on tho arrival of tho trains from tho east or south, tho trulns of tho Chicago & North-Wcstera ltaim ay Inn. n f.i, ,nrrn no t. tio . FOB CODNCIL ULCFFS, OJUIIA AND CAI.H OHHIA, TWO through trains dally, with Pullman .iraHlng room nnd sleenlng cars through to Council Uluns. Fob ST. Pavl and MiNNKAi'Oi Is, two hrough trulcs dally, with Pullman palace enrs attached to both trnln.i. For Okkem Hav and Lake Summit!, two trains d.illy, with Pullman palace cars attached, and run. nlng through to Mar.iuette. Koa MiLWAtutr.s, four through trains dally, Pull man cars on night trains, parlor chair curs un day trains. For Starta and Winona nnd points In Mlnnosota, one through train dally, with Pullman sleeiierato Winona. For DrBCQCTt, via Frccport, two through trains dally, with lMllman cars on nlht train'.. For DCBtjQi'f and Iji cko-m:. Ma Cllntcn, two through trains dally, with Pullman curs on night train to McGregor, Iowa. For stot'x city and Yankton, I wo trains dally.Pull nun cars to Missouri Valley Junction. Koa Lake (ieneva, four trains dally, FOR liOCKlOHU. STHKMNIl. KENOMIA. Jlstsnn v and other points,! ou can hav e from tw o lo ten trulns uu.iy. Now York office, No 4t6 Broadway; IIoston ofttcc 1 btate ttitet: oinnha ofriec. v:s Faiiihi.m striw i . an Francisco onice, 121 .Munti:on.iry street; Clilca go ticket omces: Gl (lark meet, under siicrniim lloubot comer Canal anrl .VtnlihLii, k-ihti., street depot, corner V. Klnzlo streel.s; wens rtreei. uepoi, corner i ent nn.i iin7JQ strtels For rates or Information net attnlnnhln rmm mr home ticket agents, apply to W. II. Htknnktt, Marvin IIcoiiitt, (len. . ui';,chlc(.go Feb. J,76-ly uen. pass. Ag t, Chicago. TfjlSfAPEiISKEPTONFlLE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Sahsom St., PHILADELPHIA, IVUo uro our nntliorlzed DKenLi, nnd lll receive AdverlUeuicutM ut our I.OVliiT CASH HATIM. ALSRECHT & CO, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tho Alihifxiit & Co. Tianob nre firet-clasa in over' respect, boing con nulcretl tho leading l'liiladclpliia. maku by musicians and competent judges. Through their extonsivo lncihtics, Meshiw. Amireciit & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that aro not surpassed ony where, and ptill sell them ut prices within tho reach of all. No l'iano is permitted to leavo their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most mmiito particular, henco their guarantco of iivo years is a thing of value All loto im provements of importance uro found m thoso instnimcntM. Mcfc8ii8. Albrkcht & Co. liavo re ceived tho most ilattcring Testimo nials from L. JI. GoTTRCiui.K, Fkank Aiit, GwrAVK Sattkii, J. V. Himmeij?- DAClf, WlLLUM WOWIEFFKK and many other eminent artists, besides bejng ablo to refer to thousands of privuto piirchascrs. schools, ucmi nailcs, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per ordew by mail, carefully packed and shipped Bafely to any part of tho world, StayFur further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Julyli, lirt,-ly. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE TEU11S. BLOOMSBUHG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsbnrg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L; GRISWOLD, A. M., M. D Principal. 7;,Vuonu9srnrvr,S '" untltul supply of pure.soft, BPLocStlonUealthtul, and easy of access. Toaelicrs experlenecd, erne lent, nnd allvo to their work. Discipline, firm 1 but kind, nnlform and thoroujli. Expenses inndenite. Kitty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, llooins reserved whou aesiruu. Courses of study prescribed by tho Btato ! I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Klemcntary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. 1 1. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Pliy-ical Culture. Tho Hlementary. PUcntlflc and Classical Courses aro I-rtOlTssioNAU nnd Students graduating therein. rcceKo Stnto l)ln corresponding Degrees! Masterof too Elements; Master of tho sciences s Masterof the-Classics. Uraduates In tho other courses lecelvo .Normal tcniucntis 01 their attainments,, signed bi the (micers of tho Hoard of Trustees. , ,,, r,.,,,.,- TUe Htato roqulresti iiigher order of citizenship. liocouraool study nroseiiiie.ii.yiiw hna tlielr talents, as htudftiis. To till bucu It promises m Hnn pincicuL icaciHTS lor mr m.huuis. iu xmt L'ntaloirup. addross tho Tilnclnal. llftV ll'tt tltll I't VIM I 1Ui.l.lniil ll.m,l bt'pt, 8, 0." -ty TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or XNTmunsr to nvnnv one. t- A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, wltu n fldjaitablo back, nude to lupport tho back of tho titter while loaning forward In tbu onllnary position for playing, and by a itmplo arrangement, which Rives It a backward and at tho samo time a downward movement, follows his motions and supports him la any position without Interfering in tho least with tho freedom cf his movements. IS THE ClIEAPES'l &1UVKJJN TLlIi MAUI Bcciiuec the lletit jmsscs nicuiid ll.o liiK' BEATING THE WHOLE STOVE. Allowing no waste heat to pa's up tho cliiinncy. will do as much wor than JBLIZIT THE COAL For ECONOJIY and BEAUTYit cannot ho excelled. DO NOT FAIL TO EXAMINE THE AHGAND boforo buying elsewhere. FOR SALE ONLY BY ROLLINS & HOLMES, Bloomsburg, Pa. WHS A All in hinds GREEN TEA AND MAMMOTH Corner Main and BLOOMSBTJRQ, IF-.A.. Oott,l7U. The tlmoa ilcmnna It, It u ouo ol the prime objects ot vim n- eonuus yuunir ncrsona m iruuu uuuiuva iv4 bv itfd In developing ihelr powers, nudubundant gpporiumuca iunui i-aiumuui uuu "' f T..t 2d. A PLATFORM ROCKER OH CASTORS with tho Ions tay movement of the oldstjlc, without tho projecting rockers to mar other furniture and the bases of rooms; being, In fact, the only Platform Itoeker mods that has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for sale- by tho principal dealers throughout tho United States. tWlt not kept by any dealer In your town, tend to us for 1'rlco List and Catalogue. ET. as a lart'O stove of any other mnko villi less and prices BLACK TEA. AT GROCERY Center Streets 'W.101 o,n , pVirn to li i :vi. .....v. . 1.7 ri.:..i urt.i C'Of J. CJ. I'Jti:i:i:, Horrrlnry. BLOOMSBUKG MABBLE W0P.KS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIS BTIIKKT, IIULOW MAltKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOEKS WeusetUobcstAMEIilCAN nnd ITAHAN Mnrble. Ho has on !i nil and tarnishes to onlnr MONUMENTS, TOM US, HEADSTONES, UllNS, VASES, Ac. Kvery variety ot JIarWo cutting neally oiccutea .it ttio lowest market prlcci. A Ions practical experience nnd personal attention to business makes the proprietor confident or (Thing satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly uttcnUcu to. I', o. box m. BsayV. 11. Work delivered free of charrc."831 Au. 21, '7)-ly. T. L. OUNTOM, rr'oprlctor. Important to Lawyers. Justices of tlio Pence, Constables, llxecutorH, Ad mlnutralors, (lunrdlan, Township uniccru, and busi ness men (rencrally. Wo liavo on baud a laruo tUAnrtmcnt of le;;nl blanks for the uso of Attorncjo, Jusllccs and Con stable's blanks of all kinds, Nolo nnd Receipt books for Administrators Kc. 1" It I OR LIST. ATTOItNEVB IILASKS. 1'ieelpofor Humtnons. " " VI. I'll. " ' Itulo to take Depositions. " " " " cliooso Aibllrulors. 1 conts apiece, or fl.TS per Iiundml. l'etltlon for Aiipolntracntof (lu.irdlan. " " cltntl'.n llulo to tnko Depositions. Narr in Debt, with Confession, ' " As? umpslt. Jleclianlcs I.l.:n. I ceiit.s each or $3.r.o per hundred. Petition for bain ot Ileal l'.stmc s rents each. JUSTICE'S IILANKS. Subpoenas, Summons, Warrants, Executions, 8(. fo in cents each. Leases w Mux Deeds Parchment Deeds Agreements - Orphan's Court Sales Constable's Sales JloriKiiL'u nnd nond All kinds of Notts n cents each 10 " 15 " " ... lororflfi.) scents each .... 13 " 1 " " 'dnr Orders. RlJlrn llecelpts, Notrs, School Orders. : Oi del s, neatly bound, constantly ou band, or made w w.ui-i uu nuu. i iiuili e Wenie preparedto dontatcr Jobwcrktbannnj other olllco In this countv. IlltUCKWAY ft r.i.wm.i, Jjlltors nnd ' roprletors VI 1110 L,.1LUUI11 v. moom-iuuri;, GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases oftiii: Skin", Ueautifiks the Complexion, 1'rcvcnis AND RUMEDILS RllCUMAlISM AND GOUT, HKA1.S SORLS AND ABRASIONS OF TIIR ouricLr. and count lracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Ui.lm 1S1IES arising from local impurities nf tlm blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being n wholesome beautiher is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OP SUL- rmiR JIaths arc insured by the rsr. of Vlcnn'n Sulphur Soii, which in addi tion to its purifying cuects, remedies and I'RF. vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and I.INEU nnd frevents diseases communicated 11Y contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruit, prevents bold, ness, and retards grayness of the hair. l'hysicians speak of it in high terms. Pricos-25 and 50 Cents per Caka; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. D The jo cent cakes are triple llie she pf those a as cents. "UIL17S IUIU AND AVHISKKK BYE," Iliads or llron, 00 Ccnls. C H. CIUHEATOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,S.Y. Oct. M, 'iO.-ly, I.rfllilntUo Nallre Notice Is lierebv elver, tlut nn nniillrnllnn ulll lm made to tho IKliUturont their mailing session fur iuo(jituhuui uuuvi euiuieii ".mi Ai t. leiutin p w tho publication or legal ndvertislni; In tho County of Columbia," 'Iho object of tliU act Is to reiiulru ull van. uuu inner lui.eriisuiK reipureu to uo puous.nfii by tho Laws of this Commonwealth nnd thu ruins of uiu reapctuvu uourts tnereur, 111 tiioicouniy nt Co. lumbla, to bo printed nnd publlBhed In thu "Colum. uiuir- uiui "i uiumnia miuniy iiepuuitcau" two wrek ly newspapers published lu lllooiosburg, thu Usuuty sent of said lounty, n. a. iux' MORRIS MICHEL, IMlACTIUAIs IIAKO, ti;jvi:u a.w iii:iaiki:k. nLOOSISBUKU, PA. FIItST CUSS PIANOS AND OIIOJ1NS I'OK SAI.lf. itnnu I'lAKtis TAKUN IN KXCIIANCIK, OHDKH BV MAIL ntOJUTLY KXECUTK1), Deo t, 'Ifl-ly P A T E K T S . I'ersons detlrlui; totokjout patents, or desiring Information Irom tho Vnlted fltntos I'a ent Offleo ihould consult F. A. I.L'IUIANN, Solicitor of Amtrl can and rorcUn ratentx, Wnthlnuton, D, o. K mtnUon freo. NO I'ATJiNT NO J'AV. Bend for Circular, KAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pil.,AI)KU'IA AND ltUADINU JiOAI) AltKANOlflCNT OK TASSKNOKJl TJiAlNS. July is, is;. tiuiNsmrn nt'rrtiT as lonotMi (frNHAVntrnm Tor New York, riilliutclphlii, l:indlt,y, I cIIMIlle Tninuqtin, Ac, 11,1m it, m l'or Calnulsn, u, m. nnd ",fii p. in. I'er tlllliiiiisiiett,r,,ie 0,84 u. Mi. lil.ll J,l:fi p. in. TltAINSroil nlTEItT I KAVG AS I Ol I.O P. (St N1IAV .l nvtmi.) tnvo New York, f,4.l it. in. Leave l'litlntk Iphln, P,!f a. in, U-nsc Heading, 11,8 n. in., i'ottsUHc, 1 2,1 C p. in and Tnniaqiin, l,r p. in, Umw Cat.nt Issii, 0,20 c.Efj ii. in, nnit 4,( 0 p. in. Leavo Wllll.iirispoit on in, mill M0 p, rn Pus users i i d fi uiu Nov Vtikm.d l'ldindu plila go tliruug i uliotit change of ears. J. C. WOOTTLN, .Inn. li, Hlc-lf. (lenrinl Mipeiliiki.Utrit. JOKTllKltN (JKXTIiAI. KAlY.WAY i;o.mi'.m. On und after Xo ember 20th, IS73, lialnslll Hnc HUNllUUVas foilous: MJHTIIWAIID. Lrlo .Mull a. in., Mill.. Illinirn. it. mi n, " Cuiini.d.Hiiia. . p, in llociHtei d.iti ' Mtiiuii,. v 4i 11 liei ovo ll. II. Iimi, li,. hum V.n tin, II I2.fh1p. in, i:iiiilia.lnil4.1i,ii. m., unite I.linhn lluflnlo Kxpivw'.itm. in. unite i., n,. SOII'IIW AIM). Iluilnlo Lxprets t.tu it. in, hi mm- iiiurul me 4.11 n.n, " lialtln me .4.i " l'.lmllit Mull In., uliie I.:.) 1 K 1 1 1 1 1.1. ,n, " Silltilll.gllli " " LalllieuK i...... " llUlllifel lu t.iu " ll.tri'1'burgi.cconimoilntiuri b.411 p. in. unite lii.nis burg luxup. 111. nillte Pullln.eii '....' 1.. in ' Ul.rhll.Kt. 1 " l-i It Mull I'M a. 11,. i.rrlti llnrn.-i i ij. p ',1 i,.n. " Iiulllll.tlt tv,.. ' " M:iMili.j,lLii lu.r; All dully exct'i l Mil.tinj. I). M, I.OVII, ill., lieneiHl I uvi I.).. 1 a,i ii A. .1. CAtiHA TI, ti. nt 11. y. i.i.ige l KKiYiTvtmA kajl i.i-Ar. I hil:i.lilh u t1. i.i :- K. I,. l- i .. 1 . ' WINl'Kli ll.Ui: TA1I1.K. OX and nfter .SUXDAY) .NOV. .0, I (1 t liv ll'.ilns fill llie lii.ll.kili'tr.ltl.i a li... .....1 Dltlaleli will run us tullutts: WKSTWAlll). IIHIE MAIL leaies New York ... 8.CS p. m . .n.oop m . V.lnp. Ill . 4.'jr. a. in . h.1'0 II. IU . I..4II 11. Ill . 11.1 ll U. Ill .. p 111 lillndrlplilj " IlltlllllllllU. ' ' llaiilibiirg " " Wllll.llnspolt " " Lock Hutch " " llenovo " arr. nt J.rle NiAiuiti Exrukfs leates l'l.lladelphla.. T.son. m i.iutiiiiuie " " " llnrrWiuig. . .li'.to a. m ' " arr. at v.;.. p. m " " " Lock Hut tn.... Z.'li p. 111 " " " llcnotu 4 41 p. hi " Kline O.St) p. m " " " liUITulo I'A ST LINE leaies New Y01I; nwi.m " " " l'lillailelphl.i liai.a.ui " " " Iiiililii.oiv ll.;i'ii..m " " llnnis,buig. . ..S'.'op.iu " " arr. at viiliaius.puit 7.3jp. m : o: EAST W A 11 V. DAY KXHtL'SS leaves Kane a. m " llilmtn 1, .iu j " Link Il.tien. . 11. on. lit " Wllllaiutport....l'.'4u p. in tur.nt lluirpdjuig 4.I1. p 111 " i'lnlii(l.'l,lil,i i.vii p. lit " .Netvwk 101.. p, in " ll.Hlluioru .. . 7.8;, 1,, m " Washington 'J.oJ p. 111 Ullli: MAIL leaies Krle " llenovo ., " " " Lock llaun..., " " ' Wllllniusport.. ' " uir.nt ll'iiilsbuig... , " " " li.iltlinuie . .. " " " rulliulelnhta... " " " Neworlc ....11.20 a. 111 . . s.3.' p. Ill .. . 0.4,", p. Ill ... ll.lnp.lll . .. . :.-).'. a. m 7.4.1 11 ut . ... 7.U. 11. Ill ... ,'IHGu. Ill PAST LINU leaies Wtllkimsiort " " air. at Jlnirhbuig " " Hulttiiioie " " " l'lill.i(Ielphl.i " " Newlorl; ...l'.'.a.'i a. m ... 4. 0 a. in ,. . 7 4.V 11 111 . LiA a. in ..m.v.-i a. ui Krle Mali M'efct. Nlngnia KxrirssWtst.I.r. 1: 11 en Aiiuni, est mid D.ij l..pies.i Last m.ike elute it.n neellon nt .Noilliuinlieiliiiid It Is L. ,1 11. 11. (. nultis for llkes-llarioit-nd ci Miittm. Iirio Mail Wtst, M.iguia llxpieis Wist, rile l.xpress Uest and Ittk llatcn AeediiinnUiilluu ilthtiiuikotici'o eonumi.ii at Wliiiunisiut with N. t'. II. W. ttatlisliityii, Krlc Mail WtM, Mi.gtra i:.piei-s West, mid Hoy I.spiess L'usi make eio-u connection at Lock liuteu tilth II. II. 1 . II. II, ti.'iius. hile Mull Lust and V.tst connect at Iile itlth tr.tlu.son I., s. A M. f- i:.n. iitiniit wiiiio t.,t a V. It 11. .11. Ki.ipolluin tvllh ll. N.I. k p. p. it. ui.d ut DllRHOOd Mill, a V. I;. It. ' ' "l Parkr curs i.Ill urn between Phllnilel.hi.i and Wllllnimport 011 .Mut,.iru Lipieih Webl, J.ilu Ii. prei-s West, l'liilaiieli Ida Isness 1.11 )Hv Ks. riss Lust, and huntlay Lipiets L.ts-1. bleeiilre' Cars on 1.11 nlgiit trains -ntpu. Vt'.M. A. 1!.U.I)VI, Dec. U,'J5-tf (leucriil Nunl. D ELAWAlli:. I.AC'K'AWAXXA AXI) WKSTIUtN ItAlLIiOAD. HLOOMSmJItO DIVISIOX. Tlmc-Tablo No. ii'j, Takes eircct at 4;so A. M MONDAY, NOVL.MDLI! M 1870. NOIITII, STATIONS. 'eranton I:tllri:e TaMolMlle... . ..Lai katt.Miiia..,, I lllhloll. .. Wiht I'HiMon., Mull In wirrn. p.m. 11.111. s er, s I t.5 7 4.1 7 4 7 1,3 7 2! i 3 7 IS a rs 0 :i 4'.i :i 41 :i 31 a a :i 27 u is! V I.: 3V, U hi 0 2.'. I 1. 20, t 15, I P 10. p.m. 2 m u 20 2 21 u !,.. 2 111 .. t 1 ss r. 4 t 2 40 Of: 2 t.t 0 t.s 2 I.S 7 l, 3 1 4 7 t .1 3 "7 7 11 3 ll. 7 1.1 3 17 7 23 3 2 7 85 3 27 7 40 !'2 7 4'i 3 1.7 7 f,3 fi A 4 " 8 8,1 . 1.1 0 45 111 'IS 4 J '.I t5 4 .17 II 'U 41 0 55 4 44 7 2 I 4 A 7.. .1 2 7 40 fi s 7 J.I 5 14 7 fi ti 20 a M 1 - .3 fiti s 1 1 - it f. 10 0 13 I .m. n.111. h Si 0 ,S 'J 1.3 10 ,. 10 to 10 11 1 ll! 1 ",l 3 2.1 I) 11 1 " I'J tl U7 3 17 1. ti.V .. LtMlltt. 10 2.1 i.'j 7 In ....Ml'g-I.ll I 27 3 17 1. f, .. .Mi.i'.l. 7 .7 7 .'.I .. ! s M 0 4.', (', 3D 's ti . .1 .1 rj r, r, m .1 is r, 411 It 31 f. as f. n ii 20 r, 13 1 cs 4 (.0 4 .1 p 111. 110 27 110 fl 10 3:, in .: 11 41 .10 tj 11 b 11 17 II 23 11 3 3 12 h n''..l it i.ioitili June., .: to t. ....pit ni ",i!i .... i4 SM' tt,li,lii;.. 3 1 R IS . ':ltill ..L '4 s 41 ,lliinh,ei.'s n ek, I'J H .l 13 li s 14 S li s 2 7 M, 7 r.t 7 43 7 3' Milek blem 1 Vf. J 0 2 13 J 11) 2 0 1 :.s 1 u 1 4S 1 43 1 4. I 15 1 ID 1 13 1 H' p.m. ...rut's I'lirv ....Li... Ii llaten . ... rent!, k . hilar 1 reek 11 ... Illotr II I'spj..".. .hltii.insbuig., 1,'uptn . ,11 M 11 tt 12 t i 'ii . Hurl. 'a Suluji.. '12 111 7 11 IiaiiMlIo 12 7 Ul' th'lli.s y. 'is a 7 0 I t lir.l -li 11 12 30 11 4V.Noithuu.lerland. 12 bi t'.in. 11 in Stipoiiiilci dent's (,1 te, t-tiant. i. Lie. 10, isir! U' ! 11.1 -! n . ,", ....... WILLlAMSPOiJT 1IAV1J OUII NAMK hTAMI'LU ON THE LOTTOM AND EVERY PAIR VARRANTED. NONIj OENU1NK WITHOUT Our Goods can hu lind in every (own in tho County. .1. E. DAYTON, & CO. AVilliimisjiort, Pa. ' Kept. 80, "com, ft ft I'mi't bo motto by cury trtnt cinv it aufen iluTjiiib u (ip.v iiuht in il.dr ovn Itnillllis 1 o'"w, , Pfi'J'f?. 'i'A. L"i.r. '. tHW-e Wrllelnd e?" ' ni Sfii '' . V. SS" ,Vi' Inn r..V.'i iH?-. V. U 1 1 1 ( h Jll I (Id it de ny. A Idrevs'lruo to.. Aunuttn. n,in... M-pt. B, '70. ii m. ' lor lala u tba cowviiaji omou. 1