The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 08, 1876, Image 2

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BB00KWA7& ELWELL, Editors.
Prldtvy, Doo. 8, 1870.
r v"
The revolutionist in Lotilslnua liavo car- After givinc tlio usual Instructions to tlio rrcsldent Orant, who long ago acquired
rled out their nroerammo of fraud and have Ornnd Jury, Judgo Klwcll wid t tho reputation of a spliynx, lias now become
declared the Hayes electors to have- from Tlio constable in their rcturiu in every ft tlddlo. What motivo can ho havo for vlo
3,137 to 1,507 majority i the Stato ticket instance stato that thcro was no disturbance latlng tho Constitution, as lio has so paliw
3,600 mnjorltvj and four Republican Coif at tho lato election. Tho privilege; of cast- bly done in South Carolina? Apparently
gressmcutobo elected. Tho committco ul ing Ins ballot lor his clioico ot rulers, ami no nas Homing to gain n no is acting in goou
visiting Democrats who were present in New having it fairly counted is tlio ingliest which laiin. ii triages nitio uuicrenco to mm
icr .Mr. iiaycs or .Mr. Tildcn is tlio
pcoploof tlio zens overy where, who in tiuio 01 nicu ponti- next rrcsmcm oi tno uniicu estates u no
United States, lu which they stato that they eal excitement recoRtiisc tho full value of this contemplates a nulct retirement to prlvato
havo been furnished with n certified copy of privilege, and who demand and rcqiiiro that life. If ho Is to descend to tho position of
the duplicate statements of votes mado .by thcro shall bo obedience to tho law in con one citizen among forty millions, and Is to
tho Commissioners of Election at each placo ducting their elections. Tills is what citizens pass tho remainder of his lifo with no moro
of voting in theState.which shows majorities of all parties should demand and rcnturc, and political power than belongs to his slmplo
for the Tildcn electors ranging from 0,720 what they Miould willingly submit to and vote, wnai explanation can oo given oi his
to 8,685. Tho address also gives the result abido by. recent conduct ? His unwarranted Interfer-
of tho voto opened by tho Returning Board. At this timo when thcro is tho greatest enco with tho South Carolina Legislature Is
In the presence of thoso gentlemen, which strain upon our eleetivo form of government a perfect enigma unless he has somo ulterior
shows minorities or tho Tilden electors of that it w.w ever sublected to.a Rtroncor test of design which is not yet avowed. If Grant
from 6.303 to 7.317. Tho result as unnounc- the strength ofourconnitution and laws than instead of Hayes had been tho Republican
cd by tho Rctunilne Hoard shows a chnngo ever before, it behooves oven- man nuictly to candidate in this election tho recent military
of from 10,103 to 13252 votes! Tho mngni- resolve in his own mind not to allow himself to intermeddling in South Carolina wotibj have
tutle of this fraud will surprise oven the most become excited m such manner ns to blind hi? admitted but or one interpretation, Lvery
stolid northern Republicans. I Judgment in discerning tho rinlit but to body would We regarded it as a violation
In Flurida tho irmid is fully as monstrous intelligently ascertain what is tho light, aud oi the constitution ny President Urant for
as in Louisiana. Ry the statement of the quietly submit to it whether tho result ac- tho purpose of re-electing himself. On the
northern Democrat, including such men as cords with his wishes or not. In no other hico of the facts ho seems to bo violating the
Oeorire W. Riddle. David W. Sellers and way cm good order and law bo maintained. Constitution now In tho interest of another.
John R. Read of Pennsylvania, Manton Party considerations should hao no placo Rut is borcally for another ? Does he cara so
Marble of New York, Gov. Rroun of Geor- in settling tho questions now agitating the much for Hayes as to bo willing to trample
gla, and other, the Democratic majority is country. No matter what party a man may tho Constitution under foot to promote his
!.2I9 and vet tho rotten Returning Hoard belone to.ho is interested in having right pro- election 1 II ho did this to lorco his own
have declared a majority lor Hayes of 030 I vail.whether it operates for or against his par- election It would be perfectly intelligible. It
Rascality can no further go. ty. 1 ho President of the United States spoke would accord perfectly with tho Intentions
In Smith Carol inn ess than a nnoruni of a words of wisdom when he said late v. that ascribed to ucnerul Urant while he was
House of Representatives assume to be a le- fraud in elections should bo detected and de- seeking a third nomination by the Republi
cal body and havinr: met with a portion oi nounced. No man who regards tho welfare can party. Has his former ambition been
tho Senate, (tho Democratic members having of tho country will in any manner uphold or rekindled by recent events und by tho artnil
withdrawn,) threw out two counties giving countenance fraud aud wrong against tho "Uggeslions ot that shrewd sychophnnt, Ui
icb Winning 7 u he expects to retire topri
the result was not definitely determined by Chamberlain elected by 3,0-14 majority. It is to be hoped that the crisis which now vate life on the -1th of .March why should he
i,r, northern states Rut on Wed- Tho Democratic Houso has a quorum of exists will at once be passed and that right stain his fair r.iinu by illegal military vlo-
. C3 members and the Supremo Court of the and justice will prevail that citizens every- 'ence If he inteutls to remain in powe
nesday last, wnat we can a UJ,BMCI" Cl, .,. ,,i i. .,. 1, tl Wnl U,l,, i flm,;t,. .I,, i after the 4th of March his fillierivUe. unnr.
.quit voting, aud, as we predicted, lor,ua hioll9Ct A mandamus will bo issued to com- in authority, will submit to tho will of tho countable conduct is perfectly intelligible,
South Carolina, and Louisana were counted d1 tl0 sccretary of State to deliver people as fairly expressed according to law Knowing what we do of the history of hu
I . . r .17,11 .1 T it- I 1 !..-. ...... I I v.n., ni.,l.!i:nit ..... .., ..natl.. t. .1 a t .. .1 ...I...
In " Iho returns to air. vv auacc, me iiemwmmv i uuu mo constitution, no matter wn o, or wnat ...i.ii.iiu.. v uuwiiumi uuv
W it It" hould wish for war and Speaker. A writ of quo warranto is also party, may bo benefitted thereby, and quiet " "old ana successtul soldier might gasp at
NO good Citizen SUO , ali,, . imln llio JTnvca rlprtnrs from linrinnnv nnil order will nrevnil. Tint if nrvv empire when so dazzlillir a nrize BOemed tn
rew iuov umoi- , . . . ,, ..:,!.. .i, : i .i., I !,, r,,. nt.i,, j,,,,,,,,!. ...lit.
In all three States rottenness reuns su- particular result shall bo produced without re- instances 01 men who havo not scrupled to
.Therefore it should not be glibly spoken of. i)rcme and Grant is responsible for the gard to right, and that determination is par- "wade through slaughter to a throne," and
But when' men calmly deliberately, attempt wretched condition ot affairs. Had it not ticipatcd in by the authorities, the tendency there is nothing in me career oi rresiuent
been tor his bayonets tne rigut wouiu nave will inevitably be to anarchy, discord and dis- urant incunsisieiit wun 1110 mea tuui ne may
triumphed aud peace would have prevailed, order like that which prevail? in tho torn, bo or tho number. II he can get Hnyes
distracted and militaiy-govcrued States ol counted in by iruud it w by no means a wild
THE SEW ItKVOLT. I Mexico. expectation mat inn ueiiiocrntio ilouso ol
I rhrt Anlv kiiPiitu liir nilr ft'..n tiiatittirinnd I lfiii,rouaiilnliin. u.ill v..ut .....I l.u!.lAn.
The Kepublican party In their appeal to . ...
the people were signally defrated, and now tcrmin0 that law and right shall prevail, and trovcrsy as will afford him n preU-xt lor
are appealing to force. In South Carolina, sbmit to tho decision of the tribunals of th o kcenins nossesion of the iMvernmtnt until
the Democrats appealed to the bupreme mmtfy for tho pilrp(HQ of dcCid- another Presi.Icntinl election, If ho holds
Court of the State, ovcrwnich GJiicf Justice ,., i i , ..,!.. jon,.i ....:. wn imll , .,.,, r,.lvf ... i,ii ..,. i,
' Despite an undisputed majority of 300,000
or Tilden, and 203 electoial votes honestly
nd fairly earned, tho opposition propose
. bvorce to install Hayes as President. We
do, not wish to bo incendiary, and regret that Qeo nBml,ton 4,300 majority, nnd declared rights of the people.
no patriot for civil strife,
'not engaged in It rccognlzo its horrors,
to' sap the foundations ol our government,
tlolate tho Constitution, resist the law as
'.expounded by ths constituted authorities, it
Ja no. only tho iuhsrent right but tho duty
of every citizen to resist such encroach
taents. True, our Courts are open, but their de
clsions ro inoperative. True, a Democratic
House is in session, but it is powerless to
render justice, and ceases to exist before the
evil we fear will bo consummated,
1 We care not for the threat of the Army ,
because the people could wipe it. away in a
moment ; nor of tho braggadocio orders of
General-Congressman White, and the fellow
balled Mai. General Millikeu nor of the
A firo broke out In tho Rrooklyn (N. Y.)
theatre during tho performance on Tuesday
and A panlco nsucd ; n rush was mado by the
frightened audience, and men, women nnd
children were trampled to death by scores
and their bo'les consumed. rcarly 300
bodies hdvo been takcu from tho ruins and
It Is thought that many moro yet remain
covered by tho debris. This is tho most
frightful catastropho of tho kind ever known
In this country. Tho fi'o started among tho
scenery and spread with marvellous rapidi
ty, The loss is about $100,000 on tho build
ing and contents. All places of nmtiscmrnt
xavo been closed'in Rrooklyn.
"AllrownlngMan Will Catch at a Straw."
If ho catch it. It will do him no good
Thousands of people who havo neglected
colds nnd couens until they havo become
dangerous, will rush tonlnr.ost every nostrum
lor relicr this iwhy so many experiments
nr Irlnil bv Ihn stilfi'rprn. On In vimr Drop-
gist, buy a'botllcof WMn' Rnl'am of WUd
Cherry, and mo It with confidence. It will
bencht at once and ultimately cure. It is
no straw, It Is a cable well tried, hold on to
it and bo saved.
60 cents and SI a bottle. Sold by all
The Lewlstown Gatellc Is a lively organ
In its last i9tts the editor remarks of tho
vast popular majority ot th? Democrats
"Every vote of that majority is a rebel vote,'
and puts the assertion in italics at that. Wc
nii relv mention the fact to show our readers
what kind of men edit the averago Republi
can organs.
Naught can compare with Glenn's Sul
nluir Soap ns a remedy for eruptions, pirn
pte, old sores, and roughness of tho skin
It is alio a powerful disinfectant nf imprei:
nated linen or clothing, anil should ho freely
used In the sick room. Depot. CrittcntonV,
7 Glli Avc.,N. Y. Hill's Hair and WhUker
Dye, black or brown, CO cts. Dec.
Ml?m.EV.-la Ught Stroet on Nov. sotb, Daniel
Muilley, Sr., aged Ii years and 2 months.
BRINK. At llonton an tho 24th ult., Benjamin
Brink, aged over TO ypurs.
ltlCIIAItT. At tmshore. on the Mth ult., Mrs. El
sie lllcliart, aged 7'1 your t, 4 months and IT days.
MOIinvN' lnMt. 1'loisinton tlio 1st Inst., very
suddenly, John MoriUn.
Moses presides. One of the Judges Is a nc-
ero. aud all are strong Republicans. The
Court has complete jurisdiction of the con
troversy, and It excludes that of a icdcral
Court. Rut an armed force overrides the
will of the people legally expressed, and an
itinerant FcderalJudge releases the violators
of the law.
still continue to bo the same happy and pros- auother Prehidoiitial election. If thcro
pcrous people which wo have been hitherto. should boa pretence of quo the Cicsar nt
I havo paid this much not because any re- Washington would manage to havo tho pres-
port is expected from youon tho subject, but ent difficulties como up again to afford him
with the view of impressing upon citizens tho tho same excuse for not relaxing his grap
importance of avoiding rash discussions and If ho tramples tho Constitution in tho dut
intemperate language as well as of fully in- for such a creature as Chamberlain, what as
il 1 II I .1 .
iornnng inciwcives so ns to pass intelligent suranco can wo have that hn would not i:o
It has been well said that 'History repeats ami impartial judgment upon their own rights to greater lengths for himself 7 AT. 1". Jltr
teelf " We refer to a decision mado by a lor- ns well as unon tlin nirhts of others. nl,l
...... i - I i o " . I "
Wednesday's consultation of militia Major mer Judge Moses some 3500 years ago, and in coneluKion I may be.allowed to add that
who had also been a prominent member of I the present unfortunate Ktatc of arTaiis warns
the Administration. As tho authority in I tig of the necessity of a change in tho modo of
which the decision is to be found is not of- choosing our national executive. If tome
ten consulted by Radical politicians, aud plan be adopted by which the states, as such,
as many of them, Mr. Ingersoll for instance, can be protected, and yet tho people cat
Wheat per bushel...
l!ye " ...
Corn, n w, " ..
luur pur bariel ...
Dried Apples
Hides & Uhoulders
Lara per pouna
nay per wn
Beeswax ...
Timothy Seed
ULrrATiurio run wau.
Generals at llarrisburg.
Democrats and Republicans want to know
who IffYairly ami honestly elected President
Be it Tilden or Hayes, he mutt have the
No. 4 on Wlmrt ,
NO. 6 "
,HO. 6 "
There is good sleighing in Chicago.
An incendiary fire in New Oilcans last
support of the nation.
lenorc its authority, we refer them to the their votes direct for the man of their choice. nuay aestroyeu over one hundred bunu-
Irfhe meantime we would advise that all case of Korab, et al. reported in Numbers, and votes of a state bo given to each candi- n- 1033 18 estimated at lromJ00,UU0
acrimonious debate Bhould cease, but that the Chap 10. from which we mako the following date in proportion to the entire vote of tho 5 ' '
t.. t ... iV---it-.. . Quotations: state, a struggle like the present' could not iho Centennial buildings were sold last
tsople be prepared fir the wont . l ,, r i u t, w.i,i ti,. xri n,.iu .,.1,1 r. o-.n .
taken nwoy. The subject demands the ear- 000. Tho proceeds of all tho buildings sold
nest consideration of the whole people of tho amounted to $288,500.
United States. , ,v, Tr:f,t q,(m f!r-;. n1)lrt , v.,
CONGRESS York on Friday, Justice Johmou delivered
The Senato was called to order precisely an opinion in the suit of the $1,500,000 suit
at twelve o'clock ou Monday by Mr. Ferry, of the Government against II. U. Claflin &
Co., lor tho recovery of duties for nlleged
the son of Levi, and Pathan and Ablrmn, the eons or
I KIIHU. Ullll UU. U1C WU V. . L.u., mm v. ..uuwM
.V-. ...1,1. .,
2. Ana mey roso up uviurv aiuacp, ..mi tvuiuu ui
3. Ana tney piuierea inemTCH uJEtuaer uulubi,
cs, ana saia uniQ nun, iu uuio wu uiucii upun
Grant's eighth and last annual message is the children or Israel, two hundred and nily princes
t - r i , M 7. o( the assembly, famous in Uie congreeatlon, men
(he statement that.ho.had been called to the
office of Chief Executive without any prev
ious political training and that under these
circumstances errors, must have occurred.
The.liistory of the eight years of his admin
istration is filled-with errors enough to sub'
itantiate' his statement, certainly. Ho cn
4eavor8 to excuso.his blunders in appoint- ua
meats iby putting the burden on the should out or aland that uovwjtjw witixmiik aud Honey, to
r - " i.iu..din ti,.. ihL.ii.jiuu kTruf than iniUrn t).ilf
n of .Congress,-on, whose, recommendations 5itocether4rtf"tfeo-erus7
hw.M Mk finntrraM however will Moreover tnqu hast not bronirMia totoaUnd
. V J FIV.W " CI
I- . ' . j k .i.ut,..nHt It. foil unnn hi. Hra
k .., ,n Bnalro untn Wr.rnh nnrl linin all his com.
pnny, salo?, Even to-morrow the i-orct will snew I President pro tempore.
WUO CirO 1113. UllU WUU IB UUIJ , W u.u. ,u
rtnme .... nntnhim fiTen htm whom whom ho hath
chosen win ha cause to come near unto imu.
Jerome R. Chaffee and Henry M. Teller, smuggled goods. The decision of the lower
12. And Moses sent to call Pathan and. AWrata,
the newly elected Senators from Colorado,
were sworn in. Samuel Price, appointed
i Senator from AVest Virginia to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of Hon. A. T.
Carperton took his seat.
Mr. Edmunds offered a resolution instruct-
urM r,r t hwcA mnn ? w,. trill not como UD.
Iiril. Itesnect not thou their ontrlnK : 1 luc not
taken one ass f rum them, neither have I hurt Onu of
tions to inquire as to intimidation in certain
Southern States at the late election. Laid
on the table,
The House met at noon. The Speaker's
chair was draped in mourniug, in respect to
Court, in favor of defendants, was sustained,
Tho Pennsylvania Riilrond Company has
issued a congratulatoryuddress to the cm
ployees of that road for their faithfulness.
Tho Baltimore & Ohio Compiuy has sent to
each employee a. check, commencing at 100
for the conductors, and going down to $10
for the firemen
t nowetn wunmuicanu noney, orciven usiuuer- i !.. ....
kardlv accent thU as true-at least so far as I itarice or aelds and tincyards: wilt thou put outtho "B ' "" " i-uvueges anu eieo
regards Cabinet oiheers.' The hrst portion'
of; the message. reads like an antnbiographi
. . .... I 1 I (ham
cu stetcn wnicn nowever mucn it may picose . nrt MnB unt0 KoraI,. Be thou and all
kimselfacd his sycophaU, is hardly in 'thy company before the Lord, thou and. they, and
place in an official document. It was evi-
. a ..... t.i r t A
qeuuyjinieuueu ui ,,ut u.u..; n M th0 CODKrettUoll ... , T) .. ment on th ea8t gido of .,. kl. th
..i... ,.n.n il.. Ann. nf th. tnWnlnt tho " wauiwci u. iwtiiuuu, ul i tuHHVim" ...
Koma.wicuuwiutuv. v. v. : - . . . . .1 . o Jil.. ni. -
Ilia, was e ected Hneaker. hnvinrr receive. uveraKe iou uuuy. ine ji iimiiua uovern
The greatest epidemic of small'pox ever
known in tho Northwest Territory is deso
lating both sliorea of Laku Winnipeg. In
the late Mr. Kevr. There were 249 members Qembic, an Iclandio and Mcnnonito tettlo
light before the people, as possible, and show I against tneu unto t
that he acted alwMs, .with (rood intention, SXiESlr' w m
HU.deeds;contradict his assertions, If he J"" m '.vvv
fnr hm rnnfi.'fpn. L ii. oDarato yourselves fromamouff thUIcongT-
. ' I rfsrion t.hfiM mav ronwumo the in in a moment.
tlal advisers men in whom the country had 22. And they fell upon Uieir faces, and said, o God.
no faith., his utterances would carry mare dYJm thou t Twroth with mi the conization?
WMu S3. Anatueira BpaHouauj nmra, ujwa,
HWgut., 1 Bneakunto the conCTegutlon, sajlns, Oetyou
TI,. m.o .t.l Ih.t ll.r. W l,een np-.trom aoout me woernacwoi aoriui, umuau .uia
v...bu .. . Ahlram.
redaction of the public debt of 435,000 000 .EfitfSttS
ana ot interest ;JU,UW,WV. The rresiuent I y. And ho spake unto uie conKrevaUon, eaylcir.
thinks the "humane Indian policy" yMXcSSTi
been iucoessful, except ''among the wild Si- M.,Sft)m ubernaeioof Koran.
Ths'exception is cood. at least, but Dathan, and Ablram, on every side: AndDathanand
D i . i.,m rmna nut ti nr. k. f yd u1 In Ihn H rt "t" it lhala
tasrs may oe somo aouDt as 10 wnat ine i tents, ana men wives ana incir sons, aLumcirmue
of the countrv are said to be "cordial."
Jll tt. nn la mnrfn tn tha re.1ifA.1 annmnr n. I lu ullUD .u. .110 nvcuiiiuui
. " ,r.ll,. ...i.u ,, :i
tions for the diplomatic and consular service '-- T -.''"hV
nrcue the shallowest of nousenae,
true, liecause rignt noro in rnuaaeipnia,
wliere every man votes his freo choice with
out fear and without hindrance.nineteen out
of every twenty vote the Kepublican ticket.
What Is true ol tho colored voter lu tni
161 votes to 82 for James A. Garfield, ol ment is trylnB t0 Bl'nJ physicians, there he-
Ohio I ing nono in the settlement. Hundreds of
Obieetion was made, tn the .wenrhiw in nf the Fort Thunder Indians and tho settlers
Belford. of Colorado, and a resolution was on tno "est Hide of the lake havo also died,
adopted instructing tho Judiciary Committee andthe Indians are fleeing south, towards
u renort whether Hnlnrmlr, U n Kini ni tho boundary line. The authorities have
jection was also mado to the admission of ordered a stoppage, of the., fur tradrt through
Buttz. of South Riirnlln.1. nn Ihn orniin,! ht OUt the Northwest,
he had been counted in by the Returning
lioard. His case was referred to tho com
mittee on elections. A resolution was adopt-
ou ior iijo appointment ot- itiiee select comi
nilttces to proceed to Louisiana, South Car
olina and Florida to investigate tho action
which the President thinks will prove to be
"expensive economy." Tho people will
probably not agree with him.
Reference is made to the complications
growing out of tho abuses of the naturallza-
ol his own r tlic Returning Hoards of those States, to entitled I ho Centennial
which has report the facts and whether tho votes of ?" Deu iusira eu,-aim i
... i , .l.. .0.... . ..... . , .... ... . history and pictorial renresen
ci, la 1 inn. nninu Minn ri lie foil III ell . I rieMnnlr. I 1- . '1 ,1 r. I
. it is not : ; :; r h;'" worius
I v, niiuuuuwii luu Ml'W.ll.lllCllb Ul 111U OUUIU I KHOWU.
tion laws and the attention of Congress is city, as regards choice, is true of the same
callodto the matter. Six millions of dollars voter everywhere. rmta. avorw iwio-ican.
additional appropriations is asked for the The abovo is a fair sample of the argil
War Department aud the same amount for nicnt used by Republican newspapers, of the
the Post Office Department. better class, to convince their readers that
'There is much praise of the management because the Southern Slates havo given
io, Abbott of Massachusetts Stencer of v" "V ymlet luo position anu compro-
, ,, ... r . T , iienueu not oniy its vast proportions but its
'cnnsylvanin, hden of Illinois, Jones of wl,.H ,,irllifinn' ,vUn ' '. .,,n,,,, it . .
cky, Phillips of Missouri, Hunks of tosruDhed and preserved in normancrt form
The (Ircat Esiioiilion.
Wo have receive! from the publishers
Messrs. Hubbard llros.. of Philadelphia, ad'
vauce sheets of a forthcoming volume, which
will greatly interest every American. It is
imposition 1)0
is a complete
union ot this
world has ever
Carolina committee as follows: S.iyler of Kvcry intelligent 'and thoughtful person
Massachusetts, Laphum of New lroik, and in this beautiful and carciully prepared vol
Lawrence of Ohio. nine.
In the Senate ou Tuecday Mr. Morton iho great exposition is really u represen
..i iu .!....! 1 , . nation 01 an luaniio uuraaii race nas accon
duuuiiuvu uia wuii.-.uuuiuu,vi uiueuument re- tli:.i,...i ,i,.-i,, i. ., ,.e i . ,
lating to the election of President and Vice years. The nallins of tha earth of every
tre.l.lnt u.,l it ivu hit. I .... ll,(.,l,l ft,. I !!.,, .,.,l..i...l ..l.t.l, ..,l.l!.l
of itU Centenuial Kxhlbitlon and a sugges- Democratie majorities, therefore the negroes rcrt.rcce to the comm tteo on privileges nnd best thoughts ar.d their highest achievements
tlon Is offered that Congress adopt a resolu- must have been intimidated. It Is very poor ciectuna ttbeu uppolnted Mr Kdmund's in every dopurlmeut ol human effort, and
IS;sifS.wlloM,to,,,e,,M,e, !rt wk''
j j . . r, vv ..-.v 'v I m n Hull I ll'l. K Inr !. it,.,. ....... -l..l I., .
,The I'rcsident refers to the ainexatiun of years voted the Republican ticket' they can ,,.U,. n . ii ' , ' thrmifht .trtd
Santo Dotaingo and regreU that t has been lleTer do otherwise, is no argument at all- tta lUm w M , cltcnd Ul the inlllioni i of our citiwns who havo
coasummated. Ho has never' given up his U U s mnlv assertion. The Art American 1 ! , ...... v. .. . r ,r,, , . ., expended from 5,w0 to ?200 each in viewlni;
desire for that little plot of earth aud proba- does not seem to take into cou.idcraliou the L 'me The Wile,,. , 1112 !"'d "'"'""i ' i ;vo,"Jerr;'1 ,f fPX."
.,, -.. , . .1 . .i t . i . .i blates named, the I resident s menage was have never heard cf oi who did not feel
U ..v.v. ...... IttCHUBl VUIIUUU ..,,,,1 ..,.,,r.l ... ,,ri,,ll Mr fo.t
M. . . ... I. .1 r......l. 1 Ii' I. II I ' .-.ww , ....v. .v...
uuere is no loention in the Message oi the in toe ooum, jhTuo nave f N .. ,...,,.1... itr,1ju,.oJ hm
1 j . . m.i rt . .. 1 1 , .....I. 1 '
air-atisormng topic 01 tue eoutnern elections, own scauua.uu, .m m mo ! wovldluit that tlio Presidential elf ction shall
remaps tne sunjecni ueierrea wrconsiuera- mi--w.i...a.1 ,u ..v.. ..e.u .... . , ,, , 0,luber .....1 .llu Electoral Col.
.. . . m. . I .!... 1 ..1 I.,I..,, I. ., I '
lion iu a special message, mere is uowever imuui umv iyhiK i'ummuuu. uiWu piuiuinu jt,(,0 mtlt jM jaliuary following
a sort or suggestion mat there should ho a ne 1 erv. many ...g. ....., , i0 Uuu ,Uo Se,fct Ctm,l)htc(ia on
chaoze in the plan electing ot President. nu m imm uw u m fiw; uu uu
The uessage concludes as follows i too has increased the feeling against tho Re
"With the present Congress my ofllclal publican party. J lie organs of course are
Ufa terminatea. It Is not probahlo that pub- Idled with cocV-and-bull torito of outiages
llc affalrs will evor awln rcceivo attention committtd upon unollnnding negroes: but
from mo, further than ns a citUen of there- that r-ort of thing is always alleged just
public, always taking a deep interest in the previous to electlun aud has been for years,
hohor. Integrity and nrosDeritvol the land." Kohody believes" theso Ulesl least of all
, O V I " I '
UrAfttnri. v Imnn tlif tli n nmhah 1 tv 1 eUUCatCU JOUrimiiaie.
.,v-.H.wV - i i i - lit.. !.. .l .i i . i ..f n
will prove a certainty and that with the dis- The Korth American'! allusions to the voto wv r." . ".T'. a "s . '"'V'.1'1 tno wonderlu exhibits
appearanc ol Grant, there will also b. a Philadelphia Is unfortunate, everybody KbE'SZNK
a. nut luw.,. hi. iiiiimI I ...v...u ....... w .v I i. . r i e i '
uuiio4ivieH ui nivuuuiiivui, xu., miu contrast'
amply repaid for tho expense of tlmo and
money involved. Thc.o millions desire to
study mure at leisure what they could then
examine nut nurrieuiy, and n.any millions
more who could not visit and see it, desire
to possess a work which shall glvo them a
full ami "adequato representation of thld
I 1 .l.r..l I. II. 1. 1 n .
Uilslana and Florida were named, with 3 uZ"W TO
Mr. Mornou as chainntn of the former and work. It has been nrcnared from material
'Mr. Thompson, of Massachusetts, of tho lat- gathered on the grounds, by the most care-
t, r, iui, patient un j luuorious research, and trom
1 oiuciai sources, ui u. uiounu n uoes not d m.
Ooodness gracious I Here's llie New York I as some do, to bo by pfllclul
J'ibvne, Jay Gould's newnaiier, taying that commands couhdence thereby, Gen. Hawley
General Wndo Urmptoii is "a true man and "."V"? "n"0""0 ,t)00f:1 ba "
ii mtl.l. ,t ' Whnl1 ui. 1 U It ,uullilu tliul '.'6"." w 'r." mwira uinur
,, , I tu,. incentlou anu crotvin ol this orsnd en
luanlnflnn nr" flmntt.m will, nil ll.nt the. I bniiw.1 thut there has not been an honest
nam. Implies. election held In that city for half agenera- Wc nd dlspas,Iouato journal r
lion and that tho political rottenness ol.Ute 1 " "r"" -
Col. "Hob" Ingersoll, who figured so ex- Quaker city surpasses that of New York in l"Pr U not
tenslvrly as a political blackguard and blas
phemer during the recent campaign, said In
oni of his speeches that the country was full
of fpllows who were invincible in peace and
invisible lu war. He ought to know, for he
.is one of that very kind. The Chicago
TTmri 'glvts his military record at follows:
"He was in command of an Illinois cavalry
regiment, went to the field, taw a battk) at
flaUob, resigned, returned, and recovered,"
Tweed's palmiest day I Lieut. Col. Fred. D. Grant made himself
Now that theAtneijcan brU taken so mark- quite conspicuous last week, by assaulting a
ed a step of progress u should reporter fur the Chicago Jiienin'j Journal,
lay aside its partisanship und discuss polltl- for which he was arrested und held in W00
cat matters in ft broader and moro manly ball for u further hearing. Ho evidently
wuy, tt can never be a gnat paper other- laburs uuder the Impression that the Orant
wise. A a proof of what blind, headlong family are not as other men, and breaks the
partisanship can do to destroy a paper let l 'aw "W11 oolne M H he were his
look at Uit vi recked Journal the AVw York father and that U saying as much as can be
ifWti.J id of anyone.
iui! them one with hie other.
Tint the Interest and value of the book ll
Inraely in its profuse and brilliant Illustra,
Huns. In this multitude of finely executed
ciiKraviuiM. the main features of the Inhi
bition are vividly impressed on the mind of
the reader lu u .way that words cannot do,
it is nextthliu to seeing the great World'i
Fair Itself. Wo advise our readers to exam
luo tho book carefully should they haye an
opportunity, Ye presume the publishers
waul agent lu this vicinity, and wo hnpi
some of our tueriretio youuir men will ini
prove what seems to us an extraordinary op
Eytiunny io serve our citizen anu uo
andsome paying butlness.
Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf (3 40
uuuminous (4 u
3.40 rcr Ton
0,1 u
end S5e. to O. P. ROWEI.L & CO., New Tork, for
iPamnhletnf ICO naeea. contolnlne llsta of 8000
liewspApeiv, ttiiu ebuinates anowiut wsv ui auvcrua
lng. oec. 8, is-sm
Letters cf Administration on tno ostateor iiaia
waison lato oi Aiauisou iownsmp,uuuuuui.icuu
ty, ha,e been granted by the Heglsterof sildcoun
TV ill i urv. A. i.tiuiuii. ui Aiuuiauu lu.iiisiiii. wt.....'
lila county. All persons havUij; elalins asatast the
until estuti. nra reouehled to nrebent them for settle
ment, auu,mo3i inaeotea wmaKu eumeuv .vuuuuv
Dec. 8. IMw Adralnlstratru.
Ono-lutir ntilo from IllngtoTVii.
mci: vitrtY Lovyn:itM3 to suit puiicii aseus
would ho taken In part payment. This
and convenient to tho
BestlVXarltots of tho Goal Region.
I'or particulars apply to
J Woavor Go's. Adv'to.
Dec. 8, '?-8w
D. M.NF.3I1IT,
rewlsuurg, l'a.
-f.. 1n, In.lllnllnn In llm I'liltcdStntCS
foriliotliorougli practical education of young and
miuuic.acu men,
Cjr"Sliiili'iils rrrehril nt any llnicj:
Addross, for circulars containing lull particulars,
J. C. SMITH, A. M., rrlaclpal.
sept, s, 'i6.-4ra. wkco
$20,000 IN GOLD !
'i&All new lubscriben for 1877, paying in AND 0THEU VAIiUAULK PUIiMIUJIS
dvanec after November J, WC, will receive given to tiiosk who
thepaper ctekhj from receipt o remittance to hyQR QR THE TIMES
The Country Gentleman.
The Country (If nilcman Is puMlshcd weekly on tho
following terms, when paid strictly In advanu I ono
copy, one year, l.S'i l our co les. f 10, ami an auui-
iionai ropy ior inn jear rrcoioino scnuerni uiu
clubt Ten copies, 20, and annd thlunalcopy for the
1 car freo to tho semw of tho Ciub.
The Country (lentleman possesses nn uncriuaued
Grentlomon'o Dxona Goodo.
Invites attention to his lareoandclcKantstock
'otdi of fnrrrsnor.dpnls. regular and occasional,
nmiinir tlio best Fanners of oil parts of tho countrv
anil consmnuy reuecis uio praniic.u. conmiion mm
prnirrcssot tne husbandry of every section ot the
unucu siaies nnu cn uiea woria.
Tlin Onnntrv flrntlpmnn trlv.'ft in llu Knrt Ir.llltllrnl
Deparlmentacontlnuoiu variety of Information mid
sutreestlonn, enjiil or superior In thn ncuroiate to
wnaiis ouiainea in inn inoniiuv nuinoeraoi inusi
inajrarlncs devoted to Horticulture,
Iho Countrv (lenlleman has nrobablv dono ns
much ns nil oilier .lonrnnls coiiihlneil. to lntiudnv
and (Inssemlnalo Itnpruted stock of every llnd
IbroiiKh tliu country: nnd commands to a ureater
di'Rreo nun anv coicmpornry, tno connuenro auu
hu i 'port-ui ureeueis anu purcuasers,
Tim Countrv Gentleman contains unusuallv full
nnd trustxvortliv Market HenorLs. and rlcoles sne
clal attcnllun tltliem and to tho I'rostiects of the
Crons. as throw lue lletit unon ono of tiie m ist Im
portant, of all questions When to lluy and When to I
Tho Countrv Ccntlenmn embraces numerous ml
nor depart nwnts of a practical character, such as
tho Dairy, tlio Poultry Yard, tho A nlary. tho Vine
yard and so on, nnd weekly presents a column or
two tor tnn llousowlfo and Intermlnir Hivslle
Iteadlnir, It conta us a ed leu lleMew of cur
rent K rnu, nndltsadvcrtlMnL' D,iei's turn mi aul-
recioo oi an ine principm agnoiuiurai nnu uoriicui
lunu L'iiuiuiiiiiiieii ui mu euuniry.
rUDLlSHKKS, Al.lliNT, K. Y.
"A llepotitory of Fashion, Flcaiure and In-
Harper's Bazar.
n IjUSTrated.
Notices of the Pres:
For stilctly household matters nnd dress, Harper's
lurnr Is altuUellier tho best tiling pubbll.-hed. To
tuku It U a matter of cconoinv. No lartv can afford
to bo without It, for Hie Information It gltfutvlll sale
ncr verv inucu moro money man ino Buo&cripiion
price uesiiies Ki.ini-iue noaseuom an interesting
Iltoinry lsuor.nieajro journal,
llarner's is priiftiselv illustrated, and con
tains btorlcs, poems, bketcbes, nnd essa) s of a most
attra'Mlvu cuaracier. - - - in us iitirnry nnu nr
tlKttc features, tlio llazar Is unnuestlonahly tho liest
Journal ot Its kind In tho country. Saturday Etc-
niDg uazette, liuatuu.
Pvitage Free to all Sutiseribers in the Unieed Slater.
llarner's liarar. ono year, 14 00,
$i oo Includes prcpaj ment of V. 8. postao by the
Subscriptions to Harper's Macazlnp. Weekly, nnd
Bazar to one address for one ear, 110 eo; or two
of Harper's ivi lodlcals, to ono address tor ono j car
V Ot) ; postage free.
An extra copy of either the Magazine. Weekly or
llaznr will bu supplied gratis for everv clubof 1'ho
subset Ibers at ii on each, In one remittance ; or six
copies for $20 oo, without extra copy: pottage free,
hack Numbers can be sUDblled at anv time.
Tho volumes of the llazar commence with tho
year, wncn no t mo is mentioned. It wl I tic under
stood that tho subscriber wishes to commence with
the number next after tho recelnl of Ills order.
The Annual Volumes of Harper's, in neat
cloth binding, will bo sent by express, free of ex
pense, for IJ 0) each, A complete Kt, coinortslm.'
Slno Volumes, sent ou receipt of cash, at tho rate of
per volume, ireipnt ut expense, oi purcnaser
CKith casus for each volume, sultablo fur blndinc
win be sent by mall postpaid, on receipt of tl uo
Indexes to each volume sent on receipt of stamp.
Newspapers are not to copy thU advertisement
without the expre-K order of Harper and Ilrothers.
Address llAhl'Elt & Bltoi'llKlts, .New York.
PnhlKlied fnr OH cars, has a National character nnd
Influence, with patrons I nei y stato nnd Territory
In tlio Union, nnd cf all shades nnd politics. Its new
tn tho south mil far West, will ho Invaluable to nl
looking out fnr Nrw Places ot' IlKiinrvrK.
livery Patron of Tho Times Is presented, freo of
elmrgn, wllli nn illustrated Yenr-Iimk nf vnluablo
Information for isir, mono worm tno price oi ino
nanr r.
Kn erprlslng men wanted evcrywhero to solicit
subscribers, and secure our tfold nnd other
Valuable: I'rcmimns. A s-tmpio ropy or tno Times,
our Illustrated 1.1st of Premiums to bo glieu to
Agents nnd other documents, will bo Font ri coon
appncaiiuii iu
1.1.. I 1 1 i I..II.1- i n ,
C2 W. Third st . Cincinnati. O.
Dec. 'It-lin JW ro
1 11'
Philadelphia, l'a.
Adonted bv nil the tiuce ns of fashion. Send for
incnlir. I.', iviks, No. V9.U Xorlh 1'lftli street,
T D. Kellogg'n Advts.
A .Hiinltily .MituuztiH' for Vniiim UriutriH,
Nt'I'Mim.Y llJ.L'-TUATKH. SWScilll tell COIlta f01 fl
bainpio NumUT utul rrt'imiun List.
Nov. 10, 'Jfl-Sw K
For vrnrmlne Dwdiinirs, Schools ami Churclicn.
L'WConlor ooil. (?onihlnf4 niiinv Imnriu'rinpntx
ui iiuniuiKt j.eonuni), iiuriiiunyf i-iiriiy ni Air.
heap and Fashionable Clothiua,
nt hlsatoro on
ULOOJtSllUllO, l'A
whero ho has Just received from New York and Phil
adelphia a full assortment ot
Including tho most fashionable, durablo and
Nov. in, --r.-jw k
220 West 23d St., N. Y.
nEDAR VATS AND TANKS. for lirew-
ers, dj era, chemists, mannfaeturen nnd private
dwellings. GEO. J. IIUUKIIAKT U (!().,
June 9-4SW. Uuttonwood bt.. below llroad.
TJUIIBKR CJOODS of every description
I 1 Itrltlncr. Park Inc. Iln Uar.rHnnJ qiirutu tnit.
fnp, AC. HI' II A HI) U:VICK, fcON & CO.. 7!MCIiibt-
nui ou, rniiftueipuia, ak-Qi& ?(&iionui JCuuotT Co.
tjutiu maw.
Nkw llEvisun Fiiition trAnm nriici. it.mvi .n.
gravlngs, and is splendid maps. The IIBST IHKik
of knonledgo In I ha language Now In
course, of publication KPi:ci.f U.N with map sent
forsocents. AtlKNTS WANTKD.
Apr is ly.
rnin I urn
HnrrlnySl., M:VYOKK.
Aug. II, 1o.-lSiv k
1 J
Ho has also replenished his already hrge stock of
it (1LOVES,
lie hoo constantly on hand a largo and well select
ad assortment ot
Cloths aud Vesting!?,
which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind
of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In tho best
manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and inott
of It Is of home manufacture.
" Unquestionably the Best Unstained Work of
II,., A'.'r, .V lh Wnrlil"
Harper's Magazine.
IVoIIccn of llic I'rocH.
Ttin MarailnR hau nttalned In Its ono nuarter cen
tury anu moro ot CAiHwriiew w. iiiuv iiuiui. muvid
lnuV Ul fllU Ul 11,111.11,1 nuiuiw tJt. wu..-u.., .
Is vala to blame und useless to praise." The I ustro OS f
Its long-aL-o utuineu repuuiuon mw inei-eui ua
tho tears havo pasbed, uui tta futuro scraa s
bright If not brlnbtur Uiau at anylhno blnpo.Uio
Boot years. Uiuokl) n Laslo.
llarner's Monthly Is nuirkedby the, same eharap-
terlstto!i widen k ve it clsculatipn irom tho rlrst
with lha better class of tenders. It combines read
Inc matter with Hlustndlvqs In a way to make clar
oud vivid tlw facts prosenioit. pictures morelydo
signed to catch tlio ey of the-Ignorant uro neer In
sertoO. Chicago Journal,
Postage Fieo to All Subscribers lu the United States.
Harper's Magailnc, ono year, it oo.
ti oo Includes prepayment ot U. 8. ixjstago by the
Bazar, to ono aauross ior
Harper s j-enuuitiu
!. cut rtiKtnvu tree.
Anextracupy of either tho Masjailno. Weekly lit
Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Kivo
Subscribers at ti no each, la one remittance ; or six
copies for U'i oo, without extra copy : postage free
luck Numucs can uo uuppuea ai, any umv.
ThH Volumna if tue Monuzlne commeaco with tho
Numbers lor Juno and December ot cacti ear. Kub
bcrlutlons may commenno with anv number. When
no time Hi.cltlcd, it will bo understood that the
substjriDerwwjiea w uegiu mui iirbt uumuvr ui .uo
n.rrent volume, and back numbers wlU bo sent accordingly.
A complete IiUfc Ul umiKta jiiui.inrt uui. wiu-
nrionv ta Volumes. In neat cloth blndlmr. wUl bo
fieut by express, freight al expense ot purchaser, tor
tiSSlwrvol mo. Hiuglo nuuibcis b mall, postpaid
(3 0 '. Cloth cases lor binding, is cents, by mall,
A coiupleto Analytical Index to the hrst lttty
Il,irru-u M.ii-iirllif, Uiut tust. tssn liub-
llsbed, rcndcrlnif nvalhibk) for reference tho vast
ana vnriuti weaiui oi iuiui .-uiiu ,iuMiwuaH.u.
this irii.ilral a wrfect Illustrated hUrary cyclope
dia, svo, cloth S3 00 ; Half Calf, 15 JS. bentposlago
Newspapers aro not to copy this advertisement
w linout tno expiebs order of Harper lirotiiers.
Address IIAHI'EK H UllOTIlKUS, New York.
onu suar. io : ur. two or
ertodlcals, U one address for one year,
i Unrivalod lUnstratod Magazine.
Tho prospectus tor the new volume elves tho titles
of nioro than Ufty papers (mostly illustrat'd), by
writers of tlio highest merit. Under the head of
wo have UA Winter on the Nile" by Oen. McClcllnn;
"Sauntorlugs about Constantinople," by Charles
Dudley Warner : "Out ot ily Window at Moscow,"
byKugenohchujItr; "An American In Turklston,"
etc, three beilal stories aro announced!
Ily Da. Holunu, the Editor,
vhnsa story ot 'Bevenoakus'' gave the h'ghost sat
ktacu:n to Iho leaders of ths Monthly.
Another serial, "Ills Inheritance," by Mtsi Tratt
on, will begin on the completion ot "That Lass o"
LowrhVsby Mrs llodgsoj Burnett Mrs. Hurnetfa
story, begun In August, has a pathos and drantatla
power which have boen a surprise to the public
'Ihere WW bo a buries of original and oxsulsltely
Illustrated papers of "Popular science," by Mrs.
Derrick, each paper complete In Itself.
There aro to bo from various pens, papers on
Also, practical buggvstlons as to town and country
Hie. village Improvements, etc., by well-known ape
clalbu. ...
Mr. laniard's orUclos on various Industries of
(Ireal llrltaln wUl Include "Iho Urltleh Working,
man u llome,""A Nauoo ot Bhopkeeiwr4,""Havcniiy
a Week for tho Child,' etc
A richly Illustrated series will be given on "Araer
lean tirta by Flood and Kleld," by arlous writers,
and each on a dtnereut theme. The subject of
will have a prominent idace, whilst tho Iateit pro
ductions of American humurtits will appear from
1 ne list or buorter suiries, uiu-
SIDE Ol' THE ATLANTIC." Southampton
(Itiiyland) Observer,
Tho third volume of tilts lncomnarabln VA'-iufnn
Is now completed, with Its cltrlit lmudrtd rojal
octavo p.iiits, uuil Its tlx hundred lUutratlons, Hu
bplendld st-rlJls, Its shorler hlorles, noms, bletehi h,
etc., etc., tn Us bt'iiutlful Undlng nf red unit goll,
It Is the most splendid gift limit for bo s and girls
uter mueu iruiu tue iivba. i sxv ; iu inn gin, $3.
Ik Miles serial btorus; Christmas stoilcs, lively
skcithts, poems and pictures for tho holliiius and
some iistonUMn lllilatnillons ot oriental snnns.
with draw Iocs t,v Siamese aitls's.THK CHUWI'MAH
ii( ouiHiun a .i-ij iiueii'Mut: pujirr.
"Tho Horse Ho'el.' a Uvury article, by Charles A
llarnard. srlendldlv li.trated: "The Clock In tho
tkv,"by KIcliaKtA. Vroctor; A Chlstmas Play for
iiumesur cunttAS-onoois, ' uy ur.;iesiun ; "ine
lft.-rkens' I'liKtiioiA Tree." bv l.tierella I', llah.-.
Poetry nnd Curuls ot w inter." by Lucy Lurcom with
Do not fail to buy St. Nicholasi for tho
Holidays, rnce '2.0 coins.
Hurlnir the Jar thcro will co lnteri'ftliijrnaners . luutiii uuiii-ii iir,vaiii, uuiin ... v nutt
er, Tliomas Hughes, Wlldatn llowlll, Dr. Holland,
licorgu Aiaeuouaiu.nuiuuiu it. iiuai.rranK it, igck,
ton, una oment.
There will bu stories, sketches nnd ooems. of sue.
clal Interest to iritis, bv Harriet l'n'scutt upolford
auan txionuge, rarun winter iveut'gg, iui7auetn
Stuart l'hetns. Louisa Alcott, Lucittl t 1'. Hale, Cella
TBaxtcr. Mary Mapcs Dodge and nvinv otners.
Arnuseuaont ani instruciiou. wun t un nnu Krone,
and Wit and Wlbdom, will bo mingled ns hei etolore,
nd SU Nleliolas will continue to delight the jouug
atul glvo pleasure to the olj.
hub-,crlptlon price. n a jeur. Tho thioo bound
volumes and a subscription for this;only tl.
Subscribe with the nearest newsdealer or send
money lu check or 1". o, money order, or in register.
eu letter to
SCIHIlNErt 4; CO., m nroadwny, N. Y
It you want to be strong, healthy and hrorous.
take 11. r. Kunkcl's Hitter Wine of Iron. Nolangusge
can convey au ndccuato Idea of the lmmedlato and
nlmot miraculous change produced by taking E. r.
ivuiiKers inner wine ot irou in tlio diseased, debili
tated and shattered nervous sj stem. Wlietlierbro
ken down by excoss, weak by nature, or Impaired by
sickness, the relaxed and unstrung orginlzatlon Is
restored to perttct hculth aud vigor. Sold only In tl
botlles. sold by all druggists and dealers.
Dtbauy, a dprefcscd, Irritable slnlo of inlud, a
vvcac, htrvous, exl.uusud letllng, 1.0 energy r nut
uinllon, confused head, weak lnemoiy, the conse-
(lucncts of ixcettes, meutul ovcrvvcik. This utrvou
debility finds a boveielgn cure Hi E. r. Kunkcl's Ult
ttrWInoof Irou. It tones the si stem, dispels the
mental gloom and despondency, until cjuvcnatcsth
cutlrusysttm. swifcnly In $1 bunts, tut the cm
nine. Tako only E. V. Kuiiktl's, It hns a jellownrap-
perarouudlt. hU photograph onoutHJo. sold by
jour drugxKU E. t Kunkcl, proprletov. No. 2ro
North Ninth street, I'hlladilphla. tend tot clrculnr.
or advice free. Try my great leinecjjr. tu t It ot
your druggist, blxbottks forts. ittvtBnottaU. It
Is guaranteed to do as Is recoinmendrd.
E. F. KunUel's Worm Hiruy never falls to remove
all kinds of worms. Seat, Pin and Momneh W orms
aro readily removed by Knnkel's Worm Sj rup. Dr
ivuiiKei is mo only successful I hyslcinu Hi tho coun-
try for tha removal ot tapi wormB. Ilo removes
them In a to a hourB, with head and all complete
ull?e, and no feu untu head Is passed. Common
Benso teaches It tap worm can bu removed, al
other worms eau be readily destroyed. Ask your
uruggint ror a Utle of Kunkcl's Worm Hyrup. I'rlco
tlpcrbottlo. It novcf fills. If ho has It not, havo
him get It, intend to proprietor, H. r. Kunkel, 2J9
NottuNIM stieot.Mitladelihl.t. (Vdvlco ntonicr
tree, or by nmU.)
Clothing, Watches,
Jewelry, &c.
July l.'j.i-tf.
Jvobt. (iorrcl! & Co. vs. Joseph M. Frock,
(leo. K, Tryon tt ol vs. .Taeoh Ilrown et nl.
D. S. Morgwi & Co. . Samuel Johnson.
Itobert Tuj ir et al. vs. Robert Oorrcll.;
Jeremiah Tni lor etal. vs. Robert norrell.
Robert Thj Yir et nl. vs. Robci t (ion uli.
l'eoplo's riro Ins. Co. of l'u. vh J, J, Mellenry etal
" " " " " " vs. lilootmjburg Lumber
Fellows Jt Uater V3. John A. Jackson ct aL
Simon i; Oco. linub vh. Samuel Ileitner.
(leorgo Swiilgard vs. .Icsae I). Rice.
Rico ti llagcnbuch vs. Wm Carson.
Aaron Jolirn vs. Thus. Miuinau.
K. W. Hull r vs. vV. 1' Jones.
Alliert Wli .ton vs. Jonas Doty et al.
Fry tllua't vs. a It. Harucs.
EdzauothOveidorfH usuvh. Natn.OverdorfsAdinla,
W. It. I Old) vs. E, J. MclDnry.
Sold by all booksellers, oe mailed postpaid -s''I,"e Hill vs. Mtd-r & a-ybert.
i receipt of the price. TUoa-va- ""as Davis.
Free, Yet Forft Their Own Cbains.
IVol. IQmo. ifl.SO.
"A story for the worklngman nnd man of business.
It opens with ullno uw ilptlon of Iheconusts bo
tweeu tho miners and ndiiv o ners In the coal fields
of Pennsylvania, so vividly and truly drawn lit. tunc
soon takes a sjupatlu'tlc personal Interest In tho
rurtunw vt me parties." cmoiuo Im:iiioiu
"Tho 1H rlble system of the '.Molly Majulres' Isei.
Iioseit lu all lbs hlJoousncss. We can cordlalVv com.
menu this work to our uung people." r'ntsnvrs-
"In 'I'rec, yet Forging their own Chains. we have
a novel very considerably above tho l-vel t-t tho aver-
agoprouuctions or tue tiay. ibwb iiaijiv.
"Tno whole story one of tho mo entertaining
works of notion v tdch have appeared forsomiitlmu."
r. I. liVKNINO M AH.
month to month,
editorial department will conlluuo to employ
graphical aud other sketcnen etc., Is u long one.
jue vuiioru
Lha ablest tie:
a series of UlUm ou literary matters, from London,
the ablest pens at home and ubruud. There will be
by Mr, weltord.
Scrlbner for December, now roady, and which
contains the opening chapters of "Nicholas llln
turn," will be read with eager curiosity und Interest.
Perhaps uo wore readable number of this Magazine
has yet been Issued. 1 he Ih-ce numbers ol berlbuer
fur August, September and October, containing the
opening chapters of "Ihat Lasso' LowrleV will
bt given to every new subscriber (who re'iuests 111,
and whose kuttocriptl'in begins with the present vol
ume, L e , with the November number,
HubscrlpUon trice, It a year M cents a number.
BpecUl terms ou bound volumes. Subscribe with the
nearest bookseller, ur send a check or 1. o, money
order m
eceipt oj tne price.
7fil Broadway, New Yort.,1
tno cure of weak stomach, general debility, pjdlges
tlon, disease ot tho nervous system, constipation,
acidity of the stomach, and all cases retfulrlug a
Tho wlno Includes tho most agreeable and efficient
salt ot Iron we possess; Citrate ot Uagnetla Oxide,
combined with tho most energetic of vegetable tonics
Yellow Peruvian hark.
The effect la many coses ot debility, losa st nppo
tlte, and general prostration, cf an efficient Salt of
Iron combined with valuable Nerve tonic. Is most
huppy, H augmonts the apietlte, raises tiio pulse,
takes off muscular BabblneBS, removes tho pallor of
debility, and gives a florid vigor ta tha counten
Do you want something to strengthen you l Do
you want a good appellto 7 Da you want to bulla up
your constitution? Do jou want to feel well! Do you
want to get rid of ncrvouhness I Do you want ener
gy Do you want to sleep well? Do you wunt
brisk aud vigorous feelings ? If you do, try Kunk
cl's Wlno ol Iron.
This truly valuable tonlo has been thorouglily test
ed by all classes ot the community, that ll Ls now
deemed Indispensable as a Tonlo medlclue, 1 1 costs
but little, purines tho blood and glvt tono to tho
stomach, renovates the system und prolongs life.
I now only ask. a trial of thV valuable Tonlo.
I'rlco tl, per bottle. K. V, KUNKBL, Sole Hroprtetor
I'hlladelphla, Pa, Ask your druggist for Kunkrl'H
Ultter Wine ot Iron, and take no oilier, make, Sold
only In tl. bottles. All others ore counterfeit, bo be
waro cf them,
lluy six buttles for 3V
Worms. Removed Alive.
K. F, Kuakel's worm syrup never falls to destroy
Fin, Heat and Stomach worms. Dr, Kunkel tube
only successful physician In this country for tho
removal of worms. He removes Taps worms with
head and all complete, alive In hours, and no
lee until removed. Send for circular, or call on your
Druggist, and get a lottle ct Xunktll worm Pynip
Fricetl. ItMnrtthi. Mgr.
A. W, Creamer vs. John Keller.
Samuel Lelby vs. II. f . JI irr.
John A. Jackson ct al vs. K 1 StooUel.
Christian J, Ash vs. Win. Keier.
Fresu llruwn vs. W. E. Lanett V adinr.
Theodore F. Haj man vs. (J. W". Crtv ollng et al.
C. II. Hi ockway et ul. uso s. Win. Yooger eu al.
ltsiplo's lire Ins. Co. of l'a, vs. & 11. .Miller & Son.
onvlgaburg Hoot nnd si-io Manufacturing Co. vs,
rowicrc neucr.
ChrLst Church of Conynr'jum vs. Abla Fhllllos.
Henry o. Conner vs. Em onnel Conner's administra
Samuel J, Conner vs. Enoa L. Fowler's administra
(1, II, Fonlcr'd Administrators vs. Enos L. Fowler's
David Yoos vs. John IllghtaUler.
Barah Uomstock vs. w Ilium ileus's Administrator.
Sarah A. I'etrlken vs Hartley Woolloy.
Tboa. Fry's adinr vs. Wm. Fry
F. K. llrockwav'stiso vs. .ibnini Kline.
Joseph I'. Conner vs. linos L. Fonler'sadmT,
(.van Franklin vs, Shurploss . Uariuan.
Win. linger vs W.u. htaley.
. alary (l. Vandirsltce uso vs Abrnta Snjdcr.
D.uilel Kostenbauder is. Casper 1. Thomas.
il. II, Fowler's admr's, vs. I.iivlnu Fowler,
tl. II. Fowler's admr's. vs. Lavlm Fowler.
Wm. M' Rebervs Columbia County,
Kllrabeth Kllngeiman'B admr's. vs. David R. llowcr.
From Mils data tho Illoomsburg Oas Company will
put In service pipes at hrst cost and turn' t,h aud set
mete s at four dollars each.
The company nave on baud a lot of gtA tar suited
or paint lug- roofs, and posts or other tlribers placed
uuder ground.
'nee iu cents per gallon or t.w Pr l lorrrl.
V. Vf. J1ILLK1I.
G. A. is s: II RIIVCJ
RESPECTFULLY announces to the public
that ho has reopened
(old stand) Illoomsburg, Pa., uttho
Forks tif tlio Espy nnd Light street
rood, whero ull descriptions of
lcnlher will he mnde In the most nnd workmanlike manner, and sold at
prices tn suit the times. .Tbe highest price In cash
wld at all times bo paid for
of every description In the country,
ronngc ls resperi fully solicited.
Illoomsburg Oct. 1, 1875-
The puijllcrat.
N. E. Corner Heconaand Arch Streejs,
Dealers in
t vorders will receive prompt attention.
l'llicn OF FAINTS,
guanteed equal to uny lu the mail.
Strictly VUHK WHITE I.EADtl cents per pound,
JIONTOUIt WHITi? LEAD at 10 cents per pound,
equal to any for durability.
JIONTOUIt HI ATE FAINTS 8, 9 and 10 cenU per
pound, according to color.
MONTOUR llETAI.LlolmoWN scenfrr.rrAiind.
The best J'ire. Proof Iron 1'alnt In the Market.
MONTOUR lirTALLIO liiioWN dry S and 8 cenU
per pound. According to quantity,
Uest Quality of Taint Brushes at low prices,
whlt-hne buy In lnrgu iiuanlliles, direct from tho
j lonutacturer, and offer nt the lowest Market
Ackn owledgedb' all our leading Painters to belbo
host In tho Market.
All (lur goods are guarantied as represented and
our pu lots to bo ground In pure linseed ctl, or the
inonev it-funded on demand.
send ror sample card und price list with testlmon-
Solo Manufacturer.
Rupert, 1a.
May 6. TS.-ly.
00. 16,16.,
At tub OoLUiiurAN Offioi;.
f 9 9 H HHf
To ill AVerhlim ('Inks. Wc aro now lire pared to
furnish ull classes with constant ctiplo.v merit at
lioine.U.o whtlHCf thotlHie, or for thilrnnri' mo
inentH. Huslness new, light and prohtuble. I'irsons
of cither m.'x iufcll coin irom to cinls lo ts per
evening, and a prjoriKnal sum by devollng their
vvholot Unelo tin bustniKs. Kojs nnd Hils earn
nearly s it much as mm. 'lht all who see lids nolho
mav sen ll their address, und lest the biulncss wo
make ill ,W nnparolled till ri To bik h us are not well
salltiltd we will tend ono dollar to pay for tho
trouble or writing. Full particulars, samples vvonh
several doJIuiw to comiucine w ork on, una a copy of
Home null llieilde, tne of tho largest aud best
lliuMrttltd I'lithcatloi. all sent tree by untl. Head
er, It vou Ranrfiermanent, pioniablewoik.adareu
UeoruoMUikon i-Co, ltutlosu, MaUie,