THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COINTT, PA. r-, -eft. BB0CKWA7& ELWELL.EdllOrs. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Doc. 1, 18 70. the cmsis. . Our rentiers will .gather tlie situation from tho news in oilier cblumns nf bur paper ' Them Is no doubt In the mind of ever fair nd honest man but that Tltdcn and Hen drlcka received a majority of over 300,000, on tho popular vote.nnd are entitled to 203 dec-. toral votes. Hut the three States necessary fur Hare, Florida, 'South Carolina and Louisiana, will "be "counted in," mid the Army and Navy of the nation will enforce the blistering fraud. Had It been necessary - to accomplish the result, North Carolina Mississippi, nay, every Southern State would have been counted, for Hayes. W ore asked, "What is the romcdyf" lit It not in the Courts, because an shown in the cue of South Carolina, their orders will dot be obeyed. The Democratic House can not correct tho wrong. The Republicans hold the Senate, and President. Sunday noon, March 4th, the present Congress ceases .to eilU, and the day following Grant pro poses to inaugurate Hayes: HI mutt either submit or veil. KEEP 1)1' TUB ORGANIZATIONS. -, One of tho curiosities of tho late Cen tennial Exhibition was au antiquated docu ment, once In rogue, called The Co-vbtitu-iiok. Among other things It said : That the people have a right to assemble themselves together to consult for their com mon K'ood, to Instruct their representative, mid to apply 16 the Legislature for redress of; grievances fay address, petition and re monstrance. It is apparent that the election fur Presi dent is.not over yet, because the Returning Boards are stillrvoting fur tho people in Florida aud Louisiana, and wc suggest that .our Democratic clubs should maintain their czUteuce,and new ones should bo organized. Server was freo and full discussion of public questions more needed than now. Our lib erties are trampled upon daily by our mod ern Caspar, and the existence of our Govern ment is imperilled. The psople, therefore, should "assemble themselves together to consult for their common good." SUGAR COATED. Many- of our exchanges, inspired by Grant's eider to Sherman, assert thai Hiyosis too honorable a man to take hla scat as President -" 'if his election should be tho result of fraud t -or dishonesty. Wo do notforouo moment credit'the assertion. Wc believe that Hayes, , 'like' Grant, would take anything from the - 'White House-ddwn to a terrier pup: His eanipaign'vvas led and managed by the evil 'element of the ltcpublicau parly, and ho is imply a puppet, managed by'sueh scoun drels as :Calnero'n, Chandler, Cameron, Kell ogg and Chamberlain. The ablo and pure men of the' Republican party do not 'counte nance the existing outrages of such leader, bat they are' not in condition to make an clV fectual protest.- Tho whole objectjof Grant's followers, is to loll the people into' fanciediecurity by'a cry. of peaceful intentions, and at the same time they endorse, patent fraXids by the wholo Fed- 'end power. A JUDGE-DEFIES THE LAW. j ;Judgo Bond of tha United States Circuit Court, has released the South Carolina Board of Canvassers on a writ of habeas corpui. , This proceeding is not unly without, pre j.cedentut I directly lii the teeth, of thede- cisjon of the Supreme Court of the United State, which declared in the Dorr case e Jhmt a United States Court could not ga a writ of habeas corpus release a prisoner ,condemnod by a state Court, , t ihna one p( Qrant's judicial creatures, backed by baypnets,not only tramples under foot (he Supreme Court of the Stato, but de-. flea the highest tribunal in the land. The s people might as well understand that they jlk no longer existing under law, but.under p thajule of, the bayonet. The Republic has lasted just one Jmndred years. THANKSGIVING. , It was one of Grant's grim jokes to ap point Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving. What for ? Is it for the peace and prosper ity of tho nation? Is it because sister states are dragooned by military? Is it because tho present state of affairs is to be continued years more despite tho will of the people? It should have been a day of fasting, prayer, and humiliation. But, then, Grant never fasts nor prays. Here's' more Democratic intimidation j Thi fine residence of Wade Hampton, the Democratic Governor-elect of South Caroll na, was destroyed by an incendiary fire last Friday night. The two sisters and two young oris of tho Governor barely escaped witli their lives. All the contcuts of the huuae were destroyed. Such rascally papers as the New York Timet will probably find in this a deep-laid plot of tho Democrats to cast re . proaeh on the pure and honorable black Ilc publicans of the State. South Carolina probably contains as many rascals who dc' terve hanging as any State In this once glo rious Republic, Bays the Springfield Jtrpublican : "Con sideringthat it was Centennial year, and , .that we all started out with the notion of patting our beatfootforemost,belng especially atriotio, healing the wounds of the war,and wrapping ourselves entirely in the old Hag with out an appropriation wo think it must bo conftssed that we have a bad uie.-a oi it." The election of President of tho United States by the votes of men who didn't voto U still going on very briskly in tho Republl can newspapers of tho organic persuasion and also nt New Orleans, by the Returning Board. There is a novelty about it that is rather jmpreaslve, Springfield Republican, The Boston Post notes (hat "Father Tuft Is studying law with a persistency t list would have made ft I in distinguished if he had begun earlier in lift. As it is, ho can bo recommended (f any one is in need o ' special pleadings or uulque legal construe tioru," It U wld that old Peter Cooper U tho only presidential caudidato who, during' the re cent excitement, preserved his sereuity and slept iu unruffled peace and a plain flannel nightgown without joke. A WORTHLESS UNION. Wo do not see any advantago in a union of the States, unices tho objects for which It was formed aro carried into effect. It cer tainly docs not induce pcoplo to cherish it, when they see tho monstrous frauds being perpetrated in Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida. Tho founders of our Govern ment, in tho preamblo to the Constitution, said i Wc, tho people of tho United States, in ordsr to form a moe perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for" the common defence, promote tho general welfare1, 'and secure th'6 ulMslni;s'Ar liberty to ourselves nnd our posterity; do ordain and establish this Coiutltutlon of tho United Stati's'of America. "' , In tlie first place there is no ''perfect union.' The Republican party was bijllt upon sectional hate, and islcaders aro do ing everything in their power to keep! jt alive. , , If Itho; objectwnsto. "establish justice,' U has signally falfed, as even tho courts' of justice are prostituted Do protect fraud and notorious rascalfty. ''Dpmistlcirapfiuility" Is not Insured when tho people of tho sev eral States are disfranchised, and a rotten carpet hag rulo is supported bay onels. If "for tho common defence," it is a' miserable fniluro because the national power is being ued to oppress defenceless communities. It does not "securo the bless ings of liberty." It is not "liberty' but li cense tho Government protects, and even Legislatures niecf at tho point of tho bayo net, rjiid a corporal q? the guard determines who is and who is not a inember'of the Leg islature. It Is a Government of force, pinned, to gether by bayonets, and in such a maimer as would astound ev'fii Mexico. And yet the people ttanil it 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. Comjmma, S.O.,Noy. At .midnight last night, tKo slate house was occupied by Uni ted States troops. No one was allowed'to enter without a pass from Mr. Jones, clerk of the state house, or Mr. Dennis, ono of Chamberlain's men. About nine o'clock, General Gordon, Unitcd.States senator from Georgia, and Genera Johnson, state senator of "Virginia, with Messrs. Peck and Jeffreys, members ot tho legislature, demanded ad mittance. Tho,, rotunda was filled with troops nnd arms wore stacked around the Washington .statue, Tho members ol the legislature exhibited their certificates from the Supremo court of their election, and tho corporal of the guard refused them admittance, under the orders of Dennis, who was ntuudiugby. The democratic members then met in cau cus, una about 11:10 p. m. proceeded in u body to demand admittance. , In the mean time, General Hampton had an, interview with General Ruger, who then changed tho orders, so us to allow any oqe to pa,ss the sentinels who clained. to Uo elected member of tlie legislature, Under this change of orders, all the member were ad mitted slowly, as tho corporal of the. guard examined their credentials. The members are thus admitted to the state house, but not to tho hull of the senate or that of the, home of representatives. The democratic members of the house, af ter gaining admission to the Stato house, proceeded to the door of the houso of repre sentatives with the delegation from Edge- field and Laurens at their head, and de manded admission on. the certificates of elec tion taken from the' records of the Supreme court. Six' soldiers were ranged on either side of the. approach to the door with two officers in the centre. The certificates of the two Edgefield und Laurens delegations being presented were decided invalid by the door keepers, whereupon the enure body of demo crats withdrew. William II. Reddish, a Re publican member refused to enter while the house was guarded by troops and retired with the Democrats. This leaves the house without a quorum. FLORIDA, Tallaiiasse,. Nov. 28. Tho board met at ten o'clock this morning. The Demo crats and .Republicans both gavo notice of contesting various counties. The result, as read off from the face of tlie rctunis, show republicau majorities of 7,4(i), nnd demo cratic majorities of 7,418 a net republican majorityiu the state .of 42. 2.1 Democratic votes wero omitted iu Clay county. These if counted would leaye a Republican ma jority of 10. The county that made the only violei.t in road on the democratic calculation, vas Ba ker. They have a regularly certified copy of tho returns from that couuty giving a demo cratic majority of 04. This return was regu lar and it was thought final. This morning a new return was read, signed, by the judge and sheriff, but not the county clerk, which by the throwing out of several demo cratic preciucts, gives a Republican majori ty of 41, making a difference of 133 votes. That this was fraudulent was proved before the board. The faecretary read n return signed by the clerk and justice and properly attested which gavo a democratic majority of 05. It appears that two returns, one signed as above, and another sigued by the judge, sheriff and justice were sent up. With the.first return admitted the Tilden electors have 135 majority whilo with both returns held subject to future decisions the Demo crats have 2 electors by 5 majority, 1 by 3 majority, and the Republicans have 1 elec tor by 1 majority. LOUISIANA. The plan of Kellogg and his scoundrels on the returning board, is rapidly developing. The returns from parishes, before the board giving Democratic majorities are laid aside uncounted and it has beon announced that such returns as are not hm.leJ in will not be counted. As these all give Democratic majorities it is easy to see the result. All the returns have, been in New Orleans for days but have not been given to the board. The Intention evidently is to find how many votes it is necessary to havo to secure n Kcpubli can majority, and thou lo keep outsuflio'ent Democratic votes to gain their end. The whole canvass is thu most cool and rascally fraud and is n perfect farce as regards cither justice or truth. TWEED. Tho long expected and lungdelayej U. S, frigate I-rankllu has finally arrived at New York nnd William M Ttmd, the fallen "Boss" of tho New iork '"ring tliievis" has once in .ire been tr .inferred to (lie en. tody of the Sheriff, the old nun looks hazard and broken dowu und moves tVcbly with the aid of u cane. There was curiosity lo see tlie once powerful politician, but (lie bitter uess offeeliug which formerly cxi.ted has In a great ineasuru died out. So many other scoundrels have gone uuwhlpped-uf justlco that the, people are inclined almost to n feel log of pity for tint forlorn old man. It is nut probable tliut Tweed will get out of jull on bull, as the amount required, f M.OOJ.OOO, is too great for him to obtain. When his trials will begin is not known nor on which of the (udictmepts he will be lint tried, Zck Cbundlur'f prayer : Oh I that thU top, tog wild South would melt. LIMIT LITERATURE. J The Wiliianiaport Jlatette ami. Bulletin i$ published, tin lfriday last,a spMiM report lo that reliable-sheet Ilia New YdtkmMTrhln tivo toho fiendish' oviduct ofilhejDcmoqrnU inEdecnild:s) 0. S llioriVxnralctlon. Nd- wlietciotsido or tho pages "of dhno novels. cautiioio 1)0 tounrt nnytmng so oioou-curunng and exciting, no thrilling and no utterly false. Tho writer describes with tho master hand of a nenny-a-linor tho fe rocious anil UooTl' thirsty attacks on tho 'outraged but inoffensive blacks,"' and tho" bravery of an offnor who witli right ninif "reprcientlng'tho" United Sthtei," Vcpt opcif narrow, pathway along which tho "poor but undaunted negro" p,ised to vol. The Re publicans are rather inniting that the negroes were daunted and didn't voto, but this gallant writer would not allow a prettily turned sen tence to be. ppoilod even to oblige tho.politi- .... i-i cians. Tins Bliamctiil lmumustion, was un- lowed by tho beatinjr of sovctal negroes, but the general belief in this statement may bo somewhat weakened by tho writer's subsequent announcement that tho negroes outnumbered tho whltci ten to one. Ho makes this admis sion bccnuo, unfortunately for hi parly, the district gavo a Democratic majority, tho Times really deserves a good deal of credit for tho high perfection ill lying which it has at tained. Compared ,vitli its magnificent, its gorgeous lies thosa of tho ordinary organs nro but as a farthina candlo to tho. god of day. Tho salo of "yellow covered" literature must have materially fallen off of late, nt least so fur as Republican readers nro concerned, for the columns of tho Timet offer oven more at tractivo reading and at much cheaper rates- It may bo argued by tho strait-laced that such i tuff is disreputable and degrading, but the Times having no reputation to lose nnd con scious that tho paper tplls, only strives to ex cel its own efforts rival it has none. A dis grace to journalism, and the exponent of all that is unwholesome in politics, it stands with out a peer, ANOTHER WARRIOR. IlEADQOAJlTEnS NlNTlt DIVISION! N. G. P., Indiana, Pa., November 10, 187(5, Spe cial order No. 15. There will be a meeting of tho commissidned officers of tho Ninth Division, N. G. P.. nt ludiana, on tho 27th of December, 1870, at 2 p. in., for con sultation and interchanging of views us' to the military operations fur the coining vchr. and for some measures necessary for the good of the'service. By order ot llAiuiY White, Major General Commanding Ninth Division iN, u. i: Official : F. IC. Patterson, A. A. G. Inspired by Millikcn, the gory White rushes to the front, dons his warliko hnbili ments, grasps his sword with one hand nnd with his pcu in tho other, dashes off the above inspirited little call. It Is very amusing, aud tho more so when wc recall the military history of tho doughty warrior. White was not n stupendous success asn chieftain j wo cannot remember any great battles won by his exertions ; possibly be cause ho was not' present on those occasions. But White is a politician, aud a Senator, and is best known to the people of Pennsyl vania ns a statesman of the Republican per Buasion. Why he should burden his mighty mind with the unimportant affairs of the Ninth Division N. G. P. is ouo of those things that na'lellowcan find out. Tore assure tho timid, however, we would state that Maj. Gen. Harry Wblterof the N. G. P. is not dangerous, he won't really hurt anybody and, in' case of trouble, he won't get hurt hlmselj he's nut one of that kind. If he had-'waited fifteeu'or twonty years later before issuing his order, a new genera tion knowing' not White would have ari sen and probably, have been duly impressed but tho people of this ycar of grnco, 1870, know him "and under bis brave words nnd yet more brave attire see, Harry White 1 The Galaxy for December contains a very interesting article from tho pen of Gen. Win- fijld S. Hancock, written in reply to a paper of Gen. O. 0. Howard, published iu tho At lantic Monthly, It scemj, that Howard in the courbc of his remarks made several very. glaring misstate ments as to his prominence in the battle of Gettysburg and rather disparaged the part taken by Gen. Hancock. The Litter proves most conclusively the falsity of Howard's statements and in fact thows by Howard's own ords that he contradicts himself. Tho official papers and Gen. Meade's evidence be fore tho Committee on the Conduct of tho War, both prove tho truth of Gener al Hancock's words. There is very little left of Howard he is completely demolished but there was not much left before tho ar- ticlo was written. Howard was ono of those Christian wldicrs of the Frecdmen's Bureau persuasion who figured prominently but not well, in tlie investigations borne years ago in Washington relative to the mismanagement of tho funds of that Bureau. Howard was rather small game for such a man as Hancock bnt it is as .well to crush out liars wherever they are found. And now tho Demoeraev are delighted with Judge Mosco I Not many months since lie was tn them a ncrlect reprobate, devoid ot principle, honor or decency. Governor Cham berlain believed so too, and refused to make him judge. Gatellc nnd Bulletin. Under its present management we have ceascil to regard our cotenporary ns n reliable new.spajior. Wo do not assuuu to say that it would publi-h a deliberate falsehood, but an editor is re.-pon'.iblo to tho publie for his ptaUuicnts, and ignorance is no exeu.-c when tho truth is accesdblc. Tho fact is, tho Judge Moses of tho Supremo Court of South Caro lina is not the same pcroon whoso commission Gov. Chamberlain iefnctl to sign. He has twice been elected to tha Suprein j Court as n Republican Legi.-laturcs-and was an ardent wippjrtrr of Grant as well as of Hayes and Wheeler Had tlw Republican Supremo Court of South Carolina sustained the Radical fraud in that State, tho Judges woulJ have Kun landed to tho skies by cheap Republican oi'inK, :ml the decision of the highest piwer in tin Slate they would have fhiniolas find. Wo cmnid them to obo-dioiK-o. Vic people lUm u-f oledltncc to the law. llie Illegal house of representatives of b.mth U.irolhu not luring a cj i iruni tn or gaulxj and transact business seated live ne groes, on Wednesday, from Barnwell county for whioli cvrtMoatfti of election hud already been given to the Djuio-rat by the board of male oiuvassurs and secretary of state, Tho D.-m watiufi.'iutors have put on record a pritfttajiinst uuy recognition of the Il legal house. These Republican rascals have to reganllcss of everything with a semblance nt decency or legality that they fall to rospect even the authority on which the election of their own men is claimed. From the tlruj ho was Vico' President, away buck lu 1801-5, Mr. Hamlin, of iuuine, lias ueen almost lostslght of, b.ivo tho time ho incurred considerable wrath by a very iiirau change iu the postago law, which had its origin with hiiuin the Senate. Con sidering the. very important duties devolving upon the Senate ere mnuy mouths, it Is now proposed to make Mr, llamllu President of tuat body, because ot bis "Presbyterian rig or and cant-uron will ana determination.1' Tho Rnnnvrny Hoard. I Tho South Carolina returning board seems Uclenmncd lo'clo ,al 'tq'lts'pdivcr toiinako trouble; Cut rio dolibt'lftlio" wisdom 6r tlie moral son'so bf Cotigresswlll sjijictlon its nc lloiirof lycsfcrday In setting ht delianto tlio decrees of" tho Suprcrdp Court ln,order to en able It to coiint in candidates of its own party. The people, who, in tho firm belief that ho was the best and most fitting candi date for President, gavo their votes to Ruth erford Bi Hayes, are as determined as' aro those of tho nthcr'sido that only the man w lib Was fairly and leghlly cl'ectl President shall1 bo declared Presldtint, whether that bo Mr. Hayes or'Mr. Tilden. Tho Republican par ty was founded upon the highest nnd noblest principles which ever brought, men together to conquer In u common cause; mid it U as true to those principles tu-day as It ever was at any time during Its long and hmiilrii bio history. It is not only a but the pir ty of law nuJ.urdor, nnd It asks for rinlhtiiu morc anil will accept of nothingness,' wheth er helped or hurt by it, than a decent respect for the observance of both the form arid spir it of tho law. The action of the South Car olina returning board is not only In defiance of the deeply founded piinclples of tho Re publican party, but It Is, In tho last degree, revolutionary; and while its work, thus il legally done,. should be, indignantly repudia ted by the country, its authors should bo made to feel the prompt nnd heavy hand of the law they havo defied nnd Insulted. No man can afford to bo made President In that way, no party daro endorso such nets and the Republicans least of all.will wish to sustain yesterday's work of tho South Caro lina returning board. Phi hi Inquirer, All sorts, of blunders were made In the Into election, both in printing the i tickets and in voting them In Vermont and Oregon an ineligible elector wns voted for, and in Wisconsin u similar case occurred Now it seems that, Pennsylvania has n mis take to iook aAer, and, like tho others, on thciRcpublican ticket. Seth W. Starkweather was tho elector from tho Sixteenth district, but hu name was printed 4,S. W. Starkwea ther" on the Philadelphia tickets. Tho Commissioners, in preparing tlie blank cer tificates printed tho nauio "Snmuel W. Stnrk weather" und tho, entire return of 77084 votes, is certified to "Annuel" instead of "Seth." As it now t,inds Starkweather has reccivcdf307,0C4 votes and Charles R. Buek alew 3GG,204, u majority for thn Jatter ol over 00,000. It is not probablo that any protest will bo made by tho Democrats, against tho issuing of a certificate to Seth W. Starkweather and that such certlllcato will ho, itmdo by the Governor. Should the case bj taken tn court a count of tho ballots wouldshow that they all con tain the name of S.. Ws Starkweather, who who would be declared duly elected. fainco, tho above was written Governor Hart ran ft has issued a certificate declaring S. W. Starkweather to be elected. Tho Sup reine Court of Pennsylvania, os. u memorable occasion, imprisoned Passim ro Williamson for disobedience to their writ, nnd it was not pretended that tho Federal Courts could interfere for hts release. JfarrUburi) Patriot. A'ou. oa. Not quite correct. Passmoro Williamson was imprisoned for contempt of Court, by IIou. J. K. Kane, Judge of tho U. S. DNttict Court for tho Eastern District of Pennsylva nia. Mr. Williamson applied to thn Suprrtno Conrtjof Pennsylvania to "interfere for his release" This was refused, tho opinion be ing delivered by Hpn. J. S. Black iu which ho showed that Passmoro Williatiiwon was committed for contempt of Court. As to tho power to commit persons for contempt he makes the following remarks : "All courts haye this power, and must necessarily have it ; otherwise they could not protect themselves from insult, or en force obedience to their process. Without it they would be utterly powerless. Tu authority1 to deal with un offender nf this class belongs exclusively to tho iJoart in which the offense is committed ; und no other, not eveu tho highest, can interfere with its exercise, either by -aril tit' error, man Jamui or habeas corpui" S-io 2 Casey I' 9- The Sunbury America, ui describing the recent trip of Hon. Jotaaii. Pucker to Soutii Carolina at tho rcUi-t uf Grant, after gush ingly toadying to him, ijuotes the following fioai tho Vcjj.- "Thrsy wcru a.stcd by tho President to visit tho capital of that Stato in tho interest of jicaco nmlfairplay.. Mr. Packer, like Judge Curter, is. one of the tairot judicial minds in tho uouatry. Tlie count in presence of him self and bis associates and the Democratic leaders, was perfectly hon&t and resulted in ihe election ot Wado Hampton for Governor nnd the complete Miccessot nil the Huyes and Wheeler electors. Tho whole proceedings were so manly and straightforward that both sides professed themselves satisfied." We have n conundrum to nsk our sprightly cotemporary. If Mr. PaeJccr and Judgo Cart er, two of "thu fuirfet judicial minds in the ountry" declare that tlie count made in tho presence nf hiuisdf and associates and tlu Democratic leaders was perfectly hon est nnd resulted in tho election of Wado Hampton for Governor, Sic, how in thunainu of common scn- can thu American, and "tho fairest judicial minds" justify the Returning board in fraudulently counting Wade Hanir ton out, nnd this in tho face of tho uiuudato of tho Republican Supremo Court? The Lock Haven Enterprise is a ferocious ly "loyal" sheet. It thinks that if crimes against the integrity of the ballot box wero punished, "tho wholo South wing of the Democratic party," would bo sent to prison, "and the colored people could then vote without molestation." It would be inter esting indeed to read tho election returns from the Southern states, if there were no white Democrats to interfere with Kellogg, Packard and their kind iu manipulating tho ballot boxes. It would not bo surprising under such a condition of affairs, for Louis iana to givo half a million Republicau ma jority. Tho only difficulty tho Republicans would havo to' contend with, would bo to ac count for the murder of Democratic negroes, Tho white Democrats being in prison of course could not be held responsible. It is hardly necessary to mention that tho Enter prise would not for a moment credit the story that Kellogg and his friends would practice fraud. During the proceedings of the Louisiana Returning Hoard on Saturday tho scaled re turns from Do Soto parish being opened, it was found thut one of tho protests of tho Supervisors, charging general Intimidation, was dated November 25th, and sworn to In New Orleans before a Commissioner of the Circuit Court. When asked to expluln how n protest dated the 2itli could get Inlp u sealed registered puckago received by mail ou the 17th, the Secretary said ho had re ceived two packages. He was then detected In the act of making anothcrentry in his book ,of two packages. Aftersomo delay another package was produced it contained only consolidated protests or affidavits. This will give some Idea of the rascally manner In which tho Board conduct their business. liven Senator Sherman was dis gusted and admitted that fraud had been committed. Tho Board hud nothing to say. V Anbtlicr Trick. Our Ncwbrlcans correspondent telegraphs thkt:tho re(u(nlnj board ' determined to hear. 6vidence,'ba icharttcs of Intimidation In sccre sessibn' Why secret 7 What are All UltlMl-lnnf4 1 A .. it.... ! . ! . . . thai therojli no power of Indignation among northorn Republicans? Can Ihey not see that by tholr tricks and secrecy they aro making public satisfaction with tho count ing In of Jr, Impossibility 7, They Will iiear evidence In secret session, and will thpu inako up tho tptaUoftho Stato and el6ctoJl vbtelin 'tlio'day' tlio electors nro to ineot, wo aro told, so as to prevent appeal's to the courts' that Is to sav t'hev moan to. re peat, but with nn adroit Improvement, itho- aotitn Carolina trick. ' Is it not tlmo.fbr honest Republican nil over tho North to s pejik out? to let these polillcal yaiiiblei know that they must sijop? Tnt Democrats we silent and pa'lvoj thai is their duty ; they must remain so. But tho Republican merchants, lawyers, clergy, fanners', mcchiulcs can they ull'ord to re main silent when such things nro done in Sjutli Carolina and preparing in Louisiana? F.videuco accumulates that there is a con certed plottocoiintin Mr. Hayes in tho three disputed slates by open and shameless trick cry. That is not what the Republican masses want. They wish fair play. Is It not time for them to speak out iu public meetings ?-iV. Y. Herald. . A certain man whose name was Zachririah went down from Washington to New York and fell among thieves, and tho thieves re ceived him gladly, and ho ubodo with them many days. And ho said unto them: "Be hold I havo threo States. South Caroliia is mine, and Florida is mine, and Louisiana is initio, ami there nio nineteen electoral votes in tho.-e three. Go now and got 1110 one bun dled nnd sixty-nino other votes aud wo will count in thoso nineteen, nnd tiio inheritance will bo ours ; for wo shall scoon tho bovs." But bohnld tho boys sent spies into tho states ol j'U'harinli, and Florida was not his hy a thousand, and South Carolina was not his by fifteen hundred. And when Zachariah saw that certain wise men had been sent down from tho. north who oversaw thocouut in Lou isiana, ha girded up-his loins nnd fled swiftly. Ior tho last ntato of that man was five thousaud worse than thu first. H'orW. Tli llecord (if the Times says of the Louis iana Returning Board : Moreovi r, u majority nf the members of that l.oanl lire men ot as good reputation for limit-sty und integrity in politics as some of the gentlemen who went to New Orleans from tho north to keep the Returning board straight. W o agree with tlio Jlecord. Tho members of the Board aro tlio peers, morally and po litically, nf Maekey, Kellcy and Quay from Pennsylvania, Farwcll, tho Chicago poker player, Sidney Clarke of Kansas, William L. Chandler and John A. Kasson. They aro tho men who went to Now Orleans to "keep the Returning board straight," nnd a men lot they are. Grant showed his earn est desire for a fair couut in Louisiana when ho sent that crew down to supervise mat ters. Grant has issued another ono of his brutal proclamations placing the military at the disposal of Gov. Chamberlain of South Car olina"to maintain a Republicau government in the State." Aye, that's it not a re publican form of government, as required by the Constitution, but a "Republican" gov ernment. No possibio excuse exists for this unlawful act of Grant. No insurrection exists, no competent autnonty lias ever asked for troops and there is no reason why they should be sent into the Stnte except this diat the State is to be given toMhe Re publicans, No regard for law, State or Federal, re strains tlio Administration in its acts. Wo believe, liowever,that a bitter day of reckon ing is i.pmiug und that those who offend against tlio law will perish by tho law. Tho Hon. Stanley Matthews says tho Louisiana Returning Board is composed of honest, upright men, fully entitled to us much confidence us any board that might be selected for n like purpose in Cincinnati. Tho Philadelphia Times suggests that if this ,ia triirt then William A. Wheeler, William Walter Phelps,Go. F. Hoar and even John A. Logan, don't tell the truth. Perhaps the Times doesn't catch the full meaning of the Hon. Stanley's remark. It is highly proba ble thut much such n coinmittco "might bo selected, in Cincinnati,' und that tho IIou. gentlurann might form one of the board. Ho talks that way. Tho Supreme Court of South Carolina, on Saturday, entered judgment of $1000 fino und imprisonment against each member of tho Board of Canvassers for contempt. In the evening tho members, namely, State Treasurer Cnrdozo, Comptroller Dunn, At torney General Stone, Secretary of Stato llayne, and ex-Adjutant and Inspector Gen eral Purvls.were committed to tho Columbia jail, in pursuance of tho judgment. They were released therefrom by Judge Bond of tho U. S. Circuit Court. Mr. Georgo M. Robeson, our famous Sec retary of tlio Nuvy, worked hard for Hayes' election, but u good deal harder for his own, and his disgust must be unmistakablo now that ho finds tho New Jersey Legislature is Democratic. His chances for the United States Senatorship havo vanished nnd ho has nothing more cheerful to look forward to than the probability ot u thorough Investi gation of his Department by Congress. "Now is the winter of his discontent." Petroff, the Republican member of tho Legislature who was cxpjled for bribery, has been re-elected by that party to the Leg islature. Tho lact need notrurpriso uuy one. Tho party to which ho belongs holds power by fraud nnd corruption, and why should Petroff be struck down becuusa ho simply follows In the footsteps of his Illustrious leaders? By this action his party i-jidorse his course, and invite him to continue: in it. It is a sample of "Reform within the party." Tho Utica Herald "Mr. Hayes has de clared ho will decline the Presidency if taint of fraud attaches to his election. Hits any one heard of such u declaration from Mr. Tilden ?" Tho Boston Herald responds : "Very likely not. Honest men don't often ndvertlso that they won't receivo stolen goods unless there is n strong suspicion thut somebody is going to offer them some." The Philadelphia runes asks : If Tilden is to bo "counted out," which looks ckiIIb likely, and Hayes refuses tho Presidency if "counted iu" by fraud, which he has declar ed ho will do, what then Is to bo done ?" Tho contingency does not seem to be so im minent as to demand an Immediate reply, that is as regards the Huyes part of it. The report of the Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue shows tho receipts from all tho States aud Territories to bo (110,001,138.60. Of this sum Illinois contributes u eurly$25, 700,000 and Pennsylvania nearly 40,000,-000. Edward McPherson, who was formerly Clerk of tho Homo of Representatives, where wo prcsumd liobecainqn gtdlcsinnn competent to pass opinions on bravo nation al questions has wtlltct ft ong'lettcr to tho Philadelphia Timtt Jn wb ch he proves, to his own satisfaction, that Congress has no power to arrest frauds, nnd that falso and Illegal certificates of election must bo re ceived as valid and binding. Iu other vrords, that . thcro is no way.of proyontlug Republicans from cheating tho pcoplo out of a President and Vico President. Tlio dlstfugulshed ex-Clerk thinks "It is better fo ncqulosco In tho tnisfortuue than to in vite to evils whicii no man can measure." Very specious pleading, truly, hut titltttly false.- Acquicscenco" In 'what It pleilses McPherson in call "misfortune," which ti in reality outrageous and indefensible chtjat inir. would bo tho end nf free government In this country. If on this occusien ns a'o giving a majority of.thousauds for ono c m didale can bo made to givo a majority for his defeated opponent, then aro electlot s u dlngraccful farco and the' Republic is ht an wid. Mr. McPliersoi,In his mealy-mouthed utterances, which are an Insult to the Intel ligent people oflho stales, may deslgimto this frightful attack on freo government n "misfortune," but it is none tho less fruc thai It Is tho gravest of crimes nnd tine fraught with disusters to tho nation. Wheth er tho better class of Republicans, the honest and thinking men, will agree with Mr. Mc pherson's airy way of disposing of our trou bles remains to be seen. Thu Rochester Chronicle says : "It is esti mated that 11,500 pcoplo havo died from dis ease brought on by beingoverworked, drink ing impure water, eating improper food and undergoing uuusual excitement ut tho Cen tennint." Why not mako it 12,000? Any how, this is a warning for people at tho next Centennial not to do such things. Thoso nstuto Connectict Republicans who rather insisted that Gov. Ingersoll was an ineligible elector because ho had once beon nn United States Commissioner, changed their minds when they found his resignation of that office on record dated in 1870. The electoral voto of Connecticut lias been certi fied to Tilden. Donn Piatt thinks that if Senator Cam eron "knew something about anything he would be n great mail." Donn doesn't un derstand Simon, evidently. NEWS ITEMS. Tilden's official majority over Hayes in New York is 32 089. Tho North CnrolinaLegislaturo has elected Matthew V. Ransom U. S. Senator. Tho President of Mexico has sent 300 sol diers to Lower California to quell tho re bellion there. Tho official voto of Illinois gives Haves 10,425 plurality over Tilden, and 2,310 ma jority over both Tilden aud Cooper. The trustees of Princeton College havo or dered tho removal of tho billiard tables late ly presented to that institution. Dr. Mc Cosh protests. North Carolina gives Tilden 1(5,178 ma jority.Tcnnesseo -13,000, New Jersey 12.-115, and Indiana 5,005. California gives Hayes 27G7. Ralph Holland, one of tho Chambers burg bank robbers, escaped from the Frank lin county jail last Sunday. Johnston, his accomplice wns not so fortunate. An intcrcstinc breach of nrnmiso suit wns euded in New York, on Saturday .alter atrial lasting six days. Miss Kugenie Martinez sued n wealthy Cuban named Jnnn Del Vnllo for $50,000. Tho hard hearted jury award ed her $50. A revolution, headed by Jnso Morenn, has broken out in Lower California Morenn has proclaimed himself Governor, imprison ed Governor Villagrana and his secretary, and seized the custom-house nt Rio Junna. Official votes from different Stales, show majorities as follows: New Hampshire, 2, 90!) fur Hayes; Minnesota, 21.00S lor Haves; Georgia, 81,181 for Tilden; Arkansas, )H,'02 for Tilden; Kentucky, 02,030 lor Tilden; Iown, 50,201 for Hayes; and Missouri. C4, 811 for Tilden. The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western Railroad bridge nt Nicholson, just norlli of Scrautoti, Pa., was burned on Thursday eve ning. It was 380 feet in length, und will tako ten days to rebuild. All travel on tlio road has been stopped by its ibistruction, which is supposed to bo thu work of an in cendiary. In Washington, on Saturday, District Attorney WellH entered Hiiit lor tho Govern ment against General O. O. Howard and his sureties, Alexander R. Shepherd and Edgar Ketchum, tn recover $22,708, which it is charged Howard hat not accounted for as special agent and disbursing officer of tho I' rccdmcn's Bureau. Naught can compare with Glenn's Sul phur Soap as a remedy for eruptions, pim ples, old sores, and roughness of tho skin. It is also a powerful disinfectant of impreg nated linen or clothing, nnd should be freely used Iu thu sick room. Depot, Crittenton's, 7 Cth Ave.,N. Y. Hill's liuir aud Whisker Dye, black or brown, 00 cts. Dec. From William Van Qezer, Ksq,, of Lowis- burg, Union county, Pa. This certifies that my wife has been af flicted with consumption for tlio I ut four years, und had boconiu s reduced that sho was unablo, at times, t walk across the room, and a good part of tho time un ililo to bo out of bed. Sho would bo soi.jd wilh violent attacks of coughing unti I sue would lie almost exhausted and helpless Sho re ceived tho attendance of as good physicians as could bo found in Philadelphia nnd the country, but tn no elfecr. I was at last in duced to try Dr. Wistar's R.iL-am of Wild Cherry, nnd tha efiect for tho better wns tru ly astonishing. Heforo'sho had taken two bottles sho felt nnd appeared almost as well ns ever, so much so thatjit Is'seldoni necessa ry for her to use uny inw, except occasion ally, from having caught cold by exposure, or from suilden and unf.ivor.ihlo chango of weather- I have always been opposed to Catent medicines nnd pronounced them hiim ugs, but I must say that Dr. U'istar's 11.U salu of Wild Cherry is nn exception, I un hesitatingly recommend it to tlio publie as decidedly the best aud most efficacious rem edy in cases of consumption. William Van Gisuii. Caution I Dcwnre of preparations bearing similar names. Rxamliio tlio bottlo careful Iv before purchasing, nnd bo sure you get Dr. WUtar's linlsain of Wild Cherry, having the signature of "I, llutts" on tlio wrapper, 00 cents nnd $1 a bottlo. Positivk Rrsui.TS. There are numerous remedies that euro sometimes nnd become, trus ted as useful, but nonn have ever proved so ef fectual cured so many nnd such remarkable cases as l)r, Ayer's medicines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored great num bers of patients who were believed to bo hope lessly affected with consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills and fever ijuick ly and surcN, Ayer's Compound Extract of Harsaparllla eradicates scrofula and Impurities of tho blood, cleanses the system and lestores it to vigorous health, lly its timely use many troublesome disorders that causo a decline of health aro ex pelled or cured. Ayer's Pills nnd effects aro too well known everywhere to require any comuiendation from s here, &rauVn Pa) Times, Nor. 1m. Marriages. KAItNS KKM.KH. At tlio Methodist pirsonnge, Or' tfotlllc, Nov. 18, 1810, by liov. Henry B. Memlcn ball, Mr. Joseph Alfreil Knrns to Miss Harriet M. Keller, both ot Fishlng-crcck. Deaths. KASIINKIL-Jn Catawlssa township, September 4, 1STS, Daniel Koshner, aged about M) enrs. JOHNSON. la Mt. rioasant township, Nov. so, ot rtlplberla, Jolinson. tlaiighter ol Mrs, Joseph Johnson aged about 0 ) ears. MA11KET UEPOllTS. BLOOMSimitO MARKET. Wheat per tiiuhel , S 1.8& 11 wi A Coriiilievr. " , M tut, ' Ftoar per bun ol , '.. iM UloNcrhMil ... .i.... Flaxseed lluttcr i. 31 Ktsp !'otatoc3 '. 90 rlcd Apples 19 Hums , m sides & .Shoulders 12 I,ard per pound .' " liny per ton , 12.m Ilceswnx Timothy seed 4,mi wiorA' I'on coal. No. 4 on Wlmif , , f 3,411 perTon No.0" " 1 3,1(1 ' No. (l " " t .W " lilacl.smllh'st.titup(in Wlmif N4I " " llltuinlnoiis " tl to " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IS70'1 ICU, To All Whom itMav conccrVI Thli Is to clvo noileo that I luo loaned It. M, Davis ouo buy in.ue, dining my pleasure, nod 1 hcreliv nollfy nil persons not to lnterrero with said orom-ri v. 1IKNJAM1N aOLDllII. Stillwater, Dec. 1, 19T0-3W. IN7 TOTIC13. I ids Is lo pile notlco Hint I nurchased nt Consta ble's SAl, the following articles, fonneily ihu prop erty of Joseph Sli'jem iker. v U : nncuw.nnu jurlor stove, lot of carpet nnd plow, all ot which I hnve loaned to said .Juoeph hhoemaker durlii,' my pleas ure. All pcisons nru foiblJJen to Interfere with said pioperty. T.J. SWISliKH. JcrseytowD, Dec. 1, 'l-3w A. DM 1 N I STR ATOR'S NOTI CK. Letters of Administration on too estate of D.mlcl Kruslmcr. l.ito of catawlssa two.. Col.. Co.. deceased have been granted by the Ueglster of said county to PeterH, Kashncr, of namo twp., Columbia county, Adm'r., to whom all persons Indebted nro reiiuest- ca 10 maKO poymeni, nno uioso n.iving eiauusur demands ngulnst tho said estate will inako Uicm known to tho said Administrator without delay. 1'HrUlt H. KAHIINKU, Admluhaintor. Dee. I,1S70 w I.nto Immense Discoveries by 8TANIXY nnd others me jubi, iiuneo 10 uiu omy complete Life aRd Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most he roic Wguresof l he century, and this book Hone or tho must attractive, fascinating, richly illustrated and Instructive volumes cut Issued, llclng tho only entire and niithcntlc life, the millions nre eager fur It, nnd wldi- iwake Agents nro wanted cpilckly. l'or prootniid terms undress 11U11UAKD 1IKUS., rubs, 133 S.insom btreet, Philadelphia. lUel-Ow aiSIiATIVi: NO-TICK. notice Is hereby civcn that nn niiDllcatlon will be made to tho legislature nt their eiisiiliiN- session for tliu passage of uu ucl entitled "An Act to extend tho provisions or an act entitled 'A Mupplcment loan act relaltmr to the Hen of lueehanlcn and others unon buildings, so far as relates to certain counties, up- prmeu ine nrm uay m auir, auuo nullum ouo iuuu sand eight hundred and sfxty-one, to tlio county of Columbia. Tho objector Ibis net Is to securo to mechanic, material men, builders and contractors protection fur wuik done or materials for or about tho repairing alteration or or addition to unv houso or other build- Ing, so that Hens may hereafter bo had for tho pay ment of all di-bts contracted for work dono or in ae rials furnished fur or ubuiit thu repair, alteration or addition to any house or building, lu tun same man ner inai uens may now oo mui laments cunt! acted for work dono or materials found for or about tho erection or construction ot any houso or other building. W. S. CONNEIt. Dccl-4w MORRIS MICHEL, l'ltACTM'.M, PIANO III A Eli: It, TUNKK AMP UEIMSRi:it. IlLOOMSBUHG, PA. FIKST CLASS PIANOS AND OHO.NS FOli SALD. (SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKLN IN EXCHANGE. OltUKlC I1V MAIL PIIOMPTLY LXKUUTUU. Doc 1, 'J6-ly Tlie Columbiim Law Docket, A complcto record for tho uso of attorneys. Con venUntly arranged fur tho dockttlngot nlleascf, containing M0 pages, with double Index. This Is tho most complete book for lawyers that Is pub. Ushed. PRICE, $3.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of tho Columiiian, BLOOMSBURQ, Dccl-tf A TJUULL1XO STOHY. Free, Yet Fopg Tiieir Owe Chains By 0. M. 00RN WALL. lVol. IQmo. Sl.GO. A btorv for tho worklueman and man of laikincss It opens with a lino dcscilptlon of tho contests be tween tho miners nnd initio owners lu ihc coal Hi Ms ot Peniisj Ivanla, so vividly and truly ilran 11 that ono tuun lUKca a byinpuinciiu pcisouai interest lu tho fortunes of the panics." Cmciao Iniliiioii. "The torrlblu hj stem of tho '.Molly Magulios' Is ex posed In all Its hldeousness Wo can cordially com mend thLs work to our yuung icoplo." i-iicsuvte- 1UAN, "In 'Free, yetForglig their own Chains. wo havo a novel very considerably above tlio I.ivel of tho aver ago productions or the day," Junk iiai.axv. "Ihowholii story ouo ot tho most enlertnlnlng works or ilctlon w inch havo appeared forsomo time." N. V. Lvbniso inn. Hatil by nil booksellers, or mailed postpaid on receipt of the price. DODIi, MKA1) & COMPANY, , . 751 Jlroadway, Xew York. Decl-siv ,rra th1 latf tno I'loomsburg oas Company will,ce p p!'.3 nt ,lrbt 0031 and furnish and set moto S UtfOUrdollai'M i.ich Tho company nave on hsnj a lot of : pas tar nulrvd limbers placed ui iwiimuK rooia, ami posts or otlier lco iu cents ner L-atlnn nr fi m Oe. 1V7C-. r barrel. W. MILLER. HO THIS rillEAT DISCOVLHV I 13. F, KUNKKL'S IU lTKlt WINK OF IttON. For tho euro of weak stomach, general debility, Indigos tlon, dlsoaboot tha nervous system, constipation, acidity of tho stomach, and all cases rooulilng n tonic. Tho wlno includes tho most agreeablo and cfllclent salt of Iron wo possess; citrate ot Magnetic (Hide, combined with the most energetic of vegeublo tonics Yellow Permian Hark. Tho effect In manv cases of debility, loss et nppe tlto, and geneial prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron combined with luluablo Neno tonic, la most happy. It augments tho ap-X'ttto, raises tho pulse, takes off muscular llabblncss, remoies tho pallor ot debility, nnd gives n llorld vigor to tho counten ance. Do you want something to strengthen you t Do you want a good appotlto 1 Do you want to build up your constitution? Doyou want to feel well? Do you want to got rid of nervousness? Do j on want ener gy? Doyou want to sleep well? do you want brisk and vigorous feelings? If you do, tryKuak el's Wlno or Iron. This truly valuiblo tonlo has been thoroughly test ed by all classes of tho toinmuulty, that It Is now deemed Indlspciisablons a Tonlo modlclno. Itcosts but little, purlllos tho blood aud gives touo to tho stomach, renovates tho system and prolongs llfo. I now only ask a trial of this valuablo Tonic, l'rlco $1. per bottlo. Ii F. KUNKKL, Solo Proprietor Philadelphia, Pa. Ask your druggist for KunkePs Hitter Wine of Iron, and take no other make. Hold only In tl. bottles. All others aro counterfeit, so bo. ware of them, Uuy six bottles for $3, Worms Removed Allvo. K. Y. Hunkers worm Byrup nover fulls to destroy Iln, Seat and Stomach worms. Dr, Kunkcl Is tio only successful physician la this country lor tho removal of worms. Ho removes Tupo worms with head and all complcto, allvo la hours, and no foe until removed. Send fur circular, or call on your Druggist and get a I.01U0 ol Kunkel'a worm Syrup Prlooii, u never falls. Nov, PAPUR 11AC1S FOR BALK AT THE OOLUMWA OFFICE, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It you want to bo stronp, htallhj- nnd vigorous, toko IS. t. Kunkel Illttor Winner Iron. Nof.injtii"frs can convey nn ndoqtiato Idea of tho Immediate nhd nlrno't miraculous tlinnpo produced nj tnl.lnj? u. v, Klinkcl's Hitter Wine ot lion Iu tho diseased, dtbllt. luted and shattered upnoussyRtcm, Wllsthrr bro ken down by excess, wenkby nature, or lmpnlicdby Sickness, tho relaxed nnd unstrung orgouliiillon Is restored tn perfect heslth nnd vigor. Sold only In tl botllcs. Hold by nil druggists nnd dealers. NI1IIVOU8 DliltlMTY. NMtVOlH DEItlUTV. Debility, a depiesscd, lrrltnblo stnte of mind, a weak, nervous, exhausted toellng, no energy r r ant m.itlon, contused hend, weak memory, tlio conic, quonces of mcesses, mental oerwoik. This nenou debility UnUs a aovcrclsn euro In K. 1', Kunkcl's lilt IcrWiiioof Iron. It tones tho sjstem, dispels tho mentnl gloom nnd ilcfpoiideiicy,niidreJuu'iiHtesti,o entlie ijstim. Hildmly In tt Units, ttttlitttu nine. Toko only R V. Kunkcl s, It husn jellowwrnp. per around It, till photociiirh on ouUHc t old by jour drugsM. K. 1', Kunkcl, prorltetor, Ko. s:u North Ninth street, Milladclphta. ttnd tor . iretilnr, cr advlio free, Try my treat relntdv, t,it It ot iurdruirgtsr, fix bottles f.rfs. ftli. It Is uuuruntccit lo do as I ri routine iniid. . WOI1MS1 WOllJISt U OHMS I i:. V. Uunkd's Worm Sirup never falls torcmovn nil kinds of worms. Feat, l'ln and stomach Worms nro readily removed hy Kunkcl's Worm Sj i up. lir, i.uiiKei h me only successful riiysicmn In I bo conn- ry for tho rciuovnl ot talio worms. Ho lemovrs them In ii to a hours, with head and nil complcto alive, and no fee until hend Is pjssed. Common senso tenches It tupo norm enn be lrrnoud, nl other worms can bo rendlly destroyed. Ask jour druggist for a bottle of Kunkct's Worm Syrup, l'rlco flperbnltlo H never fulH. If he has It not, bnvo him get It, orsend tnpropiktor, U. I'. Kunkcl, 2,a No'lh Ninth stiect, Philadelphia. (Adilcu nlofllce free, or by mall.) LIST OK UAUSKH FOR TRIAL DlXXMlllilt TLIt.M, IStil. AT rntvr wekk. Ilobt (lorrcll & Co. vs. Joseph II. Frcck. (leo. U. Tryon ct nl vs. Jacob Drown et nl. D. S. .Morgan & Co. i s. (Samuel Johnson. Itobort Taylor ct nl. vs. liobirt (loiicll, .lei cmlali Taylor ct nl. s. ltobcrt Oui roll, liobcrt Taj lur et nl. vs. liobel t tlon ell. 1'eoplo's Flro Ins. Co. ot I n. vs J. J Mcllcnry et nl, " " " " " " vs. llloomsburg Lumber Company. Tellon s & Datcr vs. John A. Jackson ct al. Mmon K (loo. Itauh s. Samuel lleftner. (icorgo anelgnrdvs. Jcsto I). nice. lileo & llngcnbuch s. Win Carson. Aaron Johnson h. Thus, ."human. D. W. lluttcr vs. W. I' Jones. Albert iuton vs. Jonas Holy ct nt. Pry A: Itoat su. 0. 1!. Darncs. Lilzabith OuTdorl's uso is. Xatn. OuTdorf's Admin- Utratois. W. U. Kline vs. V. J. Mcllcnry. Stephen Hill vs. MUltr Ic Seybert. Thos. Downs vs. Silas Dai Is. sncoNi) witnic. A. W. Creamer vs. John Keller. Samuel Lelby vs. II. S. Marr. John A. Jackson ct al vs. D'l Stootzel, Christian J. Ash vs. Win, Ikclcr. Freas in own vs. W. E. Ilarrctt's admr. Theodore F. Dayman is. (!. W. Crevcllng ct nl. C. II. Hroekway ct at. uso vs. Win. Ycigcr ct. nl, Pcoplo's Flro Ins. Co. of Pa, vs. S. II. Minor & Son. Omlgsburg liool and Shoo Manufacturing Co. is. Fowler A Heller. Christ Church of Conynghnm is. Abla Phillips. Henry C. Conner is. Emanuel Conner's administra tor. Samuel J. Conner vs. Lnos L. Fowler's administra tor, (1.11. Fowler's Administrators vs. linos L. Fow lcr's Administrators. Da Id Yoos vs. John lllghmlller. Sarah Corastock vs. imam Hcss's Administrator. Sarah A. Petrlken s I.lndlcy W. Woolley. 1 hos. Fry's admr is. Win. Fry F. K. IJrockwny's uso is. Abrnm Kline. Joseph P. Conner is. I.'nos L. Fowler's adm'r. Hi an 1'ranklln vs. Sharpless Harinan. Wm. Ungcr vs W.n. Plaley. Mary (1. Vandcrsllcc's use vs Abram Snj der. Daniel Kostenbauder vs. Casper I. Thomas, fl. II. Fowler's udmr's. vs. Lavln.i Fowler. (1. II. Fow lei 's ndmr's. vs. Lavlna Fowler. Wm. M- ltebcrvs. Columbia County. Kllzdbclli Kllngenaan's ndmr's. vs. Dai Id It. Dower. SHERIFF'S SALE ! isy ilrluoot sundry writs ot Venditioni Expo nas Issued out of tho Court of Common pleas ct Columbia county and to mo directed, will be exposed to public salo at tho Court Houso lu liloomaburg at one o'clock p. in. on MONDAY. DECEMBER d, 1870, All that certain real estate tltuato In Leaver tows ship, Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnddescrlted as follows : On tho north hy land of McCauley -Mountain Iron and Coal company, east by lands of D. C., I). Dai Is and Uriah Mc. tree, south by I). II. .: W. Hall Itoad and west by land ofT. (1. Morgan, containing tnenty-ulno acres moro or less ou which nro erected two fuimo dwelling houses nnd framo stable with tho appurtenances. Sel7ed, taken Into elocution and to bo sold ns llio property of J. II. llaus. ALSO, A cei luln l leco of land sttuato In Denton township, Columbia county, I'enusj li nnla, bounded as follows : by lands of David Huberts en tho north, of Michael llaitmun on thu .oust, of Joseph Hull on tl.o south and of John liobertson tho west, whereon are creel ed a Plank Dwelling House, a stable nnd other out buildings, consisting of twenty-ono acres more or less. Kelzed, taken Into cxrcullon. and to be sold as tlio propel ty of Ldn ard Mcllcnry. ALSO, All that real estate situate In Scott township Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lauds of William Ci oi cling, Jumes sankcy und others, con taining blxty Acres moro or less whereon are erect ed a Houso and Ham with necessary oiit-bulldlngs., taken Into execution and to bo solil as Hie property cf Stephen II. Wolf. A LSO, All that lot of ground tituato In East nioomsburg, Columbia county, 1'cnnsj lvnnla, bounded as follows: on tho noith by lot of C.I. Thomas, east by Last street, south by Sixth street nnd west by an alley, containing about one-fourth ot nn aero moro or less, wheieon aro erected a Frame Tavern stand und small framo shop. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as I ho propel ty of William (iiger . ALSO, All that certain real estate situated In Mifflin town ship, Columbia touuty, bounded on tho north by lands ot 1. K.Khwcppcnhlser.on tho east by Mowry nnd tlio South b Ian is ot I. K. Schweppenhlser and on ihewest by lands of Joseph (lenrhait, on nhlch uro erected a dwelling bun c barn and out buildings, Iho said real estate consis ting of ninety llie acres moro or less. ALSO, ono other tract or plcco of land bounded as follows: on the north by lands of Isaac Snyder, cast by land ot Henry Creasy, south by land of Jacob Nungesser and west by lnndi of Lawrence Waters and others, whereon nro erected a dwelling house, barn, nnd out buildings; consisting of ono hundred pnd twenty acres moro cr less, situated In the towushlpof Mil Illn. Seized, taken liilo execution aud to bo sold as tho propei ty of John Aten. ALSO, Tho following real ostalo slluato lu Minilu town ship, Columbia county, bounded on tho north and east by hinds of Isaac Sdiweppenhclser, bouth by public road, west by Charles KllngcriTian, containing twelve acres moro or less, on which nro erected n Irumo dwelling house nnd frumo stnblo. Seized, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold ns tho property of David F. Fuden. ALSO, All tint eci tain lot of hind situated In the Dorough of Centrall.i, In tho county ot Columbia, bounded by lands of tho Locust Mountain Coal nhd Iron Com pany on the north, an alloy on Iho east lands of (leorge McLlharuey, on tho south, und l-ocust Aven uo on tho west, whereon nro a two story and a halt dwelling house, iho sumo being twenty llvo feet In front by ono hundred and forty feet In depth. ALSO, Ono other lot bltuited In tho said Iloro'ugh of Centrum, Columbia co., pa., bounded by lot of William Chapman on tho north, Locust Avenua on tho east William Pcim r on soul h, w est by an a'ley, being sixty six feet lu front by ono Hundred and for ty feet In depth, ivhoieou nio erected a two story nnd a half dwelling house, aud eut buildings aud a largo Hahlo. Seized, taken Into exucutlon and to bo sold as tho' propel ty of Stephen Thomas with notice to William Wfdensttul terro tenant. , , .UllAl(IX3H.F01tNWAI.l), hoy, lo, fa-lo sheriff. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N EXECUTED PROMPTLY A.T THE Ooi.MUtlAN OFFICf! 86 to $ It tn S5!i() I1' l "oiuu. Dumpies worm II (J IU VU fruO. HTIM..OM Jt Crt I'orM.., II.,!.,!. I (March! 10-ly, Send sue. to a. J'. KOWliLL CO., New York, fo Pamphlet ot HO pages, containing itnu of xi newspapers, and estimates ahon Ing cost ot advertising.- " ManOiimtyl