THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COLNTY, PA. s Humorous. All men nro not honfclcss, but sotno men nro homo less tlinn others. "Why Is n dog's tall like tho heart of a trco? llcc.iu.4o It Uthe furthest from tho bark. "lie wns cither fatally wounded or lint; tho choleramorbm," was tho opinion of lied Hlvcr doctor. "Which falls moat frequently from hick' ory.iiiit.trocs; boys or huts?" U tho question now ngltntlng Kcntuck debating societies, An ancient tiorn was lately dug up near Cambridge. It is supposed to have belong rd to ono of the old tootcrs of tho col lege. Sprlgglns says ho onco prevented a sovero enso of hydrophobia by simply getting on a high fcnc6 find waiting until tho dog had gono away. Tho editor of a Chattanooga paper Is tear lug his hair, because the Intelligent compo "altor made hi in announce tliafltoV. V. W. Simpson would preach at $10.43." . The London Era has the) following prize obituary: "Died, rm the 29th ultimo, George ISmllh, father of Miss Kate Dcrringtoii, nee Mrs. T. Clarko." A Georgia schoolmaster announces that ho will be obliged to clo'se his school unless thoyoimj? men of the district limit their courting of his young lady pupils to three nights in tho week. Tho people down In Virginia City rue getting bo they haro bull fights on Sunday, dog fights on Monday, goat fights on Tues tiay, und auybody who wants can light dur ing tho rojt of the week. Another instance of the beauty of going to law has just transpired at Perth Amboy, .N. J., where it cost a man $S00 to get a $49 .verdict against a railroad company. As tho trial ol a breach of promise suit wi about to begin in San Francisco, a juror arose and asked to be excused, because he was engaged. to bo married, and consequent ly his mind was not free from bias, lie was, excused. A yftung lady, of this city, who was in attentive at whist, has broken off her en gagement with tier lover, because he recom mended her to "scoop her mind up in a peanut shell and fix it on tho game." Rather Tallowy. An Irish baronet had so many rabbits on his property that he made candles of their fat. "And to prove the, fect," "the moment a terrier dog came into the room the candles immediately be gan to run.'V, A statistician, who says he has "Studied the American people," announces that "as but an average of two gallons of whiskey are annually made, for every living soul in tho United States, it Is a clear case that some- body has got to gd without.- We don't want to. say a word against east ern folks, but when a waiter at a Detroit hotel brings on a dessert of grapes for a New (England traveler Yio feels compelled to whisper: "Don't Iswalldw the hides." An old woman who is crossing the street has a narrow escape from being run over by a hearso ; ''I am not at all superstitious," she sayj to her rescuer, "but it has always teemed to' mo that it would bo unlucky to be killed by a hearse." Much' has been said of the enormous con sumption of tobacco, and yet you will be surprised to find how few meu use it when j'dai supply gives out and you ak for a chew. Appearances are deceitful. At camp meeting it is difficult' to tell from the back ground whether the man on the front seat isjghouting glory or has just' sat down ui a tack. A California!! has ottered the lawyers $100,000 to procure him n.divorce from his wife. He has either got dead loads of moil eyand wants to set) how can use it up, or his wife wears out shoes awful fast. A wealthy llostouiun died recently nnd Mil all his property to his wile on condi tion (hat she married again within eighteen ssqnths. A friend ofhiswho knew of his purpose previous to his death said to him : "I should think you would dislike the hit a oFanother man enjoying your money," "He would not be likely to enj'iy it much under the circums'.ai ces," was the reply. "1 meant to h.ivc told you of that hole," said a gentUman to his friend, wiio, walk Ing'in .liis gaidin, stu nililtd into a pit o! water: "No mutter, tnld his friend, "I havo foun 1 it." Yuscf izzu-d-din is tho next heir In the Turkish throne. When you leave Constan tinople next time you will have to have a pass for Yu"ef 'Izzu d-tlin his office. St. lYmis Republican: A drunken Call forla miner has kicked a can of nitro-gly-cerine again, and his relations would feel n great deal better if they could find some thing more of him than one boot-strap It seema to be ridiculous tu have a funeral over only one boot-strap, A Nr.oito Votl'i: aoainkt thi: Kuruii- LICAKS. It wus at the old mirket house yesterday morning. Uncle Ciifi'ce l'erklnson of Prince Gcorgo nnd Cicar Sloto of Din widdle were disputing, letweei ; slices of a icculent watermelon, tlie j olitical Is3ueof the day. S.iid Undo Cullee, "I ain't gwine ter voto dat Radical ticket any more." "Why," said Cajsar. "Well," said the old man, "I dreatnpt I was in hell last night." "Did you see any Itadlcal office holder there?" "Yes, I did," said the old fellow : "hell was full of 'cm and every office holder had a nigjcr hldin 'tween him and do fire,'' Vtltr&wj I'oil. Old Draton fliarp never told a He, 1 ut be used to relate this : He was ttandlug ona day besides a frog pond and saw a large garter snake make an attack upon an enor mous big bullfrog. The snake seized one of tho frog's hind legs, nud the frog, to bo un a par1 with his suakeship, caught him by the tail, and both commenced swallowing one another, and continued tills car Ivor ous operation until nothing whs left nf eith er Of tlll'Ul. A prominent citizen In a neighboring vil lage, fays tho DanLury Kcwt, recently died, A neighbor who knew him well report! d Ills djceaso at this office, and told the le porter he ought to say hometbing liaudtome about him. "Good man, was he?" luggtbtcd the re porter. ''I should say he was," was the enthusias tic )Jy. "For ItA-handed wan you'd Jind few Letter," HrlimeVn I'nlninnlr Hjriui for Urn rurc of Con sniniulon, Cough nil it Cold Tho great virtue of this mcdielno Is that It ripens tpo matter ami throws It out. or tho system, purines uiwu, nuu uiui vuctia a euro. CHENCKS Stk WEED TpNtft FOB TUB CCRI OF DVSFEI'SIA, lNMOKStlOX, A'C, TheTonlc produces a lionlthv action ot tho stomneli creating an appetite, forming chyle, nnd curing tho uivab vumiuuiu euaca ui iiiuigcsiiuu, Scus.scii's .Mandrake Ptt.tji, ron tns ci bk or liver 1'ourf.AlNT, c. Theso rills nro alterative, ami prodnen a healthy action of the liver, w Itlioul the loan danger, as I hey muinwituiii vuimiiri, lulu )Vl inure Cliiciiciou 111 restoring a heatlhy action of the liver. Thc?o remedies are a certain euro for Consumption u-j mu riiimoiiii; nyrup ripens me mailer nnu pun. lies the tiluud. Thn Miilidrnkn 11114 net. tmnn th.t liver, create a healthy bile, nnd remove nil diseases of thillrer, ottou n ramo of Consumption. 'I he Hen Weed Tonic gives Ions and strength to the stomach, makes ft gnoil. digestion, and enables tho unrnns to form Rood blood;and thus creates a healthy elieuhillon nt lieullhy hlood ITha romtilned action of ineau iiii'iiii-uics, us tuus OYpininetl, will CUIO every o.vsoot Consumption, It taken In time, und tho use of tho medicines persevered In. IT. Schcnck la professionally at his principal onice, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters tor ndvlco must be nd. urcsseu. Nov. -OF A- POLIOEMAN. i navo not enjoyed good health for several years nasi, jci nivo not numvr.iii. to intcriero with my hbor. Kveryone belonging to the laboring class knows tho Inconvenience of being obliged to labor when tho bodv. from dcbtllLv. nlmost ri.rii.ipft inryrr. form Its dally task. I never nns a bollevcrin dosing miih iuuuii.iut-1 ; iiul natiiig iienni mo tcgetini spoken of so highly, was determined to try It, and Ml Ml never lvirret, that, il.termln.lllnii. An n tnnlp ( hlch every one needs nt some time) Itsurpauses anv thing I ever heard or. It Invigorates tho whole system; It Is a great cleanser nud purltlerof Hie blood. Theroaro many of my ncnualutiinccs who lnvo taken 1U uud all uultoln nralsnor Us satlsfuc bui' eui-vi.. JiO.T.wiLT U1UUIIIT IHU llt'U UI.U.S I.I IM'fllllP. IT. 1IT1. parts io them the one thins most needcul in old age nights ot calm, sweet repose, thereby strengthen lnir i lie m mi as well as tho botiv. uiu mum its wen ns l Ono aged lady, o has been sunerlug through Ufa rrum Hcrofula and has become blind from Its effects. hrvvlnir trlpil many remedlos with no favorublu result was Induced !) tilendi to try tho Veiretlnp. Aitpr liilim.n wiv uviuuis am; uui uiiru Mjfii Kr'ai, reaci iiia&suoox- prvsscd a wish for her sight, that sho might bo able to look unon the man whu iLiri sent hi.r hik-ii n hi..M. In? Vours respectfully. o. ). 11. hoihik, rollco omcer, station 6, nosrON, Jiass., May , wji. heartfelt" prayer. At. Pahi Aue-. 9. ssai. II. It. Stovens, Ksq.i Dearblr. I slould bo wanting tn gratitude. If I failed to acknowledge what tho vegeiluo lias done forme. I was attacked about ptpv..n mnnihtiniA wIUi Ilronchltts, which settled Into consumption. I had night sweats and fever chills j was distressed tor breath, and frequently spit Mood; was all emaciated, very weak, and so low that my Irlends thought ray case hopeless. 1 was advised to make a trial of tho Vegetlnc which, under tho providence of nod. has cured mo That he may bless tho uso ot your medicine to others, as ho has to me, and that bis dlvlno grace m v ntu-ml you. Is the heartfelt prayer ot your ad miring, humblo scivant. , ... ... uiiju.ijus i-jcrriwiiLL. 1'. H. Mine Is hut one mnniir-thn mrinv puma inn. medicine has cflccttd in this place. n. J". MAKE IT PUBLIC BOOTH nOSTON. VPIl O 1H71 II. It. Stevens, E-i. Dear Mr I have heard fromverv manv witirepn or the great success ot Vegetlua fn cawa cf jicrofulu Kheumatlsm. Kidney Complaint, Catarrh, and otuer dlsexsi of kindred nature. I make no hesitation In sav lng that 1 knuw Vegetlne to be tho most rellablo remedy for Catarrh and General Debility. miu u; wtu iniuoKru mm uauirrn ror many pars, and at times very badly, she. lm thnrnmhiv tried every supposed remedy that wo could henn.f and with all this she has for several cars been gradually growing worse, and the discharge from tho head was excessive and very offensive. one wus in uua conuinou wnen Rno commenced to on the second bottle. Sho continued taking the Veg etlne until Bhe had used from twelvo to mteen bot tles. I am now happy in Informing you and tho public Ut you choose to mate, it public) that she is entirely cured, and Vogetlne accomplished the core after nothing else would. Hence feel Justified In saylngthat V'pgetlnols tho most rcltabfe remedy, and would advise all Buffering humanity to try 1'. for I believe it to no a good, honest, vegetable med iclne, and I Khali not hesitate to recommend it, I am, c, respectfully. L. C. CARDELL. Store 451 Broadway. Vetretlne acts directly UDon the runups nf thcua complaints, it Invigorates and strengthens the whole system, acta upon the secretive organs, allays Inflammation, cleanses and cures ulceration, cum constipation, and regulates the bowels. lias Entirely Cured Mo. Boston. October. 1r:i Mr. Stevens.: Dear sir My daughter, after having a severe at tack of whooping cough, was left In a feeble state of health, llelng advised by a friend sue tried the ego lne. and after using a few bottles was fnllv restored to health. . i nave been a great sunerer rrom imeumatlsm. 1 have taken several bottles of the Vetretlne for this complaint, and sm happy to say It has entirely curtd mo. I havo recommended tho Vegetlne to ethers, with tho same good results. It Is a great cleanser and puriaer ot the bl kxI ; it Is pleasant to take ; ana i ran cneeriuuy recommena it. j ahcs jujube, bm Atnens street. Nov. l".-lm by all Enlists and Dealers Everywiw Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofula, and all sciofulous diseases, Erysi )elas, Kose, or St. Antho ny's Fire, Eruptions nnd Kruptive diseases of the fckin, Ulcerations of the I.iver, Stomach, Kidneys, I.ungs, Pimples, Pustules, ltoils, Blotches, Tumors, Tetter, Salt Hheum. Scald Head, IliiiEfWOrni. Ulcers. Sores, Hhetimatism, Neuralgia, Pain in tins Hones, Sidu and Heaii, Female Weakness, Sterility, Iciicorihaa, arising from internal ulceration, nnd Uteriuo disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Hyspepsia, Kmaciation, General Debility, and for Purifying the lilood. Tiiis Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, nnd is the most ellicacious medicine yet known for tho diseases it is intended to euro. Its ingredients are so skilfully com bined, that jiCnll alterative eltect of encli is assurtaj and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge, out from the system those impurities and corruptions w hich develop into loathsome disease. Tho reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and tiio confidence which prominent physicians all over the coun try repose in it, provo their experience ot its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues havo uccumnlated, nnd are constantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of, this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that va need do no moro than to assure tho public that tho best qualities it has over assessed aro strictly maintained. ruteAHK cr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., J'raelical nif Analytical C'irrnlatj. SOLO UT ALL IlhUOOISTS KVLIlVWIltllB. fx. 13, ISIS-ly COUNTER,PIATFORM WAGON WRACK aG AGENTS WANTEDS J5EHO rOI. PI10E U3T MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO c 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 121 CHESTNUT ST. PHHA.PA, IQ8BANKST.CLEE0. IMJIIfllf W. It. AUDOTT Important to Farmers. nndcverjbody Inwnnlot LLMK, LUMHEH, AND COAL Wo havo erected kilns nt or near tho Paper Mlll.on ho i. II. A It. It. nnd are now prepared tn sell tho lltnn nt tvtry reasonable prices nmioi guou iiuhuij. rs by tho ear prnmpily tilled and shipped, to orders utiv utjtl Inn nit tlin iitmvn rniul. Afultllnoof l.f.MIIKIt.of all kinds, dressed or In tho rough,, iJitli nnd 1 till Timber to w hlcli wo Invllo tho attention otcuto vnprs. nrden received and filled for all kinds of Family iivMrlo attention to business wo hope to incrlta siiarooipuuiiupairuiiuKi:. iV.ll 11.1. (V vllllivri l, I SI. ISTC- L'atnwlssa, l'a, GLAZING AND PAPERING TT7"Jt. F. ISODIN'K, Iron Street below sec- 1 1 ona. uioomsourg, i a., is prepareu to uo hi Kmas ox PAINTING, GLAZING, nnd PA TEH HANGINGS In tho best styles, at lowost'prlccs, and at short uuueu. Parties hivln? su-ih work to do will savo money caning on mo. Ml work warranted to Elvo satisfaction. Orders solicited WJI, V. 1JODINK. MarchSU CALIFORNIA THE CHICAGO A XOItTH-WnSTEItN RAILWAY Embraces under one management the Great Trunk Hallway Lines of tho WKiT and NOIlTH-WKST.nnd. with Its numerous branches and connections, toruis tho shortest nmj quickest route between Chicago ami all points In Illinois, Wisconsin, nohthbi.n Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nkukaska, California uiiu 1110 ive&ieui lerruories. lis Oiitalm ami Tali Co nil si Line Is U10 shortest and best routo for all points tn north eru Illinois, louu, Dakota, Nebraska, Wjomtng, Lkiuiu.u. iiu.u lii. u Lull. iuiiiunii.L. iin'Laiii. irmiiu. i uiiu .Aunkl Uliil. lit! Chicago, UladlNon di SI. Paul Line Is the short lino for Northern Vinconidn linrl Mlnnp. soin, anu lor .viauison, si. raui, JlluneaiKills,ltuuth, and all points in the great Noith-west. Its Winona anil St. I'ctcr Line la.l.n.iit.iwM.1. fn. IVInnnn 1AAhnn. r . IO W1V UI.IJ IWUHJ IUI ...uw.u), llut,lirBll.i, UHUIUUIIU, Mankato, St. I'eter, Now ulru, nnd all points in southern and central Minnesota. Its Green Uny and Marquette Line Is tho only lino for Janesvllle, Watcrtown, Fond Du Lar Oshkosh, Appleton, Ureun Bay, Escauaba, Nc- gaonee, Marque tic, Houghton 1, iiancocs ana lao uazrt supenor country, its Frcciiort and Dubuque Line Is tho only route for Elgin, Itockford, Freeport, and all poU ts via Freeport, Its Chicago hucI 91iHvuukcc Line Is the old Lake Shore Itoute, and is the only ona e, ai Lak latsing tnrougn isvansion, uixe rorest, uignli land arit, waukegan, itacme, henosna 10 iinwauki ee. Pullman Paaco Carw are run on all through trains of this road. This is tho O.N'LI LINK running theso rars be tween Chicago and St. I'aul,Chlcago and Milwaukee, or Chicago and Winona. At Omaha our sleepers connect with the overland sleepers on the n J'acltlc Railroad for aU points west ot the Missouri river. On tho arrival of the trains from the cast or south. tho trains ot the L'hlcaco & North-Western ltallwav leave Chicago as follows Fob council Ulcki'p'umaiia and California, Two through trains dally, with l'ullman palaco nravvlng room and sleenlag cars through to Council Muffs. Foil St 1'aul and Minnkai-olis, two ihrough trains dally, with l'ullman palaco cars attached to both trains. For fliiKKN Hay amiIjki SCFKBiOR, two tratns dally, with Tollman palace cars attached, and run ning through to Marquette. r ott iiiLWAUKEe, imir tnrougn trains naiiy, l'ull man car3 on night trains, parlor chair cars on day trains. koh SfAKTA and vv'inona and mints In MlnnOKOtn. ono through train dally, with 1'nllman sleepers to vvinona. Foil Dl'ecock. via Freenort. two through trains dally, with I'ulluian cars on night trains. For DusuqiK and La ckovk, via Clinton, two through trains dally, with l'utlinau cars on night train to McOregor, Iowa. hou siori v'ity and an m on, iwo trains uany.ruu- man cju-s to Missouri valley Junction. Fou LAkKtiKSKVA, four trains dally. FOR ltOCKFOKD. MKKLIMl. KENOSHA. JANLSVILLK. and other polnts,you can havo from two to ten trains dally. New York onice. No i5iiroaoway: noston offlce. SMaleMitet; omah.i unite, 193 Fnrnham .street; Vim Francisco onlce, lit Montgomery Street: Chica go ticket oiuces: 1.x i.iaiK sireei, unucr snerman House: corner Canal and Madison htrtets: Klnzie street depot, corner W. Klnile nnd Canal streets; wens .ireei, uepui, eorner vveusniiu iiri7ie Mieeis. For rates or Information not attainable rrom nur homo ticket agents, apply to W. 11. Strnnktt, Maiivin IIifliinT, Oen. I tip't.Chlcogo Fib. 4,76-ly 1. en. i-ass. Agr, unicago. TrjlSfAJEISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Sinsom St, PHILADELPHIA, VVbo ure our aulbarlzt'd ageutfli and will rect'lvu AilvcrtUeiiifutJ at our tOAVKST CASH HATJSS. ALBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tlio AumECiiT & Co. Piakos are first-class in every respect, being con sidered tho lending Philadelphia mako by musicians and competent judeca. Through their extensive facilities, Missus. Ai.iutECiir & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpassed anywhere, and still sell them nt prices within tho reach of nil. No Piano is permitted to lcavo their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most mniuto particular, hence their guurnntco of fivo years is 11 thing of value. All Into im provements of importance nro found 111 theso instruments. Mkssks. Ai.iihkciit & Co. havo re ceived tho mast Mattering Testimo nials from L, M. Goitsciialk, Fuanz AllT.OUSTAVK SATTKlt, J.F. IIlMMEIJi- jiacii, Wjixiam WoiIf.fkkk and ninny other eminent nrtists, besides being nblo to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, bemi narics, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely tonny part of tho world. floy-l-'ar further particulars aa to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. July It, I stu,- ly. "VrOTICE. rrom this data the llloomsburg (las Company will put. in service piiws at nrst cost and furnish and set The company iuv on hint a kit of gaa Ur suited or palnUug roots, and potiUi or other limber placed undur ground. Price 10 coats per gallon or tl0 rr baiTtl. 00. UW.KIUXU. Bo J. 11. KNITTLK. Ml B L 0 0 M S B U H 0 STATE WCKMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOJU1AL SCHOOL DISTltlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLdTaT"mT M. D Principal. TIIt9SCU0OI Mat iircienl constituted, olltrs the verv best facilities for Professional and CI.1sMc.1l learning. , , llulldlngs spacious, luv King and comuioillous j lompletely heated by steam, well eulllatcd, lighted by gas, nnd furnished with a bountiful supply of pure,soft, fjl'ation'healthful, nnd easy ot access. Touchers oncrlonrrd, efllrlent, and alive to their work. Discipline, nrm hut kind, uniform nnd thorough. L'xpenscs moderate. Fifty rents a week deduction to all expecting lu teach. Mudcnts admitted at any time, llooms reserved when deslied. Courses of study prescribed by tho State 1 I. Model School. II, Preparatory. Ill, Iilcimntary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic, II, Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. The Elementary. Sclcntttlc and Classical Courses tiro IMt'il'llS'IONAl., nnd students graduating therein, receive Mnto Diplomas, confening tho following eoriespoudlug Degrees: Jlnstcrot the Moments; vi aster ot I he Sciences i .Mastcrof thoClasslcs. liraduatcs In tho other Courses receive Normal Certlllcates 01 their nltnlninenls,, blgneil In IheOllleeisof the lluaid of 'Irustris. The course ot stud y prescribed by tho State Is liberal, and the scientific nnd Classical courses are not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. The, Mate requires.! higher order of citizenship. Tho times demand It. It H ono of tho prl 1110 objects of this School to help tu secure It, by furnishing Intelli gent and elllcleiitTeaelieis for her Schools. 'Io this end It solicits Joung persoiKof good abilities and good purposes, those vv ho desire to improvo their time and their talents, ns. students. Tonllsuclilt aid In developing their powers, and abundant oppoitunlths ror well pnld labor alter leavlngschool. lor Catalogue. address tho 1'rlnclpal. , . HON. tVII.r.lA.H Ill.Wiil.l., l'renlilent Ilimrd nf Trusters' COL. J. 13. I'ltlM!.!.', Hrercliiry. Sept. s, 'iO.-ly TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or interest to avaifsr one. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, with m adjuiteblo back, 1111J0 to tupport the hack of tho titter while leaning forward In tho ordinary position for playing, and by a ilmplo arrangement, which gives it a backward and at tho eamo time a downward movement, follows hit motions and lupporti him In any poiltlon without Interfering la tho lcatt with the freedom of hie movements. S rjHL$ CHEAPEST blOVEIM TILE MARKET. Because tlio Heat rafter mcuml the 15atc HEATING THE WHOLE STOVE. Allowing no waste heat to ptus up the chimney. A SHALL ARCAND will tic as much work as a large stove of any other make 'with less than IzI.jL.JLiJr THE COAL. For ECONOMY ami BEAUTYit FAIL TO EXAMINE THE ARGAND before buying elsewhere. F O 11 S A It E O N L Y 15 Y ROLLINS & HOLMES, Bloomsburg, Pa. t m All Isind.s and prices. GREEN TEA AND BLACK TEA. J- EE- MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GllOCEllY. Corner Main and Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, 3? J. , Oct, , 18IL-U. S. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON CASTOR3v with tho long easy movement of the oldeijle, without tho projecting rockers to mar other farnlturo and tho bapce of rooms; being, tn fact, tho only Platform Itockcr raado that has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for tho trado by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for pale by tho principal dealers throughout the United Suite. fVlf not kept by any dealer in jour town, end to us for Price Llet and Catalogue. cannot bo excelled. DO NOT dk i AT BLOOMSBURG MAH8LE WOHKS, T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STltUtiT, Iir.LOW MAltKUT. Manufacturer of end Dealer in all lirnh o) MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Wo use the nest AMHltlCAN nnd ITAI TAN Marble. Jin has on hand nnd furnishes to ordf r MONUMENTS, TOM1S3, 1IUADSTONES, UKNS, VASES, Ac. Every variety ot Mtirulo cutting neatly executod at tin! liiWHst innrkft nrlci'a. A Ions nractlcalotnerteneo nnd ncrsonal nttentlon to Dullness makes tho proprietor eontldent of u'v lng satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended to. i . u. UOX V'JI. liSy. Ii. Work delivered free of charge ."a Aug. 21, 'H-ly. T. L. OtlNTON, Proprietor, Important to Lawyers. Justices ot tho Peace, Constables, Executors, Ad mlnlstratora, (iuardlan, Township clllccrs, and busl ness men generally. Wo liavo on hand a largo nssortment of legal blanks for tho use of Attorneys. Justices nnd t:nn. stable's blanks of all kinds, Note nnd ltecelpt books iur Auuumsiruuiro Ai'. Pit ICE LIST. ATTOHNEV'S 11LANK8. rreclpe for Summons. " n. Fa. " ' Itulo to take Depositions. ' " " " choose Arbitrators. 1 cents npleco, cr i 1.75 per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. " " cltntlnn llulototake Depositions. Nmr In Debt, with Confession, " " Assumpsit. Meehnnles l.l.'ii. 4 cents each ur per hundml. Petition for stle i.t ileal Estate s ci nts each. JISIICX'S lil.ANKy. Subpoenas, Summons, Warrants, Executions, SO fo it'iun iiii. il leases 5 cents each limn iiifiis lei " ' Parchment Pi eels is " Agn'cments s " oiph.iii'M'ouit Sales to for f I 50 i oiiMnUe f Salts a cents each norigiigu ami i.onu u All Kinds of Nulls l " Hi it IMS. VriteH. Sclilifl Older. Poor Old. it. Store ordeis, neatly Lounil. constaiill m band, or made lu uiut-i uu rMiui i ui.iii'i't Wemn piep.nedto doneater Job work than anj .'tuvi V.1HI.U in inia 1-u.iiiiv. IIIIOL'KWAV & EIAVEI.I, Editors and ) ropilitnrs Ctthfl'OIX'JII.IAK, lllootiiiburj, l'a GLENN'S STTZJPJIUli: SOAP, Tiiouougiily Cures Diseases of the Skin, lleautii'ies the complexion, j'revknis and Remedies Rheumatism ami Gout, Heals Sokes anu Abrasions of the Cuticle anu Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL llLEM. isiies arising from local impurities of the lilood and obstruction of tho nores, but also those produced by tho sun and wind, sucli as tan and freckles. It renders tho cuticle HAUVELOUSLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and .being a wholesome ueautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages. ofSul. rilUR IIatiis arc insured v the use of GIvhh'h Sulphur Setup, which in addi. tion to its purifying effects, remedies and I'RE. vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN anil PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATtO BY CONTACT with the PERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Vhyslcians speak of it in high terms. Priccs-25 and SO Gents per Cake; Per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. D. The 50 cent cakes are triple the 1120 cf thgsc at ?5 cent. "HILL'S HAHt AND WHISKER lilack or Hroivn, 30 Cents. C. . CRIHESTOS, I'ropY, 7 Sixth Av.,5.V. Oct. liit, 'itf.-ly, Magnetic Soap. The Vhcajitti Snap thai can le used for the follow- imj J.tu.v,j ; 1st,- Ono bar will go ns Mr as two ot any oilier, lid. Onlv hulfllio usual lublituir oHm? rrmilrrt there Is usavliigif moro than theentlioeostof tho Soap In labor ulnne. Hit 'tho clothes nrn mailrt KlVlikT. ri.KAN.nnii WHITE without lltlll.lMlor SL'AI.DINd, thus all Injury to Hum Is avoided. There Is u mv lug In fuel un. itum iiuibi wm n. iiuniuut, M uunu ill ULKJUl nun uiu usuui iiiue. It Is ntsu iruaronteed under n nenattv or fiftv dnl lars not to Injure the (lollies or hands, und as one trial will enablii any ierson to ascertain tho truth ot theso fctuteiiientu. It would never piy tho proprietor lu ciiuu 111 till UAii-iiriTu cijniriii 01 uuiei UMIl)r UIIU claim such decided mil II, rur his soap unless he know from positive expeileuco that It would prove to bo In every riicct what Is claimed forlt. This Is also a buperlor Soap for Siuvma and Ton, m jiuipuatB. WARNKR RHODES & CO., WIIOLKSALK FANOV (IKOCKItS, OUNKIUI. AOBNTS, Aug. t 'U. 4m II. C, & Co. l'tilladelplila, l'a Seuo S5c. to o. p. HOWKU. & t o., New York, fo Paint Met or no xtaix. i ontnlr.lii. luiu .Vi nnwspui crs, and ettlmateaidioivlug cost ot advertl. oiug.- juarcn lU'l cyl PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Ofllco ON SHORTEST NOTI0B AND AT TJIH MOST HUASONABLE TERMS. KV STOCK OK CLOTIIINO. AND Goutloinon'n Droas Goodo. DAVID LOWENUKIUI Invites attention to lits largo andclegantstock Cheap and FasliiooaMo Clotbiniu nt his store on MAIN STItniCT, IN Till: NEW BLOCK, ULOOMSIllJItll, PA., whero ho has Just received from Now York nnd Phil adelphia a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, including the most fashionable, durablo and; nuuasumu iCONSIaTINU OK UOX " SACK, FROOtv, CJUJI AND OIL OLOTII, COATS AND PANTS, OF AI.I.MJHTS SIZES AND COEOItS, Ho has also replenished lil3 nlready large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSlMEIIRf., STltlPEI), FIOUHED', ANDjPLAlN:VKSTa, SUlltTb, CHAVATSJ SOCKS, COI.L.MIS, IIANDKEllCHIKFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDEUH. AND FANCY AHTIGL3LS. He haa constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and VostingB, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All Uls clothing Is made to wear nnd most ot It Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKY, OF EYE It Y DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OF JEWELKY IS NOT SUHPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS G1WEHAL ASSOKT- JIENTOF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENHERG, July l.'13-tf. BLOO MSB URG TANNERY. c. , ii n it s x a R KHI'KCiTULl.Y annoiitices to llie luiLl'ic r-n&f SNYDUR'S TANNERY. IciiKiT (old stand) lllonuisburg, l'a., ulilie 4!ti tft Furksof tlm l.lL-hi. siii-i t jA?-IVw, i".ids, where all ilosulptlous of ib leather will bo made In the mo?t substantial nnd workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to suit the tunes. Tim highest price In cash mil ui. tin nines uv puiu iur GREEN HIDES of every description In tlio country. Tlio publlcpat ronago Is respectfully solicited, llloomsburg. oet. 1, 187&- yAINWItlGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GUOCEItS, N. E. Corner second and Arch streojs, 1'lIlHDKl.riIll, Dealers in TEAS, SYItUPS, COFFEE. SUOAlt, MOLASSES kick, sncr.s, mcAiiK boui,o., Ac, Unorders will reccivo prompt uttcnt ton. GRSAT ilEDUmOirilE PHICi: 01' PAINTS, on, IlliCSIIES, JAPAN DUYEK & PUTTY. '.i.'ri'.v '' CiT IV ' -' Strictly l'I'lti: WHITE LEAD 11 rents per pound, guaranteed equal to any In Uiu market. MO.NTOUIt WIllTiS I.EAlTnt Hi cents per pound, equal tu uny for dui ability. MONTOUH SI.ATE PAINTS 8, nnd 10 cents per pound, according to color. MONTOI'It METALLIC I1IIOWN u cents r er pound. Tho best I'ne-l'roof Iron PiUilln Hid Market, SIONTOUItMETALLKJIiltoWNilry V nnd 3 cents per pounu, Acconuagtoiiuaniity, liest Quality of Paint Ifrushcsut lovv rrices PURE LINglEBD OIL which wo buy In largi. qnantltles, dlrent from tho .iiuiiuiutiuiiT, uuu vurrui uiuiuwesi Jllurket yrlce. REST .TAT"a"m Tl?-'"r?.T7 Acknowledged In nil onr leading Pnluteri to bothr. tiM.r Iti llin tin, I.. All our goods aru guaranteed us' reprPHcntcd nnd ourpulntstul groiuid In puru linseed oil, or the 1 ildtna 'r bmi'i canl ul"1 'Pr'co lut wlt1' tostlmon. HENRY S. REAY, Bolu Mnilllliirturer. .t. RUPEHT.I'A. ....' i'" "r,'l"r t'ln. Wo nro now prepared to un,y1,"H,1r''Vlivn.h'!t . . i.t .- . D oKot nou piuuiuuie, persons ot el liernii mslly mm inun tin urns to 5 i'r eVllllUL'. 1111(1 II Mfii'iirl 1... .' iatiMi id V.r'Siii l,,aVi. iiV.,1! Hnw sunn tu wo win una one dollur to ruv ' for tho : rrr.'r Y.'. " ruiueuiurs. tamu en vror li maldo ;nJ?,K,.r.""",i llit"'' ' lurgeM aud test lliuslratid I'liUicatluiti, all tent free Cj iu. iicid. cfl ,"tlnniiit. profitablo vvwk, adareiu N1 v.'' r"Li&.W s RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES P IIILADELl'ItA AND RIJADINO ROAD AURANGliJIENT 01'" l'ASSHNOKR TRAINS. July 12, 19T0, TIIAINSI.RATK nt'PKKT AS l'OIIOWR (PfNPAr KCKrjK For fievr ork-, l'lilladclrhla, Heading, Potlsvillo Tninnqua, Ac, 11,1)3 a. m For Catavvlsm, 11,83 n. m. nnd 7,80 p. in. For Vllllamsport,(!,23 0,81 n. m. nnd 4,0(1 p. m. . TltAINStOll IllTEUT IXAVK AS rol.I.OWF, (nuNIiAV Kx CKI'TKII.) J;avo N'cvv York, s,43 n. in. Ix'avo l'hllndeliilila, s,1B n. in. Leave Heading, ll,3in. m., roltsTllle, 12.1c n.rn nnd Tamaqua, 1,80 p. m. Ecnvo Cawvvlssa, 0,so n,!.', n. tn. nnd 4,00 p. m. I.cnv o VlllI.mspoTt ,,s i n.iii,12,co m. ntnl s,w p. m I'asscngers a from Now York and l'hlln'rin phla go througil vv ithout change of cm s. J. K. WOOTTEN", General Snperlnlcndcnt. CENTRAL ' RA 1 L WA Y, WG-tf. JORTIIKRN 1 CO.Ml'ANV. On nnd after November 2dth. 1S7.1. tmino win in. - ...... .... ........ 4... i. iv utu SUNIlUItY as follows! NoliTllWAim. Erlo Hall S.SO a. in., arrive Elinlta u.r,o n. " Cniint.dnlgua. . 3.8f. p. m llocheslcr b.ib " NtiiL'iirii n in Itenovo nccommodnt Icn ll.luu. tn. unlvo VllliLin rtl2.,Mp. m. :lmtr.1lall4.1&n. tn.. nrrlln r.lmtr.i menu ... lltilliilo Kxpress T.1B n. rn. arrive Hurfalo s.ti) n." in. ' KOUTHWAllll. lltiflalo Express K.W a. in. ni rlv e tint rlsburg 4.r.o a, in 1lnlllt..r.w. o ,i ElmlrnJtnll ll.1Bn.rn., nrrlvo llnrilsbuigl.i,np.m vvnsiungton " " llalllmore C.3n " " " llnrrlsburgnccointnod.itlon 6.40 p. in. arrive Iturils uuib IV.bU p. in nrrlve ltalllmoro s.m a. m 11 'nslili.iliin rt il Eile.Moll12.ts a. m. nrrlve linrilsbiirgSOoa. m. " llaltlintio8.40 " " Washington " All dally except Sunday. It. it. 1IOY1), Jr., General I'nsfcngir Agm A. .1. CASMATT, General Jlanngo PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. I'iiiliulclplila & Ki io li. . Division. SUMMER TIME TARLE. ON mill after SUNDAY, APR. 2,1, l&7i; tho trains on itm Phliniinti.i.t.i i.t.. i.i ltoad Division vvlllrun us follows: miSTWAllI). EltlEEXPItESSleaves New York., . 'i .1.1 p. m .. HM p. In .. p. m . u.ln a, m 12.20 II lu a, m ,.m 3D u. in ... M.'.p. m , in U.ldp. la . 4.2.'. a. la H..I& a. in . 11.4(1 a. m lo.r 5 a. m .. 7.3 p in rniiaiieipiila. .. " " " llaltlinoie " " " llarilsbutg " ' nrr.nt Wllllaiiisport..., " " " Ixuklliveii " " " Eile HUE MAIL leaves New Yotk " " " 1 htlndelphh " " " llaltlinoie " " " llatilsburg " " " Wllllamsport.. " " " Lock Haven..., " " " llenovo " " nrr. nt Erie MAdAiu Ksrni.s leaves Philadelphia T.20n. m it.iiuinoie. . i.mia. in " llarrlsburg. .lo.i.Mi.m nrr. nt vv llllaiii'.port.. 2.P p. m " Lock Haven... 0.1.1 p. m '' Itenovo 4.111 p. m " Kune u.oup.m iiuuuiUii SUNDAY EXPItEbS leaves New Ynik 8.23 p. m " " " lhlladelplila iur.p,m " ' ' Itiilltmoi.. ii in . ... " lliirrlshiirg'. lllOalm nrr. nt W llllainspurt V,4m.iu : o: PIIIL'A ESl'KESS leaves Erie " " " Lock Haven. . " " " vvilllainspurt.. " " urrlvrflntllnnlsbuig... . " " " llaltlinore " " " l'hlladclpliia... . " " " New- York cm p. 1,1 . 2.10 a. in .. 3.05 p. Ill 11.10 il. ,i, ..ii tu p. :u .. tl.2.1 a. in ,. 2.16 p. m DAY EXl'HESS leaves Knnc con a. m " Itenovo le.inn lu " I.oik Haven. ... 11. n . m Wllllamsport. 12 41 p. m arr. at lluirlsburg j.iu p " I'iiiliulclplila. . . 7.2U p. " JsowV.oik 10 1.1 p. " llllllllKiKI 7.2.1 p. " Washington b.t.2 p. Ellin MAIL leaves l.'ile " " " Itenovo " " " Lock Haven Wllllamspoil.... " nrr. at lluulsbiug " " " linltlinori) " " " l'hllailelphla " " " New-ork PAST I.INEleaves WlUl.imxport " " air. at Ilanlibiiig " " " liiillliiioro " " " Philadelphia " " " New Yolk ..11.20a ta s.M p. m li .11.1 p. in 1MB p. Ill . 2.4.1 a. m .... i.l.'.a m 1.00 a, m . .HMD a. m .. 12.3.1a m . s.Wi a. m ... 7.3.1 a m . . 7.!.B a, m . ..lo.ii.'.n. in SUNDAY KXl'llOS leaves W IllUmspoit.. 8.13 a, in ' " air, at llarrl.-liiiig ... n.411 a in " " " I'hllailelpl.Li. 3.1UI p. lu " " " New v. oi I; .4S p. in ' " " ll.iltlmoiu t.ffl p. in Krlo Mall West. Niagara I.'xpiess Wes(,l.oek Haven Actum. Wist unit l).i Expiess East in.iku iloseioii liivUoii at Noitliiuiilieiliinil with 1.. ,t II. it, it, lialus lor VVIlkes-liarroiind .sci.intuu, IMo Mull Wist, Niagara Express West, Pi to Eipiewi VWst and I nek Haven AecnnmiiilalU ii West inakii close ut WIlll.uiisiul with N.c.H. W. trains north. Pile Mull Wist, Mugtra Expiess West, nnd Pay Etpivsi East mako close ceuiiectlon ut Leek llavin Willi 11. 1'. V. it. It. tllllllS. Erie Mall East nnd West connect at Kilo with trains on l S..V. M. S nt ton) with o i A V. K It. at L'mpoilum with it. ti..K P. I'.. It, iindt null A V. U. It, Parlor uim will l in. between Phllndeli Ida nnd Wllllaiir-rrt on Magma Expiess Wist, l.ile l.x puss West. I'liilaililphlu l.xjnss Ensl liny Evi liss I .iitf Miml.iy Expiesb East. Micphig Cars on all night trains. AVM. A. IIAI.DWIN, Dec. 17,'TS tf (leiicrnl Supt. ELA WA UK, LACKA WANNA AND WK.STEItN HAlLItOAD. JILOOJISIIURG DIVISION. Hine-Tublo No. in, Takes elfict nt 4:30 A, M MONDAY, 22 1ST.'.. NOltTlI, STA'IIO.VM. scriiniou llillevili' .... T.lMoilllle... ..Lai kltwriliua.... Plllslon . Wit I'ltlstoli.. ) Vollllllg Mailbv I.elllllll ....Mngfton Kingston .... .1'lv mouth June. ...1 1) mouth .... Avond.ile sot Til, P.m. n.m. Il.lll. n.m, p in. p.m. S U! 8 n.. 7 M 7 III 7 4 7 113 7 27 7 Vi 7 IS ; io 7 15 7 17 7 (U 8 r. C M 0 4ti a so U !t. a id a H2 r, a 5 ft! t IK 6 40 r, 34 5 24 G 23 6 20 & 13 4 M 4 IM 4 US P.m. a r 3 .'.. :i 4'J a 42 3 37 !l 112 li 2 1 3 'ill 11 IU 3 17 3 17 3 Pi a wi 04 3 ' 1 '' Fi 2 42 231 2 2.1 2 !) S 13 2 10 2 111 1 S8 1 t.3 1 43 1 44 1 4'l 1 2.1 1 ID 1 15 1 III p.m. 0 4s 2 20 li 2.1 '.) 43 '.) St II 31 U 2.1 U 211 '.I 16 1) 11 tl 07 it 1.1 0 ,1 s t U 8 r.o s &i S 4S J 4S 1) 03 10 It) 10 till 'i 2 2 til 2 m 2 40 2 1.2 2 r.s 3 14 3 17 3 in 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 Si li 3" 1 1 3.1 ll 4'J I! f i; rr. 7 01 7 Oli 7 II 7 in 7 2.1 7 35 7 40 7 44 7 53 8 15 8 25 8 4.1 8 15 0 D.I 0 M 0 55 7 2D 7 (8 7 40 7 45 10 II Ip 111 ,11 2U 'lu 23 '1' 27 ill) 27 10 32 ID il.1 1 10 4') Ntmllcoke.... in 44 3 37 s 4l,lltiuluk's it'ek 10 r.2 ,1 45 S !lil Slili Lhlilnnv 1 C 4 (tl h li) s 14 8 US 8 2 ...Hick's Peiry. . .Ileal h Haven, Iterwlt k . . . 11 17 11 23 4 1.1 4 21 4 .1) 4 37 4 41 4 40 4 f .1 a 5 8 5 14 5 20 ft HA II 3 .... Hilar rreek 11 1,11 ...Wllluvr tirove,... 11 '0 Lime llldge II 43 7 fJS 7 M 7 Jil ..Espy ,11 1.1 7 4 1. .liloouisliurg,, n r.i 12 'J i udi unpen , ... 7 aiijcutawlsMi Hrldge, 7 201.. Clark's htviuh.. 7 HI Iiunvlllo 7 04 Chulas y 7 0 Cameron (1 45 .Northumberland. 12 07 12 10 12 25 7 02 CO 8 25 12 31 6 47 K 41) 12 SO 5 t.2 8 47 12 51 0 10 1) 15 U.U1. P.m., ..... ' nni.ou.Ao, Plll'l, HupcrliittndenPs Oflne, tcianten, Die. lo, urns. WILLI AMSPORT I'-AVV mill! kTAMPtrn nw tup AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. NONE UENUlNi: WITHOUT Our Goods cun bo had in every town in tho County. J. E. DAYTON, & CO. AVilliamsport, Pa. in in in in m