Agricultural. Why Scnls IVill. In tlio fust place wo will exnmlne llio r.nnc of failure. If email seeds arc placed t ,o deep, lliey rlllicr lot. In tliecl.itnp cold earth, for the. ivarmth necessary tn their Kcrininatlon, iioruli before, the shoots ciln roach tho nil and alrj so that which was designed for their support and nourishment prove their grave. it the, soil Uw slltTciay, It I often too cold at tho timo tho seed nro pluntcd to ef fect tlieir germination J for. It must bo un dcrstood that warmth and moisture nro nee,' vsiary 10 uio gcrminauon 01 seed. iNeltlier of theso will do nlone. Seed may he kept in n warm, ilry room, In dry sand or earth, nnd they n lit not crow. They may bo placed in damp earth, und kept In a low temperature, and they will mot likely rot, though some seeds will remain dormant long time under these circumstances. Jlut place them in moist earth in n warm room, atul they will commctico growth at once. Another difficulty with heavy soil N that It becomes hard on tho stirl'uco. and this pre vents tho young plants from "coming up;" or if, during showery neither, they happen to (,e t above the surface, they become lock ed in nnd make but little advancement un less tho cultivator is careful to keeii tho cru t well broken ; nud in doing this tho young plants aro often destroyed. If Mill', thosnil where small seeds aro sown should be in tde mellow, particularly on tho surface by Mo addition of sand and light mould. If seeds lire sown in rough, lumpy ground, n portion will bo burled under tho clods, nnd will uover glow; niiil ninny that start, not find g a fit soil for their roots, will perish. A I w may e.capo these, dillicultios nnd Uourish. What Constitutes- a sooil Pis. The American Swine and Poultry Journal says: 'We would generalize; as what can besa'il of a good pig of one breed, holds cipiaMy good ol ono from another breed, if wo except the size, shape, posllbu of cars, tail, etc., and marks. A good pig is one that ins tho smallest proportionable amount of of! 1 ; wiioso nose, feet, nnd tail are short est, generally speaL-lny, nnd smnllest, con sistent with proper lo-oniotlon, etc. A good pig is ono that has heavy, broad hams, good Jeep cheit, showing a healthy consti tution ; winch hnsaijniet disposition, yet ono which isnlwais to get a square meal, and which run digest nml assimilate nil it en's in the quickest p'sible space of , timo without imp. i log the digaitive organs. Wc do not want a pig which has a small at petite. The profit consists in getting yotu gram and other food rapidly converted into pork; the quicker the better. Never both 'ermuch with a restless pig, for n quiet oue, ,...u ...u aaum vuaiuvs 1111119 JilVUr W1110U the restless ono has, willouiioutatrip iiim in the race tor fat nnd pork. Potatoes for Horses. i I onco came near losing a very valuable Ihorse from feeding him dry buy and oats Ivnth nothing loosening. I have never be- Ilieyedin dosing a horse with medicine, but sometimcs it is nctu tlly neccEa try to keep the nhnrsn in rirrlif rnMrltti.r, Sf...... , . - uera, but potntoes aie better, nud safer, and cheSDer. if foil lllilioinnalv. TP tlio ;arc- not in me jiaoit or leedmg potatoes to Phones will try them, they will lie astonished at the result I have known a horso chaug ,e"3'ffom a lazy dumpish one, to a quick, ac tive, headstrong animal, in five days, by "simply adding two quarts of potatoes to his feed daily. If very much clear corn meal is fed they do not need so many potatoes. Too many potatoes are weakening, and so are too many apples. When I was a lad, I was ;away from school one winter, and had the caro of ono horse, one yoke of oxen, and one low, every ono of which I had tn card or iurry every day. The horso had three uniU bf water, four quarts of oats, two quarts of jporu every day he worked, witli what hay ho Wanted, nnd a stronger and more active horse, of his inches, I havo never yet seen, f Ex. t a uueer ivnv 10 narueii nuiier. An English butter maker ol largo exneri- i"cp, who i now on n visit to this country for tho purpose of looking over our checi-e ud butter dairies, gives us thu following nformation concerning a method in prac ice among the buttir makers in En jlatid for rendering butler firm and solid hiring hot weather. Carbonate of soda und yum are used fur the pwpw, made into jiowder. Tor twenty pounds of butter one (easpoonful of powdeied alum and so la are singled together at tho time of churning and ,uit into the cream. Theelleetof till powder ia a make tho butter come fnu and solid, and 'p givo it a clean, sweet llavor. It does not inter into tho butter, but Its action is upon ihocream.and'with tho buttermilk the ingredients of tho powder should 1101 e mingled together until required to b ise-j, or at the time the cream is iu the churn 'endy for churning. Snmi Whhat. To procure the largest jipest grains fur seed, some sheaves may b( brown upon the barn floor in a deep bed, tid partly thrashed with tho Hail, or b) driving a pair of horses over them, without Jntying them. They may then be returned o the mow. This may seem like going back n machinery, and returulm? to livimiip 'iishions, but there some things which ran, Mid perhaps always will, ho done be-t by ;aud, and this is one of them. Machine lir.aiklipil frnln 1. cn nitw.l. .ipn,,).,.,! ... I.... " .p.. ...,,v,, iiui kui ui mi). cen, thut n large proportion is unlit for teed, .ud especially when wo have to buy teed al louble prices, or even more, much is saved y procuring hand thrashed seed. In tin ..,.t......i . t. . 1 ... ,mj I'l.iiiiifu uuvnvgei inu ripest niui inr est grain, which makes the best seed. Thl; IClSO-Iilitt). The llce-Kttptr't May. ;lue coutai us a bit i f tcs'imouy from n cor espondent that goes far to relieve tho King lird from an unjust imputation that lin oug weighed against it, A pair of the birds lying back aud forth In tlio vicinity of bee lives, and apparently making a meal 01 ho iiuHHrious insects, were killed on (In pot, aud tho contents of their glz.ud care ..ll. I.. ! t. I.... ... f.. , uiiy iiiecieu. .ahiuiii.iih remains oi n hi cd aula were found, but not a traeo of loney bee iu either bird. In nnother case brood of nestlings of the lClng-illrd wen hot, and their crops nnd gizzards examined ("hey were filled with berries, red ants, rnta! eeti is, nnd one large wasp, but not a liri-iv-bee occurred in the whole mnu. Vet I In jeren birds passed by a hive of bees op Ivery 'rip in quest of food for their olbqirlm; A dairyman whoso attention wns called I' ;lio fact of nil increase of milk the days in 'on ml (lint salt, given in small quantltlct very day is tho best. Givo fult In tin doming Just before turning them out, a la ilrsnoonful to each cow. nnd itwill bo foil in j Jncreaso the flow of milk considerably THE fScliriick's rnliuniilc Hjnui fnr llin euro nf t'on Hinniiiliui, CoumIi nnd t'olilii. , 'Hie went Mitueot Hits mcillclno Is thntlt ripens tlio matter ami throws It out of the s.ietem, purines uu uiwu, uiiu iuu4 tuccis n cure. ScittNCK's 8m WtKn Tonic, ion thk Cchb or live lEi.-u, lstiiuesno.v, Ac. TlioTonlc produces a health? action of the Jlomach creating mi appetite, forming chyle, nnu curing tlio iHVtl uusilllllir IW Ul IllUlgfSllUU, SCIIRNCK'S MANIinARIt I'll 1.1, 1011 THR t'VRK 01' I.1VK11 COMrl.AtNT, C. Thoso rills nro alterative, and prodtuo a healthy action of tlii- in it, without I ho least danger, nstliey uiuuvu iruiu cnininci, mm jet inoro ciucncious in icaiuiiiig u iii'iuiiiy nciiun ui tuo liver. Those remedies nroa certain euro for Consumption uir i-uiiiiuuiu i run riiens mo manor nnu puri ties the hlnilil. Tim Mnn.lrilL-n Pllln fipf. nnmi tlm lher, create a healthy bile, nnd romovo all diseases ui iiitijiirr, mien n ciino or I'onsumpuon. 'ine sen Went Tonlo gives tono nnd Rtrcngth to the stomach, inakns a good digestion, nnd enables tho organs to form good bhird;ntiillhimcrontcs a healthy circulation of honllhv Llood;i'lio combined of th"se medicine', as thus explained, will cure every niKu ui uunsiitnpion, ii insi'ii in lime, nnct tno use oi i no meutcines pctscvereil in. l)r. Schenck Is professionally nt his principal ofllee. corner Mxtu and Ann streets, Philadelphia, every .Monday, where all letters for adtlco must bead- III'CSSCII, Nov, Three Points for Considot ation During the, mo je.irs Vugctlne Ins boon stnidlli working Itself Into public favor, nnd thovi whoiu'to Hlirnt Incredulous In repaid tolls ineilts Aronnw Us most ardent fi lends and sunrort- Ing a horror of patent medicines, changing their opinion mid lending their IniUieiice toward Ihciid vunei'inont of Veg-tlno, lsnn h mostly pre- iireu incuii ino iri'iii uiiiki, rin n nun norm. SI. It ijiu'ki v nic'i nn i.s ioi n r n nn rnr ir.un i. mn mating any u,ui enneis in tno sjnoi i. B.i, it pre sents holiest vouchers la testimonial from honest, well-known clll7ens. whoso sliriuituros aro nsunirleiit guir.intoLMit tliilrenniosinoss In tho in ittcr. Tnk in Into voiKlderatrm the vast quantity nf medicine Muiixui i-uuaiin-iiiuiiy oeiurn mo puouc inioucii me tlaniirjr tulvut1.1i monts In tho noivspapor columns wltll In) nrouf of mi'l It nr ponulno vnnolier nf wh-it It h;us done, we should bo pardoned for mnnlfest'iic a small doCToo of pride In pr-tidlmt the rollnwtnir testhiiuntu from liev. .1. s lik-ki tmhi. tlm imnnl.-ir uiiv, .-.t-i fei-mui ii.ului oi ino njuui.uiipust uuureu, 'I Iio Tlrril llmly Siiom lur'-lei p. ll.iftTOM. Xlnreh 11 1M It. It, stkvi-ns. i:sn : ' Hear -lr It Is us much from a enso of dutv as of crailtude that I wrltu to s.iy that your Vesetlno has boon liferent help to mi when liolhliiir else seemed tomalluiiich I could sofilyuvo. Hither eseewlvo monliil work or unusual care brlnss upon mo u ner vous exhaustion that desperately needs sleep but as desperately defies It. MrU utter night tho poor, tired body sues far plecp until tlioday.ii.wn Is wel eomed back, nnd nobettln our work tired out with nh almost trultloss clnuo arier rest. Now I haie round tliatnlltllo Voretlno taken Jim before I retire Klves mo. sweet anil Immediate rtcop; and without any of the evil effects of the usual narcotics. 1 think iu miun Muuui leim iu niaKu Drain-workers sloop. 1, a lutlc less woik. a. nllttlo more Vegetlne. This prcscrlj)l Ion has helped ine. Vours. Ac, J. H. Dickerson, VnluiiMi i:vltloncr. Tlio following unsolicited testimonial from Itov. o, . W ulker, I). IJ., rormerly pastor of Bowdoln -qual e v nasrornr nm n m,i,ow church, und at present nettled In 1'rovlJonco, It. I., mtjvt bo estemed as rc Ilablo evidence. No one should fill torb'eno that this testimonial Is tho result or two years' cvperiono with Vccetlno In llcv. .Mr. w alkers family, who now pronouuws It lavaluablo. I'nnvmnwi' 11. l liu 'ivnnait , If, It. SriVENS, Ksrj ; I feel 1)1)1111.1 tu i!xnrri u-ltli nil vlnnlurn tli. M!, ,u,..v. m.,w cfvi,illi:. .ny lliuiliy I1I1V0 u.sedlt tjt tuo lut tno years. In nervous deolllty It Is hivaluaole.niid 1 recommend It to alUwho may need nn Invigorating, renoiatlng tonic. o. T. Walkkr, Formerly pastor of Ilowdoln Sq. Church, lioston. The Hi l IMdeucu. VTho following letter from ltov. n. 8. Host, pastorof tho Jl. ti. Chun h, Natlck.Mass., will bo rend wttu In leiost hvinnny phjslclans. No person can doubt this testimony, nnd there Is no doubt of tho euratlio powers of Vegetlne. ., Natick, Masa, Jan. l,ls74. II. It. Stkvkxs: Hear Mr wo have good i eason for recnrdlmr your egctlne n medicine of tho greatest value. e feel nssured that It has been the means of savlugour son's life. lie ts tfivr sr;venteen years of ago; for tho last two years bo has sulIereiHrom necrosis of tho leg, caused by scrofulous affection, nnd was so fnr reduced tliat noarly nil n ho saw Mm thought his re covery impossible. A council of able phv slclans could gn o us but the faintest hope of his e er rallylng.two of tho number declaring that lie was beyond tho reach of human remedies, that oven amputation coidd not sat o him. Just then wo commenced giving htm egetlnc, and from that timo to tho present ho ui cM ""iiiiiiuu-ij umiruving. no uas lately re sumed Ids studies, thrown awav crutches and cane, nnd walks about cheerfully and btrong. 'i llOlllTlL thOni lq Hilt! Home Hlcphnt-cn wlifir.. l.n limb jviu linced, wo have tho fullest comldcnto that , iiiuu urn) it urn ou iienoeiiy cureu. IlehiLS taken about threniiii7i-n bnriiMirf vn tine, but lately uses but little, as ho decliieslthanio Is too well to be taking medicine. iiespecuuiiy yours. 11. S. IlEST, JIks. L. c. l Best. Itellnhlo livlilotioe. ITS llaltle 8t. ltrnoklvn. Vrtv 1 1 lari 11. It. Stevens, Esq : ' Dear sir Kroni personal boneiit i-peeivfi nviia m. as well us from personal knowledge of thosowhobo cures thcreBy havo seemed almm-t miraculous, I can most heartily and sincerely rt commend Vegetlno for the complaints which It Is claimed to cure. , . . . .IAMK1 1.1'UI.OW, Late rastor calvary Bap. Church, Haerainento. Cal. Vegetiun is sold by all Druggists. Oct, 13-1 111. 00 This standard article is compound oil with tlio greatest care. Its cfTects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dniidruir. It gives tlio Jicad a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, ami tlio scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restoics the capillary glands to tlieir normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak ing the hair grow thick and t,trong. As n dressing, nothing lias been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tlio con stituents aro pure, and carefully se lected for excellent quality ; mid I consider it the Best Pitui'AitATioN for its intended purposes." Price, Ono Dollar. Buckingham's 33yo FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may ho relied on to change the color of the heard from gray or any ollierundcsir able shade, to brown or black, at dis cretion. It is casity applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef fectually produces n permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash oil'. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Bii If ill tr-Kilti, Hi ItHtti It L'lll&lla O is, isit ly 17 AGENTS WANTED jsEitn rot rrycE ust MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY Af.Y. 721 CHSTMTST.PHILA,PA. WffBANCST.CLEVf.O. n -u. JOB I'HINTIWl OF EVERY DESRIPTION HXIJCUTED l'ltOillTLY tiik OoiAJMiiUN Office. At eras COUNTER,PLATF0R(u WAGON 8JRACK CO LUM Bl AN ATODEMOClUf , BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J. it. knittlu. W. II. AltDOTT Iinpoi'laiit io Farmers. andeverjliody Inwnntof UiMH, LUjMDEH, AND GOAL. Wo have eroetod Vllnq nt, nr nenr I tin 1rttr Still nn tho li. II. A W. It. It. nnd are now prepared to sell llmo jittery rensonnblo prices nnd of good quality. mucin uy uio ear promptly uueu ana siupiieu to any station on tlio a novo road. A full lino of l.l'.M llllll. of all kinds, dressed or In tho tough, shlng.o?, ljith and bill Timber to which wo lntlto tho attention of custo mers. Orders received and tilled for nil kinds nf T'lvn.v COAt. Iiystrlo, nttentlonto business wo hopo to merit n share of public patronage. IV.-Sll li.ri K AI1IJUI r, ) ll.lsta.- CatavWssa, l'a. GLAZING AND PAPERING. WM. F. IIODINK, Iron Sireet below sec ond, llloomsburg. l'a.. Is oioimmd tmln nt kinds Ot PAINTING, GLAZING,' and PAPEU HANGINGS In tho best styles, at lowost' prices, nnd nt short I'lrtlGS havlnp fillflll wort f.rt dn will Burn mnnpv n,.IH.... D " " .Ml work warranted to irtro mi inf.-i.-l Ion. orders auiiciuiu WJI. F. I10DINE. Mnrchtli n ALIF0RN1A THIi CHICAGO A NOIlTH-Wr.STEItX RAIMVAY 'mbraces under ono inannc-cment. tho nmrtt Tr,,ni- ltallwuy Lines of tho WBJT nnd NOItTH-WEST.aiid, With Its numorolll hraneliei nml pnnnprllnn. t mu tho Bhortest and quickest routo between Chicago and all points In Illinois. Wisconsin, nohthekh MtetlKUN. JlllNSl:sryri. Inu.. and the Western Territories. ,M:mnbKA, uaufornta its Omiiliit anil CaliXoinia Line Is the shortest and best louto for all points In north ern Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska, Wjomtnp, In 11 1 11 m I A 1 1 1 v-iyuuiuia, VIVgVll, XJUIUU, Chicago, IfladlNon iSi SI. laull,lni Is tho Short l!n fnr Vnrthrrn rtnncln nmi iinnn hoU, ana for .Madison, St. Iau1, .MtnneapoHs,l)umtlit iu 11m ti vtt W lU'ti cat, 1UJ Wiiimist ami St. Pclcr lino Is the only routo for Wlnonn, ltoeh"ster. Owatonna, .Mankato, ht. 1'eter, New Ulm, anil all points In southern ana central Minnesota. Its Green Bay ami Marquette Line Is t)o only line for Jnnesvllle, Wntertown, Fond Du oshkosh, Apiileton, (Ireen nay, Kscanaba, Ne caiinee, Mariinetle, Houghton, lfancock and tho Lako superior eountrj'. Us Frcciiort ami Dubuque I.lnc Is tho only routo for Ugln, Itockford, l'reeport, and atlpolrtsvlariecport. Its Chicago und Milwaukee line Is tho old Lako Shore Itoutc, and Is tho only ono passlDff through Evanston, Lako l'orest, Highland l'ark, Waukcgan, Itaclne, Kenosha to Milwaukee. I'ullmaii Paiaco Cars aro run on nil through trains of this road. This 13 tho ONLY LINK running tlicso cars be tween Chicago and St. liul,Chlcago and Jlllwaukee, or Clilcagu and Winona. At orauha our sleepers connect with tho overland bleeiiers on tho Uulnn I'acltlo Itullroud for all points wcht of tho Missouri river. O11 tho arrival of tho trains from tho east or houth, tho trains of tho Chicago & North-Western Hallway lem 0 Chicago as follows Foil Council Bluhs, ouiiia ami Camkornu, Two through trains dally, with l'ullman palace drawing room and hlcirohijr cars through to Council niuns. FoabT. 1'AUi.ANUMiNNBAi'ous, twoilirough trains ilnlly, with l'ullman palaco cars attached to both trains. Fllll OKkKM 11AY AMI LAKH Sm-Rrnu. t.wn Inln. d.i'.ly, with I'nllrniin pul.ico cars attached, and run ning uiruugn 111 .iiuniueuo. Foit MiLwAiKKK, tour througli trains dally, mil. man cars on night trains, parlor chair cars outlay trains. 1'OllSl'AUTAASuWlNOHA Iind DOlnlK 111 Mlnnnntn ono through train dally, w UU mtlman sleepers to FOB DCBUQrK. Via FlTOnolt. t.ivn Mirnitirli trnlna dally, wun I'mlman care 011 night trains. Fun Vvtmi'E and La i'hossk, via Clinton, two tlmiuirh trains dally, with l'ullman cars on night train to Mcoiegor, Iowa. Foiistoex ctrv ash Yankton, tno trains dallr.rull man ears to Missouri Valley Junction. K011 1-akk tiKstVA, four trains dally. IVlK KOCKFOKII. SlEItLINO. Kl:NOlt I. .llvvartnv and other points, ou can have from two to ten trains dally. New York oitlce.No 4r, llroadway; lioston ofllee. SKtatosin-i t; Omaha oitlce, s;a I'arnhom street: San Francisco ufilce, 121 Mnutgomury Mrcct : Chlca- :uui:nm, uhicuj : z i utiK Mieti, under Mierman louse: corner canal and .Mndlson siii'.-ia. Kirwi,. htrett depot, eornei V. Klnzlo and 1 anal stitets: MouHeireetu.ipm, corner wtusund Kluzle Mreetg. l'OI' IlltS 01 IllflirilllltlOll llOt IlttnltinlilH finm vnnr homo ticket agents, aiipl to VV. II. Stennctt. iLtaviN llniniTT, Cen, MipT.Chlcago Ffb. 4,-76-ly inn. rass. Ag t, cnicogo. J4ISfAPEIISKEPT0N FILE mi inc. urr iul ut-, 733 SiRsoH St., PHILADELPHIA, Who nro our niithorI;cil uirt-nts, nud si 111 rccilro AdvcrtlsenicntH at oar LOWEST CASH JtATIiS. ALBREOHT & GO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tlio Aliuikcht & Co. I'iasos nro llrsit-clnsa in every respect, being con sidered tho lending Philadelphia wnka by musicians nnd competent judges. Through their extensivo facilities, Jlisius. Ai.hiikcht & Co. aro enabled to turn out instrument.-) that nro not surpassed nnywhere, and btill sell tlicin nt prices within tho reach of all, No l'iaiio is permitted to lcavo their factory unless satisfac tory to tlio most minuto particular, henco tlieir gunrantco of iivo yenw is a tiling of value. All lato im provements of importance aro found in theso instruments, Messhs. Aliiukciit & Co. havo re ceived tlio most ilattcring Testimo nials from L. M. Gottsciiai.k, Kiunis AlIT, CiCSTAVK SATTKIi, J, P. IIlMMELS- lucii, William Woujir.KrER and many other eminent artists, besides being ablo to refer to thousands of privato pumhascrs. schools, semi naries, societies and teachers, I'ianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and uhlppod safely to any part of tho world. SirVar further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. my u, iw, iy, OTIOiS. 701U tma data uio HlnrtrnKtiliri flim nairnnnnv will put in service pipes at Unit cost and (iirnuii and set mctO'S at tour dollars each. The company nave on hand a lot of iras tar suited ur uuiiuug ruois, urn posts or otnor limners placed l'rtco 10 cents per gallon or t.W por brreL " m 0. W. MILUUt. 511 w a W Vs Ill 0 Ml Jk , iIiift3i, i ll nrn iillraii' fe-.-.-ii'll!'.J BLOOMSBUBG STATE MORMAL SCHOOL tilXTJI K011MAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GRISWOLdTa. M,, M. D. Principal. THIS SCHOOL, nsat present constituted, 01'trs tho vorv host faellltles for Professional and Classical learning. Iliilldlngs spacious, Hulling and commodious t coim letelV heated In- steam, well out Hated, ilihtod liv iras. nnd fiimlsliorl with n lmnntirui oimnlv nf mim.uitt. f.pilng water. 1 ' Location healthful, nnd easy of aceoss. Tiuchers experienced, emclent, nnd nllvo to tholr work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform nnd thorough. Uipenscs moderate Fifty cents n week dodiicllijii to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any timo. Ituouis reserved when desired. v.uni'9ui eiuuj pii;ci.i luuu uj luuniuiu. I. Model School. II. Preparatory, lir. Kk-mentary. IV, Clasiical. Ailjiinct Courses : I Academic. lLConimorc'ial. III. OuiiiMe In .MikIc. IV. Courso In Art. V. Coarse in lM1ysic.1l Culture. The elementary. Scientific nndcias leal Coimes nr.' I'lf 1FINSI0NAL, and students gradiMtlng therein, receive Mtato lllploinas, confcirlng the following eonesponillng Dogroes ! Masti r of tlio 1- IimioiiIs : Must, . of tti.- Si leuces i .Master of tho Classics, tlraduates In tho other Cum sea recilvo Nunnal certificates oi tholr attainments,, signed li' tin onu'orsut me linaril or I'rn ii'os. The course ot stud y rrosorltod Ly tho Mat" Is, nml the sclentlllo and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our host Colleges. 'I ho Mate reiUlres,i higher order i,f citizenship. .The thnos demand It. Ills onont tho prluio objects ot this school Io help tu sectirn it. hvfiirnWilnglntolll. gent anil oniclont Tcnchors for hor Seliools. To I his end It solicits yiiiing persons nf good abilities nnd good pnrpcisos.-thosii who ileslro to'lmprovo tlieir time and lliolr talents, as studonts. '! 0 all such It promes aid In de eloping Ihelrpowers, andubundant opportunities for well paid labor alter lcniiigschool. For Catalogue, nddrcR tho Principal. 0 n.. M;i,i,i rrenlilent lionrd sort s, "n.-iv TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or iNinnnnT to nvonv onu t. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORCAN CHAIR, with an adjustahlo hack, inado to t upport tho back of tho sitter w hllo leaning forward In tho ordinary position for plajlri', and by a tlmplo arrangement, which gives It a backward and at tho esmo time a tlownnurd moumont,fiIlons Ms motions anil supports him la any poiltlon without lntotferlng la tho least with (lit freedom of his movements. IS THE CIIEAPEvS'J ttTOVlJN THE MARKET. Uccmi&e the llcitt pni-tes arotiiul tlio Etitc HEATING TJJE WHOLE STOVE. Allowing no waste heutto pucs up tlio chimney. will (jIc us nnicli vovk as a large stove of any other make vulli less than SIXjU1 THE COAL. Kor ECONOMY ami HEAUTYit FAIL TO EXAMINE THE AKGAND hetoro buying elsewhere, V O 11 S A L E ONLY 3i Y ROLLINS & HOLMES, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. U, 'tis.-t'in, All GREEN 3x i ra d. s MAMMOTH Corner Main and BLOOMSBUBG, DP J . Oct. 8, 16T8.-tf, nr Tninlrrv ad. A PLATFORM ROCKER OH CASTORS with tho long capy movement of tlio old Btjlo, without the projecting rockers to mar other furnlturo and tlio bacs of rooms; being, la fact, tho only l'latform Itockcr matin that has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for tho trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. "V., and for salo by tho principal dealers throughout tho United Stales. rW"lf not kept by any dealer in your towD, end to ut lot l'rlco List und Catalogue. cannot ho excelled. BO NOT and prices. -AND. -BLACK 1 lL,f. GROCERY. Center Streets t.'OI,. .1. (1. l'Iti:t:.i:, Soorclnry. BLOOMSBUKG MABBLE WOEKS. T. L, GTJNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STltECT, 11 BLOW JtAltKCT. Manufacturer of and Vcakr in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOES Wo use tho best AML'UICAN nnd ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and furnishes to onlor MONUMENTS, TOMHS. HEADSTONES, UltNS, VASES, Ac. Every variety ot Marble cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market prices. A long practical experience nnd personal attention to business makes tho proprietor comment of giving sat Israel Ion. All orders by mail promptly attended to. I', o. box 2H7. GSyAT. Jl. UW; fhlirtred frre of cmri7f."a Aug. 21, 'T4-ly. T. L. (1UNT0K, Proprietor. Verbatim HcporLing. TKUMt: Actual trauoihg-, boanllng-, and other ezponses; nvn dollars a session, ror taking tho report; 011 1 ten cents a folio, ( hundred words, ) for writing out Into long-hand. Whero thu matter reported In ono day equals or KwuLinuuj iuuui. urn mc-nuuur 100 win no remiu ed, nnd tho transcribing long.lmnil charged at llfteen cents a folio; but, ,111 such casc, if rower uian tiny ruiiostiro piiicnased. tlio live dollars will bo ciiarged. Address S. jf. V.'alker, A. M. , Court-stcnog- uipiior, niuuiii-suiirg, uuiumuia county, I'ennsjivn lila. liestdenoe. Iron btreot, between Third and i-ourin. (lllleO. Willi E. E.tlrvll. Ksn. . I'nlnmlil.nn.linllrl. Ing; entrnnee.nppo'.lto tlio east gato to tho eourl- iiuuiu iiiu, iirhb iiuur, nrsi uoorto llglll. j oniec-hiiur, froniltwelvo to one o'clock, rob is, ls7ii-ly GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Curks Dishasks of tiih Skin, IlilAUTII ltS THE COMI'LEXIO.V, PREVENTS and Ki'.medics Rheumatism anu Gout, Heals Sores anu Abrasions of the CUriCLC ANU Cotl.N'TLRACrS CONTAGION. This Standard External Uemcdy for Erup. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL liLEM lsiins arisinp from local impurities of tlio blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MAUVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and 1'LIANT, and being a wholesome iicautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL. niUR JIaths are insured by the use op Glenn's Sulphur Smtp, which in nddi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and l'RE vt,Nis llnuuMATisM and Gout, It also IllSINTECTS CLOTHING and LINEN nnd PREVENT S DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the PERSON. It dissolves DANDRurr, prevents bald ness, and ictards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Priccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and S J. 20. N. U The jo cent caltcs are triple the the of tlioso at 35 cents. "HILL'S IIAIIi AND WHISKER 1)VL', lllack or Ilruwu, SO Ouln. C. I. CIUTTEMOX, Trop'r, 7 Sixth Av., U. int. so, 'ii).-iy, ADMimTlUTOH'S SALE of v.i.u.hi.i; REAL ESTATE ! IhoiiMlertlgneil Ai' lnhtuitor;ilo honli uoncum of tho est uio of Vli (tut liltlinitl tlerenseil, will oircr for Bale on the iuciiiIm-s, In l'lsh liib'Cieek tuunslilp, J'dlunibla county, l'a., on THUIIHDAY, NOVKMHKlt 10, 1670, ut 11 o'clcd: n. 111., the fallowing ileieilhcd TRACT OF LAND ljouniluton the north by r. Jl. 1'ealtr, enfct by John Weniieriinil iithera, Mnith by John Uoullni,', weht liy Juhu lielshllue, coiitaliilnt,' OA'-' JlUXDllKl) ACJllCS, luero or lets i gi eater partot Ithdni; Inn btatoof cullltntlon. 'Iheiu mu on tho pieinben A GOOD FltAJIlO IIOUSi:, burn, runt other guiIjiUHIIiikh. 'I hero H n iioer fall lut,' i-pilni? c t water nuir tho house nml n well ut tho liOUM'. 'Iheiu H . a b.Mioi: Ari'i.i: oiiciiAiii) anil other fruit on tho place, Tho pioperty Is bitunted In tho mtdft of ono of tho heU at'rlcultunU bectlous In tho county, hoctitlon desirable. Terms of Bale. Ten lier cent of ono-thliil ot the purchfiKomonoytoboputtltit tho Mllkhn; ilownot thu property, the oue-thlrii luus tho ten ptr cent on tho that day of Apill, 18JT, when poHachalo-n will boulren, anil the hnlaneoto bo paid In two equal annuul payuieiits) tho whole to bo secuied by Judg ment bonil nud mortuuxc. Olio. It. HOVi:i.I, Oct, l, 7. Admlulsttator. Can't bo inado by every egent every mouth In ihu businciH wo fuiiikah, hut IlioMi wlUlnir to work con easily earn 11 tljeu tttillurti ft day rluht In their nun lociilltliti. Iluvo nu room to nxphilu hero. liuhtnet.H pleutunt and liiinoinble. Uoinen, uml Iiovh und trills tin uu well us men. We will turtiMi you n complcto out- lltfrro, 'llio UUhlnehH payn better tliitii unythliig l&o. Wo wlllbear uxiiLlinuof fetartliiL. ou. I'urilpu. lurafue. Write and ko, Karmoi a und m rename their nuns and iluuchiem, aud nil elasws In nrtdof pii) ing worn ul homo, bhould wrllo tout and loam ull about tho work at oncu. Now is tho lluiu Don't delay. Aililrrss '1 1 uo Co., uituata, Maine: fftf,i"ik'X nepi. o, 'le.-uin, JTEW STOCK OR CLOTHINO. AND G-ontlomon's Dross Goods. DAVID LOWfiNHEIia Inrltesnttontlontohla lareoandclefeantstocfc Cheap and Fashionable Clothina at his storo on MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW I1L0CK, lll.OOMSUUlta, t'A whero ho has Just received from New York and mil ndolphla a full Assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durahlo and: hiuiasuiiiu BEEBS OOBS, .CONSISTING Of I!OX SACK, rnooK, GUM AND OIL 0L0TII, CJOATS AND PANTS, OP ALI.KOHTS SIZES AND COLOIhS, Ho has also replenished his al ready largo stock of CLOTHS AND C'ASSI.MIEHES, STItll'ED, riOUREI)', ANDrtAlN VESTS, liIIHTS, CHAVATS SOCKS, lICOLLAltS, lIANDKEItCIIIKFS, OLOVES, ISUSrENDKItS, ANbU VANOY AUTIOLES. He has constantly on hand a largo nnd well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Veotings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on ery short notlco, nnd in tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of it Is of homo manutactui e. GOLD WATCHES AND JKWELKY, OF EVERY DESCItlPTION, FINE AND C1IEA1'. HIS CASE OF JEWELItV IS NOT SDItl'ASSED IN THIS I'I.ACH. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MKNT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENBEItO. July 1,13-tf, BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. . A. HUH KING RK.SI'KCTI'ULI.V uiiiioiitices to tlio public that ho has reopened i't SJfY1)K" TAXA'EUy, I:,.'', Jiy (oldstanil) IlloomslnirL'. l':i.. ui.i lio iiiiKHuiiuu uiiu i.ignt Mreei ru.ul-, whero all descriptions r,f leulher will bo made In tlie ino-t substnntlnl and workmanlike manner, and nohl at prices to suit tho times, 'ihu highest price In cash H ill ut nil limes ho paid for G U E E i II I D E S ot OAcryileseilptlon In the country. The publlcrnt i onago Is respect fully solicited, llioonisburg, Oct. 1, 187s- w AI.WIUGI1T&C0., WnOLESALH OltOUERH, N. E. Corner Second und Arch Wrecks, 1'llII.ADEl.rilUr Dealers in TEAS, KYItUI'S, COFFEE, SUOAlt, JIOLASSIW kick, setcES, mciim sunt, &c., to. IfOrders will receive prompt attention. ei.T-tr GREAT REDUCTION IN THE 1'ltICi: OF l'AINTS, OILS, llltlSIIES, JAPAN DUYElt & I'UTTV, Strictly VUllE WHITE I.I.'AI) 11 cents ptir pound, guaranteed equal to any In tho miiikiif. MONTOlllt WIIITr! LEAD nt 111 cents per pound,. MONTOl'K HI.ATE l'AINTS 8, and 10 cents per MONTOl'I! JIKTAI.I.1C 1IKOWN 8 cents per pouiul. uiu ut-at ruu.riuui iruu I'aiiit in tuo juniket. MONTOflt METALLIC 1IIIOWN dry ''J and 3 cents i-ii j'uuiui, i-iuiuiugiuipiaiiiiiy, liest Quality of I'nint liriiflicsnt low prices. PURE LINSEED OH, which i ci buy In large i quantities, direct from tho .', ,,u uiu-iil uiuiunesi aiarkct I3I5SrP ,TApTm liDVnn Acknowledged hj ull our leading I'alnttrs to bo 'tho All flllP IrriAila rif.i intn Hn . . ourpuintSto ground' In ioliKi Ko money refuiiilcil on deinuml. ' uru,u lais "i '--'mum pncuusnMintcsiimon- HENItV S. ItEAY, Solo Jlanuliieturer, ItUI'EHT, l'A. May B, '7fl.-ly, IHH HHP Mm l.,i f,,r,,iv'i.". iVil'. '.r'r,.,u.?",uowrreparedto i.ome;tl,ehUlKYtho.nil ,"r?m.V lUh""li'','"Jr. 1'Sl't nd Viol abli'lvnSJS m A?.!!5 '.,.,U?1' '."'"' 1',,"t 1,11 "0 M this niv ' 'li'. !'? ""'Ir "ddrjsn, and test the bnklncKH uX ffl bJ. i''.ra?."?1.;" T,,K,,I " ' weh everul dollars to eomiiieniOKork on, a ud i '!!'! er. If v ou want iiermoe'nt, protltahlay .SSHIaiVSS: tleortio htlnson S Co., fortlund, JtatnV ' kept. 8, 'lo.-llta. ' " RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES nillLADKLWIA AND HEADING KOAD AHHANQEMENT OR TltAINS. July 12, lsld. l'ASSENQEIt TRAINS I.EAVB 11LTERT AS fOt.I.0WS (SCNPATKICKrTK For Now York, I'hlladclphla, Heading, l'ottsvlllo Tamaqua, Ac, 11, H3 n. in For Catftwlssa, 11,83 n. m, nnd T,80 p. m. For Wllllutnsport, 0,23 0,31 n. in. nnd 4,00 p. m, trains roil ncriRT lkati: as rotwws, (SUNDAY i CKrTKO) I;avo Now Y'ork, 8,45 a. m. ' Iavo riillndclphla, 0,1s a. m. Lcavo Heading, 11,31 a. m., rottsvllle, 1,1 p. m nnd Tivmaqua, 1,30 p. m. Leao Catawlssa, 0,50 o,ss a, m, nnd 4,00 p, m, Iavo Willlamsport ,9,s i a.m,ls,oo m, and t,oo p. tn Passengers n l 1 from New York nnd Phllado phla go througAi without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN,, HTC-tf. Oenernl Superintendent. JOUTHEHN CENTKAL KAILWAY COJU'ANl. on nnd after November soth, 18T3, trains will lcavo SUNIlUHYns follows! NORTHWARD. Erlo Mall ft. in., nrrl( o Elmlra ii.m a, " Ciuiandalgua... a.s.ip. m Itochcster " Niagara 40 " Henovo accommodaticnll.lon.m.unho Williams ltl5.S5p. in. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m.,urrlvo Elmlra lo.eoa.m. llurfftlo Express 7,15 a. in, arrho Duffalo 8.50 a, m. SOUTHWARD. HuUMo Express 2.50 a. m. arrivo Itarrlsburg 4.50 n.m " ltultlinore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11,15 a, m arrivo Harrlsbuigl.Mip. m " Washington 10.30 " " Daltlinoro0.80 " " Washington 8.00 " Horrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrivo Harris burg 10,50 p. m. arrive Halt Imorc 2.25 n, m " Washington C.13 " Krlo Mall 12.55 a. in. nirlve lUiril.-biiig 3 U5a. m. " HoltlmoroMO " " Washington 10.E5 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. 110YD, Jr., (Jencral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, General Manage PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'lilliiilelrililri & F.rin It. I!. Division. SUMMER T1JIE TAI1LE. ON ami after SUNDAY, Al'It. 23, 1S70 thu trains on thu phllado It hlu & l.rlo Rnl Hit lilon w ill i tin as follows : WKSTWA1W. ERIE EXI'HESSleaU'S New York.. I'hlluilelphU. , " " " llallluioie " " " llnrrlshurg " " nrr. at Mllainsiolt.... " " " Loch Il lM'U " " " Erie 1 85 p. m 5.45 p. in 1.20 p. m u. m 12.20 a. in 1.10 II, in Hi so n, m ERIE MAIL leaves New York I htlatlclphla " " " Ilaltlmoie " " " iliiriiaburg " " " Wlllliimsport..., " " " Lock Haven.... " " " Renovo , " " arr. at Eric ,.. 8.25 p. m ,..11.65 p. in . 0.10 p. in . 4.V5 a. in . 8.85 11. m . 0.40 a. in . 10.55 a. m 7.3) p in niaoaha KxniEss leaves Philadelphia.. 7.20 a. m " " " llultliiioie 7.30a.m " " " Han Ishurg..,. 10.4& u. m " " arr. nt villlamsport.. 2.111 p. m " " " Lock Haven.... 3.15 p. m " " " Henovo 4.16 p. m " " " Rune o.ou p. in " " " Jlumilo . . SUNDAY' EXPRESS leaves New York R.25 p. m " " " Philadelphia lior.p.m " " " liiiltlniore o.iop.m " " " Hnrrlabiirg 4.10 a. in " " nrr. ot Wllllamspurt 7.4J u. m : 0 : KASTWA1W. 1'HIL'A EXPRESS leaves Eric 0.10 p. m " " " Luck Haven... . 2.10 u. 111 " " " Wlllliiinsport 3.11ft p. m " " urrlvtsntllniilsbuig " " " llaltlmore It 111 p. :y " " " Phlladeliihla 0.25 i. m " " " New Yolk 2.16 p. m DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane " Renovo " Lock Haven " Wllllainsport.. arr. at llanlsburg " Phlludelpliia... " New York , " li.illlmoru " Wuhlngton ,. 0.0,', a. 111 ..10.10 a. m 11.0 a. 111 .12 40 p. m .. 4.10 p. m .. 7.20 p. in ..10.15 p. m .. 7.25 p. Ll .. 8.52 p. rn ERIE MAIL leaves Erie " " " Renovo " " " Luck llaten.. " " " Wllllainspurt. ' " arr. ut lliirlsbuig... " " " lLUlhiioro " " " Phllailelnhht.. " " " New York ...11.20 a. m .. sxflp. in . ,H'.ii5p. m .. 11.15)1. Ill .... 2.45 a. Ill 7.35 11 III .. 7.00 11. Ill ,...10.1011. Ill FAST LINE leaves Wllll.unsport 12.85 a. m " " arr. at Ihinlaburg 8.55 11, m " " " llaltlmore 7.35 a, m " " " Plilladelphla 7.S5 n. m " " " New York 10.25 a. 111 SUNDAY EXPRESS leaves Willlamspott... 8.15a.m ' " uir. at llnrilsliuig 11.40 11. in " " " Piill.nlelphlii.... 8.30 p. 111 " " " New 01 k (1.4.1 p. m ' " " lialllmoro 7.2.1 p. 111 Erlo Mull West. Niagara Expiess West,I.oiklljveu Aceom. West mid Daj Kxpies-i East make close eon iieellou nt Noitliuiiiherlaiid villh L, Si 1). It. It. trains for Wllkes-Harru and scraiilon. Erlo .Mull West, Niagara Expiess West, Llio Expicf-s West and Loik Haven Accommodation West make eloso connection lit Ullll.tiusport with N. v. It. W. truliisnoith, Erlo Mall Wist, Nlugcra Express West, and Hay Express East lnako closoconiiectlon at Lock llaten vvttli 11. 1:. V. It. It. trains. Erlo Mull East and West connect at Kilo with trains 011 1.. s. ,v. M. S 11.11. atCnrrj wllho I'.&A. V. 1! R. nt Empoilum Willi 11. N. , I: P. 1'.. It. mid nt 111 lKwouil with A V. It. R. Piirlur Curs will 11111 between l'htluilelplila mid Wllilaiu'port 011 Niagara Expiess West, Eilo Ex press West, Phllnili-lI'lila l.xprefs East liny Exrn ss Past ai.d Mindny Express East. Sleeping Curs on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Doe. 17,'75 tf fleneral sunt. D ELAWAKU. LACKAWANNA WESTERN RAILROAD. AND HLOOMSISUKG DIVISION. TIiuc-Tnblo No. 80, Takes effect at 4:30 A, MONDAY, NOVEMHER 22 1S75. NORTH. STATIONS, SOUTH, p.m. p.fu. 11. 111. 11. in. i m, p.m 8 05 8 IU i La 3 5i 3 43 ....Scraiilon .. ..Ki Ileum ... Tnvlonllle.... .Laekawmuia ,.. . Plttston West Plttston... 0 33 u id v Si 0 4S 0 6J 10 in 10 00 10 11 1" 10 1" 20 10 23 1" 27 10 27 10 82 2 2i 2 81 2 84 2 40 2 62 2 6S 3 04 3 (7 8 111 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 32 3 87 0 80 h 85 a 43 (1 5 0 65 7 01 7 00 7 11 7 15 7 25 7 85 7 40 7 4S 7 63 8 05 7 65 7 411 3 12 0 31 0 25 7 4,l" 3 at 33 3 t 8 27 3 23 : 10 3 17 3 17 0 20 V 15 0 11 11 07 0 05! J 5 b 60; h 60, 7 27 7 22 7 IS 7 15 7 15 7 07 7 03 II 6S li 54 0 45 C 80 15 C tiii c Ol r, 6 54 6 IS fi 40 5 84 6 2S 5 23 6 20 5 13 1 55 I M 4 U p.BU .... Wjoming llaltby beiiuelt Kingston Kingston ..1'lj mouth June,. PI) mouth .... Avoudulu Nuntlcuki) .lIunloik'H leek. . ..Shli'kshlnuy's Kerry... ....Ileal li Raven... Heiwick .... Ilrlar crock ...WllluwOiove.... Llmo Illdgc ISpy . .llloomsburir 3 12 II 00 :, ot 3 il 2 64 2 42 2 81 2 25 i 0 2 13 2 10 2 10 1 M I 63 4S 1 43 1 40 1 25 1 10 1 15 1 lJ p.m. U0 85 10 40 8 61 8 4S " 44 h 41 8 30 S 10 8 14 8 OS 8 2 7 Ct 7 51 7 40 10 62 11 16 11 17 II 23 11 3 11 10 It 89 II 43 II 61 11 67 12 2 12 07 12 10 12 25 12 02 12 811 3 45 4 (al 8 25 4 15 8 45 4 21 8 tS 4 20 0 05 4 37 0 50 4 41 5 65 7 20 7 tS 7 40 7 45 7 62 8 60 6 25 8 40 8 47 0 15 4 40 4 6.1 5i2 5 18 5 14 5 20 6 S3 b 47 5 62 C 10 7 4 7 Rii-rt 7 80,catnwhsa Hrldgc. 1 201.. ciarks mwicli 7 11 7 04 liantlllo ('hulas y Cumeron 7 III ti 4S Northumberland.! 12 61 11.111. p.m. p.m. a. W. F. HAI.S'lllAlV Sllilt in. superintendent's Ofilco, Scraiilon, Dee. 10, 1S76, WILLIAMSPORT havi: oun nasmi: stamped on the bottom AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. NONK OtNUlN 12 WITD.OUT Our Goods can uo'luul in every to ivn iif the County. J. 3B, DAYTON, & CO. . "Williamsport, Pa. sept, to, 70-cw. ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers