The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 10, 1876, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, I' A. THE COLOMBIAN.! iii.oo)i8nuiin, Fit 1 1) at, not, 10, ie;n Halt Road Tlmo Tabic. LACKAWANNA ft I1LOOM8UUIICJ HAIL ROAD NORTH, SOUTH. Accommodation Train 0.45 A, M. 7.8s A. M. Mall Train T,M A. M 4.M P. M Express Train 1.41 1'. M. 11.63 A, M " ' 6.84 1'. M. CATAW1S9A ItAlt. ltOAD. NOtlTII. sown Accommodation Train 0.23 A.M. 7,aT 1'. M. Itogular Express 4.0 I'.M. 11,33 A.M. Through cars on Kxprcss train cither to Now York on, Philadelphia. Accommodation train runsbetween C'.itawlssa and Wllllamsport, Notice to 1'osthasterh. Those poslmav lent whu hereafter return subscribers' papers to this olfico simply marked "rcfuscJ," and tin accompanied by a Icllcr,as required by law,wlll be charged with the papers from the dale of such Illegal in llfication until notice is given in n proper way. Wo have readied the conclusion tli at our time is about as valuable us that of po'ltnastcrs generally, and wo do not propose after this to spend half a morning hunting up .1 intno bucsuse a postmaster is too lazy to fill out a blank, , AVo givo Iho l'residental vote of Columbia county as accurately as possible from the figures nt our command. Tiio avenues leading to an early grave have ofien been opened by a cough or cold. Thou sands h ive been cured and saved by Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. T ho Pennsylvania iron works, Danville, l'a., havo lighted up sixteen puddling furnaces and started the rail mill with n pro'pect of running all winter. This is tlio season for rallies for turkeys, geese, chickens, &c, but as this community is a mor al one we have none to chronicle in this neigh borhood. Mrs. Eve Hoffman of Sunbur, died in a buggy, last week, while on her way to attend the marriage of her son. TI10 cautc of her death was asthma. A boy named Henry Dalton was run over by a car at Oorrell & Co's., colliery, at Centralia, one day last week, and had his arm taken off above the wrist. The cleven-ycars-old son of A. T. Ikeler of Benton, has killed two hundred squirrels this season. If that boy keeps on he'll make a hun ter, so he will. Now, then, has every lady got her seal skin ? (Joyful cries of "wo havo,""of course wo have," tc.) Well then put them light away, for they have gone out of fashion entirely. Such is life. At the Democratic meeting at l'ino Summit Mr. K. W. Lyons, a Kepublican, kindly offered the use of his room for tho meeting for which a voto of thanks was tendered him by the au dience. We would remark, incidentally, as a matter of moment for our young lady readers, that the glide is to be the fashionable waltz this winter. I'aslo tills notice on your looking glasses, la dies. Lost. Between Iiloomsburg and llentou, on Saturday last, an oil cloth satchel containing wearing apparel. The finder will be reward ed by leaving it at the residence of William Hulmc, near Denton, or at this office. Mrs. McCron, whoso sorrowful accident we noticed last week, died on Friday night at ten o'clock. The funeral took placo on Sunday and the body was interred in lloseiuont Cemetery. Mrs. McCron was about eighty years of age. Tho season fatal to hogs is fairly inaugrated and H&u'agc, pork, and tcrapplcaro becoming familiar adjuncts to tho breakfast table. Iiuck cakes of course havo made their appear anco and llio community is now ready, for cold weather. The Northumberland JYciJ says that J. Lesher, son of Daniel Leshcr, of Point town Bhip, that county, husked 120 bushels of corn, and tied up tho fodder, in ten and .1 half hours. What havo Columbia county farmer's boys to say to that? The hens in this section of Iho country are not behaving themselves well; they will not lay and are loafing about doing nothing, in the face of advancing rates for eggs. It's a foul proceeding and disgraceful to tho fowls. As an old lady once remarked "when eggs get cheap then the pesky things will begin to lay." The Iiloomsburg Tilden Club visited Cata wissa on last Wednesday evening, accompanied by the Iiloomsburg Band. Our Associate Judge P. L. Sliuman was serenaded, and a like compliment was paid to Judge Hughes. A'o stona were thrown al the tutiort. DAVID J. WALLER. He is a verj estimable gentleman, and tho returns show that he receivid a very handsome complimentary vote at home. But ho did not convince the people that he was a Democrat, nor did they' helhivo specially in Tom Scott, nor tho subsidy to the Southern Pacific 11. It. There is on exhibition at Ilenderfhott's drug doro 11 life-size crayon portrait of the late Gen. W. II. lint, which is really admirable. 'The picture is the work of It, W. l-'lickinger of Philadelphia and is very crtilit.iblo to him as an artist nnd tlie moro so as tho only copy hu had was a sm ill photograph. Mr. Fiickinger had njviT soen Ueu. Knt, The last Legislature passed a law giving tho ConimiMiiouers of each county in the Common wealth tho power to tlx the compensation for light, rent and fuel, lor election purposes, in each aud cveiy township, borough, waiil and ciccduu disliict in tho slate, Heretofore the compensation for tho purpose above mentioned diUcrtd to a great extent, aud tho Cotiimis don ers were uqulted to pay whatever sum the election officer agreed upon. On Pino Creek, tho oilier day, a lad of twelve years, by the name of Clark Jackson, while out gunning for birds, with his dog, the latter treed a catamount of largo size. Tho lad at onco planted a charge of bird-shot in tho animal, which had tho elite', to bring him quickly to tho ground. The catamount attackod the dog, whilo the. boy ran to the aid of the dog, In the fight Ids gun was broken, but ho killed thecal amount, Ho nmdo Ids appearance at homo wilh the gun-barrel and tho dead catamount. The dog looked as If hu had just got through a hard winter. Ho told his folks that hu cared Utile for tho fight, ho only regretted tho loss of his gun, Gaulle- & JlulUtin. Au exchange sagely remarks t Wo observe that tho grocdiest man after a newspaper Is Iho ono who is loo mean to subscribe. Ho is al ways In waiting for Iho latest paper, and it Is not two minutes on tho owner's premises till Iho non-subscriber pounces upon It and never lets up till tho last line is read, and then perhaps oasts it aside with thu remark that ho could make a belter paper himself," Ho can bu call ed thu "newspaper fiend" and thero aru others like unto him. One of theso is thu chap who kteals newspapers from door steps, front yards and other eligible locations, aud yet another is the fellow who subscribes for a puiier and re- ruses to pay for It. All such will surely reap their reward and It won t m an Icy ono. James D, Brewer, of Muncy, caught a salmon weighing six pounds, with a liook and line, In tho river Immediately below Muncy dam, on Thursday of last week. An attempt was made" to burn tho town of Sugar Notch, near Wllkcsbarre, on Friday night. About a dozen dwellings and stores were fired. Joseph, l'owonsky has been arres ted on suspicion. Chntunnial Awaiid. Mr. Alex, M. Lesley of New York, whose Clothla Furnace (adverti sed in our columns) and Zero Refrigerator, hava becomo so popular, received for tho latter the highett mean. According to the report of the appraisers tho total assets of the broken Pottsvillo bank of tho Miners' trust company are only worth $203, 120, -10. This is a slim provision for the pay ment of depositors whose claims amount to $!, 250,000. The latest novelty is a sheet-iron "cooking chimney," made to fit an ordinary oil lamp, and so confining Iho heat, that one can warm the baby's mcdlcino or get up a plain stew in quick time by placing a cup or diminutive saucepan on tho top. Mr. Baltzcr Leacock gave a game supper at his saloon on Thursday night of last week, on which occasion some dozen gentlemen did full justice to llio delicious viands, Tho birds, quail, snipe and woodcock were delightfully cooked and in capital condition. On Thursday night there was a "coon" lunch al tho saloon. Hero is an item of interest to landlords in tlds and other counties : A boardlng-liouso keeper in Mercer county, this Slate, sued a boarder, and the landlord not Having copies 01 the late Hotel Act posted up in ills bedrooms, the boarder was released Irom paying Lis bill. Tho Cor.UMntAN don't fly the Collins flag, What's the matter with "Charley?" Nice "or gan," ain't it ? llatteton Sentinel. Near sighted aren't you, Jerry ? Look again By the way, speaking of "organs" what kind of a political tune does your paper play ? What a ve,ir for annles this is I Thev are pel ling in this State for from three to eight cents fur (tistrilleiics, ten to hflecn cents for cider, and from twenty livo cents to ono dollar for the choi cest nicked lots. Healthy fruil. too. the doc tors say, therefore build up your constitutions while you can do so cheaply. A destructive insect known as tho "carpet bug" lias made its appearance, to the great dis gust and dismay of house-keepers. It is entire ly different in appearance and habits from tho well known "carpet moth." It conceals itscll beneath the borders of carpets nailed to tho floor, and eats away those portions. Occasion ally it locates itself in the cracks of tho floor, following which it cuts across entire breadths of carpets, leaving a lino which seems to have been cut by tho scissors. It destroys new as well as old carpets which, however, are not its only food, as it infests wearing apparel hanging in closets or laid away in drawers. Unlike moths, it is said to prey upon cotton fabrics. In some parts of New York state it lias created se- pious alarm, it is advisable for our lady rea ders lo wage instant and activo.warf.ire against the pest should it make its appearance here. Farmers should be on their guard. Anew dodge of swindling has been put in operation. Several strange men drive through an agricul tural district. They stop at all the farm houses aud make a contract to take all tho butter the farm can furnish nt fifty cents per pound. Fur ther, it will be gathered up by fast special teams and tho cash paid for it at the door. Tho pretense is that during tlio fall and winter, tho large cities will bo overcrowded and that but ter will be scarce. In this way all tho tinners in a district aro contracted with, and arrange- cuts are mado to come for their butter on cer tain days and at certain points ; the contract to go into effect in two weeks. A few days after the departure of tho men a drovo of cows comes along. They aro fine looking milk cows. The farmers having a good tiling in view think they might uo n few inoro cows. They try lo buy lliem and the drover doesn't seem to bo anxious to sell, r inally, however, he is in- lucctl to sell two or three to each farmer at pri ces considerably higher than the real market value. Ho then departs, meets his partners, who put up the butler job, and they divide their profits. That is tho last thu farmer hears of it. DKMOCIIATIC MKKT1N03. The following meetings have been held since our last imue. Thursday, Yeager's Hotel, Slabtown, address, cd by 11. It. Little and John M. Clark; Cole's Creek, K. E. Orvls j Benton, a joint discussion botweeu C. G. Jackson, Republican and C. 11. Brockwny, Democrat. Friday, Madison, speeches by M, W. Nuss and T. J. Vanderslice, Catawissa, J. O. Parker of AVilliamsport and C. B. Brockway. Saturday, Pole raising at Itohrsburg, an ad dress was delivered Little, Jack-on, T. J. Vanderslice, U. It. Liltlo and W. J. Buckalew; Opera House, Iiloomsburg, speeches by Col. Freeze, C. (f. Hartley and K. E. Orvis; Niuncdia, C. B, Brockway, B. F. SC-irr and E. E. Orvis; Ceitralia, C. B. Brockway and B. F. Zarr. The final speech of the campaign wa3 made in the Opera Home on Monday night by (1, W. Van Fossen !q. of Danville, flio speech was a guoJ one and listened lo with uarne-t at tention. Mr. Van Fossen is a fluent and animated speaker andjliis address was leccivul with as much genuine pleasure by the audience as any speech of tho campaign. Thu thanks of the people of Iiloomsburg nro duo 10 Mr. Van Fos'cn. Wo publish the following fashion notes think ing ihey may prove of interest lo our lady rea tiers: A Paris fashion letter states that the ladies are Hearing tiny bows of ribbons fur uar-iiugs now. Tim t lit ct is said to bu very pleaniiig, Tim October number of tho Milliner uml tortitinakrr, a fashion journal published in Loudon il Paris, contains cuts of all the lat est styles of drrsriH, and thu ladies will bo in-terei-ttd 10 know that noun of them, not excep ting evening or wedding dresses, are cut low ill llio neck. Allure rcprti-ciitid as closing up 11 round iho throat in a most Puritanical man ner, in soino instances even being supplemen ted with Elizabethan roll's. Eveilng gloves aro worn very long, requir ing often leu aud twelvu bullous and never less than six, A greenish cream color will tako Iho lead among now shades, 'Dog-collar" bands of ftatlieis clasped wilh tho head of tlio bird, or tied willi ribbons aro introduced. Nicklaoesof filagreo silver will bo popular to wear witli dark dresses. A report lias been current for somo tlmo that Attorney General Lear had decided that watches nro woaringnpparel and not taxable, Tho Attorney General deuiea that ho over made any such decision or that the question ever came before him. In answer to 11 letter on the subject from tho Lancaster county Commissioners ho says : "If tlicy (tho watches) are wearing apparel it does not follow that thoy aro not taxable. Whatever tho constitution does not forbid, the legislature may do, and a man's clothes may bo taxed its well as his horse, his car riage, or his cow. That his watch is a prop er subject of taxntlou I havo no doubt, I have never hoard it questioned, uud have never given au opinion on tho subject." Croup, From Mr. Jnmcs Grimes, of Ml, Pleasant, uottitntiia county, in. "About tlirco vears niro. our daughter now about twelve years of ago, was sovcrely nf fllctftl with Croup. A general Irritation of tlio lung" followed, producing a hectic cough wlilcli becamo almost constant, bwciiiiir 01 thi tcmnles and other Indications of Con sumption, wcro nlso apparent mid her life wits uespaireu ot uy tier physician, At tins critical moment wo wcro induced toclvo Dr. Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry n trial ! nnd nftcr slio had taken one bottlo wo found her so much rellevod that wo discontinued us use, Slnco that timo wo have used tho Bal sam In our family In cases of Coughs, and Colds nnd bcllevo it to bo n superior remedy tor nil diseases ot tuo lungs." CO cents nnd SI n bottle. Sold by all druggists. Business Notices Lutz St Sloan havo their full lino of Gcr- tnnntown and fancy Stocking Yuma at ro duccd prices. Tfvnu u-nnt n Aral. etnas Conk fir Heatlnir Stovo nt bottom prices go to Harmaii aud iiuiDcrt. Oct. 27-hv. All parties owinc tho subscribers nro re quested to pay the same to Samuel Snyder 011 or before December 10th, 1870, alter which the unpaid accounts will bo collected according to law. aoV.UHW JIOXTOOMEIIY 04 liltOWTL Miss Mary, those Heaver Cloth Coats nro now in storo and belling oil. Call soon Clnrk & Wolf. Men's Kip Boots at Hard Timo Prices at -viciviiniey s. A full stock of Under Wear for Men and liayH at D. Lowenberg s. A full lino of Tobacco and Cigars, whole salo nnd retail, at M. M. Ilussel's. Lutz & Sloan have just received another large lot of goods consisting of Beaver Dress Goods, Waterproofs and a full lino of Trim mings. JL JI. Russell keeps tho JIngic Glycerine Soap, eomcthnig new and nrst class. Seven cases of Men's Boots just received nl AT V David Lowenberg would inform his friends and the public that his stock is now repleto and with all the novelties for Fall and Winter wear. In tho Merchant Tailoring Department gentlemen will find all the newest and latest stvles in Suitinirs. Over Cpating &c, of the finest qualities nnd latest uesigus, any ot which lie is pre pared to inako up in City Style. New lot of Beaver Cloths, in biact.brown and blue, at $2 to $2.C0 and upwards, at Clark & Wolfs. Fino Calf Hoots at JIcKinney's. If you want a nico large Iron Kettle go to ilaruian and llasiert. Oct. 27-4w Boys' Kip Boots for $2.00 at E, M Auorr s. Hats, Hats, Hats. Caps, Caps, Caps. Latest Style. Lowest Prices at D. Lowenburg's, Go to E. JI. Kuorr's for your fall Boots and niioes. Children's Shoes in great variety at Mc: Ivinuey s. PUBLIC NOTICE. Just received a full line of Cloths, Cassi meres and Suitings for Fall and Winter wear, nil at tho lowest prices at 1). Lowen berg s. A full line of Green and Black Teas, cf an qualities and prices at Kussell s. The best Boots in town at E. II. Knorr'e and prices to suit the times. - Kubber Clothing, Water Proof Coats. Water Proof Panto, Caps, Blankets, vc, just received at u. J.owen berg's. Just received, a largo stock of Heady Mace uiotiimg at the lowest prices and in test Btylo at l). L,oweiiberg . COAL. COAL Old Kstablishetl f!oal Yard. n Mr Vr-. . C, llr. M'lw.l-.j.,!.. f. !..! Dealers in all si7e. of the best dualities of Red and White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Have constantly 011 hand largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Limeburner's Coal, Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal btfore leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any uart of tho town at short notice. Orders left at I. W. AIcKelvy's itorc, or at our office, will rcceivo prompt at tention, uiuco and lards at wiiimui JNeal & Sons' Furnace, East Iiloomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7-tf-251 COAL Worthy of Itemesibranic. Why will you sillier violent pain, or bo made uncomfortable, distressed in mind or bodv.when you can be insta.itly relieved and quickly curid by Benson s Cnpcine Porous PiaHers. The or dinary Porous Plaster is an article o, merit, yet lis action is loo t-Iow, requiring days and weekiyif continuous wear to illicl acure. Ben son's C'apcine Porous PlaUr, being 11 great im provement over them, lulieves you instantly and cures you quirkir than any known plaster, liniment or (ompound. Their action is more powerful than electiicily and 11101 u certain. They aro limely vegetable contain no mineral or luilallic poisons. Their eompoilion and properties are fouiuhd upon true medical 'kill, aud aio in 110 sui'c a patem mulicine. They aru cndcrjcd by thoncands cf Physicians uud l)rug;;l-,ts of nnimpeailml, u leputation, lis he-ng an article of genuine imrit and worthy of public cii-ili-.leiice, Tiy I linn and be convinced, Price 2i cults, M.'VUl'K JOHNSON, riUKMAC'ta-llCAL UliEWIJTi, N. V. JIny 10, '7G ly. Ilrll-imi'rt Cupelno 1'aimiM rht,u-riillrjir Un tlio lYoplt, Sit I "Tho lest, cheapest, safest, anl surest icmedyof fared an Intelligent jieoplo." "An arilelo of treat merit which will In a short tlmo ho found In ei ry hoiiK-holil." '"llie aiti nil that the manufaeliurra t lahn fur them, u hose mime alone Is a sumcicnt en dorsement of their genulno ineills. Iho Lest remedy known Mr ali i-Meriial illllleiiltles or local disturbances." '1 hey aru Mgorous, removing almost Instantly tho most Intent pain and eiiMirlngaspte Uyciilr." "I consider them a givut anil needed I111 pioieinent over all other poious plasters, they give prompt idler uml euro quickly; they aro held In litgu esteem " They are now pieferreil 01 er all oth ers. 'I hey euro where other piasters Uinply relleu-." When buffering try them awl iou will net bo disappointed, 1'rlco v cents. llayiia HMy MKAllUltV & JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, N.V. Havo you tried Kirby'g WiidCherry Cough Balsam t A very palateablo compound lor the various affections of tho throat and lungs it hashed! used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and in many cases effecting a peiniiiiient euro. Prlco 60 cents per bottlo and positively warranted to give uutiro satisfaction r r money refuuded. Klrby'a Magic lielief for the iuatant cure of scvero and acute pains. Klrby'a Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas unt, safe aud effectual, Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders aro tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and bo convinced, Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chupped hands. Gill's Billious and Liver Pills aro recom mended by tho first Physicians, The above preparations are for sale by all Druggists and dealers in medlcliio. , , Movi:u BitOTiijCRS. July 21,'7C.-ly Wholesale Agent. METHODS OF BUSINESS' POINTS OF ADVANTAGE SN THE PURCHASE OF CLOTHING- AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which we Invite the Interitted Attention tnd Carehil Scrutiny 0! -TI-IE PTJBOI-IASINa PUBLIO.- METHODSl POINTS I yrE hav 0 but Ono Frlco for All ; w K recolvo Cash l'nymcnt from AIL w J2 tlvo a Ouarantco protecting All... WC ltcturn Money when Vto cannot suit All WE buy our goods at first hands, In Immenso quantities, nnd at tho lowest prices for Cnsh WE villi cxtrciao caro every garment wo hcll. ' WE Inspect every yard of Roods that goes Into our garments WE put a tlcVct on every furmcnt. showing plainly Its quality ana price WE cut oft every Item of unnecessary expenditure WE employ flrst-claM worlmen In. every department WE give patlsfactlon to every purchaser or return tho money. In addition to our Immenso Btock of lteady-Mado Clothing, wo havo a Magnificent Una or Men's and Hoy's furnishing Goods, Bhlrts (of our own make) and Underwear, all at tho Very Lowest Trices. ! DAK HALL, -y S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA ' WHOLESALE DKUG EMPORIUM. Corner Main and Market Street BLOOM SBURG, PA. The undersigned having been engaged in tlio business for tbo past eight years dealers to their large Ihey defy competition bv any Theis? stools; consists of Faintsi. Oils,, vlass? Putter, Patent C&Ci RETAIL DEPARTMENT BRO "W ER' S BLOC . "Where may be found a large opouges, (Jhamois, Colognes, Jrerlumery and in lact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Storo. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrat c OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL, AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. DVCO'YSI?, BROS. Slay 19, 'TG.-tf. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S and save one-third tho costof HITTATTP AT 1 A TVI' painting, and geta palntthat la inueh handsomer and will Kjll lljlH LliV j I J1L1 last twleo a long as any other imniv. in pn-paitu reuuy lur uiu in win to ur unv uuiur In thu country, many of hlch havo been painted six 'I his CHEMICAL PaINT has taken rirf-t Premiums at of colors sent free. Address N.Y.UNAMEL jj.iwa., .j , uiL-i u tui, ni',i'iuuu, wmu, BOOKSELLER AlffB STATIOMSSR, Dtuler in Law Blunks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Shoj't Notice at the Most Reasonable Bates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg. Pa. Oct.S.lSTS 1 Then Buy MILLER BROS.' !V1!l,f,ny,0i??,e;i,l'1J1'?,t'HOS,t.fl( riTT7?ArTP A T P A I"TT P'Untlntr, and peta palntthat .......... ...,.,..,,. ui'i i .s a nalut. ll nri-nared readv for lisn In uhtl.u irimv ciilor V, , . 1 u usci n.uuieu . . .','.',. .11. I l.l ( liaa IDAVU C U9V 1 ll.'UllUUl lu renilumsat ot colore si-nt (nv. N. V. i; N A Si il I. I' A INT CO, 103 Chaiabcrs T1IK UKKAT DIsCOVlilUV I , i:.l". KL'NKKh'S IHTTKlt WIS'H Of IKON For tho Clue of weak stoma -h, general debility, Indigos- tion, disease of the iitwius ojsteni, eunsllpitlon, I acidity of tho Mom ich, and all ea. es requlilng a i tonic. Tho wlui Includes tho mo it agreeable and etilelent i silt of Iron wo cltlate ot Magno'lo iiMe, I comblnidwtth the iiiiistcncrgetloi.f egetatJo tonics I Yol ow rcruvl tu Hark-. . '1 ho erf-'ct 1 m.mi cases of dculllU, Iiikh f upp-' lltt. ami g. rroi-Uiitlen, of an eit'cleut .'.lit ot ' Iron conbliied wilh uiujLM Ntrtn tenle, Is moit 1 happy. It augments tho ap etlte, raise tho p-ils,), . takes off II ibllimss, remcvi-H Ihepsllorof debility, andglves a il-ill Tiger to the counlcn. ' anoe. ' Do you wont something to strcngthou you 7 Do you want a good app-Hltn 7 Do you want ta build up jourconstltull-int Do sou wauttofeel welrf Do you want lo get rid of uenoiwiohs? Dujiiuwaut ener gy t Doyou want to sleep well? Do ou want brisk aud vigorous feelings? If you do, tryKunk el's Wlno ot Iron. This truly valuable tonlo has been thoroughly test ed by all classes of tho community, tint a Is now deemed Indlipeniableas a Tonlo medicine. llcuu but little, purities the blool nnd gives tone to tho itomacb, reuovatcs tho sj stem and prolongs life. I now idy ask a trtat of this valuable Tonle. I'rleo II, per bottle. K. 1'. KUNKHI, solo I'roprh-Uir l'hlladelphl.i, I"a. Ask jour druggist for Kunkel's Ulttcr Wine ot Iron, nnd tako no other mnko. Sold only In it, bottles. All others aro counterfeit, so be ware of them. liuy six bottles forts. Worms Hcmoved Alive. K. r, Kunkel's worm sirup never falls to destroy 1'Iu, Heat and Stomach worms. Dr. Kunkcl u tl-o only successful Physician In this country fur the removal of worms, llo removes Tajw worms with head and all complete, allto in y hours, and no feo until removed. Send for circular, or call ou your Druggist, and get n otUe of Kunkcl s worm fyrup. Price (1. It never falls. Kuv. nits nrm is oh nut with R DWELL & fHESMAN . Advertising Agonts, THIRD 4 CHESTNUT ST8., ST. LOUIS, M, BUaiNI-8 OA 1(1)8. VI81T1NO CAHI13, LBTTKIt UfADS, I1IIX IIKADH, I'OSTKItS, &o., a, Neatly Mid Cheaply printed at the Colum bian Omen. T LANK NOTEB,wltli orwlthout exemptlo. ONE Trlco mesns of necessity tho I)W ax l'rlco - CASIt raves expensn of collections anil leases from had debts THE auaranteo protects the buyer who mny not boajudgo of goods Wo rely on Immenso fales and nro tat lkflud with n very pmall jierceut rtgo of profit IT Is cny to buy of its, tlnco all aro treated alike, nn ono getting favors that nro denied to ethers DICKEIltNO nnd debato nro done away by us.overy body gets our betlth out having to ask for It OUll largo CTpcrleneo, capital and facil ities wo usoforthe i?oplc'B benefit In lowering prices - WE fill orders reertvod by mail from all parts of tho United States. Writo forsartlcuhirs NOT a partlclo of risk run in buying of us. A child may buy as cnouply H m mw would call the attention of country and varied stock. house in or out of the lai'irc cities Medicines, Spices. stock of 'Surgical Instruments V iff uuMrcu, 11 uiirnany inou-ianuaor tuo Iinesl millulng? Kara, and now look as well a? whenilist painted twenty of tho Mate Pairs of tho t'nlon. bamnlooarr l'AIN'T CO., loj Chambers street, N. Y., or MILLEIl jlay It, Jo ly, m. i j i 1111 ,n.M in nil a n, as unv (nil iltwlri-il. Is on miny thousands of tueilnest biilldlni.'H stxjears. and now Iwlr as uellas when Ur..t palnti-.l. tnentj nflhe state l-'alrsor th Union, .sample card .,ii.i,i.H nnu.!, tvv ii uu'r sin-ui, i-neiauu, tnio. -trt et, .V, V, Maj U, 'tc-ty. lM?':'..,OsTI4S.-$,3. GO. IE NURSERY. A .llniiiul)- .Hi x, fur Vuui u i;i-iulrr. Hit iuii.v ili u-nu-ii n. ,i,--,s"ml u-a e. nt.i fr a i)aaiHU- and I' out! nn Ll.-i. ow is tiik lmt, id ()t iisoi;iiii:. .lulIX 1. sI()ltKV, 'fl UiiuJira.i.ii.SiiiKiT, llosioN. N4V. .0, 'ja-fiw u For war.nln; U.e:ilngi, fch'-is and churches. Uses Cuai or , uud. I'ouinlne . man luiptuu'iuonts lu lli-utln-r, lli-dii.inii, )n,,.i , I'uri uf Air. ureat redacil in in jilces. .S;nd for ctttuiijuc. 1 I.X M. l.l.M V Nov. in, 7Mw U tit W s 8.d -l . N. Y. Ju.v CKDAK VATS AM) TNKH.- for l.ivw ers, it) i is, chemUtH, maniifjetureis and piltaie mtulllnss. l.i:o. J, lILllllll.MtT & l'o., Juno K-tatv, liuttouttoixl bt., below llroad. 1" UltlIKU nOOIXS of every .Uwriptlmi, LVlleltlng, Packing, Hose, Hoots and Mhx-f, cloth. Ing, AC. Ill TIAItl) 1.KVICK, WIN & CO.. 7mTirt nut St., Philadelphia, Agents NkUonal HubU-r Co, Jmie3-iiw. E ZBLL'S NOYCLOPEDIA, Nkw llnvuBii KmnoM.- grilnga,aiid Id splendid maps. Tho HKsT UOOIC of uiilteisal kuoledgu In Iho language. Now in eourseof publleallnn. Nl'l'.t'IMKN Willi map sent CHAN. II. I1AVIS oc CO., lMllln. Aprw-iy, HXCELSIOH CO., BEST AND CHEAPEST PIUNTINQ INK IN Til 1-2 JIA1JKKT, lliiri lay Kl., MiW YOltlt. Aug, $5 to $20 f&XTcb EQAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMIN'lSTHATOI'.'H NOT1 . EsTATii or iiisau t umikii, . ro. . letters of Administration on tho est its of lllram tamper, law of miunrloaf twp., rol., Co., deceased havo been ((ranted ny the lteiuter of 1 ihi count lo nnnrow.1. 1 less, or same iwp., roimmmi county. Ailm'r., to whom nil perons Indent urn i-eqtiesled to make pai ment. and those huWng cltiins or do nunds ngalimt U10 sslil estate will mnkn them known lo tho said Ailinlnlstrntor without delay. Nor. n.-Cw. Administrator, A UDITOll'S NOTICE. Tho underahrned Auditor annolnt d bv the Court f Common iTeai ot Coiuinblacoiuitv lodtsltlbuto tho fund arising from Kherirf'ssaloot real estate of 'I hoinai V. Kdgai-, of Scolt township, will meet tho lint Ilea In Inteiwt for tho purpose of his appointment nt. I.lsoniooln Hlocjinsbtlrif on Friday, Noiember 2), 1M0 ni ih 0 ciocK a, in., w ueu nnu wm-ro nil persons Interested nro required tu present their claims or bo debarred from coming In on said fund. 1 , 1 JJILiLuMJbl l.M, OctSVTo-lw Auditor, 4I)MINIHTKAH01V.3 NOTICK. ESTATE Of ItrtllEN I 'AllKIN'llMI, DFC'n. tergof Administration on tho i-stnle of lletiben ahrinirer. lato ot Lueimt townh n. columb .1 coun ty, tun e hern erantwl hv Ilia r nf H.iid coun ty to Herman l'ahrlntrer and Isaiah Hotter. of !.o- cuia -np, .mi jx-rsonB iiauiurcmims nvuinst-ine said estrilo aro lenupsted to presenl tli m for settle ment, aud thoMj Indebted to mako inn ment w Ithout delay. JlUlt.MU.A I' . lltd.Ml.U. ISAIAH Oct8T,';C(lw Admlnlit rotors. A U DITCH'S NtmuK. J KSl.llK Of JOItS K NIT1I K Dil l). Tho undcrslfrnrd Auditor In Make dl-ttlbutlon ot tlio fund Hi Ur,-IminN cf Iho Admtnlttriitorof thu estate of .lohn Kidlile, docensed, Kilt ullendtulho duties of hHappolntn.cnt, at the omen ut l.ruckivay ft llhvell. In lllnomsbure. on Nntui-dav. Nov. liilh. ism nt 10 ti-cioui a in. wnen anu wnero nil persons ii.iineia-iii Htfain-iL inu sai'i 03UUU nro reiiuiiou to present tho sanio btoio the Auditor, or lie de barred from comlurf In tor a i ham of .'-aid fund. C. 11. DltoulvWAY. Oct 20, Tfl.-iw. Auditor. A1 UUITOUH NOTICE. ISTATB OF KI.IZM1KTII t.ETAK, Prt U. Tho nndersleiied Auditor on executions to tho ucoount (f thu Adtnlidstralor of tno estato ot j;ilznboth Loan, deceased, wilt attend to tho duties nf hH nnuri nt ment. nt tho omeo ot c. it. K w. .1, HucKalcH, on waturdty Nov. atth, lsTrf. at Hi o'clock a. in., when and hero ell nelsons haMuir claims ni;auisi, 1110 uttiiie-itaLe, aie reiunreu in jiresenr tue same tiefore tho Audltur.ur boucbaired from coming In for u share of tald tund. LP.VI i:. WALLAH. Oct. 20, 187C.-1W. Auditor. 1 I ill I TOR'S NOTICH. the matter of the salo of real ctatoof Auetn tua 1-Teund. iho undersli-ncd nnivilntod Auditor by nureementof narlh-s Inttiehtcd to make distribution ot money arl-lntr from said salo to nnd amonj the parlies entitled thereto, win meet, thu parties inte rested fur tho purpose of his appointment at tho of. lieu of llrocknu) tc Elwrll In liloomsbiiiifon -Moll-day, Noemberl3th, 1STC, at 10 o'clock, a. in. OKO. K. I.LWKLL, Oct. 13, ts;i5-lw Auditor. DM I XI KTHATOU'S NOTI CK. THTATIl OF CATII.lllINn MSIIEI,, tIECKASF.O. Letters r or Adinlnisiration ou tho estate of caiuarina lllshel. lato of Montour twn.. Col.. Co.. deceaed hao been cranled by tlio lleulster ot Bald county to James V. Mct'luro of saino twp., Columbia county, Adin i-., to whom nil persons Indebted aro request ed to inako payment, and those having claims or dtrnatids against tho Hatd estate "111 mako them kuowu to tho said Administrator w Ithoiit delay. J A. M 1.3 f. Mril.lHK, Administrator. Oct. t8,lt.7C-CW A1 U.MINISTK TOR'S XOTK'K. USTATK 01' tfUWHl THUILE. nhCEASCD. i" Letters ot Administration with tho will annexed on tho estate of l.udnlg Thtlle, late of Locum, township, Columbia county., l'rnn'a., deceased, hate been irrantidtiv thn Ilecrlst'T of said county to Win. .Mnrtz, ot CaUtvlssa, Columbia county, rcnnsjivania au persuiis nating claims agalnM the estate of tho decedent are requested to present them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to tho estate to make payment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. WILLIAM MAHTZ, Oct. 13 'Ts-cw. Administrator. A1 UDITOR'S NOTICK. estatr ni- rit,ir.r.'. nvn.. ncrnAPpn. llio nndershrned. Auditor to mako dlstrllmtlon cf the balance nr the funds among tin- heirs uf Charles Iler, latent iioirtngcrvck tonshlp. d-.i-eiiM-d, 111 utti-nd to thenppolntmentnttheoniceof W.L i:jcr lv, In Cataulssa, on Saturday, the etetenthjd.iy of November, A. D. 1..7', at tUn'elotka. m.. tWien nn-i where all perrotm haMng claims cgalctt the bald estate are reiiulrcd to present tho 'nine bifore the Auditor or bo debarred from coming in foT a shuro cf bald fund. JOHN M.C'LUiK, Sept. 20-Iw Auditor. A EDITOR'S XOTICC. ESTATE OK TKTEIt WKNSCIt, PKO 0. The undersigned (Auditor appointed by tho Court ot common 1" eas of Columbia county to make dis tribution of the funds In thu hands ur Adiulhlslra tnrs among pai Ilea entitled thereto wllltmH t all par ties Interested for tho purpose or lilsoppulntiucnt at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wedno?d.v, November 1. at his olllie on Jlnln street, illooni'-buig when and win to all pi rMMs haling claims against the said estate .no lequli-ed to present the Mime or bo dtbaritd fiolu coining In fur a share uf said fund. SAMUL'L KNOKIl, Auditor. Oct. C, 1S7C-CW A; DMIXISTRATOR'S XOTICK. rsTATl,. OK MAltV ANN BhKNlXUKII. PECBASKP. Li-tters of AdmlnLitratlon un theeslato uf.Maty A. lieridngcr, lato ot the Tup. ot fccott, count) ut Coluiniil.i, ilc-ei-usud.havo been gtanted by the Kegli ter of said euunty to.Mirnnlieniingcr.or Main t p.All persons huMnirelaliusairumst the cstalu uf thcucch- dentaru requested topiesent them lor settlement' aim luusn liiueuu-u tu too eaiaie iuuiuku iinjiucni. to mo unuersigneuauuunisiraiur wiiuoui iioiay. AA1IU.V llllUNINllKft, Oct. c, is'iw.' AdinlnMrutor. Mary I:. JInss, by " her next Irlemt I Xeph.iul.di I.. Kilo ' vs t William 11. Moss. J In Common Picas of Columbia cjunty. No. 1J4 May Term lsTO. subpioiu lu divorce. The alias subp(ena In the nbovo ease having been returned lion est Inventus, vou. U.usjld William II. Jlois, are requested to appeal- ut the said Court, on tue mat .nuiiutjy ui wt-ii'iiiui-r iii'.vt, lu annuel iiiu cumplalnt therein llled. C. V,. .MIl.I.llll, CIIAS S. 1 OliNWAI.D, Attorney. Sheriff. Nov, 3,-Jw. o n ! HANS' c o u n t s a i, u or HEAL ESTATli:. In pursuanco of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, tho undersigned, Administrator of tho estate of Kdward IaivvIs, will expose to Public Salo on tho premises on SATURDAY NOVEMllUR 11th, 1870, at 10 o'clock n. m.,the follow lng described real etate to-wlt : Tho undivided one halt ct a lot efffround situate in the town ot Iiloomsburg, beginning at the cuiner otalotof ground formerly of Thorn, it liatiliand running theneo ulong tho east side ut East .Street now known as Iron stivet, northwnri.Iy about fui ty feet tu a corner of lot formerly of lioblson King th"noobylho baiae not thenuw ard!) mo hunilt! nnd fouite.-ii fuet to an alley, thenoe along lia- Bam" (,uuthe.i.,tw.trdly about lurt) fiet In s.dd llaitliljl and th.-nct- along thosimH tv.-ohi'.ndi-od uud (our'wn kvt u the place uf iMgiunlug, (ont.ilulng eight thousand llvu hunJred r-i-t lx tin f-ame in-nc ur less. Ti-riusof Site. -Ten par cent tt cne-t ,uHl. of II.. bil.'iueeof the .nucluso uv.i-) lu be p,nd ..i ,; auaiiigdJivn of Wi-) piupuit), thu t urt.'i I-- tb. ten hv cental the eoiillruuitlun ot i)", Hio reLiiiiitn Umv.i.)uiii,lii one ) t)r Uu-iendei, HiUi inti-r. st fruni oouth-i.-nnui. nl-l. Yi.-i. PfiAi.oci:. Oct. I , 1 1M.-Iif AilitiUlalor. O K 1' II A N tjJ 0 0 U 1! T S A 1- K HEAL K3TATB, In p'linuauee nf an nnlfrol I lie flrifeiwi'ijonit n Culuuihli county, Urn nuderHtn-.-d Adn.lftUrtr.ilo:s i the estate of t'Jtlit'U JleClo'.k.') , will l)j.vr tu l'ublte 8ali' on llio preLilsi'SOlt SATUKDAV, NUVEMIIBR Utli, 1S70. at in o lis-k ,i tn ,tko fullo v lng U jJort'J nut eitMe to-v. it : I'lr.t-AII Hut eertiln Ton lit Htuili In tho town uf DID i.-n-burg tu Iho Cuunty atoresjtJ, h iiiudi-d uud ilo.crlbed as follows i Ili-glnnlng at tho nui corner of t.'allurlau strut t and bae;a w.t iii.i vunuoitiidesu-n lln,' ejttttprd lui.g paid oteuui- liny foot t oorner uf tut loi-uieily Hivjie I by Clan. Urowu, lU"tiee uuh.aidly along thu lluouf saldlitutie huu'ltisl i tut ilttr leel inure or 1,im tu an nlli-y, theneo weitivurdly along Hjhlal.oy.llin ivtl t- the lino of CalliJitauMni t, liunoesjuthward I) along said street tu tne ulb ginning. Second. All that certain Town lot kltuute in the said loivn of nioonisburg afuiesulJ, bjuuded and described tut follows tu-wlt: on the V7est b) lot of Patrick MeClosky, ou the noith by an alley, on the east tiy lot ot William Kubb, and un the south by blxth Slm-t Of said town ot Iiloomsburg, Tennsct Sale, Ten per cent of one-fiurlh of the purchase u.oney to bo paid at the sulking down of tho property, the ono 'fourth leu the ten per conlattbeconUrnntlon ot", and tlio remaining three-fourths In ono j ear thereafter, with interest from confirmation nisi. wm. rnAcocK, oct, m, "70.-tH Admlnlitrator. Is taken Internally, and Po Ittvely cures lUii iuua tlsm, (lout, M-u .dgla und I.uiiiiui'o. ;i n-ui bv Whulesalo and Itetull Druggisls ever)Where, Kcud forilrcularto, IILLPIIDXHTINK ,v llKNTUJV. Oct. C. .O.-.y. n w UrU18' WlBBitm. D. C. a day at homo. Agents wanted. Outfit aud terms free. 'VltUK. CO.. Auirnstu. kialnn. Bab cock &Wyetle i Ada oivU 10, "-ly. Dauchy & Go's. Advt'o. Ritwson's iMrnovKti AturSTABI.R Spring Bed supersedes all others In price and durability. Scut to any address for . n uui,iinmnwiirib nnuiw. In this and adjacent counties. lies, circulars iroe. C. I). IIAWSOHACO., Kot. lo, 7 -tw D oil A ron St., i nua. T It I F 1. 1 iV ti WITH A OOI.D IS ALWAYS UANOnnOCS. USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, asureieinedyforcot'olts.and alt dlwaios of the TllltOAT, LOSOS, CIIK8T aud ML COL' 8 MII.M- jiiAr,i-; l3uL up only In .'31uo boxes. nui.if in Ai.i, iiuuuiiiniB. C N. CntlTIlNTOS 7 Sixth Aicnue, Now York, KQV.lO.TS-tW ) ELBOW-IIOOM. JIAX ADKI.Elt'S NEW HOOK. .lust published. Will outsell anv book in the Held. This, brhihlost ot humorous books, Is p-of usoLv UlUbUuted with most latiKhablo pk-turesby AltTllOlt II. I'KuSf. Will sell by reason of its tirauty and cheapness. No other book published possessing such general for uiuiiniiis 01 inu pn-sni. iimns. AgHnw wiu wiii toiaako Hid WAOKs wanted In every town. Tempt ing tonus and circulars sent ou application to J. M. HTOIHIAltO ft CO.. Not. 10,'79-lw 1) 7S Chestnut St., l'hlla. "ATTKNTIOx ALL!" CJrat Bankrupt Salo of Jewelry. On receipt of 50 cents we will send by mall, post- paid, all of the following pieces of loelry,U: 1 uutrOotd Plated Knimned Hkovc llutUjns. one tct (lold Iiunt Mdrt studs. 1 Collar ftud, l Wedding litng, 1 Koll Plate Watch Chain andltient'a Koto Coral Mart I'm. We offer this MHBitT bargain niei elv to draw attention to our business, nsjwp Date ait Kinu3 ot Matenca anu jenciry at low prices. ft,-n lor i. aiui'jgue. C0L2S Sc CO., 735 Breaircty, New Vir! Nut. lo, '7C-IW D City. MSr-HHADY 1-Olt AOKNTS TUB CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION Etesci'lbutl itsitl Illnslt-atcil, A (iiiAt'titn I'ks Pttntpn of Its Hmtobv, Ornnd llulldtngs, Wondeifut i:hlblls, curio- it-.os, (ireat Dajs. etc. Priifiikrly lllintrutrd, Thoroughly Pop ular and Vi:itY C1II:AI Is ski.umi Immensely. 5,000 AOIINT8 WANTLI), Bend for full particulars. Tlds will to tho Ohanco uf ton jeais to Colo Jlonev Fast. Get tho only ltell.iblo lllstory. lll'llliAIti) linos , Publishers, 733 fcanboui Street, I'uuuueiiuua. PnnHnii lie Not 1 iccelved. by Premature Do'.s, VJilUb.'Ull avumlng tola) "ufilclal," and telling what u 111 happen In Augubt and September. oct.l3-lw d OK l'AN't'V CAItDHtt styles with name loets iOpost patd. J. U. misled, Nassau, IteuCo, N.Y" octii, 'tc-iw a l'AIt.11.1 with tniP lird hx-ir-' jmcnla nt vour onn I'Aii.tis nuurrs t .10. t.-uu innpsana nnote- 'All.tiM Kinpl.'.a ui-.-iJiioi.'-, telling an unoui 'Alt.MS Marv Kiut'. a ' i. I'.iaif. tcui free. J. 1-. I'Alt.iis MANTUA, Dover, Del. uem-iw u ff AGENTS V ANT ED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history It uisi.isp nn. .ii ..ui c i her t'Ouk. om-.ig, ui sold TCT' 11 I'll.- i' '. d tjl i Hi' f-Vtl'J It nas V ii(..'nli. Adda-is ..;tlui,.il i-ub.l.ildng lu., i'lilla. OClH,-4WU " bMrupt" salT HI' .HILTON JXVAELUY. Wo will send .von on receipt ot tllly ri-uin or.o null- eh gsnt r-ngra ed su-me lliitlons, uiu set ittplrwl --lU'l.s otie cul :ir Piitt'ili. or.o bi-uiitllul rural -.oarf rni, uhu tientn ivnicn t mini, unit one In- .v i tailing Itlnc. Atsive lot iiM-dln r-.-l.dl r.,r v.-,.,-,o. I'uurlots will be M'lil, liuMp.dd. on rcivq t ,, .--:..jO. .tcvielr) clreul.ii- five. Address W. W. lltll A en , 1-litU. Oct. 27-4W d AOE.NTS WANThl) 1'OIi T 1111 STOIIY OP rlttrn tiy lutlii r. A complete ueeouur cf till-, mi'--t ntvf-t -rlous ubd-ietlon and cxiltiiig search. Willi simile li-tti-r.'nnil luu. outu llsa.l otlu r booLs. one ng-nt tuok urders In ono day. Terms liberal. Addn to. Jons E. l-orrmt & Co., Publishers, Phlla. tnd Oct' masoh nmim Have been mianimously assigned the RANK" IN TIIU fcWERAh RLQITS1TES !' NSICil 2 15 S7 f CtK'IStN, at !!ic U. 3. 02JlJWS3rjlT3:AT., 2LQ7G. ' nmlaiethe uul) oi-gaifs ns.-.gntd this r.uik. Their HUxrIiii tty thus di-Lluud, not lu ono or two res pects uulj, but in nil liiiiui-tuttt iLahHesof an or gan. A med.d and fUoluiua hv u al.-, bucn awarded them, but medal, uf e puil vuluc weruawuidid all arthles deeiued uorthy ut i-ucgnlilnn, n th-it inanv niaki'i's eon ndveitlsu "ilrit medals" or "hlghebt awards," Comparative rank In excellrnee lias bei-n deter mined b Iho Judges' I iepurtH alone, Diuhk-h Iho .MaS'iti.-. Iluiiilln Oigaus ure unatilinuily iiwlgmj! "l'lli; hank lu lhoM'ver.ilrequlsltcs"cfarxh lnstriuiK'iits, nnd nro tho unlj ones assigned this rank, tv'c Judges' llepotts. 'llilsreHiilt wus nut tin expccl"d, lor these urgnns have uniform!) taken hlgiiiM awards in such cumpetltloim. Thev v.i-i-l aviatdnd Urst im-d.ils andhhtliel linnur-. i,t Paris s-,i Vl.'iina IS7.I. Mmtlago l-i;o. I'hllud. Iphli lbTO; h.iih.u thus been award's! highest hunui-s at ever) Wurld'. Lxhlliltinn at Vilihh tney lur, c compel ed, and being the mil Aineilcauurg.uib which i-ver obtained anv a-.M-rd lu tuiupe. Ni iv M.vles. with lmprovementa -.hlNtcd nttht CcnUiiiihil; elevrant new easi-s in gu-iit varit-tt. Pile, s very lowca eunslsient wilh oust material and w ui I.Mianbhlp. Organs sold fur cash or Installment, or ii-ntul until tent p.ijs. Every organ warranted tu glvo ei.tlio s.ilKr.iilli.n tu ovcry reasonable pur-eli.i-er ur the money letuimd. Illustrated Cnta lueui's .-cut fito , MAMlN & HAMLIN f-llKTAN CO. 151 TremOnt M , ii-i.tun : ic-i t nun squaie, New lotk ; j and -i Adam-, st , Chicago. ocf::-iwd wm., . j' iV"rJ. ''' ..iw.i , J. Weaver tS', Co'a. Adv'ts. OiKTENNIAL Ilotui Directory 01' P H T 1 4 A T 1 I jP Ml A . Tliouands of ourrenrti'ts will visit the pnind Cen teuii'al ilxi Iblti ui at Pliltad.'lplili. 'I In-v v. Ill want lo M.-p ut hotels where tl.e uu-ouiHiudati-iK are guod and the ruurfn s aru n.ity.'uaUu. Tu d hu tJuj iuut make rdi an-.ii.geminu t fee sum. '. This eii'i lie dune bj cuiiv.ip-iiideni-e with U u t piiut,ire T.1I i dire tor; will he tuiind siiel. as -ii- furl) up tu these it'.! utr, molds. Salmi Jivi Hotel, !,M.M AVKNUi: M i ll' ! V-KiU.-l I i '-II. l,i,(, !' ' st i'ki: 1,1 .IJitet.liii r Uall ? C O IJ. O O IvX si . v iiikl" ri'-in i, nl sli.tfti. Ird.. ulf'day, HUM ops. le.pr1W llo. n nn In- Mi'.un-d bj eu ,i spunuuivi. . ..ui I- , -.1 - ni. ?'- ' 1 ; nlw I Ol'li-Vluia BUllU HOilii.,OA ILL IT. LI'Pli'.N l'i 3Un St.':e , i ow IVcit -Sccen S lll-eitl r;';r.stn- ,M,l, lliljln'l' V .'n u- lon.,11 .lllitluus . I- lllnl l.llivls 1,111.11 , n ei.ts I'.r l.'iy p.iiiuf-. m . w-. I'nii LAV. ColiitHI. i.-uiiu.i.v i.H-l li il'jrgt'i. v-. K. I'.VaI-:. ,. in, I iiiim-i U Jul) 7 4,U. hhll. PITTS BURG-, PA. Tin- must Cdipiou Ini-iliiitl.iu in th, I'tuuidSufef for i i.i-in H.iigti prmUi'iil ,aii .ulia 4l).. ingaii4 luiUdl'--i,ii.'dniiu, j t"jri.ileiits ri-ei-ived nt niiv limo..j" AddienN, lui-itreu.'ars ouiiLitiihur lull raitleiilant. J, ('. SMITH, A. ITiU'ipul. I in. w a- eu sept, 'tu, Tli I 4 Directory Is cninu'lltcl hv .5. WEAVER & 00.. , 'Ur"! t- Ailx t ((sill); .p,citv, lit) Snillhileld street, rirrasimiiu, pa. Ihnnch oT.ce, ISM Maikct stieet, Phlla. AdvertismgAgents w. PUBLIC SALE Printed nt HAND BILLS this Oflico ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. DAl'ER HA(iS X VOlt BALK AT THE COLUMIJIA OWIOE . J I iV LIST I-OIl SPIX'IAI, T1.U o ViiMnLti 7tli, 187(1. Dea- er-I'aiil Fry. Dent n-ttuwn Krirnt, Wo n-Iw1a IttttbM, C. II. IIoutI, n. K. 8har)i jm, Thomss K. OeddH, .lacob Rehujl- r, Wm. jtmind rs, Joseph Miarptss, 3. II, Blocker. HiUi creek -eteplien MlehMl. ottr Tims-John II. llaftzel. Cent 'r-Iamw Inwlbendsr, Wm. Phaffcr. Plshl-igcreek-Oyrus Itobblns. l'ras tliu-c. U. Artley, Win. O. I'Ishcr, Daniel I'eaier. "rer.vwood-itlrnm O. Ktub, A. W. Dewlt', Wrn. Iljer, tntu rrlrelrleoe, fiamuel JlcIIenr, II H. 1'alrm n. Hen 'wk-I'owoll rolk, P. P. Harris John Met. Iien-t-Franklln Hatljr, Lucas Vahrlhtr- r. Mad ion John 0, NoTltn. lt. . leosant 4. J, Ikeler. Itoar'ngcrcek-Jolin Itnljr. Bcotr-Tlwmaa Crcvelintf, William 1'ottl', J. 8. IJaehrrrin. . Rug- rloat-James IVnnlnfton. Ik r ofITaitsks oiiFe iTk I) I OR IIIAI, AT THE ADJOVItSEI) COL'ltT OV NO- H.MIJKU 27th, A. 1). 1HT0. William Drown et al. vs. John Brown's Ei'ra. Kll eudlg vs. Daniel Morris. Job. J. Mollcnry vs. 1). L. W. It. IL Co.J Ho" 'tnln Wlnterstpcn vs. William Huuh' m Klin- Miller vs. I'. A It. it. H. Co. Join, Mot'nlla's HxT Ta. Goorga J. I.ueo ct at. liar - MoAlarney et nl. vs. Simon 1 .K.i '1.1. Jar. 0 H. lllnderllter vs. William M n A. V SharretW et al. TU. Itobert r. lfn I. A. I . gharretts et al. vs. David Ktr jup. D. r 8e)berl vs. Joljn I'. Creiisy. Dai, ft Smith vi. John II. Kimble. Join a. Jacony v. 9. A. Wfl-xm. lleuuen KUner vs. D. r. Seybert et al. Hccond National Dank of Tltusvillo vs. J. A. Lo- ace. Tim ft Brother vs. 1). r. Daliman. Dar el A. lleckley vs. W. II. llradp-y. 11 School Dlst. vs. Peter J. Iui i ct al. Catharine 1 loss's use vs. John sua : . I. . HcKelvy vs. William Shaffer t al. John Woodlde ,t Co. vs. D.inlel Morris. J. S1 Dowltt vs. Samuel Crevellng. A. 1.. Turner vs. Klma Hester. J. t . Irwln's'use ve. Jeete A. Losec. it. l'ltANi; z.vnn, Oi t. D7, 187i). P' ut u. mu .try. ORPHANS' COUET BALE John Wenner, Administrator of Solrmrn H"rs,lato of FKilHgcreek township, deceased, VMU exjoso to publl . .Tnle ou the premises on SATURDAY, NOVEMDKil 1, 1 at ton o'elotk In tho forenoon, all that c rtaln IvOT OK anouND, sltua In rlBhlngcreck township, afor. said, boendi d and (b'scrlbt-d us follows, to-vv It : until. ,sor h by Turin v enner on iho Kast by William ltot'.m nnd Unas I'.ender, on thelSouth and it, by uillam Uiud'-rbach, uml containing TWO AiTILS moro or lees, on whlLlinro erected a S'lOl.v-ANn-A.IIALV K1LU1U UOT JE, A D RN, and .iherout-bulldings. 'i i'l MS OP SAI.K Ten per cent, ot onMourth cf thu p rthase nionej lo b puld at the htrl..tng down cf tie property, the uue-fouitu kss ihc I n y. - -ent. at the '-unllrmuilon ot sale, and tiJercin..1nle ttireo tj-iMI , in uiic jear thereatttr, vh'A inter .tfrora cu'i '.,.i.ulluu ulsl. JOHN WKVNEIt, Oct. n, ls-s-ts A" i.).il rator. Valuable Tkal Estate For Sale! Ti" Tionl L'state of Joseph Culuman, h- . of fi.,h Ingcieil; town-hip, Columbia county is tr tale. Piorei-ty consists of about ONE HUNDRED ACRES, cf first (piallty of land. There Is on the pr tiisc3 a gou;' IJIUCIC DWELLINO 1IOU.SE, a good bain, k. 5i.W MILL wiai good water power and guod fruit, for fur- thu- 'nforn-.ation apply to JOSIAII COLKJtAN, CIIAS. COLEMAN, Executors of Coleman. Stli: Water. Col. Co., Oct. '.'7, 'lo-tw. STJERIJTFS SALE. 11 Irtue of a writ uf PI. l'a. Usucd out of tho Court; of Common Pleas of Columbia county nnd to rno di rect -.1, will be exposed to public sale on th premi ses ,.t uue o'clock p. in., on riUDAV, NOVEMBER 17U, 157G. All that certain lot nt ground f,!tuate-in tho Tjor oughof cotd ralla, Columbia count,, Pa,, bounded and aa fuliows : On the north h) Ilallroad st nn !, mi-,! by J. II. .Johnson, soum by nn u'l y, and v.eii uy How ell, being 6" r, t front and 140 fe"t dceji, whereon aro erected a ttab! nnd lco hoiin-. selwJ, taki'ii Into cnciti'in and tabo bold as the property uf Cjnrad Pollani oo.MJlTIONS or SALIi-Purchascra must pay ten per cent, of thu purchase mon ), c at least enot.u to cover all costs, at striking do .not sale, olh-.i i. l.-e pruperly U bo resold at on C. S. TO..NWALD, KaerlTs omc, fheriff. ( iob r 17, isto. C"eiidi;i-. tu(l. P. KOWELL CO., New Yolk, fo IO I uiuihlu cf l-o isges, ccrjtulr.lrg lists cf su nuvv.-.papeis, OEdi'ttlmatcatihovvli gcost of advettl-stnir- Jlarch tOTiiyl Farm k MlllPSiyfor Sals or Pi Tl- lann and mill property known as the Jacob Yuhe mill property, in wlli'ln tounsht ' i f ir. ale or ri-i't iCveiy thing Is in lu-btelus comiiii id. A roro chance foy n good miller. Terms eas- . Apply i.oou JOHN Vr. EVAN.'., Berwick, l'a. Thi Clm'pext Sottp t!ml ran b- r ' it.J Ji't'W.I'll .- i On,' I or vi hi n- .is ni ,i- t i or, Ui'r in,- t.-vl -i . i tl. i hi) I I 1 iur. d .i -u.ii,', i r I..,-',' tiuu to. I'' ' i.' "uthes are trrde i i i i. ..i ,., ,i i, ,1 th' III n , v . 1(1, Ml. ' in . ... al. I I v... . I il-'- ct' - -Mi' I , Too- . n.'i'eed iul, . p r !;-.: Y . , i.1 ,,. p. I" i- -i,i-. -.vnl.a lu 1 1 . i, 4'...:; f i I -tve i ti hni'' I.' i . it llu- un ,. -li IliLkut ui Mivduilnistrat n ' t ! AT-iui. 1. 1 i rui.v 1 ro'ipi fur tiuuuum, ,,. huleiu tke 4ei)ju i. " ' ' tnu. ', .rt.u i !;!(, o IVtt'ltiu fer A ppf I lit men tut ou a ! : " cfijvtt"tt i:uL- lu toko Dcpcfcitlous. N.d r Ui llubt, Mllh v'uiaesiluli, ' " Akstiltipktt, Moc-haiile U n. 4 ej i ti, ii l. oi 3,M 1 1 1- huii'l i ui. PejUliin fi r mini i't al Uitiil - sei Ms i JL.slii.WB 1)1. 1. Hi.'.'i'oju u!, hummoni, Wui i a 1 1 - . ,(-ei.i!u-ueh. I.i SCH M 1 ( 1' U Heeds.. eliineiit IlocU viicenicliU hull Court Kale . 1(1' r' "0 .a t --u listalilii s Miles... .MajiLnue uml t ond. AliVllillSuf NultM...,. ... . II, eelpL,. Null's, Hcnool Ql-du . 1. i-t Orflurn. neutlj bouatl, Mmtunii) uul . tu ta Ut r uu butt uotlee. Wemc pi'i-paiidto doueatu- jiby nthtr ufrke Imiuii cu-outy. UlioCKW A ,i l KUlloi Hi i .ir '"-!) iauy yon MINTING OP EVERY DESlliraON EXECUTED MOMPTJ Y At the Oolumiiian OrriCE ff