The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 10, 1876, Image 2
I1S..J..V THE COLUMBIAN AMD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA OOTTNTT, PA. BH00KWAY& ELWELL.Eiltors. ELOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Nov. 10, 1870. TtlE-VlCfOltlUUS.CULUMX... -.. Jileclort, Alabama ... 10 Connecticut U Delaware 3 lUorMA J Ueor!n 11 Indiana t IS Kentucky ; 12 Louisiana, 7. S Mar.. Inml 8 Mississippi ' S MIkoihi. 15 New Jersey U New fork...., .15 North Carolina 10 Oregon !1 Tcn.iiisice... 12 Ti'xni 8 Virginia 11 Wm Viiginiu .. 0 Wisconsin ', 10 201) Necessary to a choice, 185. Nevada 3 doubtful. chaiujEs n. I'Axrox. No man in this community over had a better tcputatlon for honesty and probity than Itr. IVxtvii. He was generally sup posed to be above little meannesses. True, ho never did anything for this town or com munity, except to inako money out of it, but atlll he was a roputablo citizen., Hecently be removed himself and family to Virginia, just previous to having delivered the First National Bank to a swindler, innocently of eourse, who was afterwards imprisoned in our county jail, but at our recent election he claimed under oath, to atlll be a resident of Bloomsburg. In fact ho practically divorced himself from his wifo and family. His vote was admitted by a Democratic Board, and Mr. Btickalcw made an eloquent appeal in his behalf, which convinced them. The vote was in violation of tho Constitution, and the Act of Assembly paned in 1874. Ho is lia ble to the penalties imposed by this Act but of course no one will prosecute such a respectable person as our Virginia-Pennsylvania citizen. Wial U tttc object ! Wo rather think Mr. Faxton has defied the law for the purpose of retaining his presidency of the First Nation al Bank of this place. A refcrenco to tho ro vised statutes may instruct on thif point. THE END. We, and, we presume, our readers, are heartily glad that election day has como and gone and that matters can settle back Into their accustomed channels, free from the ex citement and worry of- politics. Tho 'cam paign just ended has never been equalled in this country for malicious and unscrupulous lying, slander, vituperation, and abuse of candidates. It is disgraceful to the country that, in tliis age of civilization and in the Centennial year of the Republic, our politi cal affairs should be mauaged in such a man ner. Npthiug is gained by it not one vote is made, or lost by the scandalous abuse of good men which has characterized the cam paign. It is to bo hoped that both men and journals may take to heart this lesson and that tho world may not have to witness such another, season, or calumny and mendacity. The Bloomsburg Columbian, after publish ing the'evidenco of "Judgo" Slattcry in the Mollie Alaguire trial at Alaucu Chunk last week asks, "m the lace ot theso facts how can any decent Republican lonccr act with a party that deliberately buys up a band of cm:uiroats v xo turn tins thing over and look at the other sido of it how, in the faco of .these facts, can any decent Democrat longer act with a party to which tlieso pur chasable cut-throats belong from conviction (or instruction, as the caso may bo) and of which that party is so largely composed?" xnuwn uazeue. The "convictions" of tho 'cut-throats" meiiuoneu no not seem to nave been very strong nor does it appear that they ever were Democrats except in name, as they un doubtedly assisted in the election of Hart rami. ine statement mat tne party is "largely composed" of such fcllaws is, of course, too transparently falso to need com ment. Tho Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin Is a humorous paper but nothing that we have seen in its columns strikes us as moro amusing than its criticism on the Philadel phia Timet. Hear it I "Tho Times is falling Into disfavor with tho public. It had a muxhroom growth, and is likely to wither under the blaze of public sontimont." The mils: in that cocoanut is very readily found. The Timet has exposed too many Republican roguei.defeated too many of them forofiicoand been too unsparing in its de nunciations of public corruption to merit the approbation of a thick and thin paper like the Gazette. It doesn't "wither" wortli a cent, and iu growth seems to be more oak like tlun"muihroon." THE STATE. From the very nicagro returns received it li impossible to give the result in Pennsyl Y&nia. The city of Philadelphia gave 15,427 Republican majority ,but William II. Wright Democrat, was elected Sheriff by 6,233 ina jonty over W. Elwood Rowan. Pllgrim-Ue publican. The Republican majority will probably reach 9,000. The Democrat, out' aide of rhiladoliiliia.havo a majority of some 6,000, but the majority iu Philadelphia was too heavy to overcome. The cColumbit) County Republican, October Oth, 1808, quoted as "Onr Principles," the following: Jtffir"Thia U a Republic where tho voico of tlie people Is the law of the land. I br that their voico may be heard." lllye is. uranit This patriotic wish has now been gratl iiod.. How do you llko it? Something has really been done in the Indian country and happily, without loss o troops, (loiieral Miles has elfoclod the capturo of sbina four hundred lodges of savages belouglug to the Cheyenne Agencv, Five ef the principal chiefs were receiveu as hostages and sent to tho agency. The In dians cajifulel are about live hundred I number. William Wlieatley, the well known actor. died in New York last Frlday.ln the sixtieth year or his age, if e retired from the stage several years ago and was not known by the present generation of theatre goers. -K-.. New York, Nov. The White Star '.earner Ilrltannia anchortan the. bar at one o'clock a. m, on Saturday, bavin? com pleted the fastest passage on record, viz 7 day via.hpurs, and 11 minutes, mean time, root Queenstown to New York. V AIL COLUMBIA. The "Kailroad Wrecker" Running on Fast Time. 1 Tilflen's Incoino Tax Accoant Settled toy the People of tlie United Slates. A BAOIIELOIt PRESIDENT TO TAKE OARE OP OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN AND NO JOBS OR OFFICES FOR HIS OWN I Southern Eebol Olaims at a Discount and Kepublican Lobbyists and Olaim Agents in Constornation. BLAINE OF MAINE IN PAIN Boss Shepherd & Babcock Defunct. Zachariah Chandler .takes an Early Train for Michigan to recuperate on Bour bon and Muscalonge ! ,n-vr Tho fight is fought and Victory perches on tho banners of tho Democracy. Tho re turns aro as yet incomplete but enough have been received to provo beyond a doubt that Samuel J. Tilden has been elected President. The following aro tho latest reports : New York City complete, gives a Demo cratic majority of 53,550 ; Drooklyn, com pleto 17,250 ; total majority in both cities yu.ouu. in Boutii unroiiua a minority is claimed for Tilden of 4000 ; iu Louisiana 6000 j in Kentucky 60,000 ; Connecticut 7,' 000 ; Maryland 12000 to 15000; Iudiaua 10t 000; Cjeorgia, 60,000; Florida. 3,000; Tennes seo 50,000; Virginia, 25,000 to 30,000; Alaba ma 25,000 ; Delaware 3,000 ; Mississippi 30, 000. In Wisconsin thero are large Democratic gains and it Is probable that Tilden has carried the State, Texas and North Carolina have undoubtedly gone Democratic, as has also Wert Virginia. Largo gains aro reported for the Democrats In Michigan and In Massachusetts, Ohio is claimed by the Republicans by 8,000 majority ; in 1872 Grain had over 41, 000. A Republican majority of 17.000 is claimed in Maine bat Blaine may have rent the dispatch. Rhode Island gives 0000 Republican ma. jority and Vermont 12,677 a Democratic gain of 3,810. Iowa w claimed by 30,000 majority fur the Republicans. Theso figures nro mainly estimated and will probably undergo somo changes hut not enough to affect the general result. Trot out yonr roosters oh ! ye faithful, fire jour'cannons and sing your songs of jubilee for tho nation is redeemed ! Fof sixteen years tho party of the people has pined in bondage, but now is free hence these joyous words of congratulation The authorities of Lebanon county are in a quandary as to what disposition they shall makqof tl)0 large number of tramps they have- imprisoned. If they retain them much ezpenso will be incurred, and if they dis chargo them fears are entertained that the vagMNts will "commit depredations in tho rural districts. Tho Sioux have started a littln war on theirjown account and not long since wipei il oat a band of about 600 Shoshoncs. Only one of tho latter is known to have escaped and lie, oddly enough, was tho Indian who tuveej the life of one of (im. Crook's officers last slimmer. A good deed merits reward. I Medical men who have wltnessced the healing nnd purifying action of Glenn Huluber Soi upon the Skin, nronounce uu excellent vnecifte for njorbullc ernntious unil one of the most efficacious deodorizers and disinfectants iu use. Crittenton's, 7. 6th Ave.jlM, x, Jtlim ilair ana Whisker Dye, Diacir. or Drown, uv cent, ftoy. 30,000 MINERS OUT OP WORK. A special dispatch from Bethlehem to tho Now York Herald bays i 1 v iu wi mining imiu transportation tym panies of the Schuylkill, Lehigh, Wyoming and Lackawanna roglpns have for a long time been planning rt 'suspension of produc tion at their" folllelers, but no posltlvo ar rangements for a stoppago havo beon decid ed upon until Just now. Macy of tho small er producers havo been shutting down over kIiico tho dissolution of the coal combination but tho Dclawaro nnd Hudson CoalCompany ono of tho heaviest coal and carfylilg cor porations in the.Lackawanna and Wyoming or northern coal and carrying corporations n the Lackawanna and Wyoming or north ern coat fields, has been tho first ono of the great companies to inttlato a suspension movment. Work hxs been stopped nt all the mines of tho company, tho numerous breakers are now silent, and between 13,000 and 15,000 worklngmcn, colliers and their .Vijlstants aro thrown out of employment. It Is understood the suspension will continue for an lnuefinllo period. Several of the other prominent operating companies havo also followed tho same policy. Tho Phila- elphla and Reading Company has mado partial cessation of operations. By the suspension between 25,000 and 30,000 men employed In tho mines of tho different com panies aro cither entirely or partially un. employed. A nicotingof managers of nearly 11 tho coal and transportation companies' has been held, and from what has been gleaued of their action it la bclleyed a gen eral supcnlon of production will soon oc cur, the stoppago being carried out in all the districts with perhaps tho exception of tho Lehigh region. There is over 1,500,000 tons of authraelto fuel now "stacked" at the seaboard depots, and it is said this is suflicient to meet nil ordinary demands ir nt least three months, and tho shut-down ill probably continue for that length of me. The operators say that thero is no profit inroal mining, and they arc therefore compelled to stop production to prevent pos- ible bankruptcy. On the other hand tho colliers say it is a sharp dodgo to run up prices. ANOTHER iTlIEL SUIT. The path trodden by tho independent and honest newspaper of the period is not desti tute of thorns and the Philadelphia Ttmei ppcara to havo wandered into' an unusually briery portion of the walk. First camo one Nat. McKay, contractor, breathing forth engeance and wrath and demanded redress for wrongs inflicted through the columns of the 7!wicj aforesaid. Tho jury didn't agree with him and he will have to try it again. Next came his Honor Mayor Stoklcy, of hiladelphia, whoso bosom wa3 lacerated, as he thought by tho minions of tho press. He, however, is apparently too mad to try the case, at least McClure ho3 not been mulcted as yet. And last of all comes McJIullen ex-Alderman aud Councillor McMulleu Billy" McMulleu, whose pure reputation he alleges has been torn into shoo strings by tho remorseless Time. It would seem as f there was a large amount of "reputation" open to injury, lying around loose in Phila delphia. Wo hope Col. McClure's purse will hold out as long as his pluck, although wo havo serious doubts whether thero will be many large fortunes mado out of libel suits against his paper. The man who aids, assists or abets in the persecution of such a paper as the Times, with a view to its suppression, should bo held a public enemy and treated according ly. The only live newspaper Philadelphia has ever had is a luxury not readily to be cast aside. Let us havo peace. THE VOTE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY FOIt PRESIDENT. District. Beaver Berwick Beuton 2G4 118 221 244. 29 213 41 Bloom E. 195 Bloom W. Briarcreek 140 105 191 52 C'atawissa Centralia Centre Conyngham N. Conyngham S. R. maj. 34 191 100 139 294 59 203 1G9 122 05 000 G t'isningcreek Franklin G1 57 1GG Greenwood Hemlock 52 Jackson 11 Locust Madison D. maj. 150 181 07 Muin Mifliin Montour 133 14 40 53 200, 99 102 130 131 G3 Mt. Pleasant 01 Orange Pino (19 30 42 122 Roarinecreek Scott Sugarloaf 151 D. maj. 108 rou NovKunEii. Scribner for No vember begins the thirteenth volume of that magazine and opens with n fully illii'trnled nr tide on Harlfurd, by .Mr. Charles II. Clark, of the Hartford Qiumnt, under llie tillo of "The Charter Oak City." Charles Barnard's articles on Co-operation in (Jreat Biilnln are begun with a paper on "A Scottish Loif K.ictory." Mrs. Hernek s very carefully illustrated micro scopic Jpapcrs arc aho litre beuii the first entitled 'The Beginning of Life." Mr. Clar enco Cook continues his talks furniture ; the illustrations are of fire-places, cettees.chairs, Ac, Mr. O. V. Tliwing gives ns the remit of his invectigalioni in regard Ui the expenses of an education nt the principal colleges incl-il eoet of board, etc Donald O. Mitcbill (Ik Marvel) write! about some of the features of the great Exhibition. Tlie-re Is an itlintnitcil pa per on Rome; a short story by James T. McKay a writer well known lo the rendere of Ihis mag azine ; a Miort etory by Mrs, Burnett. There aro poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrirh, George Parsons Lillirop, ami oilier. In tho depart raenls at the end of Iho magazine, mcli various subjetts we iliheiirxtM as Country Homes, American Ar! Politics, the Jews, the proper treatment of infants, "DjiikI Djriinda," new photographic procers, itc. "Bric-n-llrac" con tains iiiiluiig other tilings, the ballad of the Iiilr LoIIiuIj, by Hugh Howard ; and The Old Hostlers hxpeiirocc, liy Irwin Rinell, The mobt stupendous hoax of the aire, ex copt perhaps the New York feralWt report ofthoftpapc of wild beasts from Central Park, was puUIUhed in ihe last number of the Philadelphia 6'amluu Mem, It was an elaborate and admirably written account of tho robberof go iils from thoMtiiii Centen nial Bulldiug, valued a4 over $50,000,000, and tjhe wpture.of fine of tho tljievcs .tc. Of eoursctue whole airilr was mythical and only showed what might have occurred, Cardinal Aiitonelll, (bo matt inllueutial and powerful tif the Pope's udvUcrs. and the controller of the Papal policy, died in Rome Ion Monday, ugeel seventy years. Ho was raan'pf great executive ability and trior oughly conversant with diplomatic matters. Ho lefi h forlimo worth $15,000,000, and the tiuesj collection of works of art, rich laces, uiaraonu unit precious stones to be loun In Europe, Do It at Once, If ft tithe of tho testimonials now on hand of tho valuo of Dr. WIstar's Balsam or Wild Cherry should bo published, no ono would stop to rend tho bulky volume. Ask your drutrtrist and ho will tell you that this Bal sam is a roal blessing to all affected with turoat or ninij uiseases. ah kinureu niiec Hons, including Bronchitis, Soro Throat, Croup, Hoarseness, Pains in the ChoO, and Bleeding of tho' Lungs, yield to lis wonder ful power. Wo ndviso nnv ono lived of ex perimenting with Physician's prescriptions or iiuack medicines to drop them nt oneo and uso this Bulsnm of Wild Cherry. 60 conts and if 1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. . jt j i " Deaths. AKMSUTSON. In (Irccnwooil township on theuath Mrs. Jano Albortson, sired SJ jenrs, 8 months ami l day. MAHKET HEPOltTS. BLOOMSBURG MARICLT. Client per buMicl $ 1.35 Hyc " r. Corn, new, ' mi oats, " " so Klourperbarrol 7.M CloveiweJ ;.v Klnxseosl l.M nutter 36 KSKS IS Tultmv I routoos .90 Dried Apples t is llnnvi .is sides Jt Shoulders , IJ bard p'ir pound 14 IIiiyKrton u.'hi Uceswax 2-- Timothy Seed 4.M iUUI'AUUfla IfUll CUAl.. No. 4 on Wharf $ 3,40 per Tod No.s " " 3,o ' SO. " " 2,) " yiacksmlth'sbutun on Wharf fS 41 " imuminoua " II 10 NEW ADVER.TISEiME.NTS OIUMUNS'JWUI' S'ALE. Tn nurEiianee of an ordrr cif Ilia f)hrL1.fl, fYpirt. r.t Columbia county, the unnei slKi.etl, i!inlnlMrntor nt Oliver l'hlllliw, lalo of Illoom to'tnsulp, deceased, in cxposoto puniic mho on the premises on THURSDAY, NOVHMBUIt 30, 1S7G, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon nil that certain IMcccaixl I'ni'Kel oT Land situate In CcntervUIc, Columbia eounty, Penna.. and muiked and numbered s Let No. 1, In n man cr tho general plan of b.iU1 town of Ceulvrvllle, nnd bounded and described as follows: lUrflnnlnunn Center stret, thenco by same i nrth cux decrees east 91 feet nnd 9 Inches; thence by Wharf Lot Xo. 2, south 24 degrees enst cs feet : thence by l'ront bt., cok degrees west 91 fret nnd 9 Inches; thence by Lot No. 15. according to the nnw division, north ai degrees west Oil feet to the place of beginning with DWELLING HOUSB and other buildings created thereon. Terms op Sale. Ten vfr cent, of one-fourth of the purchaso money to bo paid nt the strlk-lng down ol the property, tho oue-iourth lesj thii ten pTcent. nt the connrmatlon of tho sale anil tho remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with interest from eonnrmatlon nisi. ' E. E. oiivis Nov. 10,'70-ts Administrator. COURT PROCLAMATION. TXTHEREAS, the Hon. William Eiavlll TV l'rcsldcnt Judge of tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Ja'l Delivery, Court of ejusr- ter Sessions ot tho Peace and the Court of Common leas and Orphans' Court In tho 2CUi Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons. Iiiam Deuh and M. (1. Ilconcs, Associate Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their precept, bearing date tho t:d day ot Oct., In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred nnd sevonty-sU, and to mo directed for holding n Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common leas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburcr, in the county ot Columbia, on tho first Monday, being tho 4th day of December next, to continue two weeks. Notlco Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said county ot Columbia, that they bo then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock tn tho forenoon ot said 4th day of September, with their records, Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do thosothlnts which to their ofllcea appertain to bo done. And those that aro bound by reeognlzanco to rrosecuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo In the jail ot tho said county of Columbia, to be then and thei o lo prosecute them as shall bo Just. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Illoomsburg tho 23d day ,1 of Oct., in the jear of our ljrd ono US, thousand eight hundred and Fcventy-slx v J and In the ono hundiedth year ot tho fndj- pendenco of tho United states of America. Sherlfl's onice, CHAS.S.FOHNWALD, Uloomsburg, Nov. 1 tc Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE ! By vlrtuo ot sundry writs, of Venditioni Expo nas issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, vt 111 bo exposed to public sale at tho Court Houso In Bloomsburg at one o'clock p. ra. on MONDAY. DECEMIiEIt -1, 1870, All that certain real cstato situate in Beaver town- ship, Columbia county, Pa., boundeil and doicrlbed as follows :.On tho north by land of McCauIcy Moun tain Iron and Coal company, east by lands ot E. C. Lucas, D. )a Is and Uriah McA flee, south by D. II. W. Hull ltoad and w est by land ot T. G. Morgan, containing twenty-nine acres moro or less on which aro erected two fiamo dwelling, houses aud frame stablo with tin nppuitcnances. Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho property of J, II. Haus. ALSO, A certain piece of land sltuatu In Benton township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded us follows : by lands of David Hoberts on lUio uoi Ih, of Michael Hartinan on tho least, of Joseph Butt on the south and of John Hoberts on tho west, whereon are erect ed a Blank Dwelling House, a stablo and other out buildings, consisting of twenty-one acies more or less. Seized, token Into execution, and to be bold as tho property of Edward McIIenry, ALSO, All that real cstato situate In Scott township Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of William Crevellng, James Snnkey nnd others, con tnlnlng Sixty Acres more or lehS whereon nro erect ed a House and Barn with nocessary out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken into execution and to bo sold as the property of Stephen 11. Wolf. ALSO, All that lot of ground bltuato In East Blocmsburi', Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: on the north by lot ot C. I, Thomas, east by East street, south by sixth street and west ty an alley, containing about one-fourth of an aero moro cr less, whereon aro ertcttd a Promo Taiern Stand and small frame shop. Seized, taken Into oxecullon and to bo sold as the property ot William eligcr and Daniel Glger, ALSO, All that certain real estate situated In Winiln town thin, Columbia county, bounded on tho north by lands ot I, K. t'chweppenhlser, on tlm cast by Howry and fcchweppenhiser, on thei South by lan Js of I, K, Schueppcnhlser nnd on Iho wot by lands of Joseph Genrhari, on which nro creeled a dwelling hous,e, born and onl bul'dlngs, Iho bald real estate consis ting of nicety live acres more or less. ALSO, Ono other tract or piece of land bounded as follows: on tho north by lands ot Isaac Snyder, cost by land of Henry Creasy, south by land of Jacob Nungesser ana west by units of iJiwrcTfco Waters and others , whereon are erected a dwelling bouso, barn, nnd out buUdlngsj coublsting of onu hundred mid twenty acres more or less, Mtiutcc In the township of Mil' nin. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the property of John Aten. ALSO, The following real estate Htuatoln MMllntown bhlp, Columbia county, bounded on thu north and east by lands of Isaao Sehweppenhclser, south by puniin road, webt by Charles Kllngerraan. containing twelve acre's Inoro or less, on which aro erected a rrnmo dwelling house and frame stable, Se !ml, t&ken Into execution and to be sold ns the property cf David F. Pudcn. ALSO, Alt (lint certain lot cf land situated In the Borough of Centralia, In Iho county of Columbia, bounded by lands or tho licust Mountain Coal olid Iron Com. pony on the north, an alley on the east lands of George UcEltiarnoy, on tho south, aoet Lueust AYtn. ue on tho west, whereon are a. two story and a halt dwelling Iioum), llto tame being twenty avo feet In front by ono hundred and forty feet in depth, ALSO, One oilier lot situated In the said Borough nt nenirniio, Columbia Co., ra., bounded by lot William Chapman on the north, Locust Avenue on tiiet iiit Wliuam Ptltur on south, west by an alley, bulug sixty six lott la trout by one hundred and tor ty feet in depth, whereon are erected a two story and a half dwelling houw, aud outbuildings and a large btamu. rttUw, taken Into cxucutlon and to be Bold as the property of Stephen Thomas. IPUAllUM B. VOltNWALD, Uberlfl. Kov. 10, 1-U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I KSTATR OP rKTEn KMT. llBO'D. tlPra ot Admlntstrallon, on tho estate of rcttr l.nt, law of Scott two, Columbia county.dec'd. havo Iren granted by the Heglster uf nnlrt eounty to usenr r jvni, oi i.igia rsiee-i, u-oiuinma uo., i-n., to whom nil persons Indebted to said Lslato nio re quested te nuiko payment, nnd ttioso having claims ugains the t aid estate Mill inakn them knon n to the said administrator without delay. OSOAlt I'. KST, 'Nov. 10, 'Jet-dw. Adiulnlstrnlor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. sniAiR or ir.vtn JoiiNsos, nrrsAsitn, late or biavku TOWNsmr, coi.LSinu eiocNTV, tetters ot Adinlnlntstnitlo on tho estate of Jcsso Johnson Lite of Columbia county, deceased, have btcB granted by the UcgHterof said county to John W,.lolmson of Heater lowii'hlp, ColumMn county, to whom nil persons Indebted are requested to Inuke payment, nnd thoc having claims or demands against the said estate, mil make them known to the said i;.rcutor nlthout delay. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Nov, lo, '7S-Sw Administrator. Juries for Deo. Term, 187G. GRAND JURORS. Illoom fleorgo W. Ilatos, Kreas nrown, Totcr Jonos. K. It. War.Hn, 1'homas Kncrr. Berwick AtexAnd r Tluinpsou. Catawlssa .t. K. Sharplcss, Danle I Zarr. Centrnlla -Alfred Jatne.i, eiooiRJ Jauis. i'oninrham-l'. It U'liuams. rishluirercck (leorifo 1. Heath. (Irccnwooil Dai IJ Albcrtson. Joclpon-John P.anlr. Jllfllln--' Uu nowman, John Hoffnalo, Htephen Heller. ML I I aunt. rios. J. iVelltver. Orani? -.Mail;n Uitthe, Henry HoLou?. S, ott Hceeii Palnnin, ls.iao ncs,(loorBe V. Crove llus A. II. White. TRAVERSE JURORS. rinsTWEgK. B!oom- imam Hitter, Chas. Sloan, N. U. Funk, I. .4. huhn. Heaver-Chailcs Shuman. Berwick William Iircdbender, John G. Jacoby. Beuton . L. Cole, Kilos Plniltz. llrlarcreck-s. el. smith, Levi slddler. (jitawlssa Nathan Creasy, tjhntre M. Jliltird. Frnnktln William Tecnle, William (iconrc. rircrnuood Ikeler. Thntnna MutherH. rcinlock Jesso old, John Appleinau. N. 1'. Sloore, ' A. J, llmmct. Lttll&l-MMon 1!. Carl. Stadt'on (icorgo Beagle, John J. Stetler, James Wclliver. Matn-Jobn W. Miumao, Joseph W. John. JlirtUn-lIenry Hetlsr, John Klkendall. Montour J. M. Gordon. Mt. ricasant-Johu McMullln. Orongo William Masteller. I'lne James Trlvelplcce. Kaarlngercek Phlncas Cool. Scott K. D. llagenbuch. Sugarloaf Alvln Harvey. BRCOND W1F.K, Bloom-Harvey l.rm;, Henry lioscustoek, II. I'. Lut; K C. i nt. Bener .Mien Mann. Benton Joil Keefcr. Berwick II. Jt. Bower, Wm, V. ralmsr, S. B. Bow. man. Brlarcreek-Albert Smith, John llosslcr. Cen ti alia-John Moran. Center JeSMi llorfman. Bllllngton ltuct.le. Catawlssa-.Tos-pU Hartmaii, Alfred i:ck. Greenwood Thomas Heeee, Humphrey Burlier, John sanels. Hemlock Geo 51. Drelsbach, John P. Guild, Frank Jones. Jackson-John Itclle nry, Jr. Locust Siunuel Lcvau. Madison Heorgo Beagle. Sltmin Charles Creasy, W. W. Smith, Phlncas smith. Montour I. E. narshner. Ino James Masters, A. Y. Wliltmoyer. Scottlt. M. Johnson, Charles Lee, William Cclgcr, wosiey Buckie. LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL DECOIBEIl TEltSI, 167(1. AT FIKST WEEK. Itobt. Oorrell Co. vs. Joseph M. Freck. Geo. K. Tryon et al vs. Jacob Brown ct al. D. S. Morgan & Co. vs. Samuel Johnson, ltobort Taj lor ct al. vs. Kobcrt Gormll." Jeremiah Tai lor ct al. s. Itobert Oorrell. Itobei t Taylor ct al. vs. Itobert Gorrell. coplo's Flro Ins. Co. of I'n. vs J. j. McUcnry et nl. " " " " " vs. Bloomsburg Lumber company. 'ellow s K Dater vs. John A. Jackson et al. Simon t: Geo. Ilnub vs. Samuel Heffner. Georga Snelgnrd vs. Jesso I), nice. Itlco .t Hagcnbuch vs. Wm Carson. Aaron Johnson vs. Thos. Shuman. K. W. Kulter vs. V. V. Jones. Albert Wlnton vs. Jonas Doty et aL Fry & Boat v s. C. II. Barnes. Elizabeth Overdorfs uso vs. Natu. Overdorf's Admin istrators. W. B. Kllno vs. I!. J. McIIenry. Stephen Hill vs. Miller & Sejbert. Tkos. Downs vs. Silas Davis. SECOND WBEK. .V. W. Creamer vm. John K jllcr. amuel Leluy vs. II. S. Marr. John A. Jackson et al V3. Kit Stosrzol. Christian J. Ash vs. Wm. Ikeler. Freas Brown vs. W. E. Barrett 's admr. Theodore r. Hayinan vs. G. W. Crevellng ct al. '. B. Brockway et al. uso vs. Wm. Veager ct. nl. People's Flro Ins. Co. of ra, vs. s. II. Miller Is Son. Onvlgaburg Bewt nnd Shoo Manufacturing Co. ra. Fowler Heller. Christ Church of Conyngham vs. Abla Phillips. Henry C. Conner vs. Emannel Conner's administra tor. Samuel J. Conner vs. Enos L. Fowler's administra tor. G. 11. Fowlor's Administrators vs. Enos L. Fowler's Administrators. DavldYoosvS. Johnlllghmlller. Sarah Comatock vs. William Iless's Administrator. Sarah A. Petrlkon vs Llndley W. Woolley. Thos. Fry's ndrnr vs. Wm. Fry F. K. Brockway's uso vs. Abram Kline. Joseph P. Conner vs. Enos L. Fon lei's ledmT, E a'l Franklin vs. Sharpless Ilarman. Win. I'nger vs W.n. stnley. Mary (1. Vandersllcuto utevs Abram Snyder. Daniel Kosteubaudcr vs. Casper I, Thomas. (1. II. Fowler's ndmr's. vs. Lavlun Fowler. G. II. Fowler's ndmr's. vs, I.nvtua Fowler. Wm. M- ltcber vs. Columbia County. Elizabeth Klingcrman'B ndmr's. vs, David It. Ilower. Ti EOISTER'S NOTICES. I v. Notice is hereby trlven to all lesatces. credl- uli's and other peivins interested In the estates of t iu resoccino e cceucnui una rn nors. timii ie ro been tiled in the cilice of iho Keglster of Columbia county, and v.lll be presented for continuation and allowance In tho orphans' court to bo held In luuuiiibuurg, uu jiuiuiuy, ino 4eu uay 01 iieeemuer iai, ue. 't ueincK, p. in. on ham uay; 'I ho llrbt and ilnal account of John Y. Fowler, GUurdlan ot the nerson and ebtiete of Henderbon Yount, a minor child ot Ilarikt Vount, latoot l'lno townauip, (lereabeu. The Urst nnd llnnl account of Joseph W. Eves, Guardian vt the nerson lend e'btnlo of l'rlscltla K. KeMcr, a minor ehUd cf Arnold Kester, lalo ot Greenwood township, incensed. 3. Thoacctiunt of Maiiln V. B. Yorkj, Guardian of ChailutD. and wiiujiu 1. cnuderrnsii, minor chil dren of William E, Cauelerinuu, taio of Jord.ui township, I.J coming county, uteeobed. 1 he nnnl account of Samuel Dletterlch. Guardian of the pel son und cbtato of Mnhala Boone, u minor child of Be niiimlu Boono lalo of Ccniro township. deceasccL f, Tho account cf William Longenbjiger, ono of the Kxccuiois 01 eieurgu ijngnBuerger, luee 01 wain tonusldp, dceeased. c. Tho account of llcuben Fahrlnger. Administrator of Duvld h. lure, lalo of Locust towu9hlp, ele ceased. Tho first and llnnl account of Stephen Crawford' Executor of An irow Crawford, 1.110 or Mt., 1'loas unt township, deceased. 8. The Ilrst and Una! necountot Andrew Laubach, Adiniidbtriiior oi reter Fritz, into 01 Kugarioar lownbhlp, tleceieei, 9, Thu necountot M. V, II, Kline, Administrator of Nathaniel overuorf, lato 01 caiuwisstt lowutnip, deceased. ' 10, Iho necountot Martin V, II. 'Kline, Administra tor of Elizabeth Klshcl, lato ot Montour township, decoased. 11. 'Iho account of Peter Drugtcr, Executor of Suwin Kinney, late cf tho Town of Bloomsburg, eleceufed. 13 1 ho account of Manilas Boston and Dycf I Clu- pin. Administrators 01 jonn nosion, inio 01 run Ingcreek township, deccaseel, 13. Tho account of A. 0. Smith, Administrator of John Smith, lato cf Madison township, decea.sed, 14. Tho llrbt and Ilnal account of John McAnall, Ex ecutor or Hannah Ball d, lato of tho Borough of Berwick, eleeeabcel. llonMer'0!lleo. 1 W. II. Ji:01IY Blooinsburg.Nov. ', iu, is.u.j leegibeer. WIDOW'S M'I'RAISKMENTS. Tho follow ing approvements of real and jierbonal iuoiieriybtitipiut to wldowsof decedunls hiivobecnilleillntlioonico of tho llcglstor of Col umbln county, under the Itulcs of Court, uh1 will be Cri'ttntcd or ubnuluto eonnrmatlon to tho Ori'hans' oui t to bu bold Iu and for bald coun ty, on Monday, the 4th eluy of Dec. Is7t, at 3 o'clock p. in., of said day unless exceptions to such conllrmutlun aro previously lllcd, of wl.teh all per sons Interested hi bald estateswlll take notice: 1, WUlow of Charles Fctterinan, lato of Locust town- bhlp, deceased, . Widow of Oliver Phillips, lite of Bloomsburie, de ceased. 3. Widow of Thomas Gibbons, late of Benton town ship, deceased. 4, widow ortKphralui McIIenry, late of Jackson township, deceased. 6. Widow of Ludwlg Thiclo, late of Locust townejilp, deceiasod. e, widow of I Joseph cole, late of Sugarloaf town ship, doceaseel, T. Widow ot Beuben Fuhrlnger, Ute of Locust town phlp,:dooouued. ItegUter-s Office, W, II, JACOBY, Bk msburg, Xov, 1, 1S7. ltesttUT. SHERIFFS SALE. By Mrtue ot a writ of rie rl Facias to mo directed, will bo ouposod to public sale at the Court Uausa In Bloomsburg, at 1 o'clock p. m., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 187G, Tho following real estate sltnatoln Centre toeln- ship, Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnd described as follows, to wit I Tho undivided one-half inteiost In all that certain messuage and tract of land Bltuato In. Centre township, Coltimbli county aforesaid, bounded nndelescilbed ns follows! beginning nt a Mono In the middle of the public rond, thenco along tho middle of said road north 78 and 4-10 degrees cast 49 and 9-10 perches to a stone, thenco nlong the mlddloot nald road north 81rdcKreis west! nnd to perches to a stono, thence along tho mldillo of said road su degrees cast US 8-10 perches to a stone In tho middle et n public rond on the east of said tract of land, thenco along tho mlddloof said road north V degrees west "ISO MO perches ton stone, thenco by Panels of Levi A. Htdlay south Tf degrees west ice perches ton ttone, thenco bylanelscf Geo V. Shaffer, David Leo and Frcdcilck llagenbuch south MJi degrees east 1.U perches lo a stone, tho place of beginning; cuntatnlngirjl AORES and to perches, bo tho saino moru or less. ALSO, Tho undivided one-halt Interujt In all that certain tract, farm or plantation of laud sltuata In centre lowns:ilp,Co!iunbl.icoiiiity,boiinded and described ns follows: Beginning nl npo.t nnd from thenco by land now occupies! or owned by Webbs, Philip Miller u J Dam ucl a chenbach, fcouth "2 degrees west it p-TChes to a bloue, and thence by land now owned by Jacob llngenbuch south 47 degtccs ca&uopt-rrucs to n chestnut, thenco by oilier land of the mid Jacob llagenbuch South n degrees ost 91 pciches to a tone, thenco In land owned by Geo. IllilUy Loith 7j degrees east gn nerrliri ton stur.e, thenco by ou.e r muds of tne bald G.'uigo l.ldlaj north 73 dc grw east H7 i-m peiehe s to a stone, thenco by land oflhosaldGco lllllay south 11 di'zreoee.est W4 perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Daniel Lee, Sr., uonu wi negroes cast u D-iupeicncstoaiiiackoik th?ncoby other land of Dankl Lee, Sr.,north 73Hde- grt os cast 117 8-10 perches to a post, thenco by land of Thomas Munly, Aaron Boono nnd Henry Tiembly north ia elegrecscst 118 perches to tho placoof beclnnlngi containing 131 ACHES nndc perches, strict measure. ALSO, All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate In orange township, In said county of Columbia, bounded and descilbed ns follows, to-elt Beginning at a stono corner in t he public road on tho south of said tract et land, thenco by lauds of John Vanllew north 11 'i degrees west 103 3-10 perches to a stone, thcnctvby land ot Mary Hlckclts south soxde grees east S7 4-10 percLrs to a stone, thenco by lands of Lev 1 A, Illdlay south It degrees east Oil 0-10 perch es to a point In the aforesaid public road, thenco along snld rond soulh 70? degrees vt ost 8 M0 perches to a btonc, thenco along said road north 11 V degrees west 4-10 perches to a stone, thenco nloiu said road south T04' degrees west 11 9-10 perches ton 6tone, the place of beginning; containing 1(1 AL'lti:and 87 perches, bo tho same moru or less, Seized, taken Into execution, nnd to bo sold ns tho properly of Frederick llagenbuch. Ciz-CuNDlTiei.NS OF SALE. Purchasers must pay to per tent, of tho purchaso money, or at lens enough to cover all costs, nt striking down eif balo otherwise property to be re-sold at oneo. CIIAS. S. FOKNWALD. Sheriff. Sheriff's onice, Oct. Mth, 1S70. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of bundry writs ot Venditioni Exponas and Fieri Facias to mo directed will bo deposed to public bale at the Court Houso In Bloomsburg, lit ono o'clock p. m. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 187G, All that certain Ileal Estato bltuato In tho Town of E"py, Scott township, Columbia county, Feniwylva nla, bounded on tho north by Second street, east by lot of Henry Trcmbley, south by an alley, west by lot of Thomas Crevellng, being forty-ono nnd one-fourth feet front and ono hundred and sovcnt -three nnd one-fourth feet deep, whereon aro erected a one and a half story Houso and a Frame Stable. ALSO, Ono other lot No. 2, bounded on tho north by See ond st rcct,?east by lot ot Thomns Crev ellng, Jr., soul h by an alley, west by lot formcny owned by Herman Crevellng, belngnbout clglity-two and one-half fett front and ono hundred nnd icventy-threo anil one fourth feet In deptb.vt hereon aro erected a two-story framo building occupied as an otllce.also ndry houso ar.d shed. Seized, taken into execution nnd to bo bold ns tho property ot Thomas W. Edgar. ALSO, Attbosaino tlmo nnd placo nil that certain lot of land bltuato In Beaver township, Columbia county ennsylvanla, bounded as follows: On tho north by land of William Kolb.cnstby land of Widow llhoady, south by n public road and west by Daniel lllntcrll- ter, containing twelvo neres, whereon aro erected a Framo Dwelling Ilou-o nnd out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property ot Jeremiah Kolb. ALSO, At tho samotlnio nnd placo. tho followlrg Ileal Estate, slluato In the town of Espy, Scolt township, Columbia county, l'eunsjlvanla, to-wlt: All tlm certain lot of ground bounded on the cast by e'l.irl: Crevellng, south by Main ttrcct. west by John hu man, nnd north by an nlley, whcicon aro erected a two story tfrarao Iiohm- and out-bulldlngs, said lot being Fix y feci front and ono hundred and eighty feet in Septh, n oro or less. Scl."d, takir Into exccutlsn, and to bo oM ns tho properiv ot Ji'jol) Fodder, ALSO, At tho same tlmo and place, nil that Heal Estato sltuato In Beaver township, Columbia county, l'enn BjlvanU, bounded anil eletcilbcd ns follows: On tho south by a public road, wtet by a stiett or nlley north by a public road, east by a reinel cr alley, on which nro erected fa Frumo Tavern Stand, Frame Stablo and out-bulldlngs, said laud being ouohuu died and fifty feet front and ono hundred and fifty feet In depth, being threo lots luGleii city. Sclzoel, tuken Into execution nnd to bo bold ns tho property of SI ephcu Woodrlng. At tho same tlmo nnd place, all that, certain lot ct land situate In Beaver township, Columbia county Pennsylvania, bounded and debcrlbjil ns follows Beginning nt a white qak btuinp, thenco by laud of Charles F. Mann, bouth turco degrees west thirty. nine porches to il btono; thenco by other lands of Charles Michael, north beventy-four degrees enst thlrty-llvo and llic-teutb. perches to a stone, thenco by same north llvo degrees west Ihlrly-nliio perches to n btonc, thenco by land of Chatles F. Mnnn south tlxty-elght degrees west twenty-nine and blx-tculhs perches to tho placo ot beginning, conttilmng Eight Acres, btrlct incisure, nil untie reultl' atl'jn. AL-O, All that lot ond plecu of land sltuato in Heaver townshlpfuiesiiI'Lbiiiinded unddeseilbed as follow Beginning at a stono In the public load; thenco by other lands of John nnd Iteiibeu Ilenningcr north twenty-two degrees, e-ast, bixtecn perches to a stono heap ; thenco north M degrees, last tltteen perche to a stono thenco bouth twenty-two degrees. west twenty-six perches to a stone in publlo road thenco elown paid loadln publlo road north sixty degrees, west sixteen porches totho placo ot beginning, containing Two Acres, moro oi lcan whereon nro erected a Framo Houso, Store, und out buUdlngs, ALSO, All that tract of land bltuato in Beaver, returned In tho namo of Ellas Miller, containing Elghty-thieo Acres, and convo cd to Abram Itlco by John Sn eler, Treasurer of Columbia county, by deed dated Sept 6th, 1S74. ALSO, All that certain tract ol land slttiato In said Beaver township, bounded and described as follow s : On the eastby Abram Itlce, north by Wm. Smith, west by Shuman's heirs, and south by company lands con- talntnf- Eighty Acres, moro or less, whereon nro erected two dwelling houses and out buildings, ALSO, A tract of land Fttiuto Iu bamo township, boundo I and described as follows : On tnj north by publlo road, eust by F, L. Shuman, webt by public road. south by Susan Saut, Lelng forty feet front nnd twohundredfett In elepth, whereon aro crcled Dwelling Houso and Blacksmith Shop attached to gether nnd other out buildings, ALSO. A tract ot InndHtuato In ltoorlngcreck township, Columbia county, boundeel and described as follow s: On tho south by lands of David Ilower, cast by lands cf E. Lctdy, north by land ot Michael Strausscr, and on tho west by Michael Strausscr, containing forty acres, more or less, whereon oro erected n dwelling houso and outbuildings. ALSO, Una oilier tract of land sltuato In lleuvr township county aforesaid, beginning at a stone, thenco by land of lato Henry Lehr, or now Joseph U'hr, south 59 degrees east 150 perches to n chestnut oak. thenco by l.ind ot Daniel Slngley south tssj degrees casus perches to a btono heap, thenco by lauds of (it-orgo Lohgenberger, deceased, south to degrees webt H9 Perthes to a maple, thenco by land of JohuDallous uorth eighty-three degrees west ono hundred and forty-nuio peicbea to a corner, thence by land of John Dallous south twelvo degrees west fifteen perches to a water birch, thence by Catawtssa creek Borlh eighty-four degrees west forty-one perches to a stens In said creek, thence twenty-one perches to a btono, thenco north blxty-tlvo degrees west two and Uve-tenth perches to a stone, thence by lands ot Andrew shuman, deccobed, north twenty-nlno de grees east thlrty-llvo perches to a stone, thenco by Bdino north twciity-ono and one-half degrees east twenty-onopcrchew totho placoof beginning, con taining nily-lleo acres, neat measure. Selii d, taken luto execution, and to bo sold as thu property of Abram ltle. -C0rlDn'lo.NSOFSAUJ.-l'urehasersmti6tpay ten per cent, ot the purchase money, or ut least enough to cover all costs, atbtrlVlng down of bale, otherwise property to bo resold at oneo. CIIAS. B. FOKNWALD. feherli Oftlce, Sheriff. Nov. , 1T, AWARD LIST. Premium awarded l Hio21st Annual l'nlr nl tlio Columbia Ceiiinty Agricultural, Hortl eiitural and .Mechnnlcal Amoclntloii held at Hlnomshurg, Pa. Oct., 11th, mil. nnd 13l)i UI.AHH 1st DIVISION I. llesll'erehcron Stnlllon, Nnpolen T. 1). Htows, J12.C0 " l'rliieo Imperial Huntington Valley Ilnro stock Co. 8.00 CT.AHS 1 DIVISION 2, Itcfl stallion fu all wnrlt, Alfred Irwin, 812.00 IMbest " 1 John Winter i Kleeii. 8.M Hot blooded Hlnlllon, I Mil Irwin, 12.01 1M bel " " Jolm Druni, S.bfl Best stnlllon rnlt between 2 &3 yenrs Joiepti nigger, 4.oo Jititges, J. II. Heeler, Win. Menslngcranel Win Klniller. i.r.Assi in virion n Host pair elrnuelit.liorscs. John Wnrdln 10.00 2.1 Jieeoli Mnrlr. " 8.00 Juilifo, nil Mrndaiibnll, Aaron Pettersou, Cyrus Mcklnny, CI.AH.S1 DIVIHION4 Hast pair carriage horses, O. IV II agon luich. 8.00 2d bet " " Geo. K. IIeR llent pnlrearrlngo mnre, .1. L. Clinpiiln K.oo 2.1 bet" " " F, M, llngcnfi.ecli 1.00 llctKli.alocnri'liigo horse, K. .Mciiden- linl, 6.00 2d bcel " ' Inae Dlldltio 2..V) ll. Kt sliiKle cnrrlngo mare Ooo. Itelswlelc fi.uo 2d best " " " J. S. llncenlmeli, 2.50 Judgn, Hubert l'tiriel,T. .M. lliigonbueh anil W. 1'. Ikeler. CI.AHM1 111 VISION S Host inure nnd colt "1'rltico John'Jolin Wiuilcli COO 2d liel innio nnd colt "I'erclicion1' Wm. Cnlli'iider, a.OO lid bcu mare nnd colt " II, O. Iliirton .'i.oo ttMt cult .e ears n el .1, II, Vieiiilcndleo ;l.i0 llet eolt between 2 .t ;i yrx. John Holmes Il.u0 2d bent " " " Wsley lliiiuiiiir 1.."1 lleil e..ill be tween I A2yr. Jim Wimlcli 2.UJ llel pair ui ilcli e'olls between :i A Fyrs. I'. A. K'nnir. 3.') llcut pair mulif, O. A, Jnenhy, !!." Host colt I i. old. s. ('. Iiriiwn. I.') Jeulgio. Alriid l'ri'teiu, A.fred Irevln, mid Ueo. Applciiiiin. CLASS 1 DIVISION i) Ilestpalr walking liorKCs, (loo. IC. Hess. LOO Judge, John lliirlinnii, Joseph IIuuUcl nnd Low llrccco. CLASS 2 CATTI.n Jcwy llull .14,vr. (loo. IC. Ifoss, n.00 Ditrhiim Hull "Mansfield" II. II. Crane, lUio Devon Hull under II) num. tleo. Hughes, .'I.UU Devon Hull Ilyrn. und upwarels Alfirwln ll.tio Devon e'oev ' " " " 2nd I Idler 2A3yis. ' ' 1.0) Jersey null Jyrs. J. A. Gordon, lleHer II mos. " " l.el DiirlmmCow Thos. Chrllman, -I.'KJ Nnllvceiiw.I. ViiinlciHlleo 11.00 Dovoti (,'nw O. A. Jiieoby, 4.00 lliirlium bull 2yr8. John Ivrotnlcr. i:.')0 Devon Hull 2 .1 .lyr. W. S. Fisher' ti.oo l'nlr fi't Kte'cru, Alf Irwin, . n.00 Niellvoe.jw, 11.(1. (Int7, .M Helfet grudi'd Much, Alf Irwin, 2.00 Judo ff. Heesi', James Burton anil Jeihn Zclnif r, CLASS 3HWINI1 Brood snwnnd pigs Chester Whites, Tils lllngrosc, .1.00 Brood bow ' " Wm, Hldlo.y :i.iw llerkvlilro lliar, W. It. Crane, 1.00 Poland Chime sow nnd plga, Win, P. llyerly, B.O) Sow and pigs Chester whiles, Thomas I'hrlMman, G.00 i;st.ex Hour 1 1 n Wm. White l.oo " niw nntt pigs " " :i.o.) Hiur e 'Iii'stcr wlille, J. K. Ilaglionhncu. LOO Hoar l'liluml Clilnii, Haul. HryAmlu LOO l'eilnnd China Sow und pits, A. O. Hngoo- bueli, 3.00 ' 2 sull'iilk pigs 10 mos, IL 0. Barton B.0) lllrinah hoi; 2 yeiiis, W. Shinier 1.00 Judges. Hiiml. Khuflbr. Jos. llaltlimn, iintl Hugh Mcllrldo. CLASS 1 SIlUUP Ootswold duck II. A, Swpcnhlser, 1.00 South Down lluelc, Snml. llldlny, 2.00 Jjwo. '' " 1.00 Cotswoid Inn 'c, J, A, Gordon, 2.00 a smith elow n uw es, ' " 2.00 Lot t.'ntswold I.ntnbs JI. It. Appleinau, 2.00 Cntswold llwe, " " 2.00 South Down Buck, Illtsha Hnsecnbncli, 2.00 Judges, Jiilin N. Gordon, P. ILP'rvcso and Henry Lazarus. CLASS 5 POULTUY. Strieker, 1.00 Lot youiigGuliili's, Wes. Julinstin, no Pair Pnrllilgo Ciiclitns il. 11. Cranio 1.U0 Brown Leghorns JV) " Dark llrnlinins, " " l.uo " Imperlnl I'eltln Ducks " " 1.00 Pair e.i-cso, Win. Milur, 7.1 Pair Ducks, .1. II. llldlny, ra l'.ilr Perleln Ducks Hlim llngenbach, 2.UU Tlrollithl llrahnus best collection, Dion Iliigenbucli, 6.0J) LotPldscons, V. A. Kitchen, 1.00 Pair silver bpungleil iluinburgs, II, H. l.'rane, r0 I pulrueese, Anron Smith, v 1.1)0 Tiro Black Spanish. Itlclmrd IMwards, POO Lot tamo ltieliiills. Johns. Miller, M Gmtz, S.0O Judges Thos. Webb, U, A. Poller, and II. G. Grotz. CLASS 0 GHAIN, SHEDS .t FLOUIt, Timothv seed, A. P. KcMer, 3.00 Bushel flux seed, Wes Johnson, 1.50 1 Bu, white Dlclil wheat, J. A. Gordon, 2.00 00 lbs. flour from 2 bu.wlicut, 11. C. Bow man, 3.01) i bu Timothy seed, It. C. Kesler, 3.00 1 ImTiipiihanoeli wlilto smoolh wheat. It. V. K ester, 211 1 lmwlilleFult.wlical, Jiilin Delly, 1.V) 1 bu Triadwell wbi'iit, A. Stuuirer, 2,01 " white l'ultz " " 2.00 Judges, .M, K. Aiiplemiin, Jolm Bets nnd James ltout. CLASH 7 FINED CHOPS .1 acres of corn, Isnno Culp, 10.00 Judge's, -M. K. Applcmien, John Bctz anil .lame's, , CLASS S.r-VF.GHTAHLES. 1 sweet pumpkin, MiSs M H lluitmuu Cltitius, lleue'eick 2 qts lduek butter beuiis, Tllllo Johnson Sugar bee-Is, r'hatlcs I'ihIit Miiuglo Wurtsell, Charles Foster Cieuots, " " l'tek Toiuntocs " u i do, vegelalilooj'stcr) Charles Fostor U doz heads cabbugo " " White emli'il ouillvo " " Loiidoti leek " " Biedlshes u " H bu sweot potatoes, Joseph Garrison Onion sols " ' l'lvu egg plants " " Halo eiebhiige, Emma Bryfogla lapiin pAes " ' .1 iioz niangocs, T. W. Guntoii Saniple piumits, E. M. Wynkoop 2 iloz pt'iipi'iH, Mrs Alf li wiuo U bu iHiliins, .Vlrs John Kitchen I t builiT beans, Mrs Hecsu Fielnnan (, iloz while biiuushcs, Samuul Trump 4 levin vtiuashes, " ' 1 bu lii'ld teiiiilps, Daniel Yocum 1 iloz Held pumpkins " " 2 qls llm.e fieaiis, ltlehnrd Eileeitrils ei sweet pumpkins, Theimies Chrlsman li iloz siiuieshes, II, c. Grotz C'hlckory, Cbuili's Fo-sler Judges, II, 1. ll.iUIn, It, llcnrlo, U.S. Faliuuin. CLASS o FKUIT. 75 " 75 r.i M m 75 75 75 73 M 1 oi) IU) 1 ) 75 W m 25 M 75 73 75 73 73 75 70 Kid 73 DO li iloz whiter penis, Mis M It Ilsrtiiinu 1 qt dried fall peters, Mrs It. Molle'tiry Ueleiz best keeping apples, Wm Illdlay Lot persimmons, John Beehti't (it black chenics, Miss Tllllo Johnson ejtelilerbeiriu.s, ' " (it whoitlebeirlcs " " " (itil'led euiiants " " " Best illsphey of grapes, T W Gunlou Best iltspbiy of winter uiples, A Snyder Liiwlni) lihielvbcrrlt's, elrieil, " " Ot ihieil ilitwlieirh's. Ella Fmtpr 100 1 00 10) 1 00 1 DO 100 1 00 1 110 3l 3 00 1 0U 1 til In eliHH'i's Coiieoiil giapi's, .1 Wanlch, I HI Yullct) it is nil pours. .Mis.lnliii Towtisu.ul 1 en) i qt eiios'iiuis, ,nrs lieu muter eu Lot ginuml ehenirs, .Mis It Kitchen 25 Basket sibei I. in crabs, Wm Ivy 1 ew H bu English rniuhtis, P, Hi uuler 1 lo sample sugar pears, Mih CM Kilguv 1 00 Basket ellow pouches, .Vugglei .liieoby 1 00 Best looking peel; lull or winter tipples, Am on Stnlih 100 1 qt ill led raspberries, Ida P., llagenbuch 1 HI 1 qt hickory nuts, Lloyd lluss :iu Lot Clinton gittpes, J L Dillon 1 00 In jeel tipples, .Miss Kate ejulclc 1 CO 1 ilnz quinces, Mis Clius v. auilersllco 1 M Dried peaches, Knto Q tick 1 oo .Indies 11 E Bowinteu, Isaao Mowry, Wm E sanels. CLASS 10-WINH3 & LIQUOIH. 1 qt cherry wine, Peter Bcehlel 1 00 1 qt currant wluo " ' i ou llhnbarli Jelly " " lie Eliler beriy Jellv " '" loo Whlto veil unit Icily. Mary II Nuss 1 id Lenient Jelly " " 1 00 2 qts eider vinegar, Joseph Garrison 1 oo Sibi'll.lli cr.ib JullV. Mrs U W Foster 1 Ik) Crnb Jelly, .Mary lletz l oo Pear jelly " leio Cup plum Jelly, Mrs J 1. Dillon 1 to Jar app'o Jelly, Mrs T hoinus Christman 1 00 Glass wild ciuujully, Mrs II Kitchen 1 00 Glass currant Jelly " ino 1 qt i oil ehei ry wlue, -Mrs lleeeo Fsirman 1 oo 1 it methtglln, Geo Knimer l oil Glass qulneei Jrlly, Mrs 1. 1) Cieso 11)0 Glass peieeh Jellv, Miss Clara Hughes 1 U0 (it lilackberry wine, Mugglollcss loo lit churi y brandy, John Krcssler J O) lit raspberry wluo, " " loo Blaekberry vinegar, Suillo "eVelllvcr 1 no Bnttlograpo wluu. LB Unpen lot) (je lliuli.illi wine,. I 11 Crovellng log Jiulges Soliimoii llelwig, b II llagcn. biieh, II. J. Connor, CLASS 11-pOMESTIG MANUFACTUltli. 2 cans peaches, Mrs. Wlllnnl (ioddls 10) baiupio yeiese, ,uss ai it iiariuueu, Apple pie, Mrs it Mclliuiry Jureieuneil currants, Mis Tllllo Johnson uiercieniieil whoitleberrlts, " " Caiiiied sweot corn M u Yellow plums " " Canned Ithiibierh " Jar cherry butter ' Jar plckeleel eggs " Curruiit (ilu " " bplecel peurs, Mrs C (J .Marr Jelly cako, Mrs Anna liners Pouch pto, Ltzzlu Abbott Sweet potutou plo. l.lzzto Abbott Toiiueto plci.els, Mis P lleehtel Pirkurvo e ltrou, M 11 Nuss Lunion euliu, M 1! Nuss Cuiiueil bluekburrles, Mis E Estler Cunneil hiickUborrles, " lluiilsoap. Mis Webb Garilsoti Preiservu wutci melon, L A VunilorHlleo Corn Muicli cuko " Doughuuu, " Lejuoii plo, . Cuiilunnlal plei ' ii ei Gnipp Jelly, Mm I! IFllsnn - ' 1 qt Siberian crab, clhe Foster Can tomatoes, 11 W Fovler Gnuo Preserves, alurtlni Vundcrsllnn 00 1 Ot) 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 150 10) 1 00 1 no loj I .V) I ft) no 1 uu ,V) M 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 100 1 so ' 00 10) 1 00 1 no 2 qis canned Biunish cherries, Mrs Sunds 1 M sterchens ketchup, Mrs E Bryfoglu 100 .iiiuuiu iivi.ieB, 1 qt tunned cherries, " ' I qt liritterveil siiuush " 11 Isuif wlilto bread, Mrs J II Ikeler Pumpkin iilti Marble cuke, Mrs A Hendenhott 1 lit quinces, L U Whuruy 1 qt Itu.sluu upples, L K Whuroy I ill spleuil iieiiohes " ililll qt Itussian uiiplui ' 60 1 00 100 2 00 U) too 1 0) 1 00 1 U) lot) u iiiHvcu eiiiimvuev loo 2 qt unserved Itusslail upples, L E Wluiey 10U Jar ballvdcunnwl iieurs, iluryaiuta 00 sn'ts crab iepplo butler Mrs F II Hngonb'h 1 00 Peitato yeast, Mrs J 1 Dillon V, M Jar grapo initier, airs iicn ivisnw. Lnnl bread, best, ',' ", LotKlngcr cakes, " " Lot liiird snap " " 8 00 M W 2 07 1 III) lto 1 00 1 mil butler. Mrs 11 Kitchen Can ciali tipples, " Cull rhllbui li " Can dowbeirles can pltieil sour chenics, Mrs H Kitchen ; fan curl ant Jam " V 1 vS ro j.oijiiiuoies " Pumpkin plo " , Sample sent soap, Mrs John Kitchen 1 ham, I.lzrlo Aln (Julnei! pie, Allle .1 Kesler 1 qt eaiiiieiil peaches, Mury H Kramer 1 qt deiwbciiies, Mrs G W Foster Jar spiced npples, Mrs L 11 Kaso Jarspleeil (Julncus, " " Plum bulter, " " Applet butter, " " Preset veil (Jtilnecs " " 1 spico euliu, Mai tha Vandersllco Jar Applu btitlei-, Mary Vandcisllco Caimeel pears, Mrs 1 K Miller Pear liullel', " " Jul- loinnio butter. Thorma Meyers Ginger calei', Mrs It Wilson 1 can red chert les, Mis 11 F Hester 1 can black cherries, " " 1 qt pi nch bulter, " " Plato Jumbles, Mattto Jacoby Uhoeijliile enko, Mis Julia Miller Fruit cake, Etla Wedllver Wieshlngion cake, Maty Wulllvor l'lekliil .Nnstlilllons " " Pun bl-ciilt " " Ginger cake, " " ejiiiiiini pie. Ida llagenbuch Spuugo cuke, lila HiigeiibiieU eucuniber pickles, Mrs OJOBarklcy 1 oo w 3110 l oo M m jou 100 l oo ino l oo 1 00 M linl 1 10 1ID tf) ion to 110 1 110 1 to loo 1 III 1 00 V) w II) leo 100 1 to 4 m 1 10 l no 1 eo I 10 1 111 M 1 10 1 IK) Ml l null ucuiei eieisiin 1 toll butter, Mrs 110 Burton fit tienr butter. " " 1 Jar tomato etioev chow ' ' Jl .l-eii pie, A leo Bt chtel Jul' He-li pickles, II Delehmlller Chow ehmv tiibbiigi'.MrsG Bldli'tnan ciiiijuiit enerrii's. .ins n.eii nii-i Bu-p I'tryjatii, Mis A Stijiler 1'UM'ieeii el'rnn, Mtilin Uiiliiiuii Uiiigiriinckeis, "is Wdiiirison tun pltuiis. A Mtjiler in, inviii P Aitnlaiuan. Mary J 111) Miiiiltiihall. Sinuli 11 etiisim CLASS li-IIOUSEIlOI.D MANUFACTUBES 1 pr llticii tnwels.Mrs It McIIenry lliimoiiiailo ing, Mih K C Lot Homo liinilu tin cad, Tllllo Johnson Linen sheets, " " llrniklast shawl, MHenver Pair pulsowarniers, M Vanelerslloo Silk pungi'ii pillows, " Cliihis suck, " Tluenel ildy, ' Ten jiuil iliupnr, Mrs II D Applcman 10 yds plain linen, Mrs Ben Klstlcr Tallin elolli, Mis Ben Klstler lUyits evonl carpet, Mrs 11 Kitchen 1 pair linen sheets, " " 1 pull linen sheets, Miss Lizzie. Alo 1 pr linen pillow slips " " Dnuhlu coverlet, " u 1 )if cotureil stockings, Mary 1! Kramer 1 preoloieil inlttens. " " in da int. Pkl net. K IV llnr.(n1iucll 1(11 75 W M 23 ill ti) m 1 10 150 3) 3U0 m l oo 200 M m l :o . " . J .'. . . , f . ........ in. . rjt i ttlillie lllteiliueillliei' neu eiise.jiis I'iun.ei w iloinu liiiulu chemise, Mis Dan Miller 1 00 i jialr blankets, Sado Lofl'iiinn 200 Souls iiin, " " 50 1 pair mittens, " " Hug I'urpet, Mrs E L Myers 100 Judgeo-F P Musters, Mis r.ichatd Hon. rie, Mrs M Vunee, CLASS 13-NF,r,IJLKW01tK, EMBUOIDUUY A.M OIlNAMEMAI. WUU1V. Star bed quilt, Teresa Hester Feather tice, Miss M H Hartinan Ciibo hair work. Emma Humphrey 2 honey enmb tidies, Mi's K C Em 2 Ihiead tidies, Samples criie he't trimming, Mrs KC Ent Bilslol biiuiil einss, l.lzzlo 11 Jucoby Tin end tidy, Muttlu 11 .luceiby Simller win k, Anna S Ileacock Hair leceher, Mny Baiklcy Molto ' " Hair pin holder " " I 1.11... MH,ri TI llrnnlrlpatf 105 f.0 70 60 f.0 ro fiO 51 leo 25 25 25 Child's can lugu'iilKlinn, Mrs O li Brockway ' I fnnl run It i u f ! t! M nr I' Wl Hair wieatli " " " crib quilt " " " Log cabin quilt, Mrs M A Brockwny Tailing, Miss Anna Beers Pair Knit slippeis, Lizzie Abbott Ottoman cover " u Sola plllnw, Mrs S Brusler Tctl lug w oik, M Weaver Centennial bend iliess, M Weaver Patch tecelvet, M K Nuss Centennial thre'ied caso, C Wee.ver 1 00 to W 50 M 60 1 110 l IK) 1 (0 to CO 60 Anna" 1 00 60 J.ltllu emu Imsliut, Jlutllo JloKelvy Mono, "Ni Placo Liku Home,1 eiucKingunm Biistio basket, Mrs Webb Garrison Fancy pin cushion, silk, Mrs E Wilson Silk eiiilnoldeieil skht " " " 1 00 1 00 1 lucked skin. Miss Clam Hughes 60 1 brush ituil comb box. Miss Ciiera Iluglics 3 rug mats, Mrs Orvls 60 Knit tidy, .Miss Emmie Bryioglo 6S 1 p.iir stockings, " " M 1 kttil ciiunteipiene, Mrs A Ilcndershott 2 00 Cover for leception ehulr, Alts 51 E Ent 60 Mghtgnwii " " " 60 Bristol board air castle, SaiaAIlcss 60 1 erncheted quilt, Mrs John Tpwnsenil 60 Sumplli shell veoik, E M WyiAkOop 1 (K) Silk quilt, Mrs Thomas Cbrlstmaii 1 mi pin cuslilon, Mrs K Kitchen 60 Beaded watch euso " " 60 Ijidles niiiilio quilt, Mrs Jolm Kitchen 60 Silk embioldcieil sucque, Miss Em Applo man 1 00 Irish chair quilt, Alice .Investor 2 oo Wax wicath, itaehcl It 1' reus 2 0O Star tidy, Catu Kramer 60 Cotton end w onl biihi tlily. Mrs 1. 1) Knso CO 1 crocheted bed quilt, Miss Llzzlo Ivey 2 00 'leluii) frame, Minnie Eyerly 60 l'lllnw slnuiw, lln 1 K Miller 60 Knit mils " " ' 50 1 tlui'ieil tldv, Tlilnua Meyers 60 Lot ranev ducks, M rs Jussu Coleman 6i Cotton rabbit, Sadlu Bales 50 Wolkbeix, " " 60 l'ln cushion, Mattin Edgar 60 Centeunhel motto, Begliia Lowcnbcrg 60 Woikeiltldy Eva Ituimit 60 Head pin cushion, Suillu Wclliver 101 Tidy hiced, Mis l! G Bat kley to Thieiul tidy " " " 60 1 Inor mat, Ilitttlo Fetterniun 60 I'liucy hair leeelver. llnttlu Fettcrmau 60 Hose tiny, Mrs Gen lllilleiuaii 6) Ci'iiteiinliil tidy, .Mrs Gen Bldlcmitit 60 EiiibKiiile'ietl night ill ess yoke,Miery Keller fo Cuteijufii html, Mattin Eilgur 50 Linen embiolilercd pillow bhams, Mrs E llson 60 Child's bed, Lotslol.eldy M Caul b.ibket, .In-Io Oivis 6,) Judges John Ev es, Mugglo Masters, ttachel lleacoek. CLASS U-F1NE AP.TS, PENMANSHIP FLOWEUS & DESIGNS. 1 meillcy pietuiu, Mrs K C Ent 1 winter bouquet, " 1 chilli man, Ellin Guntoii Phottigiuphs, A J Brown :i pictutes', Henry McKUvy Spi elmen pcniiiiinsliip, Joseph Garrison 1 oil painting, Mis 11 Wilson Cotton plunl, Hairy Shaipless eioo 60 25 l eu 1 00 1 ID l eo 100 dip to 60 25 100 iii&piuy lumiing, ,i iiiiienueiiiier Cigar btunil. Mis John Townsem! I. ei nmn bibiu 310 ye ins old, Joseph Lilly 1 vuxBaket,T)iliiiiiiM5cio Fitneiy, 51ls. E. 51' Wjnleoon riiteuutn ee nx nowcrs, ivn ltupcri 1 eel fcpeclincn Benil woik.Mis. Fiennv M. Miller 23 1 house plant day lllly, Mrs Fanny Miller 25 1 weuk 1-aske.t, vm Burr loj Specimen pen iliawlng, M E Bennett 75 " penmanship, " " lie Judges Dr O-cur Stiles, Mrs S Shoe maker, Eva N Beese. CLASS 15-VE1UCLES. 1 farm wagon, J H Strieker 1 phiotop. GeoStilcker 1 single sleigh, M C Sloan & Bro Twnu!tctl enrilago 14 " 1 plat I in in spi lug wagon " 1 shifting Hip buggy ' 1 si iiieil shilling lopphieton " 1 out u bimuv ii fl CO 1 0O 2 00 4 00 2 00 4W) 4 ei) 3 0O umipip-.i . .ui.v'ie, a 4v 'iiniiie, J. II lltigeiibucll. CLASS 10 AGlilCULTnt AL IMPLEMENTS MACHINElt, AC. . I ......V II ........ T tr in, .11 mi. Bucke') n tablu rake, Miter A Co Hay Hake, " " " Thtiiiipsou Co Horsu Hake, John Tracy Binail.Liisl Seed anil Plaster suwer " Oiicllurso Cultivator " Struev Cutler. S C Shlvo dip lllp ill li tllp dip lllp Mower nun lleanur Combined Marsh No 4. J h Marsh dip Comblneil snlkeJy Plow anil Cultivator, JcobCoJO dip Variety ot Hmsu Shoes, Baiton (Julclc ellp Thifsheraiiil heneialnr comblneil. J M iiiiiMuznr Lesher Puieiit Pirn Light. 11 L Mycts Pair I'lnclieis, Dan It win Shoeing Hammer, 11 " Tliu shilnker, 11 Garrison nimiig iiitue1, "Thu ilos Fanul ulng Mill," Jacob Miller Jlidues PS Hnrtniui. I. P Kliiii'.Gtli'ltu. CLASS 17-S'iOVHS, Tl.S'WAItE, F.AltTII EN1VAKE, .to. Burstuvti Elomtcd Oven Itunge, llolllns &, Holmes dip Empress Hot Closet Bnnge, " ' tllp 3 Aiginiel IliatlngSttnes, " " dli lmpellal Heating Slovu " " dip Vuler Clnset, " dip Ctippei Bath Tub, i. i' (lip Cupper Circulating Boiler, " dip llyiliuuliu Bum, " din Teirnrolii Chlinuiy, " " dip Tin Milk Can, ' ' lllp Lot nt Tlnwuie, " " 3 0) Judges T W Pursel, O Sands, William Hester. CLASS 18-CABI.VKT WAHE, SHOIJMAK EltS, &o, 1 pair men's calf boots, F.H Knorr 1 " liucklu shoes " n I M 1 (I) 25 311). 1 01)' 1()' Ul 110 1 6U 5 00 lai 2 60 1 tl Men's slippers Best collection of paints, II Itcav 2 fair skins, (1 A lleriliig 2 Bides upper leather, u A Ilerrlug 1 side) kip leather " 1 " harness leather " " I pair kip bndls, Cluis Walgltmyer Set linn gold pheteut harness, I, I) Caso Cnou kklu itilio.John Waulcli Set train harness, O M Christman 1 set double carrlagu harness, U M Clulst man -v 250 Jlldues Itobert It Littln. Esn. .Inlm Klstlnr and J A Hurrls, CLASS 10-BEK3 AND BEEHIVES. Host display buckwheat honey, 11 F Kin ney 2 60 Jar Ex whlto clover honey, II F Klnnny 60 Best display whltn clovn' honey, H II Brown " 3 00 Honey oxtractnr, II II Brown 1 1 bwurui bees, Italian, II II Brown B 00 " " ii i' J 60 Box whlto clover honey, II I) Apploranu 1 60 1 mhuiiii Italian bees, 11 liintz 3U) m Juilgus-F E lost, AJ Albeirtsou, HE Mai her TIIIAL9 OFSPKUI), Funnels1 List, Thursday, 1 o'clock m, 1st,. I II Glnglo's sorrel tnaru ' 2.500 2d lteneii Fulrman, Bay Perry 10 00 3d, J II Vniiilcrslicu's Daisy aue County sporting list, Friday 10 m. 1st, Samuel Prentice, Biowu Huiibon 60 00 2d, o u r'unston, brown mnru Daisy 23 00 3.1, David C Black, Black Hawk 10 W Freo to all, 1st, J F Smith, Ihiiii.Foot I0O0O 2d, W M Hughes. VI. Vincent 0010 3d. L N Smith, Huck.klK 'jvio Judges 0 Ithuwii, Dr J F Clinplu, Itceoo lull-man, Frank Evans, Aaron Smith, Premiums thutliiivti been awardiul and not called for within emoye ur from this date, will bu considered us donated to the) Society. Joun (I ijoieir, T J VjeKDmuuce, President. . Secretary. BkKiuisbulg, NOV. S, 1H70, 60