THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG , COLUMBIA OQUNTY, I'A. THE COLUMBIAN. m.ooitfiituiMi. KiiiDAT, nor. a, ism Rail Komi Time Talile. LACKAWANNA & HLOOMSnUItU ItAIti ROAD SOCTII. 7.M A. M. i.b V. M 11.63 A. M NORTH. Accommodation Train 8.45 A.M. Mall Train WA.M Express Train 1.49 1'. M. B.84 P. M. CATAW13SA UAH, ltOAl), NORTH. Accommodation Train c.29 A.M. itoiitlar lSxprcss 4.(0 P. M. Throturli cars on Kxpress train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between t!atawls4a anil Wllllamsport. SOUTH T.ST P. M. 11.33 A.M. NotIcf. TO 1'osTMARTF.nq. Those jioidmas. tern who hereafter return sulncrilers' npet to this oflico pimply marked "refined," anil n- nccompanieil by n lcttcr,as required hy lnw,will ho cliarccd wltli tlio papers from the date of audi Illegal in tlficatlou until notlco Is given In n proper way. Wc have reached tho conclusion that our lime is nbout ns vnluahlo as that of postmasters generally, and wo do not propose lifter this to spend half a morning hunting up a name because a postmaster Is too laiy to fill out n blank. A patent wSs granted W. Ahboit p( Espjr, JaSl week, for an ear mulll'r. Can the reverend rioter who runs the Ilepub licim remember who requested a rope to hang William Eycr? HYMKNUAU TUB I) BATH OK I'KTKlt ENT. On Thursday, Iho 2Gllt day of October, Mr. I On Saturday, lasttho sad Intelligence reached George K. Elwcll and Miss Mary A. McKel. us that Peter Knt was no more. He died that vy were hound hy the silken cords of matrlmo- morning between the hours of nine ami ten ny and embarked on the voyago of married llfo o'clock. Mr. Knt had been In 111 health for n under the happiest auspices. If n fair begin- long time and his demise was not entirely mi ning augurs future happiness, then may the expected. The immediate causo of death was bride and groom look forward to as blissful an chronic bronchitis, but ho had Buffered from an existence ns the warmest of their many friends nflecllon of the heart, which doubtless, had scr- could wish them. Vrom the arrival of tho first rlotuly Impaired his health nnd conduced to guest to the dinging of (he luck-glvlng shoe nf. Iho fatal result. Tlio funeral took placo on tcr tho receding carrlngo nothing occurred to I Tuesday and was largoiy ntlcnded, marr the lovousncss of the occasion. Peter Kdt was born In Koaring Creek Valley, The ceremony took placo at life residence of Fetmary 2ilh 1811 and was therefore In tho tho hrido's father. Mr. I. V. McKclvv. nnd the 0.itli ycarof his ago. He learned tho carpen hllcf but solemn service of Iho Npiscopal tor's trade with George Mears and finished his Clinrdi i rend liv Iter. A. A. Marnln nf trndo when about 21 years old. Ho marrlcil Scranton. Tho bride was attired in it delicate Miss H.irah H. Myers, October 15tli 1833, by ashes-of-roses silk nnd wore the orthodox bridal whom ho had five children. Of theso Welling- veil and oranL-e' blossoms. The bridesmaids ton H. died in 1871 : William M. in 1809 and were three In number! Miss Elwcll wore nn Usal H., Hubert S. and Oscar P. survive. In ashes-of-roses silk waist and whllo organdio 183? or 1833 ho moved to Light Street where skirt and light pink lea roses fo' ornaments! ho has since resided. Ho followed his trado Miss Sloan woro a licht bluo silk waist, whllo until 1852, with great activity .erecting buildings nrirnndlo skirt nnd eroam colored tea roses I I and bridees In all parlsof thocounty. Ill 1810 Miss Sanderson, of Lock Haven, woro a silk he was elected County Commissioner and scr waist of delicate salmon color with white or- ved for three years. During his term of service gandio skirt, with (lowers to match the waist. All tho County scat was removed fioni Danvllto to three had on half veils of illusion. Tho grooms- Uloomsburg nnd tho present County buildings men were P. D. Koons. W. C. McKlnney nnd I wcro erected. In December 181'.) he engaged N. U. Funk. They were in full evening dress in tho mercantile business at Light Street and as wcro also tho Invited guests, both ladles and 0011111111111 therein until 1853. In 18."3, '51 and ...... it,,.,,,.. .. 1..,.! - - l!.n allrll J5R lin was (!nllrtl",''A..'.ftll !."' lOCaslV"tiierido and attendant maids wiirTven. In 1857 and '6S he served as lleprcscn- look well it is an indipntablo fuel that the I tatlvc in the State Legislature fur the district expectation on this occasion was amply fulfill-1 then composed of the counties of Columbia, ed. Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming. In 180a he After tho fateful wordi had been spoken entered into partnership with George Marti, in which made tho young couple man nnd wife, "e '" manufacturing, milling ami inorcanuie the clergyman turned to tho gues'ts and said I lusinciw, under ttio firm namo of Marti & lint. GO TO THE POLLS EAItLY AND VOTE, 'hat, twenty five years before, he had married 1,1 tool lie bought JUnrtzs inlejcst nnu coiuin- TIIKN GO AND SECUKE THE VOTES OF the father and mother of tho bride nnd that in ueu me inui anu sioro iiiiui icuo, wnen in cum- YOUKTILDKN NEIGHIlOItS. renewal of the vows then spoken and ns a to- pany wuu ins son 11c again cmuarhcu 111 me ken of their long nnd happy married llfo the muiitiiaciiire 01 iron unucr 1110 mm namo 01 re- Send irf full returns on Tuesday nicht. Those bridegroom of the years gone by would place tcr hnt S Son, nnd continued until ISbS. In 1S71 from the diirerent Stales will he received at the another wedding ring upon the hand of htscon- he relinquished the mercantile business and un Oncra Houso as rapidly as senl. xrt. This was done and the effect produced HI H'C end of his llfo gavo his attention to mil I ,.. ,.. , l, . . . , I.HI . I nnnn. Turn u.m I was uiui 01 a uuai weuuing, 10 1110 great uciiKiit 1 "!, ft.. (,. Cottage prayer meetings havo become popu- I of all tho witnesses. hr of late. One was held Inn dwelling on I A delicious supper (or dinner?) was then par- Positive Kksui.ts. There nro numerous remedies that cure sometimes and become trus ted as useful, but none have ever proved so ef fectual cured so many and such remarkable cases as Dr. Ayer's medicines. Tho Cherry Pcclorat lias restored great num bers of patients who wcro believed to bo hope lessly affected with consumption. Aguo Cure breaks up chills nnd fever quick ly nnd surcW. Aycrs Compound Extract of S.irsapirllln eradicates scrofula nnd Impurities of the blood, cleanses tho system nnd restores It to vigorous health. Hy Its timely use mnny Iroublcsomo Unorders that causo a decllno of health aro ex pelled or cured. Ayer's Pills and effects nre loo well known everywhere to rcqulro any commendation from us here. Smtnton I'd) Uitnei. Nov. 1 111. Croup. From Mr. James Grimes, of Mt. Pleasant, Columbia county, Fit. "About threo'yenrs ngo, our daughter now nlmiit Iwi'lvn vears tif nirc. wns severely af flicted with Croup. A cencrni Irritation of tlio linn's followed. Drodnclnca hectic rough which became, almost constant. Swelling of the temples and other indications ol (Jon Hiimntlnii. worn "nlsn nminrent and her 11 lb was despaired of by her phyticinn. At this critical moment wo were induced toirive I'r, U'Uinr's llnWui nf Wild t'licrrv a trial ami after alio had tnken one bottle wo found her mnrh VpfinV.T,.'r 'V? discontinued its . Since that time wo have used tho Hal- sani In our family in cases of Coughs ami Colds and belicvo it to bo a superior remedy r nil diseases ot the lungs.' 00 cents nnd $1 a bottle. Sold by all ruggists. Business Notices If von want a first class Cook or Heating Stovo at bottom prices go to Hariimn and llasiert. Oct. 27-4w. Hut Hock street last Tuesday evening, which I taken of, and when justice had been dono to the was very successful . I viands, the bride and groom took leave of their I friends and proceeded to the railroad station liets are offired Hint neither Tilden nor I f00wetl bv bucIi warm and earnest wishes for fu- Mr. Enl's llfo lias been one of unceasing bus iness activity. He was known throughout tho country nnd universally respected for his many personal virtues, his honesty and his energy. His influence in tho community was very large and was never exorted for other than good enU "Domestic" Paper Fashions at 1. W. Hart maun. Clark ft Wolf havo a large assortment of Dress Goods and a great variety 01 fancy Goods. Hayes will be inaugurated on the 4th of March I ture welfare as but ncldom fall to the lot of His friends could bo numbered by scores and Don't take them. Any almanac will tell you I the newly wedded. When tho bridal party had there will begenuino sorrow in every part of the why not. disapiicarcd from view, dancing was inatnrura- county when this report of his dcatli is read. At n ripe age, after an active and useful life, thespirit of a good man has passed to Him who beautiful, gave it, and lie we trust is now enjoying that ted ami "nil went merrv" ns tlinnft minted A dispatch from Centralia announces the ar-1 ,s i,n rest 01 Anthony J.auy, 01 uiai piacc, cnargci T, . rccelei Vtrv with complicity in the Langdon murder, t I cnlbracltur articles both ienil nnd ornamental Audcnrcid. Ihulcton Sentinel, 15. II. Ikeler Esq. with his family has moved into the house on Market Street adjoining William Neat's. Mr. Ikeler proposes to build 11 dwelling in the Spring. of beautiful designs and great value, and com prising silver-ware, china, glass ware, paintings, books &c. In addition to tlio many residents of town the following persons, from other places were pre- perfect rcet which follows a career on characterised by charity and beneficence. aril GUARD WELL YOUHTICKETS. IT IS AN OLD THICK OF THE HEPUI1LICANS TO STEAL THEM, AND IF POSSIBLE sent: .T. W. Chemberlin and wife of Plymouth, SUBSTITUTE THE I II OWN, KNOWINO Tho Montour American says Simon Cameron G. A. Yorks nnd wife nnd C. G. Yorks and passed through Danville on Friday last, and Dr. wife of D.invillc, Hev. A. A. Marplc and wife, llrower withdraws ns the greenback candidate 31ns 31ary 3Iarpfe, Clark 31arplc, Will 31ar- for Assembly. Queer, isn't it? pie, George Sanderson and Anna S.inderson, of Scranton, 3Irs. J. 1. kirby of Towanda, C. . An exchange says that black bass nre plenti- Mclvelvy and wife and Judgo M. G. Hughes of fill in tho Susquehanna river, .he in this vicinity fur tin .them that come out of it. They ought to I Citawissa, E. W. Fullon and wife, Lloyd Pax- IT TO HE IMPOSSIBLE TO WHITE OUT THE WHOLE ELECTORAL TICKET. PUT THEM IN SAFE PLACES, AND ANY MAN CAUGHT TAMPERING WITH THEM, HAVE ARRESTED AT ONCE DUMOCltATIO MEETINGS. 1... :.. .i.t, t: ,!, . .1,..-.. ,M. W nf ton. Mr. nnd lUrs.J. II. Hnrmnn nf Hunerl. Sliss J"craiic turnings win ue ueu. 111 in.icuni. .m- ill .ma tiuin.ij .w. ...w.u ....u.faJV w. . , - 1 , i0 iow: ... .... I w t 1 f m:... 11 1 t:. Woodwartl of Reading, Miss Brown nnd Miss Charles of Angelica, N. Y. Taking all things into consideration wc do not remember to have ever been present at a Heckley was over at Centralia the other day. Wonder if ho told the boys, Hayes was a mem- her of the American Alliance, alias a Know more pleasant or thoroughly enjoyable wedding. Nothing? We are sure that wo express the general opin ion when we prophesy that illoonnburg will The printers of the Cor.UMitlAX oflice desire I contain no happier or more esteemed husband lo return' their thanks for a liberal supply of and wife than George E. Elwell and his bride. wedding cake and fruit nnd wish Mr. Elwcll nnd his bride a long lease of life and happiness without stint. Wo are pleased to hear that our friend Silas McIIenry, of Stillwater, who has been danger ..iiqIv 111 la ulna-lv ?irnrPNim. Wo linnn fnr hi. n.,lv relnrn to health ns-tho community connexions and a few friends. The wedding Pine Summit, Friday evening Nov. 3d. Jersey Town, Friday evening Nov. 3d. Cntawissa, Ft iduv evening Nov. 3d. NJnckson Union Church, Saturday evening ov. 4th. Centralia, Saturday evening Nov. 4th. Berwick .Monday evening Nov. Clli. Each and every Democrat in tlio county should from this time to the closing of tho polls Mr. F. D. Koons. son of our townsman W. on election day work with a will to secure Hie B. Koons Esq. was married on Tuesday last to largest majority possible. This election is one Miss Jo FephineChasc.dnughtero! Joseph Chafe of vilnl importance and no true lover of hi Esq. of Scranton. Tho ceremony was perform- country shiuld fail to cast his ballot on Isovem cd bv Hev. Dr. Locan at the house of the bride's bcr 7th for Tilden and Reform nor should he father. Invitations bad been extended to fami- fail !o fee to it that his neighbor does like Men's Kin Hoots at Hard Timo Prices at JUch.inncy'8. A full stock of Under Wear for Men and Bays' nt 1). Lowcnberg s. A full lino of Tobacco and Cigars, whole sale nnd retail, nt Kusjel's. M. 51. ltussell kee"s tho 5Iacio Glycerine Soap, something ncv and first class. Seven cases of Men's Hoots just received at IJ. 31. Jvnorr s. David Lowcnberg would inform his friends nnd tho public that his stock is now replete nnd with all tho novelties for Fall and Winter wear. In the Merchant, Tailoring Department gentlemen will find nil (he newest and latest styles in Suitings. Uvcr Coating iVc, ol tlio lmest qualities and latest designs, any of which ho is pro- pared to mako up 111 City btyle. Ladies, if vou want .1 'readv-made Beaver Cloth Coat Chirk & Wolfs, they have them at 5--'.oU and upwards. IW 25 nieces of Ginghams at I. W. Ilartman's from 9 to 25 cents. Fine Calf Boots at McKinney's. If you want a nice largo Iron Kettle go to Hnrnian and Hassert. ., ' Oct. 27-1 cannot spare such "good men and true" as he. Tho unusual itidunient is that Col. C. G. Jack son has made t lie great speech of the campaign. JCejiubliciin. Wherein our'neighbor differs from the toiiai judgment of every body else. presents were many and valuable. Our best wishes go with the happy coiipioand our thanks are due and hereby returned for a bountiful sup ply of wedding cake. Examine closely your ticktts before voting, anil sec that the names correspond with Ihoso ill tho Coi.umiiian. The Radicals in their des peration will hire ns many rotten Democrats ns Nervousness nnd Drowsiness. Thesu sad nf fliclions so destructive both to business nnd 'W cil to Hdlc out spurious tickets, pleasure, nriso from that morbid condition of tho body which is relieved hy an occasional dose of Dr. Hull's Vegetablo Pills. Try them, they will do you good Tlio members of the Hook & Ladder Co , took their apparatus out 011 Tuesday evening and practised iho art of cutting ladders, carry ing buckets &c. A good idea, which thould be Tho Jhpublican, after abusing the "Fishing creik Confederacy" without itiut,now coaxing- ly snys : "Tlio beautiful Valley of tlio Fishlngcreek by menus of a railroad would become one of the richest lu thin country. Tho milk in this cocoa-nut means a hid fo Democratic votes for Wnller. rather un fortunnte for Mr. Wnller, who is nn cstimabl gentleman, that his chief backer is Mr. Beck ley, who has hiaped more foul nhiiso upon th Democracy than tiny blackguard wu hn known. Boysl we must havo 2500 majority for Til den in Columbia county next Tuesday. Wi havo the stufi'oiily get out tho voters. Think what a splendid record Columbia county will malto for Reform and Peaco hy TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED MAJORITY. On the 20th day of July last a quarrel arose repeated ns olltn as possible. Discipline nt between James Stout and James Archie, fires is indispensable. The energies of the youth of Uloomsburg wcro largely expended in the hurling of cab bages nnd the scattering of corn last Tuesday night the same being Hallow E'en. The E'en has been very infrequently observed of late years. Baltzer Leacoek, who is widely known as the Col. C, G. Jackson, of Berwick, read that speech of his again, last Monday night, in the Opera House. Tho audience was large much larger man 111c speech. e can unuersianu now mosl BllcceMflll F,)orl?ma i jsloo.nsburg, shot wny ,ur, iKienaiew snrTivcu aner 11s urn rcn- ., U't, hicsdav morn lie hist eleven nartridires. lTi It !!- T .!!.! 1 " union 111 i.eiwicK. 11 was uiapiianous very. nr vijj. :,, mi .rnn,im.i. a, no time was he distant from town over a milu Bradley of the .Ifunotir Mina-iean' says he nnd a half. w fome Ayrshire ducks at the Danville Fair. I Wonder if lliey had any Devon geese or Cols- worlil J iirkeys. Jiloomhburii Journal. No, but there una tome half breeds i.fthe tqiilnlne species tluit would havo been an lin provement upon some editors. Montour American. The question now arises, what sort of a spe cies is the ' equinuiL'?" Tho American does not seem to bo more happy in its zoological than in Us ornithological nllusions, The farmers nre the leal proprietors of the United States. Will they vole to Increase Iho value nf their lands and crops hy decreasing taxation, or to mortgage (heir farms and waste their profits by continuing high taxes for the benefit of riiiL's? courso of which Archie was stabbed in nine places and seriously injured. Stout fled and was not arrested until tlio 30th of October, at which date he returned to town. On tho ful lowing day ho was committed, in default of S500 bail, by J. J. llrower Esq. to answer th charge of aggravated assault and battery. Ar, chie was held lo $200 to answer n charge of assault and balleiy on Stout. Rev. Jol Thomas entered into recognizance for Ihu nj pearance of Archie at Court. CAMP FlltES HUItNINd. i very sauaiaciory jveinocriiua meeting w,i held in Light Street last Fiiday evening. A imperfect notice preventid a largo ntlendaiice Hon, C. It. Bnekah'w nddressul the nieeliii; ineiowasa jcuiocraiic nictuiiL' 111 rsusar lo if.Ott 23. William Smith of Benton deli end un able address, which was received with hearty applause. A tine Dunocratic nulling was held in ll hall ol the Knights of Pylhias nt MillHti Cn If the Republicans have detected Dr. Trim mer 111 issuing iraiiiliileiit naliiraliz iUon papers, Hoaifs on 1 ueni.iy cvmiiig. 11,11. Little nil w iv luve t lev not arrested him ? T lev eonld T .1, (1 '-ni,l..r.l:,... .1 ...l.l.. . . . . 'Pl. 111. !ln.l. .!..!. w: ..Ml 1.... I . . ' I v .i.i.ii in-in, "l" -:". -i"""y .um.iins tlicn have an opporluiiity lo prove tlio charge nnd thus defeat him. "Too ihin," Col Jackson. It will do on the stump, where a man bus no regard as to tho tiutli of the matter alleged. n highly sensational article, dunging that mm iv was paid In the Mollio Mngiiires lose cine their support for llaitra ft, in 1875. Tho wholu thing is u imlilieiil lie, intended lo duiu age tho Republican ticket next month. ,1i7o- man. Well, if it is u "political lie" your Republl- The house of II. Frank on Eut Street was entered bv u thief on I ridnv iiiiiht who r. 1 -, r.1 p . . . . ..... i I . - " ran ineimueii. nigirnn miisi no a "1'oiuicai htolo several arlieles of clothing, Louis Bern po! liar," for ho acknowledges that Iho money was paid to Slatlery. Of course no on i is expected to believe the stalemeiil that nothing was to be returned as nn equivalent for tho money, People In these hard times don't pay such men ns Klattery and his fi lends S2000 without valuable consideration, Tho JiVfomaitcau per' Imps settle tho mailer with Sigfncd, hard's dwelling on Fifth Slreet was ulsu entered the saint) night and pair of boots and u new hut carried away. In both houses articles of was a lino hickory 102 feet high. great value exposed Id tlio vUwof the thief wero lefl untouched. Col. J. G. Freeze nnd B. F. Zur E-q. ml dressed a hiro inciting nt Oniiijjuwlluun Tues day evening. There was a Democratic ineeling innl nil-lug in Alton last Tuesday evening. Al though iu extended milieu had been given, very large crowd gathered unit as tlm S.hool llnusu Hould mil hold halfoflliiKu imt'iiiblcl tlio meeting was held In the open air. Tim po dipt Brock Horn i tliU f Mr. Beclley, Post Muster and Editorofthe Hepublican, in diieet violation of law, hns smuggled into his paper n vile cnni- At the Democratic meeting last Saturday pnign sheet puUiskd ubnxul, brimful of lies, evening the Opera House was filled to overflow- which did not daroseo the light of day until ing. Hon. O. R. Biickalew mido a brief but just beforotho election. When a Hwoni otlieer way delivered an address, At a uci lit Repu Iiiiui meeting hi the same locality uu ilillieulty was expeiieneed lu accommodating all pre-sei in the ncliool Home, E. E. Oi vis E-q, addressed a large and nt teiilive audience at Espy a-t Tuesd.iy cvenlii; Wo expect n good report from Scott on ll; 7lh, 1 hero wero llireo Democratic: meetings held on ednesday night last j ouo at Rupert whit was addressed by Capt. Broekway and R, H, Little lq.j ono tit Biiekhorn where E. E. Oivl: Esq. nnd 1. .Tell. Vnndersllco lq. delivend addresses and ono nt Bcndeilown which wi addressed by Co. Freeze nnd CO. B.irkl Esq KOLI, Oi' llO.NUlt. Tlllllll HTllKkT inuiiniisriiooi. A eoiresiionilent in Constantino Michigan, Iho following named pupils wero neither writes very hopefully concerning the chances of absent nor lardy during tho month closing Oct Tilden and Jleudrlcks in (hat State nnd thinks M, Ib7U, the election of a Democratic Governor assured. lioom Xo. 1 Georco Hinder. Muv Hark, Tho Reverend Daniel A. Heck ley! an ex. We trust these predictions may be fulfilled and ley, Herbert Grotx, Laura Crater. Hannah Al fllethodlst preacher, and one of the editors of believe with our correspondent that the chances I legar, Ella Fox, Maiy McKclvv. the Itepuhliean, Issues an Illegal supplement for Democratic success are greatly enhanced hy I Jiooin JVo 2 Bruce Birch, Edward Relswiek Willi llie last number of his paper, tho leading the speeches of lilalue of Maine. Howard Bidlcmaii Frank Sloan. Wlnilimn nrticio in which is a speech of Hob Ingersoll, Hryfojle. Marl ha Drinker. Wlllln Tlrhdur .1 .1.-1... IT . w ... . T T .... n..,. n 1 .-..I. ..I I .... . ' . us uiiieisi. uero uru some ol Jinrersou s opto-1 wmiiii iiiiiiik muiuivi iuu& iimeu aiiiiio l oi. liarrv Slnver. Hnllin Mnl.Vlov !..... ,.,... . " . l.,........ . !.. r i .i.i.. ... . . ' . ' vi uu-. mimj vtuii ur ireaeuer 10 etiuorso . ..." ...v.. ui, iiuuibhiiiii-, uu audio uoiiarmel. very happy speech which was received with enthusiasm. J. O. Parker E-q of Willinim port followed In a logical and eloquent address and Hon. R. P. Allen, Senator from this dis trict, addroiscd tho audieuco In a very happy vein of humor and sound sense and was loudly applauded. Tho Drum Corps and the Glej Uub wero both present. Tho Club sang sovir- al pieces in good style pnd it Is a matter of regret that their organization had not been effected earlier in tho campaign. Mexsers. Allen and Parker Hpoke nt Benton on .Saturday afternoon to a largo und apprecia tive audience. thus deliberately iolales the law, peoplu know how much f.ntli to put in his utterances. Mrs. McCruu, wife of Hev. Dr. JleCron, of tho Lutheran church of this town, with u severe and probably fatal nccidout on Thurs day of last week. In somo manner not known sho fell down tho stairs leading to the cellar of her residence, cutting a frightful gaah in the sculp mid bruising her body. At this writing she lies in a very precarious condition. ' Jo bo convinced that Hie Bible is simply tlio borders ot this county, und subsequently Hoom Xo. 3 Freddie Holmes Laura Phil d purely a barbarian invcntlon-rcad it." onu of tho party, named John Hoshcii was lips, Frank ReUwIck, DoVa Hlnglcr. 'Arthur "For more lhan fiflv irenernltiins th r'l.nrrl, w.1,.1,1 ulw.t ilmiil Tl. I ......l.i:.. c.t.i. . i. i . . . .. V B . """ur curried Iho black 'ihS. V U T. "? , A ,. "" ". "'"". "'ngier, Jennie itotiarmel. he ha. hales!: will, the "'"wwnnMnumutxi as iho Jioom Xo. 4-Frank Rcelarmel, Ada Cox, ... I.-- i '..!. .i ; . I tmiriUrpra. rl fin tnurdor. it ij till, una mm. I ll- t.l Tt..l.,i , . .... , - ' I " J ... A WU, UOIIII. jjizziu iiriu.H i.itxin II..rll Kcu n hns fund I, tl ,vw rim nan uiiimiui : wiiii mil inula u .iM.n.... the has devound ; pillUks as famine, merciless mltted lu this couuty,teu feet inside of the lino, lire, with theeoiiscience of a scriienti idi hut whether the trial will take place hero wq is the history of l(ie Chaiclieflod,'' mm.otiiiv i Holmes, Mary Barrett, Jessie Meyers, Ell i Hit- oi f I. JC. SiJioojioyer, I'rlntlpaL. METHODS P01NTS METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF-H CLOTHING- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A UDITOH'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor appointed hylhC eJourt otcomtnonlTeasof ColutDbla Kiinlr tojiwtrtbi ate iiin tuna trlslne from Bherlff ssaloot reaiesiateoi Vhoinas W. Mgar.of Kcott mwnsliln. will meet tho iaXslii Interest for the purpose ot Lis appointment nt hlselnco In llloomsburg o!i rrtrtay, uvember M, Vbto at is o'clock n. in., when and wtiero nil persons interested nro requlrci to present their claims or bo ueuorreu iroui eu.m..H ... ,,,,ljMKTKK. Sct2J,,:-lw AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which wt Invito tha Inltretted Attention and Careful Scrutiny ol ' -TIIE PUROIIASINa PUBLIO.- METHODSs 4 JMINI8THASOIM NOTI0K. P8TATK Or BKUltRPi rAiininwrY T. livo hut Ono IMco for All.. K rccelvo Cash rnyment from All... ll glvo a Ouarantoo protecting All.... w 15 itclurn Money when wo catinot tun ah WK hur our Roods nt flrt hands, In liumonso quantities, end nt tho low est prices for Cosh..- - WK inntiufacturo with cxtrcmo earo every garment wo sell Wr. lnrrwct every yard of rooJi ttiat IK Into our garments WK put a ticket n every Mttnent, shos lug plainly Its quality and WK cut oft" every Item of tlnneewlrJ" expenditure. POINTS: ONT. rrlco me sns of necessity tho low est l'rlcc CABII taves c sneno of collections and loucs from had duhls - Till: Ounrantco protcrts tlio buyer who may not bo n Judgo of goods Wo rely on immeno fnles nnd aro rsnt isflcd with n very ranll perccnt ngo ot protlt. IT lscasj- to buy of te, ttneo tiTJ nro treated alike, no ono getting lavors that nrodcnlodto others - DICKtltlKO and dehato nro dono awny by us.cverrbody gctsourlKitw llli out having to ast ior It - f CU lsnro e Jtverlenee, capital and fncll-, vy Hies ww use mr uie iievpie nruciib .. L .7i...irc.,ill,.n nn tlin nstAta Ot UCUbOIl Pnlirtnirer. late ot IsKiist township, .Columbia cotiii- ham esiaio an- 'i"v;,"''.;: iutnniit nicnt, anu tnuno iimevieu iaj u ii)""." ueisy. iittnMii? VAltRlKdRII. JaAJAH HOWKIU Ocl57,'i4-ow Administrators, employ flr-t-clnM workmen every department. ! n low crl ng prices.. . VV parts of th fved by mall from all ttol BtAU'i. Ytrua glvo satisfaetlnn to overy iurchascr or return tho money, for particulars. . . .. S- NOT a particle rf rM: run In buying of us. A child may buy us iJiMni'y TJD1T011'8 NOT1CH. Danchy & Go's. Advt'n. nf VAyW CAItllM It styles with name . letj 5jt)post paid. J. II. llusted, Nassau, liens. Co, H.T. UctJf, "i.-tw d . rXTuN with fruit and improvements i ow" MIMH gFophto ItltistrHtlpns. tclllni all bont Alt.MH Maryland and Delaware, sent Ireo. J. if. ocUT-lwd n AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT f,FNTFNNIAL HISTORY It sells faster than any other booje. one , nti soJJ : copies In one day. Hcnd for our exua terms w agent. Address alIonal iuuhsuuir w, BANKRUPT SALE 3III.TON HIM JimilliltV. We will send yon on receipt of firiy .ernis one wir i e dTiTKor joiiMKNimitPiCp, Tho underslimed Auditor to make distribution of .. "I.J n, ,l,nlnllrnlnr lit the iSt.te M iohn KnTttJe0. deceased, will .ttend; U " .V..1V,1 i ilL,B6hiirtf ' mi HfttlirdflV. NOV. lbtll. lAlnir CU tn against 'the said estate, nro required W pKt the Mia.) before tho Auditor, or "be de- ban ed from coming in ior a nun ui m t!. II. II1IUUK Al -t m. Auditor, t.RVI E- WAt.UtU. Auditor, In addition to ourlmmen) Ptock of ltcadjr-Mado Clothing, wo haio a Magnificent Lino of Men's and Hoy's Vurnlshlng Goods, Bhltti (of our own make) and Underwear, all at the Very Lowest Prices. WANAByiAECER & BROWED, OAK HALL, . S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. i 4 UDITOU'S NOTIOK. A F TiTK CV ELIZABETH I.RVAN, PEC D. WW1 Alttffl rffi0,Mta?olo1 wKibcth bevan. deceased, will attend lo tho duties n.m. whcn nn.1 where all persons haling claim, nSutlhotudd estate, aro required to present bo liune before Iho Audltor.or bo debarred from coming in tor a EJiare oi saia mnu. Oct. to, W76.-1W. "Y UDITOll'fl NOTICE. l.n nnln nt mnl rwtfttn tit AUCTUS' w Krctind, the' un.lorslgned nppolntrd Auditor by r reiuiu, i.virMtPd lo tuake distribution ncaWlY-v :! sold Bale to nnd ninong the of money arising -i "- the pnrtieslnte- festi'il for the purpose of his aupouitn. I Will" llcoot ilrocku) fc Ulwell In IlloomrturgoLWlfC day, h'ovember )SUi, IbJS, al i') o ciuck, a. u. til.U. U. J.I.I.. Oct. 13, 16Ti!-IW Am'lior. WHOLESALE DB DG EMPORI TIM. Corner Main and Market Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. i Kh'j- The uiKicrsighed liaving been engageil in the Httids. one Collar itution. ono oeuuuiui , . i 7. 1'lnVone oents' Watch Chain, andpne i hoary NV cddiW .!.. A lirtPn lot. 1IMHI lO TeiAll lUr n.f.w - --J wlllTio sent, liostpalrt. oil receipt of I .no. rtreular free. Address w. w. ueu Oct. J1-4W a Jewtlry 11 co., Phlla, AncvTS WANTED POIt TIIE BTOflY OP nHARLEY P OSS, With f ac Mmlle loiters nnd Illustrations. Outsells WI other booki. Onongenttoolt to orders In ono day, Terms liberal. Address. .TOUH K. POTTEIt 5 CO., muusiierB, . ma. OCti7-lWd MASON & HAMLIN CABINET O GANS Havo been unanimously assigned tho ' FIRST RANK" a & SBVElUIi REQUISITES of micli IiiHtrumcnlK, JX. S. CENTBMIIIAI.. vr inrt .rnthn onlvon?fi nntiicer for us. nctt'niglrl'aoo'ili'Killi' windows excludes pects ouly, but In nil important rnianiiea oi ran. A medal and aipioma nao u V, them, hut medals ol V(iual value w ere awarded all nikers cat advcrllse T -Orst medals'' or "highest "l."?!'" in hns been deUr- i.umuiii uti.u n.nifc . avv.. . . ... . . ... 1... n. M,.ntnn. twn . fill.. C 11.. QCCeikgCU I .j' ... li.H.nol D.nnTlD nlnn. Ill 1AK3 111-.11V1, wiu - -,,u. -, . . minrii u ino uuuko ii.i-. - . . . . .. I... flin lfm.lufpr Or Rlilfl COUDIV LU 1 '"Z .. ll .nt nnntllmollir nSKIKUlM Uil.U l'll Ki.ivu r V.l..Tl.ln .T.,n,v' I .MBSUI1 tt lIUIllllll "i b"'. v " ..,;:;B.TMaw tames i". .iiceiuro oi samo iu., vuiumui, ,ii ..fill; niist hank iniiioboriuie-iiuiaio w -"--v Aiuur.. to Miiumuu injiBum ,UUL M ... . I Instruments, ana arc io uuij uun "oa,.u- - ed to make poyment, and tnosu naying ciaima oi i k t Judges lleports. Tnisrcsmi Kuui.ii w .'"""-yr.YiJ 'i. m-i.i iih. 1 nignef,i uwu ... """r,rnr.f. v.rt. AdmmisTrawr. w,?r Tx.nlUm YsTi; Phlladeljhli 1H. : rv 1t'ilii I .... nisrnriliMi M fTtlPftf. I tOtinrS Rl CTOrY Jfj!.Z. "i iVi::r.,SS';Ihirt, rHvhaBeomDeeed.antt A DiilNISTUATOU'S ROTOt. teinR the onU Ainericah organs whichever obtained r MiAihu ituwnu inii.ii.Bi vv- - I nnvniVura in Europe. , , Matters of Administration with tho will ew eg, wtti, improvements exhibited t'he na uuuuij., i run ., i.ricc'8 very lowewi cousisiuui. "ii" v"0;" . .. iv Uie lleglster.otsaia WOrkmanshlD. Orgaus sold for cosa or mtuuiu mo cnuntv to Win. -Martz, ol uauwtssa, uauuiiu i or rented until rent pars, r.very usu """" Liners DM IX ISTKATOH'H KOT10K, KSTATB orCATIUIUNK BISUEI. DKcKAsr.n. ers ot Administration on the ustato of Catharine icl, lato of Montour twp., Col., Co., deceased ft county. Pennsylvania. All twrsons having claims w gne elMte Rattstactlon to every reasonable 1 pir inCt ino estate of tho decedent nro rcnuestcd to rhuVr m the money returned. Illustrated Cato- wct.entthemfe.r settlement, and those Indebted t0 free , Xdyn!strotor1Viu,Surd,e .Sontd r,S3i s.-uaVe; New Vorl:: sjand Hoys' Kip Hoots for Knorr's. i.OO nt Be M. Hats, Huts, lints. Cups, Caps, Cans. Latest Stylo. Lowest Prices nt 1). Ijwenlmrg'g. Go to K. M. Knorr's for vour fall Hoots nnd Shoes. Clark & Wolfcall tlio 'Attention of Ladies' to their new line of IluMJesiiml Corsets. met i. Chiltlrcn's Shoes in "rent variety nt MiV Kinney's. 30 pieces of Wool Flannels at I. W. Hart- man s, "u to o; oent-s. bus iness for the past eight years would call the attention of 'Cormtry dealers to their large and varied stock. "They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Tlieis? siotsXs consists of Faints, Oils, G-Lass, Putiy, F. atcsit BSedicisies, Spices, i&Cm RETAIL DEPARTMENT BBO "W E IR. " S BLOCK. I "Wliore may be found a large stock of Surgical Instrurjiients, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything: kept in a well regulated .retail Drug Store. They itro also Sole Manufacturers of the celchrat e OIL OF GLADNESS. CAl.I. AND EXAMINi: OUIt hTOCK. 3VL03TJlI BROS. WILLIAM MA11TZ. lt. in 'Is-ow. Admlnlstmtur. Tutp'ion'fi SOT.ICE. IN lilB Lsrtj: Of DANIEL BIIIPX, L1TC OF M1IN 1WP., On motion of. O. Ilarkley, Ibiliert It. Little was ntmolnte'd Audltot to make distribution or too lu iu Oct-lwd Wo will start ou In a business you can mnke tvi a week without capital easy itn vT 1,1 Valid rcsnecu'ilB ror eiinersei. i) ) l Yi l tttiTLV eo.. wll Bowery, New iork. Oct. 13-lw d NO uu V.. n.(iuiredtoureEenttheir.elalinsorbo debar- N.. wu , n il i-reini eomlnL- lu upon eald tuad, llOIIT. li. LITTI.K. it 12 1S7C-4W - Auditor. KUPTU T i.l VTOT1) ITIO'C VrVPIMW A D.UI.eiiJl'"""" t"''" " .. .. ... , . ...nnin .OH.Iil. KsTin. IH' MARV ANN 11PKH1MIBK, lM.A. 1'ulteilIH nimi oil J, .-p.". - feters of' Administration on the estate of .Mary. D A atlKHMAN'S fcuccessful treatment, of A. r-tajilmjer, lattioi ino Tvp. "VT'V,., I ltUDturohas Induced unpriiicipieu iierwiua i"""'" cmi.lardecease.hhaveb(.en feJi'i n tlS?tU T elastic trussesas ii certalu cure. Knowim rH?woiiaainBciaiiiwuiiuiun.. ":r.-:--, I victims are eo-usy j"s Lent nr reuuusted to resent . them for settlement (!eluon II 11 IS W orn .USUI, uiuuuu mu uwy , th" muscles, interrupts the circulation and piedl a.S?.Taiffi'SoM any thosJ Indented to the estate W make payment to mo uiweibiBueu .i..jj r,y, jj,,E1,; Oct. c, at.70.-ow. Administrator. I'UB LIC NOTICE. Jutt received a full lino of Cloths. Cassi meres und fcttitinj'a lor lall and Winter wear, nil at tlio lowest prices at i). Lowcn berg's. A full lino of Cirocn and Ilia eV Tens, cf an quinines aim prices at Ktissf ll'a. Tho best Hoots in town at H. M. Knnrr'i' and prices to hint the times. , Applcton "A" Jluslin SJ (cts. cash and 0 eas, in uuuer aim rrRs ati. v. ilartman's, Itubber Clothinj, Water Proof Coats, ' Water I'roofl'uiitH. Caps, Blanlicls, c,,jii!i rcceivt'u at u. Jjt.iwcuuerj; s. lust recciveil. a lareo h took of Itenilv .uauo ;iouiun; at too lowest, prices aim la tent stylo at 1). Lowenberg'a." COAL. COAI, Old Kbtnbllslieil Coal Yard. O. W. Nkai. & Uno.. Whul esale & Itctall Dealers in nil mzes ol the bt st qualities nl Kcd and Wliitei Ash Coal, at tl o verv lowest uiarkitratcs. Iline'cointnntlv on hantl bir-'o nci;s Ol Domestic, Cupola, Itlucks-iiilth's Ai.tlir.icit Uiluiniiious, and Liinebii 'iier'n Coal alteiilion given to tl io prepara tion ut Km leavaigmir vai ds. lirain and Lumber laircn in nxclianyis I'cr coal. Coal ilclivi'ied lo anvjurt of tli 5 town at short notice. Ordrs iftat I. W. 3 rflCf Ivv's Way l, ;.-. SI Then Buy N. Y. BNAMBL PAINT CO.'S Mirssasav'.n'nu! ciri5isrTCAL .paint painting, and get. a paint fist twice as 1'mjr us any other Ualnt. IS proparuu reaujr 1U1 u.s III nmiuui ,ui iuiui mmiu, lauuiuuu, uiuusuiiuaui iiiuiuiuM.liUIIUIUK In tho couiitrv, many or which hao b"en panned sltjeius. and now look as well as whenllrst painted, 'l his Oil K.M1CA1. 1AINT has taken Flrt I'reinliiins at tw enty of the Male I'ulrs ot the l'nlon. Kamplocanl or colore sent free. Address N. y. KN'AJIUL t'AINT OO., HO Chauibeis bticel, S. i'., or JllI.IiKlt nil OS., li'J Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. .May IV, 'To -ly. i Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of tho Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at tho Most Ilea son able Hates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Dloomshurg, Pa. Oct. S, 1S75 Thou Buy MILLS H BROS.' nndsaio oncthlid tlu cost of riiMlM'TP A f PA I 'T u!'"!!r.- "P l. 'u."!' '.!"lt yl I IJili I' .1 11 Jill' I ii. i wiri5 ii unit, as mil mil' w Inn nf.'e -r m. o.i:.TU"M!en. is en in.inv inoi lore, or at tmr ouctvivill reivivti ii onipt ui teiition. Ullice and Ynrdn at Willi jn Ncal ,t Suns' Furnace, fint liliwimsburg Your patniimgo rcstitetfullv aolicitctl. COAL. IV tf Ml COAL Worthy nf KeiiieyiliraiHe. Why will jun mfl'ur violent pain, or bo i:u!e unciiiiifi.rlalile.ilirilrciMil in liiiiul or lsly,wlien you can bo iu-.lii.itly iclieved nud iiuiildy -i:ml by liensun's t'apclnu l'orous l'lusur 'jCIip m dlnary 1'yruu? Placer is an nci5tl c-. merit, ytt lis nclioii is too klnw, riipiir'mj- it lys nnd weeks of conliniioiH ear to iflWt. a nuv. IKn son's Oaneino l'orous I'lafler, bi injj ureal iin provement over tlicni, relievi.-n you Iiislnutly and cures you (juicker than any known plaster, liniment or compound. Their action in moro powerful than electi icily nnd moro ferlain; They aro. imrcly vegttable conlalu no mineral or metallic jiuImihs. Their composlllon and properllcs are fcimiKil upon true medical skill, and aio 1 n no henso u natcnt medicine. They nro ender nil by Ihoiisaiids of I'hyslcians and Dniggl.ts of iin!inahablo repulatlon, as bcitiB an url'iclo of f;enuiiio merit and worthy of public confidence. Try them and be convinced, lrlco. 2.1 cenls. RHA Ill'Itv.intiNKrtv rilAllMACI 1UIIC1I. ClllUISTS, N. T. May 10, '70 ly. lli n.un, CmiriiiK l'u run. I' r.-.IImr Mini lun r ru,i, suy u ZSSuJ c!,'ca,':s, twifest, and surest remedy of fereilaii liitelllirent, iifoii e." "An arllelo or irieat rel'iW tlnio be founa in Mry . "leyr.mall that Ihe inatiuractuieiw claim tor them, who a nemo alone is u suntclciit en ilorhcinont of their Btuulnumeilts." iho Ixast m'n'il'.l'"0".1.1 , a" "teilttl dinieulileaor lucal iiisiui iu 111 es." 'j h jy are i luorous, n ino luir ulmut. luslantly ilu most v 01. nt pain und eiumrliit' a bi Uycurn." ''Icousluerlhem a meat and nit-eled lui liroKuicntcnerall olhtrporous nlakters. they irtio IT.T.l'i,i'.lk7. ".Ii." cure 'lulelvly;' they are 1.1-13 la hlyU iim racy urn now prefernsl ourall oth V;J.WfVro, hero other j.oraus iiloste- Huiply relieve." "Alien buffer iug try Iheui anaiou.vUllut, WidlsapTOlnusl. 1-rtoeoenUi. 1 Maj,H I'-ly SlCAIIUItV & JOirNiiON. riiartuaceuucat Cliemlt U, N.V. Is much lumilM,i.ii'r nnd "111 n.ilnt. Is ineiuii-il rendi loriiw In 1 Iir i-riiit,t f n n nv nf l.'li h,i i I, VI. 1 1, I fnncvii'' t. pain e imx iniriiti Kn err i,f ivilnm l-i. i, t. tu.. Altdl' M',i;n)ii:i. i aint l'u, in-y ucuxi-: r.vciAs to iui.viuiK kimj. i- O taii:. lol.U.MIHA rof.'.TV, Wi '1 tut foeiluiHix.e.ilIll 1 1'enlHl Iv.illl.l to thi ?).'!' ltf ot t.'(.iiiuliia mtit. , (jii'i-ilnj: When al, , ZluiiiMTini'ii, li..liiilir l.itrlj in our I'.iUll. of I oliilh'iu 1 (i 'ii.s lor lun i miiiiI i null ilil. i ( ruioil.j ju.h!p,or tiii H'lld l;ln iiili la, 'U-n L . I 111 III" 1.1 .'in. , ..w -J, u. inirliru Mi ilniiiiiid el 'l.t liuihii',0 nd w i i.ij- il,h 111. jiiuMii,'iit "I tlihjjti i on, l, el f rl ii'iniirl i m'ii -a l'.. lift-, huitnniM ratdi 1 1 .mm inn, ' I' iy.tsul. i'.('it'r.( in ieli uieiit.du .lel-i 1 1 1, li n- I ty.l ii.ii!.-h nnd Ihutv-H nv lents. i.s ni l, tin i ' Unliurs inui url.-luurrentHlorlU'i iotsiiiider.iit,ris , Sli-MihUtlllt'lL 10 IMl'ISluliil IP. Ul 11)111 fill i,t , Hi li ulioiei.f the sail iichnUnar Isunvlc', .Veils, inipt'.ii's ot'. 'And waensiK Hilla i rii..ui H no Hi oca so . r.nd 1. K ritliiu' ' Utile urtinlnlsliator. And wher. us ihn.-i.ihl .1 .tin f I'll ii.-. illnil i-ii-si'ii it ical i-Aiau li. 1 1..- nulil riiiii.t . i,i t Oi ltiiul't.1, as we h.tvi' been jjiie-ii in iini.t is .unl; . Mhn h deCfnde'.l ami la.iuita ll r. 1 ieu, u.mUI ir.iti.r i t .Iohn Treas, ileeuasi'd. nnd II. i". 1'ici.s, II-1 ll.un s. i'li.v-i, i.tvli'.' ll. l''l,.i-. Iilruin I. I'n I John . I'lcii i. Ileriiii1 l'l.'ii.-, '.-jl.ili 11. Via. Hnllin Ann lukiiii. riled ultli h'li.itlMii .. LrK niiil Nuiu'.i 1 liili iniai'i Ifil v llie l',en)Miilu II'Cks, tho -Irani Ihu ;KuM Julin I'liMS, ileei-iiM'd. ,'a l luitln i . Ili.i haU I. a. iiiieiee. iKiiiuuinLriiiui-oi iiuiu ..uuineiinuii, ik'ei'iiM'il, has ulvi iiun lu under .luiid Oi" s.iid JudKiiieiit, with tlu laui. -.1 mill rust . iln ii on, if. mill! wholly tliii.ild and luwitlilk J, nnd hns be. souulit us to prnlde for him a iirii n nieily In his behalf! und wn belni wllilii that what Is Justly ueted in our said court, should he Uouuhl to ih.o i . i'eiitl(ti neioi'illn to the Iniiui'f Ui'j net i r tsseitiblv In such eases iiuulo mill pruMdi d, iiiiiiinuuil inn ihut j ml nuke known 10 tho said li.c. liens, Atliuliils- lr-.ill,. Ill .Iflllll 1'1I.1. lli'l'l'lixi'll. Hint II. 1'. I'l'l'llM. It II. Il.iln I.. I'reiibi, Ceoico 11. I'li ii.t, lliraui II. 1'ieus, .loilll A. 1'it'UH, iiuitut- i it'itt. inumii it. i ii,a.-t, name Ann lnlerinurt leil Willi Jonathan V. Kek'.nlKl Nitiipv luHriiiarrli'd with llenjaiuln lilcks, Ihut the) bu and upinur liefino our .liiilk'es ut lllooinsbiirt; ut our euiiiity court of Common Hens iheru tu Isi held on tho III si .moiiuuj'oi in e, iie.i, in snow cause, u any isainNiir thiflincst bni'jlih.. h lllUI'll''.. Hlld '"lit I'Mik IIS ellllS It lift) Ul'.l pi'lllll'll. i mi nut ul ttti'Ull 1 1 MK ii' I'nji's of tin' I nluii. Sjiujih ''aid 1 .11 I . 1, 1. I. l.ltW.-. t itll'l til I ei l .1111. MIL 1. ItO.', t"U iili-rtilei l U ulitgd, ihl,i, is miv i V V VS ' AUDlTOK'ri NOTICli .nn i'Bw,.i.nt. imitf iMi'tlAltT. DEC'n. Tiie uiiderst'e'rit'd Auditor to make distribution of the' of the funds In Jjii0',..1!. iJiS nii rettS uiu attend to tTie duties or his npnolntinent ) at Id's ohlco on Main street liloumsburir. ,' ennn,. o .Vividayilie Pd day of NoM-mber lsio, when and 0 1 f "..f !'! i.n.Hnn. .intina ntnilnst. tll Said 1 Sob I ot trusses with their grlplnit preOTff vjpon be spine, abdomen, ami delicate parts'at to 1 WJ. V Ore. sooner or later cause kidney and bladdef affjt- " . .j.,ii .w...a iinvini. riitiiTia neniinsL tiie euiti wne'e " !;.''"....", ,",,t,,,,t ,,,, Snm twrnre tho L?.Si,un. l) debarred from ccuntiiB.ltWr a share of said fund. oct. TO-OW untiiKltWrashare ii.fl; tiAiiKiiiiy. M'dAtor. A UDITOH'S N0ricE ESTATK OF W It.l.U, ' Pimirn. LATKlOK MiUI- ,1Xf4SKl. sn Tnwwiiii. ...-,... r.f Tho,1 And in i 'J1"".'.v " tne iiinain tno nnnus or tlio Adni. .i uu,tnd to the tale of VlllLimlHirlier, deceased, 'Hi iilooms duties of his appointment, uthls oflit , Vulaok a. uuiv.on, .Nov. 4th, is;n, at u i mmis in., wneu unci wiiero all persons hailn Vflo the I said estate, nre required toprest. s.uiie hf ture tho Auditor, or bo doburred from e Iuk In for a share ot bald fund. I.- 1 llTr T fl-vt?l Sen. 29-iw AUlJ,tor, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK VETRll W'KNNEK, DfiC'D. Tl.f umlervlizlied (Andllnr nnnnlntcil bv thn Cnnrr. of cnmirton 1' ens of Columbia county to mako hi trlbuttonof tiwundsln the hands rf Admlnlstra Inis iiinnne; parties entllled Ihetito will meet all pur lins iititiisifii tur um piirjiusu oi ins uppoimiuc in at lflo'cIocKn. ia on Wednesday. November I. at his oillte on Main Hreet, ltioomshure; when nnd whero nd pi runs IuvUuk claims aculnst the sold estate nro leiiiilietl toprisent the same or be debarred from coming In for it stale of said fund. JIAMUKL KXOIlIi, Auditor. Oct. C, lKC-Ow A DMINISTHATOIfS NOTICE. J ESTA1BO.'SAllUKI.K,ALBI!KTSON, DIC'D. retteisot Admlnl' bonis nouofMamucl K. Benton twp, Columbia County.dec'd. have been granted hy tho lietfstcr of said eountv to E 11 On Is, of Hluomsbiirjr. Columbia Co., Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said Ksiatearoie iUfsli.U In intiku payuteut, and those hatlni; claims ualns the i,ald ustate n 111 make them l.non n to tho suld iidinlnUlrutui ittihuut delay, K. K. Oltflf, r-ept. fi.-ctr. Aduiiulstmlor. A' UDITOH'S NOTICi:. 1ST! I K 111' lilA 1 KS tiVEl'. lirrE tFKll. "uiu tiiidtTslmied. Auditor to mako ditttlbutltn of tho balance of the muds union;; Ihe liclitor (.iiailcs li.M-i, l.iio of oirlnireivek tmtushln.-i1ee.-asi-il, mil utt'iid lo I I.e. iipimliitineni at Ihe (.liici-U M.I, Ki r It, In e'ntattlssiii on Nul urday, I lie eit-venlli du if Ihiit'inher. A.l. ls;r.. at in ii'clnck a in., when un.l where nil pel sons huviiii; chilum iik'idnst n,n suld (Stale alel" nllli',1 t pl'l'Slilt til'' Wl.llo LiTiirn ll, Aiinhor iir Lo d Ii it red tr ,ni eon liufln Ii.tu kiiate of Mild lui d. jdiin v. it. ni: S It 3-t' ' AUUllul. I 111 (in- Cilllt Mit (' i. IU 111 II 11 thliu: they know or say why tho wild judgment wi leeoieieti iiuiiisi tun sum u. t-. i mis, iiuutinistra torof thubuld John l'rcus, deceused, shull not bo lolled und paid out of tho suld leal estate! of whluh tho suld John 1'ieas, tUeeusea, died beU-d nsuforo- i.l.l .,,l llntV lll'SI'l'tllll'll llllll (.mill. In tlw.ln nu I., I p. und but ii j oil then und thtiothls wilt. U' lis ism the Houorublo Williuui Elitell, l'rrsldent t .1iii1l.ii nf oursuld Court, ut llloomsbuii... tnu ivin 1 day of bcplciuUr, A. 1). 1ID, 11. HMMti-AI 11. Bep,w-CT I'roihoiioiuiy. II WI! Dl'irNAMK'UTAMI'Ell O-THHJl OTfoM A N l EVERY PAIR WARRANTED i .)ni: (iitNiuNi: winiouT Our Grt'fjtls can Ik lmd in oyery town in tlio County. t J. E. DAYTON, & CO. "WillianispoTt, Pa. nepi. uu, iu uiu. l i-'llOH'S MT1 ' V.liil.m KHoklni'iiij . i.'n itu-s Mam er s lle:ii-e M iuniv I linnt.rt il in,. Hi i, 'iim.'. i int. Mptiiiiur 'lnu lVe. H.I.I., 'i, 'i r li i.ih i T, ri.i, ;r.. ' ii i n . 'i pi in. I.n " it.'i ,.,n vt,i , i Mlier. i'. l.i ::.iitii(Tihio;i.-:itil.rii'ili. i Jnt-i.n.1 'Ifii l.l mm- .-I. ,!"'! I '. . ll In t li I I 1 . Uiu.-, ' . ''iii 111. I' f i!Mil t, h.i. 1 1 s n,i lu.tu i. -.tiiiit'ui nt iiiiti t ur, ll. I',8!"', l'. 111 He ii-'-nli!, 1 1 ot l.S . Nt reel, htii l glv I. tlwl'tlx uii.Vrsl.'i.ed will itin ill 10 ilttniivr-t.i l.i.- itiip'iiniiii'iii nl. . in,'. I. Uiu li sn'liy on iVti'Iiii-Inj It... It u.t.V . I . t'-mi. Ii r, is. i, .it u u'i i.s k, ii. in , vtiien .mil tt h. rt.ull lie .in .t ill lie leu .1 i.i I'j I mke ti fir elitl ,p ii, I, b.HI' tl Until Uvllilllj III UOI, .s.i'i.Mn J. , ' ' K, 11, 1.U- I.F. (i. t. U, HTIl-llf A'l III ,r. lure. Soulier ur iuw. i t-uiiot. -..."v j . . j ,,ni - Xtirnv miiniiood. maklne the younc old, ajfid the old useless, until life pules Into fearf ul apatw. The aruicieti siiouiu iiiihk wrnuu.-,j . and act to accordance with the dictates 01 leason. 1)11. SI1UK:tI4N'S Treatment In l'ractlcaI,KallonaI and r.conomlcal ; Its object Is Immediate relief an eventual cure. It Is based upon scientific, prtntl Plcs imd easily demonstrated to the comprehensions If cVery intelligent icrson. Thoutrli he does not use a truis he uses a bupiiort milnltc .superior which keeps eurythlr.c In ptoper position whllo tie Curatli e Comiwlind applied dally by tho PJent, . Soi-s healthy action, ndhes on and cure. Beside. Try. ram i moderAW. dependini: upon the i eat, l-ersons trom tliccotlutry can lve treatment an k-ai e tor hon.0 on tile snmc day.' send ij anu w. ur Hiennun's Uof.k with Ikewiss of badcases before jl 1 a f lS euro, ltcferenccs (Jlven to KetMW'nyb IS e been cured. QnicO No. I.A??'','',. Wilv llewure or me ieuutv uituius .'i.w. VoJ,i,lcarftnd uslai; lir Stenhan'a hulne lu hlS e . &W decoy tho l" Vil- adieu. -St. verllsem "V,WTITS Iir..U)y-THE aratf. 4 UiiNtratcd. Ur-scrlhiMl at. 'Vtlts JIiMKy, Grand A Oiuruic li:s I'lCTVHK AV.l?3S?7,'.J I Iliilldhik'S, Wonderful Exhlblu, '3'i9rSU;'viXj t. -a ..... ...... ........ ii,... .uninciu ular 'aud'VKIty CIIKAP. Must's. l.imo AllKNTS WANTKl). Send for IL. JP CM This will be the chanco of loo yeu. a...... Jioney Fast. Oet the Only llellable lllstoi. wS' lll'llliAltl) lllios , Publishers, ;s Sausom . liiliadelphhu f'oiiKnn l'' Not Deceived bylTcmnture Beoku, UitUL.'Ull aMuniliig. tobo "oniclal," andlelllat what will happen lu August and beptember. Oct. n-iw a J. Weaver & Go's. Adv'tH, CENTENNIAL Hotel Directory ov PHILADELPHIA. 'I'lioii-nnrts i.f our n udein w 111 v Kit the (frand Con. Kiii'inl limn ut riill.i'lelphlu. Thi'V will wat In stup ar huii-li winiu Hit m coinmodutloiis are 1-ninl nnil the ur' l wfioiiuble. To lu Ml tliay hiiul iti.tke u'l iiii'tl j,iiut-i.ti In fnre stiiitluir. Thin cm Iv (hi. ii- hy i','ir.'-,ii,ifi,'i tilth il.u riij rlotora. I'M-, tllrt't Lu wll U fiiiiml hiieh ui me fully up to tlt'iw i-O'Pilr. meuis. 2SXm Hvcrzue KEotcl, 1,M.M AVl.M'K AND r Il'l Y-I'IHST 't r 1 1 1 1 1 . i i t ' ' "I .trc 'tin vvy Hull o O O 11 .. O JvL . 1 ii .In,, ;ii 1 1 il. I i n j ( r ih y. i tr.l H's. I M.i fetor, tt i i ?pt I'di'i in vi Hi: A I. -... 1 1' 1 1 IT III lilKSlDliNTIAI. OAMl'AIUN O ijis, Caprs & Torches SKSH toil Il.l t'KTIIATEIl CIIICU I.1U ANU I llicit LIST. C't'NMNllllAM & 1III.L, M A N U K A C T V It E 11 S , No. 04 Cliurch Street rillUDKLl'lIIA. Jujy JOll 1'iUNTlNO " OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXKCUTED MtOMlTLY At the Oolumhuh OfvicsL Balock &JWyeth's Ads S Is taken internally, and I'nsltlwiy cun-s Ilheuma. Whnletuiln'unUItutull Uiuiru'Uns t)Cfyniiere, bend lui ttlt-uttti iu. HKI.l'llKNSTINUi 1IKNT1.KV. " Druffelsts; Washlnetoa, 1). o. u.-i, u, in,- ly, u & w V A T E K T h" lVTOjnsilCblilni;llotiiktout patents, or desiring Information from Uiu United ntatoa I'atent (mice UiouldoonuUl'A. UtllUANN, fyliiitor of Auurl can and Koieifu ratents, Wothluuion, 1). C, Ex emlnutlpiuirreo. HO l'ATKNT NO 1'AV, fjendlor Circular, oct. , ic 11 Js w C't'lHI': I'AflArf Tl) UllAiUil K 1 I t I eioi.r.MUiA cur.s'iy, s-j: iii" l otiiiiioiit.i alin ut l'eiii:s;4t.iiila tuiln 1 1 i utmiliiu eiiniit , i-r tsiiin i Mil1 ii'.i., IjuU iiiiiiiei-iii in, Uilr.Uil l.ittu la uu Putm i.T i't.iiib!..u I' t-a. iur iii.t I'uii.-.tvur.jiTKi.i, t. (ore if Judsnsu! Ihus.iid (nuit, ui luoCnitbui r, .-a t, i iu mo nnu nr -t-jti. iuIm-i- (Mi it) th il.u s ...ti ut OUI'Liid in .' lin twipil ch-iit hiiiiUietl iiiul K'tiiill-Di'ee u; Um jidi;iiitiil M Ihe udd cmul did l. i utti .i.iuiii ii. e. i riM, 4itiniii.itititi el .leim 1 ii us, dectused, itetii.ii.iit, us it tit j. iiitulu Ui b of Uie himdied und lllt.i-sln dolluisuiul hit .tuiiti iiis, loaUu li.ntteii diilfars ror Iur ul and li.ul;ti which 'i.n sustained b uivaMi.ti cf llittiitittiiluii li that (l(i I whtieof I lie suld di tendant Is com ki, Ac. n upptursol li cord, ao And wheleus, Uiu biild l.jili.t liuiiiennuii Is now deufl, us litis txni suj;. trestetlolreeoid, und that I, K lllldlno, Ihoadnilli. Uiniloi.hasbt-ciisiiliMllutisI as the planum. A l-i I whett'its thM said John Freas died M-ited ut real its I. ito in the said county of CuliiiublJ, as uc have born Klten tu.undersuiud, w hleh descended and carao to II, c, lieaa, William L. l'reas, (leonro 11. Kn as, 111. ram II. .'reus. John A. I reus, lloraiu l'reus, Isitlah It. 1'rea-", faille Ami Intermaiited with Jonsihun w, IVk, and Kancy lulermurrled with llenjaiuln Micks, Ihu heirs ot Uiusuhl John I'rcus, deceasud. And lui t tier, tlio said I. K. lllldlno. udntlnistrutnror t.titn. .luiuitiinuii, dcceu&od, hasslvt u us to undeiituiid that tlieeuld )udb-uient,wliii tho interest und the ousts thereon, remains wholly unpaid and unsatls- . Hit II - i i . Ul'K'K Hill BL,, ON i UK KU. i.ui 1. 1 i ri,A ?im Ave , ts i ; r-nt.i-Eeccn S ,lli. i' i. .11' .Ni .11. I Mil 11 li in hiiiiiy. An. . I'll. Ill nl lit, 1 I '.i.', kis.l. iimiUKtw 10. .il, HI I.1.1; P-ir It. 'lll.ll ON litll.l AJJ I'r'i: DAY, 1'. until .eniimi.t nnd lv. -oimlifo .)niii. , 11. M.. 4 to., Ihllinleiihlii. w Tn; 1 . lied, and has bchouirlit us 10 nrowde for Ittm a im, remedy lu thUbehulfi ndwo belnu'wUlltii; that whul Is Justly acted In our said court should bo l ruuj;li 1 1 0 due execution, nccordlnc to the fotuiof Assembly In such case made and provided, coiiunuiiil tun that. nil ntnl'it etirttvntit Ihntal.l ll ., t...... . .... .... . . . ...v p.,. ...v, i.vtia. Wllllsm U Frcas. Ueort-e 11. Freus, Hiram ll. Vreits, Johti.A. Ileus, IlorucoTrcus, Isulah Ik liens, sulllo Aim im t itititiiit-u i it,, Muuutuitu ti . Mit, aiMirtiuiev liitcruiaiilfd with liculainlu nicks, and to II. c. Hcas, administrator of John Kress,- deceased, that they bu beforu our Judircs at liloumsbutir, ut our tho lldrd lilday of iiocemtier next, to show eituse. II any thliiB they know or say, why the suld ludiruu ut so recorded tiralnsl the said 11. 0. Frcas, atlvilul.u li ter ot t ho said John Freas, dctased, shull not bo lev. led und paid out of the bald real ebiato of which the bald John 1 reus died neised as uloresuld und uuw de scended and I'uuiu lo them us heirs. MiTKLsathu llonoiablo Wlllisui Klwell, 1'resldent Judte of our bald Court at lilooinsbunr U10 tweillh day of beplember, A, 1. IHO. 11. FIIANK J.A1UI, Hop..9ew. 1'rvUionottery, n day at homo, a cents wanted. Outnt and te.rtns rnw. littlli. xi AiilmisLi. u hIiib. aivii lu, i-ly. PITTSBURG-, PA. Tlio lniisi e. inplele li.Mltuikui In Ihe I IdtcdSliilOf Icr li e th'.ituiKh I rueiltul t-duuiiliui tl inuuiraoit IUllldle.ltyt'd Hit 11. .r"riiiili uu vt'i'i'iii'd nl any iIhii'..a Addiess, (or circulars crniialiiltit; lull' paillculars, Sept. J. c, t MU H, A. M., I'rlbClraU "C.-4in, w eo This llin clory Is compiled liy .1. WEAVER & CO.. IVi'viiiii('r' ii vcrtlhlntr .tKcuti, llOtiTiltUlcldKticct, rivresni'iio, pa. llranch oruce, 1313 Market street, I'hlla. JdvertisingAgentS ,) yfi:t fay ,,..,, tyAUfi PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed ut this Oflico ON SHOHTfiST KOTIOK AND AT THE MOSV HIABONAIlLKTIillMa