The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1876, Image 1

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Iw-uoil wpotlr, every Friday mornlnir, at
two dollar per year; payable. Id ajlfance, or
(lurtDif the year. After mo expiration of tlio year
mi n.1 will oliiertsnrl. Til fuibacrlticra out nf thn
county the terras are f l per yoar, strictly in advatico
11 ii If not piul In advance, anil M.ou If payment bu
UoIavoiI bo ond tlio year.
No paper dlacontlnutil, except at too option of tlio
nuhlllslierj, until nil arrearages are paid, but long
uontlnued credits after tbo expiration ot tlio first
year will not bu Riven. ....
All'.papors Rent out ot thoStato or to distant post
nrtlcos must Ik) paid for In advance, unless a respon
sible, person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho
subscription duo on demand,
ros TA(i li Is no longer exacted from suUscrlbcrs In
tho county.
Tlio .Inbbltff Department of tho couwmam Is very
complete, and our .1 t I'rlntlnir will compare favora.
y Willi that of tho largo cities. All work ilono on
emand, neatly and nt moderate prices.
IU M.'KKOKR, Dealer In Hoots and Shoes.
JlJ. latest and best styles, corncrllaln and Market
streets, In tho old post office,.
C K. SAVAGK, Dealer in Clocks, Watches
and Jowelry, Main St., Just below tho Central
11I K. IKELF.R, Attorney nt Law. Rooms In
!j Exchango Illock, !d fToor, Illoomsburg, Pa. es
(1. 1IARKLEY, Attorney-at-Lnw. OITice
In lirower's building, !hd story, Hootns 4 & 8.
ct. 15, '75.
DR. WM. SI. RKIIKR, Surgeon ami I'liysl
clan, Offlco 8. K. corner Hock and Market
T K. EVANS, SI. D., SnrKeon an.l l'liyst
I . clan, (onice and Kceldenco on Third street,
corner JefTerson.
JH. McKEIjVY, SI. D., Surgeon and I'hy
. slclan, north sldo Main street, below Market.
JI. KOWSON, Atlorncy-at-Uw. Office
, In Ilartman's building, Main street.
HKOSENSTOCK, l'liolograplier, over
. Clark ii Wolf's Store, Main street.
DAVID LOWENI1EUG, Sfcrcliant Tailor
Main St, above Central Hotel.
IS. KUIIN, denier ii, Sleat, Tallow, etc.,
Centre street, between Second and Third.
go to
' JUnilcr Exchango Hotel, llloouishurg, Ta.
Oct. 13, '75 ly
M. If. ABBOTT, Attomeyat-Law( Alain
si. L. eyebia',
Catawlssa, 1'a.
Collections promptly made and remitted. Ofllco
ooposlto Catawlssa Deposit liank. Cm-3S
(lentlemen dcslrlngshlrts will nleaso drop us a Uno
and our Agent will cull and get tlio measurement.
xoiuiy uruur ix'un uuu uemre streets.
March 10,'I6-ly
Scranton, Pa
Dealer In
Silverware, AVatelies and Jewelry
Ladles' and Gentlemen's Odd and Silver Watches,
of American and Foreign manufacture.
Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks,
L .1
Promptly Executed.
T ESI'ECTEULLY announces to the public
JLi that ho has reopened
(old stand) llloomsburg, Pa., atiho
I'urKBuiuiu r.siiy una ugni street
rri'lflCI 11-li.trii oil In.nJntlnnn ...
m7 W 9Ww l,tthlr win lln tnMill. Ill tin
substantial and workmanlike manner, anil sold at
prices to suit tho times. Tho highest prlcolncash
in at all times ho paid tor
of every description In the country. Tho puMtcpat
runnge Is respectfully solicited,
llloomsburg, Oct. 1, 1S75-
N. E. Corner second and Arch Streets,-
Dealers in
tirorders will receive prompt attention.
Strictly PIMtn WHITE LEAD II cents pcrpound,
guaranleed tsjuul to uny In tho market.
MONTOUIt WHITil LE.uTut 10 cents per pound,
equal to any for durability.
MONTOUH SLATE PAINTS 8. e and 10 cents per
pound, according to color.
MONTOI'It METALLIC MtOWN S cents per pound.
Thu best Fire-Proof Iron Pnlut In the Market.
MONTOl'U METALLIC IllUIWN dry i and 3 cents
per pound, According toiiuanllty.
Best Quality of I'uint IlnnOn's nt low prices.
wblcii we buy In hirgn auanlllles, direct from the
i Mauuiucturer, and ulTi r at tho lowest Market
Acknowledged h all our leading Painters to bo tho
bent In tho Market.
Allourgooilanro guaranteed as represented and
ourpulnwtoho ground In pure Unseed oil, or the
money ref united on demand.
, Send for samplo ojrd mid prleo list with testimon
ials. HENRY S. REAY,
Solo SInntilucturer.
May 6. 'TiL-ly, '
To t tan Wurkliiu 'Iiim. We aro now prepared to
fumlhji all UiikM-n with constant 'inihloyuieiit at
home, tho while of thotlsie.or for Ihclr spare mo
menta. liuMness new, light and prutltahle. ivrsons
Of either sex tasllv i-urn frnm Ail ri-tituNf. n u.r
cveiilng, auduprojiorllonal bum by devoting their
wholatimBto tho business, lkjjs and girls earn
nearly as much an men. That all who ueo Oils iiollco
may u-nd their address, and u-st Uio business wu
mako this, unparalled often To such us uru not well
Dtt.,riiuu wo win be mi one uouar to pay ror tho
trouble of writing. Full purtlculurs. baiiiplfs worlh
buvorui uoiiars lo commenco worlc on, and a copy of
J m!"." f.f',1:111?' "B ' u' larKo' and bent
IhustraUid 1-nbllcatlonji, all sent free Cy maU. Iloud
(fn JO" wautiKirinaneiit, pronublowork.addreas
sVpTllln. U1U1U' a"uav- M inadB by evt ry agent every
liiuulh In thu business we furnish, but
mobs willing to work ran nxiivi.,.
u down dollars a day right In their own locainks.
Have no room to explain hero, llustuess Peasant
uiw uwiuBum. iuiiivii, uuu uoys and irlrls do as
well as men. Wo will furnlth oua complcio out
lltfrro. 'l ie bukluebs puis U-tter than wyuiliS
Imi. Wo will bear uipeuso of starling you, i&E
arsfieo. WrIUi and bc. Farmers Suil w, ochaili
luelr sous and daurhicni,aiid all classes In need of
laying work Mbpuie, should wille ui us auokirn
ull about tha work at unoe. Now U tbo Uino. iSuS
Helay. Addrem Itm a Co- Augiu,tA. MaluB.
jlUSItfK&S OA1W3.
T)u A
Uos'idcnco on Slnrkct Street ono door below
I). J. Waller's.
imA n, trinlma tiriiif stare, nfllca hours from
1 to p. m. for treatment of diseases of tho Kyo, Ear
and Thront. . ... ,
All calls night or day promptly attended to,
orace, Nortli Market street,
llloomsburg, Pa.
IlLOoifc''',' -'x'octiv mat on ,
Oflleo above J.Schuyler Ron's Hardware Store,
A T T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A AV,
DLooMsnuno, pa.
omne. Ilartman's llloet. corner Main and Market
streets Oct. 8, "70
OrKicK-Ilooin No. 1, "Columbian" Building.
Sept. is.1978.
Ofllco In lirower's building, second floor, room No.
1. llloomsburg, Pa. Julyl.ts y
p B. & W. J. BUCKALEW,
llloomsburg, Pa.
onice on Main street, first door below Court Houso
Mar.C,74 y
F. t J. M. CLARK,
llloomsburg, Pa.
Ofllco In Ent's Building. April 10,'Il-y
llloomsburg, Pa.
r"All business entrusted to our caro wilt reclevo
prompt attention: Julyl,"73 y
Office Adjoining C. It. & W. J. lluckalew.
llloomsburg, Pa.
Apr. u.o-ly.
ll. & R. R. LITTLE,
llloomsburg, Pa.
IBTluslnpss beforo tho U.S. Patent Ofllcenttended
to. Offlco In tho Columbian Building. ly 3S
A T IU H JN K I H-A T-li A W,
COLCunuN Buildino, llloomsburg, Pa.
Members of the United Stales Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America.
Agents for Continental Lite Insuranco Company of
New York. Assets nearly $7,000,000. Tho best In the
country, send tor descriptive pamphlet. If
Ccntralia, Pa.
Feb 18, '70-1 y.
ROWN'S HOTEL, Bloomburg. 1'u., B.
siohner. Proprietor. Accommodations Ilrst-
clubs. 11.25 10 fl.ioiKT (lay. ltestaurant attached.
October n, "75-tf
hus removed his Hoot and Shoe Store from Brown's
Hotel to 1st doornboio Wngtinseller and slwrplts'.
Towanda Hoots a specialty. Itepalrtng done at short
owing .Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. Oi'KRi Hot'SE Building, Bloombburg, Pu.
Oiiposlto the Court Howie,
Thu Ukukst and Best In all respects In the county
Oct. 8,'73-ly Proprietor.
Ofllco In Ilartman's Block, tecond Hoor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May so ly.
I'i. wo
ouhl nnnounco to tho citizens nf lllooms
burg nnd vicinity that no has Just received a full and
complete aMiortment of
and all other goods In his lino of All the
newest and most nppnm-il patterns uf tlmiUy are
always to lo fouudlnhls establlahuif BI.Mahi etreet,
below Market. oct.
; CY, Exchange Hotel, Bltoiusrurg, Pa.
., n.rioo.oiii"
.. '.11,111 0,01 e
.Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut
LlHThool, IajuiViji tuidlilobe
ICoyulof I.tverjiool
I'lro Association, Plilhufc'iphla
American of Philadelphia .
AtUiscI Hartford
Wyoming, of Wilkes Harm
Farmers Mutual of lumllte
lunvllle Mutual
Homo, New York
Commercial Union
,,. 13 MlU.eiHI
..., 011
,.. 3,100,0110
.... 1,100 om
b tl.H'HI
... 1,000,01)0
... 76,(mi
.... s,G o.omi
.... 17,000,000
March W.'H y
rpiIE UNnEIiSIONKD. rrpreenllnir wvrral'
X of thu most conservatuo anil reliable Ameri
can Tire Insuiuiice Compiinles, would beg lenui Un
orfer hlsserMces to tho cltlicnscif niooinshurgnnili
Melnin , requesting a rcasonablo fcharu of tho public,
Bloomsburg.Iuly is, ISTO.
ortlct) ui HroH cr's Block.
.Tuly st-iinv
Columbia County
l'ormerlv tho Bank of Espy, removed Artl tlrar,.
lsii). isconienientlylocauitln the cent run purliot
tho town, und does u general BANKING buslliess.
Monei received on ileposll subject loclieiilt wltli
put notlco. spoclal nrrangvmi-nla made Iclk dopo
llors, and Interest ullowc Ja tlmo DeiwsltK.
Issue Jhals on AViu J 'orb ami J'MnMl'liui.
Collections made on ull fmportant towns In Uio II.
shallowest rates of i-xihaagv. Bonds undi stocks
Ixjught and told, aiulnigp-iiw coHecUul. Verybo
llirik n '"P0""4"3 ,ua' cal I oflereJiby any
Discount DAYsrTiicsda and FiiUUr.
itATir, six run cent.
Aug. 10, 7C-CIO.
malies tho treatment or
Diseases of the Ear St Eyo
and has opened at H'lllliinsport, - on Institution
fur tho I refitment und euro of imllentH suffering
from such discuses.
otneo Houm.-UnUI 8 a. m., 1 V05, and to 8 p. m.
Call un or uddruss
O. C. Mi:IKHflIOTTr M, !.,
'MM " fill ii'I:iiill:ll;i'VVil
1 1 1 1 I IIP I i ll II 11 I I I 11 11 (If III. I II .
2DJR. S"W-A."3STE,
Tlio discoverer and compounder of tlio far-famed
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
and other valuable preparations, entered upon his
professional career w Ith tho lmoortnnt udvaiitoge of
J. rff.i,iir niriticiii niiucntinn In one of tho oldest and
best schools In Philadelphia, and, perhaps, In the
world, llo subseuuently served a faithful term of
practlco In tho Philadelphia lilspensary, and for ma
!... . .,i,..,,,i,.,i m ii,m iinvnttnl. In thesn lnstltll
tlons ho enjoyed Hie most arapla opportunities of ob
nnlnean1nlKht Into rtlwases In all their various
forms, as well as for ascertaining ln best methods
of thel trep'tnent. In orrenng, therefore, to the peo
ple o' Itfld States the fruits of hlscxtcnslvo
iruiL'SIUIIU, i.JIIlli;uw; in mo uii m.viu.....h.uu3-o
hn tu'Kt rnalllta nf Ills Kklll nnd OLHorVUtlOn. he feels
that ho is hut proncrlng a boon to every family
thronghout tho land, resting, as ho does, conlldenlly
In tho merits and cfllcatlous virtue of tho remedies
ho herewith commends. Tho vast amount or testl.
mony from all parwor the world has proven 'I)OC-
CHEltllY" tho most cnicaclous remedy known, nnd
It Is admitted by our most eminent physicians, and
all who have witnessed its wonderful healing prop
erties. Tho WILH CHEllllY In all ages of the world
and In all countries where It Is know n has been Just
ly celebrateo lortts wonderful medicinal qualities,
but Its great tiowcr to euro somoof tho worst and
most distressing diseases nmongusvtns hover fully
ascertained until tho experiments of that skllfull i.u.iii uiuii.
physician, Dr. swavnc, nau acmonsirnicn n.s iiigu
adaptation. In combination with Pine Treo Tar, and
other equally valuable vegetable Ingredients, which
chemically combined renders Its action tenfold more
certain and beneficial In curing nil dlscasesof tho
throat, breast ana lungs. iiu. rAi.ii3 wn.n
rui.-ithv rfiMi'iiilxii Ktrlkns nttho root of disease
bypurlfjlngtho blood, restoring the liver nndkld
neiB to healthy action. Invigorating tho nervous and
shattered constitution. If your druggist or store
keeper does not hat e It, do not bo put on by any
other remedy that mny bo offered, but send lo us dl-
rect.ana wo win lorwnru a nun huai-h w hhj wumvao,
freight paid, on receipt of tho price. ! per bottle, or
Ii the half dozen. Address letters to lilt. SWAYNE
KMrj. aao North suth street. Philadelphia. No
chargo will bo made for advice.
AnU Your Druggist lor Tlicin,
IVmnles unil nil nho vulue lieulth should never
bu without 1)11. SWAYNES TAK AND SAUSAPA
BII.LA PI MS, as they purify tho blood, remove all
obstructions, cleanso tho skin of all pimples and
blotches, and brliig.tbe rich color of health to tho
palo cheek. IVmalo Irregularities are restored to n
healthy condition. They aro a certain euro for sick
and Nervous Headache. Asa Dinner Pill, nothing
can CACced them : take one. two, or three, us may bo
found neeessnry; unllko others, they neither gilpc,
produce nausea, or any other unpleasant sensation,
while they aro as powerful as 11 Is possible for a
medicine to l and be harmless. Thcsu Pills eleanso
out the disordered humors, enrich and iiuriry tho
blood, removo all unhealthy bilious secretions of the
stomach and bowels, causing a perfectly healthy
state ol tho liver, and are undoubtedly the best en
thartlc and antlblllous medicine jet discovered ; and
we aro determined that tho sick shall haethemat
a price within tho means or tho poorest (!i." cvnin 11
box of 30 Pllln.) If jour druggist or storekeeper
lias not got them, do not be put off by any others
that may be oriered In their place, but send to us dl
rect, and we will forward by mall, on receipt of tho
pi Ice, H5 centa a box or mo bo.xescs $1.
Swayne's Ointment,
Is partic ularly adapted to all forms of skin dis
eases. "Jures e en w hen nil ot her renio
idluB und treatment fall.
Cures Tetter,
Salt Itheum,
Barber's Itch,
l'rarle Itch
Soro Beads,
Humors, Piles,
All Eruptions,
Scald Head,
Pimples, sores,
Army Itch,
Blotches, scurvj",
Chronlo Erjslpelas of tho
Seems to cure evo ;case, leaving the skin smooth
and clear without a blemish behind.
Itching Piles
Is generally preceded by a moisture, like peiiplra
tl 511, distressing Itclilng, as tiiouah pin worms were
ci nwling In or about the rectum, particularly at
nl ghtwhen unilresslng.or In bed after getting warm.
It appears In summer 11s wcllns winter, oftentimes
sho'ws ll.seir around thu private parts, and Is not enn
llni !d to males only, hut Is quite as frequent that te
nia les are sorely allllcted, particularly In times of
pregnancy. extending letotho uglna, proving dls
ire islng almost beyond t"' jiowein of eiiduriiucc.
catcsot lung standing, pronounced Incurable, have
beeir pertoauently cui ed by Minply applying
Dr. Swayno Son : Centlemen The bov. of Oint
ment you sent me hj' mall cuieil 1110 entirely of llch
inir Piles, which I suncred wllh for the M'urs. Kn-
closed lind lltty cents for nuother box for a friend of
millU. AnUKKIV U. 11GAC1I
Parmwell Station. Loudon Co., Va.
Itov. Is;iao Holland, Webster, Taj lor county W.Va.
writes :
November a). 16751 have been a sullerer from
Itching Plies. I procured a box of your ointment
last spring which gavo me Instant relief, and feel
cunlldeiit It will effect a remanent euro Unclosed
11ml llfty cents, for w lilcli ilcaso send 1110 another box
uy iiiuu.
An Eruption of 8 Vors Standing',
I was troubled with an ?upllon of clgnt years
Itching. Intolerable attluu-s; irleil iiiiuiy prepara
tlonu without Uniting teller, 'through the dm- of
Swaj lie's All-lleallng Olntmeut I am entirely cured,
At Hortsman : Bios., th ami Cherry, 1'hll.i.
X was entirely cured of Tetter
In Its worst foimby Dr. Swojiie's All-lleallng Oint
ment, unii snail uoiinppy iocxpi.ui! my case loan
who may can uimu me.
,U5ifs McICim.fv. West End Hotel,
'.'3d Street, below Lombard, Philadelphia,
Sent by null to any address on receipt of price, 0
ccms u ikiv.
Describe sjmptom.s In all Inns. ni,il ml.
ill ess letters to lilt SWAY'NIi X SON, Philadelphia,
Noclmi'LU for aililce.
Poll SAI.i: BY ALL DltL'l'CWTS.
Sulo Proprietors and Mainir.irt ui eri of
celebrated all over tho world for Its l eiuaiknbleriiri'S
of Scrofula, .Mercurlil and Syphilitic eniupliiliits,
and lncir-cs white svpbllltlo virus nf Iho parent
causes ticu'iupiiicni m puuisor rs-iuiui.i in me
child imtlilML' has cu r tinned hii eifei luiil In com-
pleteli eradicating every vest lull of thewi dangerous
complaints und all diseases arising Iioin Impurity nt
tLe blood.
Ii.i particular to obtain tho geniiln , n.s prepared
by lilt. SW.U Nh & StiN.fa.-n 1'. Mil M ,pill.nleli..l.i.
See Unit tho name Is spelled eorreetli, MIMVm:,
as t here are preparations of somen nal similar nanio
in uio uiurKci,
Tho must
London Holr Color restorer
ljuiiloil Hair Color liestorer
I-oudoii Hals Color Ucbtarur
Hcllablo Hair
Introduced to Uio
For llcstorlng
dray Hair and
Tho great
Luxury of
tho Dross
Boom. ljiidoii I lair Co or Itestorer
Loudon Hair Color liestorer
Ijjiiilon l lair Color liestorer
Uindon Hair Oiler liestorer
London Hair Color llcslnrer
Ijnilon llulr Color liestorer
bunion Hair color liestorer
Ixiudun llulr Color Itestorer
1 jiuilon Hair Color Itestorer
Umdou llulr Color Iteslnrer
Ijindon Hair Color Hostorcr
Jiondon llalr Color Hestoier
liundon llulr Color liestorer
Ixindon llulr Color Itestorer
liondon llulr Color liestorer
Ixiudon llalr Color Itestorer
Ixiudou llalr Color Itestorer
Uinilon Hair Color Itestorer
!.oiiilou llalr Color Itestorer
Iiundon Hair Color Benorter
minion llalr Color Itestorer
mudon llalr Color liestorer
Loudon llalr Color Itestorer
Loudon llalr Color Itestorer
1. It will restore gray hatr to Its original color,
a. rt lit mako thn hair grow on bald heads.
S, It will rt'tiluru tlm natural secretions.
4. It lll remove all dandrull und Itching,
c. n will mako the hair soft, glossy and lloxlblo
. It will prebcrva tho original color to old ugo,
T. It will prevent the hair from falling off.
H. It will euro ult diseases ot tho tea) p.
75 Cents por Boltlo.
a bottles 1 1, Kent by express to any tuldresa on ro-
ucipvui iineti.
AddresH ordera to 1)11. UWAYNB HON, 990 North
ISOLD UY AM. nitlllKilSTS.
I've been over to seo tho Deacon, and John, as sure
as j ou'ro born
Tho Deacon's ngoln' for TUden, and ho thinks that
wo need reform.
Why he's voted tho other way, John, for nigh unto
sixteen years,
And now he's goln for Tlldcn I'm durncd It I believe
my ears.
I tried for to reason against him, nnd I talked ot tho
Southern debt,
And I told him that Tlldcn'9 party would pay them
small bills j ct;
But ho laughed and ho said, "Well, neighbor, allow-'
In' your statement's true,
T!f 4?V, '' "f ,' 'ufr',rU
iu.i uiu 4i-uiit inia uiuaii w lijr v;ail ,uu L:ii
the day It's duo 1"
Well, I was nonplussed for certain, and cornered as
Buro as fate,
I'd heard" ot tho debt In speeches, but never bail
heard tho dato
That they mcaut to pay their bills on, and tho Dea
con unbuttoned his coat,
Taking from ono of hU pockets a Ten Confedcrato
And ho said, "Hero's ono of 'cm neighbor, for part
o' their debt I hold,
I'd laid ono sldo to look nt, but I'd rather have tho
Solf there's a chanco t collect It in any wayj-on
I wish you'd give tho day and dato they'll pay tho
cash to me."
Well, the Mco of that noto read this wnj-, "When
some of the nations of earth
Shall have recognized that to a nation tbo south
lands havo given birth,
Wo promlt o to pay tho bearer ten dollars-John, It's
There wasn't a nation did It. Tho debt will never
bo due.
Then I spoke on tho "outrage'' question, tho ssm
as Pro talked to you,
How the whites was klllen' tho niggers fcrito of all
tho north could do.
And ho said, "Why haven't they stopped It 1 Each
tlmo for the last ten years,
I'vo noticed that Just 'foro, 'lection the party's con
vulsed with fears.
"In regard to tho "outrage";questlon, you've got too
sound a head
To bollevo In .Bugaboo stories that tend little chil
dren to bed.
As for mo I'm tired ot voting for men that'll plunder
nnd steal,
l'vo had n talk with my conscience and made up my
mind to wheel.
'And turn my back on tho parly whoso promises
come to naught ;
To turn my back on the loaders that Credit Moblller
bought ;
To vote for the Itlngs no longer, I'm goln' Jar honest
And a 'stay of proceedings' on stealing, aiul not
ngaln for Hayes.
I'm goln' to vote for a lender that puts bis liaul to
the wheel :
I'm goln' to vote with a party that bays, 'Thou shall
not Meal,'
I want to vote for a Leader otwhom tho rings are
And so I shall vote forTllden, tho cholco that tho
people made.
I'm tired of the heavy taxes that tho poor men
have to paj".
I'm tired of a paper dollar, not worth a dollar to
Just look at tho pledges inado us, tho things thcy' o
promised to do,
Dishonored to-day and worthless," John, what ho
said Is truo ;
I thought the matter all over, slncolsat hero at
And, John, Pie made my mind up, thu Beacon Minu't
"go It alone."
Solo-nlght swing out the old Hag, and early Jo-
morrow morn,
Beneath Itwellnallastreamfr for "Tlldcn nnd He-
Ni:w Yoiik, Oct. 21, 187C.
To tlio lion. Abrahrtm S. Hewitt :
Sir: I Imvo rcceiveil your letter inrornring
uio tli ut ltepublicans high in authority nro
publicly representing that "tho South tie tire
not without hope" to obtain payment for
losses by tho lato war anil to have"provisft)ii
uiaile for the rebel debt and fur the losses of
As the payment of ptich losses and claims
was nut deemed important enough todeservo
the notice of either Convention al tho time
it was held, ynu ask mo to statu my views
in regard to their recognition by the gov
ern inout.
Though disposed myself to abide by the
issue as made up already,I Imvo no hesitation
to comply with your request.
'Tho Fourteenth Amendment of tlio Con
stitution expressly provides as follows :
"The validity of the public debt of the
United States authorized by law. incliidiiii'
debts incurred fur payment of pensions and
iiuuiiiies mi ei lu a in aujijiiesHiiii insurrec
tion or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
Hut neither the United Stutes.iuir an v State.
shall tisiume or pay amjilebt or obliyuiion, in
curred i' aid of insurrection or rebellion
against the United States, or any claim for
the W or cmanciinttiotnA anv slave, hut all
such debts, obliyalimu and claims, shall bo
held illeyalaiiil mid "
This amendment has been repeatedly ap
proved and agreed to by Democratic Statu
Conventions of the South. It was unani
mously ltilopted as a part of the phitfiuiu nf"
tho Dviiiucraliu .National Convention at
Louis, on thn lioth uf.Iuue, and wasdeclartil !
I... .1 i.,,r. ..I... il.. ..f ,
" I '"" "' "u "? '7"'"-
;n njmwsc-ucmeui in mu ( oiuroveics that
viixuiiucrcu uivu war.
if., l.i . . ..i.!.. i... i e.
.... ui.,. r.u.ull on mis r-illijccv HUH UCCIl
previously iieclanil on imtiiy ncciisiuns.
iy ueciari'il on iiiiuiy ncciisluiis, and
particularly in my first annual message nl"
January Tub, 1875.
In that ilo'juinent, 1 stated that tlieSniith-
cru people wero "hound by the Tliiiti'eiilli,
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Constitutional
Amendments; that they had joined at Nation
al Coiivent'ous in thu nominations ol' can
didates and in tlio declaration of principles
and purposes, which form an nuihentle ac
ceptance ol the ripults of thu war, cmlmdiid
In tho last thrci) amendments to the nrganiu
law ol tho Federal Union, und that they had
by tho Hulfr.igo of all their votcrj, at the hut
national election, completed the proof that
now the only seek to sharo with in, and to
maintain the common rights of American
local solf government, In Iratcrmil union,
under tho old Ihtg with "one Constitution
and one destiny."
I declared at tho samo time :
"Tho questions settled by tlio war aro nev
er to bo reopeicd. The adoption of tho
Thirteenth, Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth
Amendments to tho Federal Constitution
closed one great train our politics. It mar
ked tho end forever of the system of human
slavery, and of tho struggles that grew out
of that system, Theso amendments have
been conclusively ndoptcd, and thoy havo
bcon accopted in good faith by all political
organizations and tho peoplo of nil sections.
Thoy closo tho chapter ; they nro und must
bo final ; nil parties hereafter must accept
and stand upon thcm,and henceforth our
politics nro to turn npon questions of tlio
present und tho future, and not upon thoso
of tho settled and final past."
Should I be elected President, the provis
ions of the fourteenth amendment will, so
fur as depends on mo, be maintained, exe
cuted and enforced in perfect and nlsoluto
good Mb.. No rtlel debt will Lo assumed
or paid, No claim for tho loss or cmanclpit
Hon of any slavo will bo allowed. No claim
for any losi or immngo incurred by disloynl
person?, arising from tho Into war, whether
covered by tho fourteenth amendment or
not, will bo rccognh.ed or paid, The cotton
tax will not bo refunded. I shall deem It
my duty to veto every bill providing for tho
assumption or payment of nny debts, losses,
damages, claims, or for the relundiiig of any
such tax.
The danger to the National Treasury Is
not Irom claims of persons who aided, tho
rebellion, but from claims of persons resid
ing in the Southern States or having proper
ty in States, who were, or pretended lo
bc.or who for tho sake of aiding claims now,
. , VT been loval to the Govern
pretended lo iuij-. .... . , , ,
mcnt of io Union. Such claims', even oi
loyal persons, where they are from acts caus
oil by tho operations of war, have been dis
owned by the public law of civilised nations,
condemned by tho adjudications of tho Su
premo Court of tho United States, and only
find nny status by force of specific legislation
of Congress. These claims have become,
stale and are often tainted with fraud, They
aro nearly always owned in whohfor in part
by claim agents, by speculators or lobbyists,
who havo no equity against tho taxpayers
or the public. They should, in all cases, be
scrutinised witli jealous care.
The calamities to individuals which were
indicted by the lato war are, for tho most
part, irreparable. The Government cannot
recall to life tho million of our youth who
went to untimely graves, nor compensate the
sufferings or sorrow of their relatives nnd
friends. It cannot readjust, between indi
viduals, the burdens of taxation hitherto
borne, or of debts incurred to sustain tlio
Government, which arc yet to bo paid. It
cannot apportion anew among our citizens
tho damages or losses incident to military
operations, or resulting in every variety of
form from its measures for maintaining its
own existence. It has no safo general rulo
but to let by-gnncs bo by-gbnes, to turn from
tlio dead past to anew and better future;
and, on that basis, to assure peace, reconcil
iation and fraternity between all sections,
classes and races of our people, to the end
that all the springs of our productive indus
tries may be quickened, nnd a new prosperi
ty created in which tho evils of tho past
shall be forgotten.
Very respectfully yours,
Samup.l J.
Liberals for Tihlen
3Iany of our readers havo doubtless heard
ltepublicans claim tiiat the mass ot Liberals
wero for Hayes and Wheeler. If you chanco
to hear any of them repeating tflis oft-told
tale, just call their attention to the following
list of distiiiguithed Liberals who .nro out-
spoken for Tilden, Hendricks and reform;
and if, nftcr perusing it, they don't haul m
their horns, they will exhibit even mora
cheek than is possessed Uy an average Ke
publican, which in almost wj impossibili
Charles Francis Adams, of Mfuaachu-
Andrew G. Ctirtin, Femnylvaiiia's "war
K'-Senatcr Trumbull, of Illinois.
David A. Wells, of Cuuncclictit.
Win. Cullcii liryant, of New York.
1'iitke Godwin, of New York.
lidcon Welles, rresident Lincoln's Sec
TCtiry of tho Navy.
.IiiMiec David Davis, of tho Supremo
Court. .United States.
Kx-Governor Austin IMuir, tho "warGov-i
ornor" of Michigan.
Ex-GovoriiSr II. Grata lirown, of Missou
Georco W. ilhJian, candidato for Vico
President on tho Free Soil ticket, 1802
Oaasius M. Clay, of Kentucky.
General John if. Pfllmai', ox-Governor of
General William F. llanlctt, of Massa
Professor W. G. Sumner, of Yale College,
who wroto the Keiiubllcan Slate platform ol
1S74, and who has now written tho strongest
letter of the kind yet published in behalf of
1'rofe.vsor A. L. Perry, of Williams Cirllejre
tun distinguished political rconninnt.
Colonel Augustus II, I'Vin. ,ttio Ui'publi
can candidate for IAeuUtiaut fiovernnr of
Co lnectkut lii't year
Frank W. ISird, nf Massiwliusettf, tlie
fotndcr of fie Itcpuhlicnu party.
K..'oi,grosM,ian John F. Fam-rworth. of
Charles Fr.tntis
Adami, Jr., nt Musa-
Colonel Nif'ioltK Siiifct", iviirejontiu).' tlio
Gnielev family.
f!.w!t.m Vf l.' ..(' ('..,. iilniifiiin .liriilli- I
- " ' 1
cr (il S n-itor Fen tnn.
. .,, , . ,,.,, .T, .,-,... Y.,i!r.
( Colonel I'red A. 'onkllng
I 1 If i if 'lir nl' S in III, I r I ! ill L-l i mi.
l r'
I.,,-; , .: , ,,., 1 n.,l.
Chatles A. Da.iii, editor nCllto iV't't.
Colonel M'Clnru "dltrr.ii''(;fn
Philadelphia Time.
, In. Ice Henry It. Seidell, nl'Ncw York. i
Howard Potter, nf Now York.
Charles G. Davis, nf Massac-hu-iclU'.
Mk-Svii itor l!os, nl' Rnusts.
Lx-Sen i'or Tiplon, of Nebraska.
Kx-Seuator Cowan, of JVim- Ivanin.
U. S. Cleveland, lute Republican jic itmiis
ter ofllattford, Cnnnet'tk'til.
1). D. S. Drown, of Mouruo I'ounlv, N.
Gen. 10. F. Jones, of llrooino county,
Judge Fdwin A. Reynolds, of Orleitns
Col. Charles James, ol Orleans county.
Porter Sheldon, of Chautauqua Coun-
Kx-Govcnior David P. Lewis, t)10 latest
Republican Governor of Alabama.
Judgo Daniel S. Gooding, Lincoln dec-
tor-nt-largo.iu Indiana, 180 1.
Fx-Congresimnu James M. Ashley, of
General Jacob llrlnkcrlioli; of Ohio.
Judge Uoadley, of tho Supreme Court of
Ohio ; supported Hayes for Governor last 1
K. W. Kit tridge, the eminent lawyer of
Cincinnati; supported Ilnyeslast year.
Charles Recmi'lin,of Cincinnati, whu sup- -ported
llnycs last yenr.
F.mll Hoffman, nf Cincinnati, who bu r
ported Hayes last year,
Kx-Lleutcnnnt Governor Jncott Miielb sr,
of Ohio, olectcd on tho Republican ticket in
1871, who supported Hayes last year.
Judgo J. If. Stallo, of Cincinnati, a 1io
supported Hayes last year.
Frederick Uassnurek, lato editor nf the
Cincinnati VMiblalt, who supputcd. il isyeu
lost year.
3. 1876.
August Thieme, editor nftho Clovclaml
Walchcr am JCric, who supported llnyc) last
Colonel IMward Jussen, of Chicago,
brother-in-law ol C.ul Schurz.
Kx-Govcrnor Koerncr, of Illinois.
General Franz Sigel, of New York.
nun. ,1, H. Cravens, of Indiana,
Wilbur F. Storey, of Illinois.
Joseph l'ulltzer, of Missouri.
lion. Charles 11. Thomas, of North Caro
lina. A Word to tlm WorklnRmen.
What party has controlled tho affairs of
the nation for tho past 10 years? Iho He
publican party. Who lia levied and col
lected enormous taxes, given away millions
'fn ot our Tmiiiic lands, piunuorea
01 uoi-
rasury, squandered our
tlio National
revenues, parulyzeu our ind.VW '
closed our mlnos, rolling mills, fur
naces, forges and workshops, and brought
our peoplo to starvation, bankruptcy and
ruin j thrown thousands of honest men out
of work and banished them from their homos
to "tramp'' upon ovcry thoroughfare and
highway in tho land in pursuit of employ
ment? Is it not tho Republican party that
is responsible for nil this stagnation in bus
iness; for all this misery and woe?
Shall wo give tliis party which has been
guilty of these crimes, of this outrageous
career, n new lease of power? Shall wo vote
for Hayes and Wheeler and thus pcrpetu
nto the reign .of Grantism? Shall wn be
drawn into a decoy movement and cajoled
into tlio farco of voting for Cooper and Car
oy, who cannot possibly obtain a slnglo elec
toral vote, nnd thereby aid in continuing
tho Hepublican party in power? Or shall
wo act tho part oCsensiblo men, and voto in
a manner that our ballots will count in the
great battle for reform which will coma ofT
in November. Is it not folly, is it not mad
ness in us, who have suffered such deep
wrongs at tho hands of tho Republican par
ty to waste our strength upon this Peter
Cooper movement, which can bring us no
Shall wo not act liko wise men nnd vote
with the army of reform that is now march'
ng on under tho leadership of those fear
less, callant nnd honest leaders Tilden and
Hendricks ? There is but one escape from
our prosent (lilllculty ; thero is but ono
road which will lead us out of our fearful
ondition, but ono course left for us to pur
sue, nnd that is to voto for Tilden nnd Hen
Irlcks I!usincs and working men, shall
we not do this, and aohiovo a victory deci'
sive and complete?
In the event of the election of Tilden nnd
Hendrick", a new era will dawn upon us,
which will revive trade, set the industries of
tho nation In motion, giving employment to
laborers, mechanics and artisans in every
vocation and calling. Vote for Tilden,
Hendricks nnd a restoration of our crippled
industries and n general revival of busi
Tlio Ilailirnl Programme in the Palmetto
The Radical programme forenrryingSouth
Carolina for Hayes has now begun to devel
op itself. At the moment when tho exigen
cies of the campaign reqiiiro the services o
every Democratic leader, then a svstcm of
sweeping arrests will bo inaugurated, and
tho men hurried away from their homos to
uppear beforo tlio United States District
Court, to be hold in Columbin on tho 1th of
November. Difliculty in procuring bail mid
laok of transportation facilities will then
prevent their returning to vote or to use
their influence in tlicir respective counties.
This programnio Is further borne out from
tho fact that U. S. Marshal Wallace, whose
father is a candidato for to election in tho
Fourth Congressional district, now consid
ered doubtful, is endeavoring to havo that
district heavily garrisoned with troops, al
though no disturbance has been reported in
that section. The violent demonstrations of
tho negroes still continue, the colored State
militia holding their arms, and aro now be
sug supplied witli ammunition by Chamber
lin'a ollicials. At Tiiniuoiisville, in Darling
ton coiu.Jy, hut Saturday, a colored militia
company pujuded under arms, uttering vio
lent threats nguiiitf the whites anil rolored
Democrats. Tho lifio clulu having disband
id uccirding to tlio Governor',-! piochiiiiiitiiui
emboldens the blacks ami has a tendiucy U
provoke violonre. This fact lnauil'isted it-
M'lf nt Allendale, in Rardurll county, on
-Momny, wnere, a ono miu-, u ero caien-
nl lo bo IHooilslieil, nun
been hut tor tho timely arrival of R,n I'Mevr
of iho repiihir nriny,
A I'iwii I'liuslii'ileat-
tempted lo .mi nt a iliiinl.en, un'oilerl'. d.ii-l;i-y'at
u 1! qnitilieaii mcetinc, and was -it
.ipnn by :t iTW I ot i'liurialeil diirkeve, who
iiirMiipted to rescue the prUonc.r. ,4 llhoii-'h
it eerely wounded, lln- Otis' able, nlded by a
f iv eiti.i'iis, iniiiiiij-rd to inil -e him In Jail.
S "jit ul'u r the iniib miuli' an as'iiull on ll n
j.til and bi'iinn firing on Hid town million-tin-.
Soino ilniii shuts wen' (lit il ulielin
I (-I'liieililtut ui llM'pn Hppealid on Mil' i-eeiie,
ilrliihteil Iho rinloii- dnkej.- anil piur.leil the
ijtl-iiA'ii oiUer wis ii'ilotcu. i.mckhv nil
lhi'.)vu,"s in ton n were fcuti'iit at a lltiinp-('iiiUvV-i't'i
11 1,,,v away, ur a serious
cjliiun miiil hu o occurred.
A I'oric-Jioni.ii.!.. who seems to think that
lie kro-vr. what, lie j. bulking about and that
the limn d ies not, i-ljalcugts us to give the
n tines nf any of Mindiy's ---lerrilhn who have
been appirintcd to ofiiee .u,;der thu present
ndmlnis'.iatinit. Wo have nolfpncu for the
whole list, which wo believe tg -lumber ti."i
or HO, but n few exampU'ji will Aiiflice, such
as William II. Chapman, Mosby's lieutenant
colonel, special agent of the 1W Ollit-o Dc
partment, nnd iSamiiel F. Chapman, his bro
ther, a captain in JMosby's command, postal
car clerk. Mr, Jewell can tell all about
theso men. Then tbcro is Thomas Y. Mos-
"by, a brother of .T. S., nnd n btnhwliacker,
,'sgauger of the Fifth Virginia districts not to
j-ucntion Mis-s Mosby, n sister, clerk in the
l Patent Oilico. Mnrcy Addison, sergeant in
the- lllack Horse Cavalry, clerk In the bur
scon (jcnernl's ofllco, comes in in the li-t of
Mosby-s proteges,, , lis do John U". Hester
lieutenant on tlio rebel ram Alabama, now
special agent in tho Department of Justice,
and Rllas Grlswold, mnjoi and assistant ml
jutnnt genoral to General Winder, nt one
time in charge of tlio Andcrsonvillo prison
pens, and nfterwards of Castlo Thunder nnd
tho tobacco warchouso prison, appointed last
August to an $1,800 clerkship in tho Ureas
ury department. If our correspondent in
Ut3 upon having more, wo can add to the
list. It's of no consequence, except illus
tinting the particular doss of rebels that tho
jidinluihUallon Uikcs to. rhua. fiwt.
Tin: nm'i-niiicAN caxihdatk fok runs-
K. H. Haye3 was n member of the 39tU
nnd '10th Congresses. During that timo ho
distinguished himself only by his votes for
subsidies and jobs. Mnrch 2, 1807, ho voted
for a bill making extra allownnco to con
tractors for iron clnds, which tho Secretary
of tho Navy testified was backed by ono of
the strongest lobbies ho had ever scon. Tho
nllownnccswcro in addition to others already
m.ido by n government board. Mr. Hayes
voted against tho motion to postpone tho
consideration of the bill ; against tho motion
to lay on tho table: and In favor of tho bill.
An allowance was made under this bill
amounting to $250,000, half of which went
to Robeson's friend Sccor. Logan and
Schenck put through tho Houso a bill re
storing the iron clad Comancho to its build
ers, by which $170,000 wero taken from the
'TVcasury. Tho bill was denounced on tho
a V imUi-Snnulding, nut Mr. Hayes voted
floor by Wpj?. tjMfci ng grants of
for it. Seventeen ncKTi. ...
1IUU1IU 1U11U1 IU tuiiiuiuiiunij iw J. nn
uouso uuring llnycs' mcmncrsiiip, uavm:
only seven wero tho Democratic inlnolrty
nblo to force a yea and nay vote. On all
seven Mr. Hayes is recorded in favor of these
bills, and never by speech or voto against
them. Tho amount of lnnd accruing to tho
the Central, Union and Kansas Pacific roads
under these grants was 35,000,000 acres, an
area almost equal to the whole of New Eng
land, and tho amount of government bonds
Issued to them was $G 1,000,000. All of these
bills were opposed nnd most of them openly
denounced without effect upon Mr. Hayes.
Mr. Hayes' only speech was made in expla
nation of his favorable action on the Roulig
ny claim which had been adjudged null nnd
void by tho United States Supreme Court
twenty-four years before. Mr. Washburne
(Republican), of Wisconsin, offered a bill di
recting the suspension of the law, and said
that a more fraudulent claim was never pre
sented to Congress.
Olili'ial Crimps anil Misdemeanors.
Reform is necessary in the higher grades
of the public service. President, Vico Pres
ident, Judges, Senators, Representatives,
Cabinet officers, these and all others in au
thority are the people's servants. Their of
fices are not a private perquisite ; they are a
public trust '
When tho nnnals of this Republic show
tho disgrace and censure of a Vice Presi
dent ;
A late Speaker of the Houso of Represen
tatives marketing his rulings as presiding
otliccr j
Three Senators profiting secretly by their
votes as law-makers.
Five chairmen of the leading committees
of the lato House of Representatives expos
ed in jobbery.
A into Secretary of the Treasury forcing
balances in the public accounts
A late Attorney-General misappropriating
public funds. '
A Secretary' of the Navy, enriched or en
riching friends, by percentages levied off the
profits of contractors witli his department.
A Minister to England censured in n dis
honorable speculation.
The President's Private Secretary barely
escaping conviction upon trial for guilty
complicity in frauds upon the revenue.
A Secretary of War impeached for high
crimes and misdemeanors.
Tho demonstration is complete that the
first step in reform must bo tho people'
choice of hnncst men from another party,
lent tho disease of one political organization
infect the body politic, and lest by making
no change of men or parties we get no change
of measures and no real Reform. iSf. IauU
Horatio Seymour says j Men shnqld not
seek to hand down sectional hate as a heri
tage to tlioe who are coming upon the stage
of political notion and merely to gratify
their passions, Tho Republicans do this be
catiie they aro forced to do it to save them
selves from diuciissi(ms fatal to tliem. This
Government cannot bo well administered
until it acts in harmony with the change in
business and social bublts hrmi -lit about by
the condition nf ur affair-. These changes
are not temporary ; thy must beeniue for
many years the settled usages nf nur people. life must come down tn them and
must pass til ryJih tho s.iuui !rn"L'les ami
trials which h ivo brought d uvn privato life
to safer titles of conduct. In no other wn'
can the weight nf taxation be lit ed I'll'lnm
labor and eoinoiercii. Tin' It viihlicri- mi ,v
say they i-ee an 1 feel this. I h i;m an I 'i"
Hove as ii party thoy do ; hut t'ney o.ior.nt
(meet ovlh in th f.iuo nf their jios-
illid nf tlio nolo. u I ileular itio'l- in llior e m-
veullun, that their pulley in .tin' psit lie
ecu wi-o a id beneficent. Tne lo oil :n
their ri'soliitioii lint tho ponplo -In" r i i-
elect ion niipr.ivo nf w'i t' hey h.r -I- i ui
thu past und rouinieinl it I ir I'liniiv jn .l-
anro. I wn yearn ago lln j risi.i s tin- ei
tlnu nf a lieiu'ioratio llnu-c'l' Roprj-" otii
lives. That body mny not iiuii In oi
id wiely or well, but im ontn li-tli tlm n
expostire- ul wrnn, tin- rrfurni w .loU it
made and tho reforms w'lieh U In Iiu d H
publican oll'.cials tn mako werni iho nlinitst
importance to tlio Ann ricsti peoplo.
Dots tlieirioitiiiignl Kel' no iiinl lloiusty
and IVaco linlv iUwii if l it it luia tltHi
it is dnikcsl jtiit before iko day. Tiuly it is
now dark enough tn havo u spleuilld Mill
risinu williiu tho next few hours.
For sixteen years Iho ni-jlit nf blood and
halo has lowered over iir.r most uuhiippy
country ; for sixteen years llio dovu of peace
has not settled her weary wings within our
borders. Tlio words of Grant. "Let us luive
peace;" have been a mockery ,n delusion nnd
:i snnre. He has not even kept the word of
promise to tho ear, and periodically the clash
of arms and tho gleam of bavoncts startle
the lovers of law, order and pence. Wonppeal
to tho peoplo without refereuco to parties, tu
stamp with thoscal of their indignation, this
most wanton violation of nil law nnd nil
right; and to pronounce once for all that the
civil shall bo superior to tho military power.
and that elections thall bo free nnd equal.
Let tho SHVENTH of NQVKM1IKR usher
in tho glorious day.
lleiiibiran Campaign Son-;,
Sing n song of sixpence,
Pocket full of cash
We can fool the negroes
And buy up tho white trash.
When election's over,
If wo tho victory gain,
Wo can get our money Luck'
l!y stealing it again,
Waterloo Olnener.
nU& of diwtijitofl.
One Inch, (twelve lines or Us nolvalent In Notm
rell type) ono or two Insertions, f 1.60 1 ttireo inset,
srAci. 1m. tu. IM. tu. IT.
one Inch tiM u.vo n.ti too tia.ou
Two Inches i.eo 6.10 7.(0 .oo n.oo
Thrco Inches..,. .... ft.iu .r too n.oo ls.w
rour inches 7,00 9.00 noe 17.011 tnuio
Quarter column Hun ls.00 so.oo so.oo
Half column ls.on fto.00 ssoo
ono rolumu , , .ao.os si.oo 40.00 co.oo loo.o
Yearly ndVfrftnernptitH Trnvnhln ntiatferlv. Trail-
Blent ad v erllsetnents must be paid for before Inserted
except where parlies hato accounts. ,
l'ital adterllsementfl two dollars perlnchfortlreo
Insertions, and at that rato for additional Insert Kh
witnoui reierence 10 length.
Kxeeutor'a, Administrator's and Auditor's notlcea
three dollars.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents allnc,
regular advertisements half rules.
cards In the "liuMness Directory" column, ono
dollar pr year for each line.
Tlio True Position.
''As forme, 1 will train with no party, I
will march under no flag, I wltl step to no
music that doesn't echo from ono end of tho
Union to tho other ?" Theso were tho bravo
patriotic words of Senator Bayard, at a mon
ster mass meeting In Csopcr's Institute,
New York, n few evenings since. They
como like apples of gold on plates of sliver
In contrast with tho Dead Sea fruit thnt the
incendiary orators of the Radical party nro
offering In their efforts to incite sectional ha
tred. Thank Ood I Senator Unyard's utter
ances aro those of a Democrat, and the true
sentiments of tho Democratic party, which,
is striving to bind up tho wounds of sn af
flicted country nnd restore her peoplo to
prosperity ; while the leaders of tho Radical
party nro inflaming passions, preaching dls
cord, nnd teaching disunion I Which is the
party to voto tori Clinton Democrat.
Tho day for the invention of new lies
against Governor Tilden has passed, Tbo
New York Timtt has fairly exhantJ
...i-u its in-
lous editors sit down despairingly, and won
dering ask themselves whether the cata
logue of falsehood and detraction is com
pletely exhausted. Poor fellows, they feel
that they havo labored for that which has
been worso than naught. The moro they
havo slandered Governor Tilden tho stronger
ho has become with tho people. He has
trampled down his opponents without mer
cy. Uo lias scattersd tho lies they have in
vented as tho chaff of tho threshing floor is
scattered by the whirlwind. Ho has utterly
confounded his enemies, and they are at
their wit's end now to know In what direc
tion to turn their venomous efforts. They
are sadder, and, wo trusl, wiser men. Phila,
Chronicle. i
The New York Times, the Boston Jour
nal, and other prominent R'publicau pa
pers, advise tho defeat of Hen liutlcr by the
Republicans of thn Seventh Massachusetts
Congressional District, In which ho has re
ceived tlio regular nomlnition. On tho
other hand, lien claims to bo a "representa
tive Republican," and he seems to have tho
best of tho argument. Republicanism is
Hutlerism, mid llutlerism was truly charac
terized by Hon. John Young Rrown, of
Kentucky, na "all that is mean, low nnd
despicable, and hepnrated from all that is
honorable, manly, truo or just."
oi.c Ykau. The estimates mnde by tho Re
publican heads of departments for the cur
rent year amounted to $203,090,025. Tho.
Democratic House nllswod them only $133,
702,310, but the Senate incroaned it to $168,
2oO,i',J3. This sum was reduced by tho Houso
to -147,719,07 l, winch was tho amount of
the appropriations actually made. Tho
House thus reduced the appropriations'
ft'-!!), !)!!. ".:' below those of the last year,
and !?."." ,11 "1 1 !)."1 below tho estimates of
this year. The reduction would havo been
$10,000,000 greater if it had not been for tho
obstinacy of a factious Senate.
Post Tin: Books. The States that ha-o
held elections during the present year have
voted as fullons: Democratic Alabama,
Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia
Indiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Texas and West
irginni, casting in nil-!) electoral votes ;
Republican Maine, New II mpshire, O'.tio,
Rhode Island and Vermont, casting in nil
-111 electoral votes. Colorado is still in doubt
with tho chances in favor of the Democrats.
It will be seen that our Undo Samuel has
tho start of Mr. Hayps by 3G electoral votes.
On the popu'ar voto the Democratic majori
ty in the lf States that havo yotcd this year
is about 2)fi,0Q0. Thjs "vill do for a bp-tinning.
All good citizens aro indebted to Gov. Tilt"
deu for railing the attention of the LcgiaWi
ttiro nnd of tlio State to tho canal frauds, for
recommending the inquiry, and fur iustruor
ting the Attorney-Ooi'.eral to bring fcuil,
which ho has done. Those, who say that this
Inventor's action is a mere political trick.
and thnt ho means nothing, evidently for
get that they are speaking nf the man who.
when he once took hold nftho Tweed pro.-e-
utin.i, joined in nii'liing it relentletsly ti
he end. faijiu-'s Wtelly, (Rvp.) Aug. 2S,
Thn -III I! 'put Mian Cofgrits awardeil
W.xu I.ihJO l'ir il.i..i.ii;e in the Naiih iluriuj;
o war. The 1) Mitner ittc Jl'iii-o awarded
' 7-l O'J ' f'-'li- ola-s nf claims, Tho
I. 1 itai clii in- iu i- nil awarded ly the Rid
i' ICnus. 'I'll. want Hayes fleeted be
i -i' it i-. 'Ii i " ) liioii pmlitliig liy
1'ir i nidli'i;- I .1 I'i'O i ll i 'mil i Hayes
.ill- t ' l o- to'
i-'iiy.l .r ' . ii
i, ill ol 'i I
ig Ot ill' Hl..i l'
' Ii i I tin- I I u.
iiU'lV f t"o h
Ii.i Hit llo It t
, .ij II It' the a
J r .
S alls
I nil
l l as
tin ami i in- ;.i i.
. Ii I tr.-i'- l i - i . lint i I
s' iu
r I ItllX,
.mi' Ktor
sl.i'1'sn i'i. 1 .if In-t Oe mi.
vi' , lirl a 1 1 i-niil i, anil ild
t Ml 'tllbu'.
ni),t wn- l'" iriiii,
loo - d It n i'h t in
',.fn '.r r I'd .
ui en. I. 1 Fuvd
n, Imil I i , a 'I'lil
..on1, r i 1 1 it ii iii-
ii I) li 1 ivi h i i,,
Wll Ii
iii too
I .i ri
clouK '
11PM i- II " .
Ulan'' It.i e vi mink
lid ,i Cm s i.i.i I-.-II1'
eit G. Ini;"r..ill, Ii
saino fili-nilo lehi'ii'i'iico that he it' i t fie
Deiuoeiiltie purl-. 1'liey nro nil Republi
1 1 an honest ci.rri ncy bo an is. uo, how
ea n tho Itepubiii nit print) (heir purpose by
nominating mi inlhitinnist J If economy be
nil isMie, liow en ii they provn it by noinina
nating a iiiuu wlnise Mile specific is (ho bayi
net V And nf what iimi Is ihe n.verliou that
the party hlis dune 1:11 til ileitis and will cuu
tiniic to do them, if It lienors and prefers
men nlioso carter ha already Inspired pro
found distrust mid htlptil Id defeat the par
ty? Harper's ekly. (Hep.)
Ail homsbnnd economical administration
will restore enufidenco to tho people, and
business will begin to revive. Peace, good
order ami harmony will return, and wo will
again be n united and ljnppy people. Voto
fur Tilden nnd Reform,
Who runs tho crooked whUkey rlug t
Ilnbcnck, And he votes for Hayes, If you
like It, voto for Hayes.
A terriblo ttorm passed over tho Central
American Slates bu tho 3d and 4th imt
Seven hundred houres were blown dow
$5,000,000 damage done lo property an
crops nnd numerous Uvea wero lost.
ii i
... .