The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 27, 1876, Image 4

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'ins it
-run n
hll'arrflts fur llorufsaiid C.itllo.
Nn'.'tioil of Ilia root kind ii wi keenly rel
NliiM by Iiiimm in uarruto j Imlccil, most
horje prcfei lliem to nrtUt C.irrotc, when
liorni's Vxhellclit' fcAmlUMiViir'prifilttniiip
nil klnitf hflftbo. Thry inuy Vtfi foil
Drwmtar to tlielclnnliiR ormliMlo tifMriy
to milcli lictlou, with proper citro In thl
latitildi, tliDj? tvtityiio preaervvJ.- -They nre
I'speclally' Cehcficlnl fur florae.?, littvrircl
Spring, nt wlilcliulmc'-corn-niayiie milled
for n few weckd. Ih-cAprtnln pnrtsorUuropr
farmers Uciictiil sololy upon curro's, With
iropflr nilOwniico of liny, ns Winter fooi
for tlicir horses, without giving tliera nny
grain whatever j and It Is asserted that by
this modo of feeding farm horses n consider
able saving of Lay Is oil'cted, as ,cqni pared,
with tlnj;. iraun custom . of .tho roiintty, -,ol
feeding' corn and liny. Draft and farm nor
rcsnro given In tho proportion of fifty to
seveniy pound weight Of carrots each per
day on an nvctnge, not allowing them quite
so mnnyln tho very short days, and Some
tiiiict-nioro tliim that quantity In the Spring
month's Artortiorl 6Mbo C&rrots are Miced
in Ihft' chaff or-liny, in their racks; nhc
with thls.forxl the horse will usually Cl'j'O'
uninterrupted bpnlth, Tliero. are eraOii!
who think thai onrrots-nnly given in food lo
horses nro Injurious to their constitutions
hut this belief is without, foundation oilier
than prejudice. Bxiierimentscarcfully 'con
ducted hnvo'prnvcd that team 'horses, Win
ter nnd'Sunlmcr, Vrllt perform ordinary work-
on carrots as a Winter looel, with tuu as
niitntVco ' Of proper soiling in summer, ntid
may tyo kept tho entiro year rouud upon the
produce .of nn acre of land In carrots.
Without referenco to the many local op
portiitiitiei of a market for tho sale of tile
carrot, It is'the most Taluablo esculent In
the entire range ot husbandry on account ol
Its superior properties as a general article of
fond for the enteral descriptions of animals
usually kept on rt farm. Tho only rcasona-
ble objection urged against the moro gclicr-
al introduction of carrots Into tho regular
system" "of 'cropping is their expensive, and
tediour -early culture, -which objection ccr
tainly has considerable weight. Nevertuo
less, when capital and Industry can be. com'
blned; tMrfots offer a falter opportunity of a
remunerative return than any other com
paratlvojrop,.nnd where Introduced will be
founiLn, valuable artiulo of food for horses,
pigs, Snil poultry ol all description. Hot
ter of the most ngreenble appearance and
exquisite flavor may be obtained for the tn-
blo byVfeedlrig milk bovA upon curroU; nutt.
if stored for' them during sovere weather in
Winter there will bo no diminution In quan
tity, drdotcrloration in tho quality of their
producer-; - n - -
In cstHyisbniciitS, (pr trpttirig'.brrajciug
horses, carrqU.are especially beneficial. To
ward Spring, when tlio liQrscs have, been fed
manyjnionths on dry food oats, corn and
hay ;fhoy arq extremely serviceable, indeed
necessary. Among horsembn they have
gained tho character uf being good for the
wind;-.uut we suspect the only merit they
can' this respect is that they keep
the body , qool 'nnd properly open, by which
they conduce greatly to health and condi
tion, and consequently to clearness of wind.
About, Ihc same tiling may be said, of their
claims to produco a fino cont; whatever con
duces to health does so consequently car
rots do., ,To any one who. has been hi a ra
cing stable, or in any .stable where carrots
are fejljii niay secth Utmost useless to siy
that they should bo sliced in pretty long
sliccsi-tJt is dangerous to give them .cut
. crcssWiys, as horses" lire' "fjitretnely. find of
tliera,Srid, If a' all greedy, Would be apt to
bolt pjece3 of them whole, which would be
quiteiikely to-Ciiuso some of them totick
in the, throat., ,C!arrots, if kept inn dry
place i,q sand, WJU keep' a long time, or, in
sand, ihey will keep out of doors, if covered
sulllcitwtly with straw and then banked up
with earth. Xathnul Lice Stock Journal
llarvcstius Potatoes.
TiieYn'ls-inore in tho manner of harvesting
potatoeH tfian hiaiiy'faruien aro aware, of.
Whetlier.a inaij lias iin'iny Or few It, js im
portant to have thcin sa'Hl In tho best po.--nibleiiiidilioii.
The Iinplenicnt to bo Used
in digging is pi considerable importance. If
they are to bo dug by hand, than iv honk,
fork.Vpade, or hoe will be used. Tlier me
to bojireltjrred initio order.l'n .wlilch I bavo
named them, And one who has oncq uiiil a
goodnlarge hook in tbU-oerat.iuii is -not
likely to,vej- yi5U to go back to the ine.of
a hoe again.
Several potato diggers to run by liorse
power havo been invented, Mimo of which
seem to :lvp quite good satisfaction, Whero
potatoes are raised in quantities it U well to
havo some nrieliiito to do tho digging wjth
Iu the absent d of a'ny hucIi 'arrangement,
and where quantities are to be harvotcd, it
is best tn use a plow. Various plans may
hi pursued In ' the operation of plowing.
Tho idea, is tp purirue that plan tint will
le tve the largest propoi lion of tho potatoes
O'lthe gr mid. Alter all are gathered up
t -at call bo- (oufiij, n burr-iw- fhoul.l he run
tivtr Jhe ground' till tho" crop is about nil
lirouaht to light and saved. As far as pos.
a b.eadry, tunshiny day Htiduld 'lm xelcc
trsl for digging ioatoes, and lliesoil should
lm dry enough- to permit tho to bo
mved free from adhering dirt. They should
ba allowed lo lie In the suiwhine only long
enough to become." thoroughly drv Expo-
Bure to suiinhlne produce chemical changes
in n short time that greatly Injures the fine
Jlavor-snd rcuders them strong mid .iinpal
stable; Th'ey should, as soon as they nio
try filler nigging, be plucitl in n root, pro
tected place, and If totally dark nil the bet--ter.
It is all tho be..t lo ulint them very
closely in either ,bjns or pits till thn-vap-)rach
of freezing wnatlrr in Vnrfi'ca
l-.cdiiic,3Iik Cows.
J. II. It. nf Norihfietd, Vl writes as lo'
lowsin the VernifiKt ibuwrr:
l-'o'r two nionths pa-t I have practiced
frtding at five o'clock in tint morning. Hay
first, end roots unit bran after the liny is eat
en. Turn out and wntcr about 8 o'clock,
and return to the stable alter ushott time
out for a drink and exercise, but not long,
unites Ihe whit'lu'ri fine. I feed uil the
roots and bran for' the day lit one feed.
The"itcoi.'d fetd'offho day is at 2 P. V.,
at which time they will eat until 4 P. M., at
which time I wntt-r and return to a warm
blable for the night. I think my fifteen
cows lo better by tiii.s-iurthnd than to fted
three or foijr line, jitj liMtirt)o,n1iercto'fiii'
I sell mllk,.ont fiinUliui ilile to know ; ihep
the conn i-.w uuliig their best. I consider
ono peck of root', one qt.trt tircoru ineal
and three, quartj jif'-bran toaiJ'hcr ovith U
tho Juno ormituinn i U frowt-nj Cathey
wsll cat, k. good, liberal winter fent- fur an
average id milk cow. My mowing rtf
all ttst twice lu Uift esriii, Woud lcUd'
to tut it btforv It U fairly .beaded out. tirass
Situwrcut t.ctait), itit liidntly too hie.
Cut H rrly, s-vdeut tlieu-ctmd timo. 'ilie
t-hesfi.l Acfd thjit ) can raUe ii diUd uikm
and fvddr c.ctp, KoolKPt uiwt.bwt they a6
vey-VAlunblo, shall ts,Ue wore Instead of
Iff. Hrati ii wlth all It cosU fo; fte rvnd
alro all H (otls fu n ffilUljct (Ut'ttV
. CtiiiNiiinplloii Caiilio Ciirnli
' Art tlic pair miidlclncs that yim cure f'atmonary
Coiiouianilini ,
Knuuootly mt-dlcliiet Hint wilt Mop nrotifrti will
(vo.isl m ilitiiteitlint the i-a-lcnM lh-.v cxK unjlie
-Ivor, Kloptlm i-ircul.ll ion ot tlio bloo-l, lio-iiorrliatto
sriritns lhal, eanst-il Hie coaun.
Liter Cimninlnt aart HysiieptH nre tlio cauvs tit
'wo-ildrili of the cases of Consumption, Rifttir
-xTfins cuinpiain or n lutm in .lus Mile, ixiusn nauon,
on ted loairui-, iimIii In t l.c b1h'iWIit IjI.hI", r'llims
if tlr iwsMit"tt hna rosilrttnw, tlin foou lynitf-lienv
ir on um .Biomii-n, HcvompriuK-ii wui. uiiuiiy am
tw-t"lilii(v nn fir u-llut.
Thi'su svuiDtetus usiLtllv orlirlnatolroma ttlsop riiuilitltin iif thn Hlntnii ti nr k tiirrtM ntnr.
ivrsnns so sJTecteil, if they, take one. or twplicavy
wills, aoa It tint .mimli livtlmso caSiis la spditciily
lilieckdl, will nn1 tho sloinarli cii'l liver clnnrcd re-
naininir uiriimana luiu uvo. aim almost ucioro iney
tr nwnru inn iiinirs are n mass or. sores, auu nicer
Alt'd. I hp rrsult nt Is rlnnth.
sohenck's Piilinonlo syrup Is an expectorant wlilcli
UUl'K U I'UHKIl Buiiiieiuv,
Kchpnek's so.a Wend 1-ontfl ilUsnlve.s tho food. inWc
ns with tho Riutrtc J'llces nf tlio stomach, aids diges
tion. nn.1r.rt.tftc.Bti tatdnni.tnnfvilllit
Whontlio bowels are costlvu, skin sallow, pr tho
sTinpioma oinorwiseoiauiuiaustouaenoy,cneQctii
juiuuraKa i-uis nro rcquirca.
N. K. corner Sixth and Arch its., Phlla.
And tor sate by all drujjflsts and dealers. Oct.
Three Points for Consideration.
nnrlm? tho Dust, flvo vours VetrMlntt hss bfien
steadily worklaif Itself Info public favor, and ihoso
who weft) Mllrst most Incredulous mrcff.lrd tolls
uwniH nro now us most arucnt menus una Ruppori.
prs. Thoro fll-fl throft CK.s(iill,ireftosi'S for thos hhv
lirft a liorror'of patent Medicines. ChnhRln? their
-ipiniuH Mini icnuiHK lllt ir llllnil-nc-J lOHuni iliu liu-
vnnremwif ot Vev-'tlho Is an honestly pre
pared mcdVtno from barks, roots andhsrbs.
honestly acomr.lls'ies all that Is claimed for It.wlth-
out lealn? any bad effects tn tho astom. ad. It pn
senis honest vouchers m testimonials front honest,
ni-ll-kiiowii elllzeiis,whoHn MjnnniiTS am a sumclent
t;iurnnicc 01. inrir earnrf.incss in mo iiiauer. -i ok
tho- tnlo ton tho vimt on ml It v t.r tneiltclno
liiiitiKht consplcuoiislr tieforo tho public through the
u lining iiuvt-i ii.ii-jiit-iiut in mti nowspajit-r t-nniuius
wttli no proof of merit orirentilno vonrheraof what
It has done, wo should bo pardoned for manifesting
resl Imonlal from Hev. I. s ixekcrson, tho popular
turn evcrgviiiai posior 01 mo BUuuiaLMpusi;i;nurtai,
liusiuu ;
The Tired Iloity f!ue forSlrcp.
Hostom. Mnrch 16. 19?i.
If. 11. Strvess. Esn i
IVnr Hir It Is as much from n sensn of flntv as of
trraiitU'lo that I writo to sty that jour vesetine nss
hecn of (rreat help to mn when nolhlntrelso seemed
to avail which I could safclrnse. Klther excesslro
mental worn or unusual oaro bnnns upon mo h ner
vous uxhausttou that desncratelv needs WeD but. 09
desnerolelr denes lr. Nlshuofter nliht the noor.
ilrcd body sues for sleet i until thoilay-dawn Is wel
comed back, and wo bepln our wort tired out with
an almost iruiuess ennse airer rest, stow i nave
found tbat a little Veirrttno taken fust before I rctlro
ifives me sweet anu intmeuiaie sleep: ana wunout
any of the evil ctTccfs prtho nsiralnarcotlcs. 1 think
two thtnjrs would tend to make bralp-workers sleep.
1; a little less work. I, a little moro VcffCttnc. This
prescription lias licipcu mo. l ours, w..
VntuubteKt Idcprcj.
Tlie following unsolicited test'lmoritl from Iter, 6,
. Walker. D. D.. formerly nastorof Tlowdoln Hanaro
ehurch, and a', present settled In rrorldenco, it. I.,
must do estemea aa renaoia eviaence. no one snouiu
fail to observe' that this tesflmonltd Is tho result ot
two years' experleacrt -with Veffottne In Hev, Mb
it miter s lamuy, woo now pronou&ces it tnvaiuaoie,
' PaorrDtkcx. It. 1.. 1 Si Transit fit.
II. It Stivins, Est !
I feel bound to ex Dress with mtr slu-naturo the hlirh
valuo I place upon your Venetlne. sty family bavo
used It for tna last two years. In nervous deotltty It
Is Invaluable, and I recommendl It to allwho may
need an Invi-foniting-, renovating tonlo.
Formerly pastor of nowdoln Sq. Church, Boston.
The lleitt lltldcnce.
Tho follotvlntr letter from !!ev. E. S. nest, nastor of
tho M. K. Church, Natlck.'.Mass., will Iw read with In
terest bymauy phs'filclans. No person can, doubt
this testimony, and thero Is no doubt ot tho curatlvo
poweraot ejeiine,
Natick, Mass., Jan. 1, ls'i.
II. It. Strvkns i
ucar sir o nave gooa tc.tson tor rORardlna; your
'eirctlne a mcdlctno of tho trroTtest valuo. U'o feel
assured that It has been the means ot saving our
son's life. He Is now seventeen years of age; for ttie
last two years ho lias suffered from necrosis of the
loir, caused by scrofulous affection, audtvas so far
reduced that nearly alt wlnl saw him thoucnt Ins re
covery Impossible. A council ol able physicians could
give us but tho faintest hope of his ever rallymtr.two
of the number declarlnir that, ho was beyond tho
reach ot human reim-dles. that even amputation
could not sate htm. Just then wo. commenced Rlvlnir
him vegctlnc, and from that ttrau to tho present ho
has been continuously Improving. He lias lately re-,
sumed his studios, thrown away crutches and cane,
and walks about cheerfully and strong.
Though thero Is Kt 111 some discharge where the
Itipb was lanced, we nave thn lullest confidence that
la n little time he will be perfectly cured
ncuus lajxenauout tnreeuozen Domes cr vege
tlne. but lately uses but little, as he declares that he
Is (oo well to be taklnc medicine.
iiespevuuuy yours.
K.-8. Hest,
ilRS. L. V. F. I1K3T.
Itrllable rvhlrnre.
ITQllnltlRt -nrnAVIin iit 'H IftTl
II. 11. fiTSvkNS. ESt f
Dear sir From personal benefit received bv Its use
nswell as from personal knowledcet.f thoso whose
cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can
moM ueartny nna sincerely recommenu vegctine ior
the complaluu which It Is claimed to cure.
Lite raster Caiviaylup.CUurcii Becramento.coi.
Yeffotino js sold by all Druggists. '
Oct, 13,1m.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all tho purposes of a Family Physio,
and for curinc Costiveness, Jnurrdicc,
Indlgostion, Foul Stomach, Breath,
lleadacbp, Hrysipolas, Khcuruatism,
Eruptiolia and Bkln Hiseasos, Hit
lousQoss, Dropsy, Tumors. Worms,
Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill,
for i'uriiyine tho lllood,
Arc the mo ef-
f . f.....l .i .,
j:viii u . .inn vuiipt
n'tal purttatlvo ever
discovered. Tliey
arc mild, but cf-'
fectual in their
operation, moving
IliO bowels turely
and without pain.
Allhoimh eentlo
'Jj In-tlil-ir operation,
nicy arc tint mc
most tliorousli anil
fcarchlna cathar-
titj medicino that can be employed : cleans
i'njj'tho stdmach and bowels, and even tho
blood. In small doses of ono pill a day,
they stimulate tho digestivo organs and
promote vigorous health.
.vr.n's 1'ii.i.s have been known for
more than a piaxtci' of a century, and have
obtained a -world-widB reputation for their
virtues. They correct discastfd action in
tho several asiiimilatlvo organs of the
ljody, and aro to composed tlmt obstruc
tions, within their range can rarely with
stand' or evade thein. iXot -only do they
.euro the every-day complaints of every
body, but also formidable and dan!cious
dUeifcs that have balllcd the Lett of
human (kill. While they produce power-'
fill ellects, thoy nre, nt the' same time, tho
ralij.t, ind but physic tor chihlicn. lly
thi ir niK-rioiit action they (jrlpu much less
thm tlio' common purjiittives, ami netcr
triyo pain when tl-ii bowels nrc.not,iullanied.
They ri-ncli theMlal fountains of ihu blcod,
r.iid'aia'ijjtlieii tli3 svstenl by freeing it
IVo.m the eleuit-uts ot weakness'.
Adapted to all nues and conditions in
alj climates, contain'm-; neither calomel
inji- any ileletei-iotis ilru, thee I'llls may
bit lakiji with satl-ty by nn,htidy, TJiciV,
tilU'-aicoaiin-j pruserveS' lUeni.t-iei- tVesli.
and makes iheui 'pieijsut to take;; -while
beinsj purely vefemble. tio harm caii arite
IVpm their use in any tptantity.
i-uti'ii:i.n uv
Dr. J. C. A.YER dt.CO., Lowtll, Mass.,
, -r:ii-iinu anu Aiiuivtlt-nl -t.itiu.
SlU liV AM. DKUUlilSTS LVUiVWllWli:.
Oct. IS, 1876 ly
fiENn ron pmer hat
72 CHsmvrST.J3MAM
ai, 'r4.-a-.
. urnrsK ubads,
, , .Diaiiu8,. . ; ', .
iSwvUy anil Cheaply printed at the OckVU
jjfXS OiSct.
csr -v mm
Glxcapcr than Elver!
V &f SON
ft I
. ii
lltivo Jtiiil Kcccivcd
tho lnrgesl.nnd bpst.iiiiiiVjiof., , .
They have ever offered totneir friends and Cus
(jlotlis, Cassimoros, and Satinotts
, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos
fof LADIES' YKAlt,
and every variety bf Dry 'poods 'ilesTrml,
Carpeta, Mats, Ottomans,
including all tlio varieties of
and a general supply ofartiJlcsTisc'ful Tor the
table always on hand,
Country produce of nil kinds taken' in ex
change for goods at cash prices.
OCt.80Jtrtt .' .
Embraces under ono management the Great Tronic
Hallway Lines of tho Wi:s r und KOUTH-WKST.and.
with Its numerous branches nnil ronnrctinnci. inrm.
Ihu Shortest and quickest route between Chlcntro
u.iu u.i .m.a im 11.1.11-iuib, , lw.-Ell, UKTHKRN
MicnwAN, .min.vssot, low, nkdrasxa, California
and tho Western Ten ltorics. Its
Onialiu nud raliruriila Lino
IS the Shortest ftnd bOSt routn for nil nntnta In t.Artl..
em Illinois, low n, Dakota, Nebraska, .Yvjomtni:,
Colorado, Notada, Utah, California, Oregon, chUiu,
Japan and Austrulla. Its
lilcngo,ItI(UlNoii &. St. I'aul Itlnc
IS thO fahOrtllno for Xnrfhf-rn VIinn(.ln nml tltnnn.
sota, and for Madison, St. Paul, .Mlnneapulls.Uuluth,
and all points In the great .North-west. Its
Winona nntl SI. I'ctcr Line
Is the only route for WInoro, Itocheslcr, Owatonnn,
Mankato, htrjiter, Ni'w,lflniand .all points In
t-outhern and central Mlnnesotn. Its
Green liny-mid itlarquctte'Eliitf
Is tl'eonly lino for.Tane.stllie, Wateitown, Fond Ha
Lar Ushknsh, Appleton, i.'reeii Hay, Lsc.iuaba, Ne-
Kunee, .Mauiuotte, lluugtiton, ifuncock and tho
ko Superior country. IW
Frceiiort and Buliiniiic Line
Is tho only routo for Elgin, Itockford, Freeport, and
all poU ts via Freeport, Us
Chicago and SIJIwanKoc Line
Is the old Lake Shore Iioute. and Is tho o ly ono
passing through Kvanstun, Lake Foresr, llighlaud
Park, waukegan, ltaclue, Kenosha to .Milwaukee.
l'lillniuii I'a'ato earn
are rim on all through trains of this road.
This Is tho 0NL1 LINU running these cars bc
tneen Chicago and St. I'aul.Chlcagu and Jlllwaukee,
or Chicago and Winona.
At Omaha our sleepers connect with tho overland
rtccpei-s on the UlIi n I'i.einoCauUflaitlur.aH t tduts
on the arrival or tho trains from tlic east or south,
.etralEKl'I t';e Chlcaco a North-Western it.itlunv
leao Chicago as rollnt.-s
. f Oll l lll Nl-ll ItLUr tp, OMAHA AND CAMKOItNlA, TWO
ttirouch trains ituUvwlthrullm.ui'MLliictwimiuin.t
room and steenlusourslhrough to ''"''""if lUuHs.
Foil i?T 1'acL ami UNNi.Ai-oust two -lirough trains
dally, with l'uilmiin palace ears attached to both
Full (liiKKS my ami Lake Sfi-Kiupii, two. trains
dally, wflfi IVlin.aii palace ears attLCht-d, aud run
ning through to Jitunpiclle.
Ion .milwaukkk, four thiougli trains da'ly, l'ull
man cars on night train, parlor chair curs on day
trains. , . . .
FonfrAiiTA tND winona and points In SUnnosota,
.e tlii(jii-,-U train dally. Willi l'ulhnaji slLcnerstu
Winona., .
Fok-IR'bvuue. Mn Ficcnuit.i two Ihruuj-h trnlns
dally, with I'ulliaan kurs on night trains.
run niT.ogcit and I.a t i-OiSB, iu cilntn, two
throush tinlns dally, with I'ulluian cms ou ulghl
lllllll IAJ -TlVlUln1"! tl'"ll.
l-'ou Mux citv anii Yamciok. - wo trains dal v.l'ull-
laan can, tu lll:i:uuil yalluy . unci tuu.
run lake i'knkva, lour iriuus
ml other i olnts.vou can have fiomtwututcn train
KewY'ork onlec. No 415 Hrondwny: lloston ofl'.ce
M;lle btitctrornhlia omcc.2a31nri.hnm Kttn t-
sf4U M unclsco oillie, Ivl Montgomery Ktivet: chlca-
ottcktt, olllces: ti Claik Hreet. under Mmnmin.
ltout; corner canal and .Madbou Mitels; liluile
Mit-rt derot. corner W. Ktnlo ami i-hhmi. Ktu.ii.
Wella MrtU depot, comer Wells and Klnzlo rtrcets.
per nitis or liifoiinatlon not attainable from jour
iciue ttckeLaguiU, appU to . . .
Maiivis Ilfiuurr,
tien. Sup't.Chlcago
Fi Ij. 4,7J-ly
Oeji, I'ess. Ag't. ClUcngp. .
Who nro our nnlliorlzed agents, and svlll
recrivo Aiiycrtiseuirnts tit our
i.oivi!ST cash jiATia;
Tlio Ai.mtKciiT & Co. Pianos tiro
firet-clnss in ovcry rcsjicct, boins con
mdercil tho leading I'liiladelpliia
malio by musicians .nnd competent
judges. Through their oxtensivo
facilities, Miiisiw, Aliikhcht & Co.
aro enabled to turn out instruments
tlint uro not surpassed nny wbcro, and
still tiell them nt iiriccs within tho
'each of all. No Piano is permitted
to leavo their factory unless satisfac
tory to tlio most minute-particular", '
nenco their guara'nteo of llvo years
is a thine; of -value. 'All-lato im-
tirovenients of iniportaneo aro found
n tlicso instriiinciitH.
ilussiw. Ahikcciit & Co. havo re-
inany other eminent artists, besides
pving uuiu tu reiur- inousaiitu 01
pritato rrurclitisers, Bchools,- tiemi
jiariori, eooio ti ot and teachers.
Piano eonsoiontloukly soloctod per '
prucw uy.maii, cjrouiiiypacKcsi wia
1 tdilppodsafelyt6nnypitrtoflhowbrJd
A' sdFor further riy tlciilarti' w to
.- roiuruucui. itricui unu vvniis. utiurcss.
10 Arh Street, Philadelphia,
Jijiy u, u;. iy.
Ynai U.W lUW ttti UuDtivbitra (las Cttinbutr will
nut la M-rUoo pirxs a nrt outt and luruUh uad m
ual tl lour dollars Often.
, J be company nae u hnj a lot of mn Ur aultod
o palLUug roots, uitta or other tttubon pluued
Under rrosnd.
1'rtoH i t-enu per calloa or rr Yiiuth.
Oo,, C, W, WILLtll.
- - t i . i i . i t
t 'it ' ( .ni -, . , 4 . . i
" " " 0 JMl " '" ' ' Ml ' '
, ,t i6a8FMwMwl&' mtk-ik mmmism.
BLOOMS 8 m 0 S T A T iJ .OB M. A L .S OB O. 0 ,L
SIXTH .N 0 It A) A L SC'UOO Ij ' DIS'rilI'OT.
J THIS SCHOOL, as at present constituted. aCtra tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning?,
linlldliijrs spacious, liitlilng and commodious-! completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gus, and furnished with a liountlful supply of puro.sot't
f'l'Jrat ton heallM ul, and easy of access. Tnachers etiierlenced, cfflcleut,'and altvo to their work. ' lllselplln", linn but kind, iinlfnnh nli'd thocoiuli. Evr
tnmlenitc. Fifty cents a week deduction toTtl! expecting to teach, uttidcnls admitted at any tlmo. Itooias leaned whim desired. . . ''
t'OtirseHol study prebcriueii uy inotaiei -
I. Model Hchool. 11. Preparatory. III. Klemenlary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses t I. Academic. II. Commercial. ifT. Course in Music.' IV. Codrsd in Art. V. Course in I'hysio'al'Ciilltire.'' '
Tlin Wnmnnlnrv. rii-tenlltlo nml ClnsslCill COUrK'S are IMtOI-'KStONAL. nnd Slnd.nts irriulll.itllirf lhreln. reeetvo Klnrn t)ln1,itnT4. ViinfM-rlnt- Hip fnll.iu-lnf
eoi responding Degrees: Master (if the Hlenu-nlH! Master of lira sciences ; Master bt tho Classics, ilraduates
tln-lr ultalninents,, signed bv tho Onieers of tht tloard otTiuslees, .
Tho coursooi ftimy nrescriisu ny too Maio is nut-mi,
Thn Klatn rentilresa hlirhrr order ef elllzen-hln. Tho
gout and oniclentroachi-l-s for her Schools, To lids end It. holleltH young persons of good nullities and good purposes, thirri Who rtosllo lolrnprove Ihelr t tints
and their talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, audabundant oiuioitunltles for well lmld labor.attcr leuilngbchool. Fur
Catalogue, address the Principal. 1
HON. U'll.l.lA.U i:i.Vl:l.l., (.'resident llonril of Tmslrrs' ( III,. .1, (1. I-i:t:r.Zi:,.Ki rn:liirj,
i ii'.-iy
, n 1 1- i r- 1 - .
" ""OfiNTEiiroT to nvunr one.
with on adjastsbto ba6k, )nadB to ruppor( tho'back cf tho Vlttcr
Mblloleonlnf forward Ih tho ordlniry position for playing, a"nd by
a elmplo arrangement, which gives It a backward and at tho samo
tlmo a downward movement, follows his motions sad supports him
In any position without latcrtcrloi; in tho least wllU tho freedom
of his movements.
L'Qcause -llio Heat pafses tu'o'uijii tlic. 'iiiO ' , '
Allowing no wu'sto heat to pit U up tlio chimney.
will do as much work as a laro stovo of any otlior maJ;o whh less
For KCONOMY anil HUAUTYjt ttinnot ho ext ol lcl; 1)0 NOT
FAIL TO EXAMINE T1JJC AKa.iiNU bclUro hiding. olbowhere.
V O Jl S A L i N I. Y liY '
1)4. .
, ;a.-Bin.
IS? 251
" I Kr'lllll t I Til 11
BliOOMSBXTBG, 3? u. ,
Columbia County,'
. T. L... GRLSWOLD, A. M M. D. Principal.
nun inn m-iciuiiic anu classical courses aio not interior 10 inose nr our ussr colleges. . . ,
times demand It. It Is ono nf tho nrlino oulorts ot lids School lu hein to wimi u.. nr tnnilstilni'lnlrlll.
CASTQRS wlththo lODg cay mot etnent
ot tlio oltTtajh!, without the projtcUng rockers
to tnar other furoliuro andtholmpcti of momx;
lcln?, In fact, tho ouly Tlatform ltockcr ruado
that has a perfectly eatUfactory motcintut,
2Ianufacturcd for the trado by
axiil for Ftilo by th6 prlnclnal dealer throughout
thcUuIuaStntw. '
C?" If not l.cpt by nny Ocalcr in your ton,
f cud to Ui foi 1'ricc LUt uuU Catalogue.
I I 1 wtwnt-.- " .
' ' ") " ' '
In tho other jL'otirses reeelru .Vinual Cei tincaUa ot
T. L. GUNTOtT, Proprietor,
Manufacturer of and Dealer in all klmU of
We mo tlio Post AMirfilOAN' nnd ITATtANJIrfrblo
Ik. Iiils on liund and furnishes to onlpr
UltNS, VAStES, &c.
rvery variety ot Jlnrhlo cuttlnc neatly oxueuted -it
iuo luwosu iniirKoi, jtrit-t-M.
A loni; practical oxperlonco and personal attention
to business makes tho proprietor conlldent of ijlflnir
K;it Israel Ion. All ordcia by mull promptly nllendeil
to. 1'. O. bo -JUT. . 1
BSyA'. H. Wurk Miiercd free rciirf,-l55j
Aus. 1, ' T. I.. tlUNTOM, Proprietor.
' Verbatim Iioportiiig.
; TKHMU ;'Actu il travt-llliif-, boaidlnir . nnd otlior
prpenites; llvo itulhirsit tvsslon, fi.rtuWlriif the report:
1111 1 ten cents it lotto, ( hundred w ords, ) forWi Illnif
out Into Itn1.-M1.n1tl.
AVhore the inatler repoited In one d.iy equals or
exco eds fifty fullos, the :l c-dollar fm tt 111 lw remitt
ed, and the triuisoilbln; uiiK-liaml cliurKfit tt.
tlfteu 11 rents n folio: but, ..ill such ce.H'R, If fowl r
man uiiv toitos me purtnaseii, tuu uu uunara tviti
bot'Inrfcf-'il. ... . (
, d.l i-ess, S. N. Walker, A. M. . t'oiirt-stciiOK-rap'iur,
li!ou!n-.llur', Colninbla ouiihty, lvnnsjira-
ll.Mldeiiee, lion Btrect, belweeu Third nnd
onieo. With II. ll.Ortls. IMq. .Columlllan-bulW-In;
ontinnoe.uppniltu the -east uato to tho court-
UUU-..I uui, uioi uu.,-1, urtti. uo.ri. iwui,
onii'O-hmir, fioin.twelt u lo ono o'clock.
Feb H, 1SP1-1.V
Titonouciit.Y'CuRns Diseasks oftiik Skin,
Beautifies the Comi'lexiox, Prevents
anu Ukmedies Rheumatism jvnu Gout,
lliuis Sores and Aurasions ok tiiu
Cuticle and Coiintlracts Contacion.
This Standard External Remedy for Erup
tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only
removes ntoit the Complexion all Blem
ishes arising from local impurities of tlio
lilood and obstruction of lite pores, but also
those produced by the sun and wind, such as
tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle
and being a wholesome deautifier is far
preferable to, any cosmetic.
All the remedial advantages of Sul
phur Haths are insured liY Till', USE oi--Olcnn'H
Hulnhur Soup, which in addi
tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE
VENTS Rheumatism and Gout.
It also disintects clothing and linen
and prevents diseases communicated 1IY
contact with the person.
It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald
ness, and retards grayness of the hair.
Physicians speak of it in high terms.
Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per
Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20.
N. 11 The 50 cent ca!ie are triple the sue of those at
35 cvnts.
lllack or lJrovnf SO CcuU.
C. I. CRITTEflTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av U.
ott. if, rc.-ly,
QKNKKAL election
,M'usiiK.ti, by tho lawn of ll.l-i Commonwealth it Is
miulo thn duty of tho MhciHT of every oounly to plvo
notleu of Urn Koucnil Untlun, by punltuatlun lu unu
or iiioiu uowKp.iper.s in. me county, ill. jo.t Ltieiity
tiujs ueiuru iiiu eieutiun, unit ui tiiuiiiL-iixti iiirnuii
tho ollleors to Im) tleitod, uud to dt-Muuto thu pUteu
at which tho elcetlun ts tu bo held.
Then-fcii e, I, II, n. 1'ornwnld, lilali herlfI of C'o-
iuuiui.i eoniiiy. ou iii-hoj luiu.i'.i.iiutvji mm prttuiuiiu
to ho iiiulinetl eleetniK of Columbia ( that a
L-i-ui-ral ehetlon will Ui hilil im TL'libliAV. .Till!
MCVKNTII ttV NOVKM 1' t. 1810 (.en IT t 10 Tiles
ilur ndxt follow lm; tlio llmt .MuiKlny of suld iiionlhi)
tu uio,MjV-rai pitiucvt tviiuiu vuo etiiiuij, tn wit. i
ije.tver lowi.tilp, at tltu publlo libuao of Tlf.. J.
lieiitoii tow nship, nt tho public nousu of Itlram
lieps, in mo tottuoi i.euiou. - -
If.isi J-.lixjiii, ul tho com t llo'ie, in Wonmshitr'.
l e.-.t liloom. nt tho Couit lloil-o. In llloom-ibtir-f.
Il.irouk'li tf lienvlck, ut itiosuuu uf .lolm Ic.Uij.11,
in tuu itomiiLM ot iit-nvicr.
. Iloiou.'h of t'l iili jll.i. nt tho publlo liouso of Wll
11.1 IllM.Itl.
I rlai'fi ei k tuwiishlp, at tliu publlo bchool liouso
ntar j;iuiutiuu. ' , t
(lata Ui ljwnshlli, nt tin' publlo house pf $a.nue!
Ktir-.U'iioitiuier, in tno town or cuuiwi'-Ha,
Oentro towiudtlp, ut- tho-bchuul houio near Jjtfuy
elln i:re.L'V'K.
.Norlh (!on nnham Dlslilft, at the bdiool liouso
uoir thu i-olllery of .lohu Andoihun x Co.
s.jutli Couyiii;ham IHall Ul.ul too bouse uf
Kllker, lately nxod byavoto uf thu cltlwu-i of Hut
lutvitKinii. ' t
la-dilnircrcclc tojui.ilp, ?t tlio, school houao iitu,r
t. 11. tt ItlUltl.
I'l-ullklllrlutviiithlp, l.tiUlu Ittwri3UC0bChool houee.
ijreouvtoojl townolilp, ut tho houso or Joseph It.
lieiidock townsldp, at thu publfo hqa'ji u L'lia.4. II,
I1HIU.-I It'll, 111 lUO tUWII OI.IIUCK iiuru.
Jut twin' LuiniMklp, ut Hi liousoor Ittckkl Colo. '
lKieust tnwnhtn, at ha public Jiuuv or liunlcl
lloIi'U, In Numodla.
.Vllllln lowimliliH at tho publk) liouso or Aaron
ltet.s, lu tlw tutvu or Mltlllnrlllu.
MiiUI-nm township, at tlw publlo li-hool hnuoo lu
Jersey totn.
Ml. I'loa&ant ttMnsliln, at Uio bouto of If. W.
WulllcW. '
'contour towwltlp,. at Wio publlo buuso ot It.
TtilibK, ht Impeit,
am cuwiuuip, at uio puuiio uotuo u jt-roiuian is.
tf-tvt, t
mLi-i-vta: townnhlu. at Hi homo rartiiL'ilv tio-
tfupit-u ny tJot,tT.4irtrju.iui,
Jnili!(t) toniiHlilp, nt tho publlo bouw. (it It, O.
CoMit-r In (inuitftnllltt,
IMiib totnblp. t Hi Contro (Kbutil ltoiiMUtflr
IlJld by a vutu ut the eltljMdi or UU Uiwiuudp.
miirurloiil Uju i.slp. at tl.u Mum ot .Mluuis I ole.
Ht-ott township, at thu public homo W Win. futllt,
In liipy,
At which tlmo and placta tho cmaltflod Hutora
wlllclK'tby ballot the lullotvluir btautaid cgiuitr
firm iy r
3 nzgSmiL
Ttvonly-nln iktsohi clootoM.
lino irtrwni rati iwrmuiuua ni m-t'ongrewi for tlio
li!.' WJ'ii'i- t. a .i.i .w.w.
im. pi'iton iifr niin'i tui mi- amii uiouhih-n-iv.M-duf
1 lit- tu niiiLlo.4 lit (lulunibl.i. Lmniduu, Atoll-
tmir nnd siiiiivhii.
iirtdo pcrim for Awrinbt)'! i '
Two pi'rnuiH pr AinutluU) fudges of tjiofounty of
tin.. lKitfin r.irporin, . .... . .- -n, i, ,
Two pcrnont for Jury iVmmlvlonorib'it tiuiltTlor
to Viilo for morn' niiO-iKriton.)'
II .14 rurllirr illii'i li-d thai Ihe i-U-rltnn lHillnit thf
U-vtM-nliltHtiti'tH "hall lm oiifiiod iitM'ttn I'din-l in
tno i....ii'Kin. nun Minn coniiiiuorti'ii innuiui inu i
iiipllon or itiluriiiiii lit iililll s.-m-ii ovigck In tuu
i-,t. nlligivhi.n.lli.i p(.lliri ItiitloKoil, . '
IMn.iumt 1 1 tin' pi m Mont rootnlnrd In thn mill
Ofc'lMI t.f Mm ,H't of tho Drnmd ,H.-tMiitily li(1nrf
"A finllii-r Mtmili'mclit tn IhtrHlt ri-iiuhitllnf Lli.O'
tliins III this Immunol wealth," ntipfni I'd .Inn. W,'t!..4.
.Hrritn-t ihiA4 bhou us tuo (Kiiia piinuiuion,, vg
o"n-or-i of rlpctlnti Miuli prnrct-d to tounl .a I Iho en" ior rjtii fimjiu hit voioti ir. nnu mnKf n
tullifturn ,i Uw ww.i.Hj tiltijicutt;. utu, n ri'turn
Rtiopl in addition, In rfli'cif tvldell the Voli-i rofiltt-d
liy i-arli ruiietlilatv shall lio.ifltrli nfti-r ld ur lit-r
11.1111... Ilift In tvurdtund ngnln In llgun-H, nud Bhull
no Hgni'd lif nil of VAliUinti-i-n and ivrtlilt-d iiy.wt'r-'
Horra. If any, t.r If not wi ti-rllilfd, tho uvorsiici-t npd
iinj nniciT lofinlng to Hgn or i-orim, nr cltlKTi't
tlii'iu, Umll wrlti) upon t-urli of tho loturm lilt or
their rriiHijin for not Mgnlpg or ccrllt.ilng tlii'iu.
'1 ho vote, as soon as counted, nlnill ulsolto pnblli-ly
nml fully Uopi tho.Atlndotf: to tlio.tUlzt-iii
ttritauiit. rttiil'it l.rlf-f wlnli-mnnl. ih.iwlti'f till Vlitn4
roci'lteil by oncn l-nlidlditto shnil lib malic unit Hgntd
Itv thntl.M-l.lin nnu'iTHiiR Ronn ils thitvnlo is couutud.
,nud tho Kinio shall ho liniucilhitcly postal upon Jlu
til Mtr Ol IHU l-lfllUIIl lUllll- 1U1 1111.11 It'll t't im
nuul c Tho trln ttiMto returns Bhull in" rnciomii 111
saud bo hcnlcdlti nresenco of tlio oillten,
ntirt one envcio:.e, Willi the uliicaled return nhect.
I'll en In tint lilil-ri' wlileti ftliftll enlilillu lillll
llt of
viiti m, Hilly.p.tper, and oaths of onU'era, and nnothor
Ot said envelope minlMf) iflven lo thn
Rix'ctor. All lliiUrpH Mi lmr Mllhln ttvolvo Inlle.i n
tbi protliuhotiirvti' whet1, or- wfthftv twenty-four
.inllcs, If lherrisldeiicobolnatown(tllJ.iro,ijr city
npnn tno line nt a rauniau lenuinir t" iiiot-ouuiy
mat, Miall. bcroro tnn o'clock postmeridian or tho
d.iy ntter tho i leclloii, mid nil other Judueii rtiull,
itelnio .litelte o'clock nt' - ii t In 1 1 of tho boiond d.iy
after the election,-deliver aaUrcluni.1oirutlier villi
return shoot, to tho iiruthuiiotnry of the court of
eoniinort piciw ot Ihe Crttmtj , hli'h SAtd retui n nlet
shall bullli'il, nml Ihu LiyUid hqurof Ullinfiuaiked
llieri'im. mill shall bo preserved by the prollionotary
fcr publlo I nipeel Ion. .
Aho, that where n Judge. by slrkiinsa or umvolda
bin accident. I1! miAlilo tontteirl, th"ii thoeeitllle.ito
orictiirnsli.illbe taken uliaiee of by quo of Iho In
Mint torn ui'ilerk-i'iif'thii election of the illitrtcr, wim
shall do nnd perform, thc.nutlcs roiiulrud ut mid
JMge unublo to ntlend.
'ino rollotMnir' Aft uf' AemWyl 'roiulatlns tho
modo of volliu l)i' tho Commonwealth of l'cuiisyl
taul.i, Mat p.i-witMiii'ch l,!. T"'.s'nud rt1iH lilui:
Hictiov 1. lie It ennctedby thoWunlo and Houao
r-f llepiCMeiitiitlto of thu Commoiiivenlth ot l'eiiusjl
vanla In tieneral Aaaeinblr met, and it H hereby en
licled by tint authority if tlie-K.inmtlnit tlio qunlltlfd
voters u( tho net oral dlttrlelH In the set oral enmities
or tuUeominmiHenllb, nt at! Renernl, totttiMhlivbur
ontrli and t-pectil electlms, tue hereby InTenfter
aithorl'-.ed ntiil ruiiulre'i) to tuW bj'llckotit piluted or
tv ltten, or partly pilnled.aud partly written, sever
nlly cl.t-.MUed as full-jwsi line ticket hhnll embrace
tho namiK or nit .IndpiM Ot tlourlfi' vutetliror. and
labelled, outside, ".Ijiulclaryi',' one ticket Mini! em
brace till! riaMft'urnll tlio slrtto nttiCers Vutedtor,
mid tu lio labelled ";" viio loket,shall i-inbraeo
the naine-i of nil enmity ofllcers voted for, Incluillnir
the olllii! ur H- imt'J'. -and .Memiiers of Ai
wmblv, If voted, nn.l members ot Congress, If
voted lor, Mnd Iw labelled "Cimnttj" one ticket slmll
embranc.t ho lutuies of all lownshli otlleers voted for,
and be l.tiiellfd 'Townshlpy' ono ticket hIuIH t'm
iirncn the mimes ot all lioruuslioiliccrstoU'dlor, nnd
u(inieueu "iiorouiru.
u'tionj. That It shall bo the uutyor tnoMierin
la tile roverul counties of tho commonwealth to In
sert in their election proclamations, hci eatlcr issucu
tlio tint section of thbthct. '
Tliat everv'nersOn'csfCPtlhi' Jdsttccs of tho reace
and Altlcrmcn, Notaries Public ainl-I'ersjns In tlw
millti.l Kt-itics or mo state, who wmmoiu orniiau
within two months havo held nhy r"i"s or appoint
ment or prunt or trust under tho Vr"?d btuus.or ot
this btate,' and city or corporotedtiktricr, whether a
ciiiurnlsstonod onitor of otherwlBO, a-subordlnatu
omcer or ueent who is or snail li emplosed undtr
the U'5lliitiiii, l''MeutHo or.Judlct.try Dopartment
or tlil-tbtnt or nf dtiy city or of nny lneiiii'oriited
dlstnct, r.n.i nio, linn even- niemttor t.r t'onare"s
nnd ot tJin.rSt.ilH Leubilntuie. unit ot Ihu select or
oommon rutnicll of nnv city, or cuminl-sloiiei's of any
llieoi poruiiti tu--irit t, is uy law lucniuiuitt oi iioitun:,'
lU'oxtielslmrat Iho same time the nr uppoli.l
liient. ol .liidire. Insnectrr nnt'lfik of. nliy elei Hon of
'thM Ciimmiinweulth, und that no lii'-peitor. .Illume or
Ollll-ri.uii t r tu niiiu eit'Liiuilj.biiuii, uueiiiuiu tu uu
tlll'U toll-it fur.
Tlio UisiiecloM and Jiidgo of the elections shall
meet at the respetllvu phue.1 urmolriroil for UAltlliiS
tile election 1b thuilHtilet to Which they respect tt fly
beloiifr. iH'foro W'ten u'cloik In the inurnliiir, ntid
e.ub of ha lil liifiieclurs Mini! iippulut nnu del 1;, who
sh.dl boa iu:ill!led voter uf such district. '
lu rtiso the iiersofi tvlio shall rmlvu the second
hluhi'Stnuiubi-i-of vote.stiHtlu--pe;li.f slmll not ut
teinloii tho duy ot nn.v clictln, ilien the person who
.hull hate.iceeUeil llm petond lil'.'bet. litiraber of
votes for .Initio nt tltu noxf. preceilliif;. election shall
in t ns luspei tor lu his place. And In tuso Jho pi rson
ho shall hine reielted the highest iitimliu'of totes
tor InspecUir shnll nut. utlenil, tint person electe.1
Juilco shall nnpiitnl un lnsptitur lu his plnoo and In
ense,tliii tr-iOn elei'ted.ludjrn shall not attend, then
thn liisiucior who recoiled tin' liljhest nutnl n r ur
votes shall uppulnt a Jndo lu his place -or If nnv
YucaneystinUeonllnuii In tint Itrtitnl rcr llio space ul
ono houi'tirter tho time llxeil by luw rur thu opeidnir
ot tho clecllnn, tl o ipi.illll.'d rutei-s of tho township,
ward, or district lor which sueh ofllteis shall hate
bten dieted, present nt suih eluttluu sbull elicl nno
of I heir number to till such vacancy.
II shall bo tho duly ot the scM-rnl ns'i'ssiim re
siwcllti lv to ulleiid nt thn i luce nf lioMlii'' every
i;cneil.d, spts' ur liinnshlii eleetloiu duibiif tho-
wiioio ume such i-ii-iipii n.kcpt.i'pi n, rur uu; pur
uikii uf pltln tiironnntlon, to the Inspetlnls It.'ul
Juilues, wlit'ii called lib In m utlon fothi'i Wil nf'iiny
per-ion nssesed by tliem to tuio'iib elu:Uou,
und on such other niutU'rs lu lel.itluu to the iu-.-i-ss-niuut
us the liis;ieiliii-s' ir cither of t hem' shall
rr iu lliiio In Itnif! require.
No jiei-suii slutll lm i-eimllted lototn nt any elec
tion us urtiri.tld utlu-r th.iu a male clllen, if the
Hire nf tweniy-niui tears nr more, who k-is been it
iltlcu uf thu t'nlleil states al 1. -list one month, una
who shall have resided Inll.e stain ut least ono jeur
nud In the eh ellou .district where ho nlleis to vote
Iw-ii inonths bnliietllalelv lii'eivdlue silt-ii cUctluli.
aiub If tweiityttwn euiH of iigo or iipwaiilM. have.
tt limn two jours p.uii u Man. ureouuiy tux which
shall have been usnossoiI at lCT-t ttvn mnntlis und
p ihl at least one mouth bifuio Ihe election. Hutu
eltl.en of tho t'lilled Mules who bus Pivvlouslv been
a qiiulllled voter uf this Mute und reiurned and who
sunn nave uti'ii in uu; uiciiiuii uiMiiei. unu
tixes, us iifnrcsahl, shall bo i ullllcd In vnli. lifter
n-sldlm; lu this Mute Ut inuiilhs, l-ioMiied, that
iltleus ot thu t'litii-d stales, b.ti.ei-n Iho Ln cf
ttventj-oe.o and twenty-two who have resided lu tho
eletllun dUtrict twn iiionlhs, us uluiesaU, sliairbe
entitled to vote nlthoiu;li thry shall not h.'ttu ald
No net-son shall bo nerinltted to tote whoso mime
It not cuiilaliii'il In ihu list ot tas-uble Inhnt Hunts
fiirnlshed b.y Ihe cetninlssloners, unless, 1 list, ho
pinduces a icetlpt fur tho un lit within two jenis
nl iisiaienr euiiiiiv ta iism-ssisi h-i is-uiii.v in Ul'J
Constitution und ultesutlsiacturv etlilenco cither on
nit oulli ur anirniatlun orlhouath ur iilllrmiilloii of
oilier, thu t ho hnunialil Micit it tut, or. on lulluiol.i
prtdueua leielpt shall luako until to the putuuiit
thereof. Second, If1 hi. claim tho ilirht to into by bo
tier .'tn elector bitwecn the niro nf tw't'iiti-unu nnd
twi'it tv-t w u eo i s, ho shall (li aise nu o,u h ur iililriua
tlon that le. bus resided In this Mnto ut least imu
telir ne.t before Ids npplli'iitloii, und i.ial.e such
prOof tor nsldi nee In the dlslilct nri Is required by
ihlsiucf. and that ho dues teill.t believe front thy nc
eiuiiit trlti n htm, that lie Is nf i.yi! nroiesunl, and
such otlier et Idem-it as Isiequlieilliy this act; tthere
uin ti ttiontiuonr tho person thus iidmltlcil to tutu
shall be lii-n ted In Ihu uliihnbelleiil Il-t by tho In-spcc-iuiM.
unit ti iroto mado upiuisltu Ihei-i tu by will
In? tho word "biv' It ho si. i.U Im liduillleil lotuto
by-reason ur liming pild tuv : nr fjm wurd "uko" by
ho shall !' itilmtlted to vote by reason ur suc-n ujro
which shall be eullttl nut lo tno clerks, whu shall
malio Iho llko notes on the list or voters kept by
In all cast k w hem the hauteur the istsoii claliiilns
to Vote (s wit toiind on thu list r'n-tl-lied by tho nun.
lulssloneis and ns-sessur,Or his lik'ht lo vote, whellier
fu'jnd tht'usMi nr not. Is nliji-eli'd lirliyjiiiv qu.iillied
1 1'lion, lUshall lie Iho llu Inspiciurs tuex
inilliii suc-h JH-I'sun un until us lo tils qu.iMMcutlims,
ami If bo claims to hao reMd"ll v.lthln tlie stale for
oneycir nr-moio bis oath shall U' sufllcleitt pioor
Uiuvi.t. but lm shall iniil.oprnur by at least nno cauii-
pi-leuv ltllliess, iviiosuiui ue it iiuauuiti fieciur, mat
he hiis'n sldeil'ln II. l! tllstltet two melitht next llll-
u.CdUiK'lv prtn-edtu.' such elei II. m, and Miall- ulsu
blriisolf swear Hint iiUbuna In puru-
Ulu 0 HI HIS iawilil.eaiiiii;. is in sum iusikl-i, unu mm
hodld nut ri-inovo Into tatU (!ltrlct ror tub purpose
ot voting tlioi-eln.
Kvl'ry person qunlll'.cd is aforesaid, nn.l w ho shull
niako 1 1 un proof, If required, of Iho lenldeino an. I
p:i) incut u( lav s us, shall bo udililtled to
vulitlii Hie tuwiishlp, w aid ur district In which ho
shall refclde.
It nnviKTROn shall I'revcnt ornfteni.t tu prevent
airy onicurur any Mi 1 1 Ion under thLs act trout buld
lii(r such ehctlun, nr usu nr threaten any tiuiemo tu
UII.V SHSII uiiici-i , ui nun it iiitt-i I ii el. ui un in ujK-Iiy ill-
U'tfuid with him In iho execution or his duty, or
shall bluch up thu w ludotv ur ut euuu to any w ludow
where tho samo may bo holdlmr. or bhull riotously
disturb the pelieo ut such election, or shall liny
IllllllliUUllll llllt-iii.s, luivy ur ,t lyieilUL', ttllll lieslll
tu Inllucncu unduly ur oterutru any eleemr, t.r In
protein bim irom vutine, or to lesiiuiu tno freedom
In choice, such person, on cumlctlon, shall bo lined
or any sum not exceeding- livo hundi ed tlollai-s, and
litilirlsoned lor any tline, pot less than thrto nor
moro 1111)11 ivrt-itu 1IIUIII1IS, Ullll 11 IL hllUll 1.0 bilUWll
t.. I li.iirt luln.n t ti., 1 1 h. I of suet. t.lTi..... kl...ll l.n I .... I
that tho in-rsun so olleiidliisr was not it resident of
uiu city, wurti,tu-jiricior iiiwiismpwueio llioolicncu
was coininltli,'!!, pud not entitled to voto therein,
then on com Ictlon ho shall lie sentenced lb pay u flnu
or not ir&s man ono iiiiiuueu nor iniao than onu,
uiousanit uoiittrK, unu uo iniprisoneu not loss mail
MX inoiitus uor iitoru man two jtars.
if nnv tiersnn. not bv law frnmlii.
lelil lv tutu at iinr ulectluit or this Coidtnuhtt oaltii.
or bellur olhiiwCso quulillcd shall votu nut of. l.Ls
iii-oner district, or It any person knotrlni? tho wnnr.
Jill iinuiii.. ttuuii, ouflti uut ut liluciuo bui 11 pCT-
HUl! IU tllU', UIU (ICISUIl Ullf-lltlUl bllllll UU CUllVlCllOn
t,i mien in uuy bum not. oxiccuniK-iivu nutiuTcil ilol
tors, linpclouiied lu any tetiii not exceet'lni;
tlu-t-o mini I lis. ,
r any tno shall votu at moru than one ilc-otlon
district, or othirwlsu riniidultiiily voto moro Ihnii
gin d ch IliJ s.iuio day, ( r skull liuaduleiitly rul.l (nlil
dilllver lo tho lusMutor twq tickets luuittier .with
thu Intent lllfjrally to vote, or who shall proem u
another to Uo uu, by ur they onHtdlnir Muill, nu eon
vlt'tlon, bo lined In nny sum not less than titty nor
lnbrolldili Itto hundred dollars, und bo luipi laoncil
nituiths. '
tui a tviiii uu, itas m.iu iullu tiui inuit 111:111 ttti .i
if any ierson not iiuaill'.ed to vote In this Common
wealth Ukitt'dbly Uilaw (excent tho sonsur nuaiim il
II lcn-i,) shall i.ppeux l uuy plneo urileelltiuror llio
liuipuso ui iiiiiui ut-iiii; tno iiiui ns quuiiueil lo tote,
ui shall un t-uuMbtluh rdrfclt uiid'iiuv a slim nut mi
ctfdlii),' ono bundled dolluin lor ettry such orfuncu
unu nu iipusuueu tui u tcriy jiui, CAcecciuiir .tfirco
months. .
1 also k'lvu oitlclal notlco U Uio clettorsnr Coium-
t. Ik n. milv thnl liv nt, nt't -i.t.ntln.i it t ,. .... ,...,.-
supplemental lotliu act n-latlto to tint tlcctions ol
thji cuiomuiwcultri;" apprvvod Apill Ith, A, Ii. 1M9,
lllspiovldedasrollutvai . '
bicriosn-rtertliu iiAit-sttnoi.ts have been pom.
til.-tnl on the Hyty.tlrtt liny Urmti tlin Tuebday next
lolluw' tho lut Monday of Vnm ,ti.i.i- it .,ra!
jeor, tko asbesior slmll, on the fulloulnir day, ituku
uniMiii.uMiv tvuut; cuuiuniuut-niaii mu liutnu
or allDt'tbCillSUStt-teflt liv hlin fclnrn tl.A ,
(lulrtii to bo made by btui by tho ilitt nectluii or this
net, notlijtf upposlUi earo nmnu the observations and
tuplaiittllunsivqulredtobeiiottd ns aforesaid! and
Uio county couiuilsmoiitra shall Iheiruiion cause tha
tame to benddcd to tl.u mum i.,,itr,Ji t. ..... JH s
iccllou of tldj att. and & fall and cermet copy there.
f to lo mado rontmiilng the iiuinra or ell perbciis so
I'ltctn ii bli)U, to tho criiurai'! the iltka lu tuclt
l In lion dktrltt en ur wir ,. i.Vi'
iiiorulnKer tlio Hjctloai nnu no laou than btiptr.
tallied to votu lit tha tleciioa cu mi tla.r wbti6
bilme tsiiot inkald Ust.unkis ho ibblltatWwocS
lit lis right to votoas lifiiiculter rfiiutitd.
tiunon III. tin tho duy tf diction any pmon
tvlioto ptnieilioll not uppeor MithB'rcl;tslry of
;cter. aiid whociuim, the? right to voto at ialiSiWI
Hon, ttiall produce at bust olo qualified voter ol th
iiuuicl ui it witucu to tho ickldwico ct lbs 4luiant
in tho district In which ho clnlmn to be n vctcror
ii, o ,,. M. ,i i.r nt leitst. ttvrl iftirntiiSi iinimillnli Iv pre
teitHiKtialdelrcttiiiifWlili.'lit)ll;irH9 shall bttiytoiiuir
niormeil onu siii'seiiue u ttinteit im i-iinij "
and partly printed aflldAMt. to tho fact stnti'dby
lilui, which iilll'lavll Miall ilcllho cleiirly v.)ttrc tlio
residence Is-nt the liernon wlflnliiilntf to If" ft tt.lcr I
nliilllieii'Wn Bi.ilnindiiu the light lot oil Hiollnlso
lrtklaiiilsuliscrliKi n' V rill in or pintlj- Ml ltten anil
nuttv prlfdol sunn, tu the test ut bin
ki.nwlubrc iiiidliell. r, when whire ho wits born !
Ihht he hits bcHi a clVln'n tf 1 lie I lilted Mntrt'tor
one ii.ftnlti, ami ot me eoininunweiillh or. fenpsyl tliat be Ims luslilidlii Ihe ooiniii'nwiiillhono
war, or, ir lormeily it iiuallncd I'lectur or a natlto
hum ellli ii tliereul, itiiithiisiiiuiivj il out nml
nt'inied, Ihiil In. bus ivslded llienln six luuuthH
next pieicillnif siddele -ti ll! Unit lui has tended III
tht'illililil In wltleh huihibiis tills- nwittr lor Iho
IK' ant Icisi twiilniiiitUslmiiiedlntilv KintOlnir
t-lil-l rli 1 1 ton ; Hint Uo bus nut iftoted fnfe Iho
idlstrlct lor tho puipbsit'ot'tMnnr theielni that ho
lias. If tvfpnty-tivii )enrs tt nnu or uptirtdr, paid it.
Male or county tax wlihln twutiars, width won iis
sessodnt lenM tno moi.lhn nhll pntd nt Wast tno
r.lliiitli In fnie tho election, ino anld amtluMt (hull
also stotcwiiHi'iml,llitt Jnx.ei.luu d.(o, la
ptild by tlio ailliint was assessed,, nnd when end
(Micro and lo Whom paid; anil thV tnl mcelpt theicv
for shall be prufltieed for t'Mimlitntlori, uiilcwt tlio
iiltliint shall slalo lu his tinidntlt that It has becit
lust or df slrnjed, or that he net er net It id any t and
It n ii.iturnlljed ell Ircn. shall nlscitato wien, win re
und by what court lie was luiltiriillml, ami shnll nlio
n-i-i niiirri bis teitlllciitant iiiiliirall7ntlon HrooinUiii-.
Men. Hut It tho nerson so chilinlm; tho lleht lo toto
shnll tnko nnd siiliscrlltti nn unidaMt that m) Is-a na-
tlte bniii riiizen or tno eniicu iaies. ri, it turn
elsewlieie, "hull statu tho Mot In his nllldiiMt, and
mum pi iiuui e et iiii-in u ihiil uu mis m-tn iiiiiuiiiiit.-it
firlhiitliolSBiitltled to.cltlzenslilp by reason or his
lather's ruttiirullralldn. and sblill turlhfr stalo In his
nllldiiMt, that lie Is, nt Iho tlmo of lnaktnif Ihu nllliia
Ait, of the ago of twentj-uiioimd under Iwtlitl-l till
)t'iir that ho bus bei n a citizen ut tho Lulled
Hated ono month, and lam resided In thu Mailt ono
yt'or; or. It a nuilto born clllzcn or the Hum und
leinovedlht'tftrnirfiind returned, Hint ho hon.ictldL'it
thi'iTliislK months next pieeedliiirsidii electron, add
lu tho t lection illsttltt Immcdrately ttvn months pro
cedlna such t-ltclloo, ho Milill bo tnllllctl lo fote,
nltliouith bo shall not havo pitld laxes. The siil.l
allldiitits of all i-erwiiiH niiiklutf audi clnlius, and tho
utllduMIs ut tho witnesses lo Ibelr leslilclil'f si. HI bo
pieservedby tho election board, nml nt tho tlosoot
the election tbty slutll bi! rnclreil vrllli tho,llst ot
voters, tally list unit tit Her pnis lequlied by law tu
lies-tiled by the lclurn jiulto with tlitt prtrtlinnoturj't
and Hhnll rcmatit on luo ili'icltli n tho prolhono
tarj's oillce, subject lo cxninliiiitton'itsi othtr elect Ion
papers are. It the election ofr.t'ei-H shull Unit that
the applicant posH'SMHitll the litrnl iiunlllli'iitluns of
Yi Vuttr lit. shall bu pcrmilttd totote,ai,d hlslinmu
blintl bundded.tothi. lMtit tnxnUis by theeltetlun
ollleers, tho Mord "lax," ItIiib milled w licit! tho
.claimant claims lo veto uu tax, und tho word "age,"
where he claims- to voto mi nae; the sumo wolds
helnp; inldeil by thu clerks In eiich case, rc. t'CtlVCly,
mi Iho lists or persons voting- nt such election.
section it. Il shall bolawiul Ivr any qiuiiincd cllt
7( ll 1 1 thu dlslilct, iiotwltlistaiidlno; llio nnine ut llio
iirupiistsl tntcr Is cvuiliilned on thu ILst of resident
tiixiibtes, tp challenge tho vnto nr such person,
wherc'tipoirtht' same pronr'or tlio tight er siinrugo
as U now leqiilteil bylaw shall bo publlclv liiuile unit
nl'led on tiy Iho t-l.-clloil boanl.nlid Iho vMondtnlllc-d
pr icjecltil, iiecordlnK to the etlilcnte. btriy pel son
elalmllu,' to bo a iuiliiriilleddlll7en shall I u n qulled
tiipiudtieo his utit uritllznt Ion istrlltleiilo at Ihe elec
tion bifoie tutlitf,', except wheio bo bus been for tltu
jciir.sddisediilU'fy it -voter In the (Harriet in which
lioutli'i-H Ills. Sulci aud on Ihu Into of such person
belli),' ii shall be thi duty (,t tho licet ion
officers t'-wrlttt or slump, on tuch, ceititlcatu tho
wont "teled," with tho ila, inuutti and teur; und If
nny election oniccrornniccrs shull leceite a second
utaontl.o bamodny, by vlttito cf tho tonu-urliu-eate.
excent Ine: wheiesuns ore entitled to
cnuso ot llio iiutiiriill.allen onhclr tathtrs.tliey nnd
ino pcisou wnu spun oner siii-u scconu tute, sunn oo
guilty ot itinlsitenii'aric-r.'nnd bli eoiiMctton thrreot
biiau uu ituutc or impi-isuiieu. ur uuiu, at uiu uiscre
tlonul thocouit; but tho nno shall not cxieed llvo
hundred dollars In' eucll esse, i, or th? lnipiiHuiimc-nt
ono j car. llio llko punishment shall l,e lufllctecl, on
Coii ictlon, on tho dlr.cers ot erection "who shnll neg
lect or n-tuso to make, or cause to bo made, tho en
dorsement required as aforesaid on said naturaliza
tion certificate.
Bectio!( 1?. If any election cmcer Miall refuse or
neglect to lequtru such piuor or thu light ot sum-ago
as It prescribed by this law, or tho laws to which Uiib
Is a supplement, frpm any iwrson ottering to voto
whoso name Is not on tho list or tisscbsed voters, or
whoso right to voto Is challenged by any quaimcd
voter pit-sent, and shall admit such persuh to voto
without requiring such proor, etery person so orfend
Inn shall, upon cuntliitoii, bo.gullty uf u misde
meanor, and shall by sentenced, tor etery buch of
tence. li'p.iyailne;not excicillng-IItu hundred dol
lars, or to unovigu un Imprisonment not moro than
ono tar, or both, nl the tllsirciont.I the couit.
hLCTios 7. The rcsputlto ussossoi-s,lnspectoi8Uiid
judges ot the elections shall each hate the power to
udiuliilsicr onibs tu nny ! rson chiliiiliig tlut right to
bo assessed or tho light ut Suirtngo, or Hi regard to
any utlur mutter ur thing requlied to bo donu or In
quired lulu bv any of said oillecis under this net;
und uny wilful falso sweuiing by any person Hi rela
tion lo nny matter or thing cohceridinf which thoy
thall bo law fully lnlen usaled by any of said cfllters
or otei seem sJiull bo puulbhcd us perjury.
McnoNis. Tho usscbsurs shall each receiib tho
samo coiilitcntialloii lor tlio time neccsbarily speiit In
iiciieimlug tho duties heieby enjoined, us Is provided
by law to makingsid nntHms, lu be paid bv
tlio county eoiniiilssloueis as u uther cases, u ml ft
snail nut bo hiwlul tor any usscssor'tO assess a tax
ngalnstnnyiieraonwiiiiteter within stxty-ouu iluvs
next pi-ecullng Iho niinuiil eleclloii in Nouinbcr:
uuy Motat lull or this prottslon shall bo n misdemean
or, und htibjict Ihu ulilccr su unending to a Hue, on
con IcIImIi, not exceeding ono huiidied dollars, ur tu
lmiulsuiilia ntiiot exceeding Ihleo Inoiitlis, or belli,
al Un' ill'.cli Ik-li nf thueuilil.
MFC110N4, on thu pellliim uf live or moro citizens
or any .election dl.-tiict, uttlnj,' forth that tho pa
piiliilihoiif nf nvei-seers (sa rcnsniiftblo precaution lo
si emu tlw puilty.und faliness nt tho election lu said
distill t, li.slnillbu Ihe duly Uf tho court of common
picas nf tho proper county, ull tho law Judges ot tho
b-ulilcniiit able tui.itl at tho tlmo luncuniiig, lu up
pulnt iwo Judicious, sober and lntelllgeiil!i Hli nsot
lliesnld illslilct belonging to dljlerciit kj1IIIcu1 pur
11., uveisnraor cleilion In supertlsu tho' procied
lug nt rleptlmi olilcera Uu i t or, und to muko lepurt
nr lliesiiiiioasihey may be required by such court.
Said nvciM''-ls shnll bo persi-iis quulillcd lo tcrto
iqicn nlitlleii boards nml shall bate Ihu light to bo
piesent wlih tho utile cr ot Mich election dining tho
whole Hint! tho mine' It held, Ihe totes cuunlcu, unit
the i t tui Us liiado out nml signed by tlio election tilll
ccrs; tn keep a list of vulers, If they stuproper; to
challenge1 any peison ollciliig to tote, mid Interro
giilc hliu his witnesses under nam, in rcgnid to
hit light nf auilnigitiiltsiitdeleciliiii.uiid toexamlno
dill p,ipeis pinuutid; ami the ollleers nf sutd dic
tion mo lequiieii touitoriiiii select
ed ami appointed etery coiitcnleiicu nml facllliyfor
the illscluiigi. of Ihtlr duties! und Ir said election
olliceiHsqall leluto to permit Mid oteiseers to bo
pitsent, ami pufeim their duties us arm esilld. such
ulili i I'uri.n.cerssladl be guilty tt a mlsdcmiiuiur,
mill oil contlttlon theicof shall bo lined not eM-ied-liiji-no
ihoi.sniiii dollars, or Impilsoiiiueul not e.
ciedlng one, i r Loth, In tl.u libcrelleii of tho
culiit; urlfAJie uti iseeisshall bu ililten away rrom
the pulls by Mull licit ur Hillinlilatlon, all llio lutes
iiillt'd In suih elt'cllun dlsiilct may uu icjsiteu by
IhC piuptr tilbuiuil irjliigacuiitest iiiulc r said elec
tion, or a pan or jioitloti ut such votes nfoi eutld may
Ijo cutintetl, us buch lilbuiiul muy deein ncecstury to
iijustniid inupcr disposition or lhu(.ise.
SJcctuis in. Any usse.sbur, election ultucrorpcison
appointed us an oteisicr.whoi liallneglict or n tuso
In peitoi'iu liny duty injolned by this act, ulll.out
reasunablo ur legal euitbe, shall bu Mibjcit luapcn
,tltj or niio himilied dollaraj und II any iiscssor
shall know Ingly assess nny pcrbou as a uior who Is
net qu.illlli-d. or shall wlilully leflise to usess nny
one who Is qualified, ho shall bo guilty or a hiLsdc
lueaiu.t lu otilce, mui uu eont ictlon bo punlshi d by a
lino not exeet ding one thtusnnd dollars, ur Hni.ils
uiunent nut exceodlug twueas, er both, hi thu dls
cicllou ot thu court, lilui also be suttject to an action
fur damages by tho bai ty nggrlet ed i und If any per
son shall lraiiilulenlly alter, add to, defiico or destroy
any list or tutors matlouiit as directed bv this act,
jr;lcar iiuwu or remote tho samo Horn "tUo place
when. It bus been lived, it llh fraudulent or inlsci.lcv
oiis Intent, or tor nny lliilirijjK-i- ui-iose, the KTbon
so uileiitllug shall bu entity or u Misdemeanor, nnd
oil ceil vtel km shall be punished by it tlno not exceeds
Hit; lit c biinilli d duhnis, ur luipi lsuiimeut not exccciN
lnjr twuiiuis, nr bnth, nt the dlscietlbiiur Iho couit:
and If nny i.eisuii shall, by Molencoorlulliiilihitlon.
ihlte, ui'iiltempt tudilvi! Uuiu iho polls, nny person r.suns uppoliiled liy tho com t to net ns oft i-scera
ut an eloetljii, ur in uny way wilfully pievtnt buhl
iivi'ibocisfi-uai peiioi-mlng iho rtuites eiijeilni-n upon
liii-ia bv this int. such nci-sun shall I..- u-ntnv . t ..
insiieiiieuiii.i-, niul upon iciiitlctton theie-uf snail lm
nuiiuiieu ut .u.uui, nui excteuingono thousand dul
lalb, or liv liiiiilsoiimentiiote.tuedliig two iiuiH.or
bulb, at tho dlscicllun ur tint couit: Any I ei sun who
shall, on thn day or any election, M-t u polling i hico
in any nlci-Uun dlsliliuit wnli h he Is not t nlllleil to
vole, ami shall use any liillmhlntlun ur tlnleinu for
tlui puiposO'ur liiete-iiiinj,' uny uiiiccr nriltc-lluu
iioiii peifuiiuliiir ihu duties letiuhcd or hlinlii law.
unrui-llie purpusnur nicteiilliu; uuj quulllitil vuter
nf such ills iict c.u-iclslng bis light tu vole, ur frum
i"6 i-tlsliig Ids right to ch:illi-ngo uny poison nlleilng
to' tele, such pi mm shall lio ilet-inedgulltv or a nils,
demeanor, and npuu (eiivle Hun Ihcuur bhullbet pun-l.-hed
b ii lli.o put exi e, ding uno thousand dolhu-s.
uiibv liiiPilsniiiueiiti,yte.i-iedliiL'twucars,oi belli
nt tho. discretion ot tho court. Any clerk, otc-iscc-r
urelectloii ulllcer, whushall (llsclubuhiiwaiivi'liriiir
sluiIHiutu. tultd, tiiiU'bS i-eqiilHil to do so is u wit.
birth. Iitlhu illsciellon ur lli.-innn
In ubedlenco tu thu requlii-mcnt or tho'tlotcrnor
of1 tho coiiinioimc.nth ot PeiinsjlvuiiU, j iitieby
lmblksh tlio 1'ifteciith Ainenilineiil or the Constltii.
lion or tno imited Males, tlio Act or Congress en
thereto i' h bJmc ""a lllu Ait.ol Assembly rulallvo
Tho riftccnlh Amendment or tlio' tJohstltiltlon of '
tliol'ultedMiiteslsttslollows!. uu3"tuon or
I'.snciios I. Tho light or citizens or tho Itnltcd
h'tuioslo voto sbull not bo denied i.r abridged bv tha
1'r.ited htme-B -ur by uny Mtito, on utcount or rato!
culor, or previous cohdltMn or bervltuae." ' '
i'.te'i iiiN k. Uho cungiostt shall liuvo lower lo cn.
rorco tlili urtlcla py apiiroiulato legislation
An'ACl to ciiforco the right ot clilztns or tho t.nlt
ci Mules to TOto In, tho beverul .States or this Un on
iiiid tor other purposes: ' ' ' ' '.w"'v'"
,('!i-CTroN I. Jin it liNACTua liv Tim KentTE .iin
II IIS K 111- lltl'lll-SKNTiTlVCH Ol'TIlK I'Kivm k-,;."
.AiitiiiCAINCosoiassAsstiisUp, Hifctaircltltt-Mtr
"("..'.."'.'V" 'atts who ure, or shall bu oihcrwlsn
muiiuei uyiaw io toioat any elect on by Uiu i nie.
nuiryMaio.-ixirr pry.uibiiict.ciiunty.tity. "aXv
tiivnshlp. school dlslilel, niunlhpalllyVoViTt,Vr tir
lltorlaui h-dltlsloit sludl becutltletf S ml aiiuvtcd to
iu oat llllbllllt-lccllU4i.wnil0llt,dlSllllCtlnu,,yf1Vi,
rqlor, or notions condition ol lenltudo imy con- '
Miiutlon kiwi ustum, Ubiigu,nr legulnl nn kianv
HKCIIOH'. AN0! II'! .. .V..'?.rt
pii-ruimahio or diittts In ruinlshlng lo cllizfusoi,
oiixliiiiidiytii pciruiiu Still, picitqulsli.., ul ft b. i
bya",'"1!,!!"1'11 lo vjltvll bhal l,o tto duty or i
I Idled Mull-, ihl) haiuo unit iiual pppmiunliv lu.,
I h ronn tuch prei equl,llit, und lu'ucoino uu l ued to
tint iMlhoui liibilnuioii or rate, color, or pretiaiis i
ciiidllloi, or senltuilv! nnd It any sucl i lirsni, ,,S
omier bhilllVcfuso or knowinglynmit u! i'i tl. ran
e.-f-" i-v... ..,.. luiatu lumi ciiii!. nf ti.'..
ll-J U
blr ouuusaI revvus Iho court Umu uteiii lukL uiui.
hoall also, ror every such oitoucu bTdeemeVgulit? or
a iiilutcnu-anor. and Miall n douvlclion thtTrSr ba
lined not les thau uvu hundrod dolUrVor b lm
pilsoncit noi imu tt.auono luontliTaud not monT liSl
opu Jiui;, pr both, ut thu dtsiietlJii or tlucourt."
AfuitherBupph mcntto tho act relulluir to Ti ivl
Uoua In tui CoAim6nwcalth i "-""'"k i iiep.
Commonwealth, bo and the tamels bert
una turn lit-rcolti-r thtt Ml m-t ine wiihuui uif
lien u color sbal bo t-iiroliiit iSSvJli'Ji'iSr.
log to-tho in ovlslon of -the rim hVlltilf ui i u!i nVir I.
JilSvcd lbb IHU .diiylr Ai.111, J. tSmtlcti SaS1a
!y,iAM?.W;?n.t, to Urn net nlalliigtoiiiol
e ui mi iwnruoawia tn," and when ntbotrisit
bollBrd utidt-reitutiuir latvibo "nutltd tavctAM
I'd SIlttlM, C1IA9. H I-numvAT it v",v
.... ttuiii -unu,-, , sunn uu guiny or a mls-
tlumeiiuoi-, and iipUn etunlelloir Uieieor Miitll bo pun.
Isttid by a tliio.not ev.edliur..i,po Hiousiuui cluijani.
oii tv fiiiiii'lsniimeiit not i.ii.i.i.itii,.T t,i.T .'..;" '.rl
, v..u jiuia, ur
PM-I IUH 1. JtHl) nu IV I'llTlltll EWACTFP, That If by
Oij under Iho nuthurlty or thu Cunstllutlon or lvUi$
n4y wate,'or tht!l'.itrsor fliiyMVriliiry.'uro,
fll d be requlmi; tu be iliiht-ns upriri.ipjlslto tiuuall
Hienllon for voting, n!,d Ly sticli buntt tuii)a,Ti"?;'
iirbeus or mDittisi wim
"htciiOM'H. 'I hut to uiut-li it eitry act or jtmu.m
.ly as proMdcs Umicitly wldto rretiacii s hill bS fit!
tilled lo-votltpr bo rcituttircdas vwire irasclilial
Ilv lo vnln nt nnv ii.ii..r..l iTt . ..t.VI ctiliia