THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. Ill, 00 MSnUIKI. Pill DAT, OCT. 27, lf-M I'.nll It oud Time Tnlilc LACKAWANNA 4 ilLOOMSIIUllfl ItAtb HOAll Accommodation Train Mall Train Itipress Train NOIITII. ROETlt. C.45A.M. 7.88 A.M. 1M A. M 4.M 1'. M 1.41 l'.M. II.MA. M l.U 1 '. V, CATAWISSA li.Mt. ItOM). N0HTH. sori-it Accommodation Train 0.!s A.M. T.DT 1'. M. lieirutur Kxpress 4.(0 !'. M. 11.3.1 A. M. Tlironfrh curs on Kxpruss train either to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Oatnwtsaii nml WIHUlnsport. Two Itinerant arc tramping about llio coiin- A number of younir latllc nnel gentlemen try tinder pretense of followliur a limine-fl" of met nt llie liou-o of Klllali Sliiitt. on Momlay which tlicy nro known la lie entirely ignorant. cveiiliiR last, ami orgatila-el n Democratic dice They entered n Iioiko In Hiinliiirv a few day ago, and in suite nf tlie I'nla-lnllons of llio nils-Ife-ss wlw was alopc, iiroeei-ilcsl to work on n valuable clotk on llin pica that It neciled re pair and utterly ruined it. Wo ndvlie tho ru.lillc to keep an eye on tlicfu two worthies ami have nothing lo do with them. Mr, (leorge A. Clark Mien Wall Vapcr at greatly reduced prices In cult llin times. The paper formerly sold at !I0 cents can How bo had for IS, tho 2-5 cent for lfi cent", tho i!U cent for 12 cent', and the 12 cent for 0 rent. Do not fall to examine Ids slock and purcluso while the prices are low, Notwithstanding that llio prices of Wall Paper have advanced 15 per cent the above reduced rales will bo continued iinlll December lsi. Club. The following are tho mines of tho mem bersl MlraSliutt, Annie Ilasiert, l.lttlo Hssserl, Matllo lln-wcrl, Hulie Krcssler, Mary Slitilt, Kettle Cox, Maggie Crowty, Mary Crow ly, .lentiio OrtH, llelllo 1 lower ami ixira 1 lower l Messrs. B, W. Blmlt, A. I'ry, llcorgo Kresaler, Henry Christie, l'lirinsti Kressler, Michael Hums nnd Charles llasscrt. Tim Club will ring lit tho Domocralio lo meeting in tbu Opera lItiuo lo morrow (rluf nrday) evening, Much prnl-o is duo tho mem bers of the Chili for tho Intercut they bavo ta ken In llio matter and wo nre auro that their ii-usic ciTort will bo succcsiftil. Scott whose life was Insured for tho very sum mentioned and in the same Company. Didn't you clip tli u wrong local, neighbor, forget to credit it too? Dr. Hrowcr the "Orevnluck" cahdidato lor Legislature, in Montour county, lias with drawn. Counterfeit twenty-five cent pieces so well ex ecuted that they can only bo delected by the sotluel, nrc circulating largely. If you liavo Sick Heailaclio tako a doso of Dr. Hull's Vegetable Pill's; wo know you will find relief. The price of Prof, J. W. Ferrec's new book on the b'alls of Niagara is $1.00. Kent by mall on tho receiptof price. Address Prof. J. W. l'crrec, llloomsburg, Columbia Co. P.i. Mr. Will S. Mover, of Mover llros., is doing tlio Centennial this wnk and will, while in llio city, purchase a fine lot of Drugs Ac. Custo mers will do well to call nfter bis iclnrii. We have received a communication tigncd "a Republican," which lias gone Into tlio waste paper basket, where all bucIi go that do not bavo the writer's signature. Hon. Uobort P. Allen of Wllliamspo't and T O Parker. Esq.. will deliver addresses As that class of birds styled "insectivorous" at tho Opera House to morrow (Saturday) oven- a ot generally known to gunners, wo give inc and at llcnton In llicnfternroon at2o'clock. the following lit from the revised edition of the game law, for the especial benefit of "pot-nun- A lainn cbimney may be made almost inde- tern :" Nighlhawk, blue bird, cat bird, cedar slriietlblc bv nuttinc it in a vessel of cold water bird, tanagcr, red or cardinal bird, rolun.oriole, over the fire, and letting It remain until tbu Hider, wood-pecker, sparrow, whip-poor-will, ltOI.b OK HONOR. FIKTII RTRKKT OBlI)F.n PCIIOOI- Tho following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy during' the month closing Oct. 20. 1870. Uoom A'o 1. Lulu Potter, Kllcn IWaghan, Hon, Ocorgo Scott, our late Asociate Judge, had his life ltiureil in llin Charier Oak Life I ri . r.. en riAft ...1.I..I. ............ ...... lllMirillll'U U,, HH WW.wvv hhivii uimini'i ni;,itu ... , . ... . 1 ,, l... pleased to hear has been paid lo his heirs. Mettle Humphrey, Mary Hr.iilersl.olt, (Irace r i.-.f I... ft .. O..I.I.:,,. t 'l,-!.... .liiniw.llervev Itemarkablo coincidence 1 Columbia county Vaiulcrsllco, Clark Hageiibucli, blierinan lea had an associate judge b the name of Ocorgo cock. Wo have received a communication from llio Secretary of tho Tilden nnd Hendricks Club of lierwiel;, which wo have not space to publish In full. The letter speaks In glowing terms of the speech of O. W. Van l-'osscn lq. of Dan ville, delivered In Odd Fellows' Hall in ller wiek on tlio 23d inst. The Hall was well filled although the weather was unfavorable, and the audience was delighted with Mr. Van l-'ossen's oratorv. We expect to hear a good report from Uerwick on November Till. i.'rwm Xo. 2. Annie Cooper, Jennie Harman Willie l'Vnstermiicher. JloomXo. a. Mary Arntz.Lena lleaghan,Geo. lleaghan. lloom jVo. 4. Theressa lleaghan, Kddie Itcis wick, l"-ry Arnlz, Ilruco Jones. Uio. 15. Wilbur, rrincipai. Kc'i.r.crio rAOA7.iNi:. Tlio cmbollisli mcnt of tho November number of tho 1'cliC' tie Is n fino portrnlt of tho I'.arl of Derby, wnoso posiunii ns uccretnry inr J'orelgii Al tai rs In Mr. Disruell'a citlilnct. nnd couo- nuent connection with thu great strtigirle now going on In rioulh-r-astrrn l.urnpt', hns iiuuio Him a cnnspictious iigiiro in cttrient politics nml dipliiiuacy, 1 ho literary con- tents of tho number iiru ns lollowsi "'lim Terr torial Kxiianslon of Hti4 u." by D. iMtickcnzin wminco; "wiicu tnu neu was l din g ;" "Allred tin iuusset; ' on I urkisii Wiivsnml Turkish Wnnieli!" "Tho Wreck oi the sir.unninrc," including two rcuinrmi- hlv vlvul narratives, liv mivlvius ol llio ca- tiistrupho! "A J it panose l''uii :" the conclud ing part of n "Sketch ol n, Journey ncross Africa." by Lieutenant Cameron : "Armaria, ilielr rnst, l'rcscnt nnu future," i)yt tno Manager of the Crystal Palace Aquarium j "MuMilllv nil n Hnnnlsb Whnrf!" "Aibim Smith ns n Person." by Waller ll.igehul: "Tlio Wind-Harp i" A Itazanr and I'lcnlo n Alrica." bv J.iulv liarker "ino iiritHii Association on Snirititllsiii :" nn editorial sketch ol tho "j-;arl ol licrny i nnu me co- lions editorial notes on home mm lurelgn dtcrntiire. Science and Art. All of the ar ticles nro interestinir.nnd several nre of qulto exceptional excellence nnd value. I'tiiillsiieu uy it. l'eit'in, -.'.) imnu street, New York. Tcrni, $; per jear; single num- her, -lii ccutK. waler boils. It will be found that boiling tough ens in this case. It Is salt! by the Scientific Amtriam that Hav ana cigars arc now, to sonic extent, mado of brown wrapping paper saturated with the juice pressed from tobacco stems ar.d 'other offal," all of which Is cheerful news for smokers. thrush, laik, finch, martin, chimney swallow, barn swallow. The taking or killing of tlio above named birds is not allowed, under a pen. ally of $5 for each bird, except for scientific purpo-es. Iiecklcy had some bills of Itepublican niiet ings to post, one dnv lat week, and, having no better lilaco, he slock lliem on tho ,hutler of the Po-'t cilice which were hailing ngaint the building. When evening came on, the shutters were put up in thoir proper places and when lleekley inicrged from his office lie couldn t find his bills. In a paroxysm of wrath he offered five dollars for the name of the man who had A corrtspondint oftlic iilicnaiuioan licrmu, torn those lulls down I Nhuihcwas iniornieci noticing a recent Itepublican meeting at Len- where tho bills were he cooled down, but lie trnlla alludes to speeches made by "Col. Knorr, diiln't pay the five dollars, There was n line Tilden meeting in Money on Tuesday evening last, at the public hall. An address wasdellvered by Hon. O. H. Ilucka cw. It is represented that Lycoming county is likely lo give a laige Democratic majority. an elderly genth man c.f prepossmg appearance and D. A. lleekley, pos'.ina-ter. The most per feet order prevailed. The old sore, produced by former defeat of ... e ... - I'.l...... i 118 IllVUrilC taillllUilll'N HIT fUllilie .IIHI l.lllHli- would seem, from vesterdav s issue of t lie he- publican, lo be breaking out anew. Neither : i:., ,,.i,..l in Kvnnsville l!eamih nor Trimmer were at Slroudsburg a-e j j;eiiiuciuuv; im-n.i'fci ...."v - ( ,:.,,:,,. e t m... i., r...t Addresses were de- , , ,7 "' " """"""" " ,V' ' ,"' 1 nun iir:iiiliru laivni uii. iji. in uiv unnui iiiv, 1 t , .1 Jl-o mi-u rii.ll m 111 I "rt lin'd d e fea t . Sfrmifoii Times. on r-'aturday night hut livend bv Messrs. I!. V. 7mt nnd 11. It. of this town and Dr. II. L. rreas ol uerwick. Tlier.. was a lariro attendance and the room was filled to its utmost capacity. AW liless vou nol Ileamisli was not at Slilford, perhaps because nt the time he was unavoida. blv detained at WilkcH llarre, nnd had he been at Stroudsburir he wculd have curried out his . i..i.n ,ni.-fil n htler from lirinr Creek. ln(, nf which precludes lb e possibility of and 'lrimmcr's agreement, just as Lollms did, its publication. We lire pleased to learn inai lirinr Creek is so thoroughly alive lo the mi portnnce of this l'all's diction and hope tone :i full vote Killed. As AfCUKATE As usuAJ..-The Scrunlon llepuL- lican says: A Democratic inretln' was hel l in Minooka, last nicht to hear speeches from Hon. O. Jl. llroekwav. J. r. Lonnolly and others. A mini A cao that will bo of Inteicst to that portion of the larming community winch has been dc lulled into signing notes in pajnunt for ngn cultural implennnls that prove worthless, Ac. has just hem tried by Judge Mather of the Court of Common Pisa", Isew Jxmdon, Lonn and a hirv, nnd decided for the defendant. Lor lug it Wales had come into possession of n note given by J. W. W heeler to tlio agent of a XVcw Hampshire Manufacturing concirn, and sued for its recovery. The judge, in his charge to the iury said that if the signatures of the tie' feiichints were obtained bv fraud, artifice, and deceit of tlie said payee, and by leading tlio do- lendants to suppo'o nnd believe that they are rigning a contract of a different character, nnd without ncgligcnco on llicir part, then the plaintiffs, though Innocent, bomxfide holder for value, cannot recover, for then 111 no s is the prttcndod note the note of the defendants' Thojury brought 111 a verdict for tho defen dants. Tho Miprunc court of Illinois has just mad an Important dcciimi, alVu ling the rights of school ci.niiiiilti-CH, lenchirs ami pupils. A pu pit In a common school was cxpellul fir rel'u sing, by command ol her panni", 10 purcnau books losludv book-kciung. An aelion for trespass was inslilulcd against the dinctors am principal of llio school anil a crdict was giv ngnlnst them for f 133. Tlio siiprenie court, on appeal, nllirnied the judgnieiit oftho lower court. Tlio court held that the legi-lature had in vested school direclors with the power to com pel the teaching in common schools of higher branches than tlio'e enumerated 111 tho statute to those willing to receive instruction therein. but had left it purely optional with parents ain guardians whither the children under thiir li.iroe shall studv such brunches, in the eae bifore lliem the iliiectori bad no power to ex pel the pupil for refusing to study hojc-kccpiii: as book-keeping was no! one of the cnumrratei' stuilii. and it was optional with her g.iirdian whether or not she should study It. We pre sume this is good law in Pennsylvania, as well as in Illinois. The importance of Scrnnton politically may her of the Democrats of that vicinity are C oper bo seen when wo consider that it furnishes two and Cary n.en and tlie Tilden ticket does not Democratic candidates for Congress this l ull, Messrs Stanton and Collins, one for our Di'- tiict. and the other for the balance of Luzerne. llcuniisb understands himself. At the adjourned Court hold on the 20th lost. nmniiL' other business disposed of, tlie Sherill acknowledged n deed lo Cook & Pardee for a lot in Kspy sold as llio properly of T. W. l'M ,.:.r. PiiecpaielS2S0O. The list of causes for .1... .,iin.nnl Cimrt in Nuvtiuber wius oulerid lo be published. .Suicides bv iiml oil have btgnn for the sea son, l'lvery year there arc scores of people who :.,;.,i .,.,,111 V! ml in- lire Willi coal oil aim liMii this world of onto in a manllo of flame. Dynamite or giant power would prove full" as , nwr-lmn nnd the victims would call forth ns much sympathy with far less miilering. Tho speech of Mr. Orvis at tlio Democratic Club limiting on last Saturday evening deserves mor.. than a passim: comment. It was temper- ate, calm anil logical, and yet left Messrs. l!ro- sius and Hiown but lmle ground to sianu upon, "W'o regret that we have not space to present a .condensation of his Idling points tills week, but iinay elo so next issue. command much cnlhuiam. In the first place we do not know where "Minooka" is, nor have we any acquaintance, with "J. K Connelly." In the second place wp never made any spiec'i at "Minooka." In th third place, we doubt whither Messrs. Collin- Trimmer, and Ileamisli have any dcsne that we should do so. We have been shown advanco sheets of "Tlie New Illii-traled History 'of Pennsylvania by Dr. William II. Kgle, Membur of tho UNtori eal Society of Pennsylvania. I ho book is a royal octavo of 1,020 pages and contains over 300 well executed and accurate engravings. In addition to the general history of the Slate, Iheie are County histories compiled by various hanils, those of Columbia and Montour by our through 'lis somewhat prolonged nddri-ss. The Kopublicans had a meeting in the Opera Homo on Thursday evening of last week, on which occasion Mr. llroslus of Lancaster and Henry Arniilt llrown of Philadelphia weie the orators. Air. liroun has (pule a reputation a brilliant and cfficlivc speaker and a large an ilience, fully half of which was composed of Democrat, urieted him. Mr. lirosius, who spoke first, was fluent and earnest, not veiy abu sire of Democracy, but advanced no new argil mints in favor of Republicanism. He wag vi oroiis in his ueuiinciaiion 01 "oiaio mgiiis d considering how little attention his party has pud to the rights of llio States of the South or the inhabitant thereof, he probably felt called upon to elefend this course. Mr. Urown is a speaker of an intirely 1I1IK1 ent kind. He is a capital story teller, not vitu perative, easy and graceful in speech and ear- ...... . , 11 naL'o and lie Id his no rers 111 goon iiiuunr toAiisman. John Ci. Kieeze l'sei. This work is one of grcnt value to all Peiinsylvaniaus contain ing as it docs the Civil, Political and Military record of the Cominonurallh from its earliest sellleint nt lo llie presint. It shoiihl be in thu hands of every family. Sold only by Subscrip tion, A number of subscriber have been ob tained in LMoomshiirg. METHODSPOINTS METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF CLQTHBra AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which we Invito the Inlomled Attention and Cirohil Scmtln; of -TI-IE PTJHOI-IASING- PUBLIO.- J. GAL ADVEaTISEMENTS. pauohy & Oo's. Advt's. A UDITOIt'M NOTICU, J. KaTATK OK J01IM K JIITTLl tTC D. llin unilrrsltineil Auditor lo make ilhtrllmllon of in,, tmni in iii immls i,r Mm Ailiulntsl rntor i t tliti cMiiieor-luliii Knlltle, iteccsseil, will ftitend lu llio dunes of his appointment, M Uio ofllcd lit linx kwuy ., L-i.unti ii. iVi.m-liiiprf t.n Mnliisilnv. SCnV. IRIli. PAII.1M whh fruit nml ImprotsmenU at v"l"',n.w I'Alt.ilM tlgitres. Catulngue, with maps an'tpliiiw- xiweii m .KmsbuVgVoh Matufelay; Nov. istll, ; J KTn.,.1 " " rc.t ' e m atlooVtortCH in. when nml whern all irson;s JJ-'" 2 J J VscilA. liuverV )el. ! a iinr Mil tiw nmiinir nut a it iiaii . nra rRiiTiiiru i . W METHODS: E liavo but Ono Prlco for All.. Busiircss Xotices Ifyoil want a first class Cook or Heating Clove III UOllOIIl prices KU lu uuiiiiau nu 11 assert. Oct. 'J7-4W. You can L'cl White or Gray Wool kcts nt Lutz t Sloan's Inr ll.To per pair. iV full stock of Under Wear for Men and l!ay at U. Lowcnbcrg's. Vnto fur Tilden or Haves ns vou nlcasc, but elo not forget f. W. lliirtm.iii's storo is tho place lor cheap, Uuods. A full line of Tobacco anil Cijjnrs, whole sale and retail, at M. Jl. s. Clark it Wolf have now open their stock of Kmbroidcreil falipper Patterns, lowel Hacks, Pin Cushions, Bom Cushions iVc, lit very low prices. M. M. Kus'cll keeps the Mngic Glycerine oap. cometlung ne'v nnd lirst class. Seven cases of Men's Uootsjust received at E. M, Lnorr b. David Lowenbfnr would inform his rrinmls mill llin tlllll If! that lllS StOCk IS HOW reiili'lo and with oil tho novelties for Tall 1111 Winter Wl-lir. In tlu. Merchant Tailoring Department ttoiucii will lind all the newest and lulCfct kfvlcu In Knitllli-S. Over Coating iVc, ol the illicit c uiiiiuib and latest ilesigns, any 01 which 110 13 iu- pared to nmko up 111 City style. TylE tccclvo Cash Payment from All-.... "YTH glvo a Quarantco protcctliig AH Wn Iicturn Honey when wo cannot cult All :. WK tuy our noods nt first hands, In laimcnso quantities, and at tlio lowest prices for Cash,. WE mnnufactiiro with cxtrcmo euro every garment wo sell WE lnsjicct every yard of Roods that goes Into our garment nrmcnt, and WE put a ticket on every cam eliowlng plainly luriuiulty price WC cutofl every Hem of unnecessary expenditure WK employ flrtelaM workmen In every department....! Wll glvo sathfactlon toovcry purchaser or return tho money...... POINTS I t ONI! Trleo means of necessity tho Lot cut l'rlco - CASH raves expenso cf collodions and losses from had debts Tlir, Guarantee protects tho buyer who may not bo a Judgo of goeius Wo rely nn lmmcnro sales and nro sat isfied with a very small percent ngo of profit. IT is easy to buy of us,lnco nil nro treated alike, no 0110 getting favors that aro dented to others DICKERING and debalo aro done away by us, ovcrybodygcUourbcU with out having to ask lor It OUIt largo experience, capital and facil ities w o uso for U11 people's benefit In lowering prices Wll fill orders received hy mall from all parM of tho Unltect fctaten. Wrlto for particulars H NOT a partlclo nf risk nin In baying of ns. A child may buy as cheaply tonriw-nt tlio shIii In-fore the Auditor. or.Osdp- b.u red troin coining lu for a share of said funii. (1. II. IIIIOUKWAV. Oct so, 'it.-i w. Aiiiiltor. A UWTOIl'S Ntml'H urxiKor H.izisKiii i.sviM, nic'n '1110 undcrt-tKticd Auditor 011 oxcentlons to tho aocouiit of lim Aelnilnlsirator of urn estaio ot IZlltSlx-tli Ivi-vun. deeea-se-d, will atlend to tho duties ot nls appointment, altlio onice of O. it. A w. J. UUCKUICW, Oil PHeiirusx iiuii Willi, ni-.niliivuw.-ii a. fn . wiirn nml ulwrn all nemons havloir claims against llio mild estata, aro required to present the suiiie be fore tho Auilltor.or bo ueborred from coming in lor a snare or saiu iiina. ....... 1.1.V1 H. AL.I,hIl. Oct. t, tST.-w. Auditor. UUITOU'S NOTICK. In llin matter of thsnalsnf real estate of Antrim- t'ls Frcunn, tho uinlershtned appointed Auditor by aurecmentof parties Interested to make distribution of money arising from said ualo to and atnun; tlio parties entitled uiereto. will meet the parties inte rested for the purpose of his aniiolntineiit Htlhool- llco of llrocknu) s ICIwell In Uloomsburg ou Mon day, .November 18th, Isle, at 10 o'clock, a. ui Oi:o. B. ELWI.IX, Oct. IS, IStMw Auditor. In addition to onr Immcnso Etock of Iteady-Mado Ootlilng.wo have a llasnlflccnt Lino of Men's and Boy's l-'unilshlug Ooods, Bhlrti (of our own make) and Underwear, all at ths Very Lowest Trices. " WAAEVIASCER & BROWN, ., S. E. COR. SIXTH &, MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DE UG EMPORIUM. Comer Main and Market Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned having been engaged in the A 111.1v nml c.niniilcte line of Silk Fringes, Gimps, llrnids, Ituttuns &c, nnd a lull stock of Trimmings of nil kinds, at Clark anil Willi's. Hart- No 1 (Irceii CoU'eo 2.") cts. at I. V mans. I.utz St Sloan sell good CO cents per. yiinl. If vou want a nice largo Iron Kettle go to Mn-iiHiti nml Husscrt. Oct. 27-lw. business for the past eight years would call the attention of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Thesis stoels consists of Famts, Oils. Water I'roof fur HaMiaSS, i"UOT( Xr SlLCXaX H XG0.2.C1HGS, PICCS, Hoys' Knorr'ft. Kip limits for i'2 01) at K. M. RETAIL DEPARTMENT B O "W EE'S BLOCK:. Whcro may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Hats, Hats, Hats. Caps, Cups, Caps. "'howest Trices at o. I.owenburg's.- Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept We clip tlie following notice of the speech of C. 11. llrockway dellveied at llioluruo uieeling held in .StrouiUbuig, on tlie 20;li insl, from tlie Monroe Ihviocrat CI. lh ockwav showed liv lliej tiirure-i from ltepiibliciii anlhorilv that the present aiiniinii- He lilninwl the He publican party fur in irrors, but claimed loo many virtues for it. Ho held that Democratic reform onlv mount a desire to get into office, hut did nol mention that Republican reform meant onlv a determination to hold tho-io offices. Ho was singularly inexact in his figures, as when for Instance lie statu 1 tint tho prosecutions against the New York Curd ring h id resulted in saving only $3,000 to the State the amount Ib-Iiir nearly S 100,000. lie claimed that the prosiciilion of llio Whiskey had put 5100,000 in tho Treasury of thu United States, and had sentthiity men to jnl, but In filled to note the lads that llri-low, the lionet iSeeretiry who inaugurated ttie-so piiiiccullons was forced out of his office and th it the worst fin ml' M. Knorr's. fur your fall Boots ami .Shoes. T.mlips' French Kid lJutton Shoe9, all widths and bizes, at McKiiiuey's. Clark & Wolf call the attention of Ladies' to their new line ol Hustles and uorsets. I. W. llnrtmaii has just returned from New York and l'liilailclnhlu with a lino btock of new Ooods. 1'UIU.ilC NOTICR. .Tu-t rcccivul a lull line of Clotlis. Cnssi- luercs and Suitings lor Full nnd Winter wear, nil ut the lowest prices at I). Lowcn- uers. . A full lino of Green and Illuck Teas, cf nil qualities anil prices ut UUsnell s. in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrat o OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND r-XAMlNB OUIt STOCK. IIVCCTS'IEIR, BROS. May 19, 'TO.-tf. TEJ iV TT'SN. iur rLLj.!L.ij. i was Ilfca Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S E ihstjial1. .1. II. Ilttitctt, HUiiiu, Kens. Oo,N . RbOHl j. r. A DAI I N IH'l'K A'l'OH'S NOT1CK. jtX. ISIiTIt OKCATIIABISI! IIISHKI, OECI!18P.D. iJ iiers of Adinlnlstnitlon on tho estate ot Uattiarlne lttiliel. lata ot Montour two.. Uol Co.. deceaned havo been granli-U by tho ltCKlstcr ot salel county to Juinf-H r. iicciure or ciimo twn.. loiuinuia couniy. Adin'r.. to whom all neinons hiilebteil nre reuuesu ed 10 inaKO pitymeni, anu inoso uaiioir ciannsor uYmatids asralnst tho said cstato will make them Known 10 luo sjiq Aaminisirnuir wuuouiueia-. JAlbM 1. MCCLLlir., Admlnlbtiator. Oct. 13, 1ST0-W AD.MIN'ISTItATOIt'S NOTlClv. 1 STATU OP r.t'UWIU TIIK1I.S IIBCRASHD. U'lteis ot Administration with t in will niiiioxcd 011 the estate ot l.uelwlx' Thclle, lato ui LAnjiise, luniisiiiji, iuiiiiuiiin i-uuui)i, iiiiiiu. d.ceascd, halo been KrutJul uy tho UeKtster otsulil county 10 Wrp. Miirtz,aot Oalvwlsn, Coliiinbl.i enuniy, 1 -rnusj ivaiun ah js-i-hous uaiiiK cuiiiis ai;alnst the i-state of tho tleccdciit aro rcquesteil to present them tor settlsment, and those ludebted to no 1's.tatu to mako payment to tno undersigned 11 oeiuy. Hnn trttf S.P ASJP g AGEHTS WAHltU run iiiLuntni Centennial history TtheiHIiuiiTlU.iii nuy other twk4 OurulitHO 4T(tjpifrt iiinim due. Hi-ija t jr trur exlrft wrma w K''Hi Auuivaa iauuuui i uuiibiuuk vv.i - BANKRUPT SALE t)V .HILTON JKWKMtV. We will send yon on receipt of nfir rrnis eno tr eleirant enirra'cil Weeio liuttoiis, ono set fsruwa t-tuils, ono col nr Mutton, ono beautiful Coral axt 1111, one Hi-nis' ivatcniiiin,snnooiifiiTji.iiuiiiB lllnir. t)itlotiispdtori'liillforf,.0(). Kourh will bo sent, postpaid, on ree-elpt of S 1.6(1. jevry circular free. AeldrcM V. W. lleU t Co., l'hlla. oct. ai-tw a AOENTS WANTED FOIt TUP. 8TOIIY OT Wrlltrn by M rmlirr. A completo account of Ihla most invstcrlons atstuctlon nnd exciting search. V ItU fao sltnllo letters and Illustration'. OiiUielJsMI othrr tmoks. ono occnt tool: to orders In ono day. Terms liberal. Address. John E. Porrzu & Co., Publishers, I'lilla. OetI7-4wd AuinlnUtrator wltuou oct. wis-ew. WILLIAM MAltTZ. Adniliihttrnuir. A UDITOU'S KOTICK. in iuE r.sTATit ornANiei. sitim, i.ats op uain Twr., COLUMBIA COUNTY, DKCKASKD. On motion ot C. a. llarkley. Itobert It. Little was annolnted Auditor to make dlstrlhutlon or the fund In the hands of tho Administrator unonif the partlis entitled thereto. Notice Is hereby clven tltat tho unnersurneu win aiicna 10 1110 auues 01 tits onoo ment nt tho ct E. II. anil It. It. Little. In l.loouisuurir. on 'Ihursday. tho 8th duv of iovembor lsia, at 10 o clik a.m., when and whero all persons will be required to present their claims or bo dibar- rcu irom coinini; in upon saia tuna. ItOIIT. It. LITTLE, Oct, 13 1ST8-4W Auditor. AD.MIN'ISTU.VTOH'S KOTICK. ESTATB Or MAKV ANN llSKNlNUSK. UKCEASED. Lvttersof Administration on tho cstato of Wary A. UernlDer. latoof tho Twd. of Scott, countv of Columbia, deieased.have been granted by t he lti-Kls-ter of said countv toAiironhornlnErLT.of Msln t n.All prsoiishaMnif claims airalnst the estuto of theuecr- uenmru reMii-siea lojiresciu mem ior seiiieiueni and those Indebted lo the estate In make pament AAltOS IlKHNl'llKft, ucc. 0, 1S1D.-0W. Adiiunisiniior. MASON 2c HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS Havo been unanimously assigned tho m RANK' f BVF.1UI, KlQUlSITES 1)1' ftllCSt SllNtfiUlH'lllH, ill tll TT. C. CBr0r233MWIAIi, X876. and ire tho onlyortrans assigned this ran. Thrtr auperlorlty Is thus declared, not in ono or two rco Kclsonl), nut in nil lmsjrunt qualities of an or jean. A medal nnd diploma have also boon awnrdsej lllPin, UUI Illt-illtl", Ul criuui imnu nno.nBrum u. arllcles denmed worthy of n-cotfnltlnn. so that rasny makers 'on udvertlso "first medals" or "lilglint awards." . , Comparatlvo rank In excellence has been detsr mlned by tho Judged' Itepirts alone, In which tlx .wason ,v iinmiin iirysns urc uiiHiiiimiiisij, m-uiii. .Tim l-'iusi' ltANk lnthoieveralreiiuWU8"if o lnslruinin's, and aru the only ones asf-hmcd this raiue. i-e.iuaiTei-ueporis. uuhii;!!iiii.i. us hui un expected, for tui-so owns naie 111 nurmijr luii hts-nest awards lu such eomrtllloiis. Thev wore -awrtrd-d first invdats and lilirhest honon st Parts 1S0T, Vienna 15T3. Nantlafro lfci. rtilladelphls linn : havlnu th is been award's! hlirliest honors stovory WOrill S r.XIUUllloIl nv Vl 011:11 uuv ihmi:i.-uiiitcvcii.w betut; th onl American orfjans whlcaeverobtalne anv award lu Europe. New ftfles, with Improvements exhibited atth Centennial: eleirant now casus In ereat variety, l'llcos very low est consls ent wll h iwsi material an workmanship, organs sold for cash or Installment, or rented until ront pavs. Kveryorifan warrant to ctvo entire sallifacilon to every reasonable pur chaser or the money returned. Illustrated Cata logues sent trc VtsiON 11M!.1N PHslAN CO.-lst TremonV St . IVv-ton ; V I'l.l 111 ripiarr, New York; j 81 and 81 AQiins m . i.nii-rt-jo OCt2i-4wd NO in tub pstatbok joiin mciiAuT, usc n. ArilXTrpo Iincstlcato tho metl.a ot th The uiiilernlsriii d Aiidltor to make distribution of A Ir Is, N llluMratcd Weekly, befor ii- baaii'-i! of tho funds In the hands ot th ,ifirniRin nnnn vnur wnrt rnr this Mil andwlntor. L'DITOH'S NOTICK. the baaii'-n of tlio funds In the hands oftho Administrator, anionc thu nnrtles entitled thereto, will attend lu the duties of bis appointment at his or.leo on Main Street lilnnuisbnrg, I'eun'n., on Kfldaj the ad day of .November lsts. when and when- all nersons luvln? chitins' iiL-nlnst tho s..ild est.ite arc n-iiiioitctl to present tlie same liefnre the Auditor or bo debarred from coming lu for a share of saiu rima. o. u. IIAUKI.KY, Oct. 'iil-w Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOTICK. t KSTATKOKOhO. WQAVIill, llkCEASKU. The undorslirued auditor nnoolnted bv tlie Court losrisiriDuiu uio u.uanee in me naiiiu tr ine Kxtcu- tors or ssld deceased to and anions the nersons entltl-dtothosame, will attend to the duties of his niiuolntinent nt his ofileu In Uloomsburc. on Thurs- uay, iuv. z, isio. ui in u ciocK a. in. wnes anu wuerc all persons nro hereby notified to unio their claim before the Auditor or bo debarred from coming In uii pain luuu. i;. it . Ail 1.1. 1. it. Oct. C, '76.-I1W. Auditor. We win star' i on In a business you caa make .Mi n week without capital easy IIIV 1,1 trim I respeeta il.j for elthor sex. aoistm jl wii f I UI'ILY co., imi Bowery, New York. uee. is-sw ei 'I be ci-nibhiatlin for this teasoii surrsfcses anstilag heretofore attempted. Terms sent free on applica tion. Address Ull.ts. CLL'CAS & Co., ti Warren St., N, v. ocu iws a RUPTURE rnltenls i-iireil 30 unrs nlo, reiilltln suuntf. nr. .r. a. silkltMAN'S successful treatment r Huptiireluslnducedunpnuclpled persons toadver tlsothe elastic trusM-sas a certain cure, Knjwins them to be but an imperfect support- Thousamti t lctlms are to-dsy hufferlng through this Elustlo rusbtieiusion If It Is worn tight around tho body It wastes away legs drairs tho Kreat ball of wood ujion tho ligaments, siiermoiic cords nnl Pelils Hone In a manner w r- tiii. ii.uscles. interrupts tho circulation and nrcstu poses to paralysis ; besides, tho snap between lbs k UDITOU'S NOTICK. ." ESTATE OK MAKV IIOIII.OCIIKII. DXCRASEn. Tne undetslitned auditor appointed to distribute funds In hands of H. 11. Miller. Trustee, among panics eniiiieu uu rt-io wiinneeiuil tiersnnr. llllir- estel, fur tho purpose of Ills urn-ointment, at lu o'clock a. in. on Tuesday. Oct 31. 'in. at his ofllco In I'.luonisburg, w hen and where ull persons having claims asalust tho bald estate are requested to present nnd prove tho bamo before the Auditor, or oo aeuarreu irom coming in for u share or said fund. j. u. lUf.l.ilC, Oct. e, i8;.-ot. Auditor. Thomas Willits anil wife of Mlllcrbiirg III., Cornier resiilents of llloomsbiirir Imvo been visi- tinp; frienils unel nlatlvcs in tins county, lliey trntion is on tlie jili;li road to hasten tlio lunk went West twintj-two years iif-o ... tins is riiptcy o ,e a . . w , , f , : ' - ,1U wMky Ulicv0H im he,,, p.,r.l.-.l l.y Ilielr first visit lo tins town since, that tune. Mr. y m Fl,lllim, rcvit.w of,,u Grant. the enil of his speed. Air. Willits built llio house on Alain btrcel, .uljoin- i;l)nni Ailiiiinlstrnttoii w:w trcinenilously stroiii; Uruwn was weak onouiili to retail the stale mid ine the Court House, now ownuVby Airs. I'.nt i ju logical array if facts, hut it was utterly tl,u,ieti iia ,1,.,, Mr. Tinlen w.n the author of tiuiiil Liiriwlisli'e of the iloiliL' of t u) Caiuer- ons lu this State, elves his statements the weight nf nolliorilv. anil rendertsl his remarks nailicu l.irly Interesting, no conciuueei ii siroug, eiu Good Cotton l'iiuiiicl nt I. W. llnrtinan'a for 8 cts per. yard. Alelvinncy's is headquarters for all kinds ul lieioin and sho?s. and save one-third tho cost of niTIJAnn AT It i 1 VI' nalntlnir. and ret a nilnt that la much handsomer and will 1 1 Piiil I VjYV IJ I 7V 1 Is 1 lust tw he as long ns hiiv other paint. Is prepared ready for uso In white or anv color eleslred. Is on many thou sands or the nncht buildings .n thecountrv, many of which bale lieen painted slxjears and now look as fellas whentlrst painted. i of. 11 ...his CHEMICAL PrtINT has taken Flrs-t Iremluius at twenty of the Mute Fairs or tho I'nlon. Sample card , colors sent tree. Address .n. v. k n a -i u u iaii i if o., ma endmoers btreet. .n. v.. or M 1 1, 1, u it "llOS., 1 8 Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. May u,,'ia-ly.. The best Hoots in town nt K. AI. Kuorr'c and prices to suit the times. ltulilier Clotliiiii;, Wiiter I'ruol Coals. Water l'mutTnnts. Cups, Ilhuikcts, ivc ., jn.-t iiTiivcil ut i). ijowenucrg s. I. W. Hiirtimiii l'lnids fur ilrisses. has a nice lino of 12 cts. Democratic, The npublican says; West Yligiiilu his roiio iisual. Of course this is as untrue us are all other qmnt speech, which was frequently interrupted ..i l l t .i.. .i.i ivirin iim iv aim ause. wi n n consiiierauon oi mo uiuouY original siamiui.i. ... i ,., ,, ,.. whicl. arii ., ,, , 3Hi,une iilmanae will inform the Ilqmbhcan that i ; " ": - " ,, ,,, ,i,,lnl,W .hln" . 1 ' west V ru ilia tno cniiu wave-is of tho admin s r on. In 1SC8 gave Giant 8,71'J waj., nnd in IHiJ (40. Isextl On Tlinrtelav of lost week when the gentle- ..i..i. ttitiri ti,hli-ijicil llin Hetilililienn ine-etilll' Tho Democratic Club nt Light Street was . ..,.,i B,l,l re ssed on I'nilny cvcninif by .nr. jiroci.wav. Jie jU ubliciln , WM ,Hnilnyi'l as was also Allhoush but a lew hours nonce was b''". '"D lu Ueniocrutic ilsp. Alessrs. Ileikley and KulliertiiK waa n large one, mil many nepuoii- j owu W1llj t,ccc,l,1(. wro, nnd cans wcro lu ntttndanre. Scplt lownshlp has (,,)ln,,1,.incii ,0 m. Koohs. that Ids guests had . I ,1 t.l t... TS l.llnQ.,j .mil I . '.. .... many rcbouuo aim jm-.uuiu..." i ,.. , , ..(,, ri m iienincrnt- If we oio not mistaken a new rebellion, anil tue Jo luwnn t() , bra,lu aml Hircatcncl, unless It ghost of rebel debts, are less m llicir niums i mimvt.u ,). u,0 ncntleiuen from his Ihan tho ruinous extravaganro nml proven cor- . ,..)iu n WM bnb.,,ienlly taken in and vuptlon of Kepiihllcan lenders. Henry Arniilt lltown, the Ittphullcan speak or ut tho Opera House list week, irave Alessrs. lh-e klev et- llrown of the Jtenullie-m n heavy rap river the knuckles in tho ionise of his address. Ho thought it n disgraceful act In any Ucpubli can speakir or tictrsjmw to iliurge Air. Tilden with coinplicily In the Tweed finiuU In New York. If ho had consulted ll,e islllors of (he JteimUicun hifoieliand he wopld prohahly have omitted the rtmark, in the Jlejmllieun lias made that absurd mid ilisKracefnl eliargi'. It Isn't likely llint thero will be n change of iwllcy in ithe ilejiuUican ollico however ns abuse is llie .stock In tiaele of the senior editor of that sheet 'Jho law prohibiting tho carrying of conceal el weapons is variously constiued, many con- teiidinp; that lo have In poisesslon any ed pistol, clc, la a violation of llie statute. A mincrvlsoron u railroad In llio western portion -.l... L.-...I.. ...1 Iu (,.- ..n.rullll I NllV. 1st, o. niuio ,u. ... EcIioo H tdncselay even weaX)iia of this Uifciiplion, liavinir drawn n . Jkli ' plslol ninii who had threatened him harm. Ii'ishiiig Creek, J!ent!er Town, Wcdnctelay Juileu I. wlni' in his ilinrio took occasion to I evening iov. 1st the, editors breathed ea-ier. Wo trust that Henry Arniilt Itioun nnd Air. lirosius did not hear of this little episode trust fo for the lion or'of the town, for It would ho a painful thing to have them Imagine that such stupid and silly sensitlvciiess-was characleiisllu of our Jtepubli- can cIiI?cih. Coming from the holly contested Slates of Ohio mid Indiana wlu-ru Deinocrallu ll.igs were miini'tous, lliey would undoubtedly havo treated tho all'ilr with supreme contempt, llEMOCIIATIO MLHTINOS. Democratic meellugs will ho held in llin coun ty in follows! ... I . I' . !-!., f r . n.l At ligui nine., rriimy cvi-.i.iig wo. -nn, l!enlon,S.itiird.ty Oil. 'JHth" p. m, lllooinsbiiig, Halurday i venlng Oct. 2Slli, ltohlsbiirg, Kiliudiiy event g Oct, iSlli. Alllllinville, .Moil, lay evening Oct. UOili, Uerwick, Alunday t-veiiing Oi l, ,'lUlli, -py, Tuesslay evening Oet. 31st. Alillllu l.'rossliig, Tuesday evening Oct,. "1st, Orangevllle, Tuesday evening Oct, UUl. Jlupert niliool House, i-UnoUiiy evening a plauk in llio Democratic platform of 1SC-1 which pronounced tho war u failure. Air. llrown though t that Air. Tilden had tricked Air. Hendricks out of thu Presidential nomination, hut did not nlluile to tho trickery whicli ri-sulliil in Hayis' triumph over Itlaini-, who was really The wrongs of the negro were dwelt upon at con-iiueraoio lengiii, but tho wrongs of thu whiles of thu South wcru notulluded to. The Uamhurg in issaeru seeuii-d frightful to llie speaker, hut ho hud no word of regret for tho murders of whins at Caiuliow. Taken altogether thu speech was a goo I one, nit abusive of tho Democratic candidates nnd containing only so much ahmo of D.mier.ils generally in prohahly must fall to llio lot of any Republican rpeaker. ltolli Ar. llns-diu and Air, llrown insisted that the Itepuhlii'au party should not bu held iiccoiiulahlu for the hard times. Whllo it may he and elouhtless is true that tho extravagance horn of tlio war has much to elo with tlio business depression, It Is never- tho lest a fact that the enormous taxes of llio pist eleven years have had much lo do wllh it, During tho-o years ,uno forly live liiini'rid mi I lions of dollars have been taken from thu people alino-t &110.000.0UO per year, and a largo proportion of lliis val sum has bi-en stu' leu or w isteel hy corrupt oflici.iM. Thu i-nor- incus incrciiso in cviry DeparluiiMitiil branch of tlio government lis proved a heavy burden for the people to eairy and this without doubt lias rc-ullt'il In the finniiciiil ruin of llioiisands. To this extent at least Republicans are rivpuusl hlj. explain the law in regard lo carrying ronocnl- o I weapons. He said tlioofleiico con.hliil in tho into ition will, which ono csrrlcd n ronccal- ed weapon, II ll was a mallei' na Intention the law was violated j till If n man was places! In e-licuiuslaiiccs where lie might reasonably a luehind danger, ho was juilllicd In carrying trcujioiu to ilifcnd Jiliusclt. Coles Creik, Thursilay crcnlng Nov. 2d. Locust, Yeagi-ia Hold, Thiiivilay ivenlng ivov, -el. l'inuHuuimlt, Krlilay evening Nor. .'VI, Jersey Town, I'rlelay evening Nov. 3d, Calawlssa. Kiiilay evening Nov. 3d. Jackson Union Church, Saturday evening Nov. 4lh. Ccnlralia, Salurelay evening Nov. 4ili, Ikrwkk, Aloiulay ovcnlng Nov. Olh. Nuni: Novooiton Ka l it. Tho great mirket of thu eastern woild has been held ut the' June tlon of the Volgu nnd Olga HI vers, Jn llu-ila, every suiunier for hiiiulrisl) of years. Here the nations of Kuropu nml Asia inett wllli llicir proilucls for trade. Cossack, Chinese, lurk ami Persian nicit thu German and Greek with every variety of merchandise that mankind employ, from papphlrcs to grlndsluues. lea, opium, fur, food, tools unil fabrics, null last but not leust medicines. J. C. Aynr Si Cn.'s celibrated rem edies from America were displaced In nil ele gant hntaar hero tho Doctor himself might sometimes bo seen. They aro known and taken on thu slepics of Asia as will its thu prairies of thu est, and are an illicluul antldoto for the I diseases that prevail in the courts of tho North I as well as the huts and cabins of tho western I poiitlucjit. JaucUu III.) JliW. Oct, Then Buy MILLER BROS.' andsavo one-third tho cost of "TT lArTcO A f U FXI'l1 palntlnar. and get a paint that is much handsomer nnd will V1 1 JjItI lyV 1 1 1 1 1 t IsaiiwIcob loug as any ejilier market ratcf. llavcconsUiutly onhaiiulargo hi thocountry, many of which hnie bi-n nainusi si.vjears, undnow look as well as hen first uHinted. IIS VI. b.MllJ.l.. 1 ,ll,l U-3 lUM H . It 3, . ( ,-l.lU.I.--1 III- .MCUl. .1. IIIUlEllll t filial Ul ll 'J1UI1. nieiQIJie CHnl ,.,lMa ln,u ..l.lp.twU Mil I t' 1 1 tlllflU ........... .... n..... c. w. Just rci'eivcd, a large stock of Ite-ady Aladu CliiUiing nt llio lowest jtricca uuel la test style ut 1). Ivuwciibcrg s. COAL. COAL IIM Kstablishcil Coal Yard. Niiai. lino.. Wholesale & Ketail Dealers in all sizes ol tho bt-Ht qualities ol Ucd and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest stocks of Domestic, uupola, lllacksmitli's Anthracite, Ilitiiuiinous, und Liineliiirncr's Coal attention given to tlio ureiiira tion of coal iv.foro leaving our yards. Ur.tin and Lumber taken in exchungu lor coal. Coal delivered to any jmrt of tlio town at short notice. Orders left at I. W. Alo'rCelvy's store, or at our ollico, will reeeivo pro'iipt at tention, t Jllicc and i arils at William icul Se Sons' Furnace, JCnst Illooinsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COA.L,. 7 tf 25 COAL Wui'lliy of lli'iunii'bi'aiitp. Why will jou sulliir violi'iit pain, or he made iinconifoi table, di-lresnsl lu mind or body,when you can bo iusla.illy relieved and ipiickly curid by lienson's Capclno Porous Plnsirrs Tho or dlnaiy Porous Piaster is an nriiclu o. merit, ytt lis action Is too blow, reipiiriug days and we-eks of niiitliiuoiis wear to iflVe-t a cure, lieu son's Cnpclno Porous Plaster, being a gnat lin p.uvi' over them, re I it vis you Instantly nml ciiies you epiiekir than uny known plastir, liiilmint or isjmpoiiiid, Their action is more powerful ihan elecliiclty and more cerluln. They nro purely vegetable contain no mineral or uictalliu poisons. Their composition and properties nro founded upon true medical skill, and aro In no sense a patent medicine. They nre endersed by thousands of Physicians and Druggists of unimpeachable reputation, as being nn article of genuine merit and worthy of public cirilidence'. Try them and be convinced. Price 2"i cents, KlCMliniVi JOHNSON, PlflllllACXUriCAI. CUKUUTO, N, v. May 10, 7G ly. Itciisuii'rt CfniHli.e ISiroi.s I'lusters lleiir lm il.o I't-oplo riuy i "Thu best, cheapibl, isafe-st, u-d surest remedy of. fcreduti Intelligent people." "An urllclo of gieat merit which will In a bhoi t tlmo lie fuund In ever) household." "1 hoy niu all that tbu lmnuif.icturci Llalm fur I lie-in, whoso namoulouo Is u Bullleleut en- tlorsumeiit of tlulr geuuino merlin. 1 1,0 u-kt reinodv known Ur iifi oxternal dlrllcultli-seir hs-.d dlsl urbances." '1 hey aro 1 Igorous, reuiovlng almost Instantly tho moht loh-iil ialu unel ensuring uspts.i dy eure.' "I consider them a grout and needed lin pruH iiieut over all other porous plasters, the-y g've prompt relief and cure iUlcklyi they uio held In lihju esteem " They are now pirfcrred ou-r all oth ers. They euro w hero other itorous plasters Umply relievo." When aulferlug try them and jou will nut ls dlsanivinied. Price vseeni. JlaylT6My BKAllUltir U JOHNSON, l'liaruiactuucal Chmuia, ti.X, Dtuler in Law Blanks, fefuiulay School Libraries-'. Depositary of the 1 cnnsylvanm liiulo fcociuty, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPBH, PICTURE FRAMES. R3V7AUD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at the .Most Reasonable Rates. Store iii Exchange Hotel Building, Blooinsburg, Pa. Oct. 8. 1ST5 A UDITOU'S NOTICE. 1. KSTATK Of WILUIU UARllRR, LtTll OK if AW CilM Tlwx-lul e. lirrviRiti The undersigned Auditor to make distribution of the fund In the hands of the Administrator or the es tate of William Unrber. deeeased. will attend to tho duties of his appointment, nthls onicelo lilooms- ourg, 011 oaiuru.iy, ov. 4111, isto, at 10 o'.locw a. Ul., when and whero all persons having claims against the said estate, nre required to present tho baiuo ui-ure uio Aiiunori or 00 ucuarrcd irom com- lug 111 ur u feuiu-u 01 saiujuuu. P. V. I1II.LVEYI- I!, Sep. SJ-tw Audllor. UDITOU'S XOTICK7 KSTA TH OK 1-ETKK WKN1HK, PHC'P. The uiiderslgned (Auditor appolmed by the ('ouit ori'oinmon Pens of Cnlumtila county to inuko dis tribution of the film Is In the bands of Administra tors amor-sr rs'ties entitled theut" will meet ull par-tle-s hit l-res ted for the purpose of lt ll Pllof lit llient nt lnoVliifka. m., nn Wi-fnesdni Noieuiber 1 ot his 1 nn 1- or. .vuin suet r, iiiciomsoiiig when at u wue re a. I pt r Hm lalms the Mild cstato nro iiiuhid 10 uiesent the same or be dibarred fiom coming 111 lur u huuio 01 sum tuiid. SAMUUb K.NOnit, Audltcr. OOt. (I, 18TH-0W duco lmpotency with all Its horrors, lnd.ed ttou is irinn nf trnssoH with their crlnlntr oressure upon ttfia spluo, abdomen, nud delicate parts wllacent to nur ture, suoner or later cause Wldrey and bladJeraffstv lions; aestroj mannoou, mnKinginooungoiu. m tlie old useless, until life settles into fearful apaVtqc '1 bo annelid should think Ferlouslyof this subject and act In accordance wltk the dictates of leusuii. mi. sjisiit.ri j;s Treat 111 cut Im I'ructical, Rational and Economical : lbs object Is Immediate relief a eientu.ll 0 ire. It lsUised upon scientific princi ples and eoiiiy uemoostrau-d to the compreneniioaii oi every ini-'iiigeni ron-on. -juuugu uw uu use a truss ,e uses a. support Iniinltely superwr which teps eieiythli.g In prcper potlllon sum tho Curatlie Conpound 2ir.Jt! J dallv bv tho Ml!t. eiclles healthy 4. tloii. adhesion and cure. llesldM this treatmeci don not interfere with labor or exor cise ou horsi-bacl: or otherwise, and affords security against Intlumed ami strangulated ruprurc. IS 1 he aflllcted aro comlag from all parts of the son- iry. jerms moueraie, ueiienuing upon mc imi. Persona fiom the country can lecelio treatment susl leave fur hoi'-e ou tho same day. hend lucent 1st Dr. Miermnn's Hook with likeness of bad cases bfrB and alter cur,;, liefei encos given to gtnllem-n Ii hule oeeii cured, eir.leo o. 1, Ann Mrret, jsctv lork. beware of the fllow cilllnir hlmsiilt lir Vi. n. rn-iiii'lop nml using br Sheru inn's name in its a Jvcrtlst nn his to deioj tho afhlcled. Savo tills a- veiiisemtui, uei. imii 'lhlsCH of colons seut free. N. V. K N A M r. h Address 5III.I.KK IliiOS. 103 Oh.n.liers trr r, N. V. lus tViiter street, CT-veland, Ohio. lJf l, 'll Ijf, ICS- WILLIAMSPORT EVERY PAIR WARRANTED 1' MKT QCIHK FACIAS TO CIIAUOii KIC.VI. ,J TATK. C'OLUMlll.V COUNTV, S3: 'llin commonwealth of l'eimsjlvnnla to tho Mier- HI Ol cnlunmi'i rouniy, greiiiugi Whereas Lyella Khnjnurman. l'l.ilr.tlrr lately In our I Clou. 1, ot common I'leus for tho ci-unty iifnrusald, lie- 1 fiirotho Judges ol thi hald lllisiiukbiiig. 1 to-wlt: In tno tvi in of May, No. Hill, In theeurof : our Lord oiirf thoiuauil eUl.i huiidieU und evei.t)- 1 six, by tho judrfincutot the Bald couit.dld ies.oer I tt-uliist II, C. fleas, udmuilstiutoril John 1'rcas, l uecuiukii, ueienuiiiii, u nen u eejiuni ol-iii i;i M-teii. r ty-blx ,lu!ldif and thlrlv-lhroe e-eiil.s, us also four 1 dolls rs und riirtv.fuur e cuts fur hei easts ami charges. I which bin) sustained b) occasion of tho iK-toiiiluu of , II.WK Olfl! NAMK HrAMI'llll OM 'I'lIK 1IOTTO.M that debt wlimoiit tho hald detcii,laul licomlot, Ac, ns npis-srsof record, 0. Andwnercis billa 1 .luimerman Is nuw l and that I. K lllldliio ' Is tho adiulnlntrator. And wheieas the said John I r'reui died silsed ot leal estale lu thu said county of ! A S 11 Ckiiumbl.e, us we limit been gleeu to iinileisiutid, 1 trati-r of -lohu l-'i ens. dev-cised, nud II. O. l-'roaw. U II llam S, l'reas, ili-org.i II. l-'ieus, lllram It, l'rea.s, John A. I I nas, Ilia ace I'lcas, Isiilah ll. I'lras, Salllu tun liiterui n. led wltn .loiialliun YV. lick, and Nai.ey Interiuarrled Willi lleiijiinln lllels, the heirs of the suid John Kreiis, dec -au-il. .id further, tho said I, K. lilldlre, iiihulu.sti'atir of I.ydl.i .luimerman, deeenvnl, has glien us to uiiderstniid lint llie said Judgment, with thultitiieht und costs Iherioii, lo in till wholly uopa'.d ainl unsattshVd, mid has ls bjught us tu J) fi him 11 pros-i n-iueiiy in liLt lu-half and wo b lug ulllln; that what Is JilsUj ,11 led lu our said 1; mri bhuuld bo brougnt lu duu ex eeiitton nicui'iiliig lo tho form of Ih- an of bseml,l. In biieh cases ma In and proM led, command )uu lliat ion make known to tho said II. .'. Kreaa, Admin)-.-trator of -lohu I-',iieei-ased. ami II. v. I', w II ham I.. Fri'iLS, cliiiigo II. I'le. is. Hiram 11. Fleas, John A. l-'re-as, liorucu Vreus, Isaiah ll. r', s-ilUe Ann Intermar led with Jimaliiati w. Kik-.un.l Nancy lute ruiarrlcd with Ili uJ iiuln lllcks,.tliat lliey bo and iinjH'ar befoi'i our Judges nt llloomsburg nt our county Court or Common t'leas there lu bu held on llie flrst Mou lay of Ue-u, next, 10 show cause, If any thing they know or aa, why the said Judgment so reeoieii'd a.'nlnst tho said 11. c. l-'ie-ns, iiiuuiuistra tor of llio s. 1I1I Julio l-'ieus, iteci-iiseil, shall not Is levle d and paid out of thu said real e-slato of whluh tho said John Kre-as, ehreised, died w-lse-d usufnrei sald and now eleseeuded und ciilnii In them us lietri.. and havo j on then .mil I here I Ills writ. .. 111. 1 ii.. rn.u.'i nun, ,1,111.1111 r.nvi 11, 1 lesineiii Judge cf our said Uouit.ut llloomsburg, this Kill day of September, A. 1). ISIO. 11. lPAM-yAlll, Hep. M-Ow l'roiluuiotary. Our MINI'. IIKNPINI! WirilOl'T uootin can be liatl 111 every town in tho County. .1. E. DAYTON, ct CO. Willianisport, Pa. Kept. 0, 76 6m. July ritiaiUBNT At, UASIPAIUN O ips, Capes A Torches mtNuroii n.u'STsAiKii ciact'- I.IK anu thick uar. CVNMNOIIAM IIU.L, HAN 1'1-JlTPKllllS, No. L'01 Clmrcli Btrctt I'lllI.AIIKI.l'llIA. Tins rArr.n is ok iim: iviiii ROWELL & fpHESMAN . Advertising s Agents, TltlRP A CHESTNUT STS-, ST. LOUIS, Mc Baboock 8c Wyeth'o Ada Is taken Internally, and Positively Cures Itheuiaa Whilesulo and lintall lnuggUls every whero, Ueud HKU'IlKNSTINi: A' IlENTtKV, Oct., 10. V A T Ii K T S . Persons deslilngttolak tout patents, or desiring iniorinauou irom me t mien nutes Patent onice khould consult V, A. I-K1IIIANN, Mllillorot Aineil can nud Voielgn I'uleuts, WatldtiElou, 1), C. Kx amlnatloua free. NO I'A'IX.NTNO l'AV. bend for Circular. Oct. , It. s t w A D.MINISTUATOH'S XOTICK. h KSTA1B OP SAMCF.I. K. ALOKBTSON. PEC'U. Leiieioi Ainu MMiuiiiin.ue w nit uou 1 1 Mimuei K. Albert son. of llt-nlon two. Columbia countv.deo'd. luvo been gratited by llio lieglster of wild enuuty to r. 1-;. ims, or juoomsuui-g. vo.iimoiu co.. i-a., lo whom ull is raoiis IneleUUd to bald Kstato are 111 iiuested to inure payment, unit those hsMug claims uguliis the said eTllle win miiku them kuon to the bald udinim-iraloi- w uuuui delay. r. r.. nil.' cJt. s-eiw. tdtallilatialor. t TDITt'li'S NilTK I-:. r estats:jii e-r.A iiveh. iihcr.sfh. mo iinder.signl. Auditor lulmke dMiiuutton of ine oaiaiieeoi me iurus uiuo.ig me or I'luujes liver, hit -or onlnuereek towushlp. ile-ci-nscd, will i.ttefid to the appi lutment at the onleeof W.I, Kjer li , In I'atairlssa, on NituiJay. the eli-M-uth dav of Niiieiuber, A. 11. IsTit. ut 7ii'chiika. m.. and wheieall persons hnvlng claims in.-ntr.ti ihe sslJ e-st.ilo aro reuillied to lirtiselil thw same U-lore the Aiiupnr or i-o ucUJiiea irom coining in iota e oi bum luiiu, JOUM M.l.-I.MIli Sort vj-iw Auditor. Ut J i'le In the Court u o in in o n 'ii-asof coluiu- t IIIH TOII'S NOTICK. A- .... .. . . " t i ill i in hncikuuum Charles Maurer & Henry llaurtr, llu county. No. 122. hepU wbtr Term, U7C, n. fu., And now Sent. 10. 187ft. au motion cT c. w. Millar. Court trrant it rnlo on ShvrllT tu pajr money rMril on ftiKjvii siau u ri. r. iijiu i umi, una flPiwii k, h. uii ii', .1.1.UU1 iy iiinuuiMiiuuMijuui Biinio iu j ur- iitr.-ii'utiiicii. nj tuc (.UUU, ii. r. km k From tbe recont. iToth'jf. Notlcu t-i hereby irtTpn tlmt the nd(MN!iTM-rt vrtll I ri ritEss-ovTWTS heady-the CENTENNIAL KXPOSITIOK Ei sc' i:i-il nml Illutratc3. A IIIIJI'llIC l'KN I'lCTl llE of Its llisroiiY. GraH llulldliiirs. i,ndelt'i l-.xlilblm, Curiosities, Uiv&t liu)H.cle. I'lulimrlr Illiiolruled. ThGroucUy !- ulir and vnitv ciiKM. mist sell lnimens, g.iii.0 ah riN'i'S w AS'l El), Scud for full particulars, 'this Mill no the Chance ot ion uurs to Cutk .Money i x-i. uei the limy uciiaoie niaiorr. IILIIKA1I1) liUOs , 1'uUWiers, tm buhtom Stxwit. Phi adtdphlu. PoiitiriTi I'o ctl)eeelied by premature Bea, L,U,l4t.'UU HKtiunln to bo "ornclnl," andtullutit hat will hapi en in August and i-opti-mber. ex-t. u-ii o . ' ' -- 1 LgB J. Wc&vp- Po's. Adv'ta. CEKTENNIAL Hotel Directory or PHILADELPHIA. ThoiiMihds of our readeru v. Ill Ult tho crand Csn. tcniilal Kxhltlttim at Philadelphia, lliey iflll want to stop at hotels whero tlie accommodations aro ifood ii'id llio ihai'tes aro ressnuable. 'luilw tha) must mike ull nrruiikvineht before staillrc ThW can bj done by corritpouaeiico with the proprtstom. This director) will bo found such as aru fully up tu these re lulrciaeula. Elm Lveic5 H!oteIv IM.M AVEXUK AND FIFTY-riim1 yj Street, oi'iiosito Yi ht 'in or .Unclilnery Hall. BOO HOOMS, A single room uud bli i'lu bed, tl 00 per dry. A. lioill.oF.N Proprietor, llooms cm lie secured by coricspcndencu. Juno a , ;ii.-iu. Congress Hally lu HhKjmshuri;uii Weduodai tho bin day of .Novum- eouu-biuin i jiiciv iiiiTj.b( on lull b'-r. iste. ut o'clock, a. in., when und h ro all rer. I ,,ul t--'- 1 N- hum u ill bo rispiliod to make their claims or be de- ouirtu uoiu cumiui; in upu bam iiinu. v. n.i.ii'ii.i:. tict. 18, ist-!w Auditor. I'ACIAS TO (JllAIUiK Kli.U, KS- CJCIltK O T1K. i.vl.lllllllA COUNTY Tho CoiiimonMeullhot I'eniisjlvanla to tho b'herllT i,r t oiumoia count., un rum;: Wlure-ius. bull i Zliumurmau. Hlalnllff late v in onr Court of Common I' e-ius lor tlio coiiAty uforenald to-1 foruiiiu JuiU'i-Mu! thubuid lourl, ul liloom-.buri,', lo-nlii lu llio term ot hepti-mber (No II) In thu j ear of our Uvd one thousand t 1b ht hundred ud hei-hl -tluee, by the JuiUuiisu U in. kajd Court illd levowr ai;uiiif-i n c. iieus, cuniiuif inner n John l-ii-.u. theeased. defetiUniit. as well n oerueln deb. of one hiuiihi-d and lUD-ilx dollars und llil.-lwocenls, us also elhte-wi eiistais ri-rner insls and tharirub which sho MisUliiesI bj CHVtisi..n of thudeu-ntloiiit that ilebt w hereof the w-td de icuduhl Is oouv hi, v. us iipieiilbot n cord, Ac And while s. thu sul-l l.jilla ..llili-iruiuii 13 now uvuu, us luibutiu sui;- nested of record, uud that 1. U Mlillus. theudmtn- Istralor, has been substituted m the iilaluilil. And uhore-UH the bald JuhU l-'ii-us died selxoUoI reul t-k-lulu In llio said county of Columbia, us wu linni tn L'lit-u tu und, -island, which diibociidi-d aud came lu ll, u. rii-us, iuiaiii i mas, uuorgo ll. Kreas, 111 raiu II. l'reas, John A . r'rea, lloroee Kti-os, ibalsh ll. l-'ieas, Millie Anu Intermarried with Jonathan YV. A. UUU ,-I.UVj ....V ........ .V.. 1, ,1.1 ' lllL'hft, tho heirs ot thu said John Krens. deceased. Ami fur ther, llio said I. Iv, lilldlue, udintnlstratoror Udla .lmmeiman, di-ceurcd, husclien uslu understand that tho said Judgment, Willi tho Inturest und the. costs thereon, remains n holly unpaid und uusutls lled, uud has Iiesouifht us to provide or ldm u i uis r remedy In this behalf i .sndvo br-lrcir u itllnt; that what Is Huslly acieu in our said Cnurt siinniii i.i broUL'ht lo duu eiecullou. uin-oidlnir lo niu rm m nt u.Uly lu such Iwm) madeand provided, euinumlid joiiinuo buowuio inubaia ii.c.t.-eirs. William I; heos, clonrifo II. Kreas, lllram ll Vivas, .lolu. A. i-'i cas, Horace Vreus, IsuliU ll. rreas, t-nlllo Ann iiiieruuiriou nun jonutiiau w.Eik, und Nancy luteriiiarrlcd iin Ulcli, uud lu 11. t'. re our JudL-us at itloomsbiiri;, ut our t et l oiuinoj t'leua there lo ke held vn lay' ol Dn-einKT next, to bhow cause, if Ulm Avo , lli'Jow oi tj-Scccn St.. Ulit-riij oppoiilte Hum K.xhlhltluu lli-tldlnf. Ac lur l.u-u luebij. epeilal uirano. uients for larjfo parileb. " Dol.I.AJC 1'hlt DAY. iS.ii.furt, eeouomy and reasonabU cliarfeb. w. II. CO., I hUadelkhla. w juij .-im. PITTSBURG, PA. 'I he ino-,i coinplclo InHltullon In the 1'rltcrtStntrv for tho ihoio.iL'h ori.Liteul idueullun e.f ouai: &aa lu'.ildlc-ued u,i n. WMtiiili ufi. ii-i'i-fii'd ut niiy tluir.j AeldrobB, lor cliculare cei.talulni; lull jaillrulars, .;. c.t-jirni.A. m ., niu, irah fepUH, Ti.-4in. wac-o in-as. adinlnlBUator ol Pieaa, drceiut-d, that l.tey oc oetnrp our duuvus I'ounty i nun ll, l-.l .uv ...... ... imj v. ,-tuni iiivuim vuiiae. 11 nuy tlUliit thej know ur no . why the bald iudcuieut to mvinlul ueruliibt thu biiU II. 0 l-'ioiis, uifuilnlstnt tor ol I be MW John l'reas, deceased, t hull uut bo lev. U-d aud paid out ot tlie buldrvul estate ot uniehtho said Juhu Kiviut lUid be bed us afon-juild uud now di bxenueu uuu eaine iu uiein us la-ira. WlibiMithe llonorablo tiilllsm Klwell, President Juiljro of our said Court ut lilooinsburtr tno twuftu ilat of bepleuibcr, A, 1). LIS. 11. VltANIC ZA1111, Sop. tl-tw. l'roliiouotur. ie 1 nn day at home. Aeeuti wauted. Outatnnd I Vienna fnsi. lltVJE. a IHJ, AuuubU, Wulnu. This Dlrectoiy Is coinplleil ly .1. WEAVER & CO.. IVesvniit;ii'i' AettcittNltiK ABCHf, ltel smllblleld Street, I'llTbSUl'lIO, I'A. Ilrancu cftlco, Ills Mai Let street, l'hlla. JdvurtisjngAgents ?3i7 Qioaw.tu u. v. 0 I'auphleit of lttWHL A I U. i-tw Vcik. U lie ii-iii-, eittulhiii; Uhm U w. ntwipaj-ere, ttcdejllai MenUH trlulif tdmU- hi.' .