1U: uem THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO0RAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. P j fii tli nr. se coj Pit rei i tlit ccr tec io i tlia , in i Ids ceue, flue; luili ,CUH LClill ,W01C and ,tliat mort A for ' 'Hckj near, ivIioij STow jnartj Jiis 01 Jvlieti (Aorn II and (no k hroo ulcalcr It tho. CfaJi ou t' A ! h oej If A , iiiijicd injier An i jfd ihqi WfAl ft Led a ijniiiiaf Jl,ao, Juan of prly fine of mm 3RY. . 4aafl3SWAT& ELV72I.Ii, Ellters. rjBLOOMSnURG, PA. l-'iMWhy, Ocst. a 7, 18 7(J. Tl M'lTi'.M CAN ORATOiTV. " " Atarccctit meeting of tfitj "Have A wliocliTt'Itclub in IlloomsVurf?, II. K. Hmltli, Ksil-jjiHtorlnliiml Uio audience with tlio lot 1ivln beautiful iiiul pathe-lia lunu.o. ' nig, 1'opo anil tlio Devil nre chained t" irelhrr. After the Niivrmber ilrcti'iii we will, linyo another link In tlic elintii.ii'iul thru tlio Tope, tlio Devil anil tho Democratic iiartv.wlll bo clialneil tepgctlicr." Tlicro U t lit ofh valuable Information In tlio above Sacrey1 history tell us t'.iat tlio Devil use. tubes, ni the liablt of "('dIiik about tike i r ar(ii5 ion, tecklnj; wIiomi he may devour," but now, thanks to tiro .bmilli, the sinlsici crtitleiniiii U securcl. He lias gone unto the rmiriiij; lloii bitsliioss, uml Is anchored fust to the Pope. What n prcat relief It inu! Itafobeen, to the sneaker when ho made tin eliseovcry that Ms saianic majesty is no long trallarpel This brilliant orator seems V bo laboring under tho impression tbat tin l'opo-js,a candidate for tho Presidency. Tills may;.bo true, but wo bad not heard of his nomination. Such nonsense as tlio above I n falr.samplo of .the kind of argument that 1.- Iteing used by Republican speakers alt over the ijuuntfjt In their desperation lliey re s MortJidt only to falsehood, but to aluolutelv idiotic statements, llecklcy, in, his struggle to hold on to tho post-olKce, iuforine.d an an dleuce.ln Ucrwiek recently hat it tln Dem ocratic iwly succeed this fall there will be another war. That weans that tho army ol KXJ.OOO oll'icn holders will fight before they wilt givo iin their hold on tho people s mon ey, ilteckley will undoubtedly be one of the leaden We have n faint recollection of bis bravery. Ho onco assisted in an attempt to bang a fecblo old man in the early days ol the rebellion, -fur wbich ho was indicted and convicted. Auotlicrspeclmcn of tho oratory of a'imich abler-speaker was given in the address of Mr. llrosim in the Opera House last wtek. He did not threaten wr, but inado' Ibis most pathetic appeal ! "We can eflind 'almost any calamity that divine Prov idenco may eeo fit to send upon us. Wnceii survivo a repetition of tho plagues of Egypt but don t, don't, turn us out ol oflice. ' And all fiiis is, tho kind of stuff that theltepubli can ysrty expect to win on. They do not hesitate to falsify j they aro not ashamed to "bejor-a, continuance of their hold on the treaury, and they insult tho intelligence of the American people by the argument witli which they are attempting to carry the No vember election, iiut tho insult will bo i n eligi&iitly flung in their faces when tho na tion shall file its decision on tho 7th of next month. (iOT 'KM. We wean Forney. In 1872, when he was Bober.-lic made a magnificent criuade against thieres'ln Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, and'had no hesitation in denouncing the Camerons,- HartranU,' ltowan and other Itlngsters ; but now ho sees huge Confeder ate armies In motion, rebel debts paid in de fiance of the constitution, and not a colored man left alive in the South. In liis deliri- uinhe says "he wanU to go at the Demo crafcy with "cold sleei." Wo do not know how 'Forney is on handling tho sword or the knife, at least ho did not evince much light ing propensity at close quarters during the rebellion, but for a cold tlal Forney is per- lectty aujail. Witness tits saj.uuu ueorge O. Evans grab, and tho 25,000 Pacific Mail swindle. Forney hasno equal in a wholesale Meal from tho people's treasury. Ho won two' grand victories in that line. Gov. Tllden has written a letter to Hon Abrahi S. Hewitt, in which, after citing the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution he uses the following vigorous languago : Should I be elected President, the nrovis' ionsjof the fuurtceath amendment will, so liir'as depends on me, bo maintained, exe cuted and enforced in perfect and absolute good faith. No rebel debt will be assumed or miid. No claim for tho loss or emancina tion of any slave will be allowed. No claim fonanv loss or damupa incurred bv dislovul persons, arising from tho late war, whether covered by tho fourteenth amendment or ..' . ..Ill I. . .....:... 1 .,.,!.! Tk ,., tarwill not be refunded. I shall deem it 1IUI, Will UI.1 llt.'t!l&CU Ul I'.ll.l. IUU j'JVbUIJ rayiduty to veto every bill providing for tho assumption or payment of any debts, losses, damages, Claims, or or the relundiiig of any such' tax. 'fhis'eflectually disposes of the Republican twaddlo concerning tho payment of South em-claims in tho event of Democratic sue cess this fall. There Is a larger Confederate force under arms in the South to day, than at any time during the war, and there havo been more TT'l v.. . I. ill 1 i. .1 I r.. . .. uuioruinen kiiiuu in me single mate oi MissiAppi since the close of the war, than were luitea in any tlireo battles ol tuo re beliion. Muncy Luminary. Evidently our neighbor is endeavoring to rival the lirpullican in mendacity; In tho tbrfca battles of the rebellion. Gettysburg, Wljdernes3 and Spottsylraula there were 10,p3I Union nu n killed. Tho Zuminary with nil its effulgence, cannot count thirty eutj.Unlon men killed since tho close of, tl war., eucti wliolcsalo lies as tbat of our cotfrnporary will only meet contempt among decent men. AN ,AXSWKH TO TUB "SOLID SOUTH t. 1ICUAUU0. The charge that the hopes of the DemO' cracy In the coming election depends upon t "aoliil Bouth" is dissipated by n reference to tho election returns of 1874. In that year thcDemocraU had 1,002,833 votes in tl southern States, and tho Republicans C5G, 782. At tho same time the Democrats had 2,055,419 votes in the northern stalei, show ingconcluilvely that there are two votes North to one South. Sixteen of the convicted Molly Mnguires, and four persons convicted of perjury in con nectlon with their cases, were sentenced l'mtsville on Monday of last week. Th terms of imprisonment range from one Ujcc years, Donnelly, O'Neal and O'liri cn received the longest terms, 'f he man who introduced Den Uutler uio public Uio died In a Massachusetts poorhouo thaotLc day, Virtue Is Its own reward, If a man lives long enough. Detroit J'rt' t"(o 'Republicans lost only 120,000 votes in Vermont, Maine, Arkansas and Alabama. Llkctj-Mcrcutlo's wound, this loss Is not wido'aaa barndoor nor as deep us a well buti'twlll serve. " .-n.. fjtlio hidisn campaign lias ended it U uly)jut (hut the publloeliould be told nhcli it yBiincnced. Nobody bus heard of any JuiUJih bell'g Mi.Petrott the lWu. 1 (io,,i:s's ctiAiHius rnovr.x. f'licii.Mr. Gowcii,ln his celebrated speech ilt'lho Muni? trial, charged that State InClals high lir porter had bargained (or and actually bought tho Mollhi Mugulro vote, those who knew him best felt nured that In duo time tho iiroof would bo liirnlshed, notwithstanding tho emphatic denial of Gov. Itartranft nnd Scnretary tinny. It ninio out iroiich tho trial of eltow Jack Doiuihoe ast week for tlio imiidcr of Morgan l'nwcll. The wlliicss waH.Tohn .1. Slattcry, n leadln,' Mol HoT" w hoisTiil ly corioboralcil. IViidlng'tlio'canipalgu' lutt year Hlatlrry and John ICchoc, county delegate ol'Schiiyl- kllt county, met General Jr 'lv.' Hlgfricurri prominent Rcublicau politIcian,holdingtha ucMltvo appointment ol boiler inspector f this county, mi l James Kyon, ex-Judgo f Ihe Court of Common Plc.isof thli county who was UeleateU lor re-election uy Miiugc Pershing, r.nd tluy bargained with Kelioe .nut al.ittuy to pay them olio lliuusaiidduh Ur4 apleco for jirocuriug tho votes of the Molllo Maguires for llaitranft. After the argaiu was concluded Higfried said he would hnvo to go to Harrisburg to get tho money, and if he succeeded ho would com uiiiuie.ito with Keliue and Slattcry by n () iher telegram agreed upon. The day follow- ngSlattery received a dispatch Irom big- I'rleil, which meant that tlio money hail been raised and that Slattery and Kelioe should cotLolo Sigfrled's liouso In Pottsvlllo the next day. They came, and there, In the presence of Judge Hyou nnd D. O. Honing, Ui , a prominent Republican nud law. yer Sigfried paid over to Slattery and Kchoo a thousand dollars apiece. At the sumo time an additional Mipulatiou was made that if one-half of tho Republican codnty ticket was elected an ndditional thousand dollars sbould bo paid to Kelioe and Slattery. Slattery further testified that John M. Delany, Governor ilartranft's messenger in iho Hxecutlve Department, carried n fund of money to Luzerne county for tlio purpose of securing the Mollies' voto of that county for Hartrnnlt, and that a much larger fund was sent to Pittsburg, the headquarters of tho A. O. II. In Pennsylvania, to be used for tho samo purpose. A refcrenco to tho re turns from the localities named ivould seem to corroborate Slattery'a testimony. Promi nent Republicans promised to uso their in fluence with Gov. Hartrnnlt for that purpose after tho election, and Kchoo and Slattery used this promise witli tho individual mem bers of the Moltio organization and with those who sympathized with them to induce them to vote for Hartrauft. As a matter of fact, ehortly after tho election the prison of Schuylkill county was emptied of all the Mollie convicts by means of pardons. Gen. SigWed and Mr.Deniug admit hav ing paid the money. In tho faeo of these facts how can any de cent Republican longer act with n party that deliberately buys up a bandot cut-throats. hadltTuaubi). Col. Henry M. Hoyt, fire chairman of tho Pennsylvania Republican Stato Committee has issued a frantic call to arms, which al though a somewhat blood-curdling docu ment is nvcrtheless mighty pretty reading. Tlio Colonel liko a good Republican claims n victory for his party m all tho states which have held elections this Fall, and even de rives comfort, of rather an uncomfortable kind, from Indiana. We would not advise persons with weak nerves to read Col. Hoyt's manifesto, as the picture which ho draws of the horrors that will follow a Democratic victory in November U enough to appal tho stoutest heart. Tho proclamation deals largely in blood, gore, shut-guns and clubs and the poor negro is held up in all imagi nable forms of torture; Taking itall togeth er we aro of the opinion that Col. Hoyt is at present tho worst scared man iA tho State. His party owes him it large debt of grati tude for his strenuous efforts to firo tho Re publican hearts and if they don't "fire," it is certainly not his fault. If ho only lived in Indiana, and coulU tako John W. Forney with him, what a campaign they could coi - duct with Morton as leader. Ah I It is a little odd that men who, according to popular report, arc poscssed ol ordinary common sense should feel it a wise thing to foist such rubbish on tho peoplo as is con tained in Col. Hoyt's manifesto, and cspec ially eo in tho face of the uumistakablr rc pudiatlon ol the fctulT in the great States of Ohio nud Indiana. However, there is a scriptural adage relative to the braying of a certain kind of human being in a mortar and tho results tln-reof, which wo prciiimo Btlll holds good in this nineteenth century, T1I13 PYRAMIDS. Democratic. INDUNA, GEORGIA, ALABAMA, A ll KANSAS, D E L AWARE, CONN EOTIOUT, K E N T U O K Y , W 13' S5T VIRGINIA . Jtepullican, OHIO, MAINE, VTiBJlOXT. Indiana -Republicans. Bluo Jeani Wjlllams llluo "HOLD TUB F0UT," This is tho languago of Gen, Hoyt, and hi scared bummers have taken up the cry, The "fort" Is the Republican piirlyfentrcnch ed in power, with M.00Q office holders, the whisky ring, Pacific rail roads, Indian rings, and all the rotten and corrupt in fluences in tho nation as allies. The out posts were taken in October; and the people wjlltako the "fori" Nov. 7lh, and place Titdcn and Hendricks in command. Another massacre of white men by1 tie grnes hai jmt occurred ut E Icefield Cjurt uoue, bouth Carolina. Ihe whites were returning from a quiet nud orderly I)emO' cratlc meeting when they were fired on by a party ol nrgioes jn ambush, Ono man was killed mid two others dangerously wounded. This took pluco In the Stato for which that lying hypocrite, Guy, Chamber liu, demands United States troops to secure au hoiiest(r) election I A prize light occurred In Chester county feiv duys ago which must have been peiftct- ly satisfactory lu its results to the order-lov: ing people of tho county, One of the pu gllisU was so badly beaten that he died, whereupon tho friends of the deceased kill bis antagonist and a riot ensuing several of tho participants were severely injured. Now if thoso who aided and abetted the prize fight can bo sent to jail the job. may bo con Bidered lis complete. Francis P, lllair, the venerable journalist uml politician, dii'd on Wednesday at his residence at Sllur Sprjngx, Maryland, ugul 87 ytarx., SOUTH CAItllLIXA. Tho tcrrlblo condition of this unfortunate Slalo Is not generally understood at' Iho North. A few figurcjiWllllsliow how tho rc- e thero are plundered byJtlio carpet bag gers nml lliclr' negro allies, 'ino propcriy nidation In lSGOainotiutcditoMtlO.OOO.OOO; n 1870 It was $170,000,000, n dci llno of 07 per cent, Tlio tax levy nitiounied in isiiu 10 $.',00,000; In ISO,'!, to $2,700,000, mi Incre.-iie f nearly f.00 per cent. The ligWallvt1 ex cuses amounted in I SIM to $-10,1)00 ; In 1S72 6 $2!),000,nn inereaoof nearly 700 per cent. Is It any wonder in view of this wliolcsalo robbcry-that Iho peoplo of South Carolina protest against tho cotitliiuanco In power of their oppressors? Ono bundled nnd odd cars ago tho people of this country rose g.ilnit tho rule of King George for taxts ,ir less oik runs than thoo now imposed on South Carolinians. Aru wo to suppose the present Inhabitants of tho State are degener- te sons of noblo fathers, and that they wit. ubnilt without a murmur to such outrageous obbery ? Judge K, R. Hoar Is to run as an inde pendent candidate against lieu llutler In tho Seventh Massachusetts Congressional Dis- ricl. If tills movement on the pait of the neurits of Llutler results in tlio election of Mr. Tarbox, tho Democratic nominee, the country will owo many thanks to Judge Ho..r. As between Honr and Uutler, there shut little to choose: both aro rampant Radicals and ndmircrs of Grnntism with its attendant corruptions. Of tho two, wo are not certain whether wo don't prefer llutler. Ho is not a whit more intolerant than Hour, besides which he is witty and amusing and Hoar is neither one nor the other, llutler, too, is tho fittest exponcnt.of tho principles of Massachusetts Republicans. With tho iresent complexion of tho liouso llutler could not do much harm and ho would give us some spicy speeches. Hero Is a fact not generally known : An act of tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, passed Juno 1.1, 1S33, says ; "Tho father and grandfather, and tho mother and grand mother,and the children and grandchildren, of every poor person unable to work, shall at thelrjown charge being of sulllcicut ability relievo and mairtaiu such poor person nt itch rate as the Quarter Sessions of the county where such poor persons reside shall ordtrand diiect." This, it will be eccn, makes children and grandchildren responsi ble for the support of their parents and grandparents, if tho loiter are unable to maintain themselves ; while it also makes lurents and crandparcnts liable to the sup- ort of their children nud grandchildren, in enso the latter arc destitute and unable to work for a living. WA8HINOTO N. iTKFf KUSO X. JIADISO X. .Tackso X. VAN IIUltK X. HAltlllSO N.. lmCIIAXA X. MN'COI, X. JOIIXSO X. ni.un x. His election is a forcgono conclusion. Tho Boston J'ost crows as loudly as if it had fed on nothing but crow diet for a month. It accuses tlio Daily AdcertUer of "staying fast on the nest rather than como off nnd show that its party has laid no egg j" then inquires If it "isn't about time to put tho question to the tax-payer, whether he sup ports tho lederal army for the benefit of Zach Chandler and his lieutenants, Cham berlain and Patterson;" compliments tho tYssociated Press on its magnanimity in con cctling the election of Williains,and express es sympathy as follows: "Wo pity our Re publican friends know how it is have been thero ourselves." Ex.-Govcmor Pollock is reported as say ing that nine-tenths of the whisky ring nro Democrats. We would liko some proof of this. Wo know the facts pretty well upon this subject and believo there arc more Re publicans than Democrats selling intoxica ting liquors lu Pennsylvania, and that tho whisky frauds of tho country were only ren dered possiblo by tho contrivance and co-op eration of Republicans and Riiblican of fice holders. Temperance Vindicator Hep.) The New York Times commends "tho en ergy and ability of General Dix in tho present ciimpalgu to tho Imitation of somo younger men, who are under greater obliga tions to the party." That General Dix is an effectivo worker thero cannot bo u doubt. What he couldn't do he wants Haves to do- beat Tilden and therein issweet revenge, Tho Dover (N. II.) iVc-jjis amazed to seo "how slow the facts of history are to come out! Through Mr. lllalnc the country learns for the first time that while that eminent patriot was serving his country by substi tute In tho Augusta jail Char'cs Francis Adams was plotting treason in the halls of Congress and making an cffrt to avert tho civil war." The Congressional voto In Ohio was divi ded as follows : Democratic .... ,",00,005 Itcnub lean .... 3M.553 iiuru rarty .... j,yi According to this showing it will bo Been that tho majority against the Republicans In Ohio on Cniigr. smien Is S73. Tho aggregate vote on the Indiana State election Is -1:13,103, of which Williams rc ceived 213,003; Harrison, 207,070; Harring. ton, independent, 12,220. Williams' major ity over Harrison, 5,110. 'Hie legislature stands, house, Republican 53, Democrat -15, independents 2; i-enati-, Republicans 23 Democrats 25, Independents 2, Tho whaler Florence arrived at S.tn Fran Cisco, Saturday, with 100 men of tin-crew of twelve Aictic whalers which were lost lu tho lee with portions of their crews, It believed linn liftv or sixty lives were lust, Tho loss on tho vessels owned In New lied ford, Mass., Is estimated at nearly $500,000, mostly injured In Huston ami New York of fices. Mr. A'lanx has in his veins wnat Mr.Cur th) has not -blood sullicicutly patriotic to mako.jiim filling to join with tho Democra cy in an effort save tho country, Tho cd itor (if Harper'a Weekly would rather scu the Republic dead, mu d-Wlcd than saved by Pemocraiiu ilytlun, il, .ohm Y'4 liotvi (Ind. Dtm,) IVrhnps Morton's l'o'tmaiter General Ty ner cult siuero n lew innuieiiU tu intend to hii business wow that the Indiana election is over Js. UWhn your simplicity, tils busliuss is to look after elections I IK'it s what ho was nijulu Postmaster General for. DII'OliTAXT OPIMO.V. - Jn Ihe mutter oJhcdtrti Million fif procieih ; Mie.ty penofiai prperiy nj irifiantu'itfi r by im Mienjr, the following, (union vai rendered by William Jilvell, J'. d.,,OMr 110A, l870.f g t Tho wages Act of 9 April IR72bU-ck no llcn'ln favur of Clerk", Miners, Mfchauiis r laborers, upon any property not l -oil at or in rouiiecllon with the mine or innnufai tory or oilier lllo I ii'li iss tthrrn tho claim ant of tho lle'n Is employed. " In considering cases' under tho Act it is Important to toti.hter whether tho IhisIiipjs In whlciniio owner or lessee of the property Is engaged Is sueli its entitles his employees to n Hen Tho words ol tho statute used in lelinlng tlio business are, "work, mine, manufactory eir oilier business when1 clerks, miners, or inecliaiiics urn employe-it," other kinds of bllsini s, nodi ns keeping a hoti 1 aro not included by lhr-e word. Al'e-n s Felil.11.1 Li-g Int. .'MO ; Sullivan's Appeal, 27 P. F. Smith m. It is also important to usecrtvdn whether the property about to bo sold upon nn exe cution or otherwise wns In and nbnut the mine, manufactory &c, or used in carrying on the business there-at eir In connection therewith. And lastly whether tho claimant lias rendered scrvico entitling him to a lien, and has given tho notice of his claim as required by tlio second section of tlio Act. In this coso the auditor has found that Win. Voider tho execution debtor was en gaged In mining and in building houe at the mines ; ho was also engaged In the business of hotel keeping wholly independ ent from his mining business. The fund for llstribution wns ruheel by the sale of the personal propeity in and about the hotel. Tho auditor therefore rightly dee-iiled, that tho execution creditor wits entitled to the proceeds of the sale mid the persons employ- d at the mines had no lien upon the prop erty or claim upon the fund. The notices to tlio Sherifl" we re no defec tive that the money could not have been legally awarded to the claimants if they had a lien. Tho act requires that tlio nolico of the claim shall bu in wilting nud shall bo given to tho officer executing tho writ before sale. Tho writing should contain every element which goes to make up a claim under the statute. H ought to statu the businei-s in which tho employed was engaged the kind of service rendered by the claimant, wheth er as clerk, miner, mechanic i.r laborer the fact that a lieu is claimed upon the property seized by the ollieer and tho particulars of the sorvico as to d.iy's work, or work by the mouth or other contract, and the amount claimed. Tho courts will not be hypercritical in scanning this species of claim, butthcy can not disregard tlio requirements of the? statute) As tbatj requires tho notico to ho in writing no part of it can bo supplemented by parole evidence, but the writing itself must contain every essential to a valid claim, with reason able certainty. . iV notico which merely gives tho name of tho claimant, and a sum opposite, without referring to tho property nnd claiming a lien thereon, is invalid and worthless. McMillen vs. Hank, 1 Weekly Notes 55. For tho reasons given by tlio auditor and for tho further reason that tho notices to the Sheriff are not Mich as the statute require s, tho Auditor's Report must be continued Exceptions overruled and report confirmed. unappreciaiive papers continue to pay their respects to Colonel Rob Itigersoll. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer says it is true that Hob has a poor opinion ol the Democratic party', but ho has a worso opinion of God. The Brooklyn Argus thinks that Ingersoll can light a sulphur match just by talking to it. When the Devil takes a fancy tefn man it is useless to anticipate his methods of showimr it. Tlio full olficl.il returns of the elcctinn in Ohio, as published by the Cincinnati Cam- mercial, givo H.imes, tho R. publican candi date for Secretary of State, n majority of 5,774 over Hell, Democrat, Chapman, tho Temperance candidate, received 1,77-1 votes, leaving Harness a majority ol -1,000 over both. Hoynton, tho Republican candidate for Jus- tico of the Suifremo Couit, received n major ity of 10,708. Tho four Doiuocra'ic Congreotmeu elected in Indiana had an aggregate majority of 18- C5(i; tho nine Rrpttblicau Congressmen had an aggregate majority of 10,04.'!. Tho net Democratic majority in the Slato is7,9KI. This shows the beauties of Republican ger rymandering. Tho height of impudence has been reached at last. Sitting Hull, tho Sioux chief, has asked permission or tho Indian Agent at Fort Peck to come in and trade lor ammuni tion. That beats anything we have ever known. Score one and a lar;e one for Built Blasphemous Hob Ingersoll, the pet orator of the Republican party and special cham pion of Rutherford H. Iluyes.styles Christian ity a relic of barbarism, and Socrates the peer of Christ, and all the good peoplo of the party ol great moral ideas flock to hear him. The St. Louis t?ol thinks tho Radical "party 'can get along without the German vote." Whether it can or not it will have to, just as it wilt get along without tho voto of tho editor of the Globe unless Grant par dons him out of tlio penitentiary. Carl Schtirz, in tho Innocence of his heart preached Hnyes and Reform iu Indiana. His dojtrinus did not suit Chandler, Morton and Cameron, and so Schtirz was wiuolched, and his "sweet German accent." is no longer heard, lie is kept out of buch Districts us Hen. Butler's. The Methodist says : "Gov. Tilden was elected to his present ofiico by fifty thousand majority over John A. Dix, a decisive test of personal popularity. After Mr. Dristow, ho is tho only man in high plnco who risked anything in a fight against corruptlonlsts. The ladles, one and all, pronounco Glenn's Sulphur Soap tlio best clarilier nnd omollent for completion, that they havo over em ployed. It should be used by all who arc anxious to possess unblemished skins. Depot, CrittentnnV, No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dve brown or black, 60 cts, Oct. 0, 4w, Doctor, it Fheij) Liki: a Bat.i, ov Fll'E I I So speaks oftentimes the sufferer from dyspepsia. After eating, it seems as if there wasu veritablo ball of firo running up nnd. down through hie stomach. Tf bo eats much he leels it i If he don't cat much he (eel it. It destroys his onjoyinent of lifo. If the doctor be really desirous of curium nis paiicut no should pot axpsrliiient with the hitHurer, hoshoiild lecotnuieud him to iiku Peruvian Syiup. whoso merits have! been letted so long, ami always satisfactori ly. Hulls of fire In the Btomuch and IVru. vlaii Svrup can't elwcU tegether, Seiinl to )'9iir etrngglst, ho keein it always ready, and try it, Jt will work like n charm. National Dom.ior.xVu Ticket. ror. I'nnSjiliNT, SAMUEL, )Vflffi3EN, ' jjf'OF NHW'Uific. riin vieinMninsfnriNT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. Drinnrriitlr Dlrrlunil Tlclie-I. KUinrotts at i.Attni:. t'UAnt.W II, nCCICAtXW-SAMl-KL n. WllioN. PISTMC'T lXKCTOttS. llntiertr. Mlcf Daniel 1) "o.-ts .1. II. Slce'elluui I-'. W. Knox liititi II. I'lil Tlinmns llower lmWil -mull m iii Minn wimnter .litiws.l. Mniit-tt .tolin H. Outline II. M.rillisnn I lavldM. Morris 11. M, lironn 'I lioiuns W, lira son (Iciugn it. lurrell Wm it wrlirlit Thomas I". llusKltl If.lm Morrct I. .Mon I ton imen Ioiiim Win. K. I Lin lnl L. I Iu-Iiiiiit II. 1'. -rruml-ovd-r lif-u. II. Itcml.imi J'jtlll Ni'iilnti .1, II. Aiil.'uin.nit S HcnJ train 1 .Moms. Couuty Officers. STATi: BK.VATOn, ROIIKRT 1, AI.I.RN. of Lycoming county. nnriti snxTATiviM, K. J. MoIIUNRY, of I'inhinycrcel: DAVID S. 11ROWN, of Main. ASSOG'IATi: Jlll'tllis, F. 1.. SMUMAN, of Odawima. ISAAC 1". KRICKRAUM, , of Jlcnton. MinniiT, .IOIIN W. HOFFMAN, of Dloomnhurri. .1UIIY COMMlSStONEll, ei.i nonniNs, of risfiiiiycrrcl: Detiioi-rulli- SliindliiK (Viiiiiiilltee. Henver Nntliin nredbjnder, Jr. Denton W. II. Smith, llerwick W. T. I'nytler. Hlooinsbun; I! W. .1. tluckiilew. Hloomsburt; W. II. W. Mcliejno'.il.i. llrtarcieel: Wm. Lainnit. Catawlssa li. .M. Tuivksbttry. e'cnti-nlla M.tttus McllriMrtv, Centre II. A. Hcltweppcijlielser. tion) nchitin X. Mel Letilhin. ConviiKltain s. Peter l.ttliy. , Klshlnjcreek l'miik Woll Kritnkliti-Vneoh Knltlle. ilrccnwood-ei. w. utt. llemlsck Win. Illrton. Jackson Wm. I,. !;iliuliij. Locust Win. II. Hcinbolil. .Madison Conrad Kramer. M.ttn W. T. Shtunan. Jtiniln-D. II. Montgomery. Montour J. X. nordon. Mt. Pleasant A. T. Ikelcr. Orango Abraham White. Pine W. Karshuer. lloarlnircreek J. 1). Kllnger. Scott-O. P. Eat. Sugarloat-C S. Fritz, Important to Centennial Visitors, Many of our readers who yet intend to visit Philadelphia, will wisli to do so at tho least possible cost and trouble. They will not wish to pay hotel rates when they can obtain good accommodations at private and boarding houses at one-third hotel rates. Dti ring September and October the crowiis will be so lariro that thev cannot be nccninn. dated at hotels, and to avoid trouble on their arrival all should know whero they nrefjoing to stop, beforo leavintr home. You can oh- t tin good accommodations by tho week for from $5 to $10, or by the day from SI to $2. To do this you must write to J. Weaver tt Co., 1!118 .Market street, Philadelphia, and they will, on receipt of 1, to pay them for their trouble and expense, send you a list of one hundred boarding houses, giving the prices charged by tlio day or week. You can then select a place for vourself. and make arrangements d.rect with tho parties ju nisii iu siiiji nun, tit tins way you can save irom ciu to rjiiotlld you wistt l; stop nt a hotel they wiil maieo all nccccssa- r.v $1 arrangements for you nud charge you but Thit it our advice. T.c it. Stato what paper you saw this in. I3C1. iOU, Have you tried Kirby'sAVildCherrv Coutrl Balsam ? A very palatcablo compound lor tho various affections oltlie throat and lungs it has been used with succcks, iu seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and in many cases efi'ecting a pernamcnt cure. Pricu 6U cents per bottle and positively warranted to give entire satisfaction e r monev refunded. Kirby's Mngio Relief for tho instant cure ol hcveio iiuu acute nuns. Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant. safe and effectual. Kirby's Horse and Cattlo Powders are tho best powders lor stock, manufactured. Try them nnd bo convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, soro ups anti cunppeu minus. Gill's Billions and Liver Pills nro recom mended by the first Phvslcinns. Tho abovu preparations aro for salo by all uruggtsis aim ueaicrs in menicine. Movuu Bhothkrs. July 2l,'70.-ly Wholesale Agents Deaths. llOOPN.VOLK.-ln Kescopec, on Saturday night last, Martha, relict of Gccrg-o HoofnaKlc, aged about 74 years. HUFFMAN. In Hloomsburg, Oct. IT, lsT, at the residence of hereon, O. A. Jacobv, Mrs. Klliabetli Huffman, aged SI ears, 1 me. uuu 2 days. PAliKS. Near Jonestown, on Uio istu Inst,, Miss parks, eged lTjesus. KLINE. Near Itohrsburg, on tho 91st Inst., John Kline, nged a years, v nioa, ami is days. Marriages. MILLKIt-KUI.LKIt.-lly llev. O. 11. Dechant, at tho re.sldi.nco of tho brldo's father, Mr. Aci1 Miller to Miss Mnry Matilda Keller, both of l.ociut tonu ship, t'OltllllOl.l Co. ltllOAIW-ll!LLIN!).-Oc. IS, by the sumo, at I'ut- al.-s.i, Mr. ('l.trk l.uo.ids, of ltom lucreek, lu ii:s C'aiolluo Hilling, of Unjust Inwubhlp, 1-YluinbU couu t)', Pa. uiLnnmiAN!) ki.siihaun.-oii tho isth inst by e:. A, P.ucklngliHin, Use., Mr. rr.ine.ls lllldebiuntl to .MUs Clara Klshlmeli. A.VKIt-lIullFNAIILH.-NJpt, Willi, by llev. A. It, Hottiiistliif, Mr, M, Amer to Miss LlltdbcUi Hocfea tie, both of llerulck. SMCTIIi:its-li:ss.-Oct Hill, by tho naino, Mr. Jacob I'. Smelliers tu Mt Maillt.1 A. Hess, both or Hulcm. MARKET R-EPORTS. W,OOM.SllUK(l MARKKT. Wheat J.or bushel..., I1.S9 It)H " 11 Coru.now, 11 is) OuLs. M Flour per barrel , cjovcraccd Flaxseed llutler Kggs ,,. TnW pQtatoos Dried Apples ., Hams I.6U T.il nmu. onumiiui. ijia.,. .. ..... .1. LaidDcrnound ..;.."".'J....';!?ffI M llayportoa .,, , W.eo Hooswax , Vt Tuaolliy Beetd 4.U) il!OT,vni)NH Hill COAl. No. 4 on Wharf .".I,,,.!., $ 4,00 per Ton no. "::::"v.v.:lv"::'."'S VluckainllbVLutuiion Wiuitf .., tl no " Bltuialuouji JC m " 1IV8PEP8IAI DYSPKPSlAl DVSPKP3tAI DjTr-er la Is tlio most pe-rrlexlnff of all human nil-. InfMs. lis M miliums urn nliniMt. Innnlie In their vmtoty ftfirl IIiq forlorn and efefpondt-nt vlcilmSof tlio tllseano eittcn fancy the tnwlvi's Uio prey, In ttirfir of evrrj'ltnown m-tlaay, litis Istliie, Inprtrtlott'o elnso sjinpntliy which exists betneon tho stcuiacli ml tho 1-ratn, and In nort i.lso to Uio fact Hint liny illstitrbdtico of the ditfcslh e nincllons necessarily dts itlsordi'is'tdoi-'llver, tlio liowcls nud tlio nervous ttjMom nnd orfccU, to somo cxtent,,tlio quality of lliu Mood. ):.!'. Kniilel's Hitter Wlneibf Iron li a sum cure. This It not a -low pii'imrutti-ii, to I a lili-il mid lound u anting 11 Ims In-i-n ,ii-scrlbtd tlally fvr 111.111)- years Ilio imu-'liu if tiiilnuiU lil.i sk'Biiis Utli iin- psrallcil aiieressj It Is not u!iiocte-tl or Intended to u ro nil tho dlsensos to which Hit htiiii.in fninll) Issub- tecUbutWitrrniiltd to cine litsiieii-ta In Its most olisllitalo form. lilmU-l's Hitter Wine of Iron never ilU to curt'. H)tnptoTsot H)S)cpsln nro loss of ftlipcllli-, uind mid Hslntf of the lood, tlriitssotthu mouth, Ucuritiurn, illstcnstoit of lli-J stonmch ntul Lowcls, coiistl;iullon, hcadjcho, dizziness, sleepless. nets and iGWhpli Its. Try the treat roinedy ami Lu contlnecd of lis lin-rlls. tlet Ihe KCtiiilnc, Tnko nlv Kiinkers,wlilililiputoiityln)l holtlos. Heiiut 1M s tin uy nil Drujfijhls nml ilc.tlers ever) here. Ask for K. V. Kiu.ktls Hitler Mno of Iron nnd take no other, six bottles for f ?.oo or II. per bottle. Worms I Worms I Worms 1 1. 1'. Kunkel's Worm Hjru-i never falls to destroy 'In, NtiitniidMomacli worms. Dr. Kutikt-I, tlte only successful llivtlclan who removes Tnno worm In! hours, nllvo wttlt lio.vl, nnd no feo until removed. .'otnmon sense teaches If Tnpo iiorni bo removed nil oilier worms can bo readily destroyed. Heml for lrelilirto V. P. Ilunkel. 250 North Nlnlli slreel. 'hllndi'lphhi. Pa. or call on your (iniffs'tst for u bot lo of Kunkel's Worm Hi run. nrlcefi. It niver filli. October. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T 1ST ()!' OA ITS KS O R 1) 11 R H I) l-OII XJ I HIM. M -TUB AIMUIJItMSllUOUlU Ol-'jeU. l.MIIUIl -iitu, ,. u illl. William Hrown ct al. s. John Drown's En'rs. Kl'l KetidlR vs. Danlct Morris. John J. Mcllenry vs. 1). L. & W. 11. 11. Co Henjamln Wlnterstecn vs. William Houghton. Kll.is Miller s. P. 11. li. It. Co. John McCalKVs V.x'r vs. eiooruo J. Luco ct al. Mary McAlarnov et nl. vs. Simon P. Knso ct al. Jacobs. liludcrllters. William Mrnslmjcr. A. P.. Slurrelts ct al. vs. Hobert C. Howell. A. II. Slmrretts et ul. vs. David Stroup. 1)A Wybert vs. John P. Creasy. Daniel Smith vs. John H. Kimble. John 11. Jacoby vs. s. A. Wilson. Iteuben Klsncr vs. 1). K. Scybert et nl. Second National Hunk of Tltusvlllo vs. J.A. Lo- bee. 'flm lirothcr vs. B. I'. Halltnan. Daniel A. Heckley vs. W. II. llradley. Mlllllu School Hist. s. Peter J. Ijintz ct al. Catharine lless's uso vs. John Sllner. I. W. McKelvy vs. William Shafter et nl. John Woodsldo & Co. vs. Hantcl Morris. J. M. Hew IU vs. Samuel Crevcllnj. A. L. Turner vs. Klma Kester. J. W. Irwlnsj use vs. Jcsso A. Losee. 1I..V1IANIC ZAP.!!, Oct, 27, ls'tl, Prothiuotary, Yalmiblc Ecal Estate FoPn. Sale! Tho Ileal Estate of Joseph Coleman, Into of Fish- liitfcre-ck township, Columbia county, Is for sale. Property consists of about ONE HUNDRED ACRE?, of first quality of kind. Thero Is on Iho premises a good BRICK DWELLING IIOUSK, a good barn, -A. MILIj with Rood water power, and uood fruit. For fur- Hit r Information apply to JOSUH COLK.MAN, CIIAH. COLK.MAN, Executors of Joseph Coleman Still Water. Col. Co , Oct. -JT, -jc-iw. AMlNISTRATOll'S SALE OF VAI.UA1ILK REAL ESTATE The imderblgncd Administrator do bonis non cum testnmentqnimexoof Iho cstnlc of Vincent lllchard deceused, will olfer for sale on Ihe premises, In FK-h- Ingcrcek township, Columbia county, Pn on THURSDAY, NOVUM BER 10, 1870, lit 11 o'clock a. tn., the follow Ins described TRACT OF LAND bounded on the north by F. M. Pealcr, enf.t by John Weniiernutt others, south by John Crutcllnir, west by John llelslillnc, contattiluK oxi-: jirxniiun Acmes, mere or less j creator parted It being la a statof cultivation. Thero are on the premises A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, barn, ind other outbuildings, T hero li a never fall Ing spring of water near the liouso nnd a well at the liouso. 'IheioLs A I.AHOK APPt.K OHCIIAIID nnd other fruit on tho place. Tlio property Is Mluutod In Iho midst or one of tke best agricultural bectlous In tho county. Location ileslrablc. Terms of Sale. Ten per rent of one-th'lrij of the puiehnso money to lH) pnld nt tho btrlMng down of tho property, tho ono-thlul lets Iho ten per cent on tho Hist day of Apill, 1S7I, when poipesslon will be given, nnd the balance to bupuld lutwo equal annum payments; the whole to be bceuied u Judg mem bona and tnoitgnge, OKO. M. HOWI2LI, Oct. 81, IB. Admlulsirulor. SIIERIFI SALE. lly virtue of awrltsif Fieri Facias to mo directed win bo exposed to public salo at tho Couit liouso In Hloomsburg, at 1 o'clock p. in., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1870, Tho following lcult-Hato tdluatoln Ceutiotown- bhlp, Columbia county, Pu , bouudod und deserlbcd us follows, to wit : Tho undlWdcd ono-half Inteiest lu oil that certain messuage and tract of land bltuto In Centre township, Columbia county oforesall. boundcil and described its follows: beginning at btone In tho middle of the public road, t hence along tho mlddloot bald road north is und 4-10 degrees east 4s and u-lo perches to u btone, thenco along the lalddlaof bald road north 81,4 degrees wustl and 4-10 pel dies to u btoue, tlieuco alougthe mlddloof raid road s 1; degree s oast 1 15 s-lo pel ches ton stone la tho mlddloof a public read en the cast of bald tract of land, thenco along the mlddla of said road north degrees west 120 s-lo perches to a btone, thenco by lands of Lei I A. Hldlay bouth degree- west ico perches to a btone, thonce by luids et Oeo. W. Shafter, Da-rld Leo und Frederick Hagcnbuch south koa degrees cost 13J pcrcho3 to a btone, tho placo of beginning; contfllniuglQl ii.ORES and U9 pcichos, bo tho same more or less. ALSO, Tho undivided one-half Interest la all that certain tract, farm or plantation of laud bltuatu In Centre towiibhlp, Columbia county, bounded and dubcrtbod us follows: Hegtnnlngut a post nud from theucoby land now occupied or owned by Webbs, Philip Miller and Samuel At henbach, bouth Tl ilegrees wtbtltii lurches to a btone, and thenco by land now owned by Jocob lluger.buchboutU4I degrees east 20 perches to a chestnut, thenco by other land of tho bald Jacob Hugeubuch boulh 10 degrucs eibt SI iiciches to a ttone, thenco by land owned by Ouo, Hldlay ninth 77;, degrees east SW perches tu a btone, thenco by other hinds of tho bald tleorgo Hldlay noith 73, tie grees oust 87 Mo perches to a btone, t hence by land of the suld lito Hldlay south 11 degrees onbt tl 4-10 perches to a btone, thence by land of fiatdel Lee, Sr., n irth 54' degrees east 71 6-lupeiehos to ablackoak, thence by eilln-r land of Dauto'l Lee, Sruortli iJdc grfos east 37 6-10 ierehcs to u post, thenco by land of 'Ihoinas Mullly, Aaron Hooue und Henry Trembly hoi IU 1 V.Hi degrees west 112 ptrclu-s to tho pluco ut beginning; eoiituiulug 13J. AOBUS units perches, strict incisure, , AI.SO, All that certain incbsunge, tenement nnd tract of laud sltualoln orange townthlp, In bald county of Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a btone corner In Iho public road on tho wjuth of bald tract tt lutid, thenco by lands of John Vanllew north UK dcgiees west 10J S it) pcichvg to a stone, thenco by land of Mary llleLelta south H9'de grees cabt tl 4-lu pi relies to a btono, thence by lands of Lovl A. Hldlay soulh ll ili-greeH eas-t 00 o-lo pi reli es to a point In the aforesaid publlo road, thenco along said road boulhui); dogroos wests 6-10 perches lu a BUiito, thviioo atougbald rood noitlt ll,n degrees Most 4-lu porciioa to a stotio, thenco alone said road uoiltli7tl degrees wast Si U-lo peiches ton btoue, tho place or beginning; containing Hi ACHHSund 37 perches, be tha bumo more or lets, bellied, tuU-n Into execution, and to Co sold as tho luojierty of Frederick Hugeubuch. tfCONDITIONU OF 8ALK.-Puuluisers must pay 10 per ecu', of tho purchase money, or at lcust t-nougli to cover ull t'osla, at striking down of bale, othirwbo projierly to bo ro-bold at once. CHAB. S. FOIINWALH, Mi"i1II' (jrtlce, bhulir. I iK-i, suthTisM.' ' 'I I ' N EW ADVERTISbMENTS. UDITOR'H NOriUH. I ne undersigned Auditor nppelntni ny tiiu i-piiri if l oininon l ieiisof loiuinMieoiiiit. loellstrl uilq I nfnndiirl-liiif irom Miorlff's of reaiestaio oi 'ill mms IV. Mkhi-, of seott nwnvhln, will meet Iho r-iiitt.HlnliitMost forlhopuriitisi'Ot liisnpi)lntmiit i. ..a. r. In n.l.u... .,n LiI.T,tt . Kill nmtiAl V4. HI 111.1 "lll.r 111 IHWIIHITUIH fii .. . .... .-v.. 18,'n nt l u elo"k n. in., wnen an I win-re nil r-"i is Inti rested nro leiiulrid to present tlielr clulins tr bo ucbarred from coining- In ou slid fund. ,. r, i . hi i.i.,ni, . i.i.i OltHI.'Td-Of Auditor. AI).MIN'l.sntASOIl'-l NOTIOU. , KSTATK 01' HPI'IIBSf I'llllllMIKK. IDC l. ..itmnr Aiiiiitni.irntinn on tnecstatoeif KeiUien I.,..,.. i.iii.r ij,mi.t. iiiivnhlii. rnltimlit l t'Mllll- ti.liu bet n Kruno d byths llculsler -of seld eoitii-tj-io llermiuiT-'nhrlntrer nnd lsuluii llower. ws,. iMist 'in. All peisnns hmltur clnbhs uanlnst. I he tld estate aro ruiuetted lu luiscut llitm lor ypltie. meat, nnd those Indebted to mako payment without, ' llKllMON FAIIIllN(lKlt, ISAIAH IHUVHl. OcUI,'T(i-(iv Administrators. OKP1IAN6' COUIiT faALD .tf.l.n U'nnnl-. Ailnitnl.l r.llor of SolOlllOn HllSS.IatO ! Flbhlnirrreek loimshlp, ileceuscd, will expose tu paotio sdio wn too pmiuses un SATURDAY, KOVKMBRR i, 187(5, at ten o'eloct In tlio forenoon, nil that certain I, O T U V (1 R O U N 11, t ltuale In rislilnirf reek tow nshlp, nforosnld, bounded nil uehcriot-u as iouoivs, io-,v,i. , ni mu tiuuu .-j ,,i,n uvimr'i- on lliu hastbv William ltobblns nud William Ixniflerb.ieli. ana coiitnluliu: 'IHO AOllt.i iii.ia noli ler. .on tno Miuiii mi j t-H ui nioio or k-tB. on which uio ended a sltltY.sNI-.-IIALF P1IAMK HOUSIl, A HAHN, und other out-bulldlnes. TKIl.M.H OF SALK. Tell per cent, of one-fourth of no imrciinse money to on panita inn siumo iiuwu at Hit, euntiruiulloii of sale, and thoreuiulutiik' tlireo ir inn oroiienv. 1110 i iii-iuti i i lost, inn irn rei irn., fourths In ono Je.ir there Jller, with luteie.il Irom conjiriuiiiiou nisi. JOHN V I.N Nr. II, Oct. 1', is:c-ts AdiniuWrator, O R 1' II A N a O O U R T 6X1. E OF REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of au order of tho orphans' Court of Columbia County, tho undersigned, AdmluMrator of tho estnto of lldward Lowls, will expose to Public Silo ou tlio premises on SATURDAY NOVEMBER Uth, 1870. at 10 o'clock n. iu.,tlio following described real estate to-wlt i Tho undivided ono half of a lot of ground situate In tho town of llloomsbilrg, beginning ut tlio corner of n lot of ground formerly of Thomas llutrtsnnd running thenco along tho cihl tddo of East street now known as Iron street, northwardly about foity , .... . ..... ... feet to a corner of lot formerly of ltobtson King . I. nnnn I... ..... . -II.. . , I thenco by the Baine iiorthoastwurdly two hundred and fourteen feet to an alley, thence along the bamo southeastwardly abSul fori y feet to said Hants lot and thenco along the samo two hundred hud fourteen loot to tlio placo of beginning, containing elghr. thousand live hundred feet bo tho tamo more or less, Terms of Sale. Ten per cent of one-fourth of tho balance of tho purchase money to bo paid nt tho stilklng down of tho pioporty, tho ouo fourth less the ten per cent ut tho continuation of sale, and the remaining threo-fourtln in ono ) ear thereafter, with Interest from continuation nUI. WM. PKACOCK. Oct. at, isj.-ts Adnilnliilrator. SHERIFFS SALM lly Irtuo of a writ of l'l. i-'a. Issued out of Iho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to mo di rected, will bu exposed to public bulo on tho pieml- sos ut ouo o'clock p. in., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 13 70. All that certain lot of ground situate In tho bor ough of Ccntrulla, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as rollows: On the north by Hiillroad btreet, east by J. II. Johnson, south by nn alley, and west by Tliomis Howell, being rsilcct front &ndl4) feet deep, whereon aro erected a stable and lco liouso. seued, taken into oxeeiutlon and to bo bold as tho property of Conrad Follau I OONIJITIONS OF B.VMi-FurchVicre must pay ten per cent, of tho itrcbxso money, or ut lcat enough to cover all costs, utbtrlklng down of sale, otherwise property to bo resold at onco. O, S. FOIINWALH, Sheriff's onico. Sheriff. October 17, 1ST0. SHERIFFS SALES. Hy vlrtuo of sundry -writs of Venditioni Kxponasto mo directed will bo; exposed to public sulu ut tho Court liouso lu lilooinsbni'g, ut ouo o'clock p. in. on FRIDAY, OCTOllElt 27th, 1870, All t li u t certain tract of land Mtu.ito In Hemlock township, Columbia County, Pa., bounded on tho lKirlhby lands of Clias. liclterlck, west by laud of Jon-ph Moust, bouthby land of II. F. Kester, and east by land of WlllUm Wagner, containing SEVENTY-TWOJACRES, inoro or less, win reon nro erected a Frame uiosrsi:, :;ixtt iiAit.v and other out-bulldlngs with thenppurtei.anees. Sel7d, taken Into execution nndlo bo sold ns tho property of Amos U. Appleinan. AI.SO, At tho samo time and plnco all that certain tract or parcel of land bltuutelln Jackson twp, Columbia cimnty. Pa., bouuded nud elccrlbed us follows : on Iho north by land of Joseph Yoike, i-a-st by William Vorks, bouth by Jacob Snyder nnd H, W. Mcllenry, west by Henry Hurleymau, containing about M) Acres more orj Ie.s.4, whereon aro e rected a Placl; Dwelling House, und Uank-llurn wltlt tho appurten ances. cl7cd, taken Into execution arjd to bo sold as Uio property of Daniel Frllz. AI.SO, At tho sums time and plnco all that certain Heal Ksuito blluuto In tho town t.f Hloomsburg, ColumbU county, I'll, bounded ns follows tu wit : Hast by Eighth Street, south by Abo Lung, wctt by nn alley. north by JolinOieen, snld lot; being eo feet lu front nndlOO feet Id dcplh, tnoro or lebs, w hereon uro erected a ono and ono-half btoryl'nimo House and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution and tu bo bold as tho properly of Catherine Long, ALSO, All that certain tiact or lot of land bltuate In Pino township, Columbia county, Pu bounded and dc bcrRied as follows : On tho north by laud of Abher Fullmer, east by land of Elijah Fullmer, boulh by land formeily owned by 11. Meudeiihall,webt by land of Susan Faus; containing 54 acres, 14 of which aru cleared ; whereon ore erected a la btory log house. ALSO, Tho one-eleventh Interest In a farm In bald Pino township, containing 110 acres,boundcd on tho north by land of Weisley liaker, cabt by land ot Buson Faus, Bouthbyitndof K. Mendcnhall, w-cbt by laud ot P, W. Faus, nnd known ns the farm of Thomas Faus, deceased ; whereon are erected a two Btory frame house, barn and outbuildings. Selzod, taken Into execution and to bo bold as tho property of Joshua It. Faus. ALSO, At tho sametlmo and placo, all that certain real e-btato bltuato In tho Milage of Montana, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows i On the oust by Centre street, boulli byu publlo street, west by nil alley, north by Daniel Ooodman, atd lot being lso footjln depth, wore or less, and CO feet In front, more or less. KeUeil, taken Into execution and to bo sold as Uio property of Philip 1). Hughes. ALSO. At tho same tlino and place, all that certain lot of ground bltuato lu thu borough utC'cntrallu.Columbla county, Pa., bounded and debcrlbed as follows! fin tho south by Centre btreet, on tho west by lot ot John Artt-r; on tho norlh,by an alley, on the call by lot of August liable, containing H) reet front on bald Centra street and 140 feet lu eli-pth, whereon nro crecUjdntwo-btorylruuio dwelling Uouso and out buildings. Wired, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho property of John Pliukant Hongiand. ALSO. At tho samo tlmo and placo, all that certain lot of lina bltuato In Iho lloroughof Centrolla, Columbia couuty, Pa'.hounded aim debcrlbed asfolluwst On tho e ast by paxion St., south by North M., west by an alley, north by lot of Henry Jabpen, being so ft. In front nnd 140 feet deep, on w hlcli nro erected a fraino dwelling house, a largo tw o-biory f ramu wagon shop, and u blacksmith, bhop. Heled, tnleen Into execution, and to bo bold as tho proicity of Iteuben Fuhrluger. CONDITIONS OF HALIC-Purchosers must pay ten per ceiit. of tho purchaso money, or at least enough to cover all costs, at Milking dowuor solo otherwise piopeity to bo i-o-buld at onco. CIIAS. H. FOIINWALH, Wpt.,'I0. bhenir. Can't ba inoda by every ngent every month In thu bubtucss we furnish, but Ihoso willing tu work can emuiir mini u don dolhirB a day tight lu their own localities. Iluvuuuroom to explufn here, llublnuss pleusaHt "7, .......v.., Mi... w,a tinu gliJSUOUS we lt us men. We w III urul.li ) ou a complete out. lllfre-c- l ii butluets iwys better than an thing Iso. Wo will boar oxpeiiso of starting you. Purlleu larslieu. rlto und bee. Farmers und m ochaiilc their sons and daughiers.aud ull clast.ua lu iifeilof pn lug work utiioiui,, Hioiilil hi lie to us and learn nil about lliu woik at once. Now Is iho tlmu. Dou'l eJehiy, Address 'I rue i Co., Augusta, jalue, O It V II A N 8 ' O 0 U R T SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Iiipirauftiieenf anorderof tho Orphnni court of CohimblftKounW, thu itndorslgncd, Administrators of the estate of PntrlcU MeCloskey, mil oxroKito Public saw ou uio prumucs on HATtJRDAY, NOVEMBEtt 11th, 1870. ntioo'locka m.tlio following doserlboJ rc.il cstaU to-wltl First-All that ccrlfln Town lot Ml-uto In tlio town of lllooiiisbui'tf lu the .Uuiiiily ufoiesuld, bounded and UiwrlH-d us follows l Heglnnlngat Iho sorth-ensi corner of Culh.irlnn Stroet and Lncka- waunn Au-uiio and extending eostwurd utongsald avenue fifty feet to corner of lot formerly owno I by chirk iiruwn, thenco nurlhwnrdly along the lino of said lot ono hundred ind Dfty feet Inoruor less to nn alley, thence woslwardly along said ulloyjllfty feet to the line of Catharine street, thenco southward ly along said ft rout to tho place ofb' ginning, Second. All that certain Town lot Minute in tho s.ilil Town of lllooiusbttrg aforesaid, bouuded and described as follows to-nlit on Uio west by lot of Patrick Mct'tosky, on tlio north by nn slley, on ILo c.istbylulot W'llllaiu llabb, and on tho south by sixth street of Bald town of Hloomsburt, Terms of Sale, Ten per cent of eine-f ourlh of tho purchase n.oney to bo paid at tho striking down of the property, tlio one fourth less tho ten per nut nt tlio continual Ion of salo, nnd tlio remaining three-fourtlisln ono year thcrenttcr, with Interest Iroinconllrmalluu idsl. WM. PHACOCK, oet, w, lo.-ts Administrator. PUBLIC SALE Ol-' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! iivMriunnf nn order of Iho OrnhnnV Court of Co lumbia county, w Ul bo Bold on i ho premises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1870, nt 2 o'tlock p. m., tho following real estate, lute ino propeity of (leorgo I etterinnn, ueeeasen : All tint certain tract of lmd situate In Locust township, Columbia countv. bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt.: jicginning um biuiu-uuu mu- nlng from theneo uy limn now or laio en tuc neirs ui .,...,. i'ii.. iii-n-jiipfL tmrtti y-iu rleons-s w,-HtC3 li.lo perehos to a slone heiip, tin lice north ax eto- grees west i o-m ptreuen 10 11 Muue, iuviiv.j uj uwh. of Peler Miller south S2 degrees east CI T.lOpeivhes to nkloiie, iheiicobv the Mime njutli HM negroes west!.r.0-luiieii.liestollio place of beglmdng; con- taiiiiug 1Q ACRES AND 15 PERCHES, neat measure, bo the ramo tnoro or less. TEKMs OF HALK. Ten per cent, to bo paid nt tho I SlllhlllLT UUWII Ul IUU 1IIUIPI.-I I , Iimij I'll wm. I coutiruiatloa of bale, and the balance In ono enr. I ' I. II tllllVAtlll Rtilklng down of Iho propeity, torly per cent.ou II. HAIIN-AHU, IIKltllKIN, Adinlntslrators. Sep. , t-t9. Magnetic Soap. 27ic Cheapest Soap that can be used for Ihe folhte- my licttmns : lbt.-OnebnrwlllgonBf.irastwoof nnyother. il rir.lv imiriiiii usual iiiliUriir beliur renulreu. theielsubavlngof moro than the entire cost of tho yoap In liilior nlone, . nil The I'lotiica are mniio swi;i;t, i i.uAiv.nnii WlllTH without iiiilLlNflor .sCAI.liINU, thus nil Injury to Hit in Is uvolded. 1 heru Is n fae Ing In fuel and haul woik, nnd Iho washing lsdonu Inubout uait uio usual nine. It Is also guaranteed under npennlty of fifty dol lars not to lnjuiu tho clothes or hands, nnd ns ono trial will cnnblo nny person to ascertain the truth of these statements, It would never pny the proprietor to engage lu nn extensive sjMem ot advertising nnd claim such decided meill for his bonp unless ho know from pontile experience that It would prove to bu In eu-iy respect what Is claimed fer It. This Is also a superior Soap for shaving and Toil et purposes. WARNER RHODES A CO., WHOLESALE FANCY OliOCKIlS, (1KNRUA1. AllENTS, Aug. 4 TOem. It. C. ,t Co. Plilladelphlo, Pa. VISSOHER & HALL'S CONCENTRATED POTASH YViirriinted niiinl la nny l'otiisl. In tlin inurUet, uml InrsuiM-rlor In Coiireiuriileil l.e- lor nil lu,riM,Hi-it far Mlill'tl It U uwed. Put un In ono nou nil metal cans, convenient for use In lumllles fur making hard und sott bc.ips, and for Meaning purposes generally. Directions for mak ing soap, etc., accompany each can. For cleunlmr typo, nressi-s. machinery, paints. sortentng water, washing sinks and rrult trees In tho spring, It Is unequalled for excellence) nndconienl eneo of packagu. For bale by llroccis and Hrug- glsis cverywui'ie. visciier .v iiuii'H jnNeriu-iiitt nnu iiiniiiiei-iiiiii Fun der Is valuable for tho elestructton of the potato bug, rolton worm, grasshoppers, mice, ruts, roaches, insects, und verinlu of nil kinds. It is harmless to men nnd iinlmals, uml far cheaper than purls gieen fur the ilestruellnn of M-rinln. It Is ulso Invaluable. ius a Iiimnflctant, purlfjlng the nlr In huspltnls and blek rooms, and destrui tug tho foul udnrsof blnks. e ellars, slubles, ke. put up lu ono pound cans. For saio cy liruggisis uuu iirocers ever; wuere, VISCIIIIR .V IIAI.I., Millllirurtiirrrs, Od WAI.LBTKHUr, NKW VOHK. Aug. 4.-3U1 J. II. KNIITLI-:. w. ii. Aiiiio rr Important to Farmers. and ever body In want of LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo hnvo ere cted kilns nt or near tho Paper MUl.on lhoD.ll.AW.lt. 11. und nio now picpuicd tusell lime) ut very reasonable prices nnd or gufid quality, orders by tho war prompily idled nnd bhvped to nny station on tho aboio road, A full llui) of 1.1'MllF.U, of nil kinds, dressed or lu the rough, shlng i s, I41II1 and bill Tlmbee- to wide h we Ini lto thoatteiitluiiofeusto- ineis. eirders received and Hiu.nl for all kinds of Fauii.-t COAl. Uy strlc attention to business wo hope to merit a Bhai b of publlo patronage. KNITTI.E AimOTT, VI. 1S7S.- CutUWlasu, Pa. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TrM- v- IIODIXE, Iron .Slrt-et below sec I oud, Illoomsburg, Pa., Is prepared tu do al kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING,' and TAPER IIANGINQS In the bent btyles, at lowest prices, and at short, nuice. P irtles bavlog such work to do will sivo monex calling on mo. All work warrantod to glvo Ballatactlou, Otoe, a soUdted WJI. F. RODINE, Marcli7i T. D. Kellogg'R Advtfi. Effigy pUDAR VATS AND TANKS. for brew Vers, dyers, chemists, manufaetureis nnd prlvato dwellings. one). J. liriiKHAItT & t'n., June U-4SW. Huttunwood Bt below Hroad. BUI1IIKR GOODS e.f every eWiptinn, lleltlnt', Packing, Hose. Hoots and Hiioes, Clotli . Ac, iii' HAiinxuvicK, son & e:e. uiniest nut HI., Philadelphia, Agents National ltubber Co. June-sw, E: ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA,, Nkw Heviseu KniTtON. w.eioo articles, n.tiou en gravings, and is bplendld mops, 'lliu HKbV HOOK of universal knowledge In tho languuge. Now lu. eoursoof publleutlim. SPHI IMKN Willi map bu. for HO cents, AOKNTH WANTED, VIIAH. II. DAVIS & CO., IMillii. Apms-ly. EXOELSIOll INK CO... BEST ANr OH EAP32S1r PRINTING INK IN THU MARKET,. llari luy l NUtV VOUU. Aug. II, 1a.-4tv k. fit