' ' - ' S ' ' ' ' 1..2 " ' ' ' ' ' - ' "- THE COLUMBIAN. OLOUBU DIWOCH1T, STAK OF IHI NOHTIf A0 COLO HIA UONMlI.IIlATKl'.) Issued weekly, ovury Friday morning, nt IILOOMSIIUIIU. COLlfMlllA COUNT? I'A. two iiu,im per year, payable In advance, or during tliuyoiir. Alter tno expiratlunot the year H.w will uo mi wired. To subscribers out of tho co.inir tno irms nro n per year, smelly In ndvniicn li HI It not p ill In advance ma f.i.ui H 11.11 mom iw djl.iyod to uml the yt'ur. . (Sit ii ip iV ilUcrtntltiVit, btfeept III tho option o( the puhllfshers, until hi iirlrnrngi'S urn pald.lml. lone coutliiit'id vrciUM ntlcr tlio cjplrntlon t tho Ilrst yi-.ir Hilt not be given All papers mint out of tho Mute' or to distant, post oltlces must Ihi paid for In mlvaiiei', unless n ruiixm BlUlo person In Columbia county assumes to buy I ho subscription iluo on demand, I'osi'AilE li no longer oxnetod from subscribers In tho county. job 3?:RXisrTiisrGk Tno Joublr.g Ucpirtmnnl of (lit- Cm.umiiiav Is Very coaiim U' I"!" Ulll tl II I I (tiling win i:um y wnii iii'ii. iu inuj,irg'j cuius. All M' omanil, neatly nod at modcrato prices, I STZW m is. J w ' -x IHI XV v s X fx CN i n . s . . . . . . f ' I otuptri.Miora.'l C,B. BIIOIKWAY, ),,,,,, p..i4i, work doiie.on o. 2, EIiWEtL, E-McrsanaFrcpneters. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY , OCTOBER 27. 1876. THK COLUMBIAN, VOL. X, NO. 41 COLUM1IIA UKMOeil AT, VOL, XL!, NO. T Ono Inch, (twetvo linns or Its edMrfllcnl ;! iNojjf rrlltyroono ortwo insertions, ii.iwi "- tlons.H.oo. ' ' ,n Olal OI MOD tl Viu n. n T.ifl t.to 111 in i i w ll.on II I.IXI oo II (HI n." ,ll).UO ii.eo u.w ..... 111 .t on ivi lo.lm !LC0 BIUO 40.00 W.W 10t.l BrACK. Ono Inch Two Incurs. Three Inches . Four inches Quarter column. lUlf column. . , One column l)(k)TS AND KIlor.H. 1,1 M. KNOltlt, Dorilcr In Boot mul Shoes, Fi. latest and best styles, corncrMalnonaMarkct Blrt eta, In tho old hjmI onice. CLOCKS, WATCHE,. AC. .0, E. SAVAGE. Dealer In Clocks, Watches just uciow tuouenirai j utiu uunviij, .iitiia dv. l'UOt'KSSIOKAI, CA1IDS. I.t It. IKKLKK, Attorney nt Law. Itoonin In It K.tclmngo lllock, 2d IToor, l'.looinfcburr, I'a. o3 C '1 (1. HAKKIiKY, Atlornrv-at.I.!iw. Office j a In Itrcmc r'H building, 2nd hlory, Itooins 4 ,t 5. OCt. 16, '15. D1 WM.M. ItKllKIt, Surgeon nml I'IivkI- claiii onico H. li. corner HoCK lind Market T U. KVANS, M. I)., Surgeon nml lliys. ) . chin, (Onico nnd Uosldonco on Third street, corner Jefferson. T II. MrKHIjVY, l. I)., Surgeon nml Phy J . Blchui,noilhBldo.Muln street, below Market. J II. llblllROX, Altoniev-at-W. Oflicc . in lliutman'a building, Main street. II KOSKXSTOCK, J'liotogrnplier, i Clark Wolf's Store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. DAVID LOWKNHKUG, Merchant Tailor Main St., auoo Central Hotel. IS. KUHN,iiealcr in Meat, TnTlnw, etc., , Centro street, letwccu Second and Third. Alfll KNY OU WANTTl'TllS'm'jASS SIIAVKor anythlnt' In tho TONSOUIAL LINK K to ! I JAMES KKILLY'd B.IKBER SHOP, THE 1IEST IN TOWN, Under Exchange Hotel, llloomsburg, l'a. Oct. 13, '?6-ly CAtAWISS'A. w M. II. AI1HOTT, AtiiiMHy-at-Liw, Mmi 7"M; L. EYKIM.Y, A'lTOHNEV-AT.LAW, i ' CuMwlasa, l'a. !ollctlon promptly made and remitted, onice oiiOilto CaUiwliiia Depoalt'llank.' oui-36 A1 SSIGNEH KOTICH. Mi,'iiincntof A. II. rcaraoii and w Ifo of f-prlugtlcid (uwimhlp, llui:ks county, la. W'liKKKAR, tho above iiameil halo matin all assli:n Ui'Mitof nlttbfir real and perunnl properly to tho lindei'Hlgned for Iho benefit of ertdlti'is, notice Is therefur cHin uml iillpi-inns luiMiurclalmi against tno Ahslgnurs will pruHiit Ihi ni nt once, nnd all lu ilebleil lire liotlllell to make Immediate pa) iin'nt. ngeii, l'iu' L. II. AilNEIf, Asblgneo Hept. 2'2, 'TO.-cw. THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO OKDEK ONLY. A l-'EltVECT; VlT 'flVA rttA'NTEtep. (lentleuien dcslrlngShlrtswiilpleaso drop us a lino anil pur Ab'juit will call and get the measurement. Factory ;orni!r l'Win anil V'cnlro streets. AdUres't' r' f. 0. .MOOIlV, Maiih lo,';c-ly bcranton, Vu IiOUiS BERN HARD, Dealer In 21GIK WAT CUES, OIOO K S, SilVenvure, Watches ami Jewelry JlLOOMSllUItO, I'A. Ladle' ami o'tutli'men's OoM at.il Miter Watches, of Ainerlcun and Forilgu manufaeturo. Silver and Plated. Ware, Clocks, FINE JEWELRY, A.C., AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Promptly Cxrcutcil. Oct.s.Tii-ly , , : BLOO MS lIuTlG TANN ER Y, imsiNi'jjs oAitns. A. L. TURNEIt, ltcsiilcnco on Market Street ono door below I). J. Wnllcr's. Ofllco over Klelni's Drug Store, onira hours from 1 w 4 p. m. for treatment ot diseases of tho Eye, Ear and Throat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.M'T5-tf Tyt. J. C. ItUTTElt, VIIYSIC!ANSUIlUEONi omcc, North Market Btret, Mar.ST,'74-y Illoomsburg, ra. J-K. 11. V. OAHDNEIt, 1'IIYSICIAN AND SUItOEON, iiLooMsnnno, ta. , onice abovo J. Schuyler 4 Son's llordnaro Store. ApM3';5-tt OAMUEL KNOHH, A T T O'U N K Y-A T-L A W, I1LO0MSIIUI10, I'A. omr, Hartman's lllock, corner Main nnd Market Streets Oct. 8, '!5 in E. OUVIS, , ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. ofkicr lloom No. 1, "Columbian" llulldlng. Sept. 19.1STB. C V.MILLEIi, " ATT01!NEY-AT-LAW Ofllco In Urowcr's building, second Iloor, room 'o. I. Uloomsburg, l'a, julyl,ra-ry C It. & W. J. IIUCK'ALEW, ArroltNKYS-AT-LAW, ' 1 ftloomsburg, Prt. onice on Main Street', flrit floor below court House .Mar.c.'M-'-y ' ' ' ' 1 IMPORTANT TO A'LL. 1 ha ilLscotf rcr and compoucder of tho far-famed Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and other valuable preparations, enteriM upon his professional career wl(ltliii imoortant ndvantngo of a regular medical educuilun lu one of tho oldest and best schools In riilladctphla, mul, perhaps. In tm world. Ho Bubsenue ntl nencil a faithful term of practlco In the Philadelphia Dispensary, nnd for ma ny years attended In tho Hospital. In lliesu Institu tions ho enjdytnl the most, ample opport unities of ob taining an Insight ilntoillsoiitoHlu all their vallum forms, as well as for ascertaining thObest methods nf ihpi iirMitmnni. In noprlni?. tberetorp. to tho peo ple of tho United Slates the fruits of hlsextenslvo T K.tt J.M.OLAKK,. ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, Ortlee In Ents IhilliHn?. 4. CIi Dloorasburg, l'a. Arrino,,!t-'y A. ciisvEUB'a smith. ' ii unit KV.cwisa KUiiu. CHEVELING StJTir A',S'J', " ATT0i;NEY8-.VT-LA w, Tiloonisburg, l'a. rP-All business cntrusteo;to pur care wlllreelcve proinpt attention. , Julyl.U J" P. 11ILLMEYEII, ATTOllNKY AT TAW. Ofucb Adjoining C. I!, k v. .1. lliickalew. Iiloomsburg, l'a. Apr. U.'fd-ly. F. E. MTTI.K. iLitlt.l UOU'T. 11. I.11TLK. LITTLE,' ' . ATTOI1NEYS-AT-LA W, Jtlomsburg,.l'a. rwiiuslnessbeforo tho U.S. Patent oniceatlendeit to. onico In the Columbian nulldlng. ty 5? p UOCKWAY & ELAVELL, " -A TTO 11 N E Y S-A T-L A W, Col'.i'iiuiAN Ht'ii.niKO, lilodmsbnrg, lVi. Members of the United stales' Law' Association. Collections made In nnv part nt America. AgenlH for continental Life insurance company of New ork. Assets neurly $7,0oo,ooo. 1 he best lu ttio country. Send for descriptive pamphlet. ' tf 7" ILL I AM ,1111 YSON, , ATTOIiNEY-AlVLA W, protest onal uperlencu ill tno meuicaieotnpounas as llie bet t results of his skill nnd observation, hi, feels that he Is but proffering n uoos to eury family thronghout tho land, resting, ns ho docs, confidently In the merits and enicatloiis virtue or tho remedies he herewith commends. The vast amount ot testl monv from all parts ot the world has prown "IK TOIt SWANl;H COMI'OI NI) SYIIUP OF WILD C1IEKUY" tho most enieoctous reinidy known, and it Is admitted by our most eminent oliyslelnns, nnd nllwholmvn wftnesseil lls womlerful healing prop erties. 'IheWII.I) CIIKltltV In nil ages of tho wor d nnd In nil countries where It Is known has been Just ly celebrateft fonts' wonderful medicinal qualities', but Its great power (ticuio some of tho worst anil most dlit rcsslngdlac&fcos among us was never fully ascertained unlit tho oxpcilmunts of Unit skllfuil phjBlcl.in. Dr. swatne, hod demonstrated Its high adaptation. In combination with l'lne Tree Tar. and other equally valuable .vegetnblo ingredients, which chemically combined rendet.s It aellon tenfold mnjo certain and tenet!cl.il In curing all discuses of the throat, breast nnd lungs. DU. sWAYNBs Vtl.D CIIKItltY COMPOUND strikes at, tho root of disease bv purlfslne tl.o Mood, restoring the liver and kid neys to healthv action. InMgorotlng iho nervous and shaltered constitution, if your druggist or store keeper does not hiive.lt, do not be put off by nuy other remedy that may be offered, but send to us dl rect.and w e will forward a half ddzeti to any address, freight paid, on receipt of the price, f I per bottle, or i tho half d07en. Address letters to Hit. HWANK; a: SON, MO NorJh Sixth Street, Philadelphia. No charge w HI be made for aduce. ' Anil Your Druggist for Tliom, Veiuiiles uint nil liu value IteuliU should liever bo Wllhuul UK. !UVAV.bi TAI1 AMI SAI.bAl'.l Itll.LA 1'IUW, as tho., puilty thoLlooil, reiuuteal obsl ructions. Clfiihso luo skin of nil pimples and biutihes, undbili.g tkuilUi eiiloi'of heiilih totlu paiecheek. .Ftiuani, ugulailUii ,"i'u usluiid Ilia Iie.illlu londltruii, Thej alo uceitaln cuiorol- MCI; and Nervous HeudMlw. Asa Hinder Mil, nothing ejn ixcioil tl.t in : take one, two. or three, lis in.o lw fuund neus.-ai.vi litillko othcis, they neltlier gilpe, pioduio nanseatcr any oihrruupl.Ms.iiif seiisatlun, while thi'Vate us povuilul as it Is povi.blo torn ineillclne lo bo anil bo wi niless. 'I hese I'llls I'luit-m; out tlio Ulsosiliicd huu.ors, entUh una puilfy tun blood, leiuoio all unhealthy bilious seiietli.n.s of the stomach and bowels, causing a peireetly heiiltliy wiii.. i.r tin. nwr. iiuil ore unaoiibLedtv tho best en- ih. ii He iiii.i nMli,lli,iui niedlctiiu el illscoteieil i and ,we uro ill tei mined that the silk shall have them at a pi lee within tno means or mo jioorosi 12.1 vein u linv ill' : Pills.) If Jour diuggl-t or sli.ri.keepi.r has not got tlii'Ui, do not be .ui off by any others Ui.iL null be olleiud tn lliilr place, but send to usui rict, and wo will forwaiil by in.dl, oiuceelptol the jit lee, ill cents a box or II vu boxeses 51. KIN DISEASES. Swayne's Ointment; Is particularly adapted to nil forms of skin dis cuses, "urea e en when all ot hor reme dies and treatment tall. Poetical. FLKKTISU JOYS. Time goes In for funny freaks, Man's a toy ho likes to piny with ; Notice how he lines our checks Mark what glee he makes us gi ay with. Pleasure comes to Bootho our hearts f Often like th6 rjse, '11 prickly Soon Its radiance (lepnftH Happy moments vanish quickly I Supposing joil by frtlo's decree Loto n girl and long to greet her, Dou't tho mtiiutt s Bern to bo Lcaden-nlngctI until you meet her 1 When tho hour arrives nt last, And alt rare J oil banish, Then tho tj rant travels fast impry moments quickly vanlili I Hero upon this earthly ball Joy awhile will make us gayer, Hut when sorrow gives a call Oftentimes sho prot es a "stayer." Hope, thou sw lftly glldest on Fragrant .ire the lion rrs thou plckest ; Soon, ulas, their bloom Is gone Happy moments lly the quickest. Never mln.l, wo needn't grxin ; Tear drops, showcr-llse, refresh u't ; After oil, we re bound to own .toy Is like u sweetheart-precious. Cast away regrits anil sighs, Though our clues bofct us thickly, Happy moments let us prize. Even though they vanish quickly 1 - s. a. ii s: it iti,v(i "I") ESl'ECTl'ULLY nnnoitiices'to the jiiiIjIIu' JL t) that he has reopened ' SNYD.EIt'rf TANNERY, (oVl.stand) liloomsburg, l'a., aluie Forusoiiim rapy aim I ignt street, roads, whom all Ueseilpilons of ' ti.ulli.ir will lie Hindi! In I In,, most. substantial nnJ workmanlike maimer, and sold at prices to suit the time. The highest price In cash will ut all limes bo paid for O U E 10 N ot every ileserlptlon tn the country, lonage is iesieet fully solicited, liloomsburg, Oct. 1, tiT!- HIDES l' ' M The public pat C'ciilr.iliu, I'll. Feb is, 'to ly. MISCELLANEOUS. TI0VNS llOTEI Iiliiom-liiiri X.9 Mourn r. li.iss. ji.s: October 8, rnni letor. ll.coperUay. 'l.vtf l'a.. 3! AcconiiiiAdatlons tiM Kcstaurautattachicl. f M.BHOWN, liiis removed his Hoot and Shoe.storo fiom Urown s Motel In ltt iloorabiivo Wagocseller anil Miurplms . Towanda liouts ahpeclalty. l.tpalrlngdoiieut shuit notice. p "M. 1)111 N'K Kit, CiUN ami LOUKSMITJI. frewlng Machines nnd MachLuery of nil kinds re paired. Oi-KKA llocsK Jlulidluf,, UlooiUhhurg, l'a. octl.'jsiy TO THK 1'KOl'IiE OF THK UNITED STATES. Cures Teller, Salt ltheuui. Il.uberH Itch, ITurle Itch Mire lle.lil". llumiiiH, 1'ltes, All ICrilillur,s, Seald lb nd, ltltigwonn, I'lniples, Sorfi, Alio) lull. Mutches. Si urvy. Chronic Ely slpUas of tho race. JXCIIANdE 1IOTKL," Opposite tlio Court ItOllHl!, ULOO.MSIlUItO, PA. ' The Laiioest nndllr.T In nil respects In thocoanfr Oct. S.'TS-ly . 11. KOONS. Proprietor. AlNWRKlUT-S CO.', ' ' - -IVIIOLES.M.l! OIIOCEKS,- N. E. Corncrseconaatid AreuHtreejj, ' I'uiuDitmui Dealers in TEAS, SYUUI'.S, COFFEE, SUOAlt, MOMSSEH KICK, SPICKS, BICAKB 80D1, 0., 4P. I ir-orders will roeeive prompt attention. ttl.T-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN TEE MUCK OF l'AINTS, OILS, HltUSlIUS, JAI'ANDllYEItJ: l'UTTY, - "i'ACiafcK Strictly PUIIE WHITE LEAD 11 cent'j perpound, guaranteed equal to any In tho n arket. MONTOUlt'w'llY''i! i.KAVnt 10 cen'A per pguai, equal lo any fordurublli';y. MONTOU,l.!,HLATj: PAINTS 8, .n ad ID cents per 1IUUUI4, UWIUIIIJi W WlUr. MONTrUIfMISTAU.!trrIIHNrT8 TOTIM per pwind. Tin) boifVVii'e-IToyrfroqjr la.MlQ'Muriet. 1 MONTOUIt METALLIC HllOWn dry J smt 3 ceiits per pound. ACcordlnptpqjtaplll) llest Quality of I'niiit Ilrtisliesat low jiriccs. PURE LINSEED OIL which we buy lu largo quaulllles, direct from the jianuiactuicr, una uncriit me lowest HI arket price. Acknowledged l) all our leading Palntcm U lotho best In tho Market, All our goods are guarantied as represented and our paints to bo ground in pure Ilriscod ell, urtbe irionoyreruniieuuiiuoiiiauu.. . . send tor sample card and firlca list with testlmon, tals. . 3IENIIY S. ItKAY, Solo Mujiiiliictuier. KUI'EUT, I'A SIy s. to.-ly. To iho Win Muk flavt. We sre "0" prepared to furnish all cl&ssu with imstsnt employment at huoie, tho wholo of tlio lime, or for their spare loo liidiits. .itUiliitss new, light aiiU iirraiutihf. tvrsons it either sex eaklir earn Iitua to eeiiis to U ner evuitn, hdhproiorlloiik sum by tlevutlng tlitlr whom lime lu the business. Hoys fthd girls earn htikily as much as mtu, 51it hll who we ILIs notice may vena their aimresj, uau tout uiu business vre inuke IhU uuiuiralled t-Sgn Vu uuclt an are hot well null-tied wo wui U'Ml win dollar to jr tor the trotibluof wrltluir. IvlIlMrtleulars. tainnki woilli seviral dollars to ooruwtvci wwt on. snimeopy of noma ana nn-kiuo, one n ma iiuywi. nu uesi Illustrated I'nbiicaiistu, all out ireo ty liny, mm. r, If vou wantpeiiuasent, nUlUiblu .work-, MhWe3 kept. S, 1, ueorge HUnton ii CU, J-onWiatduk. -uw, II O W E L L, offlco in llnrtman's Ulock, becoi.il Iloor, cornel Main aud Market Ftreets, ItLOOMSlllIIiO, l'A.. May s-ly. n J. TllOItX'lliis li. wnnlil nnnnimen tntbo CltlzenSOf HlOOms- liurg and vlelulty that ho lias Just received a Mil and COinpieio uasuniuciawi WALL I'Al'Elt, WINDOW. SHADES, riXTUKSS, C0K0S, TASSELS, and all other goods In his lino of buslnes-1. All tho hewesinnii mosi aiuiiui--u puciimui i'wu.j alwaj s to tie round In his establishment, i .aln street. bIow Market. oci. o. io I7KKAS HKOYViVH irKUltA.u J, AliWI- OY, Exchaugo Hotel, Jlloomsbi irg, Pa. SWAYSK'S OIXTM KXT Seems to curuevi .case, leaving theskln smooth unu tiear wunoui n oiemisn ueiium. Itching Plies Is t-ener.illv tireccded bv a inoWiire. llko persplra iiak iiuti.'ssini- tiehiiiL-. though bin woiins wire crawling In or about, tun rectum, particularly at mclliwneil unurcssiug.or ill lieu liner kviiimk iuiii. It npii'iii.s In summer as well lis winter, iftentline.s SUUWSllSeil liruilllil Ulll iiivni wiip,iiiiiimiuiiu Illli'il lo males only, ouv is qiuie us iieiiueui, mat ic- iiiuIch nro soreiy an'.lcted, paitlculntly In times of prignancy, exteuillug lito the vagina, provlinc dis tressing nlnio-l betond v'-u poweis of endurants'. .litna, Ins Co., ot Hartford. Councctlcu'j, l.lveriiooi, umuuii uuu uiuuu... Itpyal of Llverjiool ,.. i ..... . laincunahlro....- , Flro Association, I'bllaclelphla American ot Philadelphia ...: . Atlusof llartfoi-d Wyoming, of Wilkes llorro Farmers Mutual of Dunvlllo Danville Mutual , .' Homo. New York Commercial Union March Si),H-y .Capital, ,, 0,(00,000 , 50,111 0,0' o , 13 foo.ooo . 10,000, IX) . S.IOO.OUO .. 1,100000 5' 0,000 231,000 ,. 1,000,000 T5,0"0 , . .S, 0,000 11,000,000 Cases ot longstanding, pronounced Incurable, havo been permanently cuieu uy siiiqiiy uppijina SW.tY.V V S (It XTM EXT EXTItACTS mOM LETTEI1S. Dr. Swayno tc Sou: (lentlrinen The box-of dint tnrut MiiiAK.nl me iy mall cuied moentliely otlteh i. , iiih. svliliUi I suneri'tl with furtive vears. Ln euTsM lind lltly cents for another box tor n friend of ininn. n siinr.li, , iin.Ai.,1 Farinwell Station, Loudon Co., Vu. Kov, Jsaao Holland, Webslor, Taylor county W. Va, 1.I..W , November 20, 1S73 I have been a sufferer fiom Itching rues, i proeureu a im ui jwur uuuiurni' ivt km In,, wbleh i.nvrt mo Instant letter, and feel rx-.nuih.nt If ulll erreM. a Ttermalielit euro Enclosed lind Ully uentSf for which pleHsoheisdiio another box pj 111.111. An Eruption of 0 SToisrs Standing- I was troubled with an eruption of light years Itching Intolerable nt limes; tried many prepara tlimn without finding relief, 'through Iho uw of swayne'H All-Healing Ointment I am entirely cured. At Hortsinan A Uios., sth and Cherry, 1'iilU. X was entirely cured of Tetter in it. uinrst. fnrm bv Dr. Swavne'a All-Heallnir Olul- liii'ht. aud shall bo happy, to explain my case tu all who may can ujion ine. jambs McKiNLRV, West End Hotel, Mil Stroct. bcloiv Lombard, Philadelphia. Snt by mall to any address on receipt of price, to iLLmiii,, itvmntnmk In nil coiiimhnlcal Ions, and ad. dress letters to Dlt SWAYMi SON, Philadelphia, No charge lor auvico. l'OIl SALE BY ALL UllUe'IlSTS, i;S,8M,IJi)0 riAIIE UNDEUSIONE1), reprcrtenUng several I of tho most conservative) and reUablo Amcrl ouii Flro Insurance Companies, would beg leave to oirer his services tu the tituciisof llloMnshurg and vlelnltv, requesting a reasonable sharo of the publlo W'' W.J.POWKI.U Jlloomsburg.Jiily IB, istb. Ofllco lu llrower'.s Ulock. .Tulyai-fm.' Columbia County SANK, OF JJLOOAISBURG, penna. Formerfy tho Hank of Espy, removed April llrbt, isfts. Is conveniently localidln thorcntral purtot the town, u ld lines u general IIANKINU business. . Monev reci'lvid on deposltbublect lotherk with puluollco. s oeclal arraugomrnts m.ule wlthdepos Itors, and Interest ulloweel on llmo Dciioslts. Jtaue Jhtili tvi AVto York and J'hiltuleljiliin. Collections mailo on nil Important towns In tho tf. X., at lowest rales ot exchange, llonds and slocks liought and told, mil coupons collected. Every so rurlty given to del usltors that can bo offered by any Hank. Discount Da.yb: Tuesday and Friday. HATE, BIX I'Elt CENT. Aug. 10, T tin. 'THE EYE & EAR. DR. G. O. M!cDERMOTT iimkcs Iho tr talmoutot Disoaaf3 of til o Ear St Eyo ASI'ECJ LTV. ..ii,iimiiiiA ikW'inUtn' iriii. P. sta Imtltullon for Iho tieatmcnt and cui t of patient surttiing fi-uin sucu uiseaits. . . . onice lioura.-UnUI a. in w, 1 to I, Md e to t p. ta, Call on or uddross . C). 9IeDF.Il &IOTT, M, W., WWttin Jit,WlUUr4irt.ra. Al,tll-v Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers ot , SWAYUE'S PANACEA, celebrated nil over tho -world for Its remarkable cures Of WTOIUia, HiritUliai UIIM mmitHU, v-m,,....-1 ': ... t..u ,vi,.,rM Mvnii I n virus or iho parent enuses development of hyplnlls or Scrofula In the ,,i,.i ,,ii,i,,,. iniii'wr urovodHO choanal In com- nlelelv eradicating every vestige of thete i dangerous coiuiUalnls and all diseases arising Horn Impurity or inn uiooo. . p.,1 parllnularto obtain tho gcnuln, as prepared by D. SWA YNK SON, tan V. ah St.,l'hi ailciphhi. c .in.iiii,, ininn. w tin Uml eiirrl-ctlv. SU AV.Mt, as Iheru ai-e pi-eparatloua of homuwnat similar unmo In llto inareeu IS YOUR HAJR FALLING Ol! TUltNINd flEAYf 11 SO UO KOT FAIIi TO USK Tho most OD Itellablo Hidr Itostoratlvo ever Introduced lo the Ameilean l'eoplo For llestorlng llruy Hair and l'roventlug Haldncss. Tho great Luxury tf tho Dresj-Jloom. Londt n Hair Color restorer lAiiiiton Hair Co or Kcslorer 1judou Hals Color Kcslorvr Lomlou Hair Co or llestorer I.0111I011 llalr Color Itestere lAit.don llalr color lloslorer London llalr Colr liestoicr London llalr Color llestorer lAindnu llalr Color llestorer iinuou I air vo or I esioror LundoD llalr Color llestorer London I air Color I ostorei Uniilon llalr Color Ucstorcr lindon llalr Color llestorer jAjuduu llalr Color llestoi-er lAindoii llalr Color llestorer lAindon llalr Color llestorer lAindon Hatr Color llestorer minion iiuir uo or ucstore Uindou llslr Color llcvstorer lAiidou nair color uestore 1indon Hair Color Kestorv lAindon llalr Color Itunorler lAindon llalr Color llestorer lAindon llalr Color ItcsUirer lAjndou llalr Color llestorer iAindou llalr color llestorer 1. It will resloro gray lulr Ut Its original color, u. it ll inula Urn hair grow on bald heads, 5. It w III restore the natural hecrellnns. 4. 1 1 w III teniovu all dundi u II' and lu-hlng. 6. It ulUiuako the halrsolt, glossy and floxlbla a. it will preserve the original color tu old age, T. It will prevent tho hair from falling off. H, It will euro all diseases bf the scalp. 75 Oonts per Bottlei e bottles i. Bent by express to any address tmro- reilil. ill prion. Addrossudcrstolift.tiWAYNB M)N, JSO North taiiu uet(, i uii., i u,, wn iMvinibuii, SOLD 11V. ALL imiG'filSTS. JOHN IlOTTIiEJOHN. Lltllo John llotllejohn lived on tho hill, And a bllthullttle, man was he ; And he won the heart of a little mermaid Who lived In the deep blue sea. And every evening she iiscdtoslt And ting on tho rocks by Hie soa "Oh, little John Uottlejolui 1 pretty Jo'an Dot' tlejohn 1 Won't you como out to me ?" Little John Ilotllejolin heard her song, And he opened his little door ; And ho hopped and he tklpped and ho skipped an I ho hoppo 1 Until h came down to tho (.Lore. ' . lid tlu re on a ruiksut the little maid, And Hhoethl was singing so free, "Oh, IIiUj John lioitlejoan;:; pu-lty John 1101 tlejohn I Won't youjeomo out to mo ?" Little John lMtlcJolm in i'le a bow, And tho tuernial'l she i.u le one, loo, Aud sho said, "Oil I I never saw uuj thing half So piuroetlysweitasvou. lu lay beautlfut home, 'nealh the ocean's foam, How happy we both should ho I "Oil, lltllo John Ilotllejolin I pretty John llot llejohn I Won t y uu como out to mo " Little John Bottlfjohn said: "Oh, J cs, I'll willingly go with jouj And I never whl quail nt tho sight of y our tall, For perhans I may grow ono loo." So he look her hand, anil ho left tho Iatnl, , And he plunged Into the foaming main. And lltilo John Ilotllejolin, pretty John Hot John, Never v. as seen again. Saint AaViOttis. il-V.-.ljr, Fellow Citizens': Wo congratulnto you as patriots, us partakers with ua in tlio 'amnion di-stinv of American freemen, ti- ti tlio n-sult-s of the Octol er.Slntu cleitioii. We lejoice in the victory which the people's ballots Jiavc bestowed upon the triemls ot reform in thu valley of tho Ohio, where tho Uepubtican hosts had an overwhelming as cendency in every Presidential election since 1850. We, rejoice in tho assurance theso ectiou.s convey that your ballots will bestow lecisive majorities to'the allied forces of De mocracy and reform in the November elec tions throughout thu Union. Hut wo rejoico not ns partisans ; we rejoico with you'as fel low citizens And when tho decision of this week of 1,000,000 voters along the valley oflhoUliii) shall be ratified next month by tho lint of 8,000,000 voters throughout the wholo lie pulie, wo shall rejoice, chiefly for the1 reason that not one of its citiens can miss an equal share with us who are Democrats, in tho po litical peace nnd good will which will then and there be established among all sections, aces, classes and conditions of men, and, in the nroipcrity of which political peace, has cd on equal rights and Iraternal good will, is-the first condition. Upon tho three States of West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana were (concentrated all tho vast utns of money forced from tho 100,000 odiceliolders tf tjie party, in power. Theso were fearful odds, not again to bo contended against so concentrated ; for in tio November elections tho contest will ho n ovcrv Diio oi thirty-eight States upon tho same day. Nevertheless, against theso oilils tho Dem ocrats and Reformers of West Virginia and Indiana havo been victorious, and in Ohio they have nil but rescued a State hitherto deemed hopeless, nnd-have created an nssur unco of victory in November. If it falls to our lot as a Nntional Demo cratic Committee to congratulate tho people of tho Union "upon this yictory In tho first battle of tho reform campaign, it is only be c'auso Democrats havo been houored to be tho leaders of the people in tho work of na tional regeneration. Tho victory won, tho victory still to be won, will bo a delivcranco as much to ItO' publicans as to Democrats. Tho patriotio masses, of tho Itcpublicnn Darty may bo thnnkful that the misdeeds o their unworthy lenders havo been rebuked and am to bo arrested. Tho sufiering whites of tho South may lift up their heads to greet tho dawn of a belter day for them us well as the nation nt large. Tho colored citizen may share tho general joy that he will soon ceaso to bo the stock In trade of corrupt pol iticians, but shall enjoy his rightful liberties and his equality before tho law uniid univer sal good will. As for tho reform Democracy, to whoso standard victory has been tied, with all her garlunda on, it only remains for them to wel come every rdly, every friend, close up Iho ranks and press on, shoulder to shoulder, under tho banner nnd with tho ono watch word, ItEI'OHM, Fellow cltlzcus; I'eaco between nil soo tions ;. prosperity in nil our homes; of theso you hnvo besu for years deprived by tho mistaken solicitudes of pati lotto Republi cans, played upon by selfish nud corrupt leaders, who have kept tanning tho dying embers of civil strife iu order to escnpo lu. spectlon of tho trusts which they have be trayed, For eleven years you havo lirnl the name of jience. At no time have you had the substanco of itcnccs In lieu thereof you huvo had the grlndlm; tamtlon aud wasteful expenditure of war, Jusl before overy elec tion every year you hail the preaching of n new crusade against u section utterly defeat cd In war, nud anxious only to be complete ly reconciled iu peace. For eleven years the! power of the mi n who have seized nwny tho control of their party from tho bunds of Its statesmen nnd founders Inn been. supremo lu almost eviry lepnrltiiriit of the Federal government. Discarding thu hope of prolonging their domination by beneficent publlo measure, they have created and tmlllcke.il upon public calamities. Tho policy they adopted has been worked out. Its failure has been absolute. In place of past performances these snino corrupt and selfish leaders now proil'er prom ises already broken as their titles to further trust. Having prostrated our manifold industries by the vast aggregates aud the worst meth ods of federal taxation, they now again soli cit your confidence as the Instruments of re trenchment and reform. Having debauched tho public service, and having just now, in tho faeo of open day,' assessed their nrioy of u hundred thousand olliceholder.s tho people's servants' paid by tho people's taxes in' order lo create im mense corruption funds to frustrate the peo pie's will, they now profess to bo tho cham pions of civil service reform Having im posed upon the Southern Slates tho rapacity, fraud and plunder of the. carpet bag govern ments, having almost mined the prosperity of the North by destroying the prosperity of South, having created terror, uncertainty and confusion in till the productive indus tries of the South, which furnishes niost of tho exports of our whole country, keeps id motion the commerce and manufactories ol the North and East, and furnishes a market for the agricultural products of tho West, thev now purpose, by renewal of the same fatal policy, lo prolong their own power In the hope of concealing their misdeeds, and for this purposo they do not hosrtuto tn re new the crv of Intnlerenee, to revive the tly lug memories of fraternal strif , and tn ap peal to the feitrs and prejudices of tho timid and tho Ignorant. Fellow Citizens: Theso men and their measures have been completely ttied and have completely failed. An oppressive tax atioti, mi exhausted South, an impoverished Nottli, a fluctuating currency, the enterpri-o of an industrious people locked lat iu th paralysis ol hard times such is tho outcomn of their political policy, such arc achieve ments of , their loin; supremacy. Your bal lots in November can alone dictate a change of measures and a change of men. Shall not the uprising of patriotism-along the val ley of the Ohio go on to a complete aud ben eficial revolution in tho administration of the. government of the United States? Will you not by the voice of overwhelm ing majorities at the polls proclaim your In vincible faith, aflcr all these years of corrup tion and passion, in tho high, immortal principles of government by the people for tho people, in simplo honesty and strict economy, a.s tho supreme wisdom of public policy, in justice as tbo mother of power, nnd in civil frer oin Mm be-ail of a line llepbbl can na o a i y? Will you not build up a new prosperity for all tho people on the old foundations of merican self government, on peace, recon- cil'a'ii n ai d fraternity between all sections, all clashes nnd all races embraced within our system ojj American commonwealths ; on frugality and economy in all governments; on hoiic-ty nnd purity of adininistration.and having lost vour prosperity through govern mental misrule, regain that prosperity through governmental reforms? Vt e com mit this great issue to tho intelligence am' conscience of the American people, with an unfaltering trust iu tho wisdom anil justice of their decision. Iiv order of the National Democratic Nothing uiis said about the quarrel, and the two men Wi'in retlud. Hrown, however, could not banish fn ni his mind the Impres sion that u.spriniiseriinelinil been committed. He tir'-se rtirly ntld visited tho spot where the n tt'N'atlon took place, and found An drew's hat, ami near it marks of blood. Still ho did not mention his im-pleion to nny one, nor make any inquiries concerning the missing mm. It tippears Hint ho was by nature exceedingly timid, ami shrank from the responsibility uf charging a man with so serious a drime.and Iroin the publicity which w positlotrof a prosecutor would compel him to assume. The boat proceeded to I'luttsbiirg, and when Andrew's relatives mntlo Inquiries for hlin, thoc.iplaln profestd total ignorancci of his whereabouts, saving that he lind lclt him at rikoltivcr.wilhout notification, and gone, ho knew' not whither, Matters 'retted in this condition until eight or ten days lifter tho occurrence, when n body was titken frdtn tho river at the identi cal placu where Captain Weatherwax'sboat hatKbeetf moored on the'f'atal night. The;body gave nmplc evidence of'havlng met de'nth by violence, us the skull was crushed as by a lerriblo blow from some heavy instrument. An investigation was held, and a captain of a ves-"cl lying near to Capiaiii Wcatherwax's, on the night in Committee. AllltAM S. Ur.wiiT, Chairman. FitEDF.i'.KMC (). l'niNCi:, Sec'y. New York, October lit, 187C. KSCAI'IXd Till: GAIihOWS. A ST011Y OF CIIICUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE lly Lawrcnco Leslie. Many citizens of tho Sta'o of New York Will remember tho excitement created dur ing tho summer of I807, by what was gen crnlly called tho "Weatherwax Murder." l'lio nrrest, thu legal controversy concerning jurisdiction, the final tn'al, and the howl of dissatisfaction which followed the partial acquittal, are mutters not easily forgotten by those wiio then resided uear tho scene of the tragedy. The circumstances of tho case were sub stantlally as follows : Captain John G, Wcathorwnx resided in 185C near the village of l'lutUburg. New York. He win a man of good character, ono of a numerous family of tho same name, tho settlement being known for miles around as the Weatberwax settlement. Captain Wcatherwax was, at tho time of which wo write, about thirty yeaf of nge, and the owner of a small craft which plicd.on LakoChampIain trading wltli New York, Vermont, and , Canada towns along tho shore of tho lake. The crew of this vessel consisted pf Ulni self, his touslii, Andrqw Veatherwax, and a man mimed Walter Urown. In the latter part of June, 18.r,C, ho l(ft l'lattsburg with a cargo (pr Canada, and on tho way back- stopped at l'ike ltlvcr landing, on tup Caua da shore, where he was to take on a cargo of wood for l'lattsburg. During tho day, while tho wood was being taken on board, a sharr qunnel uroso between Captain Wcatherwax and his couiin A ml row, and mutual throats wcro indulged In, It was boon over, how- over, but as Andrew, had become Intoxicated ho wa rather morosu during tho entire day. Sj farovirythlng.i- plain and easily un doritood i but hero tho mystery begins, an what follows is largely based upon tho state ments of tho third party, Walter Brown lie stutcs that after daik(tho night was very cloudy'nml starless) ho was standing 011 th rear of tho boat and heard tho captain and lits cousin (who wiru ut tho bow) resume tho quarrel of tho dy( It steadily increaj- cd in violence, threats vero exchanged, an thouuh he could see neither of the parties, ho could hear illitluclly nil that passed, The wordy war waxes hotter, and suddenly lie heard a eriuh ut of n blow crushing through skull and train, mcwixltd by a heavy fall, nnd ns suddenly fill wrj still. Tho man lUtune I with bated bitalh aud trembled ; his ttrst linpulio was to rush for ward and offer assistance tu the wounded iitnu, tut fear restrained him, and ho waited tho result. In a 'vw minutes the captain camo aft, but he was alone, L'lown noticed or be thought Le did, that hs was palo and IXClttJ, qtiistion recognized tho body as that of a man ho had seen employed on Wcathcrwax's boat. Ho further testified to having heard a quarrel on that night, ending with a scuilo and a blow, after which all was silent. The altercation, ho thought, proceeded from Weutherwux's boat, and ho distinctly heard Wcailierwaxi's voice in the quarrel Of course suspicion was at once directed to Weatherwax,andns he could givo no satis factory explanation of his cotisili'sillsnppriir iinee, Vn win arrested. Tin- preliminary ex amitiu'liiti 1 ited lor nine dsys, and prodill-ed great excitement, but resulted lirltU being remanded tojsilto take his trial ill Iho ufx' term of court lor thu ciiine'ot' murder. The Veiitherwaxe's then beeaioo alarmed. Few of them doubted his guilt : indeed nothing seem d more certain ; but they were not willing that the mime should bo dis graced by 0110 of them dying at the hand of the hangman, so they contributed funds, tnployed able counsel, and made the best Ivfeiiso possible. Mr. McMuters then and now, wo Ue.iieve, a leading lawyer 01 that country was engaged to defend him. Mr. McMasters examined the case, and though ho had no doubt of his guilt, he, like a true lawyer, did his best for him. Not daring to take his trial on tho merits of the case, he succeeded iu establishing tho non-jurisdic tion of the court, and locating the crime itv Canada, The criminal, for such everybody now believed him to be, was therefore set at liberty, when he wos threatened with vio lence if ho dld.'not leave the country. Ho refused saying that he was innocent aud would not stir until he was vindicated, While a movement was being organized to put theltllrcuts into extcutioii.Jiiu ollioer arrival from Canada witli a requisition, and he was taken ucross the lino for trial. The trial wits among tho most remarkable ever held in Canada. The ablest counsel both of Canada'andNew Yoik wcro eugaged for the prisoner, and by postponing the trial for nearly a year, spiriting away some of the most important witnesses of tho prosecution, and other ingenious and questionable devi ces, they succeeded in producing a disagree ment in one jury, and finally brought about an acquittal, after eighteen mouths of im The community felt greatly outraged by tlio result, and the nress- teemed with de nunciation of those who thus conspired to cheat justice. His own counsel, wishing to repair as much as possible tho wrong they had done society by rescuing a criminal from a just fate, advised him to (lee. tho country, and under another name strive by a better life to repay society for its tolerance in silil'ering him to live. All such adiiicethe wretched man unheed ed and returned to his old home, declaring hs purpose to remain there until the cloud was lifted from his former good name. But though savcd.fromthu gallows, ho did not escape punishment. The brand of Cain wa upon him. Everybody behoved him guilty, his old fr euds uud neighbors avoided him, lie was pointed out as a murderer,and his sup posed crimo was even hooted in his cars many times as he passed through crowds In tlie public streets. Thus tho unhappy man passed eleven years of his life, submitting quietly and meekly to the aspersions cast upon him, and wuiing patiently for his vindication. His loss of character had brought with it loss of property; business men shunned him, the better avenues of t;ado and enterprise wcro closed against him, and ho became reduced almost to beggary. Hut amid all theso mis fortunes ho wits still hopeful. Thus matters stood until the eeily part of October, 1SG7, when a man clothed in tho garb of a sailor, uiado his appearance in the village of l'luttsbuig.'und Inquired ftr Cap tain John Weutherwax, The latter was just then entering the post-office, where a consld' erable crowd had collected waiting the dls tributlon of the mail, and was pointed out to the inquiringstratigcr. He madu his way toward him, laid his hand familiarly upon his shoulder, and exclaimed ; "How are you, John ' John looked ut him a moment Iu bewild erment, gave a suppressed; sat-am, nndie plied : "Cireat Heaven I has It come ut last " Turning to tho crond in tho post-otllce, which by this time had becomo iutcie-sted, he said "Gentlemen, my vindication has at last come. For eleveu years I havo homo your reproaches in alienee, hoping and praying for this hour. Ibis is my cousin Andrew, lor whoso murder 1 have suffered a punish meiit many times worse than death," Tho men stared at each other aud at tho sailor, stupefied with wonder. Andrew was equally perplexed, for tho actions of both parlies wero to him incomprehensible. For a short timo there was a disposition to regard tho new-comer as an imposter who had been brought forward to relieve Captain Wcatherwax of tho disgrace that had at' tnelcd to him ; but LU identity wa-t oou cstabllihed beyond tiuestlon, aud the inter est iu the case deecnid, thousands coming from all parta of the State to see tho man who had apparently risen fiom the dead. The account which Audrew gave of him keif was that he left the boat on that event ful evening, after tho quarrel, wandered in to, ci ruin Uiop a shut Okt&uce from to land ing, btcaiDO engaged iu a fight aud wu ar retted. In tho wonihig he wm brought be fore a magistrate; and fined but having no money, and being Mllljangry with his cousin ho would not go to him (or aid, and was on the point of being taken tu Jail, when a stranger iu the iiudleiice came forward and ollcred to pay his fine If ho would engage to sail with him, his vessel then lying at Mon treal. He consented, nnd tho next day they sailed for China j Btid for eleven years he had followed the fea and never onco com municated with his relatives. He now heard for tho first time what one of them had suffered on his account. The matter of tho blood, and his hat, which, it will be remembered was found on tho deck, ho explained by stating that he had had the nose-bleed during the day, and that somo of tho blood had probably fallen on the deck j tho hat he tossed upon tho deck when ho decided to go nut, in tho oven iug, taking n better one in its itend. The Identification of the body found, the quarrel, tho blow, nnd the voice of Weather wax heard during tho altercation nro myster ies nover explained.' Perjury can hardiy be alleged, but there was certainly criminal looseness In judgment which embittered the best years of nn innocent man's, life, and nearly sent him to uu untimely, aud dishon ored grave. It is hardly ncc'c-ary to say that there was a complete revolution in feeliug toward Mr. Weatherwnx. Every one seemed anxious to compensate by klndnsss and patronage for the wrongs so innocently inflicted before. This was not unappreciated. Ilusinees pros pered, and three years ago both Andrew and John A. Wcatherwax were among tho most contented citizens of Clinton county, New York. ! Yearly nd-crtlsf ments pay q-uo .Tiyw 11 Blcritudvf rtlscmenlB must be paid tor befors nru except whore iwrtlestutc at"'"""' ,,-,.,, lAgai Ruvrriisrnicmo " j.fc itiuurtinns. and at that rato for additional lnsriie without reference to length. ..--a Executor's, Administrator unu ui - -- r-r 1 TransTeiTo'r Local notices, twenty ccnta alia rcgnlarndfertl.senients half rates. . j ..1. iK ,i Hitii.inMa nirejitorv" column, OM) 4 ...4. u.' org ' dollar per year for each line. Sho Knew Hie lleant. ' M. tluad relates this: ''You see thU hoaa,' don't you?" called a women about forty years of,, age, ns sho drove up to a ur. River Avenue blacksmitli sliop yesieruny. The smith came out and replied that hit. sight was geod. "I want n shoe on that hind root rignt vt ... .. . ... , I .V - once," slio continued, anu ancjumpeu u nnd she had the horse almost out of the old wagon beforo the smith reached tho curfc-, stone. Sho led the beast Into tno snop, m down on tho bench nud prepared to take ,j smoke, as tho blacksmith took down ho j I want the Bhoe Uf y. What w a Hat? All who have ever ex ainine'd a bat cloey, and have observed Its I'nr, eni un. I teeth, inusi, I think, have tee- igiiized it as a kind of henm. Itx rout atliu- ilies, however, serve excellently well lo de- uionstratf how little mere external aspect can ho irtmtul m 11 guide to riiuiliiiiiimLHl re- hltl'jtisliip.. T lin bat is essentially nn iiiiIiohI nl tho air nil its structure i inndifiil for fli.'lit iitid il rarely de-eeiuls to tlio surf.u-i-ul the ground. Tne mole, on the contrary, is cWntlally an animal of the e.srtli all its .-tincture is modified lor .burrowing and it rarely ascends to tile surface of the ground. The contrast could hardly bo more complete, and yet the bat and tho mole are cousins the mole, the hedgehog and tho shrewmouse belonging to a group of beasts with which the bats show uo Inconsiderable affinity. I have spoken of tho opinion that the bat is a kind of bird. This view seems to have been entertained by the Jews, and the "bird of darkness" is placed In Deuteronmy xiv., IS, among the unclean ones forbidden as food. "And the stork and the heron after her kind, nnd the lapwing and the but." Aristotle, though he placed the bats among flying animals, and therefore among birds, distinctly recognized the iliilorenoes iu their organization ; and the satuo thing muy be affirmed of I'lluy. Lut In spile of this, and although Alberlus Magnus, iu tho Middle Ages, was fully acquainted with the true na tare of bats as beasts as with their winter torpidity, we find Inter on a retrogression of opinion.--,'). George Mwart, tn Popular Sci ence Monthly. Ancient Touohknetj Glass. In a"Ilook of Curiosities" we read: "There was an ar tificer in Rome who made vessels of glass of so teiiacioitSfu temper that they weer as little liable to be broken as thoso that are made of gold and silver. When, therefore, he had made a vial of the purer sort, and such as ho thought n present worthy of Ciesar alone, ho was admitted Into the presence of their then Emperor, Tiberius: The gilt was prais' ed, tho skillful hand of the artist applauded ind the donation of the giver accepted. The. rirtist, thai ho might enhance the wonder of the spcetators, and promote himself yet fur ther iu the favor of the Emperor, desired the vial out of Ciesar's hand, and. threw it with such forco against the floor that the most solid metal would have received some dam age or bruise thereby. Ciosar whs not only amazed but affrighted with tho act ; but the artist, taking up tho vial (which was not broken, but only bruised together, as if tho substance of the glass had put on the tern perature of brass) drew out.au instrument from his bosom nnd beat it out to lis former flguro This done, he Imagined that he had conquered tho world, as believing that he had merited an acquaintance with Cie-sar and raised the admiration of all the behold era. Rut it fell out otherwise, for the Em perpr inquired if any person besides himself was privy to tho llko tempering of glass, When ho had told him No,' he commanded his attendants to strike off hfs head, saying, 'That should this artifico come once to bo known, gold aud silver would be of as little value as the dirt in the street. Loug after jthls viz., in 1C10 we read that, among other raro presents then, sent from the Sophy ot Persia to the King of Spain, wero six mirrors of malleable class, so,, exquisitely tempered that they could not be broken. Jtondon Timet. sho observed : .uv.iii!,, .w... stick to that loot for n wholo year. Yrnv can't impose on me' cuise I'm a women." S After tno hoof had been prepared inj. horsn suddenly became restive, danclnri around and bothering tho shocr so that kVf could not proceed. "You don't seem to have had nny cxpet-' lcticc with horses," remarked tho woman aa sho rose up and laid asido her pipe. 'T; know this beast from Dan'l to Boshebo, an you just get back a little." v Tho smith retreated a few feet and tb woman caught the horso by the bits; gave him a two hundred pound kick lu the rib and veiled "Whoa! Charles Henry, git around ther)' stand over and take that and this aad some man! Now come up and toe th ' mark I" -J- Charles Henry kicked tho anvil ofT block ns she kickod hia ribs, but she.kick. the hardest, and when the horse Bhoerstuok his head into the shop, the horse was half' over a beuclrbut as quiet as a lamb. Jis "Now purceeJ," said tho woman, as ski picked up her pipe. "When a hoss goea t ! fooling around me and aching fir a row,ha'jlf laving up somw f r hi uroy hairs 1" A U-d-.rui. Tsr.i; -.Mr. Morgan, an Eni" lish oi,u,ut resident Ui Brazil, cites, in a re- , cut report in Ills government, the caruouba tree, a species of palm, ns one of the most valuable vegetable production of the coun try. It llou'iishes without culture nt Rahla, Rio (truimV do Norte, and other well known localities, resists drought, and appears greem aud luxuriant. Its roots posess propertU milar to thoso of the sarsaparilla. Th runic furnishes a superior fiber. When th tree is voting it yields wine, vinegar, a aej harino matter, and a species of gum closelr resembli.ig sago. Its wood is excellently suited for the manufacture of musical itiBtra- ments, as well as for tubes and conduits for water. Tlio pulp of the fruit is very paint- ble, and the oily nut roasted and pulverised is a good substitute for coffee. The trunk, also yields a flour similar to maizena. Witfc, the straw, hats,brooiug and baskets are mad, and over half a million dollars' worth of it is exported to England yearly. Lastly, a wnx used in the manufacture of candles U extracted from tho leaves. Tho JJultttin of tho French Anti-Tobacco Society, in relation to 11 recent case of poi soniu'g in Paris, recalls an episode of an other celebrated case that of Count Uo carme, in Belgium, accused uf poisoning many years ago. While Dr. Stas, Professor of Chemutry iu the Brussels Ecule Poly technique, was engaged in examiulug the intestines of the victim, he called out to thoso present to cease smoking, as ho could not endure the smell of tobacco. It turned out that uo ono was smoking, but a ray u tight was shed upon tho hitherto obscure case, and tho appropriate tests being applied nicotine, tho instrument of the crime, was discovered. Had Professor htas beeu a smo ker this detection would nover havo taken place, and tho culprit, who was executed would have escaped. Tho late George D. Prentice, 'as is wall uown, was one of the many great men oti the world who have fallen victims uf strong drink. The Gjurier-Journal, of which Pren tice was so many years tho honored editor, relates the following : An excellent and honored citizen of Louis ville was going home one night tipsy, for th first nud last time in his life, as he protests, and no doubt truly, when he met Prentle" reeling from one sido of the.walk to the other, 'Prentice, exclaimed the elated uovic,. I'm drunk." Staggered anew by this amaz ing announcement, tho veteran slowly droto himself up, with tho aid of a neighboring picket, nnd surveying his disguised friead. said severely: "Well, Josh, I havo bei guilty iu my time of many scandalous thing and some outrageous ones, nud some mighty' mean ones, but, thank God, I never wsar drunk I" ' . 1 Tho 'worthy father presents his. son, aA reward of merit for his progress at school,, with a handsome gun aud allows the boy lb make ono of the hunting party. The Ingaa-' uous youth espies n hare,3",fircs at it,. bt,. horror of horrors 1 his father, who has stoo- ed to pick up a bird, rises at the'very in aieut right lu tl.e litie'of firaaiidispeppersd. The boy cast down his fowling piece ant bursts Into an. agony of tears. .They conaol him by representing that the author of.kU being fortunately wore buckskin breech and escaped absolutely unharmed. "It is not that," sobs the heart-brok child; "If he hudu'tbeeu there, I'd hat killed the bare." V A country clergymau who had been ac customed to administer to the spiritual needs of a congregation in the backwoods was called upon to occupy tho pulpit of an ab sent metropolitan brother. The day being excessively hot, uj his sermon exceedingly long, ho made his preparations accordingly, Uo first removed hU cravat, and then Lis collar and cuffs, aud then hU coat, aud was proceeding to get tid ofhu rest, when there was a stir among the worshippers, and one uf them, rising, said in a deep, deliberate voice, "I don't know what may be (he broth er's Intention, but perhaps St might as well bo understood, before Lb goes on any fur ther, that this isn't a bath-houie.M He preaohed with bit vet on, 1 A Sinoui.au OccunitENcc. One of th most singular sights growing out of th oral is a continuous line of peach trees of nearly 60 miles in length, around Petersburg, and extending) towards Rlchm'end. They ar growing fiom the breastworks thrown tip by ' the rebel army, and uro the onlylegacy lsft by tho poor fellows who wero oh tho advance line with 100 yards of our forces. HavlBg eaten the fruit while on picket duty, thj cast tho stones aside, ' and now thy appear ( in one' continuous line of forty-tho miles in beautiful trees, which yielded an abundaut crop the present year. " A 'railway Cttiftractor'ovcrheardVjuo bf I' party lamenting his hardship's since comlajf out of Canada, drawing for contrast a bright sketch of his lifo iu the "Ould Counthry.i "Oh," said the complalner, with a 8Jgb, "a I was only back again to my father's palisal'. "Your father's palish, is h?'''responded fellow workman, with a jolly squint of hi eyo at the distressed noble scion, "Shure, aa) uv ye wor there, yo might sUnd on b grouu' and reach yer hand down the chlsvs bley an' opeu the door av it."- si A WoNiiKurui, Clock. An, astronom cal clock is one of the. Nantucket, Man, nchusctts, wonders. It was commenced iu 1768, and wouud up July 4th, 1700. Tt sun and moon rise uud set iu the clock la correct opposition to tho luminaries lu U heavens. It keeps thi "motions of the mcW nodes around the ecliptic, which takes eigki teen years, uud two hundred and twenty-fi days in tho revolution, and the. wheel tb performu thu revolution requires the aaai length of time to make its circuit, being all' tho time In motion. One of the wheels that keeps the date of tho year ia a century im making a revolution, uioyjug one ttotcV every ten year. A Cincinnati lawyer summoned the otbar day to nettle his account as executor of Mrs. Kennolly, under a will filed Kim igbt years ago, astonished the Court by appesuvs mjr before it with the testatrix on hia aria, and. announcing that he bad filrd the will while the was lying at the point of dealsv but that aa ah had ultnwsida rccove rtd aao murriid him, he did not have the will tak4 off tl.e riicrda Ui-ausr of hiidiliar toiti veal the ludicrous position he bad lilir atl biiasilf in.