i 4 15 In ni.i.i1liTni'rtJ--r ' -S . , ,Jls. T1JE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB I 'KG, COLFMBI (X)l NTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. ii loom sn nun. fiiimiv, net 21, km Kntl lloml TI1110 TiiMp. LACKAWANNA k lILOOMHiltJItn ItAtl. IlOAl) NOtlTM. .MS. A.M. T.W A. M , 1.4s P.M. B.3I 1 M. OATAW183A HAIL ItOAU Nonnr. Aoiommodatlon Train ess A. M. Icoiular Express 4.M 1'. M. Ttiroturhcarson Exprosilrnln cither to New Yoik or Philadelphia. Arcommolntloii train rum between llatawlssi and Wllllamspnrt. Accommodation Train,, Mall Train Express Train pavTii. Us A.M. 4.M 1'. M 1I.WA, M BOfTII 7,57 KM. 11.33 A.M. K. H. Heeler, Iq., shot n fire fox on tlio Mil h.ick cif llio Irondalo furnace on Thursday morning. ltev. 1). J. Waller, Jr., will be installed In Ids iicv charge at Or.uigcvllle, Novemlier O.h, at 7 o'clock p. in. Tin- Hi-pnUican lat wcile, whilst ctnlnilnp n victory, fiirirnt to (int nut their "rooslcr." lie had tliu "pil'i" perhaps. The Northumberland Presbytery will lull their next annual inciting In Illooii-pbiirR on the TMiil of April, 1877. Tlio hotpe nf W. M. Monroe, at Itupcrt.cauijlit fire from n defective H ie. on S.iiulay, ami was dam.isccl lo llic exluil of about $00 j fully In Hilled. Some of tlio paper In neighboring counties arc i(ililng fun at tlio lierwick Imliiicndent for fplnnlng a yarn about a black shako having ten tallica and h'lled with ground updrrels, which Ihc Indqicndcnt M)h was recently killed near llerwlck, lilack snakes nro elcslltnte of rattles down thl way, hut llerwlck tuny have produced o 10 fur might we know, It should bit sent to llarnuin or the C'cnleiinlal, or Ihc Smithsonian Institute at all i-etil. . ,iitr..ui:.vs fAttvuK. On Thiirfdiiy aftcrii'inti lal Iho fire compa nies iimrclicd Ihrcmgh tlio tree sof llloonilurit. The. l'llerdsldp Company hud t tit I r hno car lingo liiitid-oinoly deconilcd, and Iho Ite-cu" HiKik and Ladder Company drew their new truck and apparatus. Tho uniform of tho lies cues consists of a blue sldit willi rid collar and cull's. They have not yet rueiviil Ihclr hat". The parade wax hraded by the llloonislniri; Cor Let lhnd, II. V. Kiihler acting as Chief .Mar-r-Jirtl. llolh companies made a lino appearance, ami we have n-nsou to be proud of our firo "lad tiles." All llril rtm tin lo be dono is lo nrgnn he n Tire department, and then we shall be a fully prepared for Arc in wu can bu without water wtuks. Very well executed counterfeit half dollar nie lu circulation. They have the ring of the genniuo coin but nre deficient in weight. Look mil for them, in they nre well calculated to de civ e. Villlamport had a disastrous fire lat Sun day by which over three million feet of lumber were destroyed. Dodge, Ja.e.es ti Htollis were the owners. l.os, SoO.OOO ; in.urance, $30,000. The Wnslilr.gtonville Hand have our sincere thank for the, delightful i-crenado tendered in on lint Krielay evening. The gentlemanly de meanor of the members impressed all with w horn they cume in contact. At the Democratic meeting in the Opera lJouc last Saturday evening 11. V. Zarr, Esq., delivtrcel a pertinent and intero-ting address, which was well received. Jlr. .1. M. Kcsler, of Haidolnn, nUo fpoke In it fly. The altenilance was good. Time nie Sl.'O.ODO Cnlholics in Saint Louis. Danville Intitliycnccr. The above is (he first money value placed on religion belief we h.ivu ever known. It would bo interesting lo know whether the treasure al -luded to are laid up on arlh or clcwhvru. I'krsonai. Itev. T. II. Cullen nnd wife spent n day at llupcrt lat wek, where) they were Aiirnily grilled by mmy friend who were fortunate inough lo meet them. Harry ltutter, of tin- MowUmh IaKo, was In town during thu Tair, and hoiiortd u with n call. Tlie JCdtt) is prospering under it prccnt mauagtnicnt. Jtev. .). II. MtCinrr.-ili visited hi friend anil the Talr on l'riday lat. Itev. Mr. Southwell, lately of Green Kidge, I.uzeino eouiity, occupied the pulpit in .Si. l'-iulV Church on Sunday lat. Mr. K. A. Snyder, of tho Cedar l'lill, Iowa, (rizcllc, nropped Into our Kiuctum hut uek. He I viriling friimls und rehilivc in this conn' ty ami vieinily. IIYMUNEAI. It wn our privilege to bo present at the mar liage ceremony which took place at llupcrt on Wednefdy of lat week. The parties to thi contract werp Mr. K. V. Kultoii, I lit; popular agent of the l'hila. it Heading It. It. Co. at Ku pert, and Mis Lizzie, daughter of J. II. liar man, Jvq ot tne same place, iho ceremony was performed by ltev. T. II. Cullen, fomierly pastor of St. l'aul's Church, liloonishurg, and was witnessed by about thirty relative and friends of the bride and groom. Tho haniii.'ome picpcnt which were received indicate the Iiigl estimation in which tho happy couple nre held by Iheir Iriuiil. We wih them much pnpi r- Hy. M.iv thev nevi r f.nd Iho grade on 1he track of life loo hiavy for then to ii'ccnd ; u'uu Ihey never jump the rails in going mound the sharp curve., and always escape toilisiou ; ami when they begin logo down thotr.uk at Iho olher side may they reach tho bottom fafely at the end of a long and happy life! THE FAII1. The fall of 1870 has not been a favorable fca- son for lairs, In many, if lint mnl, of (no counilcs of lid Stale eilher actual lo has been Incurred or lit thu bent but h limited MieceftS nchioved. We me very glad lu ho able lo statu Unit Ihc Columbia County 1'nlr has been forlu nalo pun nhiiily, nllh.iigh ns n matter of cniirao the tieelpl wire not lis luavy as lu previous venrs. Wu nro con"oliHl, however, when wo am that the lecilpt al I lie Huntingdon l'nlr, for two da's, ainounlid lo just ?I3, and that thu (ireiiiidiiirg l'nlr lost S1.7U0. Tho Ceiitciuiial lixposltloii wa doubtless an attraction which kept in my from the Comity Talis. Nutliie siemid determined to male our l'nlr nicces, If pmdhlc, nnd three lovelier days cannot bo Imagined than those of lal week. Tho alteiidanie on Wulnesday and Jhur'diy was not very large, hut on Trhlay Ihc grounds were thronged. Tho aiticle on exhibition were of good quality and iho list larger than was ex- lucted. M. (J. Sloan & llro exhibited a lino lot of tin i r handsome carriages beautifully made, in their work always , nnd of the bet maleilals Their stock ini'luih-il phielon, buggies, sleigh", le, Cieorgo Slriekfr, nf CalawsT, had soinu well built liuck wagon anil n neat lihaelou. .1. II We have received a new campaign sung; "(Jov. Tildiii- is our man," n lively ditty w.ncli will doiiblliss lie of servile in the campaign. Trice ."5 cents, or $1 'JO per dozen. Address T. AV. llelmick, oO West Fourth St , Cincinnati, Ohio. The I'ottsville Standard of la-t wtik was a jierfeet pietuic book, filled willi ehoico wood cut emblematic of the recent Democratic victo ries, Ac. Such euterpri-o deterve honorable mention hence lhee brief remarks. A "young ladies' rifle club" has hem formed at Wilkes 1'arre. Heretofore tho srcrni r sex has used tho rillu to kill the deers.biit now the deals have taken the matter into thiir own hand Wish 'mi luck bless 'em. Tho Smiths enlightened n Itimlck audience neintly. Wu wi-h they would go llieie again. b(caue they made four Democratic votes !nr u. ("ailing Democrats "rebel," and Tilden a "per jurer" nnd thief," may answer fur a Duiphin canity audience, hut i loo stale for an enlight enul eommunitv like Herwick. Tlio Illoomsburg jiapcrs nre calling each oilier carpel Kiggers, The "Ilepiiblican" says it will plead guilty to everything mean, but one charge is positively untrue. He never did vote thu Democratic ticket, for which we all owe him our thanks; we herewith tender our.. Mountain Jkmocrut. Mr. George A. Cl.uk oflers Wall Taper al grcnlly reduced prices to suit the time. The p iper formerly told at ."0 cents can now be had for 18, the 25 cent for lo cent, Iho 20 cent for 12 cents, and the 12 cent for 'J cent. Do not I'.ii I lo e,xamiuu his slock and purchase while the piiccs aru low. C. Ci. Jackson, Esq., delivered a speech on Saturday night last lo tho Ilepiiblican of 1W wick, in answer, as we understand, to Hon. C. It. lluckalew. He had evidently taken much p.iin with the speech a he was afraid to trut so val uable an elTort lo his memory and read from hi hi. Us. lluckalew still lives, The following In Iff but touching litter from 9. W. liuck, of' I.o llaysville, llradford county to David lowinberg, will, we are sure, be nail with inltrest by the many frit ml of the lat llohcrt F. Clark, anil the sincerity of thewii tcr's sorrow will not he donblid, I.i: Ha vsvii.t.i:, Tenna., liOlh September, 1870'. J -V Drar Sir : I,a"t evening I recuvnl the t oi.tMni.v.v con tabling the sad inlclligence of the dentil of our mutual friiml, liobt. F. (lark. Through over two years of the tiiot friendly oflicnil relations ho a Assessor of Internal Jtevenue and I as one nf his nts'ftiiuts in this county, I found him al ways.lhu same kindly, courteous gentleman and friind, and our mqiiainlaucc ha l onlitund ever simc. To know him wn to love him. lie hud many niiim pusonal fiiintl in Ihi oiinly who will mourn hi loss; he will lie niNsi'd by n laige circle of friends in Columbia and Montour ct unities, win re be was hist known. Hi frjend fonhl he it 1 1 it i !' l il by hi acquaintance. "Alter life's fitful fevir be slieps well." Viiy truly vour friind, S. W. lit e it. D.iv id I.oweiibei?, Esq., Illoomsbiiig. LastSatuiday night William Fry and Hoyd lirobst, two of the jenng nun who were inipils ouid on Ihc 20th of September for the robbery of Mr. Fry's house in Monlour township, made their escape fiom jail. They had eon-lrueled a kiy out of zinc, with which they opened lliu lion door and dcsctiidid to ihccillar, whence their exit was iay. On the following night Iliolist leltiriud and gave himself into ciittnily. Fry 'u still al large. MKCTINO OP THE HTANI1I.NU COMMITTKK. the member of tho Mainline Committee i.re (quisled lo mcd at tin- ollicc of the Chairman in Jllooinshurg, on Tuesday, the 21th of Octo ber, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. The uii'in- bc i a are specially requested to attend, a husi iiess ol iiupoitaiKc is tu be transacted, W. J. I!lTKAI.i:V, 'Oil. IP, 1S7C. Chaiiman. The CoiXMWAN sancluni possesses n novel mouse tinp not yet patented. A few nights sineu thu distrcssul sipie.iking of a ii.ouse at tract cd attention and upon examining a box which had contained honey, n small todent was di scuvercd stink fast lo Iho Lullcm 1 1 Iho box, n securely tinchorid as if a ten pound weight had hem fastened lo each foot. When libeialid the nciobalie performances nnd liahorale gym nasties of that unforlunale mou'e wire beautiful lowliness. It slood on ,ils head, got up on in inr, rolled over and klektd, unci neaily bticceid id in tinning ilsilf Inbidc out, but its legs, alas, lis legs wire llid tip in knots and not in the ienst available as means of locomotion, Finally tlio lillie creatine, by a series of curious contor tions and crab like luovimiiils, succcidtd in wriggling ilsilf U hind it safe and doubtliss found eventually Its home, "sweet home. Hon cy won't c.ilih that eliap again lids season. D.A. Ileikley, postmaster and chief fiigliman iifthu Itadicals of Ibis county, addressed a mett lna at I.iu ht hlrcit last Tntsclay, I here was nothing parllculaily absiiid in lids hut tbere wm In the wording of tin- handbills anuouiicihsi Iho events Allu-lou was lutule tu the llepuhli can victories In .Maine, Vermont, Colorm'o and Ohio: lo ti Itepubllcanlgain of 15,00(1 lu India n.i and ii gain of idno Ccngiissmeii lu Ohio, Let us see: Maine shows Ihunnallcht llipubll can inajorlly glvin in a Trcshhntl.il year for more than livenly yiars; Vciniont does likewise Colorado is ivm now doubtful i Ohio, with a Tresliltnllul cuididalu living in thu Stale, gave n imdorliy of it little overO.tdOi it gavo uyer 'il.COU for Grant in IS7 ti ; Iniliaua gives IMno craliuiuaJorlllcH ranging from 10,000 lo afiW lu Jb72 iho Slate roilid up a uuijorlly for Uraiil of iiioio than 21,000. i'he Itupubliuaiis gain If there isiniicli Communicated Mmi:fi. ElUTiiiiM A grand Democratic meeting wa held in I'erttick on Monday even ing, the Ifilh inst., width wasaddtesseil by lion (.'. 1!. Ilroekway, of your town. The hall was well filled, not it seat nor any standing room to be found. Especially did tho ladle turn out Iirge delegations were here from Salem, Jhiar Creek slid Lime ltidgc, beside other townships, The gentleman handled his subject well, and when lie was through' I am posit! ve all were sati(ii"d that it was the uhle-t speech made in lierwick this fall. The enlhusia-m was un bounded, and cheer after cheer lent the air for Tilden anil V.efoim. After the able speech of Mr. llrockwav our townsman, M. 1). Jackson, Esq., was called upon lo speak u few word, which he did anil did well, creating mirth and keeping the houe in a good humor, besides in sisting on tho necessity for leform in our gov ernment iiflair. Ilerwick is alive to thu iviie of the dav a thev aru discussed on both side-, and especially aie the piopleof this thiiving town in earnest lor reform. You may expect u comfortable majority for Tilden, Hendricks nnd Itefoim on tho 7th of November. II. lierwick, Oct. 17tli. Strtcl.tr, of thl town, also had some gool ..... r... ,., i, wagon, liollltis ,ic iioime exniuiieo tin- wen known Argand line Unineratid Empre s -inves n pet feet lingo for kilrh.n purposes, and are le-ervlng of tridii for their intcrpri-o in help ing two llus burning lo pioru conclusively tliu ileitis of Ihclr healing apparatus. Tiny also had n IlydrailHn Earn, whiih, by tho way, ua tnt"icd in class -t, under the head of "Slicip," which wa a sort of casl-ironlcal joke. U.S. lleav. of ltunert. had n comt'lcto assortment of lils fiinotn sl.ile paints, iron paint, pine lead. varnishes and binshes. Avciygood exhibit. Tho display of vegetables was quite fair; tl sweet potato.'s. we noticed, were unsually line. In fi tilts tho display of apple wa cred uable, but it was a surp'ise in this prolific year to sic mi few graprs. There were quantilics of pre serves, pickles &c, which looked palatable, hut we did not taste them and accord them praise by sight onlv. T.oll of golden butler delighted (he lovers of that ntctsary adjunct to hiciiel and buckwheat c.tkes. In the ladies' depart ment there was much lino needle worl; of the merit of which we do not feel capable to speak. There was fancy woik and wax work in qtianli tics. An elaborate pair ol puiow siiann was cxhiLitid by Mrs. I. K. Miller. Joseph Lilly of Light Slrtet contributed a liiblo printed in 1030, 31(5 years ago. 1 lie colhctiou of poultry wa if anything bitter than UMial. II. W. Hug enliiich siiowcel llrahma and Leghorn", in the chicken line, ami nunc large, plump duel; II. II. ( .-111110.- had Spoittlid Hamburg, guile b.intj --, gee -i- nod a wlmppi r in a hroiv.u tin kty utighiiig -10 Ih". Wesley .'oliu-i.n txhil itid a nice toop of guinea fowl-. Our np:n.v will! not permit an extended upoit t.flho hundred nf articles ofintciot which were to bo found in the vaiiou dep.irtmtnls. On Thursday afternoon the trot for the Far mers' pme r.iimi off, ii-siilting a follow: J. II. Gingle- tick the (ir-t priz-; of S25, Itec-e F.cir nian Ihc sccot.cl ol f ill, ami .1. II. Viimlerslice the third of S'i. Then followed a pulling nialch for double teams and in this Iho com peting teams wne so evenly mattheil that the purse of Slo wi divided between Mcsis. Matlz, Hidlay al t! Wsnliii who onnid ibem. On i-ridnv moriiiiig the County purse wa eonle-ted. S. Ti'-nli-' llrov.-n II en hen boie ofi' the first prize of foil, C. 11. Fiunlon Daisy the second of S25 and S. C. lllack's lilack Hawk thu third of 510. In tliu afternoon Harry Faux, walked twice around the track, a short mile, in S minutes and ten second. The stal lion trot announce el to take place did not come oil', a Mr. Wolf declined to trot his lior--e anil Derr's I'onnie Doon wa declared not eligible as he wasownid out of the county. There wa siime dillei inee of opinion a to whether thi de-t-i-iou cva correct, and it would be well to have tliu mailer nierc e xplicil next year. The trot for the "free for all" purse wascpiile exviling ami was piohahly the best race ever witnc-nl on thi track. Hilly I art foot, owned hy j. 1', Smith, of Tfiiladtlphi t. tool; thefiist piizeof S100; Win. Hughe.' E. L. Vincent the second off-tiOiand L. Smith's l!ticki;in the third of There was perfect order on the ground dur lug the i-air anil it I mucii to ine creoii oi our tieonlc ihat such i alw.ivs tlio case. The music w a furnished by the Illoonisburg Cornet Hand (who accompanie d the Finnien in their parade), the Continental Coinet Hand of Terwiek, and the Wa-hinelontillu l!ra-s Hand. With iho first two bands our people aic aiqnainlcd l.ut the Wa-hingtonville Hand is a new organiza tion, Tho members nre lino lookin-e, manly K-llows. are band.-oniilv uniformeel, anil im- ire"eil tint-people v ere' favorably not only by their playing but by their courtesy and willm lies lo oblige. Thu Executive Committee- aie tlvtrvlng of thanks for so peiftiting tlieir arrangement as to ensure the avoidance of everything unpleas ant or annoying, and to their clToils, lo n great extent, tliu succes of the Columbia County Fair of 1870 may fairly be attributed. Tho (Wtry for November Is ns frcsli anil Vft rlcd ns usual, but contains s vend articles of ex ccpltnnal rxrellcnco. Ono of these, by Mr.J.T Henlley, llui htsloriati, ll h srsl on Ihc original order hook of (Im. lliugoyne, kept during the fnlnotts campaign of 1777, which resulted nulls, nslrou.dy (o ihe I.ilii'h nl Hiiridogn. The wrilei makes frecpient quolalions fn in Ihoorigii-nl tin published documents t.f (Itiieral Iturgnfl-o to which he has access, and Iho scenes of iho war nielhtnby brought bt fore tn willi wonderful vividness. Albcrl lthndcs touchfs Uti a Mibjecl whlth should be near tho heart (or stomach) of every rentier I Ihe question of food. He imulyzes and comparts Iho diet nnd cuWno of various nations nnd wo nro led lo the unpleasant conclasion that Iho American is far behind other people lu his knowledge of gislronomy, nnd that with nil hi nttaitim -nls lo telenet) mid nrt lie 1 lllllo heller tlinn a barbarian In hi hlHicn. "Fiuhtlng by Machinery" is a coti-idcralcm of theill'eeljoftiiodirti invention upon llic wnrlel's peace1. It I a curious question Inge Inusly Ire.ited hv Dr. T, M. 'imii. Hiehntd Urant bile ronliibiiles nn arlicle ttpun the proper in innir of leading Shakspcare. mi article width will be lead w itli c ir.hiniam by pludcnts'atid nil hsens of the drama. An article on nee t English notion, by W.U Hrowncll, ! devoted lo an analysis of the works of WlHi-im lilack, Thomas Manly nnd other novelist of the new school, noil a compui-oii i drawn belwetli tlusc and the pionceis i:i nov el wrlltiv. There i an mlic'e upon Yotklowu and Wll- lianisbuigby the bite Gintinl CiMiri and a charming love story by M'ns Olney j a Inigit: poem bv Joactniu Miller, Ihe poet of IhcSicrias, whicli isipiile phtnonn.mil; two or lhr f olher poems of nnus.i.il tnciil, and finally the depatl- niciils of scieinv, hook review, ami current gos sip, wiiic'.i close one of the most atlrarlive mini bus we have ever seen of this popular maga zine. T lil'nlieil by Shehlou & Co., New York, til SI per annum. Business aS'oticos Don't fail to call in nt Marr's to sec his Good und nrices when vou come to the Fair. Applctnn "A" Muslin 8 cents, Hill ldcaclieil 10 ceiit3 mid Fruit of tho Loom bleached Muslin 11 cents, by tho bolt id LuU & Sloan's. M EJ H O D8 PO I N TSw METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF r XJ 'TV o T" TTT"kTn X Bf-JC! tLg jitn LQAL ADVERTISEMENTS, UDiToirs Nonci:. in it,., tnaiii.r nf Inr fnl of n-.ll c-talc of AUffits- I ,., l.mmiut. 11, , Unlit I.Hlrfdf-ll llliIM,tlit'-,l AU'llilirb.Y nyf-ctueiitof tmr I te I'lter.-siccI t.i ntai.i-rtlni liiiitlcin or inum-i- CCriBll.lf inilll sm, p,u rj tun. ..." I,ains t lillll'-il cn-n h, win in-rv iit- ithm n n... -h:e I tor Uie pj.isise of hts apiioltilnient at tlicoi flee of llrnokwiK K Nlevii lu uioomsbaricou Moii ttiy, Noteiubi r iStn, lJ6, at liio'cloclc, a. m ui.ti. . f.i.n i.i.i.. Oct. lyistti-iw Ain'ltor. 4 DMINISTKA lOlt'H Jjt)TIUJi fi nei u AdmlnlstisiUn on Hie csUte ot e'ailisrlr.o ItllUel, uui oi wonio-ir iwi Viisi. -A'?i-J''??L Dauchy & Oo'a. Adyt'e V rv Wo will sturt on In a business you itn INU inskelisiiiwi-tk wl'liniit cnineal M 1 V It Vntitl resiss-Ui'ile for either net. itissw ill Ui Vl l M'lTI.Y 10., 1111 i0el , ISUW Ot. tht.iiew ti n.s-vtfit.t InvtttliTate dm liieil'.a of th I'jiN 1 tliu rft-il Wt-elilj-, twloni eisuTiiiliiiiis; upon imir worK tor ml ran aiitlwiijujr. I be loinl.ii.nlltiii fi.i ilils ,i Hsoli fiorpi irt s fn) tail off In rclulore ollttui Ij-cI. I ci ms n-ni. fn e on appi Au.irts e n a s. e i.tt An a e-u., . " Hun N. V tlCt. 1I-4W l ol.. IU. tleeeasel I tcr ot sola county to AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which k Invtlt the Interciled Attention end Csrelut Scrutiny ot -TI-I33 PUHOIIASINa PUBLIC- )l.lVt I tfwli 1111 l.ltHl IV I If ICCiv I .iMinnti P. XlcA linn t.f inirt I wn.. CbliliiiMa lull lit , I'nlleiils riirrd 3(1 jcnr ngn, trninln sonnet. (1 lo naKu K,viiiiil,iini1 tU.iK" liavtnrf claims or nr. .1. A. i' khmah " ' .InS in sat.i.. KtaMiHi nsslnst tlit-naM csluta will male them httipturo liaalnil n olun r 1lPjt"a,,I'?i"s iSwitST Lmhi.hi 1,. ln.i m.,1.1 Ailii.tmstrse' r wltllouL clClaV JA.M1. I'. s-.li;i.Cilii', Aclinlnliti-alor. (Kt. ts,iT0 .v ii.. tn. i.Ltlc IriisscMie neeit them to Is- nut. an l.npe r,rr,siipn irt. 1 1 tininn nro t-j-ai biilicrinir through Triisili-lul'iii , . ,,.,. It 11 I worn iiin nniuiiu ,n- 'i"V'-"--': ,..Vyi I lioiisaua S tins mtwino METHODS I (11 have tut Ono frlco for All.. POINTS) Triei means of necessity tho raw est l'rlec .m K receive Ca&h rayment from AIL.... CAfltl ravos expend rf collection I louts from tad debu and W E glo a Guarantee tirotcctlng All... w 13 Ilctnrn Jloney nhen wo cannot sun ah WK buy our goods, at first lian.H, irt Immcnso tiiuntlllcs, i nl at tho Icotcst j-riccsfor Ciili.. WK manufacture ft'llh extrcmo caro every garment wo fell WK Inspect every yard nf roods ttitt Ijoes Into our giirjcnts WK nut a ticket on every enrment, bhowlng plainly Its ejuallty ana JltlCC ,mm. WK entoir every Item of unnecessary expenditure employ flrt-claM every department. M-orkracn in 1 WK give satisfaction t ovcry imrehaser or return tho money rpUK OnnrantM prrtccts tho buyer V. liJ X muy m.t bo njudjo of goods Wo rely on Imracnso rales and aro sat isfied with a very finall percent ago cf profit. IT Is cary lo buy of us, p Inco oil aro treated alike, no ono getting favors that nro denied to others DICKKItlXO and elehaio aro elono away hy uc.cvcryhsdy cc tsourhctt with out having to ask lor It Our. l-irjo experience, capital nnd facil ities v. o usa fur the people's benefit lu lowering prices WK fill orders received bymcll from alt parts of tho United Elates. Wrttj for particulars I MitXlRTl! V TO Il'S NON'JK. J. sTirE of tutintu iniciLt. nrcBtsKii. Lcttorn of AdtnliiWiittloii Willi Iho will atino.li'd on the cudtite ot l.udwU Thel.e, late ot lociiH towuslilp, i oliunota ciiuiua., i-'nu a. ii ctsasen, une uecu Krsiui1 ,.,.intv in it', ii. Murtz. , tirBiiitineiuter w llleme iil, ami those ludel.tt-U tej 'r u,i?? Wi.? L,e ornitii to moko Miyiiicnt to tne unacrslgned 'I hn offltucd telioulel 11 Ink. Mriously oi ,inu,r tho inufsjlm, Intfrrunts tt elrculutlon ami l'ie Mnsto p.iraljsnt besides, llm mrup tVtis-een m estlratrs the Kreat lull of wood upon iho hl'nia seiriaallc cords mil i tlvls lioneliin ttua'r ui jJ v....i ....... ..in, ii if timrnrs. llicleed tilt to- z, of &nl.Hvt, ColiiinUa spine, uUl-iiiimi. ftii-l PdVn i iinrtL r tlntsv 'ah isr,i,K luivlnir claims tare, wjoner or laierciti so kt lnt-y and b ortdtri a.nr- Adinlidstralor u an jut Oct. is 'Is- tw. ifelaj. VIU.IM MAltTZ, .'.elinlulstrittor. NOTaprvttclorfrM: run In 1 uylnsof us. A child may U'.y ns chearly as a man In addition It our Immcnso Etoclt of lteady-Jtado anhln,to havo a Magnificent Lino of Men's and Hoy's 1'umUhtng Goods, Shlrta (of our own maLe) and Underwear, tU at tho Very Low est Prices. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. A UUlTOlfS NOT1UK. in i in: '.stats oFtiitniri. suirR, i.tx or UAtNtwr., UOI.CUIUA elll'NTV, IieCESSBII. On mr.tlin t.f C. II. ItiiiklM'. It ls-rt II. tittle wax nppi Itited Auditor to muk.- ilUtr.nut tin i f tne fund In tint hsiidsor the Adialnlstralor siiioinr th parti- e nttiif.i in,. teio. ule,lls uer o.v yi.eiiiini. emj iiiiuerstiied will ntt inl lo llio clntl.'s uf his aiipdut-tu-lit cilllid oir.ee it h. II. Mid H Ii. IJtlli-. lu l.l.Kiinsl'iliv. mriliursilay, Hie nil un tu ovemucr ls;r,. at lu o'etk a. m.. mIihii un.l liere all p-Tsoiii i. Ill 0" rotl'llrecl to pivwent their clitlnis or tio debar- rea uoin eoiuii'i; iu upen siu iiu.u, 110111'. It. t.irri.i!. Oct, I31;ii-4,v Auditor. t DMlNtSTItATOK'S KOTll'K. J 1.STAT. Of MA ICV ASV imi'.MMILIt, PtCKASKD. isiilersof Ailiiilntstratlon on n.e i-st ilo cr Maty v. ltei tourer. I. ite nr ine Tee o. i.r n-At. county c t (XliiinlJla, ili-i(-.ieil.linvelx"r. -r,ii.t('d l.t Ihe liejrt.s- ler ot satu i-n'inty n nii i--riin" r "i .iiu ep..su liei-sonshnttntrtliilinsuKtiiiitl the tlr.t ntllieili o- eieiiltir'S reiini-siin to preni-ni iin-iiiiur neiiieiiieiie -end lll'ie inneoeeil luciiu esinie i.j iiiuku ,u)ii,eiii and aet In accoid.ncc wttn tne dictates oi icaaoa; mi, sm:!t:i; xn Trralmcsit Is I't acMctil.Kullonal and Economical i ItsobJ.-ct Is Immediate relief 4 eventual cure. It It tisrd up n s.-lr-ni.ino prln" nles and easily rti-monsi rated to the coiuiiretierislom of every Intelligent cron. 'I tiointli he doe-ct M use truH Lenses a suppoit Innnlte-ly r'"nr. which i.erps eeeijil.u n ml I'lti H';1,1''" ZX the uurallvV Compouad applied d.dlThy the patl,i excites healtln aetton. nilnit n and cure. H(-sott tills licatinent does net lnUirn re wltn Jaoor or cim-t1-on liorseiiarkcT c ih-iKi-e.and affurils Hecurtv nifnliist hituniert hud straiuf iluied ruorupi. Glhe allltctirt an- coin'.nir ttouinll parU of lna oa try. 'I crms modi rate, ticpetidlnjc upon Hit . rvnsonsfruin tuc counuy cau receive tiealmentftsit leuvistorhoii-eon tliosnino day. send locenu lor nr. Merman's liunknltlillkeMmnt cases Uforji and after cure. Hi lei ' m-'es givu w ifenl lomn r havo Lien cured, uri.-e No. V'"Ui"tr'r,ti'..Nu7 Yorie. Ileitareof the fell) csllln Plinselt l)r VV. ll C'remi lull olid u.llnr l r Hl'-rmaliS llHlllli in in ilreiUsi-nieiiU to decoy tno alilLted. Have tills fct- eertueiuini lo iho iindersliriiedauii.lalslr. ior titthontdi'lay ui-iiv- 1 1 1.-1 1 s: I v , i h it Oct. C, lSTC-CW. AdmliiUtraUir. WHOLESALE 13 R UG EMPOlll UA1. Corner Main and INrarkct Street BL O'O MS BURG, PA. ittcmllo tim duties of Us appointment UfAUt'On sCjuminz n .Main Street Illooiii-b ir, I ei.n a.. ,.'m imr)Pe iu Ai Sd day of Novi-mlicr IHTii. when and ocU 3w el jiKMiiKits ot' vioii..NX'i: committui:. Heaver Momh .Scldicher, Allen Maun, Iaao Kliujieiinaii, J. 1'. l-'ry, Ilenlon W. 11, Hinllli, James Conner, J. J McIIcnrv, I. K. Krlckbauni. lierwick V. T. Snyder, A. I), freely, Flank S. Hunt, Isaiah loer. lllooni J.'a-t J. H. Ciibiy, W. Kiiekh.ium, William Ciirlnn. lllooni Wc-t II. W. Me-Ilcynoli's, Thomas (Joiev, Sleiilun Ki.orr. llrlarcieek V. 1iinon. (ieo. Al. lluwcr, I), llanihach, J. (.'. .Smith. t'atauin-a I-:. .M. TewkhLuty, ('aicr llhawn, .M. V. II. Kline. II. J.lteeder Centre If. A. Scliwt iipeiih.iitcr, AVni. , Shaf fer, l-'red lliiHtnbiiu'i, A. lielcliner. Cimralia M. Mellrarity, Thtm. (icrily, m. l'iler, C. (i. Murphy. Conyiifdiam toilli I.enilian, Ihonias Chapman, Iirynn Kane, Chas. Donglit-rly. Couyu;liam t-ouili lVler Luhy, John Crane, Koer D'uon, John Monroe. rishiiiHcrcck l'rank Wolf, II. 1'. l!endcr,Al- frcil C'hiipin, Cvrus Kohbius. rianklin Jacob Knillle, W. F. Klokt-r, Jon- allian Loreiiiaii, Wu.-li. 1'arr. (Iniuwooil Ci. W. I'll, A.J. Dorr, David Demon, A. J. Alhcitson. lleiulcck W.lilrtou.r. iS. lliugltr,!'. Mnoic, W. II. Shoemaker. Jackson W. 1.. Maunlue, l'Vanl; IVrr, Wil liam Voutiif, Henry Wagner. l.ocu-t W. II. llelnbold, Uaiah eager, John Herncr, I). Siliic. Main- W. T. .Shuiiian, U. J. Caiupb.-ll, J. 11. JanfcMin, I). S. llrnwn. Maillou U. Kiaiuer, A, J. Carr, Dr. Kuii-li- er, John Allen, MHIIIn D. H. MnnlKoincry, fJainiie-I .Snyder J. II. 1 Idler, A. .Scliwcppcnlieiscr. Monlour J. I. (iiuclon, 1 H. l-.vans, W. II. Tubbs, M. Poughirly. Ml. ricaant A, T, Ikcler, J. C, Mordau, David Klroop, Amos Wniilch. Orange A. White, M. C. Keller, 11. It. Kline, W. II. Snyder. Pine W. Karidincr, P. W..S.mcs, J. O. Cur ncllou, .1. l- l-'owler. llnartngcicek J. II. Kllnger, John Jloiiser, David Long, (leofgo droit Scott O. 1', Knt, Kit Jlarluian, John H-ivage, It, J, I Jit ml wen (Ii. iSugarloaf K. . I-'rlir, Henry O. IIes, II. I). Cole, Uzckitl Cole. W. J, llri'KAi.iitv, Cliiilrniaii Tlio first iiamo nicnllonisl In rnch township is that of tho member of llio riiiiudinir Ctiiuiulllce, Xijnu Xoviioncm Fa i it. The gicat nmiket of tho eastern wmhl has been held at the jittic tion of tho Volga and Olga liiveis, in Itu-.ia, every siiinuicr for hundreds of years, lleio Ihe nations of Kutope and Ai-ia nieit with their produtts fir Hade. Corack, Chinese, Turk and l'etsian unit Iho Herman and (ireik willi every variety of lniiehandi-e that mankind eiupbcy-, fiom s.tpphlics to grindstone, tea, opium, inr, food, tools and fabrics, and l-.-t but not Itasl rncdkinis, J. C. Ayor & LV.'n celebrated lent o.lies Iron) Ainerica wile dUplat id in an ele gant ba..iar whiro tho Doctor liini-elf might i-ometiincs be seen. Tln-y aic known and taken on the f-leppis of Acia as we I! as tin- praiiies of llio Wist, and are an cfllcliial untldoio for Ihc dUc'ii-es that picvail in thu courts of the .orlh as ell as tl.o huls and cabins of I lie welern conllneut. Lincoln (111.) Ti'mis. Oct, Tho Luzerne I 'nion waxen Impatient because the Congressional (.'onfirenco of Ibis di-lriet does not uiaku u t-boieo of cauilidiileti and thinks nil lliu aspirants for Congiession.il honor- had belter (I'tiro and let Mr. Ihickalcw havo Ihc iioiniti.illou, Tho elistiiteiTstC'dne-ss of thi, Pu( gesilon is sotucwliat maircd, it is triK-, by tl I'uither btateiiieut that Ihciouill he nu liinu to uint ticket.-, if the milter is not sclllnl at once, but It is really veiy kind of llio Union to stl gest a plan lo get us out of the ililliciilly. Wo aiu of opinion, however, lloit the C'onfeit-nco will jog uh.lig In its own way ju-t as If lliu Union liadn't said anything. It's the way with thusc coufeicneo felloHs. Ho, for Clark & Wolf's store. There you full lino of Plain. Fancy mill ,.,. c;.,.l at such tiitevs n suit lliu unit's. i In-ir M'-i k is I'-i'l. Uood stiuielaiil JTtnt nt ii icntf I tr j.uil. M, M. P.u-ell kt'i s llic Miiaic. Olycciine soap. Sinnetliiiit; uu'v nun lirse oiuis. liovs' Kip lluots for (2 00 nt 13. M Knori n. Chickens lirouirhl let St I in Young's Store Light titiw't. - ' Don't fail to seo Ilerr.lmnt'rt Sliuw Win clow when you conic to Town lints, Hals, Hals. Cups, Caps, Cnia. 1itc-i. S5iylii. Lortcdt Prices at I). Lowenutin; Hoots .rc Shoes very cheap lit Mnrr's. Seven caes ol Men's Hoots just received at 1-3. M. Knorr's. Yott can pet Lace. Fringe, llraids, Ginins. Silk, Siitin, Tiirguois, Stlk-nr Cotton Vel vets. Fur trimming, Cords, IltiUons ur anytliitnr else you want in trimmings ut I.tit. ci Sloan's, Floor nnd table Oil Cloths tit Marr's. L. llctnlinrd has the fiue-t nssortniciit of Jewelry anil SiUe-nvnro, at tlio lowest price-, ever oll'creel in llloomsbmf'. fin to 1-3. M. Knurr's for your fall Hoots and Shoes. . Wool and Cotton Carpet Chain at Marr's. Ladies' Fieiich Kid Ilntton Shoos, all widths anil a'ues, at McKinney's. PUltLlCiNOTICF.. .Iti.l received a full lino of ClotllK. CllShi meres nnd Suitings lor pull unci winter wear, tell ut the lowest prices at D. Lowen herg's. A lull lino of Circen anil lilack Tcn-J, of all qualities nnil prices nt Kusoell's. MeKimicy's is licndiiunrtcM for till kind of bool-s nnil ohocs. 4 i- The best Hoots in town at U. M. Knorr's ind ptices to bilit the times. Itubber Clothing, Witter Pr.iot Coals, Water Proof Pants, Caps, F.lankcts, &c, just K-e-civcd at 1). Linvcnbtrg's. Fruit of Iho Loom Shirts 1.00. Wiimsutta, Sliirts 1.15 ut Ltttz ci Sloan's. TllO undersigned liaviii'j; been engaged in the business for (lie past eight years would will the attention of country dealers to tlieir largo and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. foeis? stotilk consists of Paizyts, Cils? 'lass. Puttsrs Parent Iv2eici.es, Spices, c RETAIL DEPARTMENT 23 JR. O "W 3 DEI " S ELOC. "Vherc may be found :t largo stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept iu a well regulated retail Drug Store. Vi'hey arc also Sole t UIMTOIl'S NOTICE. l.s i ill. Mil aih eir juii-i itieiiAni, m c Too iinilerslt'noU .Mielltorto niakw tllstrihatlon of tln liaim-o ot llio funds In the hand) cf the Ailm nlsir.itor. nnioiiu- Iho narllca entitled uiereio. win Htien'i to at Lis omce on ti l-'ililav I Im ttheruiill nerson3 li;ivli,v claims ncr.ilnst thu suld estate aru lemestecl to lsesent llio sal.te Ueti.10 tllf .voiiiuir or ou iicu..rrc!i iroui eoutin in lor a miiu c oi saiu iaiiti. i. ti. n.viii.i.i.i out. ic-.w . Auditor. t 1TI1 TOlt'K Xf) I(!l:. 'V KjTAI 1! O)- 010. WK.IVKK, llKCllASI'll. Tlie nnilerMt-notl nudltor nnuolntctl bvtlu) COurl to ilMrlbute llio tialai.ee In tliu hands of Ihc Il.it cu torsit sail deceased to nnd anions thu peiaons mtlll iltntliainino, wlllallenil to the dalles of his n!i61ntincut ut his oniee In lllootr.sliurg, on Tirirs- C.iy, .sot.v, I-,!., in i'i o 1 1 si. a, in, tt uen nun ivneie cll persms um Iiereh.v liutir.Mii In mulce tuclr el eOu i),'f.iiMtn vuditoi cr tu dijv-rivil rr m lom.i.u te, on siviJ fancl. f. '.V. Mlt.'r'i:, oCl. e,, .ii.-r.w-. Ainiiiur. i IJUiTOlt'S MHIU.. - K-TJITK OI" JIAKY ItOlll OCUKIt, lITCKJC-KO. "'I ne uniicrsletiiiel auditor aninilnteel to dlstrlliutp minis In h.inls of s. II. Miller. TriMce. ninuuK turtles piiiitled thereto will meet ull nersonr. Inter- elui, f ir tbo purisjsu eit Ids aljuoiit iiii-nt. at m o i-i.icK a. in on i iiesu.iv, in e hi. in. in ins ouiee in llli.omsbiuv, when and whero all iiensiiis lisvlnu rl dins airalnst the said utuic are reiii.-sied to in sent unit tuove llio Mine oi-rore ine Aituiior, or be debarred Iroin comlne; lu for n share or said fund j. ti. l-HKi-..i-., Oct, o, liTC-ot. Auditor. Oct. U-4W IS I'ltK-JS-OL l l'ITS ItKADy-'lllB E 0BNTBNN1AL liXlWlIOH ln!rl)i:tl nnil Stlil-lint'irt. ' .4. (IKAI'IIIC I'KN lMCICnR Of ItS IIISTORT, (Jr HiilldltiKS. Weuderfu. Kxlilblto CurlosltiBS, un Puis. etc. Preleisrlj lllnsirmcel, Thoronplilx rJ tilar mil vmtv flilSM'. Miit. soil- linmensjft. s.chki AIIH.NT3 W AN I'UD. Send f jr full parltculj. Hill w-l'l 'si Ilia Clianc.1 ot luii sears lo Ootse .Money Fast, Out tho only Kellabla lilstorj. itl'liliAI(l) liltos , Publishers, 'ii Minsoin Ktrexrfi, l llliu, l.-llHll.. K.1.rm.l..r. t - to no "oniciai,- nnu uuuje ugust aim beiitemoer. 2- r.VXI'V CAHDS all stjls Willi ramo1tB. ilivistril.l. .1. II. Ilualoj, MUbau, Ileus. Co, N.Ti Seji. 3), ';.- d AGENTS way, . $(50 V w V If sou want Ilia best seltlsB article In tho world and a selMl eioicl patent leer wstch. frsm ct cost, uto at ence to J. UttlliK s CO , 7(i:iiro4- cei. i KMalsorfcinali). Nocaplt 1 e hicadr work that) -n.i i at liome.d.iyorrvealBt. , i i t utvicti bl., ew YorS. Inv.-a'-i 1 nlo: spp. Vj a.v cl I'Alt.lJi wteji fruit and Improvements atvour ew rAlt.ii-s usun-is. in'iii.jui , ni.ii "i'-'"i"" Vtlt.il-s cruphle lllu-ii.iilniis, telling all aboM I'Mi.iK Marlam1 and Delaware, sent. free. J. IS. lMll.il4 MVNCIIA.sinjra,Dcl. or liastou, JltL, (iel2)-twd mNTi:i . i.wii;i)iati;i. 7T roun? men and w omen toiearn ou.U'llV. -snuiitlonsiniarantecd. Salary while practWni,. Address, with stiunp, -lirriiinii Teleitrn-.ili Co., Obcrnn, oaio. Sep. SD-w d t OIL OF iMiiinifacturers of the eelebrat e GLADNESS. CALL AND lIJc'ASHNi: OVIi STOCK. 3Vt:0""3?, BROS. Jiayio, 'TS.-tt. A UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTAIK OF W ILLIAM SA11I1KR, LATK OF iTADI- ON Tl WSSUIC. ilfcCKS&M'. 'I ha undcrslcned Auditor to make distribution of ihc- fund lu the ininels ofllie Admlul-iralorof the es- t in ti of WI Hum liar bcr. di-ceased. will u tend to tne ilutlcsof ids upiiolntruent. at ids omce in Itiooms- ourc;, on isaiuriiay. .ov. sin, i,u, to in ociucku. ill., ten, 11 nun w.ierK me i,tuiim ii.iuk ei;itiu itKulnst tlio Slid estate, a" leciulred to present the Kiiine brfoie the Auditor, or lie dobaned from com- in in lor a biiare oi tsuu iumi. i. i. 1111.1..111.1 nu, Hep. 25-4iv Auditor. UDITOIl'S KOTICl'3. i im iiiiil.-r-l jned lAudltor nniHiiiitcl by the Court of e'emnion V ens of Columbia county to make dls tilhulton ef the fiiiiiMa Ihe bawls e f AduilnHtru- tnrs amoiit: panics ciiiuieu iiilth" iu nie.-e.uu ,ui ties Interested for the purro-e of his iipprilnttni ut at in o'clock a. m., on Weitnesdav. November 1. at b chit eon .Main btrcc t, nioomajin k when acd where all persons natiiigciaims ntrinii--i uie mm e-t,iuir mr .r.mirert m orpspiit ntH f-nino or bo dtbart'ed from coinliie In tor n bhare of sal 1 fund. BAJtl 'El. KNOllll, Auditor. Oct. t, 18TC-DW B&HKRilPT SALE ' or mii.ton tioi.i) ji:vi:lky. Wo will send 5 on on receipt of Mly rr nis one MA elezint engm.ed Meevo fluttons, one, set fjlrtO Stiid", one col nr Itutton. one beautiful Coral ftmt fin. ono licnU' Watch Chain, and one heavy eddtB Ulnc. Above lot Uii'd to retail for U3.5(). ypurH)j w ill be sent, liostcald. on receipt of 5 1 .60. Jcnrtirr circular free. Addres.3 V. W. Dell Co., l'lilla. Sep. 2'J-tiv d . 3?A.C 0OC Of YOUIt OWN. .voir is tiii: timic to secure iti The lest and cheapest lands In the market tret KAM'KltN Ni:illtAhKA, on the line of tin) UHIOS l'ACU-'IC HMI.ItoAl). . The inot favorable terms clven, andTcryiowraioa of fare and freight to all kcttlers. The bebt marMte. FRT3E PASSES TO LAND BUYER Maps, eleserlptlvo pamphlets, now edition or "TH PlONEKH," beat free etcry where. Address O. 1". DAVIS. Land,Comm'r , U. 1'. it. it., Omaha, b. acp. 'ju-iw u A! mm wot o3( 1 s Theu Buy N. Y. SNAMBL PAINT CO.'S srnii ..in nnn.tiii,.,t tim imt or nil x a T I) I l"VT't) mlntlnir. an I fct ft mint that Is much haioKi-nier und will I -II S'ilU t Ii I A I i ' I last li-i a-, Iciiu-as aiiv otlier paint. Is prepared ready for use In white or cuiv color desired. Is on mnny thousands nf the itncst liulldtnirs ,n the eounirt . ln.un or which h.ne been painted blxscar- nnd now look as well as when first p.ilnte-d. .'..hlsCllKMlcM. I'.sINT hastalceii l"li-t Premiums at twenty or tlie Mate l airs of the I'nlon. hainp'.ecuril colors sent five. Address N. Y. 1. N A M K I, 1' A f N T C o., lie Clmuiboin street, N. V., or M 1 1. 1. 12 It ltos., 1 ti Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. May 12,'TO-ly. fivu Colli;! esmicn not nine. coin foi t tu the llrjiulliuiiui in llicsu Ugurim tht-jf ,,u tiautra fullowiiiK liclnss; iIhiho of llso Vigilance) um wcleoiiiu tojlieiii. I Coniinilleo tullni' willi liliu, Tho l'resiilt'iit hits issued u procliuniitioii cniuiiiantlin nil tho citizens' rillu clubs or 1-Miuth Ciollna to ilUliaiiil, ami an order lutj lieeii sent to Cien, Slicrniini tu havo nil tlio United Ktalcs tro(,ji iu llio iiillltary division of tlio Atlantic ri'iiort to (Jen, Jaiirer at (Joluinbla ,S, (J, Tlio itiattrr win iliscus5i-.d tit n full Cf.blnet nuctiiii anil it is cvidt'titly tlio liuriMMO tif tho iiUiuitilstr.itlDii lei over itw'o tho n;oplo nnil carry thoiituto for Hayes by tlio bayonet argument. Tlio Indies, one nnd nil, pmiiottiu-o Glenn's Sulphur .Soai tho best clarilier ami i-iuolieiit for ci)inilcxlnn, I hat tht-y Imvo ever cm ployed, It should bis used by nil who uro anxious in poascss iiiiuii'iiiisiit-ti skins. Depul, CritU'iilmiV, No. 7 Sixth Avenue New York. Mill's Hair & Whisker Dye brown or black, CO els. Oct. U, -iw. D.ivid Lnwcnbcri; would inform his friends and tho public that Ills stock Is now rfiiliiiMiml wild ull the novelties (or Fall unci Winter wear. in tlio ilorcliiint Tailoring Department gentlemen will Hud ull tho newest und latest styles in Bullions. 'Over Co.itihj; Ac, uf tlio finest iualilles unii tuicbi eicsijjns, any ot which no in pro pared to inuto hp lit uily Wyii'. A!full stock of Under Wear for Men and li.ijs tit I). l.oH'cnberg's. Just recoiled, a larao stock of Iteadv Miiilo Clotliiii'' at the lowest prices and la test hlyle at 1. ljcnbeig's. l'or Dress floods, llcnvcr C'lotiis Wiitti'iiroiil's (50 to I.ui. & Sloan's. and &;sE&ra ..' u. ".ii.t: -. - iti Dtalet- in Law )lanks, Ftinday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible fc'oeiety, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short. Notice at the Most Reasonable Hates. Sioro in Excliium-e Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. DMINISTllATOK'si NOTIUK. er state Ol' KllH.'KLK. ALCE11TSON. PKC'D. letters of Ailinliil-tratloii.de binls iionirsamuo' .n..,rti.nn t.r liniitnn t t n. i-oliunbta e'oiuil v.dec d. h.it ci been ki allied by th lieslst-r of said county to 11 K. I'nls, ef lilooiiisbur;;. Colnmlila Co., 1'a., to whom ull persons Indi-uted to tald Ustato aio n--.........,1 ,,i.,i., tuiviiinnt. unit ttiosD liatlncr claim.. nirtilns' the sold esuite will make them known lothe bald admlulstratur without delay. Sent. s.-tw. Adtntnlotrntor. i UDITOK'S notIui:. r KSTtrKopc.i.i Liisi'VEli, 1'Eri: i sun. iiie und. rslirned. Milltur to nialie dl-tilbutlon of lliehal.ineeof the funds ninoni; ill" Hell- of Charles liver, lute of i.oirln-.'i-reek toanshlp. decenw'tl. will attend to the appnlninunt at the otllcecif W.L Fjer H. in i'atalss.i, on sanirdiy. tlie eleventh day of NOM inbi r. A.H.I1T8. ntTOo'elotkn. m..w1ien and wLu'cull is-rsons luMnif clnUas UKalnst the bahl e-l.ite nrereaulri'dto prc-ent the i.nine ts-fore tin Auditor or ho debarred Iroin cumins In foT ft Etiare ot bald fund. JOHNSLCLAKK. Sept 20-tw Auditor. t UDlTOK'd NOTIClv Oct. S, 1S75 Wci'lliy uf Itcme-ilinnit e. Why will you ull'c.r violent pain, or lie niaile linciniioi lahle, ili-lri'se,l 111 111 lint or bo,lv,wheli you inu Im iiista.illy ivlicviel und ipiickly ciiied hy Ileiifsiu's ('apcine l'oions I'la-lers. The e.r- illuaiy 1'oroiis l'lasler is mi tit tide o.' unlit, vet its action 1-too slow, iioniriti!; cinvs and .cclis of couliniious wear lo effect a e-uic. lien- soil s l apcine minus I'la-tcf, bcin a great tin- prove uieiit over llitin, relieves you io-i.niily ami cuies you ipiiikcr than any known pla-tcr, lililtuiut ur rotupounil. Their action is more powerful than elictiicilv and tnore cvilain. They nro purely vegetable contain no mineral or metallic poisons. Their couipo-iiioii and propcrlics nru fouiuled upon tiuu 1t1ctl1c.1l skill, anil uie iu no sen.-e u patent iiiedicine. The-y iiiocnilerM-d hy Ihoii-ands uf I'hysleians anil Druggists of uulnipe.icliah u reputation, us I c i 1 1 an article of getiuiuu meiit and w 01 lliy of public confidence. 'Try lliem and he convinced, 1'riee 'Si cents. Si: Mil' 111 JOHNS-OX, l'lttasi.iciiUTtcei. Ciiuiiiars, N. V. May 10, '70 ly. Itiii-un's Caprine I'nroiM I'lio.ters lltui v. Lie the I'e-tiplc su) : "The best, eheap- st, Mfest, iinlbitrrst rcmedi of tetedan Intellleii' people." "An uiitehj of (treat merit which w III In 11 bliorl lllne Uo ItiKud In mt-rv hoiiMliold." "Ihey mo ull thai the xiaunfaclcucfs e 1.11111 lor 1 ni 111, w nose name innne is a, .-.Ulllc le lit en- ilorM'incui of Ihclr Ktuulne iiitittn." '-'llui Url leinudv hiiuwii f..r all cMiiual CUIculllesor hx.il illstuibaiii'cs." 'Ihey are Muuious, leluoMiiiriihaosl Instantly thu most Mule lit pain and i iiiii 1111:11 sih-c-dyi'iiie." "I consldi r llitin uiile.it unit netdeillm pioietiicht tiler all other porous pliibte-i, the c!vci jirouipt it-lift and euro iiuU'VJ.v a lliuj 1110 held In hlhistiem" 'Ihey ureitoiv pi eft rreil o trail oth ers. They euro wheio other porous plasterHiluiplv lelleve." W hen biurerlntf try them and jou will not Im disappointed, I'i Ice v cuius. May 1'J Iii'-ly SUAIIfllV A JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical ChcnilKis, N,V. &Wiffi "SOT 10 TMMM Then Buy MILR BHOS.' and save one.tlilrd iho cost of "IT TTA I Yf A T O fX1'!' palnilr-.'. and t-i t a paint that 1 mucii hiiiiilMiiiier nnd will Oil laaM i LA I j I -'V lis I U- nvjee it-Inni: usani olher p.ilul. I pr-imred readc fur iiso lit tviiltn iratO' culor di tlii'd. I- on lut-ny thoiisanilsc f the finest bundlics in Ihoioiiiit"! , iininj 01 ivhli h have bei. 1111I1 led six jenis, nnil Hue. l..ok us weilns wlietillrst pslnttd. 'llilst'iil'Mlrvl. l'.M.NThustnl..-n first nemiuiiis m twentj of Iho Slate l-'ulra or thu fnlon. Sauiplocanl or colors, -ni ihc. Address .'.1 1 1. 1 f! II III111S, Wj iVnler btiei t, I h-veland, OI1I0. N. V. V N A M 1. 1. PAINT CO. 10H i'i. oiils is lire I, N Maj I'i, 'TO-ly. V.'llUaia Krlchbaum ) In the Com t vs. of Co in m 0 11 Charles llaiiicrfi Henry Maurer. ) fleas ot Colum bia county. No. til, September Term, l;c, I'I. Fa., No, Ilia, M'ptcmber Term, Ibic. And now M-nt. 10, tsTej. 011 motion of C. W. Miller, Com t urant a rnle on bberirt to pay money raised on UOOMI stalell i'i. I'M, 11110 l O'll u 111111 nppuini. r.. 11, little, Auditor to make UMIlou Ion ot same to pot tles cntlik-d. liy the Court, y ZKVn Fiom the icecjrd. 1'ioth'y. Notice Mien by irlvnn tlut the undcrslirnad will attend to Iheilullcs of Ms upiointiti"iitiitlilsnmce lu Hl'i-iuisburrfcu Wucluesdjy tlio si n da) f Novem ber, lbTC. ut u o'clock, u. 111., when and win ro all per soiiswlilbiireciult'iidtoinakotlielr claims or Lode barred laom coinlns In upon said fund. U. ff. LIT ILK, oet. 1J, 18Ti!-lr.- Auditor. J. Weaver 8c Oo's, Adv'tB. CENTENNIAL ' ILoLel Directory or PHIA3D32LPHIA. Thousands of our rentiers w 111 lslt the trrand CJttu tennlal nxl.lbltlon at riilladelphla. They vf Ul warn to Mop at hotels where the accommodations nr irood ft'id the charjres uro reasonable. To d) to Mujr limit mako all arrangements before starttns. TMi can bo dono by corrcsiiondenco with the proprh)tof This directory will ha found such as aro lull p ( these requirements. Elm iL'-Tcnue- H!otol LM AVEKUE AKD FIFTY-FIBSE VJ Street, opposite, Wht end of ."UsicliiMcry Hull. OOO ROOMS. A blnsle room and sluglo bed, l oo per tlar. a. itu.L.tir. iTopriewu ltooins can bo secured by correspondence. Junu a", to.-un. NEW FOUU-STOItY 1IH1CK HOTEL, ON THB itV JtOl'HAN l'LAN. Sim vo , lle tow o i t -Second Ut Dlicctly opposite Main Exhibition llulldlnir. if. eonmiodatlons for I.Ctio tuests special urriuirsv tnenis ior largo panics, lerms ei.-so ijulo-ak l'KK DAV. comfort, economy and reason- eharces. IV. 11. UAKKll & CO., l'hliadclph, w JUiy ,-m. FACIAS TO CHAltlii; JtliAls I.S- QClllK 1 O TAic. s Dht Mill A l ol'NTV, HS: Vi L LI AMSPO RT I (AVE OUlt NAME HTAMI'EI) ON THE HOTTOV AND iSVERY PAIR WARRANTED, Woiieli r upon WohiU'in, G(venAivatA. btrmiKe, mysterious nnd must t-xtraurdliitiry liuok, cnlltled tho Dunk ol' Wonders. Contiiininir, with numerous curious pictorial illustrations, Iho mysteries of tho heavens nnd Kurth, Nut 11 ml nd b'u-tier-Niiluml, Oddllles, Wliimslcul, strnugg t'nrliisltlcs, Watches nnil Witlicrafl, Drouins, Kupcrblitlon, Abstirdltit-H, Knliulnus, Ihi fhnntiiient, &c, Sio. In order that all tho win Id may mo this ctlfioin look, the pub lishers have resolved to jjlvo it mvay, also to send with It gruth, n beittiiifiil C'hruhio, varnUlicd and mounted, und nil ready to hung up. Address V, Olenson it Co., 738 WtuhiiiKtou btrcct, lloston, ilas.s., ciicIos!iil' 20 cts. lor ircpayinei)t oi postaa on Hook and Clirniuo. r-ejit. 2i-4vr k The t'oiiimotiwealth of I'eiinsyltaul.l to tho Miei- ltr nt 1 unlink 1 1 'I'litij, uh'i'uiij,-! W heiv.is l.i'ili 1 J'.linniermaii. rialnlllT late ly In cur 4'otut of 1 ill limn fleas lei the cui.nt.v uiurt-snlil, ls' roretlie .liiii'.t-s of tlm wild CiUlt.at, llliiomihuri,-, I0-M1I: 1 '1 t -ii Kl hi of Ma;. , Ni'. ll..y. In thu .e.ire.t our l..H'l mi iliouinnd eUhl hiitiditil und st-eiil.-itlx.li the Juih,'ineiit ef the said com I, did roiovcr ivalnst II. 1'. fleas ndmlhlstiatur of John fleas, sleee.i.-.eil. den nil. ml, ns will 11 1 eitulii debt of heU'li ty.slx iliitlars mid ilihti-ilitie ii'iits, us ul-si four stoll.irs und loi l -tuiir cents fur her costs una charm's which she husi.dncii by occntlon of tliu ilttcnlhin of that tlibt whuieof tliu buld defeiidiitit Is convict, .vc.as apearsiif reeoul, ,W. Andwncreas l.ytll.1 liumcriii.iu Is now lieeease.i and that I, K DIMlnu Is tho itcliiiil)l-1r.ittr. And wheteas tlnib.ild John I'reas died silked t.f teal esl.ile In tho satd counly of s'liuiiil.ta, as u li.ne lieen iilteu to iitidtrstand, wll eh tti-bi'enili'il and ea ii.- to 1) e'. pi-en", iidiiihil--Ir.ilor cf John fr.-as. deee lie I. and II. c. fie is. WU ll.l'ii N, freies, t.e.il II. f i.as, Uli'ul.l II. 1'leieK, lohti . freas. Ilcrneti ftt.iu, Isulali 11. frt-as, Milllo nn It.leriuiriii d wltn .lonailisu V,. Kck.andNancy liiieriii.iiili il willi heiijalulu UlelkS, thehelrsoi tliu said Juhii 1 reus, ilee.-av d. nd fiutln-r, Iho suld 1. K. Plldlee, iiilinlnlstrati.r 1 1 l.sdl.i .Imineinian, leceasi tl, has sleu us tu iiiiderstand Ihul tin utld ind j-ineiif. wltn the lnti lebt nnd cc sis thereon. ie- luiitii wholly unpaid and unsatNlcd, and has lie- I Hoiul.t U-, to nroi Ide tor htm 11 pros'i remedy lu his behalf: and we belli,' wrilii" that what Is Jttb.lt ucled In our said Court should lie uruturlit to tluoev- i ciitlou aceordlin; to theformor the ail i.f Asse lulil) I , In suc h eases Hindu und proMdeil, 10n11.1andjuulh.it Ollf (jOlXlS (Mill UO 1 1 IK 1 ill CVOl'V loiuu.ike known to IheVald II. c. 1 'leas, Atliiilnl P-"11 "."'nn i'" uuu an i-n-V t rotor of .10:111 i'leas.iiei-f.is.d, nnu 11. r. 1 reas, Wil liam I.. I'reas, l.eor.-n II. funs, llluiln II. fiea.-, John A, fieas, Iluracet Kieas, Isaiah II. fleas, s.dite Mm Intermarrleil wltn Jon ithun V. fck.niiit Nunc) Interuueiiled with llcnjainhi Hicks, that they tie mid niioeiii' Is'fiiro our .llnlces at I'.liMitnsbuiLi- nt on. suiitity coiiitof Ccmineu fleas thero to tsi U Id on j thu ttrst Monday of Dev. net, to show cause, It iiuj' thlnciney huoiv or say why tlio said Ju.lKineiil so le-eoii-M ie hiihiiim eiiub.uu 11.1 . iii-iih, lecuuilllbiiu- 1 tor of tho said John fleas, eleceased, bliull not bo I jeiii?ii ami ii.no 0111 01 icosiuii icuiesiaieoi wi.ion Ihe said Juhn fivas, ilceeascd, itlcd belseel iisiifoi'e Ksld and nuw cleM-emle-d und couio to ihciii us heirs, .led hale vou tin 11 ni.il Iheielhts writ. ) iiniiss iho llouoiablu Wllliuiii Uwtll, 1'iesllci t .ludif 'iif iiurs.ild Couit.nt liluoinshun;, lids f.'tli , day ot M'ptcniber, A. D. lsTtl, ' 11 . 11 S?l VI IE. bop. S'J Our frothonotaiy. OltPHANsj' COUKT BALK John WenVer, Adrnlnlstralorof si Jumnn Iluss,Iate I of flslilnSfcrcoK teiwiishlp, deceased will exiHioe to public baiuoil lll'd prcmiseb on SATURDAY, NOVKMIlHIt d, 1S7C, ut ten o'c hick hi the I irenoon, a 1 tint certain 1. (J T (J V V, II OUiN D, t-llil.i.elu l'lhlnjcreek township, aforesilJ, bounded nnil tle-eilbed as f ohuws, to-w It : nil Ihe Noilhb) lohti Uei.iier on ihu East hy William Dobbins and Ellas Ueii lcr, on III south and U'e-t bv William IjUUUr'l U.l, 11. u,i 'f..v..t,i,,.c loss, oil w hleh aro erecteJ ,i t;H)ltV-NI)-'.-lIAl.f 1-UAMU I10VSE, A IlAltN, ur.d othor out-hulldln'fs. TEIIMS of HALE. Ten per of nf. of one-fourth of the purchase moin)y lobo pal l nt thu stinting; clown of tno property, thu one-fourth less tho ten -rcent. at tno continuation ol sale, nud the remaining Unco lounhs In one year thereafter, with Interest from continuation nisi. JOHN WENNBIt. oct.1?,1sr-ts Administrator, S7l M PITTSBURG, PA. 't he most eoniplcto Institution In tho VnltedSUtM for 1 be ihorouirii practical cdacullou oljounsrtl lulddic-afed men. Sirsiiideittn reeelveil ut uny lliuc.J Address, lor tlrculars contalnlns lull partlcuhm J. C. B.V1TII, A. II., l'rlkClpaU TWO ACHLS wore or Sept 8, TC.-4m. co NONE CiENUINIl WITHOUT town in the County. Sept. 20, o Cm. B. DAYTON, et CO. NVilliamsport, Pa. I'llliilDKNT Al, OAMI'AHIN Babcock & Wyeth'a Ads ViWC?3f5taJ Oips, Cains Ov Torches s tal.cn Internally, und fosltlvely Cures ltheuina- I' ttsni. (lout, MMimlitU und l.utnbtii,-o. :"HoM liy Sk'SniYlll IIU'srSATKH CIllCU- Hit AMI I'llICB LIST, tl NNINOIIAM & HILL, U AN V riCTUKKUH, No. 201 Church Street 1'IIII.ADLLI'JIIA. uly Tina 11 1:11 is on )it.i: with ROWELL & fHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIRD . CHESTNUT bTS., ST. LOUIS, UL Wlioictalo and llelull DriuiztMb cicrywherp, bend tar circular to, HEI.l'llEXSTINi; ft DKNTI.KV. - Drtiu'UW, WubhlUKlou, U. 0, lli'l, JTC.-ly. Sv ' V A T L5 IS T H. 1'crsoiMilef.lrlnitTlotakJout li.itinls, or eloshlng M11I01 iiiatlou frem Iho I'ntlisl isinUM 1'atent Olttro BlKiuld ronhult 1', A. l.KIIMANN, Hollellor ni Ann rl ss.1 and forclim l'ateuts, WiuJilnetoii, I), C. amlnatlona Iret), NO PATENT NO DAY. hcud lor ,lrcular. 1 i.sM. a. 'ie, mtw C1CIHK KACIAS TOCIIAIKiK URAL KS- O TaTC. CtlLV.MHIA COVNTV, The t'ommuiiwealth of Pennsylvania to the Hiertfl if 1 olumbla count), k'Mllnir: Whereiis. 1.5 ill.t ztmuiermau, iilalirtlff hilo'y In our Court of common fieas tor tho county ufuresald Le lore Iho .ludcreso! Ulasald Couit, at lllotimsburb', to-wli : In Ihe term ot Ml teniU-r io II) In llio vearof our I.urd one tlinusaiul elirhl hundicd and seteiiD-three, b) the )tiil0'iiient ol lh kaUltklurt did iveover te.-aiun u.i.ricai, uuiuuiibir.eturoi .ice. 11 i'reas. deeeiised. dclthitidit. "S will 11 certain debt of one hundred and llftj-slt dollars and iutv-t wo cents, us also clKUieeii uoiiara ior iter isiis nnu cnarnes which Hie sustained by occasion ol the detention of that debt whereof the said di fendant Is com let, sc. as appears ot recunl, 0 And wliereiis, tho said I,)U1.1 .liutnuiuiuu ,9 nun uiuu, tut iuu uecu hu'. L'ehted of record, nnd that I. K Dllellne. tlio admin- isinilur, has been substituted ms tho iilainilll. And whereas Iho said John freas died M-lednf lealts lalo lu the said county i f Columbia, as we hive been L'lii-ii to understand, which descended and came to H.c. neas, William L. ITeas, Oooivo II. freas, Ill ram II. freas, Juhn A . Vivas Horace I'reas, Isnlah D. I'reas, Millie Ann tnteruiairled with Jonathan W. Kelt, unit Nancy Intermien ted with l.enl imhi lltcki., the heirs of the said John 1-rcas, deecaseM. And Ittr llier, the said 1. K. Dlldlne, ndmlnlatintor of 1,'Uli. Ztinuieniian, deceasod, linsclrcn us to underbtand tint lluibald ludsment, with the Intorest nud 1 lie cosUllu-roou, remains wholly unnatcl and unsatis fied, and lias U'soiiirht us to provide Idr Ultu a proix r remedvlii tliUbetiAlf: And wo bclmr ultlluir that what Is Justly acted in our (.aid Court should be brouslit 10 duo eAccutlon, aecoidlns to tho funnel I Assembly lu unci) case made aud proline 1l.rr.Li11 unit inu inni uu uuit.it luunu si cuubaici ji, 1, t-Teas, Willinui I- freas, (loorirn II. freas. Illnun II freas. John A. Proas, Doiflen freus, Isaiah II frens, faille Aim uutTUisrrioii iiu .luuacisin . j, luiaKiiucy Interiniirrled with Uenlair.ln Dicks, 11111I to 11. c, freas. ndinlnlstrutor'it Johu lieas. tleeeed. ibst they ho before) our Judnes at DIoumthurB, nt our County Court ot Common fleas thero to bo held on tho third Kilday ot December ne.it, to chow cuune, if any tldiiK they know or say, w hy tho rcald ludfrincnt so reeorueu iiL-aiuat tne saiu 11, e- r iotts. miuiiuisira tor of the said John I'reas. detxenvd. sliall not lie let. led and paid out nf the said real cstatu of which tho said John f ivies died seised as Hfoicsatd und now de scended nnd came 10 iiiein us nelrs. WiTNlsstlm llunorablu W llllsin Klwell. l'ruddeait Judge of our said court ut illooiitsiiuri; the two fth uu 01 neiittiiiuti, st. i' iviu. II. PRANK H Milt, Hep. w in; l'rothunotary. This Directory is compiled by J. WEAVER & CO.. XCVNldlllCl' Al'.VCt llsllltf ARCUtH 110 Smlthllcld Street, nrrssDfuo, pa. liranch cmce, ISIS Maiket (.treet, Phlla. T. D. Kellogg's Advts. Ju.v WsiuTOtWfiCTii''i:ivif'i:ri 1 KDAU VATo AND TANKS. for lire. , ers, d) ers, clieml'i U inanufaeturers Rnd prlret llltlliTt. til..,. .1. ,e.i.... yuw dwellings. June u-ssw. lluttonwood bt., below DroU 1" UIimCH fiOODS of every descrlplln llelllntr, fackluir. Hose, Hoots and Shoes, aom ini'.Ae, 111 HAltD LEVICK, SON CO. TMCtair uut M., l'hlladeiphla, ABCMs Nullcnal Itubber V. JuneS-lsw. T7 ZELL'S JjJNCYCLOPBDIA. Nsw Hkviskd LniTios. W,eo articles, a.ou . RTiivlnfs, and is splendid maps. Tho HEST UcttiK of iiiilvers.il kiiowleiib'c in Ilia lanRiiaRe Now rf coursoof publlciitlnn HI'ECIMEN with map t 0r W) cents. AHPNTts WANTED. CIt AS. II. D.4.V1S & tU. IMllItu Aprw-fy. HXC.UI.S10K CO., BEST AND OI-TEAP12S 1MUNT1NO 1N1C IN T1IK MAltKHT Dure In) SI., MIW VOUIC. Auj. II, 1o.-lsiv k N OT1CK. , n dsy al houie. At'eiils wsiited. Outfit and Menus itvsx'i ltUU, ilX), AukusIa, WiUue, liiu, ly.. . from this date the lllnciiibburt? flat (Ymin m put In ten lee pipes nt first eon and turnUIi md m fvelts a at four duiurs e-sih. Ihe company imieon haml a lctcf t-tue tso-lult or palntlne roots, tend ota or other tluiben rlMt unrkreround. rniu in tx-nia per cation or fi.00 nor barrel. IM. ll. Jj. W. VU1ML I Pi