THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCIUTJJLOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA (WTNTY, PA. Agricultural. The Vuluo of lied Clover. If a ton of Green clover Is worth five, times iw imieh (or fertlllzliij? inirpnses in n ton of common ynnl manure- inailo by itnlmiils fed on Mr.w or timothy liny, nml with strnw litter largely intermixed, then a uood crop ol clover might ha rated In value about as fii.loivs: 'two toui of stalks and leaves, call mated whcit converted to dry liny, would hn eqiial to at least four toiu of tho erccti m.v terial, and half this nmoiint In roots would bo two tons more; tho whole ix tons inul tiplled by live, to bilng It to tho ttanJard of common mnmire, would show a heavy crui of clover to ho worth thirty tons ol ordinary yard manure. This cstiniato may not bo strictly correct, nml it cannot always be, as yard manure varies much in its value, accor ding to age, amount of straw or cornstalks used, and modo ofhcaii'mg or n rr?cr lug, Hut let tho estimate bo varied so as to meet the differing circumstances, and it will bo soen that clover possesses eminent advan tage". Estimating thj value of a good clover crop m equal to thirty loads of yard manure, cul tivators may easily figure which will bo most economical In application, including tho drawing and spreading. On hills, or on jiarU of largo farms remote from stables, tho balance will bo found to bo much In favor of tho green crop, Every thrifty farmer manufactures and saves all the yard manure which ho can ; but in common mixed hus bandry it is sullicicnt of itself to keep up n high stato of fertility in all the fields. A rotation, comprising tho frequent turning under of a growing crop, becomes absolutely essential to n successful and profitable hus bandry. Such a rotation will usually bo found most advantageous If tho crop is plow ed under at two years of age. Tho plants will then have attained full size. It may bo rut for hay the first year, and, if cured with out becoming wet, will not only make an excellent nutritive feed for cattlo and sheep, but the manuro resulting from feeding will bo of high value. Sinco tho introduction of mowing machines, hay tedders, horso rakes and horse-forks, tlicro is little necessi ty of allowing a crop of clover to hecomo blackened and spoiled by rain. The prac tice of n lop dressing wheat fields with line manure applied in autumn when tho grain is sown is not only highly aJvant:ui!otu to the wheat, but, iniures the germination and vigorous groivtli id' the clover. IVi'iIinp lloi'M'H. Tim Michigan Farmer has this good ad vice: Almost mure impor.nneu tlio form in which food is given, are tho fre quency nn J regularity of meals. The hor se's digestive organs aro not constructed for long finis. Long intervals without food produced hunger and hunger begets voracity; (bod is bolted, and indigestion and colic fol low. This is doubly true and dangerous with horses doing liard work. They como to their long deferred meal not only hungry, but exhausted ; not only is the food bolted, but tho stomach is iu such a state as to be incapable of thoroughly active digestion. and is overpowere I by lialftlie amount ol food it could otherwise digest. The proven uon oi waste is utmost atlaituu when we give n proper form ; but there aro two points to which it is right to devote some attention the torni of the mangers, and attention to the wants ol the individual animals. The mangers should not bo less tbm three feet long, eighteen inches wide, and twelve inch, es deep. They should have an upper bbr der of wood projecting inward for two inch es aim a trausverso ot nali-incli iron across the middle. A piece of two-inches hoop Iron, ou the top ol the manger, pro tects it Irom damage by the horeV teeth, This simple arrangement prevents the liorre from throwing out Ids corn, and tho proven der is not set in so thick n layer as in the ordinary narro.v and shallow manger. How to Cook a Tuknip. I will ask the reader to cook two turnips, in two dill'erent ways. The first is to be peeled and sliceJ, and left to beak in cold water for an hour or more. Tho slices aro to bo boiled until quite tender, and then aro to bo drained and nicely mashed with butter. This is (he most common way of cooking tliem, and it has the demerit of washing out tho gum and the sugar, and tho other tine constituents ol toe root, and consequently the flavor is very much rtducid. 'J hu, other root is to be wasl td quite clian; but it is not to be peel- en, or cut, or Eoaktd. j;nil it whole in its "jacket." It will take twice as long as to rook tho one that nas cut. When, by try ing it with a fork, you.find it quite tender, take it up, peel it, press it moderately, and mah it with butter. Instead of being per 1 aps as you will expect, slroiijr, rank, or bitter, it willle delieiou-dy full flavored, and will contain all tho nourishment that was iu it before it was cooked. Hardener's Magazine. What Cnoiy I.CAVK IK TUB SOU, Kxpcrimenls mndu in Germany by Dr. Weisks and several other savants show that tlio slubble and roots in tho ear h, by crops tlmt bavo been harvei-leil, add to Ihu soil niti.!i moro nutritive value than it common. V uppoM'd. Tbe-o experiments fully ex plain tho great value of clover ns a prepara try crop for wheat, and f.r nil othtr crop, that nro not mannrod with nitrogen, potash tin-l phfwpliate. Tim clovt r of a single irre lias been Piuud to leave iiitrn.'cu ennugli for 1 14, pho-plioricacidoii'ingh for 111 bushels, and pitiu'i eiiimj-i, ,,r ft,v. euty eight biisliek JI-.r.-LM-r. it U fotmd .thai most of tills valuable material is left in the bept" possible, condition f.irn-e. H'lielh erlho nilrogen ol'll.e clover conies wh(,. ir pnilly fnnn tho soil or fn m ih air, it i c rt n'y taken fn m a -i-ditimi in whjcl i' is ol lit'le life to mo-t enqw, and is con erled into nn avnil.ilile one, hi lliat praelically, Iho clover is a ( r atnr of nitro geu in iho soil, as it U iiUo u Millie if lit pur veyor of potanh and phosphoric acid. fiiiT-Knoi: die re.vnl ex Ub'tion f tho CLcster County Agricultural Suciely, l'eniylvaula, Isaac Acker re ieiid tin) flisl pvic on l.ullcr. Hi ir.cde of management is as follows: lie feeds (en quarts of corn meal and bran to p h n'-iw per day, with hay. Does not think Unit enrn fodder mak 1 good butter. The lemperainro of the cream at churning wn fifiy even degrees, and It was churned from twelve lo twenty minutes. U-tssIx ounces ff mlt and llnre iiuiicts of while ntar to twenty pounds ot butter. Uses an Ivnbroe butUr-workcr, wilh a sponge and cloth, and den not wash Iho butter wiih water, iJIr. Acker Jielti ves that tho ri-.senllals to make the dnliy buslnri-Hjiay arn pond cows, well fill iind.'tnWii rare of, gnslf and convenient dairy Louses'iuid appliances, and then pro d ii nee 11 pood article and sell t at 11 high price. I,n.t year his cows nverngtd 230 jiriinds rnch. 1 1 : t jm, - One quart of milk, halt flip ( f I ii lij-ar, one triwpinnfu' of vuntilu ( i n i tiin-peonlul of liulli r.liiilf a (lip ti ,1 1 1 nrr ; intrelv urn-b Ide liic, iH.dal'ur riilii. l In ll p swrcltiud 1 lidding, put It in llioowii. nrrnJoiuilly t-tirritiir fur ten in it'iu. It will Ice) (l.c Cfi-tblriicy ol lie cirfin, and very delicdlc. Ilako until JiH'Wiudim lop. J G'ofiMtmiilloii Cniilio Curort. 8CHBNCKU PULMONIC SYRtT, SUIIUNCIt'fl SKA WKKD TONIC, FCIIUNt'K'S MANIIIIAKK 1'ILLP, Are tho only moillclnos that will euro Pulmonary Consumption, i- nonuently medicine that will stop a cough will nconst'iitim death ot tho pa'lenti they lark 11 )t lie liver, siiipmo circuiniion or ine oiooii, iinmornii'rc inumvs, uno in laci nicy cniguio ticuonsor ma cry organs lint mused tint cough, Liver Comvt n it ana Drmen' Ma arothncauiesnt two-thlrili of the cases of Consumption. Many norwonn cnmnlAln of a nam In the ship, cnnstlnntlon. coated tonguo, pnln In the shoulder blade, feoltngs in iirivaim"-i mm nsi u-ssn'-s-s, ui-i iiwu lyiiur h'-iit-llvontho stomach, accompanied with acidity and uricuiug up iii nmu, 'Mi "mi stmutomt usually ortirlnato from a dlor. dero.l condlilon.vt tho sloni.ii h or a torpid Hut. I'l-rsons so affected, If they take ono or two heavy colds and If tho rough In Ihese, ca'os Iki suddenly cnecKcu, mil unu ine siomncu r.nn liter dogcou re maining torpid and Inactive, and almost beforo they are aware 1110 lungs are a mass of sores, ana uiccr nted. Ihn res-ilt of which Is death. Kclienck's Pulmohla Hvrun Isnnoxtwtorant which does not contain opium or nnj thing ca'culatcdto iiii-ik a riiugii suaiiciiiY, schonck's sea Wepd Tonic, dissolves tho foil, mix. es with tho gastric Juices of I he stnmach, Kids dlges lion, lihdcrontesn ravenous nnnetlte. When tho iron el am co.tltc, skin Milan, or Ihn r mpronis nl hern lie of a lilllioua tcndency,bchenck's dmuuruitu mis nrurcipiiicu. J. II. 8C1IBNCK k FOT-J, N. 71. corner KlUh and Arch sts., 1'hll.t. And tor sale by all druggists and dealers. Oct. Throo Points for Consideration Darin? tho vast five vonrs VeErettnn hrts liccn steadily working Itself Intopiiblln favor, and tlwo who were at tlrsl mostlnervdalons Inreir.ird tolls mcriis nie now ns inosr. anient inenu una siippon era. Tlicro aro Ihren pssentLiI causes fur those hav In,' a horror of patent medicine, clmnalii their opinion aim leniuii; inerr immcncu lowaru me uu vuncpmpiit of VpirMhio. Noli InneMlly pre pared medicine, from harks, roots nml herbs. honestly neeomptlslps all that Is claimed for It.wllh- uui lenMiiff nnv euecii in inn msieni. iiu, it pre, Sf-nls honest olifhpi i In iPStlmonlilH from hoopsf. nell-knmwiclilrn'SWhose'-lcn.iHiresnrensunielpnt f;u,iranteoof their earnestness la Urn mailer. Tuk njf Into con-ilileralliin tho nit quantity of medicine nroinjlll. conspicuously neion mo puiiuc lnrou?a mo lMmln; ndvei tlscment-s In tho newspaper eolumni wim no proot or mentor genuine vouchers or wuar It has done, wo should bo pardoned rormantfest'n? asmalldeRreoot prldoln prp"-enllni the follow lnr lesumonui irom ucv, .i.m inekprsnn, inn pvipui.u and evcrrjchMI pisiorut the South Chuicii, Boston i The Tlrr d limb Sup ferSIppp. llosiox, March 1, 1STI. II. It. Stkvens, ns.i: Hear Mr It Is as maeh from a cnse of nutv ns of ETAtltudo Hint I wrlto to my tint your Vejrctlne has been of preat help to m when 11011111170130 seemed to avail which I could safely use. Hither execssne mental work or unusual euro bums upon ran a ner vous evli.iusllon that dciieratel needs sleep but. ns desperately delles It. Nliht after lilijht the pour, tired bodv sues for sleeo until tho ilav-d.iwn Is wel comed back, nml wo licxln our work tired out with nn almost fruitless ehaso after rest. Now I hie found Hint a Itttio VpcpIIiio taken Just before I retire Klves inn sweet, and immediate sleep: and without nny ot tho oll cHects of tho usual narcotics. 1 think two tlilnirs would tend to mnko brain-workers s.een. 1, n little less work. 2. a lltllo mora Vcgctlnc. nis prescription uas ueipeu me. lount. vcp., J. S. DlCKEKSOt. lours, so.. Vnltinhle lhlilenee. The fnllowln? tinsnlielted tesllmnnlil from rtne. (I. T. .lker. 1). I)., ftirmerli n istirrif llinvilnln Siiiiro ehureh, nml nr present settled In I'nwl lpnee, I!, f.. must he estenied ns rpll.ilile pldpnee. No one shntiM fall tonhPi-ve tint this testltnnnlsl Is the result or twn yenrV etperlenep with Vptrpllne In T.'ev. Mi. Walker's family, who now pronounce If Invnhi ilile. I'noviPEvcn. is, I., iftl Transit St. II, It Stevens, Ksq: I reel Iwiund to express with mv slirnaturethehttr'i value I nl.iee unnn vnur Veaetlne. Mvf.imtle In"" used U for tne list two-iears. In nervous dpellltv I l Inviibnlile. and I reenmtn"nil It In ninwho may need an lnvlsor.ittnir, i-enovatlns tonle. (, t'. WAt.KF-n, l-'crmerly jiastor of Po'-doln Sq. Church, ll-'ston. The Hest llilileiipp. Ttio f-iUouIn? lettp from lov. II Ilest pnstnrof ran ri, 1; I'hureii.xaiu-k.vass.uiii be read w ill In terpst bv many phv.lclans. Na peisnn can d-iuM fills lesllnmnv. and theie Is no doubt of tho cur.itlvo powers or vegpune. Katick. Mass., .Ian. 1, ISTt. II. It. Stevens ; hear sir wo have rood reason for reeardln? your Ve-rettno n medicine ef tho greatest value. We feel assured that It has been the nvansof savlntrour sun s inc. 110 is now seventeen vears or nire; ror rue last two venrs ho has suffered from neeroslsnf the ler. caused tiv scrofulous affection, anil was so far rcciuceii mat near v an ln saw 1 m t nonsr it lits rp. eovery Impossible. A eounell of nb'oplivMelanseiiutd rftve u.-? but f hn faintest hop" of his evpr rnllvlnr.two of tho number d.'cl irlne that re) was lieyond Iho reach of humin rempdles, that even amputation could not save htm. .lust then wo eommenccd trl In? him Veuetlne. and from that tlmo to tho present lie iism iippn ennuniiouMV imprninir. iiena-s lareiv re sumed his r.Midles. thrown iiwnv cnitches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and strnnir. Thousli there Is silll some dKcharue where the nmo wasunecd. wo lr.vo the fullest eontlJcnco that In a little time he will be perfectly cured Ilohns taken about three dozen bottles of Voce tine, but Utelv us-s but ll'tle. ns ho declares that ho Is too well to be tnUm: mxit'clna. liespectfully ynurs. K. s. iiest, Jlns. i 0. P. 11E3T. lEellulde Kvldeupe. 1V9 Baltic St., Brooklyn, Nov. tl, 1ST I. II. R. Stevkks. Ksi ! Dear sir From personal benefit received nv its use nsweu s inim personal Knowieojreor n-oso Whose cures thereby havo seemed almost miraculous. I can most heartily and sincerely recommend Vegetlnu for tuu uuuipiuiuui wuieu it 13 t'luuieil to cure. JAllKR P. Ll'DUVtt', Lato Tastor Calvary Hap. Church, Hacraincnto. Cal, Vegetino is sold by all Druggists. Oct. u lra. WILLI AMSPORT It WE OUIt NAMI! STAMI'Kn ON THE IIOITOM A N 11 EVERY PAIR WARRANTED Our Goods etui bo liml in overy town in tiie County. J. E. DAYTON ct CO. Willinmsporl, l'a. Kept, an, -,r, am. iCOUHTER.PLATFORM WAGON&.TRACK CLG AGENTS WANTED-SKs JitllU rui 1 'VCE LIST MARVIN SAFESjSCALECO, 265 BROADWAY A. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA. PA, 108 BANK ST. CLESE. O. Jlncn 31, ic.-ly. Chtapctl Suopt that can le unit nr the fMuw- lst,-or.e Par will f n ns far ns two of nnv clher. vd.-Oiily hull ll.e usual ruMltg nii lr'd, there Is 11 satioi; tf inoretlian Ihe entire ci-stot il.c Soap In lubrr ulone. SI 'Iho ricihi-snrn inndo SWEET, f'l.FAV.on" JVIII'IB wllhOHt EOII ISO or K AIldNII. Ihi.s ul) Injury to tin m Is avoided. 'I here Is a fn Ins In fuel and hard woik.snd ilui wiiKtiimr isii,,t, rni.t-nm half 1 he usunl time. t Is al-o rnai-ntiKcd under a pennlty of fitly dol hrsnotto lnjurolheilothis or hands, and as (.lie trial Hllleiuit'lri nry peis'.n to iiscerulu llielrulh .f Uium' slute meats, It would nivr fv the i.rr'prh lor ti piLniro In an extenvi'-p kvkipui i,r i.iiv, iiutn. nmi claim such ih-rldrel infill for Ids seup inilisti he Unew fruia iwMilve exirrkiieo that It t.mdd rror tube In isir) letput what UvUlrned frlt. 'I I Is nlso a tuiicr l-onp for nuvisu and Ti 11 r purpusvK. W.UINEi; KII0DFJ3 fi CO, WIIOUWALK l'ANOV OKOCEIW, (ItCNItlUL AllkSTH, Aug:. 4 "Hl-Jin, II. C. fi (10. ruil HlulpUla, l'a. 1 O " 'r- 1 1 Hi'. rri is vii ltd. (nil t.iiid " ttiuf ine. J'tKli je,"c-ly, ii ii.niu., Aituuo, vunr, EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. AND Grcntlouion'a Dross Goods David i.owi:.Vi)i:i Intitcsattontiontohls lartfoahdclcffantstock ana Fashionable Clotliino, nt tils store on MAIN HTUKET, IN TIIR NKW II LOCK, llLOO.MSnUltd, l'A whero ho has Just received from New York and Phil. ndelphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Including tho most fashionable durable and iianasuinu CtKMISTINU 01' IJOXj" SACIv, KllOOrC, amu AKD OIL CLOTH COATS AND PAINTS, OP ALI, SOItTS SIZES AND COLOIiS, Tie has also replenished his already Is rge stock of CLOTHS AND CASSLMEKES, STIHl'EI), FK1UKKD', ANDJI'I.AINIVEsTH, SiIIUTS, CIIAVATS S-OCK!-, C0LL.I!3, IIANDKUIICHIUrtf, (I LOVES', .'SUSPENDEItS, AND , FAN'CY AIJTTCIIIS. He h.w constantly on hand .1 larfe nt.d well select- ed assortment ot Olotha aad VostingH, wldch he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind ot Homing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCIIKS AND JEWELKT, OP EVEHV DESCIIIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OP JEWELTtV IS NOT snitlAS!KI) IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSOltT MKNT 01" Olothiag, Watches, Jowelry, &c. DAVID L0WENI5KHG. July 1,'73-tf. BLOOMS BURG TANNERY, . .1. 11 12 r nis a I) KSI'i:CTFUI,IA aiinoiinccs lo the public j that ho has rt opened VI)H 'S TAXNEHY. (old stand) Illonmsbiir'r. l'a., ut iho Forks of tho iisjiv and I leht streci roads, wIiPio all descriptions of leather will be innrtn in tin. mnui Eiuijsianuai iinu woihinanuuo manner, and sold at prices to suit tho limes. The highest price In cash will at all times be paid for G It E E X TI I D E S of every description In the eohbtry, roiiRj-c is resjiecllnlly solicited. The public pat i.iouuisuui ucr. 1, ist.- Til E EYE & EAR. DR. G. O. McDSRMOTT imikes the livatmentof Diseases of tho Bar & Svf .vspni.M.TV, ard Pas oner erl nt Yvl'lhm,, ml 1m nn nsllliiltoii hiiireiln fir the treatment and pen. nr miLm fieiu s'ich (mice Hours. -I'ntii 8 j. m , 1 to 3., tuts p. m, CallonoraiUress ti. . .ni:n iijjo'n', t?. u., . . "3 Edwin t-i., Hll.iuisi,rt, I'.i. April as-Cra. ' ALBRECHT & C07 GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Tlio A1.pnr.c1iT & Co. Pianos nro first-class in every respect, buinn con sidered tlio lending l'liiliulelpliiiv niako by nnisiciana nml competent judges. Tlu-otigh their oxtensivo facilities, JIissus. Ai.iiueciit & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpassed nnywlioro, nml btill sell them nt prices within tlio reach of nil. No l'inno is permitted to leave their faclory unless satisfac tory to tho most minuto particular, licnco their (,'tiarantco of live- years is a thins of value-. All lato im provements of importance nro found 111 these instruments. Mi-kmh. Alum-cut & Co. have re ceived tho most ilnttering Testimo nials from L. M. Gottsciialk, Fiianz AllT, Gl'STAVE SATTElt, J, V. 1 1 MM ELS- men, William Wolhieffkr nml many other eminent artists, liesides bcjng nblo to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, semi liurics, societies nnd tcaclicrs. rianoa conscientiouslysolected per orders by mail, carefully packed nnd shipped safely tonny partof tlio world, JOyFor further particulars ns to references, prices nnd terms, nddrcss, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. July n, tsTO. ly, Sum! a!, to (I. UOWELI. te ( ()., N Yorlt. fo Paniphlet ol 1(0 joffs, (inttlnln; I'tU of s uiwjpapers, and esthualesBlawlnBCioitoI aavcrtl-ii- Mir :h 10, 7- -I its I .rfSrrU PIANOS. BLOCMSBUBO STATE MORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOKMAL SCilOOL DISTKICT. Bioomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. TIlHSCII00t.,nsat present cnnslliateil, oners the very best, fi-llliles lor Professional and Clasdsal liiilMlnKSSpacIous, InMllnif nnd cummodIou3 i conipktely htaled by stuum, well U'UlllatuI, lthted by snrlmr wuler. ieauoii ueniuirui, anu easy 01 ncccss. 'nn 111 111. nnn ensy 01 neppss. -i fli" ners ToT-hers moderate. .Fifty cents a week lU-ihieilnn lo alt expecting ti teach. S tudi i Tad It tod it nnv t m'n. J ViTl , 1 nurses ot study prescribed cy ttiu state 1 " I. Model School. 11. Preparatory. Ill, IJlemcntnry, IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Acailuuic. 1 1. Commercial. 111. Course in Music. IV. Course in Arl. Tlio Elementary. Relent tlio nnd Couras nro I'ltOI'EssiONAt,. and students LTmbntinn- itini-..!,, .p,,i,- cm. . ,n. ' . . ' ... . ,. . ccrrcspondlniilicKrccs! Master of the Elements! Master of the A elicesi A astcrof thoUltoW r their nttnlnments.rlt'ned bv the oniccrs of the hoard of Trustees, iuj Classics, (.lnduates In tlio other Corn sua lecono .SluiuI Oei tlllentes of 1110 course or Mini j presenceii ny ine Mare is lioeral, and thn Si lent tie and Classical courses nro not. Inferior In tlioan of nur w, r-, 11. ' 'V..TO'i.S lonooltlioprlm"bject"o S . , X LVi1 lit 1 , . ,l. V'V...'"'"'.,,i"' . r.ry'i 9. J."un?. ncrsom of eoodablllthsand lisuI purposps.-ihoSe who u rn UilnloKUP, address tho I'llnclpal. ikin. wii.i.i.v.u cnwi.i.i rrt-i.Iileiit Hoard sept, s, to.-iy TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or SNTcnucr to evdiit own. A PIANO OH PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, with an adjustable, back, raailo to support tho hack of tho sitter nhllo leaning forward la thuordlnaryiiogltlou for playlnj, and by a tlmplo arrangement, which filfcs It a backward nnd nt iho samo tlmo a downward movement, follows his motions nnd supports lilni la any position without Interfering lu tho least with tho freedom of his movements. 1 1 , rd7"'"""''''''',;''' .wn- ,. iiaSifClaSB. 0 MmmmMwm i'i 111 1 y. I lllfi (Jl KALJlfiST STOVE IN T M A MKWW Because the Heat insses uroiind the liuto HEATING TMIiWHOLU STOVK. Allowing no wa-.te lieatio pass up llic eliinincy. ill ti ; in iniu'li worlc as a liiryp stovo 1:111 -I.Xjnj1 T'Sili COAL. or ECONOMY nml JHCAUTVit AIL TO EXAM I N IS Til E AUG V OR S A L E ROLLINS & Bioomsburg, Pa. Oct, 1?, ,c.-?m. VISSGH Kit & HALlS OONOKNTJIATED POTASH Warranted r.iml tn nny I'ntukli In llie'u'iirlicr, " "'.i" n.i iiiireiiinill-tl lor fill IMiri.U.IM iUP Mlllll. It I J U.I.I. rutiinln one nounl inetnl pun.. rniiv,,i,i,mt r,i. usa In famlUeH for uidM'.i; hard and sort nuuiw, leal furcpa4inirpuiioHi-s niiii r.dly. liin-eilous for nuk. Ing soap, etu., nceompjiiv each can. Kor tleiinlnj tyi, prisns, inaehluery, paints. softenlnir wuier, washing sluts iui rrult tteiu! lu tho ii, ,a ,uui,iuiui,-,i iur eci jjejicu uuu eoneni eneo hi pai kiiire. I'Vr tain by min-crs and nruj. k'lsia everywhere, " Vlssi'lii-r A Mull's ,n1 DMnrrcliuit 1'iii.ili.r it iiu!,l fur in,- ileHnicilou of Ihn pi lulo busr, vuttui uuiiii. arusthiipis rs, lulee.rals, riiuches. lusi-cts, uml veru.tu nt ull MiuM. It U Imrmlsm 0 men and uiilinuls, und far eneawr than I'ui U irrien for Ihu den runt l 11 a t-riuln. It U ulMlmultublu as a iiimm-ktast. 1 urlfjlnif tho sir In ho,lialund Ul; rooms, nnd di strujlnic Iho foul (shasi f klat. cellars, si ut.I.w. 4c. 1'iitiip In c-nu ikhiii louud, iw salo by liriifgUUuiidlirocramtr.wUnv, VISHCIIIilt .V I1AI.I,, .llnu-rm lun rs U WALLSTliKKT, NKW VOllK. Au-;. l.- Jin L. GHiriWOLD, A. M M. D. experienced, cmclent, nnd nllvo to their work. OYni - enpp.i rm aki ,n, n i, -inii,Ai..,.n.i. .. of 1'rui.teeN St. A PLATFORM ROCKER OH CASTORS, villi the lone; cany movement of tlio old stile, without tho projecting rockcra to mar other lumlturo and Iho baprs of roomH; liehi'r, in fact, tho only Platform Itoclccr modo that lias a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for tho trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for salo by tho principal dealers throughout tho United States. tsyif not kept by nny dealer In your town, end to us for 1'ilco List uud Catalogue, oi" nnv other iiiuho with less cannot A N D he excelled. J)0 NOT before Ijuyinir, elsewhere. O . 1, Y 1 V HOLMES, PUIiLIU SALE. IP Mit ;eif un Order of Ihe Onhans' Point of i.iuiui.i.i isninii, ine imiierslcnvd i.xisuiur. .te.,01 .Jul. 1, lli uili, tu'ouf .l.teksiin luwiii htp lu said 1 omit) ileeiusid, ,V. ixputki lu I'uhllJ salo on Iho 1 reinlsoa on Tliritfill.VV, OOTOIIIIU 211, IS7U, nt 1 r'i i 1 loin Ihe iilldi ncn df salJ day, Iho follow ll'K ii. -s 1 ,Ug lint 1 siute tu-ntl : All lluil eeilaln iileie, 1..111I i,i- 111,1 ,,f lu ml HI11.1U1 In .luckron l.inIilnlhsi,d nitinty, aiUuliilnir hinds of Irani I n-i i en I he 1 i, inLds uf Jacob Cttil.l) 1111 tho north l.iliil-i'I WlUlniu ,Muiij,ir on Ihu wist and uurlh, uud liiiuthlniiKif-di 11,0 Host.iiiiil lands of Humph ley I' 1 h 11,0 minli. (u.tiiliili u ct uensitiiid lill. four . ii.ikui,diillmnice. via lien Is eiutid hi um 1.1.1I l hi 11 uud hi In r butbuhillni,". About a', iiiKKil mid uml i eimr sid Istniue IntlniUr. Giiul water at. ip :t )lnt- house, and IhcioUui ILo I'll mhes a nci d joiu.g applu tic hunt '1 1111 ti f Ude.- 1 n lsreii.t of em, fourth of the pin fhiiM) intLiy lo Ln 1 aid ul Uc i-lrlVluif down of llei.ioiiit),!!!;! ie.iuilli Ies Ittti ten isr lint i.llfei 1 idliiiiullen ulitnhile 1 f wdr, nnd the 11 inula lag 11 ri e lem 1 Iw In ti.e ) 1 in- Ihiunitt r, with Inter in In in itidiiuu'tleu nisi. inn Inner 10 pay lor In i d. ,"'iw,.'t'i.u,u.ljUS,-ut,0-J'- CIUO.D.IIKATII. fcit a. is Jtucutor. 1 ... .uv J,VV, uuu duuuiiuiL VgipUl LUUllieii Principal. Imrninc. -,'iis, 1111V1 (fas, and furnished ultli a haunllful supply of pure.sott, . .. ."'.ff . ,'ir,h S' . . m aM "wromra. Evitnsos "v" -"" V. C,!,, in!t pii. fitrr.talilnn. Inlr.111 tn Inlnrnvn 1 h. lr th.ip for ;vell raid labor after luu Ing School. For ('(.. .1. !. I'lSi:i:.i:, Seerelnrj. BLOOMSBUHO Ill U 111 MARBLE WOfiKS, 1 L; GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STItlllir, Ilf.l.OW MAHKK'P. iiKiiiii'irttirer 0 ami J 'otter ui all imih 0 Mil TJTTf'TTi'T'J'T1 A T TJI MAR1 iuuiiuman I'm tittuujjiii xut.ixi WeiHi'theliest AMUIIICAN nnd I'l'At IAN Maible, lie h.i3 on hand nnd f iimlshos to onler .MON'U.MHV'I, TO.MI',?!, ii:ai)Stoxi:s, Ult.VS, VASKS, icc, Ijvery variety nt Marblo cutting neatly executed at biiiiii'iK',.i. iiiiiuvi'i i'in-1-s. A lon-rpraetlealeNpeileneennd personal attention to biiilni'ss'S the nronrlelor eontldent or l-IvIul- Satisfaction. All urders by mall promptly attended 8';&.V. 11. Work delivered free of ehtnje.'pa All','. 21, '74-1y. T. I.. flt'NTON, Proprietor, THE LlKEWAS NEVER KNOWN BEF0RE.-Wo si-nil tin' Jii-liiimll UVeMy Slur, 11 rtno ctctit I ,.uv, iu. -,-ikiiv 1, 'lillllll Ii.lll- . IHUrlH Hdrtll III pnll- iiih. nml f,rii riWIof gou,l ii,i,luii; in tttiT, lor 61 on, tier ijir. It I) IU" I,ir(ifii kii,T in tup uniti-,1 niuiPi rur in moHfu, t.ncix utiliscrl r I II rfr vn n rnpr or thn tfamtful rngrnrxn ; ""lilt; 1'OOIt. THi: I'OOIt .tSANsMtIK.l.' i7.e1 24t31 i ricJu-B i a j icture that troulil grace any drawnj room in the nml. o hIso ntnl tn rack nbtcriir ii copy of tlieShir lllimlralnl Almaiiar. UACtx.eTtii limt l ci'iit fur pucKiny iitnl mailing rri'iiiluim. it'iJ'r'rccml Inducciiirnttj tooccnts. To nny remon Ioirhiir tocet up clul, wo v, III mtici fmanirlPCoi'y nr tho I'irturo and n rain (users cmttlt.ou rdfiM of 2't rt. Spociinen ropy of the pnperrw. )SmhI i'or une hrrur" itiiiHMTliiliiir lor any oilier. lilt; ST A IE Walnut M.t t'iociiiuatl, O. W AIXWIUGIIT&CO., WHOLESALE (JltOCEIlS, N. E. Corner feecond and Arch streets, rmt.tDEi.rmi, Dealers in rUAS, KVHUPP, COFFEE, SCOAIt, llOLASSEb r.tcE, sriCES, cicaub soiu, ftc, Ao. orders will receive prompt attention. si.T-tf T lilSf APEIIS KEPTON FILE- mi mt urr mi. of, 733 SusGa St, PHILADELPHIA, Ulio nro iirr niitliiirlzed nKenls, nml I1 reeehu Adverllsenieiiin at our I.OWTs.1' CASH ltATJJS. PUBLIC SALE" or vALUAHra: REAL ESTATE! IiyUrtueof an order of Iho Oi phans' Court of Co luusbU county, will be suld mi 1 bu premises on SATURDAY, OCTOIiKU 21st, 1S70, ?,,,?,?. Scti!'. '' tl,,Iu"'(.' real estate, Lite ihu propel ly ot Ueorgo Pilli-i tmiii, dLce.i-ed : All that certain tract i.f l.nd situate la Locust township, Columbia count t. Louiulul ,Ii,m,iii,i,,i us follows, i o-w it i Ilivlui.liuf stm.eund run. iiIIib firm theiite by nuvt 1 r hite 1 f the 1,1 nh 1,1 eliihlii.e, Uereaseil, i,urth sS", difleis it 1,3 a-li I ertiiex lua ttuni-hi i,p, tin nee i.uiih a), lie viits wtt ur. i',.iim,iiI.u i 1 .1 .1., .... 1 , ... .'iimi nuiiiil lieuiles 1 il-,1 Ihl T.IUl,. 1-clll 111 asl'ilie. llienee In Ihe s.ime Solllll VS. ili-kri-i ,',V, i -"-u I'eu lies 10 1 ne jiaceot licH-Llui; con- 10 neat meustire, be I ho same luMoorhfs. 1 1. IMS llr ft 1.1' l.-i. 1, ,., ,., l.rt I.lrt, ,1,.. utrlL'l.,,- ,1..,..,..,. ' ... - . iiiu coulliinaUon tf tale, ul 1 11.0 balance In 'me jenrl l . II. PAllNAKll, Sep. 53, '.o-ts. Aauilnhirulors. GLENN'S smniuii soap. Tiiriuofdiu.vCuRr.s Dishasps orTiir. Skiw, 11i;autikii.s iiu: Compixxio.n, I' AND Hl'.Mr.DILS KlieUMATISM AND GOUT. Hi:Ar.3 Sores and Ahkasions or tji CuucLii anu Counh-uaqts contagion. This Standanl External Ucmedy for Krpp. tlons, Sores anil Injuries of tho SUin, not only IIWIOVIIS l-KOM Till; CollPU.XH)N ALL 11I.L.M lsims arising from local Imiiuritics of tho blood nnd obstruction of Hie pores, but also those proiluccit by the sun ami wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders tlio cuticle MAKVIXOUSLY CLF.AH, SMOOTH anil PLIANT, and being a wiollsosie iiEAUtiriCR is far preferable to any cosmetic. All tiil kemldial advantages of Sul l'HUR IIatiis arc insured uy tiik usr. op (him'H tittljtliur Soap, which in nihil. Hon to its purif)inj: elTccts, remedies and pre. 'tNTS ltllUUMATlSM and COUT. It also IISINFECTS CLOTIIINO anil LINEN mill PREVENTS UISKASliI COUMUNICATLO bv contact with the pprson. It pissolves DANORuri', prevents bald, ncss, ami retards (jrayncss of the hair. Vhysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and CO Gents per Cake: Per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1,20, N. U The 50 can cjfct, are d,0 v at y) cvDtf. VlllLVH HAIK AMI WMSKEll Ul'lJ." UlncU or ltruuu, 00 L'cqu. net. it, to. ly, A r-J OHtsa .ii. iu p,..'i E7 IW WEW GOODS I A III5AVY STOCK, dices per 'fcfaaiz Kvoz! S. H, MILLER & SON IIuvo Just Kccoivcd tiio largest aiul best supply ol CHEAP AKD FASHIONABLE DSI GOODS, They havo ever offered lolhelf friends nnd cui tomers, (Jloths, Ossiiiiores, alll gatitiotto for MKN'S Wi:.Vll, Cloths, Alapacas, Morinos, for LADIKS' AVKAIi, CAMCOKfl, MUSMXS, OA.AliilUCS, and every varlcly of Dry (lootN ilcired. STOCK Of Oiirpat-3, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMl LY GltOOERIES, ineluilinj; all tlio vaiitties of COKKKKS, TiCAH and SUGAUS, COUNTRY PRODUOE, and a general supply of article iieful for Ihe table always on hand. CALL AND S333. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for pjomU at cali prices.'Tt tr CALIFORNIA tiii: ciiicago .t;;onrii-;-r.sTi:iiN kailvay lhnbrnees under ono tnaiiaijement, the Croat Trunk ldillwiiy Lines of the W IM' and Noli lll-V,sl',ntul, with Us numerous brati'-he'intid connections lurins the slioiiest, and ipilckcht ruuto betiveen chlcnirn unit all points lu Illinois, Wim-onsik, NourtthiiN MtiiiniiN, .MiNs-KsoT.i, Iowa, Nkuiiaska, California and tho Wesler n Territories. lis CMicjtiit nml 1 aiirot nla E.Itic I-i the shortest and Lest tonte for nil points In north etn III liiois, lnn.i, Dakoln, r I insk:i, m iiiIiil', celiir.i'J.i, Neni.'a, Clali, tuiifiunla, oieL'un, udim .I.ip.iu mid Aiistuill.i. It-t lilc,i;;i, .,I:-.Ii;;i):i & ,. j'au: S.ltit.' Is the short line for Noilhern Wisconsin and Mlnni. -lot ii. and fur .MiuIImiu, m. p.iui, .Mliiiii-.ipi,ll-,l)uiutli, and all pi lu Ihot'teul Noith-msl. lus Vi'iut.tiii ii:ni si. (( r :.nio Is the i.nly route for Wlncm, ltuhester, Owalonna, ManMil.i, St. Pi ter. New I 1m, uml an poium p, suulhcrn and central Minnesota, lis fii'cci) SEuymid .1!:n(j:u'Ct I.Iim; Is the only lino for.lanesMlle, Watertnwn, Pond Iiu Lar lishkiisb, Applettm, ilieeti Hay, I'si-minb.i, Ne K.iiinee, Mai-iiui-lte, lloiiKhton, linneuck nnd Ihu Lake superior country. Its B'i ioi I !ii:il Sii!iniiiu Mnc Is the only route for tiffin, Itockford, Kreeport, and all pull Is Ma 1'ieepoit, lis C':ilcatl !!itl -liiUvaiiiicc Line Is the old Lake Shore lloute, and Is tho o ly mm passim; thiuu-jii Dv.inslon, Ijike I'm est, I'aik, ii'aul.eicun, lMelne, Ki nooha to .Milwaukee. 'ti;::it:iii J'ii'at c :i-s are run nn all throuRh lialtn of lids read. 'lids Mho tiNl.V mm; ruiinlne; llie-e ears be tween Cl'.icairn nnd .sr. lMul.clileafcii mid .Mllwuukee, iir chli'iitfo and Wltioua. At Omaha our sleeixM connect .illh the ovei land sleepers on the l l Ii n Pi.cllie Itallioad lor nil pulnls west of I he MIssouil rlM-r. on Ihe arrival of tho I rains from tho east or smith, the trains uf the i'hlea;i) a Noith-Western Hallway leao Chicago us follows' Foil Council Ulcus, iimaih anu Cauiouma, Tun throuk'h lialnsdally, with Piillman pnlaeixlrniilni; room and sleeping earn throuKli to Council mulls. l'im.ST l'Ai i. ami .Minsk ii-oi.islM in hrou-'lilr.ilos dally, with Pullman palace ems attached to both I ruins. r.ia OiiEKN Uav anu I.akc !Sci kiiioii, two trains dally, with Pullman palaco ears attached, and lun 011); thtuui;! to .Marquette. I'oa .Mit.wAfhiK, four through trains dally. Pull man ears on night trains, imiiur ilmlrinrs on day trains. lou Si'iiiTA and Winona nnd points In Minnesota, one thioutrh tudii ikdly, with Pullman s'.eeiiers tu Wlhomi. I on Iici'i'Qi i:, Ma t'i eepet I, two through trains dally, with Pullman ears ou night trains. run lnunji K tsn I.t i iiosw,:, M,i i-iintcn, two throiiKh tr.iliind.ilH, with Pullman cais ou nl'hi train to .MciiieKur, Iowa. . Pirn i-locx env ami ankton, io trains datly.pull man to Missouri Vulley Juiirilun, l-'ou La k K (,ENEVi, four trains dnllv. 1011 lluCkl (HIP, bTl Ul.lMI, M.lOs!IA, JANKSVII.l.i:, and other poli.ts.j oueati have (rum t wo lo ten trains d.ill. New York nfilcc, No tir, r.iondway; lloston ofllcu, fi stute sneet ; luiiaha ciru i. v.i riuiihiiiu Mus-t: an MuncP-ciinlllce, lil .Mi,iHi;oiiii-r Mini; ( hlea 1,'oileker ollkes: ri! clink Hied, unilci- sin-rmun llouai ; eornir t'linal nnd Mudlsiui Stieets; Klnzlo stiect depi.l, coiner W. Kltile end ciiiiul streets: Wells si net depot, i oilier Wells and Kliulu meets. I'or tales or Inruim.illen not utlalnablo Horn our home tlckit asinis, upplj to W. II. Stf.nnett, lien, Pass. Ag t, Chicago. JIauvin Ilrniiirr, oen. sup't.Chleofo Feb 4,'.0-ly Important to Lawyera. Justices of the Peace, I onslables, llxi ciitoiH, Ad Mlidstrittors, (.iiaiill.m, Township nrtluers, and busl Ucbs men Keiiurally. We hno on hand a l.irjro assortment nt legal blanks for Iho use 1 1 Alleini-js, ami Con. stable's blanks uf all kinds, Nolo and Ueeelpt books lor Admlnt-jirat, ,i s .ve. I'll It'll LIST. ATTOItNI'V.S HUNKS. Precipe for Summoni, " " 1 1. l u. " " llulo to take Depmll Ions, i-iini-a.' .Mini no 1,1,. 1 cents apiece, cr n.i.l per hundred. Petltlou for Appointment of iluardtan. " " cu.uiiin Utile til tako DelUKlllhilis. Nan In liet.t. with Coufo-rtlon, " " Assumpsit. Meeiuiihs t.i -n. i e. t.t.s i-.u ii per liuiiftied. I'ellllon fur sale of l.'eal hslalit seenlscach .H'sTICI.'.s III.a.nks, Si.bproivis. Sumiiuus, W.iit.mtc, i;j.eemioiis,3ii fo i.lieiils euih. Le.ise, Illue Duds P.iicliment Deeds A'iriaiiils Orphan's Ci.tiit sales Constable's Saks .Mnrii.'i.;e iiund All kinds of .Nuii-K Seentseaeh in in " a " " vofurJI f,i) aciidje.ieh l Kecelpts, Notes, Mdittil Drill rx,'K'icr Oideis, Store Ord' is, neaily bound, ennstnnily on hand, t,r in.ulu Wfinii pi epjiedlii (iniiinter Job w ork than an otheT otllee In mis ur.nn v. IIUiiCKWAY t; i:i,WLI.L, Kdtlius aiul i iiipileliirs if tluil'nl UMKltN, I'.lunm.ili'Jii-, p,i. THE "MOODY SHIRT." MA DH TO OllDKK 0.N1.V. a l'KiirEcr fit ou aiianti;kd. flentleuien ileslrltiL-Milrlswt!! nlpiinn llrnn Iiu linn atnl our Auiiil will call and ceitliu im-asure-mciir. t aclory Coii.ei- Penn nnd Centr.i sirens. AildrtM p. o. .Mouiiy, Mstcl. lu.'VU-iy hirantoii, l'a LOUIS BHRlsTHARD, Dealer In Air.c-ircr Silvorwurc, AVulclitB iintl Jowulry ULOOMSHUItO, I'A, Ladles' and Oenileinen's Hold and sliv, r v.'ni, i.m, of American and Port ln iuuuufij.cture, ' Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, J"IN13 JKWKI.UY, AO.. AO. UBPAIH1N0 AND ENGUAVIHG I'rotmillj i:xu ntcii, 00t.9,l5-ly JIdvertismgAgents fa ,,, ) ,A y 1S to S'20 !,r dl!y nt ''"n0 t-'iimples worTiill Wara.16. bnU0" t-0'. '"WWc, RAIL ROAD 'TIME TABLES plIILADKLl'IlA AND ltlJADINO JlOAU AItltAN(ll:Mr3N'T Ol'' I'ASSKNUKR TRAINS. July 12, ism. TirAiNS t.rAVit ntrFKT as rot.inwn (scNPAvt:xct:Mn For New York, Philadelphia, Rending, rotts-tlllo Tnranqun, e tt,3l a. m For Cntawlwa, II,!I3 u. m. and T,8fl p. in, For Willi itnsport,(i,ss c,!ll a, m. nnd 4,nn p, m. TRAINS I0H ItClkllT tKAVK AS I III l.0S, (slNPAT f cKrrsn.) Invo N'ew York, si n. in. Leave Philadelphia, n,lr,a. In. l.entulleadlnjr, 1 1,3 u. m., Pottsvllle, l?,ir, p. m nndTonintiua,l,r.op. m. UaoCaUiwlssn,c,50(l,!tr,a.m. nnd 4,mp.m, Lento Wllllamspot ( ,i,2 1,t2,i m. and r.,(K) p, m l'asstngers n i d ftom New York and Phllndo phla go thruuji I v. lUiout thango of cars. J. 1.'. WdOTTllJf, .Tan.ll, tSTo tf. (lencrnl Superintendent. N JOUTIimiN- OKNTHAIi JtAM.AVAY lAUU'.'i.'il. on nnd after November 20th, lsTS, trains will lento SUNIlUIIYns follows! NOItTIIWAItn. UrIoMall5.20u. m nulvo Mmlrn ll.lina. m " Ciinanil.ilguu... n.crjp. m llochester, " Niagara u in " Kcnovo lenll.loo. iu. ntilio Ullllnina H12.Mp, in. Llnilra Mall -I.1& a. in., arrive Klmlra in.2fln,m. Uullalo i:xpres37.tlia. m. nirlie a. in. yoUTllWAlil). llunalo K.xpress 2.60 a. m. arrive Ilarrlshurg a. ra " llaItlmoroS.4u " ElmlraMall 11.15 a.m., anlvo llarrlsluugi.tnp. m " Washlngloii lo.So " " llaltlmoro 0.30 "' " Washington 8.30 " Ilarrlsburtraccoiamoilatlon 8.40 p. m. an ho Harris anlvo llaltlmoro 2.2fi n. m " Washington cm " KrloMall I2.M a. m.arrlvn IlarrUbuigaosn. m. " llnltlnioro S.4D ' " WaMilnglonlo.DS" All dally except Sunday. II. i, 1IOYI), dr., (Icneral Passenger Agen A. .7. CASSATT, Cencrnl Mnnnso PENNSYLVANIA RAIL 110AIX l'liilai!ciila d I'.rio 11. Ii. Division. SUJIMElt TIMK TAUr.K. ON aiul after H UN DAY, Al'lf. 21!, 1870 t , !:M, l1"1"--',.."" Ihe Phlladclilda (c Kilo Hal lmi-Ii-ii will i un us follows: iiv.wv ii. i no. i:Uli:i:'PIHSMeaies New York.. " " " I'hlladelrliu. ,. " " " li.iltlnioie ' " " llllltlsblll- " " nrr. at WUlliiinspiiit,,.., '- " Lin k ll u'en Lile F.UIU JIAlMeaiis New Yoik , " " " I hll.'idetplitii.... " I'altluioie ' " " Jl.utlsbuig Wllllumsport... " " " Itenoto " " arr. at Kile 2 r.., p. in 5. '. p. in 1.211 p. in IM" a. m Uf.vo a. in I. to a, m lu 3ii a. in s.55 p. m ll.f,.' p. in v.tnp. tn 4..'.-, 11. Ill H.:ir, n. ni 0.411 u. Ill lo.u a. in 7.3 . p in NIAIItUA r..xeuFs lea es Philadelphia. . 7.20 a. m llaltlmore 7.3i)u. la ' " " llnrrlsburg. ...1H.4.1 a. m " arr. at Wllll.iuisport.. 2.U) p. m " " Lock llai en... 8.15 p. in " " l.'enovo p. m ' " " Kane o.oup. m " " " jlutlalo Ht'NDAY KXPIinsS lean s New Yoik s.23 p. m " " Phlladelplila II FS p. m " ' Itallluii'ie ji.iu " " " llnrrlsburg. .. .t.ion.m " " ni l, ut Ullllamspoil 7.4 , n. in : o : FASTWAlll). .'A i:XPi:i'.S.Slenies Cilo " "- I k Iluveii... " Wllllamspoil.. " urrlvcsat llanlsliurg.... " " Kaltlinoii) " " Philadelphia... " " Now York . fi.10 p. m . 2.11' u. Ill ,. 8.H5 p. Ill . a. hi p. id . 0.25 ll. Ill . 2.15 p. Ill . cm a. m ..ln.lil a. m . 11. a a. in .12 40 p. Ill .. 4.10 p. ill ,. 7.20 p. Ill ..10 15 p. m .. 7.2.1 p. m . 8.52 p. la DAY llXPIIKSS le.ncs Kano " " " UCIIO',0 M.. " " " Lock Il.ien.. " " Wllllatnspurt.. " " nrr. at llnirlsbiirg.... " " I'hllaileliihla.. " " " NeWiork " " " lialtlmoru " " " Washington KIIIITM.MI, leaves Erlo " " " l(eio.o " " " Lock Ilann " " " " " arr. at lpnrliburg " " " Ilallluioro " " " Piili.iiti-iiiiii.i ,...11.20 a. m .. s.r.i p. in .. .Puis p. m ... 11.15 p. Ill .... 2.15 II. Ill 7.85 a 111 . .. 7.1,1111.111 .. .1U.I0U. Ul .. ..12.3511. tn 3.r.5 a. m '.I'm in 7.35 n. m 1U.25 II. lu " " " New York FAST I.INi: leaves Wllll,iiiispoit " " arr. at llaiilsbuig " " " Hultlmuro Phllailelphl.i " " " New Vol I; SUNDAY KXPItl'sS leaves Wllllamsport... M5a. in ' " iur. ut llaripbuig " " Philadelphia.. . S.wp.m " " NewYuik 11.-15 11. in " " " Ilalllmoiu 7.25 p. in Lrle Mall West. Niagara Kxprcss West.Loi !( Ua- en Au-iuii. West uml nay i:piest I'.isl make Hose lon iiietlon nt .Northumberland wlih us u, ji, k. trains lor tlkes-llaiieiiiid seranloii. Ihlo .Mall West, Niagara Kxpicss West, Frio I.vpiess West and Link Ihnen Aeecmmoilatloii West luaku eloso eeinncitKii lit Williams oil with ' i:rle .Mull est, Nlngi ra JiNprefs West, nnd Day lApress Last make i iuo conneellon ut Ue k Ilai eii Mill 11. F. V. it. ll. tnilns. Urlo Midi L'ust and West connect nt rile villi 1 ruins on L. s. a: M. s 11. ll, nl curry with n. i. x A. . It It, nt F.nipoilum with ll. N. . & p. P.. It. and at DrlttHood with A V. It, K. Parlor Cars Mill run between Philadelphia nnd Ullhamspoit on Niagara topless West, laio Lx press West, Philadelphia l.xpiess Fast Day Kvruss Last ni.d Sunuay llxpicss L'ast. bkeplng c.iisou ull night trains. 1 b W.M. A. BALDWIN, Oeaeral Supt, Dec. 1T,';.1 tf D lCI.AWA UK. LACKAWANNA WlvSTLlt.N UA1L1IOA1). ItLOOMHllUKO DIVISION. AND Tltno-'l ablu No. 8'J, T.Ikes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVKJIIlKIl 2J 1S7.1. NOliTII, STATION;. fcOUTII. ii.m. ,lu. a.m. a.m. n m. p.m. b 115 s n.1 T 55 7 4(i 7 41 7 33 7 2f 7 22 I. r.s a :,, 8 4J 3 42 8 87 8 :i 8 27 3 2.1 U IS ll 4.1 ll 8S 11 31 ll 25 a an ! 15 V 11 ii u; 11 05 V IS S 511 S Ml b 51 sc ronton Ik lift iiv T.u lurtlllu... ...l.iieku.,niia I'lllsliui .. Vwsl 1-lllston... Wjoming .Maltby Uennett Kingston Kingston ..l'l.WUIIUlll.lUliC.. . ...PI) mouth .... Aiondale , .... Nuuilcoko .Iluiilock's , le-ek, . ..Milikshlnny.... ....Hick's leiry. ,. .... I'.cai Ii llau'ii... UenMik .... lirlnr t ieek ...Willow drove.... Lime Hldge 'J 8S Ii 2& HI I 2'. U M 2 81 C 80 I, 35 C 41 ll ii Ii 55 7 III 7 Mi 7 n 7 lr. 7 2.1 7 Sft 7 40 7 IS 7 53 8 in 8 25 8 45 s ta o ns I. Ml 11 55 7 IM 7 2D 7 40 7 45 7 Ba 10 l 10 00 10 11 IU til '2 .18 2 4li 2 52 2 tH 3 14 3 17 3 111 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 82 3 37 3 45 4 IM 111 20 7 IS 3 111 10 23 IU 27 10 27 IU 32 10 85 10 41) 7 1.1 3 17 7 15 8 17 7 07 3 12 7 e.l II bi a m (I 45 a iii 0 !5 11 on r, 02 5 ,i5 5 54 5 IS A 411 5 31 5 2-i 5 2.1 5 20 S 13 4 55 4 50 1 .15 p.m. 3 Oil el 3 . l 2 54 2 42 231 2 25 2 ll 2 13 2 III 2 Hi I lis I 5.1 1 4-1 1 4J 1 41 1 25 1 U 1 15 1 irl llU 41 III 52 II 15 8 4t! 8 80 S Ul S 11 8 i,s; 8 2, 7 5" 7 54 11 17 4 15 11 23 4 21 11 3- 4 -M 11 14 11 .11 11 43 11 51 II 57 4 37 4 ll 4 4ii 4 l 5,2 5 IS 7 4lll, 7 4i 7 115 7 80 7 20 7 11 7 04 7 (i ileiiunsburg lflim rl . 12 '.' cubiMlssu HrldgeJ 12 117 5 14 . .1,1. ul. 's swltni... ;12 10 5 2U S td b 88 s 23 5 41 H 40 ...nnmiiiu ...I hulas y . . .1 'llllllMllll . . 12 25 12 si 12 89 II 45 i.NortbumLcrhind'J 5 52 8 47 C 10 Oil P.m. n.iu. 12 51 p.m. a. in. p.m. HupeiinttiidiLfB onue.'tt'ruuton, Dec. lii, lbi'si GLAZING AND PAPERING. WM. V. IIODINK, Iron Ktreet Iclow sec filltl lllilfiltikliilt-.r H,i lu i,- -i, . kinds of ' '",'""lu luu u PAINTING, OLAZlka, ' and 4 t i s PAI'KR "IIANGINOS In thO btWt HtVlliR nt trtwnar t.fli.. 1 -A fa I I'trttOfl lift vine stmh wnrtr 1,1 urin . calling on ine. " ' - " iuDy Atl work .rurranteri tni.iv., M,wtbr,,Ain.. Wllclted " ,ra V'M, V. IIODINK. Har' 7ih BI-ANK KOTKRwiU, orwitl.out tanumUoj for salo at liia oouiu.i( oruou.