THE COLOMBIAN. llt,OOMSnUII(l, F It I I) A T, OCT. 0, 1870 Itnll lioml tlmo TftMe. IjAUKA WANNA A ULOOMSllUltd KA1M10A11 NOIITII. SOUTH. Accommodation Train M5 A.M. 7,08 A. M. Mull Traill T.MA.M Ull'.ll Btpresl Train 1.49 l'.M. 11.63 A. M " " r,,si r. m. CATAWIS9A UAH, HOAD. NORTH. ROCTII Accommodation Train 0.S1 A. M. T.ST 1'. M. lobular Kxprcss 4.1(1 1'. M. 11.33 A. M. Through oars on Utprrss train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Uatuwlssa and Wllllalnspoi t. Col, J. 0, Fmii! wilt mlilrcM llio Democratic Club of this town to-morrow night. ' Tho attention of tax collcolorii li called (o tlio nolleo of tlic Count; Ciminiliwlonera to bo found tn our advertising column, William II. Snyder, County Superintendent of l'ublla School', Hpctit three or four ilnys last week vldelng tha school of Ihis town. Tho lllooimlmri: furnnrtH nro running lo llieir fulli-rt capacity,-(iatcttc it Rullctin. Not exactly ) tho Ironiliilc Company arc tiring but ouo of their two fuiniiccs. Hereafter, until further notice, llis cviring service nt St. Paul's ICpic-opal Church will com mence ut seven o'clock instead of half past nevcn. A Tihlen nnd Hendricks Club win oigaiiUcil al Light Strict on 1'iiday night last. Jacob Ttrwilliger Umi., w.m eltcted l'reiuilent and O. 1. Knt, Secretary. J. F. Caldwell hns'opencil a ll.ikery nnd Con fectionery In II. C. Hovel's More room on Main street. K. Jacobs will do tho baking and of course it wilt bo first class. Tlie making of apple butter is going on with great vigor and the npplo crop Is so largo that there need bo no fear of a scarcity of this favor ite table Kaueo for the coining year. (lo and sec John Thompsons Troupo at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Oelohcr 10th, in Ihe sensational Di ama of "Moses." This Troupo has been hero before, and drew large bouses. Nicholas V, Scybcrt tho ox-t'ounly Commis sioner, is saiil lo bo ill California. Hit friends say ho will remain Ihcie fur the balance of hi" life before bu will Millir an arrest. Recta a of the Timet. The attention of our re.ulois is. called lo the lurgu nuinbor of local notices lh'n week. Among them will be tound tho names of our hot inir chants, lhoo who do an extensive business and consequently keep a full and complete stock. C. C. Ujiklcy, Ksq. is building a stone cul vert under the front yard of bis house on the corner of Market and Fourth street. The ground has caved in (several times, and Mr. 11 is putting It in shape bo that there will be no danger hereafter. We have not licaid that any Mops have yet been taken towards the erection of a new county jail. Two (J rand Juries have iiroinu'ended it in their reports, and the Court has approved the reports. The work is now in the hands of the County Commissioners. Tho Willinmsport Outttte Jlullclin an nounces the find snow of Ihu scn-im in Ilia! city on Thursday of last week, September 2Slh. Snow is reported as having fallen in Wayne county nnd in several places in New ICnghind This looks like an early winter. Tho hog cholera prevails in several of the counties adjireiit to our own. and tho lossas buses have already ngiriefnitnl a large nun. Our fanners would do well In p a sharp eye on their pigs, and, should tho iliea.o break out here, promptly destiny (lie iufeclod animals. All persons wishing to exhibit at our roniing Fair will pleasn call at the Secretary's office, and have the entries in-ule, or send a list of aiti- cles to his address previous .lo the first day of the Fair. T. J kit. Vanii:km.ici:, S.c. Apples are so in some parts of Mass iiiIiiimIIi. llio fanners arc fculiug llieiu to their cows, lliiiiling it more pinliiihle than making cider ut piescut lulcs. The same thing may happen in this oniiily if the price of cider goes much lower. We have alrcadt beard of fides at $1 per b.iricl. "Hilly," the accntnpli-hed clerk at Tuple's Hotel stable, claims lo havo the uriuinal "dog in the iniineer," althoiij.'h bo once belonged lo 1) ii tier Sloliner. Mountain Krho. Some mistake eibout this. We hnve known U.irnejy for many yeirs and arc confident that ho nover owned that kind of n dog in fact wc don't know of n iii.iu les likely to own such a beast. There was n nic-eltii? of the Democratic Club of this town at the Opera IInuc last Silunlay i-voniiig. An address was made by Capt. Ilrock way, and brief rcmnrks by 0. 0. Iliukley and Win. Krickbaiim, The Druin Corps was in nt tenilance,aiid after the meeting was ovcrjmarclitd through town playing lively airs. There is cer tainly foinelhing exhilarating in the music of fife nnd drum, nnd the boys played well. Caltlc In Wayne and ndjoining counties nre dying from n .singular disrate. They lire at tacked by n llckwhhh bores into Ihelr flesh, Closing iiifl.iuimallon anil resulting iu death iu n few hours. This tick Isofii kind bllhirlo un known, nnd no remedy for Ihe ntUeks of the in ect hflsjtt bee n innile- known. Fanners in this enmity hnd'lnsl examine Ibe-lr entile cine fully cveiy few days in older to delect nt once the appearance of llio pests, should they unfor tunately find tluir way into this county. We rctrret (o record the sudden mid unexpect ed dcml-o of one of our oldest inhabitants in Ihe dog line'. Joe, Ihe f.ivi'uile canine of J. K, (Irult, F.hj , accompanied his master on n li-h-lug excursion lust Saturday, and in some way ,iuimigsl tn get under the wheels of a baud car mi ulihh his master some friends were go ing lo Unpul, nnd was instantly killed, Joe was nn intelligent and nfiicllonale uninial, anil wc doubt not Ids loss will bu keenly felt by Mr. ( lots. The List of Piimiuuis offered by die Colum bia Coiuuy Agriciiltuiiil Society will lj found on another page. Fvt rybndy should be getting ready for Ihe Fair, wide h opens on Wednesday n xr. The exhibition Ibis year I expected lo Ik- M.ineihing uiiii-u.'il, nnd eveiy one who has articles woilh dlphi lug should bring them out. It would not be a bad hha to Lave a Oil ier n in I depa Wini ill, ih uhii h might be exhibited articles U'til.hy our forefathers iu revolutionary limes. It Is n good llilng for the Columbian thai he K iiior editor (if ibis wpcr dhl "cariK l-bag" Into Columbia coiinly (cvt n though il was before (-ilhir (dilor ol Ihe CUumbian miiile hinpsar mice in Ihe cnuiily). Ijis wk1' i-sue ol their journal loiitiiiinil eh mii nolleis of him. Did die "p i'ii mm I tub" hnve die prlvihg cs(f die idlieuiiil chnlr nice ngoin 7 IUpub liiun. 'Ihe Coi t JinMK will nevtrfail lo lake notice (if public liiihanies, when circumstance require il, Olirnelghlsir is gelling so badly )l can't (oiinl Mrnlglit, L-iM ueik'ssssueof Ihls (;ipt r eonlainnlyii'J alliiinnjto ihe senior (ill. for li'Sluul of tie mii, We inililloiiid the .'" )illim (lee cr Iwlic, aid pcihuiM die jxu-t ivroiir Is ndii li e !in unit n ll.ul he. I die J!l t llicttt, lit r nln;hinl a Mi il of nn id..-.) ibul llionn had (nii'lliins Iu do wllh It. THE A. J. Kvnns tins begun operations at tlio cor ner of Mnln and Iron streets, nnd will soon creet n tlireo-story brick building with llireo store rooms on tho first floor. This will bo n great Improvement on tho old bulldlncs. Mr. 1 -.van deserves much credit for ids enterprise. Mr. llyron D, Koons, nt ono llmo cleric nt llio Mansion House, now of Shickshlnny, wa mar t nl on Weilncsilny of Inst week, to Mli Annlo C. Dumas, of I'lillaJelpliia. .VaucA 6YiJl-7Jcm-ot-rnf. And ho licvcr said n word lo in nbnut !l, nor did lie send us n particle of wedding cake I Nev ertheless, wo wish lit tn "many happy days." Wo nro Informed Hint n certain parly In town lias threatened lo disthargo any of hi, hands who do not vole llio n publican ticket. Wc give duo notice that if proof can be fiirnMicd of such an illegal attempt lo Influence voles, the offender will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law, even If it scalps fho best tunn in llloombtirg. Tho penally for such nn ofTence Is five hundred dollars fine and impi(mmtnt fortmhemonthl. Tn order to live cheap in Uerwlck, Colursbia county, they patronise vendors nf rollen limns nnd rusty mackerel. Thai may 1m n good way, loo, but none of that for us. Mountain Rcm'o ernl. Wo don't nnderland the above Item, but know that It Is a frightful slander. The Her-1 wick people ought undoubtedly to sue tho J)cm eierat. SliAltn. Our friend Keslcr, n son of tho Into Judge lvesler, nnd who read law ut this place willi SiimiieliKnorr Uq., has come out for Til dm & Hendricks, nnd recently addressed n Democratic Club nt llazlcton. Like thousands of other young men in the country ho refuses to Identify himself tcilli a rotten nnd corrupt pari'- i It Is pleasurable to be able to stato that the Lehigh nnd Wilkcs-I'arre Coal Co, have pre sumed woik nt all their collieries with a full forco nt full lime. Iron manufacturers on the Lehigh are putting their fiirnnccs in blast and purchasing large amounts of coal. 15,000 em ployees are nt work for Ihc company. This be gins lo look ns if times were getting belter and that business will steadily improve. J. J. Ilrowcr, lias had the cornices and woodwork of his building on Main street paint ed and sanded in imitation of granite, instead of brown stone, which it has been heretofore. We cannot say that it is lunch of an improvement, ns there Is not enough contrast between tho cor nice and the slate of the French roof back of it. The brick work is also being painted, and this will iindoiibltdly improve the appearance of the building. The weather bus crown so cool of bile oj lo necessitate the putting up of stoves. Every year bund reds of liics occur, destroying thousands of dollars' woilh of properly, because people, nro too careless or indolent to nsccilain whether the flues arc in order. No bitter nielhod of destruc tion by fire is lo be found than iu allow flues lo be filled with soot, which is readily Ignited by the flames of n brisk fire in the stove. A little care and attention v.ill save great snnovancc and possibly pecimiai) loss, Jacob HunlsinL'er,pi'(sidcut of the Minfrx'Trmt Co ol I'ollsville, was held in $1S2,000 bail on the lOlhinst., on charges i,f embc..leirtt and making fraudulent bank statements. I'.iil was furnished by bis sons. On Friday he was arrested on five charges: fraudulent dividends eleclareil in 187G and 1870, two charges of em bezzlement, anil receipt of money under f.ibe pretenses. $2-'S,000 W!H demanded, his sons could furnish but 8,000, nnd he was sent to jail iu default of tbc balance. $390,000 bail is not v.isy to obtaia in thoe hard times. We aro dulighted to hear that tidies are going out of fashion. Tidies as most people know are those diabolically ingenious little mats which arc stuck on tlio backs nf chairs but wh'uh never stay there, at least when a man slls iu tlio chair. Tho ladies havo always taken much interest in these little affair", but we nev er knew a man who did. We hope tint llio tu mor U Ir ennd that the fair sex will dsvote llieir energicsto Ihe manufacture) of other articles which will not havo the eflcct of producing in audible) but very earnest profanity nn the part of tkeir gentlemen fiicu l. If, howvri-r, tidies arc lo remain in usu they should lo spiked or rivitcd so as lo remain immovable. There has been so much said about tlic op pression of die poor man by die Town Council, in not allowing cows In run at large, that a geiilb man Iris furnished us sjatistie's fiom the iissctsimcut books, showing that the poor in. in is not injured at nil by tbe operation uf tlieoidi nance, but that a large proportion of cow own ers are nlo owners of real estate. The assess ment book for 187(1 shows that the number nf cows owne-d in Ihe built up nnd suburban dis tricts by persons owning real estate is seventy seven : nnd die asses-cd value of prop ityof the owners of Ihcse seve nty-seven cows is $127,- SD.j. which is pcrbrps half die actual value of Ihu properly. There ar" eudy fifteen cows iu Ihu town owiieel by parlies who have no real estate assessed to them. And yt t the Town au thorities nrc nsked to allow ninety-two cows Ihe privilege of roaming nt largo through tho streets iu order dial fifteen cows wliosu owners have no real estate may le permitted to pick a living at the public expense. We desire to say a few words to those gentle men who nre members of die Standing Commit tee iu the different township In the county. The campaign now in progress is one of gieat inqmrtnuce, involving ns it does the diction ol n Piesldent nnd Vice Picsblent of die United Sutes. It will loa great extent depend upon your eiunestniid eneigelie eliiuls whether die fill Deiuocrniie vote of the county is polled. Seo to it dint ro far a lies In your mwernn vole shall be lefl nt home on die Tilt of Novem ber next. Your podlion is not one of uieie honor, but one which demands wink, unmi-lng work from Ihis lime unlil thu election, Aron-e iiucre-st in die nu u nf your oern pally, and if possible In lhno of the opposition. AiiaiiLte your pi ns to hnvo such voli rs ns live nt a dis tance I roin the polls hroiiL'ht In, mid nlsoprovldo for die carriage ol lliose whose age or Inlirmiliis require il. In u word, he vigilant, zealous and nellve, und Columbia county will Ihis year give a larger majority liiun ever before. IifKAWAY Cot'l'I.K AT SlIAMOKIN. The Willis of la-t week gives tin following: On Thursday evening of la-t week n yo ing couple fioin Danville came to Nhuinokiii nnd regi-ter- csl Itu iicIych at the house of a inntuil friend' on Coiiinieiev slreil, wiibiii siuht of the Times (illice. A clergyman was mil for and llio couple was spctslily united in die hinds of wedlock To the minister's question III legard lo nge.ete., satisfactory nnsweis were given nnd It w.h sup w)cd Ihe couple were starling out Iu ihelr new life ntleiidid wilh die blosihgs of the fond pi rents on both sides of ihe fn umlschafi. On I'liday a gentleman was noticed driving up Commerce' street nf n furious speed, and us he hailed in front of (he house where die young married couple we ro slopping, It was at once conjiTl'iriil lln.t lliere was a uihundcrstandiiig somewhere. The fuiiuus dilver was die vener able parent of Ihe bible, ai.d he ',iad forgollen lo give hi eoiiM n( lo die piojsistd marriage k-forc ihe couple lift Danville. He walked In uiKin Ihe bride nnd groom wllh n suddenness that no doubt astonished llio young people, and the next minute a lady was noticed iii-hlng out of Ihc house, and she falnlcd over an n-h heap in llio slrevl. What IransplriHl after that we could not learn, but ns die irale parent scunid iu n Utter frame of mind when he slatted for Inline during die iifuriiisin, it Is supmsd (h-il nil wns forghen. 'J he )oung eoiiple uro sdll here and Ihe groom bus nhlutnesl employment this week und Is hying lo earn si'k und bcniM lo lust his lillle family unlil Ihe coal combina tion mviislriulM ilMlf, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA 001 NTT, PA lleacli Haven seems (o bo favored with a thieving class of desperadoes of Into. Tho res idence of I). O. Drlcsb.ich, Esq., was enlcroel during liis absence on Friday night of lost wrek nnd SflOO, n dlnmond ring nnd a lot of wenrlng apparel nnd fancy notions wcro stolen valued nt $200. Whnt a pity It Is Ihcso Ihlevlng vulliires .nro nllowcd lo cscnpo without taking wllh them a good charge) of cold lead. Ikneieh Inde jxndenl, Tho "hayes & wheeler" club nrc so hud run for material to furnish "mirth, song nnd Jokes" nt llieir meetings thnt they resort to novel meth ods of obtaining it. They invito gentlemen lo ailcnd llieir gatherings, nnd after they get them there, call loudly fur u speech. The unsuspect ing victims say a few words In self defence, and then sit down, whereupon the Republican makes fun of them. That Is where tho "mirth nnd jokes" como in. Tho "hayes & wheeler" choir from derwn town furnishes tho "song." Cr.sjTiiAUA. The great scaro nt Centralis caused by Ihu caving iu of Ibu mine. In the cen tral part of the town, making quite n good sized hole and dropping n pair of horses so eleep that they have never returned, wcay thegreat scare occasioned by Ibis catastrophe has entirely sub sided and people have resumed tho even tenor of their wny feeling every assurance that no further trouble Is to bo iiiilieipated. We under stand tho squeeze In the mine has ceased and It has been so limbered and secured ns lo make everything safe In the future. Advocate. Our friend Heck Icy Is rejoicing In tho belief that by billloiiholitig everybodyj on the street, and soliciting voles fur llio republican candi dates, ho is going lo carry this town at the elec tion. He is circulating the report that a num ber of Democrats hnve promised him to vole the republican ticket. Wo have been informed by several gentlemen that they have bcc.T nkcd to break over parly lines, by Heckley, and that they promised him In do so ; but, said they, If Heckley is green enough lo believe wc will do il, ho canjount on us unlil November 7th when ho will learn his mistake. KOTICETO llOAHDINfl HOUSE KKErT-US. The Philadelphia ZcV(X of the 20th lilt, gives tho following, which may be of interest to board ing house keepers in this county: "Joseph Hass, boarding house keeper on Market street, nbove 10th, was ycslerday heard before Alderman Carpenter on :i charge of cvadin? the law relat ing to boarding houses, requiring tho rales of board to be hung up in the rooms, and con spicuously in other portions of the house. Ho was held for trial." The act of Assembly was p.ised in 1S70, and h is already bren published by us fur ibn instruction of our trailers. We have on 'nnd it Mipply i f cuds containing the net, &c, and pirlii's intcre-teil lud belter rec'iiv them at once. The following conversation between the fo'e man of a certain niaiiiif.ieluiiiig cstahli-hnicnt not n hundred miles from here and a vendor of girden truck w as overheat el by a fiiend and re ported to us. It shows lo what means (lie le publicai'8 are resoiting to carry I lie election. Foukma.;. "Clierley.Jiavcyou got any cab bage plants for sale '!" Tiiuckman. "Yes, sir." Foiti:.M..v. "Well.t hurley, hadn't you better vote tho lepiibliean litk'et Ihis fall? Wo are friends of yours down hcie, and if you will vote wilh ih, just as like as not woshall all want some cabbage plants." "Tia'CKMAN. "Oh, vah, I fole mit you, of course." lint soon aflerwnrds ho was heard to say: "He tin!; I bin u tain foil, I sell doogib- bage blnnts und den I voto republican likodcr t-fel." HOLLOF HOXOli T1II11U bTllKKr IIIUD&O bCUOOL. Tho following n iined pupils have been neb liter taidy - or absent during die month closing Sept. 19th, 1870. Roam Xo. 1. Geo. ltingler, Hannah Allegar, Frank Wit man, Laura .Cialer, Cue Ice Thomas, Fll.i Fox and Mary McKclvy. Room A'o. 2. j Htucc llirch, Myron Ocddis, Wintitrop Hry fogle, I.euora Hryfogle, Howard liidleiiian, Au dio Hodarmel, John Oiolz nnd Martha Sterner Room At). !'. Freddie Holmes, Lillie Myers, Heiuington Hishel, I'Mitli Mover, (li'orgo Hodarmel, Liura Philips, Arthur Smith, Dora Hingier, (iinrge Yetter, Ada Hingier, Lizzie llioli-l, .Kiuiie 11' adimel, Maggie Deihl, Nora Sltrling, Delil.i Deily and Ilaltie Young 7'oc-mi Xj. Charlie Cfl'oinu, ICll i Cramer, Harrvflarri son, Hesoie Holme's, Josie llaikley, Lizzie (Jross und Lillie Sloan. I. F. Sc'llnoi.-ovmt, Principal, HKTII STUKIIT I'CIIIIO PCUODI.. Tlie following named pi'pil, were neilher ab sent nor lardy during tlio mordi ending Sept. 10th, 1S7I1: RormXu. 1. Hetlio Ilumphiey, draco Harinan, Malllo Kester, Dmn Jncoby, ("has Jones, I lei ey Van dcrslice, Sheiman F. l'eaiock, Fddio Fur,.. an and Cli.i. Hobbins. Room A o. 2. Hertha Haienhuch, Lauia Nils, Annie Oher euiler, Fil l Slaymau, Willie Fetislerui iclier, C. Melliide, Silas ChcmherSiii. Room An. 3, Callio Melliide, Annie Heeser, fieoige Heig him, Theodore Garrison, Win. Lloyd (i.iiiison. i.'ooni A"i. -I. Akiic Guirlson, Perres.-.i Heas'in'. fiillie Welllver, lliueo Jones, Fddie IMswiek, Janus Suiiihi it, Cbns. Cillui ire. (iiri. F. Wii.iiuii, The Hlsciio Hook iu d Ladder ('mupniy has met with eousiderablu success In obtaining stih Keiipiions for the purchase of app.iralii'. Tlieir liuck ha been oldeieil and is i xpic'tcd early next weik, iu time for die Fair. The no'gu l zilion of the Hesnue wai n eeiy piopei i.le,siid no -loiibt will result in die saving.-!' much pr p illy in cie of fire. The existence- of as.ioiid lim company suggest some thoughts. All of die tiro apparatus has been puicbas.d by ennui bullous fioui the citizen's or by appropriations of Town money, and I ihertfore llio propeily of ihe people. It i lo the intcrev-t of die people that il should lie properly cared for nnd piolect csl. The Friendship engine is liou-ed in u bum on a back alley. Thu Hiscue truck wi.l have no place for it prole e lion, und the uiilbuiilies who repicsent dm people ought lo miike piovi sion for both ctiinp.uilis iu die way of acoiiven lent engine liou-e. This could be done at a comparatively small expense. Our citizens have a mllieieiit iimoiint Invested iu lire appara tus to ii.duiethem lo lake some interest iu the niallir, and at die same llmo lo entitle diem to prolielion fioni fiiu In the mo-t ilUellvc m in ner. Thli only be aeeo.,.plished liy a llior eiiigh oiginlzadoii of Isilli evnipaiiies inlo one dep.irliiunt, the whole in be under die control of a chief engineer iipimliilcd by Ihe Town Council or (Icclid by llio (in men j iu ciiher e-ase he should be a cimiI hmdid , nclivu person, who posse sen Ihu faeillly of coii(ilij a Issly of men under exciting (iieiimslunces. An orili luinev should lie p issed pulling all fire tomim nlc now In existence or ht realltr In Le organ izeil, under Ihe coiihnf v( the Cumuli, and then Ihe people may begin In realize (hat die llri men nre fur llitiu.iiiid nol meiely private insiiliilloiis. It would benefit die companies by giving them a icriuauc'iit nnd rerpeclable machine liouc,ainl il would belli IU die town by mating a wi ll ills, cipliuiil and elKcllvc. firedipailineiit. And last but not least, it would lend, sooner iban any thing else, lo the cicvlion of water woiks by curing the syinpalhiiD and awakening the inter et of Ihe paq lc. COUNCIL ritOUKBDINOS. Tha regular monthly meeting of tho Town Council was held nt tho Council Chamber on Wednesday evening last. All tho members present except President Iowcnbcig, In irhonc nbsenco K. It. Drinker presided, Minute of Inst meeting read nnd approved. Tho repot t of Street Commissioner Jncoby for lat month wns, showing nn expenditure of $103,70. On motion of F.lwcll and Holmes tlio report was orelcred to bo filed nnd payment to be made. Oas bill for street lamps amounting to $77.00 ordered to lie paid ; nlso bill of I. V, JIcKelvy for four dozen bucket for fl-o compa ny, nmi noting to $10.o0 ; ntso bill of llolllns A Holmes for moving street lamp nt Second nnd Fast slreets,r$0.12 ; nlso bill of O. A, Jncoby forcobhlo stones, $111,10 J nlso bill of Isaiah Hiigenbuch for stovo pipe nnd repairs lo stove in lock up, $2.00j nlso bill of M. C. Woodwaid, for fcrvlcs'S, $03.00. Thonus Hlckey w.ts ap pointed policeman In place of John T. Heed, who has left town, The street commissioner was ill reeled to ralso Second street to glade nt ihu Intersection of Second and Fast. On mo tion of Holmes nnd Kuorr the grade as fixed by the surveyor on the extension of Fist street from Seventh street lo Canal street w,ts adopted . It was ordered tint lot owners em Fitslrcct from the north side of Si.slb sheet to Seventh street nnd on Seventh sheet from die west side of Fast street lo tho load leading from Scvenlh street to the canal bridge lit Null's Fiunace nnd on Ihe extension of Fast Uleet soulhwnrd from Seventh to Canal street be icqiiirCil to grade curb and paye llieir sidcwnllsj width of side walk to be six feet, pavement lo be four feet wide nnd laid one foot from the curb, nnd lo be done within sixty days. The street commission er was directed lo gtado Fast street from Sixth to Canal street, A committee consisting of Messrs. Holmes, llnorr and Hagenbuch was ap pointed to make n contract wlili the Oas Com pany for lighting the street lamps for a term of years, and report lo the Council. An order for $30.00 iu favor of W. Wirt for services two months ns secretary of the Town Council was lircctcd to bo drawn. An ordinance lo repeal ordinance No. 21, which forbids cattle running at large within certain linnt, was defeated. No tice was given that an onliiiniice will be pie- tented nt the next meeting, providing for tho or ganization of a Fire Depaitnient. On motion Council adjourned. An exchange warns its readers not to mo wooden spittoons filled with saw-dii-l, nnd ci tea instances of several (ires caucd by the igniting of tho saw-dust from lighted cigar stumps and ashes fioni pipes. As Ihcse spittoons aie U'cd m my of the stores and hotels in this county, the warning may be piofitably heeded. Heavy fr -i ir- r- r'"! in (leoria,Ten ncssii' nmi Ani'iiit.i'i, which is nn unusual ocelli res n to so rurlv in Ihe Full, and would seem to indicate) n lunif and severe winter. If von wiin t to feel w II H id livnly, uso Dr. liull's Vegetable Fills. Your druggist ktepi tlicin. ' Keail Ilic leilnwiii better. From a highly resneetabb' tr.eutlemmi in Limestone, Montour ("!)., Pa.' "This is to certify that I was prntinuiic'ril liy several physicians as consumptive, und hud all the sin -toins of the disease in its worst form such as coughiiur. severe pains in Ihe brcnsl shortness ol breutli.nisjit sweats and extreme weakness and laitu'lc ol toy whole system. My family nearly all having t'ied of tlie dispose, I had given up all' hnpn of recovery, a nothing gavo mo reliel ; ''it through llio persuasion of a friend I wiv in duced tn try Wistar's Hal;itu of Wild Cher ry, llio nrstluittlo relii'veil me considerably and thn third liotllo cured mo entirely. I now feel as well as 1 ever did in mv life, and am able to follow my occupation of farmer as fully as any ono. I aKn liael a sis ter in a tuoro advanced state of the disease, having been confined to her bed for over a year, and pronounced beyond hope by our best physicians. She was also entirely cur ed by tho Wild Cherry, but it required six or eight bottles, and she still takes it occa sionally ns a pieventative, being naturally weak-chested. I would sincerely urge nil similarly affected to try Wi-tar's Halsam of Wild Cherry, ns L am satulieii that but lor your own vnluablo remedy my sister and mysell would not now bo liv ug. I would cheerfully answer any uno who may address moon tlio subject mid state our case mora fully." Jacob Miller. Nouo genuine unless signed '"I. Hults" on tlie wrapper. 00 cent and SI a bottle. Prepared by Sith W. Fowls &. Sons. 8!i Harrison Ave, Hostnn, and sold by dealers generally. tVoriliy uf lleiMeshraiiie Why w ill you slider violent pain, or be made uiicomfoilable, disiicssed in mind or body, when you can be inMn.itly relieved and quickly cured by Unison's Cu peine Porous Plasters Tlie or dinuiy Poi on Phi,ir is an uilicle o. merit, yet its action is too slow, riqiiiriug days am wicks of continuous wear to ill', el acme. Hell son's Cape hie Poioik Pla-ter, being u great im provement over them, iclievts Mm Instantly nnd cures you quiikir than any luowii plaster, liniinint or coiupoiiud. Their notion is moie powerful than elecliicily and moro eel lain. They aiu purely vegetable contain no miiieial or metallic poisons, Their composition and piopiriies are founded upon true skill, and are iu no sene a pitcut und cine. They aie euderscel by thousands of Physicians and Druggist), of iiuimpeaclitib e reputation, ns an article of genuine meii and woilhy of public co-ilideiitv. Tiy lliein nnd be convinced. Piice 2"i cents. M.'M'.t'UV .IOIINM)N, 1'u ei:M.eci;viicii. culmimd, N, V. May 11'. '711 ly. ' lleiu.iu'N C'ii;m-Iui' r.nniis lMiisierKIInar yhn llio J'eu( la Miy I "riioln'M.clieap ht, sire. a-ilMin st remedy of. ferisliiii liiti;!ll'"ii' lh-ipli," ".n niilelo or gn nc ineili which will In n m.oii lime bo liitiu.l In eMiy leiiisel.ol.l." ",,o me nil thai II, i iiiiiiii.fuclnii is . I aim far liein. wIiom- i riliv nlo-.e Is u snnietei,! en- iluiseimni oi tlnlr giioiiMi mulls,. u.o lut '" o n ;iii wn t run e.nrniil oin.eiililes in- tcci.l ellsii.ioinei .,.' ilr ar Hjfoioiis. n i.ioMr.y uliuokt Ins t.uitlv ih- t ii 1. 1. 1 1 puln inn) i iisinii t-a )ih ( il.iciui." "I coiisiih , ii.eiii ufricittmi'l m e dul lin piuvi n.ciit i.e. mil i Mm oroi.s i liislein. II ee j,:ee j'i pt I'ulli I und nu- i,ule).i,v; iiie, mu liolu In Mgli e-h'i em " 'itie.e uiemw pi eioi re il ueer I'll ol li ds. 'Ihey curewiM i-i-i.llu r oioiis lasleis simply lll.eve." e- leu Milli ili g ny Hum BI,j ou wm lMi Is- illsili nilliieil. I'llcei.. Is. May IJ Ic'-I) NIIAIirilV A JOHNSON'. riiniiiiiieeullcal Cl.eiabls, b.Y, Wviiiler tll()ll Wohill'IV. Given Airny su-jiige, mj-terious nnd mo-t extnioriliii.iry book, entided tho I look of Wonders. Coiilainiiig, with ntinieroin curious pictorial illustration, tho mysteries of tin- heavens mid Fiirtb, Natiual .nil Su per Natural, Oddities, Whimsical, strange Curiosities, Watches ami Withcrali, l)rani, Supirstitinu, Absiirdilic., Fabulous, V4l). chantmeiit, etc., cic. In order that all tho world may s.-e this curious bouk, tho pub lishers have resolved to give, it awnv, nlso to .end with it tjntl'n, h bountiful C'lirnmii, varnished and uioiiuteel, and nil icadv lo hang up. Addri's V. (lleiison A Co., 73S Wal,ingtoii slrecl, Hoion, Mass., eiiclosliig J") el, lor prepayment ol'j ostage on Honk and Cliroino. Sept. 22-lw k Iivers of Oysters can get ihc very best llio uiiiiket nlli rd during ihu Fnirnt the stand ol 'J'lioinas Webb nu ll cgrounils, A capilul stew or plate of raw i jut llio thing to brace you up. COAL. ' COAL Old KMahtishril Ciuil Vanl. 0. W., A Duo., Wlmlcsale A liclull Dealers iu nil sizes of tho Im-sI qiuliliiK ol Itcd and White Ash Coal, nt the very lowe-st uiurkfl rates. I lave toislanlly on luiiid large stocks of Dimiesllc, Cito!n, Ulacksniilh's Anthrnclle, llllunilnoiis, and Llinehiirucr's Coal, hsppclal nltciitloii given to the prepara tion ofeoal It.'oro leaving our yards, (iriiln and Ltunlier tiikcn In exchange for coal. Coal deliveied lo any part of the timnni short notice. Orders left nt I. W. McK'ehy's store, or tit our office, will receive prompt m lention. Ollicc and Yunls at William Ncal A Sons' Furpacc, Fntt IHoonisburg. Your .t.....D lioj'cveiilli.v PUIICIICO, V7A1. 7-tf-6 COAL Business .Noticos Hmi't full to call In nt M.irr'fl lo sec his Oooeli nnd prices when you couio to the Fnlr. Don't fail to seo Ilcri.lnrd's Show Win dow when you como to tho Fair. Felt Skirts 70cts. 1.00, 1. -10 mid '-'.00 ut I., W. Hnrtumti's. Hats, Hats, lints. Cajis, Oajw, U.iin. Host tStvlo. Lowest Prices al 11, f.owciiliiirg'H. New Fall (hodj. just iu tlmo for Fair nt K. M. Kuorr's. Il U s.ttel Hint if you wish to litn 1 fdiicv nmdslbr Ladles' we-iir you should cull ut Clark eV Weill's, ',ey keep r large Mirlclx ut very loiv price.. Merchant vilt!ng tho Fair will do well to stop nt Mover Urn., nnd tnku iic.iu nf their llliiei Pepper so us to be ri'iidy lor their cus tomer, nt. hog killing season now tit hand. Tho price Is tititi-it illy luw. Visitors to Iho Fair who ileslro In oblnlli really gnml Cigars nnd Tulmcco i-iut lii.d both nl Ihe store ofTliouii.s Webb, Fx clinngo Illnck. iiml also u line! iiortinent ol Pipes of all kinds nnd ut all iirle-cs, Webb knows all n'oollt Tobacco und wont cliuti you . Do null seel. W. ILirtuim's 1 t - Stock of Uooels in Fair time. The fi h-mls nnd patrons ol M. M. I!iisel will liuil him on the grounds iliirlng tho continuance nf llio Fair, prepared t furn ish them with I'll- finest (Iriicerie, I'liiits &c, tho market ullnids. Don't fail to call on him. Hoots & .Shoes, very cheap nt Murr's. Ladies, have you Iriril that 7.1 eon!. Cor set nt Clark it Wolf's? It is the best lining ouo out fur tlio money. D.ivid I.owenbtrg would Inform his friend nml the public, that Ids slock is now replete und with all the novelties for Full ami Winter wear. In tho Merchant Tailnrint; Department gentlemen will find all Ihe newest anil latest atyles iu Soilings. Over Coating Ac, of ihe finest qualities anil latest elesigu, any of which ho is pre pared to make up iu City Style. Gum Hoots, Heavy Cloth Hoots forwiifer wear just received at H. M. Knurr's. Canton Flannel at 10 cent per yard and upwards, all Wool Flannels in gooil varittv and prices, a large stuck nf new Print and Muslins, (.iinuhaiii' and lots of oilier Domes. ticliOoel'.. Cull and see u-. Clark A Woll. Floor and table Oil Cloths at Mair's. Tho best Specific for croup, colds, infian -mation. sprain, bruises, ecu., isUd nt Ulael ness. To avoid all dangers arising from Croup and Colds nhic'i may bo brought on by standing on the damp grounds eluring thu Kni r. Visitors would Im wise to take a bottle of. Ibis admirable iiicelicino home withlbeiii. Moyer Itro. keep il. Call uii them and bo wise. For Ladie-,' dais. At Clark it Woll's will bo found Heaver Cloths at 2.00 and up wind. Hlnck Cashmeres, Draps D' Flo and ladies' mid children's ready made Water Proof Cloth at 83 cents per yard and up wards in, ni.ick, Hlueaml Gray mixed. For fino Hoots, Kip Hoots and fine Shoes go to f.. M. iviiorr s. I.uelieV, flents' unci Cliililren's Unelor We-ur nt f. Y. II's, .rlirap. Jj. KernliarJ lun tlio .mortniorit ol Je-wolry iiim Silverwuri', ut t'io lowest pri ces, ever oll'creil iu lilnotnsi'Uig. To llin T.nelifH. When vim nnv kin 1 of DrrsK OnmU ur Fiiuuv wcur you wilHiiiel nt Clarke WnllV a Inrtro line to c.iooo triini. llie-v havo now thoir reill Cstocl: reaily fur inspcctlnii. Wool nnel Coltuii Cu- iot Oliulii nt Mirr'.s. l!eforo you pi to tlio l-'nircall at E. 31. KneirrV uinl liny ymii- llools mid blioe-t. J. I Mai.n nmi fiiniily luivo jusi. ro-tlli'iie-il (nuii lim Oi' ami ivliiin m tlicciiy lio i nn liii-i'il u e-nnipli'lu abck ol Fine I Irnci r in of llio In-st ipiuli'y in er ir ket. His hlnck of CJiii'i'ii-wiiro is h1m ,m Inwiht in town, l.'ull mi him c!nriiu Vair time'. W'liitu Dielios :l.T,"i teml 4 00 , W. li.ulniau'H. per he-t ni New II. ils uiul Caps -it I. y. Ifartrt ui'h. To buyers nl" Onoil. If you iTon'r. wisli to lui nl' ns c-ill ami! Go-mIc ami piii'i-s ut (Jliuk nmi U'iiITh. Applctnii "A'' Muslin bole ,-ti e"i SlniinV. Kt ('ails by tin Lailics' I'rc-iiuli Kbl l!u .ton Sbocs, wiiltlis mul, at .MrKiu'ecy'r. nil IMillUOXl.TIO.-). Jeist rpevive'il n full lino of (;l"tl'.s, (,'iissi-meie-H ami truitiii.s ior 1'ull umf "V i 1 1 i r woar, nil at thu lui'st prices at 1). Imon bcrs's. 10 more eniply WliUkry' eoivnl, nmi iiinro ciiliiim: W. 11. Veiicr. Il.irrels jut le . ror biilu i'V Larpwt lot of I'V.nry Writinj; tliia county i;t U. A. C'l irk'n. Y..eT in A full line of Or.'cii mid lilur!: Ti all qualities ami prices ut Kii-cll'n. aw, rf Caslinu'ris in linicv a m tlnx Jcadin: sliiiile'is; at 3 cell's i.tut npwai wuli iii;i,iit vuriosy !' l)u-.- l.QOels L't.uu. l'jr cash ut Ulaik ei i'ii(i"s. W. IT. Vetter ile..ler mul R Oppc-' ofiil? kiiuls nf Onuiiuy produce. s.'(i.isij,uniei miiile to him u ill l.e pruinpt.y titicuiltsl ti. Uusli paid lor jjnuii Jjittur, E?ss, i'oultiy cxe., (Jet. 0, w. MjK!iiiiey'n is licailpiailen fur nil kiiuls ol bou.s unci sliut's. A new Ciark'H. lot of Pocket Iliiiks ut fj. A, A'full tlock of Uiuler Wtnr for .Men l!.i)! at I). 1.(jh('IiIhti;,. ami Vim will llml at Clarl: .c Wulf Ktore n huge linool IniliiV ami geu.i u inh rwmr ut 6u uciils unci upwunla. I'eople I'iiiiiIiil; In tlio 1'air next werk ni il vanillic: In tny llry tioiils will il.i Hell In call ut l.iil. eV's iu ihe Idic'Iiiiiui licinri' t;iiin;; tu tlic Kulr m. they mil nut I u in liuse tiien as when tilt' aimil i-niin-a iij. in tha uveniiij,'. A I puikuges can talc'iy lclt Willi llitiil until eec.iuc,', The laellcv, one unci nil, pronounco Glemi's Sulphur -niip U,o bent cliirilier iiucl eiiiulicnt lor cuniploiiiiu, llmt lliey Imvo ec-r cm ployeil. It eliiHitil ho u.scelby till wlm uro uiixioin to possi'M iliiblcniishiil nkiii. lH-pnt, Urilleiiliiii', No 7 Kixili Avi.tnie, Now York. IJli'H Jlulr eV WhUku Dve brimii ur bluik, DO i i. Oct. 0, lw. .luet rcivlviii, a largo tMKit nf ItwuV iMiult) t'liilliinii nt llio limrxt j'titvc iiiieUe lct fclyle t 1. l.micnlit'gV, Yon c ill luiy ii wl.-iio ilSprwul iorJI.OO nnd upwind ut Clark & Wolff. Sjrnpa a ml JIi.larcH nt prii!.s Unh tlio llmm at M, ,M. tlusscllV. (l.'A. Chirk hells' Kins',! SrrS.,-whlclt aiu (tie ltd. Ex ry pair urrivil. A full lini(ifTiiliiic(w, .t wlic-iulc nmi ifliiil nl Al. JI lln illW IWETHODS PO i N T3 METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE WIN THE PURCHASE 0FH CLOTHING- AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which nt) In.Mo tho Inlcrcsled Attention and Carohit ScruCny of -TI-IE PUKOIIASINO- PUBLIO.- METH0D2: T7H havo but Ono Trico for All... w SI rccclvo Cash I'nytacnt from AIU clvo a Guaranteo proloctln All... WIS Itctmn Money v hen wo cannot suit All :. Wn buy our goods rt first lmniU, In lmrnc-no qiuuilitlci, nn.l nt tlio low est prices for Cash , WE manufSLturo wllh cslrctno caro every i;ariucnt wo sell WU lniicct every yard of coodi that govs Into our cimcutJ WIS put a ticket en every frarmcnt, showing plainly Its riualitf unit Trice WE cot ofT every l!cn of unnecessary cipcnellture WE employ fir-t-rlnM wirhmcn In every dcrmrtra"iit Wr nlvnll.rrtlo-ltinrrn-T,tirr1,ni- fvTOT ft partlclo of risk nn In buylnR of BtmoaoSZ!-!..!. -N " Achlllmeiybuyic5icply ' Mamaii In ftelilltlon ii our IminciiKj Ctick of Ilcady-XIailo Cl.ithtnr.uo Uavo ft llosnlflcent Lino of Men'a unit Biy'a ruraUhlnt' Goods, Shlits (of our own make) and Underwear, til at the) Very Lowest Trices. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS AND ORGANS. O I' , Tho Largest .Assortment ! Tlie Ijcst in Quality ! Tlio Lowest in Price.? ! Tlie .Easiest Terms ! YOU -WIXjTj IT I 3NT ID T C0ME8 TH01VlAS, MUSIC STOBE, 147 MILL STREET. DANVILLE, PA.' AV HOLES ALE ) Corner Muiii and BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tho tiiulcrsigned liaviny; wyAiaa m)&w& busines& for tlie jmst ciylit years would call tho lUtentkni of country ilcnk'is to tlieir largo and varied stock. The- defy conietitiou ly any ?Se? sto GOSi,5 a 'ca'l:.- DI5, iss,' P.t5r, Parent 4sSg. "RETAIL DEPARTMENT :a i o -w EjS.3!?; block. AVlierc mav ho found a nr"o bpoilgct, CIiiiihoih, Colognes, 1 oifumerv mhi m tact evcrvtlu-ig Uci-I in a woll icgiilatcd n tuil 1'iug ltoro. hey aro also .olo M a iiufaet liters of the colclirni ( OIL JVLOY May ij. ';c.-ir. Bsi,.'1!Jl Tac Buy INT. IT. BNAMBL PAINT CO '3 nnd Ravnonn-llilrd th" cost or "(T rj.irT"i 1. iiiiiMi linnil.linfl' itml will li I lilt 1 i nlnt. Is pr'-puri-i! reaily fur uso In v 3Po or an- er.lur ileslred. lHonmunr tlt'iusiiiulHiir tin- llnesl liullillmn In tin-eniinii'v. 'nuny ol wlileli IniM) ' ten n-iimed slxjnan und now lioUas wdlics hl'ntlrt pilnlfd. Tills CU i:IIC I. l'.IN"i' lias taki-ii 1 rt I re-mntn" nt livi-nty of II.eM.ili- I'ulrs of tl.e I'iiIihi. Knmiiieiunl mln-sMiirrivi-. vddii'hs V. VV A.VIHI. I'AlST Co.. ln.lCli.iiiiliei-sMiiK-1, N. v., nr vil.l.HU V, it (!'., 1 v Wi ierst ei-t, c li-vel.uu'., iuio . CTH' '.TTj c i sr. ; GREEN TEA AND BLACK TEA. AT INLVMMOTH (JHOCEllY. Oiruor Main and Center frticctr. ELOOM S )et. , iR;3.-if. r t r.-r T uiler in Jllanhs, tundav reniifsylviinia WUTDOV CURTAINS, WALL ?APEE, Looks nnd supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short- Notice at the .Most liea.soiuihle Kales. S ore in Exchange Hole. Tho Buy MILLER BROS.' tn&v- gr-TEMiOAL va int it':,.-s!?',ii!ff B .lid. rt 3ieiiiiri-.l, (xuli Inr UM III nil .0 irane e fee reel, h on man? rj,..niu.i.,h...rii L Vft. " . 'I'.'s. ,!"' h llll' toil ilrr, man: vri.leli iuu I'fU ri.le-d 'Kjnuni. nnd now lixjk us wrllics wLen ilil ilViiVi.Ti '.p'? " lilsjli,!.Ml(Al, I'A M'l.i.(,rimliiii..'Mj edae-lerlrsji,ui.DKu "wimi'le e. d rf""-', (stioliii.heullrce. Aiidi.-i. Ml LI. Kit RHOb, lUK'Muterwriit i i .ei.ei eili.L , IS?"' T. 1 1. a a i ; i. .'AiiiT ro, 1ce3t1.u11.tcn urut.w. Y. A y 1. -jfili) "'"1"'t"''"- iiug T) A.'K'NOTI V'I'l. (iiecitliini eieniliiH 1 r 1(1 Wl"lt ttlsCli t'SI 0 Send SJC. to O.r. H(ii K11, t 10., e erk,lo I'uini'Wcl i iCc n tl n llil. u in lewapaiverD, 1 itdotmioi ttLirii, teil Pf admit- P0INT3: ONE Trie o tncimi ol necessity tlx) Low ut l'rlco CA0II raves CKpcn'o of collections and loiesos I'runi bad dcbU THE Ounranleo protcotii tha buyer who may not bo ft Judgo of goods Wo rcty on Immcnso er.kd and aro Fat kflod with a. very rraalt jmrccnV aso of profit... IT la oafv to buy of us, tlnco all are treated allLc, no ono getting; favors that denied to ctlicra DICJKEItlNO and debalo aro dono away byus.ovcrrlKHlygetiiourbeitwluV out having to ask lor IU - OCK largo experience catiltat and facil ities v o uo for the jiooplo's bencllt In lowering prices........... WE fill orders received brmatl from all part i or tho Unltod fetatos. Wrlto for particulars - UG EMPOUIUiM. r:irket Street lieen en; nyeil in llif house in or out of the largo cities. Bli-di-irses, Spicec, rfovk of r-nriiical Iiistruuiciits. OF GLADNESS. CAI.f. ANll EXAMINE I' 'll t'K IS A Ti? WOfWI t s If 1)1 I "VTM' Piliuli.c, mul I ifi-t n pilar Unit I 1 I 1 111 I Jsl I W I'V 'I s 1..I1-T as :l!ir otll.-r amy in, .c-iy. 'H S ss. fl p x Sees. 33 TJ1G, I? J. -"e r-s.-r. !?! limit' m5 i-'chool JAbraj uv, J ci or-iiai v of llit? Jiiblo h'oricty, PIOTURS FRAMES, RVA-D CARDQ. Building, Bloonislmrg. Pa 12 f ff V ,n.ri . -'' uii(i. ( uiu ti ti e5ontori1) nl Lctno rnmpitii veorllit rrv Iftf ' Mil- OH A. fei.. 1 uillaLd. nu J. Wcavf3.v ft Co'o. Adv'to. Hotel Directory Of PHILADELPHIA. Tliouwnili of our reartfiii will vlntt llio frninil On tonnial Exlillilllon nt I'lilladclphla. limy wilt wnnt lo Moji rrt liotH wlicro thci ncrommodatlon3 arp trood and tuq plmrg nra reurtonablu. To oj so tliox mint mnko all arnng-tnctiU beiforo tartlnjj. riiM can 1 dono by corriotidcnce with tlio jriiirlctoiK. This directory will bo found such (is aro fully up o tlieM) reldrcmerdA Blssa Avcimts Hotel, A V KNUR AND FIl'lV-KlltST I Jt Htroet, opiionlto srKt csiel !' mneJilncrj Hall COO T5.00MQ. A Music room ami ulngln heel, per ili-jr. " A. IiokUiD. ri-oprlcwr, Ilofirn. run bo wcurcd by eonmiiwucli'iico. Juno 3 , '16. - unj Go rz gross HaH-k NEW FOUII-STOIIV llUlrK 110TKL, OM JiiE EU KOPKAN I'l.AN. Sim Ave , Jlflow Voi tv -Sccon S'., mioniv nmioHtlo Mnln Kxlilbllloii llDli'llntr. Atv coinuioeli'lluiis Inr 1,i)') gu.-sW tp-lal "rra'ise'- mt-nta 10 wren pnriii-s. leiuio ...... . I'ltit DAI", roinfort, irouomy ttti-l r'jMin.eblo eliaiiroa. W. II. IIAKEIl ,t CO- 1-tilhid 'l,.iiliv. wjuly7-m. dr. PITTSBURG-, PA. n li" moei complete lo tui I 'i''i''"'! f r tno tliuroiiK-ii pr.ictlisil eduueiln ul j-'uuuim uilddlo-utreiU men. arstndcntd re-eslvcd nt nny tlm.-.M Addre-e, lor circulars contftlalnjr lu!l XarV&'ti 3. r. SMITH, A. il., 1'rtuclr-i. Sept 8, 'To.-4m. WACO Tlii. Dire-dory U compiled by J. VKAVER 00 StiwijiniKT AavcrllfiJJitT iipcnt', 110 3mltlinpH strec', I'lTTS iUi tel. PA. Eranrh omec, 1318 SlarUct i,:.rcct, I'hlla. D. Kllogg's Advtr. AND TANKS - fur Irew- 'or-e, dyors, chom -ts ni iniif.iiluri-in ,mJ pilvatu rwplllnzH. in.o .1. 1UUIKII il'' 0".. Jum- fi-jaw. Iii.i tun wood t , bolow Ilrcnd. It rilli! ' ( ' " ' ' cvtv el i liptinii, r sits nnd fiiu r. ciotli- (l A' IH. 7l(TFf.t m.II it.i: KubbcrCo. tin -. 1'u-1.1 in .v i I M vi- i . line : - . iiiniui'ipiii .iiitMV-i-w Yj SELL'S iliN CYCLOPEDIii. Nkw llKvui'n I nmo. 'B',100 articles, n.iroo cn- gmvincs nmi IP oplctidld ni.ijH. The jjcick. of unlvtrsul l:n wlfdge In ilia lnnKiiaero 0w tn conmo'-f publ cutliiii SI WIStKN AVita IDup SCDt fi.rWCOIlts AHI-'NTS v ANTtliJ. j n :a. k tvas et co., mma. Apr S3 I. UXCELSIOR PRITG NK CO, BEST AND CHEAPEST riUNTIiVO INK IN THE MA It KET, IH Iliirchej s-l., KVW VOltK. AU. 11, 'lei -4SW K ADM INISTKATOU'S OTICK. ESrATKOKmMtJEI.K. ALBBICTSOM, BEC'B. l.elwrs oi Ai'mli'lsiiutlii), do oor.h: lion "r snrnuol K. .Mt)i'its"ii,i t Itrhti'ii tp. Coliimtila County .tlco'd. Iinee tx-in errant ed ny the he-Ulster of wild ruiiiti t,o ik k. envis. nf lilo-m s'liirir. Columbia Co.. I'ii to eiho'ia .til pi rom Inili iitesl to said Kstato are re niic'stcd In in.iko it,, aod tliosu hav,ii claims niniliiB tlio mid itute iviu :ruik-o them known to tho saw uilmlaktmtor wltiwut, delay. Sept. B.-w. adiwtililiator. , 17-XE UTOU'.S notici:. 1 'j -siATt cr jofiirA satacis, sh bemabsp. . 1 - - . . ....... .l, ff.fl. IMIBHUDiiH-lll'limi.' iu.iei.wv, H.muua.-n.- rt?(Mi)S'd. v. Ih rusriaTTea fivH'Bp'tlSttirei sail emmey to iiemlamin V ftnm tend Mutes tuvwrr, Kreciilors,io wlniriiall tfrsona tnacbUdarerequit-t-d tnrnukt tm) aieiiMnd tluwoliQVliiare'lalmacarttlnst; cne Kii'ioMine nimaiT: uu m iviiuwn iu uiu ehuu Exceuioi's wiiboui ue.ia . . iu;N.mjii.N r. mv,c, JUJSIW SAVAGE. Sep. l-ai". Executors. ITDITOIVS NOTKT.. EaTATK of rnA 1.S3 nvna. nnnsenD. 'liis im sndrrslernr-d. Auditor to miil;o ellstrlliitlon of t lie balance of the funds nmonj tui lieli-s of CliorltB lieer, Lit--of osr.nffi'r.-ek tii'Vnsliln clue- a cel. will iittetiil tn tlio appolutTisiit at tan nhli" of I r.ver lv, liu'iilaxlssi, on -iiHirliy, lliei oloventu diiyt A. I). is:c. wnen an i wm r an pi rsu cb h.i1De; cKilms nernlnst tlio sal t estate nro re Utro t 1 1 present llio some IWoro llio Aiuilror, 01 lode" luiredtr. m coiuinemijTaa-ia'-eor nuii n no. 41. e. i." IM'. Sejt ss-lw Auditor. .'CI HE FACIAS TO CIIAKGE Itl-AL ES- r) TTE. (X)LUMD1. COr.STY, B3: Tu.i Commonwealth, or 1'enni.ilvanta totho iUrrUI or e oiumuiu counc , tjr- eti.i : w iL-r'.is. i.i hi i znn, i.uinui i, tnalniirr In our i'0'irci f e'otiuiion I Oiui lor t tu onu- 'y (..'iivuU oe- roruiue .iiai.'ti o: t.-u-sieiei ourt, ui ..inum nurr, in-wlc: Iu mo tenuoi !se.-,neir.ber (Si i. in tun iMi-or oiu- Im1 ihic ili'i'-i nd tiiflit hu'iu . J und hev,iiit-lliiot-, by tlie 1iult,'tei-ut i-r llif h-ildt- urt did luiiovei-aaiiui u u. uuiiiiiiiur.i' jrn .icuui 1 nfts, doceaseel, eleleuliuit. as o.l n ce- btlu dull ot onu hitadied nnd llity-ri.'cilull.miinil tilt- -inn ooatk. J I . . . i ' ' u yrtiuao tlliti-eii d'iU.irft torlie-r os,t?i nnet cliarife elneu hUe bu:-t-ilned liy cHV.lllm ol tlio elet-'n' m ot Unit (lout, wliere'ei liiu Mda d. luml.iiit Is cou' u I, Su. n.s app"l"htjl rt-coiil.u ,.mi winvas, ti,i tale! u.Mii i. .nun.' itii.i'i ii i.u v iihuu, us cms e 1 12 i ul;- Ul-h'u en ri'e.e.r.1, ui.u ei.uv i rw I i.nitj. iu alllliu- IB' i llie.1 , u e.- es-'.-n nue.4e.ii.-a tut' pmeiHlu eiii3ie'.M.4ne' seild Jitiiii Mi as (iio i hi-. ar ijred titie la llin sidieouiii i f - eili'tubi.i, n.e ,i iifPooeu y'.'fnui nu i'i' .iiiii, eeu'i'ii uost;iii.e'ei cameJ to .i.e. .'ions, itiiminit. i'i-ui,'i'f ti. i ivas. m. r.uu It. rrt as, .I'.iiu . l-'re-jts, llo'-H-Fl'-u-i Ialeli lte.i. jviiiH au liiie-riu..rite-ei nti J n mail VV. Kel; e.iiu Vane:. I.ii. r.u ml ilviUii i-nj Lun . 1, ks. il,e, li. lisut Ism H.ditJ'.i'U i'le a, eli' e uh a 'i.ctfur- 4 li t, ili-i s ,, i I . - e-, Ti.r .r 1, dla '. al i'C'iu-ii, ilee-i-ii o i, ii. U-.IO uuuer t-jnu Jl el tli.'!-at-l J'lll; ". III. I'll-I ttin Kllejl bl. Illllltt'.O eiiKl.!.. -i. i li. re- il I..- lll ' lliuuild lend 11 isUls- il I u'M a u- ue-sj.'i: i s , ro tUe. f"r uun n p eper iL'ilir.i. 1 1 iln.u. U..): ci .o lirh., .e, ,n tbnt i.iii Is J isi y ueij4i l i our hall i ourl Miimid )m 1 1" rnrlic ii -I'M e-xoeu I at. .lee-ui il'.n mil' r-iienof .is.i.n. iv 1 1 'je-ii e.iM- uiiie nun nroe tiii'o, , m'imiiel en'ltli.l ; f'l llli'k- I lie. e I. (CJ ttl'i a.l"i le. e CivaJi. il'iiia. L rival. io .r-r-e I. throes, ilir.i .. t fivies. lo'l i . Kr h. i. or e'" fti'.is I...ii!l li 1.. alilo '.l imelin ll-('l -s 1 1 U l III elll'in -e . KCK iin.'-UUO in'- r.ueii'ii -it nu ale'-' lt, 1 1 ii-iii. r I lis . ' Hi ei 1 s in. i r X., l.C till s ' 't IMC 'i' . I .'IH' 111. 1 III elle 1 .. ' . ei 1 j . Ui lent 1 in is- l.ti( at- ..'ii 4 . ). .anile' r..i).i .i: . t.,. Hi Hi II J Hrt I, 1 )'. ill . .ell' lnn tll'-e k uev Ol Si I HO I'l ilsjC4tl elllll-t 11,0 si..! '. 1; ti U'l' e.f I 111) sultl .I.1I111 H r'. l 1 .fti'.l. t lull 11 'H'lAC. ll-. Mild pOl 1 OUI i t (.llll Mil I I - .1 t-.t.ttl ur W .1. U tllil kii.i .j.'tiii rreuH m Immi i ( .1 d uuw de- uu ied und c )io to tteem ., lis-. AllKCSlli. "Ill.ri .1.. e. t!l 111 I'lTi " l'Pf.-J.Mnf. .1-111 I' e.f . ur Wild e yum iet. IUei..e.ji. lUc teltil u.ej e,r K),iit iiue, a. i urn. 11. i iush K int, Soil. W-flw. I'ck . ., . y. QCI11K 1-AClAS TO HIIAUtii: 1:1' M. ES- c.iil.l'MlliA COtril I'V, M: llu C'uininonetealtli oi I e- me Ivnn u t 1 l.r en coiiiuini.'.'iiiiiy, ejre-ti M lie ri'leo I. "il l y.llieinl-leei 11 , ejri-ttnijf : 1.. 1. hit 1 .t I'oiii i of e uiuinni' I'lcubtwl u -mu Hit- Ji'lktMl ti" Kki'i ' - uri. i.r .11 : in ii.o i .rue eu m o'er l.i.rion; 1I10UH.11111 ei hit, ij till plilklll' lit 1't I M,. .'.y in , ' illllie d ei'l 1 1 1 . "ir, . 1 rut." 1 1 n , -li ,1 1 , e . ' ee-ul-s . 1 Ill.lJISt II. 'I I' I ne line S9.JI. lletelMUllt .11 . r a) , . 1 i,evi .e r" lour laiir h 1 1 ) livid, ' is l.vill.l v 1 Iditlel I'll J ill.l tj-s-lx di'Nln lend Uel'l..MHlU i.i I -1 nr 1 1, s 1 a III. .'s ClU'-Ilhll.-H'Irl.lU ll 1 llll 1 llllei. II. I.I WUe' C. I 111' I I tle'l, :.',, ti I ?tj. nH ai'Li.- rs or r.e .'. m.awi, ZtlJimullllail ele 1 - Jiellli,.i I la I lie ii.luuiiUliutpi. ',1 . ii.-.m, in r ri us eui-1 Mil 11 ol .e-H' 1 1 ii lit lie r, M Cel-milt.i, hn wo lutve 1 glle.ii t" ti ami en doac'cin'cil Hud eu - tmuii'i'i .iiim d u Ha n s, l'je-io, iles,li 11 Jotin A. I'"re-eis. Ii. .1 n- Vi, ' win II I ni". 1, 1.. ll" 1 nuu, 1 Il.lllci li.mid Ni.ncy t'. n Aim lulrrm rilidwtlli 11. n nnn. 1, llll i-rnmri led e'lili 1 el.)-lin u nuts, II. U. lSU tilt rqeu uuiiu rit-uv, uruei ia, ,i. ...j un,ii.. me I I. K. ipl'llr e, a..iiii.,iiiai t i j I . . , .ua , , 'nii . ilfcvnted, lia give n us i. , itird iu t lite un I lUdgmeiii, ulti. uiluiii. . , m, .t .1 tl, . lilslii velMlh unpatd kun imIHIu, i:m; linn l. KJUtrtit m to pr uleie Ii.r I. in ,i r tn a, in lim lluilfi unl we Uliier i , (I. in l. I i M iitii-l In Mill I'.iU'l mi, . , m, n,.,,. i, o'. C- ituilnuoevcr-diieftollirl' t ! ilir ... i , 1 t mien III nellll lew s llllei ULil 'l -e e el, mi, i. i . . u llin ou uuke kUoHti to ilie. e n . ii ,ii n ib irator ot Jilm 1 reim.ucn e i i 1. d el n t tti t if . Jlaiei I- Vrrun, (lesie;e i. i-. ,., , lt. Jt)l)U A. Ilea, Iiurtecnj I'l, - i-c'jle i - fcuinj Ann Intermatrlisl wltu Jen. Hum j, .hiNiilo lnirnnaiileil tenh lie-i t .ie,m .1. c. i . i ajipeor t)elre cur Judni' ii l.iieu. . i ,.t cir amy cx,urCQI Liftim. ji , dmIui. i i, iucii iirnv jeiunemy ii it. e. i i. n, i i, , n,n i If- tleHV . I- ..... 1 . i euvLreelaeiiln.tliiru. ' ir,. 1 ... . ,. . . ' lirOI ll)ll.l JfiHU I'l' ru... . ,. . ... t . urn .ee4 .,. ee veil ui ei.'r. i, i,ie Hlv V Jl .uv 0..u huuu r ie, m 1-1 fr-i .mill ld aud LOW d uU. u i. n. i , . I'ljl uuuuiiiejoii nn n u. a iiuivl-his it, i e MTNKteHlllo HOI CIIHl lo e llll II. I . I , ,1,1 incs Mier our (1, IKs C'lirf, .inl vir U) l of cm. and, -. ..a lib-Wi )i fiS inili ll.'.y-. .. vi evjeevuivir, Jl. J. .blf, I) e I Sep. tf ,.yt lare lu,V6-ly.