iff infairtfihm. " g& D333KWAY& ELV7SL1j, Editors. JU)OMSIiUllG, PA. relay, Oo t. 0. 18 7 0. INDIANA AND OHIO. Next Tuesday, October lOtli, Indiana nnd Ohio hold their State election. Tliero nro three tickets In the field in each stnto ; In Indinna, Democriitic,Repulllc.an and Green back j in Ohio, Democratic, Hc-puhllcan nnd Inhibition. ThatthoRepuhlicans virtually concede. Indiana to tho Democrats Is iuuicat cd by two things! their piibllospcakers have ( mostly left tho Stnto and gnno to Ohio, anil r Senator Jlorto.i lias proclaimed mat mi Democrats arc filling tho Stnlo with Illegal - LhiU 'Fliiu Ij ol. nonnnlnllVin (Vmilllf. n it does from tho most unscrupulous uemn KOftUo (Ben Rtitlcr not excepted) who ever burdened a distressed ami swiudlcu commu iilty. Itlsthogamo tho Itepuhllcans have been playing for a down years past, nlmot river since Mr. Morton deserted tho Demo' cratlo party, and ills accusation now against that party reads (strangely in tho light of the developments of tho past few years. Ihc charge is mado to cover, If possible, the causo of his present party's defeat ; he sees that it is Inevitable nnd seeks to throw on tlio Democrats tho onus of corruption. It will not deceive many. . In Ohio the contest waxes warmer nnd tho Ilepubllcans no longer deem tho state safe. They are exerting every energy, spend ing money and providing the best oratorical ability they havo to secure tho State. Should both Indiana and Ohio bo carried by tho Democrats tho election of Tilden will bo assured. Willi these two Stato, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and tho Southern States, all of which nro secure, tliero can be littlo doubt of Tildcn's success. It is this that has mado tho campaign in theso two Western States the mo3t vigorous M"l V.VV. 1.1 IIq OllifV ItUIIIOUll O . t U. U .u wv. West Virginia likewise holds her election on tho 10th, with tln'co tickets in tho field, but thcDemocrat ic miijority is too Btrong to be overcome,nnd not being in the lent a d -ubt ful State but littlo lias been done by the Re publicans to endeavor to change the result. I'EN'.NSYIiVANIA HAY. Tho people of the State did themselves credit on Thursday of last week, which had b:en set apart as the day for Fennsylvanians to attend the Centennial Exhibition. The cowds which poured into the city of Phil- odelphla exceeded pnything heretofore known in this counlry. Accounts diner somewhat as to tho actual number of people : present, .ho Philadelphia Tones and the - Jedger placing the figures at 251,403 and 1 1 . - . i nwnnrt mi. m s . 1 . port will be necessary to detertnlni tho ex act number. The exercises began In the v -moees nan wun music ana auuresses. uov. i. Hartranft was escorted by tho veteran corps of the First regiment. Tho oration was de- livered by Hon Benjamin II. Brewster and addresses by Gen. Hawley, President Welsh, Gov. IIartrjnft,?x.Gov3. Bigler and Pollock, ( ex- Senator Scott, Jndgo Strong of tho U. S. Supremo Court and others. In tho even ' njng the grounds were illuminated by mag ' nesiuin lights and colored Arcs, nnd tliero 1 was a magnificent display of fireworks. It is not probable that there will be so Inrfffl nn nttpnihinpA rhirtnn thi nnnltntinntn jortho exhibition. Tho.'crnwd was even lar , ger than the most sanguine etntisticln ' es timated., Pennsylvania has certainly good reasons to be proud of her children. The official count, received since the above was written, gives the total admis sions as 274,919. The Fedmial Coxstitctiox. Article 14, Section 4, nf tho Couslitutlon reads as follows : The validityof the public debt of the United Slates, authorized by law, including debit in , eurred for payment o pensions and bounties or vertices in suppressing insurrection or rtoei Iwfl, SHALL NOT HE QUESTIONED. But not the United Slates, nor any State, shall assume or pay any debts or obligation incurred AID OF IXSimilKCTlON OK I1UI1ELLION against the United Statis, or any claim 'or the toss or emancipation o any slave ; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be ItC Id ILLEGAL AND VOIP." The above provision of tho Constitution forever disposes of tho pretenro tlmt there jre any persons in tho United States who .expect to secure the payment of the war t debt of the Southern Confederacy. Such talk as tho following from tho Mem phis Appeal, one of the strongest Democrat ic papers of the South, distinctly shows how much occasion tho Iti publicans havo for waving the bloody shirt : ''The pecrrm'S of thn snulli mtul. hnminr. anteed free speech and a free ballot at any cost, rind tho Democratic party in all the States inuat make it a part of their creed to compel it. Tho man -vLo obstructs free speech or a free ballot at tho south is an enemy not only to the institutions of tho country, but in an especial sense Is an ene my of our section," Assuredly Mr. Sitting Bull villi his Sioux warriors, have more than held their own in the late Indian campaign. A messago has been sent him from tho Indian Agency to come in and treat with tho authorities So t seems that tho annihilation and exter mination of tho savages was only talk nud Custer and his brave companions uro likely to go unavenged, 'iho Indian Bureau un doubtedly prefers to swindle their wards rath- or than destroy them. There's millions in it. Ooorg McGoiven I'n. Chairman of Iho t.,l-.l-l- I.S . ..I- It'... eominltiee stairs that there nro nt least -40,000 fraudulent votes registered in that city. The Itepuhllcans seem determined to rjirriRil nut mi hMrv-rwriillv ivken Mr ItiinL-n lew ran for governor nud was elected, but counted out by Iho rascally politicians of Philadelphia, aided by tho repeaters and ballot box slulIVrs, some of whom were con victed only to bo pardoned by tie Pro! dent The Philadelphia Timet say of the ref utation oftho charges ngainst Gov. Tilden in connection with UU incomo tax, that "tho dispassionate reader will bo amazed, ufter perusing it, at tho mendacity that has char acterized his accusers," and the nnstteris glven"Item item by '.villi n minuteness ol de tail tint forbids tho possibility of evasion or concealment, pu ho unbiased inliiu win regard the Democratic candidate for Ullicr 110 ffi'iiiuu i tuiviur nun auu we TP Hiujiieu if iumik iuut ii buiii m-ru mu HUt, UIJIUK 11VH1U VI'U MJV :i i. i I . i f t 1 1 t i . , unci. Tim LIES WKLIj stuck to. Tho ttnaclty with which tho Radical or" gans hold on to tho lies told by their lead ers, and long s'neo exploded, Is rcmarkablo even in theso days of disregard ot truth nnd decency. For Instance, ono ofthco sheets now before us savs ol Mr. Tilden : "During tho war ha wa a toiipethn.nl or rebel sym pathiser nlvlnir nld mid coin fort to tho cue ttiv." Messrs. Chas. A. Dana nnd 1'. II. Watson, both itepuhllcans nnd both Asls- taut Secretaries of War under lldwln M rftantnii stato on tho contrary that Mr. Til den was nn earnest supporter oftho Union caino who wivs consulted by President Lin coln and B. M. Stanton. I loci this look as II ho was a "rebel sympathiser 1" Tho same paper further alludes to Mr. Tilden as "tho .moclato and counsellor of Tweed and other rascals." All tho world knows that with out tho indlfatlgablo labors of Mr. Tilden Tweed would not vet havo been brought to justice. Again this same paper refers to tho Incomo tax slander as If it still possess ed vitality, although tho charges havo been disposed of Item by Item and in ono case at leist, tho New York Times, tho author of the clirttgc, lias apotn-ized and retnietcd. The reiteration of these elalo slanders is both sillv nud uscles-". Thero are few men of ordinary intelligence who will bo de ceived by It or believe that tho same man who, ns a private citizen , was lauded to the skies by tho Tunes, and others of Its kind, could bpcomo in n moment nflcr his nomination for President a monster ot in inultv. a ncriurcr. n thiof nnd a ballot box stufler. It's too ridiculous for serious con temptation. A Wnril to Workingmon. This campaign is yours. It is for your families, aud your action at the polls in No vember will givo evidence of tho fact wheth er or not you caro moro lor your wives nnd children than for mcro parly. What is your situation now? If you have employ ment, does the mcro pittance you receive for your hard labor suffice to furnish you with tho necessaries of life 7 Are you able to raiso money enough at the cud of every month to pay your rent without depriving your children oi bread? Now is tho timo for action. Let your voices bo raised for a change: let your votes bo cast for a change. Heform is the watchword, and to effect a reform a change in administration is the first step. Your condition cannot be made any worse under thoguidanco of Uncle Simmy Tilden than it is to-day, and you have tho assurance of history that it change of rulers after a panic always restored confidence and brought good times in its train. Can you longer hesitnto? Look at your fellow men, in great numbers, discharged eyory day. Look nt Altoona wliero tho Pennsylvania H, R. Co., was compelled to discharge over Jiteen hundred men with in tho past two weeks, nnd tho end is not yet. A hard winter is approaching, nnd if tho demand for a chango is not ratified nt tho polls,woe betide tho sufferers. During tho past threo years you havo hardly mado mon ey enough to keep soul nnd body together, nnd if Hnycs is elected it will bo but n con tinuance of tho present administration, pre sent hard times, and thieves in olficc. Laboring men, givo this matter your at tention 1 Wives o laboring men, assist in the fight, persuade your husbands to cast one vole for yon and your children. Givo them to understand that they havo voted for party, low wages anJ starva.ion long enough . Tho N. Y. Sun says: A correspondent ol tho Herald with Terry's command, in a letter which we copy elsewhere, makes some startling statements in relation to the massacre of tho gallant Custer nnd his men Tho charges are of a grave- nature, and can not bo allowed to rest. It is well known that Gen. Custer was displaced from the position which he was to have held in the movement against tho Sinux because he gave testimony relating to abuses in the War Department when ho was sumnionel to appear before a Congresional committee in Washington J nnd it is equally well known that the military toadies of the Ad ministration havo endeavored trmnlign him since his heroic dentil. It is boldly chanced by the llera.dcorrespondentthat the slaugh ter of this officer, and of the troops who were with him, vv.nj caiiied by the failure of other officers to support him when they had it in their powor to render effective aid and that through fear of persecution by the existing administration, officers and men who know tho truth are prevented from vin dicating Gen. Custer's memory. The con duct of this disgraceful Sioux war should re ceive thorough investigation as soon as Con gress reassembles, for if tho wlinlo truth should be brought to light, the nation would for the first timo learn the extreme depths of depravity which Grant's Administration has sounded. Tho Republicans are making strenuous efforts to carry Bloomsburg on November 7th. They are going to every voter in tho district and soliciting his support. As there are somo voters who are easily influenced, the result will bo a Democratic defeat here, unless wo nrouso to action, Somebody must work, everybody must work. It will not do for us to B.t passively by, and allow the election to go by default. Il tho duty of all democrats to nssht in bruiln out every voter, to hold tho doubtful ones, and to secure new allies. Tut on your nrmor nnd join in tho great battle ngulust fraud and corruption, mid In favor nf better times. Tho town elections of Connecticut wcro held on Monday last. Tho returns are too meagre to give tho results, The first Slato election of Colorado was held on .Tuesday, No official reports hnvo been made. The Chnirimiu of tho Republican Statu Gmiiiiiit tee telrgnplud that the Rjpublicins had 2,000 mijority in tho State, four hours be fore tho polls closed and heforo a vote had been rnuiited. This may or imv not bo true. At the last election fur delegate from tho territory the Democratic candidate was elect oil by over 2,000 majority. The htoTk oflluiTt'Lidin,' It, R. Co. which on thursday of la:t week was ipinlrd ut 11, lell on Saturday toLM;. It is ililli cult to ascertain wliateaused thK depression, but wo arc inclined lo believe that the figures will nut remain for any length of timo at fie present low rate and that tli stock will rise ns rapidly as it fell. General Braxton T. Bragg, dropped dead in Galveston, one day hist week while cross, ing the street. lie was CI ) ears of age. During the war lie nerved in tho Confeder ate army and reached the grade of General, having been promoted to that position nflcr the death of Gen, Albert S. Johnston, The exact Democratic majority in Alaba ma is42,3'Jj. Two years ago it was 13,190 and four years ngo tho Republicans carried theStutoby 10,828, iv change in four years ot C3,2?3, Troops needed down their. i The New Orleans Jlutltl'm says thero are lots of Radicals, in that State who would cimeuut for Hayes if tho keepers of tho penitentiary and of tho several lails in tho 1. - J State would permit them to do no. COLUMBIAN AMD DEMO0KAT,BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA OOTTNTT, PA. Tlio Voice of n Patriot. Mnrnn from citAitt.ia it.ancis A HAMS. The following letter Is addressed to Daniel Mogonc, Jr., tho chnlrman of tho New York slate democratic committee, In rcsponso to an Invitation to "peak nt n mnss meeting of the democracy oftho city of New ork nt Cooper Inslilufo held on Friday ovenlng lat. It Is tho boldest and most npgrcslvo declaration that lias como from any oftho distinguished liberal republicans who hnvo declared fur Tilden, Hendricks and Ilcfotm Quinoy, Sept. 2.i, 187(1. Dear Sir Ab senco from tho city Inn prevented mo Irom answering promptly your letter of tho 20th Inst. Ifl wcro younger it would bean ngrce- nblo duty to perform tho lask to which yon Invito mo, but 1 havo not done anything of the kind for fifteen years, nnd am now In my scvcntictli year. Should I accept ono invitation It would probably clvo rise to others which would havo an equal claim My judgment is that I had belter stay at home. Yet I think I fully npnroclalo tho importance of this canvass. It is narrowing itself dally moro nnd moro Into a struggle between the people and tho malingers who hold the official organization of the country for their own excluslvo benefit. From the days of Credit Milliliter do.vn to tlio last ex posiiros made by the Invesligitinns of tlio last congress there is only one cnncliHiim to bo drawn, aud that Is the prevalence of cor ruption almost everywhere in the republi can organization. The honest men do, in deed, make bravo nnd sincero elTorts to re- fist tills baleful Influence, but they nro too often defeated to raiso any just hopes of ill timate success. This struggle has been going on for years, and no material chnngo for the better has yet been effected. Tlio time has now come for a radical change, nnd the sub stitutlou of a wholly new influence tied up by no restrictions other than the genuine wishes of honest men of nil parties. When In a great popular convention of a party to nominate a candidate for tho presidency, one gentleman deeply compromised by tlio investigations of a committee of tlio house of representatives comes within twenty-llvu voles of a nomination,and anotlier,wliorcally did honor to himself by fearless nnd effec tive exposures of corruption in high places, could not command many more than n hun dred votes, it seiiim to mo that it is high timo for a change in tho public opinion. Neither is tlio cuso improved by a vie. v of tlio manner in which tlio canvass lias been carried on. The great effort of the republi cans seems to he to operate on tiie popular passions excited during the late civil war. Instead of repeating tlio honorable call of President Grant, "Let us havo peace 1" tlio cry is for raising what may provo another wnr. Aud why is this 1 Only because the people in the southern states chooso to vote ns thev please, without regard to tlio cor rupt combination of ofl'ico holders all over the country, wielded by equally co:rupt combinations of legislators nt tho seat of government to perpctuato their own power. Verily, verily, if tho people are wise they will lay down party nnd scizo the present opportunity to make a change. I am very truly yours. ClIAItLIM Fuaxcis Adamh. A Self-Confessed Slanderer. If the reply of tho Tribune to Judge Sin- nott's rcfutal of the Times' slnnders is amus ing, tho reply of the 77ifs is pitiable. P is a perfect jumble of retractions, reassertions, corrections and contradicliiris. The Times actually confesses that it charged a respecta ble citizen(never mind his candidacy for the presidency,) with "perjury," because he did not, as the 77mm does, confound "earnings" with "receipts." In relation to ono of its charges, the fifth, it admits that il has never had any proof nf that charge whatever, and yet has never ceased to reiterate it iu and out of "campaign supplements" and else where. Here are its own words, the italics being ours : "Fifth It is asserted that tlio Toledo & Wabash railroad company never was a cli ent of Mr. Tilden, and that neither in 1SG2 nor nt nny oilier time did lie receive any fees from it. That we must accept as conclusive. f'roo o our charge was promised rom thorities in which we had confidence, but r.i its absence that item must be withdrawn." Must it, indeed! Here is a public journal openly confessing that it mado a charge of perjury and swindling against one of the inol eminent citizens of tlio United Stales not in tlio least on proof, lid on the promise of proof, which promise having never been fulfilled, the calumniator, upon being con fronted by the object of his calumny, mag nanimously "withdrew" the charge! Is it necessary to add one word to tho damning picture which tho 77mes here paints of itsell?-i'. Y. World. FACE TUB FI(il!l!KS. Tlio annexed table shows the fact, that with due exertion,Tihlen cvmol be defeated. We do not concede South Carolina, Pennsyl vania nor New Hatnpihlre. Tlio Radicals can gain no comfort from this exhibit. For Tilden. Tor Hayes. Doubtful. Alabama, Arkansas-, Oulltoruln, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado 3 Loimianu, s Ohio. il Mime, Massachusetts. uconsln. 10 in.-ijwuru. rioililti Michigan Oeorel.1, Total, .Minnnsuta, Ntliraswa, Nevada, N. Hampshire, l'cnnsjlvanla, l.'hrxlii M.01'1, Carolina, Vermont, 43 iimiaiuu Kentucky. Maryland, MUslssl);l, Missouri, New Vorlc N. Carolina, New J( racy. Oreffon, Total, ieiiue&ec, 'I'oxas, VlrirtnU. wow Virginia, Tolal, w Wholo IHectorii! Collago Necessary lo elect 1.S5 Mr. Tthiluoof Miiino seems to hnvo lieen n trillo out of Iho way In his claim of 10000 Republican majority in tlio Slate. The official returns give II, 18-i majority a dlll'ercuco of -1,817. B.nlno ofMuluo blionld not boW hasty in making up his estimates or pcoplo will say, as in fact many do, that ho was lying for political effect. Gen. Wade Hampton is represented ns having recently asserted oil tho stump in Smith Carolina this: "Tho South did not fight for shivery iu tlio Into war. Gen. Rob ert K. Leu told mo that whatever way the wur ended tho colcred people would bo free." Have you tried Kirby's WildCherrv Cough Balsam 7 A very paluteable compound tor the various affections oftho throat and lungs it has been used with success, iu seven cases of asthma giving instnnt relief and In many cases tffecting a pernaniciit cure. Price 60 cents per bottle ntul jiositively warranted to givo entire satisfaction r money refunded. Kirby's Magic Relief for the Instant cure of sovero and aeuto pains. Kirbv'd Tasteless Worm I)zcngcs, pleas ant, safe and effectual. Kirby's Horse nnd Cattle Powders are tho best powders for slock, manufactured. Try them and ba convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ico for imnbiiras, sore lips and chapped hands. Oill's Billions and Liver Pills are recom mended by the first Physicians, Tim nbovo preparations are fur salo by all Druggists and dealers in medicine. Movi:u BitoTUKiu), July 21, 7C.-1 y Wholesale Agent. There nro sixty-nine German papers pub lished in Wisconsin. Sixly-fivo of them support Tilden, ono undecided, nnd threo lor Hayes, Tliero Is not much doubt how t'io German vote will bo cast. It will bo nl most solid for Tilden, Catl Scluirz to the contrary notwithstanding, Brother lllnlno seems to bo In first elas.i physical condition It Is tint often lliut n man so suddenly and so completely recovers from n sun-stroke. But Congress has ad journal, nnd Mulligan has gono home A'. V. Sun. Important to (Ynloiutln! Visitors. Many of our readers who yet Intend lo visit Philadelphia, "ill wl-h to do so nt tho least possible cost and trouble. They will not wish to pay hotel rales when they can obtain good iieeiiiiiiiindallntis at private and boarding house nt oue-thlril lintel rates. During September and October the crowds will bo so large that they cannot bu accomo dated at hotels, and to avoid trouble on their arrtvalall should know where thev arov'oing lo stop, before. It a imr home. nu can ol -tutu good nceiimiii'MhitliiiH by the week Inr from $r to iflO, nr by the due I'min $1 to $2. To do this you inii-t write In J. Weaver & Co., 1318 Market street, Philadelphia, nnd thov will, on receipt ol $1, lo pay them for their triiublo nnd expense, send you n list of ono hundred hoarding houses, giving tlio prices charged by tlio day or week. You can then select a place lor yourself, and mako nrrangeiiienls d reet with llin parties oti wili to stoii with. In this way you can save from $10 to C---V Should you wisli to ston nt n hotel thev wiil imue nil neeeessii- ry arrangements fur you ti ml charge you but 91. 77im m our advice. Take it. State whnt paper you saw this in. Sept. 22, 1870. Nation il Damici-atic Tickat. ron ritKsiDr.XT, SAMUEL J. TILDEN, OF NUW YORK. ron vick ruisinr.KT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. lie iiMimith llleelnrnl Tleltrl. nLWTons at i.Aitnn. CIIAI1I.KS It. IlrCKAI.ElV-SAlll'Kt.n. Wll-SOtf. DISTltlCr KL1- ;cTor.s. ltobcrt F. Stlef (leorKH It. Iierrell Win. 11 Wrttlit ThomtM K. (lasklll .lolin MolTct J. A. .Morrison oivcn Jones Win. K. Haas Joel h. I.litlitnor II. T. Trnmlirmer (leo. II. Knwlanu 14 IS in IT is 19 20 il M 2.1 lianlel II uoas J. II. JlcOollum r. w. lino .inl i u il, mil Thomas Uower Ii.n id "mall ."cii.iMI.ui wtmnier Jnincs J. ll.izleU John II. (luthrlu II. V. (ilhson Uavl.l s. .Morris 11. u. Drown Thomas W. Orajson John N'ealon 13 J. II. McCdtnant 2(1 SI llenjamln I-'. '. .Moi rls. County Officers. STATU Sn.S'ATOll, CHARLES G. BAltlCLEY. of lllommburfl. Subject to Senatorial Conference. nnritiisnxTA nvi, K J. McIIKN'RY, o Fishingcrcek. DAVID S. BROWN, of Main. arSociatk junary, F. L. SHUMAN, of Catawissa. ISAAC K. KRICKBAUM, of IScnton. silinm-T, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, of Jlloomsburg. JUUY COMMISSION'Ell, KLT BOBBINS, of Fishingenck. Dfiuocrntlc Stnndhiir ('(iiitmlllee. Heaver Xatliau hrcilbonder, Jr. icnton-W. it. j-ralth. lienvlclc W. T. t'nyucr. Utoomsbiu-f: c vy. j, imckalew. Bloomsburg W. H. W. McUej noltts. Ilrlarcrcek Wm. Lamon. Catawissa E. M. Tewkibury. Centralia Manus Jlclircarty. Centre II, A. ScUweppenheUer. Conj ngiiam N. Kiel Lenlh in. Conyngliam S. feter Ltiby. Fishingcrcek Frank Wolt Franklin Jacob Knlttle. Greenwood-o. W. Utt. Hemlock Wm. Olrlon. Jackson Wm. L. Manning. Locust Wm. II. HclnboUl. Madison Conrad Kramer. Main W. T. Fhuman. j-' Miniln-1). II. Montgomery. Montour J. N. fiordnn. Mt. I'lcaoaiil-A.T.lk'elee. Orange Abraham White, l'lne W. Kaishner. Iloarlnacreek J. II. Kllnger. Kcott-o. 1. Ent. Bugarloar-E. S. Viltz. Marriages. M0SS-KltI.I.i:it.-0n August soth, by UevJoun M. (loss, Mr. Jcs-o Moss, or Kah'iivinnt, I,unrno Co. to Miss Sarah C Keller, U Kohrsburi;, Columbia County. Deaths. MII.LA!!!). Ill Itloomsburg, on tho 1st Inst., Samuel Millard, aged 9 years, 3 months and 4 days. MARKETJIEPOltTS. nLOOMsnuita marickt. Wheat per bushel $ .w Ityo TV corn, new, " , , ro Oats, " no Flour per bail ul T.&o cioYur&ccd 7. m l-'l.i xscod l.ui nutur .no KZjfS 13 Tullow li I'otatoes Ml IlrloU APPlc-s 10 Hams , , lo btdos BhouMers n hard per pound , 1(1 Hay per tun 12.(0 ISeuswa'X , 3 Timothy Seed .) QUOTATIONS l-'Oll COAL. No. 4 on Wh art 4,00 per Ton No. & 14 " 8,TS ' No. n " " t .&o " I'lacksmlth'K i.iitupnn Wharf H no 11 " llltumlnous " t oa HYSI'KI'HIA I IIVSI'KI'.SIA I IIVHI'EPSIA I Iijspepsda islhoiin.tnerDlolnof nil human nil merits. ILs sjiiiplomsuro utmost inllnlUi In their vurlety nnd Iho loiloni and doiiiUent Medina of llio Ul.seaxe olt'n fancy themselves tho nrev. In turn of cvi ry known maladr. This Is due. In mrt. m tlx cioso hjinptihy whlih exlt,U utnrcn IhuMomaeh and tlio train, ami In part also to tlio fact that uiiy disturbance uf Iho dlv'ostho functions UMM.NKuriiir .lis disorders tlio liver, tho bowels and tho nervous system and effects, to tomo extent, the quality ef tno blood. 15. I Kunkel'M latter Winn rtf Irnnknniimrura This Is nut ik uow preparation, to lw tried nnd found wuuuiitf, it nas neon prescribed dally for many years la Iho practice of emluent phyblclaus with un parahed success; It Is not expected or Intended lo cure all tho diseases to which thehumau family Is sub. JeeL but warranted to cure Dvsueusla in il m,,Kt ubstluaUi form. Kuukel's Hitter Wine of Iron ueer falls lo cure. Hymptoaisot liyspepsla are luss of apiH ttle, wind and rlbtog of tho lood, dryness of thu utuutu, uv-nuuru, uidiumou or ine biomaeh and boueh, coiutlpallon, headache, dizziness, sleepless ness aud low uplriw. Trylhu m-at reuif dy aud be comincwiot Its merits. Get iho genuine. Take oul, Kuukel's, whkh ts put only la l bullies, lit-pot m sale by all DruggUta and doalnrs everywhere. AbkforU.1'. KunkeU llllter Wluo ot Iron aud mto no ouier, tlx uoities for .0J or 1 1, per bottle, Worms I Worms I Worms I r. F, Kunkel's Worm8iru never falls to destroy Tin, Hint sn-l htomarh worms, lir, Kuiikel, thu enly successful I'hvMclan who remotes TaK worm In hours, allro with head, an uo feu until removes!. Common reuse le.u lies If Tapo worm bo ivmovcd all other worms can lw readily eeatroj ed. Kend for circular to Ii V, Kunkel, till ortI Nluth street, Philadelphia, IU. or call on your di uggUt for a bot Uoof Kuakol'a Worm Byrup, jrlre L It never falls. Uckiber. NEW A OVERT I S E M EN TJs. DM INISTIt ATOR'S NOTK'H, KSTATh Of VA11V AN"S mtUXIMIKK, PrCHASI!!!. li-tfcrsi.f Aihnliilstrulluii on ino est.mi of Mary A. Ilernhigrl, Into of tho 'I n. td n-oll, county if Columbia, dccenseiUintchcenginnteil by HieHegls. ter ofM dc(iunlyl(iAnrotiUeii.liiu(-r,of (nlnlwp"All persons lowing claims nguht Hie rstntn of I lie deep, dent are rciucMed to present, them for Mittlclnetit and those 'Indebted nunc estate lotnnko pniment Ui tlio undersigned ndinlnlstr .lor without ilelav. ...... . Aftllliy IIKIININIIHll. Oct rls.d. w. AihiiliiMr.ihir. A UDITOIt'.S NOTIfM. Tin-unrtcrsUnrd Aiidllorlii Innkn iUir Miu'tlon fit the. bghinro t dm funds In , and? , f llin Amliilslmlor. nmotig tho rarlliA rntlll S ,.,rf.,0n), 111 ",tr'V,,,rt ",n npnolnt nrnt t Ms oflleo on MUn Ktreet, HlooniMmrl-, V -rinVi.. wheronll persons limine elnhns ngalnt tho said Ai mor fir ho debarred from, coming In for n i,nro of nit 'm CO. IIAllUt.KV, nc'' "-w Auditor. IJDtTOR'SN'OTrCK! KSTATB Of t'ETFIl WENSKI1, Vni'p. Tim iinrtervhrnerl Auditor nprvMnlcl hv Ihe Court nr fVimmnn 1' ens nr Cohimbl i eoiitily. hi make dls rlhiitlormf lh funds In llin hinds nf Aihi'lnUtra Inrsdinnrt' Pn'llc rntltled Iheiitn mil inn full p-ir-lles internet d rnr the purpose Cf 1 1. nppUitinent nt iniielnrk n tn rmweili,ed.u. Novcmher 1 nt. his C'fllii' on Main Mrii-i, liliKini'hmg h-n nnil wliero nllp'TMii hiiMngilnlnisnvn'mt Hie wild estate nro n ipilrcil to pnH-ni iliejsnihe'rirjh! ileWned from coming In lur a sliaro r,r tni tund. SAULIII. KSolsif, Auditor. Oct. c, ls;n tin- AUDITOR'S NOTICi:. KSTATK OK llPit, WKAVKS, liKCKsSPtl. Tho undersigned auditor niiimlnieil hvtlm Court tiiillsltlhulii Mm bal.iiien In the hands of Iho lixicu tors of slid deceased to nnd among tho persons enllll-il to the mine, w III attend In the duties of his appointment nt his nnicn In niooinshurg, on lliui-s. day, Nov. , ls;r.. nt in o'clock n. m. when and whom till pei-ons nm hereby nolllled to miko their claim hefom Iho Auditor or In debarred from coming In on said fund. c. W. -VI I I.I.Kit, Oct, 6, '((1,-cw. Auditor. I UDITOR'S NOT1CK. JL KSTATK OF IAKV IIOKI.OrilRtl, nrCKAf EP. Tno undersigned auditor appointed lo distribute funds In hands of s. II. Miller, Tiustee. among parlies entitled thereto wlllineetall peiKonn lntcr estoJ, for tho purpoio of his appointment, nt in o'clock a. in. on Tuesday,! let al, ';n. at-ids onieoln Hloomshurg, when and wliero all (tenons having claims ngainst tho said estate aro requested to present and prove the same before the Auditor, or bo debarred from comlng lu for a shnro nf said fund. J.O. FHEEZF, Oct. , is;c.-t. Auditor. jonUK TO (JOLLlXTOIt'S. I ho tward of Commissioners decider! that alt col lectors holding county dupllcates.il.ited prior lo 1S70 must pay initio Countv 'ireasun r thu balance of said ouplleales during tho threo days of the county fair, vv ednesdav, 'Ihiirsday and FrhHy, October lltli 1 Silt and 1.11I1 next. And IIiom- for ls:n who havo thus far failed to pay their quoin must do so by that timo 'Mils win home last no-lee, and after that timo the neeounts villi be given to the attorney for Immediate collection. Attist: Wsi, KHICKIIAl'M, Coviviis.sionki:.s' Oi'i-icK, Cleik. IHoomsburg, I'a., Oct. 0, 1ST. SHERIFF'S SALES. llj-Mrtua rf smi Iry writs nf Vmillllonl Ilvponasto inodlrecled will ho exposed to puhllo sale at tho Court House In llloomsbiirg, at ono o'clock p. m. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 271li, 1870, All that eortaln trnot of Innil situate In Hemloek I own ship, Col it in bin O lunty l'a., InumW on th, norlh h lands ot Chas. l)ellerlckJ, west by land nf Joseph Mnust, n uith by land of II v. Kesler, and cast by land of William Niignjr, contiilulng BKVF.N' 1Y-TWO AClli:, moro or less, i rt.on nri, cri,( tP, a i-r,,mo u o ;i t: , :: a x cc it a k s and other out-bulldlogs with the iippurlciianccH. belzed, Uken Into execution nndto bo sold us tho projicrtyof Amos 11. Appleinan. ALSO, Atthosamo time and placo nil that certain tract or parcel of laiidMlii.iloln Jackson twp., Columhla ctiinty, l'a., bounded and described as follnws : On tho nortli by land of Joseph York's, east by William Vorks, boulh by Jacob snydor and S. W. Slcllenry, west by Henry Ilurlcymau. containing about tn Acres moro or less, vvliereou nro creeled a l'latik lnvelllng House, and Ilauk-llarn with tho appurten ances. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of Daniel I'rllz. ALSO, At tho sanio timo and placo all that certain Ileal F.slato bituate In tho town of llloomsbiirg, Columbia county, I'n., bounded as follows lo wit: Ilost by Eighth f treet, south by Abo Long, vv est by an alley, north by John Oreen, said lot being 3u feet In front aud loo feet lu depth, moio or less, vvheieon aiu creeled a one and one-half story Frame House ami outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution nnd to be bold as tho properly of Catherine Long. CONDITIONS OF SAI.E.-l'urcli,isers must pay ten per cent, of tho purchase money, or at least enough to cover nil coils, at striking down of 6alo otherwise property to bo re-sold at once. CHAS. tj. FOKNWAI.D, pept. st, 7(i. Miciirr. GLENN'S suzimint soap. Thoroughly Cures Discasks ofthh Skin, liEAUTIFlES THE CO.MPI.EXIO.V, l'REVENIS and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IlEAt Sores and Aukasions ok hib Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Rcmcay for F.rnp. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM TIIE COMPLEXION ALL 11I.EM lsHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, hut also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME BEAUTIl'lER is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages of Sul tiiur Haths are Insured liv tup. fsc OF (ileim'H Sulphur Soap, width in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre-, vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing nnd linen nnd prevents diseases communicated iiy CONTACT With the r-ERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayncss of the hair. Physicians speak of it in lilrjli terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N, U The 59 cent calctt are triple the sue cf t!.ose at a cents. "HILL'S HAIR AM) WHISKER VU,H lllack or llrowu, SO Cents. C. J. CllI'fTESTOS, iTopV. 7 Sixth Av.,S.Y. (ht. 3. -iv, THE LIKE WAS NEVER CCriOWN OErORE.-Wo itrnl tliv tiiirltiuntl Wa'kly Mar, a fine Hflit rnseiff'ty-oiKtit ulitniii m-rtiHdtiHMil'ui n ixili m, ititt) LniH tullot uotxl ludliittf ui.tttfr. tor 81.00 mr year. It I tuu Uwtt Hipr In tlit Unttctl b la tea for th uue v. VmU mibikrilM r will rwi-iv it mrr of lh-i leant if t mimtrtAj-'itlk: I'OOIt, Till! IHlt .MAN'S MIII:M." r-lw, UUM tmlii'd t atutur0 tkul icxiMfmict any ffrnH-mjrf6M in th .i ml. Va hIso fn-ml ! inch ntlnrtt-rr h M'(-) tt ttiMiii llliiktrntetl Almmiur, U.1 t'U.cilr.1 iniMt Imi kfut tor paiitHf urn) pnutita rt-iniuiii. Uirtiei.iRl iiidiicciiifnlti tnavinli. Tu iinj pith.u dcktiinir tuKt't up ncluU, wo ill uvuit niiiniWi y nf tltui't'etitro ami acaiivnxiom onlltttUim-t t lit f 2-1 rtt. Hiociiiierirupvoj iU fxpvr rr. Nvtul 1m uuu lMrirHiilMMrIbliiir lorn iiy olhrr. Tilt! NTAH, 2UU Wulnut M.,Ciuclinmll,0. Oct. b, if lb J. II. KNITTLK. W. II. AIH'.OTT Iniportiiiit (o Farmci's-. and ev irj body In u nnt ct LIMB, LUMBEIt, AND COAL. Wo linvo croetod kilns nt cr near tlo Taper Mlll.on tho H. II. A V. It. it. unit uro now prepared lou-ll llmuatvt-ry rcuaoiiuolo inciu aiiitolnoocltiuallly. Urdore by tha car prumiiily llllitl unit bhlpixil fo any Blailnn on iho utuvo roiul. Arullllnoon.UMIlKI(,o( all klmU, Un-sted or In thu rouuli, bhluKca, IjiIIi unil blU TlmlHT to WliKTl mb Im Ho the uttciillun ol custo-nn-rs. Ordcre received and llllod or all Hurts ot Tikilt Con. Iiy itrl- attention lo business wo hope lo merit a share ol public ii.tlrouiu.-e. KNITTLK A AIIIIOTT. l,m.- Catavvhtoa.ra. DAl'KR HAGS X VHtBAtJS AT T1IK OOLUWlllA OFriOB . A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Jl uTATKot'witii4vi KArnrn, i.vnt op Vihi- 1M TtlVVMlllir, PFtVAfiKK. Thn lindomtirncd Aiidifnr lomnkn i1ldrllmt on Ot (ho fund In thu hand ot iho Adinliiliralortit thccii Inicof vviilhmi liatbcr, ihteiiHcd, will nltcnd m tho tlutlcmir hltoprolnliniiit. iithM oniccln lllooinic Imrifi mi s.iluiilay, Nov. 4lh, lsta, nt in o'clock a. in., whin and whom nil -rsons havlnir c Inline Hk'atnvt. tiioKilit t'sinln, arc rpipilrcd tn picMtitlho Mine bnforo Iho Auditor, or lxj Ucbarreu from com Ini In tor n Miaru ot said riind. i I . Ill U.N ki ru, Hep. m 4w Auditor. liltKAT HKDUCT10N IN THE fiiii'i: oi-' r.MNifi, OII.X, lllll'SIIIW, JAI'AN imVKUJk t'lirrv. Strictly ITIin H'lIITi; MIAllIt cents per pound miarantced equal to any hi Iho marKet. JIONTOUIt WIIITi? I.HAK nl lu cents per pound, (quill many rorimrnouiiy. MONTOUll HLATl: l'AtNIM 8, o and 10 cents per pound, necoriiiui,' to color. MONTOI'lt MITAI.t.lC HIIOWN s rents per pound. 'Iho best fiie-l'iuot Iron l'alnt lu lliu.Maiket. MONTOI'I! .MnT.M.Ut'iimiWNitry ! and 2 rents pre. pound. Aeeordliii;tii(iuatitliy. llest Quality of I'aint l!rnlie.i nl low prices. PURE! LINSBBD OIL wlilehwe buy In Inrpt qti.inlllles, dlrecl from tho Miinulailurcr, nnd ulTer nt theluvvist .Mniket price. HKS'L' JAPAN DItYKH. Ackuowlcdffed hv nil our leadhiu I'nlnleri to be tho licit lu Ihc Mnrkcl. Allouriroodsiiro iruarnnleed as represented and our palntM lo Ih( uroiind In pure Unwed oil, orlho money rclimdrd on deinnnd. send for sample card and price list Willi testimon ials. IIKNRY S. RHAY, tiolc Jlnnuliicturer. Rurr.r.T, I'a. Jtay 8. 'I8.-ly. Babcock 8c Wyoth's Ada Is taken Internally, nnd 1'oMtlvoly I'nret llhntiinn- tlstn. tlotll. Nelirtilirl.T n nil l.linili.itrt). 2o"Sold hV W h(il"s.ilennd llelall liriiiilils even where, mud for circular to. iii-:i.i'iii:nstini: iikstixv. HruguMs, WashhiKloii, I). C. oct.n, ';c,-ly. nftvv V A T 10 K T S . Personsdeslrlni,' lo tak out patents, or (hwlrlnr infoinnllon from Iho frilled smiim Patent oniee hhould consult I'. A. I.LMIMANN, Sulli llorof Ameri can and Vorelsn Patents, Wnshlnston. 1). C. mnlnallons free. NO l'ATHNT NO PAY. t'tnd fur Circular. Oct. o.;';a. ,tw nf tlio Twenty First Aimiiiil l-'itlr ot the Coliiinlil.t Ciiuiity Aufli'iiltural So ciety to 1m held nt Illnoinabiii g, Oet. 11th, 12tli niitl llitli, lSTli. Class I. I-IrH5". DIVISION 1 STALIilONf. Jmluin. Hentou Ikolor, Supt, William Bll.ill'oi', Win. MclisliiKui'. llu.it IVrcheioii Stnllioii $12 00 Second best " 8 OU DIVISION 2-STAl.fiIONS. Rest IMooded Stall Ion 12 00 Second best 8 01) Rest Stallion for nil work 12 00 Secniid best 8 00 Rest stallion colt not over -1 yrs. -1 00 DIVISION :i-Dl!AUfiIIT IIORSKS AND MARKS. Judges Hit .Menilenhiill, Supt., Anion Pat terson, Cyrus Mclloiny. Rest pr draught horses or mures 10 00 Second best i 00 Rest draught stallion 10 00 To bo tested In harness by tho .Indies. DIVISION l-UARIUAGR IIORSKS AND MARKS. Jmlirs It. licit I'll sell, Supt., T. W. Ilujj olihiull, VV. T. Mliiiiiian. Rest pair caniugu liaises or mares 8 00 r-eunnd t est -1 00 Rest sinulo cnrriiiBi' hoise or nuio 5 00 Stcond best 2 fiO DnrISIONC,COI.TS.RHOOD MARKS AND MUI.KS. Jiidj-i Kllnril I'l-estoii, Supt., Alfred r.r win, oeoii;u Aivloiimn. Rest In onif mine, colt by her shlo (1 00 Second best .'! 00 Rest horto or mnre betwicii thieu and four years ,'! 00 Secniid best 2 00 Rest maiM or gelillng between two nnd tliteu jenis II 00 Second best 1 ,"i0 Rejthoiso nr inarn colt betweed out) ami two yeais 2 00 Second best 1 00 Rest hoise or marocolt under ten months 2 00 Second best 1 00 Rest pair mutch colta under lour years broken to harness ,'( 00 Second best 2 00 Rest pair of mules :i 00 Second best 2 00 HxhlbltoiN under IhN clns will haro their hoises on thoKi'ouiiil hy ten n'eioclc Thui-s-day iiiniiiliiK, when they will bo e.Miinihed. DIVISION (S-WAMCINU HOllaUS.. Juriijrslnhn lluitin.in.hiipt., Joseph Hull Kl, Tumi lteeer. Rest (fastest) walking team horses or maies, in harness B 00 Second best (fastest) walklnahoisei or mnre, saddle or liaimss -1 00 Class II. Cuttlu. JaillrsS. Ui ecu, Supt., .fumes liaitnn, John ..ihiior. DURHAM STOCK. Reet bull $12 00 Second best bull l! 00 Rest cow two years and upward II 00 " In-ifer between unit nnd two yrs 4 00 " bull call under leu months It 00 " heifer lietvveen 2 ni d :t ra fi 00 " heifer under ten months 2 00 DEVON STOCK. Rest bull 12 00 Second best bull ii oo Rest bull calf under ten months 2 00 " cow, It jenia ami upwards (1 00 " heifer between 2 and jnua f. 00 " heifer between 1 anil 2 ye.ird 4 00 " heifer under ten months 2 00 J HUSKY STOCK. Rest bull 12 00 Second best bull (I 0(1 Rest bull calf under ten months 2 00 " cow, .'I yeaiHaml upwards II (H) " heiler between 2 and .'I jears 5 IK) " heifer between 1 ami 2 jears 4 (HI " heifer under ten iiionths 2 00 ORADMD STOCK. Rest hull .') veins mil and upwaids (1 00 " bull between 2 nnd II jeurs :i 1)0 " bull belwieu 1 mill 2 ye.us 1 00 " bull uiiiler It'll mouths 1 00 " cow, tint n vi'.uh nud upwards 4 (K " heller between 2 nnd .'I years. 2 00 " belter belvv et'ti 1 mnl 2 years 1 00 " heifer under ten months 1 00 NATiVK STOCK. Rest bull :i 00 cow. :i oo STKKUS, R-st fat steers 5 00 Kxhlbltors will ita their sloolj toady for thuJiKiKi'H In uxuiiilno hy ten u'eloeU a, in, on i'liuroil.iy, nud lo ii-in.v'n tinill lliuo o'vluvk p. iu. on if rl-lay. Class III. . Juilnct Rainnel Hhiiller, Sr., Hupt., Jowiili llimumii, llnxliMcliilde. ' ' Heal brood Miw.uid plg.,(iormore $10 (K) ' " l'oland China boar t) (X) " " brood now 0 00 " lot plga, flvo or more, uiiiler eight weeks r 00 fntuii preiiiliiius for V-Wx, Piiirnlk. mid Che.li-r whlliw us fin-I'lUiiiid Chilis. Class IV. Slioop. Juilsits John M. Ilni' Ion, Supt., Tlioinw P.illiimu, I', 11,1'leeo. COTtJWOLD Ri nt buck $(i 00 " - 4 00 " lot ot lamlB, not less tlun 8 4 00 SOUTHDOWN Rest buck 0 00 " uwo 4 00 11 lot of lnmln, not less limn 8 4 00 SENl'ON MERINO. IJ-at litick (I 00 nuo 4 00 " lot of lambs, not lesn t linn 8 4 00 Class V. Foull ry. .;i(l(7f-Tho. Webb, Sitpt., II, O. Uinlz, 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 Appletiinn. 1 U1IKEYS. Rest forty pnimd litiney $5 00 " pair hitinze) t lit keys il 00 " pair dotnesllu turkeys 2 00 CHtL'KKNS. Rest trio RrahniHS 1 00 " Irlo bliiek SHiilsli 1 0(1 ' tllohnlf Ciichln 1 00 " mill largest collection, not less than flvo varieties I 00 uncus. Rest pair 1 00 (icr.si:. Rest pair 1 00 l'MKONS. Rest nml largest display 1 00 Class VI. Oli'ulii, WoIm umt Flour. .;(lci-f. I'. Alcllctii-y, Supt., John llctz, iteiibeu lioiieh. Rest nnd most llnur fioni two bush els of wheat, gtown mid gioillid in thn counts $:i 00 Rest oil lbs buckwheat Hour 2 00 " half bushel clover smi It 00 S'contl best J busliel clover seed 1 CiO ltest half bushel timothy reed :i 00 Second best i bushel tlniolhv seed 1 TiO Rc.st bushel white wheat, different varieties. 2 00 Class VII. Floltl Crops. JmlffciV. 1'. Mcller.iy, Supt., John lletz, Heubeii ltinieh. I'or the best threo ifies of wheat 10 00 For the best threo acres of rjo 5 00 For the best thtco acres of buck wheat B 00 For the best three ncrrs of corn 10 00 I'or tho best three Hcres of oats fi 00 i'or the beat s.implo bushel of pota toes from onnacrn 5 00 Compel II ois for pteinliini" In t he nhnvo elns lilllst plodliee u -tateiiietit of the niodedf eill. Ilvutliiii.tlie KKiunil to liu in nun conlliMiniH pleee, to be lueilsilleil hv t'llew (ll-llilel("teil tiiiinei-x, nnd e.-itllleil hy thim In wiillm.', (and IiiiikI(-iI to the Seerebiry nt tho tliniillio entry U niadc.) io the eotieelnesn olthd liieniiiieiuetil of Iho hii'd cultivated, mid thu iiieaiiieiiient nl'lhe piodiicl theienl,lhiKiiiln l-seed lo bu Illi-aHtned hy welaht iveeotdlltif litholei:iilsliiiiilai(l. Tliouxhlhllor intitt pro diiee a sainplo of thu crop, not lesi than ono lm-"hel. Class VIII. Vend nltlt'M. Jmll,rx lliitehtii-on Hi-own, Supt., II. 1-'. Ji.iiini, i.ien mi neiu y. llest, and largest display or pita- toes, half bushel of eneb variety 2 00 lit st. half bushel svvtet potatoes ralstd by exhibitor 1 00 Rest bushel Held turnips 75 " half liu-hel rutabagas ol) " " " sugar beets fiO " " ' mangle vvtirt'el ."id " " " beelii HO " " " cat rots m " " " parsnips r,0 " " " onions 7fi " " " mangolds fiO " peck tomatoes 7o " lialf dnzeii vegetable. oysters 75 " half dozen squashes 7." " half dozen ho.nls of cabbago 75 " half dozen Held pumpkins 75 " half dozen oltirns 75 " threo bunelies celery 75 " four egg plants 1 00 " two dozen peppers 75 " two (juitrls 1 1 liter beans 75 " two quarts butler beans 75 " two (lozen ni'lishes 75 " thrto waterinelmis 75 " quarter peck peas 75 " quarter peck union sets 75 " cactus 1 00 " lemon tree 2 00 " tliieo heads cauliflower 75 I'eiKini eoinpetlii); for premiums on tho Intel".! and best ill-plny ofpolulnes will not huiilloweiliipieiiiliiiuoii thosamuhcpurulcly. Class IX. ii'uit. Jtnlfrs 1 1 1 t-ii in lion man, Supt., Isime Jlnvv r, Win. K. Niiiils. AI'I'1,153. R-st display of winter, not less than live vai ietles. six of each Rent looking peck of fall or winter apples Rest keeping winter apple?, six of e.icli Rest pick fall or winter apples " ll-ivoied peck lull or winter uppbs Re.stuiiartSilieri.nl crabs of any kind TEA IIS. Rest display dwuif or standard, live varieties, six of each Rest, looking half doz. any kind " llavorediind most juicy half doz " laigest half dozen, dwarf or standard, tail or winter I'UACIIHS. Rest display of any kind, Gvo va- lieties, six of each Rest Ihvoied and most juicy half dozen Rest nnd finest looking half doz " nud Ingest vaiiety, half dozen each :i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO :i oo 1 (H) 1 00 1 00 :i oo i oo 1 00 1 00 1 0 IJUINCEIl. OIIAl'HS. Rest dozen Rest display, wild or cultivated (hot house exchided).r varieties 2 00 Rest six clusteis of Concord 1 00 " " Delaware 1 00 " " Clinton 1 00 Isabella 1 00 " " Ilartf'd l'rollflo 1 00 " " Iona 1 00 " " Atllrnndac 1 00 " " Rebecca 1 00 " " York Madeira 1 00 ri.UMs. - Rest display, not less than two va rieties, oiih dozen eacli 1 00 llASI'IUJltltlKS. Rest dhplay. nny kind, not less than two vai ietles 00 CIIKSTNUTS. Rest quart .to ii;;iKi muiTS. Rest quart apples, iears, tpilnces, peacliHs, apricots, nectailnes, cherries sour or weet,pitted or iiiipllted), grapes (oitl'.ivated or wild), strawberries, nny k I ml of raspberries, blackberries, dew berries, vvhnrtlebeirles, plums, twelchers, prunes 1 00 The fruit not In ho removed until Iho clout nf the exhibition, and particular fju n In I t iilisoi vod by all poisons thai thu wnu U lint I ej il led. Class X. AVIiitiM unit T.liiioii. .mao-lijihi; Molleiny, Hupl., Solommi llolwfa, II, .1. Conner. Rest quart currant vvlnu 1 00 ' hi ickiK'rry wino l oo " giapn wino 1 00 " cherry wiun i on " ryn vvhiskv 1 00 " older vinegir 00 R-st samplu of fruit jelly, now 1 00 Class XI. ToiuuHtUi Miimil'uoLiii'cH. Ju,luesV, II, ShomnaUer, Supt., Itehecca Tlionus, Mm. John KUiier. Rest loaf of bieatl 00 Second best loaf nf bread 2 ,) Rest roll butter, II lbs. or moro 4 00 .Second best o oo Rest lipplo plo I " e.iniic.1 fruit, tllffdroiit klinla (not lesa than onu quart eaeli) new ' j oo Rest poundcake 50 fruit cako j jkj " glnirer cako 50 " f.iinpla proiervea (nut lesa thim ono quart) new 00 Ihst cucuiniier plckols, new l 00 " variety plckeh, new . 1 ft) quart apple butter, now 7-, " qtart peach butter, now 7,-, ,l quart grape butter, new nr, " quart plum laitter, now 75 " cured ham o K) " sainplea yeast " 50 ,,lrt'1 M " soft soap " gallon inaplu uiolojises 1 00 Class XII. Itotmolinlil arnmtfttoLttmff. Judges Frank 1". JtiiHei-s, dipt., Mis. Ail. ncl Vance, Mis.SjIvesUi- ruiscl. Rest trn 5nidn Ihnnct $2 03 ,, live yards woolen cloth 2 0.) ten vmds oHrpet '! 00 " ten ynls plain llm ti 1 50 " ten jnitla dliiper linen 1 50 " knit wool r-loekltiga CO " knit wool nllteqis 00 " best knit eoltiin Ktcckluga 50 " homo iiihiIh t'hentlsii 1 50 "pali wiinleii hlauketa 2 00 " pair linen sheets 1 00 Class XIII. NVoilloAVorl:, ln'olilcry niitl Oi'iiiuiK'iidil AVoi'tc. Jtidties I'ninh Stewinl. Hupt., MnKRlo Masteis, Mis. Ildlchiiisoii Iti-oivn. Rtst knit quill $2 00 " tidy 1 00 " suit of clothes 2 00 " telling woik 1 00 " specimen bend work 1 00 " siitclmen shell wink 1 00 " specimen burr work 1 00 " ppeclmen lentlnir work 1 00 " spt ciineli hull woik 1 00 " specimen wax work 1 00 " silk einbroldeiy 1 00 " cotton einbidldery 50 worsted embroidery 1 00 " worsted mat 50 " eotlon mat 50 " .worked slippers 1 00 " faii.-y pin cushion 1 00 " head tlless 1 00 " specimen moss work 1 00 Class XIV. X'l 1 1 o J.v I m , Pe n n i u n Ml 1 1 1 ,n o -w-ers imtl ID-h1h:iih. Jiidues Allen WaUou, siipt., Mrs. W. 1', Ikulei-, .Mrs. VV, II. Mhocuirtticr. Jt- st oil painting $1 00 ' Jravving 1 00 ' specimen penintiishlp 1 00 " collrctlon dahlias 50 " artificial flowers 50 " specimen houso plants In bloom 1 00 " specimen dried grass 50 " speclmoi' of (lowers 50 " variety llowers 1 00 '' specimen hook binding dip. " specimen wood graining dip. " specimen lettuiing on niarblo dip. " specimen sign pa.iitlng dip. " display printing dip. " tralispaient painting dip. Class XV. "VolltolUN. JitlleiTi. V. Moore, Supt., J. O. Winter sleen, 1). K. Snyder. Rest plcotoil $1 00 " family carrlagQ 4 00 " open buggy ,'! 00 " lop bntgy .1 00 " faru. wnaoii 4 00 " spillig wagon fur farm uso 2 00 " epilog wagon lor pleasure 2 00 " win elliarrow dip. " sleigh 00 " sulkey 2 00 Class' XVI. -A-m-Unilt it i'n I liitplt.-iiiiMitH.IVtii-cililnct'y, Nri. Judge V.$. llaniinii, Supt., Thoinai Wll lion, I, 1'. Kline. Rest llcht hand plow dip. " left hand plow dip. " right and left hand plow dip. ' com plow dip. " subsoil plow dip. " squall) drag dip. " ono hoise cultivator , dip. " two hoiso cultivator dip. " two horse, corn planter dip. " onu liorso corn planter dip. " thresher & separator combined dip. " mower mid luaper dip. " hay fork dip, " poitubli! cider press dip. " clover huller dip. " sausage gilnder dip.' " washing machine dip. " clothes wringer v dip. " griilLing boo " dip. " bet miner's picks dip. " pair foil! and hind liorso shoes dip. " bliarpeiied drills dip. ' axe handle dip. " gialn cradlo dip. " roller dip, " fanning mill dip. " corn shelter dip. " straw and fodder cutter dip. " harvester dip. " hay tedder ' dip. Any new ofineillnrlois Implements oxhl blli'il mid not piovhleil lot- In tho loieKiihiK ela-s, tint jiidues may lepoit tho incuts of the wimii toe pieiiiliiins in tho Ksecutlvo Coiiiiultlee. Class XVII. Hlovt'H, 'riii-vrni'ii, aCnrtlifii- Vlll't-, "ti. .Indues 1 W. l'ursell, Supt,, Unbolt lint, (Jen. stiilth. ' Rest cooking stove with fixtures dip. " pallor stove with fixtures dip. " vniiery timvaro $:t 00 " variety earthen waro 2 00 " set ni Uncial teeth. dip. Class XVIII. Ciil)Iiu: wtii'is, Khneiniilcei'H, TllMllCl'H. -. JudyesI. W. Sunkpy, Supt., J.ovl Alkiunn, IIiikIi jit'O'ulliiiu. Rest set double, draught harness $5 00 " set double carriage harnefcs G 00 " set single carriage harness :i 00 " pair calf boots 1 CO " pair kip bouts 1 CO " pair miners shoes 1 00 " bureau 2 00 " diessiug stand tllp, " display cahinetwaio 2 00 " sot Windsor cliairs tllp. " set spi ing teat chairs dip. " settee dip. " nicking chair 1 00 ,l half dozen brooms 1 00 " two sides sole leather 100 " twositlo3 kip leather 1 00 " two rair skins 1 00 " sample brick dip. Class XIX. JIOOS lllKl Jto IltVCH. JiKff-n-llaltls Stcrlbifc', Supt,, K.E.Itoat, Illniin Ueeder. Rest swariii Itnllan bees $." 00 Second best swarm Italian bees ,1 00 Third best svvurm Italian bees 1 BO Rest box honey (5 Jbs or more) 1 50 Second best tlo tlo CO Reit jtr extruded white clover honey GO Hojt and largest display whiU clo ver honey (not less than C boxes U 00 Rest honey extractor 1 00 " hen hive dip. d.ooVuTo'lli.lirffi10 h'iV0hccn ti,oi,ro Class XX. 3ruNlml TiinI l'tuiioiilHiiiKl How- lllU' MlKlllllKVM. A siilluhlo placo III thu hiilldliiK will bo fet iip.nl lor Iho exhibition nf unlcles onluieil In thUehUH. .No piiiiiluiiH. Class XXI. rrriuiM i'hiooii. Judges Mr, Utile, Supi., Flank I vans Aai.iu Miillh, Dr. Claipli,; lilo 'rlumun. " FAIIMI'.HS' I.I8T.-THUItSI)AV, ONK OVl.OCK, 1', M. Rest trotting horaa or nmro In tho county, that never was on any track before gojt 00 Second btst do do RKJO Third best do aa 5 00 COUNTV Sl'OUTIMO LIST, KltlDAV TKN o'clock a. m, Rest trottlngihorao er mare iu the comity SO 00 Second best do do 2T 00 Third best do do 10 00 ritlPAY.ONKO'CMCK V, M.-8TALLION8. Rest trotting stallion $) qq VIIIUAY, TIIIU5U O'CLOOIC I', JI.ori!N TO ALL. Rest trotting liorso or mnro 100 00 Second best do do iui no Third best do do 23 00' All untriineo fees must bu pulil Ix-forn iti entry will l mado. KunnnSo ,SS xiVwr' eeiil. nr imrMi. All trial, to uo ilM'lVliiil'by ho he.t lliieoiiiiliinivoliniifc IIoi-m , . t iiKln lh( rui'iiiem' uoi, Wn 1m, , ihilbi , the eounty Irot, H-. u lo ill. I liiitoil it'll: Ibiu t, ll... .ii,i.ity i.ot, (an n.ler In u7 "ru u, nl . 'rhoeiilrleH in ii. ,aUt, ,, Vliuii,hiv w lle'iwoBl -liii'eloek.Thureday m"",. .'A loot a'';!'' w,u r V l" oelnou, A. M. lu ti n ireo to i i. IflO limit lm. uwdo or nu premium will l.. n i,' ,V, , " ha JOHN (I. tiUlUIC, T.JJSKK.VANI.KB.LIOK, V"Mt!"U Wecreliiiy. y