The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 06, 1876, Image 1

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    . ... . . .pjji, , ,,, in ,r-n. ..rrr- ... . . '
pftjj at gUwrtiiStofl.
Jr Issued weekly, every Krlil.vy morning, nt
"3. IIUlOMSIIL'llll Cdl.UMtllA COL'NTV. I'A.
One Inch, l(twclvo lines or Its equivalent In Nonre
rell type) ono or two insertions, l.6ui three Insei
Hons, t l.oo,
, siack. 1. . . .Jv.r
'J TWO liol.l.itts n.r navilhto In nilViini-.v tiv
iniiriux uiujcur. am-nuti (ixinruiion 01 uiujcnr mu uu uuirKuii. iu nuoicrioers oui. ui lit
coitnly tho torlm nro 11 nor jo ir, strictly In n1vnni.ii
Ml VI It not piM In nlvunco and fJ.oj If mi'JiL Lm
4L11.IV01) Ik! mill tlm vear.
Olio Inch ..VUO W i" "
Two Inches, .... a.f.o r. 0 l.'ii MMM is.iw
'lliw inches . . . .vu j . vim ii.'jv v
l-'our Inched l.t w 11 mi ll.u imo
ViMlillljli.ird. itnlil nil n rf.i.irmr.ta nr., nnlil.tint 1
oimrur column. ...Iimw h.oo u.u scuo so.ui
llnir column 1M' Is.ou im.wi .nooo
OIK) COlumtl .00 80.111 40.W cn.oo lw.vo
mil uiinii i-nij m urier t.nn ntmrniiuii nr uui trt
Yoarlv ndi erllvmenls tmyft'ilfl nuorieriy. J ran
stent ftdvei tlscments must ! paid for beloi e instrtou
swio iwrson in uoiumnia county assumes to pay I ho
subscription duo un demand.
Cos I'AdIG U no longer oxueted from subscribers In
tho county.
jccptwht-ro parlies liavonciiiiinis.
ifni nfivini.i.iniiiin mo dollars wr Inch for Ihrco
insertions, hnd nt that rnto for nddlllonnl lnscrUon
without reference to icngui. , , ,
Kierutor's. Admlnlstraior's nnd Auditor i notloos
job 3?Kiisra?i3sra-.
tlireo dollars. , . . . ,,
Tlio jnuoir.e iiepanmentnr tno uoi.cmbian is very .
omelcte, andour.l b rrlntlnir will compare fatora- C. E. EIIQCKWAY, I mm. t.i'.. Department of tho Coi.cmbIAN Is very
iTnnsientor i.ocai nonces, mcnty tenia iuiof
regular advertisements half rates.
Cards In1 tho "iluslness Directory" column, ono
dollar jwr year for each lino.
COIlll'iS'W, unit un ninu'S iiiuvuiiipiviitiuiu'
domand, neatly and at moderate prices, i ' ' '
. .ulrl, nn. nf 1 tirt Artr ,-ltlAa Alt tvnrlf ilnnn nn n T -W-.TT T M.U.U.B and A IvDilflWrB
iJiJ M Mr1 A 4.
flr IIY IV ml IH rtfmv 111. M ivlViy ikiy IV t jffltt
in in mx huh inn i i n
ir III vmp h II ill II ill II, II 11,(111, llli, ; .
-" : ,
Columbia County Official Diroctory.
l'rnsldant Judgo William Elwcll.
Asuoctato .ludgca-lrain Derr, M. (I, Ungues.
Vrothonotar;, c 11. rrank Zarr.
Court Htenngrophir h. N. Wulker.
'touter iti-cordor Williamson II, Jacoby,
OlHirlet Attorney John .M. Clark,
Hirve.or-ls.tao liowltt.
Treasurer lr II. W. .MclleynoUls.
Co ninlssloiicra .lohn llcrnor, H, W. Mcllenry,
.Tinopli funds.
OJinmlssloncrs' Clerk William Kilckliaiim.
Auilltors-M. V, li. Kllno, J, II. Cnsey, l:. II. llrown.
(loroner-Chnrles O.Murpli-.
Jury CoJimtsiloners-Jacob II, Fritz, William II.
Count" superintendent Wl'llam II. Snyder.
lllooin l'oor l)Htrlct-l)lreclors-i). P. Kiit.Seoll,
Win, Kranier. Illoomsburg unit Thomas crovcllng,
loo t, O. r. lint, Secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
Btoimsburg Hanking Company John A, Funslon,
l'reildcii', II. Il.nm i, Cashier.
Kirs N.i Charles II. raxlon,rresldcnt
.1. 1'. Tustln, Cashier,
Columlil.i Couniy Mirual Salng 1'uml anil Loan
AMoil.i tan ti. II. Lttiltf, rrcsldon', C. W. .Miller,
IllooinsiJiii'g Uulldlns anil Saving Fund Assdclai Ion
-Win. Peacock, President, J. II. lloblson, socreinry.
lllDomslmrg Mil ual saving Kund Awvla Ion J,
J, Drawer, l'residcni, Cjjl. llarkley, Secie'nry.
ClliniCli DIllKCTOltY.
lumsT ciiCHCit.
Ucv. J. P. Tus'ln, (supply.)
rviiMAy Si-nlcefl-lnw . mi andfi p. in.
sunilav school -o n. m.
pravur Mootln. Kvory Wednesday evening nt Ctf
Sot Bfreo. The public nro Invl'ed lonllend.
Minis er Dev. J. VcCrnn.
Suu lay Services low "l. and WP-
Sunday school-on. in. ....
I'm cr Meo lug livery Wednesday evening at Otf
Seats free. Nopowsrcn'ed. All nro welcome.
Mlnlser-ltcv. Stuart Mlihell.
sunilay Services loji n. in. and ays p. m.
Sunday Si hool-0 n. in.
I'rai er Jleo lug Every Wednesday evening at G
Sens free. No pows rented. Slrangers welcome.
Presiding Illder-liov. N. S. lluekluliam.
MlnU ei'-llev. J. s. McMurray.
jutnUy Services 1 a and o m.
sundii' School-' p. in. ...
mole class -Hver .Mou l v c-venlngn' i" loi k.
t' .Mou's. I'm er Meo lug I;mt 'Ml-mIii
i-eiilng a illv o'elofk,
(liii.'iMl ITajer Muultiis-i:tury Thur.Mlay evening
T o'clock.
usroiiMKii ciit'neii.
Corner of Third und Iron blieets.
Pastor llev. (I. I), (iurloi.
itott liiin'u o 'iitr il Hotel,
s imUy Ser lea lii)a u. in. and t p. m.
Sanila sch'hil-l) a, m.
1'r.ner Meetlng-saiunlay, 7 p. m.
All nro lin ltod '1 hero Is iiUvn) s room.
er. I'aci.'s cnuiicn.
sundai' Hervlcos-l"W n. m., 0 p. in.
Sunday School 1) u. in.
ririst turn lay In tho month, Holy communion,
sorvlom piepuratory to Communion nn 1'rld.iy
juuilng buluio (he t Sunday In eurli munth,
l'owa rented; but ever hoilv welcome.
1'rtsldlug nid'er-Kev. A. L. Ileeser.
Minister IteV. J. A. Irvine.
Sunday Servlee 3ji. in., In thalron street Chinch.
I'm er Muctiug-l'very Sabbath lit S p. in.
All nro ln Ited. All uro welcome,
TnB CC1!CII 01' C11UI8T.
Moots In "the llltln llrtck Church on tlio hill,"
known as tho Welsh H.iptlst Ohureh-oii llock ttreet
east of Iron; '
l(e'; meeting for worship, overy Lord's day (it
ternoon nt o'clock.
Scuts free; and tho public nro cordially Invited to
SCHOOL OltDKIiR, lilank, jut prinltsl nrnl
nentlv' l-oinil in B-nnll books, on hand and
for sale ut'the columuiaw Olllce. I'eb lv, l!ir.-If
BLANK DKKDS. on I'arclii.i.-nt nml Linen
IMiier, coinmon and for Admlnls raters, i:ecu
lurs and trustees, fur sale cheap ut thu Cou'sidian
MAItlilAOK OK.l!TK!CATi:S i-it ininlr.l
nnd for $alo at tlm Cm umiua-j Olllce. .Mlnls
ier uf the CoI 'jI and .lust lees should supply lliem
helvos with thesu neees'.ai y ai tides,
TUSTIOICS nnd Coiitables' I-Ve-UUU for sale
attlieCoi.;isuN nrili'c. They contain Iho eor
reeled lees as established by the last Act of tho l.i g
flaluru upon the subject. lAery Justice and Cun.
stalilo slioiild hiivoone.
7T.N!UK NOT ICS jnt piinleil nnd for wile
cheap at the Coi.uiiiijas ofllee.
Q II. MJLLKIt .6 WN, .lealer- in Drv
fi , floods, griK'eiles, (pieenswaie, Hour, sail,
hiiovs, notions, etc., Main btrcct.
TIL MAlZi;, Maiiiiiiolli Oroeerv, line Oro
. cerles. 1'iults, Nuts, Provisions, le .Main anil
Ceiitie til eels.
l,'' M KNOItli, Dealer in Hoots anil Shoes,
1 i, litest and best styles, corner .Main mid Market
streets, in mu oiu pus ouiee.
C K. HAVAOK,"l)eater in Chii-ks, Wntelies
' ' . anil-Jewelry, Main st Just below tho Central
1 1 1T7T.T l.'l A lln.imir nl Ifnniiit, in
it Lxchange Dlock, 2d Hoor, llloomsburg, Pa. n3
C (i, 1IAKKLKY, Allorney-at.Latv. Ollice
I . in p,r(!er's building, 2nd hiory, llooins4 s c.
f)( t. 13, '15. WM.M. ItKHKit, Surgeon 'mill l'liysi
I J clan, Olllce S. K. corner Hock and Market
Rti eets.
T 111 KVANS, M. P., Surgeon and l'liysi
) . elan, comeo auinioiltrtTiCoroa -TDlrd btieet,
turner Jellerson. --'
T II.IoKICLVY, M. H.,.SirP'on ami l'hy
J . Mdlan, north sldo.Malir street, below Market,
Til. HOIHSON, A I liirt wv-itl - l-i w. OHice
, In llait'mairilUUlIimig.'Maln'Mriiot
UOSKNSTOVIx, . ,V,l(plugr(ililicr, pyer
, x woirshiore, .hiuhmicci,.
1vAVlI)'LO'li.N'IlF,U,. Mirelianl .Tailor
I J Main M., uuovo ueuuai 110)11,,
S. KUIIN, duller in MeU, Talltiw, etc.,
Jf i'elriroHUUOii'i'eiwreu nixunuttiiu ntu.
riTlOMAS VKl!ll,Uohft'll(,'' Hskcr
L wholesale uudn tatl, i:xfliani;e Jllwk.
JyM--ftt-f f---.,., ..... 1
W. COKKLL, Kili'iiltufo Itooms, lliret-
, Btni-y uritK, iainui.i, uusi ui Marmmv
11.' i'lICKUINO, Cnrpenl'er nrnl Imildcr,
, Aiaiuiiecv veiw inu,
U.'A W. IL SIIOKMAKKIt. Dealers in
, Dry uouds,Hroccnca nnu oeiierai juercnaii
"AITM. ILAllIlQirr, Altor.iey-al-Uw, ilnin
T J' DA LLMAN, Mi reliant Tailor, Second
blreU, liiJiblwi' building.
Catawlssa, 1M.
niiieefions pKioipily msdo and romltlod, OHlco
tillo Catawlisa Depart luuk, tiu-Z
"TTi-sous Indebted to II. I. Dlf ITcnWh for lulntlng
or uiqlpHon Ui Ihu Cni.vviiilN me lureby noililoU
that blslooksbliVOIor klill inuntlis uul betn lu
Iho liuiulHlt Iho uudiivliiioil loriDlliilI'Mi.uiHl 1 but
Mitlleuient tf lliu mine must bo prumpily muilu. All
bills net paid 011 orlstuin Oct. 1, )U, Hill Ui tJ
ocu d by Uuu luxiCvu of law,
Sop. 1-lt
10 '"') (lltu-r, ItlMs wtkHd. Oulflttttd
I J III ut Hie. ll.Xt, ILMh Av.inl,NMne.
MaHL ,,'-ly,
It. A. L. TUnNEK,
llositlcnco on fniket Street nno door uolow
1). .1. Wnllor's.
OfTlen nvif Klnlm'u Urm. Rlnrn. nnlfn liAlirs frrttrt
f to 4 II. 111. for treatment, of illsnnnen nf till. I!'P. Knr
nnd Thront.
All calls night or day promptly attended to.
U. J. 0. HUTTKK,
omee, North Market Mreet,
Mar,27,'74-y llloomsburg, Pa.
jqh. 11. v. oaiidni:i:,
HLooMsmmo, pa.
oniconbovo J.schujlcr A son's Hardware Store.
A T T 0 I. N K Y'-A T-L A W,
Oniee. Itariman's lllorW. corner Mnln nnrt Ulnrknt.
H. onvis,
ni'KiCK llnoin No. 1, 'Columbian" Ilulldlng.
Sept. ls.lsTS.
onieoln Hrower's building, second Nn.
1, llloomsburg. Pa. Iulj1.3 y
1 If. A W.J.imCKALKW,
llloomsburg, Pa.
(mice on Main Street, llrst door below Court House
,Mur.i, n y
V. it J. M. CLAHIC,
oillee In Cut s Inillillng.
. I'llKt H IMl UMlTlt.
a (:i:i;vi:lln(i smiths son,
IllooiiHtmrg, 1'n.
CTiAll bulr.ess entrusted to oui caie will reelovo
liomit ntlentton. Julyl,'"a y
(iKKicK-AilJi'lnlng C. II. W. .1. liuckiilew.
Illoomsbuig, Pa.
Apr. 14,'IO-ly,
K. II. 1.111 IE. ' llllll'T.,
11. It. li. LITTLK,
Al 1 a-A j -i,av ,
Hloomshurg, Pn.
SWlliwIness before tlio IT. S.l'nteiitonieeiilleiirted
10. Olllce in the coluinblau llulldlng. ly 58'
J A T TO It N K Y S-A T-L A W,
Coi.fMniAN lli'ii.iiiso, llloomsburg, Pa.
Members of the I'nlted Slntes Ijw Association.
Collections inndi In nnv part of America.
.vgeins lor 1 oniineniai i.ue insurance company 01
New 01 k. Assets neiirlv fi.iiiiii.eixi. 'I ho best In thu
country, send for descilptlve pamphlet. tf
Cenlra)ia, l'a.
Fell IS, '70-1 y.
fiUOWN'S IIOTKL, I'.lonin.liurg. li II.
I stohner. Pronrletor. Aieoionioilutlons llrsl
il.ivs. In 1 1.50 per day. Ucbluurant attached.
u loners, t-u
bus ieir(.V(d bis Hoot and Fhoo Jtero fitm llrown's
ll(4el to 1st dooriil'0e Wag('ii(lleriunl Mull pless
Towanda Hoots a t'lcctalty. l!eali lug done at bhoi t
not lee.
1 M. DlilNKKl!, G UN and LOCKSMITH.
M'lng Machines and Machinery tf (ill kinds ro-
paln d. Oi'KKA lloihi: IlulUllng, Illoomsbuig, l u.
Oii)um1(u tlio Court House,
The 1.11:11 kst mid HtsT lu all lesrecls In thecounty
W. 11. KOON'S.
Oct. 8,'75-ty Proprietor.
"y II O Yy- K L L,
orilco In IlnitmairH lllock, bccond iloor, coiner
Main mid Maiket htieets,
May 20-ly.
T7I J.THOKN'liiw
1j. would nnnouneo to Iho rltlensof lllooins.
bTug and Mclnlly that he has just received n lull and
complcto assortment of
FixiciiEs, conns, tassels,
and all other goods In his line of business All tho
Iievvebtand most approved pat urns or the day nro
nlvvays to bo found In his establishment. Main street,
below Mat ket, oct. 8.'iB
CY, Exchange llotel, Hloombburg, pa,
Htna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.. .
Liverpool, London and tilObe '.'o.m n.o o
Ilnyal of i Ivcrpool 13 nw,uoii
lncanshlro la.nfio, m
Flro AssiK'latlon. I'blladclphiii,...' R,10i,ooo
Aineilcnnot Philadelphia 1,100 nnu
Atlas of Hartford n 0,000
Wvomtng, of Wilkes llarn; ,.,, .,,,.,,. y.ll.iHm
Farmers Mutual of D.invllto '. t.nno.iKO
HanvllloMutual.,.,..., 7M 11
Home, New York: L n.ano
Commercial L'nlon 1 , 1 7,11110,11111)
Marcli !S,n-y
f IMII: UNDKItSIONKD, represenliiigseviTal
1 of tho inost conservijllvn luid reliable Ameili
e.111 I'lru liniiiuiieo compunles, would beg h ave to
oiler his services In Ihu (lllzciisof IllriOinsfangiitid
vlclnlti , ii qudsiliiga reitsoiiablo share of ILu publto
Iilooinsbiirg.July Is, 17".
onico lu lirow it's lllock,
July sl-r.m.
The allbtariiulicatw
Contains Pictorial Illustrations nt Hulls and Hears,
Also, full and complete Instructions how to operate
lu Slocks anil stock Privileges, Capital hits mid
suggestions. Also, nlblof Yuluablu Premiums to
Clubs. "M ini for It."
Ill'CKWALTKK - CO.. HniiVers and Ilrokers,
P. O. I1(X 4317. 1M Wall bt., Now York City,'HS.-ly
Columbia County
lxirinrrlr tlio Hank of Kspy, rcmontl April llrst,
1SIG. isconveiilenily lociiliu lu the centrul jurtof
Ihu town, and doctru general IIANKINO Miilnubs.
Monet 1 m lull on deposit MibJ. tt 10 cheek with,
out nutlco. special nmiiigemcnu made v ttu Uepos
I loin, and Interest ullou ed on tlmo lelts.
Jtaue J)r)4 0n JVif York anil I'MlaMjthia.
Cullectlciis made on nil linimrtant towns lu the If,
S ut lowest rules of exrliangu. Iiondi awl stocks
iHiught uiul told, and coupons (wiioehJ. Ku ry no
rurlty given loUejmMturalliat cau be offered by any
Discount Days: Tuesday and Friday.
Aug, 10, HJSrn.
1IIIS I'll'KII 11 ON 1 1 UK win
Advertising K en1,
&K in OOTr diy ktliOlo, Haniplci worth tl
ftO 10 U hec, briswsi ei CO., jijjiUaiiu, linuo,
MurcU la, '(rl)r,
id 31. sw-isrE,
'II10 discoverer nud eomimutder of the far-famed
Compound Byrup or Wild Cherry
and other valunblo preparations, enlereilupon his
professional career with the Imiiortaut advantage or
a regular medical education lu ono of Hie oldest and
best schools In Philadelphia, und, lierhnps, In thu
world Ilo sutwuuentlv served n faithful term of
practice In the Philadelphia l)lpensary, mid for ma
ny jours nttended In the llnxpltal. In these Institu
tions ho enlojeil Hie most ample opportunities of ob
taining nil iii'lght Into diseases In all their vailous
founs, as well us for ascertaining tho best methods
of the! treatment, lu otlei lug, therefore, to tho peo
plcmf Iho United slates thu fruits of his extensive
professional experience In the medical compounds as
ihu best icsulta of lils skill nnd observation, ho feels
that he Is but prorferlng a 1100s to every family
throughout tho land, resting, as he does, confidently
In the merits und emcatloiis Mrtuo of thu remedies
he herewith eulumends. '1 ho vast nniountot tesll
monv from nil parlsof thevvnrldhas proven "DOC.
CHUIIItY" the most elilcacious remedy known, nnd
It is admitted by our uiostcinlnent uhvslctans, nnd
all who have witnessed lis woudi rful healing prop
erties. 'Iho WILD Clli:illt lu nil ages of tho wor d
and In nil eountiles where It Is known has been JusU
ly cilebratec for Us wonderful medicinal iUalllles,
but Its grout power locum suir.oof the worst nnd
most ilNti easing diseases among us was never fully
ascertained until tho expeilinents of that sktimll
physician, Dr. swavim, had demonstrnted Its high
adaptation. In combination with l'lne 1 ree Tur, nud
other eipiullv valuable vegctalilo lngieilleiits, which
chemically combined rendeis It action tenfold more
eeitnlnnnd I1e11e1lel.1l lu curing nil de-cases of Hie
thront, breast and lungs. Hit. -AVAYNL'S VIM)
ClIKIlllY COMl'Ol'ND slilkcs atlho root of dlscafe
by purlfjlng tl.o blood, restoring the liver and kid.
ne.vs to healthy action, invigorating the nervous and
sluitteicd constitution. If jour druggist or stoie
ki'eper does not have It, do not lie put off by nny
other remedy that may bo olTcred, but send lo us dl
rect,nnd we ill fotwnrdn halt dozen to any address,
freight paid, on lecelptof Iho bilec, (I per bottle, or
f itlie half dozen. Address letters to Hit. SWAYNF.
a SUN, ;i:ro North Sixth btieet, Philadelphia. No
charge will bo made for advice.
Asli Your IlinsRlst for TIkiii,
reiiiule mill nil vil.o v.ilue lit'i.lth slioulil neu I
Lu v.liiioiu nil. svv .vi M'.'.-. i.vh i-n si.sAI'a
1:11. 1.A 1'llil.s. ns the puiir.i tl:e blood. 11 move all
obstiuctloiis, cliiii'.e tlio skin of all pimples unil
blctthes, und bib theilch lolortf be.iiili lothe
buluiheik. 1 1 1. 1, ue liitgul.nlties me ivituud Ion
hfnlih. eoiidllioo. Thuyuie ueei'lulu eitivfor slilc
und Nirvous lieadaeho. As 11 Dlunei Mil, nutlilng
cun exceed Hit 111: U1M1 one, two. or inuj be
found neusMiry; unllku oitieis, ihei nelllu.r gilpo,
jiioiluce nauseii, tl uii otl.ei unpnnsui.t sei.sattoii.
Willi.) u.ei 1.10 us naivurul in it Is pos blu lorn
uiedieii.e to be nud be Iiaiuiless, 'I bese Pills cleanse
but Hie dlso-ileied huinuis, and puiltj Iho
blood, leniove nil iiiiiiculili) b.lloa.s seeieti.m of the
bluii.iuli und biiwul-, cuti.-liig a porlei-tiy lieallhy
slate 01 tho llier, atnlure uuuoubiedly tho bestea
UlalllJ nnu unuoiiloii.-, iiii'iiieiue jcl oieoien u; i.uu
we 1110 lit it 1 iiiluid Hint II u sick shah hnve them ut
u pneo wtlliln tho rueaiis tf tho pouiest eeuii 11
box of 110 I'ills.) If jour uiugglst or bloukeepi 1
bus not got Ibciii, do initio put olT by any ollieia
ljuil llia o ouerfil ill uien jiuct , uui senu 10 uu m
rut. and w 0 will forw aid by mull, on ilccIuIo! tho
pi lev, 21 cents a box ci mo boxeuea (I,
Swayne's Ointment,
Isp.irtlculaily nd.ipled to all forms of skin dis
eases. Vureseven when nil othir reme
dies and treatment fjil.
dins Teller,
Salt llheum.
Ilniber's Itch,
Prill le Itch
sore lle.nN,
lliimois. Piles,
All Kiuptlous,
scald II nd,
Pimples, Sores,
Army ltdi,
Itiotdies, St urvv,
Chroiilo liryklpelas of tho
sw,ii, r.'s oi.vrnt r.xr
Sctu.slo cureev ry case, leaving llmskln smooth
und dear without a bleruMi beblud.
Itching Piles
Is generally pi eeeded by a moisture. Ilko persplrn
tlm , ilKiii sslng Itching, as ihough pin worms were
trawling lu tr about Iho lutiiui, parlleulnrlv at
i.lghlulieu uielresslng.orln bed niiergetilngwnrin.
It appears lu summer us vie' I us win r, oftentimes
shows Itsilf uround the prl at" pjits.niidlsnot con
llr.ed to 11 ulesonly, hut Isqulle asfiequeiit that fe
lniiles mu sor" y nnilited, paillculiiily lu (lines of
pregnancy, exlendlng 11 to Iho vnglmi, pio Inn dis
tressing aln fist bevnnd i o powers or enilmaiice.
Cjses of longsiondlng, prouoiinced Incurable, have
been perinaiienllj cuied by simply nppljlng
Dr. Svrnyno .t Son : Gentlemen The box of Olnt
mrnt sou sent mo by 11111II cuied tno entlrelv of Itch
ing Piles, which 1 bullcrid with for lite Jems, en
closed Und fifty cents for another box lor a fi lend of
mind. Anukkw J. Hi.ach.
Farmvvcll Slntlon. Loudon Co,, Vu.
Ilo-. Isaac Holland, Webster, Taj lor county W.Ya.
November 20, 1S73 I bavo been a suilerer from
Itching Piles. I prourod 11 bin of jour ointment
lit, Ltiitt... , l.lil. (ftiv,, , Intliit.i ,,.f ui.. 1 r..,.l
conlloenllt will elfctt 11 pennunent euro ' l.i chcd
nnu nny cents, ror wnicii pieaao senu mo auoiucr uo.x
by mall.
An Eruption of 8 -Tours Standing'.
I was troubled with nn eruption of ilgnt jenrs
llchlng. inlolernblo ut times; irhil ninny piepaia
tloun without llndlng Irllei, 'i'hroiigti Iho ii,e of
bvvujnu .s Aii'iieuiiug inuimiui 1 uui eniueiv curetu
Jnssi'it l.AMiiilnr.
At Hoi Isman Ilros., Slh and Cherry, I'l.ll.i.
X was entirely cured tf Totter
In us worst fonn by Dr. swnyjio's All-'lleijliig oint
ment, nud shall bolappy toexp4ln luyease tuull
who may call upon me.
Jami's McKiM.tY, West Lnd Hotel,
2M Street, below Lumbal d, I'hlladelphla.
Sent by malt to any nrjdrcss on receipt of price, to
cents a box.
Descilbu sjinptnms in all cominunlcallons, and ad
dress 11 uers 10 1111 niiaiii, ,v au.i, i-uiiaueipuia.
No charge for adi Ico.
olo Proprietors and Manufacturers or
celebrated alf over the world for Its lemarknblo euros
of Suofiila, Meieui' and syphllltle ooiupialiits,
and menses win 10 Sijililllllc virus of Ihu patent
i'iium'S ilevelopuieiit of S.vphiltSur Srrorula'ln iho
child hoi hlng his ever proved so In com
Meteli eradlealliiL' every tchllmi of the-odamreruus
eouiplaliitsaud all diseases ai Islng fioin Impurity nf
lliu 010011.
Ilo punleiilar to obtain Hiu geuuliu, ns prepmed
by IHI. SWA Nh 4: SON, 81 V. cth hl.,l'lill(!elplil 1
Seelliutthu namnls shelled cnrrccflv. sUAVVII.
as Ihero mu preparations uf bomuiv hut similar name
ltellablo Hair
llosforatlvo uvcr
For Kcslorlng
llruy Hulr anil
Tlio great
Luxury of
tho Dress
I loom,
London 11 air Color restorer
London Hull' Color Koslorer
Uiiidou Hals color Kestorwr
Loudon Hulr Co or llesiorer
I oiiduu Hulr Color llesti rer
lAii.don Hair Color llesiorer
Iunion Hair Color liebtorcr
lAiiidou IHUr Color llesiorer
lAinilou Hair color lleslortr
lAiiulon I lair Color llebluivr
London Hair Color llcstort r
I melon Hulr Color llesiorer
lAuidnu. Hair Color Itesluier
ijimlon Hair Color Itoitorer
Wiiidnu Hair Culur llehton r
Loudon Hair Color liebtorcr
Loiiilun Hair Color llesiorer
London Hulr Color llestoier
lomlou Hulr Color llesiorer
li.iidon Hir Color Heslorer
lAiiidon Hair Color Heslorer
London I lair Color lu sUTi r
1 oiu on linn' color uenorier
Uiudoii Hair Color Itesion r
London Hair Color Heslorer
liiiulou lluir(Hjlor llesioier
lAiudou Hair CoK.r Heslorer
1, It will rest or fttvy hair to Its original color,
vi. It villi make I w hulr gi ovv nn lulu heads.
3, It will restore, t!i luiuiol secretions.
4, It will reiuovotkU liumlriiil ami lulling.
t. It will inakutbe hulr boft, glossy und lluxlblo
( It will probcrv u b ulglna) color to old ago.
T. It will prevent Uiu hair from falling oil.
. It will euro ui Ubdaws of tho bculp.
VB Oonts per Rottloi
sbotllosti, Kent by espn-sslo liny adilieis onrn
Adilrftssanloralulilt.hVYAYNR k SON, MO Nor lb
BUIh bliuut, I'hlla., Pu., bblo proprietors.
I cannot mako him dead I
Ills fair sunshiny head
Is ever bounding round my study chair j
Yet, when my eyes, now dim
With tears, I turn lo him,
Tlio vMon vnuishes-ho U not thero I
1 walk my parlor floor,
And through tho open door,
I hearn footfall on tin cha.mborstntr ;
I'm stepping toward tho hall
To glvii the boy a call i
And then bethink mo I hat-lie Is not there!
fauevi:m, to sujimku.
Summer Is fading i tho broad leaves that grew
So freshly green when Juno was young.nre falling;
And nil tho whhper-hauutcd forest through
Tlio restless birds lu bndd?ned tones are calling :
"Farewell, sweet summer,
Fragrant, fiully summer,
Swett farewell I"
Upon tho windy lillls, In many a field,
The honejMiecs'h mu slow above the cljver,
Cleaning the latest sweets Its blooms msy J leld,
And, knowing that their harvest tlmo liover,
Slug, half n lullaby and half n knell :
"Fnrencll, sweet summer,
llonej'.lai'en summer,
Sweet f.uew-ell 1"
Tho little brook that bubbles 'mid Iho ferns,
O'er twist ed roots nud sandy shallons plajlng,
Seems fain lo linger in;its eddied turns,
And with a plaintive purllngjvolce Is sajlng,
Sadfer nud sweeter than my;soug can tell !
"Farewell, svt eet summer,
Warm and dreamy summer,
Sweet farewell I"
Hie iltful breeze sweeps down tho winding Line,
With gold and crimson leaves before It Iljlng ;
Its gusty laughter has no sound'ot rain,
Hut In Hie lulls It sinks to gentle sighing,
And mourns the summor'scnrly broken spell
"l'ar"W ell, sweet summer,
Hose, I looming summer,
.' v.-. et r..rnv, II :"
So blut an ! bee a. 1 1 b-nk ah I hivr.-' m ike moan,
VV th lit. I iiieleili song lie. Ir hihs eomiiiiiliilug ,
I, to., iiiii-t ji-ln tin m, us I wlk alono
Anioi g tho sights un-l sounds of summer's waning;
I, loo, hnve loved ll.u sei s .11 p losing well .
So luiuwell. suinbijf,
Fair, but faded biinmier,
1 Sweet taievvell I
Lij;lil, lient, liinuty, 1 ifu-p t vinir sntitli I
The iutit sceki it Inr its glorious depths of
color ; llie'ioet (or IN eln-slu 'rudilions nnd
drcumy influences ; tlie invulid' lor its Imliny
breath uiul revivinj; vvnrtiitli, winch stir tlio
pul-cs that in northern lands censu to bent.
Lionel Morton, half j'cict, half artist, ami
lialf Invalid, stiught it for life bolli of mind
and body ; and his delicate frame sheltered
f.i m the chill blu-ts of the ninth woke to 11
li'W Icing in the soft Aiisoiiian climate,
whilst his artist eye ghincid with n pleaded
delight over lnxiiriatit plains and olive
planted lopc.,vvith here nnd there, n plimpsii
of the yellow Tiber llnwing ninjestically
lie was just now slaibling in tlio doorway
ol the inn, gazing, not nt tliu l.tndscupo or
tlie skies, but at a face that had attracted
his ntlention nioris than once since his arriv
al at . lie had seen it first in tho
beuutilnl gaidens of tho villa, not far from
the inn, pc. ring through the parted branches
of 11 myit'c, vvlnxii dink glnsy leaves
sceincd to fonn n fitting Iraine-vvoik fur tho
living picture behind them. Hut the braucJV!
cs nan cioseu nastily, n jiio gin niei 1110
blue eyes of Lionel fixed steadily upon
"We must go homo, Tina," said she to tho
child who was watching tho doves wash
themselves in the basin of the fountain, and
she swung it up to her shoulder, where It'
wound ils tiny hands in her dark hair,lnn$cn
ing soinu of the colls that fell heavily down
below her waist. A Hush cuno over tlio
pale olive skin.
"Thou art a bad cliih , Tjun !" bho said,
as sho hastily twisted up tlio long tresses
under the folds ol L'cr white head gear.
The long lustnim eyes had but looked at
Lionel for a moment, and yet they seemed
to havo (old him a long story that he hud
been in the past trying to decipher
Next ho had oeen her in church, kneel
ing in fervent prayer, and had silently
watched the change.) of her countenance 1111
tilagain she perceived him, nnd witli u star
tledlook 10-e and fled away.
To-day Terc.t slood leaning against a
s'oue pillar, playing with tho pink blossom
of acatalpa tlint stood near her, when sud
denly she found herself onco more facoto
face' with tho Knglish stronger.
Ho had diseoverol her name Teiesivj
daughter of blind Toiiias Oecehl and Ids
b.d-ridden vvif). Shu vyiH a good daughter
atid worked haul to support her parents.
To-day she second In bo Inking life ejisily
drinking in tlm splendor of the purple
misls and golden sheutsof sunlight with true.
Italian indolence.
''Dolce far iti ule ' thought Lionel, as lie
looked at tlie hliilucliko' figure, und' the
head thrown back, pa'rtly with vvearinesx,
partlly w ith. an. i.titei'so"'ippircciati,ci) "of tho"
beauty around her
Hut .Tcies.'i's rest was not to Uo, of long
'duration. The mercanti nf tlio OainpagniL
hud bent for laborersto gathcrin tlie.Iiarvest
and men and women wero forming into
bands to join in tlio work. Teresa was go
ing, so gossip had told Lionel, and to lilm
it seemed a sacrilege that the beautiful insid
cu should toil nnd slavo with tho common
multitude. Hut what could he do f And
in tlio midst of )U meditations tlio girl
raised her face, nud again their eyes met.
"Teresa?" Tlio namo burst involuntarily
from his lips.
Shoftlnrtcd and blushed, but this tlmo
did not flee a way. She looked at Lionel,
"iSi, bignore,'' 'slio answered,
"That Id a pretty flower," fault Lionel ;
"will you ijive it to me?"
SI10 made no rrplv, but put tlie blossom
Into his hand. And so tho ncfpialiilituce
was made, und the two chatted away in Iho
Lionel had gone to Tninns GVochi' lodg
ing. "Ilul your daughter Is not ktrong f nouj-h
for such work I" said lie, in conclusion to a
long harangue.
Tho old mini shrugged Ida shoulders,
"INivf rty," wild he, "U a hard' master, nnd
T(no. I n goouVglrl., ,
"Too Rood to endanger her life In tho
ItilU nf tho Cninpngna. Think of tho rlik,
tho labor, tho heat, the Uiul evening ipMa?"
HutTomiu bsoked beck beyond tho dU
comfoils nnd rcniemliered a tlmo when the
plains rwoundul with kong nnd laughter,
nnd tlio wind was bronchod nal houitt wtiro
"I found my wife llierc." snld he." nnd
Teresa may find a husband."
Lionel Instinctively drew back, A hus
band among tho.o laboring peanintsl Im
possible j for lu Ids eyes Teresa vv'as worthy
10 ho the bride of n king,
" tint find n mbstituto for your
daughter ? I ," and then ho hesitated,
for Teresa had come Into tho room,
"How much will It cost tu get n substitute,
Teresa ?"
Teresa laughed. "Olovanetta would pay
11 she could get to go in my place," said
she. There are too many ready and willing
to go."
"Let them go then," responded Lionel,
''Thcsigiiore forgets wo must have money,"
returned Terea.
Scarcely lliiiiklng of what ho was doing,
Lionel had pouted out the contents of a
purse full of English gold upon the table.
The (piielc car of Tomas caught the noiiud ;
lie stretched out his hand as if to clutch the
ringing coin, but Teresa sprang between,
turning a Hashing face upon Lionel.
"Wo are not beggars I" she exclaimed J
"I work for my bread P
"Will you not let 1110 help you ?" aiktd
Lionel, in a low tone.
"You cannot," she replied, iu an equally
low voice ; and the flash died out of her
face, for Lionel's tone was very humble, and
his eyes had spoken something to her thnt
her heart answered. She gathered the
money together and put it into his hands.
"It must not be," said she, as sho sorrow
fully departed.
"' iou art a fool, child I" said Tomas
Cecchl, when Lionel win out of hearing.
"These Knglish know not what to do with
their gold, and wo should have been all the
heller fur it. '
Slowly plodded the Lugo giuv oxen uvcr
the plains nf the (J.tmp.igiia ; lu.ily -aunter-ed
the driver at their side. IIiov and ihei
ono heard the sounds of merriment ; them
again were silent toilers; hem worn our,
laborers who hud crept into the slindti and
fallen ii-lcep, and above strelched tlm bind
honi-en, t II und oloiellin, over the nf.iv
und purple sivcepi 1 f f ir oll'landscap", with
here and llieio a pateli ol "tin-gilt Wider.
Ail ibis Lionel saw, for ha had obtained a
lodging iu line iil'llielnrgcsl'uue.fiirinh'iuses,
since money vyill obtain anything, and tho
fair, delicate looking, generous Englishman
was popular among the poor Italian peas
ants, Teresa knew that lie was there, but she
avoided him ; and he, s'eelng this, only
watched her from a distance, and gave nn
token that she was more (o him than nny
other laborer on tlm'vnft plains. lie had
seen Tomas and his wife, before lm had
followed td the Cilinpagna, and they were
amply proviileil)f(iijMiirlng their daughter's
Lionel Merlon hnd fallen in love, nnd 1 0
sat down and took the matter into deliberate
consideration. His lint thought was that
Teren was a ipipen ; fit to be the ivifuof
any man, was his'second ; why not of him
self? was tlie third ; nndthiit sho should be,
if possible, was Iho fnuith. Yet how to pro
ceed was tho difficulty. He felt, witli all
tho keen sensitiveness of an Englishman to
absurd situations, thnt l.e was somewhat
absurdly placed at the present moment; for
Teresa, calmly pursuing her work, gave him
sjio opportunity of aildiessing her without
Imaging the eyesot the inullittiUe upon him
self nud the handsome maiden.
Teresa was the one lo break the silence,
She feared the pestilential breath that comes
with the chill blasts and heavy dews idler
the heat of the day might take effect on
Lionel Merlon She noted a lassitude and
fevcrishness, which he imputed M nis statu
o( in 1 ml, and suddenly .she appeared beforu
"Signore, you must Ilee from hence, or you
will die 1" ,
"And you will have killed me, Teresa."
"Xo ; it Is the poisonous mists of the
'What brought me hither to breathe them?'
asked Lioncl, abruptly,
'""hesigiioro I'm gets that I begged Dim not
to think of bo rash a scheme," replied 'ferc-a,
evading life question, "I'or ine, who am
accustomed to thu changes, it is hul'e; lor
tho bignor it is death, and he must go,"
f'Ilack to Krascali, if he so wills it j or,
better, perhaps, away frunrltnly."
"I Uftiiuot livonvvay Iroiu Ilaly; it is my
life, iny hope; and hero I can-study art and
ii.nko myself a home. Hero 1 can bo hup.
py, and yet you send mo unity f '
"I have luid ihoMgnnro that I am not
fitted lor his wife. Hmides, my duty is to
my 'parents; I must, tend them till, they
- ''Yet you ieavn.'tbeuL now !"
"Only ll.r their benefit."
''It would benefit them more if you were
,my vyife."
' Hut Tercs.v. shook hcr.licad mournfully.
"Sun e jiouible," sho said, decidedly.
v,."Yet yoji lovomc, Terca?"
"Yes;',' ,naid..ahe, with emotion j "but I
unit t do my. duty. 1 havo made a vow not
to marry to long as my parents livo."
"It is u foolish vow," said Lionel.
"Jt is nevertheless a vow," sho replied,
firmly. "Signore, you must go. JiMt'o,
Hut as sho spoko a sudden shivering seiz
ed her tho luyer that sho had dreaded for
Lionel hud fallen upon lieorlf'.
Teresa hail hut few friends among tho la
borers in thu C'limpagna; but one woni.m,
whom Lionel recognized n belonging to tho
1'V.isc.iti, was willing enough to undertake
thoollico ol nurse in consideration of tho
luviih payment for it, nud to accompany her
homo when bho was nut of dancer.
Then Lionel turned hi ktep northward,
scekins no intcrviuw, for ho know that
Teresa was, firm in lu-r resolution, nnd that
It would ho nn insult to her piety and her
soma of filial duty to attempt to shako It.
So lib hastened away, Imping: by constant
change and excitement to drive Kit imago
from b'ht heart.
Ho puiscil, tho frontiers, nnd then the cold
tint th winds begun to blow, und lie could
not fuca them, Jtnd l.lonol Merion learned
Uint hU Only hipoof lifowBulndcesrUn Italy
It neemed .ftluf-t a though fatoweivl'Iddlng
hlu retting luid u he passively relgtsl
h!inse)f,iaWi,MetKl by nhnv Muse tho way
to l'Vasciit.tU'Uyli)g no ho drew nmrer nnd
nearer to, U nnd yet with overy I ntcntloii of
beclnjt Turn "iuco more.
Hn took tip hi residence nt tho inn ngnln,
hut saw nothing of Teresa; neither did ho
hear ol her until upon making inquiries from
the innkeeper ho found that Immediately
upon her return from IheCnmpagnii her par
cuts had been taken 111 und wcto now in tho
last stages of dieaso and win poorer than
ever. Hut Lionel shrank from intruding,
Although ho and tho old Cecchl had been
vci v friendly.
S ill Teresa hnd n conseiounos ot his
prce ico in tlie constant supplies of nil need
ed fur tho sufferers at the hands, of tho inn
keeper, nltd she did not refuse them, for she
was aim isfc worn out with her vigil nnd per
Imps rcg, rded this unexpected assistance as
nn ansvvci to hsr prayer, mid therefore not
to he flung ungratefully aside.
And then .'mm' tho end, Tho death angel
closed the old imui'( eyc, mid.lhi' mourners
carried liim to .li-i grave -soon to bo follow
ed by the wlfu who Jmd jmirneved with him
through the world. And then Teresa was
lelt an orphan tlom iu tlio woild. And
then Lionel once nioio laid:
"Tenisii, you lovo me ."'
And Teresa rep, '.cd, - i-he had done be
fore, "Yes." Hut Itis tL m she added: "The
vow that parted us is a, eon (dished, and I
am no longer f'oib ddeit t.) bo your wife."
Vatscl't Magazine.
Dfii.l Letters'.
The paradise of 1 iaU, "lo few unknown,"
is tlio mental comment as 0111! sols' tho many
evidences of people's circle vsness, foolish
ness and stupidity which arc displayed at
tho Dead Letter Ollico "Museum. Arranged
in glass cases on the four tines of the room
me all these waifs of travel, dipliye,J willi
a vicv to their ir.-pcctivo attraction, and
suggestive of Iho lieaeltery of postage btrtft. 's
nid tlir :id i 1 Li'e vyl r' s"inetii' ovel
ilr- s r eu mu '-1, itr. lore is iv r; "".Ling
nut -in iil 1 luni 0 ! iinb.'i U' lurgi 1- ) an a
lnvi -pipe Lit.
SmicIi a pn lelieiMiaiil mi it -1 it l ivn,
so 1 li.qniit. o''ilij ijuiiiitiiicii. nud .i;..itoiI
hopes 1 L ieks 0 ji.dr--tln ii an v nolo
sw itches of lliem aid lis I'm .dlott tra'i..'.
vu in-' luni lliem nnv d(1 1'inhelS'if . in in
ilic ! is.'in nt of t 11 Lit! d.1111. Hut 1100
ir.seif the reeip out ol a iden pmcel 'rum
tile liHl.ds nl tl.o p lm:.i sinno inortl'tig,
which upon beini'i lonrsl d'soiiv-is t Jive
ike I Whether c would go inti nip
tures or hysterics at null a titasiin' would
bo a mailer of tastu, 1 suppose. Hut, lien,
people do send snakes rlirough Hie' mail, and
sometimes they comp. back t thu l)
tcr Ollico for want ofn 'daiiuaiH. nud we seo
them lending a serenely: .-spiritual existence.
in n ghisu.jur among ntl er stray po.Knl curi
osities. It is a, fact that a jostinastcr one?
found n small livo alligator disporting
among tlie letters nud lippcipjuji mail-bag,
There was cU a b mquet of fresh (lowers.
which had slipped out of its bos; nnd a con.
pie of empty boxes, veiyJ-imilurSiu size and
shape, nnd both nddre-sed to ladies, left th
poor muiiJiiidoubl ns to vvhieii tho alligator
belonged, and lo which tho flower,
One can hardly renllzc that llion- i a dai
ly average of 12,000 or lo.OOO ilea'' ,'eltcra,
or about -100,000 1 month. Allowing- one
liersou I'or a Utter, (here aru -lOp.OOD persons
every month who undertake to send li'tle's
l ilher without slanipH, without address.-', nr
with caucellfd slninps. iiisiiflicient nos'bgo,
or illegible or incorrect addresses, Mudv of
them are wiiliouij-lainp or nddiesf-, and ol
leu villi no signatiite which gives the slight
est clew to persons sending them. Thiro
nro -10,000 a month received lhar, either lack
postage or address, or eUu havn in-ufllcient
orcatuehd stumps ; and, stra ige as it may
seem, there are sometimes lliu most valuable
letteis, often containing currency or drafts
for huge amounts of money. It is estimated
that there is about 53,000,000 in diaftsand
$75,000 iu cash received yearly through
dead letters. This is all returned, if possi
ble, to the persons sending it ; but if any
portion of it fails to find a claimant, it is
turned over to the Host-Olllce fund.
Yeiy little difficulty is experienced in re
storing the clicks and drafts to the rightful
owners, but tho money generally comes in
small sums, and is Usually scut in tho most
careless, haphazard fashion, and tho loss of
these small suuin und tho ignoruucn or caie
lesMiess with which they are launched upon
representing 11 ileal (If Mill'eriug ard disap
pointment. It is veiy niutising to see tho letters open
ed, and ;:u cu at their contents beforu they
are. brought lo light. Three out of fiv.i of a
bundle of unuddiessed letters contained
money, 0110 of them n $5 note. Then ihero
are such quantities of dress samples in let
ters. Ono would imagine that nil woman
kind had (ii-covcred a language in tho inter
change of tluso seinpa of dreas fabrics. One
half show their prosperity iu bits of silks
and sali.i.-, and tlio oilier half in slips of six
penny calico, and it is only iu the Dead-Let
ter Ollice that they meet uncommon ground
Certainly every fifth Idler contains a photo
graph, ami 1 don't imagine thnt any gicac
caro is taken to return lost photographs; but
any 0110 so bereaved lias tho privilege of
rummaging among the forty bushels of liu
man "counterfeits" which have accumulated
VltUITVort Kool). It a child' digestion
becomes impaired und the gastric juicobc
comes weakened or defective in quantity by
overeating or bad food, tho wholu alimentary
canal becomes clogged up and filthy, and
furnishes nests for such worms ns will brecc
there. In this weakened condition of the
system they cannot bo destroyed by the pro
cess of digestion, and lieucu great harm
0 lines from them. Now it Is nn interesting
fact that fresh, npo fruit is tlio best proven
tivo for this htato of things. Dr.ISenjatniii
Hush pointed this out a hundred years ago-
Ho made a scries of experiments o'i earth
worms, which ho regarded as morn nearly
allied to those that infest tho bonds of chil
dren than any othrr, with 11 view of testing
their power of retaining li fo under the infiu
cuco of various hiiOstances that might be
ust-d as worm medicines. The result proved
that worms often lived longer inthosukub-
stances known ns poisonous than In some of
tho must harmless articles of food. For In
stance, in watery solutions of opium they
lived eleven minute' In infusiims of pink
mots, thirty-thrco minutes; iu claret wine,
but iu tho juice of red rlicnies they died In
tlx minute; in black cherries In livo min
utes; In red currants In tlirvo iiilnub? ; In
whcjtWlvcrrlra in seven minutes, and in rasp,
bciries in five minutes. From these, oxiwit.
menu Dr. ltuh nryucd that fresh, tlpo
fruits, of which children ro fond, nro tho
most speedy und chvclivo poisons for worms.
In prnctlco tlds theory has proved to bo cor
reel. -tTnciiKafV Guttllr,
Itufus Clioate'i Fence.
I nuppose. that tho story nbout Kufus
Choato's hand writing lint been told often.
It noems that Mr. Choate, whilo living ori n
farm down in Massachusetts, wanted n new
fenco nroiuid tho homo lot. So lio cnlled lh
his carpenter nnd had n talk witli him in re
gard to tho work, nnd tho next time ho Went
ti Hoston ho got his nrcliKcct to mako a
nugh sketch, showing his ideas of how ho
desired the fenco to bo built. On tlio day
appointed for tho work to begin Mr. Choate
was summoned away. Just ns ho was nbout
to start tho carpenter appeared, and Mr.
Choate pulled tho plan out of his vest pock
et and hurriedly delivered it, nnd then drove
oil' to catch tho train, ltcturnlng after an
absence of tno weeks, on approaching his
l)oino ho was filled witli amazement, nnd led
to doubt whether ho knew whero he lived ;
his homo lot was surrounded by n zigzag
fence of most extraordinary design. When
ho saw tlio old carpenter pnundinsr lustily
away ho felt reassured as to the identity of
tho place, but was most puzzled by the
marvellous' fence.
"Hello 1" lie shouted, "what arc you do
ing ?"
"Doiu'?" said tho old carpenter, smashing
in a ten-penny nail with ono blow, "we're
doin' some pooty tall work. We've just
slung this fenco together in n little hit ics
time than any similar slingln' was ever done
in tho Commonwealth of Massachusetts!
We'ro two days nhead of contract time
now I"
"Hut, for Heaven's sake, what kind of a
fence is this?"
"Don't know. Thought when you gi' mo
th" plan it wa lite (kindest fence I ever
heard of, but I supposed you knew vvlml
yo 1 ("anted."
1 1 "
rind .'!ufn ' m" . me . '
m il v . it 1 -p iter i. "' 'd
o'ci ti. encc. :lr. (.;, oat re Haul 1.1
ht'iiU l" 1 lu '1 feit in .'-c, 'To. '.pocket
ana L. uo d I 'n col the p'm , 1 nt 1 'loty i 1
ji: i '"i. ''l. rii'ng,
t tci.'v.' j "ih ici:u In ,-nj 1
.V ti -titi .ms icij i-'iin. 'ir nr. Mi. t 'o
sii) ,"ii,i i'ti , o. "icn U'Hntl- "i."1 ' I
hill on 'l,i-y ; 1 . ire. . seinoii f ft
tccu iu.r 'potif 1 ' nn rli out ntl-wliu'' I
t'ulr iu-'iin ' 'en..''les ic'11 ( f nd ifdijily
Vtied with simw. isoinbt WO- 1 i.' Vhi
one I uinlreil sl-trt off I'Duni nr, x'ws' btiiitf
iiiithing irovidi"l lor tin no b tlifil "x.i'iliinr
iu isten. Lik'N c.-im 'Is iiii'li'r r-rltikr' u'reum-
slanee-, when uiih'uliii they'btl'de nfl'-niihs
iu diU'ereiit ill reel io'nJ. Wli'i'-ii -flu-yi iilu
wanted again 'tli'ei'' s'eiliskiii 'latl drlvert- get
beldn I tllcm in -"i Vend diro. i'i n-Vi.iiii 'by'
hall 01 ", l" 'oo'i ; sln-w Hall : l l nvi'-iMir
i-onsj.'.ei mile 1 ilic .! 1. "'grnd 'du
drive; 11 1 a si.i M r-ircl . . ' lie. ' is-
tin 1 1 cin led by . b'r-ifl c. .' .tilt ti eu di..w
it, 1. kti r, uitil ii. strikes T "Tr" le .
They neither irv 10 Imp 'Vix ' r brea;
thrnugii it. hut. 1 'tildli' tp ;etl . r as ."low; As
po-sible. J-'in-illv iho, iwn em s nn 0. . liejd
by ono p 'rou v liiln IhoidluM entee v'tndcr
Hue line md 1 "li et tlie iiniiniiU ihc" wjml,'
rei.iiig them by their inni", firing ng thein
out and ivmg them to sniiieili Ink 81 oig1
enough in hold tin in until ) nrni'ssid i ,1
slid. Tlm len iiinilcr ngaiu ti'iHter In pi
suit of moss. .stroiig,'tnll and lleet (hd'lglt
they inc. able Willi a sweep nf their nntlels
'1 iiiwt. uui." .1 pi'iie'ii i-iui'M ,stii biiiiiei.,,
., e ., . : J
lliev cower 111 the voice nf mail 'Jlieirmas-
n . . .. ,.r -,.t a.
ters uro J nrsh, ludiMitid unliiid f thein
Tb"V lire mi t.tnid that tlm Milind of tlio dri
ver's voieo sets ihcm intini'iig nt suli speisf
that (hey will dlo beiore hsltiug if their dri
veis enntinun lo urgu them
To I'nitsoxs A Hou r to Makhv. Tliero
if no rule which philosophers can devise for
choosing either husbands or wives wisely
that has very much effect, for the young do
not trust, the old upon that subject, and
choice, for women (specially, is by no means
wi frco us we nil afieet to believe. Not ono
woman in fifty, unless she l for -lime )easou
sue'i s 1 irtutti r.'iij. r lieliiltv --a gmifc
"ciieh." h is unyt .ii'ir I '" ,tr-ii ,o,vrof
selecliiui 'iiunng adnrrers ; 1 ml i vi-n when
sho has, s) -i nileii t'iv-i it avrny 1,1 obodi -nee
to a passing, possibly soiisibt',possilily bun
doling, fancy that she Jiadfound mi ideal.
Hut we should have said there wen- two
broad lilies slill vvortli teacMng, hi cause
they had sumo chance of boingbelioved, and
they were these ; Let thu woman's lint ro
qui-ito be a man whose home will be to him
n rest, nnd tho man's first object n woman
who can mukn homo restful - It is the man
with ninny intcresiB; with engrossing occu
pations, with plenty of people to fight; with
a struggle to maiutnln . iigainut tho world,
who Is really the domestic man, in thevvifo's
sense, who enjoys hoirte who is tempted ti
mako a friend of his wife, who relishes prat
tle, who lifels in tho xmall circlo when, no
body U above him und nntiody uiiKynpntlu't
ic vyilh him, as if ho were in it heaven of
ciiso and reparation. Loiutoh Spectator.
Tin: ItiftttMX Wfji.i'. liemlent of tho:
onco popultr story, tho "J'.xllos of Siberia,"
and other bimilar'tales, havo made the read
ing public familiar with tho habits' nf llio
Ittlssinn wolf, and tlie talcs of travelers give
us an idea of tho danger and frequency with
which theso animals am encountered. Hut
un nllcged official statement, recently pub
lished iu that country, if it bo authentic,
shows that truth is stranger tluin fiction.
In tho district of Vologda, nccnnling- to
tho official statement, tho wolves destroyed,
in the year 1872, 1-1,000 head of largo cattle
nnd 85,000 head'of mvlno nnd sheep, tho
area of tho district being .'151,000 "riiiare
"vends." Tlio vcrst is nbout two-thirds of
nn English mile. Tn nil Itiusia, exclusive
of tlm Haltie nnd Polish provinces, 7-11,900
head nf cattle were devtrovad in one year
making an estimated loss of fivo millions of
In 1875 no less than two Iiunijrcd human
beings lost (heir lives) by wolves. Hears,
foxes and otfier wild loiinial-r do their sharp
of damage, ami Iho njrgregatiMif their mis
chief is something wrious to vontemplulr-,
There would neenito h no rffi ctttnl remedy'
for linsshi i a thinly populated ountry nnd
tho peoplodo iintsppejir to have tho hunt
Ing passion of our American borderers.
Tho npivstitn of tho Russian -wolf Is enor
mous. His t-eniicityor llfols nslonlslilnn-
nnd ltal)Wthnp(sumkMlrlck Of prelendliiir
I,, l..l.l T. 1. . 1... . 1. .1 ... . V
. . .,v-. iv i.i ivuiieu hi mo publication
from wbWi wtuiuote that 11 masaiit. nndlm.
what liMsuppOsed' to bo Kile-ad wolf, took tl.o
piwms?(V caixjns homt In tho night the,
ponrt),ti heard,! a uhla bii4 J'onnd tho animal
on Hits bdilo. It junMtJi nt tho jieasant'ii
thr,xth ainl- tho , VIA), win, tu&tH oul for
help, (rniiil l)c,hl)uln,w;ljltitl on hrt rcltlrn.
llrroitit Then and Now.
Heroism Is n drug in tho Knglish mar
ket. Really it is so cheap that it doesn't
pay any more. John Chlddy, a. qitarryumfi
on tho Ilr'stol and Kxetpr raljway, saw a
big block of .stono on tho track just as the
train cairto tbuuderlng down .at tho rate of
filty miles nn'.hour. JIq leaped on tho track
nnd tumbled the stono out of tho way nnd
was tho exploit which saved tho
train from what might havciirovcd n ter
ribly fatal accident. A subscription wns,
risked lor his widow nnd children, nnd i3
17s, wero subscribed, tho railway giving
nothing, ns usual in such cases, Tho chan
cellor of tho exchequer wns appealed to, but
lie had no funds lor such n purpose, though
the! same day England paid 29,101 to ex
tinguish n pension to tho family ofn Dutch
captain who wns killed two centuries agd.
To bo sure, ho was n soldier nnd perished
on a field of glory, liko tho Duke of Schon
herg, for whoso denth i'l tho buttle of tho
Hoy no Ids descendants got half a million
pounds, l'oor John Chlddy were merely a
qua-rymnn, nnd Inst his life in heroically
snvlng 11 crowihd passenger train Three
pounds .seventeen I It is a small sum : hut
heroes arc so very plenty iu these ilaysl
Tiie pcrlume mado from ambergris is well
known, but thu material itself und tho means
of gathering it, nre'nolgenerally understood.
Wu have, therefore, taken tho Pillowing in
teresting notes oil tills subject from the A'd
fiWff (hi Ua:e!le:
Of the few fragrant substances ftfrliished
by tlie animal kingdom, ambergris is 0110 of
the most remarkable. It is found filiating
iu thu sea, or deposited on tho beach, in
lumps varying fr mi a few ounces to
fi li-ii, iweiiti "I "''''' .1 hundred pounds,
M 1 -l l - 1 ' r n 'r weight havo been
,. .,itli. in. .. .-I .eiety of Atnsler
1la.11 is '! in ho 1 .-i-K-iini 'f piece
ivi-li:'ii') ..ii" 1 u 'die I and elgiity-tvvo
pllllii'l-, .1 I I vil'U 'd I'' h"UIU JoDlO ).
A'.ibergri- is ni'i-t u'.uinluntly found in
Hi" J..'itiii"s) waier-, ut tho AIoIucca Islef
.'id 11 1 I'ivi 'ii"f Cir.un indel, Smtheiu
InJi.i,'i-'u"""' "'! Africa. Neither Is
i."h III ln AOmitle, bln fieijuently met
WH' oiit'm-owK "fl.l'az'' .and oeQilonally
. ouii'1't..i island ui J iinaiua, and along tlja
ll. '.es nl' X'iurid.,! and Vliu. CVrU.I.'W l
fLi in.pianily on the Kuropeif.i.coftlLj,
I'haUiiy its :i lijrbdrluu.
j-,,, W -Id ,.ip b'ovs lives iu fs separata
nid distinct . tbo world 'tho man lives in.
' It is 1 vrnrld 'Jrt. 'bTtyd only by boys. No
evr-iils nre.JinpnVtnt.' "r (if'a'ny moin'eut saVo
jh(jsi).iill'ec'ti 'VlboH., 4I"'w they "igii6r6 tbo
prescncjvof 'jlp-jr 'eldf'M.olt the streets, shovt
ilig out itu'W-alls, thely luvUatiotis, their
.iijipoiiUiiiejii.. '1111 our ift'idsi, (is from tho
veriest -oLtudii ! Tiny haVe peculiar calls,
'viii-tles,' j as,.iiT.i'( . by vvhiclt tliey CMin
jiMtiicain v.Mh ciieh u'.'.bcrnt long distances,
lit-' birds ot ,.v lid i.eaturr". nd there is n
tciuiiii) v'ildiie-.s filiouiiln notes m "about
i'mjb,. Ufa iv or t'(i"ii. Tho boy jnsa-"
age, n bar.'.iiimi In bis taste devouring
rootr; IfluM . Imrk, Dnrljif fruit, etc!"; and j'jj
Ihn.kind'of 1. 'ts.'c or discord lie delights in,'
they uavi thci li.siiions that spread frorn'
city l') cify. In ono of ot.r.large uitirs tfift
.Rig'i at. our. limu vvas nn old tlu can wltirn
string attnclifd, out of which "they torture! '
the jiiof saviigK nnd ear-splitting discords,
,, ,,, .. n 1
Tin liol c" vvas obl geil to inteifera nnd sup-
' ' - - . .
pre-t;l.e On another occasioilj
at C Ji.stmas, thuvjiiil comp forth with ill)
horrr-. and nearly dtovo the town distracted
witli . i" hideous uproar. Another savugo
Irait 0 'tli.t Ji"y in his untruthfulness. Cor
ner him up, dud the oluincea "ro ton to onf
that he tvilt 11 Jiis way out. Conscience is
:i plant of ti'.uw itowtli in tlie boy. If caught
in one lie, lio ii.cents another. I knew a
boy who win lu llif1 Imbit ofeatin? apples
In school. His tcftehpr finally caught hiin
in (lie act nnd, without removing his eyes
Irntvi him, called hbiv tn tlio middle of tho
floor. ''I saw vou this time," said the teach.
er. V'S.iw mo what?" said tho boy innocent
ly, "Hit that apple," replied tlio teacher,
"No sir," said the rascal. "Open your
mouth," and from Its! depths tho teacher,
willi pis 1 1 1 limit ninl finger, tool: out tlio
pietv of'ap'ple. "Didn't know it was" there","
said tho liny, unabashed. Nearly all Iho
mom sciilinionts untTgrnersnre lutein ma
turing in tho boy. Ho has no proper self;
rispect till past Ins majority Ut course
them nr.'- exceptions, but they uro mostly
wind-fulls, ScrUmcr' Monthly.
A Ycvus Man or CiiAnAtrrctt. New
York-has :i low old fashioned business men
loft men.wliQ ipust understand thntnyounp
man's chnmcler 5 of (he right stamp before
they wilt listen to his Hpplication for ein.
ploviiient. To viioh a "man a young chap -who
had been previously posted by n friend
s-.'aine, till' other iIhv, toge'urn n vaeiirit
placo.of-liook -keeper, He v,3ro ii standing
colhic, U'lihitB tie,, and ;i vqry.solcmn look,
and was 111010. taynrnbly received thun )nv
had anticipated, ""Yii lieloug tc.,,a,church?."
tmrrjed tle merchant,, .
. Thu jouiig muii. .paipcd his favorita
The young iniur.ri plied that ho bad never,
tasted liquor in, Ids life.
"That, is pond,1' mused Lhq -merchant,
tjhewi))g at a blotting pad. "You huvo other
m-otnmendalloiib?" -
"Only this," unsvvrred tlie applicant, pull
ing out u (xickct Hihle. He fell back,thlnk
ing 110 luid n clinched on tho old man,
Tho merchant ilowly opened tho book, rer
moved a Jack of clubs from between the
leaves, and slowly tiskis) : which do jou
wish lo promt ns nfutlhcr recommenda
tion ?"
That was wheru the pauso cairo in, nnd it
hasn't been broken si f ico.
A kind undo having heanl thnt his young
dog of a nephew bad again taken tn play
nnd lost :i esiuMderalile wini, resolves to re
claim him.
"Gaming," ho says, "is tho most fright
ful of vices. Tho gambler, is, un longer hiu
Tho nephew does not appear moved. The
uncle passes his hand ncross his fnrebrml ca
If to drive away a horrible recollection, tutu,
says : ,
"Come, let me make a mnfetwion to you
I myself once dyi-d. Do not gloat over
mo I only played onre at eenrte and)
(in n voice broken w'th Mil I t-ainedr
"Well ?" said the neplietv, tuftlclf ntly at.
"Well, in my rnlmer lnomnt when tho
cxellcment of the gmnhig tntdo bad piufodj
away, wh n livcted thnt though I had
galiiril $l.asi I mtfsiit pcrhnps hard lo-t It,
nh) tlio terriblo night timt I pnd, I In o
1 Vr tombed n curd nlnce,"