The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 29, 1876, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every l'rtdny morning, nt
,1 Two iioi.i,aii per J ear, payable In ndvanco, or
during tlio year. After tlio expiration of tho yenr will Uo uliargcd. To suoscrlliors out or tlio
county me terms 1110 ri per year, striciiy in nuvaiicn
l'TdeiavedlJOJoiid tho
' ' No paper dlscuntli
l u nut pirn in uuvauctt mm fu.w u payment 00
1 mo 3 ear,
'imMiuMiL nxcent nt thn nntlnn nf thn
ii piililllsiicrs, until nil arrearages nra paid, but long
, Wtonilniiod credit nfler tlio expiration of the nna
year win noi uo (ritcu
All;p.tpcrsBontoutot thoHtato or to distant post
onicos must lio paid tor In advance, unless a rcsion.
stnio person In Colmniilu county assumes to pay tho
Htiljserlptlon duo on demand.
posTAUK Is no longer oinctod from subscribers In
tho county.
job T'ltinsrTiisrGr-
run .InbblCL' Ucnartmont of the L'oi.CMntAN Is vcrv
COlilplcie, uuu unr it u tumuli; win uiiiiiiitro
r t favoro-1
dono on i
v tvi ii i int. oi hid larirti chips, a wdik
ucmntiu, ncatiy nun ni inoocraio prices.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judiro William dwell.
Associate .liid'cs-Iram Derr. M. 0, Hughes.
Vruthonotarv, o. 11. Frank Zarr.
Court HtenoKrnplier H. N, Walker,
tleglstcr Hee-ordcr Williamson II, Jacoby.
District Attorney John Jl. Clark,
wirvoror Isaac Hewitt.
Treasurer Dr. II. W. Mctteynolds.
Commissioners John llcrncr, 8. W, McIIcnry,
Joseph sands.
Commissioners' Clcrfc-Wltllam Kitckbaum.
Audltors-M. V. II, Kline, .1, II, Casey, K, II. Ilroivn.
Ooronor Charles (1. Murplit .
.lury Commissioners Jacob II. Frlti, William It,
countv superintendent WIMIam 11, Snydtr,
Itlooml'oor District Directors ti. P. Knt, f colt,
Wm, Kramer, Hloomstjurir and Thomas uruvcltne,
tlcoit, u. 1', lint, Secrctnry.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
nioimsburg ltankln? Company .Tohn K. Funslon.
President, II. II. flro z, Cashier.
l'lrsi National Hank Charles it. l'axlon, ""resident
J, l". Tuslln, Cashier,
Columbia County Mutual Sftvlnfr t'und nnd Loan
Assoclailon-n. II. Utile, President, C. W. Miller,
lllooinsliurs llulldln? and Saving Fund Assnclailon
-Win, Peacock, President, .T. II. Uoblson, Secretary.
Iltooinsbiirir Mutual Saving Fund Association J.
J. Hrowcr, President, C. (J, liarkley, Secretary.
. Hov. .t. 1. Tuslln, (Supply.)
I Holiday Services lux a. in; and ejtf p. m.
. Minu.ty wcnooi v n, in,
I Praver Meeting Kvcry Wednesday evening nt CV
I seats rrce. Tno puonc nro inviico io aueno.
5 Minister llev. J. McCron.
Sunday Vrlccs lojf a. in. and OX p. in.
Sunday school 11 n. in.
i'r.i cr Meoiluir-Hvcry Wednesday evening at V
fSoatsfrei'. xopews rcnlcd. All nro welcome.
raKSnvTEiiiAS ciirncii.
IMInlsler Ttev. Stuart MH-.hell.
Isunday Services lo a. in. and OX P- m.
IMinuay ruiiooi v a. in.
Praver Jieoilnu' Kvcrv Wednesday evening at OX
IBcaisrreo. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
mktiiodist EriscorAi. C11C11CII.
Presiding Klder-ltcv. N. S-llucklngham.
Mliilner Ut'V. J. s. MoMurray.'
!3unday Scrvlros tux nnd X P- m.
Nundav School I p. in.
initio Class Urcrv Monday evening al OX o'clock.
kiiung .Mens l'ra er jioo ing-iivery iiifsuay
evening a' o'clock.
, 1 iiii.p l tlf. Iln.illnr, I't-iti-.' 'I'llltrkil IV tiVInlllr
,-iuiiviaiiiitjn .n.vvii.b ...t.j . ..i.. ...... .v
.-' T)'c oc::.
Corner of Third and Iron btrects.
Pastor llev. (). I). Hurler.
it jstdunce Central Hotel.
Sunday Snn ices 104 n. 111. and 7 p. m.
Sond.K' sch iot-0 n. 111.
I'rajir Meetlng-Saiurday, I p. m.
All are tin lied There Is ul nj s room.
I Sunday Services l"x n. m., OX p. m.
siinaay scnooi y n. 111.
i.'irit stinrtav In thn munth. Holv Communion.
Serlccs muiuratory l Coiiimiinlou on Friday
nveidiig Iteforo the st Sunday In eucli inonlh.
l'eivs reuieu; uutceryoouy weieiiino.
l'rrslillng Kldcr llov, A. L. lleeser.
MlnlUei Huv. J. A. Irvine.
.Sunday service 3 p. in., In tho Iron Street Church.
Pr.u er Meeting Ut cry Sabbath at 2 p. m.
Allnre Invited. Allaro welcome.
Vents In "11111 llltlo llrlck church on thn ldll."
known us tho Welsh Hapllst Church on Hock street
east oi iron.
Hi'guiar meeting ror vvorsuip, every i.oru a uay ui
ternoon at 3X o'clock.
seats tree and tho public are cordially InUted to
OCIIOOIi OHDKKS, blank, .just printed nml
neatly bound in small boons, on
band and
. for salo ut tins Columbian onice.
Feb 19, lS75-ti
1"LANK DKKD.S, mi l'arcliu.Mit nml Linen
i l" IMner. common and for Adndnls rators, llxecu-
i tors, and trustees, for salo cheap at tho Colvuuian
r iiuice.
TVTAmtlAOK CKimFICATKS.iutiirintcd
I vl imil fnrHtiln nt tho COLUUlif AN OHlCO. Mlnls-
I lers of the (lomv-1 and Justices, should supply them-
selves irlth these necessary articles.
TUSTICKS nml Constables' Fee-Hills for sale
al tho Columbian onice. They contain tho cor
rected lees as established by the last Act ot tho Leg.
laiufu noon tho suulect. i:ery JUitlco and Con-
! amnio should have one.
KNDUK XOTKS jn-t printed and for sale
cueap ni mo ioi.i'iikian outer,
IT. MHJiKIt .t PON. dealers In Dry
. (loods, giocerles, fiueensware, flour, salt,
Mious, notions, etc., Main strict.
T U, MAIH, Miiiiimolli (Irocerv, fi
tl trrles, l'rults,Nuls, ProMslous, ic.,l
ne Oro-
Main nml
ueuiio sueeis.
BKN'KY KI.lCI.M.Manaraeliiier and dealer
In lntots nml shoes, giocerles, el Main si.,
n SI. KNOItl!, Dealer in Hoots mid Slioe,
luiest ami best stjles, corner
siru-is, in ino tun pu-,1 oiuee.
R8AVA0K. Dealer in Clocks, Wntcbcs
and Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho Central
' lj t. IKKI.Klt, Attorney nt I.nw. Koonis in
p ill Kxcliango lllock, 2d floor, Hlooinsburg, Pa. s
, 1 (1. IIAUKI.F.Y, Allorney-nt-I-aw. Oflieo
?i ' . In Hrower's bulining, 2nd siory, iiooms i.
Oct. 15, '15.
DK. W'M. M. HlCllKlt.Kurgwm mid 1'livi.i
clan. onice S. U. corner Hock and Market
? f It. KVAN8, M. T)., Surgeon mid I'liysi
) . clan, (lintco and ltoildcnco on Third street,
' corner Jellersou.
T .11. McKKI.VY, Jil. D., Surgeon mid 1'i.y
J . slclun, north side Main streit, Ijclow Maiket.
T 11. KOItlSON, Allorney-at-Lnw. Oflloe
' J . In Ilaitman'sbulldliig.Malustreet,
AMUICL JACOIIY, Mnible mid lliown
Stone Works, East liloomsburg, llerwlck i oad.
HltOSHNSTOCK, I'lioti.graplier,
. Clui k X Wolfs stni-e. Main Hlrcet.
AVID I.OWKN'llKUCl, Mercliant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
H. KUIIK', denier ii. Mei.l, Tallow, do.,
. Centre Bluet, lelwctn Second nud'llilid.
rPIIOMAS W'KWl, Confectionery mid Ihker
JL holesale and i et all, Kichangu lllock.
GJ. W. COKKI.L, Furniture. Koonis. three
( story brick, Malusliuet, west of Market st,
ouangkvilu: DiuKcrrouy.
All. HKItltlNO, CiirK-iitcr mid builder,
. Main street below Pine,
0. A W. U. BHOKMAKKH, Dealers in
Dry l!oods,(lrocerlesaud (leneral Merchun-
WM. H, ADIiOTT,, Alain
E l". DALUIAN. Hercliant Tailor, Smmd
, street, UohluW building.
" ArroiiNi-.y.AT-iJvw,
f Cutawlssa, I'a.
Collections promptly inudit miA Ofllcu
O"ioaiie CulaMlssa Dt iosit Hank, em-as
iTcns ludi Ltiil lo II. L niry.nhif h nn. ni,,,.
.r.ubKfh"l''ii to I lie Col I'UUitN are lieieby nolliied
thai Ida Looks lone lor seveiul months vitt Utu In
I he linniliof 111., iiucei-slgmil ItireullecHon.uiid that
Itrt i in ut tne runic must utt i roinptiy uiuue. All
lllln ittt ptld nil tirUfoin Oct, 1. Hio. mil be col.
It t ti d by duo, I nx i mi of law,
Bep.,-lt m
C. 2. BliOCKWAY, r jii, j ......
Qt g( ELV7ELL, E1"Mt na FrOprlOlSTS.
JQIt. A. Ij. TURNKll,
Itcsiilcnco on Srnrkct Street ono door below
1). .1. Waller's.
Oltlce ovor.Klelm's Drug Store. Oflieo hours from
1 In 4 p. m. for treatment of diseases of tho Kye, Kar
and Throat.
All calls night or day promptly nttended to.
U. J. C. ltUTTKIt,
riiYsiciAN isuimisoN,
onice, Korth Market street,
Mar.27,'74 y liloomsburg, ra.
Tll. It. V. OAHDNKH,
HLooMsiiuna, pa.
Ofilceabovo J.Schujlcr A Eon's Hardware Store
A T T 0 II N E Y-A T-I, A W,
omeo, Hnrtman's lllock, corner Main and Market
OIIITIO net. s, to
Omen lloom No. l, "Columbian" Duildlng.
Sept. 18.1ST5.
Offlco in Tlrower's building, second floor, room No.
1. liloomsburg, Pa. Julyl,73 y
11. tt W.J. IiUCKALKW,
Bloomsburg, Ta.
onico on Main Street, first door below Court House
F. tt J. JI, CLAKK,
liloomsburg, Pa.
April 10,'7t-y
omco In Knts Building.
Bloomsburg, I'a.
fir'All business entrusted to our care vt 111 rcclevo
prompt attention. Julyl.'iS y
OmcE-Adjolnlng C. II. & V. J. Buckolew.
Bloomsburg, I'a.
Arr. ,'7-ly.
"1 II. & It. It. LITTLE,
Bloomsburg, I'a.
tiy"Iluslnf ss before the U. S. Patent Olllco attended
to. omcu In tho Columbian Building. ly 33
A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A W,
Columbian IlciLDiNO, Bloomsburg, I'a.
Members of tho United Stales Law Association.
Collections made lu any part or America.
Ageiim ior t;uniineutui me insurance uompany oi
New York. Assets nearlv Tbu best In the
country, send for descriptive pamphlet. tf
Centralin, I'n.
Feb IS, '7B-ly.
I J Stohner, Proprietor,
class. $1.20 to tl.M per day.
Bloomsburg, Pa., I).
Accommodations tlrst
llestaurant attached.
Octobers, is-tt
Oct. s.'isly JOHN LAYCOCK, I'rop'r.
luiH lemoved bis Hoot nnd Shoo Stoio from Brown's
Hole! to 1st door above Wagoneller and sliai p!ess'.
Towimd.i Hoots a specialty. ItepalrliigdonoutsliQit
sewing Mnelilnes and Maelilnery of all klnilM re
paired. Oitiia Hoi st Building, llloomwburg, Pa,
Oct i,'?s ly
lpoNlt tlio Court House,
The Lakiikst nudlltsTlnulliespectHlntbocounty
octjVJyy Nl'roprletor.
now e l l,
Olllco In Haitiunii'j Block, second floor, corner
Main mid Market bireets,
ni.OOMSlllllHl, I'a.
May M-ly.
J. THOliN'lu
I j . would annoiinco to the cltl7ensof lilooms-
nurg ami vicinuy unit no has just recettedaull and
completu assortinent ot
and all other goods In Ids lino of business. All tho
newostand most approved patterns or the day ro
always to bo found Hi bis establishment, Main stm t,
below Market, oct. 8.15
CY, Kxcliango Hotel, Bloomsburg, I'a.
, Mi,niii,nio
. 13 .'IHl.Olril
. ii.tiHVioe
., 1,100 0110
., s,a ii.ihm
.. 17,otto,wu
.IHrm, Ins Co., or Haitfnrd, Connecticut.
I.lveritonl, Ix.udon and (Hobo
lio.ial of I Iverpool
I'll ii Association, I'hlUdclphla ,,,
Anicilciin or I'hllndelplila
Atlas of Hartford
Wj oiulng, of Wilkes Burro
K.uiiiers Mutual of H.uulllo
Daiullle Mimul
Home, New York
CummeioUl L'lilon
March 20,'77-y
rpilE UNDEKSIONKD, it irenlingHeveial
L otlliumoKl coiiservallvo and rtilablu Allien.
can l'lni liisuraneo Ct inpanlcK, would Iirgleakuto
olfi r his sen lies to I lie tliletisor lllooiiisbuig mitt
vhlnltt, reiucsllnga leasonablo shaio of I lie itubllu
W. J, lUkVL'LL.
iiioouisuiirg,.iuiy is, isio.
unicu in Hi oh er's lllock.
Julj- 21-cm
Tho Arall Street Indicator.
THIS WEEK'S ISSUE SENT Fit EE. Illustration!! of Bulls nnd Bears,
Alf,i, full nutli't iupleto lut inn lions how to operate
lu Stocks and sunk I'lHIIeges, 1'npllal hlUuinl
suggestions. AUn, n list of Valuable Premium to
Clubs, "send ror It,"
llU'KWALTHIt i CO.. Iliiukers and Brokers,
P. 0. Box 4317. lu Wall bL, New York Clly,
Columbia County
Vormerlv Hie Hank of Epjr, removed April first,
ISIfi. Isronienleiill) loenttdlii therratral parted
tlio town, nucl ilmsii general IIANKINU busltans.
Moiiel rccclvi il on deimslt iubleet lurlm-k wllh
nut uollie. Stetl.d nirangemeuis made IIU depot.
Ilors, and Interest allotted on time Deposits.
tune lrtfl on AVic Yort ami Philadelphia,
Collet llo' 1 made on all Important towns In Hie II,
S al hiut rates of excliangit. Hoods ami stocks
iHiught u in. lold, akdi'oupoiis collet h'd. Kveryxo
cui liy glten to tii'i-i.-illtii b that im bo olfered by any
Discount Iavs : Tuesday ami Friday.
Aug. 10, 1-tm.
Advertising Agents,
The tltscoveror and compounder ot tho far-famed
Cotnponnd Syrnp of Wild Cherry
and other valuable preparations, entered upon Ids
professions! career with tho Hnuortniilndtantago of
n regular medical education Hi ono ot Iho oldest nnd
best schools In Philadelphia, and, perhaps, In tho
world, llo subsequently sertcd a faithful term of
practice In the Philadelphia Dispensary, and for ma
ny years attended In tho Hospital. In theso Institu
tions ho enJoed the most mnple opportunities of ob
tabling an In'lght Into diseases In all their vailous
forms, as well as for nsterliilldlig the best methods
of the! treatment. In tillering, therefore, to tho ieo
ploot tho Unlled stales the fruits ot hUoxtensHo
professional experience In tho medical compounds as
the best results of Ids skill and observation, ho feels
that ho is but proffering ft boon lo otery family
Ihrnnghout the land, resting, as ha docs, confidently
In the merits nnd cnieatlous Mi tun of the remedies
lie herew lilt commends. Thotnst amountot test I.
monv from all purls of the world has proven "DOC
CBKIlllY" the most cnicaclous remedy known, mid
It Is admitted by our most eminent physicians, nnd
ullwhohnvo witnessed Its wonderful healing prop
erties. Tho WILD CHKHHY In nil ages of the world
and tn nil countries wliero It Is known has been Just
ly telcbratco for Its wonderful medicinal qualities,
tint It great power to euro some of tho worst nnd
most distressing diseases among us was net er fully
nscertntned until tho experiments ot Hint skllfull
physician. Dr. swavne, had demonstrated Its high
adaptation. In combination with 1'lneTreo Tar, and
other equally valuablo vegetablo Ingredients, which
chemically combined renders Its ncllon tenfold more
certain and beneficial In curing all diseases of Iho
throat, breast nnd lungs. Hit. sWAYNK'S Wll.ll
cilKltitY coMI'Ol'.Nl) strikes nttho root of disease
bypurlfjlngtl.e blood, restoring the liter and kid
nejs to healthy action. Invigorating the nervous and
shattered constitution. It your druggist or store
keeper does not hate It, do not be put off by any
oilier remedy that may bo offered, but send lo us di
rect, and we w HI forward a half d07cn to any address,
freight paid, on receipt of tho price, tl per bottle, or
Jl the half dozen. Address letters to 1)11. SWAY.NK
son, ico North sixth street, Philadelphia. No
chargo will be made for advice.
AhK Your DriigglHt for Tlicin,
l'emiilfs nml nil !" t nine health should never
bo Without HI!. MVAYNh'S TAll A l SAItSAPA
llll. LA 1'IIH.S, as lliei purltv the blood, reintiM' nil
obstruclloiii, tifimso tint skin of nil pimples mul
blotches, uiidbilng Ihcileli tolorof health to the
pale cheek. Female Inegularltles are restored to a
healthy condition. They are n certain cure ror sick
and Nervous Headache. Asa Dinner llll, nothing
fan exceed the m : take one, two. or lliree, us may be
found necessary; unlike oiheis, they neither gripe,
produce nausea, or nny other unpleasant sensation,
while they uro as powciful as it Is poss.ble lor a
medicine to be and bo hatmless. These Pills cleanse
out tho dlsosdercd liumois, enrich mid purity the
blood, icmove all unhealthy bilious secretions of tho
stomach and bowel', causing it perfectly heullhy
state of the Ut'cr, andnie undoubtedly tbu best ca
thartic and anllblllous medicine jet discovered ; uud
we are determined that the sick shall have them at
a price within tho menus of the poorest (2.1 rent it
box iirilll rills.) If your druggist or storekeeper
has not got them, do not bo pniorr by any others
that may bo offered In their place, but send to us di
rect, nnd w o w 111 foi ward by mull, on receipt 01 tho
pi Ice, 23 cents a box or ITto bo.xcscs II.
Swayne's Ointment,
Is particularly adapted to all forms ot skin dis
eases. ,'ures even when nil other reme
dies and treatment (all.
cures Tetter,
Salt ltheum,
Harber's Itch,
l'rnrle Itch
Soro Heads,
Humors, Piles,
All Eruptions,
Scald IP ad,
Pimples, sores,
Army Itch,
llloiclies, Scurvy,
Chronic Erysipelas of the
Seems to cureovry case, leaving tho skin smooth
and clear without a blemish behind.
Itching Piles
Is generally pi eceded by a moist mo. like perspira
tion, distressing Itching, as though pin worms weru
tinwllng In or about the reitum, particularly at
nlghtwlien umlresslug.or In bi d utter getting warm.
It appears In summer as well as wilder, orteiillmm
shows Itfcir around the prlvulo parts, and Is not con
lined lo males only, but U quite us frequent that fe
males mo suru'y nlltlett'd, paitlcul.irly lu limes ot
pregnancy, extending leto iho vagina, piotlng ills
lie..sliiB' almost be.tond i' o poweia of eiiduianeo.
Cases of long standing, pronounced Incurable, hate
been permanently cuied by simply applj Ing
swavx i'.' s o i x'oi i:jvt.
Dr. Swayun Son : Gentlemen 1 he box of Olnt.
Inrnt vim sent mo by mall clued mo entliel) of Itch
ing piles, wltlth I sulleiedwlth fur lite jeurs. Un
closed llnd Ilfly cents for another box for a filend of
mind. Amihkw J, Ht.Acu.
l'arinwell Station, Loudon Co., Yn.
Huv. Isaac Holland, Webster, Taj lor county W.Yn.
Notcmher so, 1S75 I hato been u sutlercr from
Itchliis' Piles. I procund a Isu of your ulnlmeut
lastsnrlng whlihgatu mo Instant teller, uiul teel
contideiit It will etlect it perinaneiit euro Knclosed
llnd lltty cents, for w blch please send me another box
by mail.
An Eruption of 8 Voars Standing-.
I was troubled with nn eruption of eight jeais
Itching, Intolerable at limes; tried iiinnv piepara
Hoiih without llndtng relief. Through tho ue of
h uyne's All-llealUig Ointment 1 inn entlielv cured.
.lost en Lamulut.
At Hortsinan k Pros., sth and Cherry, 1'l.lla.
I was entirely cured of Tetter
In ll-s worst form by Dr. Swnj lie's All-lleallng oint
ment, and shall bouuppy to explain my case to all
wuo may call upon me.
Iamfs McKisikv, West Knd Hotel,
!i3d Street, below iMiubaid, Philadelphia.
Sent by mall to any address onrectlptof pilce, so
cents a box.
Describe symptoms In all communications, and ad
dress letleis to Dlt S'.VAYNK & SON, 1'ldiadolpUla.
No charge ror advice.
rou salk by all ihiuc-ists.
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of
relelaated ut 1 over tho woildforllsrcinnrk'nblocurus
of s. riiruhi, Meituilal and Sypiilllllo c.itiipliUM-.
uud ineiisos hno M.v I 1 1 1 1 1 o iruor tin. luient
ciiumh den I'jplnelit of sjphllls or sciorulit in tho
child imlhliig has ever piutedso In n.iii
tiletel. eiuilleitllng every tesllgu of IIicmi d.iiigciMiis
eoiuiuali.ts and all dl-.e.t-,csnil.ilng fioin liupi.rliy of
tlio blond.
Ha purllculur to obtaluthu genuln-, its ineiiared
by llll. StV'AYNK i- win, im V, l.lll SI.,Pltlla,lelnl,U.
Mui that tho iiamuls helled eorrcell, KH'.kv.M!,
as t here urn preparations ttl somen Hal similar lmuiu
Hi tho market.
It' SI) IK) MIT I'Allt Til USE
Tho most
licllablo Hair
Introduced to tho
Vor ItesUirlng
Cray Hair and
The great
Luxury of
the Dress
llooin. Lontlun Hair Color restorer
ltiidon Hair Color itcstorcr
Itiidoii Hals Color Hestoiur
IaiiiiIoii Hair Co or llestorer
itindoii I lair Color Uesf rer
1 jiialon llutr color Hestorer
Utiidoii Hair Colt.r Hestorer
lAiuilou Hair Color HesUuer
London Hair Color Hestorer
liiitdon Hair Color Hesiorer
Uiiidon Hair Color Hesiorer
London llalr Culor Hestorer
Itudon llalr Color Hesiorer
liiudun llalr Color Hesiorer
Ijindon llalr Color Hestorer
lomdon llalr Color Hestorer
Uindon llalr (xilor Hesiorer
Iitudon llalr Color Hestorer
Uuidon llalr color Hestorer
Utuilon Hslr Color Hestorer
U'lidon llalr Color Hestorer
lamdon llalr Color ltesiorur
1 ttndou llalr Color Heportcr
laiudou llalr Color Hestorer
lAtiidnn Hair Color Hesiorer
lAinilon llalr Color Hestorer
Loudon llalr Color llestorer
1. it will restore gmy hair to Ha original color.
V. II util make the hair grow on bald heads,
n. H will ii'ttoie Iho uuluial secrellnns.
. 11 will rriixtt all tlaiidruil and lulling,
I). H will lituko the hair nill, glossy uud Ilexlblo
a II will rserte the uilglna) color lu old age,
T. It will prrvcitlkuhulrfioiii falling olf.
H. Il will euro oi' diseases of the scalp.
75 ContH poi- Bottle.
t bottles (i. sent by eircHS to any uddira) on ro-ti-lpi
of pi ll'.
Address enters to lilt. WWAVNIC SON, M North
HlxlliMiiH, I'ldU, 1U, bolo piopilctors.
Jvjjio,'i ly.
di:n, mostof tiii: allkohd ih'.chipts
wholly ricrrrioijs an'd palshs
KvmiY ciiAimi: i-ully
Special Dispatch to tho Times.
Ni:w Yohk, Seiitcttiber 20, 187C.
Tlio following Htiiteincnt, embracing, Oo
vernor Tlldcn's answer lo tho charges of tho
Now York Tuna touching his inoomo returns,
is given for publication by tho Hon. Abram
S. Hewitt, chairman of tho National Demo
cratic committee :
To the rublic:
Tho New York Timet, which for years
prior to 187f htvl been tho eulogist of Gov
ernor Tildcii, immedlatuly after liobccamo a
formidable cniulltlnto for tho Presidency be
gan n BcrlfN of asault upon his private
character. At length these assaults culminat
ed in tho chargo of making a false slatmuent
of his income in 1S02. Ily dint of reitera
tion and fabricate! specifications of items
nnd details, having tho semblance of actual
accounts, some well-meaning persons were
disturbed. It therefore occurred to me to
apply to tho Secretary of the Treasury fur
certified copies of tlio incomo returns of
Governor Tllden and of Governor Hayes,
and on tho second day of September I made
such nn application. Tho copies applied for
have not been furnished, nor indeed has my
letter received tho poor courtesy of an ac
knowledgment. Meanwhile, tho adversaries
of Governor Tildcn have apparently had free
access to these returns, and have even been
permitted to pltnio-litliogrnph so much of
tlii ni us miiud their purposes. I submit this
(net lo tlio American people without com
ment. .Meanwhile, receiving no reply from
the public authorities, who seem to regard
the documents in their cu-toily as held in
trust for tlio Kepubliciiii party, and not for
tho whole, people,! addressed a note to Judpo
Jumes P, Sinnott, who was the confidential
law clerk of Governor Tilden during the
whole period in which the law imposing an
income tax was in force, asking him to ex
amine the pretended account of Governor
Tildcn's income during tho year 1802, pub
lished by the 7V;ifj, and furnish mo with
such explanations in regard thereto as his
necessary familiarity with tho details would
enable him to supply. I have this day re
ceived his reply, presenting a full and entire
ly satisfactory refutation of tho charges of
the Timet.
His answer, herewith submitted to the
public, shows that out of thirteen pretended
items of income amounting to $110,000,
eleven items amounting to $S4,000 aro wholly
fictitious, while of tho other two only one
of $1,000 is entirely true and tho second of
$25,000 is only partially true.
There is therefore ho ground for the as
sertion that tho sworn returns weru not a
just and accurate statement of the net in
como of Governor Tllden, after making such
deductions for losses, interest paid and
other charges as tho law authorized him to
If exception bo taken to Judge Siimott's
letter on the gaiund that it does not con
tain a detailed statement of tho sovcral
items upon which tlio return of 1802 was
made, it is proper to state that the reguh.
tions of tbu departmeutdid not rcqttiro Filch
detailed statements, and very few profesion
al men made such statements, or could now
retail the items or havo kept tho nienitiraii
da upon which their returns were made.
If Governor Tilden was not in nomination
fur tlio Presidency, I do not know of any
man in this community whoso mere state
ment of a fact would have been more gener
ally accepted as tho truth, and I full to see
why the eminent position in which ho bus
been placed by a large body ot his fellow
citizens should bo held to detract from the
sanctity of his oath.
Aiiham S. HnwiTT.
Chairman National Democratic Coin-
Ni:w YoiiK, Sept. 20, 1S7C
ltni'LY op jiriKii: siNNorr.
Nkw Yohk, 20, 1S70. lion
A brum ,V. Jlivitl, Lntirmitn My DtarSir
I have received your note, wilh tho copy of
tho 77ir of .September 8, in reference to
Mr, Tilden's income return for 1SG2, and
anil have taken tho earliest timo which my
ollicial engagements would permit to send
you tho Information yon solicit.
I wm in Mr, Tilden's oliice during the
whole period covered by tho allegations in
tho Timet, and was more fnmllliir than any
other person perhaps oven than Mr, Tilden
himself with his piofessional services and
with tho earnings of his nllice, It being
among my ditties lu keep meli record or
mciiiiirauda of thorn as wits preserved. The
charges to which ymi specially refer aro
i'iiiiiilr.i'd and placarded on the front pugu
of tho Timet, where, in parallel columns aro
displayed u fuu simile ofMr. Tilden's income
tax return fur the year 1SII2, contrasted with
a pretended slaten cut of iueomu for
that year. 1 Invo examined this slnlemodt
witii euro, and from my pe.sonal knowledge
llnd it to be falso in every important par
ticular, Tho first thing in this fabrication of the
77wfj whicli arrested my attention was tho
ovident intent to mislead, which characterizes
it. It purports In bo made up of separate
items, tlio wording of which is varied in or
der to givo tho reader the idea that these
items had been taken di-cctly from bills, or
accounts which had been rendered In snmo
one, or had been entered in some book of
account, l'or example, tho fi-st item reads :
''February 19. l'Vo for trustees and master
commissioner' deed," etc.; but the wording
of tho second Item is uiado different, and
reads: "February 25. Feet and expensts
wilh reference to deed," etc., and tho third
item ii put in still another and dillcrcm mode
of expression, thus; ''March 1. For draft
ing, etc., first inortgngc deed," while In the
fourth item the word "fees" (and this time
without the "expenses") is brought into re
quisition, The obvious intent of these con
trivances is to givo color to thrcb(igus items
and tho appearance of being copied from
hoiuu real paper.
Tin: 1'ir.sT six rmis.
Tho first six items of this slateincnt relate
to matters connected witlt tho Pittsburg,
Fort Wayiio and Chicago Hallway, uud u
right iimtewtamlliig of Mr. Tilden's relations
to that enterprise, prior to uud during the
year 1802, is im)ortant ot the outset. Now,
Urn fact Is llrnt no such accounts a nro con
tained In these six Items ever existed, and
no one or these pretended Items hin ever
been made tho subject of a specific chargo
by Mr. Tllden against nny Individual or cor
poration whatever. Mr Tilden became counsel
for the holders of various clause t bonds
secured upon tho Pittsburir, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, which was and Is a
railroad running through four different States
and built In sections by three different cor
porations; which wero afterwards consolidat
ed. When Mr. Tllden becamo counsel for
tho bondholders In 1859, It had outstanding
tilno different classes of bonds, upon nil of
which default had been made, and its affairs
in general were In apparently hopeless bank
ruptcy and confusion. To rccuo this enter
prise Mr. Tilden labored continually, nnd
much moro laboriously than a lawyer ordi
narily does in regard to any ono particular
case, from 1859 to the early part of 18(52.
Tlio labor was particularly arduous during
tho years 17C0 nnd 18(51, Suits nf foreclos
ure, were Instituted early In each nf the States,
and these had so far progressed by June,
18151, that decrees of foreclosure nnd sale
were then entered. Tho road was actually
sold on the 21th of October, 18(51, and pos
session taken under the sale. Of course,
this could not bo accomplished until nil the
conflicting interests-tho nine different classes
of bondholders, tho secured creditors, tlio
unsecured creditors, and the stockholders
had been harmonized and satisfied j nor un
til legislative acts adenuato to meet a case
such as had never before arisen, cither hero
or In hnglautl, had been devised, prepared
and successfully passed in four different
States. AH this was accomplished under tho
advice and with tho labor of Mr. Tilden bo
foro tho close oftho year 1861. Ills engage
ments on account of this railroad during
that wholo period were constant and en
grossing. Whatever pay he received was
fur the entire servicn ns a whole it was not
Itemized or apportioned.
Tin: incomi: tax law.
The income tax law went intoeffert on the
first of January, 18(52, nud the incomes fall
ing under its operations wern thno nccrnlng
from and after said first day of January,
18G2, Income which had accrued beforo
that timo was exempt from its operation. I
do not think it necessary to occupy much
time or space 'in discussing the legal aspects
of this incomo question, or in sustaining the
right of a citizen tn receive nnd retain free
from income tax moneys which ho had al
ready earned by his own labor in years when
no income tax existed. The rulo on this
subject was early declared and promulgated
by the Internal Revenue Department itself
and is in full accord with these views. In
18GI Hon. Georgo S. Routwell, then late
Commissioner of Internal Revcnue.prepnred
a "Manual of tho Direct and Excise Tax
System,"which Mr.Secretary Chnse officially
approved and authorized. Under date of
May,18G3,this manual contalns(pp. 273,274)
tho following decision by the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue : "A merchant's re
turn of income should eover tho business of
the yenr 1802, excluding previous years
Physicians andlawyers should inoludo actual
receipts for services rendered In 18G2, to
gether with an estimatejjof unrealized or
contingent Incomo duo to that year." In
viow of these decisions and official instruc
Hons of the Internal Revenuo Department
Mr. Tilden's income return for 18G2 wat
made up so that even if a different viejv had
sinro been authoritatively held and expressed
Mr. lildeu would stand completely justified
Hut there is no authority fur any different
With these preliminary observations
will proceed to examine tho fabrications of
tho Timet in detail. The following Is a
copy of the Timet' statement :
A' nf llio Drmiii'rittic rHiinldiile'M nlll
dittlt, t'lintrtikfrd ttitli severitl lleiint of hit. lu
rtiino A emit liiidntr though liiriiiniilflo shutv
tiiv, stlilcb I'liiitiflM 31 r. Tllilvu of perjury uud
of t'boutliut tlie Covurumt'iit.
Income of 18G2.
Sumo Ilemif of the (aliened) True sjluttimcnt.
Feb 19 Fee for Trustees and Master Commis
sioner's deed to the l'urchasimr Commllteo
ni riitsourff. rorcitayno scuicniro itan-
road Compiny
Fcbru iry ' lVes and expenses with refr-
eiico to Hoed of Form, r HallrTd cmnpanv.
p irsuant to ort'er cf court, Pitta jurir, Fort
Vat no ,v Cblcai."1 Hallraid ('u-iiuuiy
March 1-For drctfttnir, Ac., First Mortirago
Deed of rtvonsti acit'd von oration, 1'llts-
burir. Fort Wajnu and Chicago itallruad
March 1 Fees for second JlnrtiraRO Deed
1'lttsbtirir, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Hall-
ma 1 Company
Starch I -Fees for Third Mortzago Djcd I'ltts-
btinr, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hallroad
March'i-lVes for final eouvevnucn to Hall
war cotnpinv, subject to the mortfaires,
Plttstiurir, l'ort Wayne and Chicago Hall
roid Comnany
Juno 14 ( u nberland Coal and Iron Company
October It Services to Second Monifairo
Hondlio ders of St. Louis, Alton nml 'leno
llauto Hallroad company, as pur anldavlt
Novembt-r 7 Services to First Moitkru;o
Hoiidlioldera of Kt. Louts, Alton and Terro
Haunt Hallroad Company, ns l-r aTidurlt
Booomtter al Fcos during yoar from cuicag-o
trirl Vtirtlitvaiti'm llilliviwt t'mnn-itiv
Arid Northwestern IUUi-otd Cumnanv
Fens durlnir jear frorn Toledo and wabakb.
Hcllroad Comnanv
chart) or minis retained fur servlos durlnir
s ear connected with reconstruction nt CiiU.
ou7o arm .soon H iiiromi company
Salurr as Trustee and Prusldoht ot UiiUnco
Dry Dock Company
ForoxpfanMuf olllco, ri'iwlrs and
taxes $0,500
For fees received, but DO t turned In
lsHi 12,500 19,000
Net Inenrno ni Democratic Inter-
pivtitflon of law JSK.eoi)
Net Incomo as sworn to by Mr Tll
den j ip
ITcri'Hsloual Income frnuitulently
concealed 81, ail
Income subject to lit e per cent tsD.uooi
Interest returned subject to
throo percent, T.lia
Portion of unpaid debt to tlio
Ain't of tat.
11,150 00
First item, This is entered under date of
February ID, 1802, as u "Keo for Trustees
nud Master Commissioner's Deed, &o ,
ifi.OOO." No such chargo was ever made,
rendered or collected by Mr, 'J'ild.'n or any
ono nn his behalf at tho (later mentioned or
at any othertime. Tho instrument itself was
a simple trustees' and mnstcrn' deed, princi
pally consisting of recitals adapted to the
i9o of a railroad foreclosure, and peculiar
cli Icily in the magnitude of the property
conveyed. The preparation of tucli an in
strument could form no item of charge worth
considering In n payment for an entire ser
vice of years, and no (.pecifio charge what
ever was ever luado fur U.
fcVcond Item. February 25. "Fees and
expenses, with refcrenco l Ictl of former
Jtailroatl Company, pursuant to Iho order of
Court, tie., $2,000," No tach chargo way
ever made, rendered or collcrtetl by Mr. Til
den. Ill point of fact tho document, which
n not (julto so long ns un ordinary deed, and
was intended tn havo tho effect of a quit
claim, was not drawn by Mr. Tilden at all,
but by Judge N. K. tSmiyiu) now, ol Iho U.
H. (Supremo Court, Mr. Tilden was never
paid for it in nny shape.
Third Item. March 1. "For drafting,
etc,, First Mortgngo Deed of Reconstructed
Corporation, $5,000." No such chargo as
this and no specific chargo whatever, was
ever made, rendered or collected by Mr.
Tilden. Tlio instrument itself was unquc
tlonnbly n very Important ono and admirably
drAWn, but it wai onlyono item of continued
service running back to the yenr 1859, and
tho rules which would govern a charge un
der nn employment to draw single paper
of this description have no application at
all in tliis cao.
Fourth Item. March 1. "Fees for Sec
ond Mortgago Deeds, etc., !s2,500." No
such chargo was ever made, rct'dered or col
lected by Mr. Tilden. Tho obncrvatlons in
regard to the first mortgago apply equally lo
this, with tho additional forcn that being,
from tho nature oftho case, in innet respects
a copy of the first mortgage, It furnished
great deal leirs basis for a cSirge, Jn point
of fact no specific sum was ever paid for it.
Fifth item. March 1. "Fees for third
mortgago deed, etc., f 1,000." Tho absurdi
ty of this chargo is transparent. This third
mortgage was on tho same property, and
drawn for tlio same client, ns tho second.'.but
secured an indebtedness only about two-
fifths as large, and yet this statement puts
down $1,500 ns the fee for drawing the third
mortgage as against $2,500 for the second.
Of course no such ehnrgo, or any other spe
cific charge, was ever made by Mr. Tilden
for the drawing nf this instrument.
Sixth iteir. -March 3. "Foos for final
conveyance to railway company, subject to
tho mortgage, 1'ittsburg, Fort Wayno and
Chicago Railroad Company, 35,000." Mr.
Tilden never made, rendered or collected,
nor was ho ever paid) any such bill or item
in n bill. Nor is there anything but tlio
dates of these deeds on which to base tho as
sumption that the work on them was exclu
uively done in ihe'yenr 1802
mil tildhn'h cn.ntaiw.
And right here, it is proper tn say a few
words in regard to Mr. Tilden's scale of
charges. It Is a great mistake to supposa
that counsel must have been paid in 1802 at
the high rate which ruled lu subsequent
years, Mr, Tildeu at thai ti me was in the
habit of charging very low prices. Tho
class of business in which he wm engaged
required, particularly, great skill in negotia
tion a thorough knowledge of men, a thor
ough knowledge of the railway system and
business condition and prospects of tho
country, nnd a constructive power of devis
ing and suggesting ways and means of rec
onciling apparently conflicting pecuniary
interests to the permanent benefit and satis
faction of all concerned. The mere drawing
of papers was hardly thought of in estimat
ing the value of Mr. Tilden's services. Ho
was paid because he reconciled and rescued,
as no other man in this country could then
have done, interests worth millions which to
manypersons seemed hopelessly lost Yet in
this publication he is Betdown,upou mere sur
mise and without any data er authority, as
receiving twenty-four thousand dollars for
work which could not reasonably have occu
pied more than ono month of his tiuic,whllo
tho nnswo.- in the St. Louis, Alton and Terro
Haute case discloses the fact that he was
working at the same class of business and
about tho same time at tho rate of twenty
thousand dollars for four ctusccutive years'
service, or at the rato of live thousand dol
lars a year,
MOKU ithms.
Seventh Item. "June 14,Ciimberhuid Coal
and Iron Company, $5,000." Tho Timet al
lows that one-half of this sum should he de
ducted, on the ground that it was probably
not earned in 1802. Neither was any of it.
Governor Tilden rendered no services to the
Cumberland Coul and Iron Com puny in that
year. Ho did render it important services
during previous years, beginning with 1858,
but they were all conduced beforo tho close
of 18131. If anything was received it must
have been in bonds, and in settlement of an
old account nud nut taxable.
p.iglith Item. "October 17, service to
Second Mortgage Uundlinlilers nf St. Louis,
Alton ami Torre llauto Railroad Company,
as per affidavit, $10,000." Of course no bill
was ever rendered by Mr. Tilden in the
above lorni. Hut this item, and (lie one
next following, furnished the only basis on
which the Timet started out on this defama
tory crusade. It pretended lo havo discovered
an inconsistency between Governor Tilden's
return of income in 18(32 uud certain allega
tions contained in an Answer in Fquity,tiled
by tlio def'uuduuts, of whom Mr. Tilden is
one of four, in a suit brought by the St.
Louis, Alton and Terro llauto Railroud
Company. If you will turn to page 37, fo
lio M5, you will llnd theso woids : "Tliat lor
such services tlio uelundunt Tilden mado a
charge of ten thousand dollars against suid
second mortgago bondholders, uud tho suld
chargo was paid by or on behalf of said sec
ond morbrago bondholders, on thn 17th of
October, 1SG2, out uf u fund contributed by
suid second mortgage bondholder, under an
agreement between lliemselvos dated Novem
ber 1, 185'J."
Now then, the question presents itself,
what were tho "services'' for which this pay
incut was made and when were they render
ed ? To oscerluiu this ne need only look ut
folio 1 -1M , where we liud theso words: "And
they further say, touching the statements in
bill of complaint as to tho services of the
defendant, Samuel J, Tilden, that ho Jiud,
long prior to and at tho time of the com
mencement of tho foreclosure, suit iu tho
said bill of complaint mentioned, been tlio
counsel for tho second mortgago bondhold
ers, and had been Irom some timo in the
year 1857. It appears, therefore, that this
money was paid for services running through
five years auteiiorto 1802, and it does uot
appear that uny part whatever was earned
in that year. Tho decree fixing aud con
firming tho rights of the second mortgage
bondholders was entered at tho August term
iu the year 18(31, and the sale itself took
place as early as Mnrch, 18G2. No appreci
able part, if ouy, of this Item can therefore
be apportioned to the year 1802.
t. Ninth Item. "November 7. Servian
to First Mortgago lloiulholilers of St, Louht,
Alton and Terro Haute Railroad Company,
tu per allidayil, ?10,000." This item ws the
original mainstay of the Tuic slander, nr.d
is still clung lo with considerable tenacity.
In aupport of iU theory on the subject, the
'JUm brut appealed to tlio answer before
mentioned. To this document we shall now
refer, and at pane 37 wo find tho followlm
statemeuU: "That the defendant Tilden,
(or a part of his services aforesaid, also made
chargo or tho like sum of ten thousand
dollar on account of professional services '
I tn un HUM ' Hfti
rendered to tho first mortgago bondholders
and the receivers, which was paid to him by
the said Azarluh O. Flagg, surviving receiv
er os aforesaid." "And theso dc
fendanU deny that cither of tho two claim
of tho defendant lost oforesnld wero for or
wcro ever stated by him on for claims against
tho reorganization, or that it was rcsolvod by
tho purchasing commttteo last aforcsntd that
any claim of tho defendant last aforesaid for
ten thousand dollars against the reorganiza
tion be allowed, ns in tho said bill of com
plaint mentioned." (Fol. 14G, 147, 118.)
To ascertain tho timo oftho rendition of
the services on account of which such pay
ment was made, tho reader is referred to the
opposite pago, at folio 141, whero wo find it
stated that Mr. Tilden "was also tho counsel
for said recsivcrs, and that ho also acted as
tho principal counsel for tho said first mort
gago bondholders, in relation to tho fore
closure proceedings hereinbefore mentioned,
and other proceedings connected thorewith,
and tlmt nrich services had commenced prior
to the year 1859, and were rendered from
timo to time during aporlod of upwards of
three yeurs thereafter." In other words, the
services was rendered in 1858, 1859, 18G0
and 1801. No considerable part of theso
services belong to tho year 1SG2. Tho fore
closure proceeding.! in which they trere ren
dered had already reached a decree Jn Au
gust, 1861. I nn avAro that the most dis
ingenuous construct 'on has been put by the
Times upon a sentence from the answer
of which I have here quotoJ.vir., tho words,
'and that such services hod commenced pri
or to tho year 1859, and were rendered from
time to timo during a period of upwards of
three years thereafter." The argument of
the 7imtJ is that this sentence admits the
continuance of theso services during the
whole of In-year 1SC2. I submit tlutt even
if thee words stood nlnne, any fair mind
would road them as meaning that the ser
vices cunlinlied fur upwards of three years
after they had commenced, which is express
ly slated to hovu been before tho year 1859.
This is the true construction of the wo'ds.
It is their meaning. It accords' with tho
Rut, of course, if thevwritnr desired to as
certain tlio meaning and Intent of this pas
saga, and found it ambiguous, he would
look to tho context and, indeed, to the whole
answer. Ry referring to page 17 of this saino
answer you will perceive that tho foreclo
sure suit in which theso services were ren
dered was terminated iu a decree us surly as
August 8, 18(31 (fol. (37), and that thn road
was actually sold in the month of March,
1862. So that there wiwt have been at
least nino mouths of tlio veur 1862 which
could not have culled for these services, uud'
as to the interval between January aud
March, 1862, any lawyer will understand
that this could nut havo called ior much ser
vice, being the timo occupied by the ruu
niug of the advertisement of salo, etc. Fur
thermore, tho payments which give rite to
the discussion were both made before tho
close oftho year 1S02, aud it is bo stated in
the answer. If I recollect rightly, the Timet
has on a former occasion referred to the
ditto of tho agreement of first mortgage bond
holders bet forth iu tlio unswer (April 15,
1861) us evidence that the services were of
short coutiuiiHiice, Rut this agreement was
but the final confirmation of negotiations
which hud been going on for three yeurs.
There was a preliminary agreement adopted
at u meeting of bondholders September 22,
1859, and modified from tiuiti lu lime, uu-1
this outlier agreement was itself tho result
of prolonged iiegoiiutinus, tlio nUuirn of the
load being nliuust hopelessly involved wilh
comUcting cluinit and interests, l'ur.uaiit
to his preliminary agreement pusaessiuu uf
the entire i ail road had been obtaiuud us far
buck as December 12, 1859.
MOItli l'.U-SK lTHMH.
Tenth Item. "December 31. Fees dur
ing ycur from Uhicugu and Nurthwealern
Ruilroml Company, $20,000." This Item is
totultv fake. ,fr. 1'tliLii i,vt iti..l no no.,
"i .
coinpeii m. on or , lyiueut- frmn (iwUlntugo
and Northwestern Uniir,,td Cunp.tii) in the
year 1802.
Klevetilli lieni. "Fees during from
Toledo and Wabash Railroad Company,
15,000." Tim reoklessucAs of this I'uUetujod
will appear wliert it is known tlmt the Tn oio
and Wabash Railroad Company never, at any
time, was a client of Mr. Tilden's und that ho
never, iu the year 1862, or at any othertime,
received uny fees from that company, nor
rendered them any professional servico what
ever. Twelfth Item. "Shuro of bonds retained
fur services during year connected with tho
reconstruction of tho Chicago and Alton
Railroad Company, $25,000." No bonds
were retained or received for such services
In 1862, nor was so large amount ever re
ceived, including cxtoiisos and disburse
mc.nt.s. Services wero rendered, and no
doubt they woru ttikm into acc itlut in o im
puting the grots earning uf that year.
Thirteenth and .tt Item,-.",Sjhrv as
trustee and Incident ol the, lUlunce Dock
Company, $1,000." This item ofl,000 hi
correct except as tn tbu date, and Is tho on
ly one of the wholo thirteen ot which .hat
can bo said.
At attacks on Governor
Tilden, in regard to his taxable Income for
1862, still another allegation was made, as
if on positive knowledge, namely, that he
had received from the St. Louis, Alton uud
Torre Huuto Railroad Company S-KI.OOO iu
first mortgage bonds during that ytar. This
chargo was unqualifiedly false; and now that
it has been pointed out iu the public jour
nals that the complaint itself, in tho St.
Louis, Alton and Terro Haute suit, allowed
these bonds not used up to the year 1864,
tho charge appears to have Wen abaudoued,
even by the Timet, which newspaper, after
asserting the fact in positive terms, subse
quently published a report of a committee
of that company, also antagonistic to Mr.
Tilden, but which showed that, iu 1870,
these bonds wero still in tho hands oftho
purchasing committee, aud so could not
have formed any part of bis invuuio in
It seems proper tu say that a return made
under oath must bo assumed to bo correct
mile it can U shown tit bo faint. This ut-
t. nipt Inn been madti by tho Tiinct, and
growing bolder from day to day iu eflitru
havo finally culminated in a specification of
thirteen items, twelve of which aro wholly
or mainly fictitious. While tho Timet was
thus milking excursions into iho regions of
fiction, it seems to have found it convenient
In overlook tho possibilities ofla-vful de
Ono IiWIi, (twelvo lilies or tin cthtrnletit. In Nonpj
rell typo) ono or two Insertions, 1.W J threolnsci
lions, fl.uo,
sric, 1M. Wi . . lt
onolnrn ttiwi H.W) .'
Two inches i.'M 6.'0 M W !.
nm' fiches a.'u W .!.n '?'
I'uurlnchrs t.o ,t.o ,i;w ll.p
(jnartereoliiinn......lo.uO itM .14.00 W.0 je.oj
llall column 1MJ 18.uu no.rn w.otr ew
One column. . .,...,u.oo .) ).oo oo.w v-
Yearl advertisements pnya'jli .Od?rV'r,'.Trfi!;
Blent atlvcrtlsomcnts must be paid for before Inserted
except wliero parties have aoptiunlJi. ..,k
Leiial ndvertlsemonm two dollars per Inch for lhr
Insertions, and at that rato for additional insertion
without refcrenco to length.
Kxecutor's, Administrator's and Audltor'i notice
Transtentor Local notices, twenty cents iilmC
regular advcrtlscmcntJi half ratrs.
Cards In tho "liiistness Directory" tolumn. oe
dollar per ) car for c&ch lino.
' " .."..--ixre rsgg i
ductions such oil oxpenses, ront, Interest and
losses. Tho simple fact is, tho amounts r
turned wcro tho net result of Income afUti.
taking out the lawful deductions, lor ma1
it only remains to assert that every factvfithw
In mv knowledeo confirms tho good faltk
and adequacy oftho returns, which wero
verified by tho affidavit or ono who ior roorf
Ihiin a feneration had lived a life so pur
and blameless that the breath of calumny
had failed to touch him until by tho general
voico of a great party ho had become their
candldato for tho highest oflieo in tho glU
of tho people.
Tn renneet to tho allegation that after two
years of tho Income tax Mr. Tllden made no
return, but left that portion ot bis tax wnica
was in excess of the payments for his ac
count made by the corporations, whose bonds
and stock ho held, to bo assessed under th'
law by tho estimate of the public officers,
the answer is simple Tho statute gave thi
tax-payer the option to tako that course,
and good and honorable reasons existed why.
a scrupulous man should accept that option.
Mr. Tildon received no favor from tho gov
umment officers, and sought nono. Ho did
nothing but pay all they imposed on hits.
Nearly all his incomo from investments
paid tho tax through the corporations whole
bonds and stocks he held without allowanco
for tho lawful deductions. On tho rcsidui),
after the lawful deductions wero made, tie
believed at tho time that instead of paying
loss ho oftcner paid moro than would have
been the result of a full, but troublesome,
accounting. Ho preferred in that way to
b exempted from the difficulties incident to
attempting a specific statement of the afTaiia
in wiiiohhe was interested, and oftho coi
poratioiw uud business in which he was an
investor ? and al to be exempted from the
rrpormt'lit o. adjudicating on the facta
and the l.W ap, hciMo to uncertain and
fluctuating elements during rapid rend yio
lnt Chan.', of fictitious values. Tho lair
was unsettled; questions of real difficulty
existed. Constructions were setup by of
firmls which were often conflicting, uai)J
telllgiblo or incapable of a just or aafo ap
plication", find it was not agreeable to malto
a return orf Adoubtrul or disputed theory,
or in coutrau.'ction to cvon unmoritorioui
claims mnde in behalf of tho government.
Respectfully yoiTS. JA1IE3 I'. biNKort
Last news from tho joint world Medl-
...... . . . . sr. r t
um : "xne spirit or tlio ijuo jir, Jones is
present." Jones' widow (with emotion): "I
hope you aro happy, Jones." Jones (raps
out): "Fur happier than I over was om
earth." Jontsi' widow : "Oh, Jones, then
you must bo iu heaven." Jones: "On tbe
contrary ."
In a land case, recently tried in the Dis
trict Court, the jury having been dispensed
with, His Honor Judgo Noonan acted a
judgo and jury both. To have a single man
acting as twelve seems very simple, but it
was bewlldorlng to Deputy Sheriff McCall,
wtlp has been attending juries for some time.
Ono morning during tho trial, for Instance,
he looked fixedly at His Honor, and after
counting hi in soyeral times inquired: "Whera
is the rest of you V. When court adjourned
McCall said rather Bternly to His Honor I
"Now don't you go talking about this cass
among yourselves, and all of you boys be on
hand promptly, or I'll hunt you up in a way
that you won't like."
Sm: Wanted to Maihiy Him, Tho
stewardess of the Plymouth Rock tells of a
romantic young lady who ventured too far
out at Ruckaway Reach and nearly drowned
but fortunately was rescued aud given lu her
charge. On coming lo her senses the girl
declared Unit she would marry him who had
risked his life to save tiers.
"Impossible," replied tlio stewardess.
"What, Is ho already married?"
"Wasn't it that handsome young man who
was bathing in the surf near me when I be
ciuip unconscious?"
"No, It was a'Newfomulland dog."
Tho Watklns IZrpre&t is responsible .for
thin: "A few Sundays ago we heard a preach
er of the Gospel, who holds forth over thero
in Chemung county, make use of this vigor
ous compariiion: "A liypo;ritical Christian
can no more get into Heaven ihwi a raccoga
can climb n stovepipe wilh a tea-ktttlo lis
tened to Ins tail."
A person remarkable for his stupidity ami
Indolence, was desired by his wifo not to b
gono so much, oi sho was afraid to bo left
"Poh I" said he, "naught is never in dan
ger," '.'I know that," said she, "but Naughfa
wife Is."
A pnrty met at a public table, when thi
conversation turned on the subject nf trans
iniferttlnn. Mr. K. was n firm believer in
traii'iniirratinu, and was expatiating largely
upon iu ptlnbi, when ho was Interrupted liy
a Rontleinan who was ptvs-nt with, "K
what do y m suppose ymirself to have beta
before you were 1C?" "I do not know,"
replied K., "I might hnvo been a pig, for
aught I know." "Well," rejoined his friend,
"you have not altered much only got upon
your hind legs."
A man in tho town of Rushford killotl
another man's dug. Tho son of tho man
whoso dog was killed, therefore proceeded to
whip tho man who killed the dog of tho man
he was sou of, Tho muti who was son of the
man whose dog was killed was arrested by
tho man who was ussaultid by tho son oftho
man wtioso dog tho man us(aulted had killed.
Tho man who was arrested by tho man who
kilted the dog oftho man whom the man ar
rested whs ton of, for assaulting the man
who killed the dog, finally settled the case
up with the man who had arrested the son
of the man who owned the dog for assault
ing the man ivh.n killed the dog of tho mau'
father who had been arrested. And sUIl wt
are not happy,
When tbe Princu of Wolcs landed at Port
mouth, the crowd was so great that hp could
hardly pass through it, until at last au In
spired baiid-inuster drink up'Tpmuiy.niasja
room for your uncle." wherro-ion ihe people
good-uuturtdly laoghtd.und gave way.
A farmer, tho other day, If the story bcr
tine, wrote to a New York merchant usklnjf
how the farmer's mui was getting along and
where he rlept nights. Tho merchuiit replied;
"Hu trleeps in the btnru in the dav time. S
don't know whero bo sleeps nights.
r i