The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 22, 1876, Image 3

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mn n n t tt m n t a m
II 1. 0 I) SI H II U It (I, V It 1 1) A V, N i: V T. 1, I 'Til
Knl I Time TnMe.
KOUTII. linllTlt.
Accommodation Train Ml A. it. T.1H A. M.
M.Ut Train I.MA.II .M 1. X
Express Train 1.4S r. M. 1I.M A. M
" ' Ml P.M.
Accommodation Train o.M A. M. 1,11 V. M.
Iletftilar Express 4.t P. M. 11.33 A. M.
Through curs on Express train clllior to Now York
or Philadelphia. Accninmetda.tlontrnln runs between
OalJiwIssa mill Wllllninsport.
K. H. Orvls Kw, will aililrois the Democratic
Club to-morrow evening nt eight o'clock,
iletl Kiilrrcls nro said to bo very numerous
thin year. If this bo true, gray stiulrreU will bo
proportlolmtely scarce.
Tlio potato crop lias been n failure In tlte
county tliU year. In many cacs tlio ylebl does
not pay for tlio digging.
The ntlcnclanco nt (tie Centennial thus far this
tnontli Inn bem liiinient,e. Last week tlio aver
nto ilaily lulin'miuiis wero sevecty tliomanil.
Tlio Democratic Convention of Sullivan ap
pointed delegate instructed to support Hon. It.
I', Allen for State Senator from tliU district.
Cider will bo cheap enough this year ns tlio
nmilo crop is enormous. Wo have heard of
b lies nt $'.!.50 per barrel thus early in the sea'
Weather propheU as usual are predicting a
very severe winter this year. Tho Bliiickd on
the corn are extra thick, n sure sign of it, they
Tlio TlWiinv Democrat says: "hu.idreds of
bushels of apples nre going to waste in neigh
borinir orchards. The fruit ba.s fallen and His
rotting upon tlio ground."
Tho river is full of nunfish, and they nreo
exceptionally large size. Two gentlemen from caught at the mouth of ltoaringcrcek,
n lew days ago, 213 in an afternoon s fishing.
We aro informed that Sir. Samnel James, of
Knnticoke. caught a black bass in tlio river, re
cently, weighing four pounds and thirteen
ounces. We did not learn the size of the fish.
The black bass fishing has not been very good
in this neighborhood, and thse who pretend to
know the habits of the fish sav that there is too
much for lliem to cat in tho way of small fish
Sportsmen who insist on killing partridges or
mlled grouse before tho 1st nf October in Penn
Bylvania are liable to ten dollars fine for every
bird killed, Deer bunting will not be in season
until that time.
To Di-STitov Hats. The mo'.t simple and
practical means of driving away rats without
poisoning them, that wo have heard of, is to
lake chloride of lime and matter dry all around
and into their boles, and they will leave at once.
Tho stables of Robert liryson & Co. went
down in the recent "cave in" at Centralia, and
two valuable gray horses wero buried in the
filling canh and killed. Two other horses were
saved by tho plank in the floor of their stalls.
The season for putting up stoves lias arrived,
and the wretchedness of thousands of house
holders throughout the country is something
fearful to contemplate. It is one of those una
voidable nuisances inseparable from house
The Republican party, repiescnted by sixteen
forlorn delegates, formally deposed Hockley as
Chairman of the Standing Committee on la-t
Mondav. Ilo consoles himself that lie was
nominated as a delegate to the State Convention 1S77.
Tho Republicans of Columbia county have
got into line to take a fair look nt the 2,000
Democratic majority Unit is ahead uf them, and
the gentlemen assigned to defeat tins year are
1). .J. Waller, Sr., for Congress; Frank Evans
for Senator, and John Kggeit and T. 1'.. smith
for Assembly. I'hilu, Times.
Hadn't lieckley better splice that overgrown
telegraph post that ornaments the front of the
l'ost Ollico ? The Democratic pole easts a shad
ow on it that makes it look homesick, as though
it longed to go back to its native forest, wheie il
wouldn't be ashamed of itself.
Another Luzerne county has come to
griif. The accounts of Thomas llutcliins, Re
corder of Deeds four years ago, are said to bo
J7,G00 short. A civil suit for the recovery of
the money has been brought, the time having
elapsed within which a criminal action could
bo instituted.
A Wuitii of Warming; to Smokeus or Ci
OAiurmJi. It lias been ascertained that the pa
per with which they are wrapped pioduces can
cer of the lips anil tongue, and physicians assert
that the smoke is exccidingly injurious to tho
lungs. It is better and safer to Use cigars or a
pipe. '
We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr, Wil
liam lirown, ofMilllin, father of Jas, C. lirown,
ot the l'tpullican. He died on Sunday laf
Air. Iliuwu was a highly respected cilizin, and
his death will ho deeply regretted by his numer
ous fricds, He was about sixty-nine years of
The (hangers aro having a huge time at Ilia
.Centennial. Excursion rates were put at I?3,ii0
iday, and large mimbeis took advantage
... . i
nf it Tm trams oi iweive cars eacu uent
down on the I'.- 1'-. n"'1 eight tratns of
fouilceii cars each on tlio 1". s 1.. ii. 1.. icn
or twelvo large wagon loads of people passed
through town early in tlio morning to take pas
sage. On Thursday of last week Geo. Fettcrnian,
convicted) of horso stialing,was sentenced to three
years imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary
nt Phlladelphiaaud Milton Chailes, at the same
time, was sentenced to a similar term in the
Penitentiary and to pay a lino of five hundred
dollars, Sherill'Foniwald started with his pris
oners Friday morning. Thos, llenson, convicted
of larceny, riccived thirty days in the county
jail, having already been in confinement, await
ing his Iri.d,
Wo have made arrangements by which we
can furnish an Albreeht tV Co, piano worth $500
on more favorable terms ihan any agent can of
fer. These pianos aio well known and enjoy a
first-class lepuUition.
We also are nblo to furnish any one with a
Marvin safe woilh SHOO lit u considerably less
price. These are standard safes, and thooxand
of them are In Use by businiss men. Parlies
desiiiug tilherof these nrliclis will find it to
their advanluge to call at tho Culumiiian Of
fice, Tiiikvish. A party of this place has been
making ruids on D, F.Seybert's hen roost above
town at vai Ions limes, and on Tuesday last Mr.
Seybcil, with Constable Mclloes, of lieuch Ha
ven, visited u disreputable bouse for their ar
rest, a short distance ulsavo that place, and found
tho pailita busily engaged dressing lurktys for
a genual fnist, The purly was veiy much sur
prised by the sudden entrance of Mr. Seybert
and Mel I ins, who arrested two of tho party and
brought tin in before Justice lirockway In Ileadi
Haven, where they weie, In default of bail.
f&transfeircd to the WllUn-liarro jail. JUivick
Court Ii III minion nt Danville. Tlio lint of
anises Is i long ono, nml wilt occupy tlio cnllro
IMils Ileriihard Is carrying on his business In
the Cadman store. Ho has just put In a fine
new stock of clocks, jewelry, silverware, Ac.
On tho petition for tho division of Fishing-
creek township, William I.amon, Isaiah liower
and Harmaii 0. Crevcljjig wero npiwlnlcd com
missioners by tlio Court.
There will be a meeting of the members of
I lie Columbia County liar In tho Law Library
this evening at eight o'clock to tako action upon
tlio death of Robert F. Blark, Enj.
On Wednesday morning Mr, Alfred Kranso
and Win, Hoover, of this place, shot fivo red
foxes in tho neighborhood of Wolverton's sta
tion, on the D., II. & W. R. R., and all this was
done inside of five hours. Sunbury Gaielte.
Tho Republicans bl Montour county liavo
nominated Dr. a. 1. Thompson for Assembly.
As tho county is reliably Democratic the other
fellow will likely be elected. Vhiln. Timet.
W. II. Koons and wife, Freas lirown and
wife, Joint R, Townsend, N. W. Iiarton and
others of our eititens are doing the Centennial
this week. A largo number will go down before
the 2Sth, to be present on Pennsylvania Day.
Don't cliaiifo your residence from ono ward
to another, or from one township to another, un
til after the November election, or you will loso
your vote, The law require that a voter must
rcsldo in tlio election district In which lie in
tends to voto sixty days before the day of e!ec.
A daughter of Reuben Delias, of Orango town
ship, while playing iion a swing list Sunday,
accidentally fell therefrom and struck the ground
with such force as to break both arms just above
the wrist. Dr. C. W. Ammcrman was immedi
ately summoned and the limbs properly set.
Tho g. rl is but eleven years old, and bore her
sullerings with great fortitude. Jhnlon M'teUy.
Michael McGee, of Nonlicoke. was a member
of the grand jury which was in session at
Wilkes-llarro during last week. The Morninj
Jtcpullican says : "When it is known that Mc
Ucc is under bail in six thousand dollars for his
appearance at the Carbon county court to an
swer for complicity in the Molly Magulro mur
ders, the above circumstance will appear quito
The Rev. (1. F. Ibeed, of lirooklyn, I'a.. ofii-
ciated in St. Paul's UpiscopaU-hurch on Sunday
last, iho heavy sti rm prevented a very large
attendance. In the evening several of tho
churches in town were closed on account of tho
batter of the elements.
We aro informed that Mr. Ilrced will conduct
services at the Episcopal Church for the next
two Sundays.
Tho best way to keep moths out of a carpet is
not to let them get in, and this is the simplest
matter in the world. Just sweep your carpets
occasionally with salt. No carpet was ever
known to be infested with moths whin the house
wife has a habit of using salt occasionally to
clean her carpet. Care, however, should he
taken not to have the salt too damp, or there is
danger of taking the color out of the cloth in
some places.
As there has been considerable misunder
standing and false reports in the community
witli regard to the adjustment of my loss by the
lato fire in tho Kvans buildings, which were
insured in the American Fire Insurance Com
pany of "Philadelphia, I wish to state that it
lias been satisfactorily adjusted and promptly
paid by Freas Crown, the agent.
A. J. Evans.
llloomsburg, Sept. 1 1, 187C.
Tho father of I!. F. and Drs. R. 11. and John
Fruit, died at his residence. Jerseytown, on
Monday morning of last week, at the age of 70
years, G months and " days. He had been ill
for some time previous, so that his demise was
not unexpected. Mr. Fruit had been married
fifty-two years, bad four sons and two daughters
and a number of grandchildren, and, reiuailn
hie as it may seem, bis was (he first death in
tho family since his marriage. Wo doubt
whether a similar case can be found in the
New Couktehfkit. A well executed conn,
terfeit of the new Hilvcr dime has made its at
pearauce, and is extensively circulated through
out the country. The figure of the Goddess of
I.ibeity, as well as the lettering and tlio foliage
on tlio reverse side, aro exact fac similes of
those on the genuine coin. On close examina
tion, however, the counterfeit can be easily dis
tinguislied, as the metal is of the class of nickel
used in tlio old three and five cent pieces, and
the coin lias not tho true and well known jingle
of silver.
Tl.e storm of Sunday was nn extremely se,
vere one, the wind blowing a gale all dav and
the rain falling in torrcntx. Late in the even
ing a disgusted robin applied for admission to
our sanctum by tapping at tho window. Tho
(ash h.ningjbcm raistd the bint flew in am:
took a position under (lie stove to dry his fcath
eis, and then perclud on the pkturoof Horace
lireeley for a nap. In the morning bo took lib
departure. Another bird had previously en
deavored to obtain admission, mid one also at
the Exchange Hotel, The violence of the gale
bail evidently driven them fioni their nests.
Tho grandest demonstration on tho pint of
lite people since the negiinung nt the campaign
oi tuned on Saturday uight last, when the Til
den & Hendricks Reform Club of llloomsburg
erected a hickory pole one hundred mid twenty
five feet high in fiont of the Court House. Tho
streets were tluongcd, and the cheers of the
masses mingled with the inii-io of the lllooms
burg Cornet Hand and the Tilden Drum Corps
as a iiiacnilict'iit new banner of nearly twice the of the Republican Hag that hung
near by, was Hung for the first time to the
breeze, hearing tlio words "Tilden, Hendricks
and Reform" on either side. At eight o'clock
the crowd assembled in lite Opera House", al
most Idling it to ovei flowing, tho front part of
the hull being occupied largely by the ladies,
The Republican Club attempted to hold a meet
ing In their room in Hrower's block, but it was
a failure, there Mug hardly a corporal's guard
lu attendance. While Ringmaster l!ickley and
his aids attempted to enlighten their hearers
upon the Issue of the campaign after their usual
fashion uf "mirth, song and jokes," the Hon, C.
R. Iluckalcw and h. h. Orvis. Emi, weredeliv
eriug stirring addresses at lite Opera House on
tho vital questions of the day. The speakers
were fiequently interrupted by he applause oi
the audience at the numerous good ioiiits made
in their remarks. Wbilo there was humor In
the spctches, the exercises were not rlmractcr
lzed by llie"mlrlli,soug and jokes" of a minstrel
show. The people aro being aroused from their
apathy throughout the country, and the pros
pect for a grand success for the Democratic par
ty u itally outlining brighter.
Ocn, Grant says ho "lungs for tho 1th of
March," Jt Is not olteii ho indulges in so
popular a icmaik, fyrimjfitld Jleiuirican.
If your skin is yellow, or If you nro trou
bled witli plmplc.1 unci bolls, o.cause your
blood with Dr. Hull's Vrgetablorjlls.
On Wednesday evening last this communi
ty was startled by tlio announcement that
Robert V, Clark, Esq., wad no longer num
bered with tho living. At about half past
eight ho breathed his Inst nml passed quietly
nway from tho cares anil 'trials nf this life.
Mr. Clark was taken ill tin Sunday last, nml
complained of severe pains, but on Monday
was about tho Exclinngo Hotel where ho
was boarding, and nt his office. On Tuesday
also be was able to leavo bis room and took
his dinner down stairs at tho table On Tues
day afternoon lie nppearcd much worso, and
was confined to his bed, though no fears for
his recovery were then entertained. Wed
nesday evening at tho hour before mentioned,
In tlio presence of his son Arthur,nud David
Lowcnbcrg, Esq., tho spark of llfo wont out,
unaccompanied by n singlo struggle, and ho
slept tho Bleep that knows no waking.
There was perhaps no man in the wholo
county' of Columbia better known thnn
Robert F. Clark. For many years ho was
one of the lending members of tho liar, and
enjoyed a very largo practice. As a man he
was scrupulously honest and fair In nil his
dealings with his fellow men ; as a gentle
man ho was always courteous, kind and
obliging; as a lawyer, no word of suspicion
was ever uttered against his character. No
poor man ever applied to him fur legal
Advice, that ho was turned AWAy for luck of
money to pay for services. Ho was gener
ous even to a fault, and was always as ready
to put his hand In his pocket and assist the
needy, as ho was to render legal services gra
tuitously. His mind was naturally of n le
gal turn, nml though never a hnrd student,
he seemed to be Able to grasp tho most in
tricato questions that wero presented to him
without hesitation ; his clients were alwAys
suro to bo right if they followed his advice,
llobert F. Clark was born September
23d, 1821, and graduated nt Princeton
College in 1813. Ho studied law with Josh
ua Coinly, Esq , at Danville, and was admit
ted to tho Bar in tho spring of 1817, while
Judge Anthony occupied the Rcnch In this
county. In 18(15 he was appointed Collector
of Internal Kevcnuo for the 13th district by
President Johuson, and held that position
until 18G9. Ho served ono term as District
Attorney soon After ho camo to Columbia
county, and occupied other positions of hon
or and trust. Ho will bo missed in the
Courts of this county, where ho practiced lor
nearly thirty years. Ho will bo missed by
tho younger members of tho Har, to whom
he was always ready to extend a helping
hand; ho will be missed by tho older law
yers, with whom ho was associated in tlio
trial of all important causes that camo before
tho Court; ho will be missed by tho commit
nity, in which ho had not a singlo enemy,
and ho will bo missed by nn aged lady who
lovcu him with all the strength of a mother's
Tho funeral services will bo hold in St,
Paul's Episcopal Church to-morrow (Satur
day) afternoon at one o'clock.
Peace to his ashes.
On Tuesday afternoon last, tho house of Dan
iel Fry, of Montour township was entered du
ring the absence of the family, and rolibed of
about $S0 in money. Constable Irvin, who was
cutting com in a field near by, saw four young
men pass down tho road and, suspecting that
they had been in I'ry s bouse, came to lllooms
burg for a warrant. The thieves went to Dan
villc and there got on conductor Jordan's train
for Northumberland. Whilst on their way they
got into a dispute concerning the division o:
the money, oblivious of the fact that Mr. Jordan
sat in the soat behind them and overheard their
conversation. On arriving at Northumberland
they crossed to Sunbury, where they were ar
rested by Detective MePierson, who had been
notified by the telegraph operator at Northuin
berland, and after a bearing before the justico
were committed to jail. On being searched $'
in money was found on their peisons, a part of
which was a lot of old silver coins which Mr,
Fiy identified as his properly, they having been
given to him by lus mother. 1 hey also Ion
tluee large knives with which, as they allege,
they intended to cut corn. On Wednesday af
ternoon Deteclivo MePierson and constable Ir
vin brought them to llloomsburg, and after a
tearing before Ju-tice Urower weie committed
to jail. The names of the young men are Wil
liam Fry, Charles droves, lloyd Hrolut anil
Henry Rhodes and they are all residents uf this
town. There have been seveial minor robber
ies committed of late, both in this town and in
the adjacent country, and it is suspected that
these young fellows are the guilty parties.
On Monday afternoon last at about half past
one, a few gentlemen from different sections of
the County gathered in the Opera Hou-o nml
proceeded to constitute a convention lepic-ent-ing
the Republican voters of their several local
ities. No credentials were demanded, ami
therefore nono presented. On motion of J. 11.
Robison, A. C. Smith Esq, was elected Chair
i, tan. These two gentlemen were Niibititutcd as
delegates from tho west district fur tie regular
delegates who wero elected on Saturday after
noon, defeating Ileckley's candidates, K. C. F.nt
and J. K. Kjer. L. T. Thoiup-on of Ileiwick
and T. 11. Miller of Epy weie chosen as secre
taries. On calling the roll, not by ttmn-hips
but by names of tho-c who said tin y weio dile
gatesT'it was discovered that there weie eighteen
votes in the convention. Resides these there
wan an audience of foity-niuo persons in tho
hall, twenty of whom were Democrats. After
adopting niles for the goveiument of the assem
blage, nominations were announced as next in
oilier. The following is the iisult :
Associate Judges M, (1, Hughes of Citawis
sa, John McAnall of Ilerwick.
Legislature II, E, Smith of liloouisburg,
John Eggeit.
Sheriff C. S. Fornwald.
Jury Commissioner Theodore Smith.
J. 11. Robison moved to pioceed to the elec
tion of a chairman of the county committee.
Capt. Jackson, of Ilerwick, was elected. On
motion of J. Ii. Robison, 1), J, Waller, Sr., of
Bloomsbiirg, was nominated for Congress ; Capt.
Conner, W. 11. Ull and J, 11, Rohisuti were alt-
pointed eoufeiecs, Frank Evans was nominated
for Senator. John (1, Jacoby was nominated as
one of the senatorial conferees, but the gentle
man who uomlii ated him withdrew tho name
when he was informed that Mr. Jacoby is a
staunch Democrat. D. A. lieckley and C, 0.
Jackson wero then elected delegates to tho State
convention, A romtulttco on resolutions was
npKiinted by the chair and withdrew to draft
tho document. The convention thought it would
be a good timo for remarks while waiting for
lids committee to reiKtrt, and so called on lieck
ley tu make a "little speech." The Ringmaster
tried to slide out of the ball, but was brought
back. He made his littlo speech, and we were
greatly surprised to hear him use the wordrrWs
only once ; and he hud very little to say about
tho war. This was an Inexcusable omission on
tho part of any Republican orator. After he
had concluded his address to seventeen dele
gates, tho audience having disappeared, A. C,
Smith Esq, was called nn, and whispered a few
gcntlo words concerning the greatness of the Re
publican parly, Tho committee on resolutions
then reported, and the convention adjourned.
Victories in this convention seeui to have) been
about equally divided. Smith and Robison
beat lieckley on the election of delegates in the
wct llloomsburg district and Smith slid in as
chairman, but lieckley fetched tlteui on tho
question of delegate to tho Stale convention,
We are not suro who Is ahead on tho county
couim iliac, but JltUlty w hoi VLuirvuxn,
Wni. Millies' Exrs, vs. Michael (hover's
Adinrs, Jury called) verdict for fd,000.
Petition of minor children of Mary Rlsewtck)
leccascd, for guardian, Casper I. Thomas ap
pointed, John Thomas surely, bail in $100 Tor
each ward.
William liennett sworn and allowed to be
come a citizen of the United Slates.
Estate of Oliver Philips. Petition ftr sale
J. R. Evans and Richard Stiles approved as
surety In a bond of $000.
Estate ot Sarah Swank. Petition for sale.
Sale ordered. Itond In $800. Peter Miller nml
Isaiah Dower approved as surety.
Com. vs. Milton Charles, Motion for a new
trial overruled.
Petition fo' a road In Jackson township, near
Samuel Knorr's. Isaac A. Dewllt, Joseph Kel
ler and George W. Derr appointed viewers.
Com. vs. Milton Charles. Court sentenced
lefendant to pay a fine uf WOO and undergo an
Imprisonment, at labor, of three years in the
Ea'lcrn Penitentiary.
Sarah Hill, W. 8. Conner, H. J. Conner, T.
F. Conner, 1). W..Contier, Jos. Conner ami S(j.
san Creveling vs. Pennsylvania Canal Co. Pe
tition for viewers to assess damages. E. U.
Rickctls, David Achcuhach, George Stiner,
George Smith, Jacob M. Harman, John Snyder
and Miles C. llllams appointed viewers.
Report of viewers of a road In Scott 'ownshlp,
near) George Zeigler's, confirmed nisi. Width
fixed at 33 feet.
Petition to inspect bridge. Lucas Fabringer,
John Evctand, Jonathan llaclimau, Cera How,
er, Jacob K.Hcrner and Day id Yeagt'r appoint
ed viewers.
Estate of llannab llaird. Petition for cita
tion. Citation awarded.
Estate of Michael Grovcr. Petition for spe
cific performance. Citation awarded.
Elizabeth Ho man. Inquisition of lunacy.
0. A. Jacoby appointed comniiltee of tho luna
tic. Bond In $1,000.
Petition of Elizabeth E. Cadman for separate
earnings of herself and property. Ordered filed
and recorded.
Wni. Snyder's heirs vs. Jacob Iiechtcl !i wife,
Verdict in favor of the plaintiff on the following
conditions: Elizabeth Iiechtcl to pay plaintiff
$3,122.40 by April 1st next, with Interest from
lain, and costs, when a deed is to be executed to
Elizabeth Iiechtcl, conveying title.
Petition for a change in a road in Centre
township, near Levi A. 1 1 id lay's. Thomas
CrevelingJJr., T. W. Edgar and John Krcsslcr
appointed viewers.
John Yeagcr's Admr. vs. M. G. Hughes. Ju
ry called ; verdict for plaintiff for $1,027.50.
Caroline Harman's minor children for guar
diau. Charles Hippensteil appointed; bond in
$100 for each waul. Eaward Henry opproved
as suretv.
Estate of minor children of Caroline Harmap
Petition for sale. Sale ordered.
Overseers of the Poor of Orange township vs.
Iiloom Poor District. Appeal granted by leave
of Court.
Rejiort of viewers of a road in Conyngbam
township confirmed nisi, widtli 33 feet.
Estate of Ilenjamin J. Iloone. Petition for
citation read, and citation awarded.
Estato of Jacob Ilowman. Answer to citation
An adjourned court ordered, to continue ono
week, beginning on the 27lb day of November
next at 10 o'clock a. m. A venire to be issued
in the Common Pleas for 30 jurors, and it was
ordered that the causes to be set down for trial
be designated on the list by the President Judge
five weeks before said Court,
Ordered that venires be Issued for grand and
trav-rse juries for December term.
An Argument Court was ordered to bo held
October 20th next.
Court adjourned.
M'hereai, tlio Governor of I'enn Bylvania, by
Iiih I'rocliitniition of the J'Jth uist., lues net apart
T linrselay, tlie 8th clay of September, 1870,;be-
ing tho ono hundredth anniversary of the adop
tion in convention of the. first Constitution of
the State of Pennsylvania, and being aWl'enn
Bylvania Day" at tho Grand International Ex
position, and recommending that the naid '28th
day of September, 1870, be held and observed
as n State Holiday, and that the people assnn
ble at Philadelphia to take, part in the ceremo
nies of the day ; the nndersiL'iied, President of
the Town Council of the Town of llloomsburg,
hereby directs the attention of the cilizcim of
thu Town tu the Proclamation of his Excellency
the Governor, hereby cordially inviting them
to avail IheuiselvcH of the recommendation in
the Kiid Proclamation contained.
!y order of
Uud : David LowKNm:ito,
V. W'lUT, President of Town Council
lllooimburg, Sept. 20th, 1&7C.
Business Notices
Important to Centennial Yixltora.
If vnu nro going to seo the Centennial
Exhibition with your wife nml children,
write to IViUon'a Washington Hotel on
Chestnut street nbovc- Seventh. Philadelphia
and give tlio number nf grown persons and
children in your tanilly unci now long you
nroiiosii to utiiv mid got their prices.
If you are going with a puny, society or
lodge, tin the satni'.
Washington Hotel with 11 wide Chestnut
street front, only charges 43.00 per day, nud
$2.50 for supper, bulging and breakfast ; and
tlio J (ranch ot the Wnsliuigtoti, on tlier.uro
pe.m plan, on Seventh street near Chestnut,
only Sl.uu lur loom, ami there you can git.
a good meal fur lil'ly cents if you desire it,
or you can get your meals anywhere elo you
cnoose. A tig. a-lnv
Salt $ 2.2) per barrel $1.(10 per nack lor
caiii at siin.s loung a store, l.lglit street.
Clark & Woll will have their stock of Fall
Goods in this week.
Largest lot of rnnoy Writing Piipcr in
this county at G, A. Clark'.
I.titi! k .Sloan liavo received their Full ami
Winter styles of Minn Deinorcsts Cut Paper
l'utteriis. Call and ge' a catalogue.
Tito largest line of Slipper, is at McKln
iiey's. A full lino of (Iri'cn anil ilhick Teas, cf
all cpialities and prices at Itiwsell's.
Cliickcting Stc-iiiwaytlutliufhuk k Unities
Urn., l'ianos at Thomas JUu.iic Hturo D.ui.
ville. July 21.-lw
JIcKiiniey's is headquarters for all kinds
of boots auel shoes.
A new
lot of l'ockct llookd at G. A.
Jfasoii's Fruit Jura and Jelly
at M. M. Husscl's.
LadlDa' French Kid Ilutton Shoes, all
widths and sizes, at McKliiney's.
Syrups and Molusscscat prices to suit the
times at M. M. Uusscll's.
Sheet Music, Musio Hooks ami Musical
Instruments generally In endless variety at
Thomas Music Storo, Danville. July 'J l.-lw
Six good second. hand Pianos for t-nlo a
0, Thomus Music Stony Danville, ranging
in prices from 125, to W0. July I'lV-lw
Q. A. Clark sells King's Specks, which
are the beat. Kvcry pair warranted,
A full lino of Tobaccos, at wholesale and
retail at M. M. Itusscll's.
Mason A Ilnmlln, leo. Woods, ami the
Celebrated Standard Organs at Thomas
Music Store, Dauville, July lilMw
SeudMc. toa.l'. IIOWKI.I, CO., NrYorlc,fo
ramililtt el no i tecs, containing tuts as'
iiswapaion, aiidflauaTtaatuiwlitf cuilcf adrerti
UKf. MarcJiH. 'tt-x
To wttlch w titrlt flit InUristtd Attinlton and Cinhil Scroflitr of
WE hvo but Ono I'rlco for AIL NIS Prlc raesns ol necMsltrtivi tini
J cut ITIco
WE recolvo Cuh l'uymcsnt from All.' fysii saves expensn of collodions ul
ttmm. loasos from bad debts
WE giro a Ouuantoo protocting All.... . . , .. . .
rpjiE OuarnntM protects th buyer wha
JL rnajr notlienjua'goof goods
Wit Return Money when wo cannot '
suit All.......-... - WTo "If n hnmenso siles and ftro nt.
. , . t V V luflod with a verr imsll percent
WE buy our goods at first lundi, la era of front......... .....,.
Inuntnn quantities, and at tho .
lowert TTUeasylobiirofus.stncoallarotreattd
' ., ,.,,1, -,. J- alike, no ono netting favors that
W" TTgrV"'ment'wo "u'".l cro denied to other..!-....?.
WE Inspect eTCrjp yard of (rood! that TVCKEIUNO and debato aro done away
roes Into our Garments.... XJ , byui.evfirbodygetsoiubatwith-
. out having to asc for It
WE put n tlcifct on every garment,
showing plainly Its quality and Odr largo experience, capital and facfl.
price - ,J ltlesweiiM for the people's benefit
tn lowering prices.
WE cut off eTery Item of unnecessary
expenditure tttE nil orders roeelTcIbyrnaa from ell
-. ,, TIT,,! ,..!, VV parts of tho United Btatos. Writa
WE ?ryrdepfimtnu..r.?'.!". tor partleul.r.
WEeoVrJm: NMS5?iiSg
In addition to onr immenao Block oriteady-Made 3o lng, wo bars a UagntCcent tin
of Uen'i and Boy's rumlihlng Oooda, Bhlru (of our own make) and Underwear, all at U
jVory lowest 1'riccs. "
OAK ZXJtLZy . ;.
S T j 2KT .A. ZR ID M
Tho Largest Assortment !
Tlio Best in Quality !
The Lowest iu Prices I
The Easiest Terms!
Corner Main and Market Street
The undersigned Laving been engaged in the
business for the past eight years
dealers to their large and varied stock.
They defy competition by any house in or out of tho large cities.
Their stock consists of Paints, Oils,
Class, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices,
Where may bo found a largo
Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept
in a well regulated retail Drug Store.
They aro also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrat o
May 10, To.-tf.
and savo one-thtrd tho cost of 1T-T7?A TTO AT DA TXT'P painting, and get a paint that
Is much handsomer and will Vjll I'jUl LlVIJ 'J I V 1 1 I last twice as long as unv other
paint. Is piepared ready for use in winiuor anv colur desired. Is on many thousands of tlio (litest buildings
In tin) country, inauv of which luvo hxupalnlod btxears ami now look us well us vilteullrst paluled.
This CMKMU'AI. I'aIN T Itas lakeu l lrst I'reinlums nt twenty ot tho state l'alra of tho Union. Samiilueard
coloin sent free. Atttli i-m N. Y. K N A M H I, I' A I .N T O t)., liu Chauibeiti street, N. V., or M 1 1. 1. V. It
ltoa., lit) Water street, Cleveland, Ohio.
All kinds an
jr. 13:. hve-IZE's
Corner Main and Center Streets
Oct. 8, lSJ6.-tf.
Dealer in Law 131unks, Sunday
Eooks and supplies not
On Short Notice at tho
Storo in Exchange Uotol
lialot. Is iirfiurtl ready fur use la while, cr any colur desired, la on many tliout
In Uiti cciunlry, many nt wlilclt lunet teen palmed alt
'litis OlIKMle'AI, I'AINT lias Unit rre-uiliuas at
etc citiura at lit triis.
N, T. K N A M K L
I A I N T CO., 1M l-ltauiUrs
in ciOA per day at Itoine. Samples worth tl
V 0 VU Irea, bnnbox tu, I'arUaud, Maine.
March lu, 'I-ly.
1Q a day at lusnii. Acrnta wanted. Ouliltaud
"tc'iiaifrtc 11tUH,LfJ, AeiceuU, Idalso.
Ma rcU la, itij.
would call the attention of country
stock of Surgical Instruments,
Jtay l,'iO-ly.
School Libraries, Depositary of the
liiolo bociety,
on haud can bo furnished
Most Reasonable Bates,
Build iniir, BloomsburLr, Pa
ntlnr. and ret a Dalnt that
ast twice a luiir aa anr otut-r
iuanv tliauHandtf uf tlLfinaftstbutlillmni
wrnty etf thu blatn vmra at tint l'ulun. tuunihi urd
auu uow iuok as Men aa wnen nrsc iiainiuo.
MI I, I, lilt IlllOb, lot rtator nrret, flaTcUud. Ohio.
tucct, ti. Y.
May ij, t-ij.
lfiaTKits. iL. n .
Neatly fuxd Cheaply (irlnted at theCouiU
Dauchy & Go's. Advt's.
2ti I'ANOV fMltllHIl styles with namnwew.
.') Affvntfl wanted. J. 1). UusUxt, Nassau, N. Y.
if you want the best telling
artlcln In tho world anil a MI'l'
c-o til nalent lover waten, rrcn
it rusU w i Hunt, unco U) J.UIillllSJc CO.. !! Itrouil.
way, N, Y. Sep. l.-lw a
01 K PAT) cJI TmTT brilliant till chromoR,
?10 rUlV Ol with lf(rant folio, $1. rmt.
rlrr, MnaiTMitrm, lolil.FIh, I'rttll, anil otlirr
popular elironicn, cadi IV feet ion;, only 60 cents
each. NATIONAL UIIItOMU CO., l'lili.
BOp. 1-IW.
AeiitNTs WANTni) ran Tint iuikat
immenso salon.
IT I'A VM. ttend for Circular.
r. w. znmiiu co rntia.
Sep. 1-iwd
I'AltMH with fruit and Improvements atvnurown
I'AIOIX ItiruiTS. Catalogue, with maps and plioto
I'Alt.HS irntililo Illustrations, tclllnir alt about
I'AIC MS .Maryland nud Delaware, sent free.
rAu.tiis d r . aiAmiiA. j-uutji, iu
Hep 1-4WH
AOKNTS WANTKD! Medals Diplomas Awarded
I HIM) lllii-triitlims. Address for new circulars,
A. .1. 1IOI.MAN S CO., (30 Arch St., I'lllla.
Sep 1-IKd
v iti:roit.n i Now ready for
agents. Tlio National Hand Dock
fur voters, with liruof Hldttn
IleiiurliKK, unci an expose of Icings and fraud, too
itaifrs. juusiraien. vt ccs. wni secure oumi ana
crrltnry. $100 a month mado. IS. U. Tiiiit, Pub.,
I'lilladelphla. bcp4-iwd
PSYCIIOMANOY, or Soul Charming. How
either sex mav fascinate and catn tho lore and
Hiicctlons ot any itcrson they choose Instantly. This
simple mental acquirement all can possess, free,by
111H11, iur zj cut., lUKmuer wuu i mnmafru iriitae,
l.'trj I tttcll oracle, dreams, hints tn ladlrs, weddlnc'.
nUlit Bhlrt, &c. A queer boot. Address T. WILLIAM
co., I'uos., rmia. scp4-twa
$50 to $200 a month for nccnta.
Tho great Interest In all nations and In our own
inniuiig nisioryor 100 years mates tmsrjooK sell
faster man any other. 3 books in onr beautifully II-
lustratcd. Low price, quick sales, extra terms. Send
iur circular. t, c. Aicuuiiux, rnuaueipnia, I'd.
J KVKNTti at Tim . Nation
In aril tint
Nrer Hook
.tusttlio book for the times, uives a full history of
the National Caitiinl nml lint rramrni. Shows
how the government has been managed since Its or
cantzatluii. Explains how lobs aro tm'. throutrh Con.
irrers. tmes a full history of tho irliUttr Kriiudn.
Ilelunnii and other Scandal. It gives the ilvosof
Tilden, Hendricks, Hajesand Wheeler, (irnndchance
for agenu. Address C. c. WICK CO., Cleveland,
uuto. pep wtr a
REMOVAL-200 Pianos & Organs
nt Mancfactcmrs' prices. Tlio Subscribers will sell
their Kntlro of I'lanos and organs, new and
second hand, sheet music, music books, and mer
chandise, at very near cost prices IiUHINO 8KP
TKMHEH previous to removol to their new store
40 EAST 14th ST., UNION SliUAltB. OCT 1st. 111US-
iratcn catalogues .Maiion. Agents wanted, specui
Inducements to THE TltAllK. IlOltACU WATERS
c SON'S, Manufacturer and Dealers, 4SI nroadway,
n 1 . oep t-4wa
To Agents or ny who ncod Work.
IHx lis Qfn iK'a new book, with Introduction by
Mauk Twais. Is lust rendj'. The richest In text and
Illustrations seen for along time. Aro you out of
wnric or drugging along on some dull book J (.0 for
this one. It will till your pockets sural Don't delay
and loe territory ou want, send for circulars at
onco. 11 coses Homing eosee mem. am. runs co.,
Hartford, Conn., or F. C. BLISS & CO., Newark, N. I
DCp t-W U
Correspondence Invited, ltools laid by contract.
Why not mako your Itoofs last n lifetime, and savo
tho oxpenso of a new roof every 10 or 15 years. It
can be done : It you use Slato l'alnt. It will not only
resist tho effects of water and wind, but shield you
irotn x iru.
Protect your Ilulldtnia by uslrftr Slate Taint, which
netLnnr cracKs in winter nor runs in Hummer, ina
shingle roofs can bo painted looking much betbT.
ana laseiug longer man now sningiea without 1110
patnt, for fine-fourth tho cost of rc-shtngtlng. On
decayed shingles It lilts up the holes nd pores, and
gives a new roof, that lasts for J tars.
Curled or warned shlnirles It brtners to their maces
and keeps them there. This paint requires no lii'Ht-
tug, ts upiitica tvtiu u urusn uua very ornamental.
It Is chocolate color, when ilrst applied but chancres
to a uniform slato color, and Is to all lntenta and
purines stale.
tho red color Is tbo best patnt In tho world for dura
bility, it has a heavy body, easily applied, expands
by neat, contracts by cold, dries slow and never
chicks nor scales, una cout equals of any other,
Mills, foundries, factories and dwellings a specialty,
fttcrlals comnleto ror a new steen or nut Hoof or
ltubber lloonng cost but about half tho prlco of re-
snilltruncr. l'or I'rivale ltou.sfS. narns nnd nuildlncrti
of all descriptions It Is tar superior to any other roof,
log lu the wo-ld for convenience In tailncr. and coin.
bines tho ornamental .appearance, durability, and
nie-proof qualltu s of tin, at one-third Hie com No
A llr I,r 1 . rftt I I I Ml1, 1,
"How to saee rii.shlntrltntr smd leaks effoctuatl
and cheaply In roofs of all kinds" a loo page boo
iivv. 11 ing wu.j , mm Hk lui
.fv Vurk Mulit Itoolluir (,'o., I.ltuitud.
1 Cedar Street, New York. Afcnts Wanted.
Babcock & Wyeth's Ads
ciOft f Howard for an lncuraUu case.
Viitw riTUH, netne sworn, sais:
unc t in. rf, i ,
I crraduarcd In
iptiji, uijiii!iiru lu i-rutossurv cntur ittov ; nave ae
voied o jeai-SjexclusUely to ltlieumattsm.NfunUjla,
tiller's lthcumatlc Hecncdy, Kidney Cordial, aLd
iiutib. jviuiicy itutt Liver u scases. 1 Lunraniftt i.r.
l'ampblets, ltcferenccs, and Medical advice sent by
Liver ruts, it iiecnaneue cure, or win reman money.
mmi. Kittita. nuuu'ss ux. xtcter, s 9. ruurui, rniia,
juiy ti, its.-ii. us iv
T. D. Kellogg'a Advts.
Vyers, dyers, cliomlats, rnanufacturcrs and prlvato
elnelllngs. UKO. J. UUHKIIAHT & Ct
juuo v-iw. uutionwoou bi neiow nroua.
IUI111KK (i(lOI)S nf every dvcritin,
Intr, ic. Ill llAliliXl.VICi;, MIN x ro. Tt'het-
i i t ten n-.. t at Ktiicr. tinin. ittfoistuin mioi'S. i: etc t
nnc m.. rniiaticipuu, Agents .National ituutA-r Co,
J till .
Nw ltt'.risKli Kiiitios. IMt.coO arClrKfi. 3.0U0 en
craMncs, and IS snlendld mans. Ihulilvvr liocili
uf nnUrrs.ll knoulfdsu In ths lansiiacru Now In
rourheuf putillratlnn. M'KCIMICN witli map bent
,ui uKAjuizt. Aiiiw.ia
CIIAS. II. DAVIS & CO., rhlli
Apr !J ly.
13 nuri'lny Hi., N12W YOltK.
Aug. II, 70.-iswk
PHAIIMAGV, 145 Orand St., New York.
Keop constantly on hand a completo stock of ro
llablo llomu-opathlc Uetllclues, und Hooks on Div
incstlc I'rui tlce. ciocds scut to all puru ct tho
country, by mall or express.
Mend .tuitiji for dewnimte- cataloguo and prtco
currttt t- Audress as abovt
&uj. ll.-tw k
Dealer In
Silverware, Wutclies and Jewelry
liLooMsuima, pa.
ladles' and Oentlcme u'a Gold and Sliver Watched,
of American and Foreign manufacture.
Silver and Plated Waro, Clocks,
Promptly Executed.
l a me to Ihe nrimls&sof Iho nndentlmfsl In IleaTer
Township about the middle etf Auvust lI. A bruvtu
mure Hit or twe-lvu jturs old, lourlivu tu orteen
Uuudslilh,ciiowlilCtt lilnd toot and wt'lelta about
lieu itbuuds. Theuwnercanhaiethuaaniaby uiot
la( prutcrty andpajlui: charires.
BLANK NOTE8,vltl orwllhout czeetptloa
or aala at ttt UoLiwuax toa,
J. Weaver 8c Oo'a. Adv'tB.
( . 't'i I
Hotel Directory
thousands of our readers will visit tlio Brand Cel.
U-nalot Exlilfcttlon at Philadelphia. Thoy will want
to stop at hotels whero tho accommodations ar
BOod and tho charfrca aro reasonable. To dJ so tbejr
most mats all arrabieiAehUbofore sUrtlnjr. ThUi
ran bo done by correspondence! with Uis proprietcs-s.
This directory will bo found audi as aro fully up tm
thrso rr qulrcmcntn.
231xn Avenue Hotel
Street, opposite.
TrTcst cm! uf .Machinery Unit.
Asloglo room and singlo lied, II 00 per dav.
A. HOEl)F8. 1'roprUlor.
Itooms can bo secured by correspondence.
.nine , 'io.-ini.
1870. "TO.
TEHM8 $3.53 TKIt DAY.
C'harlra I', and 1'. I'. Hlovrnn, of Tlnllliart
owNEits and rnoritircTons.
Major. W. LET, AN 0, Mano&er.
Its Attractions Capacity, l.oos Ouests : Mfel
toug x Hit feet wlda ; 0 stones lilfh ; built and fur
nished by lialtlmoreans. rrivate ponors, en suito,
nr.. Special rates for l'artles. Associations, tt.
French, (lermnn. Spanish and Italian spoken in lit
hotel. All charges moderate and accommodations
nrst-class. It Is within four blrcks of tho main en
trance of tho orand Centennial Kiposttlnn.the most
rtudrablo location ot any (Vntennliil Hotel. Tlte en
tire house ts Burroundcd by a matrnlflccitt grove of
coolest hotel tn I'lilladelphla, Tho furniture and
ninrt e trees. or unity iears crontn. man ncr 11 tn
equipments or 1110 cntiro cManusnmcnt aro or in
most liberal character and during the season a nrst
class orchestra will furnish music for tho cntertala-
meni or ina eueau. Jiartct stroot lino city care pass
thn door.
itino so.-$m.
Congress HaII?
Blm Avo , Ilclow yortj -Sccon 1 St.,
Ulrectly opitoslto Main Kthtbttlon Iliilldlnir, Ac
commudattons fur guests fpeclal arrancrev
menui ror large panics. Terms )NK Ihji.i.Ik
I'KIt DAY. comfort, economy and rcasonablo
charges. W. 11. HAKUIl & CO., 1'nlladelphla.
to take tho exclusive acren
, ey for tlio sale of an article
n tltetrrocervtlnn. Homcthtnc? that has never been
Introduced In tills district, nnd sells rapldiv. Any
oung man may inaico rrom f .,ucu in o,wu onnutuiy
y addressing
SlosMom, lij-elcckcr ti Co.,
147 Iteado St., N. Y.
hep. 1-lm w.
Thn mnai rnmnleli. Institution In the UnltcdStat3
for tlte tliorovih practical education otyouniaoa
mlddlc-agcd men.
SB"Studenta rcrclvcd nt tiny Clntc.ta
Address, for circulars containing full particulars,
J. C. SMITH. A. II.. Prlacipal.
Sept. 8, ie.-4m. w co
Tliis Directory is compiled by
Newspaper AilvcrtlHliiET Agent,
lie Smltbpeld Street,
' riTTssDuno, pa.
Branch ofllcc, 1313 Market street, Fhlla.
Important to Farmers.
and OTerjbody in want ot
We have erected kilns at or near the Taner MULoti
the D. U. & W. 11. It. and are now prepared to salt
lime at very rcahonaoie prices ana ot goou quality.
uracra uy lltu ear pruiniiuy ttiteu uuu atttipcu w
any station on the abovo road.
A full lino of I.UMUKIt.of all kinds, dressed
or In the rough, shingles, Ijith and
bill Timber to which we Invito
the attention ot custo
mers. Orders received and tilled for all kinds of Faxilt
Vf itrtc attention to business wo nopo to merit a
share of public patronage.
1 i 1 1.1 & A HUH t i ,
31. mo catawlsaa, V a.
makes tho treatment ot
Diseases 'of the Bar & Ey
and has opened at Wllllarnrport, Pa., on Institution
tor the treatment and cure ot patients BUfferlnir
from such diseases.
omca nours. cntu s a. m., i to , ana a to a p. m,
Call on or address
G. C. aicDF.RMOTT, HI.
ti Edwin St., wmumsport, P.n
'j EaTim oftiios. wiuroi-H. crc'D.
Letters lenoraenlary on the estate cf Thomas
um,Hm-. imrvi wiuiviu .uuui,. uumi um.
been in-anted by the HegtMer of said county to Wil
liam l!yer, of Cata Usa, Columbia county, Executor,
lo wuom an persnts titueuieu uru reciuesteu o maao
pament, and tnoro linMntf claims cr demand
ugatnst tho said otnto will make them known to the
i.uld Executor without delay,
Aug. is-sw Executor.
Buckwheat and Full Crops
Tf wllftt
Kor over 10 years this brand has held Us reputa
tion In contact with many competing fertilizers,
No variety of Dames with accommodating icalt
of price.
Iiy farmers' clubs,
A. J. Albcrtson,
It. U Iteay,
I. It rktesholtz,
Freas lints.,
K. 1 houuton,
C, W. Wooddrop,
agriculturists, planters and
NAlii: .11 Y
TIM fullowlag testimonial was received icvcral
yean ago.
A yaama'sCtri vtrconusmn tnacoanxTR lioxi
Uroeuwotid, Columbia county, Pa.
Mass as IluKiNiat; Ilm-faicii
(1sNTi.iiMtif i We' thu undersigned, having used
jour Complete ltono Mauurothu post M'ut-eiu, pro
cured of our agent, A. J. Albcrtsoii, htieby ulUiiti
II tn l tho beat fuittltxer lu use. We lulu iccou,.
mend It to farmers, for It Is all that lou claim lor it.
Youry, la,
ton a. niiKiuija kid, ami. uiuton, a. a. i-aih-
iU(t., 1C,