THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. Iftf jtttlHltfimiU BBOOKWAYis ELWELL, Editors. "I,KT US 1IAVK l'BACK." Words of ours cannot add forco to the fiillmvliiK eloquent words by Hint iiulcpcml cut iourimlU-Ool. A. K. McCtiiro: The nation mutt have peace I It 1 the firs'. nanlrntlon of every patriotic lieart North and Soutli, Butt and West. It come up spontaneous! irom every uiniuc lurawi I J -. ..T - ..nrnn frilM nVPTV ironi every man m uuiiiiiii.v., ....... ...... j ,,r ln.lii.irv from nvcrv homo ol nml Irnm l.tferV PPIllrU III WIllll. Ik perviidca tlio prayer o! every sincere, devo- tlnll. lirelllllPS US COSI1CI 111 UltlJ in. ....... BAD NEWS FROM OHIO. A ( IIAIKtl! (IIM'Elt.lllltV AIIAINNT H)V WtMllt IIAVICS. t .....111... .nrtnJn. tcnlintn Inrirp. nml V. ltUVtlll HVW.UV.. ...... j - r-i ...... ascertained Hint no return wan made, by Governor Haven or his co-executor, me fact that Gov. Hayes received Into ULOOMSnURQ. PA. Sisa hSTcliIn?. nhd hM its altar wherever religion Pl'iclny, Sopt. 8. 1 8 7 0 has . resting place. It Is tlm demand of ov i I cry manned aim scam-u "' I ..J . . . .1-1. 1 M'....l Ll-illti. Mill tlie country nir which no unoim niii tho bravo men of the hluo and IhoRray, who made our battle-Held Immortal to the Till: SOMUKIW IN Till'. tlAMl'AUIN The Radicals aro maklnj; a drsporalo at tempt to ifnlto tho Union soldiers of tho lato herolim of tho American people, would iT war In favor of Hayes and Wheeler. That laco forever tho "riXTo!,!ufthrcrown fi... ifnl-l.1 nJ. Dlr has Issued a formal "olcoine peacoutid brotherhood as L ocrown Oarnct Kniirht Gon. Dlx has Issued a formal call for a Soldier' Convention, and undoubt edly such patriots as Bill. Butler, Col. Bab cock, Gen. Belknap, and Gen. Schcnck will bo in attendance. Hut tho soldiers who fouRht for tho UNlON-for PEACE will not bo present Intf victory of tho noblest government ol tno cart li 7'At prostrated bmlnen of the country mutt have peace ! Tho railltiR of tho demagogue will fall like tuneless sours upon tho wide- .nri-nil ilUtn.M Hill! Pail fcrtl tltCV flUl! Willi t which prevail throughout ovcry productive Furlyicceh Thousand Polart Withheld from Tax Attettort. t Ontlis am but wonts, nml words but v. lnd, Too feeble implements to bind. llulbr. Toledo, September 3. Tho following ap pears In tho Toledo b'n.ulay Democrat .' Wo rIyo below ll.o sworn returns of Gov ernor Hayes to tho assessor of Fremont for. tho years -1 871-f-70, of -Ills property lor taxation, listed by himself, obtained by our reporter from tlio records in thu county offlco ol Sandusky county : liCTDBNS ton tsM. HtAtement nf eeiienil tironerlv. moneys, credits, etc. subject to tnxallon In Haiidusky county for tho jc.wlsrt, belonging to 11. 1). Hujes and Hated by it. n. najcs. 11UIM.3 I, .UIUL'U l.l ( '111110-7, YlllllCil lit IITIVL-U Hill) , ,,, , I ,, , ., , . . .,, possession larec amnilhts of persoiml prop. " r"? njnufiuo encct. 01 nis crly ol aatills iiircnaru, tonsiMiug in noiisn- iuiiiiiivimii. hold poods, valuhblo paintiiiRS, plate, wntcliif, rrtv nf Hnnl s II rcliaril. toils ft till uhblonaintiims. plate, wntcltif. ti. irtni ..r Aiu., r:"i n.... nt, in.. fr l-'-'l-'B .ncmber, of his than ono tenth of its value, nod did not re- ninny ny piiitintr iirsemo in tno coiiee, tc turn It at nil in 181, cilhor as executor or as suited in u verdict of murder in tlio first is own properly, which umiotiuteiiiy it was, ,icj;ri.,.. S llIU llll'lir III Itllllllb 111 uil in. .iini ,.- chargo of evading payment ol taxes. In attempting to explain tho Inlluro of Oovcr norlln)fs to rctiirirmnnr-y for tho payment ol heiiucsls in tno will lor taxation, it win no iloillit bo claimed thai he hail not yd re post-traders. Uussel Errct, Juit previous to Custer's death, and noon Industry and ovcry channel of trade. Hate after h? had given his testimony before w .o-!lecoof UoVnWu.ehit- Clynter's Committeo In regard to the robbeiy tcf melotM ,,f the war wlllnotbringconifort i.r llm anlillnr mid tlllllallS bv StltlcrS lUul ,,. I, ..-, tlm recital of tho mad- . late Clerk of the .ess of tho treason ol a generation now iirtir , will can no line j horrors of An- fonrfullv avenced Gen. Custer "a etward, a poltroon, a brute iu l)le Hood-tUlo of the passions of war, will and a circus rider." The lamented Custer whisper no words of hope to trembling crcd- I. . I ..f il.. ..t.tlnim i rirDllll. canuot ausirer tho charge, but his old com radiss who are to meet at tho Soldiers' Na tional Reunion at Caldwell, Ohio, on the 15th Inst., have sent Errct the following in vitation : Pennsylvania Senate, and now a Republican perished from amongst us, wi candidate for Congress from Pittsburg called SuvilleKnAbXot' fl.... Piul.. -ttnnrtl il tnrnm. .1 brllte - .1.- il ! r .I.a tinii.tiit , r. o . . - I I'ftlim. T hpro must bo ncaeo tor tuo sbko siu.pii-.i. imui.! nt l ipasiiry ciirriai . " iiKOns. i-iu. x.iaiucu hi. Household uoods, furutliiro of ecry Una gold nml sllicr plult', clilnn ware, Juwclry, trood, r.tnnlntr utensi's, Rniln, wood, nifrt cultural products ot civry klud. lumlur,, wood, stone, Bteanibiuls, caral boats, vr shares In such boats, and other articles of personal property not Included or tho t oreitolii!,' or ubuiucnLltcinsot I his state ment Total value ot arst seven Items Hold uiul illvcr watches -1, valued I'l.iuo rorles Viiluuotiill mono slti possession or oatle-M-it, subject to ilrutt, demand, with banks or others Values o( rredlts.etc Iioncls and stocks Uits (aumbi'r must bo sworn to ! value must bu tuitcd, but heed not bo sworn to) 1.... t no.1 l lso 3 no None. loo None 1 COJ it nml tlm r .-echoes ol too iiiL'atcd insurccnts, uttered 1 - rl . . V, violence oi ouu- in tho keen an- Total value, nil Items $1 Ml Tno Stato ot Ohio. Sandusky county: I, It. It. Hayes, do solemnly allirm that to tho best ol my knowledge ami uciiet l uavo list' ... .. nt .In.i.ilr will nllt flir A mOmCIlt StaV .l ... -vl.ll.llo.l tr. I,n ii.u.rnll llw. tho destruction that is sweeping over the at property, money, credits, over snd nbovo paralyzed energies of tho people. A conyul- my JuJcbtcdness, iiivcstments in bonds, ', 1.-.. P .....II..1 .k... . tit .AI.I ml. I 1 . , t-..,.l t.I.. 81 TO campaign oi dhuhcu i..fc... . v...... . giocts, joint stocK uoiiipaiiicsur iiiiierivii-u in al hate, cruelly tnocics every suuen ijj my possession or under my control as owner ; ncss lniul w ovcry uno i.iuuici or holder, or as uusuanii, parent, gnaruiau, plctelytotho soldiers of tlio Union, by let- rt (4 the foe of capital and of industry. It irlIslce executor, administrator, receiver, ac tor II you cannot come, and by speech it cull3!gn;, i,alf tl,0 continent to misrule, rob- c011ting ollicer. agent, nttorney or factor on you can come, Ms Binglo question : Why ,)e iui(j aesolation. It Impoverishes the lhe jay preceding tho second Monday ol did you call tho brilliant, br.ivp ami lament- Soul, wi,ere there shou'd bo prosperity and April, 1874, which are subject to taxation nl Gen. Custer a coicard.a poltroon, a brute ,.:i,, i nnr ilpl.t nml and exnen- . ,u. i..... ,.r ii.i uini in nml oiid a circus rider, and demand his court- J. j throws tho wliolo burden oi the subscribed before mo thi inartialanJ tlegreaation on the very cvo oi .....,,. inmn tho North, now struggling 1S7.i lila traffic death? Wo desiro to comtnemo rato his uaiud and patriotism and courage at tha approaching reunion, and as yod are a candidate for Congress, asking"thc support nf n.-n. fiiutpr's lain comrades-in-aruH. it is very important that you should fully explain aat tho reasons that led to make these remarks about tho 'bravest of tho brave," a comrade lmlf tl whom wo an loveu. Brother Erret can havo tho floor. TUB llluroUS KOHNBY. This modern political saint says: 'Tlio Uuf.irm Oi-mocracy havo diillhrately planned lo buy cnoiuh voters to carry tho Statu in tlm October illusion. For tills pur poio 2W,000 has been contributed by tho great reformer who heads their ticket and his rich Irieinrs in tlio East." Of courso this statement is untrue; but why doeS not Forney renstire that Illustrious b. . . . 1 1..... ..nt nl IthVllM. il... i. ur itmiuipiiAiv iiL.iLiiiaL tiiji.u.o... i...... Hon and embarrassment. It is war without a single manly attribute of war. It is wan i.m wnr nKninst the earnest clforts of two mighty sections for peace. It is a crime t iree government; ueniii-ui. effort for restored prosperity, aim if it irimnnli. tlm North and tho Solltli, ....... -o lull nnn rplinltpil llV indlssol- II1II.U ciciu. o, -j - ublo tiea, wi.l bo doomed to common loistur III be nltiless novertv In all that gladdens and ennobles a people and a terriblo plentv ol all that divides and de grades them. " There must bo pcuco as the harbinger of prosperity. Mure About that Four llmulreil Dollars. On thu aid of August, just passed, Chap lain llarpcr.accnmpanicd by General ltusso' Hastings, General Thomas M. Turner and Major William McKinley, arrived in Co- consult with Governor s X2 nay oi April it. JJ. J1AY13. JoHN Buck, Assessor. llKTCIIXS I'OH 1ST5. Horses 3, mined at Coirs-V, valued at , sheep I, valued at Pleasure carriajreg- 'valued at Value of ho'isehold goods or eery klud, KOld and silver, plate, ciilnaware, Jonelry, books, rarinlnrf utensiu, (jr.iln, wool, u,-rl-cultural products ot uerv kind, coal, wood, stone, steamboats, canal boats, or shares In such boats, and all other nrllcles ot ier sonal properly not included la any u( tho foregoing or subsequent Items ot this sta la ment Total raluo of the first seen Items Hold anil silver wutches 8, valued al 1' fortes Value bt mounts In possession, or on deposit, subject to draft on demand, with banks or others Val lies ot credit, etc. I mi; s (number hum bo sworn to, valno must hi mated but not bj sworn t'j)0, valued at 300 fi (M til Koue, D None Total - ti ISO Here follows tho formnl oath ot 11. B, Hayes. 11KTDIINS ion 1S7. monets. credits. indusky county fur listed uy it. u. into rnfnriiipr- 'J. iclc Rliiin Her. now Secretary of Itimbus. Ohio, to tho Interior Department and Chairman of Hayes about that dead deserter or dead statement of personal property, tho Republican National Committee, for as- bounty-jumper's four hundred dollars, which "il.t sessuigtho employees of the Government tho Chaplain paid over to tno governor. n-. nt two per cent, on their salaries fur the pur- Mr. Hayes stated that his recollection ol tho cattle,'ii;'vaiiieiiat.r.7.V."Zll";V.V.V.Z'"'! pose of raising a corruption fund, and contra- matter was very indistinct, tlio many things ft0$V;Vuffi ry to an Act of Congress ? that had transpired in his life during tho insure feransra And reformer Forney should also cxpla'n twelve years mat uayo passuu mninwi, how he came by the $25,000 charged to him having partly blotted the air.iir from his in tho Pacific Mail Steamship business and remembrance. IIo did remember the shoot how ha chiseled tho dead Georgo O. Evan? ing of tho man, however, but stated that if and this Stato Treasury out of tho $2,000 tho Chaplain had paid him tho four bun which tho witnesses swore he had received, dred dollars ho was suro he must have turned Lot him who is without guilt throw the the money over to the J uuge Auvocate, no first stone." sentenced the man, with instructions to uayo It paid back to the country whicu uau paiu it to the deserter, as the man was a bounty- WIIAT TILDES WILL DO For ttralgbt out, barefaced campaign lies jumper, and the money could beu3cd to pro commend us to our Republican cotemporary. CUro another soldier. But it appears that Tho editors may not know any bettor, but the man was not tried by a court marthl, and many of their readers do, and aro nat- nn(j thcrefore'thcre could have been no Judge urally disgusted. We suggest the follow- jjtBCaje ; the case, for an ollicer who saw inj; Item to tbem as being on a par with the jjm SI0 sutes that the deserter was a fellow e ery kind, to'd and nlH er plate, ehlnawure. jewelry, uouks, tannine; uicumis. tfraiu, wool, agricultural products of every kind, lumber, coal, wood, stone, steamboats, ca laI boats, or shares In sueli bouts, and nil other articles of personal property not in cluded In the forei'olng or subsequent items ot misstatement TotuM uluo of llrst seveu Items... (Jold and stler watches, 3, valued at l'lano-fortes Monthly average value of all kooOs and mer chanulse owned r held by me during tho year or part thereof eudtui,- the day prece ding tho 'id Mon luy of April ls"-alUB of all moneys In posesslun or on deposit sub ject to droit on demanJ with banks or oth ers Values of credits, etc Dogs (number must be sworn to value must bo suited but need not te sworn to) i Total value ofallltoms 4 con 5 It HO. None UEKKKAIi til'AVH. Two nlen named Weeded and Walker fought a prizo fiijlit lii Kew'Jorsry last week, allzcd money for tho saloof the property. It is all to bo paid this year, and If ho has not all the money to pay over he undoubtedly realized sonic of It or has lulled to e.pcut tho will. Two years and a hull elapsed and no report to probate Judge, ns required bv law, has been made) either by lliillierford 11. Hayes or his co-executor Indicating tlio pay ment of any of the bpoticsK so that the pre sumption is that they aro not yet paid. CAlil'IlT I1AII KULB 81)11 ill. Our northern citizens havo a faint idea of the terrible results of tho management soutli where greedy carpet-baggers and Ignorant negroes bear sway. Tho following commu nication gives a fit Illustration : TitUNTON, Couktv, July 20. litor Xewbtrn Democrat: Sir : I find on examination of tlio records nml other sources, that at January term, 1870, of Commissioners' court of this county, a Mrs. Nancy King, (whlto and thteo chil dren, were let out at miction to tho lowest bidder, and were bid oil' by a negro who can neither read nor write, at tho prico oi sro.ou per month. At tlm Jaino term, a Mrs. Lucy Lockcy, (white.) aged nnd blind, was bid oh" by an other ignorant negro who cau neither read nor. write. it April term, 1876. Samuel WetK (white and blind.) Iinving a wifo and several chil dren, was bid ofl'by a negro commissioner nt 0.Uo per month. At tho same time a white man named Al fred Davis, was bid oil' to another ncuro commissioner at $1.00 per month. At April term, 1S7(, b.imuct .Melts, tho blind man named above, was bid oil' by an ignorant negro at 54.150 per month. At the same term, Alfred Davis, named above, who is alllicted with cancer, was bid oil' by a ncgio at $5.70 per mouth. There wero many others hid for by no groes, but were not bid ofl'by them. iho isoarti oi uommissimiers consists nt l...n .i.l.lti. Tfoillpnla nml tlivnn Hanmnj Tt you need any more testimony to corroborate "gthist tho grasshoppers I William Ii. Hirst,' an eminent lawyer of Philadelphia, tills! last week, Thursday nl Bedford Springs'. Ho was well known nml universally respci'loil. Mr. Disraeli, tho English Premier, has been raised lo Iho Peerage under tho titlo of the Karl of Beacons field, It is proposed to erect a bronze monument In the public upiaro in Wllkes-Barro to tho memory of tlio lalo Judgo Conyngliam. Eugenie, rx-Emires ol France, has pur chased a villa in Homo and will make that place her permanent residence. The total ndmissMitis nt (ho Centennial up to Wednesday wero 3.775,877, and tho total cash receipts $1.938.Cifl.0O. A lot ol negroes killed a man in Georgia last week, and wero arrested nnd Imprisoned for it. Send down n few regiments of boI dicrs to protect the colored people 1 Baruum shows at Wiliiamsport on tho 1-lth. Hon, E. Ij. Mcrriman, candidate, for Con gress in Luzcnio county, died on Sunday morning last. A good quality of anthracite coal lias been discovered 10 feet below, tho surface) of tho ground, near Sherman, Texas. The widow of Daniel Webster is still living, nt tho age of 85, with a relativo near New York city. Tho workingmcn of New York havo nom inated James Gordon Bonnet, Jr., of tho Herald, as their candidate l'or Mayor. No wonder soldiers aro sent to tho South. Tho negroes aro deserting tho Republican ranks by hundreds. In ono Democratic procession in Mississippi tlicro wero over 525 colored persons. The Republican Stnto Convention in Col orado has passed n resolution demanding the protection of tho Nntlonnl Government tr. BLQ8MSBHB0 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvanfa. T. L. GRISWOLD, A. M., M. D. Principal. . nsntpresent constituted, olftrs tlio verv best facilities for Proffsslnnil and Classical learning, lious, liUlllnif and commodious s completely heated by steam, well t entllatod, llfhled by K.ts, and furnished with n bountiful Biipply of puro.sott, Uipenses Discipline, nnn but Kind, uniform and thorough. Kooins re&crved when desired. TIIH SCHOOL llnlldlmrsfspac Ixlt'iillmi healthful, and easv ot necoss. Tsachors experienced, cfllclout, and nlltn lo their work, tnodei ato. l'lfty cents u wr deduction to nil oipecUag to teach, btudcuts ndinltlcd ill any ttnio, Courses of study prescilbed by tho suite i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Coursei : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Courne In Mmic. IV. Courso in Art. V. Giuwo In Physical Culture. Tho Klementnrr. Scientific and Olasitcal Courfco-t are I'ltOI'KsstoxAt, ami Students Kr.vlu.ittnsr tle-reln, receive State lllptomiut, eoiiferrlne llw f mowing rorfesp6iidlnt'l)ee;ree3i Master of tho Klemelits! Master of tho Sciences; Master of Iliuul.uMOJ. ura'iiuios in ino oiuer courses receive isoriuai i.ciiiiieau;oi ICIll,, MJJIICU UV III" llll.l'in ui .u l,. ;LV-' , their ntlalnmcn The Slum reiiulresa hlKher :r. ,i,.ir nKinrtrnii.. Tii all mich it iiroiiilsos aid In do e oiiinc their tion crs. and abundant opportunities rur wen p.uu lanor alter le.ivniKacnooi. ror M.,inin..ii. t..l.i..rt.a tin. Uplnnlnil IIO.V. Vvil.l.lA.H Hl.Wlil.l., ITesl.lrnt Jtonr.t of Trustees. COI .1. (!. l'ltlil!.!:, Hei retnry. Sept. 8, -ic.-ly Thocourseot hludj prescribed bj tho Mute is liberal, ana tins scicntino anil vassicai courses aro noi, iinenor in muse ui our oesi, ioiiears. 'lY,. siX, riiVirei,; htiriier order if cltlzeashlp. The times demand It. It H ono nt llm pilun objects of ihU sctuwl to help to securo It. by furnlslilng.lntolll- trent and emclcnt'leaciirrs for her Schools. To this end It solicits yountf persons of ifuod ablllllet and irooil purposes,-tnosi) who neMru to nnpiovo their tiinii III BlltU I National Democratic Tickot. Fort rnr.sim:NT, SAMUEL J. TILDEN, OF NEW YORK. ron vice vittMiiir.NT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. lleworrnllc Klri'tnrnl Ticket. JXECTOltS AT LAHOK. CniHLES It. BCCit.KW-8illUKL 11. VtLS0H. DISTIUCT ELECTORS. S3 the facts abnvo stated, it can bo procured by scores ot witnesses. Very Respectfully, Benj. Askew. tlov, Hayes as n Perjuror. Pcodo who live in glass huiises should bo eare'ul how they ihrow stones at their neigh bors Tho friends of tlov. Hayes, ever sinco the St. Louis nomination, have been per sistently dclaming Gov. Tildcn. Their cil'orls in that direction have been of the most shameless and unscrupulous character. They havo not hesitated to apply to our can didate such terms as thief, perjurer, etc. All this has been borne in silence by Gov. Titden and his friends, they well knowing that time would completely vindicate him, as time certainly has, for every charge that has been preferred against him has fallen to the ground as baseless, and to-day Gov. Tilden stands stronger in public estimation than ever before. Tho scoundrelly assaults m ado upon him have only served to strengthen him with the people, nnd havo given him a fuller assurance of success than ho has hith erto had. Ollicial returns mado to tho-bureau of statistics show, that during tho year ending Juno 30, there arrived In tlio United States 22,572 Chinese, emigrants, of whom only 250 wero females. Thi3 number is an incrcaso of 0,135 over 1S75. An efl'ort is being mado to divide Califor nia into two States, on tho lino of Santa Cruz county, giving fourteen counties in tho South for tlio new Stnto, witli thirty thou sand voters and a hundred millions taxable property. Tlio Philadelphia. & Reading R. It. Co., has reduced tho wages of all olliccrs and employees from 10 to 30 per cent. A bronze Statue of Wm. II. Seward has been placed in position in Madison Square, New- York. It will bo formally unveiled next month. The entire height is twenty feet, and the cost $25,000. About 300 stone masons have been en gaged to go from New York to Greenock, Scotland. This is something new, workmen going from this county to Europe Princo Frederick Charles, of Germany, has accepted tho presidency of tho German llobert F. Steel Ocorgo H. Hell Wm. H. WrlKht Thomas E. (lasklll John Morgan J. A. Morrison Col. o. Jones Wm. K. Ilawlc Joel L. Llfhtner II. 'I'. Trumbauer tleo. 11. Knwland John Nealon J. II. .McCnmant Daniel n. noas J. II. Mccolluia r. W, Knox John II. Uhl Thomas liower David small Sebastian Wlmmer James J. Haslett John II. Guthrie It. M.OIbson David I.. Morris It. U. llroivu Thomas W. (irayson i!7 llenjamln K. Monls. County Officers. - STATU SENATOR, CHARLES O. BARKLEY. of llloomthnrij. Subject to Senatorial Conference. HKl'ltUSE.NTATIVES, E. J. MclIENRY, of Fishinycreck. DAVID S. BROWN, of Main. . ..... i i None Amongst oilier tilings cuargeu agaiusi, i Gov. Tilden was that of having made a false section of tho exhibition of 1878, and tho income return. Than this a grosser false-1 Prince of Wales that of tho English section. Here lollows tho tormal oath of 11. B. uoou could not possibly havo been conceivcu, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 3. Tho Hayes. Yet, nevertheless, it has been iterated and property of Brigham Y'oting has been at- In publishing copies of sworn returns of reiterated until some weak-minded people taclicd to satisfy a judgment for $3,G0Oas ASSOCIATE JUIKIES, F. L. S1IUMAN, of Gtiatcitsa. ISAAC K KltlCKHAUM, of llenton. SHEltlin', JOHN W. HOFFMAN, of Jlhonnbury. r. when caught ho should oo snot wituoui cere- tragibie prooi, as win uo seen by rclerenco Republican candidate in a position from ll mony. This being so, and no trial having to the return of Governor Hayes for 1874. h, , , m fild u dimcut to extricate lk taken place, there could have been no Judge g. Xd'loods TlMlrf "-lf. The facts as alleged are of the t i -..kti.kt.. J -.t I . .. .. ,,..,.- ...u ." v ' W."V :5T7 --- ;- - ' matter toey uavo iwu Fuim....uK, u ju ,vuo went by tue nara0 ol --.Uonii.ey, wu uovernor iiayes, oi ins property mr taxa- l,av0 been led to put faith in it. As an oil- alimony due Ann Eliza Younir "SSL - haQ Ba" aaozeD a "BU. w" " "V : n .' ::, T L ot to it, m inqui.y into Uov.Uay ;l.r rnalVnaX! bountyjumpcr. aud that an order f ; 7hr"" income returns has been made, and there mother, aided Arnold to desert the British, had been issued by I resident Lincoln that or(1 anij (acts as ca be sil0WI1 ijy moat jrre. bUit i,as bccil a JUcovcry which places the and if elected President will marry Dr. when caught ho should bo shot without cere- fragible proof, as will bo seen by rcferenco Republican candidate in a position from Mary waiter anu to enstavo tue iinnniuai Chicaero zouaves. .1. e !.. I 111 1 ouen the Berks county jaM, hberate tho con- Advocato in the case, and thereiorc Uovernor Sardili jircimrii, wl10 benucathed R. B. most damaging character, and if sustained, victs, poison the water in the city reservoirs, Hayes's vague supposition ot how he mignt Hayes lully 50,000 personal property was a3 wo aro assured they will be, by incon set tire to our churches nnd blow up tno have disposed of tho lour hundred dollars admitted to probate January n, 187-1, and t.stable proof, the party that has been vuun u ....rtu...(, b becomes very intangible, inaeeu. mscunuus j - geststo tho Republican organ grinders to 1 jny, .listinetlv re. boud Ue uccam) possessed of all the proper- charee against G.vcrnor Tildon.-ifeaiino that while Governor Hayes distinctly re- tydeviaea t0 him b y will atonce ii!rciraril Ka ale. i l U memory 8uoum 00 80 trel"l ,c i,J., , ' ' "T n ' Tlie sum aIld substance of tho charge is that ..... d tQ th(J rour m,ndred dollars i xue cou- -v,- ...v....v., u,- JUttY COMMISSION'HIt, ELI BOBBINS, of Fishinycrtck. throwing mud at tlio Democratic candidate will need to put up their shutters very While Sitting Bull is resting on 1 tbe Indians are returning to their rescrva- ,. between tho execution of the man "uuV'7i i i "ui "rcnaru re- i ,!....! .1.- neciiou ucibcou iuo 'M""l"u k . turned, added to what he owned nroviotislv tlons to claim tuo caro aim ,-rotccuoi. u. v..u aiJ th(j transfer of hi3 BrM.llbllck,t by order retllnIed t0 the ajueMtt of taxat0 A ;f( government and prepare lor next years f Gen. Hayen, from Chaplain Harper, to 1874, all the personal property not included - 1 . 1 . . in iunn in mih uavn iunn PMimipriiimi iima v i inn whoso care the ucerier uau coiuiiiiuuu mem ... ...v ..v....-., v-,v. r -i... ir Was this penury ? for his motner to tue cuniu. in March. 1871, previous to makin2 liis himself, was bo intimate, that we do not seo reUml to t10 ajeifi,or u, jj. nayc.s iled csmoaiL'n acslrst tno seiners 01 irontler. Tho campaign has been a failure and a fraud. Its results may bo briefly Vimmed up in Ciook's defeat on the llnebud, tho destruction of Custer's command, tho increase of the army and tho retreat of our troops. In the mean time the belief is universal through the west that the can paigu against tho Indians was .1-111 l.l.. .....I 1.. In nlitntii nil fnr ., l,r.v,sn nf the. urmv and the b 80 significant and so military occupation of tho Scuth. Tho farco which tho administration attempted to en act in the Black Hills has turned Into a tragedy to be followed by a still darker tragedy in which tlie good name aud honor of the nation are involved. Gov. Hayes, as lato m 1870, made a false income return, in which ho sworo that his taxable property amounted to only $5710, when it is well known that in 1870 he be came, the immediate possessor of $50,000 by tho will of n Mr. Birchard, whoso executor ho was. While utterly deprecating nil such Jacob Stauffer, undertaker, residing be tween Shcphcrdstowu and Mcchauicsburg, Cumberland couuty, wife and fivo children, I were poisoned on Tuesday morning last with arsenic. They aro in a very critical condi tion. This is the bccoml time in a short I time that poison has been unconsciously partaken of by the family. Suspicion points to a certain individual in Cumberland county as at tho bottom ot this poisoning. St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, September 3. A destructive fire broke out hero this afternoon aud spread rapidly. In about two hours tho entire busiuess part of tho town was destroy ed. Six hundred houses wero burned. Pennsylvania hits spout $8,000,000 for boI- dicrs' orphans since the war. 124 out of 800 clerks, or nearly one-sixth, employed iu tlio War Department at Wash- how tho ono could impress itsjlf on the mortages and notes againsl J. E. Aundcn for nrnceedinps. it is onlv fair to liuht tho devil liiL'ton wero dischanred last Saturday. Of General's mind without tho other doing ft $1,000, interest at .six t'" . IVi'f"- with fire, and to give back as good as is sent, courso nearly, ir not quite all were females, also. It'is a very curious aud a very queer ) . uw. m , a so a a 1st i.uu . van q( tllelllQaldc8Crviui; ... I U'J l il t kin irt 1. 1 i in jii auniuiia , o thing indeed! heems to us that had we and A-j, au,i i.iibeth llale, ainounting to say in reply to this wounding accusation. hu the employ of tho Government. Driiinrriillc HtnmlliiK Connullter. Beaver Nathan llrcdbondcr, Jr. lentou-W. II. Smith, llernlck W. T. Snyder, lllooinsburs E.-W. J. lluckalew. llloomsbure; W. II. W. Mcltcj nolds. llrlarcreelc Wrn. Ijimon. Catawlssa-E. M. Tcwksbury. Centralla Manus Mcllreurty. Centre II. A. Schwepiienhelser. ConynBham N. Nlcl Inllun. Conynshain S. I'cUt I.uby. Flshlnicreek-Frank Wolf l'ranklin-Jacob Knlttle. (Ireenwood O, W. Utt. Hemlock Win. Gtrton. Jackson Wm. t. Manning. IKust Wm. II. Itclnbold. Madison Conrad Kramer. Matn-W. T. hliunian. Mtmln-D. II. Montgomery. MontourI. N. (lordon. Mt, rieasant-A. T. Ikeler. oraugo Abraham White, l'lne W. Kurshner. Itoarlnitcreek-J. II. Kllnger. Scott-O. V. Knt. Siiffarloar-K. S. Frlti. Have you tried Kirby's WildChcrry Cough Balsam ? A very imlalcablu enmuound tor tlio various nHVctions ol thu throat mid lungs it lias been used witli Bticccss, ill seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and in many pcrnamcnt cure. Price 50 ccms per bottle and positively warranted to give entire satisfaction cr money refunded. Kirby's Magic Relief for tho instant cure of i-cvero and acute pains. Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozciikcs, pleas ant, sale and effectual. Kirby's Horso and Cattle l'owders aro the best powders lor stock, manufactured. Try them and bo convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, aore lips and chapped hands. Gill's Billious and Liver Tills aro recom mended by tho first Physicians. Tlio nbovo preparations uro for salo by all Druggists aud dealers in medicine. MOYEK BllOTllEKS, July 21,'70.-ly Wholesale Agents. Haw lirVaiiquish tlio Stomach's Tormen tor. If tho Enemy of mankind was permitted to exert his diabolical ingenuity in tho in vention of a now disease, ho could scarcely devijo one more worthy of his genius than dyspepsia. The dyspeptic siiU'erer is tormen ted by symptoms resembling thoe of almost every known malady, and is often worricd into monomania bv tlicso cnullicting nnd nernlexinc manifestations. A fa v or i to tlininrh absurd hallucination of the victim of chronic indigestion is that lioorslio has heart disease. Dyspepsia lias often been pronounced incurable, but experience has shown that Ho'tctter's Stomach Bitters will vn nnn lull it Imretlier with tlio ciinst'matiou and bilious derangement which usually ac company it. Diseases ol tho kidneys and supposed rheumatic pain arc also frequent concomilnnts 01 uyspcpria, out nicy, uhi, succumb to tlio above named Invaluablecor rective. September lm. Worthy of Ucmcsibramc. Why will you suflei- violent pain, or be inade uncomfortable, distressed iu mind or lHidy,when you can bu insta.illy relieved and quickly cured liv Benson's Caiicine Poious Pla-ttrs. Tlio or ilinary Porous Plaster U nn articlo of merit, ytt its action is too slow, requiring days nnd weeks nf continuous wear to cfU-ct a cure. Ben son's Capcine Porous Plaster, being 11 great Im provement over llieni, relieves you instantly and cures you quicker than any known plaster, liniment or compound. Their nciion is more powerful than electricity and more certain. They are purely vegetable contain no mineral or inttallic poisons. Their composition and properties me founded upon true medical t-kill, and arc in no henfc a patent medicine They are enderstd by thousands of Physicians and DruggUts of uiilinpeacliab.c reputation, as being an article of genuine merit and worthy of public confidence. Try them and be convinced. Price 2 cents. HE.MltY JOHNSON, PiiinmcivTiCAL cmaisrs, N. Y, May 19, '7G ly. Ilensou's Cuprlnn Porous 1'UMi r.--Ilcnr Uat 1111. reoiiii! p-uy i Tho be&l, cbeain'it, safest, aid surest remedy of. JOTICE. I'rom this date the Uloomsbure tins Company will put In service pines at flna cost and furnish and Bet mete is at four dollars each. The company nao on hand a lot of pas tar suited or palnl hie tools, and posts or other timbers placed unucr ruunu. Price 10 cents per gallon or U.50 per barrel. v. OC. 14.16. W. MILLER, Sect J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK OF TIIOS. WAMrOt.F, llvCh. utters testauienliiry on the cstato of Thomas Wampole, late of Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by tlio lteulster ot said county to Wil liam Ui er, of Catawlssa, Columbia county, Executor, to whom nil persons Indebted nro requested to mako pujment, and those having claims or demands aRulnst 1 ho said estato will mako them known to tho said Executor without delay. WILLIAM ETEIt. Aug;. 18-w Executor. T7XECUTOR'S VOTICE. KSTiLTA OF JOSHUA SIVIOS. SR.. llUCEiSRD. Loiters testamentary on Iho estato of Joshua Sav- ago, si., lato ot Jackson township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho lteKlster ot Bald county to lieujarnln V savaito and Muses savattu, whom all persons Indebttd are request ed to makoiinyment.audtliosolmvlneclalinsagalnst tho satde&tuto will mako them known to thu said Executors without delay. IlEN.IAMIN F. SAVAOIt, MOSES SAVAllE, Sep. 1-Cw. Executors. VALUABLE PROPERTY at PRIVATE HALE. Tho subscriber offers for salo, two small lots, on eacu which are erecieu u iruiuu uwciiuii; iiuuae, stable and necessary outbulldlnes. Also four vacant lols, adjoining tho above and ot lari:crRl7o. These lots are 011 tho Main road near Btluwater, Flshlnc Creek township. ror terms anpiy 10 nm. mu.L,r.u ilay s. ,70,-cm. Stillwater, Pa, nn I ntdlllt.eTil lienill.l." merit which will In a short thno bo found In uvery An article nf great 10 bo found In uvery I'hey uro nil that thu manufacturers 19 9 9 9 HHP T Hie WnrMiiK Clnss. We nro now prepared to furnish nil classes wllh constant employment at home, tho wliolo of tho lime, or for their spare mo ments, business new, light and protltuble. Persons of either sex easily earn from mi cents to SO per evening, nnd a proportlonnl sum by devoting their whole tlmo to the business. llo)tt and girls earn nearly as much as men. That ail who see Ihls notice innv bend their address, and ten tho business wn make this unparalled offer: To such as nro not well K.itlIled wo will send one dollar to ray for tho trouble of writing. Kull particulars, sumplcs worth several dollars to commence work on, nnd a copy ot Hume and I-'lreslde, one of tho largest, and bost Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mall. Head er. If vou want 1 vriiiiment, prom ublo wort, address lieoigu mnisuu & iu., i oruauu, jtiauiu. beta. s, iti.-lliu. Tit AVERSE JUBOHS. SECOND WEEK. Woom C c. Starr, J. C. ltullcr, I. W.IIartman, Ellas Ilendenhall. Heaver J. A. Lose e, Pred Hosslcr, Ilerwlck John MeAunll, Ceo. A. Ilucklnzli.iin. llrlarcrcek Samuel Conner, A. II. Croup. Catawlssas, jj. idnard. Centre Aaron Kelchucr, Samuel Iilctterlck. Franklin (ico. llartinan. (Ireenwood It. I. inch, Wm. Davis. Hemlock Daniel Yocum, Aaron Kmltli, Wm. II. Shoemaker. Peter Miller, Isalali llowcr, Ltvlngstono Yeager. Main Washington Fisher, 3. W. Kclchncr. Madison John llcndershott, Mtniln Jos. o. Wlntersteen, llcnjamln l'onebcckcr, 1). A. Hess, Andrew blugley. Mt. Pleasant Howard (Jrlmes. l'lne Jacob Long, It. W. Lyons, ltoarlngcrcck Michael ltoacb, John Hampton. Kcott-E. II. rumen, David Wliltmire, linn .-li.iTrl.1 claim for them, whose, namo alone Is a sulPelent en iliirsonient of their genuine merlls." "Tho ln-tt n. iiip.iv imiMii far nil external dinicultles or local disturbances." '1 hey nro vigorous, removing almost Instantly the most violent pain and ensuring 11 sis-e- ne." "I consiaer tuem a great unu neeuemiu- becn in tho General's place at that tlmo the 070, all bearing six per cent interest. Jle transfer of money to our possession, caused did not list this i'.l,(!71 fur taxation although nelancllOly an net, I UO UUU lieiu nines mm-c ion luuviuua vu ma- . . . . - .. 1 . ...... I ICllli; 111) reilllll nii.i. i-.ii, lb. ... j. uvea 117 could never have been lorgouen oy " 'n ..."a ,,ui watch ?:iU0. in 1S74. In 1875 and one moment. Still, It is evident that lien- 187g returned three watches, including one eral, now Governor, Haves has a very defec- returned in 1874, nt $200. Was this perj'u tlvr, and unreliable memory, as we have no ry? H. B. Hayes did not return a piano in doubt he has striven with main to reicember what ho Phila. Chronicle. Kiliting a I'aucr. Editing a paper is a very pleasant busi ness. II It contains too mticu political matter tlio ptnplo don't bclicvo it. If tho type aro too small, the pcoplo won't read it. Digest of Klcctimi Laws. Polls open at 7 n. m. and close at 7 p. in. WHO CAN VOTE. Every male citizen, twenty-ono years of mnnev This is how this matter stands nt present, Governor Hayes having this far been uiiablo all his might and any one of tho threo years, altliough hp had if wo publUh telegraph reports, pcoplo say to the belief that Sitting Bull's band of ho did w'itl, tl, AXi they n're lies; if wo omit then, they say we Unkapapas uro trying to cross the Yellow. now in his parlor cost 800. Was tills per. aro nn old fossil. If wo publish original stono and reach their proper hunting ground inrv? It. B. Haves returned in 1875 aud matter, thev blaino ns fur not L-ivuur Belec- on the Dry rork ol tho Missouri, . -.'.nA i.t. .. i -i.i ........ ... . i . , . v .. 1S7U lurce uorscsiouu, wiigii uis iiuiguuun ,ton3 . jf Wo imb sh selections, men say wo Acting on this liellei, uenerai xerry huh that ho. values one oi lis iiorses at ,,.,,., , K, ,.,, ,iui,i,l ii, rn,i,mn.l. fieneral Crook with Tlio Indian War. St. Paul., Minn., September 1. A spe cial to tho Jioneer Frets dated north bank of tho Yellowstone, August SI, via. insmarci., nosse,8inlr tber followlmr ouallllcatious, D. T., says tho latest intelligence received bo eit,Ucd yoto Qt M clectoils . concerning the moveint-nt ot inuiansieaus M mve UQUa cit,ze1 of th(J United States ono month, '2. Ho shall havo resided In tho stato ono year; or, if having previously been n quali fied elector or nativo born citizen thereof, and shall havo removed therefrom nnd re- I . . . .. r i. l-iiiiie rlint ho values ono ot li s horses at ,. to give a better or more satis.acvory ep.u- - -- t(U . ? J nro lazy !or no- writing more, out tuem u tno com. .anu, ... .. n teMeiX therein . nation. The gentlemen mentioned auove Ufncd , 1870 four carrini;es $250, when it what they havo read m some oner paper. u,is column moving cam . . - bix motitha immcdiutcly preceding tho elec- .. . ... p .,. . l.l . . ...... . .....l - I w, i ..ll.....l.. !.. ..ill Lmillnir from was well Known to many oi mo citizens oi i u wo give a complimentary nuute, wu iu i inissuun, iuiiukiub h .s D Fremoatthat ho paid Mr. Moore, a manu- Lna,,r,i ror t,ei ,,artlal: if wo do not. nil tho Littlo Itosebud, while General Terry, facturer ol that city .jUU lor llieni and had Bnv Wlt llrn ..,, If ... writo with tllo n..,tix cnnn. has crossed tho tlon. Massachusetts. WonciiSTElt, September 0, Tho Demo cratlc stato convention met hero tills morn Inir nmnnilttees mi ncrinanent oriraulza. ilnn ami ewilenliuls and platform wero were closeted with him tho greater portion appointed. of a whole day, but his excellency, to savo a ,,.Mtnn tn iir.mlimin nimrlea Prnnela hlui. could not remember anything more it Aii than that which we havo clven abavo, Thia in Mia iiiimftoffttln rnnvfinilnii hv ft ncarlv U very unfortunate. InUeod. a wo wero 1 . . I i..-,.,u tUnt (tm Onudrnfir nnn Id tthnw that, hn I y.iislla tt'irphfinl. which Governor Havp4 1. r r....n ,n.. I. ml li&itnr Innlr I unaniinou viie. i m.nther it.ller. was not reoulred to pay over for thrco years ' . If ''',',, rlMn .i,,., ,A.atlPl. T. L pr.nfi,1ei,iW ..sserted that Sitting Bull If tweulyouo years nfngo, or upwnrd, .m. . w. .,".,', ,,.,,, ,,. WM tlln and upon. w'ich ho paid no lutcrct lor wo - '7 " if r... t . ,i. I ,.r ltl Hr. Ills brother por, unaries rraucu Auains j ueuieiium. . - .. --..... mlX w uul llHt returll u iu..0 Uollar i,lo ,,lu ..,... -, - - - - - - o v. , . , ..i.i.i, Bi.ii imv(, i.n covernor. Win. P. Pluukett: secretary ol main cause ol tuo surrcnuer at Ajiomaiiax - f ,,ia ,0ney fur taiatlon. At least lio do not cater to their wishes, tho paper is not it appears, cninu into port uerinuiu uuUj;' -. " 7 . . t 1 .. - 1 . . ... I., i.. r.i. ti I...IU,... nl . . i j .i..i i.. i ii.. . nr.. I. . . .. . . r. il .... , ,n.i..i....ii. lAlat least two months nrovious 10 tuo eicc- in uuiin in ioiu. Miit to havo In tho house, it wo niiciiu i n mil nccouiu oi iu ueanic r , IIo shall havo resided in tho district nds tn vote two mouths im f 1" we"o left In Ids hands In beouests In the will departed, the living feel slighted; if wo to cut olf any parties moving toward 1-ort mod lately preceding tho election, instead of nn 11 toi days, as formerly. 4. If twenty-ono yi His brother ltf shall havo paid, within two years, a stato state, Edwin II. Lathrop; auditor, John E. 1 Court House and the closo of tho "rebellion." ly returned M0 Fitzgerald; treasurer, Weston Howland; attorney general, Itlchard Olney, But the Governor splendid opportuu the real conqueror .,uiu u ...u ..... . 1 lllliy ictuiiic n ... ..mi... .i. iuiui .. ii. n iQ UaVO 111 1110 Utilise, XI u uneim i 11111 ui-uuuui. ... .i.e. ww.. . . has thus permitted tt this perjury? In order to mako this matter Lhurd. t) iey say It is only for effect ; if we Krom tho description of tho man who ilon, and paid at least ono month previous .... I nlnfii fiut linn viii lift rwi inistlnn nlifiiit. I """'M j j ..... I . . . . . , t - r n Itn ity to show that he was ft' I fej ffnwMl"S,Xl,Hlr;i:!!!l! dou't, they pronounce us deceitful nnd des- tilled 1.1m Col. Uenosays it is certain he fell to the same, of Leo to go by, and still namesb0f devisees to whom tho m,W was peratcly wicked. If wo remain in tho office hy tho hand of Captain Ketigh, under whom THINK Ol' IT. The Republicans havo .ll0 nui.ia ra in doubt about that four tun- ivn,, Hiidtho amount beuueathed to each. n.,1 nit,.,i,l tr. limine.. fnlL-K sav we are too tho Inst ilesneralo fiirht win made, us shown couecieu taies cuougii sinco um muau m mo Jr,j .lolLin lit efontc Watchman. I (?lve ami net ucaiu cacti oi my nieces, , , ,tnin ,tti, . ows : it wo uo bv tlm i Umu t tiii of his battalion, wnici war to pay the national debt twice, They have reduced it less than fivo hundred millions. What has become of tho balance? A great many Blaloos, Schencke, Butlers, BsbcocVs, Uelknapi and Ilobcsons who went into public lllo poor aro now immouso ly rich. Where did their riches come from? Instead of answering the&e questions they will wave the "bloody bhlrt" before your eyoa and pour tales of bloody horror Into your ears More plunder is what they are y.tltT.Auyuttu, Ale., Standard. Jim Blaino almost instantly recovered his Mary I irchard, o; ayeuv!l e nna ' - . d to husUieii. v-dead on the slope of a hill, drawn up II lOlie uewut, oi i-ivnii, uie bum ui -j,itvu 1 - . - ... u , .1 .. ,.r .util.. each. I irive and benucath to Sarah Jano If wo publish poetry, wo effect sentimental, tho shnpo ofn V, us K in tho net of roIstiu; Tub DuMOCRVra OAitltV the or ate bv urant, oi rreinont, u., mo sum oi o.uw. im u wo don't, wo nnve no uierary or Bn eiiori to surround mem, K've anu uetjueatn eaci. oi tne lour cntt- cuuivated uren Arkansas. 40,000 TO 00,000 M.AJoimv. taste. If tho mail does not do- ' ; I.irrLB Uock, Ark., Septcmbar C returns from tho election In this county not yet beon received. Both sides claim the couuty. But few roturnsfroiu outside coun ties havo been received. The vote generally was very full. Tho democrats claim' the state by from 40,000 to 60,000 majority. VERMONT ELECTION. rPt.A ulnrna frftm Vnrmdlll ftlinW lflftrn health upon tho adjournment of Congress Democral0 gJi,18( though of courso the Ito nd U now .nnounced for large " o pubuc, C4trry the State. One hundred tump aieche. In Mane, fhl will nodoubt JwW ,w paUhwVt rtep.) Full Fanny, Kmlly and Kuthorforti tho sum of ver our paper promptly, then they say wo $2,600 each. I give and bequeath to each ot don't publish "ou time ;" If It does, they aro tho six children of Austin B. Tyler, decease afraid we aro getting ahead of time. If wo et.iaie or rromont, u, i give i Jqi -t ay our bills promptly, folks say wo iny brother Austin Blrchanl,of Vermont. 1 are ot 10 " tru,itf" ral life. It is my will, and I hereby direct "Not even in tho stato of Kentucky can Marriages. IlEllll WATTS. At tho ClirUtUn I'ursonfc'e, In Ileulou, ou Tutbday, August WlU, Ly Kid. Oas. S, Ini', Hon. Irum Itrr, to Mrs. Llzzlo O. Watd. hotU ot Jackson, Col. Co, Pa. HACOL'IJ-LEMHO.SH.-At tho resWencoot Uio hrido's father In tnccnwood.on tha Slst, ult by Hcv, I,"'.'":.' . ." I " "TiV.;.."' ir L'i .I '', i ,l....; HatlmBlempear. Mr. lsowi 11. Ilacoclc, to Hia Anna U Leinmoiu, botU or Uroenwood. Deaths. U more agreeablo to him than meeting Mulligan aud Fisher before an Investigating committor. It would seem as thougu floa ter Knott wm m oorroot In his suspicion about hi health hs about the Caldwell dis patch. Knott ovideutly undewtaodi "Slip pery Jimmy." 27,702, and Blgham (Dem.) 14,400. Tho returns Indicate a republican loss, us com pared with Grant' mnjorlty In 1872, of 0,600, pay any of the sums of money given uud be- WIU not cgaged on the rebel side," laid W. nueathed by thU w 1 I until ttexplimtlof K wheelw ,n w memlttcioui St. Albans . ... J . . ' r. . 1 'P.. tutitf.1, flm T.nil 111 vl 1 1 A tiiiirttt Himii no Dam ou mo same two years alter uiv -i-vw... .....v.. . ll I T. I II. . .1... .1... ....... ll.A M.I.. r... n. .... ... tlh lilt. decease. I uuumut rcjiiiun, mut nia uciuuii-i, n.w I UAoB. in iicuuju 4unus..ii, wi. v- - - It will bo observed that In the oath which ter of tho land olllce, and tho adjutant gen Miss Aclmli Ii Hose, W)d yers,4 mumuj, uuu It B. Hayes subscribed he sworo that ho .r .iin, ...i. nll ,pr....i ti10 f..uo oftha listed nil property which by law he was re- m.1 of tht, ?,R(t0 ftl! ""f "U6 AI.UtK.-In arauwooa. on UwMlU utt, Mrs. qulrod to return m owner or holdjr or as union, and that ex-federal oldcer, are circuit x$' UUiuanu, paroui, huuiuiuu, irusice, exveutur, I j"ij, iiuremnn o.h.iubi, n m...uv.. JtI'l"S! Kll. InOroonwood, on Un, ' iw adnduUtrator, rccelvor, accounting olllcor, of tho legislature, and all put In office by the dore.'iion ol TUooJoro (tad Amy' Meatier, ajroe Hgcm, attorney ur.ur. i iium nmuu, M democrat o party. Wheeler embodies th months ana uys. i wp havo glvou from tho will devised by ... ' . , , , ciaim- to bo lOUsn.-u.Mt, neosaat. i the h,uit,Mrj Birchard In his possesllon a executor, and n"1'""' '0 party wuion ciaimstooo , aireasaytaw, T inmli. nn TBiiirn of anv portion of monev or "the cnnsclcnco of tho nineteenth century." ' . . .'?.. ,,.i The current of politics in thU oaropHlgi Mng xUM K Ftr Bovernor, Itlchard D. personal prpperty for taxation. Was this sittlnit'Bull being Tiow out of a Job. it UBuTaLost with tho sotomeat a this' count. lis was a liltntul ana aovotot wum, " " "" v CounetUcut Democratic Nomtuullona. lUuiltiup. September C Tho Demo- vratlo couventloa to-day nominated the foU . . . , , , , . , I - ....... " ".. I :,..!. I outing i.uit ueiug now uui ui u juu, i fifiiiU nn that Important, and, m ii,, ri,.., i ,,fTT,,,.rt.i, iUni..nntL.nvcriior. perjury r . ... .1 , .......... Was supposed final ct of the war, tho. ur. Fncli u Loom.., of ew Und ; deb all Uls uuslsess tranipiptf "u have ll.fxt man thmi fl'tty 'mrs tovAithsr toshsrn reuuer oy see w vjiii v...... ury 0I sw,( 1JW, jM u, mumi, u rivtgv iur i,e could not uouitci ucuuirom munoy or 0r (ho Southern campalgu vmiaor Court Itwusr. Lee being dead, I nfl,, trtuurenl'Idwlu A. Bucb.of Wtivdhami 1 1 milts which ho hold In execul' ;o capacity iho .ffiilr csn't to done over K.I.., J comptroller, Chsrle.O.ItubUrd, of Middle, Business It. the oil r n,.nl'a sfBdavIt would hardly ftvull to coin . ' , i' ttt anrf. Qovcrnor Oharlt It. J"1 ' ''f..'1..'4?. ..'."r iJff S l'i'nvlnB. Hie price ol eglons seems to be ImS each otlieis trlaU an4 trhiphs. Ills wlto Is wvona, I oil has risen oonsldJ wja.M.i I1 - - .. , ----- ...... . in rauiu iv . ., ...M.Mu.; " . - ii, . .,., , ., "Mr- -:r---: vlnoosome peopio oi usiruiw, mi i jtiveraoll mm uen. vviiiinm i i iuih.uh, ml biit&woro Mil Utosnmo tu no rtiurneii "'""'t "" "VM' ,u "" ""'" i vestsrastion. ror moro r,n 110 "" war sore have been ro-openod, in mi iiioir ti,0 comlnlilco on rtsolntlons wportod all that rwiulroJ by in itldcousut w. to Wto party purposw. otiM. which wero unanimously doptwl. I letter oatcluily sowched records tn tho omco J td In tho hopo of Incrwulntc tho ptodactlon. u tou m atuwyf v 6. Foreign born citizens must havo been naturalized at least ono month beforo the election, and must conform to the rcqulro meuta contained In section 4, preceding. Tho election will bo held on "tho Tuos- day next. following the first Monday of No vember," being this year the 7th day of the month. Friday, September 8th. is tho last day for being assessed. Saturday, October 7th, is tho last day for securing naturalization pupcrs. Saturday, October 7th, is tho last day on which taxes cau bo naid In legal tlmo to vote. The ubove dates tdionld bo carefully to uiembercd and acted on by all voters. M ARKE'lVRE POUTS. BLOOMSBUlta MABKHT. Wheat per bushel, ltye " .i, " . outs. ' " , . Flour per barrel . L'lovcrsetHl Flaxseed Ilulter Ktfia , Tallow I-otfctoes prlud Apples .. .. MMIM blJos li HUoulders Ijird per pouad m. Hy per ton ......i I,, ...... .. ,,,..,..,.. I,,..,...,,, t !. . tli ,SU T.HO T.00 1X0 .to .It .111 .w) .is M .IS .11 tt.UI .s 4.W nuiotuy 8txd , ..... " yr-. ItAV ) " ' " No.on WhsJt I I liOOporTon Nn. s Nil l-JiCtTlltiltMl I.Vllil Ultuui: 1... ....... .... iiiVii on w'liit-"!.'..V, I uuilnous S.U ,0O provement over all oilier porous plasters, they ipyo romjii renei uuu luiu iuii.ivij . iiivj ..... ...m . lull ehieelii " rney ure now preierreu ou r an nui ers. Ttiey carr wliero other porous piasters mnpiy relieve." lien Minerine; iry inein uuu juu win hul iKiillMippninuu. l'rieo a:, cents. .May m i.-ij oiiAiium a. .h.ii...-i..... I'harmaci utlcal Clieinlits, N.Y. E. F KUNKEL'.S DITTEIl WINK OK HiOS. This truly alimhlo tonic lias been so thoroughly tested by all classes of tlio counnunlty that ll Is now deemed lmllspeiislblo as a tonic medicine. It costs but little, purines Iho blood nnd fives tone to tho hloinach, renovates the system and prolongs ure. Ever) body bhould havo It. l'or tlio cuioof v. eaK htoinacuB, general oeuiuty. lndlgostlon, dlkeascs of tho btoinaeh.and tor all cases ivnulrlnif a tonic. This wlnu lucludes tho most agrees wo ami enicieut salt of Iron wo ios&et.s citrate of laaguetlo oxide, combined with tlio most cucrgctlo ot vegeUiblo tonics i ellow l'erut Ian bart. Do j ou want something to btrongthen jou: Do you want a gooJ nppetltu I Do you want to got rid of nervousness? Do you want energy 1 Da you want to tlccp well T Do you want to.bulld up j our constitution ? Do you want to feel well? Do you v nut a brisk nnd vigorous feeling? If you do, try Hunkers Hitter Wlno of Iron. I only ask a trial ot this valuable tonic. Uowaro ot counterfeits, as KunLcl s Hitler Wlno of Iron Is tho culr fcuro and tltectlvo remedy In tho known world for tbo pirmaucut euro of dj.pepsla and debility, und us tlicro aro a number of Imitations offered to tlio public, I would caution tho community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufac tured by E. 1'. Kunkcl, and having bis btatnp on tlio cork of every bottle. Tlie very fact that others aro attempting to Imitate this valuublo remedy proves Its worth and bpeaks v oluinca In Its favor, tint thu genuine. E. F. Hunkers. Hold only In tl bottles. Sold by druggists and deal era every wliero. E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, V5 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, I'a. Tapo Worm Removed Alive, Head and nil completo In two hours. Yo feo till head passes. 8eat l'ln and htomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkcl, tS9 Nonh Ninth btitct, I'hlladilplila. Hand for circular or ask your druggist for u bottle of KunkePs Worm'Myrup. ittievcr lulls, l'rlco ll.oo. Hept, GREAT REDUCTION IN PAINTS, OILS, BItUSHKS and JAPAN DBY12B. Strictly PUI1E WHITE I.KADll cents "per pound, guaranteed e.ii;il to any Iu the market. MONTOUIt WIIITi! LEAD at lo cents per pound, equal to any for durability. MONTOUIt BUTE PAINTS 8, a nnd 10 cents per pouud, according to color. MONTOUIt METALLIC) UIIOW.N 8 cents per pound. MONTOUIt METALLIC UltOWN dry and 8 cents per pound. Best Quality of Taint Brushes nt low prices. PURE LINSEED OIL which we buy in largo quantities and Will sell at lowest Market prices. BEST JAPAN DRYER. All our goods aro guaranteed as reDresentcd and our paluts to bo ground In pure linseed oil, or tha money refunded on demand. send tor sample card and prlco list with testimonials. HENRY S. ItEAY, Solo Manufacturer. ItUPEItT, l'A. May 5. "TS.-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DMIWSTHATOH'B NOTICE. CSTATSOfSAMUei.K. i.iiki;tson. HA. tetters oi Administration, lie bonis non of Hainuol iv. Aiucri&uu,ui neuioii iwii, uuiuiuuiu uouuty,uec u, have been granted by Uio lleglsu-r of bald couuty tc K 1- Orvls, of Illoomsliurg, Columlla Co., I'a., to whom all nersons IndebU-d to said Instate nro m. quested to inuko payinent, and those having claims ugidnst tho sold estate will inaku them known to tho nam uuiuiuutrutor wiuiuut uciar, li. E. OUTS, Sept. 6.-SW. AdmlnUtralor. jtSTItAY. E1 catne to the nreinlsesnf the umlsii.1 trued In Denver TuwnsUlp about Uio mlddloot August IMI0. A broun inure tun or twelve jears old, fourteen to littcen hands high, one whltu hlud loot and weighs shout uuu pounds. 'l bs owner can have the same by prov, .11 K UIVll. UUU1M.JIUU blitllUl'S, , ...... witi uuNsiNomt. Hept, 6, TS.-tit. $999 Cant be inode bv every sirent everv month hi lhe butloewi we (urnlsh, but uiuM tviuiug ui worK caa ciuMirtmru u doten duijars a day right In their own localities, llavenorooia to exiiUfn bern. Itukluess uleaumt Slid hoiioruble. Women, and boys and girls do us well us men. We will lurubib you ft ouiupletoout. ntlive. 1li bubluess pays Utter than uu) thing bun free. Write at.d id u else. We will boar eiiieuMOT Hurting you. l'ui u:ui I WHbllWV. 1'IUIIieiB UUU U1C141I.UJV3. u dauubiui-a.and nil cIahmis Iniiecidol iHtylngwork atlibiue, slioulu willo w us feud luutu thplrsonsuiiu all nbout thu work ut unev, Nt(W U the time. yuimuki i run vtk AUgusiu. iiuuie. duluv. blt, Victim, Important to Lawyors. lll.lliuu II.A lhiAHA rv.,..l..l.lnn l....n.i.r.w. . A . mlnlslrators, tiuardlan', Township o'lllcers, and Lual noss men generally. Wo bavo on tiflnd n lnnrn nSKOrtrnent rif lftntl blanks for the usu of Attorneys, Justices nnd Con. btuble's blanks ot all kinds, Nolo mid Ilecelpt books for Administrators ac. 1111 OK LIST. ATTOnNETs"llLANUa. rroclpo for Summons. - ri. fft. " " ltule to tako Doposltlons. 11 11 4c1hhjsu Arbllrutui. s cents apluco, cr IMS per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Ouardlan. " " Cltall'.n Ilule to take Depositions. Narr In Debt, with confession, ' " Assumpsit. Mechanics l.l.-n. 4 cents each or $3.eo per hundred. Petition for salo ot Ileal EMalii s cents each. JUSTICE'S IILANKS. Bubpamas, tiummons, Warrants, It xctutlont. to fo ts cents each. looses B cents each llluo Deeds lu Parchment Deudi,, is Agreements , M,..,.., s " orphan's Court Hales so for tl U Constable's Mules , s cents each Uortgagu and liou d is AU kinds ut Notes ... , j Itecelpts, Notes, BcUw.1 Orders, Poor Orders, Btoro Orders, neatly bound, constaatly tin hand, or mado to order on fcburt uollce, Wuaro laepiiiwlto do neater Job work thas any other onieo lu this county. ' UltoC'KWAV KLWKU, Kdltora and 1'ropDeturs OttUet'OLUkllUM, liloomsburg, I'a. x WOOD fiBS u m ii u s.s: i? I"''l?' f'MUiiM .l 0,'fl f.h rlM.ri .anu ii. u ra'ii'i'"'1' 0.0, BWICHUV, M.nurr, 508 CeisuVT.iis, arch ii-eia. II..IH4 i.l.lii.t.,L.bU...ktUi... " mitt, HU4 I..M.. . i .