I lH ) 1" -Mm&fitM THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBXT RG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. M i see 1 laineoLis. TlltlfiiV War lierortl. ' ' Mit. mv.virr'a i:,,o.jti.5si' kium.v to k.hon -A SILLY HIiANIHJU llrSl'lTIlt) rullUVKlt. In tho nljilit nciiion of Momlay, In tlio ltuil-w, Jlr. Hewitt, of New York, obtained Uiu floor nbont f o'clock In the morning to reply tq Mr. Kassoii's attack on Governor Tililen. lie spoko of Jlr. Kivnon's speech iw a iwtnful surprise) und n iiicl.innliuly ex perftifot'. Ho couKl linrilly liftvo ucliovct that Hint p;eiit1eiiiaii,witli Ills Intellectual endowment. could have to far nbilicutcit his own selfrc-' Hpeot as to luivo imlulged In tlio :ii li.i.ni mid iii.tllciotu statements wliluli lie li.nl made. 1 1 u (Mr. Hewitt) approached tlio subject ns hu would tuko hold of n slimy Kiiike, with a desire) to Ret r'nl of It. Tho first chargei iv.n that Mr. Tllden hml been tt xneosslotllst. It was possible) that M r. Tilileii liiiyht, boloro the lawless Htril'i', have imtcr laineil vIoiya In common with Jiilcrsoii, JliiilNiin, Jackson nnd oilier great men, "who bad given construction to (ho Constitution mid government of the country. At the out break of Iho rebellion ho (Mr. Hewitt) was In daily and almost hourly communion with Uov. Tililen, nnd ho knew that no more loy al or patriotic heart was then boating in the UijUetl States. When tho first call for troops calne, lutnninny Hall, which had not then fallen into the hands of tho ring, raised a regiment. The Grand Sachem of Tammany Hall (V. D. Kennedy) was colonel of that regiment, and It was officered by members of tho Tammany Soclctv. On account of his own (Mr. Hewitt's) health he bad been unable to go, but he had sent Ills nephew us ono of tho otlicers of that regiment. Mr. Lapham (N. Y.) After tho fall of Fort Sumter did not Mr. Tllden refuse to nign the call for the great Cooper Institute meeting and refmo to attend tiiu meeting? Mr. Hewitt. It is not true that he refused to sign it, and he did attend the meeting, Applause on the Democratic sido Mr. Samuel Sloan, then a member of tho Union Salety Committee of New York; applied to Mr. Tilden at a time when, ho was engaged in the trial of a case, to affix bis name to the call, nnd hi reply was, "I nm busy just now; send mo tho resolutions after the trial of this case, and if they aro entirely proper I wilt sign the call." Tho call was never bent to him, but when the moeliug took place he at tended it, and tho resolution received his absolute and unqualified approval. I tmy. now that Tammany Hall raised a regiment for tlio war.and that Gov. Tilden was a large contributor to the fund. Mr Congef. How much ? Sir. Hewitt. I am not going to state dol lars and cents. Patriotism is above dollars nnd cents in some quarters. Mr. Conger. It is denied III tho public pre&i that Mr. Tilden ever contributed one ccut for any such purpose. Deri-dro laughter on the Democratic side. Will tho gentleman .state when and where nnd to. what amount he ever contributed to tho rais ing of a regiment? - ' --- - Mr. Hewitt. I state when In stating that the Tammany regiment was raised, and I stato whero when I fay the city of Now York. I do not stato tho amount, because Demo crats did not carry tho hat around. Laugh ter. Mr. Davy (Uep. N. Y.) I supposed we had settled all our difficulties, and this was n sort 6f love feast. Mr. 'ltaudall (Dem. Pa.) Tho love feast is to be on the 4th March next. Mr. Hewitt, Subsequently to Unit period no man in' New York was more frequently culled into counsel there nnd in Washington than Mr. Tilden. I know that he was twice called for by President Lincoln, and came to Washington and held cheerful conversa tion with Mm, resulting in the early and rapid Idling of the quota of the Statu of New York, and I know that during the wholo of that trying ti mo there never was a douht as to the loyalty nnd pittrintism of Samuel J. Tilden. As to the re-nhilion of tho Chicago Convention, quoted by Mr. Jvisson against Mr. Tilden, declaring the warn failure, lie (Mr. Knson) should have known that with in a month past n public and positive state ment had been made by Mr. Mantoii Mar ble, tho secretary of the committee on reso lutions, that Gov. Tilden opposed that reso lution publicly and privately, and it was within his own (Mr. Hewitt's) knowledge that Gov. Tilden urged Gen. McClellau (af ter his nomination) to muko such a declara tion in his letter of acceptance as would nul lify that portion of the Chicago platform. Mr. Randall Which was "the Union at all hazards." Mr. Hewitt. Those were tho words in serted in the Chicago Convention. Gov. Tilden decland that tho adjustment of tho controversy between the North and South on any .othtr hue Is than the restoration of the Union was impossible, that the moment any party went nut of the Union the ques tion must bo scttlid by war, and that the war must be prosecuted until the question was settled. These declarations of Ida were published in the New York and Chicago pa pers at the time nf the convention, and that is my answer to the statement of tint gentle run from Iowa that Governor Tilden never rnadu any declaration in favor ul the prose cution of tho war, and that he was n ills Unionist. In regard to the innihuatloi a con necting Gov. Tilden's uamu nilli that ot V M, Tweed, he (.Mr. Hewitt) said that Gov. Tilden had for tunic than three years, like a hound on the scent, followed the members of the ring patiently, secretly, delightedly. He knew 1 Helen s untiring ellurts day mid night; be knew how he tracked these, people to their ileus of iniquity and filially dragged them forth to public execration. Ap plause. Mr. Davy asked whether subsequently to tlio expo-ure of Tweed, Sir. Tilden hail not met Tweed at tho Rochester Convention and had not raised his voice against Tweed tak ing a seat ? Mr. Cox (In whom Mr. Hewitt viehlcd fur an answer) replied, thnt there was no neces sity for Tilden' doing to, as Tweed was not in tho convention. Mr. Hewitt -Tho bare, naked fact is this : There was war, war to tint knife, between Gov. Tllden and Tweed, and it ended in the defeat and exile ol Tweul. Loud applause nil tho Democratic side. That is ull there is about it, I cull the House to witness that I have answered, ami, um willing to answer, every question bearing on Die merits of ilii case. No one will intimate that thero was tho slightest intimacy, personal or jsilitical, at liny lime, between Samuel J. Tilden and Wllllum M. Tweed. There never was There was that association which comes frjin tho enforced appointment of men on tonitiilltrea from their living in tho same community nnd from he longing to tli.muinc party. Hut the ono man stood in the com intiully albto and beyond suspicion, nnd the other llnally by detestation, I defy tho gen tlemen to lay their bunds upon a dishonest dollar iu tlio poMciilon of Samuel J, Tilden. The people whom ho served uro Ills frieud to-duy, Hid Lis best filmds; audit lathe urvlco which ho rendered to tbem that will, notwithstanding the inslnohtioys of the gen-1 iUuiau from Iowa, give him the vote ftt those great Western Slides within whoso lieinlf r.s ho reconstructed highways which are to tlic'tu, to-day, the arteries of commerce nnd blessings whoso value cannot be properly c.s llmntcil. through the whole ol his remark able career be bus been tho wisest ol men, ho has been the truest friend, ho has been the most zcalon.s and earnest of patriots ; be Is to-day Iho wisest, tho most accomplished statesman in iho land, nnd ho will, by the blessing of God, bo ono of the greatest Pros lilonts of (ho United States, because bo will l.aVo tho opportunity to rescue this govern ment from tho hands of the Incompetent mid llslionest men who luivo controlled It so long, and luivo mado It a reproach In the eyes of tlio civilized world. Great applause I ion! the Democratic side'. Tho canned goods trade has been for sonic time a lendh'g industry, though recently the production litis) not been so great ns formerly. Tho lalo snminer and autumn are tho times of greatest activity In this Industry, nnd an authority on the subject, writing of Iho Irnde for this year, says It is possible Ihrtt the can nlng of somo nrtiele-s will be largely curtail til, A largo crop of pvaches is anticipated nnd tlio tendency may bo to over-produe-o canned peaches. Tomatoes yjcld plentifully nnd will bo probably as plentifully put up. Most of tho canned corn comes from Maine, whero there Is n luxuriant crop; but thero tiro other brands as well astlioso from Maine that aro growing popular. Tho lobster crop Is good in Maine, especially in tho famous fishing grounds of Penobscot May ; but the Nova Scotia yield promises to bo less than usual, nnd oi small average size. Thero will, however, bo plenty of lobsters for tho homo trade, tho packers being sick of porting them, having lost money on tho for eigu trade for tho past two or three season Pears, asparagus, succotash and many other articles have been coming into favor of late; so that it is almost ns possible to furnish the 'table witli a lull list of vegetables and fruits in mid-winter or early spring as when they nro in season. The canning industry has in fact worked a great change in this respect during late years. But like all other Indus tries, it is possible to push it to extremes, so that in nearly every branch the market has at times been overstocked, resulting in loss to tho packers. In this State, New Jersey and Delaware thero aro numbers of large canning establishments situated directly in tlio regions where their products grow, and as they get the cheapest supplies they are consequently able to pack ut the least cost In their respective branches, these establish ments have come to supply tho Philadelphia market almost to tho exclusion of older ones located at a distance. ItAlsi.vu TostATOtx. Uurr tells us thnt the French mode of raising tomatoes is ns follows": "As sJoon as"a cluster of ilowers is visible, they top tho stem down to the clus icr, so that the flowers terminate tho stem. Tlio ctTct is that tho sap is immediately thrown into tho buds next below the cluster, which soon push stronglyand produce an other cluster of flowers each. When these are visible, the branch to which they belong Is, also topped down to tho level ; and this is done five times successively. My this means the plants become stout and dwarf bushes, hot above., eighteen laches high. Ia orier to prevent their falling over, sticks or slrings arc stretched horozontally along the rows, so as lolceeplhe plants erect? In 'addition to this, all laterals that haye no ilowers, and after-thc fifth topping all laterals whatever, ore nipped off. In this way the ripe sap is directed to the fruit, which acquires n beau ty, lize and excellence unattainable by any other means." A Modkiin Gkomji: Washington. The other morning a i areless mason dropped a half brick from the second story of a build ing out on Perry street em which he was at work. Leaning over tlio wall and glancing downward, ho discovered a respectable cili zeu, with his silk hat scrunched over his eyes and cars, rising from a recumbent pos ture. The mason, in tunes of some appre hension, asked: "Did that brick hit any one ilown there?" The citizen, with grunt dim- culty extricating himself iiom the glove-fit ting extinguisher into which his hat ha 1 bocu transformed, replied, witli considerable! wrath : " X'es, sir, it did ; it hit me." "lhai is right," exclaimed Iho mason, in tones of undisguised admiration. "Noble muni I would rather have wasted a thousand bricks than have had you tell a lie about it." roou Gint,S. Tlio poorest girls in the wot Id aro those who have never been taught to work. There are thousands of them. Mich parents have petted them ; they have been taught to elespUo labor, and elepenel on others for a living, nnd aro perfectly help less. It' misfortune comes upon their friends, us it often does, their cae is hopeless. The most forlorn and miserable women on the luce of tho earth belong to this class. It be longs to parents to protect their daughters trom lids deplorablo condition. They do them great wrong if they neglect it. Kvery daughter should he taught to earn her own living. The rich us well us the poor require this training. Tito wheel of fortune rolls swiftly round tlio ricli nro very likely to become poor ami the poor rich. ell-to-do parents must educate their daughter to work; no reform is muru imperative than this. SlNfltfL.ut Pnibusi.s'o Cask. This story conies from Alamance county, N, C. : A Dr. Hoop.T, a dtntiet, living in the northern part of the county, went to the breakfast ta ble prepared to poison his wife, but for what reasons we have not lint nod. They were seated alone :i.t (he table. Alter pouring out tho coffee, Mrs. Hooper was despatched out of tho room mi so.ne pretext, and in her absence her husband poured int her cup a deadly mixture. Shu returned, and ;t hap pened that the doctor himself was called from the room tor n moment. In his ab sence a fly fell into his cup, and Mrs. Hoop er, wite-llke, exchanged cups. The doctor returned, and drank his coffee almost nt one swallow. Ho at onco detected tho singular taste of the beverige, iiud asked his wife if she had changed cups. Shu replied thatiho had, giving tho leason for il, when ho ex claimed, ''Then 1 am a dead man !" nnd lti"a few mliiutcswas u ccrjse. Tho Hell Gate explosion, which wo ap pointed for tho Fourth or July lust, Is tu coino oil' in the latter part of September, f'or. years the army engineers have been drilling under tho rocks obstructing the channel between New York harbor ami Img Island BotiuJ, and the explosion of these mines is Intended to bieuk up the rocks, ho 'that the ohst ructions can bo removed and the channel ho deepened, Tho wttk of tun neling under tho rook is now ull lone, and nothing remains but the insertion nf the curtrhla'cs. In tho 173 piers siportii)g the rtk, and In the rocky reiof, over 8,!S00 holes of three Inches diameter nnd various depths have been homl for the reception of tho car trliW riviiftinltR Ij to be used fur the charges, and by the use of ub ut itX)gslvsn lo builcrli tall tho charges will be exploded UmuUnucounly. What is Ve'ireiinc ? It Is ft pomnmihtt nxlMrtrd from h.itks. roots nsd Ileitis, ttls iiatuiT'n i.yiu, ity. Itlsp'TteollyliArni le'ss tram any tiii'li'tTeit upjii tin' ssic a. Ulsnemr-IsliliirntulBln-tiKlht'iiliiir. II. nets ilhrctl upon tlio litewl. It unlets llii ticn mis m stent. ltjUosjou pmisnrsa sie.nnt. ntnlit. Itli upannrcft for our iiK'" uiim'is uiiii iimiutTa. uir uencs inenisiieiiKeit. ii4i imm -in it in i nioiui'la. nil ll win I lit ni SLi i jiiu, (tulets I lielr nerves, ntirt ulres thcin Nature's sweet HK'sp. as ims nrpii iiroieii ny many tin niceu pcrsem. It Ih the meat llloof I'nrlller. it Is asootlilnif n me- ily f ir our children. It bus relleveel anil ctuvil thou Minils. Ulsi.'ryileits.1iit tolnlMt ever) cl.lM likes It. It relieves ninl cures all ilN-asosoihrhiutlntf front hmuiic hlnoil. irr tint Vno.Tisa. (iho It n fair trial tor oar cotiipUhit-Bl then juii will s.iv to sour filoii.l, nclhttu'anel acquaintance, "Try it; It has curoJ me." UEIilADIiH EVIDENCE. The MbU'lliL'lluKoili'Hcil teslliiionl.il from liov. e. T.WalLei'.f.irmi'tlyp.isloriif Unu'ilohi Hiiiirn church it jsetni, anu ai rreM'iu melon in lTowneuce. n. i must biHleeii-.eit ss rcllahlo cWih-nce, No one nlmulit f.ill to oliservt' tli it thtstesllmonl.il lstlio lesliltef two xear.s'iixtiiTli'iKHi withtlm tisnof VrnKiisx In 1 1 it.- Ilev. Sir, Walker's family, who now piiiiiiiiuiie II. lutahi.iiilc: riinrwiiNrr, It. I., 1(14 Tratif.ll St. 11,11 MlHVKJU, l'.s,.S I reel hoiiiiil tuc.iesH with lay signal tin thehl'h Mine I place iiimiii jour Vmihiink. .uy !, unlit have us il It hir Um l.isl. luu Mars, tiitiertous ilrlllliy It Is Im.ilii.il.li', ami I ivcniiinif ml II to all who may nccil mi imltruruthijr, rcninuthiif tonic. (I. T. Wtl.Kt'll, roimerly pastor of ItonJoln Sijuaio Church, Huston. THE BEST EVIDENCE, i Tim following letter from ltev. 12. S. nest, pastor of tho M. 12. church, Nattck, Mass.. will bo reaifwlthtn tercst by many ih.vstelaiisj also thoso KiitTcrlmt from tho sainii ellseaso ns nlllli teil tins son of tho ltev. 12. s. Host. No person cm itouht this testimony, ns there Is no iloubt about the curat He power ot VuusriNK. Katici:, Mass., Jan, 1, 1S7J. Mr. II. II. STEVEN'S! Hear sir Wo hato Rooil reason for regarding your Vkiiktisk a medlelno of the irieatest value. Wufecl assured that It has beentnu means ot sailtig our sou s iiii. ne is now hcsenieen years or ni;o: ror tno last two years ho has suffered rrom necrosis of his leg, caused by scrofulous nftecilon, and wnssu far iciiiiccu mae. nearly no w no saw nun itiougni ms re covery impossible. A ruiuu.ll of ublo ph) sklnns i-uiiiu Km- Ha um uiu laimcsx nope or ins escr rauv Imt: twoot Iho number declaring thnt he wasbt' )uud the reaeli of human remedies, thatmeh ainnii' tat Inn coul.l not sav e htm as ho h.ut not enou((h Ijror to ctiihmi the opeiailoii. .lust then ue commenced nil Ing him Vciiktisb and frean that time to Iho pies etit he has been continuously linpioiliig. lie has lately resumed studies, throw n away his crutches itiiu i-uii', iiuti i.iiiks aiHjiit. e neciiua) mm Miont.r, Thoileh IhPIH Is still soni.t illsi'lmi p.i mini t In-nru-ti- lug where hts llml) was lanced, we ham the fullest eonlldeiice that In a little) thno he will be perfectly luil'tl llohas taken uhout three do?en bottles of Veiik. tink, but lately uses but little, ns he declares hols euj wen eu w laKlilg medicine. Itespcclf ully ) ours, K. S. llest, Sirs. U V. P. llest. Prepared by II. R, STEVENS, Boston. IVIass. VEGETINE is sou) iiy All Druggists and Dealers ii v 12 it v win: it 12, July 14,-tm. COMPLETE HONE MANUKE FOIl Buckwheat and Fall Crops For ovjr ID vears this brand his hohl Its nnntR. on In out. lot with m my compcilui,' fertilizers. oni: eiitADi: only. No variety of names w itli necommodatluL- tcaln nf prices. ltliCOMMKNDED. Ily farmers' clubs, asrieultuil.sts, plaulcrs and FOR SAL.TC BY A. .1. Albertson, II. I. Heav. Itohrsburg. Hit pert. Catawlssa, Ilerwlek, D.mvllle. J. It. Seesholtz, i reas nros., 1-2 TliouiDson. 11. W, Wodclrop, Itlverslde The following tcstlmanlul was received scleral years ago. A FlI'.llEUS ril'B Kl'COJIlltSIlS THE COMI'IITE 110NK -MAM Ut iS THE ISLM' l'tUlll.lZEIl IN I'SE. Ul-ti'liWGexl. C'oluinbl.L I'n.. Oft ir.f I. Messrs. 11HKIKIU& UtLHilcu. (lentlcinen : We, the euidei-slL'tied. having iiweit your conipli te Itonu Manure thu past nuson, pro- t ittt-uut juiti utjt-tii., i .i. ,iiut.'i iMjn, iiereoy amrin it iu in- uiu tin it-iiiuir iu um', o iiiiiv recom mend It to runners, fur It Is nil that ) oil claim lor It Yours. Ac.. WVU.1AM I'XOKII.H.E MAI IIKII, JOHN STANTON A, Iiuiillll.ci-t,l.-s, U1.U. UllilU.N, A, B. FAIltMAN, mam COUNTER.PLATFORM WAGOK WRACK CLG" AGENTS WANTED MARVIN SAFE SCALECO. ' klbO ttfiOAUWA Y N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST, PHILA.PA, 108 BAN K ST. CLEVE. O. Mar eh 31, lttv.ly. THE TIUUMPH TRUSS 00 SjasJ'X Xo.au Howery, New York, rBnjwJMI TO WHOM WAS AWAltOKI) THE citi:.iiiii.,i mi:iir, l'oit thi-: B;st Elastic Truss anil SnppGrter At the great American lustlluto l'ulr (SkSStON 1S15.) Cl IlK IttfTUUK IN t'KOH SO TO M IllYH, iNUOllIK tl.vtsr ioh i t'isii Tiuv CiNNOTCrm. 'Iheyiiui'loy a luit ili.m Inly Furytlu. Terms modiinle, Cutisouaiiuiliid. 'I l.o iihu.u iliMotuts tu liitKLset jliifcttiiKiry. Finuiloiiiuiis trie en ill t tilled ty n nil. Hid ten tints icr liefcrlptliu IICOK, to llr. (', W, It, I'l'llMIANf, (KM ul t net iii.li LihLt. (llruiic)i omcolSIS rhet.li.ut. M I'liUuiiili Ida, I'u.'l Mitr, s,1t. 1y. 1 ' V ALUAB lITFr 0P E M'Y at 1T.IVATI2 HAI.B. 'nosut'serlherorrfrs for sale). twnniillIot.s,on CsVh whloh aro croctenl a tram) d.volitaii housn, stable nii'l iiticussiiry oulbutldlnini. Also fou r vteckt lots, niljolnliuf Um nbuve and ot lanrer sla , Thews louarecntho Mala road noar Htulwator, KtUns C'reok lowiisldp. Furteniisn'iIyto Wra.IKEt.l2R ilny S. ,T. (a. MlUvrktir, 10. mm MANUfii I MANUFACTURED BYljll iBREINIG&HELFRIoli I LEHIGH VALLEY ffjl ti WW TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or rNTonasT to avnnr ono. Ut. A PIANO On PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, vrlth an mlJuslnWo hsclt, msdo to support tho kick of tlio sitter Vflillo loaning forwsrd In tho onllnsry Jvosltlon for plsjlnj, anil by arhnplonrrncmcnt, which Rhes It a backward n,l nt tho mno lima elowiwsrd movement, follows lite motlona and support! Iilia la toy polllon wllUout lntotferlng la tho lent wltti tho freedom of his taorcmcnts, . in" i it. 1 il GAUGES CrROURTD BONES, AOIDS andOHEMIOALS ron PALL SEEDING. :o: Lower Prices, Samples Soil Free, Analysis Guaranteed. EXAMINE AND OIIOOSB mto:it thi: roi,i,ome Old Established Articles, BAULK'S GROUND RAW BONES XJc-Guanintced Piirc.-ajr In hags on board of rars at works at tho followlnjf C'usli l'rlces. loo Tons nnd oier, floperTon eu " to tin Tons, in " " so " " 4a " a " " U " " 211 " S3 " " 1 il ii 9 I' !I4 " " Tills Hone; is Oioiuul I'nro; is not stcnnieil or baked, nliil tin) solid liotio 1ms not lieon selected from it. BAUGH'S BONE suriiKK-riiosriiATK Mado from Itaw or llnburned Anlninl Hones. Cheap fur Cash, ami Quit only. Wo aro now selling our luw Bono Super-l'hospate on tho following iiUiiiiNTKMi Analysis : Ammonia, - - noma to 4 percent, holuble and rrcclpltatcd l'hos- pliorle Acid - - - " a " 11 " " rhosphato of Lime, reiuleicd solublei .... " iiu 21 At NET Cull Wholcsalo l'rlces tu Healers and Farmers. 1 o. II. lu I'hlladclphhi, ui iho follow lug Ixiw rittcvs: lou Tons and ol er, 35 per Ton, 2,ooo li s. 73 " to 93 Tons, ;io " 6, .. ., u 1 ., 3, ,. , ,i CO " " 4'J " 3S " " " " 10 " " VJ " 3 'J " " " " l " " IU " 41 ' " Standnrel of Quality Strictly Maintained While) wo nnnounro a reduction In tho prlco of our HAW JIOM2 Mtll'Ell I'lKISI'IIATE, u would le sjiectfully represent to tlealei's and faimi rs lli.it Its stundaiil of iiuahly h.is been strictly malatalneel. Tho proportions of sohihlo and ptecipltated l'hos phorle Acid, and Anitunnla ham neier been higher than they are lu thuattlclo wo aro now selltnjr tuour customeis. Thlsstalemeut wo nuke us a binding guarantee. BAUGH'S ACII)II.iTi:i Phosphate Rock, Twelve l'er Cent. .Solnliln nnd rrecipitatcel 1'liospliorie: Acid, Wo hellelo Our Acidulated Phospliato Eook to Ikj supei lor to most of the Acid I'll isphaUi now In thuiaarket, l-'annerH that, hale u-eit lllorseieral seiisons aiu Hell pleased with It, ami tho tleuiand for It Is raplillv liieii'ilug, fcjyBI. S. Ono Dollar per Ton Ad ditional on all Prices if shipped from Baltimore. Chemical Supplies OF A LI, KIN I S, Always on hand, and sold at tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES . For pure ai'd good Articles. CV-M2M) VOK FltlCll l.ls-TH. land"plaster We grind otdy from extra iiuulltyot Lump, nnd our biund has glitn the hlthett tuthf ictlou tor thu lu&i iwo )ears, 1'iice us low us un). Send ibr Price Lists and Circulars. BAUGH & SONS, Jlnnufiiclurcrs & Importers of Fertilizers & Supplies, jS'o. 20, iS. Delaware Ave., l'llII..WH:i.l'IUA.. 1. 103 M St, Baltimoio. July 3I-2IU. SKCfJUK AN AOIC.NC'Y a ii.I ur $lili i.rr milt i.icmr ieuiy (iiuf u if,' mil nf oi'e'ir," HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING S20 MACHINE For romCRlte Use. With Tiiblo and Fixtures Oomnlotfi only $20, A nerfeet and llnisiaalliil. lai-ire. hlrmiL' nnil iltiru. blu machine, constructed elt'.uit nli.l solid, iruinthu iene iiiiii.'i i.ii tttui iii.iiiiciiiiiiie.il plcciMOll. lurcuil' slant family Use or iiuiiuracl'.rhi'.' iniriKises. At ways ready lit a mniiienrs imlleo to do Its day's it ui k, not er mil in e.i uei, mm iu use. n generation nun iii.iuetueu curu t ea-sy in iiiuierseanil unu inan nt': light, siuoiith, and sum rtiiinlt., like I lion ell ri'L'iihited uioiement eif a lino watch: blintilu.com. pact, etlleieiit mill rc!lahle,nllhalltholm luietnents In be founil In thu highest prh'ed machlues.wurratiU cd to do Iho hauiiiiiiil;, the same ivuy, line) us tuptd and siiiuoth us.i tI3 laachliw. AnatkiiOMleile-eeUil. uuiph of Inireuliius laeTliantcul skill, ( s.-enthilly the wuiklutr wiimun's friend, mid larlu uilvancuof ull (irdliuiy imfhllitH for absolutu stieliL'tli, reliability und L'eiiiuul mail illness : u hi Iiliu. fell. tuek. seam. .iillt, laud, hrald, corel, gather, t utile, shirr, plait, fold, be'.tllop, mil, embroider, runup hreadlhs, ie, tiiu teuneii'ieui rapiuiey, iie.uue'ns ami casc.bcnbiiio slronvrst luslliii; stllch eiU.illy lliui ami smuoth Ihruiii;)! all kinds of 1'ue.iN, fi'jin euinbilo la suieral t lili-k iieses of liiii.uriotii or leather. Willi line or eoaibii c.il tun, linen, t.llk or tnliie. (lives l'lfvct o.tiiM.iL-iiuii, ,t in t'arii ii n time M'teruj tunes eie'r in u season in tho Murk It does, or uuko u k'uod llvluir or any tain or woman ulm ilo.lrtH to usu It for thai purpose; wcuksso lallhful n ml easy t lie w runts ur clilldreu ean Use It wtthout ilamaL'u. l'rlco nf uiu. chluo ulthlU'ht table, fully equlpiieil for family mirk i:l lla'tcuse, euier.bldu ehuners aiidcubluttst)lc each at ciirii'Suiiillnt,'ly low rales. Halo elelliery uuiutttt t-u. ttt-u iiuiii uitiiiiibe.', i.ipuenueuiy nuin phhls llhisltated with cnmavlniM of Ihu hoipral btt'les t.f inliehllieM reft n in'i k. v uilr Iv nf hmvIhu m illed tree, Coiitldentlul terms velth liberal liiduee- meiien iu t iiierpitbuik' cterk' meu, learners, bnslinsw meu, iriuelha or local ueents, Ac, who desire ex elusive tiei'licics, turulsheef on upplleulluu. Addrcu Juhu II. Itu,idull k tu, ctu llroudHuy, New York, Muy Vt-Iui. Tho Cook's Companion, Impiovod Kitclon Slicing Utonsjl, A novel lloufthohl A rllvlo for iJlrlov Hhbab. Mbit. tUt'SAoe, KexiULis, Vkumsi ks, j-iitirs, ('jnuv, 'i'lio Maihlno Is eaBy tei retulalo, otiel very flmple to use'. It tukus up but llltlu room lu thu kitchen. (luocmis, lieiciimis, IIohl limi-kiis und Lvkkv 1 iuiLr should huiu uue. I'ltcu f I, uud chcup at that, (Wt and tea them work- at tho Furnlturo Store tt K It. VURMAN, Sale Agent for Columbia county. May 2C-3tn 1 lllooinsburt, Pa. It. APLATTORM ROCKER ON OASTORSf Milhtho lonu ca-jr morcracnt of tlio old style, without llm projecting rpekers to mar other furnlturo and tho hsurs of rooms liclnr, lu fact, tlio only Tlatform Ilocker mado that lias a perfectly rathfnetory movement. Manufactured for tlio trado hy ALBERT BEST & CO., r BUFFALO, N. Y., and for rale hy Iho principal dealers throgghoat tho United States. XV I f not kept by any dealer In ) our town, teuet to ui for l'rlco Llit uud Catalogue, UV HTUUK Ol-' ULOTiilXCI. AND Gontlemon's Dreua Goods. DAVID LOWHNHKUO Invites attention to his lart'oahdeli'iMUtstock: Cheap aiitl'Fasliioiialile Cloiiii, at hts store on WAIN 8TUKBT, IK THU N12W llLOCK, lir,OOMSHUIJ(l, PA., whero ho has Just received from New York anil Phil. adelphla a full assort ment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Includlnc tho most fashionable, elurablo and' nunasuiuo DRESS GOODS, CON.SISTINd UK l!OX SACIC, FKOOeT, (iUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, 01" ALL SOItTS SIZ12S AN11 COLOItS, Ho has also replenished his already !nr;rc stock of CLOTHS AND CASMMEKKS, STIHl'J!!), FIllUltlSD ANDil'LAIN VE3TH, "iJlltTH, CKAVATS SOUKS, COI.LAKN, IIANDKKItOIIIKFH, (1I.OVKH, ISUSPKNDEItS, VANCY AltTI.GIiaS. Ho has constantly on hand a lnrtro and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Veslings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clothlnp, on very short notice," and In tho be manner. All his cloihlntr Is mado to wear and most of It Is ot homo manufacture. HOLD WATCHUS AND JHWULKY, OF UVKIlYDESC'ItUTlON, FINE AND 0HKA1'. HISCASK 01' JKWliLHY IS NOT tUltl'ASSKD I.N THIS 1'LAL'U. CALL AND I2XAMIN1S HIS OENKltAL AKSOKT- JIKNTOl' Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENHERG. July l.'ja-tf. ALBRECHT & CO, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tlio Ai.mtr.ciiT & Co. Pianos nro first-clnsa in cvury respect, lieinij eon- sielcrcil tlio leading riiilailcljiliia muko by imtsicliuis nnil coniiieteiit !.,.i. 'iu...... ..i. .i...t ..i;..,t.. i ttttt:a, itiueiii iiiuii tiAtuiiitu iicilities, JIis.siw, Ai.iihi:ciit & Co. aro enabled to turn out instruments . thnt nro not nui'irussctl nny wliere, nnil still sell them ut priced within tho reach of all. No l'iiuio is permitted to leave their factory unlcs.s satisfac tory to the most iiiinuto particular, henco their guarantee f Uvo year!) ia n tiling of valuo. All Into ini jirovcincnts of iinportnnconrofouiul ui theso instruments. Mi-xmis. Aluhkcht & Co. have ro ceiveel tho most llatterint; Tcstiino nials from L. M. GorrnniAi.K, 1'uan, A irr, Guhtavi: SATrnt, J, I- 1 1 im m i:i.s iiAcii, William Woiii:jkku mul many other eminent nt lists, hcsiilea bojng nblo to refer to thoiisaiuls of privuto ptircluisers, schools, semi iinrics, societies ami teachers. l'ianos consctcntiouslybelceteil per orelera by mail, carefully packcel nuel Hhippod safely to any part of tlio world . JWf-Kor further purticulars aa to references, prieos nnd terms, uelelrciu, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. July U, tc, ly. VULCAN nm WORKS DANVILI.K, MONTOfll COUNTY, I'A. 11,1.1AM 11. l.AW, ill nurse turer dl Wroucht lrou llrldnes. Hollers, (liuthahter. Ilrtpruof Itulldluk's, Wiouyht Iron Koonntr, Itexining rrouies, Hoorliiir und Doors, Katin (latt-s andKeiio- ui:, si" ttruei'iu iron I'lpiu, nnu's sua rukiuus tf t-niith M'tirk.ie, KepiUrs proioplly stuudea to N. II. Druwlutrsand tullmiitu luriDlletL Oct. 6, IHO-U ft? rv &00 1T flV l litino. l-'stuplet worth 11 ?d It) ?J hce, hiikiOMt to, l'llhica,kllno. U.irli )n irov 1 BLANK N01 FiJ.wlili oivitliout tiuuptiui lor t&la fct Uut (XtzvHix omctk URE TEA-IN SEALED PACKAGES, lllrei t I'riiiii Chlnn Mini .hitmii. IISMVKIII2II til Mil I! OWN imoil, fresh frnmtho tIAIIlll NMnrtn iDllilM) in. Iinpiuleililhs'itlij THE WELLS TEA CO., 20t 1'iitloii Kt.-cet, K. Y. - in:--- The) eliniCulty of cettlnir ptiro Tcai iif reilly lino quality In I ha l'tilled States, has Induced TUB KI.I.H Tt l fo In ship their Tens In eenleil packages direct from tho iriinli iis In uhlcli they nre truwii, and res u fin t her k'naraiitou nf their l-ln rtellvereil litlhelr eeniilno stntp, they entrust Iho sulo of them only to rellabto Auehts-tho tinmu nf tho lieuifst ARi'litlo toil is pi luted at tho fool ft tlilsn(l)eillfCinent-W) lh.it the tttiis pnsn Ihroiiith none but resimt.slblo hiiiul'.nhd will Ik) el.rlieied nt your own dooriet fteshns iMieti they icti inn pniuer.s in uninii iimi .litpnn i Ihu price nlseils printed on ench package, so thnthoiri'iire-an nccur. l.!inivli. tilv line H '1 t Hi eri tiod'v t Mies I o buv 1 1 at first hatidt-tho best qiinllitiM nt tlio loest price". to theli tastes-to bo eeitnln of Kcltliilf IhoBamo i.vi'rt iiiiiiv iiiMi'ttt iii'it I ni'v nun it i fit niiiiuuii' nnicieniwnfl. You can hum an tneso aiivuni.ises ny nu.iinn or thi: wklls ti:a company. ltcennsnllipy Ininort their own leas. ntiiHetl the'lil ntwholesflUi pitces-wlthiitit tho Hx or eight Inter tnedlnlu prnntMisiinllyclmrffcd. , 1iieatiM'llieiiiinllt.t It better nt tho price) than U sold ny any inner nnusii. neeiitivt their hint! I'Xtierlet.ce In china nnd .litpnn en.lli.i'S llietu to miKii ii-'iier si-iiciiihim iiiaiiinui nnry I'ealers unit id impoit. iiiein iviui L'teuiiruu tni.lnffu lleciitise they nhsotiilely iMIllaiilce thn (pialllynf nli;thelr bihkIs and keeptheiu (u one Invailahlo Riann.ini, Mi llini you ran niwnti iriy em iiiein. Iii'eniiie Ihevilo business for cash only unit there. foi e nnkei tin eitrn prollt Irotu gDeiel cuswtnerslo cover loves by bad ili bt.s. Iiecausn eiif ir aijents lire responsiiiaj nnn reiiaoio men who deliver Teas pre cisely us received front tlin ('otnhunv. lleeaiiso hatlni; once tried these Teas, j on will not need to iro elsewhere hrrcattcr. WANTKl) A HriiKKist, or other llrst-class mer chant, In eiery tnitn and city In Um l'tilled states, to whom will In) ylveu tho bOLII AtlUNOY lor that locality, Address, tor terms nnu tun particular', Till! lVl:i.l.S TKA 120.. P. o. llox 4.'.nii. sill I'ullnn Mrcet, N. '. iiuy in, ,ii,-vm. BLOOMSBTJRa MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STI112I1T, BELOW JIAltKET, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all Umls of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS We) Use the best AMI'.UItlAN and ITAUAN Jtnrble. lie has on hand nnd furnishes to onler MONUMENTS, TOM IIS. HEADSTONES, UIINS, VASES, Ac, Every variety of Marhlo cuttlnj; neatly executed at thu luwest market prices. A loner nraetteal evnei lenco nnd ncrsonnl nt tent Ion to liuslni'SM uiakes the piuprletorcontldent eif kIMiii; satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended ui. i: j. ueue vui. tifflA'. Jl. 'oi k Mireml free of rmivc-VjSH Alts, il, '71-ly. T. L. OUNTON, Proprietor. "yAINWKIOUT & CO., WHOLESALE IlliOCElta, N. K. Corner Second and Arch Streets, l'uii.AUKt.riiu, Dealers in PEAK, SYltlll'S, COFFEE, KUdAl!, JIOLASSEH l'.K'F, SI'ICF.S, niClltD BOD, lC, &C. IfOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. 81 .1-1 f UOLLLNS & 1I0OIES No. IT Cent rustic".; Plumte Gas and Slcam Fillers tMANuiwcrrmiKits of J? 1 1ST W -A. R E, (IAI.VaNI.ED IltON COItNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, WIro Trellises, Sic, Dealers in Stoves, Hano i's, I'liriinces, iiaiiunoro Heaters, l.nw Down Grates, .Mantels, l'UMl'S, Weirtlier Strips, CiC. Also GAS FIXTURES at tho Litest (loslL'Ti. Snorlnl nttcnf Ion imtil tn in. pal r I n l,' Scwinir Mmliitii'.sKf cvi'ry (IfM'ilnihm.SraltH, l.iitkH. r.t-ll Iliiii'Mi'.'. Ki'V I'ltlliiL'.M-. 11 Iviiln ilniin-s Jlt'iilctl by Mcum at u small coslnlion Hot JIV. Wit Vli, i 1 1, PELIC1A REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMOXIATUI) SUPER l'JKISl'HATK. circulars and nnulysls mailed freo on application, l'urtulo by Dealcis ireneriilly, and by the Importers liutt ,uitiKiiiie;iuiL.H, jdsi iii .i..ii,3,i:.'.s sons, No, -1, f-'enith Dclnwaro Ave., riiilailelphia Maicli lu-cm TlilSfAPEiISKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Sihsom St., PHILADELPHIA, M ho nro our iiiilhurleil nuenin, uud ttlll reecltii Adv. rtlsemciiu tit iur I.tlVliT VAHU ItATHS. "" O.VHDINO. Uiu subscriber Isnow pi u pa red to receive boarders ut hlshoumlii Hourliiircicek towuslilp, hltuaUdnt nimi iikuuitii ua j'ivu i enues, inuiiiiusu iscein dutteiluu TeuiKTaiicu piluclples, iiu InUiileatnnf Ihiuors bclntr sold on Ihu pieudbeK. (loud ruotus. e.tcellii.t liiLleiirid the uiulurts t t a privuto houso Tei uis le'iisoiiuble. J. II. KLINtllilt. Alay 5, 1&.-H. ltourluif Cmek, !'. I'llRSlDENTIALCAMPAKIN CajH, Capes ft Torches SEMI 101! IIXVsrilAlSU C111CU J.tll ANU 1'lllCS LIST, CUNNINUHAM a II II.I., MANUKAOTVKKUS, No, Ml Church Street, PHILADELPHIA, J eily js, lel.-i.itiu, EUSINKSS OAHDtS, VIHITINO UAllli.H, Kit IIKAU?, ti.UU intnt.i. tverrn&a, o., a, Neatly and Cheaply printed nt the L'oldw biAH Ofllc. v"? ' ..!. iff f ii J y I fii!. tj' tn WW NEW 000$. t A llliA VY STOdlC, Olicaptii' than EJver! S. II, MILLER & SON Nitvo Just lloccivcd tlio largest ami best supply ot CHEAP AMD FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They hato ever ollercd tolnclr friends nnd ciw; tOIUl'I'S, (Jlotlis, Cussimores, and Siitiaolls furMKN'd WI'.Alt, OlotllS, jlliipsHJHS, jVIllt'LHOS1, Cor LADIIW WHAll, (lAI,ICOi:S, MUSLINS, CAalllUlf-'S, niul every variety or Dry (luoils ilcsireil. STOCK OP Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED ODT AT COST FASIILY G ROCERIES, IncliuliiiK nil tlic varieties nf COKI'El'S, TEAS anil SUOAItS, COUNTRY PKOJ3UOE, nuel a general supply eif ni titles usifiil for tlic table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for (,'uods at cash prices. oct.so,'T4-tf CALIFORNIA. Til 15 CHICAOO & NOljTlI-WrSTI'.l'.N' l'.AH.WAY llmtitacesiindcfone inanascment the (ireat Trunk IhillAitv Lines of thu Wt:.il' .mil NOItl ll-WHST.iiinl. with Its liumci'oiis hratirhesiiiid connections, tortus tho bluntest nnd iiulckesl tuutti betneen chlcui unit lilt jiuiiun tit i i.t.ii-ui , tt iiu",.-.!;,, i-tiit I nr 11.1 .tlltlllllAN, iSHN.NKSIITA, 1UVVA, JS l.lllt ASIt A, CaillOrUltl unu tno wcsiern Ten nones, n.s Otnaliii ami Cnllloi iila I.lnc Is tho shortest and ticst route fur nil points In not th em Illinois. Iowa. Iiakula. Nebraska. Wtoinlmr Colorado, .Neiiulii, l'laliCailfoiiil.t, Oieeron, Chlnn, lapaii ami Aiiseiuua. us Chicago, illaillNou &. St, laul I.I no Is tho short lino fur Northern Wlscnns.ln and JIliuiC' suta, und for .Madltou, M. l'aul, Mlutieaiohs,Diihith una uii tioiius iu uiu brieat uriutcsr. its IViuonsi and St. I'cti'i' I. tlic " ,,,, ,,i,,j lu-nu tu, ,, ,u, 'in,, nmut Tit t, uitiiiuiiiiu, .Mank.Uo, M. I'eler, New I'ltu, and all jiolnts tu lDHu.ni.li.iv,iirn ln.irii.nn, 1 tn.nl , ..m nutum-i ii unu t;t:iiiiiit -tiiuiiu&OLU lis Gi ccii Day nnil niareiucttc I.lnc Is the only lluu for .lanest Ille, Wntertown, rmid Im I.ar Oshkosh. Annlcton. tlreeti llav. Kseanab.i. Ne- iraunee, .Mauiuelie, Uoujiliton, Hancock and tho i.ai,i; Dupe-nur euuuii . 11a rrcciioi't ami Ztnliiuiiio I.lnc Is tho only route for Klgln, Itocliford, I'rccport, and tin ,njii ia i., i t vt. ,'ui i, i ia Chicago ami illilwanlicc I.inc Is tho old I.nko Shore lloutc, and Is the only ono ii.lsMii',' through Uianstiiti. Ijiko 1'urest, llljrhl.iiid Park, Waiiket'uii, Itaclne, Kenosha tuilhwaukce. I'lillmaii I'a'atc Cars nro run on nil thi oii'-n trains of this toad. This Is Iho OSIA I.I.N II ruunlnc thorn cars be. tue. li Chle.iiro and St. Paiil.Chlc.iKo and .Milwaukee, or e'ldcao and Wlnoiia. At oin.iha our sleepers connect with tho overland sleepers on tlio I'lilou l'aeille Itallroael lor all points ttl'Mlll UIU .tlltnUUI 1 I It l'l , ,t. Ilm, ..r fit ul i f t lw I,-., Ina l.nin 4l.n,,.ni nrn...l. the trains of the Chle'iiero ,V; North-Weal eni Hallway le'.ittit im njiu ni iiiiiutt - I'llll I'llCM'll 111 I'MX. OMAHA INI) (!AI IIOUKIA. Tu Ihroiitth trains (Lilly, with Pullman palace mauliii,' room and Me'Ctihu: curs llirouuli to Council IHuiih. Knit sr l'Ai'i. ami MiNNKAt'iu is, ttv o iliriuih Iraltis dally, Willi I'uliiiian jialaiu Cats attathed to hull! tialiis. I'llll (IllKKM 1IAV ANIlI.AKK Sfl'KlltOII, IWO tllllllS ii. uiy, nun ruiiiiiaii pai.ii'ii ears ateiiencii, unit run. nliiir thiiiuuli to .Miiriiui'lte, l ine Mti.wAi KhK. fuiir thiouch trains dally. Pull man ears on nlhl tialns, pallor e hair ears on day UlllllH. l'nu srttiTA iNiiWisost and iioliits In Mlnnnsohi emu throuirh lialuil.illj, ullh l'lillinati slecpe'ratu Wltiiiita. I'uii lii'iii'iit'F, tin rreepnit, Ira (hrntij;h trains tlally, ivllh Pullman cars on nielli tialns. l'oit lit iiiiji'K imi l.t I'l.eitsK, tla Clinton, tmi I In iiimli tialns dally, it it li Pullman cats im nllit iiniii iu .sie-uii'),riir, iut;i, l'nu Morx citv ami VANkTox, two trains (Lilly, Pull i'llll I.AKK IIKNKVA, flllll' t'llllllS llllllv. I'Olt Itlll'KIOIIII. hltail.tMI. KKM1-I1A. .IANKSVII.1.1 and other points,) oil can liaic froiulivototeti trains ii.iuy. New Yolk ofnee. No 41S ltroadivayj Huston onio r. stato Mieet: Omaha olllee, KM raiuham siteet: Sun Kmni'lfeu ohlee, lil .Miiiitt,'iimi i't Mivet; l.'hlca t;ii ticket unices : 02 e.'laik Mieet, under Mieiinau llonso; rorner Canal und .Madlsuu Mreels; Kluhi ,-in'i-e ik'ihii, turner tt , uiu.io nniliauai Mleets; Wells Mrcet elenot. e orntr Wells and Klnztii Miei ia I'ur rales ur Inruriiiallun noi attaluablo fiotu juur lltllliu I It. hi 1 tl 1 1119, UI'IJIJ IU W. II, Srr.NNi.iT, if AllVIN IIl'UllllT. lien, l'.vss. An t, Chicago, tlen. su)'t,ciilcago I'eh. 4,16-ly aiLVBR 3?I.ATED WARE. Eloctro-Phtod Tablo Ware, AND Oinainontal Ait Work IN (HlllAT VA1U12TY, JIANUPACTUniCD I5Y T1IK 550 lir oiul way, Now York-. 'I hu best Mattel Upociis and I'm ks ate llui'ii Mlvvr plate.l heal lest on Ihe pnrls iiheronecossjilly tho must near tomes, and bcrlm; thu 1 rude Jlmi:. 1817 nOOKUS linOTlIKIt.S-XII. N. II.-This diviit Impiovtment In Mlwr-l'I.l! Sii)iins and I'orks Is upplled alike to each tinniei-r Mate, A 1, Sand 12 o as oi'deied. Tho Pioeess und Machine ry for iiianufaetuilii these (roods niv l'at Rilled, 'iho Kxtuior "Stainlniil Plalo'inadiilij lhts Ciimpany Is stumped A 1, slmpl), una lipl.itut'Ji pereeni, hcailer than iho ordinary market stand urd. trf-l'lrst Preinliims a nrdeel nt a'l I'ulrswhtrei l ihlhlieel, lie 111 World's I'aii- et lsJ2 lo .Mini lean Instliiito Kulr, lsl5, luclutltu. llitreh 10, '70,-Cin. Awanlul Iliu Ilijjliot .Medal at Vienna. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., fill I, Jlruadwatj, New Vol I: , (upp. Metropolitan llutcl.) MAMi Adl'lirilS, llU'OCTBUS ANU IIKA1.K11HIH CllltOJIOS AN' I) lMlAJIIi, STKHKOSCOriiS AND VIKWS, MHr!S, (lUAIMIOSCOl'KS AKUITAIll.K VIKWS. D' Woaroheadiinailii's foreteijlhliilu thotitiynr Storoopticons and Mngio Jiantorns, lliin .Maiiufaclutcisof tho JIICUO-SCIKNTIKIO I.ANTKltN, STKIilCIJ-l'ANOl'TlCON, UNIVKltSlTY BTKItKOlTICON, ADVUUTIHKIt'HSTKKKOI'riCON, AHTOITICON, ' SCIIOOI, LANTKUN, KAM1I.Y LANTKUN I'lCOPLK'SLANTEllN, Each btylo U Ing tho liest of Its class in tlio market. Catalogues of iJinterns and Klldes, with directions fur using, fs.nl on uppllcaUun. Any inlf rprlslng man cau mako money with a Maglo Ijinlcin. 4 tetTCut uut this aelvcrtifediicnt for refer cuccifei . Feb 18,1l!-7m THE "MOODY SHIRT." JIADK TO OHDKK ONLY. A X-KKl'JJOT KIT IU AHANT12KD. flfilill(iiiin dAiJrirxT uiil -to win r,iAuo. .. . n Olid OUr k't'Iit Will CU1 uiiU I'll iLti lucuaiin int. Ii'iioli.vir Mn im 1 i,Ak.u . ' AUJnvci 1'. O. J l UVtMV RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES 5)IIII,AIii:i.1,IIA AND ItMADlNd IIOAI) 4 AUUAN(li:.MKNT OK l'ASSliNdllH TltAINS. .Inly 12, lsTd. TltAINS I.EAVK ltBrEIlT A9 t'0t.l.0lVS (st'NDAYkXCtl'TK ror Now Voi k, Philadelphia, Itcnelliit', I'ottstlllo Tatiiaipt.i, Ac, 11,113 a, In l'orcalawlwa, 11,11:1 a, ni.nml T.aflp. m. For Wllllitmsport, o,!s 0,34 a, m. ami 4,0(1 p. in. TltAINS KOIl llfl'EUT I.KAVK AS I'OLIXIW , (SUllllAV R CKl'lLll.) li'avo New York, ,is n. m. Iaiio Philadelphia, 11,1s n. in. Leavo lientlliiir, 11,3 in, lit., I'ottsvlllc, 1,1 p. m nndTntnaqi:n,l,rop. hi. Lcate Catawlssa, o,!U 0,5fi n, in. nnd 4,M )i. til. I.eato Wllllamspat t t n.hi,lJ,(io m, nnd lyio p. in l'.ltisriitfers n i el f i obi New Via k niul ri'illadu phlafe) throut ivlihout chaiiitoof cars, ,1. 12. WOOTTIIN, -tan. 11, H",c-tr, (leneral nuperlntciiilent. uimiKitN COMPANY. UJCNTltAl, JtAlIAVAY On niul after Noiembcr sotli, 1SI3, t ruins villi leaf o SUNDUItYns follows! NOUTIIWAIID. I2rlo .Mult l.zo a. tu., anlve Llmlra II. w n, m " Caiianilaltrua... ti.Jtip. in llochesler WO " Niagara..,. ViO " He novo nccomtnoil.il Ion ll.lei a. m. tittlio Mlllhuns IUt.Mip.tn. Llmlra MaH .,16n.in unlio Klinlra 10.20 a. in. HulTalo 12xprcss7,lnn, in, nnliu i:iHTaluS.6un, in. SOUTltWAltt). lluttalo Kxpiess '1.10 a. m. nrrlvo llarrlshurtr 4.f,o n. m " lialtlmoius.iu " Klinlra Mall lt.1Sn,ni nnlto llaiil.thiiitr 1..M) p. in " Washington !.).:u " " linlt linuion.au ' " Washington 8.30 " llarrl.shurtf itccominodatlon 8,40 p, hi. an Ho Hart Is burj; Wi i. in. nrrlio llalllmoro li.M a. in ' Washington c.13 " J2rlo .Mall 12.W a. m. nrrlvo IlatiLsbuiifSe..', n, in. " iultlinorus.41) " " Wiuthlhitton 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. DOYl), Jr., General Passenger Akcii A. ,1. CASSArr, General ilannse PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'liilneleliililn & Krio It. II. Division. SU JIM Kit TIJ1K TAHLK. ON and nfler .SUNDAY, APR. 'S.), ISTfi thu trains em Iho Philadelphia ,t Ltlo Itat lioad Illusion ttllliiiu us Iollus: WESTWARD. KHIII EXPHLSSlentes New York .... 2 .8ff l'. m .... C.4.1 p. tu .... 1.10 p. m ... u.lii a. in ....I'i.'.'O It. Ill .. 1.10 II, III ..,,111.30 u, ID ' ." " Philadelphia ' " " ll.illlniiiiii ' " " llutrisbiiri; 1 " nrr, at llllaiaspurt 1 " " LoeklPiten ' " " Kile EHU2 MAILlcaics New Yoik s.2Sp. m I'hiiaiielphlo ll.ssp. tu " M llaltlinore ., ti.lop. in " " lliiirlsburtr 4.2.1 n. m " " Wllllamspoit s.'.i.'. a. lit " " Luck llaten '.Mil a. la 1 " " llenoio liixo a. tu " nrr. at Kile 7.3, p. m siAiiAiii Exrurss leaves Philadelphia.. 7.20 n. m iiaiiimoio r.aini. in " " " Ilarilsburir. ...to.l.i ii. lu ' " arr. nt V'llllamsioi't.. 2.10 p. in " " " Ick llaien....3.lo p. m " " 11 Itenovo 4.1ft p, in " " " Kane li.oo p. in " " " llulfalo . SUNDAY HXPHKSS leaves New York S.23 p. m i iiuuui'jpuia iiD.ip.iu " " " lliilthneire li.Ki p. lu " " " llartlsbuit,' I.liia.m " " nrr. nt Mllllaiiisiiutt I.Da. l.i : o: EASTWARD. 1111 1.'A KXPH KSS leaves Krle (1.10 p. ia " " " Lock Haven... .2.111a. in " " " tvilllaiuspiirt...... :i.n.i'ii. m " " urrltrs ut Ihiriltburi;.,,..,, ti.lu u, hi " " " il.lltllllUI'U II.I1111. 1'l " " " Plilladeliihla U.25 a. 111 " " " New Yurk K.ir. p. 111 DAY KXl'lll'.-iS leaves Kano ens a. 111 " He.lioio hi.loa. lu " 1 uek Haven Il.-.u n. hi " IIIIamsiert....l2 40 p. 111 nir. nt llaiilshiui; 4.10 p. in " Philadelphia 7,211 p, 111 isett teal. iii.i.i p. 111 Italllmoro .... 7.2.1 p. 111 WashUi'toiu. ... s.a-j p. Ill i:i!IK-UII,l'.'iiic3 1)rlo 11.20 a. m " " " Henovo s..M 11, in " " " Lock llaten Ic.ei.l p. tu " " " Wllllanispoit 11,1ft p. 111 " " nrr. ut llirilsluior 2.1,1 u. 111 " " " llalllmoie 7.31 a hi " " " I'lilluileltihla 7.(iiit.lii " " " New York lu.loa. 111 1'AHl' LINKleuves Wllllamspoit 12.3.1 a, ni " " arr. at llaiilsbuiif S..Ma. 111 " ' " ltallliuoie 7.31 a hi " " " Philadelphia 7.M a. 111 " " " NeivYoil: 10.2.1 a. iu M'N'DAY KXPIlKSSleatcs WlllkiinsXil... S.I 3 a. til ' " air. at Ihnrlsluii't,' ll.lila. 111 " " " l'lill.i(ltl.hla.... 3.:,0)i. 111 " " " New Y01 k i'.. I.', p. lu ' " " llaltlinore 7.2.1 p. 111 Kliu Stall We'st. Nlairnra Ktpre'ss West, hoik II.11.1 u Aecoiii. West and Day Kipu ss liist make lIusii inii litctlou nt Ntiittiumherlaiid tilth L. Ii II, It, It, I Kilns lur llltcs-llarru and Seraiitou, Kilo .Mull West, Niagara Kipress West, Krlo Kxpiess West anil l.oek Iliiieu Aiceiiiiue,ilall(in West muko cleiso cunnetllcu ut Williams) oit wllh N. C. It. W. trains north. Kile -Mall Wist, Nhurtra Kptess West, und Day llxprcss Kast )nakii elusu coiiutctluu ut Lock Ilaien with II. 12. V. II. It. trains. lain .Mall Knst nnd West connect at Kilo with trains on L. s. ,t.M. s lt.lt. nlfurry witli 11. c. ,v A. v. it it. ul Kiiiiiurlutu with 11, N. , A- p. it. it. ami ut Drlltwuud villi A v. It. It. Parlor cms will um Let men Philadelphia and M llllamspiiit 011 NhU'iira Kipiess West, Kilo l.x pre'ss West, Phllaihlphla Kxpiess Katt pay KtrriKH Kasl lu.tl Milielay Kxpiess Kabt. Meeiilui; cats on all night trains. W.M. A. UALDWIN, Dee. 17,'75-tf Gcueral Supt, KLAWAltK, LACKAWANNA AND WKtiTKIIN ItAll.ltOAl). lll.OOM.SIiLIKO DIVISION. Tliue-TuLla No. w, Takes effett at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVHMIIKIt 2'.' 167.1. Nlllli'll. STATIONS. Vriiiiton lliiletlle ... .'lilt lull Ille... ..Luckiiiiriiiiia.... I'll tsti.ii . West Pllthion.. W'tumiug Multbv lii'iiiii-tr. . MIIITII. p.m. p.m. 11.111, 11.111 1) )n p.m. s 11.1 H Itl 7 M 7 '111 7 II 7 33 7 21 7 -it 7 1S 3 r,s V l J 43 a 3s u 4S a u iu mi 10 is; 2 211 2 2.1 2 31 2 SS 2 4(1 2 f'2 2 ds 3 14 3 17 ii ni 3 ti 3 42 3 37 3 32 3 21 3 2.1 il PJ '.I 3 Ii 31 11 2.1 1 II 211! 10 11 ti 1.1 U II J Ui II I'S II ..1 s r.u s 1.11 S M 10 111 m ;o 10 23 1.1 17 ....Kltigsteiu , Kingston .... .I'bmouth .lutic, . ..l'ljlat.lllli ... Llllll.lt,, 1U 27 3 111 7 1.1 7 iti 7 1.1 3 17 llO 27 3 17 12 10 32 10 3.1 a 7 l'3 (I M (! hi Ii 4.1 0 tu I, !S e! eiu c ui B f,1 r, w n js :t no H 01 3 ' I 2 f4 2 42 231 2 2.1 2 'J 2 13 2 111 2 IU 3 27 3 IS 3 37 10 40 7 JS 4S . Naiilleoku,... Jl'.'lllilllock'a I Icc'k" II 41 7 t.:t '10 t,2 is sir. S 311 N PJ ..hllli LMllllll.V ..Hick's l'eiry... ..ileal li Ilaien... lientlek .... ...Hilar 1 teek .Willow liioie.... ,.. Limit ltldgc II IS 4 ui k tr. 11 17 1 1.1 s .1.1 K II b OS 8 2 7 t.S 7 U It 23 4 21 K (ft 11 31 4 ill U (ft 1 1 HO 4 37 Ii r.u 11 111 4 II II Cft II 43 J M Tim r. .111 1 to ' 4(1 r, 31 1 4J 7 4 IViiViooiiisbiVrg'.- 11 HI 4 f.i 7 20 11 17 S 12 7 411 12 2 ft I u 7 4ti f. 2S 1 4S 1 43 h 24 r. 20 & 1.1 4 M 4 ro 4 :tl p.m. 7 au CuLin lu llrldgei 7 2etl..eiark's Sitltiii. 12 07 6 II 7 t!l 1 41 1 2.1 1 ill 1 1ft 1 Ol P.III 12 10 Ii 20 S tei 12 V.1 ti rs 8 2ft 12 ill 5 47 M 40 12 3d f, r.'i tt i7 T II .11:. mill,, 1 111 '7 11 I 1, Ift u.lii. t'h Idas y Cainiion.,,.. .Norlhuiubtihiiid. 12 M li 10 V l i ,, .... I'1"' !'"' "' , i', 1iAl.n1r.AI', Mill, Hupelluli hilent's (Utile, bttuiitcii, Hie. in, W. GLAZING AND PAPERING. WM, K llOOINK, Iron Slrcet Ik-Io,, Ke0 kinds of" "luoin-slairg, l'a.,lspiepuic,l to do al l'AINTINO, C1I,A.INC1, Mini I'AI'KK IlANGlNd'S tilthn best (.tvls. nf Iautl) r.i,,a ....... notice. ' ' 1 i' ri clUUnKLnlue,.lI','EUCllW0'k,0'l0 Wl" """'"'T All work warrantnl ini.ivn nfi.,..., n,. ..... BOlkltud vrucrs WJr. F. 1IODINK. Vtllh 1 Rtl''ACf-.-.tq".I. HOWhI.1, A i ll.. Newvf ";;, niu&Zil ri it..5i il?..!-' f '".''lullig lists 7 Mtt inlf r ' -"-""""nuunuigttv w uuteillb-Ukrthlu.Ti..iir,