The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 01, 1876, Image 2

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$0 II
Friday, Sept. 1, 18V0
CO UH H C T ION J t' 1)0 15 1K A USO.V
i-krsons not iikoisteked, and
As Qrant lint been called iihcco ml Lincoln,
and in both uro alleged to bo second Wash
iui-tons, It may not bp amiss to call tho at
tention of original ltcpuhllcnns to tlio dif
ference of views entertained by Grant and
Lincoln as to tho mo of soldiers. In hU
itiessairo in 1801, Lincoln sntd: "Elections
rontrollcd by military nro not a rellectlono
iinimlnr sentiments."
"llallnt") aro tho rightful and peaceful sue.
ccssors of bullets."
Nnhlo words, butflrant and Ciimeron re
ycrse tho order; Ilullcts first, and tho ballots
next, if in favor of tho bullet party.
In 1872 Forney called a"il.llt" onOrnnt
and supported Ilnckulew against lliirtrntifl
for Governor, ror several years ho was
exiled to Europe, and In the meantlmo
seems to havo forgotten tho noble word') he
once spoke. To show how much ho Is "mix
ed" we quote two paragraphs from tho samo
issue, of tho Press :
"Amncstv and dbllvion for tho errors o
the past nr.', as they should be, quiet nud
real acts 01 mo uemenniai year.
"Yet proscription, more terrUilo than
prison stripes, tho branding-Iron, tho plague,
goes on In tho South to-day unconcealed
ana Urtiant"
Comment Is unnecessary.
Florida Probably Democratic.
A reporter of tho Tribune c.illcd on Sena
tor Jones, of Honda, at the I'lflh Avonti
Hotel, recently, to cihtnin his views of th
political situation and prospects in Florida,
Mr. Jones said that although Florida had
always gone Republican slnco the war,it was
a closely contested State, and there was lit
tlo doubt that Democrats would be success
fill In November, as tho Republicans had
two State tickets In the field and as the
Democratic candidato for Governor was'a
very popular man. Mr. Joi es said that
dei ire for a change in the national admiuis
tration was prevalent throughout the South
and many persons who hail heretofore voted
the republican ticket would this year cast
their ballots for Tildeu and Hendricks.
Misrepresent, falsify, lampoon as they will
the republican journals cannot rub out the
record of a saving of THIRTY MILLIONS
OF DOLLARS to tho people by the Demo
crats in Congress. Let Morton rage and
Sherman explain, let Chandler curse and
Cameron carp,this fact stands out in bold re
lief, uncontradicted and incontrovertibl
Nay, more ; the saving was effected in spite
of the resolute and persistent opposition of
the republicans What say tho people
Shall not a party which thus proves itself
worthy of their confidence be trusted rather
than the party which insists on extravagant
expenditures nud strives to hinder reform in
the public service 1 Come now, let us reason
together I Mauch Chunk Democrat,
See that your.sclj and Democrat
ic neighbor is Assessed before the
7th day of Seplcniber.
The I'ren Is constrained to say :
"There is such a thing possible as render
ing popular government a mockery, ami the
combination of unmitigated knavery and
Ignorauco which ruled in South Carolina
before Chamberlain was made Governor
came very near realizing that possibility.
The whole country knows this and tho cau
ses. It was not because most of the voters
were men of black skins and their leaders
whito politicians transplanted frum the
North, but because the former were so iguo
rrnt as to be pliant tools, and many of the
latter utterly unscrupulous."
Yet Fornoy would continue the rulo of
the rascally "carpet-baggers" and "ignoraut
negroes. What consistency I
"When a man turns n traitor to the laud
of his birth, and takes up arms against It.
should he ever again be placed In a position'
of honor or profit?" Clinton Republican.
Ask Grant. He promoted Long-streot,
sent Orr of South Carolina as Minister to
Russia, mado Ackerman ol Georgia his
Attorney General, and has made the guer
rilla Mosby his houso pet.
Ily.theway when did the Republican
party ever support a Democratic Union sol
dier. An Apt Illustration.
In dlscusalng political questions a few
YfteVs ago a llenton Township farmer Illus
trated the absurdity of seeling reform by.
putting Hayes at tho head of the Cameron,
lloss Shepherd, Kcmble, Spencer and Hah'
cock rings, instead of Grant, as follows ;
"When alien has set on her nest so long
that the eggs have become rotten, what is
the use of trying to mend tho matter by put
ting a new hen into tho old nest?"
We all know that Indian wars are ex pen
si ve, becauso traders anil sutlers must live
Therefore It costs au average of one million
of dollars to kill an Indian. Our tax-payers
will bb glad to learn that tho Government
has saved a million of dollars because re
cently sun stroke killed uu Indian, In New
Hy a report of the Adjutant General o
the U. S. army we learn that in five years
30,000 men have deserted from the army
that last year 12,f00 deserted. This is a pro
portion of one out of five, and is about tl
ratio of Republicans who nro leaving the!
It Is said that Carl Schurz is going to sup
poit Hayes for I'resldcut. This Is doubtless
a continuation of last year's bargain, b
which he sold his Influence to the Hepublj
cans for gold. It Is a notorious fact that
Schurz was paid $10,000 In gold to stum-i
Ohio for Hayes, What his figure Is to ho
this year has not yet been staled.
September 7th is the lust day on
which assessments can be made in
time for the election.
The Democratic Convention of New York
on Wednesday last unanimously nominated
Ex. Gov. Seymour for Governor. If he ac
teptsho will carry thu state like a whirl
lie sure that every Democrat i
your tounship is assessed beore (he
7 th day of September.
UKX. WAWflAjfi'TliN.
Tho Republicans who delight in honoring
Gen. Longstrcct, Ackeriuati, guerrilla Mos-
iy nml other prominent secessionists, nro
especially hostllo to Geu. Wade Hampton,
tho Democratic nominee of South Carolina.
Ills personal character, his purity mid nhill
ly are ns unquestioned as that of his
grandfather, who won immortal renown In
tho Revolutionary war. Last week we pub
II died the noblo declarations of tho South
Carolina Democracy, and tho public aro
familiar with Gen. Hampton s speech of nc
ceptancc. Hut wo now publish n letter
written by him lu lSOS explaining his po-.
sltion as to tho issues, results and conse
quences of the war. Front this letter it will
be seen that Geu. Hampton cordially accept
ed the result of tho war, Ho says :
The main Issues Involved lu tho war wcro
Secession and Slavery the lirst,the primary
one. thu latter brought lu at a later period.
lu regard to thcsc,i ailopt liiliy anil witnout
reservation the principles announced liy the
lato National Convention in New York, ami
in thi) words of the platform promulgated
there, I consider "thesu questions ns settled
lorcver. l accept tujs ns tno result nceoin-
dished by tho war, and ns Its logical and
egllltnato consequence. This I have done
from the thy thu war closed, ami I have
counselled our people to look upon It In tho
samo light. I was strongly lu favor of the
action taken by this Statn conferring on tho
neurit equal civil rlclils witli tno white man ;
ami more than a year ngo I advocated the
policy of civing to him as soon as wo had
tho power to do ho legitimately, suH'rage
bawl on qualification. Tho Democratic
Uonvenlion lieul licrolnA'ini last recognized
him as "an integral partof tho body politic,"
and declared that it would, wlicu our party Into power, grant him partial siill'rage.
The State Central Club has just reaffirmed
this declaration, and I have no doubt but
that this declaration Is sustained by n vast
majority ol tuo white citizens l the state,
Wo regard tho Kcconstructlon ucts as uu
constitutional, but we look for their over
throw, not by violence, but, In tho languago
of a resolution unanimously adopted by the
Democratic l'nrty in Convention assembled,
"by constitutional agencies nud peaceful
remedies alone." Wc Invoke a decision on
the constitutionality of theso acts from the
only tribunal competent to pronounce no
them tho Supreme Court of the United
States ; and we were prepared In good faith
to abldo by that decision. It may not bo in
appropriate to correct a misrepresentation
widely spread by radical papers touching
these nets, lu these I have been charged
with having dictated that portion of the
Democratic platform relating to reconstruc
tion This charge I have more than once
denied, uud I do no again most emphatically
The sense in which 1 spoke of the words
"unconstitutional, revolutionary and void.'
as being my plank in the platform, referred
to them u constituting the plank to which
I, as well as any other Southerner, clung for
The letter concludes as follows :
If the people of the North wish to bull
up a strong and lasting Union, let them be
magnanimous and generous to tho South ;
let them confide more fully than they have
done, to the honor of our people, aud they
wilt meet with n heartfelt response. 1110
future destiny of the Republic is in the
hands of the North, and upon their action
it depends whether there is again to be a
Union, based 011 fraternal feelings, or one
held together by the iron bauds of military
You viust be assessed before Sep
tember 7th or lose your vote.
The mass of our population Is composed
of laboring men and farmers. They have a
direct interest in all the questions involved
in the pending campaign. If n Democrat
ic Congress have cut down the Na.ioual ex
penditures $30,000,000, or, in oilier words
nearly one dollar for every man, woman,
and child in the nation, it is a practical re
form. In this connection we desire to call the
attention of reading men to one point, and
that is tho land grants made by tho Repub
lican party to railways and corporations.
On this subject the two platforms read ns
"Wo realhrm our
"Kcform is lieccss.
ary to put a top to
the profligate waste
of public lands, nnd
their diversion from
tictual settlers by the
party in power, which
has squandered 200,
000,000 acres upon
railroads alone, and
out of more than
thrice that aggregate
his disposed of less
than a sixth to tillers
opposltiou to further
grants of. tho public
lauds to corporations
aud monopolies, and
demand that the na
tional domain bo de
nted to free homes
or tho people.
cin; I'tatlorm
of the soil." St. Louis
I'ractico is better than promise, and t' e
voters are interested iu knowing the record
of each party on this important question.
We find that the Republican party have
presented to monopolies 2"l,7.r'S square
miles of territory, equal to 111 states the size
if llhode Island, or an Area greater than
Maine, iWiff Hampshire, Vermont, Jims
achusetls, Rhode Island, Connecticut, JVirtc
1'orit, New Jersey, Pennsytcania, I)elawaret
Maryland, Ohio and Indiana has been talen
from settlers.
Our opponents cannot contradict the ac
curacy of the following table :
Total not reserved for frfo homes I73,sl5,405
otal number of acres bestowed Inland
grams since ism :oc,ooo,uiu
(Iranted by Drrnocr tie party In ill years-
Mrumuu uy iiepuuiicnu puny iu lajcurs., ii,ehii.4ii3
ueinoeruiio lrrauui im.t uunuiu i,i-ju,uu,
llcpubltcan grunu iicr.unuuui. .. in,. w,ux)
Kil. Mll(.tf.lArrA ir Slatm. Su. wilt.
Kepubllcon land Maine 3,'-0
yruuu-. yt4,iis inow 'uimpsuirc v,ut
.ennoui iv,xv
Massachusetts.... i,:)
llhode Island,
.New i uric
Nhw Jersey.,.,
Pennsylvania ..
, 47,000
, 11'.. (HO
iieiawuru .
11,11 0
Maryland ll.noo
Ohio , 4 '.ono
Indiana icj.soa
It will thus bo seen that the pretence of
the Republican party of opposition to fur
tlier land grants is a sham, and is not war
ranted by iu past practice. The pledgo ot
tie Democracy on this subject is clear aud
distinct, !)( will bs kept if tho pcplo elect
Tildeu and Hendricks.
TiiKl'iiwr Hlack live llcamisli, who
is nu aspirant for senatorial honors, in tho
upper senatorial district of Luz.'rno county,
hits received his first political hlack eye. Ho
has a rival tor the iositioii in tho jiorsoii nf
James Million, a young Hcrantou attorney
who has worsted him in Deeming control of
the vigilance committers, which is considered
a strong iioint in seen ring tho nomination.
Tom Isiftus also propose! having a hand in the
fight, and tho contest is growing interesting,
HazUton dentinal.
Sunbury, Aug. 26. John Kiug's hojtso at
this place burned down this morning about
half-past 10 o clock. It H nupposed
caught by a match, as the little boy of Chas,
King says he was in the house some little
time boloie it took fire, nnd wns pi ay In
with matches. He had no insurance on the
house. All his household goods wero do-
n'.royt'd ; also n gol 1 watch and bond to tli
amount of $5,000.
lie sure that every Democrat in
your township is assessed before the
7th day of SqUember.
It may bo through Ignorauco that keeper
of hotel', Inns, boarding houses and res
taurants linvo not compiled with tho law
which wo publish below. Wo have printed
card complying with the provisions of tho
act nml can supply them cheaply If ordered
at once, Tho penalty for llio violation of
the act It will bo seen is severe. It Is ns
follows !
Swtkin 1. lie it enacted itc, That every
person who tlinll nf nny hotel nr inn, or
kvuding house, leeeivo or caused In ho fur-
iiwicil any lood or iiccoinnioihiiioii', nuu
intent to defraud the owner or proprietor of
snrh hotel, inn or boarding hofto, out of thu
valtio or prieo of Mich food or accommoda
tion, and every person who shall obtain credit,
at any hotel, inn or bonding house, by tho uo
of any false pretences or device, or by deposit-
lllg ill fUCII IIOICI, Hill Ul liw.tlilliiK noiisv, aiij
baggago or property of value less than the
amount of such credit, or of tho hill by such
person incurred, with such fraudulent intent,
and any person who, nl'ter obtaining credit or
accommodation of any hotel, inn or boarding
Iioumj shall abscond fiom .such hotel, inn or
boarding house, nud thall Mirreplitiotisly re
move his haggago or pioporty tlicief row, shall,
upon conviction, be adjudged guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction, shall Ik) pun
ished by imprisonment in thu comity jail for
a term of not innro than six mouths.
Suction 2. Lvcry keeper ol a hotel, res
taurant, inn or boarding unuso,a shall po-i in a
public and conspicuous placo in tho office, or
public room, and in every bedroom occupied
by guests in .said house, a printed copy of this
act, and a statement of the charges by tho
day, and for meals and items furnished, and
fiir lodgiuir. No charge or sum shall bo col-li'i-ti'd
or received bv anv such Person lor any
set vices tint actually icndcrcd, or for any items
not actually delivered, or for a longer time
than tho person so charged actually remained
nt such place. For any 'violation of this see
linn, nr mil- tirnvUiiiu nf this section, tho of-
li'iider shall I'nil'eit his bill so chancil. and
upon conviction thereof, lie adjudged guilty of
a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by im-
pifoimieiit 111 tuo county jail lor a term 01
lint mum than six months.
SECTION I). In ease of delimit on tho part
ol the guests 111 any hotol, inn or boarding
bouse, to redeem within sixty days all hag
gage, etcetera, deposited as fceurity for ehar
ces incurred, said hninnige, ct cetera, shall bo
sold at public auction after due notice by pub
lii'iitinn for five davs previous to sale ! all ex
cess of proceeds exceeding charges incurred
shall lie held tor the owner.
Suction -1. This act is to take effect itii-
mediately alter the lirst day of June, Anno
Domini, eighteen hundred and seventy-six
Ari'iiovKii The tfOth day of April, A. D.,
J. F. llAHT'tANVT,
The lii'liigli& ('.astern.
On the L'-lth ult., ground was broken nt
Matamnras in l'iko cuuuty fur the Lehigh &
Eastern Railway. It is Intended by this
road to connect with Pie Danville, llazlcton
& Wilkes liarre at Ilazleton. President
Simon 1'. cast the first shovel full of
earth with the following remarks appropti
ato to the occasion :
Gentlemen Wo aro present hero for tho
purpose of breaking for the construction ot
the wanted link to complete tho chain nf
railroads, reaching from Halifax mid liostou
to San Francisco, directly through the an
thracito and bitumious coal f.ehls of Penn
sylvania, und upon this occasion we, the
miniature creators, having becomo convinc
ed of the importance oft-c present under
.aking, it behooves us to look up to him,
the Creator, who plants worlds in infinite
space and may be seen in lightning's the
Hash, fur that blessing so essential to our
success, that without which our efforts may
all be in vain.
Rut in imitation of the Creator of all
things, we may prcsumo from the Bpark of
divinity within us. to create his improve
ment, which will givo lirend to tii hungry,
happiness to the pleasure-seekers and wealth
to untold thousands yet to be born.
And in behalf ot tho Lehigh & Kastcrj
Railway Company permit me to cast the
first shovel full of earth over which may un
told millions of treasure bo carried together
with millions of passengers lor all time to
A Culd Ulouileil Murder.
Shooting a neighbor for a lew apples excite-
mentand threat of lynch law.
Wilksharre, l'a., August 23. On Satur
day afternoon the town of Nauticoke, six
miles from here, was the scone of nu unpro
oked murder, under circumstances of a pe
culiarly distressing nature.
The victim of the tragedy was a young
man mimed Georgo Sheath, a prominent
member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity, wide
ly known and highly esteemed for his per
sonal worth. He boarded with a widow
ady named Warren, the yard of whoso resi
dence adjoined that of a 5Ir. Trayer. In
front. of Mrs. Warren's premises and outside
f the fence, stands an apple tree, one. fourth
of ivhich hangs over the lot owned and oc-
upicd by Trayer, who claims solo posses
sion of tho fruit. Just provious to the tra
gedy Sheath climbed the tree to knock off
some apples for his boarding mistress, when
io was attacked with stones by a son of Mr,
Trayer's, a young man nineteen years old.
Ho ordered Sheath down from tho tree, but
Sheath did not obey, whereupon young
Trayer drew a revolver and, taking deliber
ate aim, shot him in the abdomen, bhcath
fell instantly to the ground and shortly af
ter expired.
The most intense excitement prevailed
among the citizens ot iManticokc, wno
hreatencd to lynch the murderer. Ho was
rescued by the police, and late at night was
satcly lodged in the county jail in this city,
Mully Maguires to bu Hanged.
I'otisvii.i.i:, August 28, This morning
tho sentence of death wtu passed upon tho
convicted Mollic Magulro murderers in tho
court here. A knowlcdgo that they were to
be sentenced caused tho court room to bo
more densely packed than ever before. Not
ess than 1100 ladies were present, Judgo
Green sentenced Thomas Miiuley, the mur
derer of Thomas Sanger, and Judge Persh
ing pronounced tho doom of James Carrol
James lloyle, James Hoarity and Hugh
McGehan. tho nssassins of l'ollccman II. F,
Yost, of Tumaqtia. They all protested their
innocence of the crime for which they were
Miiuley, upon whom solitary confinement
has evidently produced a terribly depressing
effectasked that the death warrant be signed
and ho be sent over as soon as possible, as ho
"didn't want to live much longer." He also
mane the curious statement that lie was
sinning every day in jail.
Judge Mauch Chunk.thls after
noon sentenced to death Alexander Camp,
bell, convicted of the murder of John 1
All tho cases will bo taken to the Supreme
Court on writs ol error.
Tho republicans will now have to take
their "railroad wrecker" epithet back ngai
with compound Interest, It fits snugly to
the hldn of ex.Gov. Morgan their candidate
for governor of New York, Iu one slug!
operation while ho was iu the State Senate
ho madtf 1,150,000. Oh, he Is au artist I
If you havo been drinking too much
which however you should never do, u dose
nt Dr. Hull s Vegetable nils will placo you
iu u guou conuiiiou ug-aiu.
In Java a fruit tree is planted on the birth
of each child ; iu Illscay a landowner 1
obliged to put down two plants for every
tree ho lells; lu Jupau every tree tut down
mnt bo replaced by another.
sloK. All Important decision, ol interest to
all who rcslda lu cities, towns or village,
was recently made In the Lebanon county
courts, by Judge Henderson, A man was
Indicted for an assault nud battery on n
neighbor because ho claimed the fruit on
the branches of tho ireo overspreading pro
editor's lot, Judgo Henderson said that
every owner of land Is the owner oflt fiom
his lino-upward as far us he desires to make
claim of It, This being thu law the prose.
cutor had the right to tho fruit on tho
branches extending over his lot. Ho might
even have sawed them oil', Tho decision Is
Important ntlhls particular tlmo nud is gen
erally misunderstood by tno people.
A Sense nf Weariness
Is often felt by persons who cannot locate
nny particular iH'ense. I I'they work, It be
comes labor; If they walk, they soon tiro;
mental effort becomes a burden, and even
joys nro dimmed by HiHidiadnw of this weak
ness which Is cast over uieir lives. Kecourso
is hml sometime' to stimulants ofn danger
ous character. Thi" mlvicoof physicians 10
refrain from active labor pmdiices 110 happv
results. Why? The system Is debilitated
and needs to bo built up properly. Peru
vian Syrup will do this very thing. J.ika
tho electric current. It permeates the entire
system, nml harmonizing with tho corporal
liiuctlons, 11 raises up 1110 enieeuicd aim
brings tho color to tho cheek again, and
hnpo to the despondent. It does Its work
promptly and well. Sold by nil druggists.
Hon' to Vaniiiis1i the Stomach's Tormen
tor, If the Kncmv of mankind was permitted
to exert his diabolical ingenuity in tho in
vention of a nuw disease, ho could scarcely
doviso one more woi thy ot hisgcniiis than
ilvsnelisla. The dyspeptic sull'ercr is tormen
ted hy symptoms reemunng uiosc 01 anno! 1
every Known maiauy, ami is oneu worried
Into monomania by theso coullictlug nml
perplexing manifestations. A favorite
thoimh absurd hallucination of the victim
of chronic Indigestion Is that he or she has
heart disease. Dyspepsia lias often been
pronounced Incurable, but experience has
shown that lltmettcr's btoiunch inner will
vanquish It, together with the constipation
and bilious derangement which usually ac
company it. Diseases of tho kidneys and
supposed rheumatic pains nro also frequent
concomitants of dyspepsia, but they, too,
succumb to the above named invaiuabiocor-
rectlve. September Ira.
Wurlliy of Keuiesibrauic.
Why will you miller violent pain, or he made
uncomfortable, iliidressed in mind or body, when
you can he in-la.itly relieved and quickly cured
by lSensoii's Cnpcine Porous Plasters. The or
dinary Porous Plaster U an article of merit,
yet its action in too flow, requiring day and
weeks of eiintinuous wear to ellect a cure. Ben
son's Capclne Porous Plaster, being a great Im
provement over them, relieves you instantly
11111I cures you quiiker than any known plaster,
liniment or compound.
Their action is more powerful than electricity
and more certain. They uro purely vegetable
contain 110 mineral or metallic poi.oiH. Their
composition and properties nrc founded upon
true medical skill, and are 111 no seine a patent
medicine. They are endersed by thousands of I
Physicians and DruggUtK of unimpeachable
reputation, as being an article of genuine merit
and worthy of public confidence. Trv them
and be convinced. Price. 25 cents.
May 10, '76 ly.
lti'iiHnuH Cuiieliic l'nruiiH I'liihlt'r.llenmliut
lite i'eoitlc Hu
"Tho best, clieanebt. safest, and surest remedy of
fered an Intelligent oilo." "An article of great
merit whnii will In a hhort time bo found In every
household." "They are all lluiltl.e uiuniifuclureig
claim for them, w hose mono alonu Is 11 suniclent en
dorsement of their genuine merits." "The best
remedy known fur all external dinicultlesor local
disturbances." They aro lgorous, remoMiig almost
llisiauiiy 1110 most loieni paiu ami ensuring a pee
ilvcure." "1 consider lliein a irrent and needed Im
provement oer all other porous plasters, they glio
lironipb reuei auu euro iuiekij ; liter uru neiu in
,1KU esierui iney uie uutv preierreu an oui-
CLAItK-OUILU Iu lloulder. Colorado, on Thurs
day, August 17th, Henry W. Clark, of llloomsburg
l'a., to 111ns Ella drill, of ISouldcr.
S1IEL1IAMMEU 1CMLY. On the ictli Inst., nt
tho Hefoiincd l'arsonagi) lu Orange) llio, by ltcv. A.
Hout, Mr. James Shelhammer to Miss Phebe Hem.
1) , both of Centre Twp.
Wheat per bushel
Itye "
Corn, new, "
oats, " "
$ l.VD
nour per oarrei
Dried Apples
sides Shoulders
Lard per pound
Hay per ton ,
t -uu i ai lu.s. run uoai..
.-so. 4 on 'vnan
NO. 5 " "
No. C " "
PlacksmltU'u Lump on wharf ...
4.oo ner Ton
Hi lt
$ 4,00 '
t COO "
uuiuniuous ....
This truly valuable tonic has been so thoroughly
tested by all classes of tho community that It Is now
deemed liidts-ieuslblo ns a tonic medicine. It costs
but little, purines tho blood and gives tone to tho
stomach, renovates tho sjsteni and prolcugs life,
Everybody should liavo It.
ror the cuioof weak stomachs, general debility,
Indigestion, diseases of tho stomach, and fur aU eases
requiring a tonic. ,
This wlno Includes tho most ngreeublo and efllctent
salt ot Iron we possess citrate of magnetic oxide,
combined with tho most energetic uf v egctable tonics
)ellow Peruvian bark.
Do you want something to strengthen )ou?
Do yo J wnut a good appetite 7
Do you want to get ild of nervousness?
Do you want cut rgy J
Do ) ou want to sleep well t
Da you want to.bulld up jour constitution?;
Do )ou want to feel well?
Do you want a bilsk nnd vigorous feeling?
U sou do, try Kuukel's Hitter Wlno of Iron.
1 only usk a trial of this valuable Unite.
beware of counterfeits, us Kuukel's Hitler Wtuo of
Iron Is the only sure uud effective lemedy lu tlio
known world for U'0 pvnaaueut cure of dyspepsia
and debility, und as there aro a number of Imltallcns
offered to tint public, 1 would caution tho community
to purchase none but tho geuulno article, manufac
tured by E. Y. Kuukcl, aud having ids stamp on Uie
cork of every bottle, i ho very fact that others nro
attempting to liututo this valuable remedy proves
IU v.oiUiiuid speaks volumes In Its favor, (let the
genuine. E. Y. Hunkers.
Sold only In $1 bottles. Bold by druggists nnd deal
ers everywhere. E. 1'. Kunkel, Proprietor, KM North
Ninth street, Philadelphia, l'a.
Tape Worm Removed Alive,
Head and ull complete In livo hours. Ko fee Ull
head passes, Seut tin und Stomach Worms removed
by Dr. Kunkel, Via Nxirlh Ninth street, Philadelphia.
send for circular or ask your druggist for u bottle of
hunkel's Worm Byrup. it never falls, 1'rloo Jl.oo.
from this dato tho llloomsbunr Clos Comrxinv will
put In service pipes ut lirst cost und furnish and set
mule i a ut four dollars eneii.
The coiupuuy nave on bund a lot of gas tar suited
nr lulullug tools, u4 posts or otiicr tfiubera placed
Prloo le cents par gallon or M.60 per barreL
OC S,-1- IS. W. MILL if It.
i..rr....V..-Ac turned, then lie shall liavo resided therein south degrees east m and nino tenin percnes o
relieve." vvhen buffering try them and )ou will not . ' stone, theiieo south lsu degrees west ten perches lo
be disappointed. J'rlc-j cenw. ,, six months immediately preceding tho clec- a htone, thenee by tho land of John II. Vohe, south
May ll) ju'-ly NKAlll lA .JOI NsON, . ;1, degrees cast 41 and 5 tenth puchesto a sloim In
Pharmaceutical Chemlsu, N.. tioil. .. . b Aiir.lhn,,i .sehwoimciihclscr. theneo by tno
rou vick lMUMttiDNr,
llniiiMTilttc l:lM-tillil Tirtifl.
KI.KimillH AT I.AlKli:.
('minus II, Ili'cKAlxw-sHui'M, II. Wli.sON.
pistiuiu' i;i.i;otohs.
lloliertV. steel
(leoruii II. Ilcll
Piinli'l II. Unas
.1. n. .McColllllU
r, w. Knot
.loiui 11. mi
Tlinnus imwer
Dai lit Mnmll
selinstlin Wlinmcr
.I.IIIU'1.1. Iluslctt
.Toll fi 11. (luthrlo
II. M.llltison
PaUil I.. .Morris
11. U. Hroivn
Tliohias v, Orajson
111 11. w ru'iir
1 'nomas n. iiasinu
Tuliti Mnrimn
J. A. ileirlson
t'i. U. .times
Win. K. lliiMK
.tlK'l I.. I.MlttlLT
II. 'I'. TriinilMiicr
Cra. It. I:n . l.llnl
I'liin Mi'nim
.1. II. M ten 11:1 11 1
SI llenjamln 1'. Morris.
Couuty Officers.
of lltoamtburij.
tsuliject to Senatorial I'oiiference,
of Fishingereek.
0 Main.
of Qttaiciita,
of llenton.
of Hhotnsbury.
of Fishingereek.
Ileniorralle StiliiilhiK I'niiiinlttee.
Denver Nathan llreilbonder, Jr.
llenUiu-W. It. .smith.
llerwlck V. T. Snyiter.
lllooimburg W. J. lluckatcw.
llloomsburi,' W. 11. W. Stelleyniilils.
HrUrcreek Win. (.anion.
UatuwUsa K. M. 'l'ewksbury.
Centralla Mauus Mcllreurty.
Centre II. A. Scliweppenlielscr.
ConjnifUain N. Slcl Lcnllun.
Couyiiliam S. Peter Luby.
FIshhiKCieek Flunk Wott
l'TUiiklm Jacob Knlttle.
(Irecnwooil-a. W. Ult.
Hemlock Win. Clrton.
Jackson Win. I,. Manning.
LocustWin. II. llelnbuld.
Maillson Conrad Kramer.
Main W.T. Sluiinaii.
Mlnilu U. II. Moulgoincry.
Montour .1. N. (iorilon.
Mt. l'leasaut-A. T. Ikelcr.
Oiaugo Abraliam White,
line W. Knrsbner,
Itoarlugcreek J. II. Kllngcr.
Scott-o. 1'. lint.
Siigarloaf IX S. Fritz.
Digest of Hlectiuii Laws.
Tolls open at 7 a. in. and closo nt 7 p. in.
rs i ... . , z.t
Lvcry malo citizen, twenty-one years of
age, possessing tho following qualifications,
shall bo entitled to voto at nil elections :
1, Ho shall have been a citizen of the
United States one month.
Ho shall havo resided in tho state one
year; or, it having previously been aquali
fied elector or native born citizen thereof,
and shall have removed therefrom and re
3. Ho shall have resided in the district
where ho intends to voto two months im-
National Democratic Ticket.
roil rmtpr.r;r)
mediately preceding the election, instead of thencoby tho same and land of Isaac schnepK.'ii
, ' , V ' 1 helser anil Daniel llouck, north 14 degrees east 1. 1
tell days, as formerly. and four-tenth peichos to a stone, theneo by said
n ,
4. It twenty-one years of age, or upward,
i. ) ii ) n .. - s . , i . , , .
he shall havo paul, within two years, n state
or county tax, which shall havo been assess
ed at least two mouths previous to tho elec
tion, und paid at least one mouth previous
to the same,
S. Foreign horn citizens must havo been
naturalized nt least ono month heforo the
election, aud must conform to the require
ments contained in section -1, preceding.
The election will be held on "tho Tues.
day next following the lirst Monday of No-
vcniher," being this year tho 7th day of tho
Friday, September 8th, is tho last day for
being assessed
c.,,.in nnit.. th. iu it... i, ,i., r
Saturday, October 7th, is tlio lout day for
securing naturalization papers
Saturday, October 7th, is tho last day on
wlitnli In... nn.. I.a ..t.l ft, ,ii. In
... ..... v ...
The above dates should bo carefully re-
mcmbered and acted on by all voters.
. l.lll. Ul .UflllA,., UUI,..,l,
liners lesiuineutary on inu esiuio ot .losuua nut-
ll-e, litlU lit .I.ICKSIII1 lOWIISlll)l. UIIIIIIUIl, CUUI1L,
deceased, have lieeu cranted by llio Itcirlstcrof said
county to llenjamln l'. Savage uud .Moses Bavaire,
I' wnuiil un ieisons iniieiiLcii uiu risjuesi
ed to maku payinent.and those having claims uualust
tho salilestiilo will maku them known to tno suld
Executors without delay.
Sep. l-fi. hxecutors.
I7.-..A.,., t...l..l.t...l II T 11lutli.i.l..i..l tr.w nHnflnrr
fil'KUiJKCl lilt lull LU hi t'OI.UlilllAN UriJ IlL'IL'UV IlOtllk
CI WJI1" lllUk-UWU iu II lit ii-riivii-'us-ii iui (Jisnnt'J,
Unit his iiiKikH Iiuvh fur hi'vurul iitontha lust been lu
tho hands i r iltn uiuhThlu'iu-il for cullcctlun, unU Umt
hi'ttlcuu'iLt rf the h.iimj iiiiil bo piuinpily uiuile. AU
tjlliaiioi pamuii urmioin ucu i, iid, uo uui
IccUd by duo ju'Lit'fis of Uwt
M4t It, -WlH ifl,
Sep. 1-lf
Important to Lawyers.
insures Ol llio IV.ICC, i.oiisitiuius, i.Aeoutors, rtn-
mhilstralors, iiiiarihau, Towuslilpotllceis, uud bust.
lies:, men geuerully.
Wt) havo nn hand u largo iissorlment of legal
blanks for thu Uso of sllorueys, Jiistlttu unil Con.
Mubld'a blanks of nil kinds, Nolo and Itecelpt books
for Atlmlnlstrut iw &c.
I tl I u I'. i,m r.
PriclH) for Summons.
Utile to tako Depositions.
"chooso Aibllraiors.
t cents apiece, cr 11.55 per hundred.
1'cUlton for Appointment of Ouaruian.
" " cliallon
Iluli. In tako Deuosltlons.
Nuir In D.ibt, with Confession,
AsMunns n.
Xl..)m litis. I I. li.
4 cents each or fJ.W per hunilreil.
I't'lltlou ror saiooi neat iwitaii
Hubna-nis. Suininous, Warrants, Executions, 80 fo
ui ct-nld each.
loosed 6 cents each
llhin Detsls 1 "
1'uichluelit Deeds 11 " "
Ae-ri't.neiit.s h. ... 0 " '
nt-nluui'M I'ntllt Sales it) for II 60
Conslablu's Sales 3 cents each
JorlL'.iL'O iiinl lion ll li
All tilliiUor Nntit 1
Kmipls, Notes, scnooi uruers, i-oor uruers, nioro
Orders, neal ly bound, constaiiUy on hand, oruuuu
to order ou shoi t iiollcu.
We uiu tirenariHl to do neater lob work than any
utuer uiticu in linn wjuvj.
...... u
UllUl'lllV AY K Itl.Wtll.l
Editors und Proprietors
xi( tlioCoLUiiniiH,
Dioomibur.', l'a.
A I'SItr-BUT yi'P UU A It ANTEliD.
(lentleincu deslrlngSblrtswIll nleoso drop us a line
and our Airent will coll aud get Uiu uieusuiviuent.
m our
ry o. ss
i Luckuwuuua Avenue.
1. U. MUUUY,
11 arch n,i-ly
McnuiUin, I' a
BLANK NOTKH.witli orwlthuut cietnptlos
lor aala at Uw Uo.iiiiuiw omoe.
I inuiiif ivt'd niiinn, Ait tiv , iirt f 'mini v Tppusiirer
liuin Mmls returned nml iluo the several districts ot
intimU'la count', Is 11a tallows, lo-w II t
tlo .d. Kiiinfi. Iw
ttlM III tl 3 1 U
a u m t.;i ;
1 ivi in
M ( 1 . W
OS SI 41 41 . SI 44
1ST 11 159 IS 61 51
IMil Plt'i 1 "
147HI.7 llniir.3 4M 17
711 IT M W SI 4J
!'3 (1.1 Vi' W 1
nl 0) 17 S7 fi Ul
1 Til 61 SI fi 17
ol r,ii sr. in 1s si
41 15 M mi 3 411
1 8n n 11 m i
sr. 17 18J I'll PI 4J
hi f.D 41 17 15 .'IT
1 to m
Sil 01) M SI M 111
41 fi SS I 7
r.r. m 1 fi 7 in 17
TJ 61 62 SI S i'l
44 61I
13J DJ SO in) SD 87
JlTsTw tSISS 7 1 700 1 7
111 Inrcreek,
I Centralis,
con) indium,
1 isiiuiucirek,
1' rank 11.
iu man h,
Mt. Pleasant,
Htlglll loaf,
Tim nliovo Amounts can bo drawn nt Soiitcinliet
t'o'irl, hy tho limner oni"ers. nciiohi Treasurer ran
draw school mini, supervisor or wipervliorstlK! road
funilnnd Poor Director or Dlreclois tlio poor fuiul.
Auditors can nrescrvn inn siaieinciinu n "inm
amount tuclutriro tothuonicers on monies ailslns
rroiu said fund.
Attest 1 VM. KMCKUAUM, ClerK.
Commissioners' Oniee,
WoonmUiuv, Aug. W, 'iil-lt
tlv tlrfuri nf minrlrV urltd nf I'l. ti. nml 011U.
i nui i.r tim 1 'nun nr mtntunn rifn,s m
Coluii.liln county nml to tn(jtlrect(M!t wni ho c;toKoil
T lUmifl KIUO ill .I)0 I UUIL nuusu ill iiiuunisuuib k
01)0 U CIUI'K p. lilt Ull
MONDAY, SBI'TKMHKll -1th, 18715.
All that eel tain teat estnto sllualo In the town of
Uenloii. lii'iiton iwi)., loiumoiu eoiuii. nouinii-ii
and descrllnil ns follows ! On tin, noitli by Uenja
i.ln'. nil 111.. U'lst llV II. Mrllflll'V llllil
t.i ,.,(, nn tlio i.iist, livniiMloroatl. nml on tlie south
by nu alley, containing three cmarters of an ncrej
iviUTeon uro i-ii'iii'ii 11 iii.i iiiiin ii.jiis.-, -....I., u..ii,
I....H ui.,1 (iiiiiiiiii.ihu'ii. with tin milium. nanr-p.s.
Sleleil, 1IIM n OHO 1 1 eilliuil llliu luunwnnniuu
proiieriyoi w.uuuit niMroen.
a, tim Kninn tlmo anil blare, nil that certain piece
of land situate In llrlarcicpk twp., Columbia county,
mil utiimr laii'isor .101111 nn reiiiui 111c iiuriu,.Aii;ii
iini.i i.'ii ii.. on t hp hoiiiIi. William Kllno 1111 tile west.
and Daniel Muerl tin the east; containing Thirty
Aeies, moru or less i u Hereon aro erected annouliil
u half nlory hotel, n shed and otlieroiillmllilliigs.
elcu, laki'll Illlll execution Uliu lu iw num us mu
property ot Win. Million with notice to teno ten
a, nm,nmn tlm iiiiil iil.ipi nil that certain nlsntn,
Hon and tract of land nltuatu III llio township ot
FranKlin. nouniieu aim uesiTiueu iw iouum, iu u .
on tin) north by land of Wm. (I. li'her. on the east
in. iniiii nr 11. v. Clark- nml ( i'O. v. Kens
tho south by land ot Jacob Knlttla and land in Vaieiv
turn VoiiL-lit. and on the west by land ot Win. Watt.
lienlainln l'onl. and It Knlttle, containing nno
hundred and fltiy.four neres nml llfty-t wo pi relies,
iimm nr insn. nf whtrli I hpro am nbout ono htinilreil
npt-i.4 mnn. nr llpst liniliT eilltlvallotl. There Mil
good rrninoiiotisi,t ono miu u nan Mimea ihl-ii,i. k
frainu barn, and other outbuildings with npnlo
orchard anil other fruit trees, etc.
Xt'Ucd, laki'll into exeeuiiou nuu 10 uo som as uiu
properly 01 reicru. cunipoeii.
At the samo tlmo and place, nil that certain tract
I ..r 1 mil kliiiiiii. In lfii!iilni.i'ipi.lf tun.. Collllillila C'o..
boiunleii anil ueseiioeu as loauws : isurin i.iiiu o.
i:ill.ih Yoeiim, west, ny latin or locum .v nower,
houthby laiidsof liljau lluwcr.and east by Win. Os.
in .tn. iiitiiiiiiiiiiL. .111 neii's. 111010 01 less, on which au
irecied u triune, dwelling house, a fiaino and log
sclred, taken into execution unu 10 uu sum 11s uiu
property or .losepn iiuck.
a. Mm Rnmrt iltnn utiil iilaco alt that certain real
i.stni.i Minimi In lleau r townshln. Columbia county.
bounded and desei loed as follow n : On llio soul h by
11 public rond.on tho west by nu alley or sut-ct, north
by n public road, on llio enslby nn alley or street, on
WHICH aro erccieu ll lllllliu imem nmuu,
suiblo and oiiliniuuuigs, wun me nrnunennneei
sum i nn) is imi feet front by 150 lu denth belmrtliri'
lots lu (lieu city lu tho township and county afore
seized, taken Into execution and to bo bold as tho
property of Stephen vtoounug.
At tbo samo tlmo and Place nil that certain lot ot
ground situate In tho borough of Cenlralla,Columbla
county, bounded nnddcscilucil as follows: On tlio
noilhbylot of uicust Mountain uo.u nun iron i n.,
on tho south by property ot lleo. MeKlhany, on tho
west by lieust Aieinie, and on tim east by au alley.
Said lot belmr sj feet front, 140 lu depth, w hereon is
erected a two story frame dw oiling.
linn ntiinr int. sltnato tn said borouzh of Centralla.
bounded on tliusouthbypiopcrtyut William I'eltTer,
on tin) WCSl oy an alley, Ull llio noi in uj iioiei i iii
Win Chapman, on tho east by (.noust .Uenue.w hole
on is en len i. i,i .nil. i. o.v.j .......w v... ..,,
wun tho npnurtenances. ' ,
M'leil, tahen lino execution uuu to ou ooiu na iuu
nrnnertv of Stenhcn Thomas.
At tlie samo time and placo all that certain real
estate situate In Slltllln twp., Columbia county.
bounded and described us ioiioivh .- iieginning ui a
stone In tho public road nt the coiner land of Siimi
Snider, tlienco by said Snjder and the hclis
of Jacob Vohe, deceased, south seventy.two degrees
east M and 4 tenth pcichcs to a post.thenee by lands
of John it. Yohe, south 21 degrees, west 41) peiehes
to u stoiie.thence southiS and three quarter degrees.
west Hi! perches to n stone, inencu souiu is.uuj
uuarter decrees west 111 perches to a stone.lhenco
ttXstoa A
!,T"'J?' ''SflS'o?.? ir ' ,,,),, i'n
iioiicK norm u., ueiei-s wcsl tiieiiu iieii-iu-s, nivni-u
by said llmiek or rather tno public nud north siv
i deirrees cast 51 anu & tenin percnes, iiieuet-uj sum
north oa degrees, west s-io of u perch thencoby
tho samo norin u uegrees east x ieicnes ; tueiitu
by llio sainu norin sa pcn-ui-a
to tho iilaco ot beginning ; containing seventy eight
acres uud t$ perches, strict measure, on which nro
erected a frame gilst and saw mill, two dwelling
houses, and bank barn, wagon sued anu ouier oni
buildings with tho appurtenances.
scucii, tawen lino execution nuu io uu sum as uiu
proiieityuf cuailcsMaiuer.
At tho samo tlmo nnd place, all that real estato
situate in tho township of Orangu and bounded un
tho west by lishlUKCrei k, on tlio east by .Nathan
l'leekensteen, uu tho north by Thomas lliuchens, on
tin, Kinitli bv I't'ter l't-nlcr. ctintalntnt? slxlv-slx at rtH
more or less on which nro erected a one and a half.
story house anu uaru, unu oiner oiuounuiiij;s.
Sel.eil, lakeii Into execution and to bo sold us tho
pioporty of lilruin W, Payden and Ellzabi-lh 1'ay
den. AL.SU,
At tlio samo time and placo nil that certain mes
suago and tractor land situate In Scott twp,, Col..
l'o, bounded ami ilescriiieu us toiiows: iininueast,
Ly ,)Ubiic road leading Irom l.lghtsirei t to Espy.
on llio sontii uy jiooru leteiinj,-, .itteuo .iienn;i. nuu
U'onl Mellck, west by public load and north by
Robert stllf : containing seventy-four acres mure or
I liiinl- li.irn mill tit IliT tlllt blllltllnirS.
less, wneieon are ericteu a iwo-siory uric uouse,
seto'i t
i property oi josopu it. v anuersnce,
At tho samo tlmo and place nil that certain plan.
I .... ,.,.r,.nl l,t Inn, I sltll.ltl.lll )tiSt.r ItlW'll.
SIllll ; OOlllllietl llllil uesiiiin-u un mii'mn . , fc i....n.t.
at ii stunu corner on lino of lands of (lldeon tleusell,
Iheiieo south seventy-eight deurces west, luu bun
dled and forty-live peiches to a eliestnut ink,theui'o
north thirty-eight degues east forty peiehes ton
whltii oak, theneo ninth ilghty-lwu deu'ii es east lu
said Iluo or lands ot tildt on tleiisell, tlienco along
said line or land north ten tlegrees west to tho plaio
of Iieginning, containing sixty acres, moru or less,
ou which uro erected a plank hous mxri feet, anil n
frainn barn nisxas feet, with other oulbulldliigs,
Seltd, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Peter lisher, Jr.
All that cei lain trad of land Mtuate In Pishing
creek township, nloi esalil, bounded uud descllbcd us
follow-. Mi: lieghmlngat n llutlonwood corner of
lots number three, four and live, on the north-west
bank of ruiilugcreek near tho foot bildge. tlienco
un llio creek, north twenty thrte und one half de
.,..., niiii'iv in'rehes almiL- lot number live to n
corner, thenee by the samo north fort)-oue degrees
west, llliriv nvu lien lies io a euinei uujuiiuui. luim.
nf William siui.ker,theiicti by said land south seventy
degrecswest seven!) peithes to public road, tlunii)
north eighty-nine degrees wust, slxly three
perches along lot number six lo a slake,
(heuco along lot number two south fotty-ono
degree east ono hiiinlred and nluely-twu uudtlvo
tenths !iercbes to thu placo of beglnulng, con
taining seventy-seven ueies und one bundled anil
forty peiehes, on which uru elected uframo duelling
houso and bunk lutiu, with other outbulldhigs.
Hbclnir tho tJiino premises which Samuel
c, Phlllliw una llosella liillll his wife by
ludenluio beurtugdute the nth day ot February A,
Selied, taken Into execution and to bo sold us tho
property of Eiuandus UnaugsU
All that certain real estate situate In tho township
of .Madison, Columbia county, bounded hy lands uf
David Smllh on tho north, of I'rancH Eves on llio
south, ot Jacob llroat un thu we-t, uud of Michael
Illlhelmer on the east, w hereon aro a log houso and
out buildings, eoutululng ouu hundred and eighty
five ucres more or less. ....
Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho
property ot James C. Witts, und Joseph Wills.
TltltMSOF BALE. Purchasers must pay ten per
rent, of tho purchaso money, or ut least enough lo
cover all costs ut striking down of salt, otheiwlsu
properly u bo ic-som ut oneu.
Aug. H.-ts Sherllf.
The Cook's Companion,
Improved Kitohon Slicing Utonsil,
A novel Household Al'ticlororbllcli)glliiKAi,.MKkT.
Thu Machine Is easy to regulate, und very simple
to usi). It lakes up but little room lu thu kitchen.
1'iniLY biiouiti uuvo one,
I'rlou 11. und liieuo ut that.
Cull uud sou lliein work ut tho l'urnlturo Store of
U. It. I'UItMAN,
Solo Agent for Columbia county,
May 20-Um llloomsburg, l'a.
Tho subscriber niters for sale, tno small lots, on
each which uro trtilnl a fraiuo dwelling house,
stable uud iii tessuryuutbullilliigs. Also four vucuni
lots, udjululng the above und of largt r size. These
lots uiu uu tho 11 uiu I ouu neur suuwuler, fishlug
crtsrft wnuauiii,
l or terms u'lply to Wm. IKKLXIt
May s, ,ic.-cm. ouiitt uUr, l'a.
utlern tealninenlnry on the eslnlo nt lliomas
WnmtHilo. late of I'oluinlilacniuitv, ilecniseil, nine
lici'ii waiili 'I tiy the In I'Mrr or ii,i rnuniy tn t 11
II.1111 Cji r, ul Cniimiin, 'onnniii.i i nuiu v, .in ui ir,
In iwioni nil p rsons inuoiui'ii hit reiiuemin yi i'
MJIIHIII, nilU 1IHWU llll, Ills' II llllis Ul iiviii.iii...
L-nliist tiin Kilil rslnlo will Inako them known to tlio
suia Kxecutor wllhout delay. ,.,.
, mi,
Aittf. 1s-r,w llsecutor.
iWlfrlow nt Coiinlv Taxes will Is) louillieil to ba
iiiiiiiiiit In tmvlnic o cr to tlio County i reasurer nt
si.iiii'liiiii.r I'liiiii. nrxt. Collcetors fi,r 1S7H, wore 1 e-
(iiilredtomnkuiinjuicntllii) lallerpnitnt July. but
11 number ot tlnni fiillml to do so, ntid we navu
willstietnrv proof mat mino of llio lax payers liavo
1101 licen rillK'll lljiiill lor un-ir iimb. oni V'"1". '
havo neKlected llielr duty unit must nlililu the con
Manteiices. ..... .
ilio county needs tlio money nml Cnlleetorscnn
bo exonerated for n'Klrct of llielr ilullos.
ColKrtorslioldlii unsettled duplicates illicit pri
or to isto miisi seillo up. ,.,.,,
AlU SLI Ul, IVIllljlill,,U.S Vli-tiv.
Commissioner's oniee,
liloomstuirt', l'a.
Aui;. S3.-st
Dealer In
Silverware, AVntclics and Jewelry
Ladles' nml llcntiemen's Hold nml silver Wnlclies,
ot Aineilcnn and roulgn mnnufactuio,
Silver and Plated Waro. Clocks,
KINK .TKWKLllY, &q., AO.
Pl'Olltllf I) I'.VCCIltLMl.
"VirirUUKAN. tho linn. AVimjam ICi.wih.t
,V liTSlilenl Juilgu of lliol'uuit nfOyer and
Terminer nnd tleucral Jail Delivery, Court of (Ju.r.
tcr Sessions of the l'eaconnd Hie Court of Common
Pleas and orphans' Com t In the Ills
1 1 let , composed of tho counties of Columbia unit
Montour, unit tho Hun. Iran mom mid M.- (1
lien ii ks, Associate Judges of Columbia county, hau
Issued their precept, bearing dato tho 10th day of
May, In tho year of our Lord ono thoii'anil clgh
hiiiidred and seventy-slv, nnd to me directed for
holding n Coin t ofojer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of thu Peace, Court of Cominun
lieas and Orphans' Court, lu llloomsburg. In the)
county of Columbia, on tho first Monday, being the
4lh day ot September next, to eontlnuo two weeks.
Ji'ollco Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus
tices of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho said
county ot Columbia, that they ho then nnd therein
their proper person ntle o clock In the forenoon of
said 4th day of September, with their records, Inrint
sltlins and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their otllccs appertain to bo done. And
those that aro bound by recognizance to proseeuto
ngalnst the pilsoners that aro or may bo In tho Jail
of the said county of Columbia, to bo then anil thero
to proseeuto them as shall bo Jiut. Jurors nro re
quested to be punctual In thelrnttendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at llloomsbui g tho 13th day
f0 ot May, In llio year of our Lord ono
1 I.. S. Vlhousand eight hundred and seventy-sit
1 J nml In tho one hundredth year of the Inde
pendence of tho United states of Amei lea.
Slierlll'BOnico, CHAS.S.FOIiNWAI.D.
iilnomsburg, Aug. l-tn Sheriff.
V The following appraisements of real and
personal proreityM't apartto widows of decedents
have been tlle.l lu tho unlet) of the Register ot Col
umbla county, under tho Utiles of Court, und w 111 bo
presented for absolute eonllrmatlou to tho Orphans'
Court to Ik) held In llloomsburg.ln and for said coun
ty, on Monilav, tho 4th day of Sep. Islii, at II
fivinrir n. in., of wild unless executions lo such
confirmation nro previously filed, of which all per
sons lllicresicil in s.uu estates win titsu nonce:
1. Widow of William It. Lemon, lato of Jit. Pleas
ant township, deceased.
i. Wldowof William E. Kelchncr, lato ofMiniln
towushlp, deceased.
3. Widow ot Edward Lewis, lato of tho town of
llloomsburg, deceased.
4. Widow ot Cirus limber, late of Hemlock town
ship, deceased.
Widow of Michael (inner, late ot thu town of
liloomsuurg, ueceaseu.
tl. Wlilow ot (leorgo Scott, lato of Catawlssa, de
7. Widow ot David Davis, lato of Heaver town
blilp, deceased.
s. Wldowof James tlrlmes, lato of Mount Pleas,
ant township, deceased.
9. Widow of Miles Sutllff, lato ot Sugarloaf town
ship, deceased.
10. Widow of William Itunynn, late of Madison
lowniiup, ucceaseo.
II. Widow ot Lawrence Watters, lato of Mlfllln
lownsnip, ucccascu.
Heglster's tmico. ) W, 11. JACOIIV
llloomsburg, Aug. :). ls'il.f Heglster.
XV Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, eredi
lois and other iiersons Interested In the estates of
tint rrsticctliedceedfiilK and uihiorH. thattho fol
Inwliii-iiilinlnlstnitlou and guai'tllau accounts have
lieen tiled lu tho ottlcu of tho ltcglsler of Columbia
couniy, anu will nc lueseuieii tor coiiuriiiauoii unit
allow anco In the orphans' comt to bo held lu
llloomsburg, on .Monday, llio ith day of September
ism, ui ' o cioik, p. in. on sain tut) :
1. Tho account ot Joseph Ivan, Administrator ot
Elizabeth Levali, lato ot lioarlngcreek townshlii, do
2. Tho tlrst account of Samuel Nevliard. Admin.
Istratorot i nomas I'ry, lato of tho borough of Her-
w ick, iieeeaseu.
3. Tho tlnal account of M. tl. Kinney tlunrillan nf
.loiui .vicnoweii a minor cniiu ot 'i iieouoro .vicnowen
and U'gateo ot .Matthew Mo Dowel), lato of Scott
township, deceased.
4. Tho account of l'ealer and EH l'ealer,
Aiimuiisiraiors ot i;aiuauuo reaier i.nooi I'lsinng.
eiecK townsmp, ueceaseu.
ti. Tho lirst and llnul account of John Ikelcr Ait
mlnlstrator ot lAiaiult r Cut man, lato uf Demon town.
ship, deceased.
tl. The account of Abraham nice, Administrator
ot .Mlcluul lloats, lato of Heaver towushlp du
Tho tlrst and tlnal account ot Aaron Jlnstcller,
(lu. mil. in of Jeiemlith 1'. Ilowman, a minor child of
Henry iiuwmau, 1.11001 .viam lowiisiupueceaseu
s. i'ho dual account of lien uinln Immeiinan,
(liiardlanof llio person and estate of .Mary c. ilcl-
wig, a minor child of Peters, Ilelnlg, lutoof Itoar
lngcteek township, deceased.
9. Tho lirst nnd account of Mary A. llrlt.
lam, Aumunsiraiix wun tno win i.ntiexeu oi vv.
J. In main, l.Uo ot Ilrlarcreek township, deceased.
10. Tho account of (Seorgo W. Con ell, Kxecutor of
'Uuuel li w eaver, laio oi llio iouii oi inoomsuuie
11. iiitt tlrst account ot Jacob O. Wilson nud
Julia A. Wilson, Kxectuors of liilllp Wllsou, lalo of
I' lstuugciceK iowusuii, ueceaseu.
l'i. Tho partial nceount of Illrum l'ealer. Atlmln
1st i all, rut Daniel l'ealer, laic of lishlugcrcek lotvii.
smp, ucreasea.
13. Tho tlrst and llnul account of Martin W
Nibs, Ailmlii-lstrutorof Daniel bhlpo, lato of Main
lownsuip, iiecettseo.
14. Tho second and llnal account of William It,
Cox Administrator or ino esiato oi vvesiey .101111
son, lato ot .viuutsou tow usuip, tueeaseu.
is. ihi' ilrst und llnul account of Hllas Watts and
Joseph s. Iteilllne, Ailinlnlstralois of llio i state of
liliilon D. Iteuuuo lato of tiieeuwoou township, ue
1il. TheacLOiint of Jcsso Mcnseli nnd Mlihnel Mensc-h
Administrators of John Meuseh lato ot Franklin
township, deceased.
IT. The tlrst account ot D. A. Wutsun. L'xeuitor
of tho last w Ul au Testament of Wm. Uai ber, l.Uo of
Aiaiusoil lOWUMiip, tieee.tseti.
is. Miller, Trustee ofMury
lluiioeuei, taiu oi ..iiniin iui.iia.iiji, ueeeaseu.
Heglster's oniee, 1 W. II. JACDIIV,
llloomsburg, Aug. i.lSTO.f ltcglsler,
J SlUTLMIll'lt TLltM, is;e.
I'lllST WKtK,
William Drown et al vs. John lirown's ex.
ltobt, (iorrell & Co. vs. Joseph M, lieck.
S. II. Wolf et tlx. vs. N. H W, II. It. II, co.
lleo. K. iivon it ul vs. Jacob Drown 1 1 al,
I'll Keudlgvs. Haul. Moirls.
Mi) tier, lliuluian & Co. vs. N. U Campbell.
Levi Klnley V s N. L. Caniplieil.
A. T. Ikelcr vs. Jonas i t iy,
John llcacock vs. " "
SumueU. i aso vs " "
Wilson tilbbous vs " "
I. r, Davis vs " "
John J. vicilt iiiy vs. D. L. : w. It. 11. Co.
lien J. WlutersUin vs. Wm. lloiighton.
Kllas Miller vs P. & It. It. It Co.
John Medina's ex vs. Ceo. J. I.ucl et ul,
Maty McAUriiuv el ul vs. Simon P. ctul
II. W. Mclte) nolds CI al vs. Jesso A. Izisco.
ltebeeca ITsher's uso vs. I'hus. Conner's cxrs.
Wm. Mlln's uxrs vs. Michael tiroier's uilmi-s.
Thus. IIUKhes'utliiir vs. Joseph Hucklo's nihurs.
Win. Mi) iter's exis vs. Jacob Heclitelit tlx.
Jacobs. lllnJerllli.-rvs. Win. Miiusliitrur.
People's l-iro Ins. Co. of l a. vsJ.J, Mcllonry ctnl.
' " vs. llloomsburg Lumber
A. li. Shuireltsct nl vs. ltobeit O. IIoivcll.
" vs. David Stioup.
D. 1". Sfjbortvs Joliu P. creasy,
Daniel Ulnlth vs. 'John II. Klinbln.
Jatob ITi-her sr. i t ul v s. John 1-islier et nl.
l'elluwH .V. Daler vs. John A. .laiksun el ul.
John (I, .lucoby vs S. a. Wilson.
Iteuben lilsiiervs D. I", Si-)bert et al.
niul Nut. Hank of i ltiisvlllu vs. J, A.,
'I Im & Uro. vs. li. p D.illmnn.
Haul. A. Heikley vs. W. II. llrdtllcy ct ul.
.Miuihi School Disirlclvs. I'uUr J.Tjintietnl.
John Veager'sudmrvs. M. II. lluglies.
Calhailnu Hess' uso vs. John Miner.
1st Hat. Hank Ashland is. Haul. Morris.
1. IV. Mclielvy vs. Win. Shallcretul.
John W'ootMilo 4' Co. vs. Hani. Moirls.
J, M. DoWitlvs. Samuel Crevellug.
.1. IV, Sunkny vs. Joseph l.llley.
J. W,
irivin s uso vs. .lessu A. uisi e.
Shiion .V (hs). Ituub vs. Samuel llelfner.
ltleo X llugenbuch vs. Wni Cnrsou,
Aaron Johnson vs, ihos. siiiunau.
Albert W intou vs, jomus Holy ct nl.
Fry ltoat vs. C. it. liurnes.
Samuel J. Conni r vs. Henry V. Kreas ct ul.
Howiuun .t Jackson vs. llcury I. Li-cas.
W. 11. Kllno vs. K. J. Mclleury.
Stephen Hill vs. Mllltrs & hoybcrU
Thus. Downs vs. Slhw Davis.
A. W, creamer vs. John Killer.
Samuel Ulby vs. II. s. Mair.
M. IP Pilfer Ji Co. vs. Harrison 1).
John A, Jackson et al vs. Hi stouUel.
chilstlaii .shorn vs. llurtold Klerkoir.
Christian J. Ash vs. Wm, Ikeler.
Wm. A. Kilo vs. liuik M. Kilo.
Aurtui Kimir etui vs. John 1'rens'udinrs.
l.)Ula hnmeriuuu's uUmr vs. John 1'reas' ndmr'i
1-ivus ilirown vs. w. K. Harrett ndmr.
ihiodoro Y. llaymau vs. (I. y. Crciellne-i t
JWM? ro ins. Co. ot Pa, vs. H, II. Hitter 3on.
ILitli! YrMis. vu .1,.!.,. ill. .1.. '.in..- .'";, Kami.
Thus. I'ry'a udiur vs. win. I'ry '
Juries for Sept. Term, 1870.
11100111-4. K. Kyer, Jonathan Troub, II. J, llaii:.
llerwlck John H. Adams.
lirlaieieek-tleo. M. Dower,
Catawlssa-N, I', John, L", II, Drlesbach.
Centre Henry Croup.
(Ireenwooil-Wm, J, Trlpleplece, Adam mi, win. r
Mather, t'anln V.m,
Mnln .r. II. Iiigenberger.
.Montour Wm. Iiects.
Orangn-M. '. Keller,
lino -lleo. Hetty, John Ire.
Ho.u Ingcreck Win. Ithodos.
Hcolt-J. W. Sankey, W. II. Ijk, 31. O. JlcCollum
Chnrlos Johnson.
Bugftrloat-Cjrus It, Ijirrlsh, Clark Kile.
tiloom-Abraham Ixjng, O. S. Iiirmnn, J, W.
man, (I, W. sterner, I'.IIJah strohm.
IlerwlckI. II. Hoyt, W. II. Wooilln.
llcntoiilohii Chapln, Win. Smith, Samuel A pplo
Heater Lloyd Culp. Uliawn.
Centralla A. 11. l'oitner.
lishlr.gcreek Hiram l'ealer.
llrecnwooil-l'eter W. Cole, Isaac llcacock.
Jackson-James Mteker.
lioctut Sol. Monrer.
Madison-ltobert. liult, N. Wrlllier, J. M. Smith
Wllltnm It. Demon, John chtlstlau.
Montour Wm. J, llldleinan, W. II. Tubbt, J, (I,
ijulck, W, SI. Monroe,
Mt. Pleasant J. ('. Stordan.
Orange-Oeo. 1'. Sllncr.
line-Henry l'ornwaM liljah l'ulmer, J. II. Cor
nelius. ltoui Ingcreck .lolm Lcvnn.
seoll Dai hi Jones, JohnSliHslemnn.
Sug.irlouf Hlljiih l'etirman.
si:co.D wiiutc.
lloom-c. C. Starr, J. C. ltutlcr, I. W.Hnrlmnn, Kllas
lleaier J. A, Losre, Tred Hosslcr,
Ileiwlck lohn SIcAnall, Ceo. A. llilcklncliam.
Ilrlarcreek Samuel Conner, A. 11. Croup.
Catawlssa s. D. lilnard.
'entio Aaron Kelchncr, Samuel Dlctlerlck.
rranlilln tlco. llnrlinnn,
llrecnwood It. I Itlch, Wm. Dnils.
Hemlock Daniel Yocum, Aaron Smllh, Wm. II.
Locust Peter Stiller, Isaiah llowcr, Livingstone
Stain Washington lisher. J. W. Kelchncr.
Maillson John Hendershott.
Slhllln-slos. o. Wintcrsleen, llenjamln l'onelicckcr,
D. A. Hess, Andrew single).
Sit. Pleasant Howard; Crimes,
line Jacob Long, It. W. Lyons.
Iloarlngcieek Sllchacl Hoach, John Hampton.
Scott-K. II. l'urscll, Daild Whllmlre,
OII, llltUSlllW nnd .TAl'AN DHYKR.
Strictly PlJltn W1IITU LKAD11 cents Iper pound,
guaranteed eipinl to nny In tho market.
MON'TOUIt WHITfi t.IIAI) at Hi cents per pound,
equal to any for durability.
JtONTOUU SLATi: PAINTS 8, 9 and 10 cents per
.pound, according to color.
MONTOUlt MHTALLIU HHOWN S cents per pound.
MONTOUIl MllTAI.LIC HHOWN dry 2 nnd 3 cents
per pound.
Host Quality of I'aint llrushes at low prices.
which wo buy In largo quantities and will sell at
lowest .Market prices.
All our goods aro tninrantpcd ns rcnresciiteil nnd
our paints to bo groiuid In puro Unseed oil, orlho
money rciiiiuicn on ueuiuutl.
send fur sample card und price list w It 1 1 test Imon
lau. HHNltY S. KEAY,
Solo Mniiufactiircr.
May 5. '70.-1 y.
Magnetic Soap.
2Vic Cheapest Soup that run be used for the follow
ing J't axons :
1st. Ono bar will go nu far as two ot nny other.
td. only half the usual rubbing luing required,
tin re Is a saving of more than theentlrucostor tho
Soap in tabor Mtnm.
3d iho clothes aro mailo SWIJLT, CLEAN, and
WHIT): wlilioHt lioII.lNOor SCALDINII, thus all
injury lo tht m Is avolili d. iiieie Is a m lug lu fuel
nnd hard woik, und iko washing lsdouu in about
half Iho usual time.
It Is ulso guaranteed under a penalty of nfly dol
lars not to Injure llio clonics or hands, and as unit
trial will enable any person to usicrlalu thulitilh of
Iheso stuleuit nts, It would never pay Iho proprlttoi
to t iig.uru lu nn extensive system ot advertising und
claim such decided nil-lit for Ids toap unless ho
knew from jsisltUo experience that It would provo
to be lu every respect what Is clnlmid for It.
This Is also a hupei lor Soap for siuvimi nndToii
et purposes, .
(iKNt Kll. AUBM'S,
Aug. 4 711 nn. II. c. U Co. Philadelphia, Pnu
Main Street below Market.
r"Can bo found ono of tho liest selected nstortments
of Mens' and Ho) a Itoaily )lado Clolhliigund
Tho unilcrslgntd feeling sure tint ho can glvo en-
aiisiacuou iu iuauasers, unu that he ciui
ho lnv lies thu public to cull nnd exninlno Ids stock.
Successor to IM. C. Brittuin,
May It), 'iC.-Bm
Hy vlituo of a wilt ot licrl Vnelas m tile
Sherlllof Columhla counly ilheeteil, thcii). will bo
exposed to public salo at Iho Com t Houso la. bluomv.
buig. on
At nno o'clork p. m, Iho follow Ing real estate Mtunto
In Cinliu township, Columbia Couuty, l'a-all that
eertuln uubsukgu or lot of land lu I lie vlllagu ot
Stone) tow li, bounded unit described as follows:
North by liitilii load, Irom llloomsburg to Heiwlck.
euit by Hill sirut, boulh by un alley, west bv lot of
Suite Motk, Ulng one-loiiilhof un Acic.orlosson
whlih uru erected a two btory
Also, ono other vacant lot In the nbovo named place,
bounded north by north bruii' h canal, cast by lands
of I'h It p llurils, boulh by siisquchunuu IlUir, west
by hlltabeih Clark, contululug onv-fuurtli of au
acre, inoro or less.-
No. 3. Also ono other lot bounded north by suld
canal, east by land of Mrs. tieasy, south bv river,
west by land of A. Kreas' helm, contalnlni; on-j-fourth
of un acre, more or less, whereon is netted a
unu nnd a halt story
Frame House.
No. 4
Also ono other lot.bounded on Iho north liy
Llll h Cllliul. oust, bv Iniiils i.r in ...iJ
north bran
south by the Siuquchuiiii.i Itlvcr, wett by olbrr
lauds of Kuiuuel liellerhk, conlalnlng ono-hnlfuu
acre, moru or less, whereon nro erected a iramo
Al) Uit No. ll, bounded north by north brauchi
canal, south by susinuhaniia Hlver, wist by I, w..
W ixiley.east by other lots of H. Heiu-rlck, eontalulng
ono-foiiiiu of uu neru. inoio or leas, whereon 7,,
ertsied u uuu und a half bloiy lioimi. '
Also Lot Nu. ti, boinnied south liy lands nfL. W.
Wiioley, vveslbya ioail, north by llootiblreet, oast
. ?. o" ' w' Wouley, ipulululng two uml ii halt.'
ucres, Ui lliosumu inoiuurluas,whcreoiiaioerocU)it
u largo two-story frainu
Dwelling House,
largo frumo barn, Ico housu, stable nnd all necessary
out liulldlnirs. '
Sol-d, lukenlu oxecullon nnd to lo sold ns tho
pioiieiiviif Sumud Dcltcilck.
V.V".llJ,!V",'.J. 'ut-rurchusora miistpuy ten wr
ceut.of thu purchaso money, or nt li-at enough lo
orVi!Ti'lliVlf'''''u,,r!kll'lf ''u4"' c Hale, ulnei w Iso
prois.1 ty to bo le-sold ut once,
Aug. 115,-U
&5 to ?100 K'r d"y at 0lnB- Kainplea worth tU