THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA, 1 THE COLUMBIAN. it i, o o ji k ii ti n (i, v u 1 ii a v, a ii (i, so, inn Knll Tlino Tnlilc. , LACKAWANNA ft III.OOMSIIlJKd HAIIillOAII N0IITI1, Accommodation Trnln 0.45 A.M. Mall Train J.M A.M Hjprcss Trnln , 1,41 1'. M. " " 15.81 I'. M. CATAWISSA HAIL ltOAll. NOIITIl. Accommodation Train I,S3 A. M. llogular Kxprcsi 4.M P.M. soc-rn. 7.84 A.M. 4.M I". M 11.63 A. M town T.RI I M. 11.33 A.M. Throngh cars on Impress troln cither to Now York or Phllodclphla. Accomtnoilatlon train runs between (.'iitawlssa nhd Wllllatnsport. .Seo that you nro ilnly niicssoit aril registered. Till full term nl tho Normal School begins next Monday, Tho oyslcr crop will lio rcaily for harvest In nnollicr week. II. 1'. Chnmbcrlln, of l'lillailclntila, pjient a ily !u lllcoiiulnirR last week. On last Monday night we hail rjulto a font. Tho weather now Is imlto in contract with what It wail a month ago. Every voter should examine tlio register of liN ilUtrlct ami seo that his name ii on It. Sep tember Cth U tho la-t day for resUtcrlng. I. K. Mowrer, K,, of Danville, Is chairman of tho Montour County Standing Committee It ii a good appointment. The Gazette it Jlultctin el-wen Gov. Chamber lain of South Carolina as a Democrat I What n whopper 1 Notwithstanding tho favorablo etaiou many farmers nnure in that the crops are far below tho average. Hut then the scarcer tho grain tho higher will be tho price. Charles E. Ilice, Esq., formerly connected with tho Normal School, now of Wilkcs-H.irre, has received tho Republican nomination for district attorney of Luzerne county, A Danville paper inform! us that Pan. llliz zard, a name familiar to veteran boatmen, died recently at Danville. From l'iltston to Havrc-de-Oraco no man was better known along tho canal. II. II. Crcver, n son of Kcv. V. E. Crevcr, of Castle Tin circuit, York county, was drowned on Saturday, the l'Jth hut. He was some 1- or 13 years old. Hev. Crover was formerly pastor lit Espy and Light Street. llepubliatn. Tho Itepublican convention ol Itradford coun ty, on Tuesday, nominated for Congress Col. E. Overton j for Stato Senator, W. T. Davie ; As sembly, E. lteed Myer, James Foster and John l- Gilbert. On Wednesday of last week, Annie, daughter of Cleorgo I'ross, of Lcwisburg, aged about l-I years, was accidentally killed by being idiot tlirough the head by a pUtol wliich she was handling, and wliich was carelessly left lying around. Anthony Mtmley was arrested on Tuesday at Shenandoah and lodged in jail at I'ottsvillo in default of $3,000 bail, charged being an ac cessory after tho fact to the murder of Sanger and Urcn. This arrest was based on tho testi mony of Patrick Butler given on Saturday. Tho mother of Itobert Gorrcll, Esq., of Cen tralis, died a few days ngo at tho advanced ago of 0110 hundred and two years. Her father died at tho age of one hundred and fix years, and her mother nt one hundred and seven. A. S. Crowley baa resumed the proprietorship of the carriago works 011 Iron street, where he is ready to supply his customers with any thing in his line. Mr. Crosslcy is an experienced workman and always gives entire satisfaction. Capt. M. Whitmoyer, formerly of lilooms burg, now of Columbus, ICnnsas, mado his old homo a visit on tho way to tho Centennial. Ho is looking well, and wo understand has been fpiito successful in tho practice of law in the west. His many friends welcomed him back. Somo of tho joung girls of our town arc get ting 11 little "loose" in their behavior, and unless they (and somo "boys") change the tenor of their ways, tho lock-up and jail may accommo date them. Our town has always been a model one in this respect, and all good citizens should aid in maintaining its fair reputation. Tho annual meeting of tho Columbia County Sabbath School Association will bo held In tho I'rcsbyterian church at New Columbia, Hem lock township, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tlmrsdi-y, tho 29th, 30th and 31st days of Au gust. JI. W. Nuss, Secretary. Tho Minersvillo HepulUcan says that John Siney has opened 11 hotel at Middlo Creek. Wo rather doubt, ta Siney has always been 11 temperato man. If true, however, tho Labor Itcforin business does not pay heavily, nnd John will bo unable to Bell out his organi zation to tlio highest bidder as heretofore. Dr.MOciiATlo The Democrats of lilooninburg arc requested to meet at tho Com missioners' Ollice on next Saturday evenirg at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of forming n TtltUu t Jlctulrich Club. A full attendance is requested. llV OltUKlt OK COJIMITTCI. On Saturday last Dr. W. SI. lteber, success fully performed a very delicato surgical opera tion. It was tho remoyal of a cancer from the temple of n young lady. Ho was assisted by Dr. J, 11. McKelvy. Tho palicntjs doing well, and this operation is ono more item of evidence showing tho skill of tho above named gentlemen as surgeons. A fatal accident occurred to Mr. Henry Evert at Wilson's saw mill, in Valley township, on Monday afternoon last. He was caught by tho saw, which entirely severed his right leg and almost his right arm. A terrible Incision across tho abdomen finished tho horrible work in an instant. Ho was n single man aged about thir ty years. Ho was buried on Tuesday, Dan ville Jlcconl. NA-ruitAMZATloN, Persons entitled to natu ralizatlou will call on W. J, Hucknlew or C. O Harklcy, Esq., In Hioomsburg. All applicants for naturalization who havo their first papers should go to tho assessor fur their election dis trict and bo nssctstd beforo thoillh of September or they will not be permitted to vote, lly or der of the DiuiocitATio Standing Coumittiik. Tho great coal combination has been broken by tlio withdrawal of tho Lehigh Valley It. It. Co. The result will be tho cheapening of coal, Tho combination, after ull, was a conspiracy, and as such was amenable to tho laws. Hut no 11110 attacks a conspiracy amongst great coroni tlons,though they are relentless against any com bliutlon among their employees for tho purposo of securing better wages. J ho Juimnaiii Jteuiocrul is the title of anew paper started in llailetou by Hon. J. O. Fin clicr. The number beforo 11s Is admirably "mado 1111" and neatly printed, Tho editorials .aro written with Mr. lyncher's usual ability and vigor, and I 'io local items uro interesting and torse. In Kilitlcs it Is straight out for Til 'den a ad Hendricks, and will do yeoman scrvlco for the cause Ibis fall. We wish llrollicr Flu .cher abundant success, anu havo no doubt that lie will mako the Democrat tlio U.-4 Democratic jiajicr in Luzerne, county. Kolllns & Holme have an arrangement of their own Invention for tho belter exhibition of their heavy wares. It consists simply of n ptal form on wheels, on which they place their stoves. Ity tho slightest effort tl icy can bo drawn out In tho middlo of tho room, where customers ran get a good view on nit sides, if you want a first class rnngo or stove of any kind go to Holllns A Holmes, 1 1. It. A. M. Tho grand officers of tlio Grand Lodge of Holy lloyal Arch Masons of Pennsyl vania mado a grand visitation to Danville Chapter, No. I'M, on Inst Friday. During tho day they were escorted through tho Insanu Asy lum, and 'o several other places of Interest. In tho evening tho work of tho Order was Illustrat ed In full, thcro being several candidates, after which a magnificent banquet was enjoyed nt Weill's. Jinny visiting companions were pres ent from ISlooinsburg, Catawlsa. Wntsontown nnd Sunbiiry. Tho fall session of tho llloomsliurg Stnto formal School will open on Monday Aug. 28. This sclinol offers tho very best facil tics for prnfetiional nnd classical instruction. Untitling spacious, Inviting nnd comma dios. Location, healthful nnd easy of ac cess. Teachers efficient nnd nltve to their work. Dicipllne, uniform nnd thorough. Fifty cents n week deduction to nil expec ting to tench. Students going from homo should try the Stato Normal School nt IJloomsbiirg. Send for Catalogue. T. L. Griswold, A. M., M. 1). Principal. Hioomsburg, Fa. Aug. 18 3w On Wednesday of last week, whilo Sheriff Formvnld was absent from homo attending to his official duties, Mrs. I-'ornwald discovered that thcro was something unusual going on In side tho jail walls. Sho said nothing, howevcr; until about eleven o'clock nt night, when, com ing to tho conclusion that her husband would not return that night, sho sent for Chief of Po lice Woodward, Deputy Sheriff E. 11. liidlemaw not being nt home. On entering tho cell in wliich Thomas Iienson nnd Richard Gnfiiths were confined Mr. Woodward observed a blan ket fastened up on the side of tho cell. On pull ing it down he discovered a liolo in tho wall large enough for n man to crawl through. It opened out on tho kitchen roof, nnd but for tho presence of mind of Mrs. rornwald tho prison ers would undoubtedly havo escaped, as they were evidently waiting for the house to get quiet before taking their departure They were handcuCcd and put in more secure quarters llenson mid Griffiths arc both awaiting trial ni September Court, 0110 for larceny, tho other for deserting his wife. A meeting of the Hoard of Directors and tho teachers of Iiloomsburg School District was held at tho Fifth street school building on Saturday evening Inst. Tho object of tbo meeting was to have teachers cxecuto their contracts with tl District and to dicuss any mutters of interest in connection witli tho schools. All the direc tors weru present but one, and all the teachers but two. Tho President of tho Hoard called the meeting to order and stated its object, after which ho read n resolution passed at tho lat meeting of tlio board, in sub-tance as follows That tho Principal in each building shall hav a general supervision of all schools 111 that building, and shall grade them at the openin of the term nnd that all pupils coining in after wards shall report to him to bo assigned a place in the schools : that the Principal 111 each room shall mako a monthly report to tho Principal of the building of tho condition and progress of his or li?r school, and that tho Piincipal of th building shall make a similar report ol all the schools in his building to the Hoard of Direc tors, in which ho shall mention any tardiness on tho part of teachers, Notice was given tho teachers of tho change of arithmetics, nnd tho adoption of a system of drawing, which called out somo questions and speeches on tho subject of drawing and its uso in wliich the members of the Hoard and teachers took part, after which the meeting adjourned Altogether a very pleasant time was had. CLUB OIKlANIZATION. BUI.U 1. This organization shall be known by tho name of thoTilden and Hendricks club of- Columbia coun.y, Pa. UL'I.K -'. Its officers shall be a President, a first and ceoud Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of three. ltt'r.i: 3. The object of the organization shall ba to promote the election of the Democratic candi dates from President down to the lowest county office ; nnd to inculcate those sound conservative Democratic principles in the affairs of the gov ernment, which are necessary to produce a speedy reform and restore (encrul prosperity. RUM! 1. Tlio Club shall hold its regular meetings on every evening ; ami its special meetings when duly called by tlio order of the President. KUI.E 5. Tho duties and powers of tho President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall bo melius pertain to like officers ; nnd tho duties of tlio Executive Committee shall bu to pro cure names to tho. roll, and to see that every member is properly qualified to vote, and caro- fully supplied with regular Democratic tickets. hum: 0. That all legil voters, mid all others who will bo made such before election, may be adniittid to membership ti( on signing these ltules and paying to tlio Treasury cents. SHOT TUUOUUII THE HUAKT A WAV'S SPOUT ANII WHAT UAMi: Ol-' IT. On Monday morning John Cook was at work loading ears between Abhland and Centridia. Michael llremian came along nnd showed him 11 $10 bill, and asked him to go and get a ill ink with him. They went to -several places and drank whisky nnd beer and then in company with a man named Joyce c.11110 to the lintel of William Koeder, in n village 1111 the outskirts of Ashland. Heing very drunk, Koeder refused to give them anything to drink, ncd when they be came nbuslve ho ordered them out of the hoiixc. lteachiug the load In front of Iho house, they turned and began stoning tho house some of tlio stones going through the windows nod hitting members of tho family, lioeder called to his daughter to run up stairs and get his revolver, but sho returned and said sho could not find il; ho then got his revolver and n carbine; at this time his little girl was clinging in fright told legs, when a stone eumo crashing through the window, struck tho little girl, and ulso struck Itoeder on the hand. Ho then ran to the door, and with Ids carbine fired a shot over Iho heads of his assailants, In Iho t ope of driving Iheni oil. Ihey then advanced lapldly towards Mm hurling stones nt him all Iho whlje,when Itoeder again grasped his carbine, took deliberate aim at the leader of the gang, Michael Hrcnnan, and shot him through the lie'irL llrcnnuu fell dead in tho road, Joyco t ok to flight, and Cook was arrested after a struggle, taken to the lcxk-up in Ashland, and fcubscqiicntly taken to prison in I'ottsvillo. Itoeder then went to I'ottsvillo, inaden statement of tho facts of the shooting, and gave himself up to (he officers of the law. Hii is known as a quiet, inoffensive man, while his assailants were notorious ruffians and vil lains. The community generally sustain Itoo- der s action, and a writ of Iwlcat corpus, applied for by Ids counsel, 11. 11. McCbol, to lw heard on Friday of this wnk, will doubtless result In his discharge, as II was a clear case of shouting in self-defense, iUlinVs Standard. Always keep 011 hand, as delay Increases suffering. If you feel sickness coming up on you, tako 11 dose of Dr. Hull's Vegctablo Pills, They can do you no harm nnd may sava you irom tho sick room, l'rico 20 cents. MoN-rotm County CoNvr.NTloif. Tlio Dem ocrats of Montour met in Convention on last Monday nnd nominated Hon. It. 8. Himlngton for Congress ; John Shearer, Esq., for Senator J Thomas Hullcr for Associate Judge J James MrCormtck for Legislature, and Jnmcs Miller for Sheriff. Tho ticket Is unusually good for Montour. Wo trust that nil differences In the parly In that county will now bo burled, nnd at every truo Democrat will do his utmost to elect tho county ticket nnd get out a full voto for Tilden nnd Hendricks. It Is specially Impor- tnnt that the nominee for the Legislature bo elected, nnd to accomplish this nil feuds mid rlvato grievnnees should bo suborillnntcil. Holh Columbia nnd Montour should now go no- tlvtly nnd earnestly to work. Tho Chairman of tho County Committee, in accordance with tho resolution passed at tho lato meeting of tho Committee, lias appointed tho following members to constitute the sub-commit Ice: II. W. McKcynolds, of Woomsburg. O. P. Ent, of Light Street. W. T. Shuinan, of Malnvlllc. W. Lamon, of llrlarcreck. Frank Wolf, of Fishlngcreek. Tho nlovo named persons will please meet at tho office of the Chairman in Hioomsburg, on Monday, the 28th of August, nt 2 p. m., to trans act business of importance. VI. J. HUCKAI.r.W, Chairman, riMIE AMOUNT OF HOAD, SCHOOL & I I'fxiiiTAXKS r nllneteil Ijt the. conntr Treasurer fioin lands returned anil 1I110 tlio several ills! nets ot Columula county, is as iouows, uj-wit 1 ltoad. 45 IT C5 t.1 tM 31 18T 12 1 4S 147'J I.T 79 IT n:i 00 31 119 85 70 C',1 M 41 15 4 83 S3 IT 83 C'J S() (10 4S f.r, r2 73 U 1SJ 32 Hcliool, l'oor (42 S3 7 45 15 1)4 Heaver, licnton, tl.i3 US 19 83 1 M 1 IS Jl 4H U9 13 Id C'J 1100 CS 51 5-2 2(1 CO IT S7 CI H4 M til Ml 811 2.1 15 1S2 W 4-2 17 1 62 88 51 C Nl 10 97 C2 S2 4S to 9a iiiooin, 111 larc reek. Cutnwlssii, S3 It ucmrauo, Centre, I'onxngham, Fishlngcreek, Fraukiln. (Ireenwood, 64 IS 21 42S IT 21 43 8 15 C 93 C IT IS Jl Hemlock-, Jackson, I-ocust, Madiscn, 8 49 82 9 10 43 15 .17 60 10 IS 1 73 Main. Minim. Mt. l'leasant, Montour, Orange, I'lno Koartngcrcck, Scott. 10 23 OS 60 tiugarloaf, 29 37 (2723 12 I24M 9T $790 IT Tim nbnvn amounts can bo drawn at September Court, by tlio proper officers. School Treasurer can draw school fund, supervisor or supervisors the road lima and roor Director or inrcciora uiu iuji iuuU. Auditors can prescno this statement to know what amount locnarge iu iuu uuiet-ra uumuun;omw.uj. rrom saiu lunu. Attest : WM. KMCK11AUM, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, i;iooinburt. Aug. 25, '70-lt North Searsniont. Me.. Sept . 9. 1870. Dear Sir. It uiws mc very great pleas tiro to inform you of tho benefit received from tho uso of Peruvian SvruiHn my own lamily. My wife, for the past ten years, has been in feeblo health very much debilita ted generally. Last spring sho concluded tn trv n bnttlo of Peruvian Svrup. and was so well pleased with tho result continued its use until tlireo or lour bottles nnd been used, and sho is now in better health than at any time for ten years, and has increased in weiirhr from 110 pounds to 120 1-2. I lmvo pinnloved nhvsicians. and used a great va riety of patent medicines, to tlio extent of liutulreils 01 uoiiars, ami 1 Know sue recciveu more benefit from tho Peruvian Syrup than all the rest together. Mv sales on the Svrun aro very large and constantly increasing, and I do not hesitate to recommend and even warrant it to give satisfaction. If you desire, you are liberty to uso this communication as you seo fit, as it gives mo pleasure to recommend so good nu nrticio to suitering immunity. Yours truly, Ithiel Pease. Worthy of liemcEilirante. Why will you suffer violent pain, or bo made uncomfortable, distressed in mind or body,when you can be insta.itly relieved and quickly cured by Benwin's Capcino Porous Plasters. The or dinary Porous Plaster is an article of merit yet its action is too slow, requiring days am! weeks of continuous wear to effect a cure. Ben son's Capcino Porous Piaster, being a great im provement over them, relieves you instantly and cures you quicker than any known plaster, liniment or compound. Their action is more powerful than electric! and more certain. They aro purely vegetable contain no mineral or metallic poisons. The composition nnu properties nrc loumlcu upon true medical skill, and mc in no sense a patent medicine. They nro endersed by thousands of Physicians and Druggists of unimpeachable reputation, as being nu article of genuine merit and worthy of, public confidence. Try them and be convinced. Pi ice 25 cents. Si:A WHY X JOHNSON, rneiiyiCKLTitii. Ciismists, N. Y. May 19, '7G ly. 1Ioiimoiih I'uiM-liit I'ot-miie Plntilers" Hear lint llir l'.-nplc Miy ! "Tho best, cheapost, safest, andsmest remedy of fered un IntoBlgi-nt peoplu." "An nrticio of (treat merit .lilch will In a short tlino be found lu every household." "Tlioy aro nil that tho manufacturers claim for tlicm, ivliose name alone Is a sufficient en dorsement of their genuine- merits." "The best remedy known for all external difficulties or IdcuI disturbances." They arc Mirorous, removing almost Instantly tho most lolent patn and ensuring a spee dy cure.1' "I consider them a great nnd needed lin lroement overall other porous piaster, they give prompt relief nnd cure quickly: thevnro held In high esteem " They ro now preferred ocr nil oth crH. They euro wlieru other porous plasters f Imply relieve." When Buffering try them and J oil will not be disappointed, l'rico 2 cents. May 19 7C'-ly SKAIIUUV & JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Cliemlbi.i, N.V. K. V. KUNKW.'S IIITTEK WINII OF IKON. i:. F. Hunkers celebrated Hitter Wlno or Iron ef fectually cure liter complaint, Jaundice, djfciepsla, chronic or ncrous debility, chronic dlairhcea dis eases of tlui klducis, and oil diseases aiMngfrein disordered kldncjs. und all diseases nrMng from a dlsordeied llvci, stomach or Intestines such as constipation flatulence, Inward piles fullness nt blood to tho head, acidity of the stomach, hcultbuin, disgust for food, fullness of weight lu tl'e stomach, soro eructations sinking or Muttering ntthopltof tho stomach snliiiiulngof tho head, lanital or dim cult breathing, nattering at tho heait, choking or suffocating sensations when In a ljlug poatuie, dim. m-ssof WMon, dots or webs before thu sight, dull pain In Iho head, dellclenoy ofpersplratlon, ii-llow-nes.3 of thy skin and eics, pain lu thu side, back, head, chest, limbs, ete.,suddeu Hushes of heat, burn ing lu tho llcsn, constant Imaginings of till and great depression of spirits. I'rleo f 1 per bottle Ilo- waroot counterfeits. HonotU'tiourdiiigglstpalm otr somo other preparation of lion ho may tuy Is as good but ask for Kunkcl's Hitter Wliu of Hun. Take no other. Kunkcl's Hitter Wlno of Iron Is not hold In bulk-only In It bottles. K. V. Kuiikel.l'ioprletor, No. .Norm Mntn Street l'hlladUphln, P11. Sold by alldiugglsts und dealers ctery where. Tape Worm Bcnioved Alive. Head and all complete In two hours. Nofe-otlll head passes. Sent pin nnd Stomach Worms rcmotcd by Dr. Kunke), r. North Ninth St., 1'hlhuk-lphl.t, Pa. Hend for circular. 1'or renioi lug seat, I'lu or Momacli Worms, call on j our druggist and ask for a bnttlo of Kunkcl's Worm syrup, price $1. It never fails. Coin mon senso teaches If Tiipo Worm bo removed, nil other worms can bo readily dlstroyed. Aug Hnvo you tried Kirby's WildCherry Cough Balsam r A very paluteablo compound for tho various affections of tho throat nnd lungs 11 11 as ueen uscii wini success, in seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and In many cases effecting a pcrnanicnt cure. Price 60 cents per bottlo nnd positively warranted to give cntiro satisfaction. r money refunded, Kirby's Magic Kelief for tho instaut cure 01 sovcro nnd ncuto iialns. Kirby's Tustoless Worm Lozenges, pleas uut. safe and effectual. Kirby's Horse and Cattla Powders aro tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and bo convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, soro U.. . 1-1 11, 1 iijm aim cuuiipcii nanus. Gill's Hilliuus and Liver Pills aro rccom mended by tho first Physicians. Tho nbovo preparations aro for sale by all 1"UBB" iieuiers 111 medicine. MOYCU UnoTIIKRH. July 21,'70,-ly Wholesale Agents. ltupturo rurt-d la from to to 90 days by flio Tri umph Truss Co.. of SM Howcry, N. V., who offer $!, oonfuraiupturo they cannot cure. Bceadvertuo-ua-iit and cut of Truss la another column. Be nd 10 cents for tlescHpUvo bo of Triumph ltupturo- uuro. ilnrelisj, W-l Business Notices. lmiortnnt (0 Centennial Visitors. If voti nro colnc to seo tlio Centennial Exhibition with your wlfo nnd children, wrtln In Itnllnn's Washington lintel oil Chestnut street abovo Seventh, Philadelphia and glvo tho number of grown persons nnd children in your family and how long you propose to slay nnu got ineir prices. 11 you nro going witu n party, society ui lodge, do tho same. Wiubinirlnn Hotel with a wldo Chestnut street front, only charges $3.00 per day, nnd $2.50 for supper, lodging and breakfast it and 1110 nraiicn 01 1110 vv nsiiiiigiun, un mu i-ui penn plan, on Seventh street near Chestnut, only $1.00 for room, nnd thcro you can get, n cood meal for fiftv cents If voti tlcslro it, or you can get your meals any whero clso you citoosc. Aug. -uw Tho largest lino of Slippers Is nl McKln- ncy s. Applcton "A" Muslin's 8 nnd Hill 9 cents per yard by the bolt nt Lut. &. Sloan s. A full lino of Green and lllnck Teas, cf nil qualities nnu prices at liu'seii s. Urine your old Arithmetics to tho Central Hook More nnd exchange them for new ones nt half price. Fall Dress Goods. Full Calicos. Cotton Flannels. Wool Flannel &c. nrrlvlnc now at J, W. Jlartiunu s. Selling Summer Goods nt reduced prices tu E. M. Knorr s. Chlckcr'nic StciiiwnyMntliushck & Haines ilro., Pianos at 1 nomas aiusic oioro wan- vine. juiy2i.-nv McKinuey's is headquarters for all kinds ot boots nnu slit 01. Mason's Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers at M. M. ltussel s. New Cashmeres nt Lutz & Sloan's. For bargains go to E. M. Knorr's. Ladles' French Kid Button Shoes, all widths nnd sizes, nt McKinney's. Svruns and Molasses at prices to suit tho times nt il. il. ltusseu s. Bloomsbttri; Conservatory of Music under tho direction of Miss. E. Wnlson. Full term onens Monday Autr. 28th 1870. X'lano, uican or rrivato vocal iz.uu Piano Lessons Class of two 7.00 Quartette Vocal Class 3.00 Vocal Class L'.OO Free classes in Rudiments of Music nnd Singing. For particulars seo circulars to bo naa at tlio central hook store or on ap plication to Miss E. Watson, Hooms in Gil- more's Building over Coluuibin county Bank Main street. You ran do well nt I. W. llartman's you want 11 nico Alpaca Dress. You can get your School Books &c.,as cheat or cheaper nt the Central Hook Store, ns at any otlier place in town. Sheet Music, Music Books and Musical instruments generally in endless variety nt r I l ! O I ML T..I-. .1. I ... -l nomas iiinsio oiurt', J-rauvnic. i illy ii,-nv Tho Keystone ahead. Ladies' Buttoned foxedShoes for ?2.fi0 at E.M, Knon's. Men's Lasting Boots very cheap nt Mc iviuuey n. ir; i New Waterproofs at Lutz & Sloan's. Choico Timothy Seed at I. W. Hart man s. Six good second-hand Pianos for sale at G. Thomas Music Stbro, Danville, ranging 111 prices irom f I'm, to ?20U. July zi.iw For Custom Knorr's. Mndo Boots go to E. M A full line of Tobaccos, nt wholcsalo and retail at M. .u. ltussell s. New Calico at Lutz & Sloan's. Mason & Hamlin, Geo. Woods, nnd the Celebrated Standard Organs at Thomas Music Store, Danville. July 21.-lw INDUCTIONS IN COAL. kxci:i.i.i:nt tisii: to kill vouit coal hiss. C. W. Neal & Ilro. offer their superior coal at the following extremely low prices viz.: No. 2, 3, & 1, $3.80 per ton on wharf, $1.18 del, " o, ;i.;ju - B.ofi " 0, 2.25 " " " " 2.C0 To limeburners, $2.00 per ton on wharf. jiiackKiiiiurs 11111111, a.bu Blacksmith's bituminous, o.OO " " " 20 cents for delivery of one-half ton or under They will fill nji coul-homes at $3.50 per ton for No. 5' delivered, and $4 per ton for No, delivered. Ail prompt cash. Tim OKbYSt'iiK Cfiui 1'ok Ht-i-TCiiK. Tbooldes and best hernia burgeons In tho world aro somoot tho advantages otteicd by tho Triumph Truss Co., S34 Howcry, N. Y., whoM) truss und supporter wcro nwarded tho medal at tho lato tcsMon of the (Ircat American Institute l'alr. bend 10 cents lor their now book. March 21 ';oyi COAU COAL (lid Kstulilishcd Coal Yard. C. W. Neal & Illto.. Wholesale & detail Dealers in nil sizes nl the boot qualities of Keel and AVhito Ash Coal,at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand lame stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Mack-smith's Anthracite, llitiiiiiinous, anil Lime-burner's Coal. Especial nttcntiou given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards, (train and Lumber taken in exchange) fcr coul. Coal delivered to any part of the town at short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our ouice, will receive prompt at tention. OHico and Yards nt AVilliitin Neal fi Sons' Furnace, Fast Hioomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7-tf-25 COAL A Dnulile Uuugi'i' Avi'i'led, The inhabitant (it'll malarious region is threatened by a double danger, lie is not only compelled to breathe miasnin, but to twallowU, since it infects not only the at iiHuphere, but tho witter. Tho aerial poison threatens his system through the lungs and pores, the liquid tlirough thu stomach. Against tills double peril there, is but one protection, and that Is to invlgorato the entire body thrn'igh tho digestivo und secrctivo organs. Ordinary tonics usually full to accomplish this Hostetter's Stomach Hitters never. In the tropics, whero tho dieases originated by malaria uro of a fur more malignant typo than those originated by tho saiiio cause in the temperate zone, it enjoys immenso and constantly increasing sales, ami there is no portion of this conti nent whero it is not tho reigning specific for miasmatio fevers and disorders of tho sto mach, liver and bowels, proceeding from malaria nnd otlier causes, August lmo An IIisTomcAi, Fact, Every agent wliolia been steadily selling tho Improved $'J0 Homo stead Sewing Machine for llireo years, owns liU dwelling lioitie, has n good account in bank, Is clear or debt, and lias money nt interest. tho natural conseqiienco of securing a good agency for superior goods nt tlio lowest prices. A good Urst-claxs Sewing Machine1, most useful rolFablo at all Ijiuers, rosy to understand and control, tho same site nnd does tho sanio work as any iiia that sell at four times the price. There Is no niacliino at any price better, or that will do iincr or nioro work, and certainly nono bo low in nrico by many dollars. Tho Homestead Is widely known and used in thousands of fam ilies In the Eastern and Middlo States, and dal ly becoming popular in the West. It will save its cost ncveral times over In ono season, doing Iho work of tho family, or will earn four or live dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living, It Is tlio strongest inachlno made, Is ready at all times to do Its work, makes tlio stroiigct and finest stitch yet Invented, and Is fully acknowledged as the Standard Family Sewing Machine. Trice, completo for domes tic use, $'i0, delivered At your door, no matter how mnoto you may reside. Business erma ncnt and honorable, with more certain and rap id sales, and larger profits than any other, Kx traordiuary liberal oilers mado to local or trav eling agents here we have nono cstabllalied j or, If there Is no agent mat you, send your or der direct to the factory, Additui John II Kendall A Co., C30 Broadway, New York. May 6, 70 ly. METHODSi P01NTSh METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE hIN THE PURCHASE OR CLOTHING- AT .'.WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, to which wi Invito tho Interested Atltntlon and Circlul Scrutlnj ol I -TI-IE PUnOIIASINO- PUBLIC.- METHODtt yTE havo but Ono rrico for All K rccolvo Catli l'oymcnt from All-.... E glvo a Quarantco protecting AH... WE ltcturn Money when wo cannot cult All -: WE buy our goodi at first liands, In Immcnso iuantltlcs, nnd at tho lowest TTiccs for Cash WIS raanufacturo with extreme- earn every garment w 0 sell... WE Inspect every yard of goods that goct Into our garments. WE put a ticket on every garment, rhowlng plainly Its quality ami price WE cut off every Item of unnecessary expenditure WE employ first-clan workmen In every department. WE glvo satisfaction to every purchaser or return tho money....... . In addition to our Immcnso Block of Itcady-Miulo Clothing, wo hato a Magnificent Llnj or Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, Shirts (of our own mate) and Underwear, oil tt tho Ji'ery Lowest Prices. "1 WANAMAKER & BROWN, ak ball; ' , . S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS,'.; PHILADELPHIA'.' PIANOS AND ORGANS. O V STANDARD MANUFACTUB-B The Largest Assortment ! The- Best in Quality ! The Lowest in Prices ! The Easiest Terms ! YOU "W ILL JPI3Srr JT G0MER THOMAS' MUSIC STORE. 147 MILL STREET, DANVILLE, PA. July m, 'TS.-Jm. WHOLESALE DBUG EMPOEITJM. Corner Maiu and Market Street BLOOMS BURG, PA. The undersigned having been engaged in tho 'busine&q for tho past eight years dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any houso in or out of the large cities. Their stock consists of Paints, Oils., Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. RETAIL DEPARTMENT BBOWEE'S BLOCK. Where may be found a largo stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of tho celebrat e OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUIt STOCK. ZMZO'lTIEIR, BROS. May 19, MC-tf. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO.'S and save one-thlrd tho cost of pirmiTfl T 1J A TM'P painting, and get a paint that Is much Imnd.vjiiK'r nnd lll j 1 1 IluHlVWY. 1J J y-J.i i last twice as long as anv otlier paint. Is prepared ready for uso In hltu or any color desired. Is on many thousands of the llnest buildings lu tho country, many which halo Ik-cu palmed six ems and now lock as well as wheuilrst palnti-d. 'lhlsCIIUMIi.'AI, l'Al.NT has taken rirt Pi einluins at twenty of t tan Stal Knlrsof the Union. Sample card , colors sent free. Address N. V. 11 N A M 1! I. P A 1 N T O O., HO Chambers street, N. V., or M 1 1, L II It '.'.'It o 8., lei) Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. May U, '70 ly. TP T55 All hinds and GREEN TEA AND AT T. EC. nVCA-IZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY. Corner Main nnd Center Streets BLOOMSBURO-, J? -A . Oct. s, isis.-tr. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Denier in Law 3lunks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Uiblo Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPES, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can bo furnished On Short Notice at tho Most Reasonable Hates. Store ill Excliango Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. 8, 1815- mm wmw (gsssm "mm .mure Then Buy MILLER BROS.' and savo one-third tlio cost of rd tho cost of f - m? A TTP A ner and will Vjll lulW.LVjJ i-il ready for uso In wuluiorany color is mucli baiiiboiner naint. is iirepareu in tlio counlrv. iiuiny of whtcli bate bse'ii lialuUsI six lius tJllKMIL'Al, l'A in I iuu I AM n rintl. t-ix-iiiiuuia 'rcinlums Address ti coioisHcntirtHi. h. V. KNA1IKL l'A I NT CO., IM Chambers AST NOTICK; Irursons Indebted to II. I.. IHeffenbach for orsubM-rlntlon lotbo eiinuuiiN are teity cotim- that, bis buoVslio lurwti rsl uonths oast U-eu la tlio hinds of the uuderslxiied for e-olleclloa, and tba be-lUoinent of the suns wtul bo iiroinptly made, &. k. oltvia. Marcb 1I-U. POINTS I 1 o NE rrico menns ol ncecrally tho Tw csi rrico CASH civei expcno of collections an J losses from bad UcbU THE Guru-antco i.rotects tlio buyer who may not bo a Judgo of goods Wo rely on Immc'na mien and. aro snt lined with n very mtdl percent ngo of protU.... - IT 11 cn7 to buy of ns, tlnco Ml nro treated alike, no ono gcttlDg faYois that nro denied to others DICKEIUNfl ml debnto aro ilono away by u, overrbod y gcta our bet wlUi rout having to fuk for it 'UIl lnrito experience, capital nnd fncll , V Hies wo uso for tho jmoplo's bencllti ln lowering prices............ j WE fill orders received by malt from all parts of tho United Etatcs. Wrlta for particular! , ' NOT a parllclo of rlk run In buying of us. A child may buy as cheaply, 'ma man. would call the attention of country A. 1' prices BLACK TEA. T "P A "TVI- palnttnir. and set a palu 1 J L fVLlA X lost tw Ico n lone as any desired. Is on many thousands of tliuilui-ut ouil paint that any oiner butldlnirs ve-urs, and now look as well as when lint melute-d. ui inrniv ui inu ut tnenty of tho HtAto Kalrs of tlui I'l.lon. Kuinplu card Mll.I.hlt lllltlH. IU) iVater ktreeL I'lovelaud. Ohio. street, N, V, Way 1. 1-ly, Businjss OAitm VlSITlNdOAItlW. blTlTKU iiimiy, UIU, IIEAIM, l-ObTKIIS, 0M kOH Neatly and Cheaply printed at the man Office. Dauohy & Go's. Advt's. (if I'AM'Y fiAlliwli styloitwllli nnmoiocli Aujf,., 'in. -iw el AGENTS WehnvDln nrfM ft new cam- balirn book by 11 (,'olle-iro lies. 1- 1. i. Illtr nay. Met, will w-1 euruouiiltnud territory, V. 11. TllliAT, Pub.. SOS I iiiuminu! ii, i Aug, j,-vt u I n pniA 1 If you want tho best selling 111 1 1" II I N arcl '." t!10,worM "n? f """J of cost, flti at onco to J. llltllJB CO., W Ilroad- way, ii. Y. AWT. u 1 fimr TTAVP'Q lll"f.lfrnndlMMII.l(lHU UU V , Iln.lilio 1 kiix. (jomiili to and rella- OlO. Jwnaorbcu Itiun Olliciui coun-CB. icnrr rnniirr for naenm. Hccuro territory nt onco. ror Circulars nnu u-inisaiinrois, OUAKKIt CITY l'L'UUSIIINO CO., Tblla., 1'a. Aug. 4. 4vv il a AGENTS WANTED FOR TIiTgREAT Centennial history II sells fafttj-r than imv otlier Ixjok. Ono atrcnt sold M t'nilesm one day. send for our extra terms to Hgi-nis. .nnoiini I'liDiiMiiuiH 1 u., i-nuoueipiiiu- AUg.4-IWU. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Companies In want of eaulnment and sunnllos. should deal direct with tho manufscturcr. Hats, Caps, Hells, Shirts, las. Tho cheapest houso In tho ijusincss, uauiiogucs rreo. ai incjoia nrm or Ar UElthO.N & JonP.s, 1 w orand St., nA'. AUf.4.-w A von COUGHS, COLDS, IIOAKSENHSS, AWD AZiZi THROAT DISXJASES WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETB Put up only in I1MJK 110X1S. A Tried ami .Sure Ilcmctlr. For salo by drugfrlsts generally, and JOHNSTOX 1IOLLOWAY& OO.. l'hlladelDhla. l'a. Aug. .-vr. u Iff A mPD 3' TJT A XTflO (Irand, Kouare. and VVXIAiJIVO UIVIIOHT. A ItlS Till-: iikst Jl auk 1110 Tone, Touch, worlcmanihlp, ruia uurnniiiiy unsurpassea. watkhh uihiami, Concerto, NltW OUCIIKSTItAL, VBSl'KIt, CHAI'EI. ci,auiiina, uiojiirai-jui'H e;uiaiis, una ukn TKNNIAL CONCKItTO CHIMBS, cnnnot bo excelled lnionoorucnuty. 'ino ceijiUKitTO HTOi'isauno IMI I'ATIOM Of tho HUMAN VOIUK. Tho OltCHES- TltlONand CKNTENNIAI. OUOAN8 haistwoand one half octaves of Hells tuned In ncrfect haimonr wuu 1110 reeus. unu in Aiirifro passuKCs, lueircuect 11 magical uuu eiecuiiing, urrunu.-u ior oix YIUHM. 1'ltlCHH EXTIIKMULY LOW for cash. Monthly In stallmenls received. A Liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers. Church- es, hchuols, Lodges etc. TltAVKLLINO AUKNTS WAMKII. UDectal Inducements to tho trad. Illuitratnd Catalogues Mailed. Second hand Hanoi and Organs tttOltijATHAIMIAINH. HOHAC1C WATEHS A HONS i uroaaway, kcw yoric, aannracturers and utai ers. (leneral Agents for 11. HIlONINOEIt OHOAN CO., New Haven Ct.. and SOLK and EXCLUSIVE AgcntH for tho salo of their Organs in the Mates of Wew York-, Now Jersey. 1'cnnsMvanla. Ohio. Indlana.and Michigan. Aug. 4.-1 w a Babcock & Wyeth's Ads. 6 Oft A Howard for an Incurable case. l)n.J. P. aZtt Fitlkii. being sworn.savs : 1 graduated In imj, uppoinu-u io i-roiessors cnair io : nave ae- voted in 3 cars,cxcluslvely to Ithcumatlsm.kcuralgla, tlout. Kidney and Llier dlse.iw. I guarnnteellr. ruler's llhcumatlc llcmedy, Kidney Cordial, and uver Plus, a permanent cure, or win rctund money. Pamphlet, References, mid Medical advlco sent by I man, L-raiis. Auuress nr. nuer, 4a . l- ouriu, i-uua. luiy ai, 'ic.-tf. Caw T. D. Kollogg's Advts. Jill . tU. rill k CI ED All VATS AND TANKS. for brew- jen, dyers, chemists, manufacturers and private delllnss. OHO. J. 1IUHK1IAHT & CO.. ,Iuno D-4SW. Uuttonwood St., below ilroad. TUnilEll GOODS of every descriptin, I Vlleltlnff. Pocklmr. Hose. Hoots and Shoes. Cloth- Ini,', SC. ItlOHAHll LF.VICIC, SON & CO.,7MChest- nue m i-iuiaaeipiua, iigenis naeionai uuDDor lo, Juno V-43W. E ZELL'S NCYCLOPEDIA, rravlnirs. and 18 smendid mais. The IIKST HOOK V-Pur Vrnmu IWtmt nAAAnM. of unliersal knowledgo In tho laniruage. Now in course of publication. SPKCIMEN wltii map sent CIIAS. II. DAVIS & CO., Pill la, Aprw ly. EXCELSIOR PRINTING INK CO., BEST AND CHEAPEST PIUNTIXG INK IN THE MARKET, 13 llnri-lny St., NEW VOItK. Aug. ii, ';o.-isw k UUSINliSS ESTABLISHED IN 1838. BOERICKE & TAFEL, HOMCEOPATHIC l'lIARMACY, 145 Grand St, New York. Keen constantly on hand a complete stock of re liable llomieopathlc Medicines, und books on Do mestic l'rui tleu. Goods cent to all parts ot tho country, by mall or express. Kund stamp for dewriptivo cataloguo and prloo curreu t. Address as ubovu. Aug. 11.-6W K AN OTHER NEW STO RE IN TUB OLU l'OST Ol'r'ItJB UUILUINO, Stain Street below Market. jean bo found one of the best selected assortments ui Aiuns- uuu uoys iieauy Aiauo vioimut and FURNISHING GOODS, rue unuersigneu reeling suro that he can clve en- uru saiisiacuuu io purcuaser, and that ho can AS LOW AS THE LOWEST he Invites tlio public to call and examine his stock. JESSE HICKS, Successor to M. C. Brittain, May 19, 10,-Sin VISSOHEB & HALL'S CONCENTRATED POTASH Wiirninli'il i-qmil lu uuy 1'uiukIi In I lie imirkrt, mill lurNUiM-riiir lu i'oiiei-nlriiti-d !,t fur I nu iiiriunt'M lur ,, turn it u iiued. 1'ut up In ono pound metal cans, convenient for I uso In luiiitlics for making bard und soil scaps, and I iuk buup. eic, uce-oiupaiiy eacu can. l-'or cle.uiliiir trle. m-essis. mnrliinrr.f. iw,int softening water, washing sinks nnd fruit trees In tho oi'iiwk, . .a uumiutuiuu ior excellence aim conveiil eueo of package. For sale by iiroeers and Drue gtuseverywlirro, li lu r A- lliill'n Iin-rrllrlilii niul lll.liilrrtuut I'omli-r Is valuable for tho destruction of tuo potuto bug, cotton worm, grasshoppers, mice, ruts, nJSiches. Insects, und vermin of all kinds. It is haruilcmto men uud animals, nn far cheaper than l'srls green fur tho destruction of vermin, it Is ulso Invaluable as a DnuM'kcTAST, purlfjliig the air In hospitals and sick rooms, und destroy tug iho foul odors of sink, cellars, stables, c. Put up lu onu iwund cans. 1'or salo by Druggists and eirocers oerjttlieiv. Vlss(:iu:i( ,v, .llaiiufurlunr., 90 WAU, STUIJLT, NEW VOItK. Aug. 4,-Siu BLOOMSHUKG TANNERY. G. A. IIUHUIXC RESPECTFULLV announces to the public that lie has reoH.'iied SNVDKH'rJ TANNERY, torn stand) Hioomsburg, Pa., at ilie l-'ortsofUio Iispy uudlJght Street roads, whero ull descriptions of leauiur will bo made In the most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at prlcus to suit Uio times. Tho hlguusl prlco In casli will at all Umos bo paid for ihwiuwu Q R E E N HIDES of ovcrj' description In tho country, ronage is respectfully sollcltesl, Hioomsburg, Oct. 1, isir.- Tho publlcpat- pitOTllONOl'ARY'S NOTI9E. "TJollco ls hereby given thai John A. Kunstonhas pshlblted and Mod uu luxuunt as tho Unsiutor of John Allen, dm-used, who was tXjimnltteu of narah I'egg, n luuatlo. In the onice ot tho 1-rotlioiiotarr of I'oluiulila county, which will bo presented to tbo Court for allowance on thu nttli day of s.-pinuU-r pMMfiffa1 Aug4,lM .HtANKA.Ut.W. mis urn is ox riL wrra R0WELL k pHESHAH . Advertlting v Agents, THIBK A CHCITNUT STB., T. LOUIS. . np.n.-..,.-.-..-.-1-i.l-i.ei.. .-.i.r..l.i. J. Weavor & QVb. Adv'ta. CENTENNIAL Ilotol Directory OP PHILADELPHIA. Thousands ot our readers will visit tlio grunrl C'cn- MnnlM Exhibition at Philadelphia. They will want P "o Zl SI " uoou nnu uie cimrKen ihu irtnt. mtikn nil ftrrftntrrmcnis ueiora huiiuuk. can bo dona by correspondence with tho proprietors. This directory wilt bo found such as are fully up to thess requlremenls. Elm Avenue Hotel IjlLM AVKNUK AND l-'iny-l'iiwi !i Street, opposlto ITcut end of Illficliiimry Iinu. fS.OO BOOMS. A single room and s.nglo bed II oorda llooms can bo secured by correspondence. Juno id, 'id.- Im. c IMiii 11IANNING HOUSri ... ie Htrrrl, frfim 31111s lo 10th Mrrrl", PlilloaI. nlilti, ln. ON Tin: KUHoruAM imii. Handsomest partot West l'hllft fl? hla! cars pass door to Centennial (Iroundsl new buildings or oncic and stone, nnd new furniture, capacity ior h guests uuiuiMi xi inn ."""'i supper 60 cts. each; careful ottendants and private waicnmen; largo puriiun uwuihiiiumi"v "" . scctlons. ltooms may bo engOKed In adynnco by cor- rosnondenco C1IANNINO IIOTHl. UU. ciwSninq hotel 1870. BELMONT HOTEL, STUIOTLY FIllST-OIiASS. PEK DAY. COK. FOUTY-FIltST AND OllEGON STS., (SILVXn UlrLKOROVB.) WEST PHILADELPHIA. t'hnrlm 1'. nnd 1'. 1'. Ml even., nf llnlllwar, OWNEK8 AND 1'llOPlllETOItS. Najor. W.W. LELAND, Manager. It. tllniMlAn. nnmnltV. eitltjl 1M fflfl long x lis feet wldo ; 3 stories high ; built and fur nished by ll<lmoreans. Private parlors, en suite, etc. Hpeclal rates for Turtles, Associations, Sc. Krench, Herman, Spanish and Italian spoken In tho hotel, All charges modorato and accommodations llrst-class. It Is within four blocks of tbo main en- trunco 01 tne eirana cenionniai j-ivposiiion.uie must leslniblo location of any Centennial Hotel. Tho en tire house Is surrounded by a magnlllcent grove ot maple trees, of thirty years grow Hi, making It tho coolest hotel In Philadelphia. Tho furniture and equipments of tho cnttro establishment ore of th most liberal character, and during tho season a nrsU class orchestra will furnish muslo for tlio entertain ment ot tuo guests. Aiarkct street una cuy can puss tho door. June 3). -3 m. '.Congress Hall.' NEW roUK-STOIlY PltlCK HOTEL, ON THE EU HOPKAN PLAN. Elm Avo , Ilclow rortf-Kccon St., Directly opposlto Main Exhibition Building. Ac- Mmmnri.Hfm. tnr 1 nnn r.Miafj. Hrwlfil RrrfLnr-n 1 . , ,' V0 , J itm t I n '"S'1" '"t 'go Parties. Terms-ON E DOLL Alt U, A ,!;om,,l,.p.9?,T ttn.?,nISJfSSS, w Jl uly l-Jm. This Directory is compiled by J. WEAVER & 00,. Newspaper Ativcitlnluff Agents, 110 Smtthflcld Street, PITTSSliUnO, l'A. Branch onice, 1313 Market street, Phtla. LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealer In BIOIH WATCHMjCWUM, 0:i... Winl.r. Tnn.nlm uiivt'imne, iTuitnco uuu uonwir ULOOMSBURO, PA. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Cold an d Silver Watches, of American and Foreign manufacture. Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, FINE JEWELRY, AO., AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Promptly Executed. Octls-ly CARRIAGE MANUFACTO E Y DLOOMSDUnO, TA. C. SLOAN & BROTHER HAVK on liand nnd for sale at the most reasonable rates a splendid stock ot CAIIUIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description or Wagons botb PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo mado ot the best and most durable materials, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work Bent out from the establishment will bu found to lie of the highest class and sure to (rive per- feet satisfaction. They havo alto anno assortment ot SLEIGHS ot all the newest and most fashionable styles well and carefully made and ot the best material. An lnsticctlon of their work Is asked as It Is be lieved that none superior con be found In the coun try. Oct. 8, 1ST5 tf. j.b. kmttle. W. II. ABBOTT Farmers. Important to and everybody In want ot LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo have erected kilns at or neartbn I'aner Mlll.nn the 1). II. W, It. It. and aro now prepared to sell nine at very reusonuble prices and of good (luallly. uruers uy iu car pruinpuy nuea ana snipped to uny station on tbo above road. A full lino ox I.I'M I) Kit, of all kinds, dressed or In the rough, Milngles, Lath and bill Timber to which we Invito the attention ot custo mers. Orders received nnd filled for all kinds of Fiuily COAI. uy sine attention to business wo uopo to merit a bbuio of public patronage. A.Ml'lUS s Aniiu rr-, I m.isia.- fnuwissa, in. THE EYE & EAR, DR. Gr. C. McDERMOTT makes tho treatment ot Diseases of the Ear & Eye A Sl'KCIALTV, and lias opened at Wllllamsport, l'a. an Institution for tho treatment and cure ot patients suHeriiiir from such disease. onice Uours.-uutll 8 a. m., 1 to S, and 8 to 8 p. m. Call on or address ' g, c. fliinitflio'i"r, w. o., April nsm. St., WlllUmsVa, A, Mi:nSTIIATOH'S NOJIC'R "tiers of Aitiiilulstriitlon on tha rutntiinf MTATk OV CIllK. Fettoiinan, laloot the Twp. ot Untnwlssa,eountyot Culuinbbi, dcceased.liaveUen granted by Uielteirls ler ol said county to Lafsyetu-I'ellerraan. All per. sons having claims against, thu estate of the dece dent are re-queste-d to patent them for settlement nud those Indebted to the e-stnto toinako iiaimeut to the uiiderslgned ad uilnlsti-iitorwlthout delay. IKAVinTK r'h-n'UtMAN, Numldla, July II, isis-ow. Administrator. Hl'HANS' COURT NOTICE. OttOO IS berrbV irlleu lllat till frtllmvlm. nnwnnl. have been cxhlblU-a uud tiled In the onica ut thu Clerk of thu orphans' Court of Columbia county, a-id will ko presented to the Court on UioOUuUr of SepU'inlM-r, next and bo conilrmed within fuur days I here-after unless cause be shown why they should not Ihi allouisl. Tho uocounl of Lei I A. Illdlay oneot tbo Trustees ot (loo. Illdlay under tho will of (Ico. llldluy de ceased. Tlie account ot lianlel IMehl survlilng Kxrcutor of Anthony l)lhl as Trustee of Mary Breibst lato Mary JVck. ni;sl by Oco. W. West, administrator ol Uaulel lili-Iil Ueceuse-O. it, I'ltAji K za Ull. JulySJ.-to acHcoTc. Tlio Latest and Bost. "Ut Mr Naks 111 Kihiu.r bi-onsx,'' a brantlfa sengund chorus by II. 1', Hanks. Mallexl cuttpalj lur u eents by WM. II, BOKKIt tc CO, Muslo l'ubltohert and pcalcrs, June- w. llei Clitstuut bt., I'hlladolpbU. &i o a day at home. Agesu wanted. Outfit u iarctolVtiTy. 'ntl,1, lu'',u't MBliJJ 1