THE COLUMBIAN AND l)KM()HAT,BLO()MSBllie(j, COLUMBIA CO I NT, i'A. THE COLUMBIAN. nil o o M h n ti ii (i, rniDAv, a ii it. i, u:n Knll ltnad Tlmo Tntilc f.ACKAWANNA M,OOMHlini(l ItAIMtOAl) north, Areommnil.itlan Tmln e.45 A.M. Mull Troth ".M a. M Knpriw) Tinln p. M. ...aip.xi. UATAWI8UA llAlt, 110A1). KonTlt. Acemnmodnitijn Train tu A. M. lief ( UxpreM 4.M P.M. Thiniiftli onm un llxprowi I rain either lo Now Tork or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between OntiiMfl'wa hIh! Wllllatniipnrt. fOUTII. 7JMA.2U. I.M 1". M ll.Ut A, it SfltTtl T.3I P. M. 11.MA.M. Speaker lCcrr is leportcil tu bo In n ilylng COIItlllioll. Tlio llonlnn Ontnp Meeting will begin on Jlniiil.ty iho 21nt inl, unil continue until the tlrttll. Wo nrc Infiitincil llmt It is now certain (lint tlio I!ov. II. R (Id, will not accept tlio call lo Kt. I'aul'n Cliurcti, llloonmliiirft. Tlio a"iraiiM of Iron street i-i very Hindi improveil by tlio railing of lliu ro.ul niul 1 ivliit; of pavement'. .Scott-town in imilergaliijf lliu name linni'ljrm'ition. Vi'q nrc inilebleil lo llonjiniiii Miller, of I.lme llulgi", for n lino lot of pcnoncn Kiov.noi,' Iih own pioperly. Tliey nro nliout tlio find of tbo nop in ibis county tbnt wo liavo fccii. Our townsman, M. V. I.utz, oji Tuewlay la't "n falling went" nenr Hcadi Haven, iitul wa tiilllu FUrocinil. Our tlinnks aro iluo blm for n liberal ijihiiility of black bass ami eels. Tbo Cuiiral lima Sloro of Mover I'mllicr U Kiontly Improved in appearance anil fiicilitini for puttitiK up preemption', n'ul tbeir already largo tr.itle in rapidly ineiealii;. Tbo l!ov. J. II. llecm, of Atlleboro, Maw., who oflleinleil rccehlli at St. I'auTh Kpieopnl ("huifi'a in Itloomclmrp, luw neceptcil a call lo Tnwanda, and will tnko charge thero about tbo inldillu of September. About tbo coolest placo in town on t! wo hot Hiinmer .lay i l.cilly'a barber fbnp under tbo K.vchaiiffo Hotel. Untile keeping cool, you ran "it tlio nicest kind of a ulinvo for ton renin, or a ticket good for twelve nhavi furonv dolltir Si:vi:iti: Ai t iijiint. On Thursday of lust wetk ax II. O. Crevelinjt, Ip, win driving up tbo Kpy bill bin lior.-e bcramn fiiglileiicil, turned in tbo road, and upset Iho cntrliiiro upon him. Ill head win badly cut, but tbo wounds arc not Ftippixctl lo lm fatal. In another column wi'l 1m found tbo opinion of .luilgo Id well fti-anling mi injunction npiinut the oflleorn of Conynghani School D'n-trici, le Ptrainin,! thcni fiom tho collection of taxes ex cept for ceitaln purports). Tho opinion will bo found of inlereht lo all nehool oliifer.-s. 1'isriVAi.. A vaiiciy feiival will bo licld at Unci: Horn on Tluirmlay and Friday even ing nod Saluiihty afternoon and evintnsr, All Kiil 2 Itli, 2olli unil 2i)th. The proceeds aiolo b. applied towaril-i Iho building of n M. K. par hon.iso at Ihick Horn. T. O. Ctsw rilor. A 1 1 RM A 1 1 1 A 111.15 1 A M I t.Y OP t'ltYNICtANH. Wo prwunio lliero aro few caes of hereditary onllinjr cipial to the M. D. tendency of the Bob bin blood. If n boy baby bo born into a Hob blm bo miy iw well Iks pulled Don. at once bo- oaun It 1a nltnml imtHtlvidtf nt.rtntn tbnt If bo Jdioiild livelong enough lo bandlo n Jaok-k.ilfo ho will commence to ninputato things i poib!y npple off tho neighbor' tree, or legs off bis iiilliin- young pig, unil plead Iho benefit In eleiiea ns an oxcuse. l'or fun mid medicine the llohlnxes bmr oil' the pilm in ibis part of iho country, ii'id wo would like to hour ofn pnr.illel rac from anjrwhero else In America. Many years tigo limro lived in Punbitry n biit'k-hiyer by tho niimo of AriUIi ltolibln, who built wine of tho oldest houses in tbnt .in dent borough and vicinity. The old brick mill on tbo Shnmohln creek, Ibis nldoof Sunbury, was built by lit in. I to knew bow to lay bricks regular, and that, probably, is the reason why ninny of his decendants have been "regular bricks"; but l tint ns it may, bo begat tbnt, ibreo of whom read medicine, as follows : Wm, K. who road with Drs. l'rioo and Kennedy, of Sunbury, and afterwards removed to Miners' villi", Schuylkill t'o., where bo practiced up to the tlmo of liis death, a period extending over thirty years ; .Weph (..'., who lend Willi bis brother William If., at Sunbury, and removed to Klysburg, this loiinty, forty-fivo years ago, nnd from theneo removed to Sliiuiokul hi 4 spring; and John K., who wad villi his broth er Joseph V,, practiced a whllu In Shatnokln, niul then removed lo ('iitawlssa, whero ho Mill resides and piactlecs his profussion. Dr. Wm. H. Jlobblns has to sons who rend medicine with blm Oscar M., who, afier prac ticing in Slinmokin in patlnership with liis cousin, Edward S.. for several ycar, removed to Minersvllle, Schuylkill county, whero he is no'.v p'.iotlcing his profession j and W. Wal lace, who practiced for many years at llielory Corners, Ibis county, and recently ttmoved lo .Shuinokii , whero ho will coulino himself lo of fice practice. Dr. Joseph V. llobbins had llirco son", who read medicine with him Galen Si., who re moved lo Sbnmokiu where liof dieil in 1S")0, leaving a largo and lueiativo practice; Kd ward S., also removed to Shtimokln and irac liced Willi liis brother Galen, until tbo lattcr's death, and has renhled hero ever .since, bciii; the oldest practioner in iho ilace, and noted for bh skill in surgery; and Lorenzo D., who re mained in lOlysburg, whero bo died last win ter, leaving an active practice. Dr. John K. Hohblns had ono son, who read ni-rllcine willi him and is no. a partner with him at ids l.'.m': in Cil'i.u-' '. in ihu I'lt'iuh'S of lluso tliue i.rotii.Ts thei'j are but throj sons "who arj not phy-iciaiiJ. Si:: of these doctors, inelii'iing Dr. Joseph C, have resided in Shamokin, three of whom aro now here. Some sixty student?, including tboso of Ihcirown fjmilies, have lead moilicina with them. They all delight In surgery, an i thorn living in Iba coal legions have plenty of It to do. limy aro the j'ikes telatcd ol ibun am! tho ex ploits in youthful surgery performed by tlio buys of Dr. Joe, who U himself noted for his mirth-provoking disposition, bin who is now, wo arc sorry to a iy In ill health. Wt hoard l.i ly remark the pther day that he has cureil as many patients with his fun ns by liis medi cine. Shamoktn llaiM. WAB1IINIJT0M Iil'.TTKlt. WARIIlNOTOJf, 1). 0., August 11, 187(1. Congress ttlll lingers likothoghostof hope haunting tbo shoru of memory. It Is nt tnored llmt Morton, on to-jnorroiv, will givo his Inst coticluMvc llutter th tho Mtigulimry gnnn'nt, ho so inucu loves lo ills play. ic Mr. Olivur 1'. Morlon'iiroposes to unburden himself tii'on Soiithcra nlliilrs. Truly mi- qitpttioimhlu nitthorlty, coining Into tho Pen- mc stiitieii niul crntntueii, wttu envy, natreu, liinlleo nnd nil uuclinritnblcncn towatiU tlio fouih, gnrnlsbcd with 1'otil luisrcprcsentn tii; 1 1 h iind'doiliriulit lies liiaiiitfactnrcet by cnrpot-bnggl'iii, clnploytd tind paid for the express liui-pose, J lo would put nptln record a iienutil'iil picturo of tbo Houtlt indeed. .uoitoti, in liH feat in uia r-en.ite, some week's sliicu nskod what good thing tlur .Democracy had done? Kow what tho uprightly Oliver's idea may bo of what n good thing is it may bo ilillicult to deler- mine. Jlo nniy tliinit lliero nover was any good thing nci'ompliihed by any polltlnal party till tlio llcpubllcan party cnino into power and Iho possession of a government in a linio of profound peace and general prosperity, virtually freo Irom the weight ol i dollar's indebtedness, with nn honest civil service costing only some seventy or eighty tulliions per nnmim. una in Hxlcon years leave it burdened with upwards of two thou sand millions of debt, nn nnniial expenditure of four hundred and filly millions, thu per cnpitii tii"C on every individual of tlio ontlro population increased H orn two Hollars nnd eighty routs to nineteen dollar", and noelas of tbo pooplo one whit tlio Inner for Ibis vast Increase nf their burdens exceut tho au thors nnd contrivers of it. Tho host of olli- cial thicve.i nnd plunderers who arc known to have m '.do ami s'liuindered princely for tiin'. H from Iho public treasury : tlio bUiiich- dons robberies of moneys and lands by the fondling corporations created by tortuous legislator of tho Dliiino and ColCix school have, it is true, greatly enriched, tbousuuds of tho peculators and corruptiouists, nnd nil this in the estimation of tho man with tho blooir; shirt may bo n very "good thing." They aro certainly nil tho "good things" that tho " country has to thank the liepubli rati pnrty for in tho past eleven venrs. Hut ir- Mt.... I i.f- ...1!. ....... ....!.. .u.. .uoiloii anil ins uimujuiiis coiisiaiuiy asuevcrntu that all this ineomo and expondi turo and debt win a con-erjuencfl of tho var, and as they iillego'tho Democrats produced the war, they hrfvo no right to complain. To this it is only necessary to say, that, t iking tho previous experience finder Democratic ruio as our giime, lucre is no goon len-son iitliv tho maehinerv of tho irovornnient for tlio nast drradeof years could not have been run, Including tho tmyincnt of tho interest upon tlio public debt, for; say two huudivd and fifty millions', saving an nvcr.igeof two hundred millions per nunum, which have been staler, or fqunndcrcd every yenr sinco thu war, nggresutu a' mini which would hnva I paid till l.iorn l,i. M l.i-i :.t.''i' clro'. 1 ;-r." '.y tin "g id ihi.' '!..r t'le h -n Business Notices Important to Centennial Visitors. If voti nro ffolng to wo tho Centennial Inhibition with your wlfo nnd children, write to llolton's Wiwhitigton Hotel Oil Chestnut street Above Savoiltli, Philadelphia, ami givo tho number of grown persons mid children In your family nnd how long- you proposo to slay and get ineir prices. Jl you nro going Willi a puny, sociciy ui lodge, do the same. Washington lioiet Willi a wiuo uncsinui street front, only c.hargos !1.00 per day, niul t?2..'iO for supper, lodging itrrd bienkfnst; nnd the llrnnch (it the Washington, on me Kuro peail plnn, on Seventh utreet near Chestnut, imlv si tu) fhr room, nnd thcrs oit can net a good nunl for fifty if you desire it, or on dan get your menu miywnere ciso you choobC. Aug. 'I-OW Plnttonerv. I'iclufo l'rnme. Willi 1'anr-r, Mlseellaneoin Uoaka and l'oridoottU atO. . Clark's. ft METHODS PO I N TSw METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE WIN THE PURCHASE OFH B3mEasesa."nsisaeiaaavBiea CLOTHING "1 r AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which W9 Invito Iho Interested Attention nnd Careful Scrutiny ol ' -TI-IE PUliai-IASING PUBLIO.- KtrrHonst ytT n liftro hut One Trios Aw All... The largest lino of Hiippou ia nt MoKlu- noy's. Urine vottr old Arilhnictlcs t.i tlis fi'ntmt lionk fitnre nnd exchange them fur now ones it unit price. Selling Situiner tloods i.t reduced pricts at K, M, Kuorr's. Chiekering HtoiiUMiyXlalhtlsliffc ft itntnta Uro,, rinnon at Thomas Music Utoro Oan vlllu. July 2I,"I,V School Uoolci of all kind.alG.A. ClnrkV. McKititicy'.s U hentVMinrleM for all kinds of boots and sh in. Mason's Vrai Jati nnd Jelly Tiimblcu atM. M. Ktissel's. n receive Ouh rnyaent from All i Township olliecrs will confer a favor by set tling with in for publishing their annual Htiilc- inenf-. Kach township is thaigcd hut a email amount, ihilo the whole aggregato a coni-nlera bio sum. Tho townships 0.111 therefoie pay 11 Hindi bill much more conveniently than v.'o cm wait for a largo Mini. An application has been mado to tbo Town Council hv tho llocuo l'iro Company fur assis taneo in purchasing a IIool: and Ladder appa ratus.. What action tho nuthoritl- s wilt take is uncertain, but it is a worthy object, nnd if tho Town is not nblo at proeut to niaUo tbo pur- i haK", enough money ought to bo raUcd by nub Hcriplion to secure tho neccsary outfit. Miss Mellme, a Uaaclt Il.iveu girl, wont oil IMiing l'it Saturday. In e. tihurt tiino sho can-da eight black bass and a perch. As tho .rout on lliu I'ishingereel; hnvo fur-.Uhed f m d .nd aniuscincnl (espLcially Iho latter) fir gill 1'ialions to tho river denizen', wo sugge'St lo our piscatorial lipcreekers that they to Iho iSiHi'iicbanna and try their bands' at threo pound bass. ' Auiiiror.s, llv a Into law, School Direclois, Constable, and Supervisor ol Koails canr.ot during Iho term of their repielivo olhecs hold tho otlieo of towndiip or borough Auditor, Tho leasou, wo presume, is that they would thus au dit ihcirown account-. Oflicers, such as wo bavo iiienlioued, in this county will take notice of tills and govern themselves accordingly. A Ci:kti:.sxiai, I'UNCH llowi.. Mil's Kaehel llieluirt, of Kspy, Columbia county, has in her pos.-eion a China punch bowl fiom which tho 11 -in v oilicers ftaticncd at bunbury ilranl: lunch no Iho day of tlio pioinulg. tlon of Iho Declaration of Independence", It was at time tho properly of MI Ilichiiit's gloat grandfather, John Clln;mau, and has been io the possession of tho family ever since ; Iiow long previous U not known. ICJiD. :uy pni" ol i 1 !ii II ao i.lllsil 1. ileii'lii. ! t W I'll the Cam ! MrnriiKii IVi.u i: Imlgo Klwell, on tlio application of tbo l!loom-biirg nd-lon of tho Kvangellcil Awoeiation, has appointed J. H. liiehnian, Wm. llidlay, John Mcllnrney and Isaiah Uower to act as iolircnicn at a camp meeting to bo held In Ueiibcn Culp'a gvovo in Heolt town-hip for ono week, hi ginning on Iho iilth iu-t, l!y llic net of tho 23d day uf March lost lhea fiolictiitcn liavo all tlio powers of con Btablos upon and in Iho vicinity of tlio camp giouiid, i)Pi:Nit:ti op 'i 1 1 1 J i i iii.ic fcncoi.s. On iho L'l-t day of Au ut tbo Tilt term of tbo eoiiimou . tbools will begin, and a few mg gellons nt this tlmo ttlll not bo flit of pines'. Tho lowu of lilooun-btirg has piovbhd, at lara expensu liaiidfiino h ihllngs, Hi erally mprllud with all tho ncccsi-ltiis and comfoitsof well-leg-iilaled fthools, for tho education of ihlhlien. (!ood teachers aro c.oloyeil who do nil in their power to mako tho schools nieces-fid In eveiy re pert. If lliey do not succeed In propcily inoiihling tho mental nnd moral nnliU'es of tbo Homing gciieriitlons, Iho lespoinibillly for tho j'.illuru might not to rc-t upon iht-ui, In nmwi r In llio ipmsiioii, "whoso lub rev(sinibllily f vu r.wdd reply mt cinph.i ie.illy, thu parents. It hi theirs 'nu iiil-o tluy do not lake that ili'.ei et in lliu wi'lf ue of their oll'-pring which thoy iiiililil tu'lake. "When Iho ichool term open", eveiy child of pioper ago In Iho slltrlct not at lending any other Iii.liliilion ought lobeMlit In tbo pnbllo nhool. Vaunts should then mo 10 it that not a siuglo day i-i lo-t hi tiiianey and Idleiioc. Tuichers raiinot infoieo altenilanee, and when pupils 1110 allowid to iib-cnt lliuii H'lvew frecpienlly Ihry aio but little benifiind , when ptcuwut. They oiiubt lo bo ineomvgcd in their ftudies at home, und insltud ol be-lng al lowed to pend Ibelr evenings In iUleiiusti or, .illll wmne, In uuiidng Iho fclreet und accpdilng evil lniblu, they l.onld bo nipdresl to pw.s nt least n portion of the llmo In prrpnilng iheni Helve for tho next day. If this euun-6 ware pursued inoro generally by parenU, iho llmo would como when ninny 11 p-01 man would ko his eblhlren well prepaiesl to fight tho buttle of life, and perhaps occupying honorable positions Minong tliel r falloiv mu. Io not, theielore', (brow away tbo oppoilunltit that lire now of fend, Imlil In Iho mlmU of your little. micilto importnnoi of oblnlnlng nu eslnevtliHi, noil yo'i Vlll imver nret ll.wldlu I hey In nflKJwn will lilosH ycni for it, ?i:w Ktvi.ii Woonr.K Bnncii:. Among tbo contracts awarded last week by the County Commissioners was 0110 of Clias. 0. P,.lmcr, of Stroiubburg, for tho erection of a wooden spun :it M. llgrovc, in ju?hkill township Mr. J'alm- r lcceived the contract for tho ictiron that his oiler lor tlio Woik was the lowevt. The model which the bridge is to bo put up was ex hibited lo tbo Ccituiuii'i-ioners and the cuuuis ger.cra'lv, and was much ailmirec', both dr It simplicity, durability and htrongtb. The bridge is an Invention of Mi. Palmer s, ami is covered by letters patent gianud as lato as May - of tho present venr. An it will he something new in 1 his wcliou wo point etil a few of its clii f mer its. Tbo piincipal and a mobt important ad vantage secured in this brhlgo is that auy ono piece of il mnv bo removed and new timbeis in serted without interfering willi tho ue of tlio bridge, or Uscning its strength for tho time hi ing. Tills is sicimd 111 the provtion ol nielul hoes or fats arranged and lo the tluibei's fonaiug tl.o niches of too bihk A i at presillt eoimtiueled tho wood brug i found in teneial uo throughout the euaiily nu nut si.-evpliblo of proper repairs without .op ping all travel dining the niue, and it is with great dilliculty and (Xpunso that any soil of re construction is cilected whin needed, In iho mnjoilly of cases tlu y usually become so dilapi dated through wear and tear, as well as natural deciy, that the entire lebuildiug of ihofcttucltirc is found to bo ncccwary, which entails great cs pene. In the briilgo at.Millgrovo these diiii eullies will bo overe 11110 and obviated, lly Mr. l'.dmer s invention as foon as one pleeo kIiows signs of decay any carpenter can substitute a sound timber fur it. The arches aro double.nnd the bacs aro set in tbo peculiar milal i-boe to which we have already leleiied. At iho bases U lied a metal tboiil, which adds both to tho strength and durability of the rti ut lure. This briilgo wo bavo every reai-on to bellcvo will bo a KitMaelory ci;o to Iho jieoplu who wilt he re quired lo u-o it. Its ereetion will bo undir tho pevsonnl supervision of Ihe inventor snd con tractor. Via. tint .Ii ,'.'i- Hero l.i Iho Litest "dodge" on innocent rural- itsi "A swin Iter comes along ami inuuccM 1110 farmer to eign Ids name in a book, which ho rc'piosciils to be for left mice only, but which proves tu ba r.n order for 2,000 feet of wire clothes iluo ut five cent per foot, In a few clays tlioroaftcT sw under No. - conies along and pre sents a bill of S1C0 signed by the fanner, The latter piotesu, but is finally Induced to com pro nllso lather tliim go to ojiut." A number of horcs were sold ut nmtlun In front of tho Exehango Hotel on Weelncslay last, our genial liiend C'ape'r Ilhawn, of Ca a wlsn, acting as auctioneer. Thohori weic Iho property of a llglitniiig rod eoinpai'y who sell oil' their stock every fall to savo n lute-ring, ami buy new ont In the- spring. Bomo of the horcs ive-io tine uulmals and brought good prices. cotlrol of the coordinate bralii-.h of tho cov- erniiient thotak Ueiity ol'itttoinpli-bmeiit; 1 .t.t. 1 1 ..!..!! !.. llliu Willi 1111 tiuut ne iiiiti eiipuei-e) e-ivu e'rvleo tho road lo it is as clear as tlio road lo 11 par- li church. This is tho "trood tliintr" that the flt'iiioeratie tarlv Is olchiiued to nccnin- jilisli in the immediate future. What "pood filings t lias iiefoinpiisiif.i in tor- past every chool hoy may lfaru by heart if the apos tate Jir. Morton will not. As Pained Webster once Miid in sneaking of Massacliu- sitts "'Th" piust nt leat is secure," nnd so wo may truly say or tne pait record pi tlie Dem ocratic! party. Whatever there is piod nnd splendid in tlio hi..tory of tho American Union must lm aceirrdrd i-tnetly to tbc acliievrliicnts of paity. Kvery foot ol domain added lo tlio tbiitecu colonies was tlio work of that party. Tho Micce-sful and glorious termination of two great foreign wars undertaken in vindication of the Na tional Honor in spito 01 persistent anil trea- For bargains e;u Ui K. II. KnorrV. Ladies' Kreneli Kid liutlon Siiocs, all widths and nizes, at .MeKliiney's. Syrups mid JI' hi'siM at priici lo unit tho times at M. M. it li -sell's. livery pupil nt tho public nchools must liavo a now Arithmetic Take your old ones to O. A. Clark's and oxelmngo for new ones, at half price. . - 1 lilminsbtirg Consevvalory of Mu!o under thu direction ol Jliss. li. .wat'iin. fail icnn opem M.onilay Alt;. liSlh 1.""7d. i'iano, Oigau or Private Vjcal 12.00 l'iano Lessons Class ut'lwo i'.di) (luartetto Vocal Class 11.00 Vocal Class .00 I'rro classes ill liltdiincnts of Music itlul Singing. For particulars sec circulars to i lo. 1 :i' 'lie I'epir,!! lionl: r-'tnro or on nji . t.t.i - i'. Wn'-o'i, Koonn in (III mine's ..ll.l.L.ig o. er CoU.mbin county ii.ilik, Mam ti -el. y"1- 8lT0 a Quiernge prBtooMng All WE llctnrn Money whon wo Wilt All Wi: tmr p ods Kt flnt hawk, In liamenBO iitinnttttes, miA nt tho lowest prices for Oj.1i Wl! itinmifiuitiiro Willi cxlremo cro cverj' gnnnent wo tell r. 1 WE Inspect every yanl nf poJ tlmt fi.ts Into our garments WU rut a ticket on every (jnrmcnt, cho'vln plainly lu quality and 110 POINTS! OKT. Meo menns ot neeMiUy tlio TVot Price GADll tnves cstienso of r- lloctlons ami lo&tcs itoiii bael eletlits '"TIIIt Oniimntoo ptntoehi tlio bnyer wlin X mnr nut l.u n juetgo ol goofls Wo letlr on Immenfo mla) fin.l nro Mt lifiud wlUmvtry nnoll peroonl rfo of proflt. . T T is omqr tn liny of us, since til aro instted L nliko, no ono gutting favors thct nro denied to others tMCKintIiTel nntt ilrteato nro rtnno nwc- X J l;jr us,ov rybotly iHsoeirl eU with out J1AV1B2 &i to lor It. OUH larrja experience, cardial sntl fnotl lilts wo tfeci fur tho people's benefit In lowering prlees TirK All orders recplwtlhy mull from all vr piu-Moruiounitea suites. for pnrttculan.. Writo WK tut off every Item of unnecessary cxpcmlllurc W13 imploy Cr t-cltiss workmen in e- ory tlepartmonl. , In ndelUioii to our Imtaenio tltoclc of r.catly-1'atlo rl tlilns.wohavoa Xlat-nlPcciit Uno of lien's and Hoy's ruratihlng Cooels, Shltu (of our ow 11 make) and Underwear, all at Iho Very Low est l'rlccj. " j Dauchy & Co'o. Advt'f?. Af l"Nf'V f'tlMlis 11 etjles wllh namoincts. 4 ) Atanls wanted. J. B. llust "d, Ntesaau, N. T. Aug. s, 10 sw n Mt 1. J 11 u i-o niitni und ternturjr. Uroartw.'. , N. y. IRAT, ltlt).. Atlg. 4, - 11 If you wont tlio beet telling article In tlio world and a solid mid DiUont ter wateli, tree I oii.l, v ntu at ouco to J. lllllDS W , 101 iiroau- Way, N. 1. fliig..-sw" GOV. HAYES llf'illKSlS: bio. Kuttorsi d Inun onii I'll Houiees. ltift i-litinrj- Ibr nx.'nis. H eiilf lerru irf 111 oiiee. lore iretran mill it nils . I Itli e-'M- . (JUAKKR I't I'Y l"l III.ISIUNU CO., l'lllla., l'n. yettif. s. ti J. Weaver ft Oo'a. Aav'ta. lloti'l Din r!ii PIin.ADKIjl'HTA. It r.t id on- ,11 vtnti' m nr. so til . . Hill irlotors. ly up to f? AGEUTS WANTED FOI1 IlltUlltftl liEHTENNIAL HIS! ORY t Kt lis fusler then anj oilier bunk. One agent 1 copies in t.iicilni. f.-ini ttn' ouri-sira term ems. Nntliienl i'.ilill.l.liiK in., 1'lillatlt Ipbla Alls". 4 -iwit. RE DEPARTMENT. CnmYmnlPH In mint of enulninpill ami s'luuhld. si dliecl with tlie nii'ii'iraeturer. Huts, cniw. Il.-lts. 'lilrt , Ill" t'n-.ipifi li'iiln" 111 me Mipnlli'B, ' THoiuandsof our rendeis v. 1.1 ttnnlul BxMMltnn nt rtillodelpiil 1 to top at hotels uriere Hi" n' gooil nod tlie t'linrjros tiie ie.i-' i- 0 " iiiM. make all ftri-.tnge-ini nl-s 0. lm e cut! tm clone by correspond! ! u ' mils dirt tton will be found mil tln.'BO roipilr. 1 iciita. t . "Klin 3jxt&?&x& JrjCct;?., MiJI AVKXtTR AKI) FIl'-TY-FIUsr Street, oniito Yct,t t;l r Mnclilncrj coo n o o m t' A etnglo room and Blngl' i. " ( Itonms can Ire foourodbj c jm 1 n s Juno Hi', 'i.-im. E' Jiitll. dm. rli'ior. llliffllii-sN. c .t!,il.u-(ii l.-i t-. A! Hie .'old Ollll of AN- liLliMiN A .ItJ.M.'., urn cinuid M., N.V. Aurf.4. lw d couuiie, COIiUhiIOAKSKNUSE. AK32 AXili 1HROAB 3ISn.t!3.t! WELLS' CA11B0U0 TABLETS Put up only in ld.UK CoXUS. ATrtc.l tttut Sure tte nioily. l'or R ile b" (Irngglsta generally, and .IOI1NSTOS; UOLI.OWAVk Co., PlitlutielpliU, l'a. AUg. S.-lv. u rill.VKNINd irotJBK. j TUB ttt'ROFKAff . . , 1'bif Wi-rel, from OIWIi o ICMIi Wrc. l'lilln.'id- l.llini i n sir to reiitemdai 1 id Slime, and he Hupper "1 1 is. Micni rarafcl attenttontn am pri S. E.'GOR. SIXTH fi, MARKET STREETS, PH7XABSLPHIA. sonablc opposition is nlJo amont;its achieve mnuts, wlnle mim'teilcss other 000 I thine's miirht he inentionetl, wero it not like throw iop; pearl before svinolo brin them toilr. iioitoii's iittfiition. l'er..-o. From a'iini.slif.l Juris, '"I liavo tried tlie Peruvian Syrup nnd there- suit fully sustains your prediction. It lias mado a new man of me, limited into my pyt-tem now vigor nnd ener.:y j I am no longer tieuiuloiisj ami debilitated, as ilien voii k.hv aie, but fironger, heartier, and witli larcer eanaeilv fur hihoi-, iiHiilaland piiyaleal, th.m at any lime dunlin loo lat livo jcar.v Ilobinson's Arithmetic have been adopted by tho lHoom School IJistriot, and aro for pale at G. A. Olark'n Hook Htore. The lull sciiiou of tho llloomsburg State Xorinnl bohool will opon on Monday Ati(. 2S. Thi.-, seh'Jol offers tho very best f.icil ties for7irrCA.ioiunnl clttuiatl iiihtiuction. lhtiltliii ipacioii', itnitinj; and commo dtos. Location, healthful and easy of ac cess. Teachers cllicient und alive to their woik. Diciidine. uniform and thorough. J-'lfty cents a week deduction to all expeo- t mu: 10 tench, iMUileuUi iioinif lrnm Homo sliottld try tlio State iSonnal fccliool at liloomsLuirg. bond tor Catalogue. 1". L. Grwwuld. A. M.. il. D. Principal. Uloonisbiirs, l'a. Aug. IS !lw Vou can Mt vour .School Hooks cecils cheap or uheapcr nt tho Ci'iilrtil Hook Stun; us at anv otlicr placo 111 town. Sheet Mu?ie, Music Hooks and MUMcal Instrument "incrully in cudle-s vaiiety at Thomai Mtisiu Ktoie, Danville. July 21.-4v.' PIANOS AND ORGANS. . 1 O 1" S T .T.-T DAE.D 1L JL 'S.T tTPACTIT 2H3 ' Tlio Liirgcst Affsovlinont ! ,T1m lost in Qimlity ! Tito LQycstin PricaI - Tlie Eiisicst Tonus ! YOU WIIL FX1STX AS GOMES TH0MAS, MUSIC STORE. l-L-7 INITIjL STilEET, WATERS' PIANOS, WtfiNNytt 'i'KNNlAI. e oNCHU t'O citlMK!, cannot bo excelled In tone-or beauty. Tho C'OMJKUTO SHIP Is a lino 3 MI'I'ATIOK of the HI MAN VOICE llie aiU'HKS TlitON and CJKNTKNNIAI. DKD.NS lllllo t l.o and one balf uotne e'l ur lulls liinetl lu pert.-et lisnnony vllli thu reed8,-iind In Allerro pnssnip'S, liiclr elfct t I. luaRleul nnd elect 1 If) lug-, Warranted fur hlX RHM. PUK ES EXTTIEMKLY LOW for easli. .Montbly In hUilliiienisre.'t ivtit. A Liberal discount lo Touchers, Mlnb ters, I'bureli es, bebs, ladfe'S etc. Tlt.VVj;l.l.I.NU All LINTS WANTKI). f-piel.d lntliieement;i to tlio, Illnslratcd Cat .1 jerues Mailed. Is-eoiul bund Pianos mid Orsrans atllKKsT llAltUAI.NS. IIIIIlACE WATEIM NUNS 4S1 liroudivaj, aow lurK, Jiannraeturors nna iieni cre. 1. enerni Agents for It. SltONlXUIIll OI!(iAMC( .Vt'iv IbUHiie't.. nnd SOI.R luul J5XCI.ITSIVE Agents for 1 lie solo of lliolr eiiy-ans In tuo Hales et isc .' Ytlrlt. New Jeraev. Icuusjlvanla. Ohio,'t M Ichyau. A ug. 4,-liv u Babcock & Wyctli's Acltf. A It" ' II I'll I J J' lii : ... "I lo' 1 ti ll -1 I .tis,.-.i , it lUtliie" -.1"! filler h Itlieiiin.iili nn lie'lirililt) ei.' 1 1 . ..'.-, . , ilr t- .' ; 1. ,'. .-.Le'.e lti Iliit.toj u'l 111,, em. ..1m i' d u I rsnle Uoillt'tly, lelellte C'Oltlltlt II il. .7. 1 1 II. tl 1.1 f V-ft?. Liver I UN, tiiii rmunt'iit euro, or 111 rcrunu monei . Pnmpblctn, Kercreluifs, ui.d MeMlrnl ade lee serf by llnncisninimt part, of West l'ltlinaenrnia, nr"j- eiuciuuai "rounisi, in'tr "eiuMiuHi ... e. and new furniture. IMpaell. its' jsi iiimI I.CIIMIINCI Ml PKR llAi. ureal iii-si 11 t .....I. , i...nfi.i ntti-niianiR nm nil- ' '...,!iLf . iitw fiAtteM aa-ORnaodatr-fl In n.n.i.iie" Hceiluns. I'oom'-.uuytaenmii y ; lVvpopilepi o CLLANMisCi HOT .1. d. .lime J sm. . Tna. ' B EL Jf 0 XT 'ITfr'l'F.L , STRICTLY PIUST-CIiASH. TBirtts ran IlAf. COn. FOHTY-FIU8T AND OltEOON NTS., (SII.VBn Mit-LtlOllOVK.) WK-IT PHILADBLPIIIA. Clinrles P. uiid I'. V. ttnrmm, of rialltinnie, owmsns asd PRopnntronii. Mnlor. WAV. r.BLAHD, JIanelf. 1.. IHMnllM.1 HnnsiHv 1 niVl fltireali) "IV f -it Ion x 140 feet wldo ; uUnles lilgb; bull n. ' - lilslieKl by Iiuliimmeans. i nvnee panoi-t, ' ' . etc. special rates for rartii"s, an-m-i-i 1 ,- . . I'enen, iiornian, npanwu initt rjm . n .u titel. All chsricTs moderate r.nd necoint 1 " i rt-"lass. Itlswltliln four b!ecl:s of thi m-' -runrp of tho ilrniid (Jentennlal JJxposlttoi I1' 1 ili'Slrable loentlon of iiby C'entPiinutl Hole' 'I !i '.- tiro hniist-is s'irroiincien ny u mavnuict-i -u m inn nte trees, cl iblrlv years btomIIi, ma' . ' 1 oolest hotel In Philadelphia. The fur ! 1. 1 I tiu'.ptnents or ine entire pfeii.-i;i-iiitn-i-e 1 ni'.st IPs ml cimrnfT nnti ciunn.-i'if fp.i I'lnst op'Ij -!r. will f'O ol-li 1 01-1 it tl t ! 1. lent or ilu yuebts. Slaikct tiece lluo city c . . 3 tin" door. June 'nu. NEW FOl'lt-STOKY BliU'K 1IOTRL, ON TKC let - KeU'ltA.-N i'I.A. Sm Avo , T5 :cw yorty-Seccn'' St., 1MI-'..1 . tip .1 1 ' .... t HOlllOU IJIIIIUIII'. AU- 1 oiuiAiidiUi -1.4 i' i' ii IjM'iU d)XiOlal niranse--m.Mi.i 1. 1' i.o - 1 i'ir- rras-ONIi, UOlXAlt l'iS't 11 W. i.'viiii. " 1 . 1. .a., ay and re.i n.eOlo en.ii'-i . W. il. 1. iKl.,i CO., PUUael lpaU. e J uij1 i-ini. at inul Med' Ailtbi ns tn. 1 ttler. 4S s. 1'oiuth. i'hua. tea ac inuefiMs, ell. itr.iilK. 'rtti'l'ies at niusulsl July si, is. tr. b ,e. ivwivumjni in rf. li. XCellogg's idvts. DANVILLE, PA Jill. I, 1 . .... I .Itilyv'l, 'tn.-lm. Mr. Peter Cooper hi.8 been a llepuldlciu from tho furmutlon of that patty. As it can didato for Hiuhkut ho must thcielbro bo re garded m a Hepublloaii. As a valuable remcily for Uysiwiwhi, .Sick Iluulnehe, Torpid I.lvcr, anil meh lll.o ilUeibes wueaii li-iomuiend Dr. Hull's Vilfetahle I'lll'. Thev tiro for wile hy all drugglhts at 'Si itnits per bof, As 11 1..T01111 ai. 1'jict. Kverv imciit nliuh.i hern steiidily tellllitt lliu luiproved Home' Hle iul reeniUK .iliienilio mr inrio years, owns in dwelllni! hoiiH". has n irootl neeoimt In hank, i clear ol deht, and has money at Intercut. lliu natural con-iipunec tf wciirtiiK a ijotitl nstney fur Hiipvrlor t.'tod-' nt tho luirn-t prlees. A L'ood (ir.t.elassKew lie' Machine, lim-t u.irul lellnlilo nt nil limes, mhy to unilcivtiinil and control, Ihe Kimo hic noil tfoes tho kiiiiu v, oik us uny 11111 c III 1 en that sell nt four tiuie Iho price. There ij no nuicliino ut r.ny ptico better, or that will do iiuer or i.ioro woik, and eiilaluly niuio m low in nriue by many dollars. Tho Homestead Is ttidclv known and 1101! in thousands of fain ilii-s In ihe Ka-leiii and Middle Stalls, and tlai lv liinoiuloi! In the West. It ulll snvo lis eewt revi rnl liuien over In t lio seio-on, clohlj ilu, noil: of Ihe f.tiiilv. or will cam four or five dollars a day Ihr uny mini or woiiihii who news ;',r 11 llvliit. Il is the stroiierc st mat blue lua.h1. Is itmly ut all lliucs lo tin its work, mnken tho tioiiie-t nd liiiest sliteh ut invented, and is (tills- ut KlioveieilKeii as me) niuouum e auiuy tjewiup iiaOilim. I'lle, eonipltio lor uviuur tie uo, t'iO, delivered it )uur door, nouwtlcr how inniitei Jiiii uiy rewido, llusliiess penuu lent and lioiiorulile, u lilt more certain mid rap id Nile, r.d larg.r ptolils titan my older, hi-imnrJluari- II tier a I oriers luude lo local or trav eling Hkciiis nhoxc we hv none e-slnblWitel j or, If liieie U tie teatut nwir you, ttnl ymt fit iWdiNt to th Miloiy, A del 1 1 JoUn H May 5, TO ly. A Uifulilo llitit.'ri'L' Avi-i'teil. 'i ho inhabitant of a malarious region is tliieateiicd by a dotiblo, Ho is not o"ily compollcd to brentlie inuiiina, but to 11" It. binco it infects not on'v llm at.'iv, but Iho water. Tho aei'al poison tliin.te.-iii his f-vateni tbrouch tho liiiijis and pores, tho liquid t!.ioiij,'!i tho -tinu-icu. Tifrainst tills clouule pe ul tlicre is l.ut o:id'u"iilt;ction, and that is to iuvlorato llie entire body tnnvijfn. the d'jif-itivo and .eeietivo t.rtr.iiis. tlrtlinnrv tomes u-iiuile Inil to nce.iiuplisli this 1 li'li lter's Stimiaeil Hiller-i never. In tlio tioples. where ihe dUeuM-s oi ljiinatt d by timhu ia are of a far more malignant typo than the -us originated by the wine caiuet in tlie temperate zone, it eiiioys iminenso and con -laiitly increasing s-alc-s, and thero is no portion of Ibis conti nent where. It is not tlie reigning spec'. lie for niia-inatio fevers and disorders of the tto maeb, liver and bowels, proceeding trora malaria mid other cau. Austi-l lnw . 1:. f, kvnkix's nrrunt wish ov iuom. L". I", KunUel's celebrated liiiter Wlno of Iron ct-foctuiillyomelliei- complaint, J.mnillce, elj cpopsla, e'lrnMoer r.crvo is debility,' tllairlicea dlK oaiesclllioUdneys, and nil clL-e-.i-j arWr.?itom dLsurderud Klelnojs. aud nil ill eases orliliur from a cllsordoiod Ilvoi, stowaeli or tnit.itint'i such as constipation lUtuU nee, inward piles Inline as cf blood to the head, acidity uf thu slomat '1, 110.11 ebiii n, elHC'ust for food, tulln Vi cf wi!;Ut In U'O, sow e nictations sinking cr UutUilns; nttliopltof tlio Htomaeu Bnlmniiui; of tho head, a'jiilt d cr ilira cult brtathln',', Utittoi lug at tbo i.e. .11. c-U .r.b.j: or suffocating cena. tlous wheu in aljln,' 1 ot.ti'.re, dlia- lieiB of 1 lilr.n, dots or webs lifjv i .t i.tifl.t, d'Xl pala la tlio Lead, ele-tlclf.ney of p. rn.ltvtioi,, ..ellow nes ot tltu skin ctiil oye, In tile M baelc, head, elu'fct, limbs, ek.,su lilt ti l!u-li -. t-f li at, l.urt- Inula ilio tlet.h, con.t.iut iniasluii.;,-. ut 1 .1! and great Ue'pretlon of splilts. prlc 1 p r bollle. Be. wnro of counterfeits. 110 not let your diuge;Ut pjlni olTsonjoothei'prt.p.iral!ri ttf Iron b" i.. .y i".y ! as ebQd biitaakfe.rK'inl.ii'i llltttrWIn of iron. Tao no ether. Kunkel'a latter Wlno 01 Iron Is not so4 tn bulls-only injl Iiotlle.i, li I-', Kur.VeM'ropilctor, Nu. a; j Morih Stutli street rhlladilplili. Pa. hulil by all drusgUU and denloit every 11 hero, Tnpo Worm ItemovpU Alive. lluuel and oil completo In two bcuih. Kofo llll li"ii.t p.ia-.os. suftt Pin and stonvch v.'t 11.11 leuioved by lir, Kuukel, 2tp Nortll Nlntll I'l.lla'leli Id 1, IV. Scad for clrculir. Tor removing -al, 1-iu e r siomach We. 11:1s, eull ouyour driinrut unl 11.-:; wuocf KunUel'a Worm syrup, price i. itneiert.ii'i. C'tim Uion fct'io leaohes tf Tupo Worm lo tl, all otuor 11 ouuh can bo midli) clWio; cd. ,vus, Tho new Aiithmetio can bo lioii'di very cheap at introductory rales at G. A. Clark'u. Tho ICeVftoiio ahead. Ladies' Dultoncd foxedrfhocs fur S2.i0 at V.. M. ICnon'. Men's Lastins Hoots very cheap at Mc- Kinney's. Bis cood tsecond-haiid l'iauos for Falo at It. iiiuiiiiih Altisic Htore, Danville, ranjjinp; in pricofi Irani SlUo, to MM. .Inly Ul.-lw For Cusloin Kuorr's. Matlo Hoots '.'11 to K. M. A full lino of Tobuoons, retail at M. M. ltusscll's. a wliolesalo and If your old Arithmetic nro lu irood order you will lm allowed half price for tltoni in oxchango lor a new ono, at ( r. a, uiarl; c A full line of Green and Hlaek Teas, cf all qualititt. niul iirices at Hils.-cll'a. Miioti & Jliunlln, Geo. Wowls, nnd Ilia UtMeiirnlfil fciuudni'tl uruans nl 1 nomas, Music litorc, P.iiiviile. Julv 2l.-lw iiLLi cnoxs IK coal, i:xrixi.i::.T to i-'ii.x. vouu coal eis, C. W. Keal iS; llro. od'er their superior nt tlio following extremely low prices viz.: No. 2, li, & '1, &3.S0 per ton on wlim f, 3-1.15 del O, U .10 il.b.i 0. 2.25 " " " " 2.00 T. llrdobi'.rnero, $2.00 pet' ton on wharf, lllaelcsiiimrs lump, ii.w Illacksmilh's blt!im!, 5.00 " " " " 0 cents fur delivery uf cue-half ton or under They will fill up at $.".50 per tdh for ho. 5' ciehecud, end f-l per ten fur Ko. 4, elelive'ied. Ail i.iompteadi. KI1AI) AKi)"t:t)Xsl1)F.K. ' - HeiiSQiiVClitpuiuq l'orous HIiHterf- nro an economical, clean, 01 rtaln unci powerful rem oily, kiirpnoiiijr In tflicaey any known 'pi n tor, liniment ore -uipoiind. They are paitlctilaily c iTcctlvo, and will pc.-ltlveiy relieve luul euro:. Acule ni.d Chronic l.l.ciii .itli-iii, fc'cii.lica, Neuriiliia, Kervous HUea'c-ii, .Stubborn Cidds, Kidney Complaints and all diseases for which .1 po rous plas'cr has been uncd, in an astonish Ing short, time. . Capclne Is the greatest medicine knoivu. Capciiic is biipcrii r to electricity and mere Certain. Ileiison's Capeine I oroti Plnstern relieve at once tiud euro quickly. Try tlicm. Price 25 cU. MlAUl'ltY. JOHNHON, l'n .a.ue'BVTicAi. CiitsiUTi, S. V. May ID, 7U ly. WHOLESALE DEUG EMPORIFM. Corner Main and Market Street BLOOMSB rii-ini: V .'t-rs, dji 1 tlteulltl. Juie- !i-i- .v. VA'i.' AMI nXK'v-fnr Lnw -.tll'llil , n.lUtl! ic'lllu in .intl t.i.ti. .1. 11 i;t .v ( i'., Jtlll'tltlM.'iliI i' , llflOU Ul'OUil. TrnilKK GOODS of even- desciiplion 1 Vdlelllner, l'..rkiiii:, lli"'. Hoots niul Nioes, c lutli Ink. c. 1IP IIA1MI 1.LY1CK, hON CO..;2ICI:tfit nut si... Pltllatlelplil.i, Agents .Nutlonnl Kubber Co. iiinov-isw. Tlio uiiilersignetl having URQ, PA. been eii"a;'cd in tlio j? JJJH CYCLOPEDIA, Jew Heviskii llriTWV. loo.ito nrlleltii. S.CKH en siaeinm and is ypleinlld luavs. ','!. l'.KS'l' Uliiile of unlM'i'f,:,! lini.Ml -due In Hi" laiixiinirs Kt,v In etursHof publkMilt,!, M'I'.CIVIIIN wltli rn.ip sent iur -e eencs. At.i.?.ii' v,..mi.ii. )DI tP. Si. AViS et CO., i'lsJiR. Aprils ly. Thin iJireettirv is compiled by ,1. WEAVER & 00.. IYcwhinjcr idvt'tttMiiig Ageuti, ns.siMiiiiiieiii tarcet, Pi TTSsnVRei. l'. liritatli oillte, ln:i M.tike I street, l'bllti. LOUIS Dealer In Silvfi-waif, Vr.klcs and Jewelry lll.ooj:: UL'lKi, l'A. Lodlos' and's uold and silver Wntchcn, ot American nnd l'oie Ign ninnufacturo. Silver and .Plated Ware, Clocks, FIN 15 JEWKLUY, etO., &0. HBPAIIUNG AXD ENG11AVIKG I'fotttiiJIy KsccutcO. iiet.s,'7r.-ly J. U. KKITl' If. business l'or tlio jjast eight years would call tho attention of country dealers lo their larijo ami varied slock. i hoy doly eonineliuon ov any house in or out of (he Iiiruo (Jities. Klfl.cil, stottSs coisists of PaxivJ3? Oils? EXCELSIOit wrm mi co., 3?.3j:ST AND OMIilAPliST l'lMNTl-N'G INK IX Till'. MAIilCET, ill Il.ireli. M., :.i:v VOKK. A il I .11, 'Tl',. IMV 1 3, S-osces, ! i?3t -Tin RETAIL DEPARTMENT 33 31 O 7T EE'S ELOC SSL . hero may he i'ountl a largo stock of fc'urgical Instruments, Sponges, Clminoirf, Colognes', rerfumery anil in fact every thing kept. intl well regulated retail Drug Store. They aro also Solo 'ATiimifaelumrs of the celehrato OIL OF GLADNESS SI MUSS UiiT A 111. I Mil E 1) IN' I S3 IJOKKICKK & TAFEI, I'll A Mil .VtjY, 1-1.) Grand St., New York. Keen ,"i'i-i mlv on hand a eoiiintt-ro f!ocl; ,.f re- lln'..!e lli'i.n. ,,j .ilhi'' Mttllellieh. mid llot-ki ,,.'1 lio nitstic lite. Ciet-di. he-nt lo nil nuts cf the country, by i,..,u tJ' epies. e,utl su'itiji lor ut -1 npiieo e-uia.'.guo ,.nu puce cunont. Aililresa as, abue. Allg. 11. M'K evil, and on: stock. r 1 iY. CtlMH 1 .! May 10, 'ie.-tf. Ml vp.:v;! ;-t ifTE-'fiY Hrv i Hr'1SVr"3vS Then Buy ST. Y. 53NAMSL PAINT OO.'S C! u r rr; a r , v a i nt i.iifnf. paint. In pii'puu-il lead) for um, lu whliu o.' unv color desired, is on ninny tltoiuuntisot tin; nnest bullellnirs In llio coiinii.', iiiui.v of rthleh have hi on pi.tnted Mxytur. look as Mellns when hl'al paluted, ThtsOilKMIt AI. P..INT has. liila-ii First I remlm.i.s at tv. nty uf tl.esiiite I'ulinof tliol'nlon. fiamnlecarel f eoinrsseni In , .Mliln-vi n, v. i;n a jjliOii., I iiWVni'fctive-t, del cloud, Ol.lo, and nrvi" (,1'e-tl.lul ilw cost or is inuen n-.i.tiviivr un 1 win remlm.i.s at tv., nty uf the siiite I'ulinof tliernlon. Somnlccard 1 vt u 1 t 1 .1 1 v. v., iiki e uiiKiueii &tii:ei, i ., eir Jl t u U u II iiayu, 'io-iy, rixr.i.T'ioi;; noik f. Jil tiTt I K Ol' IIHIN J. Il VKKLCV. OKI AbKD. Lcltei I l.u .. ut ir. tn tin I-.I..O' t.f John .1. llail;le", 1 in 1 III,, a.isb.u',.-, i,.,,r,,., a. e, astri UftVC Oet'll IIIMmIUii n. tl .' I.'i el-li I' Ol eM CUlUll te I'hnrle. u.a''.v, 1 1 1 1 1, i,-.Li.r,'.(Mluwi leeuanty. Kxeeutur, It. ei.oi.i all ., li ' in llidebltsl uro letpict etl to ruulce l-j tin ut. nnd these limlncr t-liilu .1-1 de-aiundj iierali.rt tho tiall est ale Mill lnahe tliem Kiionn to iho.saiiti.:ecuior m 11 bout delay. UIAIiIU5CJ.liAllKI.EY, July 11. cw titer. A N O TH IDE ,T EW ST O HE IS Till! 01,1) T03T Ol'l'IUB UVIIilKC!. Jlatn street below Market. Can bn found one Cf tho be it v leelt, 1 nas ei Mvun auti jiuyy jieaciy Aiauu i ,'jin.i.r ana FUENISHJNG G0013S. ITie undei uitnca fctilriir ".wo thar ho pan nil s sn. tun aatuiacuuu to ptuxutuein, und that be con sell 1 1 1L Is I 71 d S S. 17. d tf, Ull se Jijy;w Have you tiiciHCIrbj V. VildCli,cir,v Cuuisli l!.ism ? A very lnilntcablo cciiiipniind l'or tbo Viitluuv nd'tetloiis cltlio tlirontniid lungs it bus been tiic-d tvllli success, in Feven cuk-s of iutbma kIvIuk iiistniit relief und in innnv cksch eflectiut n iienmment cure, l'rico f0 ce-uU tr btittlti iiipl (.osltieely watriuiUtl to gitc, entire "-stislactii ii ir inoiicy lel'imclcd. Kirby'. Mngie lteli. f for ttio instant cure ol w U're nun ueuie jii.ius. ICir'oy'a Tiiiteleis NVorm J.osengci, plea iini, sul'o nnd i lle'e'tiiiil. Kirb.i's llofno nnd l.'attlo Vovelpm nro llie bet iKiwciers tor Htnclc, iiiaiiulaettircil, Try tlicm and lm convinced. Kirby'o lAimdior ico for sunburns, kore lips ami i-ti!ipii-u nanus, (lill'h llilliuiii r.ud I.lver I'ills uro recom- inendul by tlie lutd I'livsi.uuiis. Tlio nlioio iireinv.iliiiiis nio for mlo by nil I wiuggiii. unit eicnitiH in iiieuieiiii'. liitmiiDitw. July 21,'70,-ly Wholenalu Afentt. llupturo euietl in from o to tx) clays bylho'ivt. utai'.li Trtii'.s Co.. of itli lice, try, N, v., who offer l,- Out) ha a rupture letcy (tnivol euie. tv odioilM- nit ut cut of Ti una In uiiotlicr column Send lo oenta for Uotciiptlio bo et i'llmuph tuituiew uure. Jlaiil.w, I 1 Deaths. IIIRNCIII.Iulyan, U IJgbtMrgft, Junuit. Ktlulu Trtnoh, evgetl I muie.'iuid IT eUiya."T ' -' MouoAN.-awrifo o. Mecton, aeffi skibttnnml short notice A KEW MU.VTAltl) PLASTKK. 'I he tui tllenl iftlue et a ir, plaslt r t. under HculliMUre I iiliill j. Jlllth 111. if lsp"nt In riv pariiiRapcultteoiind cilcn ll.t- iiiiislaid iscf l oci tH'ilUj and wilt not act, eaubini; Litut euirerlnir. 'I Lis ti'iliic Inconvenience Is now ps'ifectle oveicemio by Ueiison't. 1'iepaied Mustard 1'lai.iei. llUusr-at Ininioviinei.t en Iho oiiUiiniv nitlelo. II la etrv eletin und run be 4't plled nnd nn., Mdr.'illifmtdle- eiuuritie; ttie e iuiuiiik 01 mi iuk lite leifl, 11 uoe-.s noe detcitonue ltti ait". It tn nlwaj n ls-ilitbtt-, w only the t.c"tt tiut'.llty of niiiitind ts used In It-ipic ftia. 1 i.,t.' for us" uny nion . nt, by shouty tiiiipuiH- ii in v. mer. il is unci in hill juim ief miarei twi. 'ii sour oiuuitt not buinii lie. ri to UJ. SKAlll ltV A JOHNSON, l'lioriauccuitcal tl.eiulntii, mi'HAIUI. ASlt, III UttM-On .Hily to, in otTw,lfcn wx ot I iUrouaKO rwpoaUiillv nolkjtted, v.tu, and Mitua uctA, ' iuaii. IT -tl 3tO Thu OXhvFfl.i; C'liiK ion llliitiii;, 'Iheoldc,. mid te-i heiiiita hurgeoba lu tho u.ildiu,, miiiei.r t'.ai atleanliitfcsolTeitil by flies Tilumph Vni't'o e.111 lluv.'er.v, W. Y., V.I10.-0 tiusa andi-uppiiitei'niit, uuuiiled tl.o i.-.t rtul at tlio Icto u-.i Ion of the (irevt American limtltute I'ulc Una Id eentii It r their now book. March si ",i 5 1 ClIAli. , COAL (lUJlsliililMioilCfinl Vaiti; : 0. Y. J.'KAl, iV:"iriii?.( AVhtilewIfi & neiilers in .ill sirn) 11L llio b(St qunlitles ol lied und White Ab Owl, at tlio very low eta iniitkct rates, I lave constantly 011 hand Urge stocks of Oomonlic, Cupoln, lil;u'kmith'i Anlhracito, llltlllllillOllS, nud I.imoliurner'k Coal. Ivuneelal attention ttlveii to tho jircjiara Hon ol'ooul k,roto.loviiiBour vanls. timln and Lumber takoti in oxuliiinuo for ooitl. Om ilellvoreel to hiiv imit of the tuwivtit sihort notice, Onlernlatiat I. W. M' Kclvii ktoro, or at our oflloe, will reU-o rouipt t tontlon. Onioewd YnrsU nt Willlnnt Nil eVe ions' l'lirnnoe, luwt lilooHiklturjr, Your COAI, GREEN TEA AND pj??.ces, BLACK T 1 a: AT w. 11. AimoTr Important to Farmers. and evcrj body In want o. LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo have erecit d l.tlns nr cr near the Pnrsr Jllll.on than. II. .. W, II. U. Ritl nio now prep.u.'dto .nil UmtjnUfi.e 1, .1 - 1, t'.i.e )-iO?cs .uid t,f 1 i; ...'lly. urneiw oy me ei r prunpuj iuit-n.nnubi.rppi iio atr's'i'i; ontliaiHAoroud. A full Hue Cf Il'ltf'Ki":. ut all kinds, cb. M'd or in tie" i m.'li, bath aud 1 til Tb J,er to whit it wo invito the .tel. I, el. ll Of ellsto- mej t. oidersreoolvedaadi.ilod tor all klndaof Iamh.y COM. r.y ti le ai 1 1 1:1 :."n 10 uueiness wo r.opo to merit a nh.uti ot public ratrur.nie. KXITTLE A ABBOTT. 1 S1.18TC- Oatatvlisa, Pa. pliCDRE AX AliENC'Y O nnd Slor AtoO per neck rivBul oui of Ol l $20 1 ffJ MW 6.lwi 1nmmf..iA X' ii r"F Oct, S 18.tS.-tf. MAMMOTH G ItOCEllY. Corner f.nin iuul Center Sticets BLOOMSBUSG, 0? . Uttilcr in Law Ultinkw, i-undny Sdiool Libraries, Uoio:.;itiiry of llio Pennsylvania J'iblo Society, WV&jV ODaTAtt'S. WALL PAPS?.. ?!CTU?.a ?aKEB, B2WA1?D 0A22-S, )iHi;fi ami feupplieB not on lioiul can lio iurnislicd -Oil, Sliori Nuiicu ai tho Most Rousontihlo Raics. tSloro in Exolmiiffo llotol Buildiiiff, Kloomsbui'r, Pa. - (let. 8, . 'Ol Tho.i Buy MILLER 3P.OS.' onilnave ont'-il.t. 1 ihocohtcf 1 l"i lATI P A 1 1A I"IV7r1 laiwlnir, and set n paint tUM I lauoli linnil't'iiar nnd will y t I lulu I VyV I j 1 A . H 1 lHtlukMnIouj;au4i olhc-i- int. I- pi-i'lii-rt'ii rcnti lor iwu in wnito tiruoj ouiui ii'-unti, in um inaiiy ujuhiiiiusoi itie no'W niiueniu4 lll.liy, luanj t.l 11 ie-ii itiiii, i.ieiuee-11 ni.vjm, ,, tutu uiiit itiufc II ivt'il u-l itiipii hi-m, iininiini. AS 1.0 W AS THE LOWUST lie invites tho pahlio to call and ox.ualne Ids Moeii, JiiSSE ITICKP, Suceij&eor to LI. C. Brittain, . May 19, T.-Bni V I y S O H E K & I I A L ' b OOXCEXTIUTED POTASH U'tuvium .1 eipiiel in mu- I'uiit'.li lo ilm mt.i ht'i, uot: Miriii,-iir 10 e l .' iur 1.11 puil'llnl'll lor .i.ii it it in Cllt'tl. Put up In ouo round nw'tn! iti.-. cininii.-ni 1140 lit luLaliltG fl 1' I.iaL1i!er lilu-il .H..I 1.1 11 hiuiiife 11 11.1 tor cleiuiinir pitrniMoii L'cnoidlly, l.liietluniituiiuuic- liurboup. to., ncxjoiupuli;. cutMicji. Por eto&nlncr tt. tm.Kid. itmi-iiinni-e- 1111,1.1 KftenlBs yvtter, wasklni.' tilnifn nud fruit uee-i tn Uui npnng, icwuiitHiuaiied pa- uxcelloi.ev idt.l coinenl' enco of poeto'Su. or tj,u by uiuuvihieiiil uruir ll-Hrv iinei'n ihm'pUi-IiIi- nu:l Pidr U lt!,l tOie, t,-ll. dl-..ti ucl.-.ll 1 1 tl.o pt UM littk. 001 ton woi in i;i'"-''ipi '", ittUv, rves, roat'Ue'n. luM-iCH, ,iuel Wiiiiln 01 all t.lli-I.-. It 1-. lurail'-iui to iiit'ii una .o.iik.o-.. unci i.o- ,11, .11 ir t n.m l-ml, vrieii fortheiclialnuil uiul leiialu. ll U 11S0 IiiikIuuUU., n a i'i.-i:i: re', Ah r, pm-efi Ins llie- nil- In ho. pliuS awl ilcK ruoni.e, itlid tltslixiytuif tho foul odere t f tliil!-, e'f", u , hiuul h. iit', Pill up in ouu pound 0011-. l'or ale lu 111 ugetiiiUi aud i.ioevm evcrj wliuiv, Hst'lll.' eV HAM,, .'t.ii-.uf..,-linii-., t il WALL, hTilKKT, SRW VeCtii. A.::;. I.-.111 pUOTIIOSOTAUY'S ;i)TICK, ?tJiiuJ" l-'fl'ili'unthit Juim a, faoatuii Iuk o.iiiiilied and uu'd len ueuiiii.t nu 1 in, ipoc-iimr ef Johu,ileeiiuul, who una u lun.ltlitof kkiati 1 1'fc-is. lunuiio. in tie 1 riot cf the l'lutiioiiLiu-y of e-cuiity, iihleli v.lll lu pretitteel to lh fur i.'ioyeaneeen tun atlh tlas of sent einUn- hfxt, unit will be eonartneet uittrfour dayi unleta notlSK. UANK 2Al;!t, l"rot!.'y. "The ti'tr rcnili) one? siere;- HOMBS'PSAD $20 MACHINES Tor nowatlo Use. With. Tttllo and Fiztures Comnleto, only $20. A perf."ct and line cp.Mli-il, hirife, stronir and dura h' tutiehlne, Ce.ntrl.eii"i elej. anl und bt-ild, f r, .'ao with ra.iihc.'ii.itleid preet-a, n. fi . e n bti'it family s,e or mannfactniiug purt - .. Al wija leadv at a moiapnt'ti notice to a, 1' d "u oris, sever out of onU-r, ana 1. ill las! at;, ,ir " m with modenue eore i easy to understnnd audi .n uko; lle'Ui, bini'i.ih, and blfi i-iiniiti.if. n-.i-1 'I lucrahiled inoe "nieut of atlne wuteii: U1.1", , sm uuet, ettlele'i.t mid iolla)ie',v.miuUtlii.'Iinu, r. 1 lo be found la the liliiebt prleeet mae-hiae .v . 1 , .it ed to tlo iho frtuoe worK, ttif ume w.ty, ai.d ..'. r. id audbu-.oolh as a it', lauepnii'. Anaeknoul , -ai.-i-. uniphof luienlnna ine lunli'iil I.U11, eiea.t nl thu vvni-!:l!m om,-in s n tenet, ami Turin ad', m t .1 ct'.ita.ti'V n.i'."hl:i. -. ilienu'h.r, 1. 'Uty 1U1CI (jt'i.',i'i.l 11 j'i,n.i'ie-i; 1.I11 hein. I.'il, tm-i.t nu, ..llltt, I ind, hi..' I, t-i.lil, miller, rullli-, i h , 1 ir, fultl, t:i".ir.ip. 1 .nl. 1 iri'i-,.i.l. v, runup la.' 1! 1 .1. '., v.Ph e,Ji:(l,'i'fiil r.iplf'.i'.v. in ii:.i-hd and et - it sti.iuip'si lininef Kiiuh t'tpiall' llc.e nnd fmrjiii tliruiijrtinll IdU'eNOf troc Is, lt.,m eainbrlc 1 isty r.l il,k'l.iie!.- i.f hru.-.ueluiu or le-uthcr, wtili r. 1, or eoaiwii foUi.n, ltnt-n, bilk or Iwlne. Gives pen t; satlbfaotliin. iv ill eni .1 iti etit sovornl tliues- o- " m a seaaoii lu iho voi l: it does, or make auond oine or any rami or wuniiin who ulrvk 10 u-, tt tor that; piirpifti,; ,oika-u fniihlul ana oaaj- tho -,Tiant;i or clillttri.h eib a -v- U 11 III- aul damaini. 1'r1 f 1 ,f mo 1 11I110 Willi Be nt t.ihli-, I ill' ( "pilppe'd uyworl: Half fan.', out, -I'.-1 1" tTiiiwt'ia toidt it in 't - tjle.i caili at 1 .,n, st,i, 1,1 1., e tap -.1:., Utiliery t'li il.iiit, ed. fit i li. in tl. lu'ie, . Kp!tu. itor pain ,h','i.s tliun.ii.-a with iiik',nvlt.e,n ct tl, t-fvorat'.-t t.l li.aclt'.i.- i H-n iviit e ,.rlt 1 1 v 'ivietf.fic, in! lied Hoe. 1 e,e:i,',fiii!il t im-, with 111. udluduee, menu to t niei prlung elei m men, teachers, bubtueb men, trvelU if or l,.eal ati'ntu, A-o,, who deslro ox- ri,ilvonxen,-ieiurjiUiUi;,l ihiiiih loan n,T.tmu,- May.luiiid 1 i:f!T"i:' Mvni'!:. Ti ..iT.eiiiot 1 e. o I'lnoir.MiH oKe-Kii..'p, In thf f.i'A.'t ' 1 , - ' 11 C ' ,, 1' C , Till lllllll I-, ,1 -el l.llJ.ten' .enpCllttial 10 ell.-t I I iniitlln hands hf eumol JJeftlertelejAdriilnLMi . ,r Uivl'itt lluH'I.Hon, -li-, - -ne-i, ivill mtei .1 11 Ih- ditttotiaUlJiiippCetiiiiiirid dttlMft.lP'-i ot li i .'. Kvenj, In Jitt'-ifeap'tt:. n wiilny, au hi, .r;cUll"n,l,o'r,' H. ,nt., wiaiiemoclt , ,i ot Hiiid cUi",.Jiriiu and uluiu all Aptwos'' ' I'ltillltS' Hl-Htlml lilt- -l-l.l l-l!t. UT Intlltt" , i il 1 1 pitHi'iil niul too b.i', v tloi Aut 'ti i', r oo iicimiit iniiueiiii.uiir in lor annar .r -,,iei iv." i ., Bo HrOiilwu37Fe.w VorU. exe'eijiiioaa oc niul wiihln iho tltti. .Aki, i. uiv-io OUBlNlCfiS CAKIlS, It V11T l.MI O'Al iU (Jtlli.Mlt'Al. PAINT haa taken llrw 1'rcintiimiiai Iwe-niy of tlio Hale Puimel um I'ulou. WniimlecuM tu etiium ih'iu iivt-. N. V. 11 K A M ll 1, 1' A I T (' (., AUetrCSII Mil. 1. hll lIllOH. lOel iVnlel-hlri!. I'luvvUml. (llil.i. iw vw,uimai,eii , .iue l, lw i. hb-ITKU llRAtV, mu, UKAiia. e'ci'i Knu. jt-ci . .Senlly anil Choajily jirintcxl ut tlio Uomjm- Ue AN Uinte-. T, ,T KOTIUi Mire tl tf. ik litilebUd lu ll. 1. lU- irnclwh for printing eetlk tiJWl li.ili n in il ii ii ii un (.re iiiiti' uMfr nt or the mum! tkNjiMlMiltU ItWItUK. NM1 KKfiliVKNrS NOTICK Ninicr w Bero&y jiv u IMl Bull FWer we f jMIJB UKIEIWKIN'K1, r.rintn Kvtrnl lot)-!-. X. 1". Jul) si, i;tiHt, A DMlNISTHATolti: NOTICE (c-athtoot EVI.In . Aui;loj X. tti.rih (u oina. ii.Taiee,N, iihcia Kt I.IRI--I-MII AUNtiiiKieruiHiH (ki inee Ketieainnu, lutt-of iholup. iti.i, .t in l nr. iif CutjiWtK.-.u.eiiurt cviiinihhi. diievorwhhii'.'oheen irraiuvel he tin' t ll,i h'-lli ler o. Mtiei iiMinii tu i ui..i . lid r'-iii i : Wina Iwilicr eejn'iai. i,i-e th" teteitei et tin. p ilenture reJpith tl H, pi bent UiPiufor , tr', n anil tiicwo Intl. i,tt J totlif t il.n.- t. in t! t, , : nt lo Iho UiidirMiml .idi.ili.l; Ir it.i u limit d, l , i r i:n'K l'KTi . ul -. Numldltt, July it, l -.a ciu . AclniUiUrt iur. AUDITOR'S KOTK i:. KiiMlaOl Ju.-I tiUA'l .-. Kl-llH, HTK01 CUI.IU- wicir.n, nu ,. . .u. The lellil, lJ,-iul tviii!iu,r . pniji.ti d li tho Coiirr to flMruiiitoTiiti ralnnef In u.o hni.eU e.f 1 1 mi: Ulrauir.iol Httlel eh v4.-a-td In e.1.11 i nit'ite.' tu , t . , ontltlt it to the liune, win .u.:i impe '-in, i,'i apjiolniiuciit at lilseil ie' In emrw, uu -.i '.iU'i , AtilfUit, itllli. luTu, IjcIimm'Ii d-p trdivk a. I., unci 4 p. in., when atitt wI.uskII pi'iteiin. urn Itcrw soiir,- l to ina'so dolr e'..i: .i I n :u ll," -VuCtloi ei Le o, dii od iroai coouMljf In i'U uid fund. V. L.KYl.hi, Jul 11 4W. .l . r, tlUlANb' lUVH'V NU I'lUE. i Qlll'IIANl: Nollte' lahei'fhj Klvt u that 111 Mluttlm o have boou OJkhlhlU'.i ;,i,'l Ule'd III llio t n i 1 1 cmrK oi ilu, tnptMhs euurt ot et uioi it :, .. aid ivlll In pieui nti-il tu the) I'ouit on li- i , ou of SopuaaWr, next uid lw oimnrni -d wi i . jr tlab ilureafle-r unl.-ua caiuo ho nl. mu viy lacy ktonld not lw allunpil, Tho aoenuiit cf 1 1 it A. llid'ay one of th , i i r i of iic. iiieuay uuaeu uio win en iiiu Tho account of Haulil lilehl t.ur, llp,- r if AntUony IHihlaa Tiusteo id M,uv ii,- limy 1'ocU, Uloti Uyiloo. W, Wind, ftHuiii.i , t,f e.i; i it ciiondayatUomfc Aii3it vl-tMinnlme. TKUtcttl sian i, --iy. InKtM u nil. una WniaMll. NRiuv. j3 I.ANK KOTI',il)i orwUUttt eitwpth for title tu tuo CoLtumui uOH.